rocuronium bromide with that of time tested succinylcholine chloride. All the patients were divided in a randomized double blind fashion into three groups of 20 ...
476 Indian J. Anaesth. 2004; 48 (6) : 476-479
COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF HAEMODYNAMIC EFFECTS AND INTUBATING CONDITIONS AFTER THE ADMINISTRATION OF ORG 9426 (ROCURONIUM) AND SUCCINYLCHOLINE Dr. Aparna Shukla1 Dr. K. P. Dubey2 Dr. M. S. N. Sharma3 SUMMARY Rocuronium bromide is a newer, low potency intermediate acting, neuromuscular blocking drug trying to establish itself in Indian market. The aim of the study was to compare the onset time, duration of action, intubating conditions and haemodynamic effects of rocuronium bromide with that of time tested succinylcholine chloride. All the patients were divided in a randomized double blind fashion into three groups of 20 patients each. Group I patients received succinylcholine chloride 1.5 mgkg–1 and intubated at 60 seconds, group II and III patients received rocuronium bromide 0.6 mgkg–1 and intubated at 60 and 90 seconds respectively. The neuromuscular block was assessed by using single twitch stimulation of 0.1 Hz at adductor pollicis muscle of hand at every 10 seconds. We observed that both onset time and duration of action was significantly shorter (P