Comparison between DVR and SFCL for Fault Ride ... - IEEE Xplore

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(DVR), superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL), transient stability, wind generator. I. INTRODUCTION. Wind turbines penetration in the electrical smart grid is.
Comparison between DVR and SFCL for Fault Ride through Capability Improvement of Fixed-Speed Wind Generator Ahmed Abu Hussein1, Student Member, IEEE and Mohd. Hasan Ali2, Senior Member, IEEE Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering University of Memphis Memphis, TN, USA ([email protected], [email protected] 2) Abstract—This Paper makes a comparison between the Superconductor Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) and Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) in terms of fault ride through capability improvement of a fixed speed wind generator system. The performance, controller complexity, and cost are considered as criteria for comparison between the mentioned two devices. Simulations are performed using Matlab/Simulink software, where the tested system consists of one synchronous generator and one squirrel cage induction machine based wind generator, which feed an infinite bus through a double circuit transmission line. Simulation results show that both the DVR and SFCL perform well, however, the DVR has better fault ride through capability than the SFCL, and is more efficient in reducing the fluctuations of voltage, power, and speed of the wind generator. In addition, the DVR helps wind generators keep voltage sag within the grid code requirement with lower cost as compared to the SFCL. Index Terms—Balanced Faults, Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL), transient stability, wind generator.



Wind turbines penetration in the electrical smart grid is increasing and the demand on the green power has become vital due to the limited conventional power resources, however, these turbines have stability issues that must be considered. Therefore, new grid codes must be integrated, and new auxiliary devices must be employed to keep up with this grid codes. A detailed review of grid code technical requirements regarding the connection of wind farms to the electrical power system is given in [1].There are many auxiliary devices that are reported to help wind generator have a ride through capability, these devices can be categorized into parallel connected and series connected devices depending on connection configuration. A comparison among parallel connected stabilization methods for the fixed speed wind generators such as the static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), braking resistor (BR) and superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) is reported in [2]. Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) and the high temperature superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) are the most common series connected remedies to overcome short circuit and voltage sag instability effects on the wind generators [3][4]. But, to the best of our knowledge, no comparative analysis among series devices for the application to the wind generator system has been performed so far. With this background, this

978-1-4799-3656-4/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

work aims to fill in the gap and provides a comparative study between the SFCL and DVR. Although variable speed wind generators such as, doubly fed induction generators and synchronous generators are widely accepted, and in most cases they can recover from voltage disturbances because they are equipped with the sophisticated power electronic controllers [5]. However for the last two decades most of the installed systems are fixed speed wind generators. So, in this paper fixed speed wind generators are considered. One of the issues with the squirrel cage induction machine based wind generator is the high consumption of reactive power during faults and voltage sag, which will delay the grid voltage restoration and may lead the wind generator to be taken out of service [6]-[7]. The need of a device that can inject and compensate reactive power to the system is fulfilled by the use of DVR. The DVR is able to inject reactive power to both the grid and the wind generator; it injects less reactive current compared to STATCOM, and it has the ability to stabilize the fixed speed wind generator [3]. The resistive type of SFCL is used in this paper; considering its ability to recover the wind generator system in period less than 0.5 seconds and also the ability to control the losses within the operation period [8]-[9]. The simulations are done using Matlab/Simulink software. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is tested considering temporary faults in the power system model consisting of a wind generator (IG) and a synchronous generator (SG). Various indices in terms of speed deviation of IG, terminal voltage deviation of IG, real power deviation of IG and rotor angle deviation of SG are used for evaluating the system performance. The comparison between the DVR and SFCL is done in terms of transient stability enhancement, controller complexity and cost. The organization of the paper is as follows: Section II describes the modeling of the system and the wind turbine. Sections III and IV explain the Control system of the DVR and SFCL, respectively. V enlists the simulation results, and lastly Section VI is the concluding section of the work done. II. SYSTEM UNDER STUDY AND MODELING OF WIND TURBINE Fig. 1 shows the model system that has been used in [2]. The system consists of one synchronous generator (100 MVA, SG), and one wind turbine generator (50 MVA induction generator, IG), connected to an infinite bus through a transmission line with two circuits. The SFCL and DVR are

connected in series at the terminal of the wind Turbine. Two circuit breakers (C.B.) are placed at the ends of the double circuit transmission lines to interrupt the fault current. A power factor compensation capacitor C is connected at the terminal of the wind generator to fix a unity P.F. for the IG. The synchronous generator parameters as well as induction generator parameters used in this work are described in [2].

and consumes all wind generator active power under faults condition. While consuming active power, reactive power is delivered to the wind generator and the grid if voltage recovery is required.

Fig . 2. DVR Configuration.

B. Control of DVR

Fig. 1.Power system model.

For the modeling of wind turbine in this work (1), (2) and (3) are used, and [2] can be consulted for further explanation.

Pω=0.5*ρ*π*R2*Vw 3*Cp(λ, β) λ Cp= (λ



(2) 5.6)e

The Power rating of DVR was computed based on (4). For the present study system, the power rating of the DVR must equal the power rating of the wind generator, assuming that the fault voltage would drop to zero.



Where Pm is the extracted power from the wind, ρ is the air density [kg/m3], R is the blade radius [m], Vw is the wind velocity [m/s], and Cp is the power coefficient which is a function of both tip speed ratio, λ, blade pitch angle, β [deg] and is the rotational speed [rad/s]. In this work, the MOD-2 model [10]-[11] is considered for the Cp - λ characteristic. III. CONTROL SCHEME OF DVR A. Basics of DVR The Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is a series connected device designed to maintain a constant RMS voltage at the terminal of the wind generator systems during voltage disturbances such as voltage sags and faults by injecting voltage into the system through the series connected transformers. The fault ride-through capability of DVR for a squirrel cage induction generator and Doubly Fed Induction Generator is reported in [3] and [12], respectively. The DVR has various control techniques and configurations. A comparison among various topologies of DVR with respect to power and voltage ratings is shown in [13]. A comparative study of compensation strategies is reported in [14]-[15]. The Power Flow of the DVR used in this work is demonstrated in Fig. 2. The energy storage in case of generator acts like a load


Where PDVR is the rated power of the DVR, V1 is the nominal voltage V2 is the minimum voltage level during the sag/fault, assuming phase angle jump is negligible; otherwise it might lead to higher power ratings [16]. There are many control strategies applied in other works, however, in this work In-Phase Compensation strategy is utilized [14]-[15], giving that we are neglecting the phase angle jump. This leads to simpler control and lower DVR ratings as compared to other compensation techniques. Fig. 3 demonstrates the voltage compensation technique in case of In-Phase Compensation, where Ug is the nominal grid voltage, Uwg is the wind generator nominal voltage, while U’g and U’wg are the grid and wind generator voltage after the fault, respectively. U’DVR is the DVR injected voltage. Faults not only affect voltage amplitude, but also cause the phase angle jump. With these small phase angle jumps, a large transient comes at the beginning and at the end of the disturbance, and therefore this is the main drawback of this method. The Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) as shown in Fig. 4 keeps the DVR Synchronized with Grid. The DVR reference voltage U(DVR, d-q, ref) is computed by taking the difference between the grid voltage, UGrid and the reference Voltage, Uref.

through faults is needed [18]-[19]. SFCL is proved to be an efficient means to improve power system stability [4]. Although there are many types of SFCL, the resistive type is used here in this work. Since the SFCL limits the fault current, it can save the cost spent on higher rating circuit breakers. B. Control of SFCL In this work, for simplicity we have used a simplified version of the SFCL as shown in Fig. 5. Initially switch, SW is closed, and inductor, L is in the circuit and its value is kept very low. If the fault current is above a certain value, the quench occurs. Then the SW is opened and the current is diverted through high value resistance, R, and thus limits the current.

Fig. 3.In-phase compensation of DVR.

The DVR actual voltage U(DVR, d-q ) is computed by taking the difference between the wind generator voltage UWG and the reference Voltage Uref. A closed loop control is used, with feed-forward Compensation and feedback PI regulator to compensate the difference between the DVR actual voltage U(DVR, d-q) and the DVR reference Voltage U(DVR, d-q, ref). Therefore, the response of the DVR is improved. Then this regulated voltage is transformed into the three phase reference voltage in order to generate the IGBT inverter Pulses. DVR System parameter is shown in Table I. More details about this control system are described in [3], [14] and [17].

Fig 5. Model for SFCL.

The effective value of SFCL resistance is selected based on the power system model as shown in Fig. 1. In this case the fault current level has been set at the value of 1.1 pu. This threshold value of fault current is determined by trial and error in order to obtain the best system performance. After careful study we find that the performance for IG fault current is the best with 0.5 pu resistance of the SFCL [4]. V. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Simulations are performed through Matlab/Simulink software considering temporary 3LG (Three-line-to-ground) faults at a point F1 as shown in power system model of Fig. 1. The simulation time is 5 seconds and the mode is discreet with a step time of 50 μs. To clearly understand and compare the effectiveness of the mentioned control methods, we used some performance indices, namely vlt_ig(pu.sec), pow_ig(pu.sec), and spd_ig(pu.sec). They are calculated as follows:

Fig. 4.Control scheme of DVR.

vlt_ig(pu. sec)

TABLE I. PARAMETERS OF DVR SYSTEM Value Parameters Rated Power

50 MVA

Transformers Ratio


Filter Inductance

0.14 mH

Filter Capacitance

20 mF


kP=1 ki=0.1

IV. CONTROL SCHEME OF SFCL A. Basics of SFCL Stability of power system is vital in term of power, voltage and frequency stability, and the ability of the system to ride

pow_ig(pu. sec) spd_ig(pu. sec)



|∆P|dt (6) |∆Wr|dt (7)

In (5)–(7), |∆ | , |∆ | |∆ | denote the terminal voltage deviation, real power deviation and speed deviation of IG, respectively. T is 5 sec, which is the simulation time of the system. The smaller the values of indices, the better the performance of the system is. Although the speed of wind is continuously varying, however, for transient stability analysis variation in wind speed can be neglected over a short period of time. So, we have assumed a constant wind speed of 11 m/s.

A. Transient Stability Enhancement Under Symmetrical Faults In this case, it is considered that the fault occurs at 0.1 sec, circuit breakers (C.B.) on the faulted lines are opened at 0.3 sec, and circuit breakers are closed again at 1.2 sec. It is assumed that the circuit breaker clears the line when the current through it crosses the zero level.

USD. Considering the aforementioned discussion, it can be concluded that the DVR is cheaper than the SFCL.

Table II tabulates the performance indexes for successful reclosing in case of 3LG fault. It is seen that both the SFCL and DVR methods maintain a fault ride through capability to the wind generator (IG), but the performance of DVR is better than that of the SFCL. Fig.6. Responses for IG terminal voltage. TABLE II. VALUES OF INDEXES DURING SUCCESSFUL RECLOSING (3LG TEMPORARY FAULT) INDEX VALUE OF INDICES PARAMETERS NO SFCL DVR CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL

_ (






_ (






_ (






Fig. 7. Responses for IG rotor speed.

Figs. 6-8 show the responses for successful reclosing in case of 3LG fault. Fig. 6 shows the responses for IG terminal voltage. It is seen here that both the SFCL and DVR methods can enhance the transient stability of the wind generator, however, the DVR exhibits the lower voltage sag and also it recovers the system quickly as compared to the SFCL method. Fig. 7 shows the responses for the rotor speed of IG. The speed of the IG is increasing and never coming back in without any control, however, both the DVR and SFCL have the ability to stabilize the speed. But the DVR shows more efficient control than the SFCL. Fig. 8 shows the responses for the IG real power. We see that due to the use of SFCL and DVR, the system is able to maintain its original rated power, however, the DVR has much better performance than the SFCL. B. Comparison in Terms of Controller Complexity As far as the controller structure is concerned, the DVR has a more complex control structure. Although the SFCL has a superconducting coil and it also needs liquid helium to maintain its superconductivity, the DVR’s series transformer, bypass switches, voltage source converter (VSC) and the voltage sag detectors all add up to higher complexity. C. Comparison in Terms of Cost Cost analysis has been reported for the SFCL system in [20], and the capital cost are estimated roughly to be in the range of hundreds of thousands USD. Also, in spite of its simple operation, it’s known to have a very high running cost because of the continuous cooling process to maintain its superconductivity. On the other hand, a cost analysis is performed for the DVR reported in [21], where the calculation is based on the basic component capital cost of the system for a 13.8 kv voltage level which is in the range tens of thousands

Fig. 8. Responses for IG real power.

D. Overall Comparison Table III gives a quick snapshot of the overall comparison between the SFCL method and the DVR method. The Table clearly depicts that the DVR provides a significant improvement in transient stability, and the overall performance of the DVR is better than that of the SFCL. VI. CONCLUSION This paper compares between the DVR and SFCL for the improvement of the fault ride through capability of a fixedspeed wind generator system. The performance of DVR is compared with the SFCL method. From the simulations results, the following points are noteworthy. • Both the DVR and SFCL Methods can enhance the transient stability of the wind generator system. •

The performance of the DVR is much better than that of the SFCL.

Although the control of DVR is more complex compared to the SFCL, its cost is lower and performance is much better.

In our future study, we will consider the integration of a variable speed wind generator into a large power system model, and analyze the fault-ride through capability improvement by using suitable control means. TABLE III. OVERALL COMPARISON BETWEEN SFCL AND DVR. SFCL


SFCL can suppress the fault current and control active power only. The active power is disspated in SFCL resistance. Voltage drop is minimized. The voltage dropped only down to 0.8 pu. SFCL can stabilize the terminal voltage, however, not as good as the DVR. The speed is stabilized, and the speed recovery was very smooth.

DVR can control both active and reactive powers with much better performance. Unlike the SFCL, the DVR can store energy. With the use of the DVR the voltage drop is almost tackled. The DVR can inject the required voltage to keep the terminal voltage constant. The DVR has a better speed control ability than the SFCL.

Controller Complexity

Less DVR



More costly


Transient Control


Speed Control





[2] [3]







[10] [11]



[16] [17]

[18] [19]

than [20]

Less costly



Stabilization Methods

Criteria Transient Control


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