Comparison of Methods for Topic Classification in a Speech ... - CORE

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Comparison of Methods for Topic Classification in a Speech-Oriented. Guidance ... Topic Clas sification, Support Vector Machine, Pr巴白xSpan Boosting, Max ..... Sentences (JNAS) corpus, re-training it with valid samples coJ lected by the ...


Comparison of Methods for Topic Classification in a Speech-Oriented Guidance System Rq向el Torres1, Shota Takeuchi1, Hiromichi Kawanami1, Tomoko Matsu{2, Hiroshi Saruwαtari\ Kiyohiro Shikano1

lGraduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan 2Department of Statistical Modeling, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan {rafael-t, shota-t, kawanaml, sawatari, shikano}@is.na工st. jp,



tmatsui@工 jp

SVM P巴rforms classifìcation based on a large num­

ber of relevant features rath巴r than relying on a limited set of

This work addresses the classification in topics of utterances in

keywords, and its training is based on margin maxirnization,

Japanese, reωived by a speech-oriented guidance syst巴m op­

improving robustness even when speci白c keywords are erro­

erating in a real environment. For this, we compare the per­

neously recognized [6].

formance of Support Vector Machine and PrefixSpan B∞st­

Boosting techniques have also been used for speech clas­

ing, against a conventional Maximum Entropy classification

SI自cation [2, 5, 8]; however, in this work we are introducing

method. We are interested in evaluating their strength against

pboost for this task. Pboost is a method proposed by Nozowin

automatic speech recognition ( ASR) errors and the spars巴ness

et al. [9] for action classifìcation in videos. Pboost implements

of th巴 features present in spontaneous speech. To deal with the

a generalization of the PrefìxSpan algorithm by Pei et al. [10]

shortness of the utlerances, we also proposed to use characters

to fìnd optimal discriminative patterns, and in combination with

as features instead of words, which is possible with the Japanese

the Linear Programming Boosting ( LPBoost) classifìer, it op

language due to the presence of kanji; ideograms from Chinese

timizes the classifìer and performs feature s巴lection simultane

characters that r巴present not only sound but meaning. Experi


mental results show a classi自cation戸rformanc巴lmprovement

Japanese writing is m但nly composed by three scripts:

from 92.2% to 94.4%, with Support Vector Machine using char­

ka吋i, hiragana and katakana; and it can occasionally include

acter unigrams and bigrams as features, in comparison to the

charact巴rs from the Latin alphabet. In this work, we propose

conventional method.

to use charact巴rs as features, in comparison to words, which

lndex 1、erms: Speech-Oriented Guidance System, Topic Clas

is possible with the Japanese language due to the pr巴S巴nce of

sification, Support Vector Machine, Pr巴白xSpan Boosting, Max

kanji, ideograms from Chinese characters that represent not

imum Entropy

only sound but meaning, in order to deal with the shortness of the utterances that ar巴 usually received by this kind of systems

1. Introduction

The r巴mainder of the paper is structured as follows: in Sec

Improvements in automatic speech recognition ( ASR) technolo­

tion 2, the speech-oriented guidance system "Takemaru-kun" is

gies have made feasible th巴 implementation of systems that in­

d巴scribed. In Section 3, th巴 classifìcation methods are briefty

teract with users through speech in real environments. Their

expl但n巴d. Section 4 presents the conduct吋experiments and

application has been studied in telephone-based services [1, 2],

their results. Finally, Section 5 presents the conclusions.

guidance systems [3, 4], and others ln this work, we address the classi白cation in topics o[ ut­

2. Speech-Oriented Guidance System Takemaru-kun

terances in Japanese, received by a speech-orient巴d guidance

system operating in a real environment. The system in men­

tion operates in a public space, receiving daily user requests

2.1. Descriptioll ofthe System

for information and collecting real data. Topic classification of

The Takemaru-kun system [3] (Figur巴 1) is a real-environment

utterances in this kind of systems is useful to id巴ntify which

speech-orient巴d guidance system, plac巴d inside the entrance

are user's main information needs and to eas巴 th巴 sel巴ction of

hall of the Ikoma City North Community Center located in the

proper answ巴rs.

Prefecture of Nara, Japan. The system has been operating daily

For this task, we compar巴 th巴 p巴rformance of Support Vec­

from November 2002, providing guidance to visitors regarding

tor Machine (SVM) and PrefìxSpan Boosting (pb∞st), against

the center facilities, services, neighboring sightseeing, weather

a conv巴ntional Maximum Entropy (ME) classification method

forecast, news, and about the agent itself, among other informa­

We select巴d ME [11] using word n-grams features as base­ line, as in the work of Evanini et al. [8] it was shown to outper­

tion. Users can also activate a Web search feature that allows

cation of calls, using user's responses to a prompt from an auto­

k巴ywords. This system is also aimed at serving as fìeld test of a

searching for Web pages ov巴r the Internet containing the u恥red

form fìve other conventional statistical classifìers in the classifì­

speech interface, and to collect actual utterance data.

mated troubleshooting dialog system. SVM was not includ巴d in the comparison, as it is a discriminative classifìcation method.

The system displays an animated agent at the front moni­

SVM has successfully been applied in speech classification

tor, which is th巴 mascot character of Ikoma city, Takemaru-kun.

[2, 5, 6, 7], because it is appropriate for sparse high-dimensional

The int巴raction with the system follows a one-question-to-one­

feature vectors, and it is also robust against sp巴ech r,巴cognition

Copyright @ 2010 ISCA

answer strategy, which 白ts th巴 purpose of responding simple

1261 -182-

26 - 30 Sept emb巴r 2010, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan


N(w) is the fr叫uency of a word in an utterance, and

a(kl凹) with白(kω l )三o and 乞たα(kl切) that depend on a cJass k and a word w.


1 are param巴ters

We applied ME using the package maxent Y.巴r.2.11 [12], which uses the L-8FGS-8 algorithm to estimate the parame­

I巴rs. W,巴 also selected the ME model with inequality constraints [13], becaus巴 in preliminary experiments it pr巴sent巴d better per


3.2. Support Vector Machine Figure 1: SpeeCh-Oliented guidance systell1 Takemaru・kun

Support Yector Machine (SYM) tries to find optill1al hyper­ planes in a feature space that ll1aximize the margin of classi­ 自cation of data from two diff,巴rent cJasses. For this work, LI8SYM [l4] was used to apply SYM. Specifically, we are using C­

questions to a large nUll1ber of users. When a user utters an in­

support vector cJassi自cation (C-SYC), which ill1plements soft­

quiry, the systell1 responds with a synthesized voice, an agent


anill1ation, and displays information or W,巴b pages at the 1l10ni­

We used bag-of-words (80W) to represent utteranc巴s as

tor in the back, if required.

vectors, wh巴re each component of the vector indicates the fre­

Since the Takemaru-kun systell1 start巴d operating, the re­

quency of appearance of a word. The length of a v巴ctor cor­

ceived utterances have been recorded. A database containing over


utterances recorded from November


responds to the size of the dictionary that includes every word

to Octo

in the training sample set. We selected a Radial 8asis Function

ber 2004 was constructed. Th巴 utterances were transcribed and

(R8F ) kern巴1, because in preliminary experiments it presented

manually labeled, pairing them to specific answers. lnforma­

slightly better performance than a polynomial kern巴1 for this

tion concerning the age group, gend巴r and invalid inputs such


as noise, level overftow巴d shouts and oth巴r uncJear inputs wer巴

In the problem we are addressing, the amount of sam­

also docull1ented. Yalid ullerances showed to be relatively short,

ples available for each topic is unbalanced. The SYM primal

with飢average length of 3.65 words per utterance. The an­

problem formulation implell1enting soft-margin for unbalanced

swer selectio日1日ぬkemaru-kun system is based on l -nearest

amount of samples follows the form

neighbor ( l -NN), which classi自es an input based on the cJosest example according to a sirnilarity score. An input utterance is cOll1pared to example questions in the database, and the answer

jJ切+C+乞Çi+C_ L

mm w,b,{

paired to the most sill1ilar exall1ple question is output We have heuristically defined 40 topics, grouping questions


subject to

that are related, using the database constructed during the first


two years of operation of the systell1


= 1, ...,l

Xi E Rへi - 1, ..., l indicates {l, -1} a class, andゆis the funct則1


3. Classification Methods Overview


Çi 附

a training vector,


for mapping the train­

ing vectors into feature spac巴. The hyperparameters C+ and C_ penalize the sum of the slack variable ふfor each class, that allows the margin constraints to be slightly violated. By intro­ ducing different hyperparameters C+ and C_, the unbalanced

This sections bli巴目y 巴xpl釦ns the topic classification methods we are comparing in this work.

3.1. Maximum Entropy

amount of data problem, in which SYM parameters are not es­

Maxill1um Entropy (ME) [11] is a technique for estimating

timated robustly due to unbalanced amount of training vectors

probability distributions from data, and it has been widely used

for each cJass, can be dealt with

in natural language tasks, including speech classification, where

SYM is originaUy d巴signed for binary classification.

it has shown to outperform other conventional statistical classi­

implemented the one-vs-rest approach for multi-cJass cJassifi­

fiers [8]

cation, which constructs one binary cJassifier for each topic, and

As it is expressed in [8], given an utterance consisting of the

each one is trained with data from a topic, regarded as positive,

word sequenc巴ωf, the 0切ective of th巴 cJassifier is to prov出

and the rest of the topics, regarded as negative. We selected one­

the most likely class label k from a set of labels K

vs-rest as in preliminary experiments it presented bett巴r perfor­ mance than one-vs-one for this task.

ん= argmax p(klwi")



wher巴 the ME paradigm expresses the probab出ty

p( kl ur) =



3.3. PrefixSpan Boosting

p(klωf) as:

叫 | 玄 N(ω) log α(klw) 1

In this work we are introducing Pre民xSpan 800sting (pboost) for the classification of utterances in topics. Pboost is a method


2ご叫 1 LN(w) log α(kl ) 1

proposed by Nozowin er al.


Ignoring the terms that are constant with respect to

argmax kE K

) . N (ω) l τ

(kω l ).

og α


for action cJassification in

vid巴os. Pboost implements a generalization of the PrefixSpan

algorithm by Pei




al. [10] to find optimal discrirninative pat

terns, and in combination with the Linear Programming 800st­ ing (LP800st) classifier, it optimizes the cJassifier and performs

k yields:

feature selection simultaneously. In pboost, the presence of a single discriminative pattern in


a sample, in our case a word sequence that could includ巴 gaps,ls

1262 ηJ nδ

h(x; ,ω), xε {xi}. x包ξRn, i 1, ..., 1 ìs a training vector, is a word sequence and ωεn, n = {-1, 1} is a variable that

checked by weak hypotheses, which have the form where


Table 1: Amount of samples per topic


allows the sequence to decide for either class The classification function has the form:

f(x) =


αs,wh(x;い) 1


lows to implement soft-margin for unbalanced amount of sam­ ples. The pboost primal problem then takes this form:























9 12













仰いh(Xi;い)十Çi三p,i = 1, ...,l




For these experiments we selected the 15 topics with most training samples. The amount of samples available per topic is


shown in Table 1. W,巴 conducted experiments with transcrip­ tions and ASR l -best results

where XiεRぺi 1, ..., 1 indicates a training vector, Yiε{1, -1} a class, p is th巴 soft ma申n sepa則ng negaHve from pos山e samples, and D = 古 and vε(0, 1) is a hyper­

4.2. Evaluation Criteria

parameter controlling the ∞st of misclassification, which in this

Classitìcation performance of the methods on each topic was

case is separat巴d into D+ and D_, p叩alizing the sum of the slack variable for each class, that allows the margin con­

evaJuated using the F-measure, as detìned by:


straints to be slightly violated. As in SVM, by introducing dif­ ferent hyperparameters



( 6)





-p+ D+ L Çi + D_ L Çi

subject to:




samples, we are using an ext巴nded version of the method that al­




and parameterω

To deal with the unbalanc巴 between positive and negative

o O. which indi­ 一 cates the discriminativ巴 importance of a word sequence such that




where αs,ωis a weight for a word sequence

� �S,ω 白(s,ω)ESx(] α


'J'est I 49 I

Topic Description

F-meαsure =

v+ and v_, we can deal with the unbal­

anced amount of data problem.

2Precision .R記αII Preα8ion +ReωII


The classi白cation performance of ME using word unigrams

We also implement巴d the one-vs-rest approach for multi­

as features was u鈴d as baseline.

class classi自cation, as in preliminary experiments it presented better performance than one-vs-one for this task

4.3. Experiment Results The pu中ose of these experiments was to compare the classi白­

4. Experiments

cation performance of the described methods, and evaluate their strength against ASR e町ors. Due to the sparseness of the fea­

We compared the performanc巴 of the methods in the classi自ca­

tures and the shortness of lhe utt巴rances, we also proposed 10

tion in topics of utterances in Japanese, receiv巴d by a speech­

use characters as fealures instead of words, which is possibl巴

oriented guidance system operating in a real environment. Opti­

with the Japanese language due to the presence of kanji char­

mal hyper-parameter values for SVM and pboost w巴re obtained

acters. We also conducted experiments including bigrams and

experimentally using a grid search strategy, and were set a pos­ teriori. The experiments and obtained results are detailed below.


4.1. Characteristics ofthe Data


The data used in the experiments was collected by the speech


orient吋guidance system Takemaru-kult from November 2002

to October 2004.

For these experim巴nts we only considered

valid utterances from adults.

Julius Ver.3.5.3 was used as ASR 巴ngine.

93帖 |


The acoustic

model was constructed using the Japanese Newspaper Article


Sentences (JNAS) corpus, re-training it with valid samples coJ­ lected by the system in the period indicated above.


�� L誌面


The lan

guage mod巴1 was constructed using the transcriptions of th巴 same samples


The samples corresponding to the month of August 2003


were used for the test set and were not included in the tr創mng set. The rest of the samples were used for the training set. The



Figure 2: Besl f-measure per method for ASR l -best results

word recognition accuracy of the ASRengine was 85.66% for the training set and 85.10% for the test set.


- 184 -

iments gaps were only allowed wh巴n using worcls, but not with

Table 2: F-measure p巴r method using words as features Method


Word Igram


Word 1+2gram Word 1+2+3gram



A grammatical analysis of the optima! cliscriminative words

ASR l -best








Word 1 gram

characters se!ectecl by pboost indicated that th巴 most important part of speech (POS) for topic discrin巾ination is the noun, which ac­

counted in average for more than a half of the selected pat


Word 1 +2gram


9 1.2%

Word 1+2+3gram


Word 19ram


9 1 . 2%

92 .2%

Word 1+2gram


9 1.9%

Word 1+2+3gram


9 1.99も

1巴rns in the different classifiers.

Following, the verb, which

accounted in average for n巴arly a seventh of the selected pat­ terns. Particles, Japanese pa口s o[ speech that relate the preced­ ing word to the rest of the sent巴nce, were also sel巴cted in some cases as optimal discriminative words. Nouns proved to be im­ portant for topic disc口口1ination, since some nouns are charac­ teristic of specific topics, as opposed to other POS that can be found in broader numbers of topics

5. Conclusions

Table 3・F-measure per method using characters as features Transcriptions

ASR l-best

Char 19ram


Char 1+2gram


93.5 % 94.4%

SI自cation in topics of utterances in Japanese received by a

Char 19ram


9 1.4%



ing character unigrams and bigrams as features presented the

Char 1+2gram Char 1+2+3gram



Char 19ram



Char 1+2gram



Char 1+2+3gram



Method SVM

Char 1+2+3gram pboost



This work comparecl the performance of Support Vector M a chine, PrefixSpan Boosting and Maximum Entropy for t h e clas­


speech-oriented guidance system. Support Vector 恥1achine us­ best classification performance.

Using characters as features,

instead of words, yielded to improvements in the classi白cation performance of all the methods that were compar伐l

6. References [1] A.L.Gorin, G. Riccardi, J.H.Wright, "How may Speech Communicalion, Vo1.23, pp.1l3-127, 1997.


help youγ

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No.1, pp. 213-222, 2006

cation of each topic and it was averaged by frequ巴ncy of sam­

[3] R. Nisimura, A. Lee, H. Saruwatari, K. Shikano, "Public Speech­

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Oriented Guidance System with Adult and Child Discrimination

tained results. Figure 2 presents th巴 best performance obtained

Capability," In Proc. o[ICASSP 2∞4, Vol.I, pp.433-436, 2004.

with each method in the classi自cation of ASR l -best results,


using words and characters as features.

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kanji characters also include meaning, using characters for the

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We could also corroborate that the inc!usion of bigrams and


P:町k, W. Teiken, S. Gates, "Low-Cost Call Type C1assification

for Contact Center Calls Using Partial Transcripts," In Proc. o[In­

trigrams as featur巴s can improve c!assification performanc巳,

lerspeech 2ω9, pp.2739-2742,

however, in some cas巴s no further improvement was achiev巴d


[8削8針] K. Eva佃nini, D. Suende町rma町nn臥n凡1, R. P刊le町r悶a配cc口101,叱1,

by including trigrams, and there were even some cases where

Automated Tro加u巾刷ble郎sho∞otmg 0叩n Large Cor中po町ra,"

the per[ormance decreased by including them.

2ω7, pp.207-212, 2007.

The difference in c!assi自cation performance between tran­


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[9] S. Nowozin, G. B北ir, K. Tsuda, "Discriminative Subse司uence

scriptions and ASR l-best results was around 2% in average,

Mining for Action Classification," In Proc. o[ICCV 2007, Software available at http://www.kyb.mpg.delbsJpeople/nowozinlpboost

which indicates that the methods that were compared can be


robust against ASR errors. The method that presented th巴 b巴st performance in the clas­

1. Pei, J. Han, B. Mortazavi-Asl, J. W:阻g, H. Pinto, Q. Che n, U. Dayal, and M.C. Hsu. "防白ning S巴quential Patterns by Pallern

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sification of ASR l-best results was SVM using character un­ an


Utterance Detection using CIassification Con白dences of Multiple

c!assification of short utterances in Japanese can enhance the

igrams and bigrams as features, with

T. Kawahara, "Speech-Based Interactive Information

o[ICASSP 2ω7, Vo1.4, pp.145-147, 2007.

We can observe that by using characters as features instead of words, we could achieve improvements in the c!assi白catìon performanc巴 of th巴 three methods.

T. Misu,

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Dala Eng., Vo1.l6, No.10, pp.1424-1440, 2004.

f-measure of 94.4%,

[11] A. Berger, S. DeUa Pietra,

which r巴pr巴sents a difference of 2.2% in comparison to th巴


Della Pietra, "A Maximum Entropy

Approach to Natural Language 丹ocessing," Compulalional Lin­

baseline; followed almost without a significant difference in

guistics, Vo1.22, No.l , 1996

[12] Maximum Entropy Modeling Package.

performance by pboost and ME using character unigrams, bi­ mutiyamalsoftware.html#maxent

grams and trigrams


Pboost can find discriminative patterns that include gaps,




T sujii, "Evaluation and Extension of Maximum

Entropy Models with Inequality Constraints," In Proc. o[ EMNLP

as in the pattem [where][library]. When words were used as

2∞3, Vol.lO, pp.137- 144, 2003.

features, this yi巴lded to improvements in classification perfor­

[14] C.

mance; however, when using characters as features, the classi白­


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"LIBSVM: 2001.

cation performance decreased. Because of that, for these exper-


-1 85-






Sup­ at