the water soluble extracts of five and ten years old barks of Eugenia ... the five years old plants had better inhibition .... Experts, Delhi), 2, 1053, (1975). 3.
Ancient Science of Life,
Vol No. V, No. 2 October 1985, Pages 113 - 115
COMPARISON OF MINIMUM INHIBITORY CONCENTRATION OF WATER SOLUBLE EXTRACTS OF EUGENIA JAMBOLANA LAM. (FAM. MYRTACEAE) BARKS OF DIFFERENT AGES ON DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA FORMING MICRO – ORGANISMS ASIS PROSUN MAITI, SUBODH CHANDRA PAL, DEBAPRASAD CHATTOPADHYAY, SAMAR DE AND ANUTOSH NANDY Department of Pharmacy, Jadavpur University, Calcutta – 700 032, India. Received: January 17, 1985 Accepted: May 08, 1985 ABSTRACT: A preliminary investigations was carried out to study the antibacterial activity of the water soluble extracts of five and ten years old barks of Eugenia Jambolana Lam. (fam. Myrtaceae) on dysentery and diarrhoea forming micro organisms. It was observed that the barks of young plants have a better inhibitory effect on micro – organisms like Salmonella viballerup, Shigella dysenteriae 10, Shigella boydii 5, Sgigella dysenteriae 2. The antidysentery and antidiarrhoeal effect of the barks of the large fruit producing tree, Eugenia jambolana Lam., family Mytraceae, is mentioned in Ayurvedic literatures1-5. No work has been done on the antibacterial effect of the different varieties of barks of Eugenia jambolana Lam. The present investigation is a report on the effect of the soluble extractives obtained from the ethanolic extracts on different micro – organisms and in different concentrations. Experimental and Results Five and ten years old barks of Eugenia jambolana Lam., family Mytraceae, were dried, powdered and extracted successively with petroleum ether (40o – 60oC) and 90 percent ethanol by a Soxhlet apparatus. The ethanolic extract was distilled under reduced pressure and then the extracts were dried under vaccum. The antibacterial activity of water soluble fractions of the two ethanolic
extracts were determined by Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) method. Preparation of Drug plates Drug plates were prepared by adding different volumes of drugs from different stock solution in several Mc. Cartney bottles containing different volumes of peptone – agar media. These drug – media solutions were flooded in several petridishes and allowed to solidify. The drug plates were kept in a refrigerator at 4oC for 24 hours. Inoculation of the micro – organisms The drug plates were removed from the refrigerator and were dried for 40 minutes at 37oC in the incubator. Discussion The results showed that the water soluble fraction of the ethanolic extract of barks of the five years old plants had better inhibition
Pages 113 - 115
From Table 2, it is evident that inhibition of growth of Vibrio cholerae 569 B starts from a concentration of 2500 µg / ml, Shigella dysenteriae 2 of 1000 µg / ml., Shigella dysenteria 10 of 110 µg / ml., and Shigella boydii 5 of 200 µg / ml.
effect on Salmonella viballerup, Shigella dysenteriae 10, and Shigella boydii 5. Whereas better inhibition effect was shown by the barks of ten years old plants on Shigella dysenteriae 2. From Table 1, it is evident that inhibition of growth of Salmonella viballerup starts from a concentration of 800 µg / ml., Shigella dysenteriae 2 of 1500 µg / ml., Shigella dysenteriae 10 of 500 µg / ml., and Shigella boydii 5 of 300 µg / ml.
Acknowledgement The authors are thankful to the Jadavpur University authorities and to Prof. S. G. Dastidar for providing all facilities and for microbiological works.
TABLE – I Minimum Inhibitory concentration (MIC) of barks of 5 years old plant of Eugenia jambolana Lam.
Organisms 0
Concentration of drug µg / ml Control 200 300 400 500 800 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 2000 2500
Escherichia coli 14
Salmonella viballerup
Vibrio cholerae 569 – B
Shigella flexneri 2a
Shigella dysenteriae 2
Shigella dysenteriae 10
Shigella bodii 5
+ , growth; -, no growth; *, isolated colony grown.
Pages 113 - 115
TABLE – II Minimum Inhibitory concentration (MIC) of barks of 10 years old plant of Eugenia jambolana Lam.
Concentration of drug µg / ml Control 200 300 400 500 800 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 2000 2500
Escherichia coli 14
Salmonella viballerup
Vibrio cholerae 569 – B
Shigella flexneri 2a
Shigella dysenteriae 2
Shigella dysenteriae 10
Shigella bodii 5
+ , growth; -, no growth.
REFERENCES 1. Chopra, R. N., Chopra, I. C., Handa, K. L. and Kapur, L. D., Chopra’s Indigenous Drugs of India, 2nd Edi. (U. N. Dhur and Sons Private Limited, Calcutta), 686, (1958). 2. Kirtikar, K. R. and Basu, B. D., Indian Medicinal Plants, Reprints Edition (Periodical Experts, Delhi), 2, 1053, (1975). 3. Nadkarni’s Indian Materia Medica, Edited by A. K. Nadkarni, Reprint of third revised and enlarged edition (Popular Prakashan Private Limited, Bombay), 1, 517, (1976). 4. Dymock, W., Warden, C. J. H. and Hooper, D., Pharmacographical India, (Periodical Experts, Delhi), 2, 26, (1891). 5. The Wealth of India, Raw Materials, Publications and Information Directorate, C. S. I. R., New Delhi, 10, 104, (1976).
Pages 113 - 115
Pages 113 - 115