xylem area is determined by staining the heart- wood with reagents like benzidine (Koch and. Krieg, 1938). This technique is inexpensive and easy to apply.
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Comparison of three methods for determining the conductive xylem area of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) S. RUST Institut Gehölze & Landschaft Dr. Gustke GmbH, Unter den Eichen, 16259 Neu Gersdorf, Germany
Summary Three methods for the estimation of conductive xylem area were compared in several stands of Scots pine in northern Germany: (1) computer tomography (seven stands, 105 trees), (2) staining of increment cores (seven stands, 75 trees), and (3) resistance to penetration (two stands, 35 trees). The staining method gave significantly higher estimates of the proportion of conductive xylem area than the other methods. The results indicate that between true, stainable heartwood and conductive xylem there is a zone of relatively dry but chemically unaltered xylem, which the staining method identified as sapwood. Therefore the use of staining methods to estimate functional sapwood in Scots pine seems to be prone to significant errors. Estimates of stand transpiration based on sapflux density and sapwood area obtained by staining can result in an error of up to 15 per cent. This can be avoided by using techniques that are based on wood moisture content. With a combination of computer tomography and staining techniques it is possible to estimate the extent of the three zones of xylem, viz. true sapwood, the transition zone, and true heartwood. Resistance to penetration proved to be an efficient and inexpensive alternative to computer tomography.
Introduction Studies on tree canopy transpiration increasingly use sapflow gauges (Cermak et al., 1973; Granier, 1985; Köstner et al., 1996). To scale flux density data measured at the point of insertion of the sensor to tree or stand level, it is multiplied by the conductive xylem area of the trees. Thus, knowledge about the conductive xylem area is crucial for the estimation of tree transpiration. In Scots pine the entire sapwood is conducting water (Rust et al., 1995, 1998; Lüttschwager et © Institute of Chartered Foresters, 1999
al., 1998). Often, the exact extent of the active xylem area is determined by staining the heartwood with reagents like benzidine (Koch and Krieg, 1938). This technique is inexpensive and easy to apply. In studies in several pine stands in northern Germany, staining was compared with computer tomography, which is being increasingly applied in forest science (Habermehl et al., 1986; Tognetti et al., 1996). Additionally, a new technique, using the resistance of wood to penetration, was tested against computer tomography. Forestry, Vol. 72, No. 2, 1999
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Methods The data used in this comparison were collected in the three stands described by Rust et al. (1995), aged 45 to 65, and four stands of the forest ecosystem research project at Eberswalde to the north of Berlin, aged 65 to 85. All of the stands are pure, even-aged, managed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) (Table 1). The measurements were made from 1994 to 1996. Staining To distinguish sapwood and heartwood in radially extracted wood cores (four stands, 15 trees each) and entire cross-sections (three stands, five trees each), the benzidine staining method (Koch and Krieg, 1938; Holz, 1959) was used. The reagent is prepared by mixing aqueous solutions of benzidine and sodium nitrite. For the first solution 5 g benzidine are dissolved in 25 g hydrochloric acid (25 per cent) and made up to one litre with water, for the second solution 100 g sodium nitrite are dissolved in water and made up to one litre. Shortly before application the solutions are mixed. The reagent dyes the heartwood dark red and the sapwood yellow. Computer tomography (CT) Wood density was estimated non-destructively by computer tomography (Habermehl, 1982a, b), which measures the attenuation of a collimated beam of radiation from several directions. In wood the attenuation of radiation increases with increasing density and moisture. In Scots pine stems the variation of dry wood density is too low to be detected by the devices used in this experiment (Dewitz; unpublished data). Therefore all measured differences in attenuation were caused by changes in wood moisture. The coefficients of absorption measured from a range of angles can be used to calculate a two-dimensional map of
wood density in the standing tree (Ridder, 1979). The measurements were performed in the field on standing trees with two identical portable devices (MCT3, Centre of Radiology, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany, and Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Gehölzbegutachtung Dr. Schrödl, Bad Freienwalde, Germany). This technique was used in seven stands and a total of 105 trees. Measurements were made in a horizontal plane 1.3 m above ground. All parts of the tomogram with an absorption coefficient higher than 7.2 3 104 cm–1 were assumed to be sapwood, whereas heartwood and bark had lower coefficients. Studies of sapflux densities and xylem hydraulic conductivity show that sapwood area measured by that method agrees well with functional sapwood (Rust et al., 1998). Resistance to penetration The third method employed was a commercially available system (TEREDO, CUTEC GmbH, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany) that measures resistance to penetration in trees. It uses a 1.8 mm diameter needle rotating at 15 000 rpm. The point of the needle is cut in a way that makes it drag itself into the wood. The power needed to prevent it from penetrating faster than at a set speed is recorded in amperes. Preliminary experiments showed that there is no detectable difference in the resistance to penetration of sapwood and heartwood in Scots pine. In frozen wood, however, differences in water content result in different resistances. When the water content of conductive xylem is higher than in heartwood, frozen sapwood should be harder to penetrate than heartwood. Thus, 35 trees in two stands were measured after a period of 3 weeks with sub-zero temperatures and a mean air temperature of –10°C (December 1996). Some trees were felled to check whether the entire crosssection at breast height was frozen. Thirty trees
Table 1: Mean stand characteristics
Age (a) Stems (ha-1) Diameter (cm) Height (m)
69 673 25.7 23.6
77 740 25.1 23.7
81 770 20.2 18
65 697 21.9 19.9
65 1043 21.0 20.1
45 853 20.6 18.0
61 788 20.7 16.0
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that had been tomographed were included. Trees were measured in the plane of the CT-measurements in two perpendicular directions. The system yields time series of power data, which can be converted into series of ampere vs. distance. The sharp drop from outer wood to inner wood, representing a difference in resistance, was taken as the boundary between sapwood (hard) and heartwood (soft) (Figure 1). From the data, total xylem diameter and heartwood diameter were calculated. For comparison with the CT-data, the diameter data were converted into area values assuming circular shape of the tree. Data analysis Percentage data were angular transformed. Analyses of variance were performed with the statistics package SPSS® (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA).
Results Staining vs. computer tomography Figure 2 shows results of the three methods for the seven stands. In six out of seven stands,
staining results in a higher sapwood area proportion than estimated by the other methods. The reversed relationship in one stand resulted in a highly significant interaction effect of stand and method. The mean difference in sapwood area proportion (sapwood area divided by xylem area) between CT and staining in the seven stands was 3.14 ± 0.02 per cent or 1 m2. Within individual stands means varied from –7.1 ± 1.0 per cent to +14.7 ± 1.2 per cent. Consequently, the sapwood areas estimated by the two methods differed by –1.8 m2 ha–1 to +3.9 m2 ha–1. Apart from the one stand where the relationship of the methods was reversed, the difference in the estimates of sapwood area indicates a dry, but not yet chemically altered zone of 0.4 to 2.5 cm width. In the remaining stand, there was a 1 cm wide zone, where chemically altered xylem was still moist. CT vs. resistance to penetration Of the resistance measurements 90 per cent gave results with clear patterns within the tree as in Figure 1. The diameters recorded in north–south direction were significantly lower than those in
Figure 1. Resistance to penetration of a Scots pine tree.
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Figure 2. Sapwood area proportion as estimated by the three compared methods. Error bars indicate one standard deviation.
west–east direction by 1.7 ± 0.14 cm. The mean difference for two sapwood width values for the same tree was 1.1 ± 0.18 cm. In small and large trees, sapwood (Figure 3) and total xylem area measured by CT and TEREDO did not differ significantly. This was a clear indication that the sharp decline in resistance found in all trees was indeed equivalent to the heartwood–sapwood boundary rather than to a transition of frozen to unfrozen sapwood.
Discussion In Scots pine, the most significant traits of heartwood are the much lower moisture content (Trendelenburg and Mayer-Wegelin, 1955), closure of pits and the encrustation of cell walls (Knigge and Schulz, 1966). Between sapwood and heartwood there is a transition zone of 3–8 mm width, with a low moisture content and 95 per cent closed pits (Knigge and Schulz, 1966). Thus, in this species, there are concentric zones of chemically altered, true heartwood, chemically unaltered but relatively dry xylem, and sapwood with high
moisture content. Only the latter area is conductive (Zimmermann, 1983). Neither computer tomography nor staining alone allow an estimate of the width of the transition zone. Since non-functional, dry areas of the xylem are not stained by the reagent, they are included in the sapwood area. In six out of seven stands in this study, sapwood area would have been overestimated without the use of CT. This results in an estimate of stand transpiration inflated by up to 15 per cent. In addition to this error, trees are permanently damaged by extracting the cores, as can be seen by CT-pictures, which show extensive dry zones of xylem where a core has been taken. Another error is introduced because only one or two samples are taken, which represent only one or two radii. Moreover, the samples might divert from the centripetal direction. Resistance to penetration Sources of error in the measurement of resistance to penetration are partly the same as in core sampling, namely diversion from the centripetal
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Figure 3. Sapwood area estimates made by computer tomography and resistance to penetration. Regression: y = 0.94 x + 23.2; R2 = 0.92.
direction and the limited number of radii sampled (four in our case), when the trees deviate from circular shape. As opposed to increment borers or similar instruments, however, the TEREDOsystem leaves drilling holes of 1.8 mm in diameter only. The fast rotation of the needle results in frictional heat burning the surface of the wood, thus preventing fungi from being passed from tree to tree. On average, one measurement takes about 5 min for a pine 30 cm in diameter. This allows a large number of measurements to be made, as opposed to CT, which takes 30 min to 1 h for a tree of the same dimension. A drawback of this method is the limitation to strong frost periods, although these occur in much of the natural range of Scots pine. In the present case, 2 weeks of subzero temperatures were sufficient to freeze trees more than 50 cm in d.b.h.
Conclusions In Scots pine the use of staining methods alone to estimate functional sapwood seems to be prone to
significant errors. These can be avoided by using a technique that is based on wood moisture content. With a combination of staining with computer tomography it is possible to estimate the extent of the transition zone between heartwood and sapwood. Resistance to penetration proved to be an efficient and inexpensive alternative to computer tomography, although its application is restricted to areas with a certain frequency of frost. Acknowledgements Thanks are due to W. Ridder and K. Dewitz who made the CT-measurements. Parts of this study were funded by the German ministry of education and science, BMBF.
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Received 17 April 1998