Feb 8, 2018 - FR: Dan Ross, OHSAA Executive Director, and Bob Goldring, OHSAA Senior Director of Operations. RE: Competi
OHIO HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 4080 Roselea Place, Columbus, Ohio 43214 Phone: 614‐267‐2502 • Fax: 614‐267‐1677 • www.ohsaa.org
February 8, 2018 TO: Member Superintendents, High School Principals and High School Athletic Administrators FR: Dan Ross, OHSAA Executive Director, and Bob Goldring, OHSAA Senior Director of Operations RE: Competitive Balance Roster Deadline Reminders
This memo is a reminder that schools will have the opportunity to make updates to Competitive Balance roster data in ArbiterGame FOR NARROWLY DEFINED SITUATIONS in the two winter sports of boys basketball and girls basketball between Monday, February 12, and Friday, February 23. Narrowly Defined Situations include the following:
Why delete a student who was on original roster? 1.) Student was expected to become eligible but never did; 2.) Student was expected to play, was injured before the first regular season contest and never recovered from the injury, or 3.) Student quit before the first regular season contest. NOTE — If deleting a student in ArbiterGame, you must also submit this information to the OHSAA Office (student’s name, sport in which participating, why making the deletion) so the change can be verified and properly reflected in the roster data. Send to:
[email protected].
Why add a student who was not on the original roster? 1.) Student was not expected to be eligible but became eligible; 2.) Student was not expected to come back from injury but did; 3.) Student moved or transferred into the school and gained OHSAA eligibility, or 4.) Student was not expected to play but joined team after ceasing non‐interscholastic competition by the established sport deadline.
Why change a student’s Tier (Public Schools)? 1.) Student lives in the district and is a Tier 0 at beginning of the season but moves out of the district. Student needs to be changed to Tier 1 or 2 during the update period, depending on his/her educational history; 2.) Student lives outside the district and is a Tier 1 or 2 at the beginning of the season but moves into the district. Student needs to be changed to Tier 0 during the update period.
While a separate reminder will be forthcoming, we also wanted to take the opportunity to remind you that the period for school athletic administrators, or their designees, to submit initial Competitive Balance roster data for the spring sports of baseball and softball within the ArbiterGame system (under the ‘Students’ tab) runs from March 1, 2018, through April 13, 2018. ALL schools that field teams in these two sports MUST SUBMIT THEIR INITIAL ROSTER DATA during that time period. All other spring sports are not part of Competitive Balance.
Some other key reminders to assist you with Competitive Balance: • EVERY student in grades 9 through 12 at each team level in sports that are part of Competitive Balance MUST be entered in the rostering system and assigned a specific tier. Identifying the specific team level (e.g., freshman teams, j.v., reserve, gold squad, blue squad, varsity, etc.) is not needed, but every student no matter in what level of team he/she participated must be included (and students are to be included only one time per sport). • If a student plays in a regular season contest and subsequently quits the team, transfers to a different school or leaves your school, this student cannot be removed from the roster. A student also cannot be removed even if he/she never played in a contest due to a coaching decision. • Roster data entered during the 2017‐18 school year will be utilized during the 2018‐19 school year to determine divisional placement for Ohio’s schools in the respective sport. • Failure to submit roster data may result in the inability to place your school into the appropriate division, effectively removing your team from the 2018‐19 OHSAA tournament(s).
We want to make sure you are receiving help with this process if it is needed. The OHSAA website has a comprehensive Competitive Balance Resource Center (www.ohsaa.org/CompetitiveBalance.htm) that includes help for a variety of situations. For specific answers to questions that you could not find within the Competitive Balance Resource Center, please contact the following staff members in the OHSAA Office: Rostering/Tiering Questions – Public Schools – Kristin Ronai (
[email protected]); Rostering/Tiering Questions – Non‐Public Schools – Bob Goldring (
[email protected]); Technical Questions on Using ArbiterGame for Rostering – Jacki Windon (
[email protected]).
Thank you for your attention to this matter!