Manuals are user manuals except for Teac X-1000R and Sony TC 756 which are
service manuals. * Year refers to ... GX-210 D. √. 18. Akai. 1977. GX-215D. √.
19. Akai. 1973. GX-221-D. √. 20. Akai. 1976 ... Brenell. 1970. ST 200 & ST 400.
" All recorders feature pictures, description and specifications - except for 10 which do NOT have a 'Price when new' * Test reports are vintage reproductions and contain all of the original associated diagrams * Manuals are user manuals except for Teac X-1000R and Sony TC 756 which are service manuals * Year refers to the earliest sighted listing
Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Stella Stella Studer Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tandberg Tascam Teac Teac Teac Teac Teac
A 2300S A 2340SX A 3300, A 3300S & A 3300S-2T A 3340 A 3340S A 3440 A 4010S A 4070G A 4300 A 4300SX A 5300 A 5500 A 6010 A 6300 A 6600 A 7010GSL & 7030GSL X-10/X-10R X1000 (R/dbx) X-2000R X20R X-3 & X-3R X-300 & X-300R X-7/X-7R X-700R RS 1030 US RS 1500 M 15A M 205 & M 207 M 250 M 28 A, B and C M 3000 / 3002 Hi-Fi M 36 1200 Report Synchro 4200 & 4400 Report Monitor 6000 Report Universal Royal De Luxe SG 510 SG 560 'Royal' SG 630 'Logic' Uher 4000/4200/4400 Report IC Varicord 263 stereo