Fantasy Football League. Use your transfer kitty ..... skills, as you work at building
coherent arguments using Microsoft PowerPoint and other ICT. D Briggs HT1 ...
COURSE INFORMATION The content of most courses is obvious from their title. Some are in need of a little bit more explanation. You should really make the most of the opportunity presented by Sampling Week to find out more and to enrol early if you wish.
Abnormality of the Mind What is Abnormality? Is there a fine line between normality and abnormality? What is schizophrenia and what are the possible causes of the disorder? What are the clinical characteristics of Bulimia and Anorexia? What does it mean if you suffer from OCD? Why do people have phobias? If you are interested in these questions and you like discussions, documentaries and films, then maybe this course is for you. You do not need to be studying AS or A2 Psychology to be able to do this course. H Smith HT1 in S17 Monday lunchtime or Tuesday lunchtime OR HT2 in S17 Monday lunchtime or Tuesday lunchtime Amnesty International Student Group Amnesty is a human rights campaigning organisation, whose purpose is to protect people wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied. Student activists play a vital role in Amnesty's campaigns and is highly valued. The Student Action Network campaigns are co-ordinated through regular communications, events, information and support. There are over 100 groups in the network, and each stands up for human rights and makes a lasting contribution to the work of Amnesty in their own way - take action, raise money, organise events and generally have fun and develop great friendships in the process. This group is open to anyone interested in starting up and helping to run an Amnesty Student Group within college or who is just interested in getting involved in human rights issues in general. S Barratt Full Term on second floor of New Building Tuesday lunchtime A Rough Guide to Teaching An Enrichment for those students aspiring to become a teacher, focusing on creativity and engagement in the classroom. You will have an opportunity to think about the practicalities of producing a series of lessons: learning outcomes, sequencing of activities, opportunities for assessment, questioning techniques and classroom management issues. There may also be an opportunity to teach pupils from a local school. J Greenway-Jones and D Clayton Full Term in S19/S20 Wednesday pm
ART Book Making: Learn how to make simple folding structures and then progress up to beautiful hand stitched and fabric covered notebooks, journals and sketchbooks. Each week you will be shown a new approach to making books as well as having the opportunity to work with a wide range of paper and materials. This course is open to all and requires no prior experience as you will be given individual help to realise the books of your dreams! S Brown HT1 and/or HT2 in C17 Wednesday pm (1.30 - 3.30) Card Making & Decorations: You will acquire practical skills in making cards, decorations and origami for gifts and for occasions such as birthdays, congratulations, thankyous and festivals. Card blanks and materials provided. Recycling and upcycling encouraged. You will have the opportunity to develop artistic skills in a relaxed environment. G Ryland HT1 and/or HT2 in S13 Monday lunchtime Creative Photography: Explore the creative use of photographic processes including photograms, pinhole cameras and photographic emulsion to create unusual and unexpected images. You will be taught how to use the darkroom to create black and white images on a range of papers. Open to all, no experience necessary. T Wiles HT1 or HT2 in Dark Room on top floor of C Block Friday lunchtime Life Drawing: A course for all students, not just those taking Art. This course offers an opportunity for students with an interest in figurative art to gain experience of life drawing. A diversity of drawing materials is provided. Experience is not necessary but clearly an interest in Art & Design and in particular the human form is important. J Standeven HT1or HT2 in C18 Wednesday pm (1.30 - 3.30) Textiles: A great opportunity for students who have an interest in textiles to learn feltmaking, papermaking, heat press, fabric dying and stitch techniques. This enrichment would particularly appeal to AS Art and non-Art students and A2 non-Art students. S Standeven HT1and/or HT2 in C18 Monday lunchtime
Backgammon This is one of the oldest board games for two players. The playing pieces are moved according to the roll of dice, and players win by removing all of their pieces from the board. Strategy plays an important role in the game. With each roll of the dice, players must choose from numerous options for moving their counters and anticipate possible counter-moves by the opponent. Players may raise the stakes during the game. There is an established repertoire of common tactics and occurrences. For players of all levels and those who want to learn this game. M Hume HT1 and/or HT2 in S11 Thursday lunchtime Bank of England Target 2.0 Competition This national competition gives a team of students the opportunity to take on the role of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee. Students will assess economic conditions and the outlook for inflation, and then produce a presentation for a panel of real bankers that will tell them what monetary policy would achieve the Government's inflation target of 2.0%. Open to all. Z Basser Until March in C11 Wednesday pm Battle of the Somme Project On 1st July 1916 the battle of the Somme began and by the end of the day 19,000 British troops were dead. The Somme has come to epitomise the futility of war and the incompetence of the British High command. An initial overview will introduce students to the key debates and issues regarding the battle. What went wrong? Was it really a failure? Students will then undertake a research project on a topic of their choice; an aspect of the battle (e.g. the attack at Beaumont Hamel or the use of tanks); the fate of a family member; a particular war grave; a cemetery such as Aveluy wood; or the creation of the Thiepval Memorial. A Thomson Until March in D5 Wednesday pm (12.35 - 2.00) 3
BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) Preparation The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is a subject-specific admissions test for applicants to medicine, veterinary medicine and similar courses at certain universities. These sessions will support you in preparing for this 2-hour paper. This course will not count as your Enrichment. P Bartlett HT1 in GF3 Friday lunchtime
Chess Club You will be able to respond to different openings; write down your moves; play using time limits; analyse a situation and determine possible responses of play; develop an understanding of attacking and defensive play and where best to deploy these. D Crowther HT1 and/or HT2 in FF3 Wednesday pm Christian Union The committee members of the Christian Union will organise meetings and events to meet new people, make friends and ask questions about faith. Meetings are open to all college members and are organised weekly, with a variety of leaders and visiting speakers. Committee members are expected to meet together once a week to plan and pray. You can only count this as your official Enrichment activity if you are elected a Committee Member of the Christian Union. N Abdy and T Archer Full Term in G1 Monday lunchtime Classic Comedy A look at some of the classic comedy material from the 1960's to the present day. The aim is to look at some well known (and some less well known) material, and trace the development of ideas from Monty Python to the comedy styles of today. J Short HT1 and/or HT2 in FF2 Thursday lunchtime Climbing An opportunity for beginners and more advanced climbers to learn new climbing techniques and rope management skills. This activity will help you to increase self-confidence and develop your team-working skills. R Brewster and Ext. Full Term at Huddersfield Sports Centre Wednesday pm College December Production: ‘Have You Seen Evangeline?’ This year the college production is an exciting co-production with the Lawrence Batley Theatre and Chol Theatre Company. We are creating a site-specific piece in the centre of Huddersfield with the audience moving from location to location. If you have an interest in performing, stage management, lighting, sound, costume or video then come along to a meeting in the Drama Studio on Wednesday 28th August: 1.15 for those students interested in design and technical areas, including make-up, costume, lighting, sound, etc) and 1.45 for those interested in performing. M Benoit, M Lloyd, J Perkins, J Phelan, M Rees, A Roche, B Talbot and T Wiles Full Term in Drama Studio Wednesday pm Criminology This Enrichment will help you develop a basic understanding of the different sociological theories of why crime occurs and how the criminal justice system operates. Using real examples, we will also investigate both the role of fear and gender in relation to crime. P Pennington HT1 or HT2 in S18 Monday lunchtime
D DANCE Cheerleading: You will learn all the fundamentals of cheerleading and devise your own routines. You will be taught by the lead coach for the Huddersfield Giants Cheerleading Squad. There will be an opportunity to perform at our own Charity Day in November. This is for female students only and suitable for complete beginners. Ext Full Term in the Reading Room Wednesday pm (1.00 - 2.00) Commercial Street dance: Taking inspiration from music videos, you will learn dance routines from artists such as Rhianna, Beyonce and Chris Brown. Sessions will take place in a purpose built dance studio! There will be an opportunity to perform on Charity Day in November. Suitable for complete beginners. Ext HT1 and/or HT2 at Base Studios in town Thursday after college (4.00 - 5.00) Learn to Bhangra Dance: Bhangra is one of the most vibrant, energetic, colourful and explosive forms of dance today. It emerged from the Punjab region of India, hundreds of years ago. You will learn all the basic moves and then include them into a routine. There will be an opportunity to perform on Charity Day in November. Everyone welcome regardless of ability. G Sahota (student) and N Harper Full Term in D17 Wednesday pm (1.00 - 2.00) Salsa and Latin Dancing: This Enrichment will teach you basic salsa moves and other Latin dances that you may have seen on TV, with a modern twist as all the music is current. Find a friend and come and learn moves that will make you feel more confident in yourself. Bring along a drink, as it can be thirsty work. Also, bring a sense of humour as some of the stuff you will be doing you need to have fun with. Ext Full Term in Main Hall Wednesday pm (1.00 - 2.00) Zumba Dance Workout: This popular and energetic workout fuses Latin rhythms with easy to follow moves. Suitable for complete beginners. Come and experience the dance-fitness sensation! Ext HT1 and/or HT2 at Base Studios in town Tuesday after college (4.00 - 5.00) Debating Society In the Debating Society we will follow the rules of a formal debate to discuss topical issues which may be of a political, social, philosophical or more light hearted nature. As a proposer or seconder you will need to speak for between three or four minutes to one side of the debate. You will also be expected to make contributions from the floor. Just sitting and watching is not an option! This society will help you develop an argument and improve your confidence in public speaking. There may also be the chance to participate in a public debating competition. T Brown and N Harper Full Term in FF2 Tuesday lunchtime
Duke of Edinburgh's Award (Gold) You can decide to take up the challenge of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award and complete the Gold level whilst studying at the college. There are 5 sections you must successfully complete: Volunteering, Physical, Skill (hobby), Residential and Expedition. The Award is non-competitive, voluntary, balanced, progressive, and enjoyable yet demands commitment. It inspires personal and social development. The first proper sessions start from 2nd September. B Farmer, P Crowther, A Starling, K Haslam and B Sweasey Full Year in T5 and various other locations Monday P3, Monday lunchtime, Monday after college, Tuesday P1, Tuesday P3, Wednesday P2, Wednesday pm, Thursday P3, Thursday lunchtime (A2 drop-in session), Friday P3 or Friday lunchtime (A2 drop-in session)
Economics Showcase An opportunity for students to arrange, produce and present an evening of economics for the local community here at college. This will involve inviting and briefing guest speakers, monitoring finances and marketing. P Davies and J Corcoran Full Year in C11 Tuesday lunchtime Engineering Education Scheme This is a national scheme run by the Engineering Development Trust (EDT). It gives students the opportunity to work on solving an actual engineering problem. You will work in a team with a professional engineer from a local company in order to produce a solution to the problem. You will be required to present your work at a regional celebration and assessment day. The scheme gives an excellent insight into the professional life of an engineer. P Burnham and T Flynn Until March in GF9 and GF5 Wednesday pm Exploring Voluntary Work Overseas This Enrichment will offer students the opportunity to investigate the numerous options for volunteering abroad. We will consider the advantages and challenges offered by the different organisations offering opportunities to undertake voluntary work overseas. In addition, how to make an effective application to these organisations and then planning and preparing for a period of life abroad will be covered. A Sics HT1 or HT2 in C3 Thursday lunchtime
Fantasy Football League Use your transfer kitty to buy a team made up from the best the Premier League has to offer. Earn points when your players score a goal, make an assist or keep a clean sheet, but points will be deducted if your players are prone to finding their way into the referee's book! Keep track of your players' performances and points throughout the term and make tweaks to your team if necessary. Can you finish top of the league and earn bragging rights? There will also be kit and stadium design competitions, decided by group presentations. G Fiddler Full Term in S5 Tuesday lunchtime
Greenhead Enrichment Project This is an opportunity for A1 students to work in a small team researching a project of your choice. You will plan and carry out the project, maintain a weekly log of activities and produce a presentation of your findings. This will develop your organisational skills, build up your skills and confidence in working with others and enhance your communication skills – all skills needed for study at university, as well as being highly valued by employers. This project is particularly recommended for students who aim to apply for highly competitive degree courses including Oxbridge, medicine, physiotherapy and Law. It is also a good starting point for the Extended Project that you may wish to do as an A2 student. G Fiddler, S Elliott, K Lea-Smith and L Taylor Full Year in various locations and taking up one lunchtime
Hands on Economics An opportunity to experience a number of key economic ideas and dilemmas. A willingness to take part in role-plays, work in groups and present your ideas to others is key to getting the most out of this course. Topics include ‘Group survival on an uninhabited island’, ‘How do firms compete?’, ‘Be the Chancellor and run the economy’, ‘What determines how much you get paid?’ and ‘Should the UK leave the EU?’ This Enrichment is open to all students. S Hepworth HT1 or HT2 in C9 Monday lunchtime Heavy Books The use of chaos theory to illuminate “the state we’re in” and the gyrations of the stock market; serious speculation concerning the existence of parallel universes; how human virtue can survive in the face of bodies controlled by “selfish genes”; why civilisations have a “live-span” and then collapse; a demolition job on the contemporary liberal faith in “progress”. If you would like to be introduced to tackle topics like these, Heavy Books could be for you. Each week I shall give you a short talk on one particular title and invite you to read two or three extracts. I shall explain and interpret for you as necessary. Though I shall welcome your comments, observations, arguments – though not your mere opinions – there will be no pressure to be actively involved. If you prefer to sit quietly and simply read and listen, that is fine. By the end of the course you may have found one book that you feel motivated to go away and read in its entirety on your own. P Bartlett HT2 in GF3 Thursday lunchtime Historical Controversies A chance to broaden your historical knowledge and understanding with issues dating from medieval, early modern to modern history. You will develop your critical thinking, debating and evaluation skills through the examination of key historical controversies. In addition, you will be more aware of the cultural sensitivities behind topical issues and debates. T Rowley HT1 or HT2 in G6 Thursday lunchtime
Improvisation Skills Develop your skills in and knowledge of practical improvisation. You will deploy both leadership and team working skills through a variety of games and exercises. Gain confidence in public speaking and performing. This Enrichment is especially useful for anyone interested in being creative "off-the-cuff" and/or working with children and young people. J Harvey HT1 and/or HT2 in P2 Thursday lunchtime Investigating Christianity This Alpha course is designed to give anyone interested in Christianity the opportunity to explore the religion further. For more information visit T Archer HT1 and/or HT2 in FF8 Thursday lunchtime
Journalism This course will provide a half termly introduction to a range of journalistic techniques including stylistic approaches, interview techniques and basic copy writing tips. You will have an opportunity to put theory into practice by conducting a range of college focused interviews which will feature in Greenhead News. There will also be an introduction to writing feature articles. E Bowen and N Jalali HT1 or HT2 in D10 Tuesday lunchtime
Knitting & Crochet Come along and learn a new skill and improve your manual dexterity and fine motor skills. Ideal for those future dentists, doctors, surgeons and engineers amongst us or for those who simply want to learn a new skill that can aid relaxation. Students are required to bring equipment with them of either one ball of double knitting wool and one pair of 4mm knitting needles or one ball of double knitting wool and one 4mm crochet hook. A certificate is available for those who reach advance level. Your test piece could be taken to a university interview, along with a testimonial of competence from the course leader. Independent D of E skills assessment is also available. This Enrichment is always oversubscribed so if you sign up it is important to attend. A Matthews HT1and/or HT2 in C3 Tuesday lunchtime M Thompson (Knitting only) HT1 and/or HT2 in FF1 Friday lunchtime
Law Mock Trial Competition Take the part of barristers, court staff and witnesses in a national mock trial at a Crown Court. You will be competing against other colleges in front of real judges for a place in the national finals. If you enjoy thinking on your feet, working in a team and arguing a case before an audience in a formal setting, this is the enrichment for you. M Chappell Full Term in C15 and C16 Wednesday pm, but will require attendance at other times Law National Admissions Test (LNAT) Support If you are considering reading Law at one of the universities requiring the LNAT then it is important to attend one of the two lunchtime support sessions run each week by the Law department in half term one. This does not count as your Enrichment. K Martindale HT1 in C14 Tuesday lunchtime or Thursday lunchtime Law Society If you are interested in practising law; debating controversial legal issues; raising awareness of matters of public concern; taking part in mock trials; visiting courts, police stations, prisons and town halls; hearing talks or attending workshops from a variety of speakers; watching law-related videos; gaining helpful careers advice; taking part in competitions and celebrating key dates in our legal history; then join our Law Society! Only those who are selected as the organising committee will be able to count this as Enrichment. K Martindale HT2 in C14 Wednesday pm
M Medical Ethics
An introduction to morality in medicine. We will look at what makes anything right or wrong - e.g. what is wrong with killing someone of whom no-one knows of their existence, painlessly without their fore-knowledge? We will find an answer to this in a very famous and powerful argument that also tells us what makes life valuable. This also tells us when it is moral to: kill an animal, switch off life support for someone in a coma, undertake an abortion, experiment on embryos in vitro and do many other worrying things in medicine. Unfortunately, this argument would also say that new-born babies are of equal value to chickens! P Gordziejko HT1 in D2 Monday P2 or HT2 in D3 Monday P4
Medical Society A society only for students considering a career in medicine. Students organise external speakers, ethical debates about medical issues and sessions regarding successful UCAS applications for other prospective medical students in college to attend. Organisers only may count this towards their Enrichment. C Lucas Full Term in S7 Monday Lunchtime
MUSIC An Introduction to Classical Music This whirlwind tour of classical music will cover five centuries of composition, from Renaissance to the present day, to support general knowledge of this cultural art form. We will focus on six key works across a range of genres, providing historical perspective, with lots of listening and discussion. During the final week, group members will be invited to present their own choice of composition for critical evaluation. Everyone is welcome as no prior knowledge required. K Askew HT1 or HT2 in C17 Wednesday P1 Brass Band: Come along and play a rewarding repertoire in preparation for our forthcoming public performances. S Jacobs Full Term in P6 Friday lunchtime College Choir: Rewarding opportunities for all male and female voices to prepare for an Autumn Concert and then a Festival of Nine Lesson and Carols in December at Holy Trinity Church. No auditions required. All welcome, readers of music or non readers. S Jacobs Full Term in P6 Thursday lunchtime Guitar Club: This club is for all levels of guitarists. You will be encouraged to share your techniques and music and hopefully learn from others as well. Beginners welcome. Bringing your own guitar is strongly advised, but isn't essential. A Macdonald HT1 and/or HT2 in C3 Monday lunchtime Music Appreciation Society: Open to anyone with an interest in music, whether you consider yourself to be on pat with the editor of the NME/Guardian music supplement or are just looking to expand your musical horizons to help fill the remaining 117GB on your iPod – all are welcome. You will research music by a particular artist, genre or album, give short presentations and have plenty of lively discussion. J Ellis HT1 and/or HT2 in S4 Thursday lunchtime
Music Technology: This Enrichment will give you an understanding of Steinberg Cubase DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). You will then be able to use this tool to create your own musical/sound compositions. B Talbot HT1 in P8 Wednesday P2 String Ensemble: Enjoy exploring the repertoire for small string ensemble covering a range of styles and periods. Violins, viola, cello and double bass all welcome! M Barber Full Term in P11 Monday lunchtime Swing Band: Rewarding opportunities for brass, saxes, piano, bass and drum kit players to play a wide variety of music for public performance. No auditions required. Just come along. Ext Full Term in P6 Monday lunchtime Wind Band: All woodwind, brass, saxophones and full percussion required for this large scale band. Fun and performing opportunities; wide ranging repertoire. Ext Full Term in P6 Tuesday lunchtime
OCR Text Processing Qualifications These Enrichment classes offer students a completely different experience to the IT classes you may have done before at school. They are centred on the OCR Business Professional qualifications for Word Processing and other IT skills-based examinations. These examinations give you the opportunity to gain IT certificates that the world of work knows extremely well. Students who gain these certificates can use them to improve their UCAS or other application forms. They can be used to gain part-time and casual work whilst at university (a Level 2 Text Processing qualification is the entry requirement for most office jobs). The skills you develop, such as business level accuracy and correct presentation styles, will be valuable tools when you produce work for all your advanced level subjects here at college. IT qualifications are seen as a vital part of a student’s CV. Many students who have had interviews, for one subject or another, have reported back to us how impressed the interviewers were with their OCR IT certificates BLOCK A
PERIOD/ TIMES M4 + F1 T5 + Th3 T5 + Th3 M4 + F1 W2 + F5 M5 + Th1 M5 + W2 W3 + Th5 T1 + F2 T1 + F2 W3 +Th5 M3 + W1 T2 + F4 M3 + W1 T3 + Th4 M2 + Th4 M1 +Th2 T4 + F3 M1 + Th2 T4 + F3
ROOM G10 G9 G10 G9 G9 G9 G10 G10 G10 G9 G9 G9 G9 G10 G9 G10 G9 G10 G10 G9
Oxbridge Support These sessions are for A2 students who are planning to apply to Oxford or Cambridge University. You will be allocated a tutor during a study period on your timetable. We will do activities to support your application and, in particular, help you prepare for interviews. Please come to a meeting in D17 at 12.45 on Thursday 5th September to find out more. This does not count as your Enrichment. S Barratt, N Dodd, T Flynn, D Greenwood, E Maynard, R Pember, S Petts, J Reynolds, J Short, M Smith, B Sweasey and P Teahan Full Term at various locations and times
Photography On this Enrichment you will understand the difference between film and digital photography. You will learn to transfer film safely from a camera to a processing reel in the darkroom and then process your film to produce a set of negatives. You will be able to produce prints from negatives, making use of an enlarger. No experience necessary. D Craven HT1 and/or HT2 in FF3 (first session), then in Dark Room on top floor of C Block Wednesday pm Psychology and Everyday Life An introduction to psychology in the real world. This Enrichment will include applications of psychology in the workplace and pathways into careers that may involve psychology, such as careers within the criminal justice system, health-related professions, advertising and marketing. You do not need to be studying psychology at college to do this course. It will be beneficial to anyone considering a degree in psychology who has not studied it at A level, as well as those who have. J Roberts HT1 in D7 Wednesday P3 or HT2 in D7 Tuesday P2
Risk The classic war game, combining both strategy and luck. Recently voted in the top ten of C4 all time games! Appropriate for beginners or more established players. J Saunders HT1 and/or HT2 in FF6 Wednesday pm (12.45 - 2.45) 7
Scrabble Enrich your vocabulary and numeracy in a non-threatening environment. J Colmer
Full Term in S14
Wednesday lunchtime
SPORT Archery for Beginners: Sessions will cater for those of differing abilities, so if you have never tried Archery before come along! You will be taught the skills associated with archery and take part in fun shooting games and competitions amongst your fellow students. Ext Full Term at Sikh Centre Thursday after college (4.00 - 5.00) Badminton (Recreational): Play badminton for fun. Everyone welcome regardless of ability. The Monday sessions will have a coach on site for those who would like some coaching points. I Haigh and A Saunders HT1 and/or HT2 in Sports Hall Tuesday P1, Tuesday P2, Tuesday P3, or Friday P5 Ext HT1 and/or HT2 at Sikh Centre Monday P3 or Monday P4 Badminton Team: Training and preparation for fixtures. Ext
Full Year in Sikh Centre Wednesday pm (1.00 - 2.00)
Basketball Team: This Enrichment offers team training and preparation for matches in the BCS Competition. It will provide quality training to improve skills, understanding and competitive performance in basketball. Participation in the BCS Y&H Region tournament. Ext Full Year in Sikh Centre Monday after college (4.00 - 5.00) is training and Wednesday pm is fixtures Circuit Training: For all levels of ability. Work together towards a "healthy body and healthy mind". A Broadbent, T Rowley and P Sylvester HT1 and/or HT2 in Sports Hall Wednesday lunchtime or Friday lunchtime Dodgeball: Come and try this fun, mixed sport where people throw balls at their opponents who have to dodge or catch them! You play in teams of 5 and don’t need any experience. S Burrows HT1 and/or HT2 in Sports Hall Wednesday P3 Fencing for Beginners: Try a new sport, develop new skills and become the next Zorro! Ext HT1 and/or HT2 on second floor of New Building Wednesday pm (1.00 - 2.00) Fitness for Beginners: Do you want to get fitter with like-minded students? Join us for introductory fitness exercises and jogging. You’ll improve your team-work skills as we train towards participating in a park run. Complete beginners preferred. J Davies and N Jalali Full Term Meet outside changing rooms Thursday lunchtime Fitness Room: Improve your energy levels and reduce stress in the college’s own modern Fitness Room. Due to Health and Safety considerations, the Fitness Room will only be open when supervised by a member of staff. C Atherton, A Broadbent, D Briggs, S Burrows, K Lucas, K Lumb, S Lumb, J Probert, J Reynolds, M Stanley and J Stevenson HT1and/or HT2 in the Fitness Room Monday P2, Monday P3, Monday lunchtime, Monday P4, Tuesday P1, Tuesday P2, Tuesday P3, Tuesday P4, Wednesday P3, Thursday P3, Friday P2, Friday P4 or Friday P5 Five-A-Side Football League (Recreational): Play weekly 5-a-side football games for fun. You can enter your own team or come on your own and be placed into a team. You can just play or volunteer to be part of the student management team who organise the fixtures, referee and run the weekly league for your fellow students. A Crowther and Ext Full Term on All Weather Surface Friday lunchtime Football (Recreational): Play football for fun, develop your football skills and keep fit. We welcome all abilities. There will also be an opportunity for those team players who have not been chosen for fixtures to play football on Wednesday afternoons. S Burrows, S Lumb and G Thackray HT1 and/or HT2 on All Weather Surface Thursday P2, Thursday P3 or Wednesday pm Football Team (Female): Women’s football training and competitive matches. M Pickerden Full Year Wednesday pm (fixtures) and Thursday lunchtime (training) on All Weather Surface Football Team: We run three teams on Wednesday afternoons in the BCS League. It is a competitive sport and often we get home after 6.00pm so please don’t have a part-time job at this time. R Field, M Tatam and J Corcoran Full Year on All Weather Surface for training and Highfields for fixtures Monday lunchtime (1st Team training) or Tuesday lunchtime (2nd and 3rd Team training); Wednesday pm (fixtures) Hockey Team: This Enrichment offers squad training for the men's and women's college hockey teams. Students may be selected to represent college in the men's, women's and/or mixed teams in the Regional British Colleges league and cup competitions as well as the English Schools competition. Monday night training (4.00-5.00 pm) is open to college team members as well as those students just wishing to continue receiving hockey coaching. M Shepherd and Ext Until March on All Weather Surface Monday after college (training) and Wednesday pm (fixtures) Judo: Learn this Olympic martial art with a fully qualified UKCC 1st Dan instructor. Great for fitness, self defence, personal confidence and technical skills. Learn a variety of hold downs, throws and strangle techniques. All levels of ability welcome. M Mitchell HT1and/or HT2 on second floor of New Building Wednesday pm (1.00 - 3.00) Mini Tennis: For all abilities, especially complete beginners. Played on smaller courts with sponge balls, shorter nets and rackets. Lots of fun. Come along and try it out. S Burrows HT1 and/or HT2 in Sports Hall or on Netball Courts Friday P2 Netball Team: Play competitive netball. Fixtures on a Wednesday afternoon. S Young, J Musoke and Ext. Full Year Monday lunchtime (training) on Netball Courts (HT1) and in Sports Hall (HT2), Tuesday lunchtime (training) on Netball Courts; Wednesday pm (fixtures)
Running Club: A great opportunity to keep fit and meet the 10k challenge. We will begin with 5k runs and increase the distance as we prepare for the Huddersfield 10k at the end of February. Beginners and experienced runners welcome. J Davies and E Bowen Until March starting from Changing Rooms Wednesday pm Rugby League Team: Team training and preparation for college fixtures in the SRL Yorkshire league. C Atherton Full Year on All Weather Surface for training on Monday lunchtime and at Highfields for fixtures on Wednesday pm Squash (Recreational): Ideal for those who have played squash before. R Aitken HT1 at Huddersfield Lawn Tennis and Squash Club Wednesday pm Swimming: Why not take a leisurely dip in the Huddersfield Sports Centre pool and swim some casual lengths to keep fit. Go at your own pace and decide your own fitness goals. Suitable for complete beginners. Ext. HT1 and/or HT2 at Huddersfield Sports Centre Wednesday pm (1.00 - 2.00) Table Tennis (Recreational): Come and play in weekly tournaments. R Aitken HT2 in Sports Hall Wednesday pm (1.30-2.30) Tennis (Recreational): For all abilities. R Aitken HT1 at Huddersfield Lawn Tennis and Squash Club Wednesday pm Tennis Team: For those interested in playing competitive matches against other colleges, regionally and nationally. R Pember Full Year at Huddersfield Lawn Tennis and Squash Club Wednesday pm Touch Rugby: This is a team sport played in a fun and social atmosphere, without any tackling. You don’t have to be a rugby player to join in and teams can be mixed. The aim is to improve fitness via game skills and team work. C Atherton HT1 and/or HT2 on All Weather Surface Thursday lunchtime Trampolining: Come and try simple jumps in the pike, tuck or straddle position, leading to more complex combinations of forward or backward somersaults and twists. Ext Full Term at Huddersfield Sports Centre Wednesday pm Group 1 (1.00 - 2.00) Group 2 (2.00 - 3.00) Volleyball (Recreational): This is a lunchtime session offering mixed volleyball for fun. No experience necessary. It's just an opportunity to play a team game, develop some skills and make friends through sport. M Shepherd HT1 and/or HT2 in Sports Hall Thursday lunchtime
St. John Ambulance Young First Aider This course teaches emergency first aid techniques including: recovery position, bandaging and CPR. It is taught through a series of role play activities, video and practical sessions. H Barraclough, J Ellis, J Kenny, J Rylah, R Spencer, A Starling and G Stott HT1 or HT2 on second floor of New Building Monday P3, Monday P4, Tuesday P2, Tuesday P3, Tuesday P4, Wednesday P2, Wednesday P3, Thursday P2, Thursday P3, Thursday lunchtime or Thursday P4 Sudoku and Cryptic Crosswords Sudoko gives you the opportunity to improve your number and logical thinking skills. Cryptic (not factual) crosswords enable you to test your verbal skills and knowledge of language and may introduce you to an enjoyable and challenging pastime. T Brown HT1 and/or HT2 in GF10 Thursday lunchtime Sci-Fi and Fantasy Appreciation Society Ian M Banks, Bethesda Softworks, AD&D, JRR Tolkein, Bioware, Warhammer 40K and George RR Martin. Science Fiction and Fantasy encompasses a diverse range of interests and people. If you're passionate about Science Fiction or Fantasy, and want to share your interests with like minded people in a safe environment, then this Enrichment is for you. You’ll improve your presenting skills, as you work at building coherent arguments using Microsoft PowerPoint and other ICT. D Briggs HT1 and/or HT2 in S5 Monday lunchtime
The Bible and Literature A former Greenhead student, who is now studying English at Queen Mary College, offered this advice to prospective English applicants: “You need to be reading a lot before you go to uni, read the classics, Shakespeare and even the Bible. It’s surprising how useful a basic knowledge of the Bible is when it comes to studying literature!” This course hopes to offer some of that basic knowledge to students who are thinking of studying literature, history, philosophy or any of the wider humanities at university. It provides an introduction to some of the main stories of the Bible and interpretations of them in literature. N Dodd Full Term in D4 Tuesday lunchtime The Forum This Enrichment is for those interested in controversial, political, sociological and legal issues effecting young people. We will focus on the decisions of past and present governments that have a direct impact on the lives of students. There will be opportunities for individual and group presentations, discussions, formal debates and the use of external speakers. Students will take the initiative in proposing issues to be discussed and the format of the session. You can decide on your level of participation, but everyone will be expected to contribute in some way. This is a chance to share your (informed) views, hear counter arguments and discuss strategies for how best to affect change in our society. N Harper and students HT1 and/or HT2 in C15 Thursday lunchtime
There's A Whole World Out There An Enrichment that encompasses both history and politics. Learn and discuss the political, economic and social developments of a range of nation-states that are currently featured in the news. This is for students who want to further their knowledge of the world, their research and debating skills. Countries that have featured in the news recently such as Syria, Turkey and Brazil may be discussed. If you have personal experiences and knowledge of other countries, then bring this to the sessions. M Stanley Full Term in C10 Thursday lunchtime Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) Preparation for Oxbridge and UCL These sessions are for A2 students who will be required to take a TSA test as part of their UCAS applications. For applicants to Cambridge, this will include Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Land Economy and Natural Sciences (at certain colleges). At Oxford, this will include all applicants for Psychology & Philosophy, EP, Psychology & Linguistics, E&M, PPE, Geography and Philosophy & Linguistics. At UCL this will include all applicants for European Social & Political Studies. This course does not count as your Enrichment. M Smith Full Term in FF6 Tuesday lunchtime Touch Typing Learn to Touch Type the traditional way. You will learn the QWERTY keyboard, work at your own pace and be given the opportunity to take Speed Keying exams when you have reached the required speed, giving you recognised qualifications. This will enhance your opportunities in employment AND save you bags of time on your coursework. You will also use specific software to assist your progress and make the course fun. For A1 students only. C Watkins Full Term in G9 Wednesday pm (1.00 - 2.30)
Viking Empires An introduction to the pattern of Viking colonisation from the earliest expeditions to the supposed collapse of Scandinavian power. This course will acquaint students with some of the most recent historical, archaeological and anthropological research, as well as providing a balanced appreciation of the Vikings as settlers, farmers, traders and, of course, highly successful warriors. This course has been rewritten in order to take full advantage of a longer term and is not a repeat of previous offerings. P Edwards Full Term in G6 Monday lunchtime Voluntary Service in the Community (GVS) Are you someone who gains satisfaction from helping others? If so, you may well want to participate in our GVS scheme. It is an excellent opportunity to make a difference in the community whilst gaining vital experience; essential for the D of E award and a requirement for many career areas. You are encouraged to find your own placement as the college has limited organised places. To th find out more information please come and talk to the GVS team on Wednesday 4 September between 12.45 and 1.30 in the Reading Room. GVS Team Coordinators: C Barnes and G Fenney GVS Team: U Anwar, D Beaven, N Birdi, H Brown, E Charles, M Hume, G Littlewood, J Pitts, Z Rainferd and A Raw Until at least March, any time of the week, but often on Wednesday pm
Yoga Yoga is a complete Science of Life that originated in India thousands of years ago. It is the oldest system of personal development in the world, encompassing body, mind and spirit. The word ‘Yoga’ means to unite or to join. Through the practice of Yoga we aim to unite the body with mind and spirit, creating harmony and balance in our lives. In the classes, we will be doing: stretching and posture work to release tensions and improve flexibility and vitality; practising breathing techniques to promote better health and calm the mind; deep relaxation and meditation to promote inner peace and tranquillity. B Farmer HT1 and/or HT2 on second floor of New Building Monday P2 Young Enterprise This is an opportunity to set up a business to meet the needs of customers who may be inside or outside of College. In recent years students have produced a range of products and also arranged various types of events. Participants will be expected to show initiative, demonstrate effective communication skills and be willing to work as part of a team. P Davies and J Parry Full Term in C12 and C10 Wednesday pm