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Almanza Uno, Las Piñas City. 773,000.00 Horticulture. Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading. Steam jacketed k
Department of Science and Technology National Capital Region

Completed SETUP Projects

Year Approved












Project Number






Project Title

Upgrade Measurement Capability of Maximetal Industries, Inc.

Upgrading the Machining Capability of Tool Exponent Services (Asia) Corp. through the acquisition of New Machine Tools

Acquisition of Wax Injection Machine

Upgrading the Production Equipment of Mapagmahal Foods to Improve the Quality of its Produce – Calamansi Juice Concentrate

Expansion and Modernization of the Central Kitchen of Merry Cooks, Inc

Project Beneficiary

Contact Person / Address

Maximetal Industries, Inc.

Mr. Jimmy Chan Tel #: 361-0895; 364-5070; 364-2516 Fax #: 361-0243 9D Arellano St. Kalookan City

Tools Exponent Services (Asia) Corp. (TESA)

Shooter Arm Manufacturing Inc.

Mapagmahal Foods

The Merry Cooks, Inc.

Mr. Eduardo Badiñas Tel #: 531-1066; 717-2904; 533-3339 Fax #: 531-1066 41 Arayat St., Mandaluyong City

Mr. Romulo de Leon III Tel #: 721-0404; 725-6363 Fax #: 726-0202 #918 Reyes Bldg., Aurora Blvd. Cubao, Quezon City

Mr Fernando Esguerra Tel #: 801-9620 to 21; 805-3980 692 CRM Ave. St. Joseph Subd. Brgy. Almanza Uno, Las Piñas City

Ms. Gianina Suarez Tel #: 743-4568; 743-4569; 743-4129 Telefax #: 741-4819 286 E. Rodriguez Sr Ave, Quezon City

Budget (PhP)



Metals and Engineering

DOST Intervention

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Computerized Coordinate Measuring Machine

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading turret-type milling machine gap-bed lathe machine 610,000.00


Metals and Engineering

Metals and Engineering

Trainings and Consultancy Productivity Improvement through 5S Practice ISO Awareness Seminar

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Wax Injection Machine Trainings and Consultancy Productivity Improvement through 5S Practice Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Steam jacketed kettle semi-automatic filling machine capping machine product transfer pump slicing and squeezing machine



Trainings and Consultancy MPEX Cleaner Production Trainings on GMP Productivity Improvement through 5S Safe and Proper Usage of Food additives Packaging and Labeling Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading gas fired oven mechanical slicer cooking vat LPG heated steam bath pH meter


Food Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production Assessment Inhouse Training: Good Manufacturing Practices Seminars Attended: Lecture on Packaging of Food and non-Food Products; Awareness on Productivity Improvement; Safe and proper Usage of Food Additives Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading double steam jacketed kettle, mixing tank, working table, pH meter, refractometer, consistometer




Increasing the Production thru Equipment Upgrading and Technology Intervention for ERRL Marketing

ERRL Marketing

Mr. Eugene Young Telefax #: 916-3392 #102 Pasco Ave., Santolan, Pasig City



Trainings and Consultancy Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) Shelf Life Studies of Food Products Awareness on Productivity Improvement MPEX Continuous technical support

Impacts of Intervention - Increased gross - Generated additional employment - Increased production output - Improved rejection rate

- Easier time with QMS certification; - Improved work flow; - Hired 4 additional employees; - Increased asset size by 24%; - Increased average monthly gross sales by 8%

- Increased average production by 24% - Hired additional 137 direct and indirect employees - Increased monthly average gross sales by - Local market outlets increased from 31 to 53 - Countries exported to increased to 4

- Mechanized production and reduced production time by 100% - Increased production volume and gross sales by 200% - Improved shelf life from 6 months to more than 1 year - Increased number of workers by 7 - Penetrated export market like US, Canada and London

- Increased monthly average volume of production by 73% on bottled products - Increased monthly average gross sales - Hired 35 additional employees - Reduced product rejects from 4% to 1% - Increased market outlets from 16 to 60 - Complied with GMP and BFAD Regulations - Expanded plant area

- Increased production capacity by 107% on assorted products - Increased gross sales by 80% - Increased asset size by 90% - Increased shelf life from 6 months to 1 year - Hired additional 9 workers; - Produced 2 new products: Chili hot sauce and Oyster sauce - Reduced rejects by 2% - Decreased gas consumption by 20 % - Expanded production area by 100%







05- 430-15-01



Improvement of the Production Efficiency and Packaging System in the Operation of ToscanoSoriano Trading

Acquisition of Production Equipment to Improve and Standardize the Process of Iced Tea Making of Marventure Corp

Shelf Life Extension and Productivity Improvement of Tea Ventures Co., Inc.

Toscano-Soriano Trading

Marventure Corporation

Tea Ventures Co., Inc

Ms. Elizabeth Toscano Tel #: 281-5848 Telefax #: 283-6167 Mobile #: 0919-622-4550 # 5 Rosal St. Merville Tanza, Navotas Metro Manila

Ms. Janice Buenaventura Tel #: 351-2994 Fax #: 447-6865 Mobile #: 0917-326-8934 #42 Sanciangco St. Tonsuya, Malabon City

Ms. Maria Anna Alcantara Tel #: 633-5182 Fax #: 633-5173 Mobile #: 0917-523-1649 #7 Gen Capinpin St., Brgy. San Antonio Pasig City

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Electric convection oven - Vacuum packing machine sealer dehumidifier - high pressure burner - dryer/dehydrator - Histamine testing equipment 839,000.00

Food Trainings and Consultancy - Cleaner Production Assessment - MPEX - Packaging and Labeling Design - Seminars Attended: HACCP, GMP, Packaging and Labeling, Shelf Life testing



Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading vibrating screen boiler tea extractor w/ press hydraulic fruit juice extractor water teatment equipment steam jacketed kettle Trainings and Consultancy Plant Lay-Out Seminars Attended: Awareness on Productivity Improvement; Good Manufacturing Practices with Basic Microbiology; HACCP; Introduction to Shelf Life Studies of Food Products; Packaging and Labeling of Food and Non-Food Products



Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Steam jacketed kettle Holding tank Air valve fillers with foot switch Boiler Water softener facility Sanitary pump and piping Continuous sealer Stainless cooling tub

- Increased shelf-life from 6 months to 1 year - Increased production output by 60% - Increased gross sales by 60% - Hired additional employees - Generated savings from reduction/elimination of product returns and rejects - Penetrated new markets

- Hired 2 additional workers - More than 150 % increase in production output and gross sales - Complied with GMP requirements - Standardized process, product - Consistent product quality

- Extension of shelf life from 1 week to one month; - Increased variety of product line; - Reduction of operating expenses; - Expansion of distribution outlets; - Increased asset size; - Additional workers hired; - Increased monthly production output by 60% - Increased monthly average gross sales by 100%

Trainings and Consultancy Lecture on Productivity Improvement








Upgrading the Measurement Capability of HDM Technologies


Upgrading the Production Equipment of Fil-Choice Fil-Choice Food Industries Food Industries, Inc., in Inc. Manufacturing of Sweet Fruit Preserves


Acquisition of Production Equipment for Polvoron Making

HDM Technologies

MOTZ Food Products

Hector Malonzo Tel #: 823-0758; 776-4077; 776-2955 Fax #: 822-6525 # 26 Argentina Street, Betterliving Subd. Parañaque City

Ms. Teresa Along Tel #: 283-3108 Fax #: 281-3565 Mobile #: 0920-921-8241 Bldg. 4 Santos Industrial Compound, #60 Leoño St., Tañong, Malabon City

Ms. Charlotte C. Tanoja Tel #: 837-0688 Fax #:837-0689 Mobile #: 0919-469-3253 Muntinlupa City

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Coordinate Measuring Machine 1,000,000.00

Metals and Engineering

Trainings and Consultancy Awareness seminar on ISO 9001:2000 Productivity Improvement through 5S Practice Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading boiler, steam jacketed kettle, steam retort



Training and Consultancy Introduction to Shelf Life Studies Proper and Safe Usage of Food Additives Product Improvement, Processing, Plant Layout Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading automatic band sealer ribbon mixer shrink packaging machine moulder kettle with scraper mixer


Food Trainings and Consultancy Labeling Design Inhouse Training: Good Manufacturing Practices Seminars Attended: Lecture on packaging of Food and Non-food Products Productivity Improvement through 5S Practice

- Increased production capacity by 13% - Increased gross sales by 13% - Improved product quality and processing time

- Increased monthly average production by 85% - Increased asset size by 29% - Increased monthly average gross sales by 70% - Hired 5 additional employees; - Realized reduction in processing time; - Realized savings in fuel consumption.

- 79 % increase in employment - More than 100 % improvement in volume production - More than 200 % increase in sales










Upgrading the Manufacturing Capability of Concepts Trading Corp. Through the Acquisition of Selected Machines for Producing Carpets

Acquisition of Production Equipment to Improve and Standardize the Process of Marisa’s Foods

Equipment Acquisition to improve the Current Operation of Danilyn's Enterprises, Inc.

Concepts Trading Corporation

Marisa’s Food

Danilyn's Enterprises, Inc.

Mr. Virgilio Canga Jr. Tel #: 872-0261 Fax #: 872-1563 Impex Industrial Compound Pamplona, Las Pinas City

Ms. Marisa Demin Telfax #: 293-3736 Mobile #: 0919-858-1611 4365 L. Bernardino St., Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela City

Ms. Melinda C. Medallo Tel #: 850-4638 Fax #: 809-2269 B7 L19, Gladiola St., TS Crus Subdivision, Almansa Dos, Las Pinas City


Furniture & GHD

Acquisition of production equipment layer rope making machine (1) twisting machine (1)

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading vegetable preparation machine hydraulic shop press 123,000.00



Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production Plant Lay-Out Process Standardization Trainings on Good Manufacturing Practices, Packaging and Labeling, Safe and Proper Usage of Food additives

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading wet type finishing spray boot radial arm saw pin nailer orbital sander electric chain hoist iwata spray gun compound mitter saw surface planer Furniture & GHD double bag dust collector table saw w/table & scoring saw compressor Trainings and Consultancy Consultancy Services: Cleaner Production Assessment , Energy Audit Seminars Attended: Productivity Improvement through 5S Practice, Plant Lay-Out










Upgrading the Manufacturing Capability of Sterling Gifts

Sterling Gifts, Inc.

Upgrading the Capability and Equipment for the Expansion Sunlight Food Corporation of Sunlight Food Corporation

Increasing the Productivity and Efficiency of Frabelle Market Corporation in Manufacturing Fish Balls and Squid Balls through the Acquisition of Automated Cooking/Cooling Conveyor

Frabelle Market Corporation

Ms. Maria Luisa D. Unson Tel. #: 713-9572 Fax #: 713-9573 3640 P. Sanches Street Santa Mesa, Metro Manila

Mr. Crispin R. Muyrong Jr. Tel #: 941-3505 B4, Lot 8, Tanguile St., La Colina Village, Parang, Marikina City

Ms. Cecille Silvestre Tel #: 283-6879; 283-6880 Fax #: 281-2840 1051 Northbay Boulevard Navotas City


Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Inducto vac Casting Machine Furniture & GHD Disc Finishing Machine Nova Centrifugal Disc Finisher

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Horizontal Steam Retort Steam Jacketed Kettle Boiler Accessories (Automatic Backwash, Blow Off Tank, Safety Relief Valve, Pressure Reducing Valve (50 psi outlet), Pressure Reducing, Valve,(0-15 psi outlet)) 620,624.52

Food Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production Assessment MPEX Energy Audit ISO 2000 Food Safety Management Systems Technical Assistance on Product Standardization

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Automated Cooking/ Cooling Conveyor 990,000.00


Trainings and Consultancy Consultancy on Cleaner Production Training on cGMP, HACCP, Packaging and Labeling of Food Products Safe and Proper Usage of Food Additives

- 44 % increase in volume production - 36 % increase in sales - Improved facility lay-out - Improved GMP compliance

- Increased employment by 10 - Increased gross sales by 129% - Improved product quality and production efficiency - 100% Increased in production capacity - Improved safety conditions and provided cleaner work environment - Reduced dust emissions - Increased number of clients - Decreased lead time from 30 days to 15-21 days - Improved systems and processes - Increased possible clientele through promotional activities, i.e. Radio interviews, & TV appearances

- Increased gross sales by 62% - Increased number of clients from 7 to 10 - Increased capacity by 100% from 160 to 320 pcs per day - Lowered casting processing time by 50% from 5 hours to 2.5 hours - Increased asset size by 7% - Increased gross sales by 70% - Increased production output by 60% - Improved raw material recovery from 55% to 75% - Reduced water consumption by 70% - Reduced solid waste generation - Optimized time and manpower utilization - HACCP Aligned Operations - Achieved compliance with global market quality - Increased employment by 10 persons - Produced ube powder that meet export market requirements and demand - Provided livelihood to 142 farmers of Alabat Ube Growers Cooperative in Alabat Island, Quezon Province & 27 farmers of Tanauan Farmers Cooperative in Tanauan City, Batangas

- Increased monthly production volume by 400% - Increased monthly average gross sales by 400% - Reduced production time - Improved plant lay out - Improved product quality through consistent cooking and drying process of products - Established additional market outlets







Improving the Production of Efficiency of Weighing Scale Manufacturing Through the Acquisition of Metal Working Machine

Equipment and Quality Upgrading of ferino's Bibingka

First Philippine Scales, Inc.

Ferino's Bibingka/Francisco Food Specialties

Charlie Policarpio Tel #: 361-1846; 365-9032; 361-9602 Fax #: 362-3783 33 Araneta Avenue Potrero, Malabon City

Sonny Francisco Tel #: 09178313477 #35-C Malinis Street UP V illage, Quezon City



Metals and Engineering


Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Metalworking Machine Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner production Assessment Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Rice Grinder Bibingka-Oven Layer Puto Bumbong Maker Planetary Mixer Vacuum Sealer

- Minimized metal wastes; - Increased cutting precision and speed; - Increased production volume by 260%; - Promptness to delivery commitment; - Increased monthly average gross sales by 317% amounting to PhP 0.5M; - Hired ten additional workers

- Opened 10 additional stalls - Increased gross sales and production output by 200% - Hired 16 additional employees

Trainings and Consultancy Packaging and Labeling Cleaner Production Assessment




Increasing the Production Efficiency of MMGI Through Technology

MM Guanzon, Inc.

Mr. Mario Ramon Guanzon Tel #: 829-5199 Fax #: 829-5399 #23 St. Anthony Street, CRC Multinational Village, Parañaque City

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Semi-Automatic Filling Machine Cooking Vats 588,000.00


Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production Productivity Improvement thorugh 5S Good Manufacturing Practices

- Standardized production process. - Increased gross sales by 200% - Realized 200% and 50% savings on water and energy consumption, respectively - Improved workplace organization - Minimized water spills and drippings contributing to improved worker’s safety - Established new customers - Increased employment by 20 persons

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Garlic Peeler, Upright Freezer, Vacuum Packing Machine













Increasing the Productivity and Efficiency of Merci's Vigan Food Enterprise through Acquisition of Production Equipment

Improving Product Quality and Increasing Efficiency of Zippy Source Ventures

Improving the Production Process and Product Quality

Equipment Upgrading for Chocolate Processing

Merci's Vigan

Dr. Mercedes Favis Tel # 897-8851; 896-5682 5233 Farenheit Street, Brgy Palanan, Makati City (2-A Smuth St, Bgrgy Maytunas, San Juan City)

Zippy Source Ventures

Ms. Racquel P. Chan Tel #:725-1905; 287-1933 Fax #: 725-1905 Unit C, Lot 10, Blk 2, Phase IV Gen Azucena St., Longos Malabon City

Metro Arms Corporation

Jamla Corporation

Engr. Jose T. Salientes Tel No.: 541-4374 Fax No.: 541-4376 #4821 Daang Batang St., Moonwalk, Parañaque City

Ms. Lulu Panopio Tel No.: 747-3138 Fax No.: 746-8124 # 151 Pinatubo St., Brgy. Barangka Ilaya, Mandaluyong City



Trainings and Consultancy Seminar on Introduction to Shelf Life Studies Seminar-Workshop on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, Lecture on Packaging and Labeling of Food Products, Safe and Proper Usage of Food Additives. Consultancy on Cleaner Production Technology Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Marginal Cylinder Skiving Machine


GHD Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production Packaging and Labeling


Metals and Engineering

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Precision lathe machine Marking Machine Independent Chuck Splash Guard Tool Post Face Plate Digital Read-out

- Reduced peeling time of garlic by 95% - Improved packaging of bagnet - Saved on overhead cost by P500/day - Increased sales and revenue by 10%

- Reworks is reduced - Improved quality - Increase in timeliness and production

- Increased employment by 4 persons - 130 % increase in production volume - 150% Increase in gross sales - Eliminated process bottle necks for a faster production cycle

Trainings and Consultancy Technology Needs Assessment Cleaner Production Energy Audit TA on Process Optimization and Electroplating Technology-Based Incubation on casting processes Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Vertical form fill seal machine with ribbon coder Rotary tablet press Conical shaped twin screw mixer 912,800.00


Trainings and Consultancy MPEX Cleaner Production Good Manufacturing Practices HACCP

- Increased employment by 7 - 78 % increase in production output and sales - Improved product quality, customer confidence and satisfaction - Improved production capacity - Decreased material losses from 5% to 0.25% - Attained GMP compliant plant and process
















Improving Productivity and Product Quality of Kaakbay Entreworker Cooperative

Kaakbay Entreworker Cooperative

Cost Optimization through semi automation of Identified Midwest Foods Industries, process for Production of Inc. Parbaked Crust for Lotz a Pizza

Ms. Cielo A. Bueno Tel No.: 4162220 / 3762137 Fax No.: 4118113 #39 Apollo St., SFDM, Quezon City

Ms. Teresita L. Ngan Tian Tel #: 873-8416 Telfax No.: 873-8416 #28 Capricorn St., Pamplona Park, Las Piñas City

Improving Productivity and Processing of ADE Food Products

ADE Food Products

Joan Jean Fajardo Tel #: 9949951 Fax No.: 7468124 834 San Rafael St., Brgy. Plainview, Mandaluyong City

Upgrading the Capability of Vinhessa Food Manufacturing and Trading

Vinhessa food Processing and Traiding (formerly Vinhessa Food Manufacturing and Trading)

Ms. Maritess Agdeppa Tel No.:645-0695 Fax No.: 645-0695 32 Elm St., New Marikina Subdivision cor. Flamingo St., San Roque, Marikina City

Increasing Efficiency and Improving Product Quality of Holsum Foods, Inc. in Coffee Manufacturing

Holsum Food, Inc.

Mr. James Laureano Tel #: 362-7039 to 49 Telfax No.: 362-7033 email: [email protected] 145 Gen Evangelista Ext. Bagong Barrio, Caloocan City

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Slide Rail - Ring - Rado Lock 250,000.00




Trainings and Consultancy - MPEX - Cleaner Production - Productivity Improvement through 5S

- Improved Production Systems (GMP compliant method of raw material storage; standardized and improved process documentation and monitoring (eg. standardized mixing time, baking temperatures, proofing time) Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Utilization of daylight in dirty kitchen as part of energy 1 unit Univex Dough Rounder / Divider conservation program - GMP certified by BFAD Trainings and Consultancy - Implemented a HACCP program MPEX - Realized savings in LPG consumption Energy Audit - Increased parbaked pizza crust output by 31% Food Safety Trainings: Productivity Improvement through 5S, HACCP, Plant Lay- - Increased gross sales by 300% - Improved pizza crust quality out - Increased franchised and company owned outlets from 100 to 180 - Reduced rejects and minimized employee errors Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Vegetable press Stainless Washing basins



Training and Consultancy Labeling Execution; Good Manufacturing Practices MPEX Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Pressure cooker Cabinet dryer High pressure stove with table and gas tank


Food Training and Consultancy - Cleaner Production - Food Safety - Technical Assistance on Product Development and Standardization



- Improved product quality - Realized 60-70% decrease in processing time of level arch binders - Increased production capacity by 80% - Decreased reworks and rejects by 50% on level arch binders - Decreased customer returns from 3 to 1% - Improved work flow - Decreased raw materials wastage

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Coffee Grinder Portable Dehumidifier Airconditioners Form Fill Seal Powder Mixer Thermometer RH Meter

- Standardized production process - Increased productivity by 50% - Increased gross sales by 50% - Improved product quality - Penetrated the export market

- Reduced processing time - Improved product labelling, sanitation and waste disposal - Increased employment by 5 persons - Increased gross sales by 200% - Increased production capacity - Improved GMP compliance

- Increased production volume of at least 10% - More Controlled Packaging Conditions - Improved quality of product - Increased shell-life of product - Reduction of rejects

Training and Consultancy Technical assistance on equipment design and specification




Improving Packaging and Filling Process of New Sumilang Patis

New Sumilang Patis

Dr. Evelyn Dayot Tel No.: 466-1969 1356 M Naval St., San Roque, Navotas City

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Standing Automatic Packaging Machine 615,000.00

- Increased production capacity - Improved product labeling and packaging

Food Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production




Improving Productivity and Product Quality Consistency of Serramonte Enterprise

Serramonte Enterprises

Mr. Raul Z. Cepeda Tel #: 02-7235851;02-7237936;02-7272779 mobile No.: 09178542844 email: [email protected] 28 Valenzuela St., San Juan City



Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Steam Jacketted Kettle Transfer Pump, Stainless Cooling Vats Working Tables and Platform Stand Filling Outlet Electronic Table Scale Washing Table with 2 sinks pH meter Digital Refractometer Two-door SS freezer Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production Assessment Product Standardization MPEX Process and Equipment Optimization Trainings: GMP, HACCP, Productivity Improvement through 5S, Safe and Proper Usage of Food Additives, Energy Efficiency Awareness Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Aging tanks (stainless steel)













Upgrading Production Capacity and Packaging of Dielle's Apiary and Meadery Enterprises

Improving Productivity and Product Quality of Seamaxx Enterprises

Increasing Production Capability and Reducing Energy Cost of Vegie Mix Food Corporation

Improving Productivity and Shelf Life of Tipas Hopia

Dielle's Apiary and Meadery Enterprises

Seamaxx Enterprises

Vegie Mix Food Corporation

Tipas Original Hopia

Luke D. Macabadbad Tel #: 662-0086 21 Lavender St. Victoria Homes Subd., Tunasan, Muntinlupa

Ms. Dolores Anacan and Mr. Ed Anacan Tel #: 682-8145 Mobile #: 09266953071 46 Dragon St. Midtown, Subd., San Roque, Marikina City

Mr. Gilbert C. Herrera and Engr. Max Maningding Tel #: 645-2702 162 F. Mariano Ave., Anaconda Cmpd., Brgy. Dela Paz, Pasig City

Alicia F. Sta. Ana Mobile #: 0926405480/ 09209384566 41 Dinguinbayan Street, Ibayo, Tipas, Taguig City



Trainings and Consultancy Package development and label design GMP and Plant Lay-out 5S Cleaner production Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Pulverizer Machine Pulverizer stand Ginger Juice Rice Grinder Automatic Tea Bagging Machine


Food Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production Assessment MPEX Label Design Good Manufacturing Practices Productivity Improvement through 5S



Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Steam jacketed kettle Walk-in freezer Metal detector Trainings and Consultancy Consultancy: Energy Audit, Food Safety Trainings: HACCP Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Cookie Mixer Spiral Mixer Planetary Mixer Automatic Gas Deck Oven


Food Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production MPEX Productivity Improvement through 5S GMP

- Increased production output and gross sales by 45% - Increased product yield by 40% - Increased production capacity by 68% - Reduced LPG consumption per liter of product by 60% - Reduced water consumption - Improved GMP compliance - Improved worker flexibility

- Increased production output and sales by 300% - Complied with GMP requirements - Improved packaging and labeling - Improved plant lay-out - Diversified wine flavors

- Increased production output by at least 20% - Increased material recovery for salabat by 25% - Increased material recovery for banaba tea by 25% - Reduced waste generation - Increased gross sales by 17% - Improved GMP Compliance and Plant Lay-Out

- Increased gross sales by 37% - Increased production output - Increased product yield on sauces by 3% - Saved on cold storage rental cost - Improved quality control and monitoring - Realized savings in LPG

- Increased production output by 20-30% - Increased sales by20-30% - Increased shelf-life of hopiang monggo from 1 week to 3 weeks - Shortened process flow - Minimized manual mixing of dough

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Gas steamer Planetary mixer Dough roller mixer machine Cabinet type dryer Stainless Steel bistay Stainless Steel suklob




Improving Productivity and Product Quality of Pingloy Enterprises

Pingloy Enterprises

Edna S. Estoperez Tel #: 941-9399 Mobile #: 09197335858 Atis cor. Gold Streets, Minahan, Purok 1, Malanday Marikina City






Upgrading Production Capacity of Numan Food Supplement

Numan Food Supplement

Pedro A. Nabong Tel #: 628-3362 Mobile #: 09228537547 172 ITSP Bldg. Maybunga C. Raymundo Ave, Pasig City



Trainings and Consultancy MPEX Cleaner Production Nutritional Analysis Shelf-Life (2 products) Good Manufacturing Practices Productivity Improvement through 5S HACCP Safe and Proper Usage of Food Additives Plant Lay-out assistance Promotional & Marketing Assistance

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Blistering machine (plate type blister packing machine)

- Increased production output and gross sales by 200% - Improved compliance to GMP requirements - Improved documentation - Improved product quality - Improved operational practices, workflow, lay-out - Developed new product lines - Improved linkage with supply value chain - Hired additional 18 workers - Facility Expansion (acquired/developed new production site at Novaliches, Quezon City - Expanded possible market through promotional activities, i.e. Radio interviews and TV appearances

- Increased production capacity by 90% - Increased gross sales by 80% - Hired additional employee

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Boiler - Steam jacketted kettle 200 L - Steam jacketted kettle 50 L - Mixing tank with agitator 200 L













Improving Production Capacity and Quality of DJM Grandeur Corporation's PitoPito Herbal Drink

DJM Grandeur Corporation

Improving Productivity and Product Quality of Mandaluyong Industrial Mandaluyong Industrial and and General Services Co. General Services Co.

Upgrading Production Capability of Mommy Trec's Little Cakes Factory

Upgrading of Production to Increase Productivity in Manufacturing Basketball and Volleyball

Aretei Food Corporation (formerly Mommy Trec's Little Cakes Factory)

Quantitative Enterprise Philippines

Geraldine A. Estacio Tel #: 7032309 / 3625074 email: [email protected] 19 Oliveros Drive, Balintawak, Quezon City

Flavio A. Neria Jr. Tel #: 534-9326 / 584-1276 42 Lions Road, Barangka, Ilaya, Mandaluyong City

Tricia Feliciano Castrodes Tel #: 3405859 Mobile #: 09228246883 4 Gumamela St., Sampaguita Village, Malanday, Marikina City

Mr. Henryson Melon Tel #: 2926154; 2925114 email: [email protected] #2 F, Lazaro St., Canumay, Valenzuela City





Trainings and Consultancy - Label Design - Cleaner Production - Product Standardization - Process Standardization - Technology Business Incubation - Equipment Identification Assistance - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - Safe and Proper Usage of Food Additives - Good Manufacturing Practices

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Box and Pan Bender; Metalex Hydraulio Shear

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Gas Oven with thermometer Spiral Mixer Proofing Cabinet Band Sealer 289,200.00


Trainings and Consultancy Technical Needs Assessment CP preliminary assessment Seminar on Good Manufacturing Practices and 5S Shelf life consultancy and technical assistance (FNRI) Label design execution Seminar on Proper and Safe Usage of Food Additives Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Winding yarn on bladder machine - Hydraulic oil press for covering bladder - Bladder mould for making volleyball


Other priority sector

Trainings and Consultancy - Good Manufacturing Practices - Energy Audit -Cleaner Production Technology -Technology Needs Assessment - MPEX

- Increased production output by 10% - Increased raw material recovery - Increased production capacity - Established food processing facility - Improved efficiency and product quality - Saved in transportation cost

- Reduced reworks and rejection - Decreased overhead costs due to reworks and outsourcing - Improved product quality - Increased employment by 5 - Increased gross sales by 10%

- Increased gross sales by 81% - Improved product quality and consistency - Increased production capacity by 50% - Generated additional products and services - Improved plant lay-out and GMP compliance

- Improved product quality - 30% increased in production - Increased employment by 2 - Reduced rejects - Increased winding capacity by 20% - Improved workers’ safety - Increased gross sales by 20% - 20-30% increase in clientele




Improving Production Capacity and Product Quality of Fitrite, Inc.

Fitrite, Inc.

Mr. Teddy Cabuhat Tel #: (632)-9365737 Fax #: (632)-9377297 Mobile #: 09209511023 e-mail: [email protected] 105 General Luis St. Brgy. Nagkaisang Nayon Novaliches, Quezon City




Upgrading Production Capacity of Pinky's Goodies

CJA Premium Finds

Ms. Ma. Cecilia Anonuevo Tel #s: 8299130/7033266 Fax #: 8263471 Mobile #: 09189216108 4 Hanoi St. Extension, BF Homes Ph 3, Parañaque City




Upgrading Capability and Efficiency of Panadynamics, Co.

Panadynamics, Co.

Mr. Robert R. Maala Tel #: 9319942 Mobile #: 09183500546 / 09163263288 30 Commonwealth Ave., Diliman, Quezon City


Acquiring Automatic Cooking Mixer and Filling Machine to Golden Hands Increase Productivity of Manufacturing Corporation Golden Hands






Equipment Acquisition to Enhance Productivity of New Life Jewelry & Gift Shop


Upgrading of Production Capability through Acquisition of Production Equipment of PCDR Metalwerke





Upgrading Capability and Productivity of Goldwin Manufacturing Laboratories Corp.




Upgrading Capability and Efficiency of Panadynamics, Co.

Ms. Ma. Eliza DR. Paylago Tel #: 2814114 Mobile: 09209580824 Bldg 12 Santos Industrial Cmpd., 60 Leano St., Valenzuela City

New Life Jewelry and Gift Shoppe

Mr. Ronnie Co / Ms. Amy Co Tel #: 2448733 / 2450588 Fax: 2450631 email: [email protected] 924 G. Masangkay St., Binondo, Manila

PCDR Metalwerke Enterprise

Mr. Pablito Dela Rosa Tel #: 2874834 11 Lourdes St., Marcela Caloocan City



Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Mechanical Drying/ Smoking Machine Freezer Stainless Steel Tables Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production Assessment Technology Training on ISO22000 Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Oven - Chiller - Mixer - Working table - Cooling rack




Metals and Engineering

Trainings and Consultancy - Package Development and Execution/printing - Shelf life Testing/Analysis - Production improvement through technology assistance and food safety - MPEX - Training on GMP - Training on 5S - Manpower training on Proper and Safe Usage of Food additives

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Metalex Hydraulic Shear Machine Box and Pan Bender Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Double Jacketed Cooking Mixer - Double-jacketed Braising Pans



Trainings and Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - Cleaner Production Preliminary Assistance - Training/ Seminar on Energy Efficiency Methods Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Double Jacketed Cooking Mixer - Double-jacketed Braising Pans



Metals and Engineering

Metals and Engineering

Trainings and Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - Cleaner Production Preliminary Assistance - Training/ Seminar on Energy Efficiency Methods Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading 1 unit Metal Lathe Machine 1 unit Portable TIG/MMA Welding Machine Trainings and Consultancy Technology Need Assessment Cleaner Production Assessment Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Water chiller Inclined Conveyor Belt Conveyor

Goldwin Manufacturing Laboratories

Mr. Eduardo L. de Guzman Tel No: 3698647 / 6813501 Fax: 6821244 22 Eagle St., New Marikina Subd. San Roque, Marikina City



Panadynamics, Co.

Mr. Robert R. Maala Tel #: 9319942 Mobile #: 09183500546 / 09163263288 30 Commonwealth Ave., Diliman, Quezon City


Metals and Engineering

Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production Assessment Energy Audit Cleaner Production Awareness Seminar Productivity Improvement through 5S Energy Efficiency Awareness Seminar Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Metalex Hydraulic Shear Machine Box and Pan Bender

- Increased current production capacity by 50% - Increased gross sales by 20-30% - Eliminated contracting out of smoked fish and dried fish production - Improved product quality and consistency - penetrated European market - Generated additional emplyment

- Increased production capacity by 120% - Acquired FDA Certification through License to Operate and Product Registration - Developed conveninent packages for made-to-order giveaways and gifts during occasions and holidays - Reduced baking time from 1.5 hr to 1 hr - Doubled the manpower hired (19 including peak season) - Increased sales by 57% - Increased number of market outlets - Improved Plant lay-out - Improved GMP Compliance

- Increased gross sales by 30% - Increased production output by 30% - Reduced operating cost - Reduced reworks - Reduced time delay - Increased gross sales by 25% - Increased production output - Increased cooking and loading capacity by 12% - Reduced LPG consumption - Reduced cooking oil consumption by 50% - Improved in GMP compliance to FDA requirements - Increased in employment by 23 persons

- Increased gross sales by 10% - Reduced product reworks - Improved product quality - Decresaed overhead cost due to elimination of product reworks

- Saves 60% in cost of production - Timeliness of delivery was attained due to improved number of production.

- Eliminated use shrink wrap plastic in some product lines - Improved production efficicency - Increased gross sales by 40% - Increased production output by 20% - Improved 5S practices - Increased employment by 12

- Increased gross sales by 30% - Increased production output by 30% - Reduced operating cost - Reduced reworks - Reduced time delay







Upgrading Production Capability of Gemeni Stainless Steel Fabrication

Meat Processing Facility for Cater King Food Corporation

Gemini Stainless Steel Fabrication

Cater King Food Corporation

Mr. Restituto M. Pacquera Tel #: 994-1279 / 6452022 email: [email protected] 102 Pasco Avenue, Santolan, Pasig City


Metals and Engineering

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Bending Machine

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Reach in chiller - Reach in Freezer - Chest freezer - Meat Slicer - Sausage stuffer - Meat grinder - Foot stamping sealer - Heavy duty pressure cooker - Marinator machine - Steam jacketed kettle

Ms. Ma. Teresa A. Laurel Tel #: 9285893 / 9223206 Fax #: 9223206 159 Kamias Rd, Quezon City

Food Consultancy Technical assistance on plant lay-out Cleaner Production Assessment Product Improvement Food Safety Assessment

- Increased production volume by 100% - Reduced material wastage - Reduced reworks/rejections - Additional employment

- Increased gross sales by 175% - Increased production volume by 102% - Improved Plant Lay-out - Improved R&D Capabilities on processed meat products - Improved process controls - Increased employment by 2 - Minimized cross contamination with the establishment of dedicated process line for Pinoy Deli Meals

Trainings / Seminars - Awareness Seminar on Pacakaging and Labeling Design - Good Manufacturing Practices - Hazzard Analysis Critical Control Points - Understanding Food Fortification







Upgrading Capability and Quality of Primark Tooling Industries

Acquisition of Production Equipment to Increase Productivity of AS Rivera Metal Works

Primark Tooling Industries

AS Rivera Metal Works

Mr. Christopher Arzadon Tel #: 710-1607; 720-5131 Fax #: 642-7765 208-B Amang Rodriguez Ave., Rosario, Pasig City

Mr. Angelito S. Rivera Telefax #: 2874032 Blk 46-A, Lot 1, 2,3, Ph 3, E-2 Pampano St., Longos, Malabon City


Metals and Engineering

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading CNC Lathe Machine Turret Milling Machine Hydraulic Box Bending Machine Cast Iron Welding Jig Trainings and Consultancy Technical Needs Assessment Intellectual Property Forum for MSMEs Info-Seminar on Establishment of Preventive Maintenance


Metals and Engineering

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Iron Worker; Milling Machine

- Increased speed of Prototype development by 200% - Increased production volume output by 400% - Increase sales by 100% - Reduce product price by 5%

- Increased the production capacity by 30% - Increased gross sales by 30% - Improved quality of works and craftmanship - Expanded market coverage - Reduction on energy consumption - Generated savings amounting to P60, 000 per year by minimizing job-out works

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Batch type LGP Fired Oven Spray Booth with Cyclone Recovery




Acquisition of Production Equipment to Increase the Productivity of OEM Parts Manufacturing Corporation

OEM Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Ms. Jonnie Cheng Tel #: 362-3465 / 366-0052 Fax #: 362-3465 192 A A. Palon Street, Kalookan City


Metals and Engineering

Trainings and Consultancy Energy Audit Technology Needs Assessment Cleaner Production Assessment

- Reduced production cost by 5% - Increased profit by 10% - Improved quality and timeliness of delivery

Trainings Training on Production Planning and Control Seminar on Occupational Safety Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Metal Detector




Improving Dalisay Sweets Plant Profitability and Capability through the Expansion of Vegetable Processing Plant in Quezon City

Dalisay Sweets

Ms. Cristina Berroya Tel #: 3731617 18 de Jesus St., SFDM, QC



Consultancy - Energy Audit - TA on plant lay-out - Cleaner Production Preliminary Assessment - MPEX Trainings - Training on Production Planning and Control - Seminar on Good Manufacturing Practices - Seminar on 5S

- Increased orders/more referrals from multinational companies - Increased production output by 190 % - Increased gross sales by 182% - Improved product quality and extend shelf-life - Hire additional manpower

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Single Mould Sealing Machine - Double Mould Sealing Machine - Steam Jacketed Kettle




Upgrading Production and Packaging Capability of Ves Dessert Food, Inc.

Ves Dessert Food, Inc

Mr. Danilo V. Salas Tel #: 2517170 Mobile #: 091784672800 350 Playa St., Balut, Tondo, Manila



Consultancy - Cleaner Production - MPEX - TA on Product Standardization - TA on Process and Equipment Optimization - Plant Lay-out Trainings / Seminars - Good Manufacturing Practices - Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - Productivity Improvement through 5S - Understanding Nutrition Labeling for MSMEs










Improving Drying Process by Establishing FPRDI Designed Low-Cost-MultiPurpose Dryer

Improving Production Capability of Rudy and Linda Food Products

Improving Productivity of Ole Bread House

Starwood Manufacturing Company Inc.

Mr. Larry Tan Tel #: 2922902; 2916349; 2916345; 2916350 Fax #: 2922926 Mobile #: 09176659595 #30 P. Deato cor. Palo Alto St., Marulas, Valenzuela City

Rudy and Linda Food Products

Mr. Ryan Joseph Cruz Tel #: 941-0441; 942-2995 Mobile #: 09175373660 email: [email protected] 578 3rd St. Paliparan Subd., Sto. Nino, Marikina

Ole Breadhouse's

Ms. Irene Cabral Tel #: 736-7847; 802-1521 Mobile #: 09178657490 B27,L2 Hopelane Christianville Subdivision, Talon 5, Las Piñas City

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading 2 units Multi-Purpose Dryer 643,815.00




Trainings and Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - TA cum CP preliminary Assessment - MPEX - Energy Audit

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - 1 unit Vacuum Packaging Machine (Double Chamber Stainless Steel Vacuum Case); - 1 unit Meat Band Saw; - 1 unit Meat Mixer Machine (100 kg capacity, 1 Hp) Trainings and Consultancy - TNA - Energy Audit Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Gas Oven - Planetary Mixer - Cake Mixer - cooling rack - Band Sealer - Stainless Steel Table



Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - CP preliminary assessment - Food Safety - Label Design

- Increased employment by 155% - Increased gross sales by 10% - Increased product yield on sauces by 3% - Improved GMP compliance - Improved quality control and monitoring - Realized savings in LPG consumption - Increased production volume by 23.8% - Increased market outlets by 6 - Reduced water consumption by 29.8%

- Increased its productivity by 10-15% - Improved product quality by eliminating the appearance of molds and fungi due to inefficient drying process - Improved process control - Reduced claims from clients by at least 35%. - Increased manpower by 3% - Increased in sales by 43% - Increased in production output by 20% - Increased in production efficiency (includes quantitative indicators on improvement in number and quality of materials, number & values of produced, waste minimization, & reject reduction)

- Decreased thawing time of products by 90% and minimize losses - Eliminated bottleneck in vacuum packaging and avoided breakdown of equipment to overuse - Increased capacity by 25% - Improved productivity and quality of products

- Increased gross sales by 100% - Increased production output by 100% - Ensured consistent production - Increased hiring of workers by 2 persons

Trainings / Seminars - Good Manufactuirng Practices Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Steam Boiler - Hot Water Supply Tank - Steam Jacketed Tank




Improvement of Process and Product Quality of Marka Marka Sasa Enterprises Sasa Enterprises

Ms. Ma. Rosaleine Sacdalan-Ramos Tel #: 02-3710811; 02-5458933 Mobile #: 09156256950 65 Mendoza Sr., Brgy. Paltok, San Francisco Del Monte, Quezon City



Consultancy - Technical Needs Assessment - Shelf Life Determination - TA on on Productivity and Quality Improvement - MPEX Trainings / Seminars - 6S of Good Housekeeping - Record Keeping - Good Manufacturing Practices

- Reduced fuel consumption resulting to 110 % increase in fuel efficiency - Zero incidence of product charring resulting to negligible product rejects - Increased revenues amounting to 61% based on 3 months comparison - Increased production capacity by 300% - Improved Quality Control - Increased labor productivity by 224% - Market reach expansion through promotional activities via exposures in Radio & TV interviews













Upgrading Capability of Chicano's Nata de Cocos

Upgrading the Productivity of Vplace Veterinary Products

Acquisition of Production Equipment to Improve and Standardize the Process of Marisa’s Foods

Product Quality and Productivity Improvement of Green Choice Selections, Inc.

Chicano's Nata de Coco's

Ms. Zenaida O. Chicano Tel #: 208-3100 Mobile #: 09237163497; 09283456571 email: [email protected] #1730 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Phase I, Concepcion, Marikina City

V Place Veterinary Products

Mr. Eugenio A. Nabong Telefax: 6283362; 5708249 Mobile #: 09228537548; 09062578687 email: [email protected] 140 Pancho Villa Corazon de Jesus San Juan City

Marisa’s Food

Greenchoice Selections, Inc.

Ms. Marisa Demin Telfax #: 293-3736 Mobile #: 0919-858-1611 4365 L. Bernardino St., Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela City

Ms. Neneth Ilas-Siao Tel #: 3772676 Fax #: 8502332 email: [email protected] B21,L13 Jasmin Street, TS Cruz Subd., Almansa Dos, Las Piñas City

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - 1 unit vacuum sealer - 1 unit autoclave machine



Health Products and Services / Trainings and Consultancy Pharmaceuticals - Technology Needs Assessment - Good Manufacturing Practices - SSOP

Health Products and Services / Pharmaceuticals

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Tablet Blistering Machine

Trainings and Consultancy Technology Needs Assessment

- 50% increase in nata de coco production - Improved product quality - 50% increase in sales - Sterile nata de coco produced for wound dressing and other cosmetic and medical applications

- Increased production capacity by 10% - Decreased rejects by 3% - Increased sales by 50% - Improved productivity and quality of the products being produced

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading vegetable preparation machine hydraulic shop press 123,000.00




Trainings and Consultancy Cleaner Production Plant Lay-Out Process Standardization Trainings on Good Manufacturing Practices, Packaging and Labeling, Safe and Proper Usage of Food additives Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Heat transfer system (cooling coil) - Filling Tank - Transfer Pump - Oil separator - 3 Stages automatic washer - Centrifugal Filter - Batch lot tagger & Barcode printer - pH meter - Weighing scales - SS tables - Sink Single with Side Table Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - Food Safety Technical Assistance - Process standardization and product formulation

- 44 % increase in volume production - 36 % increase in sales - Improved facility lay-out - Improved GMP compliance

- Increased production output by 400% - Increased gross sales by 380% and number of clientele - Improved production time and increased output - Reduced rejects as shelf-life was increased by two months - Eliminated bitter aftertaste and improved product quality - Standardized processes - Improved plant lay-out - Five (5) employees and one (1) consultant were hired after intervention - Introduced new product – ‘Squeeze C’ Calamansi Ready to Drink Juice

Trainings / Seminars - Good Manufacturing Practices







Project Cutting Edge (Improving Productivity and Product Quality of Answer Advertising Corp)

Improving Productivity and Product Quality of Mapagmahal Foods

Answer Advertising

Mapagmahal Foods

Mr. Aaron Richard Trinidad Tel #: (632) 8246908 to 09; (632) 8246911 Fax #: (632) 8245274 Mobile #: 09178103286 900 Km 18 West Service Road United Paranaque Subd. Paranaque City

Mr. Fernando Esguerra Tel #: 801-9620 to 21; 805-3980 692 CRM Ave. St. Joseph Subd. Brgy. Almanza Dos, Las Piñas City

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading CNC Plasma Cutter 1,000,000.00


Metals and Engineering


Trainings and Consultancy - MPEX - Plant Lay-Out - TNA

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - 1 unit conveyor belt - double fruit batch washer - 2 nozzle automatic filling machine - root crop vegetable washer with bristols - dry coding machine Trainings and Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - Technology Transfer (Pasteurized Calamansi Extract) - Plant Lay-out assistance

- Increased productivity by shortening the production process (i.e., 85% reduction in cutting metal components) - Reduced man-hours per project allow the utilization of labor for other projects, increasing sales revenue - Improved product quality and appearance through a superior finish - 50% reduction in outsourcing in the production process, resulting in shorter production timetables and savings, as well as the accommodation of more projects - New product innovations made possible by the new technology resulted in the expansion of the list of products and services the company has to offer - Increased production volume by 275% - Increased in gross sales by 212% - Mechanized production and reduced production time by 100% - Increased in employment by 36% - Improved product shelf life from 6 months to more than one (1) year - Improved GMP compliance - Eliminated bottleneck in sorting - Automated filling process to increase capacity and minimize possibilities of cross contamination

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Consitnuous Horizontal Sealer Cooler mixer 30-L Blender 65-L capacity 2012









Enhancing the Productivity of Bread Stop

B8 Bread Stop and Grocery


Improving Product and Production Capability of Redroots Artsists Cooperative

Red Root Artists and Atrisans Multi Purpose Cooperative



Improving the Productivity and Product Quality of Milea

Technological Capability Enhancement of Orchestronix Corporation

Milea Bath and Body Wellness Essentials'

Orchestronix Corporation

Mr. Manuel Bien S. Pine Tel #: (02) 9853097 Mobile #: 09228128888; 09175585718 1678 West Zamora Paco Manila

Mr. Mark Christian Villarin Tel #: 7382051; 3798599 #62B Mapagkawanggawa St., Teachers Village, Quezon City

Ms. Edilee Omoyon Tel #: 708-0590 email: [email protected] No. 2266 Topacio St., San Andres Bukid, Manila

Ms. Maria Unicka C. Sta Ana Tel #: 3999156 Mobile #: 09173856614 Open TBI, DOST-ASTI Compound, CP Garcia Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City





Trainings and Consultancy - Plant Layout - CP preliminary assessment - TNA - Food safety seminar - shelf life and food additives - TA in the operation of the equipment to be acquired Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Tarpaulin printer Colored laser printer i7 core personal computer Trainings and Consultancy - TNA - TA Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Water steam jacketed kettle - Vacuum emulsifying mixer - Pressurized filling tank with one filling outlet - Liquid extractor





Trainings and Consultancy - TNA and CP preliminary assessment; - TA in equipment operation - GMP - 5s - Plant Layout

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading Capture Server Machine; PCI Audio Interface; Radio Receivers (5) Trainings and Consultancy - TNA and Technical Assistance; - Intellectual Property Consultation and Assistance

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Steam Jacketted kettle - Boiler - Mixing Tank




Upgrading the Equipment for Increased Production of Existing Product Lines and for Processing New Products of Golden Temple Food Products

Golden Temple Food Products

Mr. Eugenio P. Young III Tel #: 9161502, 9196129 Fax #: 9161502 Mobile #: 09274888154 102 Pasco Avenue Santolan, Pasig City



Consultancy Shelf – Life Studies of Food Products Awareness on Productivity Improvement MPEX Technology Needs Assessment Plant Lay-out Assistance Label Design Trainings / Seminars - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) - Food Safety and Good Manufacturing Practices

- improved production output capacity by 30-40% - increased sales by 30% - increased markets/clients by 3-5 clients per year - generate employment

- Increased gross sales by 14% - Increased production output by 29% - Increased manpower by 60% - Improved production capability resulting to additional projects to accomodate - Improved production efficiency

- Enhanced production process by shortening of processing time - Increased production volume by 100% - Decreased the percentage of rejects by 90% - Increased markets/clients by 5-10 clients - Increased sales by 100% - Improved quality/appearance of products by standardizing process - Employed additional 2-5 persons

- Developed culture and arts and discover new talents and managed an internet protocol web based ebsite for music content - Generate data such as title, source, artist/owner, album, duration, play date and time from captured broadcast - Aggregated data into various outputs such as feeds, dashboard and reports which can help: a. Performance rights societies to have an accurate basis for their royalty collection and distribution b. advertiser to monitor ads placement c. market researchers to be updated with the trends in broadcast content

- Increased production capacity by 107% on assorted products - Increased gross sales by 80% - Increased asset size by 90% - Increased shelf life from 6 months to 1 year - Hired additional 9 workers; - Produced 2 new products: Chili hot sauce and Oyster sauce - Reduced rejects by 2% - Decreased gas consumption by 20 % - Expanded production area by 100%




Upgrading Production Capability to Improve Productivity and Product Quality of MFP Home of Quality Food Corporation

MFP Home of Quality Food Corporation

Ms. Charlotte C. Tanoja Tel #: 8370689 Telefax: 8370688 Lot 5, Block 13, Genesis Street, BF Martinville, Manuyo Dos, Las Piñas City



Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Vibro sifter - Roller mill (nuts chopper) - Ribbon Mixer - Compacting Machine (moulder) Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - Food Safety - Plant Lay-out Assistance

- Mechanized and automated production process. - Improved employee food safety awareness through GMP training. - HACCP aligned - Consistent product quality, reduced flour wastage, and less direct human contact. - Recording and documentation system is now implemented. - Increased product shelf life to 12 months. - Improved packaging and label design. - Launched its branded polvoron line, House of Polvoron, sold in company-owned outlets in malls nationwide. - Gross sales increased to PHP 2,600,000 which is about 220% increase from before intervention. - Currently employs 63 men and women; a 160% increase in employment - Introduced three new products and expanded market to 6 additional countries (UAE, taiwan, Korea, Japan, China (Macau), and Australia

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Bowl Cutter - Meatball former




Improving the Production Capability and Product Quality of Majestic Monarch Unlimited Corp.

Majestic Monarch Unlimited Corp.

Ms. Jeanete Ong Lee Tel #: (02) 9422216; (02) 9422217 815 J.P. Rizal St. Concepcion Marikina City



Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - Energy Audit - Cleaner Production Assessment - MPEX

- Hired 3 additional workers - 5% increase per batch production due to increased capacity - Reduced man-hour requirements by 1 hour - Reduced fuel consumption from 40 liters diesel to 35 liters diesel per production batch

Trainings / Seminars - Cleaner Production and Energy Efficiency Training - 6S of Good Housekeeping - Record Keeping - Good Manufacturing Practices




Upgrading of Production A.M. Gabute Musical Capability of Gabute Musical Stringed Instruments and Instruments Through Repair Shop Acquisition of Processing Equipment

Mr. Angelito M. Gabute Tel #: (02)4966928 Mobile #: 09103270719; 09204980511 email: [email protected] 15 San Isidro St., Tala, Caloocan City



Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Lathe Machine - Band saw - Scroll saw - Portable dehumidifier - Dust collector - Drill press - Jointer/plainer - Portable jigsaw - Compressor - Spray gun - Spiral peg hole reamer - Cello peg hole reamer - violin/viola standard taper - thickness caliper for violin - Violin peg shaper - Cello peg shaper - Caliper

- 30% increased production - Improved product quality - Increased productivity and services - Hired new employees - More clients and wider markets for manufactured parts

Trainings and Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - Technical assistance cum CP preliminary assessment




Capability Improvement in Machine Shop Equipment Retrofitting of Science Marketing

Science Marketing Development Inc.

Mr. Robert M. Lee Tel #: 4533036 Fax #: 4551869 60 Howmart Road Baesa Quezon City

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading CNC Milling Machine CNC Lathe Machine 1,296,500.00

Metals and Engineering

Trainings and Consultancy - TNA - plant layout - 5s - machine operation and maintenance techniques;

- increased production capacity by 100% - additional market/clients of 5-8 clients per year - increased sales by 100% - additional employment by 5-10 -Improved service quality




Upgrading production Capability and Quality of Samahang Ikauunlad ng May Kapansanan Ating Palawakin (SIKAP) Cooperative

Samahang Ikauunlad ng may Kapansanan Ating Palawakin (SIKAP) Cooperative

Mr. Romualdo Barrientos / Ms. Charo Dancil Tel #: 6470957 email: [email protected] Grd Flr., Sukob Building Ph 2, CIP kahusayan cor Kasaganahan St., Karangalan Vill., pasig City



Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - DOST-FPRDI developed dry-type finishing spray booth - Dust Collector - Portable Grinding machine - Table Saw - Portable Welding machine - Portable router machine - Compressor - Orbital Sander - Induction Motor

- Increased production output by 50% - Increased employment by 4 - Increased gross sales - Improved finishing quality - Eliminated product returns and reworks - Improved workplace health and safety conditions

Trainings and Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - Facility Lay-out







Enhancing the Product Safety and Quality of Arko Foods Phils., Inc. Through Upgrade of Processing Equipment

Acquisition of FPRDI Developed Spray Booth, Drying Tunnel and Sanding Booth to Improve Product Quality of Lampara Trends

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Retort System Arko Food Phils., Inc.

Lampara Trends, Inc.

Ms. Virginia Aguilar Tel #: 2944504; 4458787; 4457682 Fax #: 2941219 108 Decena St. Arkong Bato, Valenzuela

Ms. Annete Pagtakhan Tel #: 8265668; 8201190 Fax #: 8255217 Email: [email protected] website: 12 Vitalez Compound, San Isidro, Sucat, Parañaque City



Trainings and Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - Plant Layout, - Advance cGMP/HACCP Seminar - Packaging and Label Design Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Spray Booth - Drying Tunnel - Sanding Booth



Trainings and Consultancy - Technology Needs Assesment - MPEX - Plant Lay-out Assistance - Productivity Improvement through 5S

- Improved safety and quality of the products - Compliance to Export Market Quality & Safety Requirements - Increased production capacity - Improved production efficiency

- Improved product quality - Improved worker’s safety - Reduced process and curing time in finishing operatio - Improved production efficiency - Increased gross sales by 30%

Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Die Casting Machine







Acquisition of Processing Equipment to Increase Productivity of Champion Fine Tooling Corporation

Improving Production Capability of Agno Metal Trade Through the Acquisition of Processing Equipment

Champion Fine Tooling Corporation

Agno Metal Trade

Mr. Aaron Tan Tel #: 445-9529 Fax #: 445-8401 email: [email protected] 58 Arty 3 Subdivision, Lawang Bato, Valenzuela City

Mr. Emiliano B. De Leon Tel #: 366-2136; 442-4529; 442-4127 Fax #: 364-8199 Mobile #: 09178878622 75-B MH del Pilar St., 7th Avenue Grace Park, Caloocan City


Metals and Engineering

Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - CP preliminary assessment - Energy Audit - Technical Assistance in Die Casting Equipment Operation Trainings / Seminars - Quality Management System (QMS) Conforming to ISO 9001:2008 Standard in Preparation for Certification - Basic Occupational Safety and Health - Safety in Machine Shop Operation Seminar - Productivity Improvement through 5S Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Hydraulic press break - Hydraulis Shear


Metals and Engineering

Trainings and Consultancy - Technology needs assessment; - Energy Audit; - Plant Lay-out Assistance

- Increased production output of die-casted products by 100% - Additional market/client of 3-5 clients per year - Increased sales of die-casted products by 100% - Reduced of projects lead time from weeks to days

- Increased production capacity - Provided additional services that will increase gross income - Gained additional clients




Upgrading the QA Capabilities of J. Chemie Laboratories

J. Chemie Laboratories Inc.

Ms. Julie Marquez Quiroga 440-6115; 983-3854 983-6177; 983-3854 (fax) [email protected] #23 Victoria Village, Canumay, Valenzuela City


Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Bio Safety Cabinet - Water Bath - Laboratory Incubator - pH Meter - Hot Air Oven - Incinerator for Loops - Vortex Mixer - Top Loading Balance Pharmaceuticals - Hot Plate with Stirrer - Stomacher

- Reduced rejects by 5% - Compliance with FDA requirements - Improved product quality and safety - Improved productivity and competitiveness

Consultancy - Technology Needs Assessment - Cleaner Production Preliminary Assessment Trainings / Seminars - Understanding Nutrition Labeling for MSMEs Technology Acquisition & Equipment Upgrading - Hydraulic Press




Improving Production Efficiency and Capability of Nisco Phils. Enterprises

Nisco Phils. Enterprises

Ms. Yolanda Dela Cruz 46 B Interior T. Santiago St., Canumay, Valenzuela City


Metals & Engineering

Other S&T Assistance - Technology Needs Assessment - Technical Assistance on Equipment Acquisition - Seminar on Productivity Improvement through Work Place Organization - Seminar on Values Orientation - Seminar on KAIZEN - MPEX - TA on TIG

- Achieved 65% increase in gross sales - Achieved systematic working procedures - Achieved less production time - Increased employment with the addition of 3 employees - Added new markets in the Middle East and Nigeria