Composition and abundanceofshrimp
COMPOSITION AND ABUNDANCE OF SHRIMP SPECIES (PENAEIDEA AND CARIDEA) IN FORTALEZA BA~ UBATUBA, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL Adilson Fransozo, Rogerio c. Costa, Fernando L. M. Mantelatto, Marcelo A. A. Pinheiro and Sandro Santos NEBECC.Croup of Studieson Crustacean Biology. Ecology and Culture AF & RCC. Depto. de Zoologia. IBB. Ut...ESP. sin. 18618-000. Botucatu. SP. Brasil franso::
[email protected] FLM.H, Depto. de Biologia - FFCLRP - Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) Av. Bandeirantes. 3900 - 1..0..0- 90 I. Riberiio Preto, SP. Brasil A·fAAP. Depto de Biologia Aplicada - FCAV- UNESP- 14870-000./aboticabal. SP. Brasil SS. Depto de Biologia - CCNE- Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97119-900. Santa Maria, RS, Brasil
ABSTRACT The abundance and spatio-temporal distributionof the caridean and penaeid fauna from Fortaleza Bay, Ubaruba, Sao Paulo. Brazil, wereanalyzed. Seven transects weresampled overa one yearperiod from November 1988to October1989.Atotalof 17047shrimps were captured, representing 13 species belonging to 5 families. Theinteraction oftemperature and type ofsedimentwas fundamental in determining the presence and abundance of shrimpspecies in the area. I. INTRODUCTION
Since human populations are growing along coastlines and their resultant anthropogenic impactthus increasing, gathering accurate information on benthic communities isurgently needed forpropermanagement and conservation of coastal ecosystems (Alongi 1989). Along theBrazilian coast. theshrimp fauna is represented by6\ species ofDendrobranchiam (D'Incao 19951. 38species ofAlpheoidea (Holthuis 1993) and48 species of Palaemonoidea (Ramos- Porto 1986). In Sao Paulo State. dendrobranchiates. palaemonoids and alpheoids comprise 19,14,and 23 species, respectively (Christoffersen 1982, Holthuis 1993, D'Incao1995, Costaet al.2000).
•• K1uwer Academic/Plenum Publishers 'If
Inspite oftheireconomic importance, onlya few Studies have been conducted so faron theshrimp fauna ofSiio Paulo. namely those on their taxonomy (Christoffersen 1982, D'incao 1995, Costa et al. 2000), abundance (Pires 1992, Nakagaki et al. 1995) and population biology (Rodrigues et al. 1993. ChacurandNegreiros-Fransozo 1998, Nakagaki and Negreiros-Fransozo 1998, Costaand Fransozo 1999). The aimofthepresent paper istocharacterize the caridean and penaeid fauna from Fortaleza Bay, Ubatuba (SP) Brazil with emphasis on theirabundance and spariotemporal distribution as a function of themostrelevant environmental factors, i.e.temperature, salinity, depth. organic mattercontents and sediment grain-size composition.
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS Fortaleza Bav is located in the northerncoast of the Stateof Sao Paul~ (23° 29'30" to 23° 32'30" S and 45° 06'30" to 45° 10'30" W),According to Castro-Filho et al. (1987) this region is affected by threewater masses with different distribution patternsin summerand winter. The Coastal Water (CW) mass ischaracterized by a high temperature and low salinity, the Tropical Water (TW) massbya high temperature andhighsalinity, andtheSouth Atlantic Central Water (SACW) mass by a lowtemperatureand salinity following an annualcycle. E. Escobar-Briones & F. Alvarr-Eels. MODERNAPPROACHES TO THE STUDYOF CRUSTACEA
PP. 117-123
A. Fransozo. R.C. Costa. F.L.M. Mantelauo. M.A.A. Pinheiro & S. Santos
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The species constancy index (C) was calcu. lated according to Dajoz (1983): C=px100/P, where 'p' is the number of samples in whicha given species was recorded, and "P" the total number of samples analyzed. Species wereclassified in threedifferent cat. egories: constant (C > 50%). accessory (25% < C 4). Rimapenaeus constrictus, S.dorsalis, P. muelleri and X kroyeri are known to beassociated to muddysediments (Sanchezand Soto 1987. Boschi 1989,Dallet al1990. Nakagaki et aL 1995, Castro 1997. Costa 1997). Based on the present findings and previous research (Fransozo et al. 1992, 1998, NegreirosFransozo et al. 1997. Costa er al. 2000). it is suggested that environmental conditions at Forraleza Bay are favourablefor the establishment and development of a diverse shrimp guild. Continuing research on both inshore and offshore areas in this subtropical region will provide a more accurate characterization of the shrimp diversityand contribute to a better understanding of their lifecycles. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are gratefulto the "Fundacao de Arnparo
aPesquisa do Estadode SaoPaulo (FAPESP). Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimemo Ciemifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) and Fundacao para 0 Desenvolvimento da UNESP (FUNDUNESP)" for financial support, We are thankful to Dr. Maria Lucia Negreiros- Fransozo for her constructive comments on early drafts of the manuscript. All experiments conducted in this study complywith current applicable state and federal laws. REFERENCES Alongi DM (1989) Ecology of tropical soft-bottom benthos: a reviewwithemphasis on emerging concepts. RevBioI Trop j7:85·100 Boschi EE (196j). Los camarones comerciales de la familia Penaeidae de la costa Atlantica de America del Sur. Bol Inst BioI Mar j:l-j9 Boschi EE (1989) Biologfa pesqueradellangostino del literalpatagonico de Argentina tPleaicus mueilleri). ContribInst Nac Invest Desarro Pesq MardelPlata. Argentina, 646:5-71 Castro-Filho BM, MirandaLBand MyaoSY (1987) Condicoeshidrograficas na plataforma continental ao largode Ubatuba: varia~6es sazonais e emmedia escala. BolmInst Oceanogrj5: 1j5·151 Castro RC (1997) Padroes disrribucionais do camarao Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Penaeidae) na enseada de Ubatuba,
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