Comprehensive Review Part-1

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Comprehensive Review. Part-1 ... work, momentum, energy, power, conservation laws; ... Newton's Second Law. ◇ Fundamental equation of dynamics: F = m a.
Physics 1010

Comprehensive Review Part-1

Extra Credit Grades  Will be posted on website by Tuesday for the current EC assignment  EC credits for the surveys will be posted after all surveys have been completed, probably next Thursday  Last EC assignment will post tonight, due next Thursday

General Test Information  Final is worth 80 points, as much as all your mid-terms put together  Equivalent to ~16% of your final grade; that’s more than a letter grade  Will do comprehensive reviews from now on  Most review questions will be graded for clicker credit, BUT last week of reviews will NOT be graded

General Test Information  All material is eligible for the final  That includes Extra Credit Assignments (eg. aeropllanes, greenhouse effect, friction)  Bring questions to class

Skill and Concept Overview  Concepts – velocity, acceleration, force, Newton’s laws, gravity, springs; work, momentum, energy, power, conservation laws; pressure; oscillators, waves (sound and EM); black bady radiation, temperature scales; electric charge, magnetic dipoles, Coulomb force; voltage, current, resitance, circuits  Skills – read and interpret graphs, linear equations, quadratic equations (squares or square roots).

Velocity  Velocity is the change of an object’s position with respect to time.  x is position, v is velocity.

!x v= !t

Velocity is the slope!

Acceleration  Acceleration is the change of an object’s velocity with respect to time.  v is velocity, a is acceleration.

!v a= !t

Acceleration is the slope!

Kinematic Equations of Motion  Rearranging equation from previous slide:

v = vi + at Similarly for position:

x = xi + vit + (1/2) at2

Newton’s First Law  An object that is not subject to any outside forces moves at a constant velocity.  When an object is not accelerating, it can still be subject to external forces, but the net force is zero.

Newton’s Second Law  Fundamental equation of dynamics:

F=ma  Acceleration is in the same direction as net force.

Newton’s Third Law  For every force that one objects exerts on a second object, there is an equal and opposite force that the second object exerts on the first.  This does not apply to two forces acting on the same object.

Gravity  Objects of different masses fall at the same rate.  The gravitational force on an object must be proportional to its mass.

Fgravity = mg g ! 9.8 m / s


Friction  Frictional forces oppose motion.  Two types: static and sliding.  Sliding friction force is generally smaller than normal force.  Friction force is related to the force that is normal to the contact surface.

Springs  Hooke’s law:

Fspring = !kx  The spring force is a restoring force proportional to the displacement of the object.  Spring constant k depends on the type of spring.

Momentum & Impluse  Momentum is a body-specific quantity that is conserved during collisions. Its unit is kg m/s.  Impulse is the change in an object’s momentum over some time interval, and is equal to the force applied to the object times the duration of that force. Its unit is kg m/s = N s

p ! mv

I " F!t = !p

Work  Work is defined as the displacement of an object multiplied by the force on that object in the direction of the displacement. Its unit is N m = J.  Net work is the net force on the object in the direction of the displacement multiplied by the displacement.

W " F!x

Power  Power is the work done per unit time. Its unit is J/s = W.

W #" !t

Pressure and Density  Pressure is defined as the force applied to a surface divided by the area of that surface. Its unit is N/m2 = Pa.  Mass density is defined as the mass of an object divided by the volume of the object. Its unit is kg/m3.

F P= A

m ! = V

Energy  Energy comes in a variety of forms: kinetic, thermal, spring potential, gravitational potential, etc. Energy always has the unit J.  The forms we discussed in class:

1 2 Ek = mv 2

E g = mgh

1 2 Esp = kx 2

Conservation of Momentum  As previously mentioned, momentum is conserved during collisions. This is not the momentum of the individual objects – only the total momentum of the system is conserved.

m1vi + m2 vi = m1v f + m2 v f

Conservation of Energy  The total mechanical energy of a system is constant in time.  This allows us to compare the energy quantities at different times.

E = Ek + E g + Esp + Eth + K 1 1 2 2 E = mvi + mghi = mv f + mgh f 2 2

The Work-Energy Relation  If net work is done on an object, energy is transferred to that object. That energy is equal to the work done (notice the same units for each).  The energy can be in any form whatsoever.

Wnet = !E

The energy change can be kinetic, potential, spring, or thermal.

Bouyancy Forces Archimedes’ Principle: The buoyancy force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. Fb = W f = ρ V g Where ρ is the density of the displaced fluid

Oscillators  A harmonic oscillator is something that exhibits periodic motion where the period is independent of the amplitude of the motion. m Tsp = 2! k


l = 2! g

 The frequency of an oscillator is the inverse of the period. 1 f =


Sound waves  Sound waves are compression (longitudinal) waves that travel through the air (or water, or other fluids or solids).  The pitch of a sound is directly related to its frequency.  The speed, frequency, and wavelength of a sound wave exhibit a simple relationship:

v s = f!

Useful Formulae  Kinematics: v=v0+at, x=x0+v0t+(1/2)at2  Newton’s II: F = ma  Gravity: Fw= mg (g=9.8 m/s2)  Friction: Ff = µFN (µ ~0.3 if not otherwise given)  Hook’s Law: Fs= -kx  Momentum: p = mv

Useful Formulae  Work: W=F L (L is length along which F is applied)  Torque: T=F d (d is perpendicular distance to the line of force)  Rotational Newton’s II: T=Iα (I=moment of inertia, α=angual acceleration)

Useful Formulae  Power: P=E/t  Pressure: P=F/A (careful, confusing notation)  Density: ρ=m/V  Bernoulli: P+ρgh+(1/2)ρv2=const.  Energy: Ek=(1/2)mv2, Eg=mgh, Es=(1/2)kx2  Buoyancy: Fb = Ffluid weight = ρfluidVfluidg

Useful Formulae  Spring oscillator:  Pendulum:

m Tsp = 2! k


l = 2! g

 Period-Frequency: f=1/T  Waves: v= λ /T=λf

Useful Formulae  Black Body Radiation: P=σT4  Coulomb Force: F = k (q1 q2)/R2  Ohm’s Law: V=IR  EPE = qV  Circuits: P=IV; parallel: same voltage, currents add up series: same current, voltages add up

Useful Formulae  Transformers:

North pole

 Right hand rule: current

Unit Conversions  k (kilo) = 1000 (1km=1000m)  M (mega) = 1,000,000 (1MW=1,000,000W)  c (centi) = 1/100 (1m=100cm)  m (milli) = 1/1000 (1m=1000mm)  µ (mirco) =1/1,000,000 (1m=1,000,000µm)  n (nano)=1/1,000,000,000 (1m=1,000,000,000nm)

Practice Questions; Acceleration v start

The car is subjected to a constant force in the direction away from the motion detector. Sketch your predictions for the velocity and acceleration of the cart moving toward the motion detector, slowing down at a steady rate, and then reversing direction and speeding up. (Start your graph after the push that gets the cart moving; + is to the right)

+ 0


+ 0


+ 0 -

#1 time


+ 0



C #1





Sketch your predictions for the velocity and acceleration of the cart moving toward the motion detector, slowing down at a steady rate, and then reversing direction and speeding up. + is to the right












+ 0

D #1 time

+ 0 -

#1 time

+ 0


+ 0


+ 0 -

#1 time


+ 0



C #1





Answer is D Acceleration is constant, and positive












+ 0

D #1 time

+ 0 -

#1 time

Practice Questions; Waves  You hook up a speaker to an amplifier that generates a tone of frequency f=2.0kHz What is the period of the wave A) 10ms B) 5ms C) 0.5ms D) 1ms E) 2ms

Practice Questions; Waves  You hook up a speaker to an amplifier that generates a tone of frequency f=2.0kHz What is the period of the wave A)10ms B) 5ms C) 0.5ms D) 1ms E) 2ms Answer is C: T=1/f=1/2000 s = 0.5 ms

Practice Questions; Waves  You hook up a speaker to an amplifier that generates a tone of frequency f=2.0kHz What is the wavelength of the wave in air A) 16.5cm B) 33cm C) 2.0cm D) 1.65cm E) 6.6cm

Practice Questions; Waves  You hook up a speaker to an amplifier that generates a tone of frequency f=2.0kHz What is the wavelength of the wave in air A) 16.5cm B) 33cm C) 2.0cm D) 1.65cm E) 6.6cm

Answer is A: v=λ/T, λ =vT=330m/s*0.5ms= =0.165m=16.5cm

Practice Questions; Waves  You place the speaker in water, where the speed of sound is four times that in air The period of the wave in water is A) twice B) four times C) half D) one quarter E) the same

as that in air

Practice Questions; Waves  You place the speaker in water, where the speed of sound is four times that in air The period of the wave in water is A) twice B) four times C) half D) one quarter E) the same

as that in air Anwer is E: T=1/f (does not depend on speed)

Practice Questions; Waves  You place the speaker in water, where the speed of sound is four times that in air The wavelength of the wave in water is A) twice B) four times C) half D) one quarter E) the same

as that in air

Practice Questions; Waves  You place the speaker in water, where the speed of sound is four times that in air The wavelength of the wave in water is A) twice B) four times C) half D) one quarter E) the same

as that in air Anwer is B: v=λ/T, λ =vT=v/f; wavelength is proportional to wave velocity

Practice Questions; Waves  A LED laser in your new BlueRay DVD produces blue light with a wavelength of 450nm in air What is the period of the wave A) 1.0 *10-15s B) 1.5*10-15s C) 0.5 *10-15s D) 2 *10-15s

Practice Questions; Waves  A LED laser in your new BlueRay DVD produces blue light with a wavelength of 450nm in air What is the period of the wave A) 1.0 *10-15s B) 1.5*10-15s C) 0.5 *10-15s D) 2 *10-15s c = λ/T = 450nm / 3*108 m/s = 1.5*10-15s

Practice Questions; Waves  You place the LED in water, where the speed of light is 1.2 times slower that in air The period of the laser in water is A) 1.2 times B) 2.4 times C) 1/1.2 times D) 1/2.4 times E) the same

as that in air

Practice Questions; Waves  You place the LED in water, where the speed of light is 1.2 times slower that in air The period of the laser in water is A) 1.2 times B) 2.4 times C) 1/1.2 times D) 1/2.4 times E) the same

as that in air Anwer is E: (Period does not depend on speed)

Practice Questions; Buoyancy A brick has a density of about 3000 kg/m3. What is magnitude of the boyancy force on a brick of volume 0.001 m3 immersed in water? A) 10N B) 20N C) 1N D) 2N E) 200N

Practice Questions; Buoyancy A brick has a density of about 3000 kg/m3. What is the magnitude of the boyancy force on a brick of volume 0.001 m3 immersed in water? A) 10N B) 20N C) 1N D) 2N E) 200N

Anwer is A: Fb=Fwater weight=ρVg= =1000kg/m3*0.001m3*9.8m/s2=9.8N

Practice Questions; Buoyancy A brick has a density of about 3000 kg/m3. What is the magnitude of the net force on a brick of volume 0.001 m3 immersed in water? A) 10N B) 20N C) 1N D) 2N E) 200N

Practice Questions; Buoyancy A brick has a density of about 3000 kg/m3. What is the magnitude of the net force on a brick of volume 0.001 m3 immersed in water? A) 10N B) 20N C) 1N D) 2N E) 200N

Anwer is B: Fn=Fbrick weight-Fwater weight= ρbrickVg-ρwaterVg= (ρbrick- ρwater)Vg= =(3000kg/m3-1000kg/m3)*0.001m3*9.8m/s2=19.6N

Practice Questions; Work You are using a frictionless ramp to move a 200kg filing cabinet onto a truck. The bed of the truck is 2m above the ground, and the ramp is 8m long. How much work will you do moving the cabinet onto the truck A) 4000N B) 2000N C) 4000J D) 2000J E) 200N

Practice Questions; Work You are using a frictionless ramp to move a 200kg filing cabinet onto a truck. The bed of the truck is 2m above the ground, and the ramp is 8m long. How much work will you do moving the cabinet onto the truck A) 4000N B) 2000N C) 4000J D) 2000J E) 200N

Anwer is C: W=mgh=200kg*9.8m/s2*2m=3920J

Practice Questions; Work You are using a frictionless ramp to move a 200kg filing cabinet onto a truck. The bed of the truck is 2m above the ground, and the ramp is 8m long. Once you get the cabinet moving at a constant speed, how much force will you exert to move the cabinet onto the truck A) 200N B) 200kg C) 500N D) 25kg E) 25N

Practice Questions; Work You are using a frictionless ramp to move a 200kg filing cabinet onto a truck. The bed of the truck is 2m above the ground, and the ramp is 8m long. Once you get the cabinet moving at a constant speed, how much force will you exert to move the cabinet onto the truck A) 200N B) 200kg C) 500N D) 25kg E) 25N

Anwer is C: mgh=FL, L=mg(h/L)= 200kg*9.8m/s2*(2m/8m)=490N

Practice Questions; Oscillators A mass of 10kg is hooked to a spring with spring constant k=100N/m. What is the period of the oscillator A) 20s B) 1s C) 5s D) 10s E) 2s

Practice Questions; Oscillators A mass of 10kg is hooked to a spring with spring constant k=100N/m. What is the period of the oscillator A) 20s B) 1s C) 5s D) 10s E) 2s

Anwer is E: T=2π sqrt(m/k)= =2 π sqrt(10kg/100N/m)=1.99 s

Practice Questions; Oscillators A mass of 10kg is hooked to a horizontal spring with spring constant k=100N/m. If I stretch the spring horizontally by 0.2m and let it go, how fast will the mass be moving as it crosses the equilibrium point? A) 0.6m/s B) 6m/s C) 20m/s D) 1.3m/s E) 13m/s

Practice Questions; Oscillators A mass of 10kg is hooked to a horizontal spring with spring constant k=100N/m. If I stretch the spring horizontally by 0.2m and let it go, how fast will the mass be moving as it crosses the equilibrium point? A) 0.6m/s B) 6m/s C) 20m/s D) 1.3m/s E) 13m/s

Anwer is A: (1/2)mv2=(1/2)kx2 so v=x*sqrt(k/m) v= 0.2m sqrt(100N/m / 10kg)=0.63 m/s