This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2000 SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas ..... Factors for Natural Gases Using Equations of State, J. Cdn. Pet. Tech.
SPE 64284 Compressibility Factor for Sour Gas Reservoirs Adel M. Elsharkawy and Ali Elkamel College of Engineering and Petroleum Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5969, Safat 13060, Kuwait SPE members
Introduction Copyright 2000, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2000 SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Brisbane, Australia, 16-18, October 2000.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-9529435.
Abstract This paper presents the initial stage of an effort aimed at developing a new correlation to estimate pseudo critical properties for sour gas when the exact composition is not known. Several mixing rules and gas gravity correlations available in the literature are first evaluated and compared. The evaluation is performed on a large database consisting of more than 2000 samples of sour gas compositions collected worldwide. Several evaluation criteria are used including the average absolute deviation (AAD), the standard deviation (SD), the coefficient of correlation, R, and cross plots and error histograms. The mixing rules include: Kay’s mixing rule combined with Wichert-Aziz correlation for the presence of non-hydrocarbons, SSBV mixing rule with Wichert and Aziz, Corredor et al. mixing rule, and Piper et al. mixing rule. These methods, in one form or another, use information on gas composition. Three different other methods that are based on gas gravity alone were also analyzed. These are: Standing, Sutton, and Elsharkawy et al. gas gravity correlations. While the methods based on knowledge of composition showed reasonable accuracy, those based on gas gravity alone showed weak accuracy with low correlation coefficients. A new gas gravity correlation that is based on the fraction of non-hydrocarbons present in the sour gas was proposed. Preliminary results indicate that a good improvement over past gravity correlations was achieved. The compositional correlations, still show, however, better accuracy. Research is still going on to come up with more accurate correlations that are based on only readily available descriptors.
Gas compressibility factor is involved in calculating gas properties such as formation volume factor, density, compressibility, and viscosity. All these properties are necessary in the oil and gas industry for evaluating newly discovered gas reservoirs, calculating initial and gas reserves, predicting future gas production, and designing production tubing and pipelines. The industry standard is to measure gas properties, PressureVolume-Temperature (PVT), in laboratory using reservoir samples1. The draw back is that these isothermally measured PVT data is applicable at measured pressured and reservoir temperature. Calculation methods such as correlations and equations of state are used to predict properties at other pressures and temperatures. Also, laboratory analyses for PVT behavior are sometimes expensive and time consuming. Correlations, which are used to predict gas compressibility factor, are much easier and faster than equations of state. Sometimes these correlations have comparable accuracy to equations of state. Predicting compressibility factor for sour gases is much more difficult than that of sweet gases. Therefore, several attempts have been made to predict compressibility factor for sweet gases24 . Wichert and Aziz5 presented corrections for the presence of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide for determining compressibility factor of sour gases. Because there is no exact method for predicting the PVT behavior of natural gases several approximations have been proposed. The most common method is to use one of the forms of the principle of corresponding states6,7. In this form, gas compressibility factor is expressed as a function of pseudo reduced pressure and temperature (Ppr,Tpr). Standing and Katz8 (SK) presented a chart for determining gas compressibility factor based on the principle of corresponding states. The SK chart was prepared for binary mixtures of low molecular weight sweet gases. Several mathematical expressions fitting the SK chart, have been proposed to calculate the gas compressibility factor9-15. Evaluation of these methods by Takacs16 and Elsharkawy et al.17 concluded that Dranchuk-Abou-Kassem12 (DK) correlation is the most accurate representation of SK chart. When dealing with gas mixtures, the mixture critical pressure (Ppc) and temperature (Tpc) are required. Critical properties of natural gas are calculated from either gas composition or gas gravity. Several mixing rules have been proposed to calculate mixture critical properties of natural
gases. Among these methods, Kay’s2 mixing rule and Stewart-Burkhardt-Voo3 (SBV) are the most widely used. Kay’s mixing rule is simple and provides an accurate determination of gas compressibility factor for sweet gases of low molecular weight. Satter and Campbell18 evaluated several mixing rules for calculating properties of natural gases. They concluded that Stewart-Burkhardt-Voo rule known as SBV provided the most satisfactory results, especially for gases of high molecular weight. Sutton4 studied the performance of several mixing rule for calculating compressibility factor for gas condensates that contain a large amount of heptane plus fraction. He modified SBV mixing rule to account for the presence of heptane plus in the natural gases. Standard laboratory analysis gives composition of natural gases through hexane and lump components heavier than hexane in a heptane plus fraction known as C7+. Critical properties of pure components are well documents, Table (1). The critical properties of the C7+ fraction are, however, calculated from correlations using molecular weight and specific gravity of the heptane plus19-26. Whitson27 and Elsharkawy et al.17 reviewed several methods for calculating pseudo critical properties of the heptane plus fraction. Whitson27 recommended that Kesler-Lee20 (KL) correlation to be used to estimate critical properties of C7+. However, Elsharkawy et al. 17 found that Lin-Choa24 (LC) and Kesler Lee20, respectively, with SSBV mixing rule and DK correlation are the best combination to determine gas compressibility factor for gas condensate reservoirs. Composition of natural gases, from which pseudo critical properties are computed, is not always available. Therefore, correlations relating pseudo critical pressure and temperature to gas gravity are used. Standing1 presented correlation of pseudo critical properties to gas gravity based on low molecular weight California natural gases. His correlation has the following form: Ppc = 706 - 51.7 Tpc = 187 + 330
γg - 11.1 γg2 γg - 71.5 γg2
(1) (2)
Standing indicated that his correlation works only when there is no non-hydrocarbon gases present in the natural gas. Sutton4, working with PVT reports of high molecular weight gases which are rich in heptane plus, developed the following correlation: Ppc = 756.8 - 131.0 γg - 3.6 γg2 Tpc = 169.2 + 349.5 γg - 74.0 γg2
(3) (4)
The gases that were used to develop Sutton’s gas gravity correlation are mostly sweet gases. These gases have minor amount of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, and no hydrogen sulfide. Using a large data bank of retrograde gases, Elsharkawy et al.17 presented another correlation for gas condensates. The latter correlation covers heavier gases than that used in Sutton’s and have a minor amount of hydrogen sulfide. Elsharkawy et al. gas gravity correlation has the following form: Ppc = 787.06 - 147.34 γg - 7.916 γg2 Tpc = 149.18 + 358.14 γg - 66.976 γg2
(5) (6)
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Thus there is a need for correlation relating gas gravity to pseudo critical properties for sour gases. This study has two objectives. The first objective is to evaluate the previously published methods of calculating gas compressibility factor for sour gases. The second objective is to develop a correlation to estimate pseudo critical properties from gas gravity for sour gas when composition is not available.
Gas data bank One of the main objectives of the current work is to evaluate the previously published methods of calculating gas compressibility factors of sour gases using either gas composition or gas gravity. The best test to evaluate such methods is the accuracy with which these methods approximate reliable experimental data. The data bank used in this study comprises measurements of two thousand and one hundred and six gas compressibility factor for sour gases. Some of these data have been collected from the literature28-33. These measurements cover a pressure range from 90 psi to 12,000 psi, a temperature range from 40 οF to 327 οF, and a wide range of molecular weights from 16.4 to 55 (gas gravities from 0.566 to 1.895). A complete description of the data bank is reported in Table (2).
Calculating gas compressibility factor when composition is known When gas composition is available, pseudo critical properties are calculated using a given mixing rule. In order to calculate the pseudo-critical properties of natural gas mixtures, critical properties of the heptane plus fraction must be computed. In this study, Kesler-Lee20 (KL) method, equations (7) and (8), are used to calculate critical properties of the C7+. Pc = exp [8.3634 - 0.0566/γ - ( 0.24244 + 2.2898/γ + 0.11857/γ2).10-3.Tb + (1.4685 + 3.648/γ + 0.47227/γ2) .10-7.Tb2 - (0.42019 + 1.6977/γ2 ).10-10.Tb3 ] (7) Tc = 341.7 +811. γ + (0.4244 + 0.1174. γ). Tb + (0.4669 - 3.2623. γ) .105 / Tb
The KL method correlates critical properties as a function of boiling point and specific gravity. However, laboratory reports normally provide only the specific gravity and molecular weight of the heptane plus fraction. Whitson28 has presented an equation for estimating boiling point (Tb) from molecular weight (M) and specific gravity (γ) of the heptane plus fraction. Tb = (4.5579. M0.15178 γ0.15427 )3
In this study, Kay’s mixing rule, Stewart-Burkhardt-Voo (SBV) mixing rule as modified by Sutton (SSBV) are considered. Kay’s2 mixing rule, based on molar weighted average critical properties, has the following form: Ppc = ∑ yi Pci
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Tpc = ∑ yi Tci
Stewart-Burkhardt-Voo3 (SBV) proposed the following mixing rule for high molecular weight gases. J = (1/3) [ ∑ yi (Tc/Pc)i ] + (2/3) [ ∑ yi (Tc/Pc)i0.5 ]2 K = ∑ [yi (Tc / Pc 0.5)i] Tpc = K2/J Ppc = Tpc /J
(12) (13) (14) (15)
If the natural gas contains heptane plus fraction, Sutton4 modification of SBV (SSBV) is used. Fj = (1/3)[ y (Tc/Pc) ]c7+ + (2/3)[ yi (Tc/Pc)i0.5 ]2c7+ Εj = 0.6081 Fj + 1.1325 Fj 2 - 14.004 Fj yc7+ + 64.434 Fj yc7+2 Ek = (Tc/Pc0.5)c7+ [ 0.3129 yc7+ - 4.8156 yc7+2 + 27.3751 yc7+3 ] J′ = J - Ej K′ = K - Ek Tpc = K′2/J′ Ppc = Tpc /J′
(16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
Equations (10) and (11) or (12) through (22) provide critical properties for sweet natural gas systems. For sour gases, these equations must be corrected for the presence of nonhydrocarbon components. The method proposed by Wichert and Aziz5 is used to correct the pseudo critical properties of natural gases to the presence of these non-hydrocarbon components. The correction factor is given below : ∈ = 120. (A0.9 - A1.6 ) + 1.5 (B0.5 - B4)
Where the coefficient A is the sum of the mole fraction of H2S and CO2 and B is the mole fraction of H2S in the gas mixture. The corrected pseudo critical properties Ppc′ and Tpc′ are: Tpc′ = Tpc - ∈ Ppc ′ = Ppc Tpc′ / [Tpc + B (1-B) ∈ ]
(24) (25)
Reduced pressure (Ppr) and reduced temperature (Tpr) are calculate from pressure (P) and temperature (T) of interest and critical properties of the natural gas (Ppc ′, Tpc′) by the following relationship: Ppr = P/ Ppc ′ Tpr = T/ Tpc′
(26) (27)
Recently, Corredor et al.34 , and Piper et al.35 proposed a mixing rule similar to SBV rule, equations (12) and (13). However, they treated the non-hydrocarbons and the C7+ plus fraction differently. Their mixing rule has the following form: J = α0 + ∑αi yi (Tc/Pc)i + α4∑yj (Tc/Pc)j + α5[∑ yi (Tc/Pc)i ]2 + α6 (yc7+ Mc7+) + α7 (yc7+ Mc7+)2 (28) K = β0 +∑βi yi (Tc/Pc0.5)i+ β4 ∑yj (Tc /Pc0.5)j + β5 [∑ yj (Tc/Pc 0.5)j]2 + β6 (yc7+ Mc7+)
+ β7 (yc7+ Mc7+)2
Where yi ∈{yH2S,yCO2 , yN2} and yj ∈{yC1,yC2 , ... ,yC6} and α and β are constants. The difference between Corredor et al. method and Piper et al. method is that each method has different values for α and β. To calculate the pseudo critical properties of the gas condensate, Corredor et al. and Piper et al. used the weight fraction of the C7+ rather than the critical properties. Thus, they eliminate the need to characterize the heptane plus fraction. They also eliminated the corrections needed for presence of acid gases, equations (23) through (25). The gas compressibility factor (Z) is computed from DK correlation using reduced pressure (Pr) and reduced temperature (Tr) as follows: Z = 1 + (A1 + A2/Tr + A3/Tr 3 + A4/Tr 4 + A5/Tr 5 ) ρr + (A6 + A7/Tr + A8/Tr 2 ) ρr2 - A9 (A7/Tr + A8/Tr 2 ) ρr5 + A10 (1 + A11 ρr2 ) .( ρr2/Tr 3 ) exp (-A11 ρr2 ) (30) Where ρr = 0.27 [Pr / ZTr ]
The constants A1 through A11 in equation (30) are as follows: A1 = 0.3265 A4 = 0.01569 A7 = -0.7361 A10 = 0.6134
A2 = -1.0700 A5 = -0.05165 A8 = 0.1844 A11 = 0.7210
A3 = -0.5339 A6 = 0.5475 A9 = 0.1056
Because the gas compressibility factor appears on both sides of DK’s correlation, equation (30), an iteration solution is necessary. Newton-Raphson method is used which has the following iteration formula: Zn+1 = Zn - ( fz/ f′z )
Where Zn+1 and Zn are the new and old values of gas compressibility factors, fz is the function described in equation (30), and f′z is its derivative.
Calculating gas compressibility factor when composition is unknown When gas composition is not available, the compressibility factor is computed via estimating the critical properties from gravity correlations. In this section, the accuracy with which gas gravity correlations, equations (1) through (6), reproduced the experimentally measured gas compressibility factor is evaluated. Although Standing gas gravity correlations, equations (1) and (2) were prepared to estimate critical properties of sweet low molecular gases, it is important to know the magnitude of the error that results from using that correlation. The accuracy of the gas gravity correlations developed by Sutton, equations (3) and (4), and Elsharkawy et al. given in equations (5) and (6) are also studied in this section.
Results and Discussion The accuracy of four different methods for the calculation of gas compressibility factor for sour gases is discussed in this section. The first method is Kay’s mixing rule with WichertAziz correction for the presence of non-hydrocarbons. The second is SSBV-Wichert and Aziz. The third is Corredor et al. method. The last method is Piper et al. Table (3) shows the accuracy of these methods. Piper et al. and Corridor et al. have the best accuracy. Both of these methods account for the presence of heptane plus and non-hydrocarbons. Piper et al. methods has average absolute deviation (AAD) of 1.21% and standard deviation (SD) of 1.92% and coefficient of correlation (R) of 99.10%. SSBV-Whichert and Aziz shows the highest errors and the lowest correlation coefficient. Figures (1) through (4) show the error distribution for the four methods considered in this study. Kay-Wichert and Aziz method, Figure (1), Coredor et al. method, Figure (2), and Piper et al. methods, Figure (4) have comparable error distribution. However, Piper et al. method has the smallest error range and the highest frequency of zero error. SSBVWichert and Aziz method, Figure (2) has a wider error range and smaller frequency of error distribution around zero error line comparing to the other methods. The accuracy of calculating gas compressibility factor for sour gases using gas gravity when gas composition is unknown is shown in Table (4). Standing gas gravity correlation, equations (1) and (2) has an average absolute deviation (AAD) of 3.50% and standard deviation (SD) of 6.78%. Sutton gas gravity correlation, equations (3) and (4), has AAD of 3.47% and SD of 7.14. Elsharkawy et al. gas gravity correlation, equations (5) and (6), shows AAD of 3.48% and SD of 7.30%. All of these gas gravity correlations have similar correlation coefficients. The reason for the low accuracy of these correlations is that Standing gas gravity correlation was prepared for sweet gases. Sutton gas gravity correlation was prepared for heavy gases rich in C7+ with minor amounts of hydrocarbons. The latter gas gravity correlation is applicable for gases that have no hydrogen sulfide and with a nitrogen content less than 12% and a CO2 content less than 3%36. Elsharkawy et al. gas gravity correlation was prepared from data on gas condensate that has a significant portion of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, however, the concentration of the acid gases is not comparable with the sour gases used in this paper.
New gas gravity correlation One of the objectives of the this study is to start the development of a new correlation to estimate pseudo critical properties from gas gravity for sour gas when composition is not available. Using large data bank of sour gas system, inferred pseudo critical pressures and temperatures are calculated from experimentally measured gas compressibility factors using DK equations. The first attempt was to correlate these inferred pseudo critical values to gas gravity for sour gases. Figure (5) shows that pseudocritical pressures of sour gases are not strongly correlated to total gas gravity. In order to improve the correlations it was attempt to study the effect of non-hydrocarbon component on pseudo-critical properties. Figure (6) shows that pseudo-
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critical pressures are highly correlated to the percentage of non-hydrocarbon gases. The percentage of non-hydrocarbon component is expressed as molecular weight of nonhydrocarbon components divided by the total molecular weight of the gas. This percentage can also be related to non-hydrocarbon gas gravity (γ2) divided by total gas gravity (γg). Pseudo critical temperature, however, is strongly dependent on total gas gravity, Figure (7). Therefore, it was found that best correlation of pseudo-critical properties to gas gravity can be achieved by considering both the hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon portions of gas gravity as follows: Pc = 193.941 -131.347 γg + 217.144 γ1/γg + 1060.349 γ2/γg +344.573 (γ1/γg)2 -60.591 (γ2/γg)2 (33) Tc = 195.958 206.121γg + 25.855 γ1/γg - 6.421 γ2/γg + 9.022 (γ1/γg)2 + 163.247 (γ2/γ g)2
The new gas gravity correlation presented in this study has smaller error range than the other correlations. Correlating critical properties to the amount of hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon gases, equation (33) and (34), improves the accuracy of the proposed correlation. Among the gas gravity correlations considered in this study, the new correlation shows the smallest AAD (1.69%), the least SD (3.22%), and the highest correlation coefficient (97.66%). However, The standard deviation is still high. Figures (8), (9), and (10) show the absolute error percentage in estimating gas compressibility factor from gas gravity correlations is highly dependent on the amount of CO2 and H2S present in the sour gas. An error as high as 50% in gas compressibility factor occurs if these gas gravity correlations are used to estimate the gas compressibility for sour gases. Figure (11) shows first smaller error level in calculating gas compressibility factor using the new gas gravity correlation than the other correlations. Second, the error is not dependent on the amount of CO2 and H2S present in the sour gas. Figure (12) shows a crossplot of measured and calculated gas compressibility factor using the new gas gravity correlation for the sour gases used in this study. The figure illustrates that most of the data fall on the 45o parity line. Therefore, calculating the gas compressibility factor for sour gases from pseudo-critical pressure and temperature estimated from total gas gravity correlations has some limitations. The major limitation is in the process of correlating gas gravity to pseudo critical properties. For any gas, there could be an infinite number of hydrocarbon and other non-hydrocarbon combination. Each hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon component has a unique pseudo critical property. However, different mixtures can have different pseudo-critical properties and the same gas gravity. This is the reason why calculating gas compressibility factor using gas gravity is not as much accurate as calculating gas compressibility factor from composition. Correlating pseudo critical properties to hydrocarbon portion of gas gravity and non-hydrocarbon portion have resulted in little improvement of gas compressibility calculations.
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Conclusions In this paper, several methods of calculating sour gas compressibility factors were compared. Two classes of methods were considered: methods that are based on composition and those that are based on gas gravity alone. From the methods based on composition, Piper et al. and Corridor et al. Showed the best accuracy and correlation coefficient. These methods account for the presence of heptane plus and non-hydrocarbons. Of the methods based on gas gravity Sutton and Elsharkawy et al. Methods were the most accurate. The accuracy of these methods were, however, poorer than those methods based on composition. It was decided therefore to study the effect of the presence of non-hydrocarbons on accuracy. A plot of pseudo-critical pressure with both gas gravity and non-hydrocarbon gas gravity was evaluated. It was found that while the correlation with gas gravity is weak, that with the nonhydrocarbon gas gravity is strong with a correlation coefficient more that 0.84. The correlation of pseudo critical temperature was rather indifferent to the presence of nonhydrocarbons. A new correlation was then proposed to account for the presence of non-hydrocarbons without knowing the compositional details. This correlation is based on two descriptors: gravity of the gas and gravity of the nonhydrocarbon portion in the gas. The new correlation provided a good improvement over past gas gravity methods. Research is still going on to develop more improvement strategies.
Acknowledgment The first author thanks the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science (KFAS) for providing financial support for this study, research grant No. 99-9-09.
Nomenclature ρr = Reduced density ∈= Wichert and Aziz pseudo-critical γg = gas specific gravity, (air =1) γ1 = Hydrocarbon gas specific gravity, (air =1) γ2 = Non-hydrocarbon gas specific gravity, (air =1) A = mole fraction (CO2 + H2S) B = mole fraction H2S AAPD = Average absolute error EJ = Sutton SBV parameter, oR/psia EK = Sutton SBV parameter, oR/psia0.5 ARE = Average relative error FJ = Sutton adjustment parameter temperature adjustment parameter, oR J = SBV parameter, oR/psia J′ = Sutton parameter, oR/psia Jinf = Inferred value of J parameter, oR/psia K = SBV parameter, oR/psia0.5 K′ = Sutton parameter, oR/psia0.5 Kinf = Inferred value of K parameter, oR/psia0.5 M = Molecular weight, lb-mole MC7+ = molar mass of heptane plus fraction, lb-mole P = pressure, psia pc = critical pressure, psia Ppc = pseudo-critical pressure, psia
Ppr = pseudo-reduced pressure R = correlation coefficient SD = standard deviation T = temperature, oR Tb = normal boiling point temperature, oR Tc = critical temperature, oR Tpc = pseudo-critical temperature, oR Tpr = pseudo-reduced temperature yC7+ = mole fraction of heptane plus fraction yi = mole fraction of component, “i” yi = mole fraction of the i-th component Z = gas compressibility factor
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Table (1) Physical properties of defined components Component
Molecular weight
H2S CO2 N2 C1 C2 C3 i-C4 n-C4 i-C5 n-C5 C6
34.08 44.01 28.01 16.04 30.07 44.01 58.12 58.12 72.15 72.15 86.18
Critical pressure psia 1300.00 1071.00 493.00 667.80 707.80 616.30 529.10 550.70 490.40 488.60 436.90
Critical temperature Deg R 672.45 547.45 227.27 343.04 549.76 665.68 734.65 765.32 828.77 845.37 913.37
Table 2-Properties of sour gas data used in the study
Pressure, psi Reservoir temperature, F Composition mole % Methane Ethane Propane iso-Butane n-Butane iso-Pentane n-Pentane Hexane Heptane plus Mw C7+ γ C7+ Z-factor Gas gravity (air=1) Hydrogen sulfide Carbon dioxide Nitrogen
90 40
2900 190
12,000 327
17.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 98.0 0.72 0.402 0.566 0 0 0
74.14 6.00 2.56 0.50 0.84 0.35 0.32 0.44 1.64 127.0 0.77 0.900 0.811 7.45 4.04 1.72
97.40 28.67 13.16 2.61 5.20 2.85 2.09 5.30 17.20 253.0 0.85 1.775 1.895 73.85 67.16 25.15
Table-3 Accuracy of calculating Z-factor for sour gases using compositional data Method Kay- Wichert & Aziz SSVB- Wichert & Aziz Corredor et. al Piper et. al
ARE 0.69 0.65 0.25 0.31
AAD 1.38 2.14 1.36 1.21
SD 2.13 2.85 2.51 1.92
R 98.57 97.65 98.8 99.10
Table-4 Accuracy of calculating Z-factor for sour gases using gas gravity equation Method Standing Sutton Elsharkawy et al. Current study
ARE -0.81 -1.72 -2.25 -0.26
ARE : Average relative error % AAD : Average absolute deviation % SD : Standard deviation % R : Coefficient of correlation
AAD 3.50 3.47 3.48 1.69
SD 6.79 7.14 7.30 3.12
R 92.08 91.43 91.23 97.66
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Figure 4–Histogram of error with normal curve (Corredor)
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