COMPUMAG 2013 Chairman's Foreword - IEEE Xplore

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Also, the “Rita Trowbridge Award” founded by Bill Trowbridge, Honorary President of the International COMPUMAG Society (ICS), was awarded to two research.


COMPUMAG 2013 Chairman’s Foreword


ITH great pleasure and honor, we organized the 19th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2013, June 30–July 4, 2013, in the Hotel Budapest Hilton located in the historical Castle District of Buda, Budapest, Hungary. Since it was organized for the first time in 1976 in Oxford, U.K., COMPUMAG has always been one of the most important gatherings of researchers in the field of computational electromagnetics. The Conference aims to provide a worldwide forum for engineers and physicists engaged in the theory and application of the numerical computation of electromagnetic fields. Because of the enthusiasm and efforts of those researchers, computational electromagnetics is playing a more and more important role in the design and optimization of novel electromagnetic devices and systems. The aim of the Conference is to discuss recent developments and practical applications in the numerical computation of electromagnetic fields. Reflecting the new trends and rapid progress in the field, authors worldwide were invited to submit original and previously unpublished contributions for oral and poster presentations. There were 747 original and previously unpublished papers submitted from 41 countries of five continents worldwide. After a thorough review process, 539 presentations were included in the final program of the Conference. Authors of those papers that were properly presented in the conference were invited to submit extended versions of their contributions for peer review and possible acceptance in this issue of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON M AGNETICS. In response to this invitation, 479 papers were submitted for consideration, with 259 papers accepted for inclusion in this issue. We are very thankful to the members of the Editorial Board and the reviewers for their invaluable contribution to the success of the Conference by selecting the best papers and by preparing a high quality scientific program. As the result of their outstanding work, we are proud to present the selected papers of COMPUMAG 2013 in this issue and we hope the reader finds this publication interesting and stimulating. COMPUMAG 2013 featured 24 posters and nine plenary oral sessions; one of the oral sessions was dedicated to Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods (TEAM) Workshop problems. Out of the total 471 participants, 143 were students. COMPUMAG conferences always aimed to attract young researchers. COMPUMAG 2013 organizers offered reasonably modest registration fees for student participants and initiated the “Best Student Papers Award.” Also, the “Rita Trowbridge Award” founded by Bill Trowbridge, Honorary President of the International COMPUMAG Society (ICS), was awarded to two research students of the papers with the highest technical quality and best presentation. COMPUMAG 2013 was organized by the staff of the Electromagnetic Theory Group of the Department of Broadband Infocommunications and Electromagnetic Theory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics carries on the traditions of the more than 230-year old University. The proof thereof is the recognition of its degrees all around the world as well as the involvement and appreciation of its professors and researchers in the international scientific arena. We sincerely hope that COMPUMAG 2013 served its role in inspiring our scientific community in the area of electromagnetic modeling. We also hope that participants found the Conference fruitful and enjoyed their stay in Budapest.

J ÓZSEF P ÁVÓ, General Chairman COMPUMAG 2013 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Budapest, Hungary

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