Min-Coloring W (≥ h 3)-Hop-Coloring t ar (≥ a 3)-Hop-MIS RW e th Factor-Multiplicity e Factor-Diam Size-Apx har Leader-Election des Consensus Min-Cut WO Coordination t p Uniqueness r o Factor-Graph blem IDs (∆ + 1)-Coloring And Diameter 2-Hop-Coloring s? Or Diameter-Apx 2-Hop-MIS MIS
An Oracle
An Oracle
1 Round
Accessing a Distributed Oracle
1 Round
In each round: I Set oracle input (for next round) I
Get oracle answer (from previous round)
Accessing a Distributed Oracle
0 1 1 Round 0 In each round: I Set oracle input (for next round) I
Get oracle answer (from previous round)
Accessing a Distributed Oracle
1 1 Round 1 0 In each round: I Set oracle input (for next round) I
Get oracle answer (from previous round)
Distributed Oracles
An oracle does not help if you could answer the question yourself.
Theorem Fix a class C ∈ {RW, WO}, and let Q ∈ C. P solvable by C-algorithm accessing Q-oracle =⇒ P solvable by C-algorithm (without any oracle access).
Hard and Complete Problems Hardness Fix two classes B ⊇ C, and a problem Q. Q ∈ B-hard C , if I
for every P ∈ B:
there is a C-algorithm solving P with access to a Q-oracle
“N P-hard = N P-hardP ”
Hard and Complete Problems Hardness Fix two classes B ⊇ C, and a problem Q. Q ∈ B-hard C , if I
for every P ∈ B:
there is a C-algorithm solving P with access to a Q-oracle
RW-hard WO CF-hard WO WO (< 2)-Size-Apx (∆ + 1)-Coloring Leader-Election Coordination (≥ 2)-Size-Apx 2-Hop-Coloring Min-Cut Factor-Graph Diameter 2-Hop-MIS Uniqueness And Diameter-Apx MIS IDs Or Min-Cut-Partition
RW-hard WO CF-hard WO WO (< 2)-Size-Apx (∆ + 1)-Coloring Leader-Election Coordination (≥ 2)-Size-Apx 2-Hop-Coloring Min-Cut Factor-Graph Diameter 2-Hop-MIS Uniqueness And Diameter-Apx MIS IDs Or Min-Cut-Partition
RW-hard WO CF-hard WO WO (< 2)-Size-Apx (∆ + 1)-Coloring Leader-Election Coordination (≥ 2)-Size-Apx 2-Hop-Coloring Min-Cut Factor-Graph Diameter 2-Hop-MIS Uniqueness And Diameter-Apx MIS IDs Or Min-Cut-Partition
Theorem CF-hard WO CF-hard RW
RW-hard WO
Theorem CF-hard WO CF-hard RW
RW-hard WO
Interesting Part: CF-hard WO ⊇ CF-hard RW ∩ RW-hard WO
Theorem CF-hard WO CF-hard RW
RW-hard WO
Interesting Part: CF-hard WO ⊇ CF-hard RW ∩ RW-hard WO P ∈ CF-hard RW ∩ RW-hard WO
Theorem CF-hard WO CF-hard RW
RW-hard WO
Interesting Part: CF-hard WO ⊇ CF-hard RW ∩ RW-hard WO P ∈ CF-hard RW ∩ RW-hard WO With P-oracle, I
RW-algorithm for Leader-Election
Theorem CF-hard WO CF-hard RW
RW-hard WO
Interesting Part: CF-hard WO ⊇ CF-hard RW ∩ RW-hard WO P ∈ CF-hard RW ∩ RW-hard WO With P-oracle, I
RW-algorithm for Leader-Election
WO-algorithm for Or
Theorem CF-hard WO CF-hard RW
RW-hard WO
Interesting Part: CF-hard WO ⊇ CF-hard RW ∩ RW-hard WO P ∈ CF-hard RW ∩ RW-hard WO With P-oracle, I