Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control ... - Semantic Scholar

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S. Doudnikov, H.S. Kim, V. Kuznetsov, S. Shapovalov and M. Vaganov. 29 ... Gil. 48. An Evolutionary Mutation-Based Algorithm for Weight Training in Neural ... A Web Based Parallel Framework for Genetic-Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithms, Y.H. Han,.
Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control & Automation Evolutionary Computation & Fuzzy Logic for Intelligent Control, Knowledge Acquisition & Information Retrieval

Edited by

Masoud Mohammadian University of Canberra, Belconnen, Australia


UB/TIB Hannover 118 937 510

• II dhnisha

Amsterdam • Berlin • Oxford • Tokyo • Washington, DC


Contents Preface International Program Committee & Liaisons

v vii

Evolutionary Computational Techniques for Optimisation Computational Global Optimization: Models, Algorithms and Applications, J.D. Pinter 1 Bus Routing Problem and the Ant Colony System, U. Boryczka 11 Optimizing Preventive Maintenance in a Nuclear Power Plant Using Genetic Algorithms, V. Podgorelec, P. Kokol and A. Kunej 17 Configuring a Machining Operation as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem, T. Monteiro, J.L. Perpen and L. Geneste 23 Global Optimization for Automatic Design of Electric Motors, V. Chernenko, S. Doudnikov, H.S. Kim, V. Kuznetsov, S. Shapovalov and M. Vaganov 29 Interval Multiobjective Programming and Mobile Robot Control, M. Ida 37 Evolutionary Learning, Control and Decision Making Homeokinesis - A New Principle to Back up Evolution with Learning, R. Der, U. Steinmetz and F. Pasemann A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Load Balancing in Cellular Mobile Computing Environments, S.-h. Lee, T.-g. Lee andJ.-m. Gil An Evolutionary Mutation-Based Algorithm for Weight Training in Neural Networks for Telecommunication Flow Modelling, M.M. Fischer, K. Hlavdckova-Schindler and M. Reismann Immune-Based Learning System for Design of Traffic Control Rules, H. Aisu, M. Kano and T. Tanaka A Decision Support System for Cancer Chemotherapy Using Genetic Algorithms, J.A.W. McCall and A. Petrovski Evolutionary Symbolic Computation for Regressive Model Building, G.-Y. Lee

43 48 54 60 65 71

Hybrid Evolutionary Systems, Intelligent Agents and Advanced OptimisationPrediction Methods Applications of Evolutionary Learning in Fuzzy Logic and Optimal Control, R.J. Stonier, A. Stacey, M. Mohammadian andS.F. Smith 76 A Hybrid System of Parallel Simulated Annealing and Evolutionary Selection for Solving Combinatorial Optimisation Problems, V. Delport 86 Hybrid Genetic Approach to Window Layout Optimisation, N. Trivedi, W. Lai andJ. Millar 92 A Web Based Parallel Framework for Genetic-Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithms, Y.H. Han, J. Gil, C.-S. Hwang and Y.-S. Jeong 98 A Design of Genetic-Fuzzy Systems Using Grammatical Encoding, J. Gil and C.-S. Hwang 104 Towards an Architecture for A-life Agents, D. Davis and B. Berbank-Green 110 Intelligent Control Agents for Resource Management of Heterogeneous Parallel Computing, A.B. Lambert, R.L. King, S.H. Russ andD.S. Reese 116

A Memetic Algorithm to Schedule Planned Grid Maintenance, E.K. Burke andA.J. Smith Classification of Radiation Spectra Using Map of Linear Classifiers, A.S. Nissinen, H. Hydtyniemi and H. Koivo Modeling the Control on Parallel Implementations of Declarative Programming Languages, A.M. Thanos, C. Voliotis and G. Papakonstantinou Towards an Automatic Air Traffic Controller, S. Sekhavat and S. Sastry Detecting Chaos in Financial Market, K. Kumar, C. Tan and R. Ghosh Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Systems with Robotic Applications Robust Disturbance Rejection in Force Control of Robot Manipulators Using Fuzzy-Evolutionary Techniques, A. Brunozzi, A. Ficola, M.L. Fravolini and M. La Cava Fuzzy Partition of Perception Space for Robot Self-navigation, W.B. Tong and P. Cohen Mobile Non-Holonomic Robots: Trajectory Generation and Obstacle Avoidance, Z.M. Gacovski and G.M. Dimirovski A Behaviour Based Hierarchical Fuzzy Control Architecture for Agricultural Autonomous Mobile Robots, H. Hagras, V. Callaghan, M. Colley and M. Carr-West Integrating Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks in the Design of Navigation Competencies of an Autonomous Mobile Robot, M. C. Neves and E. Oliveira

122 128 134 142 148

154 160 166 172 178

Advanced Techniques for Modelling and Design of Fuzzy Logic Systems Evolving Fuzzy Rules for Pattern Classification, H. Mallinson and P. Bentley 184 Automatic Generation and Evaluation of Interpretable Rule Bases for Fuzzy Systems, J. Jdkel, L. Groll and R. Mikut 192 A Mean-Value Based Test and Rating Strategy for Automatic Fuzzy Rule Generation and Application to Load Prediction, H. Jessen 198 Self-Tuning Fuzzy Identification and Control Using a Hybrid State Transition Kernel, J. Ruiz Ascencio and R. Castillo Romero 204 Modeling Fuzzy Classification Systems with Compact Rule Base, G. Castellano and A.M. Fanelli 210 On the Design of Numerical Fuzzy Predictor, E.M. Abd Elrahiem, M. Mohsin Mollah andT. Yahagi 218 A New Fuzzy Inference System for Reasoning with Multiple Differential Equations for Modelling Complex Dynamical Systems, O. Castillo and P. Melin 224 Simulation of a Fuzzy Controller for a Tunnel Bread Oven with Hierarchical Rule-Base Reduction, D. Hernandez Cuahutle and C.A. Reyes Garcia 230 On Different Modes of Inheritance in Fuzzy Class Hierarchies, E. Tsiporkova andS. Garrett 236 Conditionally Firing Rules Extend the Possibilities of Fuzzy Controllers, B. Moser andM. Navara 242 Multiconditional Approximate Reasoning with Continuous Piecewise Linear Membership Functions, P.M. van den Broek 246 Object-Oriented Fuzzy Control: An Integrated and Flexible Approach, N. Gaertner andB. Thirion 25 A A Model of Fuzzy Automata with Variable Input Sets, J. Ficzko, N. Zimic andJ. Virant 2 fin

Hybrid Fuzzy Convolution Model Based Predictor Corrector Controller, J. Abonyi, A. Bodizs, L. Nagy and F. Szeifert Fuzzy Classifier Based on Similarity Measures, S. Elloumi and A. Jaoua Rule Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: Fuzzy Causal Relations, J.P. Carvalho andJ.A.B. Tome Efficient Learning of Non-Uniform B-Splines for Modelling and Control, J. Zhang, A. Knoll and I. Renners Towards Flexible Formal Specifications with Fuzzy Information Granulation, T.D. Pham Interactive Approach for Fuzzy Goal Programming, W. Meliani and K. Mellouli Fuzzy Logic Applications in Modelling Control and Automation Intelligent Control of Hotbeds for Seed Germination and the Growing of Little Plants, M.C. Ruiz Garrido, C.A. Reyes Garcia andJ.F. Ramirez Cruz Integration of Fuzzy Logic into a Fermentation Process Control System, P. Kelleher, J.F. O'Connor, P. VaijaandS. Cummins Robust and Adaptive Control of Induction Motors with Fuzzy Control, A. Parthy, M. Shahkarami and R. Hanitsch Real-Time Implementation of Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Magnetic Levitation Systems, A. El Hajjaji Third Order Non-Minimum Phase Plant Control via Fuzzy Sliding Mode, S. Dimitrijevic and D. Antic Modeling and Fuzzy Control of Body Temperature of Neonate from a Manikin Simulator, A. El Hajjaji, A. Adjovi, J. Libert and A. Rachid A Simulation of a Fuzzy Logic Based Heating Controller with ANFIS, H.J. Zainzinger, H.J. Wildenauer andG.H. Schildt Grey-Box Models and their Application to a Steel Mill, A. Kroll H™ Tracking for High Performance Servo Drives Using Adaptive Fuzzy Control, A. Rubaai Fuzzy Tracking Error in Qualitative Model Reference Adaptive Control, U. Keller, N. Hickey, D. Reay andR. Leitch Models of Fuzziness and Nondeterminism: Joint Use in Discrete Event System Control, A. Lavrov Fuzzy Logic and Green Design: A New Approach, M.A. Hersh and I. Hamburg A Case-Based Approach to Black Box Control Learning, S. Garrett and M. Lee Fuzzy Methods Applied to Facial Expressions Interpretation, C. Dujet andS. Bres Linguistic Contour Modelling through Fuzzy Snakes, F. Howing, L.S. Dooley and D. Wermser Fuzzy Logic Simulation Solution to Process Control Systems, A. Watson andG.Coghill Reasonings Based on Vector Annotated Logic Programs, K. Nakamatsu andJ.M. Abe Improving (Supervised) Recognition Algorithms using Possibilities, G. Athanaze andC. Dujet

265 271 276 282 288 294

300 305 311 317 323 329 334 340 346 353 359 366 372 378 384 390 396 404

Fuzzy Logic Applications in Scheduling and Multi-Criteria Analysis and Decision Making The use of Semi-Qualitative Reasoning and Probability Distributions in Assessing Possible Behaviours of a Socio-Economic System, O. Moldenhauer, T. Bruckner and G. Petschel-Held 410

Scheduling Imprecise and Uncertain Orders in a Customer-Subcontractor Context, B. Grabot, L. Geneste and P. Moutarlier A Heuristic Approach to Fuzzy Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling, C.-H. Yeh, H.Pan andR. J.Willis Resource-constrained Project Scheduling under Uncertain Activity Duration, R.J. Willis, H. Pan and C.-H. Yeh A Knowledge-Based Approach for Criteria Weighting in Multi-Criteria Analysis, H. Deng, C.-H. Yeh, R.J. Willis andH. Pan Fuzzy Network Algorithms and Application to Transportation Problems, R.R. Mendes and A. Yamakami A Fuzzy Similarity Model for Multicriteria Analysis under Uncertainty, H. Deng and C.-H. Yeh Fuzzy Aggregation, Belief Nets and Fuzzy Maps and Reliability Assessment Weighting Aggregation Using a Smooth Operator, G. Cron and B. Dubuisson Structural Probabilities in Belief Nets, G.D. Kleiter Modeling and Fluctuation Analysis of Fuzzy Control Systems by Fuzzy Mapping Concept, Y. Endo and K. Horiuchi Reliability Assessment Based on Fuzzy Logic, M. Bdzu Recovering Dependency Graphs in Uncertain Data, T. Urban and T. Kdmpke A Graphical Rule Language for Continuous Dynamic Systems, C.J. A Ionso Gonzalez andJ.J. Rodriguez Diez

417 423 429 435 441 449

455 461 464 470 476 482

Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Reasoning for Information Retrieval, Knowledge Acquisition and Data Analysis A Fuzzy Knowledge-Based System for Cross-Lingual Text Retrieval, R. Chau and C.-H. Yeh 488 A Possibility of the Fuzzy Knowledge Discovery for the Medical Prognosis, K. Gaertner, R. Schulze, S. Fuchs, F. Theissig, V. Dimmer, G. Haroske, K.-D. Kunze and W. Meyer 495 Knowledge Acquisition and Utilization in Hand Wound Diagnosis, M. Michalewicz, S. T. Wierzchon and M.A. Klopotek 501 Extraction of Line and Step Edges by Fuzzy Reasoning, W. Li, F.M. Wahl, B. Krebs andJ. Farrell 507 Intelligent Expert Systems A Multitasking Knowledge-Based System for Control Applications, M.R. Tolun, N. Baykal and S. Abu-Shaar A Knowledge Base Representing Porter's Five Forces Model, H de Swaan Arons and P. Waalewijn Development of and Inference in Integrated 0 0 Models, P. Parpola

519 525

Author Index