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James R. Bergen and. Michael S. Landy. Why Study Texture .... Valois, Yund & Hepler, 1982b; Hubel & Wiesel, 1968) and by psychophysical evidence including ...
From M. Landy and J. A. Movshon (eds), Computational Models of Visual Processing (pp. 253-271). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (1991).


Computational Modeling of Visual Texture Segregation James R. Bergen and Michael S. Landy

Why Study Texture? Visual texture segregation is the perceptual phenomenon illustrated in figure 17.1. In this image a rectangular area composed of small X-shaped patterns appears as a distinct region against a background of L-shaped patterns. This segregation occurs rapidly and unconsciously, without effort or search. The rectangular area composed of Tshaped patterns, however, does not appear as a distinct region in this sense. It is very easy to discriminate among all three pattems, but only the X and L regions display spontaneous segregation. This distinction between pattern discrimination and perceptual segregation gives particular interest to the study of this aspect of visual texture perception. Other aspects of texture perception include the role of texture in the perception of surface orientation and shape and the influence of surface texture in determining color appearance. In this paper we limit consideration to the phenomenon of segregation. Pure texture-based segregation is not a very important phenomenon in everyday visual experience. Objects are not usually distinguished from their backgrounds purely by textural differences. In this respect, the study of pure texture differences (in the absence of differences in brightness, color, depth, or other properties) is analogous to the study of isoluminant color differences, which also are not very common in natural scenes. The relative rarity of isoluminant color discrimination in the real world does not imply that color perception is an unimportant component of seeing. Similarly, the rarity of pure texture differences does not reduce the potential importance of texture perception, especially in the visual processing of complex scenes.

Background The study of texture segregation has been greatly influenced by theoretical considerations. The primary issue is

Fig. 17.1 Demonstration of texture-based segregation. The region on the left composed of X-shaped figures appears as a distinct area against the background of L-shaped figures. The region on the right composed of T-shaped figures does not.

the level of processing at which texture segregation phenomena are determined. Accompanying this question is the associated distinction between the view of texture segregation as an analytic process by means of which two regions are distinguished and the view that it is a synthetic process by means of which elements group together to from a whole (or fail to do so). Readers interested in the development of these ideas are referred to a previous review (Bergen, 1991). In this chapter we concentrate on the relationship between texture segregation and early visual processes. In particular, we consider the consequences of spatial filtering. Origins of this approach can be found in the early work of Julesz (Julesz, 1962), although his later work took a somewhat different approach. The earliest explicit treatment of texture in the context of early visual processing is the work of Richards and Polit (1974) on texture matching. Here and in a later paper (Richards, 1979), the authors adapt the matching paradigm used to obtain information about the spectral sensitivities ot color mechanisms. As in the case of color, the goal is to infer the early representation


of information through analysis of metamerism. These studies used textures composed of sums of sinusoidal gratings. A few years later a number of papers appeared relating texture perception phenomena to the properties of psychophysically identified spatial mechanisms (Caelli, 1982; Harvey & Gervais, 1978, 1981). Harvey and Gervais used similarity grouping and scaling methods, also with textures composed of sums of sinusoidal gratings. A multidimensional scaling analysis of these data showed them to be consistent with a representation of spatial information based on a family of 1.5 to 2 octave wide quasibandpass linear filters similar to those identified by previous studies (Mostafavi & Sakrison, 1976; Richards & Polit, 1974, Wilson & Bergen, 1979). Caelli (1982) performed an experiment to specify the two-dimensional properties of a class of oriented bandpass linear filters, and then showed that two interval same-different discrimination performance for a set of natural texture images was consistent with the hypothesis that the outputs of these filters formed the image representation. More recent work in this vein has been done by Caelli (1985, 1986) and Bergen and Adelson (1986, 1988). These studies present more explicit computational descriptions of the ideas developed in the earlier work. They also emphasize the necessary nonlinear characteristics of the texture extraction process.

Modeling Strategy In this paper we describe a computational model of human texture segregation performance. Because it is a computational model, it starts with the actual stimulus images as input. Because it is a model of human performance, it has predictions of experimental outcomes as output. In between, we attempt to have as little as possible that is specifically concerned with texture. Instead, we concentrate on operations that seem to be involved in general early visual processing. In this respect, the style of modeling is closely related to that found in the studies mentioned in the previous section. Our goal is to investigate the extent to which texture segregation phenomena are consequences of the structure of early visual processes and the representations computed by them. We do not intend to imply that visual texture segregation is epiphenomenal. Rather, we wish to explore the influence of early

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visual processing in determining the characteristics of these phenomena. The model proposed has three parts. The first computes a generic image representation that resembles in a very crude way the spatial processing characteristics of the early visual cortical areas. This representation consists of simple cell-like linear mechanisms as well as complex cell-like energy mechanisms. This first part is proposed as a general early representation, computed in a way which is not task specific. The second part of the model concerns the computation of more specific properties that may need to be computed differently for different tasks. The example developed is somewhat specialized for the analysis of orientation differences. The representation computed at this level consists of normalized opponent measures. The third part of the model computes predictions of human performance in a particular type of discrimination task. The two salient characteristics of early visual representation of spatial information are size and orientation tuning. This is supported both by physiological studies of visual cortex (De Valois, Albrecht & Thorell, 1982a; De Valois, Yund & Hepler, 1982b; Hubel & Wiesel, 1968) and by psychophysical evidence including masking (Phillips & Wilson, 1984; Stromeyer & Julesz, 1972) and subthreshold summation data (Wilson & Bergen, 1979). These characteristics of early visual mechanisms have led to the view of early visual representation as a set of parallel channels or mechanisms, varying in their orientation and size (or spatial frequency) selectivities. A caricature of this type of representation can be constructed by having a family of similar orientation tuned filters at each of a range of spatial scales. This type of idealized representation has been described by Watson (1983, 1987). One of the convenient properties of such a representation is that it can be made approximately symmetrical with respect to scale and orientation. This means that changes in the scale or orientation of the input pattern shift the activity in the representation from one region to another but do not greatly change the pattern of activity in other ways. This is a useful property because many textural phenomena are not very sensitive to overall scale and orientation changes, such as those produced by changes in viewing distance and head position. Another useful property of such a representation is that it can be computed very efficiently, as is described below.


Computational Model Generic Early Representation The model that we propose is based on the representation shown in figure 17.2. An input image is first represented at a range of different spatial resolutions. Each of these resolution levels is then divided into a set of four orientation tuned components. Since these two transformations both involve linear operations, their order of application is arbitrary. It is also equivalent (though grotesquely inefficient) to compute a single filter representing the result of each of these cascades and apply these individually to the input image. None of these implementation options has any effect on the behavior of the model since they all compute exactly the same thing. However, one obtains a better sense of the level of complexity of this computation by considering an efficient algorithm for computing it.

Pyramids The first operation represents the input image at a range of spatial resolutions. This involves low-pass filtering (i.e., blurring) the image and subsampling (i.e., reducing the size of the image by deleting samples). (We restrict our consideration in this paper to spatial scales differing by factors of 2, although this is not an essential limitation.) Low-pass filtering an image requires larger and larger convolution kernels as the desired cut-off frequency of the filter decreases. However, these large convolutions can be factored into a cascaded sequence of linear filtering operations and thereby be performed much more efficiently. In other words, rather than generating a very low resolution version of an image by massive blurring (which is expensive to do because each blurred image point depends on a large area of the input image) followed by massive subsampling, it is much more efficient to generate it by repeatedly blurring slightly (which is cheap) followed by a small amount of subsampling. This is especially the case if the desired output is a family of progressively low-pass filtered versions of the input image such as we require for our modeling. An efficient algorithm incorporating this type of cascaded processing is the Gaussian pyramid algorithm of Burt (1981). The sequence of outputs is shown in figure 17.3. The input image is filtered with a small

Computational Modeling of Visual Texture Segregation

Fig. 17.2 Basic image representation to be used for texture analysis. The image at each scale is decomposed into a set of four oriented components and a local pooled energy is computed for each. Orthogonal orientations are put in opponency. Finally, the system is made constrast independent by a normalization that uses the local oriented energy summed over all orientations. 256

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Gaussian-like filter G, and subsampled by a factor of 2 in each direction. This produces the first reduced resolution version of the image. This operation is repeated, using the same filter G, but taking the previous output as input, to produce the second reduced resolution version. This process is continued until the lowest desired resolution is obtained. Using this method, a reduction of resolution by a factor of 16, for example, can be achieved by four applications of the same filter used to reduce resolution by a factor of 2. Direct reduction of resolution by a factor of 16 would require a filter approximately 8 times as large in each direction. For all of the computations shown in this paper, G is taken to be the Cartesian separable filter with values (.05, .25, .4, .25, .05). This means that the effective two-dimensional filter kernel or weighting function is the "multiplication table" product of the weights of the one-dimensional filter G placed vertically and horizontally. A Cartesian separable filter is used for reasons of computational efficiency; it allows the spatial filtering operations involved in pyramid construction to be performed as a two-pass cascade of one-dimensional filtering steps. The particular weights chosen produce a pyramid representation with Gaussian-like properties, that is the result of the repeated applications involved in pyramid construction is a Gaussian-like filter (Burt, 1981).

Directional Derivatives In order to construct a representation with orientation selective elements, we now pass each resolution level through a bank of four small orientation selective filters. These filters approximate the second directional derivatives of the corresponding resolution level in the vertical, horizontal and right and left diagonal directions. In order to obtain diagonal filters that have frequency responses that are as similar as possible (except for orientation) to those for the vertical and horizontal filters, we rotated the vertical filter, truncated it to a 5 by 5 kernel size, and then adjusted its weights using PRAXIS (Brent, 1973; Powell, 1964) to minimize the difference between its frequency response and that of the vertical filter. The weights for these filters are given in tables 17.1 and 17.2. This choice of orientation selective filters is not critical; first derivatives also suffice for many purposes (Bergen, 1988, 1991; Landy & Bergen, 1988). However, the use of second derivatives yields frequency and orientation band-


Fig. 17.3 Gaussian pyramid computation illustrated using a picture of Alan Turing. Each picture is produced by applying a small Gaussian-like filter to the previous output, followed by subsampling by a factor of two in each direction. Table 17.1 Vertical second denvative mask ("V") 0 0 0 0 0

-1 -4 -6 -4 -1

2 8 12 8 2

-1 -4 -6 -4 -1

0 0 0 0 0

Table 17.2 Up and left second derivative mask ("L") -.163 -.075 -3.610 1.1120 1.700

-.075 5.662 -.047 -7.612 1.112

-3.610 -.047 11.301 -.047 -3.610

1.112 -7.612 -.04648 5.662 -.075

1.700 1.112 -3.610 -.0746 -.163

widths that are in reasonable agreement with physiological and psychophysical estimates. The full frequency bandwidth at half height is approximately 1.6 octaves, and the orientation bandwidth is approximately 40° for the filter that we used. Both of these values are consistent with physiological measurements of the properties of cortical cells in monkeys (De Valois et al., 1982a, b; see also Watson, 1983, 1987). The two-dimensional frequency response of two of the filters is shown in hgure 17.4. One consequence of this relatively broad tuning is that filters tuned to neighboring orientations and sizes have quite a lot of overlap in sensitivity. It is therefore quite inappropriate to think of this representation as a local frequency analysis. The outputs of the entire bank of filters for all orientations and scales are shown in figure 17.5.

Computational Modeling of Visual Texture Segregation

Fig. 17.4 Two-dimensional spatial frequency spectra of two of the filters used to generate the oriented representation.

Fig. 17.5 Oriented biter outputs at each scale. The left panels show the vertical filter ouputs (V), those immediately to their right show the orientation 45° counterclockwise from vertical (L), followed by horizontal (H) and 45° counterclockwise from horizontal (R).

Energy The actual representation upon which we base our texture analyses is not the linear output of oriented bandpass filters, but rather the local energy in these outputs. The reason for relating textural properties to an energy measure comes from the idea that textural characteristics derive from the nature of local spatial structure within an image region, rather than from the exact placement of features within that region. What energy measures indicate is the total amount of a particular type of spatial


structure within their region of pooling. They are insensitive to the spatial distribution of that structure within the region. We are using the word "energy" very loosely to refer to the result of applying some rectifying nonlinearity to the outputs of the linear filters, and then pooling the transformed responses over some region of space. If the representation shown in figure 17.5 is a caricature of the responses of simple cells in visual cortex, then these energy measures correspond to complex cell responses. We compute energy by squaring the output of the linear units and then taking a weighted average over a small region. This weighted average is achieved by reducing resolution by a factor of 4 using the same Gaussian pyramid algorithm used to construct the linear filters. The result of this operation is shown in figure 17.6.

Opponency The next stage in the computation of orientation measures involves constructing opponent signals by subtracting the vertical energy response from the horizontal, and the right diagonal from the left diagonal. The physiological and psychophysical justification for this stage is weak, although qualitatively orientation opponency seems to be a reasonable thing from a perceptual standpoint. Computationally it serves two purposes: It makes the orientation tuning of the resulting opponent mechanisms somewhat insensitive to the orientation tuning of the underlying linear filters, and it produces responses "in quadrature" with respect to the orientation of image structure. This is

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resolution level p and orientation θ by E(ρ,θ) then the normalized response of the H-V mechanism is:

N ( ρ,θ ) =

Fig. 17.6 Oriented energy outputs. These are the oriented pyramid filter outputs, squared and averaged locally.

because regardless of the actual orientation bandwidths of the linear filters, the opponent responses must have a zero response where their respective input responses are equal. By symmetry, the H-V mechanism must have maximum absolute responses at 0° and 90° and have 0 response at 45° and 135°. Similarly, the R-L mechanism must peak at 45° and 135° and have a null response at 0° and 90°. This is independent of the orientation bandwidths of the linear filters This is a desirable property if we want to interpret the outputs of the mechanisms as an orientation measure.

E( ρ, 0) − E( ρ, 90) .



E ( ρ, φi )

Note that in performing this normalization we have lost all information about actual stimulus contrast. Clearly, humans can see differences in contrast as well as differences in local spatial structure. Rather than describing this normalization as a loss of contrast information, therefore, it is better to say that we have separated the contrast information from the structure information. A more complete model of visual perception would need to specify how the contrast information is represented. The point is not that we cannot see contrast differences, but that we do not generally confuse contrast differences and structure differences. Normalized opponent outputs are shown in figure 17.7.

Normalization The responses that have been computed thus far all increase monotonically with input contrast. Therefore, it is impossible to look at a single unit and determine how closely the local image structure matches that unit's preference. A particular level of response could indicate appropriate structure at moderate contrast or inappropriate structure at high contrast. In order to obtain more direct information about local structure not confounded with contrast, we need to introduce a form of contrast gain control (Shapley & Enroth-Cugell, 1984; Shapley & Victor, 1975). This kind of interaction has been inferred from physiological experiments (Bonds, 1989; Heeger & Adelson, 1989; Ohzawa, Sclar & Freeman, 1985; Robson, 1988) and recently invoked to explain some psychophysical phenomena (Wilson & Ferrera, 1989). We model this interaction by computing a sum of all of the energy responses (i.e., a sum across orientations) at a particular resolution level and dividing each oriented energy response by this sum. If we denote the energy response at


Fig. 17.7 Normalized opponent outputs. The oriented energy outputs at each scale are divided by the sum of all of the energies at that scale for contrast normalization, and two differences are computed: H-V and R-L.

Computational Modeling of Visual Texture Segregation

Orientation Analysis As noted above, some of the analysis that this model performs is somewhat specifc to the particular type of texture segregation task that we wish to model. The texture differences occurring in this task involve local orientation, so the computation described is designed to isolate these differences and to ignore differences in size, contrast, and other factors. In one of the examples described below the texture difference is based on scale differences rather than orientation. In this case the orientation opponent measure is not the appropriate one. This part of the analysis can be made more general either by making it more symmetric with respect to other image properties (as suggested by Heeger and Adelson, 1989; see also chapter 9) or by constructing a parallel set of specific image measures. Heeger and Adelson perform a normalization based on the sum of responses at all orientations and also at neighboring scales. This means that the same measure can be used to compute both orientation and scale differences. It is also possible that this level of processing is adaptive in a task-dependent mode. In many ways this adaptive approach is similar to the parallel one unless multiple types of texture differences occur simultaneously.

Modeling Performance Thus far, we have described an image processing algorithm, that is, the output of each stage in the model has been a transformed image. In order to predict observer performance in a specific task, we need to relate the images produced by the model to performance of the task. In essence, this requires constructing an algorithm that computes the same decisions required of the human observer, using the output of the image processing part of the model as input. We postpone discussion of this part of the modeling until after the description of the texture experiments. First, we present some examples that illustrate the function of the model up to this point.

Texture Examples Orientation-based Textures In the first set of examples, the dominant cue for the texture difference is orientation. This is generally a rather


strong component in determining texture segregation. A series of examples follow ranging from very simple arrays of lines to textures taken from natural scenes.

Oriented Lines Figure 17.8A shows an example of a texture composed of line segments. This texture shows strong segregation. The oriented energy and normalized opponent energy outputs are shown in Figure 17.8B and C. As might be expected, the vertical and horizontal energy outputs and the H-V opponent outputs do not show anything interesting. This is because the vertical and horizontal filters have the same outputs for the diagonal line segments comprising the textures. On the other hand, the diagonal energy outputs convert the texture difference between the regions into an intensity difference. In this case neither the contrast normalization or opponent processing has much further effect. Observations of Mayhew and Frisby A second example involving simple orientation differences is shown in figure 17.9A. This shows an example taken from an experiment of Mayhew and Frisby (1978). In the lower half of the image are two sinusoidal gratings differing in orientation by 30°. In the upper half, each panel contains the sum of three sinusoidal gratings differing in orientation by 60°. The orientations in the left and right panels differ by 30°. Mayhew and Frisby observed that the difference between the two panels on the bottom is very clear, while the difference between the two on the top is much less so. They quantified this observation with psychophysical experiments. This difference exists in spite of the fact that the differences in orientation between frequency components are exactly the same (30°) on the top and on the bottom. The normalized opponent energy outputs for this image are shown in Figure 17.9B. The normalized opponent outputs show considerably larger differences for the simple gratings, and thus are qualitatively in agreement with the Mayhew and Frisby result. The reason for this difference lies primarily with the large orientation bandwidths of the underlying filters. This means that the change in response with change in orientation for the upper patterns is smaller than that for the simple gratings.

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scale. The normalized opponent images, however, show a very clear division. The H-V and R-L normalized opponent energy outputs are shown in figure 17.10B


Fig. 17.8 (A) A texture composed of oriented line segments. (B) Oriented energy outputs. (C) Normalized opponent energy outputs.

Natural textures A final example of an orientation based texture difference is shown in figure 17.10A. This image contains two natural textures taken from Brodatz (1966): one a picture of rough bark and the other of a bundle of straw. In this case, the individual oriented energy images show fairly little coherent difference between the center square (straw) and the outside region (bark), because the differences that exist are masked by local variations in image contrast and


Textures such as the one shown in figure 17.1 are sometimes referred to as "micropattern" textures because they are constructed by quasi-random placement of small shapes or pattems. There has been a tradition in the perceptual literature of relating these textures and their properties to characteristics of the micropattems, such as their sizes, orientations or other geometrical properties (Beck, 1966a, b; Julesz, 1981a, b). However, such analyses tacitly imply the existence of some process that extracts these descriptions from the texture images. We can treat these images in the same way as those discussed above and gain some understanding of their perceptual properties. The oriented energy outputs for the texture shown in figure 17.1 are shown in figure 17.11. Note that at an appropriate scale, differences appear between the segregating region and the background, while this is not the case for the nonsegregating region. This suggests that the percept of segregation generated in these textures may have a basis similar to that underlying the perception of orientation based textures.

Computational Modeling of Visual Texture Segregation

Fig. 17.9 (A) Example taken from Mayhew and Frisby (1978). (B) Normalized opponent outputs. Note that the differences between the left and right panels are generally larger for the simple gratings (lower half) than for the sums of gratings (upper half).


Fig. 17.10 (A) Synthetic image composed of two natural textures. (B) Normalized opponent outputs.

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Fig. 17.11 Oriented energy outputs for the texture of figure 17.1. Note difference at low resolution between segregating region and background.

Texture Experiments To analyze models such as the one described above, it is useful to consider stimuli that require only a portion of the full model in order to account for texture segregation performance. Consider the texture stimulus shown in figure 17.12A. The figure consists of two regions, each of which is narrowband in terms of the range of spatial frequencies and orientations present. Since the stimulus is restricted in spatial frequency content, only one spatial scale of the model will be sensitive to it. Thus, by varying the orientation content of the images, it is possible to analyze the processing of local orientation by a single scale of the model. We have carried out a series of experiments using textures of the kind in figure 17.12 (taken from Landy and Bergen, 1991). In the next section we will describe how to account for performance in those experiments using the model we have described above, and so we present them in some detail. The stimuli used in the experiments consist of regions of filtered noise. The noise was IID (independent pixels, identically distributed) Gaussian noise, and at each pixel location, the filter kernel (or impulse response) was in the form of a Gabor function (a sine wave windowed by a two-dimensional Gaussian). The filter kernel varied from location to location, resulting in a nonisoplanatic filtering operation. In figure 17.12A, for example, a vertically oriented Gabor was used in the background region, and a diagonal filter was used in the foreground. The stimuli varied in the amount of orientation difference ∆ θ between the foreground and background. For example, in figure 17.12A the orientation difference is 36° while in part B ∆θ


is 18°. In addition, the change in orientation from the background to the foreground was either abrupt (the kernel rotated by an angle of ∆ θ between one pixel and its immediate neighbor across the edge between the foreground and background figures) as in figure 17.12A, or could occur across a spatial interval ∆x, as in part C. In the latter case, kernels of intermediate orientation are used at the intermediate pixel locations. Another way to think about this is that when ∆x is increased, the textural edge resulting from the change in "local orientaton" is blurred. The original motivation for this experiment was to further investigate a suggestion by Nothdurft (1985) that texture segregation was a function of the gradient of a textural property (e.g., ∆ θ /∆x). Here, we will show how the results of such experiments may be modeled. In the experiment, a stimulus such as one of those shown in figure 17.12 was presented, followed by a blank interval, followed by a masker (a field of high contrast random dots). The foreground figure was a 16.7° square with a missing corner on a 32.7° background, and the dominant spatial frequency in the textures was 1.5 cycles/ degree. The mean luminance was 53 cd/m2, and the peak contrast was approximately 98 percent. The subject's task was to identify which of the four corners was missing. Experimental variables included ∆ θ , ∆x, and the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between the stimulus and the postmasker. Across trials, the following were varied randomly in order to eliminate certain undesirable subject strategies: the absolute orientation used (θ), the position of the truncated square figure within the stimulus, and the time delay between the cue spot that signaled the upcoming trial and the appearance of the texture stimulus. For further details of the experimental procedure and stimulus generation, see Landy and Bergen (1991). Figure 17.13A shows typical texture segregation performance as a function of SOA. Performance improves with increasing SOA, reaching an asymptote by 133 msec. Across different conditions, it was found that the time course of performance improvement did not vary substantially. The results are concisely summarized by the asymptotic performance values shown in figure 17.13B, which are computed by fitting a rising exponential to the performance data. The asymptotic performance levels are poorer for increasing ∆x and for decreasing ∆ θ (which is consistent with Nothdurft's conjecture). Next, we show how the results shown in figure 17.13B may be modeled quantitatively using the sort of model described above.

Computational Modeling of Visual Texture Segregation

Modeling Performance The experiments described in the previous section show a systematic relationship between the characteristics of texture images and human subjects performance in a discrimination task involving them. The computation described above produces a set of processed images for each input image. The model outputs for one of the stimuli used in the experiments are shown in figure 17.14. In order to examine quantitatively the properties of this computation as a model of human texture segregation, we must relate these processed images to predictions of performance in the discrimination task. In other words, we must construct an algorithm that maps the outputs of the computational model described above into a prediction of probability of correct discrimination for the stimuli in question. Since the model that we have described provides no description of temporal characteristics, we can analyze only the asymptotic performance levels. A simple model of the discrimination process can be based on a cross-correlator. If we assume that the system has perfect knowledge of the shape of the four patterns (the four orientations of the truncated square) among which it is trying to discriminate then we can compute the cross-correlation function of the model outputs with the

Fig. 17.12 Filtered noise stimuli used in discrimination experiments. (A) ∆θ = 36°, ∆x = 0°. (B) ∆θ = 18°, ∆x = 0°. (C) ∆θ = 36°, ∆x = 3.0°.


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Fig. 17.13 Example of discrimination performance. (A) As a function of SOA. Curve through points is described in text. (B) Asymptotic performance levels for two subjects.

Fig. 17.14 Example of normalized opponent outputs for an experimental stimulus.


expected output for each of the possible orientations. Since we have randomized the position of the square we do not know where the peak of the cross-correlation function will be, but we can still decide which stimulus occurred: Whichever crosscorrelation gives the highest peak output determines the predicted choice of response. This scheme is illustrated in figure 17.15. In order to calculate a probability of correct discrimination, we compute the predicted responses for the same set of pseudorandom stimuli used in the experiments. In effect, we run the same experiment on the model that was run with the human subjects. For the noiseless cross-correlator shown in figure 17.15, the prediction for all experimental conditions is perfect performance, that is, 100 percent correct identification of the stimulus orientation. This fact is not very surprising, given the appearance of the model output images shown in figure 17.14; it is very easy to decide which of the four possible orientations is present when looking at these images, much easier than it is to decide when looking at the original texture images. Furthermore, the stimuli in the experiments were presented quite briefly, so that their effective contrast might be rather low. This might cause effects of noise to become more significant. In order to reflect this, we can replace the ideal cross-correlation with a noisy one. This is equivalent to adding noise to the input images (the outputs of the oriented energy computation) before correlating them with the templates. This discrimination model is shown in figure 17.16A. We do not know how much noise to add, but we can ask whether any noise level gives performance predictions that match the experimental results. Results of adding noise are shown in figure 17.16B. The noise used was additive, Gaussian, and white, that is the increment to each pixel was an independent sample from a Gaussian random variable. Each prediction is the proportion of correct model decisions over the set of 12 experimental stimuli for that condition, and over 10 "trials" per stimulus, each using independent samples of noise. The model no longer predicts perfect performance under all conditions when the noise level is raised sufficiently. Here, we have a noise level such that the signal-to-noise ratio (i.e., σnorm/σnoise, where σnorm is the standard deviation of the normalized opponent image and σnoise is the standard deviation of the added noise image) for the easiest condition (∆ θ = 36° and ∆x = 0°) is .288. However, the results are still not satisfactory: The predicted de-

Computational Modeling of Visual Texture Segregation

Fig. 17.15 Noiseless cross-correlator model of the discrimination process.

cline in performance with ∆x is considerably smaller than that seen in the experimental results. The effect of adding more noise is simply to reduce the predicted performance roughly uniformly for all conditions. The lack of sensitivity to changing ∆x might be due to the fact that the cross-correlation makes use of information from the entire shape of the embedded figure, while increasing ∆x affects only the edges of the shape. To test this idea, we introduced an edge extraction step between the normalized opponent energy computation and the noisy cross-correlator (see figure 17.17A). This is indicated by showing the inputs to the cross-correlators as outlines, rather than solid figures. Edge extraction can be thought of as a kind of nonlinear lateral inhibitory interaction. Only where the normalized opponent energy is changing rapidly will the edge response be large. This edge extraction was formulated as a Sobel operator (Gonzalez & Wintz, 1987), which is simply a discrete implementation of a gradient magnitude measure. Thus the edge


output is just the magnitude of the gradient vector at each point, or the square root of the sum of the squares of the vertical and horizontal partial derivatives. The result of performing this operation on two of the experimental stimuli is shown in figure 17.17B. In the case with ∆x = 0° (on the left) the edge is clear and distinct, while in the case with ∆x = 3.0° (on the right) the edge is somewhat fuzzy. Since we are using this modified input, we must cross-correlate with the expected output from the edge extraction stage to generate predictions. The predicted performance is shown in figure 17.17C. Once again, the influence of ∆x is insufficiently great. The effect of increasing ∆x is to make the change in orientation between the two texture regions less abrupt. This causes the change in intensity in the normalized opponent energy images to become less rapid which, in turn, makes the magnitude of the spatial gradient of these images smaller. The observation that in order to fit the data the effect of noise needs to be greater for the large ∆x conditions than for the small is equivalent to the condition that the noise be more effective for small values of the edge

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Fig. 17.16 (A) Noisy cross-correlator model of the discrimination process. (B) Predicted performance for the noisy cross-correlator. Solid lines show experimental data; dashed lines show model predictions.


Computational Modeling of Visual Texture Segregation

Fig. 17.17 (A) Noisy cross-correlator operating on edges. (B) Output of Sobel operator to normalized opponent outputs (left, ∆x = 0°; right, ∆x = 3.0°). (C) Predicted performance for the noisy edge cross-correlator. Solid lines show experimental data; dashed lines show model predictions. 268

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strength than for large. This effect can be achieved by passing the edge strength measure through an accelerating nonlinearity prior to the noisy crosscorrelation stage. Qualitatively, this is similar to setting a threshold for the edge strength values, below which they are disregarded. The nonlinearity chosen was the fourth power of the input. The predicted performance for this fourth power of gradient magnitude decision process is shown in figure 17.18A. This model gives a good fit to the data, with respect to both the effects of increasing ∆x and decreasing

∆θ. The complete structure used in this prediction is shown in figure 17.18B. Note that in the development of this discrimination model we have not needed to change the computation of the basic model outputs. The filter shapes, spatial pooling parameters, and contrast normalization parameters have all remained fixed. These are the factors that determine the fundamental response of the model to such stimulus characteristics as ∆θ and ∆x. The question naturally arises as to the necessity of the model components that we have introduced. If we take the normalized opponent energy computation as input, we argued that the subsequent stages (gradient magnitude, noise, cross-correlation, maximum detection) are all necessary since we were unable to fit even the limited set of data described here with any subset of them. For this set of stimuli there are undoubtedly much simpler models that would provide a good account of the data. However, our purpose is to describe the process of human texture segregation, not simply to model a particular set of psychophysical measurements. For this purpose many of the features of the computation that we have described, including orientation and scale selectivity, rectifying nonlinearities and some form of contrast normalization, must be incorporated.

Fig.17.18 (A) Predicted performance for model with added fourth power nonlinearity at the output. Solid lines show experimental data; dashed lines show model predictions. (B) Sequence of processing steps in model that successfully predicts discrimination performance.


Computational Modeling of Visual Texture Segregation

Bergen, J. R. & Adelson, E. H. (1986). Visual texture segmentation based on energy measures. Journal of the Optical Socity of America A, 3, 98.

Conclusions We have examined the representation of visual textures within a simple multiple scale- and orientation-based model of early vısion. This representation converts many conspicuous texture differences into explicit intensity differences. On this basis, the process of textural segregation can be interpreted as one of extracting structure from these intensity differences. It is not necessary to postulate sophisticated mechanisms specifically concerned with the extraction of textural information. We have also shown that this simple representation can be related quantitatively to human performance in a texture based discrimination task using a simple pattern discrimination model. This model involves extraction of texture edges by computing the gradient of a local texture measure, followed by an accelerating nonlinearity that de-emphasizes weak edges. This edge extraction is used as input to a noisy cross-correlator that finds the best match among the set of discriminanda. The probability of correct discrimination predicted by this model matches accurately the results obtained with human observers, including the effects of varying the orientation difference or the orientation gradient. The success of this simple procedure in predicting human performance without detailed manipulation of model parameters is somewhat surprising. However, this model has as yet had only a very limited trial. Presumably, more careful determination of model parameters based on psychophysical measurements will be required to produce a model of more general applicability.

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Computational Modeling of Visual Texture Segregation