Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2

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This book presents algorithmic tools for algebraic geometry and experi- ..... Comparing Green's Conjecture for Curves and Points . . . . . . . . . . . . 263. 3.
Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2

Editors: D. Eisenbud, D. Grayson, M. Stillman, and B. Sturmfels


Systems of polynomial equations arise throughout mathematics, science, and engineering. Algebraic geometry provides powerful theoretical techniques for studying the qualitative and quantitative features of their solution sets. Recently developed algorithms have made theoretical aspects of the subject accessible to a broad range of mathematicians and scientists. The algorithmic approach to the subject has two principal aims: developing new tools for research within mathematics, and providing new tools for modeling and solving problems that arise in the sciences and engineering. A healthy synergy emerges, as new theorems yield new algorithms and emerging applications lead to new theoretical questions. This book presents algorithmic tools for algebraic geometry and experimental applications of them. It also introduces a software system in which the tools have been implemented and with which the experiments can be carried out. Macaulay 2 is a computer algebra system devoted to supporting research in algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, and their applications. The reader of this book will encounter Macaulay 2 in the context of concrete applications and practical computations in algebraic geometry. The expositions of the algorithmic tools presented here are designed to serve as a useful guide for those wishing to bring such tools to bear on their own problems. A wide range of mathematical scientists should find these expositions valuable. This includes both the users of other programs similar to Macaulay 2 (for example, Singular and CoCoA) and those who are not interested in explicit machine computations at all. The chapters are ordered roughly by increasing mathematical difficulty. The first part of the book is meant to be accessible to graduate students and computer algebra users from across the mathematical sciences and is primarily concerned with introducing Macaulay 2. The second part emphasizes the mathematics: each chapter exposes some domain of mathematics at an accessible level, presents the relevant algorithms, sometimes with proofs, and illustrates the use of the program. In both parts, each chapter comes with its own abstract and its own bibliography; the index at the back of the book covers all of them. One of the first computer algebra packages aimed at algebraic geometry was Macaulay, the predecessor of Macaulay 2, written during the years 19831993 by Dave Bayer and Mike Stillman. Worst-case estimates suggested that trying to compute Gr¨ obner bases might be a hopeless approach to solving problems. But from the first prototype, Macaulay was successful surprisingly often, perhaps because of the geometrical origin of the problems attacked. Macaulay improved steadily during its first decade. It helped transform the theoretical notion of a projective resolution into an exciting new practical



research tool, and became widely used for research and teaching in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. It was possible to write routines in the top-level language, and many important algorithms were added by David Eisenbud and other users, enhancing the system and broadening its usefulness. There were certain practical drawbacks for the researcher who wanted to use Macaulay effectively. A minor annoyance was that only finite prime fields were available as coefficient rings. The major problem was that the language made available to users was primitive and barely supported highlevel development of new algorithms; it had few basic data types and didn’t support the addition of new ones. Macaulay 2 is based on experience gained from writing and using its predecessor Macaulay, but is otherwise a fresh start. It was written by Dan Grayson and Mike Stillman with the generous financial support of the U.S. National Science Foundation, with the work starting in 19931 . It also incorporates some code from other authors: the package SINGULAR-FACTORY2 provides for factorization of polynomials; SINGULAR-LIBFAC3 uses FACTORY to enable the computation of characteristic sets and thus the decomposition of subvarieties into their irreducible components; and GNU MP4 by Torbj¨ orn Granlund and others provides for multiple precision arithmetic. Macaulay 2 aims to support efficient computation associated with a wide variety of high level mathematical objects, including Galois fields, number fields, polynomial rings, exterior algebras, Weyl algebras, quotient rings, ideals, modules, homomorphisms of rings and modules, graded modules, maps between graded modules, chain complexes, maps between chain complexes, free resolutions, algebraic varieties, and coherent sheaves. To make the system easily accessible, standard mathematical notation is followed closely. As with Macaulay, it was hoped that users would join in the further development of new algorithms for Macaulay 2, so the developers tried to make the language available to the users as powerful as possible, yet easy to use. Indeed, much of the high-level part of the system is written in the same language available to the user. This ensures that the user will find it just as 1




NSF grants DMS 92-10805, 92-10807, 96-23232, 96-22608, 99-70085, and 9970348. SINGULAR-FACTORY, a subroutine library for factorization, by G.-M. Greuel, R. Stobbe, G. Pfister, H. Schoenemann, and J. Schmidt; available at SINGULAR-LIBFAC, a subroutine library for characteristic sets and irreducible decomposition, by M. Messollen; available at GMP, a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, by Torbj¨ orn Granlund, John Amanatides, Paul Zimmermann, Ken Weber, Bennet Yee, Andreas Schwab, Robert Harley, Linus Nordberg, Kent Boortz, Kevin Ryde, and Guillaume Hanrot; available at



easy as the developers did to implement a new type of mathematical object or to modify the high-level aspects of the current algorithms. The language available to the user is interpreted. The interpreter itself is written in a convenient language designed to be mostly type-safe and to handle memory allocation and initialization automatically. For maximum efficiency, the core mathematical algorithms are written in C++ and compiled, not interpreted. This includes the arithmetic operations of rings, modules, and matrices, the Gr¨ obner basis algorithm (in several enhanced versions, tailored for various situations), several algorithms for computing free resolutions of modules, the algorithm for computing the Hilbert series of a graded ring or module, the algorithms for computing determinants and Pfaffians, the basis reduction algorithm, factoring, etc. In one way Macaulay 2 is like a standard computer algebra system, such as Mathematica or Maple: the user enters mathematical expressions at the keyboard, and the program computes the value of the expression and displays the answer. Here is the first input prompt offered to the user. i1 : In response to the prompt, the user may enter, for example, a simple arithmetic expression. i1 : 3/5 + 7/11 68 o1 = -55 o1 : QQ

The answer itself is displayed to the right of the output label o1 = and its type (or class) is displayed to the right of the following label. o1 : The symbol QQ appearing in this example denotes the class of all rational numbers, and is meant to be reminiscent of the notation Q. Macaulay 2 often finds itself being run in a window with horizontal scroll bars, so by default it does not wrap output lines, but instead lets them grow without bound. This book was produced by an automated mechanism that submits code provided by the authors to Macaulay 2 and incorporates the result into the text. Output lines that exceed the width of the pages of this book are indicated with ellipses, as in the following example. i2 : 100! o2 = 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895




Next we describe an important difference between general computer algebra systems (such as Maple and Mathematica) and Macaulay 2. Before entering an expression involving variables (such as x+y) into Macaulay 2 the user must first create a ring containing those variables. Rings are important objects of study in algebraic geometry; quotient rings of polynomial rings, for example, encapsulate the essential information about a system of polynomial equations, including, for example, the field from which the coefficients are drawn. Often one has several rings under consideration at once, along with ring homomorphisms between them, so it is important to treat them as first-class objects in the computer, capable of being named and manipulated the same way numbers and characters can be manipulated in simpler programming languages. Let’s give a hint of the breadth of types of mathematical objects available in Macaulay 2 with some examples. In Macaulay 2 one defines a quotient ring of a polynomial ring R over the rational numbers by entering a command such as the one below. i3 : R = QQ[x,y,z]/(x^3-y^3-z^3) o3 = R o3 : QuotientRing

Having done that, we can compute in the ring. i4 : (x+y+z)^3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 o4 = 3x y + 3x*y + 2y + 3x z + 6x*y*z + 3y z + 3x*z + 3y*z + 2z o4 : R

We can make matrices over the ring. i5 : b = vars R o5 = | x y z | 1 o5 : Matrix R

3 53 {16} => 38 {17} => 23 {18} => 12


B. Sturmfels {19} => 3 {2} => 6 {3} => 10 {4} => 15 {5} => 21 {6} => 28 {7} => 36 {8} => 45 {9} => 54 o43 : Tally

Thus the largest degree of a standard monomial is nineteen, and there are three standard monomials of that degree: i44 : basis(19,S) o44 = | x14yz4 x9yz9 x4yz14 | 1 o44 : Matrix S

3 deg(X) · deg(Y ) . Solution. We show that the assertion holds when X is the cone over the nonsingular rational quartic curve in P3 and Y is a two-plane passing through the vertex of the cone. First, recall the h that i rational quartic curve is given by b2 bd c ; see Exercise 18.8 in Eisenbud [4]. the 2 × 2 minors of the matrix ab ac c2 d Thus, we have i58 : S = QQ[a, b, c, d, e]; i59 : IX = trim minors(2, matrix{{a, b^2, b*d, c},{b, a*c, c^2, d}}) 3 o59 = ideal (b*c - a*d, c o59 : Ideal of S i60 : IY = ideal(a, d); o60 : Ideal of S

2 2 2 3 2 - b*d , a*c - b d, b - a c)


G. G. Smith and B. Sturmfels i61 : codim IX + codim IY == codim (IX + IY) o61 = true i62 : (degree IX) * (degree IY) o62 = 4 i63 : degree (IX + IY) o63 = 5

which establishes the assertion.

t u

To understand how this example works, it is enlightening to express Y as the intersection of two hyperplanes; one given by a = 0 and the other given by d = 0. Intersecting X with the first hyperplane yields i64 : J = ideal mingens (IX + ideal(a)) 3 o64 = ideal (a, b*c, c

2 2 3 - b*d , b d, b )

o64 : Ideal of S

However, this first intersection has an embedded point; i65 : J == intersect(ideal(a, b*c, b^2, c^3-b*d^2), ideal(a, d, b*c, c^3, b^3)) -- embedded point o65 = true i66 : clearAll

The second hyperplane passes through this embedded point which explains the extra intersection.


Constructing Blow-ups

The blow-up of a scheme X along a subscheme Y can be constructed from the Rees algebra associated to the ideal sheaf of Y in X; see Theorem IV-22 in Eisenbud and Harris [5]. Gr¨ obner basis techniques allow one to express the Rees algebra in terms of generators and relations. We illustrate this method in the next solution. Problem (Exercises IV-43 &  IV-44 in [5]). Find the blow-up X of the affine plane A2 = Spec Q[x, y] along the subscheme defined by hx3 , xy, y 2 i. Show that X is nonsingular and its fiber over the origin is the union of two copies of P1 meeting at a point. Solution. We first provide a general function which returns the ideal of relations for the Rees algebra.

Teaching the Geometry of Schemes


i67 : blowUpIdeal = (I) -> ( r := numgens I; S := ring I; n := numgens S; K := coefficientRing S; tR := K[t, gens S, vars(0..r-1), MonomialOrder => Eliminate 1]; f := map(tR, S, submatrix(vars tR, {1..n})); F := f(gens I); J := ideal apply(1..r, j -> (gens tR)_(n+j)-t*F_(0,(j-1))); L := ideal selectInSubring(1, gens gb J); R := K[gens S, vars(0..r-1)]; g := map(R, tR, 0 | vars R); trim g(L));

Now, applying the function to our specific case yields: i68 : S = QQ[x, y]; i69 : I = ideal(x^3, x*y, y^2); o69 : Ideal of S i70 : J = blowUpIdeal(I) 2 o70 = ideal (y*b - x*c, x*b

2 3 2 - a*c, x b - y*a, x c - y a)

o70 : Ideal of QQ [x, y, a, b, c]

Therefore, the blow-up of the affine plane along the given subscheme is   (Q[x, y])[a, b, c] . X = Proj hyb − xc, xb2 − ac, x2 b − ya, x3 c − y 2 ai Using Macaulay 2, we can also verify that the scheme X is nonsingular; i71 : J + ideal jacobian J == ideal gens ring J o71 = true i72 : clearAll

Since we have (Q[x, y])[a, b, c] Q[x, y] ∼ Q[a, b, c] ⊗ , = hyb − xc, xb2 − ac, x2 b − ya, x3 c − y 2 ai hx, yi haci the fiber over the origin hx, yi in A2 is clearly a union of two copies of P1 meeting at one point. In particular, the exceptional fiber is not a projective space. t u Many other interesting blow-ups can be found in section II.2 in Eisenbud and Harris [5].


A Classic Blow-up

We consider the blow-up of the projective plane P2 at a point.


G. G. Smith and B. Sturmfels

Problem. Show that the following varieties are isomorphic. (a) the image of the rational map from P2 to P4 given by (r : s : t) 7→ (r2 : s2 : rs : rt : st) ; (b) the blow-up of the plane P2 at the point (0 : 0 : 1);   (c) the determinantal variety defined by the 2×2 minors of the matrix ab dc de  where P4 = Proj k[a, b, c, d, e] . This surface is called the cubic scroll in P4 .

Solution. We find the ideal in part (a) by elimination theory. i73 : PP4 = QQ[a..e]; i74 : S = QQ[r..t, A..E, MonomialOrder => Eliminate 3]; i75 : I = ideal(A - r^2, B - s^2, C - r*s, D - r*t, E - s*t); o75 : Ideal of S i76 : phi = map(PP4, S, matrix{{0_PP4, 0_PP4, 0_PP4}} | vars PP4) o76 = map(PP4,S,{0, 0, 0, a, b, c, d, e}) o76 : RingMap PP4 Eliminate 1]; i79 : blowUpIdeal = ideal selectInSubring(1, gens gb ideal(u-t*x, v-t*y)) o79 = ideal(y*u - x*v) o79 : Ideal of R

and embed it in P2 × P1 . i80 : PP2xPP1 = QQ[x, y, z, u, v]; i81 : embed = map(PP2xPP1, R, 0 | vars PP2xPP1); o81 : RingMap PP2xPP1 f(j)));

For example, we can demonstrate that the f -vector of the octahedron is (6, 12, 8). i12 : S = QQ[x_1 .. x_6]; i13 : octahedron = monomialIdeal(x_1*x_2, x_3*x_4, x_5*x_6) o13 = monomialIdeal (x x , x x , x x ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 o13 : MonomialIdeal of S i14 : fvector octahedron o14 = {6, 12, 8} o14 : List

More generally, we can recursively construct simplicial 2-spheres with f0 ≥ 4, starting with the tetrahedron, by pulling a point in the relative interior of a facet. This procedure leads to the following family: i15 : simplicial2sphere = v -> ( S := QQ[x_1..x_v]; if v === 4 then monomialIdeal product gens S else ( L := {}; scan(1..v-4, i -> L = L | apply(v-i-3, j -> x_i*x_(i+j+4))); scan(2..v-3, i -> L = L | {x_i*x_(i+1)*x_(i+2)}); monomialIdeal L)); i16 : apply({4,5,6,7,8}, j -> fvector simplicial2sphere(j)) o16 = {{4, 6, 4}, {5, 9, 6}, {6, 12, 8}, {7, 15, 10}, {8, 18, 12}} o16 : List

Monomial Ideals


Fig. 1. The octahedron

In fact, it follows from Euler’s formula that the f -vector of any simplicial 2-sphere has the form (v, 3v − 6, 2v − 4) for v ≥ 4. The problem of characterizing the f -vectors for triangulations of d-spheres is open for d ≥ 3. One of the most important results in this direction is the upper bound theorem for simplicial spheres (Corollary 5.4.7 Bruns and Herzog [6]) which states that the cyclic polytope has the maximal number of i-faces for all i. We point out that Stanley’s proof of this theorem depends heavily on these methods from commutative algebra. On the other hand, the f -vectors for several major classes of simplicial complexes have been characterized. The Kruskal-Katona theorem (Theorem 8.32 in Ziegler [29]) gives necessary and sufficient conditions for a sequence of nonnegative integers to be an f -vector of a simplicial complex. Stanley [24] describes the f -vectors of pure shellable complexes and Cohen-Macaulay complexes. Given the Betti numbers of a simplicial complex, Bj¨ orner and Kalai [5] specify the f -vectors. Finally, the g-theorem (Theorem 8.35 in Ziegler [29]) characterizes the f -vectors for boundary complexes of a simplicial convex polytope. For a further study of Stanley-Reisner ideals see Bruns and Herzog [6] and Stanley [24]. For more information of f -vectors, see Ziegler [29] and Bj¨ orner [4].


Primary Decomposition

A primary decomposition of an ideal I is an expression of I as a finite intersection of primary ideals; an ideal J is called primary if r1 r2 ∈ J implies either r1 ∈ J or r2` ∈ J for some ` > 0. Providing an algorithm for computing the primary decomposition of an arbitrary ideal in a polynomial ring is quite difficult. However, for monomial ideals, there are two algorithms which are relatively simple to describe.


S. Ho¸sten and G. G. Smith

We first present a recursive method for generating an irreducible primary decomposition. It is based on the following two observations. Lemma 2.1. Let I be a monomial ideal in S = Q[x1 , . . . , xn ]. (1) If I is generated by pure powers of a subset of the variables, then it is a primary ideal. (2) If r is minimal generator of I such that r = r1 r2 where r1 and r2 are relatively prime, then I = I + hr1 i ∩ I + hr2 i . Proof. (1) This follows immediately from the definition of primary.  (2) Since I is a monomial ideal, it is enough to show that I and I + hr1 i ∩ I + hr1 i contain the same monomials. A monomial r0 belongs to I + hrj i if and only if r0 ∈ I or rj divides r0 . Because r1 and r2 are relative prime, we have   r0 ∈ I + hr1 i ∩ I + hr1 i ⇔ r0 ∈ I or r1 r2 divides r0 ⇔ r0 ∈ I . t u The following is an implementation of the resulting algorithm: i17 : supp = r -> select(gens ring r, e -> r % e == 0); i18 : monomialDecompose = method(); i19 : monomialDecompose List := L -> ( P := select(L, I -> all(first entries gens I, r -> #supp(r) < 2) === false); if #P > 0 then ( I := first P; m := first select(first entries gens I, r -> #supp(r) > 1); E := first exponents m; i := position(E, e -> e =!= 0); r1 := product apply(E_{0..i}, (gens ring I)_{0..i}, (j, r) -> r^j); r2 := m // r1; monomialDecompose(delete(I, L) | {I+monomialIdeal(r1), I+monomialIdeal(r2)})) else L); i20 : monomialDecompose MonomialIdeal := I -> monomialDecompose {I};

Here is a small example illustrating this method. i21 : S = QQ[a,b,c,d]; i22 : I = monomialIdeal(a^3*b, a^3*c, a*b^3, b^3*c, a*c^3, b*c^3) 3 3 3 3 3 3 o22 = monomialIdeal (a b, a*b , a c, b c, a*c , b*c ) o22 : MonomialIdeal of S i23 : P = monomialDecompose I; i24 : scan(P, J -> ( if b X#i^(a#i+1))); monomialIdeal contract( lift(syz transpose vars S, R), product(#X, i -> X#i^(a#i)))) i27 : code(primaryDecomposition, MonomialIdeal) o27 = -- ../../../m2/monideal.m2:286-295 primaryDecomposition MonomialIdeal := (I) -> ( R := ring I; aI := lcmOfGens I; M := first entries gens dual I; L := unique apply(#M, i -> first exponents M_i); apply(L, i -> monomialIdeal apply(#i, j -> ( if i#j === 0 then 0_R else R_j^(aI#j+1-i#j) ))) )

This direct algorithm is more efficient than our recursive algorithm. In particular, it gives an irredundant decomposition. For example, when we use it to determine a primary decomposition for the ideal I above, we obtain i28 : L = primaryDecomposition I; i29 : scan(L, J -> #primaryDecomposition treeIdeal i) o32 = (2, 6, 24, 120, 720) o32 : Sequence

Example: Graph Ideals and Complexity Theory Monomial ideals also arise in graph theory. Given a graph G with vertices {x1 , . . . , xn }, we associate the ideal IG in Q[x1 , . . . , xn ] generated by the quadratic monomials xi xj such that xi is adjacent to xj . The primary decomposition of IG is related to the graph G as follows. Recall that a subset F ⊆ {x1 , . . . , xn } is called a vertex cover of G if each edge in G is incident to at least one vertex in F . Lemma 2.3. If G is a graph and C is the set of minimal vertex covers of G T then the irreducible irredundant primary decomposition of IG is F ∈C PF c , where PF c is the prime ideal hxi : xi 6∈ F c i = hxi : xi ∈ F i. Proof. Since each generator of IG corresponds to an edge in G, it follows from the monomialDecompose algorithm that IG has an irreducible primary T decomposition of the form: IG = PF c , where F is a vertex cover. To obtain an irredundant decomposition, one clearly needs only the minimal vertex covers. t u As an application of graph ideals, we examine the complexity of determining the codimension of a monomial ideal. In fact, following Bayer and Stillman [3], we prove Proposition 2.4. The following decision problem is NP-complete: Given a monomial ideal I ⊆ Q[x1 , . . . , xn ] and m ∈ N, is codim I ≤ m?


By definition, a decision problem is NP-complete if all other problems in the class NP can be reduced to it. To prove that a particular problem is NP-complete, it suffices to show: (1) the problem belongs to the class NP; (2) some known NP-complete problem reduces to the given decision problem (see Lemma 2.3 in Garey and Johnson [8]). One of the “standard NP-complete” problems (see section 3.1 in Garey and Johnson [8]) is the following: Given a graph G and m ∈ N, is there a vertex cover F such that |F | ≤ m?

(Vertex Cover)


S. Ho¸sten and G. G. Smith

Proof of Proposition. (1) Observe that a monomial ideal I has codimension at most m if and only if I ⊆ PF c for some F with |F | ≤ m. Now, if I has codimension at most m, then given an appropriate choice of F , one can verify in polynomial time that I ⊆ PF c and |F | ≤ m. Therefore, the Codim problem belongs to the class NP. (2) Lemma 2.3 implies that IG has codimension m if and only if G has a vertex cover of size at most m. In particular, the Vertex Cover problem reduces to the Codim problem. t u Thus, assuming P 6= NP, there is no polynomial time algorithm for finding the codimension of a monomial ideal. Nevertheless, we can effectively compute the codimension for many interesting examples. To illustrate this point, we consider the following family of examples. Let S = Q[X] denote the polynomial ring generated by the entries of a generic m × n matrix X = [xi,j ]. Let Ik be the ideal generated by the k × k minors of X. Since the Hilbert function of S/Ik equals the Hilbert function of S/ in(Ik ) (see Theorem 15.26 in Eisenbud [7]), we can determine the codimension Ik by working with the monomial ideal in(Ik ). Because Sturmfels [25] shows that the set of k × k-minors of X is the reduced Gr¨ obner basis of Ik with respect to the lexicographic term order induced from the variable order x1,n > x1,n−1 > · · · > x1,1 > x2,n > · · · > x2,1 > · · · > xm,n > · · · > xm,1 , we can easily calculate in(Ik ). In particular, in Macaulay 2 we have i33 : minorsIdeal = (m,n,k) -> ( S := QQ[x_1..x_(m*n), MonomialOrder => Lex]; I := minors(k, matrix table(m, n, (i,j) -> x_(i*n+n-j))); forceGB gens I; I); i34 : apply(2..8, i -> time codim monomialIdeal minorsIdeal(i,2*i,2)) -- used 0.02 seconds -- used 0.05 seconds -- used 0.1 seconds -- used 0.36 seconds -- used 1.41 seconds -- used 5.94 seconds -- used 25.51 seconds o34 = (3, 10, 21, 36, 55, 78, 105) o34 : Sequence

The properties of Ik are further developed in chapter 11 of Sturmfels [26] and chapter 7 of Bruns and Herzog [6] For more on the relationships between a graph and its associated ideal, see Villarreal [28], Simis, Vasconcelos and Villarreal [23], and Ohsugi and Hibi [19]. i35 : erase symbol x;

Monomial Ideals



Standard Pairs

In this section, we examine a combinatorial object associated to a monomial ideal. In particular, we present two algorithms for computing the standard pairs of a monomial ideal from its minimal generators. Before giving the definition of a standard pair, we consider an example.

Fig. 2. Staircase diagram for I = hxy 3 z, xy 2 z 2 , y 3 z 2 , y 2 z 3 i

Example 3.1. Let I = hxy 3 z, xy 2 z 2 , y 3 z 2 , y 2 z 3 i in Q[x, y, z]. We identify the monomials in Q[x, y, z] with the lattice points in N3 ; see Figure 2. The standard monomials of I, those monomials which are not in I, can be enumerated as follows: (i) monomials corresponding to lattice points in the xy-plane, (ii) monomials corresponding to lattice points in the xz-plane, (iii) monomials corresponding to lattice points in the plane parallel to the xz-plane containing (0, 1, 0), (iv) monomials corresponding to lattice points on the line parallel to the y-axis containing (0, 0, 1), (v) monomials corresponding to lattices point on the line parallel to the x-axis containing (0, 2, 1), and (vi) the monomial y2 z2 . Following Sturmfels, Trung and Vogel [27], we make the following definitions. Given a monomial xα and a subset F ⊆ {x1 , . . . , xn }, we index the set of monomials of the form xα · xβ where supp(xβ ) ⊆ F by the pair (xα , F ). A standard pair of a monomial ideal I is a pair (xα , F ) satisfying the following three conditions: (1) supp(xα ) ∩ F = ∅,


S. Ho¸sten and G. G. Smith

(2) all of the monomials represented by this pair are standard, and (3) (xα , F ) 6⊆ (xβ , G) for any other pair (xβ , G) satisfying the first two conditions. Hence, the six standard pairs (1, {x, y}), (1, {x, z}), (y, {x, z}), (z, {y}), (y 2 z, {x}), (y 2 z 2 , ∅) in Example 3.1 correspond to (i)–(vi). Observe that set of standard pairs of I gives an irreducible decompoT the i +1 sition of I = hxα : xi ∈ / F i, where the intersection is over all standard i pairs (xα , F ). Moreover, the prime ideal PF := hxi : xi ∈ / F i is an associated prime of I if and only if there exists a standard pair of the form (•, F ); see Sturmfels, Trung and Vogel [27] for details. Our first algorithm for computing the set of standard pairs is taken from Ho¸sten and Thomas [15]. The ideas behind it are as follows: given a witness w1 = xα for PF := hxi : xi ∈ / F i, that is (I : xα ) = PF , Q the associated αprime i set w2 = xi ∈supp(w1 )∩F c xi . It follows that (w2 , F ) is a standard pair of I. Now, consider the standard pairs of the slightly larger ideal I + hw1 i. Clearly (w2 , F ) is not a standard pair of this ideal because w1 “destroys” it. This larger ideal might have standard pairs which cover standard monomials in (w2 , F ) that are not in the pair (w1 , F ). However, all other standard pairs are the same as the original ideal I. Thus, the problem of finding all standard pairs of I reduces to determining if a standard pair of I + hw1 i is a standard pair for I. To decide if a pair (xβ , G) of I + hw1 i is a standard pair of I, we first check that PF is an associated prime of I. If this is true, we determine if (w2 , F ) is covered by (xβ , G). The Macaulay 2 version of this algorithm takes the following form: i36 : stdPairs = I -> ( S := ring I; X := gens S; std := {}; J := I; while J != S do ( w1 := 1_S; F := X; K := J; while K != 0 do ( g1 := (ideal mingens ideal K)_0; x := first supp g1; w1 = w1 * g1 // x; F = delete(x, F); K = K : monomialIdeal(g1 // x); L := select(first entries gens K, r -> not member(x, supp r)); if #L > 0 then K = monomialIdeal L else K = monomialIdeal 0_S;); w2 := w1; scan(X, r -> if not member(r, supp w1) or member(r, F) then w2 = substitute(w2, {r => 1})); P := monomialIdeal select(X, r -> not member(r, F));

Monomial Ideals


if (I:(I:P) == P) and (all(std, p -> (w2 % (first p) != 0) or not isSubset(supp(w2 // first p) | F, last p))) then std = std | {{w2, F}}; J = J + monomialIdeal(w1);); std);

We can compute the standard pairs of Example 3.1 using this Macaulay 2 function: i37 : S = QQ[x,y,z]; i38 : I = monomialIdeal(x*y^3*z, x*y^2*z^2, y^3*z^2, y^2*z^3); o38 : MonomialIdeal of S i39 : scan(time stdPairs I, P -> not Lset#?r); m = substitute(m, apply(L, r -> r => 1)); -- using monoid to create ring to avoid -- changing global ring. A := k (monoid [Y]); phi := map(A, R, substitute(m, A)); J := ideal mingens ideal phi gens I; Jsat := saturate(J, ideal vars A); if Jsat != J then ( B := flatten entries super basis ( trim (Jsat / J)); psi := map(R, A, matrix{Y}); S = join(S, apply(B, b -> {psi(b), L})); ))); S) i41 : time standardPairs I; -- used 0.83 seconds

As an example, we will compute the standard pairs of the permutahedron ideal. Let S = Q[x1 , . . . , xn ] and let Sn be the symmetric group of order n. We write ρ for the vector (1, 2, . . . , n) and σ(ρ) for the vector obtained by applying σ ∈ Sn to the coordinates of ρ. The n-th permutahedron ideal is hxσ(ρ) : σ ∈ Sn i. We compute the number of standard pairs for 2 ≤ n ≤ 5. i42 : permutohedronIdeal = n -> ( S := QQ[X_1..X_n]; monomialIdeal terms det matrix table(n ,gens S, (i,r) -> r^(i+1))); i43 : L = apply({2,3,4,5}, j -> standardPairs(permutohedronIdeal(j))); i44 : apply(L, i -> #i) o44 = {3, 10, 53, 446} o44 : List i45 : erase symbol x; erase symbol z;

Example: Integer Programming Problems As an application of standard pairs, we show how to solve integer linear programming problems. Let A be a d × n matrix of nonnegative integers, let ω ∈ Rn and fix β ∈ Zd . We focus on the following optimization problem IPA,ω (β) :

minimize ω · α subject to Aα = β, α ∈ Nn .

Monomial Ideals


We view this integer linear program as a family depending on the vector β. The algorithm we present for solving IPA,ω (β) depends on the proposition below. The toric ideal IA ⊆ S = Q[x1 , . . . , xn ] associated to A is the binomial ideal generated by xγ − xδ where γ, δ ∈ Nn and Aγ = Aδ. We write in ω (IA ) for the initial ideal of IA with respect to the following order: ( ω · γ < ω · δ or γ δ x ≺ω x ⇐⇒ ω · γ = ω · δ and xα ≺rlex xγ . For more information on toric ideals and their initial ideals see Sturmfels [26]. Proposition 3.3. (1) A monomial xα is a standard monomial of in ω (IA ) if and only if α is the optimal solution to the integer program IPA,ω (Aα). (2) If (•, F ) is a standard pair of in ω (IA ), then the columns of A corresponding to F are linearly independent. Proof. See Proposition 2.1 in Ho¸sten and Thomas [14] for the proof of the first statement. The second statement follows from Corollary 2.9 of the same article. t u The first statement implies that the standard pairs of in ω (IA ) cover all optimal solutions to all integer programs in IPA,ω . If α is the optimal solution to IPA,ω (β) covered by the standard pair (xγ , F ), then the second statement guarantees there exists a unique δ ∈ Nn such that Aδ = β − Aγ. Therefore, α = δ + γ. We point out that the complexity of this algorithm is dominated by determining the set of standard pairs of in ω (IA ) which depends only on A and ω. As a result, this method is particularly well suited to solving IPA,ω (β) as β varies. To implement this algorithm in Macaulay 2, we need a function which returns the toric ideal IA . Following Algorithm 12.3 in Sturmfels [26], we have i47 : toBinomial = (b, S) -> ( pos := 1_S; neg := 1_S; scan(#b, i -> if b_i > 0 then pos = pos*S_i^(b_i) else if b_i < 0 then neg = neg*S_i^(-b_i)); pos - neg); i48 : toricIdeal = (A, omega) -> ( n := rank source A; S = QQ[x_1..x_n, Weights => omega, MonomialSize => 16]; B := transpose matrix syz A; J := ideal apply(entries B, b -> toBinomial(b, S)); scan(gens S, r -> J = saturate(J, r)); J);

Thus, we can solve IPA,ω (β) using the following function.


S. Ho¸sten and G. G. Smith i49 : IP = (A, omega, beta) -> ( std := standardPairs monomialIdeal toricIdeal(A, omega); n := rank source A; alpha := {}; Q := first select(1, std, P -> ( F := apply(last P, r -> index r); gamma := transpose matrix exponents first P; K := transpose syz (submatrix(A,F) | (A*gamma-beta)); X := select(entries K, k -> abs last(k) === 1); scan(X, k -> if all(k, j -> j>=0) or all(k, j -> j if member(j, F) then last(k)*k_(position(F, i -> i === j)) else 0)); #alpha > 0)); if #Q > 0 then (matrix {alpha})+(matrix exponents first Q) else 0);

We illustrate this with some examples. i50 : A = matrix{{1,1,1,1,1},{1,2,4,5,6}} o50 = | 1 1 1 1 1 | | 1 2 4 5 6 | 2 o50 : Matrix ZZ

5 0 are discussed in Eisenbud [7]. Example: Connectedness of the Hilbert Scheme Generic initial ideals are a powerful tool for studying the structure of the Hilbert scheme. Intuitively, the Hilbert scheme Hilb p(t) (Pn ) parameterizes subschemes X ⊆ Pn with Hilbert polynomial p(t). For an introduction to Hilbert schemes see Harris and Morrison [11]. The construction of the Hilbert scheme Hilb p(t) (Pn ) can be found in Grothendieck’s original article [10] or Altman and Kleiman [1]. While much is known about specific Hilbert schemes, the general structure remain largely a mystery. In particular, the component structure — the number of irreducible components, their dimensions, how they intersect and what subschemes they parameterize — is not well understood. Reeves [21] uses generic initial ideals to establish the most important theorem to date on the component structure. The incidence graph of Hilb p(t) (Pn ) is defined as follows: to each irreducible component we assign a vertex and we connect two vertices if the corresponding components intersect. Reeves [21] proves that the distance (the number of edges in the shortest path) between any two vertices in the incidence graph of Hilb p(t) (Pn ) is at most 2 deg p(t)+2. Her proof can be divided into three major steps.


S. Ho¸sten and G. G. Smith

Step I: connect an arbitrary ideal to a Borel-fixed ideal. Passing to an initial ideal corresponds to taking the limit in a flat family, in other words a path on the Hilbert scheme; see Theorem 15.17 in Eisenbud [7]. Thus, Theorem 4.1 shows that generic initial ideals connect arbitrary ideals to Borel-fixed ideals. Step II: connect Borel-fixed ideals by projection. For a homogeneous ideal I ⊆ S = Q[x0 , . . . , xn ], let π(I) denote the ideal obtained by setting xn = 1 and xn−1 = 1 in I. With this notation, we have Theorem 4.2. If J is a Borel-fixed ideal, then the set of Borel-fixed ideals I, with Hilbert polynomial p(t) and π(I) = J, consists of ideals defining subschemes of Pn which all lie on a single component of Hilb p(t) (Pn ). Proof. See Theorem 6 in Reeves [21].

t u

This gives an easy method for partitioning Borel-fixed ideals into classes, each of which must lie in a single component. Step III: connect Borel-fixed ideals by distraction. Given a Borel-fixed ideal, we produce a new ideal via a two-step process called distraction. First, one polarizes the Borel-fixed ideal. The polarization of a monomial ideal I ⊂ S is defined as: * n α + i YY α0 n zi,j : where x0 · · · xα . n is a minimal generator of I i=0 j=1

One then pulls the result back to an ideal in the original variables by taking a linear section of the polarization. Theorem 4.10 in Hartshorne [12] shows that the distraction is connected to the original Borel-fixed ideal. Now, taking the lexicographic generic initial ideal of the distraction yields a second Borelfixed ideal. Reeves [21] proves that repeating this process, at most deg p(t)+1 times, one arrives at a distinguished component of Hilb p(t) (Pn ) called the lexicographic component. For more information on the lexicographic component see Reeves and Stillman [20]. We can implement these operations in Macaulay 2 as follows: i77 : projection = I -> ( S := ring I; n := numgens S; X := gens S; monomialIdeal mingens substitute(ideal I, {X#(n-2) => 1, X#(n-1) => 1})); i78 : polarization = I -> ( n := numgens ring I; u := apply(numgens I, i -> first exponents I_i); I.lcm = max \ transpose u; Z := flatten apply(n, i -> apply(I.lcm#i, j -> z_{i,j})); R := QQ(monoid[Z]); Z = gens R; p := apply(n, i -> sum((I.lcm)_{0..i-1})); monomialIdeal apply(u, e -> product apply(n, i -> product(toList(0..e#i-1), j -> Z#(p#i+j)))));

Monomial Ideals


i79 : distraction = I -> ( S := ring I; n := numgens S; X := gens S; J := polarization I; W := flatten apply(n, i -> flatten apply(I.lcm#i, j -> X#i)); section := map(S, ring J, apply(W, r -> r random(500)*X#(n-2) - random(500)*X#(n-1))); section ideal J);

For example, we have i80 : S = QQ[x_0 .. x_4, MonomialOrder => GLex]; i81 : I = monomialIdeal(x_0^2, x_0*x_1^2*x_3, x_1^3*x_4) 2 2 3 o81 = monomialIdeal (x , x x x , x x ) 0 0 1 3 1 4 o81 : MonomialIdeal of S i82 : projection I 2 2 3 o82 = monomialIdeal (x , x x , x ) 0 0 1 1 o82 : MonomialIdeal of S i83 : polarization I o83 = monomialIdeal (z

z , z z z z , z {0, 0} {0, 1} {0, 0} {1, 0} {1, 1} {3, 0} {1

··· ···

, z {1, 2}

··· ···

2 2 - 398x x - 584x x + 36001x + 92816x x + 47239x , 0 0 3 0 4 3 3 4 4

··· ··· ···

o83 : MonomialIdeal of QQ [z

, z {0, 0}

, z {0, 1}

, z {1, 0}

{1, 1}

i84 : distraction I 2 o84 = ideal (x

o84 : Ideal of S

To illustrate Reeves’ method, we show that the incidence graph of the Hilbert scheme Hilb4t+1 (P4 ) has diameter at most 2. Note that the rational quartic curve in P4 has Hilbert polynomial 4t + 1. i85 : m =

matrix table({0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, (i,j) -> (gens S)#(i+j))

o85 = | x_0 x_1 x_2 | | x_1 x_2 x_3 | | x_2 x_3 x_4 | 3

3 false) o88 = 4$i + 1 o88 : QQ [$i]

There are 12 Borel-fixed ideals with Hilbert polynomial 4t + 1; see Example 1 in Reeves [21]. i89 : L = {monomialIdeal(x_0^2, x_0*x_1, x_0*x_2, x_1^2, x_1*x_2, x_2^ · · · i90 : scan(#L, i -> projection gin distraction L#i == class3) o98 = true

Therefore, the components corresponding to class1 and class2 intersect the one corresponding to class3. Note that class3 corresponds to the lexicographic component.


The Chain Property

Ho¸sten and Thomas [14] recently established that the initial ideals of a toric ideal have an interesting combinatorial structure called the chain property. This structure is on the poset of associated primes where the partial order is given by inclusion. Since a monomial ideal I ⊂ S = Q[x1 , . . . , xn ] is prime if and only if it is generated by a subset of the variables {x1 , . . . , xn }, the poset of associated primes of I is contained in the power set of the variables. We say that a monomial ideal I has the chain property if the following condition holds: For any embedded prime PF = hxi : xi 6∈ F i of I, there exists an associated prime PG ⊂ PF such that |G| = |F | − 1.


S. Ho¸sten and G. G. Smith

In other words, there is a saturated chain from every embedded prime to some minimal prime. Experimental evidence suggests that, in fact, most initial ideals of prime ideals satisfy this saturated chain condition. Because of ubiquity and simplicity of this condition, we are interested in understanding which classes of initial ideals (or more generally monomial ideals) have the chain property. More recently, Miller, Sturmfels and Yanagawa [18] provided a large class of monomial ideals with the chain property. A monomial ideal I is called generic when the following condition holds: if two distinct minimal generators r1 and r2 of I have the same positive degree in some variable xi , there is a third generator r3 which strictly divides the least common multiple of r1 and r2 . In particular, if no two distinct minimal generators have the same positive degree in any variable, then the monomial ideal is generic. Theorem 2.2 in Miller, Sturmfels and Yanagawa [18] shows that generic monomial ideals have the chain property. Examples and Counterexamples In this final section, we illustrate how to use Macaulay 2 for further experimentation and investigation of the chain property. The following function determines whether a monomial ideal has the chain property: i99 : hasChainProperty = I -> ( L := ass I; radI := radical I; all(L, P -> radI : (radI : P) == P or ( gensP := first entries gens P; all(gensP, r -> ( Q := monomialIdeal delete(r, gensP); I : (I : Q) == Q)))));

Using hasChainProperty, we examine the initial ideals of four interesting classes of ideals related to toric ideals. An Initial Ideal of a Toric Ideal. As mentioned above, Ho¸sten and Thomas proved that any initial ideal of a toric ideal satisfies the saturated chain condition. The following example demonstrates this phenomenon. Consider the matrix A: i100 : A = matrix{{1,1,1,1,1,1,1}, {2,0,0,0,1,0,0}, {0,2,0,0,0,1,0}, { · · · o100 = | | | |

1 2 0 2

1 0 2 2

1 0 0 0

1 0 0 2

1 1 0 1

1 0 1 1

1 0 0 1

| | | |

4 o100 : Matrix ZZ

7 random(0, R) + random(1, R) + random(2, R));

The ideal they generate has dimension 0 and degree 16 = 24 , which is the B´ezout number. i3 : I = ideal PolynomialSystem; o3 : Ideal of R i4 : dim I, degree I o4 = (0, 16) o4 : Sequence

If we restrict the monomials which appear in the fi to be among 1, y11 , y12 , y21 , y22 , y11 y22 ,

and y12 y21 ,

then the ideal they generate again has dimension 0, but its degree is now 4. i5 : J = ideal (random(R^4, R^7) * transpose( matrix{{1, y11, y12, y21, y22, y11*y22, y12*y21}})); o5 : Ideal of R i6 : dim J, degree J o6 = (0, 4) o6 : Sequence

If we further require that the coefficients of the quadratic terms sum to zero, then the ideal they generate now has degree 2. i7 : K = ideal (random(R^4, R^6) * transpose( matrix{{1, y11, y12, y21, y22, y11*y22 - y12*y21}})); o7 : Ideal of R i8 : dim K, degree K o8 = (0, 2) o8 : Sequence

From Enumerative Geometry to Solving Equations


In Example 4.2, we shall see how this last specialization is geometrically meaningful. For us, enumerative geometry is concerned with enumerating geometric figures of some kind having specified positions with respect to general fixed figures. That is, counting the solutions to a geometrically meaningful system of polynomial equations. We use Macaulay 2 to investigate some enumerative geometric problems from this point of view. The problem of enumeration will be solved by computing the degree of the (0-dimensional) ideal generated by the polynomials.


Solving Systems of Polynomials

We briefly discuss some aspects of solving systems of polynomial equations. For a more complete survey, see the relevant chapters in [6,7]. Given an ideal I in a polynomial ring k[X], set V(I) := Spec k[X]/I. When I is generated by the polynomials f1 , . . . , fN , V(I) gives the set of solutions in affine space to the system f1 (X) = · · · = fN (X) = 0


a geometric structure. These solutions are the roots of the ideal I. The degree of a zero-dimensional ideal I provides an algebraic count of its roots. The degree of its radical counts roots in the algebraic closure, ignoring multiplicities. 2.1

Excess Intersection

Sometimes, only a proper (open) subset of affine space is geometrically meaningful, and we want to count only the meaningful roots of I. Often the roots V(I) has positive dimensional components that lie in the complement of the meaningful subset. One way to treat this situation of excess or improper intersection is to saturate I by a polynomial f vanishing on the extraneous roots. This has the effect of working in k[X][f −1 ], the coordinate ring of the complement of V(f ) [9, Exer. 2.3]. Example 2.1. We illustrate this with an example. Consider the following ideal in F7 [x, y]. i9 : R = ZZ/7[y, x, MonomialOrder=>Lex]; i10 : I = ideal (y^3*x^2 + 2*y^2*x + 3*x*y,

3*y^2 + x*y - 3*y);

o10 : Ideal of R

Since the generators have greatest common factor y, I defines finitely many points together with the line y = 0. Saturate I by the variable y to obtain the ideal J of isolated roots.


F. Sottile i11 : J = saturate(I, ideal(y)) 4

3 2 + x + 3x + 3x, y - 2x - 1)

o11 = ideal (x o11 : Ideal of R

The first polynomial factors completely in F7 [x], i12 : factor(J_0) o12 = (x)(x - 2)(x + 2)(x + 1) o12 : Product

and so the isolated roots of I are (2, 5), (−1, −1), (0, 1), and (−2, −3). Here, the extraneous roots came from a common factor in both equations. A less trivial example of this phenomenon will be seen in Section 5.2. 2.2

Elimination, Rationality, and Solving

Elimination theory can be used to study the roots of a zero-dimensional ideal I ⊂ k[X]. A polynomial h ∈ k[X] defines a map k[y] → k[X] (by y 7→ h) and a corresponding projection h : Spec k[X]  A1 . The generator g(y) ∈ k[y] of the kernel of the map k[y] → k[X]/I is called an eliminant and it has the property that V(g) = h(V(I)). When h is a coordinate function xi , we may consider the eliminant to be in the polynomial ring k[xi ], and we have hg(xi )i = I ∩ k[xi ]. The most important result concerning eliminants is the Shape Lemma [2]. Shape Lemma. Suppose h is a linear polynomial and g is the corresponding eliminant of a zero-dimensional ideal I ⊂ k[X] with deg(I) = deg(g). Then the roots of I are defined in the splitting field of g and I is radical if and only if g is square-free. Suppose further that h = x1 so that g = g(x1 ). Then, in the lexicographic term order with x1 < x2 < · · · < xn , I has a Gr¨ obner basis of the form: g(x1 ), x2 − g2 (x1 ), . . . , xn − gn (x1 ) ,


where deg(g) > deg(gi ) for i = 2, . . . , n. When k is infinite and I is radical, an eliminant g given by a generic linear polynomial h will satisfy deg(g) = deg(I). Enumerative geometry counts solutions when the fixed figures are generic. We are similarly concerned with the generic situation of deg(g) = deg(I). In this case, eliminants provide a useful computational device to study further questions about the roots of I. For instance, the Shape Lemma holds for the saturated ideal of Example 2.1. Its eliminant, which is the polynomial J_0, factors completely over the ground field F7 , so all four solutions are defined in F7 . In Section 4.3, we will use eliminants in another way, to show that an ideal is radical.

From Enumerative Geometry to Solving Equations


Given a polynomial h in a zero-dimensional ring k[X]/I, the procedure eliminant(h, k[y]) finds a linear relation modulo I among the powers 1, h, h2 , . . . , hd of h with d minimal and returns this as a polynomial in k[y]. This procedure is included in the Macaulay 2 package realroots.m2. i13 : load "realroots.m2" i14 : code eliminant o14 = -- realroots.m2:65-80 eliminant = (h, C) -> ( Z := C_0; A := ring h; assert( dim A == 0 ); F := coefficientRing A; assert( isField F ); assert( F == coefficientRing C ); B := basis A; d := numgens source B; M := fold((M, i) -> M || substitute(contract(B, h^(i+1)), F), substitute(contract(B, 1_A), F), flatten subsets(d, d)); N := ((ker transpose M)).generators; P := matrix {toList apply(0..d, i -> Z^i)} * N; (flatten entries(P))_0)

Here, M is a matrix whose rows are the normal forms of the powers 1, h, h2 , . . ., hd of h, for d the degree of the ideal. The columns of the kernel N of transpose M are a basis of the linear relations among these powers. The matrix P converts these relations into polynomials. Since N is in column echelon form, the initial entry of P is the relation of minimal degree. (This method is often faster than na¨ıvely computing the kernel of the map k[Z] → A given by Z 7→ h, which is implemented by eliminantNaive(h, Z).) Suppose we have an eliminant g(x1 ) of a zero-dimensional ideal I ⊂ k[X] with deg(g) = deg(I), and we have computed the lexicographic Gr¨obner basis (2). Then the roots of I are {(ξ1 , g2 (ξ1 ), . . . , gn (ξ1 )) | g(ξ1 ) = 0} .


Suppose now that k = Q and we seek floating point approximations for the (complex) roots of I. Following this method, we first compute floating point solutions to g(ξ) = 0, which give all the x1 -coordinates of the roots of I, and then use (3) to find the other coordinates. The difficulty here is that enough precision may be lost in evaluating gi (ξ1 ) so that the result is a poor approximation for the other components ξi . 2.3

Solving with Linear Algebra

We describe another method based upon numerical linear algebra. When I ⊂ k[X] is zero-dimensional, A = k[X]/I is a finite-dimensional k-vector space, and any Gr¨ obner basis for I gives an efficient algorithm to compute


F. Sottile

ring operations using linear algebra. In particular, multiplication by h ∈ A is a linear transformation mh : A → A and the command regularRep(h) from realroots.m2 gives the matrix of mh in terms of the standard basis of A. i15 : code regularRep o15 = -- realroots.m2:96-100 regularRep = f -> ( assert( dim ring f == 0 ); b := basis ring f; k := coefficientRing ring f; substitute(contract(transpose b, f*b), k))

Since the action of A on itself is faithful, the minimal polynomial of mh is the eliminant corresponding to h. The procedure charPoly(h, Z) in realroots.m2 computes the characteristic polynomial det(Z · Id − mh ) of h. i16 : code charPoly o16 = -- realroots.m2:106-113 charPoly = (h, Z) -> ( A := ring h; F := coefficientRing A; S := F[Z]; Z = value Z; mh := regularRep(h) ** S; Idz := S_0 * id_(S^(numgens source mh)); det(Idz - mh))

When this is the minimal polynomial (the situation of the Shape Lemma), this procedure often computes the eliminant faster than does eliminant, and for systems of moderate degree, much faster than na¨ıvely computing the kernel of the map k[Z] → A given by Z 7→ h. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of mh give another algorithm for finding the roots of I. The engine for this is the following result. Stickelberger’s Theorem. Let h ∈ A and mh be as above. Then there is a one-to-one correspondence between eigenvectors vξ of mh and roots ξ of I, the eigenvalue of mh on vξ is the value h(ξ) of h at ξ, and the multiplicity of this eigenvalue (on the eigenvector vξ ) is the multiplicity of the root ξ. Since the linear transformations mh for h ∈ A commute, the eigenvectors vξ are common to all mh . Thus we may compute the roots of a zerodimensional ideal I ⊂ k[X] by first computing floating-point approximations to the eigenvectors vξ of mx1 . Then the root ξ = (ξ1 , . . . , ξn ) of I corresponding to the eigenvector vξ has ith coordinate satisfying mxi · vξ = ξi · vξ .


An advantage of this method is that we may use structured numerical linear algebra after the matrices mxi are precomputed using exact arithmetic. (These matrices are typically sparse and have additional structures which may be exploited.) Also, the coordinates ξi are linear functions of the floating point entries of vξ , which affords greater precision than the non-linear

From Enumerative Geometry to Solving Equations


evaluations gi (ξ1 ) in the method based upon elimination. While in principle only one of the deg(I) components of the vectors in (4) need be computed, averaging the results from all components can improve precision. 2.4

Real Roots

Determining the real roots of a polynomial system is a challenging problem with real world applications. When the polynomials come from geometry, this is the main problem of real enumerative geometry. Suppose k ⊂ R and I ⊂ k[X] is zero-dimensional. If g is an eliminant of k[X]/I with deg(g) = deg(I), then the real roots of g are in 1-1 correspondence with the real roots of I. Since there are effective methods for counting the real roots of a univariate polynomial, eliminants give a na¨ıve, but useful method for determining the number of real roots to a polynomial system. (For some applications of this technique in mathematics, see [20,23,25].) The classical symbolic method of Sturm, based upon Sturm sequences, counts the number of real roots of a univariate polynomial in an interval. When applied to an eliminant satisfying the Shape Lemma, this method counts the number of real roots of the ideal. This is implemented in Macaulay 2 via the command SturmSequence(f) of realroots.m2 i17 : code SturmSequence o17 = -- realroots.m2:117-131 SturmSequence = f -> ( assert( isPolynomialRing ring f ); assert( numgens ring f === 1 ); R := ring f; assert( char R == 0 ); x := R_0; n := first degree f; c := new MutableList from toList (0 .. n); if n >= 0 then ( c#0 = f; if n >= 1 then ( c#1 = diff(x,f); scan(2 .. n, i -> c#i = - c#(i-2) % c#(i-1)); )); toList c)

The last few lines of SturmSequence construct the Sturm sequence of the univariate argument f : This is (f0 , f1 , f2 , . . .) where f0 = f , f1 = f 0 , and for i > 1, fi is the normal form reduction of −fi−2 modulo fi−1 . Given any real number x, the variation of f at x is the number of changes in sign of the sequence (f0 (x), f1 (x), f2 (x), . . .) obtained by evaluating the Sturm sequence of f at x. Then the number of real roots of f over an interval [x, y] is the difference of the variation of f at x and at y. The Macaulay 2 commands numRealSturm and numPosRoots (and also numNegRoots) use this method to respectively compute the total number of real roots and the number of positive roots of a univariate polynomial.


F. Sottile i18 : code numRealSturm o18 = -- realroots.m2:160-163 numRealSturm = f -> ( c := SturmSequence f; variations (signAtMinusInfinity \ c) - variations (signAtInfinity \ c)) i19 : code numPosRoots o19 = -- realroots.m2:168-171 numPosRoots = f -> ( c := SturmSequence f; variations (signAtZero \ c) - variations (signAtInfinity \ c))

These use the commands signAt∗(f), which give the sign of f at ∗. (Here, ∗ is one of Infinity, zero, or MinusInfinity.) Also variations(c) computes the number of sign changes in the sequence c. i20 : code variations o20 = -- realroots.m2:183-191 variations = c -> ( n := 0; last := 0; scan(c, x -> if x != 0 then ( if last < 0 and x > 0 or last > 0 and x < 0 then n = n+1; last = x; )); n)

A more sophisticated method to compute the number of real roots which can also give information about their location uses the rank and signature of the symmetric trace form. Suppose I ⊂ k[X] is a zero-dimensional ideal and set A := k[X]/I. For h ∈ k[X], set Sh (f, g) := trace(mhf g ). It is an easy exercise that Sh is a symmetric bilinear form on A. The procedure traceForm(h) in realroots.m2 computes this trace form Sh . i21 : code traceForm o21 = -- realroots.m2:196-203 traceForm = h -> ( assert( dim ring h == 0 ); b := basis ring h; k := coefficientRing ring h; mm := substitute(contract(transpose b, h * b ** b), k); tr := matrix {apply(first entries b, x -> trace regularRep x)}; adjoint(tr * mm, source tr, source tr))

The value of this construction is the following theorem. Theorem 2.2 ([3,19]). Suppose k ⊂ R and I is a zero-dimensional ideal in k[x1 , . . . , xn ] and consider V(I) ⊂ Cn . Then, for h ∈ k[x1 , . . . , xn ], the signature σ(Sh ) and rank ρ(Sh ) of the bilinear form Sh satisfy σ(Sh ) = #{a ∈ V(I) ∩ Rn : h(a) > 0} − #{a ∈ V(I) ∩ Rn : h(a) < 0} ρ(Sh ) = #{a ∈ V(I) : h(a) 6= 0} .

From Enumerative Geometry to Solving Equations


That is, the rank of Sh counts roots in Cn −V(h), and its signature counts the real roots weighted by the sign of h (which is −1, 0, or 1) at each root. The command traceFormSignature(h) in realroots.m2 returns the rank and signature of the trace form Sh . i22 : code traceFormSignature o22 = -- realroots.m2:208-218 traceFormSignature = h -> ( A := ring h; assert( dim A == 0 ); assert( char A == 0 ); S := QQ[Z]; TrF := traceForm(h) ** S; IdZ := Z * id_(S^(numgens source TrF)); f := det(TrF - IdZ); ( matrix{{1, 0, y11, matrix{{0, 1, y21, M * transpose V)^2 * M * transpose P)

y12}}; y22}}; * (V * M * transpose V)

√ The ideal of lines having distance 5 from the four points (0, 0, 0), (4, 1, 1), (1, 4, 1), and (1, 1, 4) has dimension zero and degree 12. i46 : I = ideal (tangentTo(Sphere(0,0,0,5)), tangentTo(Sphere(4,1,1,5)), tangentTo(Sphere(1,4,1,5)), tangentTo(Sphere(1,1,4,5))); o46 : Ideal of R i47 : dim I, degree I o47 = (0, 12) o47 : Sequence

Thus there are 12 lines whose distance from those 4 points is that all 12 are real.

5. We check

i48 : A = R/I; i49 : numRealSturm(eliminant(y11 - y12 + y21 + y22, QQ[Z])) o49 = 12

Since no eliminant given by a coordinate function satisfies the hypotheses of the Shape Lemma, we took the eliminant with respect to the linear form y11 − y12 + y21 + y22 . This example is an instance of Lemma 3 of [18]. These four points define √ a regular tetrahedron with volume V = 9 where each face has area A = 35 /2 √ and each edge has length e = 18. That result guarantees that all 12 lines will be real when e/2 < r < A2 /3V , which is the case above.


Schubert Calculus

The classical Schubert calculus of enumerative geometry concerns linear subspaces having specified positions with respect to other, fixed subspaces. For instance, how many lines in P3 meet four given lines? (See Example 4.2.)

From Enumerative Geometry to Solving Equations


More generally, let 1 < r < n and suppose that we are given general linear subspaces L1 , . . . , Lm of k n with dim Li = n − r + 1 − li . When l1 + · · · + lm = r(n − r), there will be a finite number d(r, n; l1 , . . . , lm ) of rplanes in k n which meet each Li non-trivially. This number may be computed using classical algorithms of Schubert and Pieri (see [16]). The condition on r-planes to meet a fixed (n−r+1−l)-plane non-trivially is called a (special) Schubert condition, and we call the data (r, n; l1 , . . . , lm ) (special) Schubert data. The (special) Schubert calculus concerns this class of enumerative problems. We give two polynomial formulations of this special Schubert calculus, consider their solutions over R, and end with a question for fields of arbitrary characteristic. 4.1

Equations for the Grassmannian

The ambient space for the Schubert calculus is the Grassmannian of r-planes in k n , denoted Gr,n . For H ∈ Gr,n , the rth exterior product of the embedding H → k n gives a line n

k ' ∧r H −→ ∧r k n ' k ( r ) . n This induces the Pl¨ ucker embedding Gr,n ,→ P( r )−1 . If H is the row space of an r by n matrix, ucker embedding sends H  also written H, then the Pl¨ to its vector of nr maximal minors. Thus the r-subsets of {0, . . . , n−1}, Yr,n := subsets(n, r), index Pl¨ ucker coordinates of Gr,n . The Pl¨ ucker ideal of Gr,n is therefore the ideal of algebraic relations among the maximal minors of a generic r by n matrix. We create the coordinate ring k[pα | α ∈ Y2,5 ] of P9 and the Pl¨ ucker ideal of G2,5 . The Grassmannian Gr,n of r-dimensional subspaces of k n is also the Grassmannian of r−1-dimensional affine subspaces of Pn−1 . Macaulay 2 uses this alternative indexing scheme.

i50 : R = ZZ/101[apply(subsets(5,2), i -> p_i )]; i51 : I = Grassmannian(1, 4, R) o51 = ideal (p

p - p p + p p , p {2, 3} {1, 4} {1, 3} {2, 4} {1, 2} {3, 4} {2, 3}

··· ···

o51 : Ideal of R

This projective variety has dimension 6 and degree 5 i52 : dim(Proj(R/I)), degree(I) o52 = (6, 5) o52 : Sequence

This ideal has an important combinatorial structure [28, Example 11.9]. We write each α ∈ Yr,n as an increasing sequence α : α1 < · · · < αr . Given α, β ∈ Yr,n , consider the two-rowed array with α written above β. We say α ≤ β if each column weakly increases. If we sort the columns of an array


F. Sottile

with rows α and β, then the first row is the meet α ∧ β (greatest lower bound) and the second row the join α ∨ β (least upper bound) of α and β. These definitions endow Yr,n with the structure of a distributive lattice. Figure 2 shows Y2,5 .

Fig. 2. Y2,5

We give k[pα ] the degree reverse lexicographic order, where we first order the variables pα by lexicographic order on their indices α. Theorem 4.1. The reduced Gr¨ obner basis of the Pl¨ ucker ideal with respect to this degree reverse lexicographic term order consists of quadratic polynomials g(α, β)


pα · pβ − pα∨β · pα∧β + lower terms in ≺ ,

for each incomparable pair α, β in Yr,n , and all lower terms λpγ ·pδ in g(α, β) satisfy γ ≤ α ∧ β and α ∨ β ≤ δ. The form of this Gr¨ obner basis implies that the standard monomials are the sortable monomials, those pα pβ · · · pγ with α ≤ β ≤ · · · ≤ γ. Thus the Hilbert function of Gr,n may be expressed in terms of the combinatorics of Yr,n . For instance, the dimension of Gr,n is the rank of Yr,n , and its degree is the number of maximal chains. From Figure 2, these are 6 and 5 for Y2,5 , confirming our previous calculations. Since the generators g(α, β) are linearly independent, this Gr¨ obner basis is also a minimal generating set for the ideal. The displayed generator in o51, p{2,3} p{1,4} − p{1,3} p{2,4} − p{1,2} p{3,4} , is g(23, 14), and corresponds to the underlined incomparable pair in Figure 2. Since there are 5 such incomparable pairs, the Gr¨obner basis has 5 generators. As G2,5 has codimension 3, it is not a complete intersection. This shows how

From Enumerative Geometry to Solving Equations


the general enumerative problem from the Schubert calculus gives rise to an overdetermined system of equations in this global formulation. The Grassmannian has a useful system of local coordinates given by Matr,n−r as follows Y ∈ Matr,n−r 7−→ rowspace [Ir : Y ] ∈ Gr,n .


Let L be a (n−r+1−l)-plane in k n which is the row space of a n−r+1−l by n matrix, also written L. Then L meets X ∈ Gr,n non-trivially if   L maximal minors of = 0. X Laplace expansion of each minor along the rows of X gives a linear equation in the Pl¨ ucker coordinates. In the local coordinates (substituting [Ir : Y ] for X), we obtain multilinear equations of degree min{r, n − r}. These equations generate a prime ideal of codimension l. Suppose each li = 1 in our enumerative problem. Then in the Pl¨ ucker coordinates, we have the Pl¨ ucker ideal of Gr,n together with r(n − r) linear equations, one for each (n−r)-plane Li . By Theorem 4.1, the Pl¨ ucker ideal has a square-free initial ideal, and so the Gr¨obner homotopy of Example 2.4 may be used to solve this enumerative problem. Example 4.2. G2,4 ⊂ P5 has equation p{1,2} p{0,3} − p{1,3} p{0,2} + p{2,3} p{0,1} = 0 .


The condition for H ∈ G2,4 to meet a 2-plane L is the vanishing of p{1,2} L34 − p{1,3} L24 + p{2,3} L14 + p{1,4} L23 − p{2,4} L13 + p{3,4} L12 , (9) where Lij is the (i, j)th maximal minor of L. If l1 = · · · = l4 = 1, we have 5 equations in P5 , one quadratic and 4 linear, and so by B´ezout’s Theorem there are two 2-planes in k 4 that meet 4 general 2-planes non-trivially. This means that there are 2 lines in P3 meeting 4 general lines. In local coordinates, (9) becomes L34 − L14 y11 + L13 y12 − L24 y21 + L23 y22 + L12 (y11 y22 − y12 y21 ) . This polynomial has the form of the last specialization in Example 1.2. 4.2

Reality in the Schubert Calculus

Like the other enumerative problems we have discussed, enumerative problems in the special Schubert calculus are fully real in that all solutions can be real [22]. That is, given any Schubert data (r, n; l1 , . . . , lm ), there exist


F. Sottile

subspaces L1 , . . . , Lm ⊂ Rn such that each of the d(r, n; l1 , . . . , lm ) r-planes that meet each Li are themselves real. This result gives some idea of which choices of the Li give all r-planes real. Let γ be a fixed rational normal curve in Rn . Then the Li are linear subspaces osculating γ. More concretely, suppose that γ is the standard rational normal curve, γ(s) = (1, s, s2 , . . . , sn−1 ). Then the i-plane Li (s) := hγ(s), γ 0 (s), . . . , γ (i−1) (s)i osculating γ at γ(s) is the row space of the matrix given by oscPlane(i, n, s). i53 : oscPlane = (i, n, s) -> ( gamma := matrix {toList apply(1..n, i -> s^(i-1))}; L := gamma; j := 0; while j < i-1 do (gamma = diff(s, gamma); L = L || gamma; j = j+1); L); i54 : QQ[s]; oscPlane(3, 6, s) o55 = | 1 s s2 s3 s4 s5 | | 0 1 2s 3s2 4s3 5s4 | | 0 0 2 6s 12s2 20s3 | 3 o55 : Matrix QQ [s]

6 ( I := ideal apply(subsets(numgens source L, r + numgens target L), S -> fold((sum, U) -> sum + fold((term,i) -> term*(-1)^i, P_(S_U) * det( submatrix(L, sort toList(set(S) - set(S_U)))), U), 0, subsets(#S, r))));

We are working in the Grassmannian of 3-planes in C6 . i57 : R = QQ[apply(subsets(6,3), i -> p_i )];

The ideal I consists of the special Schubert conditions for the 3-planes to meet the 3-planes osculating the rational normal curve at the points 1, 2, and 3, and to also meet the 2-planes osculating at 4, 5, and 6, together with the Pl¨ ucker ideal Grassmannian(2, 5, R). Since this is a 1-dimensional homogeneous ideal, we add the linear form p_{0,1,5} - 1 to make the ideal zero-dimensional. As before, Grassmannian(2, 5, R) creates the Pl¨ ucker ideal of G3,6 . i58 : I = fold((J, i) -> J + spSchub(3, substitute(oscPlane(3, 6, s), {s=> 1+i}), p) + spSchub(3, substitute(oscPlane(2, 6, s), {s=> 4+i}), p), Grassmannian(2, 5, R), {0,1,2}) + ideal (p_{0,1,5} - 1); o58 : Ideal of R

This has dimension 0 and degree 6, in agreement with the Schubert calculus. i59 : dim I, degree I o59 = (0, 6) o59 : Sequence

As expected, all roots are real. i60 : A = R/I; numRealSturm(eliminant(p_{2,3,4}, QQ[Z])) o61 = 6

There have been many checked instances of this conjecture [23,25,30], and it has some geometrically interesting generalizations [26]. The question remains for which numbers 0 ≤ d ≤ d(r, n; l1 , . . . , lm ) do there exist real planes Li with d(r, n; l1 , . . . , lm ) r-planes meeting each Li , and exactly d of them are real. Besides Theorem 4.3 and the obvious parity condition, nothing is known in general. In every known case, every possibility occurs—which is not the case in all enumerative problems, even those that are fully real1 . Settling this (for d = 0) has implications for linear systems theory [20].2 1


For example, of the 12 rational plane cubics containing 8 real points in P2 , either 8, 10 or 12 can be real, and there are 8 points with all 12 real [8, Proposition 4.7.3]. After this was written, Eremenko and Gabrielov [11] showed that d can be zero for the enumerative problems given by data (2, 2n, 14n−4 ) and (2n−2, 2n, 14n−4 ).



F. Sottile

Transversality in the Schubert Calculus

A basic principle of the classical Schubert calculus is that the intersection number d(r, n; l1 , . . . , lm ) has enumerative significance—that is, for general linear subspaces Li , all solutions appear with multiplicity 1. This basic principle is not known to hold in general. For fields of characteristic zero, Kleiman’s Transversality Theorem [15] establishes this principle. When r or n−r is 2, then Theorem E of [21] establishes this principle in arbitrary characteristic. We conjecture that this principle holds in general; that is, for arbitrary infinite fields and any Schubert data, if the planes Li are in general position, then the resulting zero-dimensional ideal is radical. We test this conjecture on the enumerative problem of Section 4.2, which is not covered by Theorem E of [21]. The function testTransverse(F) tests transversality for this enumerative problem, for a given field F . It does this by first computing the ideal of the enumerative problem using random planes Li . i62 : randL = (R, n, r, l) -> matrix table(n-r+1-l, n, (i, j) -> random(0, R));

and the Pl¨ ucker ideal of the Grassmannian G3,6 Grassmannian(2, 5, R).) Then it adds a random (inhomogeneous) linear relation 1 + random(1, R) to make the ideal zero-dimensional for generic Li . When this ideal is zero dimensional and has degree 6 (the expected degree), it computes the characteristic polynomial g of a generic linear form. If g has no multiple roots, 1 == gcd(g, diff(Z, g)), then the Shape Lemma guarantees that the ideal was radical. testTransverse exits either when it computes a radical ideal, or after limit iterations (which is set to 5 for these examples), and prints the return status. i63 : testTransverse = F -> ( R := F[apply(subsets(6, 3), i -> q_i )]; continue := true; j := 0; limit := 5; while continue and (j < limit) do ( j = j + 1; I := fold((J, i) -> J + spSchub(3, randL(R, 6, 3, 1), q) + spSchub(3, randL(R, 6, 3, 2), q), Grassmannian(2, 5, R) + ideal (1 + random(1, R)), {0, 1, 2}); if (dim I == 0) and (degree I == 6) then ( lin := promote(random(1, R), (R/I)); g := charPoly(lin, Z); continue = not(1 == gcd(g, diff(Z, g))); )); if continue then ( matrix{{a^2 + b^2 - c^2 - r ,-a ,-b { -a , 1 , 0 { -b , 0 , 1 { c , 0 , 0 );

, c , 0 , 0 ,-1

}, }, }, }}

We consider i quadrics of two sheets (11) and 4 − i quadrics of one sheet (12). For each of these cases, the table below displays four 4-tuples of data (a, b, c, r) which give 12 real lines. (The data for the hyperboloids of one sheet are listed first.) i Data 0 (5, 3, 3, 16), (5, −4, 2, 1), (−3, −1, 1, 1), (2, −7, 0, 1) 1 (3, −2, −3, 6), (−3, −7, −6, 7), (−6, 3, −5, 2), (1, 6, −2, 5) 2 (6, 4, 6, 4), (−1, 3, 3, 6), (−7, −2, 3, 3), (−6, 7, −2, 5) 3 (−1, −4, −1, 1), (−3, 3, −1, 1), (−7, 6, 2, 9), (5, 6, −1, 12) 4 (5, 2, −1, 25), (6, −6, 2, 25), (−7, 1, 6, 1), (3, 1, 0, 1) We test each of these, using the formulation in local coordinates of Section 3.2. i81 : R = QQ[y11, y12, y21, y22]; i82 : I = ideal (tangentTo(One( 5, 3, tangentTo(One( 5,-4, tangentTo(One(-3,-1, tangentTo(One( 2,-7,

3,16)), 2, 1)), 1, 1)), 0, 1)));

o82 : Ideal of R i83 : numRealSturm(charPoly(promote(y22, R/I), Z)) o83 = 12 i84 : I = ideal (tangentTo(One( 3,-2,-3, tangentTo(One(-3,-7,-6, tangentTo(One(-6, 3,-5, tangentTo(Two( 1, 6,-2, o84 : Ideal of R

6)), 7)), 2)), 5)));


F. Sottile i85 : numRealSturm(charPoly(promote(y22, R/I), Z)) o85 = 12 i86 : I = ideal (tangentTo(One( 6, 4, 6, tangentTo(One(-1, 3, 3, tangentTo(Two(-7,-2, 3, tangentTo(Two(-6, 7,-2,

4)), 6)), 3)), 5)));

o86 : Ideal of R i87 : numRealSturm(charPoly(promote(y22, R/I), Z)) o87 = 12 i88 : I = ideal (tangentTo(One(-1,-4,-1, 1)), tangentTo(Two(-3, 3,-1, 1)), tangentTo(Two(-7, 6, 2, 9)), tangentTo(Two( 5, 6,-1,12))); o88 : Ideal of R i89 : numRealSturm(charPoly(promote(y22, R/I), Z)) o89 = 12 i90 : I = ideal (tangentTo(Two( 5, 2,-1,25)), tangentTo(Two( 6,-6, 2,25)), tangentTo(Two(-7, 1, 6, 1)), tangentTo(Two( 3, 1, 0, 1))); o90 : Ideal of R i91 : numRealSturm(charPoly(promote(y22, R/I), Z)) o91 = 12

t u In each of these enumerative problems there are 12 complex solutions. For each, we have done other computations showing that every possible number of real solutions (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12) can occur. 5.4

Generalization to Higher Dimensions

We consider lines tangent to quadrics in higher dimensions. First, we reinterpret the action of ∧r V ∗ on ∧r V described in (10) as follows. The vectors x1 , . . . , xr and y1 , . . . , yr define maps α : k r → V ∗ and β : k r → V . The matrix [(xi , yj )] is the matrix of the bilinear form on k r given by hu, vi := (α(u), β(v)). Thus (10) vanishes when the bilinear form h · , · i on k r is degenerate. Now suppose that we have a quadratic form q on V given by a symmetric map ϕ : V → V ∗ . This induces a quadratic form and hence a quadric on any r-plane H in V (with H 6⊂ V(q)). This induced quadric is singular when H is tangent to V(q). Since a quadratic form is degenerate only when the associated projective quadric is singular, we see that H is tangent to the quadric V(q) if and only if (∧r ϕ(∧r H), ∧r H) = 0. (This includes the case H ⊂ V(q).) We summarize this argument.

From Enumerative Geometry to Solving Equations


Theorem 5.3. Let ϕ : V → V ∗ be a linear map with resulting bilinear form (ϕ(u), v). Then the locus of r-planes in V for which the restriction of this form is degenerate is the set of r-planes H whose Pl¨ ucker coordinates are isotropic, (∧r ϕ(∧r H), ∧r H) = 0, with respect to the induced form on ∧r V . When ϕ is symmetric, this is the locus of r-planes tangent to the associated quadric in P(V ). We explore the problem of lines tangent to quadrics in Pn . From the calculations of Section 5.1, we do not expect this to be interesting if the quadrics are general. (This is borne out for P4 : we find 320 lines in P4 tangent to 6 general quadrics. This is the B´ezout number, as deg G2,5 = 5 and the condition to be tangent to a quadric has degree 2.) This problem is interesting if the quadrics in Pn share a quadric in a Pn−1 . We propose studying such enumerative problems, both determining the number of solutions for general such quadrics, and investigating whether or not it is possible to have all solutions be real. We use Macaulay 2 to compute the expected number of solutions to this problem when r = 2 and n = 4. We first define some functions for this computation, which will involve counting the degree of the ideal of lines in P4 tangent to 6 general spheres. Here, X gives local coordinates for the Grassmannian, M is a symmetric matrix, tanQuad gives the equation in X for the lines tangent to the quadric given by M . i92 : tanQuad = u := v := (u * (u * );

(M, X) -> ( X^{0}; X^{1}; M * transpose v)^2 M * transpose u) * (v * M * transpose v)

nSphere gives the matrix M for a sphere with center V and squared radius r, and V and r give random data for a sphere. i93 : nSphere = (V, r) -> (matrix {{r + V * transpose V}} || transpose V ) | ( V || id_((ring r)^n) ); i94 : V = () -> matrix table(1, n, (i,j) -> random(0, R)); i95 : r = () -> random(0, R);

We construct the ambient ring, local coordinates, and the ideal of the enumerative problem of lines in P4 tangent to 6 random spheres. i96 : n = 4; i97 : R = ZZ/1009[flatten(table(2, n-1, (i,j) -> z_(i,j)))]; i98 : X = 1 | matrix table(2, n-1, (i,j) -> z_(i,j)) o98 = | 1 0 z_(0,0) z_(0,1) z_(0,2) | | 0 1 z_(1,0) z_(1,1) z_(1,2) | 2 o98 : Matrix R

5 tanQuad(nSphere(V(), r()), X))); o99 : Ideal of R

We find there are 24 lines in P4 tangent to 6 general spheres. i100 : dim I, degree I o100 = (0, 24) o100 : Sequence

The expected numbers of solutions we have obtained in this way are displayed in the table below. The numbers in boldface are those which are proven.4 n 2 3 4 5 6 # expected 4 12 24 48 96 Acknowledgments. We thank Dan Grayson and Bernd Sturmfels: some of the procedures in this chapter were written by Dan Grayson and the calculation in Section 5.2 is due to Bernd Sturmfels.

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As this was going to press, the obvious pattern was proven: There are 3 · 2n−1 complex lines tangent to 2n − 2 general spheres in Rn , and all may be real [27].

From Enumerative Geometry to Solving Equations


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Resolutions and Cohomology over Complete Intersections Luchezar L. Avramov and Daniel R. Grayson?

This chapter contains a new proof and new applications of a theorem of Shamash and Eisenbud, providing a construction of projective resolutions of modules over a complete intersection. The duals of these infinite projective resolutions are finitely generated differential graded modules over a graded polynomial ring, so they can be represented in the computer, and can be used to compute Ext modules simultaneously in all homological degrees. It is shown how to write Macaulay 2 code to implement the construction, and how to use the computer to determine invariants of modules over complete intersections that are difficult to obtain otherwise.

Introduction Let A = K[x1 , . . . , xe ] be a polynomial ring with variables of positive degree over a field K, and B = A/J a quotient ring modulo a homogeneous ideal. In this paper we consider the case when B is a graded complete intersection, that is, when the defining ideal J is generated by a homogeneous A-regular sequence. We set up, describe, and illustrate a routine Ext, now implemented in Macaulay 2. For any two finitely generated graded B-modules M and N it yields a presentation of Ext•B (M, N ) as a bigraded module over an appropriately bigraded polynomial ring S = A[X1 , . . . , Xc ]. A novel feature of our routine is that it computes the modules ExtnB (M, N ) simultaneously in all cohomological degrees n ≥ 0. This is made possible by the use of cohomology operations, a technique usually confined to theoretical considerations. Another aspect worth noticing is that, although the result is over a ring B with nontrivial relations, all the computations are made over the polynomial ring S; this may account for the effectiveness of the algorithm. To explain the role of the complete intersection hypothesis, we cast it into the broader context of homological algebra over graded rings. Numerous results indicate that the high syzygy modules of M exhibit ‘similar’ properties. For an outrageous example, assume that M has finite projective dimension. Its distant syzygies are then all equal to 0, and so—for trivial reasons—display an extremely uniform behavior. However, even this case has a highly nontrivial aspect: due to the Auslander-Buchsbaum Equality asymptotic information is available after at most (e + 1) steps. This accounts for the effectiveness of computer constructions of finite free resolutions. ?

Authors supported by the NSF, grants DMS 99-70375 and DMS 99-70085.


L. L. Avramov and D. R. Grayson

Problems that computers are not well equipped to handle arise unavoidably when studying asymptotic behavior of infinite resolutions. We describe B some, using graded Betti numbers βns (M ) = dimK ExtnB (M, k)−s , where B k = B/(x1 , . . . , xe )B, and regularity regB (M ) = supn,s {s − n | βns (M ) 6= 0}. • Irrationality. There are rings B for which no recurrentPrelation with conB stant coefficients exists among the numbers βnB (k) = s βns (k), see [1]. B(r) • Irregularity. For each r ≥ 2 there exists a ring B(r) with βns (k) = 0 B(r) for s 6= n and 0 ≤ n ≤ r, but with βr,r+1 (k) 6= 0, see [14]. • Span. If B is generated over K by elements of degree one and regB (k) 6= 0, then regB (k) = ∞, see [7]. • Size. There are inequalities βnB (k) ≥ β n for all n ≥ 0 and for some constant β > 1, unless B is a complete intersection, see [3]. These obstructions vanish miraculously when B is a graded complete intersection: For each M and all n  0 the number βn+1 (M ) is a linear combiB nation with constant coefficients of βn−2c (M ), . . . , βnB (M ). If B is generated in degree one, then regB (k) = 0 if and only if the ideal J is generated by quadratic forms. There are inequalities βnB (M ) ≤ β(M )nc−1 for all n ≥ 1 and for some constant β(M ) > 0. The algebra behind the miracle is a theorem of Gulliksen [12], who proves that Ext•B (M, N ) is a finitely generated bigraded module over a polynomial ring of cohomology operators S = A[X1 , . . . , Xc ], where each variable Xi has cohomological degree 2. As a consequence of this result, problems in Homological Algebra can be answered in terms of Commutative Algebra. Gulliksen’s definition of the operators Xi as iterated connecting homomorphisms is badly suited for use by a computer. Other definitions have been given subsequently by several authors, see Remark 4.6. We take the approach of Eisenbud [11], who derives the operators from a specific B-free resolution of M , obtained by extending a construction of Shamash [15]. The resolution of Shamash and Eisenbud, and Gulliksen’s Finiteness Theorem, are presented with detailed proofs in Section 4. They are obtained through a new construction—that of an intermediate resolution of M over the polynomial ring—that encodes C and all the null-homotopies of C corresponding to multiplication with elements of J; this material is contained in Section 3. It needs standard multilinear algebra, developed ad hoc in Section 2. Rules for juggling several gradings are discussed in an Appendix. In Section 5 we present and illustrate the code for the routine Ext, which runs remarkably close to the proofs in Sections 3 and 4. Section 6 contains numerous computations of popular numerical invariants of a graded module, like its complexity, Poincar´e series, and Bass series. They are extracted from knowledge of the bigraded modules Ext•B (M, k) and Ext•B (k, M ), whose computation is also illustrated by examples, and is further used to obtain explicit equations for the cohomology variety V∗B (M ) defined in [2]. For most invariants we include some short code that automates their computation. In Section 7 we extend these procedures to invariants of pairs of modules.

Complete Intersections



Matrix Factorizations

We start the discussion of homological algebra over a complete intersection with a very special case, that can be packaged attractively in matrix terms. Let f be a non-zero-divisor in a commutative ring A. Following Eisenbud [11, Sect. 5] we say that a pair (U, V ) of matrices with entries in A, of sizes k × ` and ` × k, is a matrix factorization of −f if U · V = −f · Ik


V · U = −f · I`

where Im denotes the m × m unit matrix. Localizing at f , one sees that −f −1 · U and V are inverse matrices over Af ; as a consequence ` = k, and each equality above implies the other, for instance: −1 V · U = − f −1 · U · U = −f · U −1 · U = −f · Ik Here is a familiar example of matrix factorization, with f = xy − wz:           wx z −y 10 z −y wx · = −(xy − wz) · = · y z −x w 01 −x w y z Let now C1 and C0 be free A-modules of rank r, and let d1 : C1 → C0


s0 : C0 → C1

be A-linear homomorphisms defined by the matrices U and V , respectively, after bases have been tacitly chosen. The second condition on the matrices U and V implies that d1 is injective, while the first condition on these matrices shows that f C0 is contained in Im(d1 ). Setting L = Coker(d1 ), one sees that the chosen matrix factorization defines a commutative diagram with exact rows 0


/ C0 x x x s0 xxx −f ·1C1 −f ·1C0 x xx xx x  {x d1  / C1 / C0 / C1




0L = −f ·1L


/0 d

1 which expresses the following facts: C = 0 → C1 −→ C0 → 0 is a free resolution of the A-module L, this module is annihilated by f , and s0 is a homotopy between the maps −f · 1C and 0C , both of which lift −f · 1L . Conversely, if an A-module L annihilated by f has a free resolution (C, d1 ) of length 1, then rankA C1 = rankA C0 , and any choice of homotopy s0 between −f · 1C and 0C provides a matrix factorization of −f . When we already have an A-module L with a presentation matrix U that defines an injective A-linear map, we can use Macaulay 2 to create a matrix factorization (U, V ) of −f .

Example 1.1. We revisit the familiar example from a higher perspective.


L. L. Avramov and D. R. Grayson i1 : A = QQ[w,x,y,z] o1 = A o1 : PolynomialRing i2 : U = matrix {{w,x},{y,z}} o2 = | w x | | y z | 2 o2 : Matrix A

2 blks#(exponents Rmon_i) = nullhomotopy (- f_i*id_C)); -- a helper function to list the factorizations of a monomial factorizations := (gamma) -> ( -- Input: gamma is the list of exponents for a monomial -- Return a list of pairs of lists of exponents showing the -- possible factorizations of gamma. if gamma === {} then { ({}, {}) } else ( i := gamma#-1; splice apply(factorizations drop(gamma,-1), (alpha,beta) -> apply (0..i, j -> (append(alpha,j), append(beta,i-j)))))); scan(4 .. length C + 1, d -> if even d then ( scan( exponents \ leadMonomial \ first entries basis(d,R), gamma -> ( s := - sum(factorizations gamma, (alpha,beta) -> ( if blks#?alpha and blks#?beta then blks#alpha * blks#beta else 0)); -- compute and save the nonzero nullhomotopies if s != 0 then blks#gamma = nullhomotopy s; )))); -- make a free module whose basis elements have the right degrees spots := C -> sort select(keys C, i -> class i === ZZ); Cstar := S^(apply(spots C, i -> toSequence apply(degrees C_i, d -> {i,first d}))); -- assemble the matrix from its blocks. -- We omit the sign (-1)^(n+1) which would ordinarily be used, -- which does not affect the homology. toS := map(S,A,apply(toList(c .. c+n-1), i -> S_i), DegreeMap => prepend_0); Delta := map(Cstar, Cstar, transpose sum(keys blks, m -> S_m * toS sum blks#m), Degree => {-1,0}); DeltaBar := Delta ** (toS ** N’); assert isHomogeneous DeltaBar; assert(DeltaBar * DeltaBar == 0); -- now compute the total Ext as a single homology module cacheModule#cacheKey = prune homology(DeltaBar,DeltaBar)))

Complete Intersections


Remark 5.5. The bigraded module TorB • (M, N ) is the homology of the complex (C ⊗A D0 ) ⊗B N , where C ⊗A D0 is the complex from Theorem 4.1. Observations parallel to Remarks 4.3 and A.1 show that TorB • (M, N ) inherits from D0 a structure of bigraded S-module. It would be desirable also to have algorithms to compute TorB • (M, N ) in the spirit of the algorithm presented above for Ext•B (M, N ). If one of the modules has finite length, then each TorB n (M, N ) is a B-module of finite length, and the computation of TorB (M, N ) can be reduced to a computation • of Ext by means of Matlis duality, which here can be realized as vector space duality over the field K. However, in homology there is no equivalent for the finiteness property described in Remark 4.4; it is an open problem to devise algorithms that would compute TorB • (M, N ) in general.


Invariants of Modules

In this section we apply our techniques to develop effective methods for computation (for graded modules over a graded complete intersection) of invariants such as cohomology modules, Poincar´e series, Bass series, complexity, critical degree, and support varieties. For each invariant we produce code that computes it, and illustrate the action of the code on some explicit example. Whenever appropriate, we describe open problems on which the computational power of Macaulay 2 could be unleashed. Notation 4.7 is used consistently throughout the section. 6.1

Cohomology Modules

We call the bigraded R-module P = Ext•B (M, k) the contravariant cohomology module of M over B, and the bigraded R-module I = Ext•B (k, M ) the covariant cohomology module of M . Codes that display presentations of the cohomology modules are presented after a detailed discussion of an example. Example 6.1.1. Let us create the ring B = K[x, y, z]/(x3 , y 4 , z 5 ). i68 : A = K[x,y,z]; i69 : J = trim ideal(x^3,y^4,z^5) 3 4 5 o69 = ideal (x , y , z ) o69 : Ideal of A i70 : B = A/J;

We trimmed the ideal, so that we know the generators Macaulay 2 will use. This time we want a graded B-module M about whose homology we know nothing a priori. One way to proceed is to create M as the cokernel of some random matrix of forms; let’s try a 3 by 2 matrix of quadratic forms.


L. L. Avramov and D. R. Grayson i71 : f = random (B^3, B^{-2,-3}) o71 = | 27x2+49xy-14y2-23xz-6yz-19z2 38x2y-34xy2+4y3+x2z+16xyz-y2z-5xz | -5x2+44xy+38y2+40xz+15yz+4z2 -37x2y+51xy2-36y3+26x2z-38xyz-17y | 21x2-30xy+32y2-47xz+7yz-50z2 -6x2y-14xy2-26y3-7x2z+41xyz+50y2z 3 o71 : Matrix B

··· ··· ···

2 S.Repair]; i78 : phi = map(R,S,{X_1,X_2,X_3,0,0,0}) o78 = map(R,S,{X , X , X , 0, 0, 0}) 1 2 3 o78 : RingMap R 0 != first d); R := K[X_1 .. X_#degs, Degrees => degs, Repair => S.Repair, Adjust => S.Adjust]; phi := map(R,S,join(gens R,(numgens S - numgens R):0)); prune (phi ** H) );

Code 6.1.3. The function Ext(M,k) computes Ext•B (M, k) when B is a graded complete intersection, M a graded B-module, and k is the residue field of B. The result is presented as a module over the ring k[X1 , . . . , Xc ]. i84 : Ext(Module,Ring) := (M,k) -> ( B := ring M; if ideal k != ideal vars B then error "expected the residue field of the module"; changeRing Ext(M,coker vars B) );

Example 6.1.4. For a test, we run again the computation for P odd . i85 : use B; i86 : k = B/(x,y,z); i87 : use B; i88 : P = Ext(M,k); i89 : time oddPart P -- used 0.09 seconds o89 = cokernel {-1, {-3, {-3, {-3, {-1, {-3, {-3, {-3, {-3, {-3, {-3,

-2} -9} -9} -9} -3} -9} -9} -9} -9} -9} -9}

| | | | | | | | | | |

X_3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 X_2 0 0 0 0 0 0

X_2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 X_1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 X_1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 X_1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 X_1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

X_1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

| | | | | | | | | | |

o89 : K [X , X , X , Degrees => {{-2, -3}, {-2, -4}, {-2, -5}}]-module 1 2 3

··· ··· ···

We also introduce code for computing the covariant cohomology modules. Code 6.1.5. The function Ext(k,M) computes Ext•B (k, M ) when B is a graded complete intersection, M a graded B-module, and k is the residue field of B. The result is presented as a module over the ring k[X1 , . . . , Xc ].

Complete Intersections


i90 : Ext(Ring,Module) := (k,M) -> ( B := ring M; if ideal k != ideal vars B then error "expected the residue field of the module"; changeRing Ext(coker vars B,M) );

Let’s see the last code in action. Example 6.1.6. For B and M from Example 6.1.1 we compute the odd part of the covariant cohomology module Ext•B (k, M ). i91 : time I = Ext(k,M); -- used 14.81 seconds i92 : evenPart I o92 = cokernel {0, {0, {0, {0, {0, {0, {0,

6} 6} 6} 6} 6} 6} 6}

| | | | | | |

37X_2 -18X_2 -13X_2 -37X_2 22X_2 0 X_2

37X_1 -18X_1 -13X_1 -37X_1 22X_1 0 X_1

| | | | | | |

o92 : K [X , X , X , Degrees => {{-2, -3}, {-2, -4}, {-2, -5}}]-module 1 2 3

··· ··· ···

i93 : oddPart I 0 0 0 3X_1 0 0 46X_ -14X X_1 0 0 0 0

··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···

o93 : K [X , X , X , Degrees => {{-2, -3}, {-2, -4}, {-2, -5}}]-module 1 2 3

··· ··· ···

o93 = cokernel {-1, {-1, {-1, {-1, {-1, {-1, {-1, {-1, {-1, {-1, {-1, {-1, {-1,


5} 5} 5} 4} 4} 4} 4} 4} 4} 4} 4} 4} 3}

| | | | | | | | | | | | |

-48X_3 3X_3 -X_3 4X_2 0 0 42X_2 45X_2 0 X_2 0 0 0

13X_3 -40X_3 37X_3 20X_2 51X_2 12X_2 12X_2 24X_2 0 0 -40X_2 X_2 0

34X_3 8X_3 -13X_3 3X_2 0 0 46X_2 -14X_2 X_2 0 0 0 0

3X_3 8X_3 -35X_3 -47X_2 -30X_2 -3X_2 25X_2 -35X_2 0 0 10X_2 0 X_1

0 0 0 4X_1 0 0 42X_1 45X_1 0 X_1 0 0 0

0 0 0 20X_1 51X_1 12X_1 12X_1 24X_1 0 0 -40X_1 X_1 0

Poincar´ e Series

B (M ) of direct sumThe graded Betti number of M over B is the number βns mands isomorphic to the free module B[−s] in the n’th module of a minimal free resolution of M over B. It can be computed from the equality B βns (M ) = dimK ExtnB (M, k)s


L. L. Avramov and D. R. Grayson

The graded Poincar´e series of M over B is the generating function X B B PM (t, u) = βns (M ) tn u−s ∈ Z[u, u−1 ][[t]] n∈N , s∈Z

It is easily computable with Macaulay 2 from the contravariant cohomology module, by using the hilbertSeries routine. Code 6.2.1. The function poincareSeries2 M computes the graded Poincar´e series of a graded module M over a graded complete intersection B. First we set up a ring whose elements can serve as Poincar´e series. i94 : T = ZZ[t,u,Inverses=>true,MonomialOrder=>RevLex]; i95 : poincareSeries2 = M -> ( B := ring M; k := B/ideal vars B; P := Ext(M,k); h := hilbertSeries P; T’:= degreesRing P; substitute(h, {T’_0=>t^-1,T’_1=>u^-1}) );

The last line in the code above replaces the variables in the Poincar´e series provided by the hilbertSeries function with the variables in our ring T. The nth Betti number βnB (M ) of M over B is the rank of the nth module B (t) in a minimal resolution of M by free B-modules. The Poincar´e series PM is the generating function of the Betti numbers. There are expressions βnB (M ) =

∞ X

B βns (M )


B B PM (t) = PM (t, 1)


B B Accordingly, the code for PM (t) just replaces in PM (t, u) the variable u by 1.

Code 6.2.2. The function poincareSeries1 M computes the Poincar´e series of a graded module M over a graded complete intersection B. i96 : poincareSeries1 = M -> ( substitute(poincareSeries2 M, {u=>1_T}) );

Now let’s use these codes in computations. Example 6.2.3. To get a module whose Betti sequence initially decreases, we form an artinian complete intersection B 0 and take M 0 to be a cosyzygy in a minimal injective resolution of the residue field k. Since B 0 is self-injective, this can be achieved by taking a syzygy of k, then transposing its presentation matrix. Of course, we ask Macaulay 2 to carry out these steps. i97 : A’ = K[x,y,z]; i98 : B’ = A’/(x^2,y^2,z^3);

Complete Intersections


i99 : C’ = res(B’^1/(x,y,z), LengthLimit => 6) 1 o99 = B’

3 crdegB M . B B (M ) for all n > crdegB M . • if cxB M ≥ 2, then βn (M ) < βn+1

Thus, it is interesting to know crdegB M , or at least to have a good upper bound. Here is what is known, in terms of h = depth B − depthB M . • if cxB M = 0, then crdegB M = h. • if cxB M = 1, then crdegB M ≤ h. B • if cxB M = 2, then crdegB M ≤ h + 1 + max{2βhB (M ) − 1 , 2βh+1 (M )}.


L. L. Avramov and D. R. Grayson

The first part is the Auslander-Buchsbaum Equality, the second part is proved in [11, Sect. 6], the third is established in [4, Sect. 7]. These upper bounds are realistic: there exist examples in complexity 1 when they are reached, and examples in complexity 2 when they are not more than twice the actual value of the critical degree. If cxR M ≥ 3, then it is an open problem whether the critical degree of M can be bounded in terms that do not depend on the action of the cohomology operators. However, in every concrete case crdegR M can be computed explicitly by using Macaulay 2. Indeed, it is proved in [6, Sect. 7] that crdegR M is equal to the highest degree of a non-zero element in the socle of the R-module Ext•B (M, k), that is, the submodule consisting of elements annihilated by (X1 , . . . , Xc ). The socle is naturally isomorphic to HomB (k, Ext•B (M, k)), so it can be obtained by standard Macaulay 2 routines. For instance, for the module M from Example 6.1.1, we get i113 : k = coker vars ring H; i114 : prune Hom(k,H) o114 = 0 o114 : K [$X , $X , x, y, Degrees => {{-2, -2}, {-2, -3}, {0, 1}, {0, 1 2


The degrees displayed above show that crdegR M = 1. Of course, one might prefer to see the number crdegB M directly. Code 6.4.1. The function criticalDegree M computes the critical degree of a graded module M over a graded complete intersection ring B. i115 : criticalDegree = M -> ( B := ring M; k := B / ideal vars B; P := Ext(M,k); k = coker vars ring P; - min ( first \ degrees source gens prune Hom(k,P)) );

Let’s test the new code in a couple of cases. Example 6.4.2. For the module M of Example 6.1.1 we have i116 : criticalDegree M o116 = 1

in accordance with what was already observed above. For the module M 0 of Example 6.2.3 we obtain i117 : criticalDegree M’ o117 = 5

Complete Intersections



Support Variety

Let K denote an algebraic closure of K. The support variety V∗B (M ) is the algebraic set in K c defined by the annihilator of Ext•B (M, k) over R = K[X1 , . . . , Xc ]. This ‘geometric image’ of the contravariant cohomology module was introduced in [2] and used to study the minimal free resolution of M . The dimension of the support variety is equal to the complexity cxR (M ), that we can already compute. There is no need to associate a variety to the covariant cohomology module, see 7.4. Since V∗B (M ) is defined by homogeneous equations, it is a cone in K c . An important open problem is whether every cone in K c that can be defined over K is the variety of some B-module M . By [2, Sect. 6] all linear subspaces and all hypersurfaces arise in this way, but little more is known in general. Feeding our computation of Ext•B (M, k) to standard Macaulay 2 routines we write code for determining a set of equations defining V∗B (M ). Code 6.5.1. The function supportVarietyIdeal M yields a set of polynomial equations with coefficients in K, defining the support variety V∗B (M ) in K c for a graded module M over a graded complete intersection B. i118 : supportVarietyIdeal = M -> ( B := ring M; k := B/ideal vars B; ann Ext(M,k) );

As before, we illustrate the code with explicit computations. In view of the open problem mentioned above, we fix a ring and a type of presentation, then change randomly the presentation matrix in the hope of finding an ‘interesting’ variety. The result of the experiment is assessed in Remark 6.5.3. Example 6.5.2. Let F7 denote the prime field with 7 elements, and form the zero-dimensional complete intersection B 00 = F7 [x, y, z]/(x7 , y 7 , z 7 ). i119 : K’’ = ZZ/7; i120 : A’’ = K’’[x,y,z]; i121 : J’’ = ideal(x^7,y^7,z^7); o121 : Ideal of A’’ i122 : B’’ = A’’/J’’;

We apply the code above to search, randomly, for some varieties. Using scan we print the results from several runs with one command. i123 : scan((1,1) .. (3,3), (r,d) -> ( V := cokernel random (B’’^r,B’’^{-d});