Computer access for students with disabilities in higher education. II. Title.
LC4820.5 ... patience have made the creation of yet another book a delight. As
always ...
Computer Access in Higher Education for Students with Disabilities A Practical Guide to the Selection and Use of Adapted Computer Technology
Carl Brown and Colleagues
Funded through a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education, United States Department of Education
This work was funded through a grant from the United States Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education. The contents of this work do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the United States Department of Education or the Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education. C 1989 by Carl Brown. All rights reserved. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Brown, Carl Computer access in higher education for students with disabilities: a practical guide to the selection and use of adapted computer technology/ Carl Brown and colleagues-2nd ed. p. cm. Rev. ed. of. Computer access for students with disabilities in higher education. c1987. 1. Handicapped-Education (Higher) -California. 2. Computerassisted instruction-California. 3. Computers and the handicapped California. I. Brown, Carl. Computer access for students with disabilities in higher education. II. Title. LC4820.5.C2B77 1989 371.9'043-dc19 89-1337 Apple, Apple II, Apple Ile and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Compaq is a registered trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation. dBase II is a registered trademark of Ashton-Tate. DEC is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. DECtalk is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. IBM PC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. MS DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corporation. WordStar is a registered trademark of Micropro International, Inc. Illustrations on page 3.19 courtesy of Dvorak International.
Manuscript Editors:
The Cooper Company, Monterey, California Carol Rost, Monterey, California Interior and Cover Design: Victoria A. Vandeventer Graphic Design, Monterey, California Interior Illustration: Lisa Torri, Monterey, California Typesetting: Thompson Type, San Diego, California The Font Works, Monterey, California Printing and Binding: George Lithograph Company, San Francisco, California Photographs: Pages ES.6, ES.7, I.9, 1.19, 1.26, 4.4, 4.13, 6.14, 6.21, 8.8, 9.7, 10.4, 11.7, courtesy of Lee Hocker. Pages 1.12, 1.3, 1.10, 2.7, 2.12, 5.2, 6.7, courtesy of Frank Keillor.
This book isgratefully dedicated to:
Dr. Cecie Fontanoza, Director of the California State Department of Rehabilitation, for her ongoing belief in the value of this project. Dr. David Mertes, Chancellor, California Community Colleges. Susan Cora, Coordinator of Disabled Students Programs and Services for the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. An administrator with a vision of the future and the courage to make it a reality. Dr. Jack Bessire, Vice President, Monterey Peninsula College, for his continuous support, assistance, and cooperation. The Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education and Ms. Diana Hayman, without whose support this book would not have been possible. Ms. Martha Kanter, wife, confidant, best friend, and gifted professional, whose confidence, advice, encouragement and patience have made the creation of yet another book a delight. As always, to Waddle and Toddle, wherever you are. To Apple Computer Corporation for having the wisdom and foresight to begin including access systems for the disabled in the Macintosh operating system. The brilliant and unpraised programmers whose outstanding work has provided a means for disabled individuals to fully access the power of computer systems everywhere. Marcia, Jill, Rod, Judy, Wayne, Bill, Carolyn, Daisy, and the other Judy; the staff of the Sacramento High-Tech Center. And, most importantly, to students with disabilities and Supportive Services faculty in colleges and universities across the country, for your unwavering belief in the possible.
The author wishes to extend his sincere thanks and appreciation to members of the Steering Committee whogavefreely of their time, advice and professional expertise in order to make this book possible: Ms. Sharon Bonney Director of Disabled Student Services University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, California Mr. Carl Brown Product Initiatives for the Disabled International Business Machines White Plains, New York Ms. Peggy Barker Communications Services Rehabilitation Engineering Children's Hospital at Stanford Palo Alto, California Mr. William Metcalf Special Computer Services Digital Equipment Corporation Santa Clara, California Mr. Keith Foster Administrator California State Department of Rehabilitation Sacramento, California
Executive summary Avoiding Obsolescence ES.9 Computer Access, Disability and the Law Future Trends and Issues ES.14
Introduction Before We Begin 1.1 Beginnings 1.3 What Is Adapted Computer Technology?
Access Requirements for Persons with Visual Disabilities About Adaptations for Low Vision 1.1 About Training People to Use Low Vision Adaptations 1.7 By Jackie Wheeler Considerations for Teaching Students with Low Vision 1.8 Prerequisites 1.8 Training Plan 1.8 Where to Start 1.9 Hands-On Early Success 1.9 Teaching the System 1.11
About Adaptations for Blind Computer Users Personal Considerations 1.14 System Considerations 1.15 About Training Blind Individuals to Use Computers 1.23
By Jackie Wheeler
Considerations for Teaching Students Who Are Blind 1.24 Prerequisites 1.27 Training Plan Information 1.27 Training Plan 1.27 Where to Start 1.28 Hands-On Early Success 1.29 More Screen Reading Commands 1.29 Setting and Changing Options 1.30 Start Up 1.31 Troubleshooting 1.31 Independent Practice 1.32 Viii
Access Requirements for Persons with Mild to Moderate Orthopedic Disabilities About Adaptations for Computer Users with Mild to Moderate Orthopedic Disabilities 2.1 Keyboard Positioning 2.2 Keyboard Access 2.2 Enhancing Typing Speed 2.3 The Target Audience 2.3 Specialized Adaptations sto Control Keyboard Functions 2.4 Alternative Methods for Entering Program Commands 2.8 Real Time Spell Check, Correction and Thesaurus As an Aid to Faster Text Production 2.11 Smart Word Processors for Enhanced Typing Speed 2.11 Screen Reading Systems 2.13
Determining Correct Keyboard Positioning for Persons with Orthopedic Disabilities 2.14 By Peggy Barker
The Student's History 2.15 Identification of Controllable Anatomic Sites 2.16 Screening for Controllable Anatomic Sites 2.17 Matching Controllable Anatomic Sites to Keyboard Position and Adaptations 2.18 Comparative Evaluation 2.20 Summary 2.22 Appendix 2.22 References
Access Requirements for Persons with Moderate to Severe Orthopedic Disabilities Introduction 3.1 Access Evaluation 3.3 Seating 3.3 Keyboard Access 3.4 Efficient Computer Use 3.5 Computer Access Evaluation Techniques and Strategies for Individuals with Severe Physical Disabilities 3.6 By Peggy Barker
Introduction 3.6 Input Devices 3.8 Single Switches 3.9 Switch Arrays 3.12 Joysticks 3.12 Keyboards 3.13 Mouse, Trackball 3.16 Enhancement Tools 3.17 Selection Strategies 3.17 Direct Selection 3.18
Scanning 3.20 Fixed and Transient Scanning Arrays 3.23 Acceleration Strategies 3.24 Augmentative Communication Systems 3.25 Determining an Appropriate Input System 3.26 Input Device Identification 3.26 Identification of Controllable Anatomic Sites (CASs) 3.29 Range, Resolution and Strength 3.29 Matching CASs to Input Devices 3.33 Quantitative Evaluation 3.36 Potential Direct Selection 3.37 Single Switch Evaluation 3.37 Evaluating Selection Strategies 3.40 Best Results of the Evaluation Process 3.41 Janie: A Case Study 3.41 Selecting Appropriate Access Systems 3.44 Designing Friendly Environments 3.45 Janie 3.49 References 3.53
Access Requirements for Persons with Learning Disabilities About Adaptations for Learning Disabilities Word Processing Strategies for the Learning Disabled 4.9 By Julie Wydeven and Karen Halliday Overview 4.11 Operation 4.12 Entry of Text 4.14 Editing of Text 4.15 Printing 4.15
Access Requirements for Persons with Other Disabilities Adaptations for Other Disability Groups
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing 5.1 Adaptations for Persons with Acquired Traumatic Brain Injury 5.6
Profile of a High-Tech Center Director By Marcia Norris It's OK to Be a Computer Novice 6.2 Learning to Become Familiar with Adapted Computer Technology 6.2 Developing a New Model of Professional Performance 6.4 Teaching Adapted Technology Applications to Disabled Students 6.5
A Unitary Curriculum Which Fosters Prescriptive Teaching 6.5 Basic Disability Groups 6.8 Effectiveness of Teaching: The Effect of Immediacy 6.17
Running a High-Tech Center on an Everyday Basis 6.17
The Site 6.18 Staffing 6.18 Curriculum 6.19 Class Scheduling and Lab Hours 6.20 Special Considerations 6.22 The High-Tech Center As a Concept 6.23 Postscript 6.25
Profiles of Disabled Persons Who Use Adapted Computer Technology Shannon 7.1 Kevin 7.5 Robert 7.8 Jay 7.9 CHAPTER EIGHT
Funding the High-Tech Center By Martha Kanter Introduction 8.1 Investing in the Idea and Demonstrating the Need 8.3 Sharing the Vision 8.5 Finding the Start-Up Money 8.6 Broadening the Vision 8.9 Adapted Computer Technology-A Campus Reality 8.10 CHAPTER NINE
Computer Access, Disability and the Law By Martha Kanter Introduction 9.1 Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 9.2 Supreme Court Opinions 9.3 Section 508 Amendments 9.6 Meeting the New Computer Access Requirments 9.8 Conclusion 9.10
The Corporate Perspective
By Carl Brown When Employees Become Disabled 10.1 Hiring Disabled People 10.2 Providing Employment Opportunities 10.3 Providing Accommodations 10.5 Management Training Programs 10.6 Microcomputers and the Disabled Person 10.8 Corporations and Research Centers: A Partnership 10.9 Job Training Programs for the Disabled 10.9 Media Campaigns 10.10 Conclusion 10.10
Future Trends in Adapted Computer Technology Adapted Computer Access to Campus-Wide Networks 11.1 Adapted Access Requirements and Computerized Educational Testing 11.3 Advanced Computer Graphics and Blind Computer 11.3 Users Access to Publicly Funded Computer Databases 11.5 Emerging Technologies and Adapted Computer Access 11.6 Adapted Computer Access and the 1986 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 11.10
Product Guide to Adapted Computer Hardware and Software Introduction A.1 Adaptations for Low Vision Computer Users A.3 Close View A.3 i nLARGE A.4 NicePrint A.5 PC Lens A.6 VISTA, VISTA 2 A.8 Adaptations for Blind Computer Users A.10 DECtalk A.10 Freedom 1 A.12 Screen Reader A.14 Soft Vert A.16 Votrax Personal Speech Synthesizer A.18 Adaptations for Orthopedically Disabled Computer Users (Mild to Moderate) A.20 Adaptive Firmware Card A.20 Easy Keys/Mouse Keys A.21 Filch A.22 Gramatik III A.24 Keytronics KB 5153 Keyboard for the Disabled A.26 MindReader A.28 Turbo Lightning A.30 Adaptations for Orthopedically Disabled Computer Users (Moderate to Severe) A.32 Long Range Optical Pointer A.32 Mini Keyboard A.33 RealVoice/EvalPac/ScanPac A.34 Touch Talker/Light Talker A.35 Unicorn Expanded Keyboard A.36 Adaptations for Learning Disabled Computer Users A.37 DECtalk A.37 Freedom 1 A.39 Gramatik III A.41
MindReader A.43 Turbo Lightning A.45 VISTA, VISTA 2 A.47 Adaptations for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Computer Users A.49 MindReader A.49 Turbo Lightning A.51
Adapted Computer Techologies Curriculum Curriculum Structure B.1 Computer Access Evaluation B.2 Adapted Keyboarding B.2 Computer Access I B.3 Computer Access II B.3 Computer Access Projects B.3 Course Title: Computer Access Evaluation B.4 Course Title: Adapted Keyboarding B.7 Course Title: Computer Access I B.12 Course Title: Computer Access II B.19 Course Title: Computer Access Projects B.22
Section 508 Legislation