Computer Aided Engineering and Technology

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exchange ideas and results for the advancement of computer ... CAE in mechanical event simulation (MES) ... Authors of accepted papers will receive a PDF.
International Journal of

Computer Aided Engineering and Technology

International Journal of

Computer Aided Engineering and Technology Volumes, Nos. 2/3, 2013

Publisher's website: Email: [email protected] ISSN (Online) 1757-2665 ISSN (Print) 1757-2657

Copyright© Inderscience Enterprises Ltd No part of this publication may be reproduced stored or transmitted in any material form or by any means (including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd or the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. Published and typeset in the UK by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

The International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology (IJCAET) is a journal of new Icnowledge, reporting research and applications which highlight the opportunities and limitations o f computer aided engineering and technology in today's lifecyele-oriented, knowledge-based era of production. Contributions that deal with both academic research and industrial practices are included. JJCAET is designed to be a multidisciplinaiy, fully refereed and international journal. The objective of JJCAET\s to establish an effective channel of communication among those in academia, industiy and others concerned with computer aided engineering theories, methods, enabling technologies, and industrial case studies. It also aims to promote and coordinate developments in the areas mentioned above. The international dimension is emphasised in order to overcome cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of accelerating technological and ecological changes in computer aided engineering and technology. IJCAET is intended to serve as a forum for professionals, academics, researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and developers to exchange ideas and results for the advancement of computer aided engineering and technology. /JC^ET"publishes original papers, review papers, technical reports, case studies, conference reports, management reports, book reviews, notes, commentaries, and news. Subject coverage • Software tools supporting tasks such as analysis, simulation, design, manufacture, planning, diagnosis and repair • Standards and specifications for computer aided engineering and technology • CAE in optimisation of products or processes • CAE in stress analysis on components and assemblies using FEA (finite element analysis) • Algorithms for uniting data processing components with the sensor/modification components • CAE in mechanical event simulation (MES) • Analysis tools for process simulation for operations such as casting, moulding, and die press forming • Digitalisation in product design, manufacturing and measuring processes • Product life-cycle services and maintenance • Advanced manufacturing technology • CAD/CAPP/CAM/PLM/ERP/DNC/AGV/ CAQ, etc • Data mining for aided engineering

• Modelling, simulation, and industrial case verifications for enterprise business processes • Supply chain • Related industrial case studies (preferably incorporated as part o f the research papers)


Submission of papers All papers must be submitted online I f you experience any problems submitting your paper online, please contact [email protected] Papers, case studies, etc. in the areas covered by IJCAET are invited for submission. Authors may wish to send an abstract of proposed papers in advance. Notes for intending authors can be found at: Authors of accepted papers will receive a P D F file of their published paper. Hard copies of journal issues may be purchased at a special price for authors from [email protected] All editorial correspondence should be sent via email to Editor-in-Chief Dr. Van Luo f lumboldt Fellow National Institute of Standards and Technology 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg M D 20899, USA Email: [email protected] Neither the editor nor the publisher can accept responsibility for opinions expressed in the International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology nor in any o f its special publications. Subscription orders IJCAET is published in four issues per volume. A Subscription Order Form is provided in this issue. Payment with order should be made to: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. (Order Dept.), World Trade Centre Building I I , 29 Route de Pre-Bois, Case Postale 856, CH-1215 Genève 15, Switzerland. You may also FAX to:

Guest Editors Dr. Niels C.C.M. Moes and Professor Imre Horvath Delft University of Technology, Landbergstraat 15, 2628 CE Delft, the Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: i.horvath(

(UK)-H44 1234 240 515 or Email to [email protected] Electronic PDF fdes IJCAET ^papers are available to download from website: Online payment by credit card. Advertisements Please address enquiries to the Geneva address or Email: [email protected]

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Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

Int. J. Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, Nos. 2/3, 2013

IJCAET SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Volume 5, 2013 (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED) Subscription price and ordering information: The International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology is published four times a year (in one volume of four issues), in English. Subscription for hard copy O R online format (one simultaneous user only) € 494 per annum (including postage and handling). Subscription for hard copy AND online format (one simultaneous user only) € 672 Airmail option €40 per volume extra. Prices for multi-simultaneous users are available on request. Subscription orders should be addressed to the publishers: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd (Order Dept.), World Trade Centre Building I I , 29 route de Pre-Bois, Case Postale 856, CH-1215 Genève 15, Switzerland. Payment with order: Cheques or bankers drafts should be sent with order, made payable to: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Credit card payments will be accepted and will be converted to £ Sterling at the prevailing rates. For rush orders, contact: Fax: (UK) +44 1234 240 515 Website: or Email to [email protected] Please enter my subscription to the International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology I subscriptions to Volume 5, 2013 €

S P E C I A L ISSUE: D I G I T A L HUMAN M O D E L L I N G AND T R A C K I N G HUMAN ACTIONS Guest Editors: Dr. Niels C . C . M . Moes and Professor Imre Horvath 113

Editorial Niels C.C.M. Moes and Imre Horvath


Human movement using a constraint-based software environment: gaining understanding during initial design phases Baljinder Singh, Ben J. Hicks, Anthony J. Medland, Glen Miillineitx and Johan F. M. Molenbroek


A study of designer familiarity with product and user during requirement elicitation Beshoy Morkos and Joshua D. Summers


(Un)conventional engineering tests to predict fabrics sensorial properties Giuseppe Salvia, Valentina Rognoli and Marinella Levi


Creative spatial interpretation of freehand sketches Sabine Rolh-Koch


Tablet-based 3D sketching and curve reverse modelling Alfredo Liverani, Alessandro Ceruti and Gianni Caligiana


Socket modelling assistant for prosthesis design Giorgio Colombo, Giancarlo Facoetti, Stella Gabbiadini and Caterina Rizz


Parametric human body modelling system for virtual garment fitting Seung-Yeob Baek andKiinwoo Lee


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