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COMPUTER SCIENCE Algorithms and data structures

Networking and telecommunications Computer Networks..............................................42 Local Area Networks............................................42


Network Security..................................................43

Data Structures in C.............................................18


Data Structures in C++.........................................19

Web Technology...................................................44

Data Structures in Java........................................18

Wireless Communications & Networking.............44

artificial intelligence

Operating systems

Artificial Intelligence (AI).......................................49


Neural Networks & Fuzzy Systems......................50

Object-Oriented Design........................................41

Bioinformatics........................................50 Computer organization & architecture

Operating Systems (OS)......................................34 Software Engineering...........................................35 Software Engineering (Advanced)........................39 Software Project Management.............................41

Assembly Languages...........................................28

Systems Analysis & Design..................................40

Computer Architecture/Microprocessors..............31

Unified Modeling Language (UML).......................39

Computer Organization and Architecture.............28


Embedded Systems.............................................30

professional references............51

Parallel Computing/Processing............................33

database systems Computer Graphics..............................................48 Database Management & Design........................46 Database Systems...............................................47

Programming C: Intro to Programming/CS1.................................7 C/CS1.....................................................................7 C# Programming..................................................13 C++ Programming/CS1........................................14

internet/multimedia Multimedia............................................................50

introduction to computer science Introduction to Computer Systems.........................5

mathematics and logic Digital Logic/Logic Design....................................23 Discrete Mathematics...........................................22 Numerical Methods..............................................20 Simulation and Modeling......................................26 Theory of Computation.........................................26

FORTRAN Programming.....................................17 Java Programming/CS1.........................................8 Python Programming............................................17

programming: general Other Programming................................................6 Programming Languages.......................................6





MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Advanced MIS......................................................98

Access Complete.................................................72

Data Mining........................................................100

Access Intro..........................................................71

Decision Support Systems...................................98

Excel Complete....................................................70

Enterprise Resource Planning............................100

Excel Intro............................................................70

Introduction to Information Systems.....................91

Office Intro............................................................66

Management Information Systems.......................92

Operating Systems...............................................74

Project Management............................................98

Outlook Intro.........................................................74

System Analysis & Design....................................97

Powerpoint Complete...........................................73 Powerpoint Intro...................................................73 Word Complete....................................................69 Word Intro.............................................................69

Computer concepts Brief Computer Concepts.....................................63 Comprehensive Computer Concepts...................64

game design & development.....77 networking Network Security..................................................77

professional references............78 programming Java......................................................................75 Visual Basic..........................................................76

web programming/design HTML....................................................................77


ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING circuits and electronics

introduction to electrical engineering Basic Electricity..................................................107

Analog Integrated Circuits..................................120

Basic Electronics................................................114

Analog OP AMPS...............................................124

Introduction to Electrical Engineering.................107

Circuilts Analysis................................................118 Digital Integrated Circuits...................................121 Electronics Principles.........................................122

computer engineering Advanced Computer Architecture.......................144

microcomputer, microprocessors and chips Microprocessor...................................................160

Networking and communications

Computer Organization & Architecture...............142

Circuits and Networks........................................152

Embedded Systems...........................................144

Communication Engineering..............................145

controls Control Systems.................................................134 Digital Control.....................................................135 Electrical Instrumentations.................................136 Generators, Motors, Compressors.....................135 Mechatronics......................................................137

Communication Networks..................................150 Communication Systems....................................145 Computer Networks............................................151 Digital Communications......................................147 Electronic Communications................................148 Fiber Optic Communications..............................149 Local Area Networks..........................................152

Neural Networks/Fuzzy Systems.......................136

devices and materials Microelectronics.................................................125 Physics of Semiconductor Devices....................127

numerical methods Coding and Information Theory..........................159 Numerical Methods............................................156 Probability & Random Processes.......................158

Solid State/Electronic Materials..........................128

digital Digital Electronics...............................................131 Digital Design/Logic............................................131

Power and machines Electrical Machinery...........................................137 Power Electronics...............................................140 Power Systems..................................................140

Programmable Logic Controller..........................134

fields and waves Antennas & Radar..............................................130

professional references..........161 signals and systems


Digital Image Processing....................................156


Digital Signal Processing....................................155

general reference Design in Electrical Engineering.........................160

high voltage engineering.........142

Signals and Systems..........................................153





Author ISBN Page

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Annual Editions: Technologies, Social Media and Society, 21e



96, 99

Business Driven Information Systems, 5e



91, 92

Electric Motors and Control Systems, 2e




Electronics Principles, 8e




GROB’s Basic Electronics, 12e



108, 114

Microelectronic Circuit Design, 5e




Power System Analysis




Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6e




Principles of Electronic Communication System, 4e





Author ISBN Page


COMPUTER SCIENCE Numerical Methods for Engineers, 7e




Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 5e




Simulation with Arena, 6e




Software Engineering, 8e




Computing Essentials 2015: Introductory, 25e



63, 65

Computing Essentials 2015: Complete Edition, 25e




Microsoft® Office Access 2013 Complete

Triad Interactive



Microsoft® Office Excel 2013: A Skills Approach, Complete

Triad Interactive



Microsoft® Office Outlook 2013 Complete: In Practice




Microsoft® Office Powerpoint 2013 Complete

Triad Interactive



Microsoff® Office Word 2013: A Skills Approach, Complete

Triad Interactive


67, 69


OCA/OCP JAVA SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide (Exams 1ZO-803 & IZO-804) Sierra 9780071772003 75 OCP MYSQL 5.6 Database Administrator Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-883) O’Hearn



Principles of Computer Security, 4e




Survey of Operating Systems, 4e




Technology: At Your Service




Using Information Technology: Complete Edition, 11e






Annual Editions: Technologies, Social Media and Society 14/15, 20e Mittleman 9781259170980 96, 99 Business Driven Technology, 6e


9780073376905 92

M: Information Systems, 3e


9780073376912 91, 93

Analog Circuit Design: Discrete & Integrated




CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design, 4e




Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 4e Franco



Numerical Methods for Engineers, 7e




Probability, Random Variables, and Random Signal Principles





Author ISBN Page


COMPUTER SCIENCE The 8051 Microcontroller Based Embedded Systems (McGraw-Hill India title) Patel 9789332901254 31 Computer Organization and Architecture, 10e (McGraw-Hill India title) Sarangi 9789332901834 28 Embedded Systems, 3e (McGraw-Hill India title)




An Introductin to Programming through C++ (McGraw-Hill India title) Abhiram



Programming with Java, 5e (McGraw-Hill India title)







Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering (McGraw-Hill India title)



109, 115

Digital Signal Processing, 3e (McGraw-Hill India title)




Electrical Wiring Practice: Volume 2 Blended Learning Package




Electricity for the Trades, 2e




Embedded Systems, 3e (McGraw-Hill India title)




Microwave Engineering, 3e (McGraw-Hill India title)




Power Electronics (McGraw-Hill India title)




Probability Theory and Random Processes (McGraw-Hill India title)






McGraw-Hill Connect™ strengthens the link between faculty, students and coursework, helping everyone accomplish more in less time. Innovative, adaptive technology engages students in the course content so they are better prepared, are more active in discussion, and achieve better results.

ConnectPlus™ includes the full textbook as an integrated, dynamic ebook where media, animation, and assessments are merged with the text’s narrative to engage students and improve learning and retention. McGraw-Hill LearnSmart™ is an intelligent learning system that uses a series of probing questions to pinpoint each student’s knowledge gaps. LearnSmart then provides an optimal learning path for each student, so that less time is spent in areas the student already knows and more time in areas needed. The result: students retain more knowledge, learn faster, and study more efficiently.

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Shier – Hole’s Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology 12e


Shier – Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology 14e

Booth – Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease for the Health Professions 3e Fox – Human Physiology 14e Gunstream – Anatomy & Physiology with Integrated Study Guide 6e Longenbaker – Mader’s Understanding Human A&P 8e Martin – Lab Manual for Human Anatomy & Physiology 2e McKinley, et al. – Anatomy & Physiology 2e McKinley/O’Loughlin – Human Anatomy 4e Roiger – Anatomy, Physiology & Disease 1e Roiger – Anatomy & Physiology: Foundations for the Health Professions 1e

Tate – Seeley’s Principles of Anatomy & Physiology 2e VanPutte – Seeley’s Anatomy & Physiology 10e VanPutte – Seeley’s Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology 9e Widmaier – Vander’s Human Physiology 13e

NON-MAJORS BIOLOGY Enger – Concepts in Biology 14e Hoefnagels – Biology: The Essentials 2e Hoefnagels – Biology: Concepts and Investigations 3e Johnson – Essentials of The Living World 4e Johnson – The Living World 8e

Saladin – Anatomy & Physiology 7e

Mader – Biology 12e

Saladin – Essentials Anatomy & Physiology 1e

Mader – Concepts of Biology 3e

Saladin – Human Anatomy 4e

Mader – Human Biology 14e

Mader – Essentials of Biology 4e

Mader – Inquiry into Life 14e

GENETICS Brooker – Concepts of Genetics 2e


Brooker – Genetics: Analysis and Principles 5e

Brooker – Biology 3e

Hartwell – Genetics: From Genes to Genomes 5e

Brooker – Principles of Biology 1e Mason – Understanding Biology 1e

Lewis – Human Genetics 11e

Raven – Biology 10e Vodopich – Biology Lab Manual 10e

BOTANY Bidlack – Stern’s Introductory Plant Biology 13e

MICROBIOLOGY Anderson – Nester’s Microbiology: A Human Perspective 8e

ECOLOGY Molles – Ecology 7e

Brown – Benson’s Microbiological Applications Complete Version 13e Chess – Laboratory Applications in Microbiology: A Case Study Approach 3e Cowan – Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach 2e Cowan – Microbiology: A Systems Approach 4e Harley – Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology, 9e Obenauf – Lab Manual for Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach, 2e Talaro – Foundations in Microbiology 9e Talaro – Foundations in Microbiology: Basic Priniciples 9e Willey – Prescott’s Microbiology 9e

Stiling – Ecology 2e

ZOOLOGY Hickman – Animal Diversity 7e Hickman – Integrated Principles of Zoology 16e Miller – Zoology 9e

PHYSICAL & EARTH SCIENCES CHEMISTRY ACS – Chemistry in Context 8e Bauer – Introduction to Chemistry 4e Burdge – Chemistry 3e Burdge/Overby – Atoms First 2e Carey – Organic Chemistry 9e

NUTRITION Byrd-Bredbenner – Wardlaw’s Perspectives in Nutrition: A Functional Approach, 1e Byrd-Bredbenner – Wardlaw’s Perspectives in Nutrition 10e Schiff – Nutrition Essentials: A Personal Approach 1e Schiff – Nutrition for Healthy Living 4e Stephenson – Human Nutrition: Science for Healthy Living 1e Wardlaw – Contemporary Nutrition 10e Wardlaw – Contemporary Nutrition: A Functional Approach 4e Williams – Nutrition for Health, Fitness & Sport 10e

Chang – Chemistry 12e Chang – General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts 7e Denniston – General, Organic, & Biochemistry 8e Silberberg – Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change 7e Silberberg – Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change GE 6e Silberberg – Principles of General Chemistry 3e Smith – General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 3e Smith – Principles of General, Organic & Biological Chemistry 2e Smith – Organic Chemistry 4e

EARTH SCIENCE & GEOLOGY Abbott – Natural Disasters 9e Cunningham – Environmental Science 13e

ENGINEERING ENGINEERING Anderson – Introduction to Flight 8e

Cunningham – Principles of Environmental Science 7e

Alexander – Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 5e

Enger – Environmental Science 14e

Beer – Mechanics of Materials 7e

McConnell – The Good Earth: Introduction to Earth Science 3e

Beer – Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics 11e

Montgomery – Environmental Geology 10e

Beer – Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics 10e

Plummer – Physical Geology 15e

Budynas – Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design 10e

Reichard – Environmental Geology 2e Reynolds – Exploring Earth Science 1e Reynolds – Exploring Geology 4e

Cengel – Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals & Applications 3e

Sverdrup – Investigating Oceanography 1e

Cengel – Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals & Applications 5e

GEOGRAPHY Bradshaw – Contemporary World Regional Geography 4e Chang – Introduction to Geographic Information System 8e Getis – Introduction to Geography 14e Malinowski – Human Geography 1e Price – Mastering ArcGIS 4e Reynolds – Exploring Physical Geography 1e White – Essentials of World Regional Geography 3e

PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY Arny – Explorations: Introduction to Astronomy 7e Bauer – University Physics with Modern Physics 2e

Cengel – Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach with Student Resources DVD 8e Chapra – Numerical Methods for Engineers 7e Hayt – Engineering Circuit Analysis 8e Hillier – Introduction to Operations Research 10e Jaeger – Microelectronic Circuit Design 5e Kelton – Simulation with Arena 6e Navidi – Statistics for Engineers and Scientists 4e Plesha -Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics 2e Pressman – Software Engineering 8e Rizzoni – Principles and Applications of Electric Engineering 6e White – Fluid Mechanics 8e

Giambattista – College Physics 4e Giambattista – Physics 3e Griffith – Physics of Everyday Phenomena 8e


Krauskopf – The Physical Universe 15e

Malvino – Electronics Principles 8e

Lisa – The Physics of Sports 1e

Schultz – Grob’s Basic Electronics 12e

Schneider – Pathways to Astronomy 4e

Tokheim – Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications 8e

Tillery – Integrated Science 6e Tillery – Physical Science 10e

MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS Baratto – Basic Mathematical Skills with Geometry 9e

Messersmith – Basic College Mathematics with P.O.W.E.R. Learning 1e Messersmith – Beginning Algebra 1e

Baratto – Beginning Algebra 9e

Messersmith – Beginning and Intermediate Algebra 4e

Baratto – Elementary and Intermediate Algebra 5e

Messersmith – Intermediate Algebra 1e

Baratto – Prealgebra 4e

Messersmith – Intermediate Algebra with P.O.W.E.R. Learning 1e

Bello – Basic College Mathematics 4e Bello – Introductory Algebra 4e Bennett – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 10e Bluman – Elementary Statistics: A Step-by-Step Approach 9e Bluman – Elemantary Statistics: Brief 7e Coburn – College Algebra 3e Coburn – College Algebra Essentials 3e Coburn – College Algebra: Graphs & Models 1e

Messersmith – Introductory Algebra with P.O.W.E.R. Learning 1e Messersmith – Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra with P.O.W.E.R. Learning 1e Messersmith – Prealgebra with P.O.W.E.R. Learning 1e Miller – Basic College Mathematics 3e Miller – Beginning Algebra 4e Miller – Beginning and Intermediate Algebra 4e Miller – College Algebra 2e Miller – College Algebra Essentials 1e

Dugopolski – Algebra for College Students 6e

Miller – Intermediate Algebra (Hardcover) 4e

Dugopolski – Elementary and Intermediate Algebra 4e

Miller – Intermediate Algebra (Softcover) 3e

Dugopolski – Intermediate Algebra 7e

Miller – Introductory Algebra 3e

Hendricks/Chow – Beginning Algebra 1e

Miller – Prealgebra & Introductory Algebra 1e

Hendricks/Chow – Beginning & Intermediate Algebra 1e

Navidi/Monk – Elementary Statistics 2e

Hendricks/Chow – Intermediate Algebra 1e

Navidi/Monk – Essential Statistics 1e

Hoffmann – Applied Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Expanded Edition 11e Hoffmann – Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences: Brief Version 11e

Miller – Prealgebra 2e

Rosen – Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 7e Smith/Minton – Calculus 4e Smith/Minton – Calculus: EarlyTranscendental Functions 4e Sobecki – Math in Our World 3e Sobecki – Pathways to Math Literacy 1e

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EKEͳD:KZ^/K>K'z HoefnagelsʹŝŽůŽŐLJ͗ŽŶĐĞƉƚƐĂŶĚ/ŶǀĞƐƟŐĂƟŽŶƐ͕ϯĞ HoefnagelsʹŝŽůŽŐLJ͗dŚĞƐƐĞŶƟĂůƐ͕ϮĞ JohnsonʹƐƐĞŶƟĂůƐŽĨƚŚĞ>ŝǀŝŶŐtŽƌůĚ͕ϰĞ JohnsonʹdŚĞ>ŝǀŝŶŐtŽƌůĚ͕ϴĞ MaderʹŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭϮĞ MaderʹƐƐĞŶƟĂůƐŽĨŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϰĞ Maderʹ,ƵŵĂŶŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭϰĞ Maderʹ/ŶƋƵŝƌLJ/ŶƚŽ>ŝĨĞ͕ϭϰĞ MaderʹŽŶĐĞƉƚƐŽĨŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϯĞ McGraw-Hillʹ>ĞĂƌŶ^ŵĂƌƚĨŽƌ/ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƚŽƌLJŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭĞ

D:KZ^/K>K'z BrookerʹŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϯĞ BrookerʹWƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐŽĨŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭĞ MasonʹhŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭĞ McGraw-Hill ʹ>ĞĂƌŶ^ŵĂƌƚĨŽƌDĂũŽƌƐŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭĞ RavenʹŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭϬĞ







CunninghamʹWƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐŽĨŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ͕ϳĞ Enger ʹŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ͕ϭϰĞ McConnellʹdŚĞ'ŽŽĚĂƌƚŚ͗/ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶƚŽĂƌƚŚ͕ϯĞ Montgomery – Environmental Geology PlummerʹWŚLJƐŝĐĂů'ĞŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭϱĞ ReichardʹŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů'ĞŽůŽŐLJ͕ϮĞ ReynoldsʹdžƉůŽƌŝŶŐĂƌƚŚ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ͕ϭĞ ReynoldsʹdžƉůŽƌŝŶŐ'ĞŽůŽŐLJ͕ϰĞ Sverdrupʹ/ŶǀĞƐƟŐĂƟŶŐKĐĞĂŶŽŐƌĂƉŚLJ͕ϭĞ



CHEMISTRY American Chemical SocietyʹŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJŝŶŽŶƚĞdžƚ͗ ƉƉůLJŝŶŐŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJƚŽ^ŽĐŝĞƚLJ͕ϴĞ Bauerʹ/ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶƚŽŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϰĞ BurdgeʹŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϯĞ Burdge/OverbyʹŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͗ƚŽŵƐ&ŝƌƐƚ͕ϮĞ CareyʹKƌŐĂŶŝĐŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϵĞ ChangʹŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϭϮĞ Changʹ'ĞŶĞƌĂůŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͗dŚĞƐƐĞŶƟĂůŽŶĐĞƉƚƐ͕ϳĞ Dennistonʹ'ĞŶĞƌĂů͕KƌŐĂŶŝĐΘŝŽĐŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϴĞ McGraw-Hill ʹ>ĞĂƌŶ^ŵĂƌƚĨŽƌ'ĞŶĞƌĂůŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϭĞ McGraw-Hillʹ>ĞĂƌŶ^ŵĂƌƚĨŽƌ/ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƚŽƌLJŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϭĞ McGraw-Hill ʹ>ĞĂƌŶ^ŵĂƌƚĨŽƌKƌŐĂŶŝĐŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϭĞ SilberbergʹŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͗dŚĞDŽůĞĐƵůĂƌEĂƚƵƌĞŽĨDĂƩĞƌ ΘŚĂŶŐĞ͕ϳĞ SilberbergʹWƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐŽĨ'ĞŶĞƌĂůŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϯĞ Smithʹ'ĞŶĞƌĂů͕KƌŐĂŶŝĐ͕ΘŝŽůŽŐŝĐĂůŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϯĞ SmithʹKƌŐĂŶŝĐŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϰĞ SmithʹWƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐŽĨ'ĞŶĞƌĂů͕KƌŐĂŶŝĐ͕ΘŝŽůŽŐŝĐĂů ŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϮĞ







Malvino ʹůĞĐƚƌŽŶŝĐƐWƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐ͕ϴĞ Schultz – 'ƌŽď͛ƐĂƐŝĐůĞĐƚƌŽŶŝĐƐ͕ϭϮĞ TokheimʹŝŐŝƚĂůůĞĐƚƌŽŶŝĐƐ͗WƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐΘƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ͕ ϴĞ


















D E 8.7%









More students get As and Bs with LearnSmart.

D E 9.6%





UNDERSTANDING LearnSmart Achieve is a revolutionary new learning system that combines a continually adaptive learning experience with important, rich, dynamic learning resources to help students learn the material, retain more knowledge and get better grades.

For more information, visit For sales enquiries, please contact: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia) 1 International Business Park #01-15A, The Synergy, Singapore 609917 /i\ÊÊ­Èx®ÊÈnÈÎÊ£xnäÊÊUÊÊ>ÝÊÊ­Èx®ÊÈnÈÓÊÎÎx{ÊÊUÊÊ ÕÃ̜“iÀÊ-iÀۈViʜ̏ˆ˜i\ÊÊ­Èx®ÊÈnÈnÊn£nn eMail: [email protected]ÊÊUÊÊ7iLÈÌi\ÊÊ Updated as of Dec 2014. Include © 2016 titles.






Improves Student Performance More students earn A’s and B’s when they use LearnSmart.

LearnSmart Assignments (Experimental) (n=358)


Testbank Question Assignments (Control) (n=332)






















Powerful Reports Pinpoint Specific Areas to Reinforce and Study Students are able to study more efficiently because they are made aware of what they know and don’t know. Instructor reports identify at-risk students and highlight the concepts the class as a whole struggles with the most.

Moves Students Beyond Memorizing LearnSmart increases overall learning by encouraging periodic review of concepts students are likely to forget.

Allows Instructors to Align Content with Their Goals Instructors choose subject matter topics and designate the average time required of students to complete the assignment.

Allows Instructors to Spend More Time Teaching Higher Level Concepts

“Students are learning more, and I have time to commit to more advanced instruction.“ Julie Morrison, Psychology Instructor, Glendale Community College

“Thanks to LearnSmart, students come to class prepared and as a result, I am able to utilize class time more productively for class discussion.“ Gary Brockway, Marketing Instructor, Murray State University



EKEͳD:KZ^/K>K'z Hoefnagels – ŝŽůŽŐLJ͗ŽŶĐĞƉƚƐĂŶĚ/ŶǀĞƐƟŐĂƟŽŶƐ͕ϯĞ Hoefnagels – ŝŽůŽŐLJ͗dŚĞƐƐĞŶƟĂůƐ͕ϮĞ Johnson – ƐƐĞŶƟĂůƐŽĨƚŚĞ>ŝǀŝŶŐtŽƌůĚ͕ϰĞ Johnson – dŚĞ>ŝǀŝŶŐtŽƌůĚ͕ϴĞ Mader – ŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭϮĞ Mader – ƐƐĞŶƟĂůƐŽĨŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϰĞ Mader – ,ƵŵĂŶŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭϰĞ Mader – /ŶƋƵŝƌLJ/ŶƚŽ>ŝĨĞ͕ϭϰĞ Mader – ŽŶĐĞƉƚƐŽĨŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϯĞ

D:KZ^/K>K'z Brooker – ŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϯĞ Brooker – WƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐŽĨŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭĞ Mason – hŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭĞ Raven – ŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭϬĞ









PHYSICAL & EARTH SCIENCES CHEMISTRY American Chemical Society – ŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJŝŶŽŶƚĞdžƚ͗ ƉƉůLJŝŶŐŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJƚŽ^ŽĐŝĞƚLJ͕ϴĞ Bauer – /ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶƚŽŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϰĞ Burdge – ŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϯĞ Burdge/Overby – ŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͗ƚŽŵƐ&ŝƌƐƚ͕ϮĞ Carey – KƌŐĂŶŝĐŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϵĞ Chang – ŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϭϮĞ Chang – 'ĞŶĞƌĂůŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͗dŚĞƐƐĞŶƟĂůŽŶĐĞƉƚƐ͕ϳĞ Denniston – 'ĞŶĞƌĂů͕KƌŐĂŶŝĐΘŝŽĐŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϴĞ Silberberg – ŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͗dŚĞDŽůĞĐƵůĂƌEĂƚƵƌĞŽĨDĂƩĞƌ ΘŚĂŶŐĞ͕ϳĞ Silberberg – WƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐŽĨ'ĞŶĞƌĂůŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϯĞ Smith – 'ĞŶĞƌĂů͕KƌŐĂŶŝĐ͕ΘŝŽůŽŐŝĐĂůŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϯĞ Smith – KƌŐĂŶŝĐŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϰĞ Smith – WƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐŽĨ'ĞŶĞƌĂů͕KƌŐĂŶŝĐ͕ΘŝŽůŽŐŝĐĂů ŚĞŵŝƐƚƌLJ͕ϮĞ

EARTH SCIENCE & GEOLOGY ďďŽƩ – EĂƚƵƌĂůŝƐĂƐƚĞƌƐ͕ϵĞ Cunningham – ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ͕ϭϯĞ Cunningham – WƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐŽĨŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ͕ϳĞ Enger – ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ͕ϭϰĞ McConnell – dŚĞ'ŽŽĚĂƌƚŚ͗/ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶƚŽĂƌƚŚ ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ͕ϯĞ Montgomery – ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů'ĞŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭϬĞ Plummer – WŚLJƐŝĐĂů'ĞŽůŽŐLJ͕ϭϱĞ Reichard – ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů'ĞŽůŽŐLJ͕ϮĞ Reynolds – džƉůŽƌŝŶŐĂƌƚŚ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ͕ϭĞ Reynolds – džƉůŽƌŝŶŐ'ĞŽůŽŐLJ͕ϰĞ – /ŶǀĞƐƟŐĂƟŶŐKĐĞĂŶŽŐƌĂƉŚLJ͕ϭĞ








ĞŶŶĞƩ – DĂƚŚĞŵĂƟĐƐĨŽƌůĞŵĞŶƚĂƌLJdĞĂĐŚĞƌƐ͗ ŽŶĐĞƉƚƵĂůƉƉƌŽĂĐŚ͕ϭϬĞ Bluman – ůĞŵĞŶƚĂƌLJ^ƚĂƟƐƟĐƐ͕ϵĞ Bluman – ůĞŵĞŶƚĂƌLJ^ƚĂƟƐƟĐƐ͗ƌŝĞĨsĞƌƐŝŽŶ͕ϳĞ Coburn – ŽůůĞŐĞůŐĞďƌĂ͕ϯĞ Hendricks/Chow – ĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐΘ/ŶƚĞƌŵĞĚŝĂƚĞůŐĞďƌĂ͕ϭĞ Hendricks/Chow – ĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐůŐĞďƌĂ͕ϭĞ Hendricks/Chow – /ŶƚĞƌŵĞĚŝĂƚĞůŐĞďƌĂ͕ϭĞ ,ŽīŵĂŶŶ – ƉƉůŝĞĚĂůĐƵůƵƐĨŽƌƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ͕ĐŽŶŽŵŝĐƐ͕ ĂŶĚƚŚĞ^ŽĐŝĂůĂŶĚ>ŝĨĞ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞƐ͕džƉĂŶĚĞĚĚŝƟŽŶ͕ϭϭĞ ,ŽīŵĂŶŶ – ĂůĐƵůƵƐĨŽƌƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ͕ĐŽŶŽŵŝĐƐ͕ĂŶĚƚŚĞ ^ŽĐŝĂůĂŶĚ>ŝĨĞ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞƐ͕ƌŝĞĨsĞƌƐŝŽŶ͕ϭϭĞ Messersmith – ĂƐŝĐŽůůĞŐĞDĂƚŚĞŵĂƟĐƐǁŝƚŚW͘K͘t͘͘Z͘ >ĞĂƌŶŝŶŐ͕ϭĞ Messersmith – /ŶƚĞƌŵĞĚŝĂƚĞůŐĞďƌĂǁŝƚŚW͘K͘t͘͘Z͘ >ĞĂƌŶŝŶŐ͕ϭĞ Messersmith – /ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƚŽƌLJůŐĞďƌĂǁŝƚŚW͘K͘t͘͘Z͘ >ĞĂƌŶŝŶŐ͕ϭĞ Messersmith – WƌĞĂůŐĞďƌĂĂŶĚ/ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƚŽƌLJůŐĞďƌĂǁŝƚŚ W͘K͘t͘͘Z͘>ĞĂƌŶŝŶŐ͕ϭĞ Messersmith – WƌĞĂůŐĞďƌĂǁŝƚŚW͘K͘t͘͘Z͘>ĞĂƌŶŝŶŐ͕ϭĞ Miller – ĂƐŝĐŽůůĞŐĞDĂƚŚĞŵĂƟĐƐ͕ϯĞ Miller – ĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐůŐĞďƌĂ͕ϰĞ Miller – ĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐĂŶĚ/ŶƚĞƌŵĞĚŝĂƚĞůŐĞďƌĂ͕ϰĞ Miller – ŽůůĞŐĞůŐĞďƌĂ͕ϭĞ Miller – ŽůůĞŐĞůŐĞďƌĂ͗ƐƐĞŶƟĂůƐ͕ϭĞ Miller – /ŶƚĞƌŵĞĚŝĂƚĞůŐĞďƌĂ;,ĂƌĚĐŽǀĞƌͿ͕ϰĞ Miller – /ŶƚĞƌŵĞĚŝĂƚĞůŐĞďƌĂ;^ŽŌĐŽǀĞƌͿ͕ϯĞ Miller – /ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƚŽƌLJůŐĞďƌĂ͕ϯĞ Miller – WƌĞĂůŐĞďƌĂ͕ϮĞ Miller – WƌĞĂůŐĞďƌĂΘ/ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƚŽƌLJůŐĞďƌĂ͕ϭĞ Navidi – ůĞŵĞŶƚĂƌLJ^ƚĂƟƐƟĐƐ͕ϮĞ Navidi – ƐƐĞŶƟĂů^ƚĂƟƐƟĐƐ͕ϭĞ Rosen – ŝƐĐƌĞƚĞDĂƚŚΘƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ͕ϳĞ Sobecki – DĂƚŚŝŶKƵƌtŽƌůĚ͕ϯĞ

Sanderson – ŽŵƉƵƚĞƌƐŝŶƚŚĞDĞĚŝĐĂůKĸĐĞ͕ϵĞ















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More students get As and Bs with LearnSmart.

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AN ADAPTIVE LEARNING SYSTEM PROVIDING RESOURCES TO ENHANCE UNDERSTANDING LearnSmart Achieve is a revolutionary new learning system that combines a continually adaptive learning experience with important, rich, dynamic learning resources to help students learn the material, retain more knowledge and get better grades.

For more information, visit For sales enquiries, please contact: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia) 1 International Business Park #01-15A, The Synergy, Singapore 609917 /i\ÊÊ­Èx®ÊÈnÈÎÊ£xnäÊÊUÊÊ>ÝÊÊ­Èx®ÊÈnÈÓÊÎÎx{ÊÊUÊÊ ÕÃ̜“iÀÊ-iÀۈViʜ̏ˆ˜i\ÊÊ­Èx®ÊÈnÈnÊn£nn eMail: [email protected]ÊÊUÊÊ7iLÈÌi\ÊÊ Updated as of Dec 2014. Include © 2016 titles.






Engages Students with a Personalized Reading Experience SmartBook highlights what content a student needs to study by identifying what they know, what they don’t know, and what they are most likely to forget.


Powerful Reports Pinpoint Specific Areas to Reinforce and Study Students are able to study more efficiently because they are made aware of what they know and don’t know. Instructor reports identify at-risk students and highlight the concepts the class as a whole struggles with the most.

Ensures Students Retain Knowledge SmartBook detects the content a student is most likely to forget and brings it back to improve knowledge retention.

Fueled by the Proven and Adaptive LearnSmart Engine LearnSmart Assignments (Experimental) (n=358)


Testbank Question Assignments (Control) (n=332)





















More students earn A’s and B’s when they use LearnSmart.

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Make notes and annotations. Instructors (and students) can make private or public notes and annotations in the recording. Notes are associated with specific points along the recording timeline, and when clicked, take the viewer to that specific point within the recording. Connect with students through Tegrity Connect. Instructors can use the Tegrity Connect chat feature to hold virtual office hours for students, or provide assistance outside of class hours as desired.

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COMPUTER SCIENCE | CONTENTS Algorithms and data structures Algorithms......................................................................................17 Data Structures in C.......................................................................18 Data Structures in C++...................................................................19 Data Structures in Java..................................................................18

artificial intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI).................................................................49 Neural Networks & Fuzzy Systems................................................50

Bioinformatics.......................................................................50 Computer organization & architecture Assembly Languages.....................................................................28 Computer Architecture/Microprocessors........................................31 Computer Organization and Architecture.......................................28 Embedded Systems.......................................................................30 Parallel Computing/Processing......................................................33

database systems Computer Graphics........................................................................48 Database Management & Design..................................................46 Database Systems.........................................................................47

internet/multimedia Multimedia......................................................................................50

introduction to computer science Introduction to Computer Systems...................................................5

mathematics and logic Digital Logic/Logic Design..............................................................23 Discrete Mathematics.....................................................................22 Numerical Methods........................................................................20 Simulation and Modeling................................................................26 Theory of Computation...................................................................26

Networking and telecommunications Computer Networks.......................................................................42 Local Area Networks......................................................................42 Network Security............................................................................43 TCP/IP............................................................................................43 Web Technology.............................................................................44 Wireless Communications & Networking.......................................44



COMPUTER SCIENCE | CONTENTS Operating systems LINUX.............................................................................................33 Object-Oriented Design..................................................................41 Operating Systems (OS)................................................................34 Software Engineering.....................................................................35 Software Engineering (Advanced).................................................39 Software Project Management.......................................................41 Systems Analysis & Design............................................................40 Unified Modeling Language (UML)................................................39 UNIX...............................................................................................35

professional references...........................................51 Programming C: Intro to Programming/CS1...........................................................7 C/CS1...............................................................................................7 C# Programming............................................................................13 C++ Programming/CS1..................................................................14 FORTRAN Programming...............................................................17 Java Programming/CS1...................................................................8 Python Programming.....................................................................17

programming: general Other Programming..........................................................................6 Programming Languages.................................................................6



Author ISBN Page

Numerical Methods for Engineers, 7e


9780073397924 20

Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 5e


9780073401324 27

Simulation with Arena, 6e


9780073401317 26

Software Engineering, 8e


9780078022128 35


Author ISBN Page

The 8051 Microcontroller Based Embedded Systems (McGraw-Hill India title) Patel 9789332901254 31 Computer Organization and Architecture, 10e (McGraw-Hill India title)


9789332901834 28

Embedded Systems, 3e (McGraw-Hill India title)


9789332901490 30

An Introductin to Programming through C++ (McGraw-Hill India title)


9789332901513 14

Programming with Java, 5e (McGraw-Hill India title)


9789351343202 8




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Introduction to Computer Science

Introduction To Computing Systems International Edition



by Paul Tymann, Rochester Inst Of Technology, Carl Reynolds, Rochester Inst Of Technology

From Bits and Gates to C and Beyond, 2nd Edition

2008 / Softcover / 384 pages ISBN: 9780071460514

by Yale N Patt, University of Texas at Austin and Sanjay J Patel, University of Illinois, Champaign

(A Schaum's Publication) Schaum’s Outline of Principles of Computer Science provides a concise overview of the theoretical foundation of computer science. It also includes focused review of object-oriented programming using Java. Contents Introduction to Computer Science Definition Algorithms A Brief History Lesson A Roadmap Algorithms What are they, what are they good for? Developing an algorithm Efficiency Formal models of computation Hardware Binary and other number systems Boolean Logic Gates Computer Organization The VonNeumann Model Control Unit Registers ALU Memory Software Languages Compiled, interpreted Virtual machines OOP, Scripting Programming in Java Types, operators, identifiers Classes, objects Basic control structures Methods Operating Systems What are they? Multi-tasking, multi-user Scheduling Networking Basic Concepts The Internet TCP/IP The world wide web Social Issues Privacy Viruses Hacking Encryption Can computers kill?

2004 / 656 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780072467505 (with CD-ROM) ISBN: 9780071245012 [IE - 2 Color] Introduction to Computing Systems: From Bits & Gates to C & Beyond, now in its second edition, is designed to give students a better understanding of computing early in their college careers in order to give them a stronger foundation for later courses. The book is in two parts: (a) the underlying structure of a computer, and (b) programming in a high level language and programming methodology. To understand the computer, the authors introduce the LC-3 and provide the LC-3 Simulator to give students hands-on access for testing what they learn. To develop their understanding of programming and programming methodology, they use the C programming language. The book takes a "motivated" bottom-up approach, where the students first get exposed to the big picture and then start at the bottom and build their knowledge bottomup. Within each smaller unit, the same motivated bottom-up approach is followed. Every step of the way, students learn new things, building on what they already know. The authors feel that this approach encourages deeper understanding and downplays the need for memorizing. Students develop a greater breadth of understanding, since they see how the various parts of the computer fit together. Contents Part I 1. Welcome Aboard! 2. Bits, Data Types, and Operations. 3. Digital Logic Structures. 4. The Von Neumann Model. 5. The LC-3. 6. Programming. 7. Assembly Language. 8. I/O. 9. TRAP Routines and Subroutines. 10. And, Finally... Part II 11. Introduction to Programming in C. 12. Variables and Operators. 13. Control Structures. 14. Functions. 15. Debugging. 16. Recursion. 17. Pointers and Arrays. 18. I/O in C. 19. Data Structures. Appendix A The LC-3 ISA. Appendix B From LC-3 to x86. Appendix C The Microarchitecture of the LC-3. Appendix D The C Programming Language. Appendix E Extending C to C++. Appendix F Useful Tables




Programming: General Programming Languages International Edition


4th Edition

by John Martin, North Dakota State University-Fargo

2011 (February 2010) / Hardcover / 488 pages ISBN: 9780073191461 ISBN: 9780071289429 [IE] Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation helps students make the connection between the practice of computing and an understanding of the profound ideas that defines it. The book's organization and the author's ability to explain complex topics clearly make this introduction to the theory of computation an excellent resource for a broad range of upper level students. The author has learned through many years of teaching that the best way to present theoretical concepts is to take advantage of the precision and clarity of mathematical language. In a way that is accessible to students still learning this language, he presents the necessary mathematical tools gently and gradually which provides discussion and examples that make the language intelligible. Contents Preface Introduction 1. Mathematical Tools and Techniques 2. Finite Automata and the Languages They Accept 3. Regular Expressions, Nondeterminism, and Kleene's Theorem 4. Context-Free Languages 5. Pushdown Automata 6. Context-Free and Non-Context-Free Languages 7. Turing Machines 8. Recursively Enumerable Languages 9. Undecidable Decision Problems 10. Computable Functions 11. Introduction to Computational Complexity Index

International Edition


2nd Edition

by Allen B. Tucker, Bowdoin College, and Robert Noonan, College of William and Mary

2006 / Hardcover ISBN: 9780072866094 ISBN: 9780071254397 [IE] Most current programming language text that provides a balanced mix of explanation and experimentation. Opening chapters present the fundamental principals of programming languages, while optional companion chapters provide implementationbased, hands-on experience that delves even deeper. This edition also includes a greatly expanded treatment of the four major programming paradigms, incorporating a number of the most current languages such as Perl and Python. Special topics presented include event-handling, concurrency, and an all-new

chapter on correctness. Overall, this edition provides both broad and deep coverage of language design principles and the major paradigms, allowing users the flexibility of choosing what topics to emphasize. Contents 1. Overview 2. Syntax 3. Lexical and Syntactic Analysis 4. Names 5. Types 6. Type Systems 7. Semantics 8. Semantic Interpretation 9. Functions 10. Function Implementation 11. Memory Management 12. Imperative Programming 13. Object-Oriented Programming 14. Functional Programming 15. Logic Programming 16. Event-Driven Programming 17. Concurrent Programming 18. Program Correctness A. Definition of Clite B. Discrete Math Review Glossary Bibliography

Other Programming

SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING by D M Dhamdhere, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT, India

2011 (June 2011) / 556 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071333115 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book offers in-depth treatment for the fundamentals concepts in systems programming and different kinds of system software. It stresses on the use of system programming concepts in designing various system softwares. It provides an overview of contemporary trends in system software. This book is designed for undergraduate and post-graduate courses offered on Systems Programming. Contents 1. Introduction Part I : Language Processors 2. Overview of Language Processors 3. Assemblers 4. Macros and Macro Preprocessors 5. Linkers and Loaders 6. Scanning and Parsing 7. Compilers 8. Interpreters 9. Software Tools Part II : Operating Systems 10. Overview of Operating Systems 11. Program Management 12. Memory Management 13. File Systems 14. Security and Protection


Programming C: Intro to Programming/CS1 Asian Adaptation

C Programming

A Q&A Approach

by H H Andrew Tan, Morrison Knudsen Corporation, and T.B. D’Orazio, San Francisco State University, Siu-Hang Or, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Marian Ming Yan Choy, The University of Hong Kong

2012 (September 2011) / 542 pages / softcover ISBN: 9780071311168

Contents 1. Overview of C 2. Constants, Variables, and Data Types 3. Operators and Expressions 4. Managing Input and Output Operations 5. Decision Making and Branching 6. Decision Making and Looping 7. Arrays 8. Character Arrays and Strings 9. User-Defined Functions 10. Structures and Unions 11. Pointers 12. File Management in C 13. Dynamic Memory Allocation and Linked Lists 14. The Preprocessor 15. Developing a C Program: Some Guidelines

(An Asian Publication) This book was developed to address the difficulty beginning students often find reading computer language texts. Tan and D'Orazio aim to make the process of learning a first language easier and fun, by involving readers in their text, holding their interest, and getting them to think about the meaning and uses of C code. The authors accomplish this goal by using a question and answer style, where the reader's thought processes are stimulated by the same questions about code that students themselves often ask. Tan and D'Orazio answer these questions clearly and directly, focusing the reader's attention on the important issues of C programming. The new co-authors, Or and Choy have further enhanced on this book by “condensing” the book by focusing on the essential programming content. The end product is a book which arouses the student’s interest and guides the student along as he / she learns the necessary programming concepts. The new edition will feature an improved layout in 2 colors and a supporting website for instructors and students. Instructors using this book will also be well supported with solutions, teaching slides and testbank. Students will also find useful resources such as additional practice questions in the text website. Contents 1. Programming Fundamentals 2. The Basics of C—Math Functions, and Input/Output 3. Beginning Decision Making and Looping 4. Functions 5. Numeric Arrays 6. File Input/Output, Strings and Pointers 7. Structures and Large Program Design 8. Introduction to C++


6th Edition

by E Balagurusamy, Chairman, EBG Foundation, Coimbatore

2012 (April 2012) / Softcover ISBN: 9781259004612 (McGraw-Hill India Title) In keeping with the original essence of this distinguished bestseller, the sixth edition presents C programming concepts in a simple, clear and logical order, thus making it ideal for novices. This text uses sample programs, case studies, programming problems, projects and many more pedagogical aids to enable better understanding of the C language. The hallmark of this edition is its new avatar in color, to enhance visual appeal and make learning a pleasure!

C/CS1 International Edition

C FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS WITH COMPANION CD by Harry H. Cheng, University Of California Davis

2010 (March 2009) / Softcover / 928 pages ISBN: 9780077290467 ISBN: 9780071078696 [IE] C for Engineers and Scientists is a complete and authoritative introduction to computer programming in C, with introductions to object-oriented programming in C++, and graphical plotting and numerical computing in C/C++ interpreter Ch® and MATLAB® for applications in engineering and science. This book is designed to teach students how to solve engineering and science problems using C. It teaches beginners with no previous programming experience the underlying working principles of scientific computing and a disciplined approach for software development. All the major features of C89 and C99 are presented with numerous engineering application examples derived from production code. The book reveals the coding techniques used by the best C programmers and shows how experts solve problems in C. C for Engineers and Scientists focuses on systematic software design approach in C for applications in engineering and science following the C99, the latest standard developed by the ANSI and ISO C Standard Committees which resolved many deficiencies of C89 for applications in engineering and science. The book includes a companion CD which contains the C/C++ interpreter Ch for use as an instructional tool as well as Visual C++ and gcc/g++ compilers to help teaching and learning of C and C++. Ch presents a pedagogically effective user-friendly interactive computing environment for the simplest possible teaching/learning computer programming in C so that the students can focus on improving their program design and problem solving skills. Contents Part 1: Programming in C 1. Getting Started 2. Scalar Types 3. Operators and Expressions 4. Statements and Control Flow 5. Functions 6. Preprocessing Directives 7. Storage Classes and Program Structure




8. Formatted Input and Output 9. Arrays 10. Pointers 11. Characters and Strings 12. Structures, Enumerations, Unions and Bit Fields 13. File and Directory Processing 14. Scientific Computing in the Entire Real Domain 15. Programming with Complex Numbers Part 2: Introduction to C++ 16. Some Features in C++ 17. Classes and Object-Based Programming in C++ Part 3: Introduction to Ch 18. Getting Started with Ch 19. Computational Arrays and Matrix Computations 20. Two and Three-Dimensional Plotting 2.1 Advanced Numerical Analysis Part 4: Introduction to MATLAB® 22. Introduction to MATLAB® Part 5: Introduction to Fortran 90 23. Introduction to Fortran

International Edition

C Programming for Engineering and Computer Science

(B.E.S.T Series)

by H H Tan, Morrison Knudsen Corporation, and T.B. D’Orazio

1999 / 600 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780079136787 [with 3.5” Disk] ISBN: 9780071167888 [IE with 3.5" Disk] ISBN: 9780071327930 [IE. POD Print without Disk] This book was developed to address the difficulty beginning students often find reading computer language texts. Tan and D'Orazio aim to make the process of learning a first language easier and fun, by involving readers in their text, holding their interest, and getting them to think about the meaning and uses of C code. The authors accomplish this goal by using a question and answer style, where the reader's thought processes are stimulated by the same questions about code that students themselves often ask. Tan and D'Orazio answer these questions clearly and directly, focusing the reader's attention on the important issues of C programming. Contents 1. Computers and Computing Fundamentals 2. Getting Started with C 3. The Basics of C 4. Beginning Decision Making and Looping 5. Functions 6. Arrays and Index Variables 7. Character Arrays and Strings 8. Pointers, Addresses, and Special Variable Types 9. Introduction to C++

Schaum’s Outline of Programming with C

2nd Edition

by Byron Gottfried, University of Pittsburgh

1996 / 544 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780070240353 (A Schaum's Publication) The broad, yet in-depth coverage of C programming language, within the context of today's C programming style, makes this book as useful for practicing professionals as it is for beginning programmers. This study guide solves many sample problems using other programming languages so readers can compare several popular languages. It also includes clear explanations of most of the features in the current ANSI standard. Contents Introductory Concepts C Fundamentals Operators and Expressions Data Input and Output Preparing and Running a Complete C Program Control Statements Functions Program Structure Arrays Pointers Structure and Unions Data Files Low-Level Programming Some Additional Features of C Appendix A: Number Systems Appendix B: Escape Sequences Appendix C: Operator Summary Appendix D: Data Types and Data Conversation Rules Appendix E: The ASCII Character Set Appendix F: Control Statement Summary Appendix G: Commonly used scanf and printf Conversion Characters

Java Programming/CS1




5th Edition

by E Balagurusamy, Chairman of EBG Foundation

2014 (July 2014) / 480 pages ISBN: 9789351343202 McGraw-Hill India Title Authored by the most trusted name in the area, this text acts like a “Primer”, moving step by step—starting from fundamentals to core concepts in much desired logical flow—and hence, renders conceptual clarity along with simplicity. It is well suited for a firstlevel programming course in Java. The book offers a comprehensive coverage of basic concepts of Java programming, in the light of object orientation, explained in simple language and supported with good examples and programming exercises.

COMPUTER SCIENCE CONTENTS 1. Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming 2. Java Evolution 3. Overview of Java Language 4. Constants, Variables, and Data Types 5. Operators and Expressions 6. Decision Making and Branching 7. Decision Making and Looping 8. Classes, Objects, and Methods 9. Arrays, Strings, and Vectors 10. Interfaces: Multiple Inheritance 11. Packages: Putting Classes Together 12. Multithreaded Programming 13. Managing Errors and Exceptions 14. Applet Programming 15. Graphics Programming 16. Managing Input/Output Files in Java 17. Java Collections

International Edition


A Problem Solving Approach, 2nd Edition

Appendix 4: Packages Appendix 5: Java Coding-Style Conventions Appendix 6: Javadoc Appendix 7: UML Notations Used in this Book Appendix 8: Recursion Appendix 9: Multithreading

International Edition


A Comprehensive Introduction by Herbert Schildt , Dale Skrien, Colby College

2013 (January 2012) / Softcover / 1184 pages ISBN: 9780078022074 ISBN: 9780071310376 [IE] Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction is designed for an introductory programming course using Java. This text takes a logical approach to the presentation of core topics, moving stepby-step from the basics to more advanced material, with objects being introduced at the appropriate time. The book is divided into three parts: •

Part One covers the elements of the Java language and the fundamentals of programming. An introduction to objectoriented design is also included.

Part Two introduces GUI (Graphical User Interface) programming using Swing.

Part Three explores key aspects of Java's API (Application Programming Interface) library, including the Collections Framework and the concurrency API.

by John Dean, Park University-Parkville, and Ray Dean, University of Kansas-Lawrence

2014 (February 2013) / Softcover / 960 pages ISBN: 9780073376066 ISBN: 9781259060489 [IE] This book teaches the reader how to write programs using Java. It does so with a unique approach that combines fundamentals first with objects early. The book transitions smoothly through a carefully selected set of procedural programming fundamentals to object-oriented fundamentals. During this early transition and beyond, the book emphasizes problem solving. For example, Chapter 2 is devoted to algorithm development, Chapter 8 is devoted to program design, and problem-solving sections appear throughout the book. Problem-solving skills are fostered with the help of an interactive, iterative presentation style: Here's the problem. How can we solve it? How can we improve the solution? Contents 1. Introduction to Computers and Programming 2. Algorithms and Design 3. Java Basics 4. Control Statements 5. Using Pre-Built Methods 6. Object-Oriented Programming 7. Object-Oriented Programming-Additional Details 8. Software Engineering 9. Classes with Class Members 10. Arrays and Array Lists 11. Type Details and Alternate Coding Mechanisms 12. Composition and Inheritance 13. Inheritance and Polymorphism 14. Exception Handling 15. Files 16. GUI Programming Basics 17. GUI Programming-Component Layout, Additional GUI Components Appendix 1: Unicode/ASCII Character Set with Hexadecimal Codes Appendix 2: Operator Precedence Appendix 3: Java Reserved Words

Herb Schildt has written many successful programming books in Java, C++, C, and C#. His books have sold more than three million copies. Dale Skrien is a professor at Colby College with degrees from the University of Illinois-Champaign, the University of Washington, and St. Olaf College. He's also authored two books and is very active in SIGCSE. Contents PART ONE: The Java Language 1. Java Programming Fundamentals 2. Introducing Data Types and Operators 3. Program COntrol Statements 4. Introducing Classes, Objects, and Methods 5. More Data Types and Operators 6. A CLoser Look at Methods and Classes 7. Inheritance 8. Interfaces 9. Packages 10. Exception Packages 11. Using I/O 12. Multithreaded Programming 13. Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations 14. Generics 15. Applets and the Remaining Java Keywords 16. Introduction to Object-Oriented Design PART TWO: GUI Programming with Swing 17. Swing Fundamentals 18. Exploring Swing Controls 19. Working with Menus 20. Dialogs 21. Threading, Applets, and Painting




PART THREE: Exploring the Java API Library 22. String Handling 23. Exploring java.lang 24. Exploring java.util 25. Using the Data Structures in the Collections Framework 26. Networking with 27. The Concurrency Utilities Appendix A: Using Java's Documentation Comments Appendix B: An Introduction to Regular Expressions Appendix C: Answers to Selcted Exercises


A Practical Approach

by C Xavier, HCL Technologies Ltd, Chennai

2011 (February 2011) / Softcover / 852 pages ISBN: 9780070702097 (McGraw-Hill India TItle) Java Programming: A Practical Approach is intended for students of all computer science and information technology degree and diploma courses, taking a paper on Java programming. This book is written in a lucid style explaining every single concept with apt examples, the right illustrations accompanying a program and the best possible laboratory exercises. Hundreds of Lab Projects and Industry Projects make the book handy for students as well as practitioners. Contents 1. Introduction to Java 2. Elements of the Java Language 3. Objects and Classes 4. Attributes and Methods 5. Control Structures 6. Loop Structures 7. Data Structures 8. Inheritance, Interfaces and Packages 9. Windows and Applets 10. Graphics Class 11. AWT GUI Components Button, Label, Checkbox, Choice and List 12. AWT Text Components and Menu 13. Swings 14. Events and Exception Handling 15. Multithreading 16. Remote Method Invocation 17. Java Database Connectivity 18. Java Servlet 19. Network Programming

International Edition


5th Edition

by C. Thomas Wu (Otani), Naval Postgraduate School

2010 (March 2009) / Softcover / 1008 pages ISBN: 9780073523309 ISBN: 9780071283687 [IE] An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java takes a full-immersion approach to object-oriented programming. Proper object-oriented design practices are emphasized throughout the book. Students learn how to use the standard classes first, then learn to design their own classes.

Wu uses a gentler approach to teaching students how to design their own classes, separating the coverage into two chapters. GUI coverage is also located independently in the back of the book and can be covered if desired. Wu also features a robust set of instructors' materials including PowerPoint slides, code samples, and quiz questions. Contents Introduction to Computers and Programming Languages 1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Software Development 2. Getting Started with Java 3. Numerical Data 4. Defining Your Own Classes--Part 1 5. Selection Statements 6. Repetition Statements 7. Defining Your Own Classes--Part 2 8. Exceptions and Assertions 9. Characters and Strings 10. Arrays 11. Sorting and Searching 12. File Input and Output 13. Inheritance and Polymorphism 14. GUI and Event-Driven Programming 15. Recursive Algorithms Appendix A: How to Run Java Programs Appendix B: List of Sample Programs Appendix C: Standard Classes and Interfaces Appendix D: UML Diagrams

International Edition


From The Ground Up

by Ralph Bravaco, Stonehill College, and Shai Simonson, Stonehill College

2010 (January 2009) / Softcover / 928 pages ISBN: 9780073523354 ISBN: 9780071271264 [IE] Java Programming, From The Ground Up, with it's flexible organization, teaches Java in a way that is refreshing, fun, interesting and still has all the appropriate programming pieces for students to learn. The motivation behind this writing is to bring a logical, readable, entertaining approach to keep your students involved. Each chapter has a Bigger Picture section at the end of the chapter to provide a variety of interesting related topics in computer science. The writing style is conversational and not overly technical so it addresses programming concepts appropriately. Because of the flexibile organization of the text, it can be used for a one or two semester introductory Java programming class, as well as using Java as a second language. The text contains a large variety of carefully designed exercises that are more effective than the competition. Contents Part I: The Fundamental Tools 1. An Introduction to Computers and Java 2. Expressions and Data Types 3. Variables and Assignment 4. Selection and Decision: if Statements 5. Repetition 6. Methods 7. Arrays and Lists: One Name for Many Data 8. Recursion


Part II: Principles of Object Oriented Programming 9. Objects and Classes I: Encapsulation, Strings, and Things 10. Objects and Classes II: Writing Your Own Classes 11. Designing With Classes and Objects 12. Inheritance 13. Polymorphism

International Edition

Part III: More Java Classes 14. More Java Classes: The Wrapper Classes and Exceptions 15. Stream I/O and Random Access Files 16. Data Structures and Generics 17. The Java Collections Framework

2008 (February 2007) / Softcover / 256 pages ISBN: 9780073317083 (with ARIS Bind-in card) ISBN: 9780071276108 [IE]

Part IV: Basic Graphics, GUIs, and Java’s Event-Driven Model 18. Graphics: AWT and Swing 19. Event Driven Programming 20. A Case Study: Video Poker Revisited Appendix A: Java Keywords Appendix B: The ASCII Character Set Appendix C: Operator Precedence Appendix D: Javadoc Appendix E: Package

International Edition


2009 (January 2008) / 416 pages / Hardcover ISBN: 9780072974164 ISBN: 9780071263870 [IE] The primary strength of Object-Oriented Design Using Java is that it has one of the best presentations of problem solving using patterns available. It has received rave reviews from instructors, and has been class tested at a number of schools where the response from both professors and students has been extremely positive. This book is intended for the object-oriented programming design course where UML is used extensively for design and notation. It has been especially designed to be accessible to students and is full of real-world examples, case studies, and other aids to assist student understanding. Contents 1. Elegance in Object-Oriented Design and Implementation 2. Fundamentals of Object Orientation 3. Elegance and Implementation Inheritance 4. Elegance and Methods 5. Elegance and Classes 6. Simple Case Study of a Money Class 7. Introduction to Design Patterns 8. Figure-Drawing Application Case Study 9. Language Parser Case Study Appendix A: An Introduction to UML Appendix B: Coding Conventions and Javadoc comments

A COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTION TO OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING WITH JAVA by C. Thomas Wu (Otani), Naval Postgraduate School An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java provides an accessible and technically thorough introduction to the basics of programming using java. The text takes a truly objectoriented approach. Objects are used early so that students think in objects right from the beginning. CONTENTS Introduction to Computers and Programming Languages 1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Software Development 2. Getting Started with Java 3. Numerical Data 4. Defining Your Own Classes--Part 5. Selection Statements 6. Repetition Statements 7. Defining Your Own Classes--Part 2 8. Exceptions and Assertions 9. Characters and Strings 10. Arrays 11. Sorting and Searching 12. File Input and Output 13. Inheritance and Polymorphism 14. GUI and Event-Driven Programming 15. Recursion 16. Memory Allocation Schemes and Linked Data Structures 17. Generics 18. List ADT 19. Queue ADT 20. Stack ADT

International Edition

JAVA 5.0 PROGRAM DESIGN By James P. Cohoon, and Jack W. Davidson, both of University Of VACharlottesville

2006 / 920 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780073250304 ISBN: 9780071286060 [IE] Java 5.-0 Program Design is about the fundamentals of programming and software development using Java. It is targeted for a first programming course and has been designed to be appropriate for people from all disciplines. The authors assume no prior programming skills and use mathematics and science at a level appropriate to first-year college students. The breadth of coverage and the arrangement of the chapters provide flexibility for the instructor in what and when topics are introduced. Key to Java 5.0 Program Design is an introduction to problem solving. The basics of problem-solving techniques are introduced in chapter one and then reinforced during the explanations of Java programming and design. In addition, software engineering design concepts are introduced via problem studies and software projects.



COMPUTER SCIENCE Contents 1. Background 2. Java Basics 3. Using Objects 4. Being Classy 5. Decisions 6. Iteration Graphics Interlude 1: GUI-Based Programming 7. Programming with Methods and Classes 8. Arrays and Collections 9. Inheritance and Polymorphism Graphics Interlude 2: GUI-Based Programming 10. Exceptions 11. Recursive Problem Solving 12. Threads 13. Testing and Debugging. Appendix A: Tables and Operators. Appendix B: Number Representation. Appendix C: Formatted I/O. Appendix D: Applets. Appendix E: Standard Java Packages

International Edition

An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java

2nd Edition

by Samuel N Kamin, and Dennis Mickunas, both of the University of Illinois, Champaign

2002 / 784 pages / softcover ISBN: 9780071122320 [IE] An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java by Kamin and Mickunas is designed for a CS1/Intro to Programming course in which java is used. The authors emphasize the process of programming, which teaches students how to develop correct, efficient, well-structed and stylish programs. In this new edition, the authors put more emphasis on object-oriented programming, greatly expanding their coverage and using a more graphical approach. At the same time, the text has retained its coverage of the traditionally fundamental computer science topics such as the development of correct programs, iteration, arrays, recursion, and algorithm analysis. This blend prepares students to become sophisticated computer programmers, not simply JAVA programmers. Contents 1. What Is Programming? 2. Classes and Methods I 3. Fundamental Data Types of Java 4. Decision Making 5. Classes and Objects II: Classes with Multiple Methods 6. Iteration. 7 Classes and Methods III: Working with Objects 8. One-Dimensional Arrays 9. Nested Loops and Two-Dimensional Arrays 10. Classes and Methods IV: Static Methods and Variables 11. The Java AWT Part I: Mouse Events (Optional) 12. Inheritance and Exceptions 13. Java AWT Part II (Optional) 14. Recursion 15. Text Processing and File Input/Output 16. Case Study: The Game of Reversi Appendix A Other Java Features Appendix B Precedence Rules Appendix C Classes in the Java API Appendix D Class Diagrams

International Edition

Objects Have Class

An Introduction to Programming with Java with CD-ROM and OLC by David A. Poplawski, Michigan Technological University

2002 ISBN: 9780071124065 [IE] Objects Have Class: An Introduction to Programming with Java is intended for the CS1 course on computer programming. It assumes no prior programming skills and takes an intuitive, userfriendly approach to getting students started writing their own object-oriented programs. The philosophy the book espouses is that programming ought to be fun. In keeping with this, the author uses a graphically driven presentation to quickly engage the student. The graphical approach facilitates a very early introduction to the definition and use of objects, so students have the opportunity to work from within an object-oriented paradigm for the entire semester. Contents 1. Computers, Programs, and Java. 2. Writing Programs. 3. Getting Started. 4. Variables, Expressions, and Assignment. 5. Defining and Creating Multiple Objects. 6. Interacting Objects and Events. 7. Making Decisions. 8. Program Testing. 9. Simple Class Extension. 10. Repetition, 11. Arrays. 12. Application Programs. 13. Input and Output. 14. Graphical User Interface Classes. 15. Class Hierarchies. 16. Abstract Data Types and Linked Data Structures. 17. Introduction to Recursion. Appendix A: Java Reserved Words. Appendix B: Java Primitive Types. Appendix C: The Java Development Kit. Appendix D: The Animator

International Edition


An Object-Oriented Language by Michael Smith, University of Brighton

1999 / 450 pages / softcover ISBN: 9780071169141 [IE] (McGraw-Hill UK Title) This book teaches an object-oriented approach to program development using the programming language Java. It provides complete coverage, beginning with an introduction to programming for those with no programming experience and progressing to a full and comprehensive treatment of object oriented software design and implementation. There are numerous examples to illustrate programming ideas and concepts. These examples represent complete programs which readers may run for themselves. The examples provide a practical illustration of how the language may be used. At the conclusion of each chapter, a set of self-assessment exercises and programming exercises are provided to allow the reader to review and practice the material presented.

COMPUTER SCIENCE Contents Introduction to Programming Introductory Concept Fundamentals of Program Instructions Solving a Simple Problem Using Java The Full Language: Introduction to Design Using an OO Methodology Introduction - Part 1 Introduction - Part 2 The Class: Class Variables and Methods Wrapper Classes Parameters to Methods Windowed Programming Arrays Inheritance Polymorphism The Game of Checkers Exceptions Clonable Objects File I/O Object Serialization

Multi-tasking, multi-user Scheduling Networking Basic Concepts The Internet TCP/IP The world wide web Social Issues Privacy Viruses Hacking Encryption Can computers kill?


2nd Edition

by John R Hubbard, University of Richmond

SCHAUM'S OUTLINE OF PRINCIPLES OF COMPUTER SCIENCE by Paul Tymann, Rochester Inst Of Technology, Carl Reynolds, Rochester Inst Of Technology

2008 (January 2008) / Softcover / 384 pages ISBN: 9780071460514 (A Schaum's Publication) Schaum’s Outline of Principles of Computer Science provides a concise overview of the theoretical foundation of computer science. It also includes focused review of object-oriented programming using Java. Contents Introduction to Computer Science Definition Algorithms A Brief History Lesson A Roadmap Algorithms What are they, what are they good for? Developing an algorithm Efficiency Formal models of computation Hardware Binary and other number systems Boolean Logic Gates Computer Organization The VonNeumann Model Control Unit Registers ALU Memory Software Languages Compiled, interpreted Virtual machines OOP, Scripting Programming in Java Types, operators, identifiers Classes, objects Basic control structures Methods Operating Systems What are they?

2004 / Softcover / 352 pages ISBN: 9780071420402 (A Schaum's Publication) Introduced by Sun Microsystems in 1995, Java transformed the way people use the Internet. This up-to-the-minute study guide on programming with Java simplifies and demonstrates the central concepts of the program through examples and solved problems. Updated to reflect the newest version of Java, Schaum's Outline of Programming with Java, Second Edition addresses the program's new data structures and language additions. The book supports the major computer textbooks being used in college classrooms across the country.

C# Programming


2nd Edition

by ISRD Group, Lucknow

2012 (July 2012) / Softcover / 448 pages ISBN: 9781259006401 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Data Structures using C, 2e maintains itself at an introductory level for a core curriculum on Data Structures. It aims to make the students make to learn the art of analyzing algorithm, identifying the problem and applying different algorithms to solve the problems thereby selecting the most appropriate data structure to represent the data. Contents Introduction to Data Structures Principles of Programming and Analysis of Algorithms Arrays Linked Lists Polynomials and Sparse Matrix Stacks Queues Binary Trees Advanced Trees, Forests and Orchards Multiway Trees Searching and Sorting Graphs Hashing




String Processing Storage Management Appendix A: Mathematical Concepts for Data Structures


3rd Edition

by E Balagurusamy, Member,Union Public Commission,Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road,New Delhi

2010 (June 2010) / Softcover / 550 pages ISBN: 9780070702073 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This revised edition maintains the lucid flow and continuity that have been hallmarks of this book. This book takes the student through a step-by-step process, starting from simple programming problems to more complex and difficult ones. The content of this new edition has been enriched with the inclusion of new topics, projects and sample programs and offers hands-on practice to students at developing real-life C# applications. Contents 1. Introducing C# 2. Understanding .NET: The C# Environment 3. Overview of C# 4. Literals, Variables and Data Types 5. Operators and Expressions 6. Decision Making and Branching 7. Decision Making and Looping 8. Methods in C# 9. Handling Arrays 10. Manipulating Strings 11. Structures and Enumerations 12. Classes and Objects 13. Inheritance and Polymorphism 14. Interface: Multiple Inheritance 15. Operator Overloading 16. Delegates and Events 17. Managing Console I/O Operations 18. Managing Errors and Exceptions 19. Multithreading in C# 20. WindowForms and Web-based Application Development on .NET Appendix A: Minor Project 1: Project Planner Appendix B: Minor Project 2: Task Actions Appendix C: Major Project: Voting Control for Asp.Net Appendix D: The CLR and the .NET Framework Appendix E: Building C# Applications

and programming logic and design techniques to teach a mastery of Visual C# at an introductory level. A hands-on approach, Programming in Visual C# 2008 lets you begin programming in the very first chapter. Thought-provoking feedback questions and inchapter tips are dispersed throughout so students can reflect on a topic introduced and evaluate their understanding of the details. Comprehensive Hands-On Programming Examples found in each chapter reinforce the programming logic and techniques learned in the chapter. Contents 1. Introduction to Programming and Visual C# 2008 2. User Interface Design 3. Variables, Constants, and Calculations 4. Decisions and Conditions 5. Menus, Common Dialog Boxes, and Methods 6. Multiform Projects 7. Lists, Loops, and Printing 8. Arrays 9. Web Applications 10. Database Applications 11. Data Files 12. OOP: Creating Object-Oriented Programs 13. Graphics, Animation, Sound, and Drag-and-Drop 14. Additional Topics in C# Appendix A: Answers to Feedback Questions Appendix B: Methods for Working with Dates, Mathematics, and String Operations Appendix C: Tips and Shortcuts for Mastering the Environment Appendix D: Security Glossary Index

C++ Programming/CS1

*9789332901513* NEW AN INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING THROUGH C++ by Abhiram G Ranade, Indian Institute of Technology

2014 (July 2014) / 504 pages ISBN: 9789332901513 (McGraw-Hill India Title)

International Edition


3rd Edition

by Julia Case Bradley, Mt San Antonio College, and Anita C. Millspaugh, Mt San Antonio College

2010 (January 2009) / Softcover / 704 pages ISBN: 9780073517216 ISBN: 9780070172814 [IE]

This book gives an introduction to C++ and computer programming to first year engineering and science students. It is expected to be used along with Simplecpp, a graphics package available on the book website. Features •

Use of a graphics package, Simplecpp, to pictorially explain programming ideas.

Extensive discussion of recursion in the context of sorting, tree based computations, backtracking.

Substantial coverage of proving correctness of programs including notions such as invariants, pre and post conditions. Be sharp. Learn C#. Programming in Visual C# 2008 gives you a fresh and easily accessible approach to learning programming concepts using Visual C# for 2008, one of the most pervasive programming languages in the job market today. Best-selling authors Bradley and Millspaugh apply their proven pedagogy, incorporating basic concepts of programming, problem solving,

COMPUTER SCIENCE Contents 1. Introduction 2. A Bird's Eye View 3. Variables and Data Types 4. A Program-design Example 5. Simplecpp Graphics 6. Conditional Execution 7. Loops 8. Computing Common Mathematical Functions 9. Functions 10. Recursive Functions 11. Program Organization and Functions 12. Functions: Advanced Topics 13. Practice of Programming: Some Tips and Tools 14. Arrays 15. More on Arrays 16. Arrays and Recursion 17. Object-oriented Programming: Structures 18. Object-oriented Programming: Classes 19. A Project: Cosmological Simulation 20. Graphics Events and Frames 21. Representing Variable-Length Entities 22. The Standard Library 23. Representing Networks of Entities 24. Structural Recursion 25. Inheritance 26. Inheritance-based Design 27. Discrete-event Simulation 28. Simulation of an Airport 29. Systems of Non-Linear Equations


2nd Edition

by K R. Venugopal, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering Bangalore University, Bangalore , and Raj Kumar Buyya, Department of Computer Science & Software, Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia.

2013 (July 2013) / Softcover / 912 pages ISBN: 9781259029943 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The first edition of Mastering C++ established itself as a hallmark text of C++ literature for over a decade. The text has been praised widely for its right mix of theory and solved examples. The second edition retains the best features along with new interesting features like highlighted case studies and introduction to new topics such as New Features of ANCI C++ Standard and Standard Template Library. Contents 1. Object-Oriented Paradigm 2. Moving from C to C++ 3. C++ at a Glance 4. Data Types, Operators and Expressions 5. Control Flow 6. Arrays and Strings 7. Modular Programming with Functions 8. Structures and Unions 9. Pointers and Runtime Binding 10. Classes and Objects 11. Object Initialization and Clean-up 12. Dynamic Objects 13. Operator Overloading 14. Inheritance 15. Virtual Functions 16. Generic Programming with Templates

17. Streams Computation with Console 18. Streams Computation with Files 19. Exception Handling 20. OO Analysis, Design and Development Appendix A: C++ Keywords and Operators Appendix B: New Features of ANSIC++ Standard Appendix C: C++ Library Function Appendix D: Glossary Appendix E: ASCII Character Set Appendix F: Bibliography


6th Edition

by E Balagurusamy, Chairman, EBG Foundation, Coimbatore

2013 (May 2013) / Softcover / 584 pages ISBN: 9781259029936 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Object Oriented Programming with C++, 6e is now available for the readers in a new avatar. The revised sixth edition emulates studentfriendly style of the successful previous editions by maintaining its simplicity and lucid presentation of object oriented C++ concepts. The book is, therefore, an ideal choice for novices. The updated content provides refreshed programs, projects, review questions, and highlighted frequently asked universities’ questions. Contents 1. Principles of Object-Oriented Programming 2. Beginning with C++ 3. Tokens, Expressions and Control Structures 4. Functions in C++ 5. Classes and Objects 6. Constructors and Destructors 7. Operator Overloading and Type Conversions 8. Inheritance: Extending Classes 9. Pointers, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism 10. Managing Console I/O Operations 11. Working with Files 12. Templates 13. Exception Handling 14. Introduction to the Standard Template Library 15. Manipulating Strings 16. New Features of ANSI C++ Standard 17. Object-Oriented Systems Development Appendix A: Projects Appendix B: Answers to Debugging Exercises Appendix C: Executing Turbo C++

OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++ AND JAVA by E Balagurusamy, Member, Planning Commission, Tamil Nadu, India

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover / 536 pages ISBN: 9781259006494 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Object Oriented Programming with C++ and JAVA, 1e, has been designed to enable novice programmers to enhance their programming skills. The book provides numerous solved programs and review questions which enables the student to understand and test their programming skills. The illustrative approach and clear and precise presentation making it an ideal book for students.



COMPUTER SCIENCE Contents Unit I: Object Oriented Programming and Basics of C++ Unit II: Classes and Objects Unit III: Operator Overloading, Inheritance and Polymorphism

International Edition


Lessons and Applications

by Tim B. D’Orazio, San Francisco State University

2004 / 976 pages ISBN: 9780071272452 [IE] D'Orazio's Programming in C++: Lessons and Applications provides an accessible introduction to programming in C++. It teaches the C++ language and object-oriented design to students with no previous programming experience. The focus is on developing programs for solving a variety of problems. Each chapter of the book is divided into two parts–Lessons and Applications. The Lessons teach C++ language elements and simple programming techniques, and the Applications teach program design. A stepby-step methodology for program development is presented early in the text and reinforced throughout with the help of the application examples and over thirty case studies. Contents 1. Computers and Computing Fundamentals. 2. Getting Started - Program Structure, Printing, and Comments. 3. The Basics of C++ - Variables, Arithmetic Operations, Math Functions, Input/Output, Characters, Objects, and Classes. 4. Decision Making. 5. Loops. 6. Functions. 7. One-Dimensional Numeric Arrays. 8. Multi-Dimensional Numeric Arrays, Arrays as Data Members, Arrays of Objects. 9. Strings. 10. The C++ Sring Class. 11. More About Classes, Objects, and Object-Oriented Design. 12. Inheritance, Virtual Functions, and Polymorphism. 13. Data Structures, Recursion, and Other Topics. 14. Templates and the C++ Standard Template Library

Schaum’s Outline of Programming with C++

2nd Edition

by John R Hubbard, University of Richmond, Virginia

2000 / 422 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071353465 (A Schaum's Publication) Schaum's Outline of Programming with C++, 2nd Edition is an update of the highly successful first edition. Due to the recognition of a Standard version of C++ by the ISO in 1998, the version of the language present in the first edition of this book is now outdated and incomplete. A revision updating the language will allow us to obtain the validation of the ISO and is likely to improve sales of the book, which will be in high demand by professional programmers and students in need of learning how to program with the approved ISO standard. Additionally, since ETS recently changed the programming language for the Advanced Placement Computer Science Exam from Pascal to C++ many students will be looking for a guide to C++.

Contents 1. Elementary C++ Programming 2. Fundamental Types 3. Selection 4. Iteration 5. Functions 6. Arrays 7. Pointers and References 8. C-Strings 9. Standard C++ Strings 10. Classes 11. Overloading Operators 12. Composition and Inheritance 13. Templates and Iterators 14. Standard C++ Vectors 15. Container Classes. Appendix A: Character Codes. Appendix B: Standard C++ Keywords. Appendix C: Standard C++ Operators. Appendix D: Standard C++ Container Classes. Appendix E: Standard C++ Generic Algorithms. Appendix F: The Standard C Library. Appendix G: Hexadecimal Numbers. Appendix H: References.

Schaum’s Outline of Fundamentals of Computing with C++ by John Hubbard, University of Richmond, Virginia

1998 / 368 pages / softcover ISBN: 9780070308688 (A Schaum's Publication) This Schaum's Outline will cover all the material and topics usually taught in the first-year, two-semester survey course in computer science required of all Computer Science majors. It also covers the syllabus of AP Computer Science courses for secondary school students. Standard textbook devote most of their text to theory, the emphasis on examples and solved problems in the Outline will make it a valuable supplementary product. Contents Introduction to Computing Logic Control Structures Algorithms Text Processing Arrays Data Abstraction Inheritance Polymorphism Containers Recursion Mathematical Induction Sorting Complexity Analysis Hash Tables Linked Lists Trees External Structures Graphs Simultation Appendix A: C++ Syntax Appendix B: Standard C++ Libraries Appendix C: C++ Syntax


Appendix D: Logarithms Appendix E: Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations Appendix F: Stirling’s Formula Appendix G: Catalan Numbers Appendix H: Counting Principles Appendix I: Recurrence Relations Appendix J: References.

FORTRAN Programming

Schaum’s Outline of Programming with FORTRAN 77 by William Mayo and Martin Cwiakala, Rutgers University

1995 / 352 pages / softcover ISBN: 9780070411555

10. Modules 11. Advanced Features Part II 12. GUI programming with Tkinter 13. Web-based Applications 14. A Blog 15. A Wiki web 16. A Suduko Solver 17. XML parsing with the iTunes database 18. Data Structures Appendix A: Python Reference Manual Appendix B: How to Learn a Second Programming Language

Algorithms and Data Structures Algorithms

(A Schaum's Publication) Students can master FORTRAN 77 programming in less time with this powerful study aid. They'll learn plenty of example code and debugging shortcuts and find clear explanations of algorithm development, program design, control structures, loops, arrays, subprograms and data files. They're sure to find this book the perfect tool for preparing for graduate or professional exams.

Python Programming

International Edition

ALGORITHMS by Sanjoy Dasgupta, University of California–San Diego, Christos H. Papadimitriou, University of California–Berkeley, and Umesh Vazirani, University of California–Berkeley

2008 (September 2006) / Softcover / 336 pages ISBN: 9780073523408 ISBN: 9780071259750 [IE]

International Edition

EXPLORING PYTHON by Timothy A. Budd, Oregon State University

2010 (February 2009) / Softcover / 288 pages ISBN: 9780073523378 ISBN: 9780071267533 [IE] Exploring Python takes an active learning approach which engages the student as an equal partner in the process of learning the fun, educational, and powerful programming language. This approach instills habits that students will carry with them throughout their programming career and helps them retain and use the information they have learned. Contents Part I. Basic features of Python 1. Interactive Execution 2. Programs in Python 3. Functions 4. Strings 5. Dictionaries 6. Files 7. Classes 8. Functional Programming 9. Object-Oriented Programming

An alternative to the comprehensive algorithm texts in the market. This text, extensively class-tested over a decade at UC Berkeley and UC San Diego, explains the fundamentals of algorithms in a story line that makes the material enjoyable and easy to digest. Emphasis is placed on understanding the crisp mathematical idea behind each algorithm, in a manner that is intuitive and rigorous without being unduly formal. Features include: The use of boxes to strengthen the narrative: pieces that provide historical context, descriptions of how the algorithms are used in practice, and excursions for the mathematically sophisticated. Carefully chosen advanced topics that can be skipped in a standard one-semester course, but can be covered in an advanced algorithms course or in a more leisurely two-semester sequence. An accessible treatment of linear programming introduces students to one of the greatest achievements in algorithms. An optional chapter on the quantum algorithm for factoring provides a unique peephole into this exciting topic. "Algorithms" is an outstanding undergraduate text, equally informed by the historical roots and contemporary applications of its subject. Like a captivating novel, it is a joy to read. CONTENTS Prologue 1. Algorithms with Numbers 2. Divide-and-conquer algorithms 3. Decompositions of graphs 4. Paths in graphs 5. Greedy algorithms 6. Dynamic Programming 7. Linear Programming and Reductions 8. NP-complete Problems 9. Coping with NP-completeness 10. Quantum Algorithms




INTRODUCTION TO THE DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS by R. C. T. Lee, Shian-Shyong Tseng, Ruei-Chuan Chang, and Y. T. Tsai

2005 / 752 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071243469 (Asian Publication) Communication network design, VLSI layout and DNA sequence analysis are important and challenging problems that cannot be solved by naïve and straightforward algorithms. Thus, it is critical for a computer scientist to have a good knowledge of algorithm design and analysis. This book presents algorithm design from the viewpoint of strategies. Each strategy is introduced with many algorithms designed under the strategy. Each algorithm is presented with many examples and each example with many figures. In recent years, many approximation algorithms have been developed. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms presents two important concepts clearly: PTAS and NPO-complete. This book also discusses the concept of NP-completeness before introducing approximation algorithms. Again, this is explained through examples which make sure that the students have a definite idea about this very abstract concept. In addition, this book also has a chapter on on-line algorithms. Each on-line algorithm is introduced by first describing the basic principle behind it. Amortized analysis is a new field in algorithm research. In this book, detailed descriptions are given to introduce this new and difficult-to-understand concept. This book can be used as a textbook by senior undergraduate students or master level graduate students in computer science. Contents Preface 1. Introduction 2. The complexity of algorithms and the lower bounds of problems 3. The greedy method 4. The divide-and-conquer strategy 5. Tree searching strategies 6. Prune-and-search 7. Dynamic programming 8. The theory of NP-completeness 9. Approximation algorithms 10. Amortized analysis 11. Randomized algorithms 12. On-line algorithms Bibliography Author index Subject index

Data Structures In Java


2nd Revised Edition

by John R. Hubbard, University Of Richmond

2009 (May 2009) / Softcover / 333 pages ISBN: 9780071611619 (A Schaum's Publication) Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's Outlines. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills. Contents 1. Advanced Java 2. Object-Oriented Programming 3. Abstract Data Types 4. Generics in java 5. Linked Structures 6. Stacks 7. Queues 8. Collections 9. Lists 10. Hash Tables 11. Recursion 12. Trees 13. Binary Trees 14. Search Trees 15. Heaps and Priority Queues 16. Sorting 17. Sets 18. Graphs

Data Structures In C

DATA STRUCTURES USING C by E Balagurusamy, Member, Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi

2013 (April 2013) / Softcover / 336 pages ISBN: 9781259029547 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Coming from the most popular and celebrated author in Computing – Dr. E Balagurusamy, Data Structures Using C covers a wide range of data structures courses along with rich variety of pedagogical features and aids. The strength of this book lies in its simple and lucid presentation of the subject which will help beginners in better understanding of the concepts. It adopts a student-friendly approach to the subject matter with many solved and unsolved examples, illustrations and wellstructured C programs. Features •

Easy to read, compelling and consistent language for readers

Provides real life applications of Data Structures

Explains run-time complexity of all algorithms



An ANSI-C Based Approach, Updated Edition by Ian Chai, and Jonathon David White

2010 (August 2011) / 448 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071327503

Data Structures In C++ International Edition


(Asian Publication)

by William Collins, Lafayette College

The famous mathematician, physician, theologian and philosopher Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) once wrote, "If I had seen further [than certain other people], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." This is very true in computer programming as well. Imagine if all programmers had to discover for themselves by trial and error how to solve common problems in programming. It is much better to learn the solutions that other programmers have already discovered and build upon that foundation.

2003 / 688 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071150972 [IE]

This book is about those foundational solutions. It describes how to structure data and build algorithms to solve common programming tasks. Some of these techniques have names that come from ordinary non-computer life – e.g. stacks, queues and sorting – and others have names that might be completely unfamiliar to a new student of programming – e.g. recursion, backtracking and arrays. Occasionally, a new tool is discovered, or at least, refined, but most of the techniques in this book are standards in the programmer's tool chest. Unlike the majority of textbooks in the field, this book takes a "code first" approach. After a brief introduction of the concepts, a short complete ANSI-C program is presented for students to analyse. A number of questions arising from the code are then posed and answered in the Socratic format. In this way, the reader will not only become fluent in the concepts but also in the nuts and bolts of translating these concepts into functioning, efficient standard C code. Variable pointer diagrams are developed and used extensively to aid understanding of the more complex data structures and their manipulation. "A picture is worth a thousand words," as the saying goes, and what more a movie? The animation movies on the accompanying CD-ROM illustrate different data structures and algorithms, making concepts which may be difficult to grasp on paper easier to understand. Contents Part 1: Structuring Data 1. Structuring Data: Variables and Pointers 2. Structuring Data: Arrays and Records 3. Structuring Data: Linked Lists 4. Structuring Data: Trees 5. Structuring Data: Graphs and Sets Part 2: Building Algorithms 6. Building Algorithms: Basic Techniques 7. Building Algorithms: Key Concept Part 3: Algorithms and Data Structures in Action 8. Searching 9. Sorting 10. NP-hard Problems Part 4: Theory of Computing 11. Finite State Automata 12. Turing Machines Appendix: Annotated Bibliography Answers to Problems Index Data Structures and the Standard Template Library by William Collins teaches the fundamentals of Data Structures and their implementations. It uses C++ as the language of instruction. Most of the data structures are provided in the Standard Template Library (STL), which students will be able to use in their further coursework and beyond. To further students' understanding of implementation issues, alternative implementation (other than the STL) are also discussed. Hands-on learning is promoted throughout the text by the use of Programming Projects and labs. Programming projects, at the end of each chapter, allow students to develop and implement their own data structures or to extend or apply data structures introduced in the chapter. Additionally, optional labs accompany the text and allow students to practice by giving them opportunities to code. Contents 1. Important Features in C++ 2. Storage Structures for Container Classes 3. Introduction to Software Engineering 4. Introduction to Recursion 5. Vectors and Deques 6. Lists 7. Queues and Stacks 8. Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees 9. AVL Trees 10. Red-Black Trees 11. Priority Queues 12. Sorting 13. Searching and the Hash Classes 14. Graphs, Trees, and Networks Appendix 1: Mathematical Background Appendix 2: The String Class Appendix 3: Polymorphism




Mathematics and Logic

Clear Explanations and Elegantly Rendered Examples are central to the reputation of Chapra and Canale's Numerical Methods for Engineers.

Numerical Methods

Challenging Problems are drawn from all engineering disciplines and included in the excercise sets and examples.

A Companion Website houses the Instructor's Solutions Manual, PowerPoint slides of all text figures, M-Files, general information and more!

Numerous New and Revised Problems drawn from actual engineering practice as well as exciting new areas such as bioengineering and biotechnology are included in this edition.


by Steven C. Chapra, Tufts University, and Raymond P. Canale, Emeritus University of Michigan

2015 (January 2014) / Hardcover / 992 pages ISBN: 9780073397924 The seventh edition of Chapra and Canale's Numerical Methods for Engineers retains the instructional techniques that have made the text so successful. Chapra and Canale's unique approach opens each part of the text with sections called "Motivation," "Mathematical Background," and "Orientation." Each part closes with an "Epilogue" containing "Trade-Offs," "Important Relationships and Formulas," and "Advanced Methods and Additional References." Much more than a summary, the Epilogue deepens understanding of what has been learned and provides a peek into more advanced methods. Helpful separate Appendices. "Getting Started with MATLAB" and "Getting Started with Mathcad" which make excellent references. Numerous new or revised problems are drawn from actual engineering practice. The expanded breadth of engineering disciplines covered is especially evident in these exercises, which now cover such areas as biotechnology and biomedical engineering. Excellent new examples and case studies span all areas of engineering giving students a broad exposure to various fields in engineering. Users will find use of files for many popular software packages, specifically MATLAB®, Excel® with VBA, and Mathcad®. There is also material on developing MATLAB® m-files and VBA macros. New to this edition •

McGraw-Hill ConnectPlus offers a number of powerful tools and features to make managing assignments easier, so you can spend more time teaching. With Connect, students can engage with their coursework anytime and anywhere, making the learning process more accessible and efficient. Problems are graded automatically, and the results are recorded immediately. Natural Math Notation allows for answer entry in many different forms, and the system allows for easy customization and authoring of exercises by the instructor. ConnectPlus also includes an integrated e-book. LearnSmart™ an intelligent learning system that uses a series of probing questions to pinpoint each student’s knowledge gaps. LearnSmart strengthens student understanding and retention of your course’s fundamental concepts; effectively preparing your students for class so you can review less and teach more. The LearnSmart methodology is simple: determine the concepts students don’t know or understand, and then teach those concepts using personalized plans designed for each student’s success.

Contents Part 1: Modeling, Computers, and Error Analysis 1. Mathematical Modeling and Engineering Problem Solving 2. Programming and Software 3. Approximations and Round-Off Errors 4. Truncation Errors and the Taylor Series Part 2: Roots of Equations 5. Bracketing Methods 6. Open Methods 7. Roots of Polynomials 8. Case Studies: Roots of Equations Part 3: Linear Algebraic Equations 9. Gauss Elimination 10. LU Decomposition and Matrix Inversion 11. Special Matrices and Gauss-Seidel 12. Case Studies: Linear Algebraic Equations Part 4: Optimization 13. One-Dimensional Unconstrained Optimization 14. Multidimensional Unconstrained Optimization 15. Constrained Optimization 16. Case Studies: Optimization Part 5: Curve Fitting 17. Least-Squares Regression 18. Interpolation 19. Fourier Approximation 20. Case Studies: Curve Fitting Part 6: Numerical Differentiation and Integration 21. Newton-Cotes Integration Formulas 22. Integration of Equations 23. Numerical Differentiation 24. Case Studies: Numerical Integration and Differentiation Part 7: Ordinary Differential Equations 25. Runge-Kutta Methods 26. Stiffness and Multistep Methods 27. Boundary-Value and Eigenvalue Problems 28. Case Studies: Ordinary Differential Equations Part 8: Partial Differential Equations 29. Finite Difference: Elliptic Equations 30. Finite Difference: Parabolic Equations 31. Finite-Element Method 32. Case Studies: Partial Differential Equations Appendix A: The Fourier Series Appendix B: Getting Started with Matlab Appendix C: Getting Starte dwith Mathcad Bibliography Index


International Edition

International Edition



3rd Edition

by Steven C. Chapra, Tufts University

6th Edition

by Steven C. Chapra, Tufts University, and Raymond P. Canale, Emeritus University of Michigan

2012 (February 2011) / Hardcover / 640 pages ISBN: 9780073401102 ISBN: 9780071086189 [IE]

2010 (April 2009) / Hardcover / 960 pages ISBN: 9780071267595 [IE]

Instructors love Numerical Methods for Engineers because it makes teaching easy! Students love it because it is written for them--with clear explanations and examples throughout. The text features a broad array of applications that span all engineering disciplines. The sixth edition retains the successful instructional techniques of earlier editions. Chapra and Canale's unique approach opens each part of the text with sections called Motivation, Mathematical Background, and Orientation. This prepares the student for upcoming problems in a motivating and engaging manner. Each part closes with an Epilogue containing Trade-Offs, Important Relationships and Formulas, and Advanced Methods and Additional References. Much more than a summary, the Epilogue deepens understanding of what has been learned and provides a peek into more advanced methods. Approximately 20% of the problems are new or revised in this edition. The expanded breadth of engineering disciplines covered is especially evident in the problems, which now cover such areas as biotechnology and biomedical engineering.

Steven Chapra’s Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB, third edition, is written for engineering and science students who need to learn numerical problem solving. Theory is introduced to inform key concepts which are framed in applications and demonstrated using MATLAB. The book is designed for a onesemester or one-quarter course in numerical methods typically taken by undergraduates. The third edition feature new chapters on Numerical Differentiation, Optimization, and Boundary-Value Problems (ODEs) and is accompanied by an extensive set of m-files and instrutor materials. Contents Part One: Modeling, Computers, and Error Analysis 1. Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Problem Solving 2. MATLAB Fundamentals 3. Programming with MATLAB 4. Roundoff and Truncation Errors Part Two: Roots and Optimization 5. Roots. Bracketing Methods 6. Roots. Open Methods 7. Optimization Part Three: Linear Systems 8. Linear Algebraic Equations and Matrices 9. Gauss Elimination 10. LU Factorization 11. Matrix Inverse and Condition 12. Iterative Methods 13. Eigenvalues Part Four: Curve Fitting 14. Linear Regression 15. General Linear Least-Squares and Nonlinear Regression 16. Fast Fourier Transform 17. Polynomial Interpolation 18. Splines and Piecewise Interpolation Part Five: Integration and Differentiation 19. Numerical Integration Formulas 20. Numerical Integration of Functions 21. Numerical Differentiation Part Six: Ordinary Differential Equations 22. Initial-Value Problems 23. Adaptive Methods and Stiff Systems 24. Boundary-Value Problems Appendix A: MATLAB Built-in Functions Appendix B: MATLAB M-file Functions Bibliography Index

Users will find use of software packages, specifically MATLAB®, Excel® with VBA and Mathcad®. This includes material on developing MATLAB® m-files and VBA macros. Contents Part 1: Modeling, Computers, and Error Analysis 1. Mathematical Modeling and Engineering Problem Solving 2. Programming and Software 3. Approximations and Round-Off Errors 4. Truncation Errors and the Taylor Series Part 2: Roots of Equations 5. Bracketing Methods 6. Open Methods 7. Roots of Polynomials 8. Case Studies: Roots of Equations Part 3: Linear Algebraic Equations 9. Gauss Elimination 10. LU Decomposition and Matrix Inversion 11. Special Matrices and Gauss-Seidel 12. Case Studies: Linear Algebraic Equations Part 4: Optimization 13. One-Dimensional Unconstrained Optimization 14. Multidimensional Unconstrained Optimization 15. Constrained Optimization 16. Case Studies: Optimization Part 5: Curve Fitting 17. Least-Squares Regression 18. Interpolation 19. Fourier Approximation 20. Case Studies: Curve Fitting Part 6: Numerical Differentiation and Integration 21. Newton-Cotes Integration Formulas 22. Integration of Equations 23. Numerical Differentiation 24. Case Studies: Numerical Integration and Differentiation




Part 7: Ordinary Differential Equations 25. Runge-Kutta Methods 26. Stiffness and Multistep Methods 27. Boundary-Value and Eigenvalue Problems 28. Case Studies: Ordinary Differential Equations Part 8 Partial Differential Equations 29. Finite Difference: Elliptic Equations 30. Finite Difference: Parabolic Equations 31. Finite-Element Method 32. Case Studies: Partial Differential Equations Appendix A: The Fourier Series Appendix B: Getting Started with Matlab Bibliography Index

International Edition

Scientific Computing

2nd Edition

by Michael T Heath, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2002 / 576 pages / hardcover ISBN: 9780072399103 ISBN: 9780071244893 [IE]

International Edition

Elementary Numerical Analysis

An Algorithmic Approach, 3rd Edition

by Samuel D. Conte, Purdue University, and Carl deBoor, University of Wisconsin, Madison

1980 / 408 pages ISBN: 9780070662285 [IE] Contents 1. Number Systems and Errors 2. Interpolation by Polynomial 3. The Solution of Nonlinear Equations 4. Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations 5. Systems of Equations and Unconstrained Optimization 6. Approximation 7. Differentiation and Integration 8. The Solution of Differential Equations 9. Boundary Value Problems Appendix: Subroutine Libraries References Index

Discrete Mathematics Heath 2/e, presents a broad overview of numerical methods for solving all the major problems in scientific computing, including linear and nonlinear equations, least squares, eigenvalues, optimization, interpolation, integration, ordinary and partial differential equations, fast Fourier transforms, and random number generators. The treatment is comprehensive yet concise, software-oriented yet compatible with a variety of software packages and programming languages. The book features more than 160 examples, 500 review questions, 240 exercises, and 200 computer problems. Changes for the second edition include: expanded motivational discussions and examples; formal statements of all major algorithms; expanded discussions of existence, uniqueness, and conditioning for each type of problem so that students can recognize "good" and "bad" problem formulations and understand the corresponding quality of results produced; and expanded coverage of several topics, particularly eigenvalues and constrained optimization. The book contains a wealth of material and can be used in a variety of one- or twoterm courses in computer science, mathematics, or engineering. Its comprehensiveness and modern perspective, as well as the software pointers provided, also make it a highly useful reference for practicing professionals who need to solve computational problems. Contents 1. Scientific Computing0 2. Systems of Linear Equations 3. Linear Least Squares0 4. Eigenvalues Problems0 5. Nonlinear Equations0 6. Optimization0 7. Interpolation0 8. Numerical Integration and Differentiation0 9. Initial Value Problems for ODEs0 10. Boundary Value Problems for ODEs0 11. Partial Differential Equations0 12. Fast Fourier Transform0 13. Random Numbers and Simulation

Global Edition


7th Edition

by Kenneth H. Rosen, Visiting Research Professor, Monmouth University, New Jersey

2013 (July 2012) / Softcover ISBN: 9780071315012 [GE] We are pleased to present this Global Edition which has been developed specifically to meet the needs of international students of discrete mathematics. In addition to great depth in key areas and a broad range of real-world applications across multiple disciplines, we have added new material to make the content more relevant and improve learning outcomes for the international student. This Global Edition includes: •

An entire new chapter on Algebraic Structures and Coding Theory

New and expanded sections within chapters covering Foundations, Basic Structures, and Advanced Counting Techniques

Special online only chapters on Boolean Algebra and Modeling Computation

New and revised problems for the international student integrating alternative methods and solutions

This Global Edition has been adapted to meet the needs of courses outside of the United States and does not align with the instructor and student resources available with the US edition.

COMPUTER SCIENCE Contents 1. The Foundations. Logic and Proofs 2. Basic Structures. Sets, Functions, Sequences, Sums, and Matrices 3. Algorithms 4. Number Theory and Cryptography 5. Induction and Recursion 6. Counting 7. Discrete Probability 8. Advanced Counting Techniques 9. Relations 10. Graphs 11. Trees 12. Algebraic Structures and Coding Theory Appendices


7th Edition

by Kenneth H. Rosen, Visiting Research Professor, Monmouth University, New Jersey

2012 (July 2011) / Hardcover / 1072 pages ISBN: 9780073383095 Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Seventh Edition, is intended for one- or two-term introductory discrete mathematics courses taken by students from a wide variety of majors, including computer science, mathematics, and engineering. This renowned best-selling text, which has been used at over 500 institutions around the world, gives a focused introduction to the primary themes in a discrete mathematics course and demonstrates the relevance and practicality of discrete mathematics to a wide a wide variety of real-world applications…from computer science to data networking, to psychology, to chemistry, to engineering, to linguistics, to biology, to business, and to many other important fields. Contents 1. The Foundations. Logic and Proofs 2. Basic Structures. Sets, Functions, Sequences, Sums, Matrices 3. Algorithms 4. Number Theory 5. Induction and Recursion 6. Counting 7. Discrete Probability 8. Advanced Counting Techniques 9. Relations 10. Graphs 11. Trees 12. Boolean Algebra 13. Modeling Computation Appendices

Schaum’s Outline of Essential Computer Mathematics by Seymour Lipschutz, Temple University

1982 / 256 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780070379909 (A Schaum's Publication) The mathematical knowledge needed for computer and information sciences, including, particularly, the binary number system, logic circuits, graph theory, linear systems, probability and statistics, get clear and concise coverage in this invaluable study guide. Basic high school math is all that's needed to follow the explanations and learn from hundreds of practical problems solved step-by-step. Hundreds of review questions with answers help reinforce learning and increase skills. Contents Binary Number System. Computer Codes. Computer Arithmetic. Logic. Flowcharts. Sets and Relations. Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates. Simplifying Logic Circuits, Karnaugh Maps. Vectors, Matrices, Subscripted Variables. Linear Equations. Combinatorics. Probability. Statistics, Random Variables. Graph Theory. Trees, Directed Graphs, Machines.

Digital Logic/Logic Design International Edition


3rd Edition

by Stephen Brown, Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, and Zvonko Vranesic, Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering & Computer Science University of Toronto

2014 (February 2013) / Hardcover / 864 pages ISBN: 9780073380544 ISBN: 9781259072031 [IE] Fundamentals of Digital Logic With Verilog Design teaches the basic design techniques for logic circuits. It emphasizes the synthesis of circuits and explains how circuits are implemented in real chips. Fundamental concepts are illustrated by using small examples. Use of CAD software is well integrated into the book. A CD-ROM that contains Altera's Quartus CAD software comes free with every copy of the text. The CAD software provides automatic mapping of a design written in Verilog into Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs). Students will be able to try, firsthand, the book's Verilog examples (over 140) and homework problems.




Engineers use Quartus CAD for designing, simulating, testing and implementing logic circuits. The version included with this text supports all major features of the commercial product and comes with a compiler for the IEEE standard Verilog language. Students will be able to: •

enter a design into the CAD system

compile the design into a selected device

simulate the functionality and timing of the resulting circuit

implement the designs in actual devices (using the school's laboratory facilities)

Verilog is a complex language, so it is introduced gradually in the book. Each Verilog feature is presented as it becomes pertinent for the circuits being discussed. To teach the student to use the Quartus CAD, the book includes three tutorials. Contents 1. Design Concepts 2. Introduction to Logic Circuits 3. Implementation Technology 4. Optimized Implementation of Logic Functions 5. Number Representation and Arithmetic Circuits 6. Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks 7. Flip-Flop, Registers, Counters, and a Simple Processor 8. Synchronous Sequential Circuits 9. Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 10. Digital System Design 11. Testing of Logic Circuits 12. Computer Aided Design Tools Appendix A: Verilog Reference Appendix B: Tutorial 1-Using Quartus II CAD Software Appendix C: Tutorial 2-Implementing Circuits in Altera Devices Appendix D: Tutorial 3-Physical Implementation in a FPGA Appendix E: Commercial Devices Answers Index

International Edition

FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL AND COMPUTER DESIGN WITH VHDL by Richard S. Sandige, Calif ornia Polytechnic State University, and Michael L. Sandige

2012 (September 2011) / Hardcover / 736 pages ISBN: 9780073380698 ISBN: 9781259007552 [IE] This text is intended for an introductory digital design course for students at the freshman level; it also is intended for an introductory computer design course with assembly language programming for students at the sophomore level. This text uses a spiral teaching approach by introducing a design problem and then, in the same chapter or a later chapter, either (1) reemphasizing the same concepts when a different design is presented, or (2) working the same problem using a different technique. This is done to increase the likelihood of retention. Contents 1. Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions, VHDL, and Gates 2. Number Conversions, Codes, and Function Minimization 3. Introduction to Logic Circuit Analysis and Design 4. Combinational Logic Circuit Design with VHDL 5. Bistable Memory Device Design with VHDL 6. Simple Finite State Machine Design with VHDL 7. Computer Circuits

8. Circuit Implementation Techniques 9. Complex Finite State Machine Design with VHDL 10. Basic Computer Architectures 11. Assembly Language Programming for VBC1 12. Designing Input/Output Circuits 13. Designing Instruction Memory, Loading Program Counter, and Debounced Circuit 14. Designing Multiplexed Display Systems 15. Designing Instruction Decoders 16. Designing Arithmetic Logic Units 17. Completing the Design for VBC1 18. Assembly Language Programming for VBC1-E 19. Designing Input/Output Circuits for VBC1-E 20. Designing the Data Memory Circuit for VBC1-E 21. Designing the Arithmetic, Logic, Shift, Rotate, and Unconditional Jump Circuits for VBC1-E 22. Designing a Circuit to Prevent Program Execution During Manual Loading for VBC1-E 23. Designing Extented Instruction Memory for VBC1-E 24. Designing the Software Interrupt Circuits for VBC1-E 25. Completing the Design for VBC1-E Appendices

International Edition


3rd Edition

by Alan B. Marcovitz, Florida Atlantic University-Boca Raton

2010 (January 2009) / Hardcover / 656 pages ISBN: 9780073191645 ISBN: 9780070164901 [IE] Introduction to Logic Design by Alan Marcovitz is intended for the first course in logic design, taken by computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering students. As with the previous editions, this edition has a clear presentation of fundamentals and an exceptional collection of examples, solved problems and exercises. The text integrates laboratory experiences, both hardware and computer simulation, while not making them mandatory for following the main flow of the chapters. Design is emphasized throughout, and switching algebra is developed as a tool for analyzing and implementing digital systems. The presentation includes excellent coverage of minimization of combinational circuits, including multiple output ones, using the Karnaugh map and iterated consensus. There are a number of examples of the design of larger systems, both combinational and sequential, using medium scale integrated circuits and programmable logic devices. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Combinational Systems 3. The Karnaugh Map 4. Function Minimization Algorithms 5. Designing Combinational Systems 6. Analysis of Sequential Systems 7. The Design of Sequential Systems 8. Solving Larger Sequential Problems 9. Simplification of Sequential Circuits Appendix A: Relating the Algebra to the Karnaugh Map Appendix B: Answers to Selected Exercises Appendix C: Chapter Tests Answers Appendix D: Laboratory Experiments Appendix E: Complete Examples


International Edition


3rd Edition

by Stephen Brown, University of Toronto, Canada, and Zvonko Vranesic, University of Toronto, Canada

2009 (March 2008) / 960 pages / Hardcover ISBN: 9780077221430 ISBN: 9780071268806 [IE, with CD-Rom] Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design teaches the basic design techniques for logic circuits. It emphasizes the synthesis of circuits and explains how circuits are implemented in real chips. Fundamental concepts are illustrated by using small examples, which are easy to understand. Then, a modular approach is used to show how larger circuits are designed. VHDL is used to demonstrate how the basic building blocks and larger systems are defined in a hardware description language, producing designs that can be implemented with modern CAD tools. The book emphasizes CAD through the use of Altera's Quartus II CAD software, a state-of-the-art digital circuit design package. This software produces automatic mapping of designs written in VHDL into Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs). Contents 1. Design Concepts 2. Introduction to Logic Circuits 3. Implementation Technology 4. Optimized Implementation of Logic Functions 5. Number Representation and Arithmetic Circuits 6. Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks 7. Flip-Flops, Registers, Counters, and a Simple Processor 8. Synchronous Sequential Circuits 9. Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 10. Digital System Design 11. Testing of Logic Circuits 12. Computer Aided Design Tools Appendix A: VHDL Reference Appendix B: Tutorial 1--Using Quartus II CAD Software Appendix C: Tutorial 2--Implementing Circuits in Altera Devices Appendix D: Tutorial 3--Physical Implementations in a PLD Appendix E: Commercial Devices Answers

International Edition

INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC AND COMPUTER DESIGN WITH CD by Alan B. Marcovitz, Florida Atlantic University-Boca Raton

2008 (February 2007) / Hardcover with disk / 688 pages ISBN: 9780073314174 ISBN: 9780071276115 [IE, with CD] Introduction to Logic and Computer Design by Alan Marcovitz takes the successful formula realized in the author’s previous books and makes it even better. With the inclusion of several chapters on computer design, Marcovitz now offers everything a fundamentals-oriented logic design course might include. Further, this new book is supported by an ARIS site - McGrawHill's electronic homework management systems -- including 350 algorithmic problems and a host of new media supplements to make both the instructor’s and the student’s tasks easier. As with Marcovitz’s previous books, the clear presentation of concepts and well-paced writing style make Introduction to Logic and Computer Design the ideal companion to any first course in digital logic. Users rave about the book’s extensive set of examples — well integrated into the body of the text and included at the end of each chapter in sections of solved problems — that give students multiple opportunities to understand the topics being presented. Contents 1. Introduction Part I: Logic Design 2. Combinational Systems 3. The Karnaugh Map 4. Designing Combinational Systems 5. Analysis of Sequential Systems 6. The Design of Sequential Systems 7. Solving Larger Sequential Problems Part II: Computer Design 8. Computer Organization 9. Computer Design Fundamentals 10. The Design of a Central Processing Unit 11. Beyond the Central Processing Unit

International Edition

Digital Principles and Design with CD-ROM by Donald Givone, SUNY- Buffalo

2003 / 832 pages ISBN: 9780072551327 ISBN: 9780071230056 [IE] This exciting first edition provides more depth than existing digital design books, using a traditional approach to the subject. Digital Principles and Design contains introductory material in digital principles with emphasis on logic design, as well as more advanced material. With the exception of the digital circuits appendix, it assumes no background on the part of the reader. The text can be used by readers in computer science, computer engineering and electrical engineering. The emphasis in the book is on the thorough presentation of basic principles of logic design and the illustration of these principles. While many introductory texts only provide the mechanics of classical logic design, Givone provides justifications behind these procedures to give students the understanding they need for the advanced topics they will learn about in subsequent courses. Some of the topics that the




book thoroughly presents include: the simplification of Boolean expressions with Karnaugh maps, variable-entered Karnaugh maps, and the analysis and design of both clocked synchronous sequential networks and asynchronous sequential networks. Every book contains a CD-ROM with Altera’s advanced MAX+plus II 10.1 Student Edition CAD system, as well as Multisim 2001 Textbook Edition from Electronics Workbench. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Number Systems, Arithmetic, and Codes 3. Boolean Algebra and Combinational Networks 4. Simplification of Boolean Expressions 5. Logic Design with MSI Components and Programmable Logic Devices 6. Flip-Flops and Simple Flip-Flop Applications 7. Synchronous Sequential Networks 8. Algorithmic State Machines 9. Asnynchronous Sequential Networks Appendix A: Digital Circuits. Appendix B: TBD

Theory of Computation International Edition


4th Edition

by John Martin, North Dakota State University-Fargo

2011 (February 2010) / Hardcover / 448 pages ISBN: 9780073191461 ISBN: 9780071289429 [IE]

Simulation and Modeling


6th Edition

by W. David Kelton, University Of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Randall P.Sadowski, and Nancy B. Swets, Rockwell Automation

2015 (January 2014) / Hardcover / 672 pages ISBN: 9780073401317 ISBN: 9781259254369 [IE] Simulation with Arena provides a comprehensive treatment of simulation using industry-standard Arena software. The text starts by having the reader develop simple high-level models, and then progresses to advanced modeling and analysis. Statistical design and analysis of simulation experiments is integrated with the modeling chapters, reflecting the importance of mathematical modeling of these activities. An informal, tutorial writing style is used to aid the beginner in fully understanding the ideas and topics presented. The academic version of Arena and example files are available through the book's website. Verified instructors can also download a 30-seat site license of Arena for use in their course. New to this edition •

McGraw-Hill ConnectPlus offers a number of powerful tools and features to make managing assignments easier, so you can spend more time teaching. With Connect, students can engage with their coursework anytime and anywhere, making the learning process more accessible and efficient. Problems are graded automatically, and the results are recorded immediately. Natural Math Notation allows for answer entry in many different forms, and the system allows for easy customization and authoring of exercises by the instructor. ConnectPlus also includes an integrated e-book.

LearnSmart™ an intelligent learning system that uses a series of probing questions to pinpoint each studentís knowledge gaps. LearnSmart strengthens student understanding and retention of your courseís fundamental concepts; effectively preparing your students for class so you can review less and teach more. The LearnSmart methodology is simple: determine the concepts students donít know or understand, and then teach those concepts using personalized plans designed for each studentís success.

Updated throughout to move to Arena version 14.5 (from version 12.0 in the prior edition) which contains many new and useful features. All text and screenshots have been accordingly updated, as have all example files. Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation helps students make the connection between the practice of computing and an understanding of the profound ideas that defines it. The book's organization and the author's ability to explain complex topics clearly make this introduction to the theory of computation an excellent resource for a broad range of upper level students. The author has learned through many years of teaching that the best way to present theoretical concepts is to take advantage of the precision and clarity of mathematical language. In a way that is accessible to students still learning this language, he presents the necessary mathematical tools gently and gradually which provides discussion and examples that make the language intelligible. Contents Preface Introduction 1. Mathematical Tools and Techniques 2. Finite Automata and the Languages They Accept 3. Regular Expressions, Nondeterminism, and Kleene's Theorem 4. Context-Free Languages 5. Pushdown Automata 6. Context-Free and Non-Context-Free Languages 7. Turing Machines 8. Recursively Enumerable Languages 9. Undecidable Decision Problems 10. Computable Functions 11. Introduction to Computational Complexity Index


International Edition

Contents 1. What Is Simulation? 2. Fundamental Simulation Concepts 3. A Guided Tour Through Arena 4. Modeling Basic Operations and Inputs 5. Modeling Detailed Operations 6. Statistical Analysis of Output from Terminating Simulations


7. Intermediate Modeling and Steady-State Statistical Analysis 8. Entity Transfer 9. A Sampler of Further Modeling Issues and Techniques 10. Arena Integration and Customization 11. Continuous and Combined Discrete/Continuous Models 12. Further Statistical Issues 13. Conducting Simulation Studies Appendix A: A Functional Specification for The Washington Post Appendix B: A Refresher on Probability and Statistics Appendix C: Arenaís Probability Distributions Appendix D: Academic Software Installation Instructions References Index


More comprehensive and practical discussion of how to validate a simulation model

New and improved random-number generators

Latest statistical techniques for estimating the performance measures of a simulated system, both for terminating and steady-state simulations

Ranking-and-selection procedures for choosing the best system configuration, which allow the use of common random numbers for increased efficiency

More detailed discussion of how to use the method of common random numbers in practice

Greatly expanded and self-contained discussion of classical design of experiments, with a particular emphasis on how to correctly implement these techniques in the context of simulation modeling

Several detailed examples on the use of simulation-based optimization


International Edition


5th Edition

by Averill M. Law, Averill M. Law & Associates

2015 (January 2014) / Hardcover / 804 pages ISBN: 9780073401324 ISBN: 9781259254383 [IE] Since the publication of the first edition in 1982, the goal of Simulation Modeling and Analysis has always been to provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art, and technically correct treatment of all important aspects of a simulation study. The book strives to make this material understandable by the use of intuition and numerous figures, examples, and problems. It is equally well suited for use in university courses, simulation practice, and self study. The book is widely regarded as the ìbibleî of simulation and now has more than 100,000 copies in print. The book can serve as the primary text for a variety of courses; for example: •

Contents 1. Basic Simulation Modeling 2. Modeling Complex Systems 3. Simulation Software 4. Review of Basic Probability and Statistics 5. Building Valid, Credible, and Appropriately Detailed Simulation Models 6. Selecting Input Probability Distributions 7. Random-Number Generators 8. Generating Random Variates 9. Output Data Analysis for a Single System 10. Comparing Alternative System Configurations 11. Variance-Reduction Techniques 12. Experimental Design, Sensitivity Analysis, and Optimization 13. Simulation of Manufacturing Systems

International Edition


A first course in simulation at the junior, senior, or beginning-graduate-student level in engineering, manufacturing, business, or computer science (Chaps. 1 through 4, and parts of Chaps. 5 through 9). At the end of such a course, the students will be prepared to carry out complete and effective simulation studies, and to take advanced simulation courses.

3rd Edition

A second course in simulation for graduate students in any of the above disciplines (most of Chaps. 5 through 12). After completing this course, the student should be familiar with the more advanced methodological issues involved in a simulation study, and should be prepared to understand and conduct simulation research.

An introduction to simulation as part of a general course in operations research or management science (part of Chaps. 1, 3, 5, 6, and 9).

Simulation Using ProModel covers the art and science of simulation in general and the use of ProModel simulation software in particular. The text blends theory with practice. Actual applications in business, services and manufacturing and a hands-on approach to simulation, including real-world simulation projects, are emphasized.

New to this edition •

A CD-ROM containing the Student Version of the ExpertFit distribution-fitting software will be included and will tie to the book

Up-to-date treatment of the latest simulation software, including a common example in four of the leading products

All of the software used in the book has been upgraded to FORTRAN and C.

20% new problems and examples

by Charles R. Harrell, Brigham Young University-Provo

2012 (February 2011) / Hardcover / 768 pages ISBN: 9780073401300 ISBN: 9780071086448 [IE]

The third edition of Simulation Using ProModel reflects the most recent version of the ProModel software in all the examples and labs as well as expanded coverage on generating random variates and design of experiments. Additionally, the lead author is founder and Chief Technology Advisor for ProModel Corporation. Contents Part 1 1. Intro to Simulation 2. System Dynamics 3. Simulation Basics 4. Discrete Event Simulation 5. Data Collection and Analysis




6. Model Building 7. Model Verification and Validation 8. Simulation Output Analysis 9. Comparing Systems 10. Simulation Optimization 11. Modeling Manufacturing Systems 12. Modeling Material Handling Systems 13. Modeling Service Systems Part 2: LABS 1. Introduction to ProModel 2. Building Your First Model 3. ProModel's Output Module 4. Basic Modeling Concepts 5. Fitting Statistical Distributions to Input Data 6. Intermediate Model Building 7. Model Verification and Validation 8. Simulation Output Analysis 9. Comparing Alternative Systems 10. Simulation Optimization with SimRunner 11. Modeling Manufacturing Systems 12. Material Handling Systems 13. Modeling Service Systems

16. Recursion. 17. Advanced Arithmetic. 18. Disk Operations. 19. 80286/80386/80486 Microprocessors and OS/2

Computer Organization and Architecture




10th Edition

by Smruti Ranjan Sarangi, Assistant Professor, Dept of Computer Science & Engineering

2014 (July 2014) / 688 pages ISBN: 9789332901834 (McGraw-Hill India Title)

Computer Organization & Architecture Assembly Languages International Edition

Assembly Language Programming and Organization of the IBM PC

"This textbook provides a perfect amalgam of the basics of computer architecture, intricacies of modern assembly languages and advanced concepts such as multiprocessor memory systems and I/O technologies. It shows the design of a processor from first principles including its instruction set, assembly-language specification, functional units, microprogrammed implementation and 5-stage pipeline. Computer Organisation and Architecture can serve as a textbook in both basic as well as advanced courses on computer architecture, systems programming, and microprocessor design. Additionally, it can also serve as a reference book for courses on digital electronics and communication. New to this edition

by Ytha Yu and Charles Marut, both of California State University, Hayward

1992 / 512 pages ISBN: 9780071128964 [IE]

Balanced presentation of theoretical, qualitative and quantitative aspects of computer architecture

Extensive coverage of the ARM and x86 assembly languages

Extensive software support: Instruction set emulators, assembler, Logisim and VHDL design of the SimpleRisc processor

This introduction to the organization and programming of the 8086 family of microprocessors used in IBM microcomputers and compatibles is comprehensive and thorough. Includes coverage of I/O control, video/graphics control, text display, and OS/2. Strong pedagogy with numerous sample programs illustrates practical examples of structured programming. Contents Part I: Elements of Assembly Language Programming 1. Microcomputer Systems. 2. Representation of Numbers and Characters. 3. Organization of the IBM Personal Computers. 4. Introduction to IBM PC Assembly Language. 5. The Processor Status and the Flags Register. 6. Flow Control Instructions. 7. Logic, Shift, and Rotate Instructions. 8. The Stack and Introduction to Procedures. 9. Multiplication and Division Instructions. 10. Arrays and Addressing Modes The String Instructions. Part 2: Advanced Topics 11. Text Display and Keyboard Programming. 12. Macros. 13. Memory Management. 14. Bios and DOS Interrupts. 15. Color Graphics.

Contents 1. Introduction to Computer Architecture Part I: Architecture: Software Interface 2. The Language of Bits 3. Assembly Language 4. ARM® Assembly Language 5. x86 Assembly Language Part II: Organisation: Processor Design 6. Logic Gates, Registers, and Memories 7. Computer Arithmetic 8. Processor Design 9. Principles of Pipelining Part III: Organisation: System Design10. The Memory System 11. Multiprocessor Systems 12. I/O and Storage Devices Part IV: Appendix Appendix A Case Studies of Real Processors Appendix B Graphics Processors Index


2nd Edition

by A. Nagoor Kani, Founder, RBA Educational Group Chennai

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover / 812 pages ISBN: 9780071329743 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book on Microprocessors and Microcontrollers is primarily designed for undergraduate students of this subject and will be very useful for self-study. In view of complex nature of topics, a step-wise approach is especially followed to facilitate easy comprehension. The chapters aptly detail concepts using ample examples and programs Contents 1. Introduction to Microprocessors 2. Introduction to Microcontrollers 3. Instruction Set of 8085 4. Instruction Set of 8086 5. Instruction Set of 8031/8051 6. Memory and IO Interfacing 7. Interrupts 8. Assembly Language Programming 9. Peripheral Devices and Interfacing 10. Intel 80X86 Family of Processors 11. System Design with Microprocessors Appendix I: List of microprocessors released by INTEL Appendix II: 8031/8051 instructions in hexadecimal order Appendix III: 8031/8051 instructions in alphabetical order Appendix IV: 8085 instructions in hexadecimal order Appendix V: 8085 instructions in alphabetical order Appendix VI: Templates for 8086 instructions Appendix VII: DOS and BIOS instructions

International Edition

Computer Organization and embedded systems

6th Edition

by Carl Hamacher, Queen's University, Canada, Zvonko Vranesic, Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering & Computer Science University of Toronto, Safwat Zaky, University of Toronto, Canada, Naraig Manjikian, Queen's University

2012 (February 2011) / Hardcover / 736 pages ISBN: 9780073380650 ISBN: 9780071089005 [IE] The sixth edition of this book covers the key topics in computer organization and embedded systems. It presents hardware design principles and shows how hardware design is influenced by the requirements of software. The book is suitable for undergraduate electrical and computer engineering majors and computer science specialists. It is intended for a first course in computer organization and embedded systems. Contents 1. Basic Structure of Computers 2. Instruction Set Architecture 3. Basic Input/Output 4. Software 5. Basic Processing Unit 6. Pipelining 7. Input/output Organization 8. The Memory System

9. Arithmetic 10. Embedded Systems 11. System-On-A-Chip--A Case Study Appendix A: Logic Circuits Appendix B: The Altera Nios II Processor Appendix C: The ColdFire Processor Appendix D: The ARM Processor Appendix E: The Intel IA-32 Architecture


An Embedded Approach by Ian Vince McLoughlin

2011 (January 2011) / Softcover / 544 pages ISBN: 9780071311182 (An Asian Publication) This textbook presents the subject of computer architecture in a modern light to match the needs of educational institutions and graduates for modern industry. The book reflects the fact that there are around 40 times as many embedded systems sold as desktop computers each year, and many more graduates will end up designing embedded systems hardware than will ever design a traditional desktop computer. Without overlooking the historical perspective of computers, or the traditional topics in computer architecture, Computer Architecture: An Embedded Approach presents the subject in a readable and interesting format, and above all, provides the background and places emphasis on the increasingly important embedded systems that we all rely upon for our day-to-day living. Whilst traditional computer engineering textbooks were fine resources for students needing to learn about computers, work on desktop or mainframe systems of the 1980s and 1990s, these older approaches are looking increasingly dated as technological progress marches on. Students of today tend to be more inspired by the iPod than by ENIAC, and working with such tiny, low power embedded devices is precisely what Computer Architecture: an embedded approach aims towards. This means that modern and interesting topics for embedded systems are included in this book. An embedded systems-relevant approach, this book addresses the needs of industry, inspires students in their studies, and interlinks with neighbouring electronics, computer engineering or computer science course within a typical curriculum. Contents Preface Acknowledgements 1. Introduction 2. Foundations 3. CPU Basics 4. Processor Internals 5. Enhancing CPU Performance 6. Externals 7. Practical Embedded CPUs 8. CPU Design 9. The Future Appendix A: Standard Notation for Memory Size Appendix B: Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model Appendix C: Exploring Trade-offs in Cache Size and Arrangment Appendix D: Wireless Technology for Embedded Computers Appendix E: Tools for Compiling and Simulating TinyCPU Appendix F: Tools for Compiling and Assembling Code for TinyCPU Index




International Edition

Computer Architecture and Organization

3rd Edition

by John P Hayes, University of Michigan

1998 / 624 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071159975 [IE] The third edition of Computer Architecture and Organization features a comprehensive updating of the material-especially case studies, worked examples, and problem sets-while retaining the book's time-proven emphasis on basic prinicples. Reflecting the dramatic changes in computer technology that have taken place over the last decade, the treatment of performance-related topics such as pipelines, caches, and RISC's has been expanded. Many examples and end-of-chapter problems have also been added. Contents 1. Computation and Computers. 2. Design Methodology. 3. Processor Design. 4. Datapath Design. 5. Control Design. 6. Memory Organization. 7. System Organization


2009 / Softcover ISBN: 9780070145894 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Meant for students and practicing engineers, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the design and development of embedded hardware and firmware, their integration, and the management of Embedded System development process.

Embedded Systems


11. Real-time Operating System Programming: MicroC/OS-II and VxWorks 12. Real-Time Linux, Windows CE, OSEK, Handheld Devices and Automotives Operating Systems 13. Design Examples and Case Studies of Program-Modeling and Programming with RTOS 14. Embedded Software Development Process and Tools 15. Testing, Simulation, and Debugging Techniques and Tools Appendix A Appendix B



Architecture, Programming And Design, 3rd Edition by Raj Kamal, Head, Institute of Computer Science & Electronics , Devi Ahilya University

2014 (August 2014) / 624 pages ISBN: 9789332901490 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Embedded Systems facilitates an insight into the fundamental aspects that form the basis of hardware and software designing of embedded systems. It is written in an easy-to-understand and student-friendly manner, and includes several illustrative figures and examples, sample codes and system-design case studies CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Embedded Systems 2. Embedded Systems Design and Development Process 3. 8051, AVR and ARM Microcontrollers, Real-World Interfacing, and the Inputs and Outputs Using Buses 4. Introduction to Advanced Architectures and ProcessorMemory Organisations I/O Devices, Communication Buses and Distributed Networked 5. Embedded Architectures 6. Device Drivers and Interrupts Service Mechanism 7. Programming Concepts and Embedded Programming in C, C++ and Java 8. Program Modeling Concepts 9. Real Time Operating Systems– I: Processes, Tasks and Threads and their Synchronization Using Inter-process Communication 10. Real Time Operating Systems II: Basic Functions of OS and RTOS

Contents Part 1: Embedded System: Understanding the Basic Concepts 1. Introduction to Embedded Systems 2. The Typical Embedded System 3. Characteristics and Quality Attributes of Embedded Systems 4. Embedded Systems—Application- and Domain-Specific 5. Designing Embedded Systems with 8bit Microcontrollers—8051 6. Programming the 8051 Microcontroller 7. Hardware Software Co-Design and Program Modelling Part 2: Design and Development of Embedded Product 8. Embedded Hardware Design and Development 9. Embedded Firmware Design and Development 10. Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) based Embedded System Design 11. An Introduction to Embedded System Design with VxWorks and MicroC/OS-II RTOS 12. Integration and Testing of Embedded Hardware and Firmware 13. The Embedded System Development Environment 14. Product Enclosure Design and Development 15. The Embedded Product Development Life Cycle (EDLC) 16. Trends in the Embedded Industry Appendix I: Overview of PIC and AVR Family of Microcontrollers and ARM Processors Appendix II: Design Case Studies Bibliography Index


Architecture, Programming And Design, 2nd Edition by Raj Kamal, Head, Institute of Computer Science & Electronics, Devi Ahilya University

2008 / Softcover / 700 pages ISBN: 9780070667648 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book, equally applicable for a CSE or ECE course, gives an extensive account of Embedded Systems, keeping a balanced coverage of hardware and software concepts. Adhering to syllabus needs, this title is 'microprocessor' and 'software design


methodology' specific, giving due weightage to architecture, programming and design aspects. Contents 1. Introduction to The Embedded Systems 2. 8051 And Advanced Processor Architectures, Memory organization, and Real World Interfacing 3. Devices and Communication Buses For Devices Network 4. Device Drivers And Interrupts Servicing Mechanism 5. Programming Concepts And Embedded Programming In C, C++ and Java 6. Program Modeling Concepts In Single And Multiprocessor Systems Software-Development Process 7. Real Time Operating Systems- I: Inter Process Communication And Synchronization Of Processes, Task And Threads 8. Real Time Operating Systems 9. RTOS Programming-I: MicroC/OS-II and VxWorks 10. RTOS PROGRAMMING-II: Windows CE, OSEK, RTLinux and Others 11. Design Examples And Case Studies Of Program Modeling And Programming With Rtos-1 12. Design Examples And Case Studies Of Program Modeling And Programming With RTOS-1 Appendixes

Computer Architecture/ Microprocessors

*9789332901254* NEW THE 8051 MICROCONTROLLER BASED EMBEDDED SYSTEMS by Manish K Patel, Dharmsinh Desai University

2014 (May 2014) / 576 pages ISBN: 9789332901254 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book introduces fundamental hardware, software and architectural aspects of microcontroller-based embedded systems in an elementary and integrated manner, providing a strong foundation for the development of expertise in designing such systems. The contents of the book are class tested to ensure the treatment is logical and easy to understand for the fresher. Features

Excellent pedagogy:

Learning Objectives and Key Terms at the beginning of each chapter

Points to Remember at the end of each chapter

Discussion Questions within the topics: 25

Review Questions with answers: 310

Exercise Questions: 410

Programming Examples (Assembly and C): 325

Objective Questions at the end of each chapter: 301

Think Boxes with Answers: 95

Illustrations (Figures and Tables): 350

Contents 1. Introduction to Microcontrollers 2. Programming Model and Architecture of the 8051 3. Program Development Process and Tools 4. Addressing Modes and Data Movement Instructions 5. Arithmetic and Logical Instructions 6. Bit-Processing Instructions 7. Program-Flow Control Instructions 8. Look-Up Tables and Jump Tables 9. Code Conversions, Array Processing and 16 Bit Arithmetic 10. Timing and Instruction Execution 11. The 8051 Hardware, System Design and Troubleshooting 12. The 8051 Programming in C 13. Input/Output Ports 14. Timers 15. Serial Communications 16. Interrupts 17. Interfacing Keyboards 18. Interfacing Display Devices: LED, Seven Segment Display and LCD 19. Interfacing ADC, DAC and Sensors 20. Interfacing Relays, Opto-Couplers, Stepper and DC Motors 21. Interfacing External Memory and Real-Time Clock 22. I2C and SPI Protocols 23. The 8051 Variants, AVR and PIC Microcontrollers Appendix A: The 8051 Instruction Set Summary Appendix B: Using Keil ¿Vision 4.0 IDE Appendix C: Instructions Arranged Functionally Appendix D: ASCII Codes Appendix E: Special Function Registers Quick View


3rd Edition

Simple and easy-to-understand language supported with self-explanatory diagrams

by K M. Bhurchandi, Assistant Professor,Department of Electronics and Communication,Shri Ramdeobaba Kamla Nehru Engineering College, and A. K. Ray, Vice Chancellor, Bengal Science and Engineering University

Logical sequencing of topics, concise and to-the-point discussion with clarity and simplicity

2012 (June 2012) / Softcover / 712 pages ISBN: 9781259006135

Step-by-step approach for software development

(McGraw-Hill India Title)

Hands-on projects and latest advancements in the field like I2C, SPI, etc., not given in any book

Simulation methods and output snapshots for some key examples

Programming examples in assembly and C languages; all instructions explained through use of examples

Timing and data-flow diagrams for instruction execution

The third edition of this popular text continues integrating basic concepts, theory, design and real-life applications related to the subject technology, to enable holistic understanding of the concepts. The chapters are introduced in tune with the conceptual flow of the subject; with in-depth discussion of concepts using excellent interfacing and programming examples in assembly language

Tutorial of Keil Vision4.0 Integrated development environment



COMPUTER SCIENCE Contents 1. The Processors: 8086/8088— Architectures, Pin Diagrams and Timing Diagrams 2. 8086/8088 Instruction Set and Assembler Directives 3. The Art of Assembly Language Programming with 8086/8088 4. Special Architectural Features and Related Programming 5. Basic Peripherals and their Interfacing with 8086/88 6. Special Purpose Programmable Peripheral Devices and Their Interfacing 7. DMA , & High Storage Capacity Memory Devices 8. Multimicroprocessor Systems 9. 80286–80287—A Microprocessor with Memory Management and Protection 10. 80386–80387 and 80486—The 32-Bit Processors 11. Recent Advances in Microprocessor Architectures—A Journey from Pentium Onwards 12. Pentium 4—Processor of the New Millennium 13. RISC Architecture—An Overview 14. Microprocessor-Based Aluminium Smelter Control 15. Design of a Microprocessor Based Pattern Scanner System 16. Design of an Electronic Weighing Bridge 17. An Introduction to Architecture and Programming 8051 and 80196 18. 8051 Peripherals Interfacing


by A Nagoor Kani, Founder, RBA Educational Group Chennai

2012 (July 2012) / Softcover / 392 pages ISBN: 9780071077682 (A McGraw-Hill India Title) As the name suggests, 8085 Microprocessor and its Applications attempts to explain the basic concepts of programming and interfacing techniques using INTEL 8085 microprocessor as an example, including system design applications based on 8085 Microprocessor.In view of the complex nature of topics, the author has designed the book as a self-study material for the students in his signature style. The chapters aptly discuss the concepts using ample examples and programs following a step-wise approach which makes the book a treat for the readers. Contents 1. Introduction to Microprocessor 2. Instruction Set of 8085 3. Memory and IO Interfacing 4. Interrupts 5. Assembly Language Programming 6. Peripheral Devices and Interfacting 7. Microcomputer System Design and Applications Appendices


2nd Edition

by A. Nagoor Kani, Founder, RBA Educational Group Chennai

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover / 812 pages ISBN: 9780071329743 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book on Microprocessors and Microcontrollers is primarily designed for undergraduate students of this subject and will be very useful for self-study. In view of complex nature of topics, a step-wise approach is especially followed to facilitate easy comprehension. The chapters aptly detail concepts using ample examples and programs Contents 1. Introduction to Microprocessors 2. Introduction to Microcontrollers 3. Instruction Set of 8085 4. Instruction Set of 8086 5. Instruction Set of 8031/8051 6. Memory and IO Interfacing 7. Interrupts 8. Assembly Language Programming 9. Peripheral Devices and Interfacing 10. Intel 80X86 Family of Processors 11. System Design with Microprocessors Appendix I: List of microprocessors released by INTEL Appendix II: 8031/8051 instructions in hexadecimal order Appendix III: 8031/8051 instructions in alphabetical order Appendix IV: 8085 instructions in hexadecimal order Appendix V: 8085 instructions in alphabetical order Appendix VI: Templates for 8086 instructions Appendix VII: DOS and BIOS instructions


Architecture, Programming & Interfacing Using 8085, 8086 And 8051 by Soumitra Kumar Mandal, Dept of Electrical Engineering, NITTTR, Kolkata

2011 (July 2011) / Softcover / 896 pages ISBN: 9780071329200 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book provides coverage on basic concepts of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers. It offers in-depth treatment of architecture, programming and interfacing concepts related to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers. Examples of assem­blylanguage programs and a variety of theoretical and multiplechoice questions give students a chance to check and enhance their conceptual understanding. This book can be used as a textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered on Microprocessors and Microcontrollers at degree and diploma levels. Contents 1. Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 2. Architecture of the 8085 Microprocessor 3. Instruction Set and Addressing Modes of 8085 Microprocessor 4. Assembly – Language Programs of the 8085 Microprocessor 5. Architecture of 8086 and 8088 Microprocessors 6. Instruction Set and Addressing Modes of the 8086 Microprocessor


7. Assembly-Language Programs of the 8086 Microprocessor and 8087, 80287 and 80387 Numeric Data Processors 8. I/O and Memory Interfacing Using 8085/8086 9. Communication and Bus Interfacing with the 8085/8086 Microprocessor 10. Applications of 8085/8086 Microprocessors 11. 80186, 80286, 80386 and 80486 Microprocessors 12. Pentium and RISC Processors 13. Introduction to 8051 Microcontroller 14. Instruction Set and Programming of the 8051 Microcontroller


Parallel Computing/ Processing

MASTERING CLOUD COMPUTING by Raj Kumar Buyya, Department of Computer Science & Software, Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia, Christian Vecchiola, Research Scientist and SE, IBM Research Australia and Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Computing and Information Systems , The University of Melbourne, and S. Thamarai Selvi, Dean, Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai

2013 (February 2013) / Softcover / 408 pages ISBN: 9781259029950

by Nick Carter, University of Illinois - Champaign

(McGraw-Hill India Title)

2002 / Softcover / 304 pages ISBN: 9780071362078

Authored by veterans in the subject field, this new textbook on Cloud Computing explores the most critical cloud components and covers all crucial aspects of the subject like Parallel and Distributed Computing, Virtualization, Cloud Computing Architecture, Cloud Platforms in Industry, and its Applications. With its studentaccessible vocabulary and writing style, the book will surely prove to be an excellent and enjoyable read!

(A Schaum's Publication) A problem/solution manual, integrating general principles and laboratory exercises, that provides students with the hands-on experience needed to master the basics of modern computer system design. Features more than 200 detailed problems, with step-by-step solutions; many detailed graphics and charts; chapter summaries with additional "rapid-review" questions; and expert sidebar tips. Describes analytical methods for quantifying realworld design choices regarding instruction sets, pipelining, cache, memory, I/O, and other critical hardware and software elements involved in building computers. An ideal educational resource for the more than 70,000 undergraduate and graduate students who, each year, enroll in computer architecture and related courses

International Edition

Advanced Computer Architecture

Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability by Kai Hwang, University of Southern California

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Principles of Parallel and Distributed Computing 3. Virtualization 4. Cloud Computing Architecture 5. Aneka: Cloud Application Platform 6. Concurrent Computing: Thread Programming 7. High-Throughput Computing: Task Programming 8. Data Intensive Computing: Map-Reduce Programming 9. Cloud Platforms in Industry 10. Cloud Applications 11. Advanced Topics in Cloud Computing

Operating Systems

1993 / 672 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071247139 [IE] Contents Part One: Theory of Parallelism 1. Parallel Computer Models 2. Program and Network Properties 3. Principles of Performance and Scalability Part Two: Hardware Technologies 4. Processors and Memory Hierarchy 5. Bus/Cache and Shared-Memory 6. Pipelining and Superscalar Techniques Part Three: Parallel and Scalable Architectures 7. Multiprocessors and Multi-computers 8. Multivector and SIMD Supercomputers 9. Scalable, Multi-threaded, and Dataflow Architectures Part Four: Software for Parallel Programming 10. Parallel Models, Languages and Compilers 11. Development of Parallel Programs 12. Unix Extensions for Parallel Computers Bibliography

LINUX International Edition


The Ultimate Guide, 3rd Edition by Sumitabha Das, Faculty Consultant, PDSIT, Bengal Engineering College, Howrah

2013 (January 2012) / Hardcover / 832 pages ISBN: 9780073376202 ISBN: 9780071086295 [IE] Your UNIX/Linux: The Ultimate Guide, written with both users and programmers in mind, is the ultimate UNIX/Linux text. Both pedagogical tool and exhaustive reference, it is well-suited to any course that includes UNIX or Linux. A strong pedagogical framework sets it apart from similar texts and allows beginning students to gain a firm grasp of fundamental concepts, while chapters on advanced topics inspire the more experienced reader to move beyond the basics. Nearly a thousand exercises and selftest questions provide a way for students to test and reinforce their understanding of the material.



COMPUTER SCIENCE Contents Part II: User UNIX 1. Introducing UNIX 2. Getting familiar with UNIX Commands 3. The File System 4. File Attributes 5. The vi/vim Editor 6. The Shell 7. The Process 8. The Shell--Customizing the Environment 9. Simple Filters 10. Filters Using Regular Expressions--grep and sed 11. Networking and Internet Tools Part II: Programmer UNIX 12. Filtering and programming with awk 13. Shell Programming 14. A C Programming Primer 15. Program Development Tools 16. Systems Programming I--Files 17. Systems Programming II--Process Control 18. perl–The Master Manipulator Part III: System Administration 19. System Administration

SCHAUM'S OUTLINE OF OPERATING SYSTEMS by J. Archer Harris, James Madison University

2002 / Softcover / 256 pages ISBN: 9780071364355 (A Schaum's Publication) Schaum's Outline of Operating Systems is intended for use as a problem-solved approach text in courses taken in the second and third years in Computer Science, and as graduate course review. This book covers the fundamental design principles common in modern operating systems, including UNIX and DOS. The emphasis is on the system principles in abstract, not how they are implemented in an one particular operating system. It is designed to supplement traditional operating system courses and can be used by professionals familiar with a particular operating system who desire inowledge of the abstract principles underlying that operating system.

While operating systems have changed dramatically over the years, the authors of most operating systems books use a linear approach that is difficult for students to follow and requires instructors to constantly put materials in context. Elmasri, Levine, and Carrick do things differently by following an integrative or "spiral" approach to explaining operating systems. The spiral approach alleviates the need for an instructor to "jump ahead" when explaining processes by helping students "completely" understand a simple, working, functional system as a whole in the very beginning. This is more effective pedagogically, and it inspires students to continue exploring more advanced concepts with confidence. Contents PART 1: Operating Systems Overview and Background 1. Getting Started 2. Operating System Concepts, Components, and Architectures PART 2: Building Operating Systems Incrementally: A BreadthOriented Spiral Approach 3. A Simple, Single Process Operating System 4. A Single User Multi-tasking Operating System 5. An Advanced Single User Multi-tasking Operating System 6. A Multiple-User Operating System--Linux 7. Parallel and Distributed Computing, Clusters and Grids PART 3: In Depth--Processes and Memory 8. Process Management: Concepts, Threads, and Scheduling 9. More Process Management: Inter-process Communication, Synchronization, and Deadlocks 10. Basic Memory Management 11 Advanced Memory Management PART 4: In Depth–Files and Input/Output 12. File Systems--Basics 13. File Systems--Examples and More Features 14. Disk Scheduling and Input/Output Management PART 5: In Depth--Networks and Distributed Processing 15. Introduction to Computer Networks 16. Protection and Security 17. Introduction to Distributed Systems PART 6: Case Studies 18. Windows Vista 19. Linux 20. The Palm OS Appendix A: Overview of Computer System and Architecture Concepts

International Edition

Operating Systems (OS)


A Concept-based Approach, 2nd Edition International Edition


A Spiral Approach

by D. M. Dhamdhere, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

2006 / Softcover ISBN: 9780071264365 [IE] (McGraw-Hill India Title)

by Ramez Elmasri, University Of Texas Arlington, A G. Carrick, and David Levine, University Of Texas Arlington

2010 (February 2009) / Hardcover / 544 pages ISBN: 9780072449815 ISBN: 9780070164543 [IE]

This edition of the book involves extensive revision by way of restructured and rewritten content. Elaborate chapter overviews and introductions have been added in order to improve the effectiveness of the content and to make it more user friendly. Chapters and sections have been rewritten to improve their presentation and flow. Like the previous edition, the major emphasis of this edition too is on the fact that the study of operating systems must be based on a sound understanding of the concepts. Elmasri, Levine, and Carrick's "spiral approach" to teaching operating systems develops student understanding early and helps students approach the more difficult aspects of operating systems with confidence.

COMPUTER SCIENCE Contents Part I: Fundamental Concepts 1. Introduction 2. Overview of Operating Systems 3. Processes and Threads 4. Scheduling 5. Memory Management 6. Virtual Memory 7. File Systems 8. Security and Protection Part II: Advanced Topics 9. Process Synchronization 10. Message Passing 11. Deadlocks 12. Implementation of File Operations 13. Synchronization and Scheduling in Multiprocessor Operating Systems 14. Structure of Operating Systems

Part II: Programmer UNIX 12. Filtering and programming with awk 13. Shell Programming 14. A C Programming Primer 15. Program Development Tools 16. Systems Programming I--Files 17. Systems Programming II--Process Control 18. perl–The Master Manipulator Part III: System Administration 19. System Administration

Software Engineering


Part III: Distributed Operating Systems 15. Distributed Systems 16. Theoretical Issues in Distributed Systems 17. Distributed Control Algorithms 18. Recovery and Fault Tolerance 19. Distributed File Systems 20. Distributed System Security



International Edition

A Practitioner's Approach, 8th Edition by Roger S. Pressman, R.S. Pressman & Associates, and Bruce R. Maxim, University Of Michigan-Dearborn

2015 (January 2014) / Hardcover / 992 pages ISBN: 9780078022128 ISBN: 9781259253157 [IE]

International Edition


The Ultimate Guide, 3rd Edition by Sumitabha Das, Faculty Consultant, PDSIT, Bengal Engineering College, Howrah

2013 (January 2012) / Hardcover / 832 pages ISBN: 9780073376202 ISBN: 9780071086295 [IE] Your UNIX/Linux: The Ultimate Guide, written with both users and programmers in mind, is the ultimate UNIX/Linux text. Both pedagogical tool and exhaustive reference, it is well-suited to any course that includes UNIX or Linux. A strong pedagogical framework sets it apart from similar texts and allows beginning students to gain a firm grasp of fundamental concepts, while chapters on advanced topics inspire the more experienced reader to move beyond the basics. Nearly a thousand exercises and selftest questions provide a way for students to test and reinforce their understanding of the material. Contents Part I: User UNIX 1. Introducing UNIX 2. Getting familiar with UNIX Commands 3. The File System 4. File Attributes 5. The vi/vim Editor 6. The Shell 7 .The Process 8. The Shell--Customizing the Environment 9. Simple Filters 10. Filters Using Regular Expressions--grep and sed 11. Networking and Internet Tools

For almost three decades, Roger Pressman's Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach has been the world's leading textbook in software engineering. The new seventh edition represents a major restructuring and update of previous editions, solidifying the book's position as the most comprehensive guide to this important subject. The seventh edition of Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach has been designed to consolidate and restructure the content introduced over the past two editions of the book. The chapter structure will return to a more linear presentation of software engineering topics with a direct emphasis on the major activities that are part of a generic software process. Content will focus on widely used software engineering methods and will de-emphasize or completely eliminate discussion of secondary methods, tools and techniques. The intent is to provide a more targeted, prescriptive, and focused approach, while attempting to maintain SEPA's reputation as a comprehensive guide to software engineering. The book will be organized in five (5) parts-Process, Modeling, Quality Management, Project Management, and Advanced Topics. The chapter count will remain at 32, unchanged from the sixth edition. However, eight new chapters have been developed and another six chapters have undergone major or moderate revisions. The remaining chapters have undergone minor edits/updates. New to this edition •

ConnectEngineering is available with Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 8e. ConnectEngineering is a powerful, web-based assignment management system that makes creating and grading assignments easy for instructors and learning convenient for students. It saves time and makes learning for students accessible anytime, anywhere. With Connect, instructors can easily manage assignments, grading, progress, and students receive instant feedback from assignments and practice problems.




Pressman's Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, eighth edition, includes the power of McGrawHill’s LearnSmart--a proven adaptive learning program that helps students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge for greater success. LearnSmart is included in ConnectPlus powered by Maple.

The writing style throughout the book has been modified to present a slightly less formal tone, and the SEPA website has been further enhanced.

Many new Problems and Points to Ponder have been added. The Further Readings and Information Sources sections have been revised extensively and many new figures and examples are used.

Web engineering topics have been integrated into relevant SEPA, 7th edition chapters.

SEPA, 7th edition contains 8 new chapters and 6 chapters with moderate or major content revisions. A new Part 3, Quality Management, has been added to emphasize the critically important topics of SQA and software testing. SEPA, 7th edition contains expanded discussion of many topics presented in the sixth edition and introduces many additional topics.

Features •

Each of the book's 32 chapters again begins with a popular "Quick Look" that provides immediate short answers to six questions about chapter content.

Use of the marginal icons and important complimentary text information is found throughout the book.

A collection of sidebars continues to be used to enhance the reading experience by providing supplementary information that will be of use to the reader.

Contents 1. Software and Software Engineering Part One: The Software Process 2. Process Models 3. Agile Development Part Two: Modeling 4. Principles that Guide Practice 5. Understanding Requirements 6. Requirements Modeling: Scenarios, Information, and Analysis Classes 7. Requirements Modeling: Flow, Behavior, Patterns, and WebApps 8. Design Concepts 9. Architectural Design 10. Component-Level Design 11. User Interface Design 12. Pattern-Based Design 13. WebApp Design Part Three: Quality Management 14. Quality Concepts 15. Review Techniques 16. Software Quality Assurance 17. Software Testing Strategies 18. Testing Conventional Applications 19. Testing Object-Oriented Applications 20. Testing Web Applications 21. Formal Modeling and Verification 22. Software Configuration Management 23. Product Metrics Part Four: Managing Software Projects 24. Project Management Concepts 25. Process and Project Metrics

26. Estimation for Software Projects 27. Project Scheduling 28. Risk Management 29. Maintenance and Reengineering Part Five: Advanced Topics 30. Software Process Improvement 31. Emerging Trends in Software Engineering 32. Concluding Comments Appendix I-An Introduction to UML Appendix II-Object-Oriented Concepts

International Edition


An Agile Unified Methodology

by David C. Kung, University Of Texas Arlington

2014 (January 2013) / Hardcover / 720 pages ISBN: 9780073376257 ISBN: 9781259080791 [IE] Object-Oriented Software Engineering: An Agile Unified Methodology by David Kung presents a step-by-step methodology that integrates modeling and design, UML, patterns, test-driven development, quality assurance, configuration management, and agile principles throughout the life cycle. The overall approach is casual and easy to follow, with many practical examples that show the theory at work. The author uses his experiences as well as real-world stories to help the reader understand software design principles, patterns, and other software engineering concepts. The book also provides stimulating exercises that go far beyond the type of question that can be answered by simply copying portions of the text. Contents Part I: Introduction and System Engineering 1. Introduction 2. Software Process and Methodology 3. System Engineering Part II Analysis and Architectural Design 4. Software Requirements Elicitation 5. Domain Modeling 6. Architectural Design Part III: Modeling and Design of Interactive Systems 7. Deriving Use Cases from Requirements 8. Actor-System Interaction Modeling 9. Object Interaction Modeling 10. Applying Responsibility-Assignment Patterns 11. Deriving Design Class Diagram 12. User Interface Design Part IV: Modeling and Design of Other Types of Systems 13. Object State Modeling for Event-Driven Systems 14. Activity Modeling for Transformational Systems 15. Modeling and Design of Rule-Based Systems Part V: Applying Situation-Specific Patterns 16. Applying Patterns to Design a State Diagram Editor 17. Applying Patterns to Design a Persistence Framework Part VI: Implementation and Quality Assurance 18. Implementation Considerations 19. Software Quality Assurance 20. Software Testing Part VII: Maintenance and Configuration Management 21. Software Maintenance 22. Software Configuration Management


Part VIII: Project Management and Software Security 23. Software Project Management 24. Software Security Appendix: A Personal Software Process--Estimation, Planning and Quality Assurance Appendix B: Java Technologies Appendix C: Software Tools Appendix D: Project Descriptions References


From Diagram to Code with Visual Paradigm for UML, 2nd Edition by Curtis HK Tsang, Clarence SW Lau and Ying K Leung

2011 (September 2010) / 456 pages ISBN: 9780071269216 (An Asian Publication) This book introduces students and software developers to some basic concepts in object-oriented technology by examining the structural, use case and dynamic modeling and analysis techniques supported by the Unified Modeling Language (UML). These concepts are extensively illustrated with Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) – an award-winning CASE tool which allows readers to put theory into practice immediately – as well as comprehensive case studies at the end of various chapters. This second edition includes a chapter on UML 2.0, the first major update to the standard since 1997. Contents Preface Acknowledgments 1. Introduction 2. Structural Modeling and Analysis 3. Use Case Modeling and Analysis 4. Dynamic Modeling and Analysis 5. Implementing UML Specification 6. View Alignment Techniques and Method Customization 7. A Case Study: Applying the Activity Analysis Approach 8. UML 2 – A Brief Notation Update Appendix A: Getting Started with VP-UML Appendix B: Basic UML Concepts Appendix C: Implementation of the Lift Control System in Chapter 5 References Index

Global Edition


8th Edition

by Stephen R. Schach, Vanderbilt University - Nashville

2011 (February 2010) / Hardcover / 672 pages ISBN: 9780073376189 ISBN: 9780071081719 (GE) Building on seven strong editions, the eighth edition maintains the organization and approach for which Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering is known while making significant improvements and additions to content as well as problems and projects. The revisions for the eighth edition make the text easier to use in a one-semester course.

Integrating case studies to show the object oriented approach to software engineering, Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering, 8/e presents an excellent introduction to software engineering fundamentals, covering both traditional and objectoriented techniques. While maintaining a unique organization with Part I covering underlying software engineering theory, and Part II presenting the more practical life cycle, the eighth edition includes significant revision to problems, new content, as well as a new chapter to enable instructors to better-utilize the book in a one-semester course. Complementing this well-balanced approach is the straightforward, student-friendly writing style, through which difficult concepts are presented in a clear, understandable manner. Contents Part I: Introduction to Software Engineering 1. The Scope of Software Engineering 2. Software Life-Cycle Models 3. The Software Process 4. Teams 5. The Tools of the Trade 6. Testing 7. From Modules to Objects 8. Reusability and Portability 9. Planning and Estimating Part II: The Workflows of the Software Life Cycle 10. Key Material from Part A 11. Requirements 12. Classical Analysis 13. Object-Oriented Analysis 14. Design 15. Implementation 16. Postdelivery Maintenance 17. More on UML 18. Emerging Technologies

International Edition


A Practioner's Approach

by Roger S. Pressman, R.S. Pressman & Associates, and David Lowe, University of Technology, Sydney

2009 (January 2008) / Softcover / 352 pages ISBN: 9780073523293 ISBN: 9780071263771 [IE] This book by the author of the best-selling Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach is unique in its application of software engineering principles to building effective web-based systems and applications. Roger Pressman and his co-author, David Lowe, offer practical advice to students and professionals alike on how to engineer and maintain complex websites. Roger Pressman is the leading authority in software engineering and one of the best-known authors in computer science. His new book targets the emerging web engineering market, an area whose parameters and character are still evolving and where an experienced and trusted voice is especially welcome. This book is designed to provide students with a solid understanding of a pragmatic process for engineering Web-based applications. It is written in an informal, conversational style, using a question and answer format to mentor the reader in this new engineering discipline.



COMPUTER SCIENCE Contents 1. Web-based Systems 2. Web Engineering 3. A Web Engineering Process 4. Communication 5. Planning 6. The Modeling Activity 7. Analysis Modeling For WebApps 8. WebApp Design 9. Interaction Design 10. Information Design 11. Functional Design 12. Construction and Deployment 13. Design Patterns 14. Technologies and Tools 15. WebApp Testing 16. Change and Content Management 17. Future Directions Index

OBJECT-ORIENTED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING by Stephen R. Schach, Vanderbilt University - Nashville

2008 (September 2007) / Hardcover / 576 pages ISBN: 9780073523330 Object-Oriented Software Engineering is written for both the traditional one-semester and the newer two-semester software engineering curriculum. Part I covers the underlying software engineering theory, while Part II presents the more practical life cycle, workflow by workflow. The text is intended for the substantial object-oriented segment of the software engineering market. It focuses exclusively on object-oriented approaches to the development of large software systems that are the most widely used. Text includes 2 running case studies, expanded coverage of agile processes and opensource development. Contents Part One: Introduction to Object-Oriented Software Engineering 1. The Scope of Object-Oriented Software Engineering 2. Software Life-Cycle Models 3. The Software Process 4. Teams 5. The Tools of the Trade 6. Testing 7. From Modules to Objects 8. Reusability and Portability 9. Planning and Estimating Part Two: The Workflows of the Software Lifecycle 10. The Requirements Workflow 11. The Analysis Workflow 12. The Design Workflow 13. The Implementation Workflow 14. Postdelivery Maintenance 15. More on UML Bibliography Appendix A: Term Project: Osric's Office Appliances and Decor Appendix B: Software Engineering Resources Appendix C: The Requirements Workflow: The MSG Foundation Case Study Appendix D: The Analysis Workflow: The MSG Foundation Case Study

Appendix E: Software Project Management Plan: The MSG Foundation Case Study Appendix F: The Design Workflow: The MSG Foundation Case Study Appendix G: The Implementation Workflow: The MSG Foundation Case Study (C++ Version) Appendix H: The Implementation Workflow: The MSG Foundation Case Study (Java Version) Appendix I: The Test Workflow: The MSG Foundation Case Study

International Edition

Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Practical Software Development Using UML and Java, 2nd Edition by Timothy Lethbridge, and Robert Laganiere

2004 / 528 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780077109080 ISBN: 9780071247702 [IE] (McGraw-Hill UK Title) The authors’ focus in this book is to deliver software engineering knowledge and skills that readers can put into immediate practical use. The book provides the essential topic coverage required by students of software engineering, from the nuts and bolts of objects to software architecture, from writing code to testing, from software development processes to project management. Contents 1. Software and software engineering 2. Review of object orientation 3. Basing software development on reusable technology 4. Developing Requirements 5. Modeling with classes 6. Using design patterns 7. Focusing on users and their tasks 8. Modeling interactions and behaviors 9. Architecting and designing software 10. Testing and inspecting to ensure high quality 11. Managing the software process 12. Review Appendix A: Summary of the ULM notation used in this book Appendix B: Summary of the documentation types recommended in this book Appendix C: System descriptions Glossary Index


2002 / Softcover / 256 pages ISBN: 9780071377942 (A Schaum's Publication) Designed to assist students and professors in software engineering courses and degree programs, Schaum's Outlinne of Software Engineering presents the theory and techniques of software engineering as a series of steps that students can apply to complete any software project successfully. An ideal supplement to all leading textbooks, it provides more than 200 detailed problems with step-by-step solutions, clear, concise explanations


of all relevant concepts and applications, and complete coverage of the material taught in the course. Contents 1. The software lifecycle 2. The Software Process 3. Project Management 4. Software Metrics 5. Software Project Planning 6. Risk analysis and Management 7. Project Scheduling and Tracking 8. Software Quality Assurance 9. Software Configuration Management 10. Requirements Analysis 11. Analysis Modeling 12. Design Concepts and Principles 13. Software Testing Techniques 14. Software Metrics 15. Object-Oriented Concepts and Principles 16. Formal Methods 17. Cleanroom Software Engineering 18. Component-Based Software Engineering 19. Reengineering 20. Computer-Aided Software Engineering

Software Engineering (Advanced)

SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE by Milind Limaye, CEO, Consulting Firm, Pune

2011 (March 2011) / Softcover / 610 pages ISBN: 9780071072526 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Software Quality Assurance (SQA) consists of a means of monitoring the software engineering processes and methods used to ensure quality. SQA encompasses the entire software development process, which includes processes such as requirements definition, software design, coding, source code control, code reviews, change management, configuration management, testing, release management, and product integration. This book follows a general view of the quality-assurance process, providing a comprehensive synthesis of fundamental concepts and techniques and showcasing a practical way of implementing quality assurance using the outlined processes. The qualityassurance domain with managerial, technical and process orientation includes the latest improvements such as corporate governance and risk management. This book discusses the various ways of implementation of quality-assurance standards in any organisation, be it a software-development company, an engineering enterprise or any other. Contents PART I: Concepts of Quality 1. Introduction to Quality 2. Product Quality PART II: Quality-Standard Models and Implementation 3. Quality Models and Standards 4. Quality Management at the Organisation Level 5. Configuration Management PART III: Soft Skills for Quality Analyst 6. Soft Skills for a Quality Analyst 7. Leadership 8. Human Resource Principles

PART IV: Quality Assurance 9. Quality Assurance 10. Quality Planning 11. Developing Process Framework PART V: Quality Control Practices 12. Software Verification and Validation PART VI: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis 13. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis 14. Metrics at the Organisation and Project Level PART VII: Risk Management and Controls 15. Risk Analysis 16. Auditing and Control 17. Vendor Control CASE STUDY: Planning a Mailing Software

Unified Modeling Language (UML)

OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN USING UML by D Jeya Mala, Department of Computer Applications Thiagarajar College of Engineering Madurai, Tamil NaduAffiliated to Anna University, and S Geetha, Department of Information TechnologyThiagarajar College of EngineeringMadurai, Tamil NaduAffiliated to Anna University

2013 (May 2013) / Softcover / 392 pages ISBN: 9781259006746 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Building on their classroom teaching experiences over the years, Dr Jeya Mala and Dr Geetha have deployed an innovative approach and student-friendly style to explain Object Oriented Analysis and Design concepts, thereby ensuring that the interest of the readers is maintained. The textbook covers case studies, activity models, and diagrams using the latest version of UML 2. The book contains adequate span to cover the curriculum requisites and rich pedagogical features to cater to the needs of undergraduate students. Features •

Easy to read, compelling and consistent language for readers

In-depth coverage of all important topics like Software Development Life Cycle, Identification of Objects and Classes, Object Oriented Diagrams, UML and its Applications

Practical approach: Contains case studies, examples and real-life situations

International Edition

Practical Object-Oriented Design with UML

2nd Edition

by Mark Priestley, University of Westminster

2004 / 376 pages / softcover ISBN: 9780077103934 ISBN: 9780071239233 [IE] (McGraw-Hill UK Title) The new second edition of Practical Object Oriented Design with UML provides a concise introduction to the design of object-oriented programs using UML. The book focuses on the application of UML in the development of software, and also offers a detailed tutorial introduction to the UML notation and




its application. The book provides the ideal introduction to UML for undergraduates taking modules in object-oriented techniques as part of a Computer Science or Software Engineering degree programme.

Systems Analysis & Design


Contents Part 1: Introduction to object-oriented design 1. Introduction to UML 2. Modelling with objects 3. Software development processes

4th Edition

Part 2: Case study: Restaurant Booking System 4. Restaurant system: use case model 5. Restaurant system: analysis 6. Restaurant system: design 7. Restaurant system: implementation

(McGraw-Hill UK Title)

Part 3: UML Tutorial 8. Class and object diagrams 9. Interaction diagrams 10. Statecharts and activity diagrams 11. Constraints and OCL 12. Implementation models Part 4: Object-oriented design in practice 13 Code generation and reverse engineering 14 Principles and patterns Appendices: Reference material Appendix A: UML notation reference Appendix B: OCL reference Appendix C: A use case template References and Further Reading Index

Schaum’s Outline of Guide to UML

2nd Edition

by Simon Bennett, John Skelton and Ken Lunn

2005 / 380 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780077107413 (McGraw-Hill UK Title) (A Schaum's Publication) All undergraduate programs in computer science and information systems worldwide offer courses using UML. In the U.S. they are typically taken in the second or third year of the undergraduate curriculum. In management information systems, courses are: Systems Analysis and Design, and Advanced Systems Analysis and Design; in computer science: Software Engineering, Systems Analysis and Design, Object-Oriented Modeling, Systems Development Methods, and Object-Oriented Programming.

by Simon Bennett, Steve McRobb, and Ray Farmer

2011 (January 2010) / Softcover / 720 pages ISBN: 9780077125363 The fourth edition of Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design has been revised and updated to reflect the most up-todate approaches to information systems development. Still a bestseller in its field, Bennett’s, McRobb’s and Farmer’s text remains a key teaching resource for Systems Analysis and Design courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. The book provides a clear, practical framework for development that uses all the major techniques from UML 2.2. It follows an iterative and incremental approach based on the industrystandard Unified Process, placing systems analysis and design in the context of the whole systems lifestyle. Structured in four parts, the first provides the background to information systems analysis and design and to object-orientation. The second part focuses on the activities of requirements gathering and systems analysis, as well as the basic notation of UML. Part three covers the activities of systems architecture and design, and UML notation for object design, and the book concludes with the implementation of systems and the issues of how the systems life cycle is organized and how reusable components can be developed. Contents A1 Agate Ltd Case Study—Introduction B1 FoodCo Ltd Case Study—Introduction 1. Information Systems—What Are They? 2. Challenges in Information Systems Development 3. Meeting the Challenges 4. What is Object-Orientation? 5. Modelling Concepts 6. Requirements Capture A2 Agate Ltd Case Study—Requirements Model 7. Requirement Analysis A3 Agate Ltd Case Study—Requirements Analysis 8. Refining the Requirements Model 9. Object Interaction 10. Specifying Operations 11. Specifying Control A4 Agate Ltd Case Study—Further Analysis 12. Moving into Design 13. Systems Design and Architecture 14. Detailed Design 15. Design Patterns 16. Human–Computer Interaction 17. Designing Boundary Classes 18. Data Management Design A5 Agate Ltd Case Study—Design 19. Implementation 20. Software Reuse 21. Software Development Processes


Object-Oriented Design International Edition


2009 (January 2008) / 416 pages / Hardcover ISBN: 9780072974164 ISBN: 9780071263870 [IE] The primary strength of Object-Oriented Design Using Java is that it has one of the best presentations of problem solving using patterns available. It has received rave reviews from instructors, and has been class tested at a number of schools where the response from both professors and students has been extremely positive. This book is intended for the object-oriented programming design course where UML is used extensively for design and notation. It has been especially designed to be accessible to students and is full of real-world examples, case studies, and other aids to assist student understanding. Contents 1. Elegance in Object-Oriented Design and Implementation 2. Fundamentals of Object Orientation 3. Elegance and Implementation Inheritance 4. Elegance and Methods 5. Elegance and Classes 6. Simple Case Study of a Money Class 7. Introduction to Design Patterns 8. Figure-Drawing Application Case Study 9. Language Parser Case Study Appendix A. An Introduction to UML Appendix B. Coding Conventions and Javadoc comments

International Edition

Practical Object-Oriented Design with UML

2nd Edition

by Mark Priestley, University of Westminster

2004 / 376 pages / softcover ISBN: 9780077103934 ISBN: 9780071239233 [IE] (McGraw-Hill UK Title) The new second edition of Practical Object Oriented Design with UML provides a concise introduction to the design of object-oriented programs using UML. The book focuses on the application of UML in the development of software, and also offers a detailed tutorial introduction to the UML notation and its application. The book provides the ideal introduction to UML for undergraduates taking modules in object-oriented techniques as part of a Computer Science or Software Engineering degree programme.

Contents Part 1: Introduction to object-oriented design 1. Introduction to UML 2. Modelling with objects 3. Software development processes Part 2: Case study: Restaurant Booking System 4. Restaurant system: use case model 5. Restaurant system: analysis 6. Restaurant system: design 7. Restaurant system: implementation Part 3: UML Tutorial 8. Class and object diagrams 9. Interaction diagrams 10. Statecharts and activity diagrams 11. Constraints and OCL 12. Implementation models Part 4: Object-oriented design in practice 13. Code generation and reverse engineering 14. Principles and patterns Appendices: Reference material Appendix A: UML notation reference Appendix B: OCL reference Appendix C: A use case template References and Further Reading Index

Software Project Management


5th Edition

by Bob Hughes, and Mike Cotterell, both from University of Brighton

2010 (May 2009) / 400 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780077122799 (McGraw-Hill UK Title) Software project management is a crucial element in successful software and IT development, and requires students to develop an understanding of technical methodology and an appreciation of the many human factors that can play a part in software projects. The new fifth edition of Software Project Management has been fully revised and updated to help students to grasp these contrasting skills, and learn about new developments in the discipline. It provides both undergraduate and postgraduate students with a comprehensive introduction to software project management and has enjoyed a loyal following of users since the first edition published. Contents 1. Introduction to software project management 2. Project evaluation and programme management 3. An overview of project planning 4. Selection of an appropriate project approach 5. Software effort estimation 6. Activity planning 7. Risk management 8. Resource allocation 9. Monitoring and control 10. Managing contracts 11. Managing people in software environments 12. Working in teams 13. Software quality




Networking and Telecommunications Local Area Networks International Edition

Local Area Networks with CDROM

2nd Edition

by Gerd Keiser, PhotonicsComm Solutions, Inc.

2002 / 552 pages / Hardcover ISBN: 9780071226509 [IE with CD-ROM] The second edition of Keiser's Local Area Networks has been updated extensively with the latest LANs technology. The book has been written with the purpose of providing the basic material for an introductory senior or first-year graduate course in the analysis and modeling of local area networks. The book will also serve as a working reference for practicing engineers dealing with local area network design and applications. The book is organized to give a clear and logical sequence of key LAN topics. Contents 1. Overview of LANs. 2. Network Architectures and Protocols. 3. Data Communication Concepts. 4. LAN Access Techniques. 5. Ethernet. 6. Token-Passing LANs. 7. ATM LANs. 8. Wireless LANs. 9. Fibre Channel and SANSs. 10. Internetworking. 11. Network Management. 12. Network Security

Computer Networks International Edition


A Top Down Approach

by Behrouz A. Forouzan, Deanza College, And Firouz Mosharraf, Rio Hondo College

2012 (March 2011) / Hardcover / 864 pages ISBN: 9780073523262 ISBN: 9780071315159 [IE] This new networking text follows a top-down approach. The presentation begins with an explanation of the application layer, which makes it easier for students to understand how network devices work, and then, with the students fully engaged, the authors move on to discuss the other layers, ending with the physical layer. With this top-down approach, its thorough treatment of the topic, and a host of pedagogical features, this new networking book offers the market something it hasn't had for many years- a well-crafted, modern text that places the student at the center of the learning experience.

Forouzan's Computer Networks presents a complex topic in an accessible, student-friendly way that makes learning the material not only manageable but fun as well. The appealing visual layout combines with numerous figures and examples to provide multiple routes to understanding. Students are presented with the most up-to-date material currently available and are encouraged to view what they are learning in a real-world context. This approach is both motivating and practical in that students begin to see themselves as the professionals they will soon become. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Application Layer 3. Transport Layer 4. Network Layer 5. Data Link Layer: Wired LANs and WANs 6. Data Link Layer: Wireless LANs and WANs 7. Physical Layer 8. Multimedia 9. Network Management 10. Network Security 11. Network Programming in Java

International Edition


An Open Source Approach

by Ying-Dar Lin, National Chiao Tung University, Ren-Hung Hwang, And Fred Baker

2012 (January 2011) / Hardcover / 768 pages ISBN: 9780073376240 ISBN: 9780071315876 [IE] Ying-Dar Lin, Ren-Hung Hwang, and Fred Baker’s Computer Networks will be the first text to implement an Open Source Approach, discussing the network layers, their applications, and the implementation issues. Thus, it tries to narrow the gap between domain knowledge and hands-on skills. The book is internet focused and discusses 56 open source code segments among all chapters. It is meant for the first course in Computer Networks. Contents 1. Fundamentals 2. Physical Layer 3. Link Layer 4. Internet Protocol Layer 5. Transport Layer 6. Internet Services 7. Internet QoS 8. Network Security Appendix A: Who's Who Appendix B: Linux Kernel Overview Appendix C: Development Tools Appendix D: Network Utilities


TCP/IP International Edition


Network Security


4th Edition

3rd Edition

by Behrouz A. Forouzan, Deanza College

by Atul Kahate, Consulting Practice Director, Oracle Financial Services Software Limited Pune, Maharashtra

2010 / Hardcover / 928 pages ISBN: 9780073376042 ISBN: 9780071084208 [IE]

2013 (March 2013) / Softcover / 528 pages ISBN: 9781259029882

(A McGraw-Hill India title)

In a world where the number of people who need to learn about data communications and networking is exploding, Forouzan's book is the answer. The book's visual approach makes it easy for students to learn about and understand the concepts involved in this rapidly developing field.

TCP/IP Protocol Suite teaches students and professionals, with no prior knowledge of TCP/IP everything they need to know about the subject. This comprehensive book uses hundreds of figures to make technical concepts easy to grasp as well as many examples which help tie the material to the real-world. The fourth edition of TCP/IP Protocol Suite has been fully updated to include all of the recent technology changes in the field. Additionally, out-of-date material has been overhauled to reflect recent changes in technology. Contents 1. Introduction 2. The OSI Model and the TCP/IP Protocol Suite 3. Underlying Technologies 4. IP Addresses: Classful Addressing 5. IP Addresses: Classless Addressing 6. Delivery, Forwarding, and Routing of IP Packets 7. ARP and RARP 8. Internet Protocol (IP) 9. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) 10. Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) 11. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 12. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 13. Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) 14. Unicast Routing Protocols (RIP, OSPF, and BGP) 15. Multicasting and Multicast Routing Protocols 16. Host Configuration: BOOTP and DHCP 17. Domain Name System (DNS) 18. Remote Login: TELNET 19. File Transfer: FTP and TFTP 20. Electronic Mail: SMTP, POP, and IMAP 21. Network Management: SNMP 22. World Wide Web: HTTP 23. IP over ATM 24. Mobile IP 25. Multimedia 26. Private Networks, Virtual Private Networks, and Network Address Translation 27. Next Generation: IPv6 and ICMPv6 28. Network Security Appendix A: ASCII Code Appendix B: Numbering Systems Appendix C: Checksum Appendix D: Error Detection Appendix E: Project 802 Appendix F: Contact Addresses Appendix G: RFCs Appendix H: UDP and TCP Ports

In its signature style, the third edition clearly presents all key concepts of the subject like Data Encryption Standard, Ciphers, IP Security and Web Security, via easy-to-follow examples and diagrams, keeping complex mathematical treatments at bay. With ample practical examples, case studies and large number of pedagogy, the book perfectly motivates readers to delve into the application aspects of the subject. Contents 1. Introduction to the Concepts of Security 2. Cryptography Techniques 3. Computer-based Symmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithms 4. Computer-based Asymmetric-Key Cryptography Algorithms 5. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 6. Internet-Security Protocols 7. User-Authentication Mechanisms 8. Practical Implementations of Cryptography/Security 9. Network Security, Firewalls, and Virtual Private Networks (VPN) Appendix A: Mathematical Background Appendix B: Number Systems Appendix C: Information Theory Appendix D: Real-life Tools Appendix E: Web Resources Appendix F: A Brief Introduction to ASN, BER, DER

International Edition

cryptography and NETWORK SECURITY by Behrouz A. Forouzan, De Anza College

2008 (February 2007) / Hardcover / 480 pages ISBN: 9780073327532 ISBN: 9780071263610 [IE] A textbook for beginners in security. In this new first edition, well-known author Behrouz Forouzan uses his accessible writing style and visual approach to simplify the difficult concepts of cryptography and network security. Forouzan presents difficult security topics from the ground up. A gentle introduction to the fundamentals of number theory is provided in the opening chapters, paving the way for the student to move on to more complex security and cryptography topics. Difficult math concepts are organized in appendices at the end of each chapter so that students can first learn the principles, then apply the technical background. Hundreds of examples, as well as fully coded programs, round out a practical, hands-on approach which encourages students to test the material they are learning.



COMPUTER SCIENCE Contents 1. Introduction Part 1: Symmetric-Key Encipherment 2. Mathematics of Cryptography 3. Traditional Symmetric-Key Ciphers 4. Mathematics of Cryptography 5. Introduction to Modern Symmetric-Key Ciphers 6. Data Encryption Standard (DES) 7. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 8. Encipherment Using Modern Symmetric-Key Ciphers Part 2: Asymmetric-Key Encipherment 9. Mathematics of Cryptography 10. Asymmetric-Key Cryptography Part 3: Integrity, Authentication, and Key Management 11. Message Integrity and Message Authentication 12. Cryptographic Hash Functions 13. Digital Signature 14. Entity Authentication 15. Key Management Part 4: Network Security 16. Security at the Application Layer: PGP and S/MIME 17. Security at the Transport Layer: SSL and TLS 18. Security at the Network Layer: IPSec

Web Technology


3rd Edition

by Achyut S. Godbole, Managing Director, Softexcel Consultancy Services, Mumbai, and Atul Kahate, Consulting Practice Director, Oracle Financial Services Software Limited Pune, Maharashtra

2013 (April 2013) / Softcover / 616 pages ISBN: 9781259062681 (A McGraw-Hill India Title) The only book of its kind, Web Technologies, 3e discusses the architectural and the programming features of Web technology in the most lucid way. The step-by-step sequential introduction to the subject makes it a useful guide to anyone who is familiar with the concepts of Web technologies. The revised edition gives prominence to programming aspects along with the inclusion of the topics like PHP and latest advancements like Cloud computing. Contents 1. Networking Protocols and OSI Model 2. Internet Working Concepts, Devices, Internet Basics, History and Architecture 3. TCP/IP Part I Introduction to TCP/IP, IP, ARP, RARP, ICMP 4. TCP/IP Part II TCP, UDP 5. TCP-IP Part III (DNS, Email, FTP, TFTP) 6. TCP-IP Part IV (WWW, HTTP, TELNET) 7. JavaScript and AJAX 8. PHP/MySQL – An Overview 9. ASP.NET—An Overview 10. Java Web Technologies 11. Web Security 12. Network Security 13. Introduction to XML 14. Cloud Computing 15. Creating Good Web Pages

Wireless Communications & Networking


3G and Beyond, 2nd Edition

by Iti Saha Misra, Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal

2013 (June 2013) / Softcover / 584 pages ISBN: 9781259062735 (A McGraw-Hill India title) The need to share data, images, videos etc, marked the revolutionary development of the field of wireless communications. The book, Wireless Communications and Networks: 3G and Beyond, covers the technology at the essence of voice and information communications. The focus of the revision has been to exhaustively discuss the physical layer to help understand the network layer of communication better. Contents 1. Introduction to Wireless Communications and Networks 2. Evolution of Modern Mobile Wireless Communication Systems 3. Cellular Mobile Wireless Networks: Systems and Design Fundamentals 4. Characteristics of Wireless Channels and Propagation Path Loss Models 5. Digital Modulations for Wireless Communications 6. Equalization, Diversity and Coding for Fading Channels: The Receiver Techniques 7. Multiple Access Techniques in Wireless Communications 8. Second-Generation Mobile Networks—GSM: Architecture and Protocols 9. 2.5G Networks—The General Packet Radio Services: GPRS 10. Overview of CDMA-Based IS-95 2G Cellular Networks 11. 3G– The Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) 12. Overview of Internet Protocol and Mobile Internet Protocol 13. Mobility Management Issues: Role of IP on Wireless Networks 14. Fundamentals of Wireless Local Area Networks 15. Cellular and WLAN Integration: Heterogeneous Network Architecture, Step Towards 4G Networks 16. Overview of WiMAX Technologies: Broadband Wireless Communication

Global Edition


5th Edition

by Behrouz A. Forouzan, Deanza College

2013 (April 2012) / Softcover / 1184 pages ISBN: 9789814577519 [GE] center_view0/ The fifth edition of Behrouz Forouzan's Data Communications and Networking presents a comprehensive and accessible approach to data communications and networking that has made this book a favorite with students and professionals alike. More than 830 figures and 150 tables accompany the text and provide a visual and intuitive opportunity for understanding the material. This unique approach minimizes the need for heavy math content,


allowing normally complicated topics to unfold graphically and visually rather than through the presentation of complex formulas. The global edition has been developed specifically to meet the needs of international computer networks students. In addition to a chapter on the peer-to-peer paradigm, a full chapter on quality of service (QoS), generous coverage of forward error correction, coverage of WiMAX, and material on socket-interface programming in Java, we have added new international end-of-chapter questions and problems to make the content more relevant and improve learning outcomes for the international student. Contents Part I: Overview 1. Introduction 2. Network Models Part 2: Physical Layer 3. Introduction to Physical Layer 4. Digital Transmission 5. Analog Transmission 6. Bandwidth Utilization: Multiplexing and Spreading 7 Transmission Media 8. Switching Part 3: Data Link Layer 9. Introduction to Data-Link Layer 10. Error Detection and Correction 11. Data Link Control (DLC) 12. Media Access Control (MAC) 13. Wired LANs: Ethernet 14. Other Wired Networks 15. Wireless LANs 16. Other Wireless Networks 17. Connecting Devices and Virtual LANs Part 4: Network Layer 18. Introduction to Network Layer 19. Network-Layer Protocols 20. Unicast Routing 21. Multicast Routing 22. Next Generation IP Part 5: Transport Layer 23. Introduction to Transport Layer 24. Internet Transport-Layer Protocols Part 6: Application Layer 25. Introduction to Application Layer 26. Standard Client-Server Protocols 27. Network Management 28. Multimedia 29. Peer-to-Peer Paradigm Part 7: Topics Related to All Layers 30. Quality of Service 31. Cryptography and Network Security 32. Internet Security Appendix A: Unicode Appendix B: Positioning Numbering System Appendix C: HTML, CSS, XML, and XSL Appendix D: A Touch of Probability Appendix E: Mathematical Review Appendix F: Miscellaneous Information Appendix G: 8B/6T Code Appendix H: Telephone History


5th Edition

by Behrouz A. Forouzan, Deanza College

2013 (February 2012) / Hardcover / 1184 pages ISBN: 9780073376226 Data Communications and Networking is designed to help students understand the basics of data communications and networking, and the protocols used in the Internet in particular by using the protocol layering of the Internet and TCP/IP protocol suite. Technologies related to data communication and networking may be the fastest growing in today's culture. The appearance of some new social networking applications is a testimony to this claim. In this Internet-oriented society, specialists need to be trained to run and manage the Internet, part of the Internet, or an organization's network that is connected to the Internet. As both the number and types of students are increasing, it is essential to have a textbook that provides coverage of the latest advances, while presenting the material in a way that is accessible to students with little or no background in the field. Using a bottom-up approach, Data Communications and Networking presents this highly technical subject matter without relying on complex formulas by using a strong pedagogical approach supported by more than 830 figures. Now in its Fifth Edition, this textbook brings the beginning student right to the forefront of the latest advances in the field, while presenting the fundamentals in a clear, straightforward manner. Students will find better coverage, improved figures and better explanations on cutting-edge material. The "bottom-up" approach allows instructors to cover the material in one course, rather than having separate courses on data communications and networking. Contents Part I: Overview 1. Introduction 2. Network Models Part 2: Physical Layer 3. Introduction to Physical Layer 4. Digital Transmission 5. Analog Transmission 6. Bandwidth Utilization: Multiplexing and Spreading 7 Transmission Media 8. Switching Part 3: Data Link Layer 9. Introduction to Data-Link Layer 10. Error Detection and Correction 11. Data Link Control (DLC) 12. Media Access Control (MAC) 13. Wired LANs: Ethernet 14. Other Wired Networks 15. Wireless LANs 16. Other Wireless Networks 17. Connecting Devices and Virtual LANs Part 4: Network Layer 18. Introduction to Network Layer 19. Network-Layer Protocols 20. Unicast Routing 21. Multicast Routing 22. Next Generation IP Part 5: Transport Layer 23. Introduction to Transport Layer 24. Internet Transport-Layer Protocols




Part 6: Application Layer 25. Introduction to Application Layer 26. Standard Client-Server Protocols 27. Network Management 28. Multimedia 29. Peer-to-Peer Paradigm Part 7: Topics Related to All Layers 30. Quality of Service 31. Cryptography and Network Security 32. Internet Security Appendix A: Unicode Appendix B: Positioning Numbering System Appendix C: HTML, CSS, XML, and XSL Appendix D: A Touch of Probability Appendix E: Mathematical Review Appendix F: Miscellaneous Information Appendix G: 8B/6T Code Appendix H: Telephone History

International Edition



2002 / Softcover / 304 pages ISBN: 9780071362856 (A Schaum's Publication) Schaum's Outline of Computer Networking introduces the underlying concepts, principles, and terminology of computer networks. Covering the full scope of material taught in computer networking courses, this problem-solved approach presents the different components of a network and shows how these components fit together as well as explaining the varied harmonizing functions needed for the interconnection of many heterogeneous computer networks.

Database Systems Database Management & Design

2nd Edition

by Alberto Leon-Garcia, University of Toronto and Indra Widjaja

2004 / 848 pages ISBN: 9780072463521 ISBN: 9780071198486 [IE] This book is designed for introductory one-semester or oneyear courses in communications networks in upper-level undergraduate programs. The second half of the book can be used in more advanced courses. As pre-requisites the book assumes a general knowledge of computer systems and programming, and elementary calculus. The second edition expands on the success of the first edition by updating on technological changes in networks and responding to comprehensive market feedback. Contents Preface 1. Communication Networks and Services 2. Application and Layered Architectures 3. Digital Transmission Fundamentals 4. Transmission Systems and Circuit Switching Networks 5. ARQ and Flow Control 6. Local Area Networks and Medium Access Control 7. Packet-Switching Networks 8. TCP/IP 9. ATM Networks 10. Advanced Network Architectures 11. Network Security 12. Multi-Media Information and Networking Epilogue Appendix A: Delay and Loss Performance Appendix B: Network Management

DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS by G K Gupta, Adjunct Professor of Computer ScienceMonash University, ClaytonAustralia

2011 (April 2011) / Softcover / 792 pages ISBN: 9780071072731 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book provides simple and comprehensive explanation of fundamentals of database management systems. It focuses on building database applications by emphasizing on concepts that are the foundation of database processing. This book is intended to be a complete text for undergraduate and graduate level database management courses offered across a range of academic disciplines such as computer science, information systems, and business management. Contents 1. Introduction to Database Management 2. Entity–Relationship Data Model 3. Relational Model 4. Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus 5. SQL 6. Normalization 7. Physical Storage and Indexing 8. Query Processing 9. Transaction Management and Concurrency 10. Database Backup and Recovery 11. Database Security 12. Integrity Constraints and Active Databases 13. Distributed Databases 14. Object-Oriented Databases 15. Data Warehouses and OLAP 16. Data Mining 17. Web Databases and XML 18. Emerging Database Technologies


International Edition

Database Systems


3rd Edition

by Raghu Ramakrishnan, University of Wisconsin - Madison and Johannes Gehrke, University of Wisconsin - Madison

International Edition

2003 / 928 pages ISBN: 9780072465631 ISBN: 9780071231510 [IE]

6th Edition

2011 (January 2010) / Hardcover / 1376 pages ISBN: 9780073523323 ISBN: 9780071289597 [IE]

Database Management Systems provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the fundamentals of database systems. Coherent explanations and practical examples have made this one of the leading texts in the field. The third edition continues in this tradition, enhancing it with more practical material. The new edition has been reorganized to allow more flexibility in the way the course is taught. Now, instructors can easily choose whether they would like to teach a course which emphasizes database application development or a course that emphasizes database systems issues. New overview chapters at the beginning of parts make it possible to skip other chapters in the part if you don't want the detail. More applications and examples have been added throughout the book, including SQL and Oracle examples. The applied flavor is further enhanced by the two new database applications chapters. Contents Foundations 1. Introduction to Database Systems 2. The Entity-Relationship Model 3. The Relational Model 4. Relational Algebra and Calculus 5. SQL: Queries, Programming, Triggers


by Abraham Silberschatz, Yale University, Henry F. Korth, Lehigh University, and S. Sudarshan Database System Concepts by Silberschatz is now in its 6th edition and is one of the cornerstone texts of database education. It presents the fundamental concepts of database management in an intuitive manner geared toward allowing students to begin working with databases as quickly as possible. Silberschatz is designed for a first course in databases at the junior/ senior undergraduate level or the first year graduate level. It also contains additional material that can be used as supplements or as introductory material for an advanced course. Because the authors present concepts as intuitive descriptions, a familiarity with basic data structures, computer organization, and a highlevel programming language are the only prerequisites. Important theoretical results are covered, but formal proofs are omitted. In place of proofs, figures and examples are used to suggest why a result is true. Contents 1. Introduction

Storage and Indexing 6. Overview of File Organizations and Indexes 7. Storing Data: Disks and Files 8. Tree-Structured Indexing 9. Hash-Based Indexing

Part 1: Relational Databases 2. Introduction to the Relational Model 3. Introduction to SQL 4. Intermediate SQL 5. Advanced SQL 6. Formal Relational Query Languages

Query Evaluation 10. Overview of Query Evaluation 11. External Sorting 12. Evaluation of Relational Operators 13. A Typical Relational Query Optimizer

Part II: Database Design 7. Database Design and the E-R Model 8. Relational Database Design 9. Application Design and Development

Application Development 14. Schema Refinement and Normal Forms 15. Physical Database Design and Tuning 16. Security 17. Database Applications and the Internet: Concepts 18. Database Applications and the Internet: Practice Transaction Management 19. Overview of Transaction Management 20. Concurrency 21. Crash Recovery Advanced Topics 22. Parallel and Distributed Databases 23. Data on the Web: XML and XQuery 24. Information Retrieval and Database Systems 25. Decision Support 26. Data Mining 27. Object-Database Systems 28. Additional Reading

Part III: Data Storage and Querying 10. Storage and File Structure 11. Indexing and Hashing 12. Query Processing 13. Query Optimization Part IV: Transaction Management 14. Transactions 15. Concurrency Control 16. Recovery System Part V: System Architecture 17. Database-System Architectures 18. Parallel Databases 19. Distributed Databases Part VI: Data Mining and Information Retrieval 20. Data Mining 21. Information Retrieval Part VII: Specialty Databases 22. Object-Based Databases 23. XML 24. Advanced Application Development 25. Advanced Data Types and New Applications 26. Advanced Transaction Processing




Part IX: Case Studies 27. PostgreSQL 28. Oracle 29. IBM DB2 Universal Database 30. Microsoft SQL Server Part X: Appendices Appendix A: Detailed University Schema Appendix B: Other Relational Query Languages Appendix C: Advanced Relational Database Design Appendix D: Network Model Appendix E: Hierarchical Model


Computer Graphics International Edition

Introduction to Computer Graphics by N Krishnamurthy, Software Consultant, Singapore

2001 / 352 pages / softcover ISBN: 9780070435360 ISBN: 9780071207041 [IE] (McGraw-Hill India Title)

Also covered are t-upple and domain relational calculi, as well as relational algebra. This book illustrates the main SQL data definition and data manipulation statements and looks at contemporary approaches to coupling SQL with general purpose programming languages.

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Applications 3. Graphics Mathematics 4. Input Hardware 5. Output Hardware 6. Output Characteristics 7. Line Drawing Algorithms 8. Programming 9. Business and Scientific Graphics 10. Window and Viewport 11. Clipping 12. Modeling Transformations 13. Transformation Applications 14. Tools and Techniques 15. 3D Input and Processing 16. 3D Realism and Output 17. Conclusion Appendix A: Coordinate Systems Appendix B: Lines and Curves in 2D Appendix C: Matrix Algebra Appendix D: Lines and Surfaces in 3D Appendix E : References and Resources Appendix F: Captions and Notes on Colour Plates Index

Introduction to Database Systems concludes with a brief catalogue raisonné of textbooks on databases.

International Edition

by Stephane Bressan, and Barbara Catania

2005 / 168 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071246507 (An Asian Publication) Most books on databases have the size and content of a book of magic written in the ancient language of Tolkien's Ents. To counter this trend, Introduction to Database Systems is small and concise by design. It aims to provide students, academics and professionals with a rigorous, convenient and economical reference. The book describes the essential concepts pertaining to the design and programming of database applications with relational database management systems. It covers conceptual modelling with the entity-relationship model and logical modelling with the relational model. It also presents the techniques for the normalisation of logical designs based on functional dependencies, i.e. the decomposition into Boyce-Codd and third normal forms.

Contents Preface. About the Authors 1. What’s in a Database? 2. Relational Model 3. Relational Calculus 4. Relational Algebra 5. SQL 6. SQL and Programming Languages 7. Entity-Relationship Model 8. Normalisation 9. Conclusion References Index

Computer Graphics

2nd Edition

by Steven Harrington, Xerox Corporation, Rochester

1987 / 466 pages ISBN: 9780071004725 [IE] An introductory undergraduate text for computer graphics, this text retains its practical orientation through the integration of CORE. Its coverage of GKS is increased as is coverage of raster graphics, color models, and factuals.

COMPUTER SCIENCE Schaum’s Outline of Computer Graphics

2nd Edition

by Roy A Plastock and Zhigang Xiang, New Jersey Institute of Technology

2001 / 347 pages ISBN: 9780071357814 (A Schaum's Publication) Scores of examples and problems allow students to hone their skills. Clear explanations of fundamental tasks facilitate students’ understanding of important concepts. New! Chapters on shading models, shadow, and texture—including the Phong illumination model—explain the latest techniques and tools for achieving photorealism in computer graphics. Contents Introduction Image Represenation Scan Conversion Two-Dimensional Transformations Two-Dimensional Viewing and Clipping Three-Dimensional Transformations Mathematics of Projection Three-Dimensional viewing and Clipping Geometric Represenation Hidden Surfaces Color and Shading Models Ray Tracing Mathematics for Two-Dimensional Computer Graphics Mathematics for Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics

Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A FIRST COURSE IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE by Deepak Khemani, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madrasand Visiting Faculty, IIT Mandi

2013 (July 2013) / Softcover / 944 pages ISBN: 9781259029981 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This new book on Artificial Intelligence follows a step by step approach, exploring the strategies needed for implementing a problem solving agent, starting with first principles using search and leading up to the representation and use of knowledge. It focuses mainly on the reasoning part of intelligent activity. The book offers both the classical methods and updated concepts of the subject like Tabu Search, Ontology for the Semantic Web, and Default Reasoning. Easy explanations for the concepts with ample examples, figures and annotations enhance the features of the text making the textbook an interesting read. Salient features - ideal for a a set of introductory courses on Artificial Intelligence, very simple, lucid and richly annotated writing style targeted at student readers and well structured algorithms that can be implemented to build real systems. The book is also essential reading for a seasoned professional interested in implementing smart applications.

Contents 1. Introduction 2. State Space Search 3. Heuristic Search 4. Randomized Search and Emergent Systems 5. Finding Optimal Paths 6. Problem Decomposition 7. Planning 8. Game Playing 9. Constraint Satisfaction Problems 10. Advanced Planning Methods 11. Knowledge Based Reasoning 12. Logic and Inferences 13. Concepts and Language 14. Structured Knowledge Representations 15. Memory and Experience: Case Based Reasoning 16. Natural Language Processing 17. Reasoning Under Uncertainty 18. Machine Learning

International Edition

Machine Learning by Tom M Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University

1997 / 414 pages / hardcover ISBN: 9780070428072 ISBN: 9780071154673 [IE] This book covers the field of machine learning, which is the study of algorithms that allow computer programs to automatically improve through experience. The book is intended to support upper level undergraduate and introductory level graduate courses in machine learning. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Concept Learning and the General-to-Specific Ordering 3. Decision Tree Learning 4. Artificial Neural Networks 5. Evaluating Hypotheses 6. Bayesian Learning 7. Computational Learning Theory 8. Instance-Based Learning 9. Genetic Algorithms 10. Learning Sets of Rules 11. Analytical Learning 12. Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning 13. Reinforcement Learning




Neural Networks & Fuzzy Systems




A Classroom Approach, 2nd Edition by Satish Kumar, Professor,Department of Physics and Computer Science,Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra

2012 (June 2012) / Softcover / 760 pages ISBN: 9781259006166 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This revised edition of Neural Networks is an up-to-date exposition of the subject and continues to provide an understanding of the underlying geometry of foundation neural network models while stressing on heuristic explanations of theoretical results. The highlight of this book is its easy-to-read format and a balanced mix of both theory and practice, without compromising on the requisite mathematical rigor. Professor Kumar, in this book, has successfully maintained excellent pictorial description integrated with the concepts and interesting pedagogy to render sound learning. Contents Part I: Traces of History and a Neuroscience Briefer 1 1. The Brain Metaphor 2. Lessons from Neuroscience Part II: Feedforward Neural Networks and Supervised Learning 3. Artificial Neurons, Neural Networks and Architectures 4. Geometry of Binary Threshold Neurons and Their Networks 5. Supervised Learning I: Perceptrons and LMS 6. Supervised Learning II: Backpropagation and Beyond 7. Neural Networks: A Statistical Pattern Recognition Perspective 8. Statistical Learning Theory, Support Vector Machines and Radial Basis Function Networks Part III: Recurrent Neurodynamical Systems and Unsupervised Learning 9. Dynamical Systems Review 10. Attractor Neural Networks 11. Adaptive Resonance Theory 12. Towards the Self-organizing Feature Map Part IV: Contemporary Topics 13. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Systems 14. Evolutionary Algorithms 15. Soft Computing Goes Hybrid 16. Frontiers of Research. Spiking and Quantum Neural Networks


2nd Edition

by Ranjan Parekh, Asstt. Professor, School of Education Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkatta.

2012 (July 2012) / Softcover / 864 pages ISBN: 9781259006500 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Principles of Multimedia, 2e essentially discusses about characteristics, representation, compression, storage (file format) and processing tools for understanding and utilization of various multimedia components, like text, image, graphics, audio, video, animation. This edition additionally focuses on programming concepts using which practical tasks and tutorials related to media processing and presentations, can be carried out by the reader to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying theoretical concepts.

Bioinformatics International Edition


A Computing Perspective by Shuba Gopal, Rochester Institute of Technology, Anne Haake, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rhys Price Jones, and Paul Tymann, Rochester Inst Of Technology

2009 (May 2008) / Hardcover / 480 pages ISBN: 9780073133645 ISBN: 9780071263900 [IE] This book is written by a very experienced author team representing the many areas out of which the new discipline of Bioinformatics is emerging. Their common sense approach and carefully detailed presentation have positioned Bioinformatics: A Computing perspective on the front lines for defining how the college Bioinformatics course will ultimately be taught. Bioinformatics: A Computing Approach is to make students conversant with key concepts in the biological sciences and knowledgeable about current iconoclastic tools and approaches. It successfully ties interesting computational challenges to relevant biological phenomenon, avoiding the "bioinformatics" vs. "computational" debate that tends to confuse students rather than interest and instruct them. Contents 1. Road Map 2. Biological Basics 3. Wet and Dry Lab Techniques 4. Fragment Assembly 5. Sequence Alignment 6. Simulating and Modeling Evolution 7. Gene Finding 8. Gene Expression 9. Projects


Professional References



2015 (October 2014) / 416 pages ISBN: 9780071829427

by Dr Danny Coward, Oracle

(Osborne Media Professional Title)

2015 (October 2014) / 512 pages ISBN: 9780071837347

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Query Tuning & Optimization is filled with ready-to-use techniques for creating high-performance queries and applications. The book describes the inner workings of the query processor so you can write better queries and provide the query processor with the quality information it needs to produce efficient execution plans. You’ll also get tips for troubleshooting underperforming queries. In-Memory OLTP (Hekaton), a key new feature of SQL Server 2014, is fully covered in this practical guide.

The Big Picture

(Osborne Media Professional Title) Java EE 7: The Big Picture uniquely explores the entire Java EE 7 platform in an all-encompassing style while examining each tier of the platform in enough detail so that you can select the right technologies for specific project needs. In this authoritative guide, Java expert Danny Coward walks you through the code, applications, and frameworks that power the platform. Take full advantage of the robust capabilities of Java EE 7, increase your productivity, and meet enterprise demands with help from this Oracle Press resource.

Understand how the query optimizer works

Troubleshoot queries using extended events, SQL trace, dynamic management views (DMVs), the data collector, and other tools

Explore the features of the Java servlet model and Java servlet API

Create dynamic web content with JavaServer Pages and JavaServer Faces

Work with query operators for data access, joins, aggregations, parallelism, and updates

Build websites for nonbrowser clients with JAX-RS

Speed up queries and dramatically improve application performance by creating the right indexes

Push data to web clients using Java WebSockets

Secure web applications

Understand statistics and how to detect and fix cardinality estimation errors

Work with web component APIs

Maximize enterprise beans for multithreading, asynchronous processes, transactions, and more

Maximize OLTP query performance using In-Memory OLTP (Hekaton) features, including memory-optimized tables and natively compiled stored procedures

Access relational databases with the Java Database Connectivity APIs and the Java Persistence API

Monitor and promote plan caching and reuse to improve application performance

Understand the packaging and deployment mechanisms of Java EE applications

Improve the performance of data warehouse queries using columnstore indexes

Work with Java EE Contexts and Dependency Injection

Handle query processor limitations with hints and other methods

Secure enterprise beans in a Java EE application

Enable parallel processing with Java EE concurrency APIs

Contents 1. The Big Picture Part I: The Mouthpiece of Java EE. The Web Tier 2. Building Blocks of the Web Tier. Java Servlet API and Java Servlets 3. Dynamic Web Pages. Java ServerPages (JSP) 4. Assembling Dynamic Web Pages. JavaServer Faces (JSF) 5. Web Sites for the Non-Browsers. JAX-RS 6. Adding Sparkle. Java WebSocket 7. Securing Web Applications 8. The Self-Contained Web Site. Java EE Web Application Part II: The Brain of Java EE. Middle Tier 9. Introducing the Thinking Component. Enterprise Java Beans 10. Advanced Thinking with Enterprise Beans Part III: The Collective Memory. The Information Tier 11. Classic Memories. JDBC 12. Modern Memories. Persistence Part IV: The Java EE Toolbox. Java EE Environment 13. The Big Picture Revisited. Java EE Applications 14. Deconstructing Components. Dependency Injection 15. Java EE Security 16. Think Efficient. Java Concurrency

Contents 1. Tuning Architecture 2. Troubleshooting Queries 3. Query Optimizer 4. Query Operators 5. Indexes 6. Statistics 7. In-Memory OLTP (Hekaton) 8. Parallelism 9. Plan Cache 10. Data Warehouses 11. Query Processor Limitations





Tools, Tactics and Techniques

Networked AV Systems covers: •

Network classifications, topologies, architectures, and standards

2014 (August 2014) / 272 pages ISBN: 9780071818469

Layers of a network

Bandwidth, encoding, and transport

(Osborne Media Professional Title)

Network building blocks

Conduct ethical social engineering tests to identify an organization's susceptibility to attack. Written by a global expert on the topic, Social Engineering in IT Security discusses the roots and rise of social engineering and presents a proven methodology for planning a test, performing reconnaissance, developing scenarios, implementing the test, and accurately reporting the results. Specific measures you can take to defend against weaknesses a social engineer may exploit are discussed in detail. This practical guide also addresses the impact of new and emerging technologies on future trends in social engineering.

Designing a network for AV systems

Ethernet and AVB

Network addressing

Subnetting: networking AV devices together

Protocols, ports, and documenting AV devices

Audio and video streaming

Digital signage


Secure remote management and monitoring

Service level agreements

Network security

Troubleshooting networked systems

by Sharon Conheady

Explore the evolution of social engineering, from the classic con artist to the modern social engineer

Understand the legal and ethical aspects of performing a social engineering test

Find out why social engineering works from a victim's point of view

Plan a social engineering test--perform a threat assessment, scope the test, set goals, implement project planning, and define the rules of engagement

Gather information through research and reconnaissance

Create a credible social engineering scenario

Execute both on-site and remote social engineering tests

Write an effective social engineering report

Learn about various tools, including software, hardware, and on-site tools

Defend your organization against social engineering attacks

Contents 1. Social Engineering's Evolution 2. The Ethical and Legal Aspects of Social Engineering 3. Practical Social Engineering and Why it Works 4. Planning Your Social Engineering Test 5. Reconnaissance & Information Gathering 6. Scenario Creation & Testing 7. Executing Your Social Engineering Test 8. Reporting 9. The Social Engineering Arsenal & Tools of the Trade 10. Defense Against Social Engineering Attacks 11. Tomorrow's Social Engineering Attacks

NETWORKED AUDIOVISUAL SYSTEMS by Brad Grimes, InfoComm International

2014 (February 2014) / 448 pages ISBN: 9780071825733 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Published with InfoComm International, Networked AV Systems discusses the essential information AV and IT professionals need to know when working with network-driven equipment and processes. Each chapter features diagrams, photos, notes, chapter reviews, and end-of-chapter questions with in-depth explanations. In accordance with InfoComm's performance standards for the AV industry as they relate to networking, this book serves as both an on-the-job reference and a study tool for the Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) exams.

ORACLE BIG DATA HANDBOOK by Tom Plunkett, Brian Macdonald, Bruce Nelson, Mark Hornick, Helen Sun, Khader Mohiuddin, Debra Harding, Gokula Mishra, Robert Stackowiak, Keith Laker, David Segleau

2014 (September 2013) / Softcover / 464 pages ISBN: 9780071827263 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Cowritten by members of Oracle's big data team, Oracle Big Data Handbook provides complete coverage of Oracle's comprehensive, integrated set of products for acquiring, organizing, analyzing, and leveraging unstructured data. The book discusses the strategies and technologies essential for a successful big data implementation, including Apache Hadoop, Oracle Big Data Appliance, Oracle Big Data Connectors, Oracle NoSQL Database, Oracle Endeca, Oracle Advanced Analytics, and Oracle's open source R offerings. Best practices for migrating from legacy systems and integrating existing data warehousing and analytics solutions into an enterprise big data infrastructure are also included in this Oracle Press guide. Contents Front Matter 1 How to Use This Book Section I: Introduction 1. Introduction to Big Data 2. Big Data Use Cases 3. Big Data, Concepts, Insights and Operational information Section II: Big Data Platform 4. The BigData platform BDA, Exadata, Exalytics, Endeca 5. Why an Appliance 6. Configuration options Section III: Acquiring and Organizing Data 7. Map Reduce Theory and Programming 8. BDA Connectors 9. Oracle noSQL Section IV: Analyzing Information and Making Decisions 10. In-Database Analytics Minig. OLAP 11. Analyzing Data with R 12. Discovery with Endeca



6th Edition

by Herbert Schildt

2014 (April 2014) / Softcover / 640 pages ISBN: 9780071809252 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Using the practical pedagogy that has made Herb Schildt’s Beginner’s Guides so successful, Java: A Beginner’s Guide, Sixth Edition provides new Java programmers with a completely integrated learning package. Perfect for the classroom or selfstudy, the book delivers the appropriate mix of theory and practical coding. You’ll be programming in Java as early as Chapter 1. In this evenly paced tutorial, each section builds upon the previous one. Each of the 15 chapters discusses an aspect of Java. Coverage of Lambda Expressions and an overview of modules is included. A brief introduction to JavaFX, Java’s GUI technology, is also covered in an appendix. Contents 1. Java Fundamentals 2. Introducing Data Types and Operators 3. Program Control Statements 4. Introducing Classes, Objects, and Methods 5. More Data Types and Operators 6. A Closer Look at Methods, Classes, and Lambda Expressions 7. Inheritance 8. Packages and Interfaces 9. Exception Hnadling 10. Using I/O 11. Multithreaded Programing 12. Enumerations, Autoboxing, Static Import, and Annotations 13. Generics 14. Applets, Events, and Miscellaneous Topics 15. Introducing Swing Appendix A:Answers to Self Tests Appendix B: Using Java's Documentation Comment Appendix C: Introducing JavaFX


9th Edition

by Herbert Schildt

2014 (April 2014) / Softcover / 1120 pages ISBN: 9780071808552 (Osborne Media Professional Title) In Java: The Complete Reference, Ninth Edition, Herb Schildt uses the clear, concise, uncompromising style that has made the previous eight editions so successful worldwide. This comprehensive volume covers the entire language, including its syntax, keywords, and fundamental programming principles. Schildt also presents detailed information about Java's core libraries and key programming techniques. Of course, coverage of new features added by Java 8, such as lambda expressions and modules, are included. Schildt also condenses material pertaining to AWT, shifting the focus to Swing and adding three new chapters on JavaFX, Java’s GUI technology. Contents Part I: The Java Language 1. The History and Evolution of Java 2. An Overview of Java 3. Data Types, Variables, and Arrays 4. Operators 5. Control Statements

6. Introducing Classes 7. A Closer Look at Methods, Classes, and Lambda Expressions 8. Inheritance 9. Packages and Interfaces 10. Exception Handling 11. Multithreaded Programming 12. Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations (Metadata) 13. I/O, Applets, and Other Topics 14. Generics 15. Lambda Expressions Part II: The Java Library 16. String Handling 17. Exploring java.lang 18. java.util Part 1: The Collections Framework 19: java.util Part 2: More Utility Classes 20: Imput/Output: Exploring 21. Exploring NIO 22. Networking 23. The Applet Class 24. Event Handling 25. Introducing the AWT: Working with Windows, Graphics, and Text 26: Using AWT Controls, Layout, Managers, and Menus 27. Images 28. The Concurrency Utilities 29. The Stream API 30. Regular Expressions and Other Packages Part III: Introducing GUI Programming with Swing 31. Introducing Swing 32. Exploring Swing Controls 33. Introducing Swing Menus Part IV: Introducing GUI Programming with JavaFX 34. Introducing JavaFX 35. Exploring JavaFX Controls 36. Introducing JavaFX Menus Part V: Applying Java 37. Java Beans 38. Servlets Appendix: Using Java's Documentation Comments


4th Edition by Mike Shema

2014 (February 2014) / Softcover / 640 pages ISBN: 9780071800143 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Anti-Hacker Toolkit, Fourth Edition is an essential aspect of any security professional's anti-hacking arsenal. It helps info sec pros to successfully troubleshoot the newest, toughest hacks yet seen. The book is grounded in real-world methodologies, technical rigor, and reflects the author's in-the-trenches experience in making computer technology usage and deployments safer and more secure for both businesses and consumers. The new edition covers all-new attacks and countermeasures for advanced persistent threats (APTs), infrastructure hacks, industrial automation and embedded devices, wireless security, the new SCADA protocol hacks, malware, web app security, social engineering, forensics tools, and more.




Contents Part 1: Multifunctional Tools 1. Netcat & Cryptcat 2. Windows 3. VMs & Emulators Part 2: Tools for Auditing & Defending Hosts 4. Port Scanners 5. Unix Enumeration 6. Windows Tools 7. Web Hacking 8. Password & Brute Force 9. Host Hardening 10. Backdoors & Remote Acess 11. Simple Source Auditing Tools 12. Combination Systems Auditing Part 3: Tools for Auditing & Defending Your Network 13. Firewalls 14. Network Reconnaissance 15. Port Redirects 16. Sniffers 17. Wireless Tools 18. War Dialers 19. TCP/IP Stacks Part 4: Tools for Computer Forensics & Incident Response 20. Creating a Bootable Environment 21. Commercial Forensic Imaging 22. Open-Source Forensic Duping 23. Analysis Toolkits 24. Internet Activity Reconstruction 25. Editors and Viewers


Making It Work, 9th Edition by Tay Vaughan

2014 (May 2014) / 504 pages ISBN: 9780071832885 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Thoroughly updated to cover the latest technologies, including mobile multimedia, this full-color resource prepares you for a successful multimedia career by teaching you the fundamental concepts and required skills. Multimedia: Making It Work, Ninth Edition explains how to integrate text, images, sound, animation, and video into compelling projects. Multimedia project planning, costs, design, production, talent acquisition, testing, and delivery are also discussed. Chapter-ending quizzes reinforce key concepts and hands-on lab projects allow you to apply your new skills.

Deliver multimedia over the Internet, in an app store, and on CD-ROM and DVD

This book is intended for students enrolled in an instructor-led course and does not provide correct answers for the end-ofchapter quizzes or access to the instructor's resource materials. If you are an instructor, please contact your McGraw-Hill Education sales representative for details. Contents 1. What is Multimedia 2. Text 3. Images 4. Sound 5. Animation 6. Video 7. Making Multimedia 8. Planning and Costing 9. Designing and Producing 10. Content and Talent 11. The Internet and Multimedia 12. Mobile Multimedia 13. Delivering Appendix


2nd Edition by Matt Walker

2014 (July 2014) / Softcover / 320 pages ISBN: 9780071838733 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Fully updated for the CEH v8 exam objectives, this practical guide contains more than 650 realistic practice exam questions to prepare you for the EC-Council's Certified Ethical Hacker exam. To aid in your understanding of the material, in-depth explanations of both the correct and incorrect answers are provided for every question. A valuable pre-assessment test evaluates your readiness and identifies areas requiring further study. Designed to help you pass the exam, this is the perfect companion to CEH Certified Ethical Hacker All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition. Covers all exam topics, including: •

Introduction to ethical hacking

Reconnaissance and footprinting

Scanning and enumeration

Sniffing and evasion

Learn how to:

Attacking a system

Hacking web servers and applications

Wireless network hacking

Trojans and other attacks


Social engineering and physical security

Penetration testing

Master the essential elements of multimedia, including text, images, sound, animation, and video

Incorporate bitmap, vector, and 3-D images

Record and edit digital audio and use MIDI

Create computer-generated animations

Shoot and edit digital video

Select the best hardware, software, and authoring tools for your project

Determine the scope and cost of a multimedia project n Design, produce, and test your project

Acquire the best content and talent for your budget

Design dynamic Web content

Create apps for mobile devices, including tablets, readers, and smartphones

Electronic content includes: •

Test engine that provides full-length practice exams and customized quizzes by chapter

PDF copy of the book

COMPUTER SCIENCE Contents 1. Ethical Hacking Basics 2. Cryptography 101 3. Reconnaissance: Information Gathering for the Ethical Hacker 4. Scanning and Enumeration 5. Sniffers and Evasion 6. Attacking a System 7. Social Engineering and Physical Security 8. Web-Based Hacking: Servers and Applications 9. Wireless Network Hacking 10. Trojans and Other Attacks 11. The Pen Test: Putting It All Together


The Complete Reference (Set) by Bob Bryla, and Kevin Loney

2013 (August 2013) / Hardcover ISBN: 9780071801751 (Osborne Media Professional Title)

28. Using External Tables 29. Using Flashback Queries 30. Flashback--Tables and Databases 31. Change, Replay, and SQL Replay Part IV: PL/SQL 32. An Introduction to PL/SQL 33. Online Application Upgrades 34. Triggers 35. Procedures, Functions, and Packages 36. Using Native Dynamic SQL and DBMS_SQL 37. PL/SQL Tuning Part V: Object-Relational Databases 38. Implementing Object Types, Object Views, and Methods 39. Collectors 40. Using Large Objects 41. Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts Part VI: Java in Oracle 42. An Introduction to Java 43. JDBC Programming 44. Java Stored Procedures

Oracle Database 12c: The Complete Reference provides thorough coverage of all the changes—major and minor—that have taken place in the four years since the last release. This Oracle Press guide begins by establishing critical database concepts and covers database architecture, cloud computing, analytic functions, implementing SQL profiles, using SQL plan management, and Java programming in the Oracle environment. Readers will also find valuable database administration and application development techniques, plus an alphabetical reference covering major Oracle commands, keywords, features, and functions with crossreferencing of topics.

2nd Edition

Contents Part I: Critical Database Concepts 1. Oracle Database 11g Architecture Options 2. Installing Oracle Database 11g and Creating a Database 3. Upgrading to Oracle Database 11g 4. Planning Oracle Applications--Approaches, Risks, and Standards

Hacking Exposed Unified Communications, Second Edition includes five all-new chapters, as well as massive updates throughout. The #1 threat to enterprise networks, toll fraud and service abuse, is the focus of one of the new chapters; other new chapters will cover harassing calls and TDoS, social engineering and information harvesting, Microsoft Lync server, and VoIP components and targets.

Part II: SQL and SQL Plus 5. The Basic Parts of Speech in SQL 6. Basic SQL Plus Reports and Commands 7. Getting Text Information and Changing It 8. Searching for Regular Expressions 9. Playing the Numbers 10. Dates: Then, Now, and the Difference 11. Conversion and Transformation Functions 12. Grouping Things Together 13. When One Query Depends Upon Another 14. Some Complex Possibilities 15. Changing Data: Insert, Update, Merge, and Delete 16. DECODE and CASE: If, Then, and Else in SQL 17. Creating and Managing Tables, Views, Indexes, Clusters, and Sequences 18. Editioning 19. Basic Oracle Security

The Hacking Exposed brand is synonymous with practical, getthe-job-done tips for security practitioners. Threats to network security are more virulent today than ever before--Hacking Exposed Unified Communications, Second Edition is an essential read for information security professionals who must successfully troubleshoot the newest, toughest hacks ever seen.

Part III: Beyond the Basics 20. Advanced Security--Virtual Private Databases 21. Advanced Security--On-Disk Encryption and Secure Backup 22. Working with Tablespaces 23. Using SQL Loader to Load Data 24. Using Data Pump Export and Import 25. Accessing Remote Data 26. Using Materialized Views 27. Using Oracle Text for Text Searches


by Mark Collier, and David Endler

2013 (August 2013) / Softcover / 576 pages ISBN: 9780071798761 (Osborne Media Professional Title)

Contents 1. VoIP Components & Targets 2. Footprinting 3. Scanning & Enumeration 4. Toll Fraud & service Abuse 5. Harassing Callers & TdoS 6. Social Engineering & Information Harvesting 7. Voice Spam & Phishing 8. Infastructure Denial of Service 9. Network Eavesdropping 10. Interception 11. Cisco Unified Cisco Call Manager 12. Avaya Communication Manager 13. Microsoft Lync 14. Cloud, Emerging, and other Technologies 15. Fuzzing & Disrupting of Service 16. VoIP Signaling Manipulation 17. Audio & Video Manipulation






by Nitin Vengurlekar, and Prasad Bagal

by Michael New, Edward Whalen, and Matthew Burke

2013 (July 2013) / Softcover / 464 pages ISBN: 9780071790154

2013 (July 2013) / Softcover / 576 pages ISBN: 9780071790574

(Osborne Media Professional Title)

(Osborne Media Professional Title)

Oracle Cloud Storage Management contains the latest information on the inner-workings of Oracle ASM and Oracle's overall cloud storage management strategy. This Oracle Press guide explains how to build and manage a scalable cloud storage infrastructure with Oracle ASM. Readers will learn how to configure cloud storage solutions, build disk groups, use data striping and mirroring, and optimize performance. Details on ensuring consistency across server and storage platforms, maximizing data redundancy, and administering Oracle ASM are also included.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Deep Dive reveals the best ways to implement a robust Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c infrastructure, and how to use many of the tool’s advanced features and management packs to administer an IT environment. The book is divided into four major parts:

Contents 1. Database Consolidation into Private Clouds 2. Oracle Database Cloud Strategy 3. ASM and Grid Infrastructure 4. ACFS Design and Deployment 5. ACFS Data Services 6. ASM Instance 7. ASM Disks and Diskgroups 8. ASMLIB Concepts and Overview 9. ASM Files, Aliases, and Security 10. ASM and Space Allocation 11. ASMLIB Concepts and Overview 12. ASM Operations 13. ASM Persistent Data Structures 14. ASM and Database integration 15. ASM Optimizations in Oracle Engineered Solutions 16. ASM optimization for Engineered Solutions (Exadata and ODA) 17. ACFS Data Services 18. ASM and 3rd Party Integration 19. ACSF Design and Deployment 20. ASM Tools and utilities


2013 (August 2013) / Softcover / 544 pages ISBN: 9780071799355 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Oracle Database 12c SQL explains how to write powerful SQL statements and PL/SQL programs using Oracle’s latest core Database 12c. This Oracle Press guide shows readers how to retrieve and modify database information, use SQL Plus and SQL Developer, work with database objects, write PL/SQL programs, and much more. In-depth coverage of the very latest SQL features and tools, performance optimization techniques, advanced queries, Java support, and XML is included.

Part I focuses on installing, configuring, securing, and maintaining the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c infrastructure. It includes an architectural overview of the product when configured for high availability and scalability; installation and console configuration steps; instructions on securing data transfer and firewall setup; and maintaining Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c. Part II details best practices for the advanced capabilities used to administer the most commonly monitored targets – databases, hosts, storage, and middleware. Part III features a high-level description of all management packs and monitoring plug-ins. Part IV shows how to manage Oracle E-Business Suite with related packs and their accelerators. Contents Introduction and Front Matter Part I: Implementing and Maintaining 11g Grid Control 1. Overview of New 11g GC Architecture 2. GC Prerequisites and Preinstallation of Database and WebLogic 3. GC Installation and Post Installation 4. Installing Management Agents 5. GC Console Configuration 6. Securing Enterprise Manager and Configuring for Firewalls 7. Maintaining GC Part II: GC for Database, System, Storage and Middleware Administrators 8. DBAs: Manage Databases with GC 9. System and Storage Admins: Manage Hosts and Storage with GC 10. Middleware Admins: Manage Middleware with GC Part III: Notable Management Packs and System Monitoring Plug-ins 11. Overview of all Management Packs and Plug-ins 12. Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack 13. Oracle VM Management Pack 14. SOA and Middleware Packs Part IV: Administering Oracle E-Business Suite with Management Packs and Accelerators 15. Application Management Suite for Oracle E-Business Suite 16. Application Testing Suite and Oracle Real Application Testing and Accelerator for EBS 17. Real User Experience Insight (RUEI) and the Accelerator for Oracle EBS



2013 (April 2013) / Softcover / 464 pages ISBN: 9780071791885 (Osborne Media Professional Title) MySQL Workbench Data Modeling and Development helps developers learn how to effectively use this powerful product for database modeling, reverse engineering, and interaction with the database without writing SQL statements. MySQL Workbench is a graphical user interface that can be used to create and maintain MySQL databases without coding. The book covers the interface and explains how to accomplish each step by illustrating best practices visually. Clear examples, instructions, and explanations reveal, in a single volume, the art of database modeling. This Oracle Press guide shows you how to get the tool to do what you want. Annotated screen shots demonstrate all interactions with the tool, and text explains the how, what, and why of each step. Contents Part 1: Configuration 1. Installing and Configuring 2. Creating and Managing Connections Part 2: Data Modeling 3. Data Modeling Concepts 4. Creating an ERD 5. Defining the Physical Schemata 6. Creating and Managing Tables 7. Creating and Managing Relationships 8. Creating and Managing Views 9. Creating and Managing Routines 10. Creating and Managing Routine Groups 11. Creating and Managing User & Groups 12. Creating and Managing SQL Scripts 13. Generating SQL Scripts 14. Forward Engineering a Data Model 15. Synchronize a Model with a Database 16. Reverse Engineering a Database 17. Managing Differences in the Data Catalog 18. Creating and Managing Model Notes Part 3: SQL Development 19. Editing Table Data 20. Editing Generated Scripts Part 4: Server Administration 21. Creating New Instances 22. Managing Import and Export 23. Managing Security 24. Managing Server Instances


2013 (July 2013) / Softcover / 352 pages ISBN: 9780071794251 (Osborne Media Professional Title) New in the Secure Beginner’s Guide series, this complete, practical resource for security and IT professionals presents the underpinnings of cryptography and features examples of how security is improved industry-wide by encryption techniques. Cryptography: A Beginner's Guide provides you with an actionable, rock-solid foundation in encryption and will demystify even a few of the more challenging concepts in the field. From high-level topics such as ciphers, algorithms and key exchange, to practical applications such as digital signatures and certificates, the book delivers working tools to data storage architects, security mangers, and others security practitioners who need to possess a thorough understanding of cryptography. True to the hallmarks of all Secure Beginner's Guides, the book imparts the hard-learned lessons and experiences of knowledgeable professionals in security, providing know-how that otherwise takes years to learn. You’re led through the Why and How of cryptography, the history of the science, the components of cryptography and how it is applied to various areas in the field of security. Contents 1. The Language of Cryptography 2. History of Cryptography 3. Components of Cryptography 4. Ciphers 5. Algorithms 6. Hashing and Message Digests 7. Cryptanalysis and Code Breaking 8. Public Key Infastructure 9. Steganography 10. Applied Cryptography 11. Quantum Cryptography 12. Where Cryptography is Going


4th Edition

by Joseph Phillips

2013 (June 2013) / Softcover with CDROM / 784 pages ISBN: 9780071775915 (Osborne Media Professional Title) In PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide, Fourth Edition, project management guru Joseph Phillips provides indepth coverage and key exam information to help you pass the PMP exam from PMI, the Project Management Institute. The book delivers comprehensive coverage of the new Fifth Edition PMBOK and the PMP certification exam, and also serves as a valuable onthe-job reference after the exam. This study guide interprets the PMBOK and works, intuitively, from practical application to the related exam objectives. The CDROM contains two electronic practice exams—300 practice exam questions that emulate the PMP exam—more than an hour of video training from the author, and an e-book.





The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition by Mark Rhodes-Ousley

2013 (April 2013) / Softcover / 928 pages ISBN: 9780071784351 (Osborne Media Professional Title) This is a complete, cover-to-cover revision of the most authoritative volume available on information security (the first edition of which was titled Network Security: The Complete Reference), and covers all of the most important tools and practices that concern any information security practitioner today, including the very latest information available on security standards and regulations. Information Security: The Complete Reference, Second Edition guides security practitioners through how to plan, implement, and maintain a secure data environment, protect confidential information, and ensure corporate networks are in compliance with the latest regulations. The book covers essential standards, such as ISO 27001, CoBIT, and SAS 70. Important legal regulations (and their context and relevance), such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), SB 1386, SB 1841, FFIEC, Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB), and HIPAA are highlighted throughout where their relevance intersects with topics—enhancing this edition’s value and practicality. This authoritative volume includes contributions from 30+ technical experts and leaders in the security industry. New chapters have been added on VoIP security, controlling application behavior, and operational security. The chapters covering system security, planning and response, and standards compliance have been extensively revised. Contents Part 1: Network Security Foundations 1. Overview 2. Risk Analysis and Defense Models 3. Security Policies 4. Security Organization Part 2: Access Control 5 Security Management 6 Physical Security 7 Operational Security 8 Authentication and Authorization Controls 9 Data Security Part 3: Network Security 10 Network Design Considerations 11 Network Device Security 12 Firewalls 13 Virtual Private Networks 14 Wireless Network Security 15 Intrusion Detection Systems 16 Integrity and Availability 17 Network Role-Based Security 18 Voice-Over-IP (VOIP) Security Part 4: System Security 19 Operating System Security Models 20 Unix Security 21 Linux Security 22 Windows Security Part 5: Application Security 23 Principles of Application Security 24 Controlling Application Behavior 25 Writing Secure Software 26 J2EE Security 27 Windows .NET Security 28 Database Security

Part 6: Planning and Response 29. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity 30. Attacks and Countermeasures 31. Incident Response and Forensic Analysis 32. Legal, Regulatory, and Standards Compliance


A Beginner's Guide, 5th Edition by Wendy Willard

2013 (March 2013) / Softcover / 544 pages ISBN: 9780071809276 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Thoroughly updated and revised, HTML: A Beginners Guide, Fifth Edition shows you, step by step, how to create dynamic websites with HTML. The book covers new HTML5 features, including video, audio, and canvas elements. Learn how to structure a page, place images, format text, create links, add color, work with multimedia, and use forms. You'll also go beyond the basics and find out how to work with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), create dynamic web content with JavaScript, upload your site to the web, and code HTML emails. By the end of the book you'll be able to build custom websites using the latest HTML techniques. Contents 1. Getting Started 2. Basic Page Structure 3. Basic Page Styling 4. Basic Page Layout 5. Working with Text 6. Working with Links 7. Working with Images 8. Working with Multimedia 9. Creating Links 10. Using Tables 11. Employing Forms 12. Managing the Canvas 13. Beyond Static HTML 14. Publishing Pages 15. HTML for Email Appendix A: Answers to Self Tests Appendix B: HTML Reference Appendix C: CSS Reference Appendix D: jQuery Reference Appendix E: Troubleshooting Appendix E: Troubleshooting



A Beginner's Guide, 4th Edition by John Pollock

2013 (April 2013) / Softcover / 512 pages ISBN: 9780071809375 (Osborne Media Professional Title) JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide shows how to create dynamic Web pages complete with special effects using today's leading Web development language. With the growth of HTML 5, JavaScript is expected to grow even more to script the canvas element, add drag and drop functionality, and more. This fast-paced tutorial provides step-by-step coverage of the fundamentals, including variables, functions, operators, event handlers, objects, arrays, strings, and forms. The book then moves to more advanced techniques, including debugging, accessibility, and security. This pedagogically rich, hands-on guide explains how JavaScript works with HTML 5 and covers the new features available in JavaScript.

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Cloud Planning and Architecture 3. Self Service Provisioning 4. Infrastructure as a Service 5. Platform as a Service 6. Database as a Service 7. Metering and Chargeback 8. Monitoring, Configuration Management and Compliance 9. Real Life Cases

Contents 1. Introduction to JavaScript 2. Placing JavaScript in an HTML File 3. Using Variables 4. Using Functions 5. JavaScript Operators 6. Conditional Statements and Loops 7. JavaScript Arrays 8. Event Handlers 9. Objects 10. The Document Object 11. Window Object 12. Math, Number, and Date Objects 13. Handling Strings 14. JavaScript and Forms 15. An Introduction to Advanced Techniques 16. HTML 5, Libraries, and More Appendix A: Answers to Self-Tests

BUILDING AND MANAGING A CLOUD USING ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER 12C by Madhup Gulati, Oracle, Adeesh Fulay, Oracle, and Sudip Datta, Oracle

2013 (January 2013) / Softcover / 352 pages ISBN: 9780071763226 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Written by Oracle experts, Building and Managing a Cloud Using Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c combines the science and art of leveraging Oracle technologies to build a cloud from scratch or to build on existing IT investments. This Oracle Press guide teaches you how to quickly design and implement the various aspects of a cloud lifecycle, from cloud setup to delivery to operations, with a focus on Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c. Strategies and best practices for building a solid cloud foundation for increased operational efficiency, greater business agility, and reduced costs are included. The authors incorporate their experiences working with various enterprise customers building cloud services within industries such as telecommunications and banking. You’ll develop a thorough understanding of the capabilities of Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c to put together an infrastructure as a service (IaaS), database as a service (DBaaS), or a platform as a service (PaaS) solution quickly and effectively.

All Asia Global Editions has been adapted to include relevant content from Asia and other parts of the World.

All Global Editions are adapted to better meet the needs of courses outside the United States. Please contact your local sales representative for more details.



COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY | CONTENTS Application software Access Complete...........................................................................72 Access Intro...................................................................................71 Excel Complete..............................................................................70 Excel Intro......................................................................................70 Office Intro......................................................................................66 Operating Systems.........................................................................74 Outlook Intro...................................................................................74 Powerpoint Complete.....................................................................73 Powerpoint Intro.............................................................................73 Word Intro.......................................................................................69 Word Complete..............................................................................69

computer concepts Brief Computer Concepts...............................................................63 Comprehensive Computer Concepts.............................................64

game design & development....................................77 networking Network Security............................................................................77

professional references...........................................78 programming Java................................................................................................75 Visual Basic....................................................................................76

web programming/design HTML..............................................................................................77





Author ISBN Page

Computing Essentials 2015: Introductory, 25e


9781259223150 63, 65

Computing Essentials 2015: Complete Edition, 25e


9780073516899 64

Microsoft® Office Access 2013 Complete

Triad Interactive

9780077394233 72

Microsoft® Office Excel 2013: A Skills Approach, Complete

Triad Interactive

9780077394226 70

Microsoft® Office Outlook 2013 Complete: In Practice


9780077823931 66

Microsoft® Office Powerpoint 2013 Complete

Triad Interactive

9780077394240 73

Microsoff® Office Word 2013: A Skills Approach, Complete

Triad Interactive

9780077394219 67, 69

OCA/OCP JAVA SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide (Exams 1ZO-803 & IZO-804) Sierra 9780071772003 75 OCP MYSQL 5.6 Database Administrator Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-883)


9780071775786 72

Principles of Computer Security, 4e


9780071835978 77

Survey of Operating Systems, 4e


9780073518183 74

Technology: At Your Service


9780073516875 64

Using Information Technology: Complete Edition, 11e


9780073516882 65

All Asia Global Editions has been adapted to include relevant content from Asia and other parts of the World.


All Global Editions are adapted to better meet the needs of courses outside the United States. Please contact your local sales representative for more details.

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Computer Concepts Brief Computer Concepts



International Edition

COMPUTING ESSENTIALS 2015 Introductory Edition, 25th Edition

by Timothy J. O’Leary, Arizona State University, and Linda I. O’Leary, Independent and Daniel O’Leary, University of California at Santa Cruz

2015 (February 2014) / 320 pages ISBN: 9781259223150 ISBN: 9781259253638 [IE] How are you learning about the most important, essential, and current concepts of information technology? Computing Essentials 2015 allows you to Make IT Work for You through relevant explorations, ethics and environment sections throughout each chapter. Current examples, references and exercises allow students to be successful in understanding today’s role of Computer Information Technology. This definitive approach provides the essentials students need while bringing them a full digital solution through Connect CIT. Connect CIT is an online learning and assessment platform that engages today’s students and helps them apply the key concepts they are learning. O’Leary; Computing Essentials 2015: Make IT Work for You! Additional instructor and student resources can be found on the text’s Online Learning Center: Contents 1. Information Technology, the Internet, and You 2. The Internet, the Web, and Electronic Commerce 3. Application Software 4. System Software 5. The System Unit 6. Input and Output 7. Secondary Storage 8. Communications and Networks 9. Privacy, Security, and Ethics International Edition


Introductory Edition, 10th Edition by Brian Williams, Deakin University

2013 (January 2012) / Softcover / 416 pages ISBN: 9780071317900 [IE]\uit10e Using Information Technology; A Practical Introduction to Computers & Communications 10/e “If there is anything we have learned during 18 years of writing and revising this computer concepts book, it is this: Not only does the landscape of computer education change rapidly, but so do the students. . . . This edition, then, is written for the Always On generation, helping students use technology to enrich their personal lives.” –Brian K. Williams & Stacey C. Sawyer

Contents 1. Introduction To Information Technology: Your Digital World 2. The Internet & The World Wide Web: Exploring Cyberspace 3. Software: Tools For Productivity & Creativity 4. Hardware: The Cpu & Storage: How To Choose A Multimedia Computer System 5. Hardware: Input & Output: Taking Charge Of Computing & Communications 6. Communications, Networks, & Safeguards: The Wired & Wireless World 7. Personal Technology: The Future Is You 8. Databases Are In Your Life: Digital Engines For Today’s Economy 9. The Challenges Of The Digital Age: Society & Information Technology Today 10. Building Systems & Applications: Software Development, Programming, & Languages International Edition

Peter Norton’s Computing Fundamentals

6th Edition by Peter Norton

2006 / Softcover / 512 pages ISBN: 9780072978476 ISBN: 9780071117159 [IE] Contents 1. Introducing Computer Systems 2. Presenting the Internet. Computing Keynotes #1. Creating Your Own Web Page 3. Interacting with Your Computer 4. Seeing, Hearing, and Printing Data. Computing Keynotes #2: Buying Your First Computer 5. Processing Data 6. Storing Data 7. Using Operating Systems 8. Working with Application Software 9. Networks 10. Working in the Online World Computing Keynotes #3. Professional Certification Programs 11. Development of Information Systems 12. Protecting Your Privacy, Your Computer, and Your Data Computing Keynotes#4: Viruses Appendix A: The History of Microcomputers Appendix B: Answers to Self-Checks Glossary Index




Comprehensive Computer Concepts



International Edition

*9780073516875* TECHNOLOGY



Complete Edition, 25th Edition

At Your Service

by Timothy J. O’Leary, Arizona State University, and Linda I. O’Leary, Independent

by Glen J. Coulthard

2015 (December 2014) / Softcover / 384 pages ISBN: 9780073516875 Your world is moving fast. Busy schedules, growing to do lists, places to go. Technology: At Your Service offers a fresh perspective on the modern world of technology, providing up-to-date information that will help you become an effective mobile and connected user. Designed to be used with McGraw-Hill Education’s digital solutions including SIMnet, Connect®, LearnSmart® and SmartBook®, this introductory computer concepts content highlights what YOU need to make technology work for you. Features •

LearnSmart is the most widely used and intelligent adaptive learning resource that is proven to strengthen memory recall, improve course retention and boost grades.

SmartBook —Fueled by LearnSmart—the most widely used and intelligent adaptive learning resource — SmartBook is the first and only adaptive reading experience available today.

McGraw-Hill Connect® is digital teaching and learning environment that improves performance over a variety of critical outcomes; it is easy to use; and it is proven effective.

Contents 1. Introduction Part 1: The World Technology Part 2: The Mobile User 2. Hardware Part 1: Inside the Computer Part 2: Input and Output 3. Software Part 1: System Software Part 2: Application Software 4. The Internet Part 1: Internet Basics Part 2: Exploring the Web 5. Networking & Security Part 1: Networking and Information Systems Part 2: Security 6. Changing the World Part 1: Legal and Ethical Issues Part 2: Changes at Work

2015 (February 2014) / Softcover / 576 pages ISBN: 9780073516899 ISBN: 9781259251610 [IE] Computing Essentials 2015 allows you to Make IT Work for You through relevant explorations, ethics and environment themes throughout each chapter. Current examples, references and exercises allow students to be successful in understanding today’s role of Computer Information Technology. This definitive approach provides the essentials students need while bringing them a full digital solution through Connect CIT. Connect CIT is an online learning and assessment platform that engages today’s students and helps them apply the key concepts they are learning. O’Leary; Computing Essentials 2015: Make IT Work for You! Additional textbook resources can be found on the text’s Online Learning Center: New to this edition •

The 25th edition has been updated to include updated content, especially in the areas of social networking and latest applications (Mac OS, Windows 8, Office 2013, etc). Expanded content on privacy/security issues.

STUDENT RELEVANCE: “Careers in IT” section at the end of each chapter provide information on a variety of positions in the IT industry.

CURRENT INFORMATION AND FUTURE DIRECTION: “A Look to the Future” section at the end of each chapter to engage students with emerging technologies.

Contents 1. Information Technology, the Internet, and You 2. The Internet, the Web, and Electronic Commerce 3. Application Software 4. System Software 5. The System Unit 6. Input and Output 7. Secondary Storage 8. Communications and Networks 9. Privacy, Security, and Ethics 10. Information Systems 11. Databases 12. Systems Analysis and Design 13. Programming and Languages The Evolution of the Computer Age The Computer Buyer’s Guide




Highly Readble to Reinforce LearningI, using imaginative writing, such as colorful anecdotes, interesting quotes, and—new to this edition--compelling TECH TALES, or minicases. Material presented in bite-size form, using short sentences, advance organizers, and bullets. Key terms highlighted in red and definitions in boldface. Eight timelines give historical perspective. End-of-chapter “Terms & Explanations” tell why key terms and ideas are important.

Up-to-Minute Content, a quality applauded by users of previous editions. New topics range from Big Data to drones to MOOCs to the National Security Agency to self-driving cars to trolls to wearable technology. See the extensive recent references in the Notes section.

Three-Level System to Help Student Think Critically About Information Technology, draws on the authors’ skills writing college success books to implement an end-of-chapter three-stage pedagogical system for reinforcing learning, as well as web exercises to spur discussion.

International Edition

COMPUTING ESSENTIALS 2015 Introductory Edition, 25th Edition

by Timothy J. O’Leary, Arizona State University, and Linda I. O’Leary, Independent

2015 (February 2014) / Softcover / 320 pages ISBN: 9781259223150 ISBN: 9781259253638 [IE] How are you learning about the most important, essential, and current concepts of information technology? Computing Essentials 2015 allows you to Make IT Work for You through relevant explorations, ethics and environment sections throughout each chapter. Current examples, references and exercises allow students to be successful in understanding today’s role of Computer Information Technology. This definitive approach provides the essentials students need while bringing them a full digital solution through Connect CIT. Connect CIT is an online learning and assessment platform that engages today’s students and helps them apply the key concepts they are learning. O’Leary; Computing Essentials 2015: Make IT Work for You! Additional instructor and student resources can be found on the text’s Online Learning Center: Contents 1. Information Technology, the Internet, and You 2. The Internet, the Web, and Electronic Commerce 3. Application Software 4. System Software 5. The System Unit 6. Input and Output 7. Secondary Storage 8. Communications and Networks 9. Privacy, Security, and Ethics


Contents 1. Introduction to Information Technology: The Future Now 2. The Internatet & the World Wide Web: Exploring Cyberspace 3. Software: Tools for Productivity & Creativity 4. Hardware: The CPU & Storage: The Source of Computing Power 5. Hardware: Input & Output: Taking Charge of Computing & Communications 6. Communications, Networks & Cyberthreats: The Wired & Wireless World 7. Personal Technology: The Future Is You 8. The Era of Big Data: Databases, Information Systems, & Artificial Intelligence 9. The Challenges of the Digital Age: Society & Information Technology Today 10. Building Systems & Applications: Software Development, Programming, & Languages International Edition



International Edition


Complete Edition, 11th Edition by Brian Williams, Deakin University, and Stacey Sawyer

2015 (February 2014) / Softcover / 608 pages ISBN: 9780073516882 ISBN: 9781259255663 [IE] A comprehensive, storytelling approach to Computing Concepts. The 11th edition has been revamped to include emphasis on mobile computing, cloud computing, privacy/surveillance, and big data. New to this edition •

Learning Outcomes mapped to A-level headings

Extensive Practical Advice, expressed both in the text and in Experience Boxes, Practical Action Boxes, Survival Tips, and More Info! leads. Security and Ethics concerns highlighted throughout.

by Glen Coulthard

2013 (January 2012) / Softcover / 368 pages ISBN: 9780073516851 ISBN: 9780071317559 [IE] Computing Now! 2012 offers students of today an engaging resource designed to provide current, intriguing information about computing concepts. With society’s ever-changing technology, isolating need-to-know information is imperative so that only accurate, realistic concepts are emphasized. Computing Now! provides a fresh new design via its magazine- style approach to enhance student learning and bring these important concepts to life! Computing Now! 2012 also correlates with SimNet Online, our online training and assessment program for Microsoft Office 2010 skills and also computing concepts!



COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Contents 1. Introduction to Computers Lesson 1A: Computers and Their Uses Lesson 1B: Looking Inside the Computer 2. The Ins and Outs of Computing Lesson 2A: Input Devices Lesson 2B: Output Devices 3. Operating Systems and Application Software Lesson 3A: Operating System Basics Lesson 3B: Application Software 4. Meeting Your Computing Needs Lesson 4A: Choosing the Right Computer Lesson 4B: Mobile Gear

Application Software Office Intro

*9780077823931* NEW MICROSOFT® OFFICE OUTLOOK 2013 COMPLETE In Practice

by Randy Nordell, American River College, and Michael-Brian Ogawa, University of HawaiiHonolulu

5. Bringing the World to You Lesson 5A: The Internet Lesson 5B: The Mobile User 6. Safe Computing in a Connected World Lesson 6A: Social Media and Cloud Computing Lesson 6B: Computer Security and Online Privacy 7. Making Connections Lesson 7A: Networking and Information Systems Lesson 7B: Computing Ethics 8. Your Future in Computing Lesson 8A: Computing and Careers Lesson 8B: The Future of Computing International Edition

Peter Norton’s Introduction to Computers

6th Edition by Peter Norton

2006 / Softcover / 640 pages ISBN: 9780072978902 ISBN: 9780071117166 [IE] Contents 1. Introducing Computer Systems 2. Presenting the Internet Computing Keynotes #1: Creating Your Own Web Page 3. Interacting with Your Computer 4. Seeing, Hearing, and Printing Data Computing Keynotes #2: Buying Your First Computer 5. Processing Data 6. Storing Data 7. Using Operating Systems 8. Working with Application Software 9. Networks 10. Working in the Online World Computing Keynotes #3: Professional Certification Programs 11. Database Management 12. Development of Information Systems 13. Software Programming and Development 14. Protecting Your Privacy, Your Computer, and Your Data Computing Keynotes #4: Viruses Appendix A: The History of Microcomputers Appendix B: Answers to Self-Checks Glossary Index

2015 (January 2014) / Spiral Bound / 448 pages ISBN: 9780077823931 McGraw-Hill’s Microsoft® Office Outlook 2013: In Practice offers a fresh, new approach to teaching today’s students Microsoft® Office skills by clearly introducing skills in a logical sequence: 1) Topic 2) Instruction and 3) Practice. Nordell’s T.I.P.s approach builds a foundation for success by helping students practice what they learn, and provides transferable skills that allow students to grasp critical thinking beyond the textbook assignment. In Practice seamlessly integrates with SIMnet Online, McGrawHill’s online learning and assessment solution, which has 1:1 content to help students practice and master computing concepts and Microsoft® Office skills. In Practice projects in SIMgrader allow students to practice their skills in a live Office application. Students receive immediate feedback upon completion of these auto-graded projects. The integration of In Practice with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. Additional textbook resources can be found on the text’s Online Learning Center: For more information on Nordell; Microsoft® Office 2013: In Practice and SIMnet Online for Office 2013, please visit or contact your McGraw-Hill representative. Features •

Topic, Instruction, Practice Approach! (T.I.P.) Nordell Office 2013: InPractice utilizes a consistent logical sequence to help students practice what they just learned.

Integrated Student Learning Objectives! Student Learning Objectives are integrated and mapped to chapter content, projects, end-of-chapter review, and test bank.

Pause & Practice Projects! Throughout each chapter, Pause & Practice projects (3-5 per chapter) reinforce learning and provide hands-on guided practice.

Guided Projects (3 per chapter): Guided Projects provide students with guided, step-by-step instructions to apply Office features, skills, and concepts from the chapter. Screen shots guide students through more difficult tasks. End-ofproject screen shots provide students with a visual of the completed project.

Independent Projects (3 per chapter): These projects provide students further opportunity to practice and apply skills. These projects instruct students what to do, but not how to do it, allowing students to apply previously learned content in a different context.


Challenge Projects (3 per chapter): Challenge Projects push students toward creativity and critical thinking while integrating Office concepts and features into relevant and engaging projects.

Contents OFFICE 1. Windows 8 and Office 2013 Overview OUTLOOK 1. Outlook Overview and Email Basics 2. Email Special Features 3. Contacts 4. Calendar 5. Tasks, To-Do Items, and User Interface 6. Folders, Rules, Quick Steps, and Search Folders 7. Multiple Email Accounts, Advanced Email Options, RSS Feeds, and Search 8. Advanced Contacts 9. Advanced Calendars, and Sharing 10. Notes, Journal, Shortcuts, Archiving, and Security Appendix A: Setting Up Outlook for an On-site or Online Classroom Environment A-1 Appendix B: Outlook Shortcuts B-1 Appendix C: Outlook Quick Reference Guide C-1 Appendix D: Exchange Server v. Stand-Alone Usage D-1 Appendix E: Quick Tips

*9780077394219* NEW MICROSOFT® OFFICE WORD 2013 A Skills Approach, Complete by Triad Interactive

2015 (June 2014) ISBN: 9780077394219 Microsoft® Office 2013: A Skills Approach provides a truly unique approach to learning Office skills with its completely isolated skills for customized learning. Created from the learning side from SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online training and assessment program, this textbook has 1:1 content with SIMnet Online. As a result, students have access to specific, isolated skills needed for customized learning, making Office 2013: A Skills Approach the most flexible book on the market. This seamless integration also helps students practice and master computing concepts and Microsoft Office skills. Projects in SIMnet allow students to practice their skills in a live Microsoft Office application. Students receive immediate feedback upon completion of these autograded projects through SIMgrader. The integration with SIMnet helps meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. CONTENTS 1. Getting Started with Word 2013 2. Formatting Text and Paragraphs 3. Formatting and Printing Documents 4. Working with Graphics, Tables, and Charts 5. Creating Reports and Mailings


In Practice

by Randy Nordell, American River College, Pat R. Graves, Eastern Illinois University, Kari Wood, Bemidji State University, and Annette Easton, San Diego Sate University

2014 (March 2013) / Spiral Bound / 1120 pages ISBN: 9780073519388 Today’s students must be able to transfer concepts and skills learned to a variety of contexts, not simply follow steps in a textbook. Microsoft Office 2013: In Practice uses a fresh, new approach to present Office topics in a logical and structured manner, teach concepts in a way that promotes transferability of learning, and reinforce learning with practice projects that are relevant and engaging.” - Author & Professor at American River College, Randy Nordell McGraw-Hill’s Microsoft Office 2013: In Practice,1e is a NEW fresh approach to teaching today’s students Microsoft Office skills by clearly introducing skills in a logical sequence of 1) Topic 2) Instruction and 3) Practice. Randy’s T.I.P.s are the foundation for success as they help students repeatedly practice what they have learned. Nordell’s approach provides transferable skills that allow students to grasp the critical thinking beyond just the exact assignment in the textbook. This level of learning allows students to practice the skills in a variety of current and relevant projects to provide deeper and more fully rounded understanding. In Practice is a flexible approach to allow each institution to cover the exact content required. Moreover, In Practice is integrated seamlessly with SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online learning and assessment solution with 1:1 content to help students practice and master computing concepts and Microsoft Office skills. Projects in SIMnet allow students to practice their skills live in the MS Office application and receive immediate feedback via autograding through the SIMgrader component. This integration with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. Contents Office 1. Microsoft Office 2014 Overview Word 1. Creating and Editing Business Documents 2. Formatting and Customizing Documents 3. Using Tables, Columns, and Graphics 4. Using Templates and Mail Merge Integrating Word Skills Excel 1. Creating and Editing Worksheets 2. Using Formulas and Functions 3. Creating and Editing Charts 4. Importing, Creating Data Tables, and Filtering Data Integrating Word and Excel Skills Access 1. Creating a Database and Tables 2. Using Design View, Data Validation, and Relationships 3. Creating and Using Queries 4. Creating and Using Forms and Reports Integrating Word, Excel, and Access Skills PowerPoint 1. Creating and Editing Presentations 2. Illustrating Slides with Pictures and Graphical Elements 3. Preparing for Delivery and Using a Slide Presentation Integrating Office Skills Appendices





Microsoft® Office 2013


by Linda I. O’Leary, Independent, and Timothy J. O’Leary, Arizona State University-Tempe

by Glen J. Coulthard, and Judy Scheeren, Westmoreland County Community College

2014 (July 2013) / Spiral Bound / 1344 pages ISBN: 9780073519371

2014 (November 2013) / Spiral Bound / 126 pages ISBN: 9780073519401

Timothy and Linda O’Leary and the Computer Information Technology Team at McGraw-Hill Higher Education offer your students a fully integrated learning program with time-tested quality and reliability. Office 2013: A Case Approach offers a running case study throughout the text to help students understand the material in a consistent, relevant environment. Through the theme of “Making Office Relevant,” this text helps students understand why they need this course and skills. Updated for Office 2013, student success is assured through clear step-by-step instruction, plentiful screen captures, and conceptual explanations. Each Lab, designed to be covered in 1 hour of class time, combines conceptual coverage with detailed softwarespecific instructions. Each Lab opens with a running case study that highlights real-world applications of each software program and leads students from problem to solution. The O’Leary Series helps students learn specific applications skills along with those that cross all Office applications, which is especially important in mastering this version of Office. The O’Leary Series correlates with SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online training and assessment program for Microsoft Office skills and basic computer concepts. Projects, however, are 1:1 within the SIMgrader component and allow students to practice their skills live in the MS Office application and receive immediate feedback via autograding. This integration with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles.

Coulthard’s Microsoft Office 2013: ProjectLearn is new, captivating series by McGraw-Hill focused on a project based approach for engaging students in learning Microsoft Office 2013. This projects-based approach allows students to focus on the end result and leave the tutorial with quality artifacts from each Microsoft office applications. This highly structured series offers students 2 projects per chapter with each chapter varying in the number of lessons presented. Uniquely, each lesson provides a consistent framework for student learning including a lesson overview, skills preview and a project practice. Additionally, at the end of each chapter, Coulthard offers 2 “on your own” projects with each of these projects having 3 “work it out” exercises! By allowing students to work directly within the project experience, they develop a deeper understanding of how these skills are essential to their future careers. Author Glen Coulthard refers to the projects as “artifacts” to thus developing project portfolio they can then display throughout their careers. Moreover, ProjectLearn is integrated seamlessly with SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online learning and assessment solution, with 1:1 content to help students practice and master computing concepts and Microsoft Office skills. Projects in SIMnet allow students to practice their skills live in the MS Office application and receive immediate feedback via autograding through the SIMgrader component. This integration with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles.

Contents Overview of Office 2013

Contents Word 2013 1. An Introduction to Word 2. Writing a Research Paper 3. Enhancing Your Documents 4. Designing with Tabs, Tables, and Columns 5. Mail Merge and Database Lists 6. Enhancing Professional Reports 7. C

Word Lab 1 – Creating and Editing a Document Lab 2 – Revising and Refining a Document Lab 3 – Creating Reports and Tables working Together 1 – Word 2010 and Your Web Browser Excel Lab 1 – Creating and Editing a Worksheet Lab 2 – Charting Worksheet Data Lab 3 – Managing and Analyzing a Workbook working Together 1 – Linking and Embedding between Word 2010 and Excel 2010 Access Lab 1 – Creating a Database Lab 2 – Modifying and Filtering a Table and Creating a Form Lab 3 – Querying Tables and Creating Reports working Together 1 – Exporting Data PowerPoint Lab 1 – Creating a Presentation Lab 2 – Modifying and Refining a Presentation working Together 1 – Copying, Embedding, and Linking between Applications


A Skills Approach by Inc. Triad Interactive

2014 (July 2013) / Spiral Bound / 896 pages ISBN: 9780073516455 Microsoft® Office 2013: A Skills Approach provides a truly unique approach to learning Office skills with by isolating skills for customized learning. Created from the learning side from SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online training and assessment program, this textbook has 1:1 content with SIMnet. As a result, students have access to specific, isolated skills which creates the customized learning and makes this book the most flexible book on the market. Office 2013: A Skills Approach also offers projects to allow students to practice their skills and receive immediate feedback via autograding in the SIMgrader component. This integration with SIMnet helps meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles.

COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Contents 1. An Introduction to Office 2013 Word 2013 1. Getting Started with Word 2013 2. Formatting Text and Paragraphs 3. Formatting and Printing Documents 4. Working with Graphics, Tables, and Charts 5. Working with Reports, References, and Mailings Excel 2013 1. Getting Started with Excel 2013 2. Formatting Cells 3. Using Formulas and Functions 4. Formatting Worksheets and Managing the Workbook Inserting 5. Adding Charts and Analyzing Data Access 2013 1. Getting Started with Access 2013 2. Working with Tables 3. Working with Forms and Reports 4. Using Queries and Organizing Information PowerPoint 2013 1. Getting Started with PowerPoint 2013 2. Adding Content to Slides 3. Formatting Presentations 4. Managing and Delivering Presentations

Word Intro


Microsoft® Office Word 2013, Introductory by Linda I. O’Leary, Independent, and Timothy J. O’Leary, Arizona State University-Tempe

2014 (June 2013) / Spiral Bound / 360 pages ISBN: 9780077400217 Timothy and Linda O’Leary and the Computer Information Technology Team at McGraw-Hill Higher Education offer your students a fully integrated learning program with time-tested quality and reliability. Office 2013: A Case Approach offers a running case study throughout the text to help students understand the material in a consistent, relevant environment. Through the theme of “Making Office Relevant,” this text helps students understand why they need this course and skills. Updated for Office 2013, student success is assured through clear step-by-step instruction, plentiful screen captures, and conceptual explanations. Each Lab, designed to be covered in 1 hour of class time, combines conceptual coverage with detailed softwarespecific instructions. Each Lab opens with a running case study that highlights real-world applications of each software program and leads students from problem to solution. The O’Leary Series helps students learn specific applications skills along with those that cross all Office applications, which is especially important in mastering this version of Office. The O’Leary Series correlates with SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online training and assessment program for Microsoft Office skills and basic computer concepts. Projects, however, are 1:1 within the SIMgrader component and allow students to practice their skills live in the MS Office application and receive immediate feedback via autograding. This integration with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles.

Contents Lab 1 – Creating and Editing a Document Lab 2 – Revising and Refining a Document Lab 3 – Creating Reports and Tables working Together 1 – Word 2010 and Your Web Browser

Word Complete

*9780077394219* NEW MICROSOFT® OFFICE WORD 2013 A Skills Approach, Complete by Triad Interactive

2015 (June 2014) / Spiral Bound ISBN: 9780077394219 Microsoft® Office 2013: A Skills Approach provides a truly unique approach to learning Office skills with its completely isolated skills for customized learning. Created from the learning side from SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online training and assessment program, this textbook has 1:1 content with SIMnet Online. As a result, students have access to specific, isolated skills needed for customized learning, making Office 2013: A Skills Approach the most flexible book on the market. Additionally, the book’s approach uses consolidated instruction with fewer steps to explain each skill, resulting in easier learning for today’s students! Office 2013: A Skills Approach also offers projects to allow students to practice their skills and receive immediate feedback via autograding through the SIMgrader component. This integration with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. CONTENTS 1. Getting Started with Word 2013 2. Formatting Text and Paragraphs 3. Formatting and Printing Documents 4. Working with Graphics, Tables, and Charts 5. Creating Reports and Mailings


In Practice

by Randy Nordell, American River College

2014 (August 2013) / Spiral Bound / 848 pages ISBN: 9780077486907 McGraw-Hill’s Microsoft® Office 2013: In Practice offers a fresh, new approach to teaching today’s students Microsoft® Office skills by clearly introducing skills in a logical sequence: 1) Topic 2) Instruction and 3) Practice. Nordell’s T.I.P.s approach builds a foundation for success by helping students practice what they learn, and provides transferable skills that allow students to grasp critical thinking beyond the textbook assignment. In Practice seamlessly integrates with SIMnet Online, McGrawHill’s online learning and assessment solution, which has 1:1 content to help students practice and master computing concepts and Microsoft® Office skills. In Practice projects in SIMgrader allow students to practice their skills in a live Office application. Students receive immediate feedback upon completion of these




auto-graded projects. The integration of In Practice with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. Contents Word 1. Creating and Editing Documents 2. Formatting and Customizing Documents 3. Working with Reports and Multipage Documents 4. Using Tables, Columns, and Graphics Integrating Word Skills 5. Using Templates and Mail Merge 6. Using Custom Styles and Building Blocks 7. Advanced Tables and Graphics 8. Using Desktop Publishing and Graphic Features Integrating Word Skills 9. Working Collaboratively and Integrating Applications 10. Automating Tasks Using Templates and Macros 11. Working with Forms and Master Documents 12. Customizing Word 2013 and Using SkyDrive and Office Web Apps Integrating Word Skills

Excel Intro


Microsoft® Office Excel 2013, Introductory by Linda I. O’Leary, Independent, and Timothy J. O’Leary, Arizona State University-Tempe

2014 (July 2013) / Spiral Bound / 336 pages ISBN: 9780077400224 Timothy and Linda O’Leary and the Computer Information Technology Team at McGraw-Hill Higher Education offer your students a fully integrated learning program with time-tested quality and reliability. Office 2013: A Case Approach offers a running case study throughout the text to help students understand the material in a consistent, relevant environment. Through the theme of “Making Office Relevant,” this text helps students understand why they need this course and skills. Updated for Office 2013, student success is assured through clear step-by-step instruction, plentiful screen captures, and conceptual explanations. Each Lab, designed to be covered in 1 hour of class time, combines conceptual coverage with detailed softwarespecific instructions. Each Lab opens with a running case study that highlights real-world applications of each software program and leads students from problem to solution. The O’Leary Series helps students learn specific applications skills along with those that cross all Office applications, which is especially important in mastering this version of Office. The O’Leary Series correlates with SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online training and assessment program for Microsoft Office skills and basic computer concepts. Projects, however, are 1:1 within the SIMgrader component and allow students to practice their skills live in the MS Office application and receive immediate feedback via autograding. This integration with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. Contents Lab 1 – Creating and Editing a Worksheet Lab 2 – Charting Worksheet Data Lab 3 – Managing and Analyzing a Workbook working Together 1 – Linking and Embedding between Word 2010 and Excel 2010

Excel Complete

*9780077394226* NEW MICROSOFT® OFFICE EXCEL 2013 A Skills Approach, Complete by Triad Interactive

2015 (July 2014) / Spiral Bound ISBN: 9780077394226 Microsoft® Office 2013: A Skills Approach provides a truly unique approach to learning Office skills with its completely isolated skills for customized learning. Created from the learning side from SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online training and assessment program, this textbook has 1:1 content with SIMnet Online. As a result, students have access to specific, isolated skills needed for customized learning, making Office 2013: A Skills Approach the most flexible book on the market. Additionally, the book’s approach uses consolidated instruction with fewer steps to explain each skill, resulting in easier learning for today’s students! Office 2013: A Skills Approach also offers projects to allow students to practice their skills and receive immediate feedback via autograding through the SIMgrader component. This integration with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. CONTENTS 1. Getting Started with Excel 2013 2. Formatting Cells 3. Using Formulas and Functions 4. Managing the Workbook 5. Adding Charts and Analyzing Data


In Practice

by Randy Nordell, American River College

2014 (August 2013) / Spiral Bound / 704 pages ISBN: 9780077486914 McGraw-Hill’s Microsoft® Office 2013: In Practice offers a fresh, new approach to teaching today’s students Microsoft® Office skills by clearly introducing skills in a logical sequence: 1.) Topic 2.) Instruction and 3.) Practice. Nordell’s T.I.P.s approach builds a foundation for success by helping students practice what they learn, and provides transferable skills that allow students to grasp critical thinking beyond the textbook assignment. In Practice seamlessly integrates with SIMnet Online, McGrawHill’s online learning and assessment solution, which has 1:1 content to help students practice and master computing concepts and Microsoft® Office skills. In Practice projects in SIMgrader allow students to practice their skills in a live Office application. Students receive immediate feedback upon completion of these auto-graded projects. The integration of In Practice with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles.

COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Contents Office 1. Windows 8 and Office 2013 Overview Excel 1. Creating and Editing Workbooks 2. Working with Formulas and Functions 3. Creating and Editing Charts 4. Importing, Creating Tables, Sorting and Filtering, and Using Conditional FormattingIntegrating Excel Skills 5. Working with Multiple Worksheets 6. Using Advanced functions 7. Applying Data Validation, Creating Forms, and Sharing and Protecting Workbooks Integrating Excel Skills 8. Using Decision-making Tools and XML 9. Creating and Editing Macros 10. Customizing Excel and Using SkyDrive and Office Web Apps Integrating Excel Skills International Edition


A Case Approach, Complete by Linda I. O’Leary, Independent

2011 (July 2011) / Softcover / 576 pages ISBN: 9780071221269 [IE] Timothy and Linda O’Leary and the Computer Information Technology Team at McGraw-Hill Higher Education offer your students a fully integrated learning program with time-tested quality and reliability. Office 2010: A Case Approach offers running case study throughout the text to help students understand the material in a consistent, relevant environment. Through this theme of “Making Office Relevant,” this text helps students understand why they need this course and these skills. Student success is assured through clear step-by-step instruction, plentiful screen captures and conceptual explanations. Each Lab, designed to be covered in 1 hour of class time, combines conceptual coverage with detailed software-specific instructions. Each Lab opens with a running case study that highlights real-world applications of each software program and leads students from problem to solution. The O’Leary Series helps students learn specific applications skills along with those that cross all Office applications, which is especially important in mastering this version of Office. The O’Leary Series also correlates with SimNet Online, our online training and assessment program for Office 2010. Contents Lab 1. Creating and Editing a Worksheet Lab 2. Enhancing the Worksheet with Graphics and Charts Lab 3. Managing and Analyzing a Workbook Lab 4. Using Solver, Creating Templates, and Evaluating Scenarios Lab 5. Using Data Tables, Using Lookup and If Functions, and Lab 6

International Edition


A Professional Approach by Kathleen Stewart

2008 (June 2007) / Softcover / 864 pages ISBN: 9780073519210 ISBN: 9780071284042 [IE] Contents UNIT 1 Lesson 1: Getting Started with Excel Lesson 2: Creating a Workbook Lesson 3: Using Editing and Style Tools Lesson 4: Exploring Home Tab Commands UNIT 2 Lesson 5: Exploring Formula Basics Lesson 6: Working with Functions Lesson 7: Using Logical and Financial Functions Lesson 8: Rounding and Nesting Functions UNIT 3 Lesson 9: Building Charts Lesson 10: Inserting Shapes Lesson 11: Using Images and SmartArt Graphics UNIT 4 Lesson 12: Using 3-D References Lesson 13: Working with Tables Lesson 14: Using Named Ranges and Structured References UNIT 5 Lesson 15: Using Auditing Tools Lesson 16: Using What-if Analysis Lesson 17: Consolidating and Linking Workbooks UNIT 6 Lesson 18: Using External Data Sources Lesson 19: Exploring List Ranges Lesson 20: Using Data Tables and PivotTables UNIT 7 Lesson 21: Working with Macros Lesson 22: Using Templates Lesson 23: Using Workgroup Features

Access Intro


Microsoft® Office Access 2013, Introductory by Linda I. O’Leary, Independent, and Timothy J. O’Leary, Arizona State University-Tempe

2014 (July 2013) / Spiral Bound / 320 pages ISBN: 9780077400231 Timothy and Linda O’Leary and the Computer Information Technology Team at McGraw-Hill Higher Education offer your students a fully integrated learning program with time-tested quality and reliability. Office 2013: A Case Approach offers a running case study throughout the text to help students understand the material in a consistent, relevant environment. Through the theme of “Making Office Relevant,” this text helps students understand why they need this course and skills. Updated for Office 2013, student success is assured through clear step-by-step instruction, plentiful screen captures, and conceptual explanations. Each Lab, designed to be covered in 1 hour of class




time, combines conceptual coverage with detailed softwarespecific instructions. Each Lab opens with a running case study that highlights real-world applications of each software program and leads students from problem to solution. The O’Leary Series helps students learn specific applications skills along with those that cross all Office applications, which is especially important in mastering this version of Office. The O’Leary Series correlates with SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online training and assessment program for Microsoft Office skills and basic computer concepts. Projects, however, are 1:1 within the SIMgrader component and allow students to practice their skills live in the MS Office application and receive immediate feedback via autograding. This integration with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. Contents Lab 1. Creating a Database Lab 2. Modifying and Filtering a Table and Creating a Form Lab 3. Querying Tables and Creating Reports

Access Complete

*9780071775786* NEW ocp mysql 5.6 database administrator exam guide (Exam 1Z0-883) by Steve O’Hearn

2015 (April 2015) / 816 pages ISBN: 9780071775786 The only Oracle Press exam guide for Oracle OCP MySQL certification. OCP MySQL 5.6 Database Administrator Exam Guide covers all of the exam objectives on the OCP level exam for MySQL DBAs in detail. You can become MySQL certified by passing OCP Exam 1Z0-883. This book prepares you for this highly technical exam and focuses on practitioner-level skills, covering a broad set of topics, including security, backup, replication, and optimization. Ideal as both an exam guide and onthe-job reference, each chapter of this Oracle Press book includes examples, practice questions, lab questions, and a chapter summary. An Exam Readiness Checklist appears at the front of the book—you’re ready for the exam when all objectives on the list are checked off. Two-minute drills at the end of the chapter reinforce knowledge. Inside the Exam sections in each chapter highlight key exam topics covered. 150+ exam questions match the format, topics, and difficulty of the real exam. •

Covers the single exam required to achieve OCP certification for Oracle MySQL—Exam 1Z0-883

Electronic content includes two interactive practice exams and a PDF copy of the book

The electronic exams also feature an open-book mode with hints, references to the book, and detailed answers and explanations

*9780077394233* NEW MICROSOFT® OFFICE ACCESS 2013 COMPLETE by Triad Interactive

2015 (April 2014) / Spiral Bound ISBN: 9780077394233 Microsoft® Office 2013: A Skills Approach provides a truly unique approach to learning Office skills with its completely isolated skills for customized learning. Created from the learning side from SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online training and assessment program, this textbook has 1:1 content with SIMnet Online. As a result, students have access to specific, isolated skills needed for customized learning, making Office 2013: A Skills Approach the most flexible book on the market. Additionally, the book’s approach uses consolidated instruction with fewer steps to explain each skill, resulting in easier learning for today’s students! Office 2013: A Skills Approach also offers projects to allow students to practice their skills and receive immediate feedback via autograding through the SIMgrader component. This integration with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. CONTENTS 1. Getting Started with Access 2010 2. Working with Tables 3. Working with Forms and Reports 4. Using Queries and Organizing Information


In Practice

by Annette Easton, San Diego Sate University, and Randy Nordell, American River College

2014 (September 2013) / Spiral Bound / 864 pages ISBN: 9780077486921 McGraw-Hill’s Microsoft® Office 2013: In Practice offers a fresh, new approach to teaching today’s students Microsoft® Office skills by clearly introducing skills in a logical sequence: 1) Topic 2) Instruction and 3) Practice. Nordell’s T.I.P.s approach builds a foundation for success by helping students practice what they learn, and provides transferable skills that allow students to grasp critical thinking beyond the textbook assignment. In Practice seamlessly integrates with SIMnet Online, McGrawHill’s online learning and assessment solution, which has 1:1 content to help students practice and master computing concepts and Microsoft® Office skills. In Practice projects in SIMgrader allow students to practice their skills in a live Office application. Students receive immediate feedback upon completion of these auto-graded projects. The integration of In Practice with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. Contents 1. Creating a Database and Tables 2. Design View, Data Validation, and Relationships 3. Creating and Using Queries 4. Creating and Using Forms and Reports Integrating Access Skills


Access 5. Templates, Advanced Relationships, and Macros 6. Creating Advanced Queries and Reports, and Using SQL 7. Creating Advanced Forms Integrating Access Skills 8. Integrating Applications 9. Managing Databases 10. Customizing Access 2012, Office Web Apps, and One Note Integrating Access Skills

Powerpoint Complete

*9780077394240* NEW MICROSOFT® OFFICE POWERPOINT 2013 COMPLETE by Triad Interactive

2015 (August 2014) / Spiral Bound / 320 pages ISBN: 9780077394240

Powerpoint Intro


Microsoft® Office PowerPoint 2013, Introductory by Linda I. O’Leary, Independent, and Timothy J. O’Leary, Arizona State University-Tempe

2014 (July 2013) / Spiral Bound / 320 pages ISBN: 9780077400248 Timothy and Linda O’Leary and the Computer Information Technology Team at McGraw-Hill Higher Education offer your students a fully integrated learning program with time-tested quality and reliability. Office 2013: A Case Approach offers a running case study throughout the text to help students understand the material in a consistent, relevant environment. Through the theme of “Making Office Relevant,” this text helps students understand why they need this course and skills. Updated for Office 2013, student success is assured through clear step-by-step instruction, plentiful screen captures, and conceptual explanations. Each Lab, designed to be covered in 1 hour of class time, combines conceptual coverage with detailed softwarespecific instructions. Each Lab opens with a running case study that highlights real-world applications of each software program and leads students from problem to solution. The O’Leary Series helps students learn specific applications skills along with those that cross all Office applications, which is especially important in mastering this version of Office. The O’Leary Series correlates with SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online training and assessment program for Microsoft Office skills and basic computer concepts. Projects, however, are 1:1 within the SIMgrader component and allow students to practice their skills live in the MS Office application and receive immediate feedback via autograding. This integration with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. Contents Lab 1 – Creating a Presentation Lab 2 – Modifying and Refining a Presentation working Together 1 – Copying, Embedding, and Linking between Applications

Microsoft® Office 2013: A Skills Approach provides a truly unique approach to learning Office skills with its completely isolated skills for customized learning. Created from the learning side from SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill’s online training and assessment program, this textbook has 1:1 content with SIMnet Online. As a result, students have access to specific, isolated skills needed for customized learning, making Office 2013: A Skills Approach the most flexible book on the market. Additionally, the book’s approach uses consolidated instruction with fewer steps to explain each skill, resulting in easier learning for today’s students! Office 2013: A Skills Approach also offers projects to allow students to practice their skills and receive immediate feedback via autograding through the SIMgrader component. This integration with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles. CONTENTS 1. Getting Started with PowerPoint 2010 2. Adding Content to Slides 3. Formatting Presentations 4. Managing and Delivering Presentations


In Practice

by Pat R. Graves, Eastern Illinois University, and Randy Nordell, American River College

2014 (September 2013) / Spiral Bound / 576 pages ISBN: 9780077486938 McGraw-Hill’s Microsoft® Office 2013: In Practice offers a fresh, new approach to teaching today’s students Microsoft® Office skills by clearly introducing skills in a logical sequence: 1) Topic 2) Instruction and 3) Practice. Nordell’s T.I.P.s approach builds a foundation for success by helping students practice what they learn, and provides transferable skills that allow students to grasp critical thinking beyond the textbook assignment. In Practice seamlessly integrates with SIMnet Online, McGrawHill’s online learning and assessment solution, which has 1:1 content to help students practice and master computing concepts and Microsoft® Office skills. In Practice projects in SIMgrader allow students to practice their skills in a live Office application. Students receive immediate feedback upon completion of these auto-graded projects. The integration of In Practice with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles.




Contents 1. Creating and Editing Presentations 2. Illustrating Slides with Pictures and Information Graphics 3. Preparing for Delivery and Using a Slide Presentation Integrating PowerPoint Skills PowerPoint 4. Customizing Images, Illustrations, and Themes 5. Working with Advanced Animation, Hyperlinks, and Rich Media 6. Integrating, Reviewing, and Collaborating 7. Sharing a Presentation Integrating PowerPoint Skills

Operating Systems



International Edition


4th Edition

by Charles Holcombe, and Jane Holcombe

2015 (January 2014) / Softcover / 448 pages ISBN: 9780073518183 ISBN:9781259094965 [IE] McGraw-Hill is proud to introduce the fourth edition of Jane and Charles Holcombe’s, Survey of Operating Systems. This title provides an introduction to the most widely used desktop operating systems (including Windows 8, Mac OS, and Linux) and includes a more visual approach with more illustrations and a more interactive approach with hands-on activities to result in students building a successful foundation for IT success. New to this edition •

The 4th edition has been updated to include mobile operating systems, the most current versions of Windows (8) and Mac OS, and expanded content on privacy/security issues.

Extensive coverage on Security and additional coverage of Desktop Virtualization

Learning Outcomes mapped to A-level headings

Try This! boxes

Notes and Warnings Boxes


Key Terms Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

Essay Quiz

Lab Projects

Contents 1. Introduction to Operating Systems 2. Computer Security Basics 3. Desktop Virtualization 4. Windows 7 5. Windows 8 6. Under the Windows Desktop. Supporting and Troubleshooting Windows 7. OS X on the Desktop 8. Linux on the Desktop 9. The Command-Line Interface 10. Connecting Desktops and Laptops to Networks 11. Mobile Operating Systems

USING WINDOWS 8 by Jane Holcombe, and Charles Holcombe

2014 (January 2013) / Spiral Bound / 240 pages ISBN: 9780077591762 “Why learn different skills for each computing device you own? With Windows 8 on your PC, laptop, and tablet you avoid the confusion of moving from one GUI to another across your computing devices. Now you can sign in to each device with a Microsoft account, synchronize all your music, videos, photos, email, accounts, and other files wherever you go. The new Start Screen is the heart of the new Windows 8 GUI, and it consists of a mosaic of live tiles for launching apps. Live tiles also display active content, such as news feeds, weather, social networking alerts, and how many new email messages are waiting for you. Windows 8 has improved features for sharing and managing files, securing your computing devices, networking, and enjoying your music, video and photo collections. Start enjoying Windows 8 now!” -Author, Jane Holcombe Contents 1. Windows 8 Overview 2. Navigating and Customizing the Windows 8 GUI 3. Windows 8 File Management and Printing 4. Windows 8 Security 5. Using Windows 8 on a Network 6. Music, Video, and Pictures in Windows 8 Appendix A: Mouse and Keyboard Actions and Shortcuts Appendix B: Installing Windows8 Index

Outlook Intro

MAKING MICROSOFT® OUTLOOK 2010 WORK FOR YOU by Randy Nordell, American River College

2012 (January 2011) / Spiral Bound/Comb / 448 pages ISBN: 9780073519289 Randy Nordell Making Outlook 2010 Work for You “A Comprehensive Look at Outlook” With Microsoft Office 2010, Outlook has added valuable new features and has significant enhancements, including the addition of the ribbon format. This textbook, Making Outlook 2010 Work for You by Randy Nordell, provides a comprehensive solution for learning Outlook 2010. While starting with a foundation of E-mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks in the first six chapters, the later half delves deeper into these essential topics to cover the advanced features available in Outlook. Making Outlook 2010 Work for You provides students and instructors with a blended approach of a step-by-step tutorial textbook and a reference text, thus allowing for continued learning both within the course and beyond! This textbook also correlates with SimNet Online, our online training and assessment program for Microsoft Office 2010.

COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Contents 1. Outlook Overview 2. E-Mail Basics 3. E-mail Special Features 4. Contacts 5. Calendar 6. Tasks And To-Do Items 7. Folders, Rules, Quick Steps, Categories, and Follow Up Flags 8. Multiple E-Mail Accounts, Advanced E-Mail Options, and RSS Feeds 9. Advanced Contacts 10. Advanced Calendars 11. Notes, Journal, Search Folders, Shortcuts, and Archiving 12. Sharing, Security, Search and User Interface Appendix A: Setting Up Outlook For An On-Stie Or Online Classroom Environment Appendix B: Outlook Shortcuts Appendix C: Outlook Quick Refernce Guide Appendix D: Exchange Server Versus Stand Alone Usage Glossary Index

Programming Java

*9780071772006* NEW OCA/OCP JAVA SE 7 PROGRAMMER I & II STUDY GUIDE (Exams IZ0-803 & IZ0-804) by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates

2015 (October 2014) / 888 pages ISBN: 9780071772006 (Osborne Media Professional Title) A Complete Study System for OCA/OCP Exams 1Z0-803 and 1Z0804. Prepare for the OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I and II exams with this exclusive Oracle Press guide. Chapters feature challenging exercises, a certification summary, a two-minute drill, and a selftest to reinforce the topics presented. This authoritative resource helps you pass these exams and also serves as an essential, onthe-job reference. Get complete coverage of all objectives for exams 1Z0-803 and 1Z0-804, including: •

Declarations and access control

Object orientation



Strings and arrays

Flow control and exceptions

Assertions and Java 7 exceptions

String processing, data formatting, and resource bundles

I/O and NIO

Advanced OO and design patterns

Generics and collections

Inner classes



Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

Electronic content includes:

500+ practice exam questions

Test engine that provides practice exams and customized quizzes by chapter or by exam objective

Bonus content for the Java 5, Java 6, and OCP 6 Upgrade exams

PDF copy of the book

Contents 1. Declarations and Access Control 2. Object Orientation 3. Assignments 4. Operators 5. Flow Control, Exceptions, and Assertions 6. Strings, I/O, Formatting, and Parsing 7. Generics and Collections 8. Inner Classes 9. Threads 10. Development Appendix: About the CD Index




Visual Basic International Edition


by Julia Case Bradley, Mt San Antonio College, and Anita C. Millspaugh, Mt San Antonio College

2011 (July 2010) / Softcover / 704 pages ISBN: 9780073517254 ISBN: 9780071326766 [IE] The author team of Julia Bradley and Anita Millspaugh remain the guiding light for countless students around the world in Programming with Visual Basic 2010. How better to master the most popular object-oriented programming language than to use the bestselling textbook? Be at the cutting edge of technology with examples, feedback questions, and a full Hands On Programming Example. Apply the concepts yourself with Case Studies and Exercises. Screen captures, step-by-step exercises, and thorough appendices ensure that Programming Excellence Begins Here. Contents 1. Introduction to Visual Basic 2010 2. User Interface Design 3. Variables, Constants, and Calculations 4. Decisions and Conditions 5. Menus, Common Dialog Boxes, Sub Procedures, and Function Procedures 6. Multiform Projects 7. Lists, Loops, and Printing 8. Arrays 9. Web Applications 10. Database Applications 11. Data Files 12. OOP: Creating Object-Oriented Programs 13. Graphics, Animation, Sound, and Drag-and-Drop 14. Additional Topics in Visual Basic International Edition


4th Edition

by Julia Case Bradley, Mt San Antonio College, and Anita C. Millspaugh, Mt San Antonio College

2010 (January 2009) / Softcover / 672 pages ISBN: 9780073517223 ISBN: 9780071310079 [IE] Contents 1. Visual Studio and the .NET Framework 2. Building Multitier Programs with Classes 3. Windows Database Applications 4. Windows Database using Related Tables 5. Windows Database Updates 6. Services 7. Web Applications 8. Web Database Applications 9. Reports 10. Collections 11. User Controls 12. Help Files 13. Additional Topics in Visual Basic

Appendix A: Answers to Feedback Questions Appendix B: Review of Introductory VB Concepts Appendix C: Deployment Appendix D: Tips and Shortcuts for Mastering the Environment Glossary Index International Edition


3rd Edition

by Julia Case Bradley, Mt San Antonio College, and Anita C. Millspaugh, Mt San Antonio College

2010 (January 2009) / Softcover / 704 pages ISBN: 9780073517216 ISBN: 9780070172814 [IE] Contents 1. Introduction to Programming and Visual C# 2008 2. User Interface Design 3. Variables, Constants, and Calculations 4. Decisions and Conditions 5. Menus, Common Dialog Boxes, and Methods 6. Multiform Projects 7. Lists, Loops, and Printing 8. Arrays 9. Web Applications 10. Database Applications 11. Data Files 12. OOP: Creating Object-Oriented Programs 13. Graphics, Animation, Sound, and Drag-and-Drop 14. Additional Topics in C# Appendix A: Answers to Feedback Questions Appendix B: Methods for Working with Dates, Mathematics, and String Operations Appendix C: Tips and Shortcuts for Mastering the Environment Appendix D: Security Glossary Index

SCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF VISUAL BASIC by Byron S Gottfried, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh

2001 / 325 pages ISBN: 9780071356718 (A Schaum’s Publication) Contents 1. Introducing Visual Basic. 2. Visual Basic Fundamentals. 3. Branching and Looping. 4. Visual Basic Control Fundamentals. 5. Menus and Dialog Boxes. 6. Executing and Debugging a New Project. 7. Procedures. 8. Arrays. 9. Data Files. Appendix A: The ASCII Character Set. Appendix B: Incompatibilities with Visual Basic.NET. Answers to Selected Problems.


Web Programming/Design



Network Security

International Edition


by David Mercer, AFC Computer Services

2002 / 360 pages ISBN: 9780071210348 [IE] (A Schaum’s Publication) (International Edition is not for sale in Japan.) Schaum’s Outline of HTML provides a succinct overview of the principles of Web design, HTML, and XHTML markup. Includes numerous examples where proper design techniques and markup are demonstrated. Offers pointers to copious additional resources, examples, and information on these topics online. Across all potential markets, there are over 400,000 students per year taking such courses at the college level; triple this number to account for high-school and adult/continuing education programs. This book is intended to provide a tightly focused, succinct overview of the concepts, terminology, techniques, and markup involved in creating effective, correct Web pages. It will include coverage of the most recent HTML specification (HTML 4.01), the current and pending XHTML specificaitons (XHTML 1.0 and 1.1), plus information about Web page design, layout, style sheets, frames and content management.



4th Edition

by Wm Arthur Conklin, University of Houston, Greg White, Dwayne Williams, University of Texas at San Antonio, Roger L Davis, Chuck Cothren, University of Texas at San Antonio and Corey Schou, Idaho State University

2015 (May 2015) / 752 pages ISBN: 9780071835978 (Details unavailable at press time) International Edition


Security+ and Beyond

by Wm. Arthur Conklin, University of Texas at San Antonio; Gregory B White, Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security, University of Texas San Antonio; Chuck Cothren, University of Texas at San Antonio; Dwayne Williams, University of Texas at San Antonio and Roger L. Davis

2005 / Softcover / 704 pages ISBN: 9780071245005 [IE]

Game Design & Development International Edition


by Joseph Saulter, American Intercontinental University

2007 / Softcover ISBN: 9780073294025 ISBN: 9780071100472 [IE, with Student CD] Contents Brief Table of Contents. 1. Overview of Games, Gameplay, and the Game Experience 2. Evolution of Video and Computer Games 3. Game Components: Part One 4. Game Components Part Two 5. Serious Games 6. The Game Development Team 7. Game Development Process Part One: Concept and Preproduction. 8. Game Development Process Part Two: Production and Postrelease. 9. The Business of Game Development, Current Gaming Trends, and the Future of Game Development Glossary

Learn the essentials of computer and network security while getting complete coverage of all the objectives for CompTIA’s Security+ certification exam, plus coverage of the (ISC)2 SSCP certification, which focuses on best practices, roles, and responsibilities of security experts. Written and edited by leaders in the IT security field, this text explains the fundamentals of communication, infrastructure, and operational security. You’ll also get details on methods to defend your computer systems and networks and how to prevent attacks. Contents 1. Introduction and Security Trends 2. General Security Concepts 3. Operational/ Organizational Security 4. The Role of People in Security 5. Cryptography 6. Public Key Infrastructure 7. Standards and Protocols 8. The Impact of Physical Security on Network Security 9. Network Fundamentals 10. Infrastructure Security 11. Remote Access 12. Wireless and Instant Messaging 13. Intrusion Detection Systems 14. Security Baselines 15. Attacks and Malware 16. E-mail 17. Web Components 18. Software Development 19. Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity, and Organizational Policies 20. Risk Management 21. Change Management 22. Privilege Management 23. Computer Forensics




24. Security and Law Appendix A: About the CD-ROM Appendix B: About the Security+ Exam

Professional References

CSSLP CERTIFICATION ALL-IN-ONE EXAM GUIDE by Wm. Arthur Conklin, University of Houston---Houston, and Daniel Paul Shoemaker , University Of Detroit Mercy

2014 (December 2013) / Hardcover with CDROM / 824 pages ISBN: 9780071760263 (Osborne Media Professional Title)


3rd Edition by Shon Harris

2015 (February 2015) / 480 pages ISBN: 9780071845427 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Written by the #1 name in IT security certification training and fully revised for the latest exam updates, this book contains 1250+ practice exam questions, NEW electronic drag-and-drop and hot spot questions, and 30+ hours of audio training. The perfect companion to Shon Harris’ bestselling CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, the new edition of CISSP Practice Exams provides coverage of the ten CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) domains. Organized by these domains, the book allows you to focus on specific topics and tailor your study to your areas of expertise and weakness. To further aid in study and retention, each question in the book is accompanied by in-depth answer explanations for the correct AND incorrect answer choices. Each chapter contains more than 25 practice exam questions with an additional 1000+ questions featured with the book’s electronic content. In addition to electronic multiple-choice questions there are also electronic drag-and-drop and hot spot questions that allow you to practice answering questions in the new exam question formats. As an added bonus, you’ll get access to 30 hours of audio training featuring Harris conducting intensive review sessions. Contains a total of 1250+ challenging practice exam questions based on the current CISSP exam. Electronic content includes more than 1000 questions, with all-new drag-and-drop and hot spot questions, in the Total Tester exam engine AND 30 hours of Harris’ audio training. Provides a low-cost, self-study training solution from a trusted IT security expert Contents 1. Information Security Governance and Risk Management 2. Access Control 3. Security Architecture and Design 4. Physical and Environmental Security 5. Telecommunications and Network Security 6. Cryptography 7. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 8. Legal, Regulations, Investigations, and Compliance 9. Software Development Security 10. Security Operations Appendix A: About the Hotspot and Drag & Drop Questions

CSSLP Certification All-in-One Exam Guide offers comprehensive coverage of the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) exam—the new certification from (ISC)2, creator of the CISSP exam. This authoritative guide covers all of the exam objectives, and includes Exam Tips that highlight actual exam topics, plus technical discussion sidebars. Hands-on examples and exercises reinforce the concepts presented for real-world practice, and sample questions at the end of each chapter test for comprehension and prepare you for each subject area of the exam. CSSLP Certification All-in-One Exam Guide also serves as a valuable on-the-job reference for software development program managers, government employees, and contractors subject to new government security requirements. Contents Part I: Secure Software Concepts Part II: Secure Software Requirements Part III: Secure Software Design Part IV: Secure Software Implementation/Coding Part V: Secure Software Testing Part VI: Secure Software Acceptance Part VII: Secure Software Installation, Deployment, Operations, Software Acquisitions Part VIII: Appendices Appendix A: About the CD Glossary


2014 (July 2013) / Softcover / 336 pages ISBN: 9780071794251 (Osborne Media Professional Title) This complete, practical resource for security and IT professionals presents the underpinnings of cryptography and features examples of how security is improved industry-wide by encryption techniques. Cryptography: InfoSec Pro Guide provides you with an actionable, rock-solid foundation in encryption and will demystify even a few of the more challenging concepts in the field. From high-level topics such as ciphers, algorithms and key exchange, to practical applications such as digital signatures and certificates, the book delivers working tools to data storage architects, security mangers, and others security practitioners who need to possess a thorough understanding of cryptography. True to the hallmarks of all InfoSec Pro Guides, the book imparts the hard-learned lessons and experiences of knowledgeable professionals in security, providing know-how that otherwise takes years to learn. You’re led through the Why and How of cryptography, the history of the science, the components of cryptography and how it is applied to various areas in the field of security.

COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Contents 1. The Language of Cryptography 2. History of Cryptography 3. Components of Cryptography 4. Ciphers 5. Algorithms 6. Hashing and Message Digests 7. Cryptanalysis and Code Breaking 8. Public Key Infastructure 9. Steganography 10. Applied Cryptography 11. Quantum Cryptography 12. Where Cryptography is Going


4th Edition

by Joseph Phillips

2013 (June 2013) / Softcover with CDROM / 784 pages ISBN: 9780071775915 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Fully updated for the current PMI® Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) and the latest release of the Project Management Professional exam, PMP® Project Management Professional Study Guide, Fourth Edition covers what you need to know—and shows you how to prepare—for this challenging exam. Contents Part I: Project Initiation 1: Introducing Project Management 2: Examining the Project Life Cycle and the Organization 3: Adapting the Project Management Processes Part II: PMP Exam Essentials 4. Implementing Project Integration Management 5. Managing the Project Scope 6. Introducing Project Time Management 7. Introducing Project Cost Management 8. Introducing Project Quality Management 9. Introducing Project Human Resource Management 10. Introducting Project Communications Management 11. Introducing Project Risk Management 12. Introducing Project Procurement Management 13. Introducing Project Stakeholder Management 14. The PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Part III: Appendices Appendix A: Critical Exam Information Appendix B: About the CD Glossary


2013 (May 2013) / Softcover / 600 pages ISBN: 9780071775748 (Osborne Media Professional Title) The only Oracle Press guide to the all-new Oracle Certified Associate Oracle Solaris 11 System Administrator exam— the designated entry point for the Oracle Solaris 11 system administrator certification track. Offering 100% coverage of the exam 1Z0-821 objectives, OCA Oracle Solaris 11 System Administrator Exam Guide includes exam tips that highlight key information and potential pitfalls in the exam. Hands-on examples and exercises are also included to reinforce practical learning and the practice questions at the end of every chapter test comprehension and simulate actual exam questions. The CD-ROM that accompanies the book features additional practice exam questions in the form of two complete practice exams that mirror the actual exam in content, style, tone, format, and difficulty. In addition to preparing you for the new OCA exam, this Oracle Press exam guide also serves as a system administrator’s reference guide for Oracle Solaris 11.

HOW TO DO EVERYTHING WINDOWS 8 by Mary Branscombe, Simon Bisson, and Eric Butow

2013 (March 2013) / Softcover / 488 pages ISBN: 9780071805148 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Maximize the versatile features of Windows 8 on all your devices with help from this hands-on guide. Discover how to customize settings, use the new Start screen and Charms bar, work with gestures on a touchscreen PC, organize and sync data in the cloud, and set up a network. How to Do Everything Windows 8 covers email, video conferencing, web access, peripheral devices, security, and troubleshooting. You’ll also get tips for using the entertainment apps to enjoy music, video, photos, games, and much more. Contents 1. Get to Know Windows 8 2. Learn How to Get Around Windows 8 3. Make Windows 8 Your Own 4. Manage, Back Up, and Sync Your Files 5. Share Files Among Computers with a Windows 8 Homegroup 6. Browse the Web 7. Print, Scan, and fax with Windows 8 8. Send and Receive Email 9. Send and Receive Instant Messages 10. Make Phone and Video Calls 11. Access Online Social Networks 12. Find and Play Music and Other Audio Files 13. View and Manage Photos 14. Watand Organize Videos 15. Read, Navigate, and Connect 16. Get More Apps and Games for Windows 8 17. Keep Windows 8 Tuned Up 18. Troubleshoot Problems in Windows 8 19. Reset or Recover Your PC




5th Edition

by Wendy Willard

2013 (March 2013) / Softcover / 512 pages ISBN: 9780071809276 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Thoroughly updated and revised, HTML: A Beginners Guide, Fifth Edition shows you, step by step, how to create dynamic websites with HTML. The book covers new HTML5 features, including video, audio, and canvas elements. Learn how to structure a page, place images, format text, create links, add color, work with multimedia, and use forms. You’ll also go beyond the basics and find out how to work with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), create dynamic web content with JavaScript, upload your site to the web, and code HTML emails. By the end of the book you’ll be able to build custom websites using the latest HTML techniques. Contents Part I: HTML Basics 1. Getting Started 2. Document Setup 3. Style Sheet Setup 4. Working with Text 5. Page Structure 6. Positioning Page Elements 7. Working with Links 8. Working with Images 9. Working with Multimedia 10. Creating Lists 11. Using Tables 12. Creating Forms 13. Forming & Styling Forms Part II: Beyond HTML 14. Beyond Static HTML 15. Making Pages Available to Others 16. HTML for Email Part III: Appendixes A: Answers to Self Tests B. HTML/CSS Reference Table C. Troubleshooting D. Special Characters E. File Types


2013 (December 2012) / Softcover with CDROM / 800 pages ISBN: 9780071802802 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Gain the skills and knowledge required to implement and support healthcare IT (HIT) systems in various clinical and healthcare business settings. Healthcare Information Technology Exam Guide for CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician and HIT Pro Certifications prepares IT professionals to transition into HIT with coverage of topics ranging from health data standards to project management. This valuable resource also serves as a study tool for the CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician exam (Exam HIT-001) and for any of the six Healthcare Information Technology Professional (HIT Pro) exams offered by the Office of the National Coordinator for

Health Information Technology. You’ll get complete coverage of all official objectives for these challenging exams. Chapter summaries highlight what you’ve learned and chapter review questions test your knowledge of specific topics. Contents Part I: Healthcare Organizational Behavior Part II: Healthcare Regulatory Requirements Part III: Healthcare Business Operations Part IV: Healthcare IT Security, Privacy, and Confidentiality Part V: Healthcare IT Operations Part VI: Appendices Appendix A: CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician Exam Objective Map Appendix B: HIT Pro Exams Objective Maps Appendix C: About the CD-ROM

WINDOWS 8 KICKSTART by James Howard Russell

2013 (December 2012) / Softcover / 272 pages ISBN: 9780071805827 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Get started enjoying the innovative features of Microsoft’s latest operating system release on any device quickly and easily with Windows 8 Kickstart. Loaded with crisp, full-color screenshots, this practical, visual guide focuses on the best ways to maximize the operating system’s capabilities. Customize and secure your system, manage files, browse the Web, download apps, enjoy multimedia, manage photos, connect to social media networks, and much more. Tips, Notes, Warnings, and Now You Know sidebars offer solutions to potential pitfalls and veteran insight helps you get the most out of Windows 8. Contents Part I: Orient Yourself to Windows 8 1. Start Up Windows 8 2. Configure Your Start Screen & Customize Your Settings 3. Control Your Windows 8 Desktop 4 . Organize Files with Windows Explorer 5. Keep Windows 8 Up To Date and Secure Part II: Explore Tiles, Media, and Apps 6. Get Started with Windows 8-Style Apps 7. Surf the Net 8. Share with Social Media and Instant Messaging 9. View and Manage Photos 10. Play Music and Video 11. Play Games on Windows 12. Get Apps from the Windows Store Part III: Get Productive with Windows 8 13. Print Files and Manage Devices 14. Get Started with Microsoft Office


4th Edition

by Michael Meyers, Total Seminars

2013 (November 2012) / Softcover with CDROM / 592 pages ISBN: 9780071795975 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Written by the leading authority on CompTIA A+ certification and training, this instructive, full-color guide will help you pass CompTIA A+ exam 220-802 and become an expert PC technician. Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to 802: Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Fourth Edition is completely up to date with the new CompTIA A+ standards. Inside, you’ll find helpful on-the-job tips, end-of-chapter practice questions, and hundreds of photographs and illustrations. End-of-chapter solutions and answers are only available to instructors and are not printed inside the book. Contents 1. Path of the PC Tech 2. Visible Windows 3. Troubleshooting Essential Hardware 4. Implementing Hard Drives 5. Installing and Upgrading Windows 6. Windows Under the Hood 7. NTFS, Users, and Groups 8. Maintaining and Optimizing Windows 9. Working with the Command-Line Interface 10. Troubleshooting Windows 11. Implementing and Troubleshooting Video 12. Ethernet and TCP/IP 13. Implementing and Troubleshooting Wireless Networks 14. Implementing and Troubleshooting Networks 15. Portable Computing 16. Mobile Devices 17. Troubleshooting Printers 18. Securing Computers 19. Virtualization 20. The Complete PC Tech Glossary Appendices Appendix A. Mapping to the CompTIA A+ Objectives Appendix B. About the CD


5th Edition

by Michael Meyers, Total Seminars, and Scott Jernigan, Total Seminars

2013 (November 2012) / Softcover with CDROM / 800 pages ISBN: 9780071795678 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Get on the fast track to becoming CompTIA A+ certified with this affordable, portable study tool. Inside, certification training expert Mike Meyers guides you on your career path, providing expert tips and sound advice along the way. With an intensive focus only on what you need to know to pass CompTIA A+ Exams 220-801 & 220-802, this certification passport is your ticket to success on exam day.

Contents 1. The Art of the Tech 2. Ports and Connectors 3. Maintenance and Safety Precautions 4. Motherboards, Power Supplies, and Cases 5. CPUs 6. RAM 7. BIOS and CMOS 8. Hard Drives 9. Removable Media 10. Peripherals and Specialty PCs 11. Printers 12. Portable Computers 13. Mobile Devices 14. Operating System Fundamentals 15. Windows in Detail 16. Installing and Upgrading Windows 17. Maintaining and Optimizing Windows 18. Troubleshooting Windows 19. Networking 20. Wireless Networking 21. The Internet 22. Securing Computers Glossary Appendices Appendix A: Career Flight Path Appendix B: About the CD


4th Edition

by Michael Meyers, Total Seminars

2013 (October 2012) / Softcover with CDROM / 736 pages ISBN: 9780071796026 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Written by the leading authority on CompTIA A+ certification and training, this instructive, full-color guide will help you pass CompTIA A+ exam 220-801 and become an expert PC technician. Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to 801: Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Fourth Edition is completely up to date with the new CompTIA A+ standards. Inside, you’ll find helpful on-the-job tips, end-of-chapter practice questions, and hundreds of photographs and illustrations. End-of-chapter solutions and answers are only available to instructors and do not appear in the book. Contents 1. Path of the PC Tech 2. Operational Procedures 3. The Visible PC 4. Visible Networks 5. Microprocessors 6. RAM 7. BIOS 8. Motherboards 9. Power Supplies 10. Hard Drive Technologies 11. Removable Media 12. Input Devices 13. Video Hardware 14. Local Area Networking 15. Wireless Networking Components and Standards




16. The Internet 17. Multimedia 18. Portable Computing 19. Printer Technologies and Installation 20. Securing Computers 21. The Right PC for you Glossary Appendices


2nd Edition by Tyler Graham

2013 (October 2012) / Softcover / 416 pages ISBN: 9780071797856 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Harness your master data and grow revenue while reducing administrative costs. Thoroughly revised to cover the latest MDS features, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Master Data Services, Second Edition shows how to implement and manage a centralized, customer-focused MDS framework. See how to accurately model business processes, load and cleanse data, enforce business rules, eliminate redundancies, and publish data to external systems. Security, SOA and Web services, and legacy data integration are also covered in this practical guide. Contents 1. Introduction 2. MDS Installation 3. Getting Ready 4. Creating Your Model 5. Staging 6. Hierarchy & Collection 7. Explorer 8. Business Rules 9. Versions 10. Excel Add-in 11. Security 12. Subscription Views 13. Web Services 14. Modeling & Mapping


2nd Edition

by James Pyles, Michael J. Chapple, and Michael Pastore

2013 (October 2012) / Softcover with CDROM / 416 pages ISBN: 9780071792301 (Osborne Media Professional Title) CompTIA A+ Certification Practice Exams, Second Edition (Exams 220-801 & 220-802) is filled with more than 1000 realistic practice questions to prepare you for these challenging exams. To help you understand the material, in-depth explanations of both the correct and incorrect answers are included for every question. This practical guide covers all official objectives for Exams 220801 and 220-802 and is the perfect companion to CompTIA A+ Certification Study Guide, Eighth Edition. McGraw-Hill is a GoldLevel CompTIA Authorized Partner offering Authorized CompTIA Approved Quality Content.

Contents 1. Operational Procedures 2. Operating System Fundamentals 3. Personal Computer Components—Motherboards and Processors 4. Personal Computer Components— Storage, Memory, and Adapters 5. Power Supplies, Display Devices and Peripherals 6. Installing and Upgrading PC Components 7. Installing and Configuring Laptops 8. Client-Side Virtualization 9. Upgrading, Installing, and Configuring Windows 10. Disk and File Management 11. Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance of PCs 12. Troubleshooting and Preventive Maintenance for Laptops 13. Troubleshooting and Preventive Maintenance for Windows 14. Network Basics 15. Installing a Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) Network 16. Troubleshooting Networks 17. Computer Security Fundamentals 18. Implementing Digital Security 19. Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows Clients 20. Supporting Mobile Devices 21. Using and Supporting Printers Appendix A: Pre-Assessment Test (220-801) Appendix B: Pre-Assessment Test (220-802) Appendix C: Practice Exam (220-801) Appendix D: Practice Exam (220-802) Appendix E: About the CD-ROM

CASP COMPTIA ADVANCED SECURITY PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION STUDY GUIDE (EXAM CAS-001) by Wm. Arthur Conklin, University of Houston---Houston, Gregory B. White, University of Texas at San Antonio, and Dwayne Williams, University Of Texas At San Antonio

2013 (September 2012) / Softcover with CDROM / 704 pages ISBN: 9780071776202 (Osborne Media Professional Title) With hundreds of practice questions and lab exercises, CASP CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Certification Study Guide covers what you need to know—and shows you how to prepare— for this challenging exam. McGraw-Hill is a Gold-Level CompTIA Authorized Partner offering Authorized CompTIA Approved Quality Content. Contents Part I. Enterprise Security 1. Cryptographic Tools 2. Computing Platforms 3. Enterprise Storage 4. Infrastructure 5. Host Security Controls 6. Application Security 7. Security Assessments Part II. Risk Management, Policy/Procedure, and Legal 8. Analyze Risk Implications 9. Risk Management Strategy and Controls 10. E-discovery, Data Breaches and Incident Response 11. Security and Privacy Policies Part III. Research and Analysis 12. Industry Trends 13. Enterprise Security


Part IV. Integration of Computing, Communications and Business Disciplines 14. People and Security 15. Change Control 16. Security Controls for Communication and Collaboration 17. Advanced Authentication Tools, Techniques and Concepts 18. Security Activities Across the Technology Life Cycle Appendix A: About the CD-ROM Glossary


4th Edition

by Michael Meyers, Total Seminars

2013 (August 2012) / Softcover / 624 pages ISBN: 9780071795555 (Osborne Media Professional Title) With coverage of CompTIA A+ certification exams 220-801 and 220-802, Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs Lab Manual, Fourth Edition contains more than 130 labs that challenge you to solve real-world problems with key concepts. Clear, measurable lab objectives map to certification exam objectives, ensuring direct correspondence to Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Fourth Edition. Lab solutions are only available to instructors and are not printed inside the book. The Lab Manual also includes materials lists and lab set-up instructions. Step-by-step, not click-by click, lab scenarios require you to think critically, and Hint and Warning icons guide you through potentially tricky situations. Post-lab observation questions measure your understanding of lab results and the key term quiz helps to build your vocabulary. Contents 1. The Path of the PC Tech 2. Operational Procedures 3. The Visible PC 4. Visible Windows 5. Visible Networks 6. Microprocessors 7. RAM 8. BIOS 9. Motherboards 10. Power Supplies 11. Hard Drives Technologies 12. Implementing Hard Drives 13. Removable Media 14. Installing Windows 15. Windows Under the Hood 16. NTFS, Users and Groups 17. Maintaining Windows 18. Command Line Interface 19. Troubleshooting Windows 20. Input Devices 21. Video 22. Local Area Networking 23. Wireless Networking 24. The Internet 25. Multimedia 26. Portable Computing 27. Mobile Devices 28. Printers

29. Securing Computers 30. Virtualization 31. The Right PC for You 32. The Complete PC Tech


How to Create and Sell Cutting-Edge Video by Michael Rosenblum

2013 (August 2012) / Softcover / 240 pages ISBN: 9780071800174 (A Professional Reference Title) This step-by-step, nuts-and-bolts guide from television-media producer Michael Rosenblum shows you how to get rich quick using your iPhone or camcorder to: •

Create Video Content Like A Pro

Edit And Get It Online

Find Your Clients And Start Cashing In

Build A Career That’s Trending


4th Edition

by Michael Meyers, Total Seminars

2013 (July 2012) / Softcover with CDROM / 1071 pages ISBN: 9780071795913 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Written by the leading authority on CompTIA A+ certification and training, this instructive, full-color guide will help you pass CompTIA A+ exams 220-801 and 220-802 and become an expert hardware technician. Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Fourth Edition is completely up-to-date with the new CompTIA A+ standards. Inside, you’ll find helpful on-the-job tips, end-of-chapter practice questions, and hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Answers and solutions to the end-of-chapter sections are only available to instructors and are not printed inside the book. Contents 1. The Path of the PC Tech 2. Operational Procedures 3. The Visible PC 4. Visible Windows 5. Visible Networks 6. Microprocessors 7. RAM 8. BIOS 9. Motherboards 10. Power Supplies 11. Hard Drives Technologies 12. Implementing Hard Drives 13. Removable Media 14. Installing Windows 15. Windows Under the Hood 16. NTFS, Users and Groups 17. Maintaining Windows 18. Command Line Interface 19. Troubleshooting Windows 20. Input Devices 21. Video 22. Local Area Networking




23: Wireless Networking 24. The Internet 25. Multimedia 26. Portable Computing 27. Mobile Devices 28. Printers 29. Securing Computers 30. Virtualization 31. The Right PC for You 32. The Complete PC Tech Appendices Appendix A: Mapping to the CompTIA A+ Objectives Appendix B: About the CD Glossary


3rd Edition

by Joseph Phillips

2013 (June 2013) / Hardcover with CDROM / 640 pages ISBN: 9780071776042 (Osborne Media Professional Title) In CAPM/PMP Project Management Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Third Edition, project management guru Joseph Phillips provides in-depth coverage and key exam information to help you pass both the CAPM and PMP exams from PMI, the Project Management Institute. The book delivers comprehensive coverage of the PMBOK 5th Edition and the CAPM and PMP certification exams, and also serves as a valuable project management on-the-job reference after the exam. This complete exam guide ensures that you understand all prerequisites. The book contains a CD-ROM with two electronic practice exams and two more for download—400 practice exam questions that emulate the CAPM and PMP exams. Training video featuring the author and a downloadable e-book are also included on the CD.


4th Edition

by Michael Meyers, Total Seminars

2013 (December 2012) / Softcover / 352 pages ISBN: 9780071795173 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting Hardware Lab Manual, Fourth Edition contains more than 75 labs that challenge you to solve real-world problems with key concepts. Clear, measurable lab objectives map to certification exam objectives, ensuring direct correspondence to Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting Hardware, Fourth Edition. Lab solutions are only available to instructors and are not printed inside the book. The Lab Manual also includes materials lists and lab set-up instructions. Step-by-step, not clickby click, lab scenarios require you to think critically, and Hint and Warning icons guide you through potentially tricky situations. Post-lab observation questions measure your understanding of lab results and the key term quiz helps to build your vocabulary.

Contents 1. Path of the PC Tech 2. Operational Procedures 3. The Visible PC 4. Visible Networks 5. Microprocessors 6. RAM 7. BIOS 8. Motherboards 9. Power Supplies 10. Hard Drive Technologies 11. Removable Media 12. Input Devices 13. Video Hardware 14. Local Area Networking 15. Wireless Networking Components and Standards 16. The Internet 17. Multimedia 18. Portable Computing 19. Printer Technologies and Installation 20. Securing Computers 21. The Right PC for you


8th Edition

by Jane Holcombe, and Charles Holcombe

2013 (October 2012) / Softcover with CDROM / 960 pages ISBN: 9780071795807 (Osborne Media Professional Title) With hundreds of practice questions and hands-on exercises, CompTIA A+ Certification Study Guide, Eighth Edition covers what you need to know—and shows you how to prepare—for these challenging exams. McGraw-Hill is a Gold-Level CompTIA Authorized Partner offering Authorized CompTIA Approved Quality Content. Contents 1. Operational Procedures 2. Operating System Fundamentals 3. Personal Computer Components—Motherboards and Processors 4. Personal Computer Components— Storage, Memory, and Adapters 5. Power Supplies, Display Devices and Peripherals 6. Installing and Upgrading PC Components 7. Installing and Configuring Laptops 8. Client-Side Virtualization 9. Upgrading, Installing, and Configuring Windows 10. Disk and File Management 11. Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance of PCs 12. Troubleshooting and Preventive Maintenance for Laptops 13. Troubleshooting and Preventive Maintenance for Windows 14. Network Basics 15. Installing a Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) Network 16. Troubleshooting Networks 17. Computer Security Fundamentals 18. Implementing Digital Security 19. Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows Clients 20. Supporting Mobile Devices 21. Using and Supporting Printers Appendix: About the CD-ROM


8th Edition

by Michael Meyers, Total Seminars

2013 (August 2012) / Hardcover with CDROM / 1200 pages ISBN: 9780071795128 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Written by the leading authority on CompTIA A+ certification and training, the new edition of this trusted resource offers complete, up-to-date coverage of CompTIA A+ exams 220-801 and 220-802. You’ll find learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, exam tips, practice exam questions, and in-depth explanations. Prepare for the exams with confidence! McGraw-Hill is a GoldLevel CompTIA Authorized Partner offering Authorized CompTIA Approved Quality Content to give you the competitive edge on exam day. This comprehensive guide also serves as an essential on-the-job reference after certification. Contents 1. The Path of the PC Tech 2. Operational Procedures 3. The Visible PC 4. Visible Windows 5. Visible Networks 6. Microprocessors 7. RAM 8. BIOS 9. Motherboards 10. Power Supplies 11. Hard Drives Technologies 12. Implementing Hard Drives 13. Removable Media 14. Installing Windows 15. Windows Under the Hood 16. NTFS, Users and Groups 17. Maintaining Windows 18. Command Line Interface 19. Troubleshooting Windows 20. Input Devices 21. Video 22. Local Area Networking 23. Wireless Networking 24. The Internet 25. Multimedia 26. Portable Computing 27. Mobile Devices 28. Printers 29. Securing Computers 30. Virtualization 31. The Right PC for You 32. The Complete PC Tech Appendices Appendix A: Mapping to the CompTIA A+ Objectives Appendix B: About the CD Glossary

ORACLE EXALOGIC ELASTIC CLOUD HANDBOOK by Tom Plunkett, TJ Palazzolo, and Tejas Joshi

2013 (August 2012) / Softcover / 400 pages ISBN: 9780071778282 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Transition to a private cloud computing infrastructure and achieve unmatched levels of performance with help from this Oracle Press guide. Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Handbook shows you how to plan, implement, and maintain a private cloud. Find out how to set up components, deploy Java applications, maximize redundancy and throughput, and migrate legacy workloads. Examples, screenshots, and diagrams are included throughout this comprehensive resource. Contents Part I: Exalogic Elastic Cloud Architecture 1. Architecting the Foundation for Cloud Data Centers 2. Exalogic Hardware Architecture 3. Exalogic Software Architecture 4. Exalogic Solution Architecture Part II: Administration and Development for Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud 5. Deploying Exalogic 6. Exalogic Administration 7. Building Private Cloud Applications 8. Packaged Applications on Exalogic


4th Edition

by Michael Meyers, Total Seminars

2013 (January 2012) / Softcover / 392 pages ISBN: 9780071795159 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting Operating Systems Lab Manual, Fourth Edition contains more than 80 labs that challenge you to solve real-world problems with key concepts. Clear, measurable lab objectives map to certification exam objectives, ensuring direct correspondence to Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting Operating Systems, Fourth Edition. Lab solutions are only available to instructors and are not printed inside the book. The Lab Manual also includes materials lists and lab set-up instructions. Step-by-step, not click-by click, lab scenarios require you to think critically, and Hint and Warning icons guide you through potentially tricky situations. Post-lab observation questions measure your understanding of lab results and the key term quiz helps to build your vocabulary. Contents 1. Path of the PC Tech 2. Visible Windows 3. Troubleshooting Essential Hardware 4. Implementing Hard Drives 5. Installing and Upgrading Windows 6. Windows Under the Hood 7. NTFS, Users, and Groups 8. Maintaining and Optimizing Windows 9. Working with the Command-Line Interface




10. Troubleshooting Windows 11. Implementing and Troubleshooting Video 12. Ethernet and TCP/IP 13. Implementing and Troubleshooting Wireless Networks 14. Implementing and Troubleshooting Networks 15. Portable Computing 16. Mobile Devices 17. Troubleshooting Printers 18. Securing Computers 19. Virtualization 20. The Complete PC Tech Glossary Appendix A: Mapping to the CompTIA A+ Objectives Appendix B: About the CD


2012 (June 2012) / Softcover / 256 pages ISBN: 9780071788571 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Written by Oracle ACE Director and MySQL expert Ronald Bradford, Effective MySQL: Backup and Recovery covers all the options with detailed descriptions and syntax examples to ensure an appropriate backup and recovery plan can be developed. Featuring a side-by-side evaluation of the various backup strategies and complementary recovery implementations, this Oracle Press book helps you to protect your MySQL data from a wide range of disaster situations. Contents 1. The Five Minute DBA 2. Understanding Backup Options 3. Understanding Business Requirements 4. Using Replication 5. Understanding Recovery Options 6. MySQL Configuration Options 7. Disaster Scenarios 8. Optimizing Backup & Recovery 9. References


50 Insanely Cool Hacks and Mods for Your iPhone 4S by Guy Hart-Davis

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover / 288 pages ISBN: 9780071798662 (Osborne Media Professional Title) You already know how to do everyday things with your iPhone-make calls, take photos, enjoy music and movies, and play games. Now it’s time to take your iPhone to the next level and turn it into your home recording studio, professional-quality video camera, and handy computer for both business computing and personal productivity. iPhone Geekery shows you how to do all this, and much, much more. You’ll learn everything from keyboard secrets and power-user email techniques to ways to jailbreak your iPhone and recover space from its file system.

Contents Introduction 1. Use Your iPhone’s Audio Features to the Full 2. Make the Most of Your iPhone’s Photo and Video Features 3. Use Your iPhone as Your Main Computer 4. Secure and Troubleshoot Your iPhone 5. Exploit Your iPhone’s Cellular, Wi-Fi, and Remote Capabilities


3rd Edition by Brian Larson

2012 (March 2012) / Softcover / 832 pages ISBN: 9780071759380 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Equip your organization for informed, timely decision making using the expert tips and best practices in this practical guide. Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Third Edition explains how to effectively develop, customize, and distribute meaningful information to users enterprise-wide. Learn how to build data marts and create BI Semantic Models, work with the MDX and DAX languages, and share insights using Microsoft client tools. Data mining and forecasting are also covered in this comprehensive resource.


4th Edition by Brian Larson

2012 (March 2012) / Softcover / 784 pages ISBN: 9780071760478 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Create, deploy, and manage business intelligence reports using the expert tips and best practices in this hands-on resource. Written by a member of the original Reporting Services development team, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services, Fourth Edition covers the complete process of building and distributing reports and explains how to maximize all of the powerful, integrated SSRS capabilities, including the new and enhanced features. A detailed case study and sample reports are included in this practical reference.


2012 (February 2012) / Softcover / 1184 pages ISBN: 9780071780261 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Systematically identify and eliminate database performance problems with help from Oracle Certified Master Richard Niemiec. Filled with real-world case studies and best practices, Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques details the latest monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimization methods. Find out how to find and fix bottlenecks, configure storage devices, execute effective queries, and develop bug-free SQL and PL/SQL code. Testing, reporting, and security enhancements are also covered in this Oracle Press guide.


The Official Guide

by Karsten Oehler, Jochen Gruenes, and Christopher Ilacqua

2012 (February 2012) / Softcover / 800 pages ISBN: 9780071765695 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Deliver timely, accurate, and actionable performance management solutions to users across your enterprise. Filled with expert advice from a team of IBM professionals, IBM Cognos TM1: The Official Guide shows you how to deploy and maintain a dynamic planning, forecasting, and scenario analytic solution. Learn the latest Cognos TM1 10.1 best practices on how to model Cognos TM1 cubes, develop highly agile performance management solutions, generate feature-rich reports, and employ dashboards and scorecards. Securing, sizing, and performance tuning are also covered in this IBM-authorized resource. This book can also be used with former TM1 versions.


2012 (October 2011) / Softcover / 494 pages ISBN: 9780071767958 (Osborne Media Professional Title) Navigate your way around the Microsoft Office 2020 suite without getting lost in too many details. Microsoft Office 2010 Demystified shows you the ropes and explains the new, handy, and most popular functions of each application. Written in a step-by-step, tutorial format, this practical guide begins with an overview of the suite and the universal features that can be used in all of the individual programs. Then, you’ll drill down into the specifics of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access. Detailed explanations and screenshots make it easy to understand the material, and end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce key concepts.




Advanced MIS................................................................................98 Data Mining..................................................................................100 Decision Support Systems.............................................................98 Enterprise Resource Planning.....................................................100 Introduction to Information Systems...............................................91 Management Information Systems................................................92 Project Management......................................................................98 System Analysis & Design.............................................................97







Annual Editions: Technologies, Social Media and Society, 21e


9781259349812 96, 99

Business Driven Information Systems, 5e


9780073402987 91, 92






Annual Editions: Technologies, Social Media and Society 14/15, 20e Mittleman

9781259170980 96, 99

Business Driven Technology, 6e


9780073376905 92

M: Information Systems, 3e


9780073376912 91, 93




Management Control Systems (McGraw-Hill UK title)


9780077133269 100

All Asia Global Editions has been adapted to include relevant content from Asia and other parts of the World.



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Introduction to Information Systems



5th Edition

by Paige Baltzan and Amy Phillips of University of Denver

2016 (January 2015) / 544 pages ISBN: 9780073402987 (Details unavailable at press time)

*9780073376912* NEW M: INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3rd Edition

By Paige Baltzan, University of Denver

2015 (January 2014) / 272 pages ISBN: 9780073376912 M: Information Systems is a visual, magazine format designed to engage your students from the start! Saturated with fascinating, sometimes hard-to-believe real examples will keep them reading throughout the course. Baltzan’s approach discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives drive technology choices in a corporation. Therefore, every discussion addresses the business needs first and addresses the technology that supports those needs second. This approach takes the difficult and often intangible MIS concepts, brings them down to the student’s level, and applies them using a hands-on approach to reinforce the concepts. A derivative of the Baltzan; Business Driven Technology version, this M: Information Systems provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business, whether they major in operations management, manufacturing, sales, marketing, etc. M: Information Systems is designed to give students the ability to understand how information technology can be a point of strength in an organization. New to this edition

International Edition


4th Edition

By Paige Baltzan and Amy Phillips of University of Denver

2014 (January 2013) / 512 pages ISBN: 9780073376899 ISBN: 9781259060335 [IE] Business Driven Information Systems, 4e discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives should drive technology choices. Every discussion first addresses the business needs and then addresses the technology that supports those needs. This updated edition provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business through its updated case studies, closing cases, technology plug-ins, expanded IT topics, and new project management content. Business Driven Information Systems is designed to give students the ability to understand how information technology can be a point of strength for an organization, and McGraw-Hill’s online learning and assessment solution, Connect MIS, helps students apply this knowledge. Contents Module 1: Business Driven MIS 1. Management Information Systems. Business Driven MIS 2. Decisions and Processes. Value Driven Business 3. Ebusiness. Electronic Business Value 4. Ethics and Information Security. MIS Business Concerns Module 2. Technical Foundations of MIS 5. Infrastructures. Sustainable Technologies 6. Data. Business Intelligence 7. Networks. Mobile Business Module 3. Enterprise MIS 8. Enterprise Applications. Business Communications 9. Systems Development and Project Management: Corporate Responsibility Appendix A: Hardware and Software Basics Appendix B: Networks and Telecommunications Appendix C: Designing Databases Technology Plug-In Overview Apply Your Knowledge

Correlation Guide: Technologies_Social_Media_and_ Society_20e.pdf

International Edition

This convenient guide matches the articles in Annual Editions: Technologies, Social Media, and Society, 20/e with the corresponding chapters in three of our best-selling McGraw-Hill Computer Science textbooks by Baltzan, Haag/ Cummings.

16th Edition

Contents 1. Management Information Systems: Business Driven MIS 2. Decisions + Processes. Value Driven Business 3. Ebusiness. Electronic Business Value 4. Ethics + Information Security. MIS Business Concerns 5. Infrastructure. Sustainable Technologies 6. Data. Business Intelligence 7. Networks. Mobile Business 8. Enterprise Applications. Business Communications 9. Systems Development and Project Management: Corporate Responsibility


By George Marakas, University of Kansas-Lawrence and James A O’Brien (deceased)

2013 (January 2012) / 768 pages ISBN: 9780073376882 (Loose-Leaf) ISBN: 9789814599801 [IE] The benchmark text for the syllabus organized by technology (a week on databases, a week on networks, a week on systems development, etc.) taught from a managerial perspective. O’Brien defines technology and then explains how companies use the technology to improve performance. Real world cases finalize the explanation.



MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Contents MODULE I Foundation Concepts 1. Foundations of Information Systems in Business 2. Competing with Information Technology

International Edition

information systems essentials

3rd Edition

MODULE II Information Technologies 3. Computer Hardware 4. Computer Software 5. Data Resource Management 6. Telecommunications and Networks

by Stephen Haag, University of Denver and Maeve Cummings, Pittsburg State University

Module III e-Business Applications 7. e-Business Systems 8. Business Across the Enterprise 9. e-Commerce Systems 10. Supporting Decision Making

MODULE IV Development Processes 11. Business/IT Strategies for Development 12. Implementing Business/IT Solutions MODULE V Management Challenges 13. Security and Ethical Challenges 14. Enterprise and Global Management of Information Technology Review Quiz Answers Selected References Glossary for Business Professionals Name Index Company Index Subject Index

International Edition

ESSENTIALS OF BUSINESS DRIVEN INFORMATION SYSTEMS By Paige Baltzan and Amy Phillips of University of Denver

2009 (January 2008) / 480 pages ISBN: 9780071270342 [IE] Contents 1. Information Systems in Business 2. Strategic Decision Making 3. E-Business 4. Ethics and Information Security 5. IT Architectures 6. Databases and Data Warehouses 7. Networks, Telecommunications, and Wireless Computing 8. Supply Chain Management 9. Customer Relationship Management 10. Enterprise Resource Planning and Collaboration Systems Appendix A: Business Basics (on the OLC only) Appendix B: Business Process (on the OLC only)

2009 (December 2008) / 464 pages ISBN: 9780073376752 ISBN: 9780071285490 [IE] Contents 1. The Information Age in which You Live: Changing the Face of Business 2. Major Business Initiatives: Gaining Competitive Advantage with IT 3. Databases and Data Warehouses: Building Business Intelligence 4. Decision Support and Artificial Intelligence: Brainpower for Your Business 5. Electronic Commerce: Strategies for the New Economy 6. Systems Development: Phases, Tools, and Techniques 7. Enterprise Infrastructure, Metrics, and Business Continuity Planning: Building and Sustaining the Dynamic Enterprise 8. Protecting People and Information: Threats and Safeguards 9. Emerging Trends and Technologies: Business, People, and Technology Tomorrow Appendix A: Computer Hardware and Software Appendix B: Network Basics Appendix C: Careers in Business Projects: Group Projects Electronic Commerce Projects

Management Information Systems



5th Edition

by Paige Baltzan and Amy Phillips of University of Denver

2016 (January 2015) / 544 pages ISBN: 9780073402987 (Details unavailable at press time)



International Edition


6th Edition

by Paige Baltzan, Amy Phillips and Stephen Haag of University of Denver

2015 (January 2014) / 608 pages ISBN: 9780073376905 ISBN: 9781259254260 [IE] Unlike any other MIS textbook franchise, our Baltzan texts (Business Driven Technology, Business Driven Information Systems and M: Information Systems) discuss various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives should


drive technology choices. Every discussion in these texts first addresses the business needs and then addresses the technology that supports those needs. Business Driven Technology6e offers you the flexibility to customize your course according to your needs and the needs of your students by covering only essential concepts and topics in the five core units with 20 chapters, while providing additional in-depth coverage in the 20 business and the 12 technology plug-ins. Business Driven Technology 6e provides the ultimate flexibility in tailoring content to the exact needs of your MIS or IT course! Plug-ins are fully developed modules of text that include student learning outcomes, case studies, business vignettes, and end-of-chapter material such as key terms, individual and group questions and projects, and case study exercises. We realize that instructors today require the ability to cover a blended mix of topics in their courses. While some instructors like to focus on networks and infrastructure throughout their course, others choose to focus on ethics and security. Business Driven Technology was developed to easily adapt to your needs. Each chapter and plug-in is independent so you can: •

Cover any or all of the chapters as they suit your purpose. •

Cover any or all of the business plug-ins as they suit your purpose.

Cover any or all of the technology plug-ins as they suit your purpose.

Cover the plug-ins in any order you wish.

Contents Unit 1 1. Business Driven Technology 2. Identifying Competitive Advantages 3. Strategic Initiatives for Implementing Competitive Advantages 4. Measuring the Success of Strategic Initiatives 5. Organizational Structures that Support Strategic Initiatives Unit 2 6. Valuing Organizational Information 7. Storing Organizational Information--Databases 8. Accessing Organizational Information – Data Warehouse Unit 3 9. Enabling the Organization – Decision Making 10. Extending the Organization – Supply Chain Management 11. Building a Customer-Centric Organization – Customer Relationship Management 12. Integrating the Organization from End to End – Enterprise Resource Planning Unit 4 13. Creating Innovative Organizations 14. EBusiness 15. Creating Collaborative Partnerships 16. Integrating Wireless Technology in Business Unit 5 17. Developing Software to Streamline Operations 18. Methodologies for Supporting Agile Organizations 19. Managing Organizational Projects 20. Developing a 21st Century Organization

*9780073376912* NEW M: INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3rd Edition

by Paige Baltzan, University of Denver

2015 (January 2014) / 272 pages ISBN: 9780073376912 M: Information Systems is a visual, magazine format designed to engage your students from the start! Saturated with fascinating, sometimes hard-to-believe real examples will keep them reading throughout the course. Baltzan’s approach discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives drive technology choices in a corporation. Therefore, every discussion addresses the business needs first and addresses the technology that supports those needs second. This approach takes the difficult and often intangible MIS concepts, brings them down to the student’s level, and applies them using a hands-on approach to reinforce the concepts. A derivative of the Baltzan; Business Driven Technology version, this M: Information Systems provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business, whether they major in operations management, manufacturing, sales, marketing, etc. M: Information Systems is designed to give students the ability to understand how information technology can be a point of strength in an organization. New to this edition •

Correlation Guide: Technologies_Social_Media_and_ Society_20e.pdf

This convenient guide matches the articles in Annual Editions: Technologies, Social Media, and Society, 20/e with the corresponding chapters in three of our best-selling McGraw-Hill Computer Science textbooks by Baltzan, Haag/ Cummings.

Contents 1. Management Information Systems: Business Driven MIS 2. Decisions + Processes. Value Driven Business 3. Ebusiness. Electronic Business Value 4. Ethics + Information Security. MIS Business Concerns 5. Infrastructure. Sustainable Technologies 6. Data. Business Intelligence 7. Networks. Mobile Business 8. Enterprise Applications. Business Communications 9. Systems Development and Project Management: Corporate Responsibility




International Edition


4th Edition

by Paige Baltzan and Amy Phillips of University of Denver

2014 (January 2013) / 512 pages ISBN: 9780073376899 ISBN: 9781259060335 [IE] Business Driven Information Systems, 4e discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives should drive technology choices. Every discussion first addresses the business needs and then addresses the technology that supports those needs. This updated edition provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business through its updated case studies, closing cases, technology plug-ins, expanded IT topics, and new project management content. Business Driven Information Systems is designed to give students the ability to understand how information technology can be a point of strength for an organization, and McGraw-Hill’s online learning and assessment solution, Connect MIS, helps students apply this knowledge. Contents Module 1: Business Driven MIS 1. Management Information Systems. Business Driven MIS 2. Decisions and Processes. Value Driven Business 3. Ebusiness. Electronic Business Value 4. Ethics and Information Security: MIS Business Concerns Module 2: TECHNICAL FOUNDATIONS OF MIS 5. Infrastructures. Sustainable Technologies 6. Data. Business Intelligence 7. Networks: Mobile Business Module 3: Enterprise MIS 8. Enterprise Applications. Business Communications 9. Systems Development and Project Management: Corporate Responsibility Appendix A: Hardware and Software Basics Appendix B: Networks and Telecommunications Appendix C: Designing Databases Technology Plug-In Overview Apply Your Knowledge

International Edition


9th Edition

by Stephen Haag, University of Denver and Maeve Cummings, Pittsburg State University

2013 (February 2012) / 608 pages ISBN: 9780073376851 ISBN: 9780071314640 [IE] The Ninth Edition of Management Information Systems for the Information Age provides you the ultimate in flexibility to tailor content to the exact needs for your MIS or IT course. The nine chapters and thirteen Extended Learning Modules may be presented in logical sequence, or you may choose your own mix of technical topics and business/managerial topics. Chapters cover what instructors want students to know about MIS while

Extended Learning Modules (XLMs) show students what they can do with MIS. A contemporary writing style and a wealth of examples engage students in the content. Arranged with chapter opening cases that highlight how an organization has successfully implemented many of the chapter’s concepts and chapter closing cases that help students apply what they just learned gives students the hands-on knowledge that is applicable in both their personal and professional experiences. Contents 1. The Information Age in Which You Live: Changing the Face of Business 2. Major Business Initiatives: Gaining Competitive Advantage with IT 3. Databases and Data Warehouse: Supporting the Analytics Driven Organization 4. Analytics Decision, and Artificial Intelligence: Brainpower for Your Business 5. Electronic Commerce: Strategies for the New Economy 6. Systems Development: Phases, Tools, and Techniques 7. Cloud Computing, Metrics, and Business Continuity Planning: Building and Sustaining the Dynamic Enterprise 8. Protecting People and Information: Threats and Safeguards 9. Emerging Trends and Technologies: Business, People, and Technology Tomorrow Projects Group Projects Electronic Commerce Projects Extended Learning Module A Computer Hardware and Software Extended Learning Module B The World Wide Web and Internet Extended Learning Module C Designing Databases and Entity-Relationship Diagramming Extended Learning Module D (Office 2010 Version) Decision Analysis with Spreadsheet Software Extended Learning Module E Network Basics Extended Learning Module F Building a Web page with HTML Extended Learning Module G Object-Oriented Technologies Extended Learning Module H Computer Crime and Digital Forensics Extended Learning Module I Building an E-Portfolio Extended Learning Module J (Office 2010 Version) Implementing a Database with Microsoft Access Extended Learning Module K Careers in Business Extended Learning Module L Building Web Sites with FrontPage Extended Learning Module M Programming in Excel with VBA


International Edition


16th Edition

by George Marakas, University of Kansas-Lawrence and James A O’Brien (deceased)

2013 (January 2012) / 768 pages ISBN: 9780073376882 (Loose-Leaf) ISBN: 9789814599801 [IE] The benchmark text for the syllabus organized by technology (a week on databases, a week on networks, a week on systems development, etc.) taught from a managerial perspective. O’Brien defines technology and then explains how companies use the technology to improve performance. Real world cases finalize the explanation. Contents MODULE I: Foundation Concepts 1. Foundations of Information Systems in Business 2. Competing with Information Technology MODULE II: Information Technologies 3. Computer Hardware 4. Computer Software 5. Data Resource Management 6. Telecommunications and Networks Module III: e-Business Applications 7. e-Business Systems 8. Business Across the Enterprise 9. e-Commerce Systems 10. Supporting Decision Making MODULE IV: Development Processes 11. Business/IT Strategies for Development 12. Implementing Business/IT Solutions MODULE V: Management Challenges 13. Security and Ethical Challenges 14. Enterprise and Global Management of Information Technology Review Quiz Answers Selected References Glossary for Business Professionals Name Index Company Index Subject Index


2nd Edition

by Ramesh Behl, International Management Institute-New Delhi

2012 (April 2012) / 752 pages ISBN: 9781259004797 (McGraw-Hill India Title) www.mhhe.behl2e This is an ideal text-book for introductory courses on computers and information technology, primarily for business management students. This new edition continues to focus on application of technology for business decision making. It has been restructured and rewritten with a view to increase the coverage of topics on “fundamentals” of computers and information technology. At the same time, it provides up-to-date information on technologies and their application for management of business.

Contents Chapter Name SECTION I: Business Organization and Role of Information Technology Case I: IT for Success 1. Introduction to Information Technology 2. Strategic Information Systems SECTION II: Technology Infrastructure Case II: IT Innovations 3. Computer Hardware and Number Systems 4. Computer Software 5. Networks and Telecommunication Systems SECTION III: Information Technology for Decision Making Case III: IT for Decision Making 6. Excel Based Decision Models 7. Access Based Database Systems 8. SPSS – A Statistical Tool SECTION IV: Inter and Intra-Organizational Systems Case IV: Enterprise Systems 9. E-business Models 10. Integrated Enterprise Systems SECTION V: Building Intelligent Systems for Businesses Case V: Smart Knowledge Management means Quick Money 11. Decision Support Systems 12. Knowledge Management and Intelligent Systems SECTION VI: Planning, Implementing and Managing Information Systems Case VI: Managing IT 13. Planning and Implementing Information Systems 14. Managing Information Systems

Global Edition


10th Edition

by James O’Brien amd George Marakas, University of Kansas-Lawrence

2011 (October 2010) / 704 pages ISBN: 9780073376813 ISBN: 9780071221092 [GE] The benchmark text for the syllabus organized by technology (a week on databases, a week on networks, a week on systems development, etc.) taught from a managerial perspective. O’Brien defines technology and then explains how companies use the technology to improve performance. Real world cases finalize the explanation. Contents MODULE I Foundation Concepts 1. Foundations of Information Systems in Business Section I Foundation Concepts: Information Systems in Business Section II Foundation Concepts: The Components of Information Systems 2. Competing with Information Technology Section I Fundamentals of Strategic Advantage Section II Using Information Technology for Strategic Advantage MODULE II Information Technologies 3. Computer Hardware Section I Computer Systems: End User and Enterprise Computing Section II Computer Peripherals: Input, Output, and Storage Technologies 4. Computer Software Section I Application Software: End-User Applications Section II System Software: Computer System Management




5. Data Resource Management Section I Technical Foundations of Database Management Section II Managing Data Resources 6. Telecommunications and Networks Section I The Networked Enterprise Section II Telecommunications Network Alternatives MODULE III Business Applications 7. E-Business Systems Section I e-Business Systems Section II Functional Business Systems 8. Enterprise Business Systems Section I Getting All the Geese Lined Up: Managing at the Enterprise Level Section II Enterprise Resource Planning: The Business Backbone Section III Supply Chain Management: The Business Network 9. E-Commerce Systems Section I e-Commerce Fundamentals Section II e-Commerce Applications and Issues 10. Supporting Decision Making Section I Decision Support in Business Section II Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Business MODULE IV Development Processes 11. Developing Business/IT Strategies Section I Planning Fundamentals Section II Implementation Challenges 12. Developing Business/IT Solutions Section I Developing Business Systems Section II Implementing Business Systems MODULE V Management Challenges 13. Security and Ethical Challenges Section I Security, Ethical, and Societal Challenges of IT Section II Security Management of Information Technology 14. Enterprise and Global Management of Information Technology Section I Managing Information Technology Section II Managing Global IT


by Caroline Westerhof, California National University for Advanced Educational Studies

2016 (March 2015) / 96 pages ISBN: 9781259349812 The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. Each Annual Editions volume has a number of features designed to make them especially valuable for classroom use: an annotated Table of Contents, a Topic Guide, an annotated listing of supporting websites, Learning Outcomes and a brief overview for each unit, and Critical Thinking questions at the end of each article. Go to the McGraw-Hill Create™ Annual Editions Article Collection at to browse the

entire collection. Select individual Annual Editions articles to enhance your course, or access and select the entire Mittleman: Annual Editions: Technologies, Social Media, and Society, 21/e ExpressBook for an easy, pre-built teaching resource. An online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing material is available for each Annual Editions volume. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is also an excellent instructor resource. Visit the Create Central Online Learning Center at for more details. New to this edition •

Retained Pedagogy! Learning Outcomes at the beginning of each unit. Critical Thinking questions at the end of each article.

McGraw-Hill Create™, our NEW Custom Textbook option – Craft your teaching resources to match the way you teach! With McGraw-Hill Create™,, you can easily rearrange chapters, combine material from other content sources, and quickly upload content you have written like your course syllabus or teaching notes. Find the content you need in Create by searching through thousands of leading McGraw-Hill textbooks. Arrange your book to fit your teaching style. Create even allows you to personalize your book’s appearance by selecting the cover and adding your name, school, and course information. Order a Create book and you’ll receive a complimentary print review copy in 3-5 business days or a complimentary electronic review copy (eComp) via email in about one hour. Go to www. today and register. Experience how McGraw-Hill Create™ empowers you to teach your students your way.


by Daniel Mittleman, DePaul University

2015 (February 2014) / 224 pages ISBN: 9781259170980 The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. Annual Editions volumes have a number of organizational features designed to make them especially valuable for classroom use: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing of supporting World Wide Web sites; Learning Outcomes and a brief overview at the beginning of each unit; and a Critical Thinking section at the end of each article. Each volume also offers an online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is a general guide that provides a number of interesting and functional ideas for using Annual Editions readers in the classroom. Visit for more details.

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Contents Preface Correlation Guide Topic Guide UNIT 1 Introduction Five Things We Need to Know about Technological Change, Neil Postman The Information: How the Internet Gets Inside Us The Secret Life of Data in the Year 2020 UNIT 2 Social Media and Participation Relationships, Community, and Identity in the New Virtual Society R U Friends 4 Real? License to Text The Truth about Video Games and Gun Violence UNIT 3 Privacy in a Digital World The Individual in a Networked World: Two Scenarios What Facebook Knows Google’s European Conundrum: When Does Privacy Mean Censorship? New Document Sheds Light on Government’s Ability to Search iPhones UNIT 4 Personal Security Hacking the Lights Out A Beginner’s Guide to Building Botnets—with Little Assembly Required Network Insecurity: Are We Losing the Battle Against Cyber Crime? UNIT 5 Social Media and Commerce Social Media: Why It Will Change the World How Google Dominates Us AmazonFresh is Jeff Bezos’ Last Mile Quest for Total Retail Domination Can Online Piracy Be Stopped by Laws? UNIT 6 IT, Business, and Economy The Lost Steve Jobs Tapes How Technology Is Destroying Jobs The Patent Problem UNIT 7 International Perspectives Internet Freedom and Human Rights A Small World After All? 7 Reasons Why Sweatshops Still Persist UNIT 8 National Security Deception is Futile When Big Brother’s Lie Detector Turns Its Eyes on You Know Your Rights! Bride of Stuxnet UNIT 9 Projecting the Future How to Spot the Future I Used Google Glass: the Future, but with Monthly Updates

System Analysis & Design International Edition


7th Edition

by Jeffrey L. Whitten, Purdue University–West Lafayette, and Lonnie D. Bentley, Purdue University–West Lafayette

2007 (December 2005) / 768 pp / Hardcover ISBN: 9780073052335 (Not for Sale in Asia) ISBN: 9780071107662 [Alternate ISE] ISBN: 9780071315708 [IE] CONTENTS Preface Part One The Context of Systems Development Projects 1. The Context of Systems Analysis and Design Methods 2. Information System Building Blocks 3. Information Systems Development 4. Project Management Part Two Systems Analysis Methods 5. Systems Analysis 6. Fact-Finding Techniques for Requirements Discovery 7. Modeling System Requirements with Use Cases 8. Data Modeling and Analysis 9. Process Modeling 10. Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling Using the UML 11. Feasibility Analysis and the System Proposal Part Three Systems Design Methods 12. Systems Design 13. Application Architecture and Modeling 14. Database Design 15. Output Design and Prototyping 16. Input Design and Prototyping 17. User Interface Design 18. Object-Oriented Design and Modeling Using the UML Part Four Beyond Systems Analysis and Design 19. Systems Construction and Implementation 20. Systems Operations and Support Photo Credits Glossary Index




Decision Support Systems

Advanced MIS

International Edition

International Edition

Decision Support And Data Warehouse Systems


by Efrem G Mallach, University Massachusetts Lowell

Text and Cases, 8th Edition

2000 / 672 pages ISBN: 9780071163569 [IE]

by Lynda M Applegate, Robert D Austin and F Warren McFarlan of Harvard Business School

Contents Preface 1. Introduction to Decision Support Systems 2. Human Decision Making Processes 3. Systems, Information Quality, and Models 4. Types of Decision Support Systems 5. DSS Architecture, Hardware and Operating System Platforms 6. DSS Software Tools 7. Building and Implementing Decision Support System Tools 8. Models in Decision Support Systems 9. Mathematical Models and Optimization 10. Group Decision Support Systems 11. Expert Systems 12. Data Warehousing and Executive Information System Fundamentals 13. The Data Warehouse Database 14. Analyzing the Contents of the Data Warehouse 15. Constructing a Data Warehouse System 16. Putting it all Together. Systems Integration and the Future of DSS Appendix: Selected Case Studies

Project Management International Edition

Introduction to Information SYSTEMS Project Management

2nd Edition

by David Olson, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

2004 / 360 pages ISBN: 9780071232616 [IE] Contents 1. Introduction to Project Management. 2. Human Aspects of Information Systems Project Management. 3. Project Organization. 4. Project Selection and Approval. 5. Requirements Definition. 6. System Development. 7. Estimation. 8. Quantitative Project Scheduling Methods. 9. Probabilistic Scheduling Models. 10. Project Implementation. 11. Project Control and Assessment. Appendix (Microsoft Project). PMBOK Cross References

2009 (December 2008) / 672 pages ISBN: 9780073402932 ISBN: 9780071263191 [IE] Contents Preface Introduction: The Challenges of Managing in a Network Economy Case #I-1 Li and Fung Internet Issues (A) (HBS #301-009) Module 1: Business Impacts 1: IT and Strategy 2: IT and Organization 3. Extending the Enterprise 4. Making the Case for IT Case #1-1 Charles Schwab in 2002 (HBS #803-070) Case #1-2 Learning from Leapfrog (HBS #804-062) Case #1-3 Wyndham International: Fostering High-Touch with High Tech (HBS #803-092) Case #1-4 Global Healthcare Exchange (HBS #804-002) Article #1-5 IT Doesn’t Matter with Letters to the Editor (HBR #3566) Module 2: Managing Networked Infrastructure and Operations 5. Understanding Internetworking Infrastructure 6. Assuring Reliable and Secure IT Services 7. Managing Diverse IT Infrastructures Case #2-1 CareGroup (HBS #303-097) Case #2-2 The iPremier Company: Denial of Service Attack (A) (HBS #601-114) Case #2-3 Ford Motor Company: Supply Chain Strategy ((HBS #699-198) Article #2-4 The Power of Virtual Integration: An Interview with Dell Computer’s Michael Dell (HBR #98208) Case #2-5 Postgirot Bank and Provment AB: Managing the Cost of IT Operations (HBS #302-061) Module 3: Managing and Leading a Networked IT Organization 8. Organizing and Leading the IT Function 9. Managing IT Outsourcing 10. A Portfolio Approach to IT Projects Case #3-1 Cathay Pacific: Doing More with Less (HBS #303-106) Case #3-2 Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. (HBS #304-019) Case #3-3 Rakuten (HBS #305-050) Case #3-4 Telecomunicacoes de São Paulo S.A. (Telesp) (HBS #804-149) Case #3-5 Outsourcing IT: The Global Landscape in 2004 (HBS #304-104) Conclusion: The Challenges of Managing in a Network Economy Revisited Case #C-1 UCB (HBS #304-096) Case #C-2 Enabling Business Strategy with IT at the World Bank (HBS #304-055) Annotated Bibliography Index



by Caroline Westerhof, California National University for Advanced Educational Studies


by Daniel Mittleman, DePaul University

2016 (March 2015) / 96 pages ISBN: 9781259349812

2015 (February 2014) / 224 pages ISBN: 9781259170980

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The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. Annual Editions volumes have a number of organizational features designed to make them especially valuable for classroom use: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing of supporting World Wide Web sites; Learning Outcomes and a brief overview at the beginning of each unit; and a Critical Thinking section at the end of each article. Each volume also offers an online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is a general guide that provides a number of interesting and functional ideas for using Annual Editions readers in the classroom. Visit for more details.

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UNIT 2: Social Media and Participation Relationships, Community, and Identity in the New Virtual Society R U Friends 4 Real? License to Text The Truth about Video Games and Gun Violence UNIT 3: Privacy in a Digital World The Individual in a Networked World: Two Scenarios What Facebook Knows Google’s European Conundrum: When Does Privacy Mean Censorship? New Document Sheds Light on Government’s Ability to Search iPhones UNIT 4: Personal Security Hacking the Lights Out A Beginner’s Guide to Building Botnets—with Little Assembly Required Network Insecurity: Are We Losing the Battle Against Cyber Crime? UNIT 5: Social Media and Commerce Social Media: Why It Will Change the World How Google Dominates Us AmazonFresh is Jeff Bezos’ Last Mile Quest for Total Retail Domination Can Online Piracy Be Stopped by Laws?




UNIT 6: IT, Business, and Economy The Lost Steve Jobs Tapes How Technology Is Destroying Jobs The Patent Problem UNIT 7: International Perspectives Internet Freedom and Human Rights A Small World After All? 7 Reasons Why Sweatshops Still Persist UNIT 8: National Security Deception is Futile When Big Brother’s Lie Detector Turns Its Eyes on You Know Your Rights! Bride of Stuxnet UNIT 9 Projecting the Future How to Spot the Future I Used Google Glass: the Future, but with Monthly Updates

Enterprise Resource Planning



UK Adaptation

MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS by Robert N Anthony, Harvard Business School, VIjay Govindarajan, Dartmouth College, Frank Hartmann, Erasmus University, Kalle Kraus, Stockholm School of Economics and Goran Nilsson, Uppsala University

2014 (January 2014) / 712 pages ISBN: 9780077133269 (McGraw-Hill UK Title)

Data Mining International Edition

INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS DATA MINING by David L Olson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, and Yong Shi, University of Nebraska-Omaha

2007 (November 2005) / 336 pages ISBN: 9780071310635 [IE] Contents Part I: Introduction 1. Initial Description of Data Mining in Business 2. Data Mining Processes and Knowledge Discovery 3. Database Support to Data Mining Part II: Data Mining Methods as Tools 4. Overview of Data Mining Techniques 4 Appendix. Enterprise Miner Demonstration on Expenditure Data Set 5. Cluster Analysis 5 Appendix. Clementine 6. Regression Algorithms in Data Mining 7. Neural Networks in Data Mining 8. Decision Tree Algorithms Appendix 8. Demonstration of See5 Decision Tree Analysis 9. Linear Programming-Based Methods 9 Appendix. Data Mining Linear Programming Formulations Part III: Business Applications 10. Business Data Mining Applications Applications 11. Market-Basket Analysis 11 Appendix. Market-Basket Procedure Part IV: Developing Issues 12. Text and Web Mining 12 Appendix. Semantic Text Analysis 13. Ethical Aspects of Data Mining

Management Control Systems helps students to develop the insight and analytical skills required from today’s managers. Students uncover how real-world managers design and use planning and control systems to implement business strategies. This first European Edition is an adaptation of the market leading text Management Control Systems by Anthony and Govindarajan and is aimed specifically at international students to offer a wealth of diverse analytical cases, balanced with current content and international examples. Contents Part 1: Management Control and Management Control Systems Introduction to Management Control Designing Management Control Systems Part 2: The Environment and Strategy of Organizations Organizations and their Environment Strategy and Management Control Part 3: Management Control and the Organization’s Internal Structure Decentralization, Control and Incentives Responsibility Centres: Revenue and Expense Centres Responsibility Centres: Profit and Investment Centres Transfer pricing, shared service centres and cross-functional management Part 4: The Management Control Process Planning and Budgeting Performance Measurement and Analysis Compensation, incentives and motivation Part 5: Variations in Management Control Management Control Challenges in Service Delivery Management Control of Projects Management Control and Inter-Organizational Relationships


A Global Digital Enterprise Perspective, 5th Edition by Jawadekar Waman, Management and IT Consultant, Pune

2013 (June 2013) / 832 pages ISBN: 9781259026690 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Management Information Systems, 5e introduces appropriate changes in the entire process of MIS development, its structure and design. It provides the reader with content and examples in an easy-to understand writing style and ensures students are introduced to the latest tools such as Business Intelligence, Information security engineering and Decision Support Systems among others which are amply utilized by today’s businesses. Contents Part I: Strategic View of MIS 1. Management Information System in a Digital Firm 2. E-Business Enterprise: A Digital Firm 3. Strategic Management of Business Performance: Creating a Model of Organisation Excellence 4. Information Security: Threats and Management 5. Information Technology: Impact on Society Part II: Basics of Management Information Systems 6. Decision-Making 7. Information, Knowledge, Business Intelligence 8. Systems Engineering: Analysis and Design 9. Development Process of MIS 10. Strategic Design of MIS 11. Business Intelligence for MIS Part III: Applications of Management Information Systems for E-Business 12. Applications in Manufacturing Sector 13. Applications in Service Sector 14. Decision Support Systems and Knowledge Management 15. Management of Global Enterprise Part IV: Infotech Infrastructure 16. Technology of Information Systems 17. Unified Communications and Networks 18. DBMS, Client Server and Service Oriented Architecture 19. Data Warehouse: Architecture to Implementation 20. E-Business Technology Part V: Comprehensive Cases on Management Information Systems 1. Management Information Systems in a Digital Firm 2. Techno-Cases in E-Enterprise Management 3. Case Digest of SCM 4. FS Square Infotech Ltd. (FSIT) 5. Home Land Groceries and Stores (HLGS)

International Edition


2004 / 336 pages ISBN: 9780071236287 [IE] Contents 1. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 2. ERP Modules and Historical Development 3. ERP System Options and Selection Methods 4. Business Process. eEngineering and Best Practices 5. ERP System Installation 6. ERP Project Management 7. ERP Implementation and Maintenance 8. Business Intelligence Systems and ERP 9. ERP and Supply Chains 10. Advanced Technology and ERP Security 11. Trends in ERP



ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING | CONTENTS circuits and electronics Analog Integrated Circuits............................................................120 Analog OP AMPS.........................................................................124 Circuilts Analysis..........................................................................118 Digital Integrated Circuits.............................................................121 Electronics Principles...................................................................122

computer engineering Advanced Computer Architecture................................................144 Computer Organization & Architecture.........................................142 Embedded Systems.....................................................................144

controls Control Systems...........................................................................134 Digital Control...............................................................................135 Electrical Instrumentations...........................................................136 Generators, Motors, Compressors...............................................135 Mechatronics................................................................................137 Neural Networks/Fuzzy Systems.................................................136

devices and materials Microelectronics...........................................................................125 Physics of Semiconductor Devices..............................................127 Solid State/Electronic Materials...................................................128

digital Digital Electronics.........................................................................131 Digital Design/Logic.....................................................................131 Programmable Logic Controller...................................................134

fields and waves Antennas & Radar........................................................................130 Electromagnetics..........................................................................128 Microwaves..................................................................................130

general reference Design in Electrical Engineering..................................................160

high voltage engineering........................................142 introduction to electrical engineering Basic Electricity............................................................................107 Basic Electronics..........................................................................114 Introduction to Electrical Engineering...........................................107



ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING | CONTENTS microcomputer, microprocessors and chips Microprocessor.............................................................................160

Networking and communications Circuits and Networks..................................................................152 Communication Engineering........................................................145 Communication Networks............................................................150 Communication Systems.............................................................145 Computer Networks.....................................................................151 Digital Communications...............................................................147 Electronic Communications..........................................................148 Fiber Optic Communications........................................................149 Local Area Networks....................................................................152

numerical methods Coding and Information Theory....................................................159 Numerical Methods......................................................................156 Probability & Random Processes.................................................158

Power and machines Electrical Machinery.....................................................................137 Power Electronics........................................................................140 Power Systems............................................................................140

professional references.........................................161 signals and systems Digital Image Processing.............................................................156 Digital Signal Processing.............................................................155 Signals and Systems....................................................................153



Author ISBN


Electric Motors and Control Systems, 2e




Electronics Principles, 8e




Grob’s Basic Electronics, 12e



108, 114

Microelectronic Circuit Design, 5e




Power System Analysis




Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6e




Principles of Electronic Communication System, 4e





Author ISBN


Analog Circuit Design: Discrete & Integrated




CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design, 4e




Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 4e




Numerical Methods for Engineers, 7e




Probability, Random Variables, and Random Signal Principles





Author ISBN


Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering (McGraw-Hill India title)


109, 115

Digital Signal Processing, 3e (McGraw-Hill India title)

Salivahanan 9789332902831


Electrical Wiring Practice: Volume 2 Blended Learning Package

Pethebridge 9781743075456


Electricity for the Trades, 2e




Embedded Systems, 3e (McGraw-Hill India title)




Microwave Engineering, 3e (McGraw-Hill India title)




Power Electronics (McGraw-Hill India title)




Probability Theory and Random Processes (McGraw-Hill India title)








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Introduction To Electrical Engineering Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering

The system allows for easy customization and authoring of exercises by the instructor. Rizzoni’s Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, sixth edition, includes the power of McGraw-Hill’s LearnSmart--a proven adaptive learning program that helps students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge for greater success. LearnSmart is included in ConnectPlus. New to this edition •

ConnectEngineering is available with Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6e. ConnectEngineering is a powerful, web-based assignment management system that makes creating and grading assignments easy for instructors and learning convenient for students. It saves time and makes learning for students accessible anytime, anywhere. With Connect, instructors can easily manage assignments, grading, progress, and students receive instant feedback from assignments and practice problems.

McGraw-Hill LearnSmart™ is available as a standalone product or as an integrated feature of McGraw-Hill Connect® Engineering. It is an adaptive learning system designed to help students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge for greater success. LearnSmart assesses a student’s knowledge of course content through a series of adaptive questions. It pinpoints concepts the student does not understand and maps out a personalized study plan for success. This innovative study tool also has features that enable instructors to see exactly what students have accomplished and a built-in assessment tool for graded assignments.

by Ravish R. Singh, Vice-Principal & Head, Electronics and Telecomm Dept., Thakur College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai

2009 / Softcover / 440 pages ISBN: 9780070146136 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering is meant for the students of all engineering disciplines who are to take up the course in their first year. The book will be useful to students pursuing diploma courses in EEE and ECE. Lucid writing style and rich pedagogy are the USP of this book. Contents 1. Basic Circuit Concepts 2. DC Circuits 3. AC Circuits 4. Three-Phase Circuits 5. Single-Phase Transformer 6. Electrical Machines 7. Semiconductor Devices and Rectifiers

Visit the following site for a demonstration: www.

Basic Electricity



International Edition


6th Edition

by Giorgio Rizzoni, Ohio State University and James A Kearnes, York College of PA

2016 (January 2015) / 1184 pages ISBN: 9780073529592 ISBN: 9789814577410 [IE] Rizzoni provides a solid overview of the electrical engineering discipline that is especially geared toward the many non-electrical engineering students who take this course. The hallmark feature of the text is its liberal use of practical applications to illustrate important principles. The applications come from every field of engineering and feature exciting technologies such as Ohio State’s world-record setting electric car. The appeal to non-EE’s is further heightened by such special features as the book’s Focus on Measurement sections, Focus on Methodology sections, and Make the Connection sidebars McGraw-Hill is also proud to offer ConnectPlus with the sixth edition of Rizzoni’s, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering. This innovative and powerful new system helps your students learn more easily and gives you the ability to customize your homework problems and assign them simply and easily to your students. Problems are graded automatically, and the results are recorded immediately.

Powered by the intelligent and adaptive LearnSmart engine, SmartBook is the first and only continuously adaptive reading experience available today. Distinguishing what students know from what they don’t, and honing in on concepts they are most likely to forget, SmartBook personalizes content for each student. Reading is no longer a passive and linear experience but an engaging and dynamic one, where students are more likely to master and retain important concepts, coming to class better prepared. SmartBook includes powerful reports that identify specific topics and learning objectives students need to study. These valuable reports also provide instructors insight into how students are progressing through textbook content and are useful for identifying class trends, focusing precious class time, providing personalized feedback to students, and tailoring assessment. How does SmartBook work? Each SmartBook contains four components: Preview, Read, Practice, and Recharge. Starting with an initial preview of each chapter and key learning objectives, students read the material and are guided to topics over which they need the most practice based on their responses to a continuously adapting diagnostic. Read and practice continue until SmartBook directs students to recharge important material they are most likely to forget to ensure concept mastery and retention. Visit the following site for a demonstration: http://www.




Contents 1. Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Part I: Circuits 2. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 3. Resistive Network Analysis 4. AC Network Analysis 5. Transient Analysis 6. Frequency Response and System Concepts 7. AC Power Part II: Electronics 8. Operational Amplifiers 9. Semiconductors and Diodes 10. Bipolar Junction Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications 11. Field-Effect Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications 12. Power Electronics 13. Digital Logic Circuits 14. Digital Systems

ConnectPlus provides students with all the advantages of Connect, plus 24/7 online access to an eBook. This mediarich version of the book is available through the McGrawHill Connect platform and allows seamless integration of text, media, and assessments. To learn more, visit www. •

Part III: Instrumentation and Communication Systems 15. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements 16. Analog Communication Systems 17. Digital Communications Part IV: Electromechanics 18. Principles of Electromechanics 19. Introduction to Electric Machines 20. Special-Purpose Electric Machines Appendix A: Linear Algebra and Complex Numbers Appendix B: The Laplace Transform Appendix C: Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Examination Appendix D: Answers to Selected



McGraw-Hill LearnSmart™ is available as a standalone product or as an integrated feature of McGraw-Hill Connect® Engineering. It is an adaptive learning system designed to help students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge for greater success. LearnSmart assesses a student’s knowledge of course content through a series of adaptive questions. It pinpoints concepts the student does not understand and maps out a personalized study plan for success. This innovative study tool also has features that enable instructors to see exactly what students have accomplished and a built-in assessment tool for graded assignments. Visit the following site for a demonstration: www.

International Edition


12th Edition

by Mitchel E. Schultz, Western Wisconsin Technical College

2016 (February 2015) / 1312 pages ISBN: 9780073373874 ISBN: 9781259251986 [IE] Grob’s Basic Electronics, Twelvth Edition, is written for the beginning student pursuing a technical degree in Electronics Technology. In covering the fundamentals of electricity and electronics, this text focuses on essential topics for the technician, and the all-important development of testing and troubleshooting skills. This highly practical approach combines clear, carefully-laidout explanations of key topics with good, worked-out examples and problems to solve. Review problems that follow each section reinforce the material just completed, making this a very studentfriendly text. It is a thoroughly accessible introduction to basic DC and AC circuits and electronic devices. This longtime best-selling text has been refined, updated and made more student friendly. The focus on absolutely essential knowledge for technicians, and focus on real-world applications of these basic concepts makes it ideal for today’s technology students.

McGraw-Hill ConnectPlus® provides online presentation, assignment, and assessment solutions. It connects your students with the tools and resources they’ll need to achieve success. With Connect, you can deliver assignments, quizzes, and tests online. A robust set of questions and problems are presented and aligned with the textbook’s learning goals. As an instructor, you can edit existing questions and author entirely new problems. Track individual student performance—by question, assignment, or in relation to the class overall—with detailed grade reports. Integrate grade reports easily with Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as WebCT and Blackboard—and much more.

Powered by the intelligent and adaptive LearnSmart engine, SmartBook is the first and only continuously adaptive reading experience available today. Distinguishing what students know from what they don’t, and honing in on concepts they are most likely to forget, SmartBook personalizes content for each student. Reading is no longer a passive and linear experience but an engaging and dynamic one, where students are more likely to master and retain important concepts, coming to class better prepared. SmartBook includes powerful reports that identify specific topics and learning objectives students need to study. These valuable reports also provide instructors insight into how students are progressing through textbook content and are useful for identifying class trends, focusing precious class time, providing personalized feedback to students, and tailoring assessment. Visit the following site for a demonstration: http://www.

Enhanced Online Learning Center The Online Learning Center (OLC) has been significantly enhanced for the eleventh edition. For students, a new feature called Study Aid Exercises provides additional worked out examples for each chapter in the text. For instructors, a Lab Performance Project, which can be used as a lab performance test, is available for each chapter in the text. A new Practice Test has also been added for the Introduction to Powers of 10 chapter.


Laboratory Application Assignments now provided as part of the main text! Located at the end of every chapter, this hands-on exercise allows students to build and test circuits in a laboratory environment. Each lab application assignment reinforces one or more of the main topics covered in the chapter. Short and concise, yet thorough and complete, additional lab supplements may not be necessary. The student CD, included with the book, provides a printable version of each separate lab application assignment.

CONTENTS I Introduction to Powers of 10 1. Electricity 2. Resistors 3. Ohm’s Law Sample 4. Series Circuits 5. Parallel Circuits 6. Series-Parallel Circuits 7. Voltage Dividers and Current Dividers 8. Analog and Digital Multimeters 9. Kirchhoff ’s Laws 10. Network Theorems 11. Conductors and Insulators 12. Batteries 13. Magnetism 14. Electromagnetism 15. Alternating Voltage and Current 16. Capacitance 17. Capacitive Reactance 18. Capacitive Circuits 19. Inductance 20. Inductive Reactance 21. Inductive Circuits 22. RC and L/R Time Constants 23. Alternating Current Circuits 24. Complex Numbers for AC Circuits 25. Resonance 26. Filters 27. Diodes and Diode Applications 28. Bipolar Junction Transistors 29. Transistor Amplifiers 30. Field Effect Transistors 31. Power Amplifi ers 32. Thyristors 33. Operational Amplifiers Appendix A: Electrical Symbols and Abbreviations Appendix B: Solder and the Soldering Process Appendix C: Listing of Preferred Resistance Values Appendix D: Component Schematic Symbols Appendix E: Using the Oscilloscope Appendix F: Introduction to MultiSim Glossary Answers Self-Tests Answers Odd-Numbered Problems and Critical Thinking Problems

*9781259006579* NEW BASIC ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING by DP Kothari and I J. Nagrath

2014 (January 2014) / 864 pages ISBN: 9781259006579 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The field of engineering today is largely inter-disciplinary and requires an acute appreciation of the fundamental principles of electrical and electronics engineering. The book Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering is an offering for the first time learner, of the world of electrical and electronics engineering. Those who decide to pursue this subject further will find in this book a wealth of initial information about the courses to come. For the engineers who wish to pursue different branches of engineering this book would serve as a lifetime guide to understand areas of electrical and electronics engineering that will come within their purview during their career in engineering Features •

Emphasis on delivering the preliminaries of electrical and electronics engineering

Span of coverage ensures introduction to all important subject areas in the field


Solved Examples

Unsolved theoretical problems

Unsolved numerical problems



Contents 1. Elementary Concepts and Definitions 2. Fundamental Laws of Electric Circuits, Resistive Circuits 3. Steady-State Analysis for Sinusoidal Excitation 4. Three-Phase Circuits 5. Magnetic Circuits 6. Transformers 7. dc Machines 8. Synchronous Machine—Generator (Alternator) and Motor 9. Induction Motor 10. Fractional kW Motors 11. Measuring Instruments 12. Power Systems 13. Semiconductors 14. Diodes and Applications 15. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) and Other Devices 16. Field Effect Transistors (FETs) 17. Small-Signal Model of Transistors and Amplifiers 18. Op-Amp 19. Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators 20. Regulated Power Supplies 21. Digital Logic 22. Digital Electronics 23. Boolean Algebra and Combinational Circuits 24. Flip-Flops 25. Registers and Counters 26. Digital to Analog (D/A) and Analog to Digital (A/D) Converters 27. Transducers 28. Basics of Computers 29. Clock and Timing Circuits




30. Communication Engineering Appendix A Appendix B Bibliography Index

*9781743075456* NEW ELECTRICAL WIRING practice Volume 2 Blended Learning Package

by Keith Pethebridge (deceased) and Ian Neeson, Sydney Institute of TAFE

2014 (June 2014) ISBN: 9781743075456 (McGraw-Hill Australia Title) Electrical Wiring Practice is now enhanced with McGrawHill Educations unique Connect and Connect Plus to provide a complete blended learning solution for Electrical students. This volume presents knowledge and skills specified in units of competency in national training packages for an electrical trade qualification and advanced trade competencies. Taking on a more practical approach, Electrical Wiring Practice now provides students with a range of additional online materials that goes beyond the one-dimensional user experience. This volume is an ideal learning resource for students and trade professionals willing to keep abreast of new developments in Electrotechnology. Features •

Blended learning and teaching options

Clear full-colour diagrams and photographs illustrate key concepts

Appropriate language level for student demographic

Coverage of Cert II and Cert III Electrotechnology courses mapped to the competencies

Video animations ensure students can easily engage with examples and readings

Worksheets, interactive questions and testbanks maximise student understanding

Extensive end-of-chapter summaries and review questions ensure retention of presented theory

Scope: Electrical Wiring Practice aligns with the Certificate II and III in Electrotechnology in the UEE11 Training Package. Related titles: The Electrical Principles for Electrical Trades is the companion and extended text. Contents About the authors Preface Acknowledgements WorldSkills International Competition Text at a glance Supplements for instructors 1. Electrical protection and protective devices 2. Electrical installations for safety services--fire protection and evacuation equipment 3. Renewable energy and other alternative supply installations 4. Switchboards, control panels and metering

5. Installation planning and design – selecting cables and protective devices 6. Appliances. electric heating and motors 7. Lighting applications 8. Damp situations and other specific electrical installations Bonus content. Hand and power tools and their applications Answers Acronyms Index



International Edition


2nd Edition

by Frank D. Petruzella

2014 (January 2013) / Softcover / 382 pages ISBN: 9780073134314 ISBN: 9781259060779 [IE] (A Trade & Technical Title) Frank Petruzella’s Electricity for the Trades, Second Edition, sets a new standard for textbooks on electrical training. Frank Petruzella is a tradesman with more than 30 years of experience. This wellillustrated text provides an excellent foundation of electrical and electronic principles. This edition has been modifed to prepare students for specialization in the electrical trades or one of the many related trades that require a special understanding of electrical fundamentals. This text serves as an in-depth guide to the latest version of the National Electrical Code, and helps students understand the structure and logic of the NEC and is a valuable resource for those who are studying for the Master Electrician’s License Exam. Contents Section 1 Fundametals of Electricity 1. Safety 2. Atoms and Electricity 3. Sources and Characteristics of Electricity 4. Electrical Quantities and OHM’s Law 5. Simple, Series, and Parallel Circuits 6. Measuring Voltage, Current, and Resistance 7. OHM’s Law 8. Resistors 9. Electricity and Magnetism 10. Electric Power and Energy Section 2 Direct Current (DC) Circuits 11. Solving The DC Series Circuit 12. Solving The DC Parallel Circuit 13. Solving The DC Series-Parallel Circuit 14. Network Theorems Section 3 Alternating Current (AC) Circuits 15. Alternating Current Fundamentals 16. Inductance and Capacitance 17. Resistive, Inductive, Capacitive (RLC) Series Circuits 18. Resistive, Inductive, Capacitive (RLC) Parallel Circuits 19. Transformers Section 4 Electrical Installation and Maintenance 20. Circuit Conductors and Wire Sizes 21. Fuses and Circuit Breakers 22. Relays 23. Lighting Equipment 24. AC Motors 25. Electric Controls


International Edition


Principles and Applications with Student Data CD-ROM, 8th Edition

15. Special electrical installations 16. Appliances – electric heating and motors 17. Lighting sources and applications 18. Control and energy management

by Richard J. Fowler

2013 (January 2012) / Hardcover ISBN: 9780077567620 ISBN: 9780071315470 [IE] The eighth edition of Electricity: Principles and Applications is based on the same philosophy of previous editions. It continues to be written so that a student needs no prior knowledge of electrical theory and principles and at a level that allows students with limited math and reading skills can gain a clear understanding of electricity and electrical devices. Contents 1. Basic Concepts 2. Electrical Quantities and Units 3. Basic Circuits, Laws and Measurements 4. Circuit Components 5. Multiple-Load Circuits 6. Complex-Circuit Analysis 7. Magnetism and Electromagnetism 8. Alternate Current and Voltage 9. Power in AC Circuits 10. Capacitance 11. Inductance 12. Transformers 13. R, C, and L Circuits 14. Electric Motors 15. Instruments and Measurements 16. Residential Wiring Concepts


Volume 2, 7th Edition

by Keith Pethebridge, and Ian Neeson, Sydney Institute of TAFE

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover / 368 pages ISBN: 9780070286436 (McGraw-Hill Australia Title) The 7th edition of Electrical Wiring Practice has been thoroughly updated to provide guidance in the use of the Australian and New Zealand Wiring Rules AS/NZS 3000:2007, including the 2009 Amendments and other related standards. This text presents the knowledge and skills specified in units of competency in national training packages for an electrical trade qualification and advanced trade competencies. Taking a practical approach, Electrical Wiring Practice employs clear visual tools to illustrate the knowledge and practices required by specified products and Standards. Although the book is primarily written for students and teachers of electrical trades, it provides up-to-date reference material that will be helpful to many trade professionals. Contents 10. Electrical protection and protective devices 11. Installation of safety services 12. Renewable energy and other alternative electrical supply installations 13. Switchboards and control panels 14. Installation design – selection of cables and protective devices


Revised 1st Edition

by D C Kulshreshtha, Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jaypee University of Information Technology

2011 (July 2011) / Softcover / 880 pages ISBN: 9780071328968 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book provides a solid overview of electrical engineering principles geared for both electrical as well as non-electrical engineering students. With the liberal use of practical illustrations and numerous exercises, it offers an unparalleled exposure to Electricity Fundamentals, Network Theory, Electromagnetism, Electric Machines, Transformers and Measuring Instruments. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Ohm’s Law 3. Network Analysis 4. Network Theorems 5. Electromagnetism 6. Magnetic Circuits 7. Self and Mutual Inductances 8. Dc Transients 9. Alternating Voltage and Current 10. Ac Circuits 11. Resonance in Ac Circuits 12. Three-Phase Circuits and Systems 13. Transformers 14. Alternators And synchronous Motors 15. Induction Motors 16. Dc Machines 17. Fractional Horsepower Motors 18. Electrical Measuring Instruments 19. Electrical Installation and Illumination

International Edition

FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING by Giorgio Rizzoni, Ohio State University

2009 (February 2008) / 736 pages ISBN: 9780073380377 ISBN: 9780071269506 [IE] Rizzoni’s Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering provides a solid overview of the electrical engineering discipline that is especially geared toward the many non-electrical engineering students who take this course. The book was developed to fit the growing trend of the Intro to EE course morphing into a briefer, less comprehensive course. The hallmark feature of this text is its liberal use of practical applications to illustrate important principles. The applications come from every field of engineering and feature exciting technologies. The appeal to non-engineering students are the special features such as Focus on Measurement sections, Focus on Methodology sections, and Make the Connections sidebars.



ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contents 1. Introduction to Electrical Engineering 2. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 3. Resistive Network Analysis 4. AC Network Analysis 5. Transient Analysis 6. Frequency Response and System Concepts 7. AC Power 8. Operational Amplifiers 9. Semiconductors and Diodes 10. Bipolar Junction Transistors. Operation, Circuit Models, and Application 11. Field-Effect Transistors. Operation, Circuit Models, and Application 12. Digital Logic Circuits 13. Principles of Electromechanics 14. Introduction to Electric Machines Appendix A: Linear Algebra and Complex Numbers Appendix B: The Laplace Transform Appendix C: Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Examination Appendix D: Answers to Selected Problems

International Edition

Basic Electricity

A Text-Lab Manual, 7th Edition by by Paul B Zbar and Joseph Sloop, Gordon Rockmaker, Electronic Industries Association

2000 / 460 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780078212758 ISBN: 9780071202848 [IE] (A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title) Designed for use in traditional DC/AC courses, this text serves equally well as a stand-alone introductory text and lab manual or as a lab manual for use with any basic theory text. The content of this text/lab manual is prepared with the technical assistance of the Electronic Industries Association, guaranteeing that the material is consistent with the competencies of the electronics manufacturing and service industries. Contents 1. Introduction to Experiments 2. Resistor Color Code and Measurement of Resistance 3. Measurement of Voltage 4. Conductors and Insulators 5. Switches and Switching Circuits 6. Measurement of Direct Current 7. Ohm’s Law 8. Series Circuits 9. Designing Series Circuit 10. Voltage-Divider Circuits unloaded) 11. Current in a Parallel Circuit 12. Resistance of a Parallel Circuit 13. Designing Parallel Circuits 14. Resistance of Series-Parallel Circuits 15. Direct-Current Meters (shunts and multipliers) 16. Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (one source) 17. Kirchhoff’s Current Law 18. Voltage-Divider Circuits (loaded) 19. Designing Voltage and Current-Divider Circuits 20. Troubleshooting Electric Circuits using Voltage, Current, and Resistance Measurement 21. Maximum Power Transfer 22. Solving Circuits using Mesh Currents 23. Balanced-Bridge Circuit 24. Superposition Theorem

25. Thevenin’s Theorem 26. Norton’s Theorem 27. Millman’s Theorem 28. Magnetic Field Associated with Current in a Wire 29. Inducing Voltage in a Coil 30. Applications of the DC Relay 31. Oscilloscope Operation 32. Oscilloscope Voltage and Frequency Measurement 33. Peak, RMS, and Average Values of AC 34. Characteristics of Inductance 35. Transformers 36. Inductances in Series and Parallel 37. RC Time Constants 38. Reactance of a Capacitor (XC) 39. Capacitors in Series and Parallel 40. The Capacitive Voltage Divider 41. Impedance of a Series RL Circuit 42. Voltage Relationships in a Series RL Circuit Impedance of a Series RC Circuit 43. Voltage Relationships in a Series RC Circuit 44. Power in AC Circuits 45. Frequency Response of a Reactive Circuit 46. Impedance of a Series RLC Circuit 47. Effects of Changes in Frequency on Impedance and 48. Current in a Series RLC Circuit 49. Impedance of Parallel RL and RC Circuits 50. Impedance of a Parralles RLC Circuit 51. Resonant Frequency and Frequency Response of a Series RLC Circuit 52. Effect of Q on Frequency Response and Bandwidth of a Series Resonant Circuit 53. Characteristics of Parallel Resonant Circuits 54. Low-Pass and Hig h-Pass Filters 55. RC Bandpass and Bandstop Filters 56. Nonlinear Resistors - Thermistors 57. Nonlinear Resistors - Varistors (VDRS) Appendix A: Wiring Methods Appendix B: Familiarization with Hand Tools Used in Electronics Appendix C: Soldering Techniques.

International Edition

Electricity/Electronics Fundamentals

A Text-Lab Manual, 4th Edition

by by Paul B Zbar and Joseph Sloop, Gordon Rockmaker, Electronic Industries Association

1993 / 384 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071137805 [IE] (A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title) This combined text and lab manual covers the basics of electricity and electronics theory. Thoroughly revised, it is designed as an introductory course for electronic service technicians. It also is well suited for use in technical schools and two-year colleges as a principal lab manual in the typical basic courses that last two or three semesters or quarters. Emphasis is always placed on the commonsense manner of understanding or troubleshooting circuitry. Experiments, which use commonly available components, have been written in a down-to-earth style so that students can grasp the most fundamental concepts. Experimental procedures require students to think and make decisions. Summaries, selftests, and questions are strategically placed throughout the text.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contents Using the Multimeter Series and Parallel Resistance Circuits Voltage and Voltage Measurement Measurement and Control of DC Ohm’s Law and the Series Circuit The Parallel Circuit Series-Parallel Circuits Kirchhoff’s Laws Thevenin’s Theorem Power Electricity and Magnetism Alternating Current Measurement Capacitors Capacitive Reactance

Schaum’s Outline of Basic Electricity

2nd Edition

by Milton Gussow, Johns Hopkins University

2009 (August 2009) / Softcover / 480 pages ISBN: 9780071635288 (A Schaum’s Publication) The high-performance study guides that help you cut study time, hone problem-solving skills, and achieve top scores on exams! Success adds up when you choose Schaum’s. From cable and fiberoptics to increased electricity demands, the job of the electronics technician has changed drastically over the last two decades. This revised textbook covers the latest technological advances. Contents 1. The Nature of Electricity 2. Electrical Standards and Conventions 3. OHM’s Law and Power 4. Direct-Current Series Circuits 5. Direct-Current Parallel Circuits 6. Batteries 7. Kirchhoff’s Laws 8. Determinant Solutions for DC Networks 9. Network Calculations 10. Magnetism and Electromagnetism 11. Direct-Current Generators and Motors 12. Principles of Alternating Current 13. Inductance, Inductive Reactance, and Inductive Circuits 14. Capacitance, Capacitive, Reactance, and Capacitive Circuits 15. Single-Phase Circuits 16. Alternating-Current Generators and Motors 17. Complex Numbers and Complex Impedance for Series AC Circuits 18. AC Circuit Analysis with Complex Numbers 19. Transformers 20. Three-Phase Systems 21. Series and Parallel Resonance 22. Waveforms and Time Constants Tables Index

Schaum’s Outline of Basic Electrical Engineering

2nd Edition

by J. J. Cathey, University of Kentucky; Syed A. Nasar, University of Kentucky

1997 / 304 pages ISBN: 9780070113558 (A Schaum’s Publication) The chief emphasis is on solving realistic problems, hundreds of which are included with detailed solutions. This popular study guide concisely yet clearly covers all the areas taught in twosemester survey courses and serves as an ideal review for electrical engineers and others looking for high ratings on the Professional Engineer’s Examination. Contents Circuit Elements and Laws. Analysis of DC Circuits. AC Circuits: Sinusoidal Steady-State. Transient Circuit Analysis. Special Forcing Functions and Laplace Transforms. State-Variable Circuit Analysis. Diodes. Bipolar Junction Transistors. Field-Effect Transistors. Operational Amplifiers. Switching Logic Circuits. Digital Logic Applications. Transformers. Electromechanics and Electrical Machines. Concepts of Control. Transfer Functions. Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs. Control Criteria and Response.

Schaum’s Outline of Basic Mathematics for Electricity and Electronics

2nd Edition

by Aurthur Beiser, New York University

1993 / 224 pages ISBN: 9780070044395 (A Schaum’s Publication) A solved-problems outline of mathematical calculations for electricity and electronics technicians. All major types of problems are included. This edition will continue to follow the course trends as covered in the leading textbooks such as Singer and Forster, and Zbar. A new chapter on network theorems will introduce theorems of Thevenin, Norton, and Millman. Additions to other chapters will include impedance matching (AC and DC); superposition theorem and voltage dividers; voltampere reactive power (VAR power). The use of electronic calculators will be included. A mix of SI and customary units will occur throughout. Contents Basic Electricity and Algebra. Fractions, Decimals, and Percentage. Power and Energy. Powers of 10 and Logarithms. Resistance and Wire Size. Series Circuits. Parallel Circuits. Simultaneous Equations and Kirchhoff’s Rules. Network Theorems.




Inductance. Capacitance. Trigonometry and Vectors. Alternating Current. American Wire Gage Tables. Appendix A: Conversion Factors. Appendix B: American Wire Gage Tables. Appendix C: Table of Allowable Current Carrying Capacities (ampacities) of Copper Conductors. Appendix D: Four-Place Logarithms. Appendix E: Natural Trigonometric Functions.


International Edition


12th Edition

by Mitchel E. Schultz, Western Wisconsin Technical College

2016 (February 2015) / 1312 pages ISBN: 9780073373874 ISBN: 9781259251986 [IE] Grob’s Basic Electronics, 12th Edition, is written for the beginning student pursuing a technical degree in Electronics Technology. In covering the fundamentals of electricity and electronics, this text focuses on essential topics for the technician, and the allimportant development of testing and troubleshooting skills. This highly practical approach combines clear, carefully-laid-out explanations of key topics with good, worked-out examples and problems to solve. Review problems that follow each section reinforce the material just completed, making this a very studentfriendly text. It is a thoroughly accessible introduction to basic DC and AC circuits and electronic devices. This longtime best-selling text has been refined, updated and made more student friendly. The focus on absolutely essential knowledge for technicians, and focus on real-world applications of these basic concepts makes it ideal for today’s technology students. New to this edition •

McGraw-Hill LearnSmart™ is available as a standalone product or as an integrated feature of McGraw-Hill Connect® Engineering. It is an adaptive learning system designed to help students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge for greater success. LearnSmart assesses a student’s knowledge of course content through a series of adaptive questions. It pinpoints concepts the student does not understand and maps out a personalized study plan for success. This innovative study tool also has features that enable instructors to see exactly what students have accomplished and a built-in assessment tool for graded assignments. Visit the following site for a demonstration:

Basic Electronics


McGraw-Hill ConnectPlus® provides online presentation, assignment, and assessment solutions. It connects your students with the tools and resources they’ll need to achieve success. With Connect, you can deliver assignments, quizzes, and tests online. A robust set of questions and problems are presented and aligned with the textbook’s learning goals. As an instructor, you can edit existing questions and author entirely new problems. Track individual student performance—by question, assignment, or in relation to the class overall—with detailed grade reports. Integrate grade reports easily with Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as WebCT and Blackboard—and much more. ConnectPlus provides students with all the advantages of Connect, plus 24/7 online access to an eBook. This mediarich version of the book is available through the McGraw-Hill Connect platform and allows seamless integration of text, media, and assessments. To learn more, visit

Powered by the intelligent and adaptive LearnSmart engine, SmartBook is the first and only continuously adaptive reading experience available today. Distinguishing what students know from what they don’t, and honing in on concepts they are most likely to forget, SmartBook personalizes content for each student. Reading is no longer a passive and linear experience but an engaging and dynamic one, where students are more likely to master and retain important concepts, coming to class better prepared. SmartBook includes powerful reports that identify specific topics and learning objectives students need to study. These valuable reports also provide instructors insight into how students are progressing through textbook content and are useful for identifying class trends, focusing precious class time, providing personalized feedback to students, and tailoring assessment. Visit the following site for a demonstration:

Enhanced Online Learning Center The Online Learning Center (OLC) has been significantly enhanced for the eleventh edition. For students, a new feature called Study Aid Exercises provides additional worked out examples for each chapter in the text. For instructors, a Lab Performance Project, which can be used as a lab performance test, is available for each chapter in the text. A new Practice Test has also been added for the Introduction to Powers of 10 chapter.

Laboratory Application Assignments now provided as part of the main text! Located at the end of every chapter, this hands-on exercise allows students to build and test circuits in a laboratory environment. Each lab application assignment reinforces one or more of the main topics covered in the chapter. Short and concise, yet thorough and complete, additional lab supplements may not be necessary. The student CD, included with the book, provides a printable version of each separate lab application assignment.

CONTENTS I Introduction to Powers of 10 1. Electricity 2. Resistors 3. Ohm’s Law Sample 4. Series Circuits 5. Parallel Circuits 6. Series-Parallel Circuits 7. Voltage Dividers and Current Dividers 8. Analog and Digital Multimeters 9. Kirchhoff ’s Laws 10. Network Theorems


11. Conductors and Insulators 12. Batteries 13. Magnetism 14. Electromagnetism 15. Alternating Voltage and Current 16. Capacitance 17. Capacitive Reactance 18. Capacitive Circuits 19. Inductance 20. Inductive Reactance 21. Inductive Circuits 22. RC and L/R Time Constants 23. Alternating Current Circuits 24. Complex Numbers for AC Circuits 25. Resonance 26. Filters 27. Diodes and Diode Applications 28. Bipolar Junction Transistors 29. Transistor Amplifiers 30. Field Effect Transistors 31. Power Amplifi ers 32. Thyristors 33. Operational Amplifiers Appendix A: Electrical Symbols and Abbreviations Appendix B: Solder and the Soldering Process Appendix C: Listing of Preferred Resistance Values Appendix D: Component Schematic Symbols Appendix E: Using the Oscilloscope Appendix F: Introduction to MultiSim Glossary Answers Self-Tests Answers Odd-Numbered Problems and Critical Thinking Problems


Unsolved numerical problems



Contents 1. Elementary Concepts and Definitions 2. Fundamental Laws of Electric Circuits, Resistive Circuits 3. Steady-State Analysis for Sinusoidal Excitation 4. Three-Phase Circuits 5. Magnetic Circuits 6. Transformers 7. dc Machines 8. Synchronous Machine—Generator (Alternator) and Motor 9. Induction Motor 10. Fractional kW Motors 11. Measuring Instruments 12. Power Systems 13. Semiconductors 14. Diodes and Applications 15. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) and Other Devices 16. Field Effect Transistors (FETs) 17. Small-Signal Model of Transistors and Amplifiers 18. Op-Amp 19. Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators 20. Regulated Power Supplies 21. Digital Logic 22. Digital Electronics 23. Boolean Algebra and Combinational Circuits 24. Flip-Flops 25. Registers and Counters 26. Digital to Analog (D/A) and Analog to Digital (A/D) Converters 27. Transducers 28. Basics of Computers 29. Clock and Timing Circuits 30. Communication Engineering Appendix A Appendix B Bibliography Index

by DP Kothari and I J. Nagrath

2014 (January 2014) / 864 pages ISBN: 9781259006579 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The field of engineering today is largely inter-disciplinary and requires an acute appreciation of the fundamental principles of electrical and electronics engineering. The book Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering is an offering for the first time learner, of the world of electrical and electronics engineering. Those who decide to pursue this subject further will find in this book a wealth of initial information about the courses to come. For the engineers who wish to pursue different branches of engineering this book would serve as a lifetime guide to understand areas of electrical and electronics engineering that will come within their purview during their career in engineering Features •

Emphasis on delivering the preliminaries of electrical and electronics engineering

Span of coverage ensures introduction to all important subject areas in the field


Solved Examples

Unsolved theoretical problems

BASIC ELECTRONICS by Ravish Aradhya H. V., Associate Professor Electronics and Communication Engineering Department. RV College of Engineering, Bangalore

2013 (July 2013) / Softcover / 584 pages ISBN: 9780071333108 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Basic electronics being a common course of study for all engineering disciplines, there arises a need to inculcate in the students strong fundamentals about the subject, to help them analyse the various electronic circuits and devices that they encounter in their daily lives and in various engineering setups. The book, Basic Electronics, caters to the changing curriculum and examination requirements by way of providing the internal behaviour of important electronic devices, the principles of operation and design concepts, and analysis of the circuits that build these devices. Contents 1. Semiconductor Physics and PN Junction 2. Diode Applications 3. Bipolar Junction Transistors 4. BJT Amplifiers, Feedback and Oscillators 5. Communication Systems 6. Linear Integrated Circuits




7. Digital Electronics 8. Measuring Instruments 9. Transducers 10. Field Effect Transistors and Other Devices Question Bank Additional Solved Examples Quiz Questions (Short-Answer Questions) Appendix A: Some Important Tables Appendix B: Some Important Inventions


2nd Edition

by N N. Bhargava, Technical Teacher’s Training Institute, Chandigarh, D C Kulshreshtha, Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, and S C Gupta, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Management, Mathura

2013 (May 2013) / Softcover / 504 pages ISBN: 9781259006463 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The text on Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits takes a fundamental approach in discussions on electronics and treats the subject matter in a manner to empower practical implementation of the concepts. The book has been specially designed to reduce mathematical rigor of the subject, by discussing the principles in a textual yet concise manner. Contents 1. Introduction to Electronics 2. Current and Voltage Sources 3. Semiconductor Physics 4. Semiconductor Diode 5. Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) 6. Field Effect Transistors (FETs) 7. Transistor Biasing and Stabilisation of Operating Point 8. Small-Signal Amplifiers 9. Multi-Stage Amplifiers 10. Power Amplifiers 11. Tuned Voltage Amplifiers 12. Feedback in Amplifiers 13. Oscillators 14. Electronic Instruments

International Edition

APPLIED CIRCUIT ANALYSIS by Matthew Sadiku, Prairie View A&M University, Charles K. Alexander, Cleveland State University, Sarhan Musa, Prairie View A&M University

2013 (January 2012) / Hardcover / 992 pages ISBN: 9780078028076 ISBN: 9780071317825 [IE] Applied Circuit Analysis 1e is intended to present circuit analysis to engineering technology students in a manner that is clearer, more interesting and easier to understand than other texts. This book was written for a two-semester or three-quarter course in linear analysis. The book may also be used for a one-semester course by a proper selection of chapters and sections by the instructor. It is broadly divided into two parts. Part 1, consisting of Chapters 1 to 10, is devoted to dc circuits. Part 2, containing Chapters 11 to 19, deals with ac circuits. The material in two parts is more than sufficient for a two-semester course so the instructor must select which chapters or sections to cover.

Contents Part I: DC Circuits 1. Basic Concepts 2. Resistance 3. Power and Energy 4. Series Circuits 5. Parallel Circuits 6. Series-Parallel Circuits 7. Methods of Analysis 8. DC Circuit Theorems 9. Capacitors 10. Inductors Part 2: AC Circuits 11. AC Voltage and Current 12. Phasors and Impedance 13. Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis 14. Power 15. Resonance 16. Filters and Bode Plots 17. Three-Phase Circuits 18. Transformers and Coupled Circuits 19. Two-Port Networks Appendix A: Simultaneous Equations and Matrix Inversion Appendix B: Complex Numbers Appendix C: PSpice for Windows Appendix D: MutliSim Aooendix E: MATLAB Appendix F: TI-86 Calculators Appendix G: Answers to odd-numbered Problems

BASIC ELECTRONICS by S K Mandal, Formerly Director (Scientific Services), Tata Steel Ltd., Jamshedpur

2013 (July 2012) / Softcover / 1100 pages ISBN: 9781259006586 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Basic Electronics by Mandal has been developed especially for budding engineers. It will familiarize them with the many aspects of the vast field of electronics, which they will frequently ncounter and study. This learning is made easy by using a simple narrative style in the book. School-level physics and mathematics serve as the foundation on which concepts have been further developed. Examination-oriented numerical problems and liberal use of illustrations make studying from this book very interesting. Contents 1. Introduction to Electronics and Semiconductors 2. PN-Junction Diodes 3. Rectifiers, Filters and Voltage Regulators 4. Bipolar Junction Transistor 5. Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifiers: Small-Signal, LargeSignal, Multistage and Frequency Response 6. Field Effect Transistor 7. Feedback Amplifier 8. Oscillators 9. Operational Amplifier and Its Applications 10. Digital Circuits 11. Electronic Instruments 12. Power Semiconductor Devices 13. Transducers 14. Communication Systems


International Edition

International Edition


Electricity/Electronics Fundamentals

Fundamentals of DC and AC Circuits with Simulations CD by Mitchel E. Schultz, Western Wisconsin Technical College

2007 / Hardcover / 992 pages ISBN: 9780073250366 ISBN: 9780071108096 [IE, with Student CD]

A Text-Lab Manual, 4th Edition

by by Paul B Zbar and Joseph Sloop, Gordon Rockmaker, Electronic Industries Association

1993 / 384 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071137805 [IE]

(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)

Grob’s Basic Electronics: Fundamentals of DC/AC Circuits is written for the beginning student pursuing a degree in electronics technology. In covering the fundamentals of electricity and electronics, this text focuses on essential topics for the technician and the all-important development of troubleshooting skills.

This combined text and lab manual covers the basics of electricity and electronics theory. Thoroughly revised, it is designed as an introductory course for electronic service technicians. It also is well suited for use in technical schools and two-year colleges as a principal lab manual in the typical basic courses that last two or three semesters or quarters. Emphasis is always placed on the commonsense manner of understanding or troubleshooting circuitry. Experiments, which use commonly available components, have been written in a down-to-earth style so that students can grasp the most fundamental concepts. Experimental procedures require students to think and make decisions. Summaries, selftests, and questions are strategically placed throughout the text.

This highly practical approach combines clear, carefully-laid-out explanations of key topics with worked-out examples and problems to solve. Review problems that follow each section reinforce material just completed making this a very student-friendly text. It provides the student with complete, comprehensive coverage of all of the fundamental concepts of DC and AC circuit theory. This first edition combines the tried and true Grob’s Basic Electronics with more specific study in DC/AC Circuitry. For the first time, instructors can choose between Grob’s Basic Electronics 10th edition, with its additional coverage of devices or this new, concise Fundamentals of DC/AC Circuits. The focus on absolutely essential knowledge for technicians, including troubleshooting failed circuitry, keeps this book completely practical. Contents 1. Electricity 2. Resistors 3. Ohm’s Law 4. Series Circuits 5. Parallel Circuits 6. Series-Parallel Circuits 7. Voltage Dividers and Current Dividers 8. Direct-Current Meters 9. Kirchhoff’s Laws 10. Network Theorems 11. Conductors and Insulators 12. Batteries 13. Magnetism 14. Electromagnetism 15. Alternating Voltage and Current 16. Capacitance 17. Capacitive Reactance 18. Capacitive Circuits 19. Inductance 20. Inductive Reactance 21. Inductive Circuits 22. RC and L/R Time Constants 23. Alternating Current Circuits 24. Complex Numbers for AC Circuits 25. Resonance 26. Filters

Contents Using the Multimeter Series and Parallel Resistance Circuits Voltage and Voltage Measurement Measurement and Control of DC Ohm’s Law and the Series Circuit The Parallel Circuit Series-Parallel Circuits Kirchhoff’s Laws Thevenin’s Theorem Power Electricity and Magnetism Alternating Current Measurement Capacitors Capacitive Reactance

Schaum’s Outline of Basic Mathematics for Electricity and Electronics

2nd Edition

by Aurthur Beiser, New York University

1993 / 224 pages ISBN: 9780070044395 (A Schaum’s Publication) A solved-problems outline of mathematical calculations for electricity and electronics technicians. All major types of problems are included. This edition will continue to follow the course trends as covered in the leading textbooks such as Singer and Forster, and Zbar. A new chapter on network theorems will introduce theorems of Thevenin, Norton, and Millman. Additions to other chapters will include impedance matching (AC and DC); superposition theorem and voltage dividers; voltampere reactive power (VAR power). The use of electronic calculators will be included. A mix of SI and customary units will occur throughout. Contents Basic Electricity and Algebra. Fractions, Decimals, and Percentage. Power and Energy. Powers of 10 and Logarithms.




Resistance and Wire Size. Series Circuits. Parallel Circuits. Simultaneous Equations and Kirchhoff’s Rules. Network Theorems. Inductance. Capacitance. Trigonometry and Vectors. Alternating Current. American Wire Gage Tables. Appendix A: Conversion Factors. Appendix B: American Wire Gage Tables. Appendix C: Table of Allowable Current Carrying Capacities (ampacities) of Copper Conductors. Appendix D: Four-Place Logarithms. Appendix E: Natural Trigonometric Functions.

Circuits and Electronics Circuits Analysis

Part 2:AC Circuits 9. Sinusoids and Phasors 10. Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis 11. AC Power Analysis 12. Three-Phase Circuits 13. Magnetically Coupled Circuits 14. Frequency Response Part 3: Advanced Circuit Analysis 15. Introduction to the Laplace Transform 16. Applications of the Laplace Transform 17. The Fourier Series 18. Fourier Transform 19. Two-Port Networks Appendix A: Simultaneous Equations and Matrix Inversion Appendix B: Complex Numbers Appendix C: Mathematical Formulas Appendix D: Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems Selected Bibliography Index

International Edition



5th Edition

by Charles K. Alexander, Cleveland State University, and Matthew Sadiku, Prairie View A&M University

2013 (January 2012) / Hardcover / 1056 pages ISBN: 9780073380575 ISBN: 9781259071393 [IE] Alexander and Sadiku’s fifth edition of Fundamentals of Electric Circuits continues in the spirit of its successful previous editions, with the objective of presenting circuit analysis in a manner that is clearer, more interesting, and easier to understand than other, more traditional texts. Students are introduced to the sound, six-step problem solving methodology in chapter one, and are consistently made to apply and practice these steps in practice problems and homework problems throughout the text. A balance of theory, worked examples and extended examples, practice problems, and real-world applications, combined with over 468 new or changed homework problems for the fifth edition and robust media offerings, renders the fifth edition the most comprehensive and student-friendly approach to linear circuit analysis. This edition retains the Design a Problem feature which helps students develop their design skills by having the student develop the question as well as the solution. There are over 100 Design a Problem exercises integrated into the problem sets in the book. Contents Part 1: DC Circuits 1. Basic Concepts 2. Basic Laws 3. Methods of Analysis 4. Circuit Theorems 5. Operational Amplifiers 6. Capacitors and Inductors 7. First-Order Circuits 8. Second-Order Circuits

by Matthew Sadiku, Prairie View A&M University, Charles K. Alexander, Cleveland State University, Sarhan Musa, Prairie View A&M University

2013 (January 2012) / Hardcover / 992 pages ISBN: 9780078028076 ISBN: 9780071317825 [IE] Applied Circuit Analysis 1e is intended to present circuit analysis to engineering technology students in a manner that is clearer, more interesting and easier to understand than other texts. This book was written for a two-semester or three-quarter course in linear analysis. The book may also be used for a one-semester course by a proper selection of chapters and sections by the instructor. It is broadly divided into two parts. Part 1, consisting of Chapters 1 to 10, is devoted to dc circuits. Part 2, containing Chapters 11 to 19, deals with ac circuits. The material in two parts is more than sufficient for a two-semester course so the instructor must select which chapters or sections to cover. Contents Part I: DC Circuits 1. Basic Concepts 2. Resistance 3. Power and Energy 4. Series Circuits 5. Parallel Circuits 6. Series-Parallel Circuits 7. Methods of Analysis 8. DC Circuit Theorems 9. Capacitors 10. Inductors Part 2: C Circuits 11. AC Voltage and Current 12. Phasors and Impedance 13. Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis 14. Power 15. Resonance 16. Filters and Bode Plots 17. Three-Phase Circuits 18. Transformers and Coupled Circuits 19. Two-Port Networks Appendix A: Simultaneous Equations and Matrix Inversion Appendix B: Complex Numbers


Appendix C: PSpice for Windows Appendix D: MutliSim Appendix E: MATLAB Appendix F: TI-86 Calculators Appendix G: Answers to odd-numbered Problems

International Edition


8th Edition

by William H. Hayt (deceased), Jack Kemmerly (deceased), and Steven M. Durbin, University of Buffalo

2012 (August 2011) / Hardcover / 880 pages ISBN: 9780073529578 ISBN: 9780071317061 [IE] The hallmark feature of this classic text is its focus on the student - it is written so that students may teach the science of circuit analysis to themselves. Terms are clearly defined when they are introduced, basic material appears toward the beginning of each chapter and is explained carefully and in detail, and numerical examples are used to introduce and suggest general results. Simple practice problems appear throughout each chapter, while more difficult problems appear at the end of chapters, following the order of presentation of text material. This introduction and resulting repetition provide an important boost to the learning process. Hayt’s rich pedagogy supports and encourages the student throughout by offering tips and warnings, using design to highlight key material, and providing lots of opportunities for hands-on learning. The thorough exposition of topics is delivered in an informal way that underscores the authors’ conviction that circuit analysis can and should be fun. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Basic Components and Electric Circuits 3. Voltage and Current Laws 4. Basic Nodal and Mesh Analysis 5. Handy Circuit Analysis Techniques 6. The Operational Amplifier 7. Capacitors and Inductors 8. Basic RL and RC Circuits 9. The RLC Circuit 10. Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis 11. AC Circuit Power Analysis 12. Polyphase Circuits 13. Magnetically Coupled Circuits 14. Complex Frequency and The Laplace Transform 15. Circuit Analysis in the s-Domain 16. Frequency Response 17. Two-Port Networks 18. Fourier Circuit Analysis 19. State Variable Analysis (online only) Appendix 1: An Introduction to Network Topology Appendix 2: Solution of Simultaneous Equations Appendix 3: A Proof of Thevenin’s Theorem Appendix 4: A PSpice Tutorial Appendix 5: Complex Numbers Appendix 6: A Brief MATLAB Tutorial Appendix 7: Additional Laplace Transform Theorems Appendix 8: Selected Answers (Available Online)

International Edition


2nd Edition

by Joseph G Tront, Virginia Polytech Institute & State University

2007 / Softcover / 128 pages ISBN: 9780073263199 (with CD) ISBN: 9780071258883 [IE, with CD] This practical PSpice manual, updated to support the latest release of OrCAD Pspice introduces students to the fundamental uses of this book in support of basic circuit analysis. The organization allows readers to advance quickly to solving a variety of circuit analysis problems. The modular approach allows this hand-on reference to be used with any introductory circuits text. Contents Preface 1. Introduction 2. Getting Started 3. Simple DC Circuits 4. Other DC Analyses 5. Operational Amplifiers 6. Time Domain Analysis 7. Frequency Domain Analysis 8. Fourier Series 9. Mutual Inductance and Transformers 10. Conclusion Appendix I: Converting OrCAD Version 9.X Files to Version 10.0 Appendix II: Files Used by PSpice Index


6th Edition

by Mahmood Nahvi and Joseph A. Edminister, University of Akron

2014 (December 2013) / Softcover / 352 pages ISBN: 9780071830454 (A Schaum’s Publication) An update of this successful outline in electrical engineering, modified to conform to the current curriculum, Schaum’s Outline of Electric Circuits, 6th Edition, mirrors the course in scope and sequence to help enrolled students understand basic concepts and offer extra practice on topics such as amplifiers and operational amplifier circuits, waveforms and signals, first-order circuits, AC power, and more. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Circuit Concepts Circuit Laws 3. Analysis Methods 4. Amplifiers and Operational Amplifier Circuits 5. Waveforms and Signals 6. First-Order Circuits 7. Higher-Order Circuits and Complex Frequency 8. Sinusoidal Steady-State Circuit Analysis 9. AC Power 10. Polyphase Circuits 11. Frequency Response, Filters, and Resonance 12. Two-Port Networks 13. Mutual Inductance and Transformers 14. Circuit Analysis Using Spice and Pspice 15. The LaPlace Transform Method 17. Fourier Method of Waveform Analysis Appendix A: Complex Number System Appendix B: Matrices and Determinants




2nd Edition

by John O’Malley, Ph.D., University of Florida

Analog Integrated Circuits



2011 (February 2011) / Softcover / 432 pages ISBN: 9780071756433

International Edition

(A Schaum’s Publication)

Discrete & Integrated

Schaum’s Outline of Basic Circuit Analysis mirrors the course in scope and sequence to help enrolled students understand basic concepts and offer extra practice on topics such as capacitance, capacitor construction, energy storage, magnetic flux, inductance, inductor construction, sine and cosine waves, and resistor sinusoidal response. Coverage also includes phasor-domain circuit elements, AC series circuit analysis, AC parallel circuit analysis, mesh and loop analyses, AC bridge circuits, circuit power absorption, wattmeters, reactive power, and power factor correction.

by Sergio Franco, San Francisco State University

Contents 1. Basic Concepts 2. Resistance 3. Series and Parallel DC Circuits 4. DC Circuit Analysis 5. DC Equivalent Circuits, Network Theorems, and Bridge Circuits 6. Operational-Amplifier Circuits 7. Pspice DC Circuit Analysis 8. Capacitors and Capacitance 9. Inductors, Inductance, and Pspice Transient Analysis 10. Sinusoidal Alternating Voltage and Current 11. Complex Algebra and Phasors 12. Basic AC Circuit Analysis, Impedance, and Admittance 13. Mesh, Loop, Nodal, and Pspice Analyses of AC Circuits 14. AC Equivalent Circuits, Network Theorems, and Bridge Circuits 15. Power in AC Circuits 16. Transformers 17. Three-Phase Circuits


2015 (January 2014) / Hardcover / 880 pages ISBN: 9780078028199 ISBN: 9789814577151 [IE] Analog Circuit Design: Discrete and Integrated 1e is written by enthusiastic circuit practitioner, Sergio Franco. This text places great emphasis on developing intuition and physical insight. The numerous examples and problems have been carefully thought out to promote problem solving methodologies fo the type engineers apply daily on the job. Each chapter provides a fairly comprehensive coverage of its title subject. SPICE has been integrated throughout the text both as a pedagogical aid to confer more immediacly to a new concept, and as a validation tool for hand calculations. PSPICE is used to bring out nuances that would be too complex for hand calculations. Features •

Both bipolar and CMOS technologies are covered. Even though digital electronics is dominated by CMOS technology, analog electronics relies on both CMOS and bipolar, the latter being the technology of choice in high-quality analog circuits as well as a fundamental part of BiCMOS technology.

Both discrete and integrated designs are covered. Though nowadays the ultimate form of an analog system is likely to be of the integrated-circuit type, testing and applications often require ancillary functions such as conditioning and interfacing that are best realized with ad-hoc discrete designs. (Anyone familiar with the work by recognized leaders in analog applications/testing/instrumentation like Jim Williams and Robert Pease will agree to this.) In this respect, BJTs are available in a wide selection of off-the-shelf discrete types to serve a variety of needs. Moreover, for pedagogical reasons it is convenient to cover simple discrete circuits before tackling the more complex integrated circuits.

Semiconductor theory is presented in sufficient depth to reflect the daily needs of a practicing engineer in industry. Every analog function is inextricably rooted on a physical phenome-non, so analog engineers, particularly IC designers and product/process/reliability engineers, need to be conversant with the physics of semiconductors in order to function optimally.

Contents 1. Diodes and the pn Junction 2. The Bipolar Junction Transistor 3. The MOS Field-Effect Transistor 4. Building Blocks for Analog Integrated Circuits 5. Analog Integrated Circuits 6. Frequency and Time Responses 7. Feedback, Stability, and Noise


International Edition

Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits by Behzad Razavi, University of California, Los Angeles

Digital Integrated Circuits


2001 / 704 pages / Hardcover ISBN: 9780072380323 ISBN: 9780071188395 [IE, Hardcover]

CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ANALYSIS & DESIGN This textbook deals with the analysis and design of analog CMOS integrated circuits, emphasizing recent technological developments and design paradigms that students and practicing engineers need to master to succeed in today’s industry. Based on the author’s teaching and research experience in the past ten years, the text follows three general principles: (1) Motivate the reader by describing the significance and application of each idea with real-world problems; (2) Force the reader to look at concepts from an intuitive point of view, preparing him/her for more complex problems; (3) Complement the intuition by rigorous analysis, confirming the results obtained by the intuitive, yet rough approach. Contents 1. Introduction to Analog Design 2. Basic MOS Device Physics 3. Single-Stage Amplifiers 4. Differential Amplifiers 5. Passive and Active Current Mirrors 6. Frequency Response of Amplifiers 7. Noise 8. Feedback 9. Operational Amplifiers 10. Stability and Frequency Compensation 11. Bandgap References 12. Introduction to Switched-Capacitor Circuits 13. Nonlinearity and Mismatch 14. Oscillators 15. Phase-Locked Loops 16. Short-Channel Effects and Device Models 17. CMOS Processing Technology 18. Layout and Packaging


International Edition

4th Edition

by Sung-Mo (Steve) Kang, University Of California-Santa Cruz, Yusuf Leblebici, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and Chul Woo Kim , Korea University

2015 (January 2014) / Hardcover / 736 pages ISBN: 9780073380629 ISBN: 9781259253201 [IE] CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design is the most complete book on the market for CMOS circuits. Appropriate for electrical engineering and computer science, this book starts with CMOS processing, and then covers MOS transistor models, basic CMOS gates, interconnect effects, dynamic circuits, memory circuits, BiCMOS circuits, I/O circuits, VLSI design methodologies, low-power design techniques, design for manufacturability and design for testability. This book provides rigorous treatment of basic design concepts with detailed examples. It typically addresses both the computeraided analysis issues and the design issues for most of the circuit examples. Numerous SPICE simulation results are also provided for illustration of basic concepts. Through rigorous analysis of CMOS circuits in this text, students will be able to learn the fundamentals of CMOS VLSI design, which is the driving force behind the development of advanced computer hardware. New to this edition •

COSMOS is available with this title: Complete Online Solutions Manual Organization System. Instructors can learn more about the system by clicking here. and register for the system at the following link http://cosmos.mhhe. com.

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Fabrication of MOSFETS 3. MOS Transistor 4. Modeling of MOS Transistors Using SPICE 5. MOS Inverters: Static Characteristics 6. MOS Inverters: Switching Characteristics and Interconnect Effects 7. Combinational MOS Logic Circuits 8. Sequential MOS Logic Circuits 9. Dynamic Logic Circuits 10. Semiconductor Memories 11. Low-Power CMOS Logic Circuits 12. Arithmetic Building Blocks 13. Chip Input and Output (I/O) Circuits 14. Design for Manufacturability 15. Design for Testability



ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING VLSI DESIGN by Partha Pratim Sahu, Professor and Head Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Tezpur University Assam

2013 (June 2013) / Softcover / 496 pages ISBN: 9781259029844 (McGraw-Hill India Title) VLSI design and related technology has become indispensible in today’s world due to increase in chipcircuit complexity and integration scales required by high-speed communication systems. The book, VLSI Design, covers all aspects of design and analysis of VLSI circuits, from preliminary designs to layout designs, as well an introduction to processing technology. For those willing to step into the VLSI industry or research fields, this book, with its simplistic presentation and pedagogical writing style, will provide the necessary thrust and adequate information to master the field. Contents 1. Introduction of MOS Technology to Integrated Circuit 2. MOSFET and CMOS: Basic Electrical Properties and Circuit Design 3. CMOS-Based Digital Design 4. CMOS-Based Analog Circuit 5. CMOS Mixed Signal Circuit 6. BiCMOS Circuit 7. Design of Testability 8. Physical Design of VLSI Circuits 9. Designing of Digital Circuits Using VHDL Programs 10. Top-level System Design: CPU 11. VLSI Process Technology

International Edition


3rd Edition

by David A. Hodges, University of California—Berkeley, Horace G. Jackson, University of California, Berkeley and Resve Saleh, University of British Columbia

2004 / 504 pages ISBN: 9780071181648 [IE] The third edition of Hodges and Jackson’s Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits has been thoroughly revised and updated by a new co-author, Resve Saleh of the University of British Columbia. The new edition combines the approachability and concise nature of the Hodges and Jackson classic with a complete overhaul to bring the book into the 21st century. The new edition has replaced the emphasis on Bipolar with an emphasis on CMOS. The book focuses on the latest CMOS technologies and uses standard deep submicron models throughout the book. The material on memory has been expanded and updated. As well the book now includes more on SPICE simulation and new problems that reflect recent technologies. The emphasis of the book is on design, but it does not neglect analysis and has as a goal to provide enough information so that a student can carry out analysis as well as be able to design a circuit. This book provides an excellent and balanced introduction to digital circuit design for both students and professionals.

Contents 1. Introduction. 2. MOS Devices. 3. Fabrication and Layout. 4. Basic Gates. 5. High-Speed CMOS Design. 6. Interconnect Design. 7. Clocks and Flip-Flops. 8. Dynamic Logic Circuits. 9. Memory Design (Part I). 10. Memory Design (Part II). 11. Bipolar Digital Circuits. 12. GaAs Digital Cicuits

Electronics Principles



International Edition

Electronics Principles

8th Edition

by Albert Paul Malvino and David J Bates, Western Wisconsin Technical College

2016 (January 2015) / 1120 pages ISBN: 9780073373881 ISBN: 9781259252662 [IE] (A Trade & Technical Title) This eighth edition of Malvino’s classic Electronic Principles offers students a definitive overview of electronic circuits and devices. Expert knowledge of electronic devices is presented in a stimulating, clearly written, conversational style. The new, streamlined book design is full-color throughout, with ample, clear illustrations. Greater emphasis on modern integrated circuit (IC) technology, and the revision of nearly one third of the previous edition’s chapter problems and review questions refresh this text while retaining its proven approach. In addition to the text there is a wealth of supplementary material included for both student and instructor. An upgraded Experiments Manual, the optional use of MultiSIM software, an instructor’s manual with an Instructor Productivity Center CD-ROM, and the brand new Online Learning Center website make this text a powerful learning tool.” Electronic Principles is written for electronics students who have done course work in basic DC/AC circuit analysis, along with algebra and trigonometry prerequisites. The book gives clear, accessible coverage of basic electronics concepts in the first half of the book, then applies these to the important electronic circuits and devices most widely used in today’s industry. New to this edition •

McGraw-Hill ConnectPlus® provides online presentation, assignment, and assessment solutions. It connects your students with the tools and resources they’ll need to achieve success. With Connect, you can deliver assignments, quizzes, and tests online. A robust set of questions and problems are presented and aligned with the textbook’s learning goals. As an instructor, you can edit existing questions and author entirely new problems. Track individual student performance—by question, assignment, or in relation to the class overall—with detailed grade reports. Integrate grade reports easily with Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as WebCT and Blackboard—and much more.


ConnectPlus provides students with all the advantages of Connect, plus 24/7 online access to an eBook. This mediarich version of the book is available through the McGrawHill Connect platform and allows seamless integration of text, media, and assessments. To learn more, visit www. •

McGraw-Hill LearnSmart™ is available as a standalone product or as an integrated feature of McGraw-Hill Connect® Engineering. It is an adaptive learning system designed to help students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge for greater success. LearnSmart assesses a student’s knowledge of course content through a series of adaptive questions. It pinpoints concepts the student does not understand and maps out a personalized study plan for success. This innovative study tool also has features that enable instructors to see exactly what students have accomplished and a built-in assessment tool for graded assignments. Visit the following site for a demonstration:

Powered by the intelligent and adaptive LearnSmart engine, SmartBook is the first and only continuously adaptive reading experience available today. Distinguishing what students know from what they don’t, and honing in on concepts they are most likely to forget, SmartBook personalizes content for each student. Reading is no longer a passive and linear experience but an engaging and dynamic one, where students are more likely to master and retain important concepts, coming to class better prepared. SmartBook includes powerful reports that identify specific topics and learning objectives students need to study. These valuable reports also provide instructors insight into how students are progressing through textbook content and are useful for identifying class trends, focusing precious class time, providing personalized feedback to students, and tailoring assessment. Visit the following site for a demonstration:

Extensive Online Learning Center website with resources for students and instructors.

The enhanced Instructor’s Manual with Productivity Center (IPC) CD-ROM includes instructional PowerPoint presentations, availability of the eInstruction Classroom Performance System in-class quizzing and classroom management system, test banks created with EZTest that can be used in conjunction with CPS to deliver in-class quizzes, tests, or review.

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Semiconductors 3. Diode Theory 4. Diode Circuits 5. Special-Purpose Diodes 6. Bipolar Junction Transistors 7. Transistor Fundamentals 8. Transistor Biasing 9. AC Models 10. Voltage Amplifiers 11. CC and CB Amplifiers 12. Power Amplifiers 13. JFETs 14. MOSFETs 15. Thyristors 16. Frequency Effects 17. Differential Amplifiers

18. Operational Amplifiers 19. Negative Feedback 20. Linear Op-Amp Circuits 21. Active Filters 22. Nonlinear Op-Amp Circuits 23. Oscillators 24. Regulated Power Supplies

International Edition


Fundamentals, Devices, Circuits and Systems by Louis E. Frenzel, Austin, Texas

2014 (February 2013) / Hardcover / 848 pages ISBN: 9780073373805 ISBN: 9781259094835 [IE] (A Trade & Technical Title) Contemporary Electronics: Fundamentals, Devices, Circuits and Systems offers a modern approach to fundamental courses for the electronics and electrical fields. It is designed for the first two or three electronic courses in the typical associate degree program in electronic technology. It includes both DC and AC circuits as well as semiconductor fundamentals and basic linear circuits. It addresses the numerous changes that have taken place over the past years in electronics technology, industry, jobs, and the knowledge and skills required by technicians and other technical workers. It can be used in separate DC and AC courses but also in a combined DC/AC course that some schools have adopted in the past years. Contemporary Electronics offers the student the benefit of being able to use a single text in two or three courses minimizing expenses. Contents 1. Survey of Electronics 2. Electricity 3. Resistors 4. Ohm’s Law 5. Series Circuits 6. Parellel Circuits 7. Series-Parallel Circuits/Voltage-Current Dividers 8. Network Theorems 9. Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors 10. Batteries 11. Magnetism 12. Analog and Digital Multimeters 13. DC Troubleshooting 14. Alternating Voltage & Current 15. Capacitance 16. Capacitive Reactance 17. Capacitive Circuits 18. Inductance and Transformers 19. Inductive Reactance 20. Inductive Circuits 21. RC and L/R Time Constants 22. Resonance 23. Filters 24. AC Power Wiring and Components (New) 25. Wiring, Cabling and Connectors (New) 26. AC Test and Troubleshooting (New) 27. A System Overview of Electronics (New) 28. Semiconductors 29. Diode Types and Operation 30. Power Supply Circuits 31. Introduction to Transistors (New)




32. Field Effect Transistors, Amplifiers and Switches 33. Bipolar Transistors, Amplifiers and Switches 34. Amplifier Fundamentals 35. Operational Amplifiers 36. Op Amp Applications 37. Power Amplifiers 38. Oscillators and Frequency Synthesizers 39. Regulated Power Supplies 40. Thyristors 41. Systems Troubleshooting


8th Edition

by Charles A. Schuler

2013 (January 2012) ISBN: 9780077567705 (A Trade & Technical Title) The eighth edition of Electronics: Principles and Applications is based on the same philosophy of previous editions. It continues to be written so that a student needs no prior knowledge of electrical theory and principles and at a level that allows students with limited math and reading skills can gain a clear understanding and the entry-level knowledge and skills for a wide range of occupations within electricity and electronics. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Semiconductors 3. Diodes 4. Power Supplies 5. Transistors 6. Introduction to Small-Signal Amplifiers 7. More About Small-Signal Amplifiers 8. Large-Signal Amplifiers 9. Operational Amplifiers 10. Troubleshooting 11. Oscillators 12. Communications 13. Integrated Circuits 14. Electronic Control Devices and Circuits 15. Regulated Power Supplies 16. Digital Signal Processing

Analog OP AMPS



International Edition


4th Edition

by Sergio Franco, San Francisco State University

2015 (January 2014) / Hardcover / 672 pages ISBN: 9780078028168 ISBN: 9781259253133 [IE] Franco’s Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 4e combines theory with real-life applications to deliver a straightforward look at analog design principles and techniques. An emphasis on the physical picture helps the student develop the intuition and practical insight that are the keys to making sound design The book is intended for a design-oriented course in applications with operational amplifiers and analog ICs. It also serves as a comprehensive reference for practicing engineers. This new edition includes enhanced pedagogy (additional problems, more in-depth coverage of negative feedback, more effective layout), updated technology (current-feedback and folded-cascode amplifiers, and low-voltage amplifiers), and increased topical coverage (current-feedback amplifiers, switching regulators and phase-locked loops). New to this edition •

A complete revision of negative feedback. While previous editions of the book addressed feedback from the specialized viewpoint of the op amp user, the 4th edition offers a much broader perspective that will prove useful in other areas like switching regulators and phase-locked loops. The presentation covers both two-port analysis and returnratio analysis, emphasizing both similarities and differences, in an attempt to dispel persisting confusion between the two.

Redesigned examples and new end-of-chapter problems. Numerous thoroughly redesigned examples and 25% new end-of-chapter problems reflect the many revisions in this edition of the book. As in previous editions, the carefully thought-out examples and problems are designed to emphasize intuition, physical insight, and problem-solving methodologies of the type engineers exercise daily on the job.

Enhanced treatment of op amp dynamics and frequency compensation. The feedback revision is accompanied by an extensive rewriting of op amp dynamics and frequency compensation. In this connection, the new edition makes generous use of the voltage/current injection techniques pioneered by R.D. Middlebrook for loop-gain measurements.

Expanded coverage of switching regulators. Due to the imortance of portable-power management in today’s analog electronics, the 4th edition provides expanded coverage of switching regulators. Greater attention is devoted to current control and slope compensation, along with stability issues such as the effect of the right half-plane zero and erroramplifier design.


Substantial increase of in-text PSpice usage. The author uses schemetic capture (instead of the netlists of the previous editions) to verify calculations and to investigate higher-order effects that would be too complex for paper and pencil analysis. -- includes the author’s FILDES software and the password-protected solutions manual for instructors to download.

A more balanced presentation of bipolar and CMOS technologies.

Contents 1. Operational Amplifier Fundamentals 2. Circuits with Resistive Feedback 3. Active Filters: Part I 4. Active Filters: Part II 5. Static Op Amp Limitations 6. Dynamic Op Amp Limitations 7. Noise 8. Stability 9. Nonlinear Circuits 10. Signal Generators 11. Voltage References and Regulators 12. D-A and A-D Converters 13. Nonlinear Amplifiers and Phase-Locked Loops


ConnectPlus provides students with all the advantages of Connect, plus 24/7 online access to an eBook. This mediarich version of the book is available through the McGraw-Hill Connect platform and allows seamless integration of text, media, and assessments. To learn more, visit •

LearnSmart™ an intelligent learning system that uses a series of probing questions to pinpoint each student’s knowledge gaps. LearnSmart strengthens student understanding and retention of your course’s fundamental concepts; effectively preparing your students for class so you can review less and teach more. The LearnSmart methodology is simple: determine the concepts students don’t know or understand, and then teach those concepts using personalized plans designed for each student’s success.

SmartBook is the first and only adaptive reading experience available for the higher education market. Powered by an intelligent diagnostic and adaptive engine, SmartBook facilitates the reading process by identifying what content a student knows and doesn’t know through adaptive assessments. As the student reads, the reading material constantly adapts to ensure the student is focused on the content he or she needs the most to close any knowledge gaps.

Several new Design Note boxes: The mathematical model for the NMOS transistor and the PMOS transistor; The Q-Point values for the MOS transistor using the four-resistor bias network.

Several new Electronics in Action boxes: High Performance CMOS technologies; Diode Rectifier as an AM Demodulation; A Second Look at Noise Margins (graphical flip-flop approach); Offset Voltage, Bias Current and CMPR Measurement; Sample-and-Hold Circuits, Voltage Regulator with Series Pass Transistor; Noise Factor, Noise Figure and Minimum Detectable Signal; Series-Parallel and ParallelSeries Network Transformations; and Passive Diode Mixers.

Numerous new End of Chapter problems have been added to each chapter.

SPICE support on the web now includes examples in NI Multisim™ software in addition to PSPICE®.

Devices and Materials Microelectronics


McGraw-Hill ConnectPlus® provides online presentation, assignment, and assessment solutions. It connects your students with the tools and resources they’ll need to achieve success. With Connect, you can deliver assignments, quizzes, and tests online. A robust set of questions and problems are presented and aligned with the textbook’s learning goals. As an instructor, you can edit existing questions and author entirely new problems. Track individual student performance—by question, assignment, or in relation to the class overall—with detailed grade reports. Integrate grade reports easily with Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as WebCT and Blackboard—and much more.


International Edition


5th Edition

by Richard C. Jaeger, Auburn University-Auburn, and Travis Blalock, University Of Virginia

2016 (February 2015) / 1376 pages ISBN: 9780073529608 ISBN: 9781259252457 [IE] Richard Jaeger and Travis Blalock present a balanced coverage of analog and digital circuits; students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the basic techniques of modern electronic circuit design, analog and digital, discrete and integrated. A broad spectrum of topics are included in Microelectronic Circuit Design which gives the professor the option to easily select and customize the material to satisfy a two-semester or three-quarter sequence in electronics. Jaeger/Blalock emphasizes design through the use of design examples and design notes. Excellent pedagogical elements include chapter opening vignettes, chapter objectives, “Electronics in Action” boxes, a problem-solving methodology, and “Design Note” boxes. The use of the well-defined problem-solving methodology presented in this text can significantly enhance an engineer’s ability to understand the issues related to design. The design examples assist in building and understanding the design process.

Contents Part I: Solid State Electronics and Devices 1. Introduction to Electronics 2. Solid-State Electronics 3. Solid-State Diodes and Diode Circuits 4. Field-Effect Transistors 5. Bipolar Junction Transistors Part II: Digital Electronics 6. Introduction to Digital Electronics 7. Complementary MOS (CMOS) Logic Design




8. MOS Memory and Storage Circuits 9. Bipolar Logic Circuits Part III: Analog Electronics 10. Analog Systems and Ideal Operational Amplifiers 11. Nonideal Operational Amplifiers and Feedback Amplifier Stability 12. Operational Amplifier Applications 13. Small-Signal Modeling and Linear Amplification 14. Single Transistor Amplifiers 15. Differential Amplifiers and Operational Amplifier Design 16. Analog Integrated Circuit Design Techniques 17. Amplifier Frequency Response 18. Transistor Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators Appendix A: Standard Component Values Appendix B: Device Models and SPICE Appendix C: Two-Port Review

International Edition

PSPICE FOR BASIC MICROELECTRONICS by Joseph G. Tront, Virginia Polytech Institute & State University

2008 (July 2007) / Softcover with CDROM ISBN: 9780073263205 ISBN: 9780071263894 [IE, with CD] The PSpice Manual will be sold as a stand-alone and, also, in packages with Neamen, Electronic Circuit Analysis and Jaeger, Microelectronic Circuit Design. Text introduces readers to the fundamental uses of Pspice in support of Microelectronic circuit analysis. This book goes beyond basic circuit analysis to include analysis of more complex electronic problems. Analysis of diodes, BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs, and transformers will be included- -all key areas in the Electronics course. Key features include:

International Edition


4th Edition

by Donald A. Neamen, University Of New Mexico-Albuquerque

2010 (September 2009) / Hardcover / 1392 pages ISBN: 9780073380643 ISBN: 9780071289474 [IE] Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design is intended as a core text in electronics for undergraduate electrical and computer engineering students. The fourth edition continues to provide a foundation for analyzing and designing both analog and digital electronic circuits. The goal has always been to make this book very readable and student friendly. An accessible approach to learning through clear writing and practical pedagogy has become the hallmark of Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design by Donald Neamen. Now in its fourth edition, the text builds upon its strong pedagogy and tools for student assessment with key updates as well as revisions that allow for flexible coverage of op-amps. Contents Part I: Semiconductor Devices and Basic Applications 1. Semiconductor Materials and Diodes 2. Diode Circuits 3. The Field-Effect Transistor 4. Basic FET Amplifiers 5. The Bipolar Junction Transistor 6. Basic BJT Amplifiers 7. Frequency Response 8. Output Stages and Power Amplifiers Part II. Analog Electronics 9. Ideal Operational Amplifiers and Op-Amp Circuits 10. Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active Loads 11. Differential and Multistage Amplifiers 12. Feedback and Stability 13. Operational Amplifier Circuits 14. Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier Circuits 15. Applications and Design of Integrated Circuits Part III. Digital Electronics 16. MOSFET Digital Circuits 17. Bipolar Digital Circuits

Step-by-step instructions to support novice users as they perform schematic capture and circuit simulation

Detailed explanations and examples of the use of PSpice in typical problem-solving situations

Explains some of the salient features of PSpice, including information on OrCAD Capture and Probe.

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Getting Started 3. Simple DC Circuits 4. Time Domain Analysis 5. Frequency Domain Analysis 6. Mutual Inductance and Transformers 7. Diode Circuits 8. Bipolar Junction Transistor Circuits 9. Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) Circuits 10. Conclusions Bibliography Appendix I: Converting OrCAD Version 9.x Files to Version 10.0 Appendix II: Files Used by PSpice Index

Schaum’s Outline of Electronic Devices and Circuits

2nd Edition

by Jim Cathey, University of Kentucky—Lexington

2002 / 304 pages ISBN: 9780071362702 (A Schaum’s Publication) This updated version of its internationally popular predecessor provides and introductory problem-solved text for understanding fundamental concepts of electronic devices, their design, and their circuitry. Providing an interface with Pspice, the most widely used program in electronics, new key features include a new chapter presenting the basics of switched mode power supplies, thirty-one new examples, and twenty-three PS solved problems. Contents Circuit Analysis: Port Point of View. Semiconductor Diodes. Characteristics of Bipolar Junction Transistors. Characteristics of Field-Effect Transistors and Triodes. Transistor Bias Considerations. Small-Signal Midfrequency BJT Amplifiers.


Small-Signal Midfrequency FET Amplifiers. Frequency Effects in Amplifiers. Operational Amplifiers. Switched Mode Power Supplies

International Edition

AN INTRODUCTION TO SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES by Donald Neamen, University of New Mexico - Albuquerque

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

2006 / Hardcover / 720 pages ISBN: 9780072987560 ISBN: 9780071254472 [IE]

International Edition


4th Edition

by Donald A. Neamen, University Of New Mexico-Albuquerque

2012 (January 2011) / Hardcover / 784 pages ISBN: 9780073529585 ISBN: 9780071089029 [IE] With its strong pedagogy, superior readability, and thorough examination of the physics of semiconductor material, Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 4/e provides a basis for understanding the characteristics, operation, and limitations of semiconductor devices. Neamen’s Semiconductor Physics and Devices deals with the electrical properties and characteristics of semiconductor materials and devices. The goal of this book is to bring together quantum mechanics, the quantum theory of solids, semiconductor material physics, and semiconductor device physics in a clear and understandable way. Contents Part I: Semiconductor Material Properties 1. The Crystal Structure of Solids 2. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 3. Introduction to the Quantum Theory of Solids 4. The Semiconductor in Equilibrium 5. Carrier Transport Phenomena 6. Nonequilibrium Excess Carriers in Semiconductors Part II: Fundamental Semiconductor Devices 7. The pn Junction 8. The pn Junction Diode 9. Metal-Semiconductor and Semiconductor Heterojunctions 10. Fundamentals of the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor 11. Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor. Additional Concepts 12. The Bipolar Transistor 13. The Junction Field-Effect Transistor Part III: Specialized Semiconductor Devices 14. Optical Devices 15. Semiconductor Microwave and Power Devices Appendix A: Selected List of Symbols Appendix B: System of Units, Conversion Factors, and General Constants Appendix C: The Periodic Table Appendix D: Unit of Energy-The Electron-Volt Appendix E: “Derivation” of Schrodinger’s Wave Equation Appendix F: Effective Mass Concepts Appendix G: The Error Function Appendix H: Answers to Selected Problems

An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices by Donald Neamen provides an understanding of the characteristics, operations and limitations of semiconductor devices. In order to provide this understanding, the book brings together the fundamental physics of the semiconductor material and the semiconductor device physics. This new text provides an accessible and modern presentation of material. Quantum mechanic material is minimal, and the most advanced material is designated with an icon. This modern approach meands that coverage of the MOS transistor preceeds the material on the bipolar transitor, which reflects the dominance of MOS technology in today’s world. Excellent pedagogy is present throughout the book in the form of interesting chapters openers, worked examples, a variety of exercises, key terms, and end of chapter problems. Contents 1. The Crystal Structure of Solids 2. Theory of Solids 3. The Semiconductor in Equilibrium 4. Carrier Transport Phenomena 5. The pn Junction 6. Fundamentals of the MOS Transistor 7. The MOSFET: Additional Concepts 8. Non-equilibrium Excess Carriers in Semiconductors 9 The pn Junction Diode 10. The Bipolar Transistor 11. Additional Semiconductor Devices and Device Concepts 12. Optical Devices Appendix A: Selected List of Symbols Appendix B: System of Units, Conversion Factors, and General Constants Appendix C: The Periodic Table Appendix D: “Derivation” of Schrodinger’s Wave Equation Appendix E: Units of Energy-The Electron-Volt Appendix F: Derivation of Density of States Function Appendix G: Derivation of Shockley-Read-Hall Recombination Rates Appendix H: Answers to Selected Problems

International Edition

FUNDAMENTALS OF SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES by Betty Lise Anderson, Ohio State University and Richard L Anderson

2005 / 816 pages / Hardcover ISBN: 9780072369779 ISBN: 9780071241526 [IE] Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices provides a realistic and practical treatment of modern semiconductor devices. A solid understanding of the physical processes responsible for the electronic properties of semiconductor materials and devices is emphasized. With this emphasis, the reader will appreciate the




underlying physics behind the equations derived and their range of applicability. The author’s clear writing style, comprehensive coverage of the core material, and attention to current topics are key strengths of this book. Contents Part 1: Electronic Properties of Materials: 1. Electron Energy and States in Semiconductors. 2. Homogeneous Semiconductors. 3. Current Flow in Homogeneous Semiconductors. 4. Non-Homogeneous Semiconductors. Part 2: Diodes 5. Prototype pn Homojunctions. 6. Additional Considerations for Diodes.

Contents 1. Elementary Materials Science Concepts. 2. Electrical and Thermal Conduction in Solids. 3. Elementary Quantum Physics. 4. Modern Theory of Solids. 5. Semiconductors. 6. Semiconductor Devices. 7. Dielectric Materials and Insulation. 8. Magnetic Properties and Superconductivity. 9. Optical Properties of Materials. Appendix A: Major Symbols and Abbreviations. Appendix B: Elements to Uranium Appendix C: Constants and Useful Information

Part 3: Field Effect Transistors 7. The MOSFET. 8. Additional Considerations for FETs.

Fields and Waves

Part 4: Bipolar Transistors 9. Bipolar Junction Devices: Statics. 10. Time-Dependent Analysis of BJTs.


Part 5: Optoelectronic Devices 11. Optoelectronic Devices Appendix A: Physical Constants Appendix B: List of Symbols Appendix C: Fabrication Appendix D: Density of States Function, Density of States Effective Mass, Conductivity Effective Mass Appendix E: Useful Integrals Appendix F: Useful Equations Appendix G: List of Suggested Readings

Solid State/Electronic Materials International Edition

Principles of ElectrONIC Materials and Device

3rd Edition

by S.O. Kasap, University of Saskatchewan

2006 / 768 pages / Hardcover ISBN: 9780073104645 (with CD-ROM) ISBN: 9780071244589 [IE with CD] Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, is a greatly enhanced version of the highly successful text Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition. It is designed for a first course on electronic materials given in Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Physics and Engineering Physics Departments at the undergraduate level. The third edition has numerous revisions that include more beautiful illustrations and photographs, additional sections, more solved problems, worked examples, and end-of-chapter problems with direct engineering applications. The revisions have improved the rigor without sacrificing the original semiquantitative approach that both the students and instructors liked and valued. Some of the new end-of-chapter problems have been especially selected to satisfy various professional engineering design requirements for accreditation across international borders. Advanced topics have been collected under Additional Topics, which are not necessary in a short introductory treatment.

ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY by S P. Ghosh, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering & Management Kolaghat, and Lipika Datta, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE & IT, College of Engineering and Management

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover / 744 pages ISBN: 9781259006319 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Electromagnetic Field Theory is the comprehensive study of characteristics of electric, magnetic and combined fields. This book has been designed for the undergraduate students taking a paper on the subject. The book aims and thereby has been written in a very simple and easy-to-understand manner. The text, written in a highly pedagogical manner, prepares the student forclassroom, university and competitive examinations thoroughly. Contents 1. Vector analysis 2. Electrostatics 3. Magnetostatics Part I: Behaviour of Different Electrical Materials in Electric Field Part II: Magnetostatic Field 4. Electromagnetic Fields 5. Propagation, Reflection, Refraction and Polarisation of Electromagnetic Waves 6. Transmission lines 7. Waveguides

International Edition


8th Edition

by William H. Hayt (deceased), and John A. Buck, Georgia Institute Of Technology

2012 (February 2011) / Hardcover / 608 pages ISBN: 9780073380667 ISBN: 9780071089012 [IE] First published just over 50 years ago and now in its Eighth Edition, Bill Hayt and John Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics is a classic text that has been updated for electromagnetics education today. This widely-respected book stresses fundamental concepts and problem solving, and discusses the material in an understandable


and readable way. Numerous illustrations and analogies are provided to aid the reader in grasping the difficult concepts. In addition, independent learning is facilitated by the presence of many examples and problems. Important updates and revisions have been included in this edition. One of the most significant is a new chapter on electromagnetic radiation and antennas. This chapter covers the basic principles of radiation, wire antennas, simple arrays, and transmit-receive systems. Contents 1. Vector Analysis 2. Coulomb’s Law and Electric Field Intensity 3. Electric Flux Density, Gauss’ Law, and Divergence 4. Energy and Potential 5. Conductors and Dielectrics 6. Capacitance 7. The Steady Magnetic Field 8. Magnetic Forces, Materials and Inductance 9. Time-Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations 10. Transmission Lines 11. The Uniform Plane Wave 12. Plane Wave Reflection and Dispersion 13. Guided Waves 14. Electromagnetic Radiation and Antennas Appendix A: Vector Analysis Appendix B: Units Appendix C: Material Constants Appendix D: The Uniqueness Theorem Appendix E: Origins of the Complex Primitivity Appendix F: Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems

International Edition


5th Edition

by John Kraus, Ohio State University (Emeritus) and Daniel A Fleisch, Aeroflex-Lintele Corp, and Wittenburg University

1999 / 800 pages / Hardcover ISBN: 9780071164290 [IE] This book is a classic and has been one of the traditional market leaders since its first publication in 1953. In this revision, the authors have made some drastic changes to keep pace with the transformation that has been going on in the curriculum over the past few years. In many schools this course has gone from a twosemester course to a one-semester course. In the fifth edition, transmission lines and other practical applications are addressed early in the text and the coverage of electrostatics is reduced to make this book suitable for a one-semester course. This text provides flexibility in that the core material is provided in the first five chapters with supplementary material that may be used as desired in the remaining chapters. This text is unique in having hundreds of real-world examples accompanied by problems of varying difficulty. Additionally, this book covers numerical techniques and contains useful computer programs and projects to afford students the opportunity to gain direct experience in the use of electromagnetic software and hardware. This text is accompanied by a website containing projects, recent developments in the field, and demonstrations of electromagnetic principles.

Contents 1. Introduction. 2. Electric and Magnetic Fields. 3. Transmission Lines. 4. Wave Propagation, Attenuation, Polarization, Reflection, Refraction and Diffraction. 5. Antennas, Radiation, Radar and Wireless. 6. Electrodynamics. 7. Dielectric and Magnetic Materials. 8. Waveguides, Resonators and Fiber Optics. 9. Bio-Electromagnetics. 10. Electromagnetic Effects in High-Speed Digital Systems. 11. Numerical Techniques


4th Edition

by Joseph Edminister, University of Akron

2014 (December 2013) / Softcover / 352 pages ISBN: 9780071831475 (A Schaum’s Publication) Schaum’s Outline of Electromagnetics is thoroughly updated to match the latest course scope and sequence and is revised to conform to the current electromagnetics curriculum. helps students understand basic concepts and offers problem-solving practice in topics such as current density, capacitance, magnetic fields, inductance, electromagnetic waves, transmission lines, and antennas. Contents 1. Vector Analysis 2. Colomb Forces and Electrical Field Intensity 3. Electrical Flux and Gauss’s law 4. Divergence and the Divergence theorem 5. The Electrostatic Field 6. Current, Current density, and Conductors 7. Capacitance and Dielectric Materials 8. LaPlace’s Equation 9. Ampere’s Law and the Magnetic Field 10. Forces and Torques in Magnetic Fields 11. Inductance and Magnetic Circuits 12. Displacement Current and Induced EMF 13. Maxwell’s Equations and Boundary Conditions 14. Electromagnetic Waves 15. Transmission Lines 16. Waveguides 17. Antennas




Antennas & Radar




3rd Edition

by Annapurna Das, Head, EMC Division, Sameer Centre for Electromagnetics, and Sisir K. Das, Dean-Research, GN Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India

2014 (July 2014) / 672 pages ISBN: 9789332902879 (McGraw-Hill India Title) “Microwave engineering is the study of microwave frequencies and their interactions with circuits, components and systems. Internationally, this is an extremely active area of research. Das – Microwave Engineering, 3e is an enlarged and updated version of this popular study material. In keeping with their traditional style, the authors have taken care to ensure that the user experience is of the highest standards and for the same the content is now more modular, presentation simpler and all relevant information is available within the book. Since its last release, the world of microwave has undergone magnanimous changes in technology and all of these have been captured in this revised edition. New to this edition •

Inclusion of newer technologies such as MESFET, HMT etc

Updated with newest technologies – Gunn diodes, IMPATT etc

Application oriented approach – expanded coverage on Radar

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Propagation Characteristics of Electromagnetic Waves 3. RF and Microwave Transmission Lines 4. Microwave Integrated Circuit Design and Manufacturing 5. Impedance Matching Transformers 6. Microwave Network Theory and Passive Devices 7. Microwave Resonators 8. Microwave Filters 9. Microwave Vacuum Tube Deices 10. Microwave Solid-state Devices and Circuits 11. Applications of Microwaves 12. Microwave Radiation Hazards 13. Microwave Measurements

International Edition


3rd Edition

by John Kraus, Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University and Ronald J Marhefka, Ohio State University

2002 / 960 pages ISBN: 9780071232012 [IE] This is an exciting revision of John Kraus’ classic book Antennas, which has been long known as the “Antenna Bible”. A new coauthor, Ronald Marhefka has joined the author team for this revison. Many new, modern applications have been added-thus the title change to Antennas with All Applications. As well, the references have been updated to include recent additons to the literature. Additionally, the book has been reorganized to make it more userfriendly for both students and professionals. The book now covers the fundamentals of various antennas and concepts in the first half of the book and then gets into more details on those same topics later in the book. This allows a one-semester course to just cover the fundamentals if desired, and a professional to focus on advanced topics if he or she wants. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Antenna Basics 3. The Antenna Family 4. Point Sources 5. Arrays of Point Sources 6. The Electric Dipole and Thin Linear Antennas 7. The Loop Antenna 8. End Fire Antennas: The Helical Beam Antenna and the Yagi-Uda Array 9. Slot, Patch and Horn Antennas 10. Flat Sheet, Corner and Parabolic Reflector Antennas 11. Broadband and Frequency-Independent Antennas 12. Antenna Temperature, Remote Sensing and Radar CrossSection 13. Self and Mutual Impedances 14. The Cylindrical Antenna and the Moment Method (MM) 15. The Fourier Transform Relation Between Aperture Distribution and Far-Field Pattern 16. Arrays of Dipoles and of Apertures 17. Lens Antennas 18. Frequency-Selective Surfaces and Periodic Structures by Ben A Munk 19. Practical Design Considerations of Large Aperture Antennas 20. Some Examples of Large or Unique Antennas 21. Antennas for Special Applications 22. Terahertz Antennas 23. Baluns, etc By Ben A Munk 24. Antenna Measurements By Arto Lehto and Pertti Vainikainen Appendix A: Tables for Reference Appendix B: Books and Video Tapes Appendix C: Computer Programs (Codes) Appendix D: Absorbing Materials Appendix E: Measurement Error


International Edition

Introduction to Radar Systems

3rd Edition

by Merrill I. Skolnik

2001 / 784 pages / Hardcover ISBN: 9780072881387 ISBN: 9780071181891 [IE] Since the publication of the second edition of Introduction to Radar Systems, there has been continual development of new radar capabilities and continual improvements to the technology and practice of radar. This growth has necessitated the addition and updating of the following topics for the third edition: digital technology, automatic detection and tracking, doppler technology, airborne radar, and target recognition. The topic coverage is one of the great strengths of the text. In addition to a thorough revision of topics, and deletion of obsolete material, the author has added end-of-chapter problems to enhance the “teachability” of this classic book in the classroom, as well as for self-study for practicing engineers. Contents 1. An Introduction to Radar. 2. The Radar Equation. 3. MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar. 4. Tracking Radar. 5. Detection of Signals in Noise. 6. Information from Radar Signals. 7. Radar Clutter. 8. Propogation of Radar Waves . 9. The Radar Antenna. 10. Radar Transmitters. 11. Radar Receiver

Contents 1 Digital Electronics 2 Numbers We Use in Digital Electronics 3 Logic Gates 4 Combining Logic Gates 5 IC Specifications and Simple Interfacing 6 Encoding, Decoding, and Seven-Segment Displays 7 Flip-Flops 8 Counters 9 Shift Registers 10 Arithmetic circuits 11 Memory and Storage 12 Digital Systems 13 Computer Systems 14 Connecting with Analog Devices

Digital Design/Logic International Edition


3rd Edition

by Stephen Brown, Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, and Zvonko Vranesic, Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering & Computer Science University of Toronto

2014 (February 2013) / Hardcover / 864 pages ISBN: 9780073380544 ISBN: 9781259072031 [IE]

Digital Digital Electronics International Edition


Principles and Applications, 8th Edition by Roger L. Tokheim

2014 (January 2013) / Hardcover / 576 pages ISBN: 9780073373775 ISBN: 9781259060922 [IE] (A Glencoe Trade & Technical Title) www.mhhe/tokheim8e The eighth edition of Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications provides a concise, modern approach to this fascinating subject. It has been written so that a so that a student needs no prior knowledge of electrical theory and principles and at a level that allows students with limited math and reading skills can gain a clear understanding of concepts and application covered in a digital electronics course. The textbook has been noted for its easy-to-read styleand colorful illustrations. It is ideal for a wide range of electronics courses, especially programs in which students must learn the essentials and quickly apply them to real job situations.

Fundamentals of Digital Logic With Verilog Design teaches the basic design techniques for logic circuits. It emphasizes the synthesis of circuits and explains how circuits are implemented in real chips. Fundamental concepts are illustrated by using small examples. Use of CAD software is well integrated into the book. A CD-ROM that contains Altera’s Quartus CAD software comes free with every copy of the text. The CAD software provides automatic mapping of a design written in Verilog into Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs). Students will be able to try, firsthand, the book’s Verilog examples (over 140) and homework problems. Engineers use Quartus CAD for designing, simulating, testing and implementing logic circuits. The version included with this text supports all major features of the commercial product and comes with a compiler for the IEEE standard Verilog language. Students will be able to: •

enter a design into the CAD system

compile the design into a selected device

simulate the functionality and timing of the resulting circuit

implement the designs in actual devices (using the school’s laboratory facilities)

Verilog is a complex language, so it is introduced gradually in the book. Each Verilog feature is presented as it becomes pertinent for the circuits being discussed. To teach the student to use the Quartus CAD, the book includes three tutorials.



ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contents 1. Design Concepts 2. Introduction to Logic Circuits 3. Implementation Technology 4. Optimized Implementation of Logic Functions 5. Number Representation and Arithmetic Circuits 6. Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks 7. Flip-Flop, Registers, Counters, and a Simple Processor 8. Synchronous Sequential Circuits 9. Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 10. Digital System Design 11. Testing of Logic Circuits 12. Computer Aided Design Tools Appendix A: Verilog Reference Appendix B: Tutorial 1-Using Quartus II CAD Software Appendix C: Tutorial 2-Implementing Circuits in Altera Devices Appendix D: Tutorial 3-Physical Implementation in a FPGA Appendix E: Commercial Devices Answers Index

International Edition

FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL AND COMPUTER DESIGN WITH VHDL by Richard S. Sandige, Calif ornia Polytechnic State University, and Michael L. Sandige

2012 (September 2011) / Hardcover / 736 pages ISBN: 9780073380698 ISBN: 9781259007552 [IE] This text is intended for an introductory digital design course for students at the freshman level; it also is intended for an introductory computer design course with assembly language programming for students at the sophomore level. This text uses a spiral teaching approach by introducing a design problem and then, in the same chapter or a later chapter, either (1) reemphasizing the same concepts when a different design is presented, or (2) working the same problem using a different technique. This is done to increase the likelihood of retention. Contents 1. Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions, VHDL, and Gates 2. Number Conversions, Codes, and Function Minimization 3. Introduction to Logic Circuit Analysis and Design 4. Combinational Logic Circuit Design with VHDL 5. Bistable Memory Device Design with VHDL 6. Simple Finite State Machine Design with VHDL 7. Computer Circuits 8. Circuit Implementation Techniques 9. Complex Finite State Machine Design with VHDL 10. Basic Computer Architectures 11. Assembly Language Programming for VBC1 12. Designing Input/Output Circuits 13. Designing Instruction Memory, Loading Program Counter, and Debounced Circuit 14. Designing Multiplexed Display Systems 15. Designing Instruction Decoders 16. Designing Arithmetic Logic Units 17. Completing the Design for VBC1 18. Assembly Language Programming for VBC1-E 19. Designing Input/Output Circuits for VBC1-E 20. Designing the Data Memory Circuit for VBC1-E 21. Designing the Arithmetic, Logic, Shift, Rotate, and Unconditional Jump Circuits for VBC1-E 22. Designing a Circuit to Prevent Program Execution During

Manual Loading for VBC1-E 23. Designing Extented Instruction Memory for VBC1-E 24. Designing the Software Interrupt Circuits for VBC1-E 25. Completing the Design for VBC1-E Appendices

International Edition


3rd Edition

by Alan B. Marcovitz, Florida Atlantic University-Boca Raton

2010 (January 2009) / Hardcover / 656 pages ISBN: 9780073191645 ISBN: 9780070164901 [IE] Introduction to Logic Design by Alan Marcovitz is intended for the first course in logic design, taken by computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering students. As with the previous editions, this edition has a clear presentation of fundamentals and an exceptional collection of examples, solved problems and exercises. The text integrates laboratory experiences, both hardware and computer simulation, while not making them mandatory for following the main flow of the chapters. Design is emphasized throughout, and switching algebra is developed as a tool for analyzing and implementing digital systems. The presentation includes excellent coverage of minimization of combinational circuits, including multiple output ones, using the Karnaugh map and iterated consensus. There are a number of examples of the design of larger systems, both combinational and sequential, using medium scale integrated circuits and programmable logic devices. The third edition features two chapters on sequential systems. The first chapter covers analysis of sequential systems and the second covers design. Complete coverage of the analysis and design of synchronous sequential systems adds to the comprehensive nature of the text. The derivation of state tables from word problems further emphasizes the practical implementation of the material being presented. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Combinational Systems 3. The Karnaugh Map 4. Function Minimization Algorithms 5. Designing Combinational Systems 6. Analysis of Sequential Systems 7. The Design of Sequential Systems 8. Solving Larger Sequential Problems 9. Simplification of Sequential Circuits Appendix A: Relating the Algebra to the Karnaugh Map Appendix B: Answers to Selected Exercises Appendix C: Chapter Tests Answers Appendix D: Laboratory Experiments Appendix E: Complete Examples


International Edition


3rd Edition

by Stephen Brown, University of Toronto, Canada, and Zvonko Vranesic, University of Toronto, Canada

2009 (March 2008) / 960 pages ISBN: 9780077221430 ISBN: 9780071268806 [IE] Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design teaches the basic design techniques for logic circuits. It emphasizes the synthesis of circuits and explains how circuits are implemented in real chips. Fundamental concepts are illustrated by using small examples, which are easy to understand. Then, a modular approach is used to show how larger circuits are designed. VHDL is used to demonstrate how the basic building blocks and larger systems are defined in a hardware description language, producing designs that can be implemented with modern CAD tools. The book emphasizes CAD through the use of Altera’s Quartus II CAD software, a state-of-the-art digital circuit design package. This software produces automatic mapping of designs written in VHDL into Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs). Contents 1. Design Concepts 2. Introduction to Logic Circuits 3. Implementation Technology 4. Optimized Implementation of Logic Functions 5. Number Representation and Arithmetic Circuits 6. Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks 7. Flip-Flops, Registers, Counters, and a Simple Processor 8. Synchronous Sequential Circuits 9. Asynchronous Sequential Circuits 10. Digital System Design 11. Testing of Logic Circuits 12. Computer Aided Design Tools Appendix A: VHDL Reference Appendix B: Tutorial 1--Using Quartus II CAD Software Appendix C: Tutorial 2--Implementing Circuits in Altera Devices Appendix D: Tutorial 3--Physical Implementations in a PLD Appendix E: Commercial Devices Answers

International Edition

INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC AND COMPUTER DESIGN WITH CD by Alan B. Marcovitz, Florida Atlantic University-Boca Raton

2008 (February 2007) / Hardcover with disk ISBN: 9780073314174 ISBN: 9780071276115 [IE, with CD] Introduction to Logic and Computer Design by Alan Marcovitz takes the successful formula realized in the author’s previous books and makes it even better. With the inclusion of several chapters on computer design, Marcovitz now offers everything a fundamentals-oriented logic design course might include. Further, this new book is supported by an ARIS site - McGrawHill’s electronic homework management systems -- including 350 algorithmic problems and a host of new media supplements to make both the instructor’s and the student’s tasks easier. As with

Marcovitz’s previous books, the clear presentation of concepts and well-paced writing style make Introduction to Logic and Computer Design the ideal companion to any first course in digital logic. Users rave about the book’s extensive set of examples — well integrated into the body of the text and included at the end of each chapter in sections of solved problems — that give students multiple opportunities to understand the topics being presented. Contents 1 Introduction Part I Logic Design 2 Combinational Systems 3 The Karnaugh Map 4 Designing Combinational Systems 5 Analysis of Sequential Systems 6 The Design of Sequential Systems 7 Solving Larger Sequential Problems Part II Computer Design 8 Computer Organization 9 Computer Design Fundamentals 10 The Design of a Central Processing Unit 11 Beyond the Central Processing Unit

International Edition

Digital Principles and Design with CD-ROM by Donald Givone, SUNY — Buffalo

2003 / 832 pages ISBN: 9780072551327 ISBN: 9780071230056 [IE] This exciting first edition provides more depth than existing digital design books, using a traditional approach to the subject. Digital Principles and Design contains introductory material in digital principles with emphasis on logic design, as well as more advanced material. With the exception of the digital circuits appendix, it assumes no background on the part of the reader. The text can be used by readers in computer science, computer engineering and electrical engineering. The emphasis in the book is on the thorough presentation of basic principles of logic design and the illustration of these principles. While many introductory texts only provide the mechanics of classical logic design, Givone provides justifications behind these procedures to give students the understanding they need for the advanced topics they will learn about in subsequent courses. Some of the topics that the book thoroughly presents include: the simplification of Boolean expressions with Karnaugh maps, variable-entered Karnaugh maps, and the analysis and design of both clocked synchronous sequential networks and asynchronous sequential networks. Contents 1. Introduction. 2. Number Systems, Arithmetic, and Codes. 3. Boolean Algebra and Combinational Networks. 4. Simplification of Boolean Expressions. 5. Logic Design with MSI Components and Programmable Logic Devices. 6. Flip-Flops and Simple Flip-Flop Applications. 7. Synchronous Sequential Networks. 8. Algorithmic State Machines. 9. Asnynchronous Sequential Networks. Appendix A: Digital Circuits. Appendix B: TBD



ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Schaum’s Outline of Introduction to Digital Systems


by James Palmer, Rochester Institute of Technology; David Perlman, Rochester Institute of Technology

1993 / 400 pages ISBN: 9780070484399 (A Schaum’s Publications) Contents 1. Numbers and the Binary System 2. Design of Combinational Logic I 3. Design of Combinational Logic II-Manipulation 4. Hardware and the Mixed-Logic Convention 5. MSI and LSI Elements 6. Timing Diagrams 7. The Flip-Flop/8 Combinations of Flip-Flops 9. Application Specific Devices 10. Design of Simple State Machines 11. Electronically Programmable Functions Appendix A: Basic Boolean Theorems and Identities Appendix B: Standard Logic Symbols Appendix C: Some Comments on Digital Logic Simulation

Programmable Logic Controller International Edition


4th Edition

by Frank D. Petruzella

2011 (September 2010) / Softcover / 416 pages ISBN: 9780073510880 ISBN: 9780071221351 [IE] (A Trade & Technical Title) This fourth edition of Programmable Logic Controllers continues to provide an up-to-date introduction to all aspects of PLC programming, installation, and maintaining procedures. No previous knowledge of PLC systems or programming is assumed. As one reviewer of this edition put it “I honestly believe that someone with little or no background to PLC systems could take this book and teach themselves PLCs”. Contents 1. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): An Overview 2. PLC Hardware Components 3. Number Systems and Codes 4. Fundamentals of Logic 5. Basics of PLC Programming 6. Developing Fundamental PLC Wiring Diagrams and Ladder Logic Programs 7. Programming Timers 8. Programming Counters 9. Program Control Instructions 10. Data Manipulation Instructions 11. Math Instructions 12. Sequencer and Shift Register Instructions 13. PLC Installation Practices, Editing, and Troubleshooting 14. Process Control, Network Systems, and SCADA

Control Systems


Principles and Design, 4th Edition by M Gopal, Dept of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover / 904 pages ISBN: 9780071333269 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book offers a comprehensive treatment of control engineering with a strong balance of analysis and design, mathematics and practice, and theory and hardware; written in a user-friendly style that has ushered in a refreshing excitement in the teaching and learning of the subject. For a first course at the introductory level, it provides a solid foundation of frequency-domain design methods for analysis and design of continuous time control systems, which form the essentials for industrial practice. Contents 1. Introduction To The Control Problem 2. System Models And Response: Transfer Function, Block Diagram, Signal Flow Graph 3. Development Of Models For Industrial Control Devices And Systems 4. Use Of Feedback For Control Of Uncertain Systems 5. Concepts Of Stability And The Routh Stability Criterion 6. Performance Specifications On System Time Response 7. Pid Control 8. Root Locus Plots And System Stability 9. Compensator Design Using Root Locus Plots 10. Nyquist/Bode Frequency Response Plots And System Stability 11. Performance Specifications On System Frequency Response 12. Compensator Design Using Bode Plots 13. Digital Control Systems 14. Control System Analysis Using State Variable Methods 15. Control System Design Using State Variable Methods 16. Nonlinear Systems Analysis

Schaum’s Outline of Feedback and Control Systems

3rd Edition

by Joseph DiStefano, University of California, Los Angeles

2014 (December 2013) / 496 pages ISBN: 9780071829489 (A Schaum’s Publication) Schaum’s Outline of Feedback and Control Systems, 3rd Edition helps enrolled students understand basic concepts and offer extra practice on topics such as differential equations and linear systems, transfer functions, block diagram algebra and transfer functions of systems, signal flow graphs, and many more. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Control Systems Terminology 3. Differential Equations, Difference Equations, and Linear Systems 4. The LaPlace Transform 5. The Z-Transform 6. Stability


7. Transfer Functions 8. Block Diagram Algebra and Transfer Functions of Systems 9. Signal Flow Graphs 10. System Sensitivity Measures and Classification of Feedback Systems 11. Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems: Objectives and Methods 12. Nyquist Analysis 13. Nyquist Design 14. Root-Locus Design 15. Bode Analysis 16. Bode Design 17. Nichols Chart Analysis 18. Nichols Chart Design 19. Introduction to Nonlinear Control Systems 20. Introduction to Advanced Systems 21. Topics in Control Systems 22. Analysis and Design

Digital Control


4th Edition

by Madan Gopal

2012 (March 2012) / Softcover / 928 pages ISBN: 9780071333276 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The book takes a new approach to presenting the vital control theories that have become a necessary part of the fundamental background of control engineers. Coverage of digital control, state-space analysis and design, nonlinear control, and intelligent control has been nicely blended to serve the interests of senior undergraduate students, graduate students, research community, and practicing engineers. Contents Part I Digital Control: Principles and Design in Transform Domain 1. Introduction 2. Signal Processing in Digital Control 3. Models of Digital Control Devices and Systems 4. Design of Digital Control Algorithms Part II State Variable Methods in Automatic Control: Continuous-Time and Sampled-Data Systems 5. Control System Analysis Using State Variable Methods 6. State Variable Analysis of Digital Control Systems 7. Pole-Placement Design and State Observers 8. Linear Quadratic Optimal Control through Lyapunov Synthesis Part III Nonlinear Control Systems: Conventional and Intelligent 9. Nonlinear Systems Analysis 10. Nonlinear Control Structures 11. Intelligent Control with Neural Networks/Support Vector Machines 12. Fuzzy Logic and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems 13. Optimization with Genetic Algorithms 14. Intelligent Control with Reinforcement Learning

Generators, Motors, Compressors



2nd Edition

by Frank D. Petruzella

2016 (February 2015) / 320 pages ISBN: 9780073373812 (A Glencoe Trade & Technical Title) (Details unavailable at press time)

International Edition


2010 (May 2009) / Softcover / 296 pages ISBN: 9780073521824 ISBN: 9780071220330 [IE] (A Glencoe Trade & Technical Title) This book has been written for a course of study that will introduce the reader to a broad range of motor types and control systems. It provides an overview of electric motor operation, selection, installation, control and maintenance. Every effort has been made in this first edition text to present the most up-to-date information which reflects the current needs of the industry. The broad based approach taken makes this text viable for a variety of motors and control systems courses. Content is suitable for colleges, technical institutions, vocational/technical schools as well as apprenticeship and journeymen training. Electrical apprentices and journeymen will find this book to be invaluable due to Electrical Code references applicable to the installation of new control systems and motors, as well as information on maintenance and troubleshooting techniques. Personnel involved in the motor maintenance and repair will find this book to be a useful reference text. The text is comprehensive! It includes coverage of how motors operate in conjunction with their associated control circuitry. Both older and newer motor technologies are examined. Topics covered range from motor types and controls to installing and maintaining conventional controllers, electronic motor drives and programmable logic controllers. Contents 1. Safety in the Workplace 2. Understanding Electrical Drawings 3. Motor Transformers and Distribution Systems 4. Motor Control Devices 5. Electric Motors 6. Contactors and Motor Starters 7. Relays 8. Motor Control Circuits 9. Motor Control Electronics 10. Adjustable Speed Drives and PLC Installations




Neural Networks/Fuzzy Systems


A Classroom Approach, 2nd Edition by Satish Kumar, Reader in Computer Science and Applications, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra

2012 (June 2012) / Softcover / 760 pages ISBN: 9781259006166 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This revised edition of Neural Networks is an up-to-date exposition of the subject and continues to provide an understanding of the underlying geometry of foundation neural network models while stressing on heuristic explanations of theoretical results. The highlight of this book is its easy-to-read format and a balanced mix of both theory and practice, without compromising on the requisite mathematical rigor. Professor Kumar, in this book, has successfully maintained excellent pictorial description integrated with the concepts and interesting pedagogy to render sound learning. Contents Part I: Traces of History and a Neuroscience Briefer 1 1. The Brain Metaphor 2. Lessons from Neuroscience Part II: Feedforward Neural Networks and Supervised Learning 3. Artificial Neurons, Neural Networks and Architectures 4. Geometry of Binary Threshold Neurons and Their Networks 5. Supervised Learning I. Perceptrons and LMS 6. Supervised Learning II. Backpropagation and Beyond 7. Neural Networks. A Statistical Pattern Recognition Perspective 8. Statistical Learning Theory, Support Vector Machines and Radial Basis Function Networks Part III: Recurrent Neurodynamical Systems and Unsupervised Learning 9. Dynamical Systems Review 10. Attractor Neural Networks 11. Adaptive Resonance Theory 12. Towards the Self-organizing Feature Map Part IV: Contemporary Topics 13. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Systems 14. Evolutionary Algorithms 15. Soft Computing Goes Hybrid 16. Frontiers of Research: Spiking and Quantum Neural Networks

Electrical Instrumentation

ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION by Prithwiraj Purkait, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Haldia Institute of Technology, West Bengal, Budhaditya Biswas, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Haldia Institute of Technology, West Bengal, and Chiranjib Koley, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur

2013 (July 2013) / Softcover / 648 pages ISBN: 9781259029592 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Measurement of physical quantities and instruments that aid thereof, are at the core of the engineering principle. The text, Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, captures the gamut of essential measurements required in the fields of electrical and electronics engineering and provides a comprehensive discourse on the principles of the instruments used for such measurements. The book, written in a highly pedagogical style, provides coverage on the basic to the most sophisticated measurement techniques and discusses design and operation of measuring instruments. Contents 1. Concept of Measurement Systems 2. Analog Meters 3. Instrument Transformers 4. Measurement of Resistance 5. Potentiometers 6. AC Bridges 7. Power Measurement 8. Measurement of Energy 9. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 10. Electronic Instruments 11. Sensors and Transducers 12. Magnetic Measurements 13. Signal Generators and Analysers 14. Data Acquisition System 15. Recording, Storage and Display Devices 16. Programmable Logic Controllers 17. Microwave and RF Measurement 18. Fibre Optic Measurements Appendix A: Table of SI Units Appendix B: Number Systems Appendix C: Westen Frequency Meter


3rd Edition

by H S Kalsi, St. Xavier’s Technical Institute, Mumbai.

2010 (May 2010) / Softcover / 824 pages ISBN: 9780070702066 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This revised and up-to date edition provides essential understanding of the working principles, operation and limitations of the electronic instruments. Lucid explanation of the concepts supported by a plethora of solved examples makes this an indispensable text on this subject.The step-by-step problem solving methodology used in the examples is a highlight of this new edition.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contents 1. Qualities of Measurements 2. Indicators and Display Devices 3. Ammeters 4. Voltmeters and Multimeters 5. Digital Voltmeters 6. Digital Instruments 7. Oscilloscope 8. Signal Generators 9. Wave Analyzers and Harmonic Distortion 10. Measuring Instruments 11. Bridges 12. Recorders 13. Transducers 14. Signal Conditioning 15. Filters 16. Measurement Set-up 17. Data Acquisition System (DAS) 18. Data Transmission 19. Frequency Standards 20. Measurement of Power 21. Control Systems

Mechatronics International Edition


4th Edition

by David G. Alciatore, Colorado State University

2012 (March 2011) / Hardcover / 576 pages ISBN: 9780073380230 ISBN: 9780071086042 [IE] The author presents a concise review of electrical circuits, solid-state devices, digital circuits, and motors- all of which are fundamental to understanding mechatronic systems. Mechatronics design considerations are presented throughout the text, and in “Design Example” features. The text’s numerous illustrations, examples, class discussion items, and chapter questions & exercises provide an opportunity to understand and apply mechatronics concepts to actual problems encountered in engineering practice. This text has been tested over several years to ensure accuracy. A text web site is available at and contains numerous supplemental resources. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Electric Circuits and Components 3. Semiconductor Electronics 4. System Response 5. Analog Signal Processing Using Operational Amplifiers 6. Digital Circuits 7. Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing 8. Data Acquisition 9. Sensors 10. Actuators 11. Mechatronic Systems-Control Architectures and Case Studies Appendix A: Measurement Fundamentals Appendix B: Physical Principles Appendix C: Mechanics of Materials

Power and Machines Electrical Machinery International Edition


7th Edition

by Stephen D. Umans, A E. Fitzgerald (deceased), and Charles Kingsley (deceased)

2014 (February 2013) / Hardcover / 704 pages ISBN: 9780073380469 ISBN: 9780071326469 [IE] This seventh edition of Fitzgerald and Kingsley’s Electric Machinery by Stephen Umans was developed recognizing the strength of this classic text since its first edition has been the emphasis on building an understanding of the fundamental physical principles underlying the performance of electric machines. Much has changed since the publication of the first edition, yet the basic physical principles remain the same, and this seventh edition is intended to retain the focus on these principles in the context of today’s technology. Contents 1. Magnetic Circuits and Magnetic Materials 2. Transformers 3. Electromechanical-Energy-Conversion Principles 4. Introduction to Rotating Machines 5. Synchronous Machines 6. Polyphase Induction Machines 7. DC Machines 8. Variable-Reluctance Machines and Stepping Motors 9. Single-and Two-Phase Motors 10. Speed and Torque Control Appendix A: Three-Phase Circuits Appendix B: Voltages, Magnetic Fields, and Inductances of Distributed AC Windings Appendix C: The dq0 Transformation Appendix D: Engineering Aspects of Practical Electric Machine Performance and Operation Appendix E: Table of Constants and Conversion Factors for SI Units


5th Edition

by M S. Naidu (deceased), V. Kamaraju, Formerly Principal and Professor of Electrical Engineering JNTU College of Engineering Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh

2013 (May 2013) / Softcover / 504 pages ISBN: 9781259062896 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The growing demand for generation and transmission of large amounts of electric power in today’s world, necessitates a thorough knowledge of highvoltage techniques for the electrical and power engineers. The revised edition of this popular book, High-Voltage Engineering 5e, has been refreshed to include trending areas of study, such as testing of HVDC Valves and Equipments. In addition, the illustrations and examples have been updated to bring to the




fore advanced techniques and existing practical conditions. This edition, like all previous, will be handy for engineers pursuing education or a career in the design and development of electrical equipments, electricity supply and utility establishments. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Conduction and Breakdown in Gases 3. Conduction and Breakdown in Liquid Dielectrics 4. Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics 5. Applications of Insulating Materials 6. Generation of High Voltages and Currents 7. Measurement of High Voltages and Currents 8. Overvoltage Phenomenon and Insulation Coordination in Electric Power Systems 9. Non-Destructive Testing of Materials and Electrical Apparatus 10. High-Voltage Testing of Electrical Apparatus 11. Design, Planning and Layout of High-Voltage Laboratories


3rd Edition

by S Salivahanan, Principal, SSN College of Engineering, and Suresh Kumar, Velammal College of Engineering & Technology, Madurai

2012 (July 2012) / Softcover / 1084 pages ISBN: 9781259006418 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Electronic devices and circuits surround our daily existence in an indispensible fashion. Thereby, the authors, in this book have attempted to reveal the complexities of the world of electronics in an extremely simplified manner, using pedagogical features to illustrate and exemplify the concepts thoroughly. This revised edition of Electronic Devices and Circuits is a treat for the young readers, and will generate and maintain an interest in the subject which will stimulate a sound learning. Contents 1. Physical Properties of Elements 2. Passive Circuits Components 3. Electron Ballistics 4. Semiconductor Diodes 5. Special Diodes 6. Bipolar Junction Transistor 7. Field Effect Transistor 8. Thyristors 9. Midband Analysis of Small Signal Amplifiers 10. Multistage Amplifiers 11. Frequency Response of Amplifiers 12. Large Signal Amplifiers 13. Tuned Amplifiers 14. Oscillators 15. Wave Shaping and Multi-vibrator Circuits 16. Blocking Oscillators and Time Base Generators 17. Rectifiers, Filters, and Power Suppliers 18. Integrated Circuit Fabrication 19. Operational Amplifiers 20. Transducers 21. Optoelectronic Devices 22. Measuring Instruments 23. Digital Circuits 24. Memories and Micro-processors

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MATERIALS by R. K. Shukla, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, HBTI,Kanpur

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover / 504 pages ISBN: 9781259006203 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Advancement in technology depends significantly on the availability of materials with desired specifications. In the book Electrical Engineering Materials, the authors have delved into the physics of materials, carefully explaining material behaviour and reaction under a variety of conditions. Upon reading, the user will develop a holistic understanding of the properties, characteristics, applications and limitations of various engineering materials. Contents 1. Crystal Structure, Bonding and Defects in Solids 2. Band Theory of Solids 3. Magnetic Properties of Materials 4. Behaviour of Dielectric Materials in ac and dc Fields 5. Conductivity of Metals and Superconductivity 6. Electrical Conducting and Insulating Materials 7. Junction Rectifi er, Transistors and Devices 8. Mechanism of Conduction in Semiconductors 9. Mechanical Properties of Materials 10. Optical Properties of Materials 11. Special-Purpose Materials and Modern Techniques of Material Studies

International Edition


5th Edition

by Stephen J. Chapman, BAE Systems, Australia

2012 (February 2011)/ Softcover / 704 pages ISBN: 9780073529547 ISBN: 9780071325813 [IE] Electric Machinery Fundamentals continues to be a best-selling machinery text due to its accessible, student-friendly coverage of the important topics in the field. In the fifth edition, the use of MATLAB® continues to be incorporated in examples and problems, where applicable. The targeted and thought-provoking problems you’ve come to appreciate have been retained in this edition. Chapman continues to share his up-to-date knowledge and experiences in the field in an engaging and understandable style. Contents 1. Introduction to Machinery Principles 2. Transformers 3. AC Machinery Fundamentals 4. Synchronous Generators 5. Synchronous Motors 6. Induction Motors 7. DC Machinery Fundamentals 8. DC Motors and Generators 9. Single-Phase and Special-Purpose Motors Appendix A: Three-Phase Circuits Appendix B: Coil Pitch and Distributed Windings Appendix C: Salient-Pole Theory of Synchronous Machines Appendix D: Tables of Contents and Conversion Factors


Revised 1st Edition

by D C Kulshreshtha, Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jaypee University of Information Technology

2011 (July 2011) / Softcover / 880 pages ISBN: 9780071328968 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book provides a solid overview of electrical engineering principles geared for both electrical as well as non-electrical engineering students. With the liberal use of practical illustrations and numerous exercises, it offers an unparalleled exposure to Electricity Fundamentals, Network Theory, Electromagnetism, Electric Machines, Transformers and Measuring Instruments. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Ohm’s Law 3. Network Analysis 4. Network Theorems 5. Electromagnetism 6. Magnetic Circuits 7. Self and Mutual Inductances 8. Dc Transients 9. Alternating Voltage and Current 10. Ac Circuits 11. Resonance in Ac Circuits 12. Three-Phase Circuits and Systems 13. Transformers 14. Alternators And synchronous Motors 15. Induction Motors 16. Dc Machines 17. Fractional Horsepower Motors 18. Electrical Measuring Instruments 19. Electrical Installation and Illumination

Electric Machines

4th Edition

by D P Kothari, Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and I J Nagrath, Adjunct Professor, BITS Pilani

2010 (June 2010) / Softcover / 932 pages ISBN: 9780070699670 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This new edition provides an excellent foundation to the theory of electromechanical devices with emphasis on rotating electric machines. The theory and applications of various machines are treated at appropriate places in the book. Extensive coverage on the systematic development of circuit model equivalent of both transformers and machines is given in the text. A number of solved examples and practice problems along with MATLAB examples are given in the book to facilitate problem solving skills. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Magnetic Circuits & Induction 3. Transformers 4. Principles of Electromagnetic Energy Conversion 5. Basic Concepts in Rotating Machines 6. Armature Windings 7. DC Machines 8. Synchronous Machines 9. Induction Machines

10. Fractional Kilowatt Motors 11. Generalized Theory of Electric Machines 12. Motor Control by Static Power Converters

International Edition

Electric Machinery and Power Systems Fundamentals by Stephen J. Chapman, BAE Systems Australia

2002 / 696 pages / Hardcover ISBN: 9780072291353 ISBN: 9780071226202 [IE] Stephen J. Chapman is a leading author in the area of machines. He brings his expertise to the table again in An “Introduction to Electric Machinery and Power Systems.” This text is designed to be used in a course that combines machinery and power systems into one semester. Chapman’s new book is designed to be flexible and allow instructors to choose chapters “a la carte”, sot he instructor controls the emphasis. Chapman has written a book that give students what they need to know to be real-world engineers. It focuses on principles and teaches students how to use information as opposed to do a lot of calculations that would rarely be done by a practicing engineer. He compresses the material by focusing on its essence, underlying principles. Matlab is used throughout the book in examples and problems. Contents Part 1: Introduction 1. Mechanical and Electro-magnetic Fundamentals 2. Three-Phase Circuits Part 2: Power Systems Components 3. Transformers 4. AC Machinery Fundamentals 5. Synchronous Generators 6. Synchronous Motors 7. Induction Motors 8. Transmission Lines Part 3: Power Systems 9. Power System Representation and Equations 10. Introduction to Power-Flow Studies 11. Symmetrical Faults 12. Asymmetrical Faults

Schaum’s Outline of Electric Machines and Electromechanics

2nd Edition

by Syed A. Nasar, University of Kentucky

1998 / 208 pages ISBN: 9780070459946 (A Schaum’s Publication) More than 50,000 copies of this powerful study guide sold in the first edition! Covering a broad range of topics, from simple DC magnetic circuits to electronic control of DC and AC motors, all the concepts and their applications are clearly explained and illustrated. Includes hundreds of problems with detailed solutions to help students learn quickly and reaise test scores without investing unnecessary time. Ideal for undergraduate students of electrical engineering, for solo study, and as a refresher.




the topics. Much of the text includes computer simulation using PSpice as a supplement to analytical circuit solution techniques.

Power Electronics

*9789332901148* POWER ELECTRONICS


by Soumitra Kumar Mandal, Dept of Electrical Engineering, National Association of Technical

2014 (May 2014) / 896 pages ISBN: 9789332901148 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The text aims to evaluate the subject of power electronics at the fundamental level. Skillfully drawn diagrams and carefully chosen photographs, highlight the various systems, devices and erformance curves. The language has been kept simple to allow easy understanding. The numerical examples and practice questions have been designed to offer a perspective to the learner that closely emulates practical situations and conditions. Power Electronics has been developed to generate an interest amongst budding engineers about the subject which is core to their study and whose applications – both in the industry as well as in our daily lives – is manifold. Features •

Comprehensive treatise on Power Electronics – as required by technical universities and competitive examinations like GATE, IES


Pedagogy includes:

700+ brilliant illustrations

230+ solved examples!

550+ review questions

650+ objective type questions

Contents 1. Introduction to Power Electronics 2. Power Semiconductor Diodes and Circuits 3. Power Transistor 4. Thyristors 5. Single-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers 6. Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers 7. Three-Phase Uncontrolled Rectifiers 8. Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers 9. AC Voltage Controllers and Cycloconverters 10. DC-to-DC Converters (Choppers) 11. Inverters 12. Applications of Power Electronics in Electrical Drives, Power Factor Improvement, UPS

International Edition

POWER ELECTRONICS by Daniel W. Hart, Valparaiso University

2011 (January 2010) / Hardcover / 512 pages ISBN: 9780073380674 ISBN: 9780071289306 [IE] Power Electronics is intended to be an introductory text in power electronics, primarily for the undergraduate electrical engineering student. The text is written for some flexibility in the order of

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Power Computations 3. Half-Wave Rectifiers 4. Full-Wave Rectifiers 5. AC Voltage Controllers 6. DC-DC Converters 7. DC Power Supplies 8. Inverters 9. Resonant Converters 10. Drive Circuits, Snubber Circuits, and Heatsinks Appendix A: Fourier Series for Some Common Waveforms Appendix B: State-Space Averaging Index

Power Systems



Asia Adaptation

POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS by John Grainger and Jr William Stevenson

2016 (June 2015) ISBN: 9781259008351 (Details unavailable at press time)


2nd Edition

by Badri Ram, Former Professor and Head, PG Dept of Electrical Engineering, Bihar College of Engineering, Patna, and D N. Vishwakarma, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

2011 (July 2011) / Softcover / 684 pages ISBN: 9780071077743 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The functioning of a power system depends significantly on efficient and reliable protection schemes. With enhanced course coverage and refreshed pedagogy, this book discusses the contemporary protection system, now infused with new and innovative technology. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Relay Construction and Operating 3. Current and Voltage Transformers 4. Fault Analysis 5. Overcurrent Protection 6. Distance Protection 7. Pilot Relaying Schemes 8. Differential Protection 9. Rotating Machines Protection 10. Transformer and Buszone Protection 11. Numerical Protection 12. Microprocessor-Based Numerical Protective Relays 13. Artificial Intelligence Based Numerical Protection 14. Circuit Breakers 15. Fuses 16. Protection Against Overvoltages 17. Modern Trends in Power System Protection


4th Edition

by D.P. Kothari, Vice Chancellor, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu and I J. Nagrath, Adjunct professor, BITS, Professor of Electrical Engineering & Deputy , Director (Retd.) BITS Pilani

2011 (June 2011) / Softcover / 792 pages ISBN: 9780071077750 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The carefully crafted fourth edition of Modern Power System Analysis guides the reader from the basics of the power sector through its innumerable developments, which then very logically exposes the state of the art. The book provides for an in-depth study of Power Systems Analysis, Power Systems Stability, and Power Systems Operation and Control courses as offered at the undergraduate level across Indian universities. The rich and robust content caters to the requirements of a related postgraduate course and will also greatly benefit practicing engineers. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Inductance and Resistance of Transmission Lines 3. Capacitance of Transmission Lines 4. Representation of Power System Components 5. Characteristics and Performance of Power Transmission Lines 6. Load Flow Studies 7. Optimal System Operation 8. Automatic Generation and Voltage Control 9. Symmetrical Fault Analysis 10. Symmetrical Components 11. Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis 12. Power System Stability 13. Power System Transients 14. High Voltage DC (HVDC) Transmission 15. Power System Security 16. Voltage Stability 17. An Introduction to State Estimation of Power Systems 18. Compensation in Power Systems 19. Load Forecasting Technique Appendix A: Introduction to Vector and Matrix Algebra Appendix B: Generalised Circuit Constants Appendix C: Triangular Factorisation and Optimal Ordering Appendix D: Elements of Power System Jacobian Matrix Appendix E: Kuhn-Tucker Theorem Appendix F: Real-time Computer Control of Power Systems Appendix G: Some Aspects of Smart Grid Appendix H: Introduction to MATLAB and SIMULINK Appendix I: Substations Appendix J: Convergence of Load Flow Methods Appendix K: Power Quality: An Overview Appendix L: Recent Trends in Power System Communication Appendix M: Restructured and Deregulated Power System Appendix N: Power System Reliability Studies Appendix O: Emission Control Appendix P: Generator Maintenance Scheduling

POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION AND SWITCHGEAR by Bhuvanesh A. Oza, BVM Engineering College, Nirmal-Kumar C. Nair, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Rashesh P. Mehta, BVM Engineering College, Vallabh Vidyanagar, and Vijay H. Makwana, G H Patel College of Engg. and Technology

2010 (January 2010) / Softcover / 504 pages ISBN: 9780070671188 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book offers a comprehensive treatment of Power System Protection and Switchgear with a detailed coverage on recent developments in numerical/digital relaying. Through the mixed and attractive blend of detailed theoretical explanations and intensive application practices, It enables the learner learn the subject in professional manner. Contents 1. Introduction and Philosophy of a Protective Relaying System 2. Electromagnetic Relays 3. Static Relays 4. Microprocessor-Based Digital Protection 5. Generator Protection 6. Transformer Protection 7. Protection of Transmission Lines by Overcurrent Relays 8. Protection of Transmission Lines by Distance Relays 9. Carrier Current Protection of Transmission Lines 10. Buszone Protection 11. Induction Motor Protection 12. Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Relays 13. Protective Current and Potential Transformers 14. Circuit Breaking Fundamentals 15. Electrical Switchgear 16. Short-Circuit Testing of Circuit Breakers 17. Lightning Overvoltage Protection




International Edition

Power System Analysis by John Grainger, North Carolina State University; William Stevenson, Jr., late professor, North Carolina State University

1994 / 784 pages ISBN: 9780070612938 ISBN: 9780071133388 [IE] Based on William Stevenson’s classic, Elements of Power System Analysis, this new senior/graduate text offers a completely modern update of this popular textbook. Covering such topics as power flow, power-system stability and transmission lines, the book teaches the fundamental topics of power system analysis accompanied by logical discussions and numerous examples. Contents 1. Basic Concepts 2. Transformers 3. The Synchronous Machine 4. Series Impedance of Transmission Lines 5. Capacitance of Transmission Lines 6. Current and Voltage Relations on a Transmission Line 7. The Admittance Model and Network Calculations 8. The Impedance Model and Network Calculations 9. Power Flow Solutions 10. Symmetrical Faults 11. Symmetrical Components and Sequence Networks 12. Unsymmetrical Faults 13. Economic Operation of Power Systems 14. Zbus Methods in Contingency Analysis 15. State Estimation of Power Systems 16. Power System Stability

International Edition

Elements of Power System Analysis

4th Edition


5th Edition

by M S. Naidu (deceased), V. Kamaraju, Formerly Principal and Professor of Electrical Engineering JNTU College of Engineering Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh

2013 (May 2013) / Softcover / 504 pages ISBN: 9781259062896 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The growing demand for generation and transmission of large amounts of electric power in today’s world, necessitates a thorough knowledge of highvoltage techniques for the electrical and power engineers. The revised edition of this popular book, High-Voltage Engineering 5e, has been refreshed to include trending areas of study, such as testing of HVDC Valves and Equipments. In addition, the illustrations and examples have been updated to bring to the fore advanced techniques and existing practical conditions. This edition, like all previous, will be handy for engineers pursuing education or a career in the design and development of electrical equipments, electricity supply and utility establishments. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Conduction and Breakdown in Gases 3. Conduction and Breakdown in Liquid Dielectrics 4. Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics 5. Applications of Insulating Materials 6. Generation of High Voltages and Currents 7. Measurement of High Voltages and Currents 8. Overvoltage Phenomenon and Insulation Coordination in Electric Power Systems 9. Non-Destructive Testing of Materials and Electrical Apparatus 10. High-Voltage Testing of Electrical Apparatus 11. Design, Planning and Layout of High-Voltage Laboratories

by William Stevenson, Jr., North Carolina State University

1982 / 436 pages ISBN: 9780070665842 [IE] Contents 1. General Background 2. Basic Concepts 3. Series Impedance of Transmission Lines 4. Capacitance of Transmission Lines 5. Current and Voltage Relations on a Transmission Line 6. System Modeling 7. Network Calculations 8. Load-Flow Solutions and Control 9. Economic Operation of Power Systems 10. Symmetrical Three-Phase Faults 11. Symmetrical Components 12. Unsymmetrical Faults 13. System Protection 14. Power System Stability

Computer Engineering Computer Organization & Architecture


2nd Edition

by A. Nagoor Kani, Founder, RBA Educational Group Chennai

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover / 812 pages ISBN: 9780071329743 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book on Microprocessors and Microcontrollers is primarily designed for undergraduate students of this subject and will be very useful for self-study. In view of complex nature of topics, a step-wise approach is especially followed to facilitate easy comprehension. The chapters aptly detail concepts using ample examples and programs Contents 1. Introduction to Microprocessors 2. Introduction to Microcontrollers 3. Instruction Set of 8085


4. Instruction Set of 8086 5. Instruction Set of 8031/8051 6. Memory and IO Interfacing 7. Interrupts 8. Assembly Language Programming 9. Peripheral Devices and Interfacing 10. Intel 80X86 Family of Processors 11. System Design with Microprocessors Appendix I: List of microprocessors released by INTEL Appendix II: 8031/8051 instructions in hexadecimal order Appendix III: 8031/8051 instructions in alphabetical order Appendix IV: 8085 instructions in hexadecimal order Appendix V: 8085 instructions in alphabetical order Appendix VI: Templates for 8086 instructions Appendix VII: DOS and BIOS instructions

International Edition


6th Edition

by V. Carl Hamacher, Queen’s University; Zvonko Vranesic, University of Toronto; Safwat Zaky, University of Toronto, and Naraig Manjikian, Queen’s University

2012 (January 2011) / Hardcover / 736 pages ISBN: 9780073380650 ISBN: 9780071089005 [IE] The sixth edition of this book covers the key topics in computer organization and embedded systems. It presents hardware design principles and shows how hardware design is influenced by the requirements of software. The book is suitable for undergraduate electrical and computer engineering majors and computer science specialists. It is intended for a first course in computer organization and embedded systems. Contents 1. Basic Structure of Computers 2. Instruction Set Architecture 3. Basic Input/Output 4. Software 5. Basic Processing Unit 6. Pipelining 7. Input/output Organization 8. The Memory System 9. Arithmetic 10. Embedded Systems 11. System-On-A-Chip--A Case Study Appendix A: Logic Circuits Appendix B: The Altera Nios II Processor Appendix C: The ColdFire Processor Appendix D: The ARM Processor Appendix E: The Intel IA-32 Architecture


An Embedded Approach by Ian Vince McLoughlin

2011 (January 2011) / Softcover / 544 pages ISBN: 9780071311182 (An Asian Publication) This textbook presents the subject of computer architecture in a modern light to match the needs of educational institutions and graduates for modern industry. The book reflects the fact that there are around 40 times as many embedded systems sold as desktop computers each year, and many more graduates will end up designing embedded systems hardware than will ever design a traditional desktop computer. Without overlooking the historical perspective of computers, or the traditional topics in computer architecture, Computer Architecture: an embedded approach presents the subject in a readable and interesting format, and above all, provides the background and places emphasis on the increasingly important embedded systems that we all rely upon for our day-to-day living. Whilst traditional computer engineering textbooks were fine resources for students needing to learn about computers, work on desktop or mainframe systems of the 1980s and 1990s, these older approaches are looking increasingly dated as technological progress marches on. Students of today tend to be more inspired by the iPod than by ENIAC, and working with such tiny, low power embedded devices is precisely what Computer Architecture: an embedded approach aims towards. This means that modern and interesting topics for embedded systems are included in this book. An embedded systems-relevant approach, this book addresses the needs of industry, inspires students in their studies, and interlinks with neighbouring electronics, computer engineering or computer science course within a typical curriculum. It is not just a computer architecture book with an extra chapter on embedded system, it looks at the computer architecture of today, which is built upon the foundation and history of bigger and older machines and drives toward greater levels of integration within embedded systems. Contents Preface Acknowledgements 1. Introduction 2. Foundations 3. CPU Basics 4. Processor Internals 5. Enhancing CPU Performance 6. Externals 7. Practical Embedded CPUs 8. CPU Design 9. The Future Appendix A: Standard Notation for Memory Size Appendix B: Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model Appendix C: Exploring Trade-offs in Cache Size and Arrangment Appendix D: Wireless Technology for Embedded Computers Appendix E: Tools for Compiling and Simulating Tiny CPU Appendix F: Tools for Compiling and Assembling Code for TinyCPU Index




Embedded Systems

*9789332901490* EMBEDDED SYSTEMS

Advanced Computer Architecture NEW

International Edition

Advanced Computer Architecture

Architecture, Programming And Design, 3rd Edition

Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability

by Raj Kamal, Head, Institute of Computer Science & Electronics , Devi Ahilya University

1993 / 672 pages ISBN: 9780071247139 [IE]

2014 (August 2014) / 624 pages ISBN: 9789332901490 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Embedded Systems facilitates an insight into the fundamental aspects that form the basis of hardware and software designing of embedded systems. It is written in an easy-to-understand and student-friendly manner, and includes several illustrative figures and examples, sample codes and system-design case studies CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Embedded Systems 2. Embedded Systems Design and Development Process 3. 8051, AVR and ARM Microcontrollers, Real-World Interfacing, and the Inputs and Outputs Using Buses 4. Introduction to Advanced Architectures and ProcessorMemory Organisations I/O Devices, Communication Buses and Distributed Networked 5. Embedded Architectures 6. Device Drivers and Interrupts Service Mechanism 7. Programming Concepts and Embedded Programming in C, C++ and Java 8. Program Modeling Concepts 9. Real Time Operating Systems– I: Processes, Tasks and Threads and their Synchronization Using Inter-process Communication 10. Real Time Operating Systems II: Basic Functions of OS and RTOS 11. Real-time Operating System Programming: MicroC/OS-II and VxWorks 12. Real-Time Linux, Windows CE, OSEK, Handheld Devices and Automotives Operating Systems 13. Design Examples and Case Studies of Program-Modeling and Programming with RTOS 14. Embedded Software Development Process and Tools 15. Testing, Simulation, and Debugging Techniques and Tools Appendix A Appendix B

by Kai Hwang, University of Southern California

This book deals with advanced computer architecture and parallel programming techniques. The material is suitable for use as a textbook in a one-semester graduate or senior course, offered by Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Industrial Engineering programs. Contents Part One: Theory of Parallelism 1. Parallel Computer Models 2. Program and Network Properties 3. Principles of Performance and Scalability Part Two: Hardware Technologies 4. Processors and Memory Hierarchy 5. Bus/Cache and Shared-Memory 6. Pipelining and Superscalar Techniques Part Three: Parallel and Scalable Architectures 7. Multiprocessors and Multi-computers 8. Multivector and SIMD Supercomputers 9. Scalable, Multithreaded, and Dataflow Architectures Part Four: Software for Paralle Programming 10. Parallel Models, Languages and Compilers 11. Development of Parallel Programs 12. Unix Extensions for Parallel Computers Bibliography

SCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE by Nick Carter, University of Illinois - Champaign

2002 / 304 pages ISBN: 9780071362078 (A Schaum’s Publication) Schaum’s Outline of Computer Architecture is intended for use as a problem-solved approach text in an undergraduate course called Computer Architecture, which is taken in the second to fourth years in Computer Science and Engineering Departments. The book follows the syllabus for this course. More advanced courses that this text could supplement include: Parallel Computer.


Networking and Communications Communication Engineering

COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING by S. Vijayachitra, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai

2013 (April 2013) / Softcover / 720 pages ISBN: 9781259006869 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Communication Engineering has been designed for first-time entrants to the subject of communication and is conceptualized to provide an overview of the complete spectrum of communications. The book starts at the very basics of the study of communication engineering and discusses the principles and systems related to analog and digital modulation. Building on these fundamentals, the following chapters introduce the readers to the gamut of applications of communication engineering, and provide them state-of-the-art information. Contents 1. Introduction to Communication Systems 2. Amplitude Modulation 3. Amplitude Demodulation 4. Angle Modulation 5. Frequency Demodulation 6. Pulse Modulation 7. Digital Modulation 8. Information Theory and Coding 9. Data Communication and Networks 10. Optical-Fibre Communication 11. Satellite Communication 12. Radar Principles 13. Wireless Communication 14. Transmission Lines Appendix Index

Communication Systems

COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS by P Ramakrishna Rao, Formerly Professor Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology Tiruchirapalli Tamil Nadu

2013 (January 2013) / Softcover / 968 pages ISBN: 9781259006852 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Our world today progresses on digital technology at a rate that only digital communication principles and embodying systems made possible. This book on Communication Systems aims to provide young readers, a scope to explore this digital extravagance while continuously reminding them that our surroundings at large are generally analog, and digital really is an extension of analog communication principles and techniques. Communication Systems has been designed to provide a solid foundation of the fundamental principles and to expose inquisitive readers to the world today, resplendent in all of its technological advancements

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Signals, Signal Spaces and Fourier Series 3. Fourier Transform and Signal Transmission Through Systems 4. Amplitude Modulation 5. Angle Modulation 6. Probability, Random Processes and Noise 7. Noise Performance of AM and FM Systems 8. Sampling and Analog Pulse Modulation 9. Digital Coding of Analog Signals (PCM and DM) 10. Digital Data Transmission Techniques—Baseband and Band Pass 11. Noise Performance of Digital Communication Systems 12. Information Theory and Source Coding 13. Error-Control Coding 14. Spread Spectrum Communication Systems 15. Multichannel Modulation—OFDM and DMT Appendix A: Mathematical Formulae Appendix B: Useful mathematical and physical constants Appendix C: Fourier Transform Theorems and Transform Pairs Appendix D: Hilbert Transform Pairs Appendix E: Error Functions and Q–functions Appendix F: Constrained Optimization using Lagrange Multipliers Appendix G: Signal Fading and Diversity Reception

International Edition


2013 (January 2012) / Hardcover / 896 pages ISBN: 9780073380360 ISBN: 9780071086615 [IE] Contemporary Communication Systems provides a comprehensive introduction to analog and digital communication systems. In addition to a logical and easy-to-understand presentation of fundamental principles, the book engages students in the issues relevant to system and product implementation by integrating a discussion of theoretical concepts with extensive hands-on visual and simulation resources that reinforce learning. A unique feature of the book is sufficient coverage of important topics in digital communications including compression, multiplexing and synchronization techniques. The book also explores the impact of semiconductor revolution (Moore’s law) and software technologies in the realization of modern digital communication systems. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Review of Signals and Linear Systems 3. Simulation of Communication Systems Using MATLAB/Simulink 4. Amplitude Modulation (AM) 5. Angle Modulation 6. Probability and Random Processes 7. Noise Performance of Analog Communication Systems 8. Conversion of Analog Signals to Digital Format 9. Digital Baseband Modulation 10. Detection of Baseband Signals in Noise 11. Transmission of Digital Information via Carrier Modulation 12. Digital Signal Transmission Through Band-Limited Channels 13. Digital Multiplexing and Synchronization 14. Information Theory and Compression Techniques 15. Channel Coding Techniques Problems-Matlab Problems




Analog and Digital, 3rd Edition

by R. P. Singh, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal , and S. D. Sapre, Maulana Azad College of Technology, Bhopal, (M.P.), India

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover ISBN: 9781259004605 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Communication Systems, by nature, is largely an abstract area of study. In this text, the authors have intrinsically intertwined theory and pedagogy with the concepts. This is especially done to immensely enhance visualization of this subject and its mathematical identities. Adequate topical enhancements according to current curriculum requirements, crisp descriptions, and numerous illustrations make this book is a very interesting read. In addition, thoroughly refreshed pedagogical aids are provided as useful learning tools for all students. Contents 1. Signal Analysis 2. Linear Systems 3. Probability and Random Signal Theory 4. Noise 5. Amplitude Modulation Systems 6. Angle Modulation Systems 7. Pulse Modulation Systems 8. Pulse Code Modulation 9. Data Transmission 10 Information Theory 11. Coding 12. Spread-Spectrum Modulation 13. Advanced Communication Systems

HVDC TRANSMISSION by S Kamakshaiah, Professor of Electrical Engineering, JNTU Engineering College,Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, and V. Kamaraju, Formerly Principal and Professor of Electrical Engineering JNTU College of Engineering Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh

2011 (February 2011) / Softcover / 428 pages ISBN: 9780071072533 (McGraw-Hill India Title) HVDC Transmission is a comprehensive text that facilitates indepth study of HVDC transmission, including inception, working principles, advantages and disadvantages, and state-of-theart HVDC transmission systems. Topics associated with DC transmission have been included, in detail, to support this study. This text is useful for undergraduate students of electrical or electrical and electronics engineering, postgraduate students of the same subjects who have opted for an elective course on HVDC engineering, and field engineers and professionals connected with HVDC systems. Contents 1. HVDC Transmission: Developments 2. HVDC Converters 3. 6-pulse Converter Operation and Analysis 4. Control of HVDC Converter and Systems 5. Harmonics in HVDC Systems 6. Harmonic Suppression in HVDC System—Filters 7. Grounding and Ground Electrodes for HVDC Systems 8. Faults and Protection Schemes in HVDC Systems 9. Overvoltages and Insulation Co-ordination for HVDC Systems

10. Multiterminal HVDC Systems 11. Parallel AC and DC Systems Appendix: Some HVDC Projects implemented in India

International Edition


5th Edition

by A. Bruce Carlson, Rensselaer Polytech Institute, Paul B. Crilly, University Of Tennessee-Knoxville, Janet Rutledge, University of Maryland at Baltimore

2010 (February 2009) / Hardcover / 944 pages ISBN: 9780073380407 ISBN: 9780071263320 [IE] This exciting revision of Communication Systems, a classic text in the communications field, presents an introduction to electrical communication systems, including analysis methods, design principles, and hardware considerations. The fifth edition has been updated to reflect current technology in this ever-evolving field. The text covers both analog and digital communications. It features worked examples and exercises for students to solve within chapters, helping them to master new concepts as they are introduced. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Signals and Spectra 3. Signal Transmission and Filtering 4. Linear CW Modulation 5. Exponential CW Modulation 6. Sampling and Pulse Modulation 7. Analog Communication Systems 8. Probability and Random Variables 9. Random Signals and Noise 10. Noise in Analog Modulation Systems 11. Baseband Digital Transmission 12. Digitization Techniques for Analog Messages and Computer Networks 13. Channel Coding and Encryption 14. Bandpass Digital Transmission 15. Spread Spectrum Systems 16. Information and Detection Theory Appendix: Circuit and System Noise

International Edition


2005 / Softcover ISBN: 9780071278782 [IE] (McGraw-Hill India Title) Contents 1. A Quick Review of Signal Analysis and Introduction to Modulation 2. Amplitude Modulation—Double-Sideband Suppressed-Carrier Modulation 3. Conventional Amplitude Modulation—Double-Sideband FullCarrier Modulation 4. Single-Sideband Modulation and Vestigial-Sideband Modulation 5. Introduction to Angle Modulation 6. Generation and Detection of Angle-Modulated Signals 7. Random Variables and Random Processes


8. Effect of Noise on Amplitude Modulation System Performance 9. Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation System Performance 10. Analog Pulse Modulation, Pulse Code Modulation and Differential Appendix 1: Time and Frequency Division Multiplexing Appendix 2: An Introduction to Radio Receivers Appendix 3: Justification for Approximate Linear Analysis in FM Receivers Appendix 4: Entropy and Information Suggested Reading. Index

Digital Communications

ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION by T L Singal, Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajpura, Punjab

simple and lucid language; mathematical analysis used wherever necessary and the results and their implications elucidated clearly. It provides an in-depth discussion of the various issues related to baseband and bandpass transmission and reception of digital signals, including source and channel coding. Contents 1. Introduction to Digital Communication 2. Signals, Probability and Random Processes 3. Waveform Coding (PCM and DM) 4. Digital Baseband Signalling 5. Bandpass Digital Signalling 6. Information Theory and Source Coding 7. Error - Control Coding 8. Spread-Spectrum Systems Appendix A: MATLAB Programs Appendix B: Some useful Mathematical Formulae Appendix C: Fourier Transform Pairs Appendix D: Error Functions & Q- Function Appendix E: Constrained Optimization using Lagrange Multipliers

2012 (March 2012) / Softcover / 936 pages ISBN: 9780071072694

International Edition

(McGraw-Hill India Title)

5th Edition The book, though comprehensive, has been developed in a readerfriendly fashion by providing numerous pedagogical aids for the study of Communication Systems. The product has been designed as per the need of the student whose requirement is to gain apt knowledge as per the examinations. An important feature is that the book takes a balanced approach towards both Analog & Digital Communications. Contents 1. Introduction to Electronic Communications 2. Signals, Probability and Random Processes 3. Noise 4. Amplitude Modulation Techniques 5. Angle Modulation Techniques 6. Analog Transmission and Reception 7. Sampling Theorem and Pulse-Modulation Techniques 8. Digital Baseband Transmission and Multiplexing 9. Digital Modulation Techniques 10. Information Theory 11. Source and Channel Coding 12. Spread Spectrum Communication Appendix A: Standards for Analog and Digital Communications Appendix B: Mathematical Formulae Appendix C: Model Test Papers Appendix D: Abbreviations and Acronyms

DIGITAL COMMUNICATION by P. Ramakrishna Rao, Advisor, Raghu Engineering College, Visakhapatnam

2011 (July 2011) / Softcover / 572 pages ISBN: 9780070707764 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Digital Communication is a core subject for all Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) students at the undergraduate level. The contents of the book are designed to cover the prescribed syllabus for a one-semester course on the subject as offered by Indian universities. This book adopts an approach best suited at the undergraduate level—concepts are explained thoroughly using


by John Proakis, Northeastern University, and Massoud Salehi, Northeastern University

2008 (November 2007) / Hardcover / 1024 pages ISBN: 9780072957167 ISBN: 9780071263788 [IE] Digital Communications is a classic book in the area that is designed to be used as a senior or graduate level text. The text is flexible and can easily be used in a one semester course or there is enough depth to cover two semesters. Its comprehensive nature makes it a great book for students to keep for reference in their professional careers. This all-inclusive guide delivers an outstanding introduction to the analysis and design of digital communication systems. Includes expert coverage of new topics: Turbocodes, Turboequalization, Antenna Arrays, Digital Cellular Systems, and Iterative Detection. Convenient, sequential organization begins with a look at the history and classification of channel models and builds from there. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Deterministic and Random Signal Analysis 3. Digital Modulation Schemes 4. Optimum Receivers for AWGN Channels 5. Synchronization Techniques 6. An Introduction to Information Theory 7. Channel Coding I. Linear Block Codes 8. Channel Coding II. Trellis and Graph Based Codes 9. Digital Communication Through Bandlimited Channels 10. Adaptive Equalization 11. Multi-channel and Multi-carrier Systems 12. Spread Spectrum Systems 13. Fading Channels I. Characterization and Signaling 14. Fading Channels II. Capacity and Coding 15. Multiple-Antenna Systems 16. Multi-user Communications Appendices




2nd Edition

by Hwei Hsu, Fairleigh Dickinson University

2003 / 336 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071402286 (A Schaum’s Publication) This study guide acts as an excellent tutor in this subject. It offers clear explanations of the mathematics behind signal and linear system analysis, fully covering communications theory, and provides an introduction to information theory and coding. Also included are more than 400 solved problems and hundreds more with answers, so students can test themselves and track theor own progress as they master various concepts and their applications.

16. Microwave Communications 17. Satellite Communications 18. Telecommunication Systems 19. Optical Communication 20. Cell Phone Technologies 21. Wireless Technologies 22. Communication Tests and Measurements Appendix Glossary Index

International Edition


3rd Edition

by Louis E. Frenzel

Electronic Communications


by Louis E. Frenzel

2016 (February 2015) ISBN: 9780073373850 (A Trade & Technical Title) Principles of Electronic Communication Systems 4th edition provides the most up-to-date survey available for students taking a first course in electronic communications. Requiring only basic algebra and trigonometry, the new edition is notable for its readability, learning features and numerous full-color photos and illustrations. A systems approach is used to cover state-of-the-art communications technologies, to best reflect current industry practice. This edition contains greatly expanded and updated material on the Internet, cell phones, and wireless technologies. Practical skills like testing and troubleshooting are integrated throughout. A brand-new Laboratory & Activities Manual provides both hands-on experiments and a variety of other activities, reflecting the variety of skills now needed by technicians. A new Online Learning Center web site is available, with a wealth of learning resources for students. CONTENTS Preface 1. Introduction to Electronic Communication 2. The Fundamentals of Electronics: A Review 3. Amplitude Modulation Fundamentals 4. Amplitude Modulator and Demodulator Circuits 5. Fundamentals of Frequency Modulation 6. FM Circuits 7. Digital Communications Techniques 8. Radio Transmitters 9. Communications Receivers 10. Multiplexing and Demultiplexing 11. Data Transmission Techniques 12. Introduction to Networking and Local Area Networks 13. Transmission Lines 14. Antennas and Wave Propagation 15. Internet Technologies

2008 (January 2007) / Hardcover ISBN: 9780073222783 ISBN: 9780071106078 [IE, with OLC] (A Trade & Technical Title) Principles of Electronic Communication Systems is designed for an introductory course in communication electronics for Electronics Technology and Electrical Engineering Technology students who have a background in basic electronics, algebra and trigonometry. The text covers current, state-of-the-art technologies used in all forms of modern electronic communications, using a systems approach to best reflect current industry practice. This edition contains greatly expanded and updated material on the Internet, cell phones and wireless technologies. Practical skills like testing and troubleshooting are included throughout the new edition. A brand-new Laboratory & Activities Manual provides both handson experiments and a variety of other activities, reflecting the variety of skills now needed in the electronic communications world. A new Online Learning Center web site is available, with a wealth of learning resources for students, and teaching materials for instructors. CONTENTS Preface. 1. Introduction to Electronic Communication 2. The Fundamentals of Electronics: A Review 3. Amplitude Modulation Fundamentals 4. Amplitude Modulator and Demodulator Circuits 5. Fundamentals of Frequency Modulation 6. FM Circuits 7. Digital Communications Techniques 8. Radio Transmitters 9. Communications Receivers, 10. Multiplexing and Demultiplexing 11. Data Transmission Techniques 12. Introduction to Networking and Local Area Networks 13. Transmission Lines 14. Antennas and Wave Propagation 15. Internet Technologies 16. Microwave Communications 17. Satellite Communications 18. Telecommunication Systems 19. Optical Communication 20. Cell Phone Technologies 21. Wireless Technologies 22. Communication Tests and Measurements Appendix Glossary Index


International Edition

Communication Electronics

3rd Edition

by Louis E Frenzel, Jr.,

2000 / 448 pages ISBN: 9780071183048 [IE] Communication Electronics 3/e is a comprehensive introduction to communication circuits and systems for students with a background in basic electronics. All of the chapters have been revised and updated to include the latest circuitry systems and applications. Contents Introduction to Communication. Amplitude Modulation and Single-Side Band. Modulation. Amplitude Modulation Circuits. Frequency Modulation. Frequency Modulation Circuits. Radio Transmitters. Communications Receivers. Multiplexing. Antennas, Transmission Lines, and Radio Wave Propogation. Microwave Techniques. Introduction to Satellite Communications. Data Communication. Fiber-Optic Telecommunica-tions. Television. The Telephone Systems and its Applications.

Fiber Optic Communications Asia Adaptation


5th Edition

by Gerd Keiser, Boston University & National Taiwan University of Science & Technology

2014 (December 2013) / Softcover / 640 pages ISBN: 9789814575690 High-capacity telecommunication networks based on optical fiber technology have become an indispensable part of society with applications ranging from simple web browsing to critical healthcare diagnosis and cloud computing. Since users expect these services to always be available, careful engineering is required in all technologies ranging from component development to network operations. This expanded fifth edition presents the fundamental principles for understanding and applying these technologies to modern lightwave networks. Contents 1. Overview of Optical Fiber Communications 2. Optical Fibers: Structures, Waveguiding, and Fabrication 3. Attenuation and Dispersion 4. Optical Sources 5. Power Launching and Coupling 6. Photodetectors 7. Optical Receiver Operation 8. Digital Links 9. Analog Links 10. WDM Concepts and Components 11. Optical Amplifiers 12. Nonlinear Effects

13. Optical Networks 14. Performance Measurement and Monitoring Appendixes Index

International Edition


5th Edition by Ajoy Ghatak, Emeritus Prof. of Physics, IIT Delhi

2012 (March 2012) / Softcover / 584 pages ISBN: 9781259004346 ISBN: 9780071310345 [IE] (McGraw-Hill India Title) This text provides a comprehensive, balanced account of traditional optics, as well as many of the recent developments in the field. Designed to meet the optics course requirements for undergraduate students of science and engineering, Optics is also an excellent reference source for practicing engineers wanting to obtain a greater understanding of optics. In preparing the 5th edition of the book, many topics in Chapters 14, 18, 22, 23, 26, 27 and 28 have been rewritten and many new diagrams have also been introduced. In addition, a section on Special Theory of Relativity has been added. Many new colored photographs in the preliminary pages have also been added which should help clarify important concepts in the field. Contents 1. History of Optics 2. What is Light? Part 1: Geometrical Optics 3. Fermat’s Principle and Its Applications 4. Refraction and Reflection by Spherical Surfaces 5. The Matrix Method in Paraxial Optics 6. Aberrations Part 2: Vibrations and Waves 7. Simple Harmonic Motion, Forced Vibrations and Origin of Refractive Index 8. Fourier Series and Applications 9. The Dirac Delta Function and Fourier Transforms 10. Group Velocity and Pulse Dispersion 11. Wave Propagation and the Wave Equation 12. Huygens’ Principle and Its Applications Part 3: Interference 13. Superposition of Waves 14. Two Beam Interference by Division of Wavefront 15. Interference by Division of Amplitude 16. Multiple Beam Interferometry 17. Coherence Part 4: Diffraction 18. Fraunhofer Diffraction I 19. Fraunhofer Diffraction II and Fourier Optics 20. Frensel Diffraction 21. Holography Part 5: Electromagnetic Chapter of Light 22. Polarization and Double Refraction 23. Electromagnetic Waves 24. Reflection and Refraction of Electromagnetic Waves Part 6: Photons 25. The Particle Nature of Radiation Part 7: Lasers & Fiber Optics 26. Lasers: An Intrduction 27. Fiber Optics I: Basic Concepts and Ray Optics Considerations




28. Fiber Optics II: Basic Waveguide Theory and Concept of Modes 29. Fiber Optics III: Single Mode Fibers Part 8: Special Theory of Relativity 30. Special Theory of Relativity I: Time Dilation and Length Contraction 31. Special Theory of Relativity II: The Mass-Energy Relation 32. Special Theory of Relativity III: Lorentz transformations

Communication Networks Global Edition


5th Edition

by Behrouz A. Forouzan, Deanza College

2013 (April 2012) / Softcover / 1184 pages ISBN: 9789814577519 [GE] center_view0/ The fifth edition of Behrouz Forouzan’s Data Communications and Networking presents a comprehensive and accessible approach to data communications and networking that has made this book a favorite with students and professionals alike. More than 830 figures and 150 tables accompany the text and provide a visual and intuitive opportunity for understanding the material. This unique approach minimizes the need for heavy math content, allowing normally complicated topics to unfold graphically and visually rather than through the presentation of complex formulas. The global edition has been developed specifically to meet the needs of international computer networks students. In addition to a chapter on the peer-to-peer paradigm, a full chapter on quality of service (QoS), generous coverage of forward error correction, coverage of WiMAX, and material on socket-interface programming in Java, we have added new international endof-chapter questions and problems to make the content more relevant and improve learning outcomes for the international student. Contents Part I: Overview 1. Introduction 2. Network Models Part 2: Physical Layer 3. Introduction to Physical Layer 4. Digital Transmission 5. Analog Transmission 6. Bandwidth Utilization: Multiplexing and Spreading 7. Transmission Media 8. Switching Part 3: Data Link Layer 9. Introduction to Data-Link Layer 10. Error Detection and Correction 11. Data Link Control (DLC) 12. Media Access Control (MAC) 13. Wired LANs: Ethernet 14. Other Wired Networks 15. Wireless LANs 16. Other Wireless Networks 17. Connecting Devices and Virtual LANs

Part 4: Network Layer 18. Introduction to Network Layer 19. Network-Layer Protocols 20. Unicast Routing 21. Multicast Routing 22. Next Generation IP Part 5: Transport Layer 23. Introduction to Transport Layer 24. Internet Transport-Layer Protocols Part 6: Application Layer 25. Introduction to Application Layer 26. Standard Client-Server Protocols 27. Network Management 28. Multimedia 29. Peer-to-Peer Paradigm Part 7: Topics Related to All Layers 30. Quality of Service 31. Cryptography and Network Security 32. Internet Security Appendix A: Unicode Appendix B: Positioning Numbering System Appendix C: HTML, CSS, XML, and XSL Appendix D: A Touch of Probability Appendix E: Mathematical Review Appendix F: Miscellaneous Information Appendix G: 8B/6T Code Appendix H: Telephone History


3G and Beyond, 2nd Edition

by Iti Saha Misra, Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal

2013 (June 2013) / Softcover / 584 pages ISBN: 9781259062735 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The need to share data, images, videos etc, marked the revolutionary development of the field of wireless communications. The book, Wireless Communications and Networks : 3G and Beyond, covers the technology at the essence of voice and information communications. The focus of the revision has been to exhaustively discuss the physical layer to help understand the network layer of communication better. Contents 1. Introduction to Wireless Communications and Networks 2. Evolution of Modern Mobile Wireless Communication Systems 3. Cellular Mobile Wireless Networks: Systems and Design Fundamentals 4. Characteristics of Wireless Channels and Propagation Path Loss Models 5. Digital Modulations for Wireless Communications 6. Equalization, Diversity and Coding for Fading Channels: The Receiver Techniques 7. Multiple Access Techniques in Wireless Communications 8. Second-Generation Mobile Networks—GSM: Architecture and Protocols 9. 2.5G Networks—The General Packet Radio Services: GPRS 10. Overview of CDMA-Based IS-95 2G Cellular Networks 11. 3G– The Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) 12. Overview of Internet Protocol and Mobile Internet Protocol 13. Mobility Management Issues: Role of IP on Wireless Networks 14. Fundamentals of Wireless Local Area Networks


15. Cellular and WLAN Integration: Heterogeneous Network Architecture, Step Towards 4G Networks 16. Overview of WiMAX Technologies: Broadband Wireless Communication


5th Edition

by Behrouz A. Forouzan, Deanza College

2013 (February 2012) / Hardcover / 1184 pages ISBN: 9780073376226 Data Communications and Networking is designed to help students understand the basics of data communications and networking, and the protocols used in the Internet in particular by using the protocol layering of the Internet and TCP/IP protocol suite. Technologies related to data communication and networking may be the fastest growing in today’s culture. The appearance of some new social networking applications is a testimony to this claim. In this Internet-oriented society, specialists need to be trained to run and manage the Internet, part of the Internet, or an organization’s network that is connected to the Internet. As both the number and types of students are increasing, it is essential to have a textbook that provides coverage of the latest advances, while presenting the material in a way that is accessible to students with little or no background in the field. Using a bottom-up approach, Data Communications and Networking presents this highly technical subject matter without relying on complex formulas by using a strong pedagogical approach supported by more than 830 figures. Now in its Fifth Edition, this textbook brings the beginning student right to the forefront of the latest advances in the field, while presenting the fundamentals in a clear, straightforward manner. Students will find better coverage, improved figures and better explanations on cutting-edge material. The “bottom-up” approach allows instructors to cover the material in one course, rather than having separate courses on data communications and networking. Contents Part I: Overview 1. Introduction 2. Network Models Part 2: Physical Layer 3. Introduction to Physical Layer 4. Digital Transmission 5. Analog Transmission 6. Bandwidth Utilization: Multiplexing and Spreading 7. Transmission Media 8. Switching Part 3: Data Link Layer 9. Introduction to Data-Link Layer 10. Error Detection and Correction 11. Data Link Control (DLC) 12. Media Access Control (MAC) 13. Wired LANs: Ethernet 14. Other Wired Networks 15. Wireless LANs 16. Other Wireless Networks 17. Connecting Devices and Virtual LANs Part 4: Network Layer 18. Introduction to Network Layer 19. Network-Layer Protocols 20. Unicast Routing

21. Multicast Routing 22. Next Generation IP Part 5: Transport Layer 23. Introduction to Transport Layer 24. Internet Transport-Layer Protocols Part 6: Application Layer 25. Introduction to Application Layer 26. Standard Client-Server Protocols 27. Network Management 28. Multimedia 29. Peer-to-Peer Paradigm Part 7: Topics Related to All Layers 30. Quality of Service 31. Cryptography and Network Security 32. Internet Security Appendix A: Unicode Appendix B: Positioning Numbering System Appendix C: HTML, CSS, XML, and XSL Appendix D: A Touch of Probability Appendix E: Mathematical Review Appendix F: Miscellaneous Information Appendix G: 8B/6T Code Appendix H: Telephone History

Computer Networks


Analog and Digital, 3rd Edition

by R. P. Singh, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal , and S. D. Sapre, Maulana Azad College of Technology, Bhopal, (M.P.), India

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover ISBN: 9781259004605 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Communication Systems, by nature, is largely an abstract area of study. In this text, the authors have intrinsically intertwined theory and pedagogy with the concepts. This is especially done to immensely enhance visualization of this subject and its mathematical identities. Adequate topical enhancements according to current curriculum requirements, crisp descriptions, and numerous illustrations make this book is a very interesting read. In addition, thoroughly refreshed pedagogical aids are provided as useful learning tools for all students. Contents 1. Signal Analysis 2. Linear Systems 3. Probability and Random Signal Theory 4. Noise 5. Amplitude Modulation Systems 6. Angle Modulation Systems 7. Pulse Modulation Systems 8. Pulse Code Modulation 9. Data Transmission 10 Information Theory 11. Coding 12. Spread-Spectrum Modulation 13. Advanced Communication Systems




International Edition


2nd Edition

by Alberto Leon-Garcia, University of Toronto and Indra Widjaja

2004 / 848 pages ISBN: 9780072463521 ISBN: 9780071257091 [IE] This book is designed for introductory one-semester or oneyear courses in communications networks in upper-level undergraduate programs. The second half of the book can be used in more advanced courses. As pre-requisites the book assumes a general knowledge of computer systems and programming, and elementary calculus. The second edition expands on the success of the first edition by updating on technological changes in networks and responding to comprehensive market feedback. Contents Preface 1. Communication Networks and Services 2. Application and Layered Architectures 3. Digital Transmission Fundamentals 4. Transmission Systems and Circuit Switching Networks 5. ARQ and Flow Control 6. Local Area Networks and Medium Access Control 7. Packet-Switching Networks 8. TCP/IP 9. ATM Networks 10. Advanced Network Architectures 11. Network Security 12. Multi-Media Information and Networking Epilogue Appendix A: Delay and Loss Performance Appendix B: Network Management

Local Area Networks International Edition

Local Area Networks

with CD-ROM, 2nd Edition

by Gerd Keiser, PhotonicsComm Solutions, Inc.

2002 / 552 pages / Hardcover ISBN: 9780071226509 [IE with CD-ROM] The second edition of Keiser’s Local Area Networks has been updated extensively with the latest LANs technology. The book has been written with the purpose of providing the basic material for an introductory senior or first-year graduate course in the analysis and modeling of local area networks. The book will also serve as a working reference for practicing engineers dealing with local area network design and applications. The book is organized to give a clear and logical sequence of key LAN topics. Contents 1. Overview of LANs 2. Network Architectures and Protocols 3. Data Communication Concepts 4. LAN Access Techniques 5. Ethernet 6. Token-Passing LANs 7. ATM LANs

8. Wireless LANs 9. Fibre Channel and SANSs 10. Internetworking 11. Network Management 12. Network Security

Circuits and Networks

NETWORK ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS by Ravish R. Singh, Vice-Principal, Thakur College of Engineering and Technology Kandivali, Mumbai

2013 (July 2013) / Softcover / 1232 pages ISBN: 9781259062957 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Network Analysis and Synthesis is meant to be a interesting read for the fresh entrants to engineering to help them develop this extremely important skill required by their course – that of the knowledge of electric circuit analysis. By employing a problem solving methodology, the author initiates an interest and an understanding of this subject area, which will help them not only in their progress in the field of engineering, but also help in developing a strong analytical bent of mind. This book builds strong foundations useful for an introduction to analysis of electric circuits which will subsequently help in synthesis of circuits. Contents 1. Basic Network concepts 2. Elementary Network Theorems 3. Network Theorems(Application to DC Networks) 4. Single-Phase AC Circuits 5. Resonance 6. Network Theorems (Application to AC Circuits) 7. Coupled Circuits 8. Three-Phase Circuits 9. Network Topology 10. Transient Analysis 11. Laplace Transform and ItsApplication 12. Network Functions 13. Two-Port Networks 14. Fourier Analysis 15. Filtersand Attenuators 16. Network Synthesis

circuits and networks

4th Edition

by A Sudhakar, and Shyammohan S Palli

May 2010 / Softcover / 972 pages ISBN: 9780070699724 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Designed for the course on circuit analysis and synthesis, this book enables the student to have a firm grasp on the basic principles of electric circuits. It lays emphasis on the basic laws, theorems and techniques of analysis which helps to develop the ability to design practical circuits that perform the desired operations. Contents 1. Circuit Elements and Kirchoff’s Laws 2. Methods of Analyzing Circuits 3. Useful Theorems in Circuit Analysis 4. Introduction to Alternating Currents and Voltages


5. Complex Impedance 6. Power and Power Factor 7. Steady State AC Analysis 8. Resonance 9. Polyphase Circuits 10. Coupled Circuits 11. Transients 12. Fourier Method of Waveform Analysis 13. Introduction to the Laplace Transform 14. Application of the Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis 15. S-Domain Analysis 16. Two-Port Networks 17. Filters and Attenuators 18. Elements of Realizability and Synthesis of One-Port Networks 19. An introduction to PSpice

Appendix A: Electric Circuits Appendix B: Some Mathematical Functions and Identies Appendix C: Complex Numbers Appendix D: matrices and Determinants Appendix E: Matlab Functions Epilog Index


2nd Edition

by P Ramakrishna Rao, Formerly Professor Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology Tiruchirapalli Tamil Nadu, and Shankar Prakriya, Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engg, IIT Delhi

2013 (July 2013) / Softcover / 632 pages ISBN: 9781259062742 (A McGraw-Hill India Title)

Signals and Systems Signals and Systems International Edition

SIGNALS & SYSTEMS by M Nahvi, Calif Polytechnic State University

2014 (January 2013) / Hardcover / 1168 pages ISBN: 9780073380704 ISBN: 9789814581868 [IE] Signals and Systems by Nahvi is intended for use in a signals and systems course at the undergraduate junior level. The book covers the analysis of signals and linear systems in the time and frequency domains and is organized into 18 chapters. The chapters are modular with sections and there are no sub-sections. The modular structure of the chapters provides a quick and direct approach to each topic within the chapters and makes the book a convenient tool for instructional needs in a wide range of teaching scenarios and at various levels of complexity. Continuous-time and discrete-time domains are treated separately in two parts. This allows the book to be used for instructions on either domain separately. It may also be used for courses teaching the two domains simultaneously, as the chapters in part one and two provide parallel presentations of each subject. Contents 1. Introduction to Signals 2. Sinusoids 3. Systems, Linearity, and Time-Invariance (LTI) 4. Superposition, Convolution, and Correlation 5. Differential Equations and LTI Systems 6. The Laplace Transform and Its Applications 7. Fourier Series 8. Fourier Transform 9. System Function and Frequency Response 10. Time-Domain Sampling and Reconstruction 11. Discrete-Time Signals 12. Linear Time-Invariant Discrete-Time Systems 13. Discrete Convolution 14. LTI Difference Equations 15. The z-Tramsform and its Applications 16. Discrete-Time Fourier Transforms (DTFT) 17. Discrete Fourier Transform (DTFT) 18. System Function, the Frequency Response, and Digital Filters

Signals and systems is a foundation course to advanced courses on communication systems, signal processing etc and is predominantly taught to students of communication engineering in their junior undergraduate semesters. The book Signals and Systems has been written to impress upon the young reader, the concepts of classification, analysis and representation of signals and systems. The topical sequencing, pedagogical features and presentation of matter has been designed to etch the concepts in the minds of the student, to make their further progress in the field of communication, easy and affable. Contents 1. Signals —Continuous-time and Discrete-time 2. Laplace and Z-Transforms 3. Fourier series of continuous-time signals 4. continuous-time Fourier transform 5. Fourier Representation of discrete-time signals 6. Sampling and Reconstruction of Band limited Signals 7. Systems 8. Systems —Time and Frequency-Domain Analysis 9. Convolution and Correlation: Continuous-time Signals 10. Discrete-time convolutions and correlations 11. Hilbert Transform—Continuous and Discrete time

International Edition


Analysis Using Transform Methods & MATLAB, 2nd Edition by M.J. Roberts, University Of Tennessee-Knoxville

2012 (February 2011) / Hardcover / 816 pages ISBN: 9780073380681 ISBN: 9780071086738 [IE] The second edition of Signals and Systems: Analysis Using Transform Methods and MATLAB® has been extensively updated while retaining the emphasis on fundamental applications and theory that has been the hallmark of this popular text. The text includes a wealth of exercises, including drill exercises, and more challenging conceptual problems. The book is intended to cover a two-semester course sequence in the basics of signals and systems analysis during the junior or senior year. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Mathematical Description of Continuous-Time Signals 3. Discrete-Time Signal Description 4. Description of Systems




5. Time-Domain System Analysis 6. Continuous-Time Fourier Methods 7. Discrete-Time Fourier Methods 8. The Laplace Transform 9. The z Transform 10. Sampling and Signal Processing 11. Frequency Response Analysis 12. Communication System Analysis 13. Laplace System Analysis 14. z-Transform System Analysis 15. Filter Analysis and Design 16. State-Space Analysis Appendix A: Useful Mathematical Relations Appendix B: CTFS Pairs Appendix C: DFT Pairs Appendix D: CTFT Pairs Appendix E: DTFT Pairs Appendix F: Laplace Transform Appendix G: z Transform


2nd Edition

by I J. Nagrath, Adjunct professor, BITS, Professor of Electrical Engineering & Deputy , Director (Retd.) BITS Pilani

2009 / Softcover / 656 pages ISBN: 9780070141094 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This thoroughly revised and updated edition provides a comprehensive treatment of continuous and discrete-time signals and linear-time invariant systems. Contents 1. Introduction to Signals and Systems 2. Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems Time Domain and Frequency Domain 3. Analysis of LTI Discrete-Time Systems Time Domain and Frequency Domain 4. Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform 5. Sampling 6. Transformed Networks; Frequency Response and Topological Models 7. State Space Analysis 8. Stability Analysis of LTI Systems 9. Analog and Digital Filter Design 10. Matlab Tools for Design and Analysis of Digital Filters

International Edition

FUNDAMENTALS SIGNALS SYSTEMS by M.J. Roberts, University Of Tennessee-Knoxville

2008 (January 2007) / Hardcover / 800 pages ISBN: 9780073309507 (with Bind-in card) ISBN: 9780071259378 [IE] As in most areas of science and engineering, the most important and useful theories are the ones that capture the essence, and therefore the beauty, of physical phenomena. This is true of signals and systems. Signals and Systems: Analysis Using Transform Methods and MATLAB captures the mathematical beauty of signals and systems and offers a student-centered, pedagogically driven approach. The author has a clear understanding of the issues students face in learning the material and does a superior

job of addressing these issues. The book is intended to cover a one-semester sequence in Signals and Systems for juniors in engineering. This text is created in modular format, so instructors can select chapters within the framework that they teach this course. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Mathematical Description of Continuous-Time Signals 3. Mathematical Description of Discrete-Time Signals 4. Properties of Continuous-Time Systems 5. Properties of Discrete-Time Systems 6. Time-Domain Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems 7. Time-Domain Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems 8. The Continuous-Time Fourier Series 9. The Discrete-Time Fourier Series 10. The Continuous-Time Fourier Transform 11. The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 12. Continuous-Time Fourier Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems 13. Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems 14. Sampling and the Discrete Fourier Transform 15. The Laplace Transform 16. The z Transform Appendix A: Useful Mathematical Relations Appendix B: The Continuous-Time Fourier Series Pairs Appendix C: Discrete-Time Fourier Series Pairs Appendix D: Continuous-Time Fourier Transform Pairs Appendix E: Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Pairs Appendix F: Laplace Transform Pairs Appendix G: z Transform Pairs.


3rd Edition

by Hwei Hsu, Fairleigh Dickinson University

2014 (December 2013) / 504 pages / Softcover ISBN: 9780071829465 (A Schaum’s Publications) This updated edition of the successful outline in signals and systems is revised to conform to the current curriculum. Schaum’s Outline of Signals and Systems mirrors the standard course in scope and sequence. It helps students understand basic concepts and offers problem-solving practice in topics such as transform techniques for the analysis of LTI systems, the LaPlace transform and its application to continuous-time and discrete-time LTI systems, Fourier analysis of signals and systems, and the state space or state variable concept and analysis for both discrete-time and continuous-time systems. Contents 1. Signals and Systems 2. Linear Time-Invariant Systems 3. LaPlace Transform and Continuous-Time LTI Systems 4. The z-Transform and Discrete-Time LTI Systems 5. Fourier Analysis of Continuous-Time Signals and Systems 6. Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 7. State Space Analysis 8. Review of Matrix Theory 9. Properties of Linear Time-Invariant Systems and Various Transforms 10. Review of Complex Numb 11. Useful Mathematical Formulas


Digital Signal Processing

*9789332902831* Digital Signal Processing


3rd Edition

by Salivahanan, S. S S N College of Engineering

2014 (August 2014) / 944 pages ISBN: 9789332902831 (McGraw-Hill India Title) In the trademark style of the author, this book too presents the complicated world of digital signal processing to the students, in an exceedingly effortless manner. In this revision, the authors have taken care to update the text with the latest developments in the field and a new addition is the chapter on Discrete Time Random Signal Processing. Multiple references to applications make the subject come alive for the reader, as do the pedagogical features. In the use of MATLAB simulations and multiple illustrations, Digital Signal Processing, comes as a handy guide for all electronics, communication, computer science engineers for whom this is a core subject of study at the undergraduate level Contents 1. Classification of Signals and Systems 2. Fourier Analysis of Periodic and Aperiodic Continuous-Time Signals and Systems 3. Applications of Laplace Transform to System Analysis 4. z-Transforms 5. Linear Time Invariant Systems 6. Discrete and Fast Fourier Transforms 7. Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters 8. Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters 9. Realisation of Digital Linear Systems 10. Effects of Finite Word Length in Digital Filters 11. Multirate Digital Signal Processing 12. Discrete-Time Random Signal Processing 13. Power Spectrum Estimation 14. Adaptive Filters 15. Applications of Digital Signal Processing 16. Digital Signal Processors 17. MATLAB Programs


2nd Edition

by A. Nagoor Kani, Founder, RBA Educational Group Chennai

2012 (March 2012) / Softcover / 1056 pages ISBN: 9780070086654 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This text on Digital Signal Processing has been suitably crafted and designed to meet student’s requirements. Considering the highly mathematical nature of this subject, more emphasis has been given on the problem-solving methodology. Considerable effort has been made to elucidate mathematical derivations in a step-by-step manner. Exercise problems with varied difficulty levels are given in the text to help students get an intuitive grasp on the subject. This book with its lucid writing style and handy pedagogical features will prove to be a master text for engineering students and practitioners.

Contents 1. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing 2. Discrete Time Signals and Systems 3. Z-Transform 4. Fourier Series and Fourier Transform of Discrete Time Signals 5. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 6. FIR Filters 7. IIR Filters 8. Finite Word Length Effects in Digital Filters 9. Multirate DSP 10. Energy and Power Spectrum Estimation 11. Digital Signal Processors 12. Applications of DSP Appendix 1: Important Mathematical Relations Appendix 2: MATLAB Commands and Functions Appendix 3: Summary of Various Standard Transform Pairs Appendix 4: Summary of Properties of Various Transforms Appendix 5: Summary of Important Equations for FIR Filter Design Appendix 6: Summary of Important Equations for IIR Filter Design Appendix 7: Summary of Properties of Power Spectrum Estimator

International Edition


with Student CD-ROM, 4th Edition

by Sanjit K. Mitra, University Of California-Santa Barbara

2011 (September 2010) / Hardcover ISBN: 9780077366766 ISBN: 9780071289467 [IE] Based on Sanjit Mitra’s extensive teaching and research experience, Digital Signal Processing, A Computer Based Approach, fourth edition, is written with the reader in mind. A key feature of this book is the extensive use of MATLAB-based examples that illustrate the program’s powerful capability to solve signal processing problems. The book is intended for a course on digital signal processing for seniors or first-year graduate students. This highly popular book introduces the tools used in the analysis and design of discrete-time systems for signal processing. A number of changes have been made to the book’s content, based on reviewer and student comments. Contents 1. Signals and Signal Processing 2. Discrete-Time Signals in the Time Domain 3. Discrete-Time Signals in the Frequency Domain 4. Discrete-Time Systems 5. Finite-Length Discrete Transforms 6. z-Transform 7. LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain 8. Digital Filter Structures 9. IIR Digital Filter Design 10. FIR Digital Filter Design 11. DSP Algorithm Implementation 12. Analysis of Finite Wordlength Effects 13. Multirate Digital Signal Processing Fundamentals 14. Multirate Filter Banks and Wavelets Appendix A: Analog Lowpass Filter Design Appendix B: Design of Analog Highpass, Bandpass, and Bandstop Filters Appendix C: Discrete-Time Random Signals




Numerical Methods

2nd Edition

Numerical Methods

by Monson H. Hayes, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia

2012 (September 2011) / Softcover / 456 pages ISBN: 9780071635097 (A Schaum’s Publication) Schaum’s Outline of Digital Signal Processing mirrors the standard course in scope and sequence. It helps students understand basic concepts and offers problem-solving practice in topics such as the discrete-time Fourier transform, sampling continuous-time signals, aliasing, the z-Transform, and the design and implementation of discrete-time systems.

*9780073397924* NUMERICAL METHODS FOR ENGINEERS 7th Edition

by Steven C. Chapra, Tufts University, and Raymond P. Canale, Emeritus University of Michigan

2015 (January 2014) / Hardcover / 992 pages ISBN: 9780073397924

Digital Image Processing


2nd Edition

by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods and Steven L. Eddins

2010 (September 2010) / Softcover / 760 pages ISBN: 9780071084789 (An Asian Publication) Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB® is the first book to offer a balanced treatment of image processing fundamentals and the software principles used in their implementation. The book integrates material from the leading text, Digital Image Processing by Gonzalez and Woods, and the Image Processing Toolbox from The MathWorks, Inc., a leader in scientific computing. The Image Processing Toolbox provides a stable, well-supported software environment for addressing a broad range of applications in digital image processing. A unique feature of the book is its emphasis on showing how to enhance those tools by developing new code. This is important in image processing, an area that normally requires extensive experimental work in order to arrive at acceptable application solutions. Contents 1. Introduction Preview 2. Intensity Transformations and Spatial Filtering 3. Filtering in the Frequency Domain 4. Image Restoration and Reconstruction 5. Geometric Transformations and Image Registration 6. Color Image Processing 7. Wavelets Preview 8. Image Compression 9. Morphological Image Processing 10. Image Segmentation 11. Representation and Description Appendix A: M-Function Appendix B: ICE and MATLAB Graphical User Interfaces Appendix C: Additional Custom M-functions Bibliography Index

NEW The seventh edition of Chapra and Canale’s Numerical Methods for Engineers retains the instructional techniques that have made the text so successful. Chapra and Canale’s unique approach opens each part of the text with sections called “Motivation,” “Mathematical Background,” and “Orientation.” Each part closes with an “Epilogue” containing “Trade-Offs,” “Important Relationships and Formulas,” and “Advanced Methods and Additional References.” Much more than a summary, the Epilogue deepens understanding of what has been learned and provides a peek into more advanced methods. Helpful separate Appendices. “Getting Started with MATLAB” and “Getting Started with Mathcad” which make excellent references. Numerous new or revised problems are drawn from actual engineering practice. The expanded breadth of engineering disciplines covered is especially evident in these exercises, which now cover such areas as biotechnology and biomedical engineering. Excellent new examples and case studies span all areas of engineering giving students a broad exposure to various fields in engineering. Users will find use of files for many popular software packages, specifically MATLAB®, Excel® with VBA, and Mathcad®. There is also material on developing MATLAB® m-files and VBA macros. New to this edition •

McGraw-Hill ConnectPlus offers a number of powerful tools and features to make managing assignments easier, so you can spend more time teaching. With Connect, students can engage with their coursework anytime and anywhere, making the learning process more accessible and efficient. Problems are graded automatically, and the results are recorded immediately. Natural Math Notation allows for answer entry in many different forms, and the system allows for easy customization and authoring of exercises by the instructor. ConnectPlus also includes an integrated e-book.

LearnSmart™ an intelligent learning system that uses a series of probing questions to pinpoint each student’s knowledge gaps. LearnSmart strengthens student understanding and retention of your course’s fundamental concepts; effectively preparing your students for class so you can review less and teach more. The LearnSmart methodology is simple: determine the concepts students don’t know or understand, and then teach those concepts using personalized plans designed for each student’s success.


Clear Explanations and Elegantly Rendered Examples are central to the reputation of Chapra and Canale’s Numerical Methods for Engineers.

Challenging Problems are drawn from all engineering disciplines and included in the excercise sets and examples.

A Companion Website houses the Instructor’s Solutions Manual, PowerPoint slides of all text figures, M-Files, general information and more!

Numerous New and Revised Problems drawn from actual engineering practice as well as exciting new areas such as bioengineering and biotechnology are included in this edition.

Contents Part 1: Modeling, Computers, and Error Analysis 1. Mathematical Modeling and Engineering Problem Solving 2. Programming and Software 3. Approximations and Round-Off Errors 4. Truncation Errors and the Taylor Series Part 2: Roots of Equations 5. Bracketing Methods 6. Open Methods 7. Roots of Polynomials 8. Case Studies: Roots of Equations Part 3: Linear Algebraic Equations 9. Gauss Elimination 10. LU Decomposition and Matrix Inversion 11. Special Matrices and Gauss-Seidel 12. Case Studies: Linear Algebraic Equations Part 4: Optimization 13. One-Dimensional Unconstrained Optimization 14. Multidimensional Unconstrained Optimization 15. Constrained Optimization 16. Case Studies: Optimization Part 5: Curve Fitting 17. Least-Squares Regression 18. Interpolation 19. Fourier Approximation 20. Case Studies: Curve Fitting Part 6: Numerical Differentiation and Integration 21. Newton-Cotes Integration Formulas 22. Integration of Equations 23. Numerical Differentiation 24. Case Studies: Numerical Integration and Differentiation Part 7: Ordinary Differential Equations 25. Runge-Kutta Methods 26. Stiffness and Multistep Methods 27. Boundary-Value and Eigenvalue Problems 28. Case Studies: Ordinary Differential Equations Part 8: Partial Differential Equations 29. Finite Difference: Elliptic Equations 30. Finite Difference: Parabolic Equations 31. Finite-Element Method 32. Case Studies: Partial Differential Equations Appendix A: The Fourier Series Appendix B: Getting Started with Matlab Appendix C: Getting Starte dwith Mathcad Bibliography Index

International Edition


3rd Edition

by Steven C. Chapra, Tufts University

2012 (February 2011) / Hardcover / 640 pages ISBN: 9780073401102 ISBN: 9780071086189 [IE] Steven Chapra’s Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB, third edition, is written for engineering and science students who need to learn numerical problem solving. Theory is introduced to inform key concepts which are framed in applications and demonstrated using MATLAB. The book is designed for a one-semester or one-quarter course in numerical methods typically taken by undergraduates. The third edition feature new chapters on Numerical Differentiation, Optimization, and Boundary-Value Problems (ODEs) and is accompanied by an extensive set of m-files and instrutor materials. Contents Part One: Modeling, Computers, and Error Analysis 1. Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Problem Solving 2. MATLAB Fundamentals 3. Programming with MATLAB 4. Roundoff and Truncation Errors Part Two: Roots and Optimization 5. Roots. Bracketing Methods 6. Roots. Open Methods 7. Optimization Part Three: Linear Systems 8. Linear Algebraic Equations and Matrices 9. Gauss Elimination 10. LU Factorization 11. Matrix Inverse and Condition 12. Iterative Methods 13. Eigenvalues Part Four: Curve Fitting 14. Linear Regression 15. General Linear Least-Squares and Nonlinear Regression 16. Fast Fourier Transform 17. Polynomial Interpolation 18. Splines and Piecewise Interpolation Part Five: Integration and Differentiation 19. Numerical Integration Formulas 20. Numerical Integration of Functions 21. Numerical Differentiation Part Six: Ordinary Differential Equations 22. Initial-Value Problems 23. Adaptive Methods and Stiff Systems 24. Boundary-Value Problems Appendix A: MATLAB Built-in Functions Appendix B: MATLAB M-file Functions Bibliography Index




International Edition


6th Edition

by Steven C. Chapra, Tufts University, and Raymond P. Canale, Emeritus University of Michigan

2010 (April 2009) / Hardcover / 960 pages ISBN: 9780071267595 [IE] Instructors love Numerical Methods for Engineers because it makes teaching easy! Students love it because it is written for them--with clear explanations and examples throughout. The text features a broad array of applications that span all engineering disciplines. The sixth edition retains the successful instructional techniques of earlier editions. Chapra and Canale’s unique approach opens each part of the text with sections called Motivation, Mathematical Background, and Orientation. This prepares the student for upcoming problems in a motivating and engaging manner. Each part closes with an Epilogue containing Trade-Offs, Important Relationships and Formulas, and Advanced Methods and Additional References. Much more than a summary, the Epilogue deepens understanding of what has been learned and provides a peek into more advanced methods. Approximately 20% of the problems are new or revised in this edition. The expanded breadth of engineering disciplines covered is especially evident in the problems, which now cover such areas as biotechnology and biomedical engineering. Users will find use of software packages, specifically MATLAB®, Excel® with VBA and Mathcad®. This includes material on developing MATLAB® m-files and VBA macros. Contents Part 1: Modeling, Computers, and Error Analysis 1. Mathematical Modeling and Engineering Problem Solving 2. Programming and Software 3. Approximations and Round-Off Errors 4. Truncation Errors and the Taylor Series

Part 7: Ordinary Differential Equations 25. Runge-Kutta Methods 26. Stiffness and Multistep Methods 27. Boundary-Value and Eigenvalue Problems 28. Case Studies: Ordinary Differential Equations Part 8: Partial Differential Equations 29. Finite Difference: Elliptic Equations 30. Finite Difference: Parabolic Equations 31. Finite-Element Method 32. Case Studies: Partial Differential Equations Appendix A: The Fourier Series Appendix B: Getting Started with Matlab Bibliography Index

Probability & Random Processes



Asian Adaptation


2015 (December 2014) / 470 pages ISBN: 9781259007644 The new edition of Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles continues the success of previous editions with its concise introduction to probability theory for the junior-senior level course in electrical engineering. The book offers a careful, logical organization which stresses fundamentals and includes almost 900 student exercises and abundant practical applications for engineers to understand probability concepts. The most important material in this edition relates to discrete-time random processes and sequences, and other topics in the general area of digital signal processing, such as the DT linear system.

Part 2: Roots of Equations 5. Bracketing Methods 6. Open Methods 7. Roots of Polynomials 8. Case Studies: Roots of Equations

In this new edition, there is an effort to develop and connect continuous and discrete time in chapters seven and eight. There is also additional content on optimal filtering and Kalman filters, included in chapter nine of this new edition.

Part 3: Linear Algebraic Equations 9. Gauss Elimination 10. LU Decomposition and Matrix Inversion 11. Special Matrices and Gauss-Seidel 12. Case Studies: Linear Algebraic Equations


Part 4: Optimization 13. One-Dimensional Unconstrained Optimization 14. Multidimensional Unconstrained Optimization 15. Constrained Optimization 16. Case Studies: Optimization Part 5: Curve Fitting 17. Least-Squares Regression 18. Interpolation 19. Fourier Approximation 20. Case Studies: Curve Fitting Part 6: Numerical Differentiation and Integration 21. Newton-Cotes Integration Formulas 22. Integration of Equations 23. Numerical Differentiation 24. Case Studies: Numerical Integration and Differentiation

by P Ramesh Babu, Pondicherry Engineering College

2014 (July 2014) / 928 pages ISBN: 9789332902893 (McGraw-Hill India Title) Designed for the undergraduate students of engineering, this book aims to introduce the reader to the world of random signals and their analyses – both of which are extremely crucial to the everyday life as well as professional capacity of the computer science and communication engineers. Probability Theory and Random Processes helps model and analyses random signals and their impact on system performances through a problem solving approach. In a highly pedagogical manner, the text carefully navigates through randomness of signal behavior, thus helping the student grasp the content easily


Pedagogy designed on examination patterns

Solved Examples

Practice Problems

Exercise Problems

Review Questions



Mathematical models explained following step-by-step approach

Application based problems discussed aplenty

Contents 1. Basic Concepts in Probability 2. The Random Variable 3. Operations on One Random Variable 4. Multiple Random Variables 5. Operations on Multiple Random Variables 6. Random Processes--Temporal Characteristics 7. Random Processes--Spectral Characteristics 8. Linear Systems with Random Inputs

International Edition

Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes

4th Edition

by Athansious Papoulis and S Unnikrishna Pillai, both of Polytechnic University

2002 / 864 pages ISBN: 9780071226615 [IE] (with Errata Sheet) The fourth edition of Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes has been updated significantly from the previous edition, and it now includes co-author S. Unnikrishna Pillai of Polytechnic University. The book is intended for a senior/graduate level course in probability and is aimed at students in electrical engineering, math, and physics departments. The authors’ approach is to develop the subject of probability theory and stochastic processes as a deductive discipline and to illustrate the theory with basic applications of engineering interest. Approximately 1/3 of the text is new material--this material maintains the style and spirit of previous editions. In order to bridge the gap between concepts and applications, a number of additional examples have been added for further clarity, as well as several new topics. Contents Part 1: Probability and Random Variables 1. The Meaning of Probability 2. The Axioms of Probability 3. Repeated Trials 4. The Concept of a Random Variable 5. Functions of One Random Variable 6. Two Random Variables 7. Sequences of Random Variables 8. Statistics Part 2: Stochastic Processes 9. General Concepts 10. Random Walk and Other Applications 11. Spectral Representation 12. Spectral Estimation 13. Mean Square Estimation 14. Entropy

15. Markov Chains 16. Markov Processes and Queueing Theory

International Edition

Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles

4th Edition

by Peyton Peebles, University of Florida, Gainesville

2001 / 480 pages ISBN: 9780071181815 [IE] The fourth edition of Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles continues the success of previous editions with its concise introduction to probability theory for the junior-senior level course in electrical engineering. The book offers a careful, logical organization which stresses fundamentals and includes almost 900 student exercises and abundant practical applications for engineers to understand probability concepts. The most important new material in this edition relates to discrete-time random processes and sequences, and other topics in the general area of digital signal processing, such as the DT linear system. Contents 1. Probability 2. The Random Variable 3. Operations on one Random Variable—Expectation 4. Multiple Random Variables 5. Operations of Multiple Random Variables 6. Random Processes-Temporal Characteristics 7. Random Processes-Spectral Characteristics 8. Linear Systems with Random Inputs 9. Optimum Linear Systems 10. Some Practical Applications of the Theory Appendix A: Review of the Impulse Function Appendix B: Gaussian Distribution Function Appendix C: Useful Mathematical Quantities Appendix D: Review of Fourier Transforms Appendix E: Table of Useful Fourier Transforms Appendix F: Some Mathematical Topics of Interest

Coding and Information Theory


2nd Edition

by Ranjan Bose, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,Hauz Khas,New Delhi

2008 / Softcover / 348 pages ISBN: 9780070669017 (McGraw-Hill India Title) The fields of Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography are ever expanding, and the last six years have seen a spurt of new ideas germinate, mature and get absorbed in industrial standards and applications. Many of these new concepts* have been included in the second edition, which will enable students graduating from engineering colleges and currently practicing engineers to learn these topics quickly and efficiently



ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contents 1. Source Coding 2. Channel Capacity and Coding 3. Linear Block Codes for Error Correction 4. Cyclic Codes 5. Bose-Chaudhuri Hocquenghem (BCH) Codes 6. Convolutional Codes 7. Trellis Coded Modulation 8. Cryptography

Microcomputers, Microprocessors and Chips

General Reference Design in Electrical Engineering International Edition

DESIGN FOR ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERS by Ralph Ford, Penn State Erie Behrend College, and Chris Coulston, Penn State Erie Behrend College

2008 (August 2007) / Softcover / 336 pages ISBN: 9780073380353 ISBN: 9780071263474 [IE]



2nd Edition

by A. Nagoor Kani, Founder, RBA Educational Group Chennai

2012 (May 2012) / Softcover / 812 pages ISBN: 9780071329743 (McGraw-Hill India Title) This book on Microprocessors and Microcontrollers is primarily designed for undergraduate students of this subject and will be very useful for self-study. In view of complex nature of topics, a step-wise approach is especially followed to facilitate easy comprehension. The chapters aptly detail concepts using ample examples and programs Contents 1. Introduction to Microprocessors 2. Introduction to Microcontrollers 3. Instruction Set of 8085 4. Instruction Set of 8086 5. Instruction Set of 8031/8051 6. Memory and IO Interfacing 7. Interrupts 8. Assembly Language Programming 9. Peripheral Devices and Interfacing 10. Intel 80X86 Family of Processors 11. System Design with Microprocessors Appendix I: List of microprocessors released by INTEL Appendix II: 8031/8051 instructions in hexadecimal order Appendix III: 8031/8051 instructions in alphabetical order Appendix IV: 8085 instructions in hexadecimal order Appendix V: 8085 instructions in alphabetical order Appendix VI: Templates for 8086 instructions Appendix VII: DOS and BIOS instructions

This book is written for students and teachers engaged in electrical and computer engineering (ECE) design projects, primarily in the senior year. It guides students and faculty through the steps necessary for the successful execution of design projects. The objective of the text is to provide a treatment of the design process in ECE with a sound academic basis that is integrated with practical application. It has a strong guiding vision -- that a solid understanding of the Design Process, Design Tools, and the right mix of Professional Skills are critical for project and career success. This text is unique in providing a comprehensive design treatment for ECE. Contents Part I: The Engineering Design Process 1. The Engineering Design Process 2. Project Selection and Needs Identification 3. The Requirements Specification 4. Concept Generation and Evaluation Part II: Design Tools 5. System Design I. Functional Decomposition 6. System Design II. Behavior Models 7. Testing 8. System Reliability Part III: Professional Skills 9. Teams and Teamwork 10. Project Management 11. Ethical and Legal Issues 12. Oral Presentations Appendices References Appendix A Glossary Appendix B Decision Making with Analytical Hierarchy Process Appendix C Component Failure Rate Data Appendix D Manufacturer Datasheets Index


Professional References FORENSIC IMAGE PROCESSING by Marcus Borengasser

2016 (August 2015) / 275 pages ISBN: 9780071599337 (A Professional Reference Title) A practical guide to modern image processing techniques and applications in forensic investigations. Featuring more than 100 images, Forensic Image Processing provides criminalists with information on how to apply the latest image processing techniques. Forensic image processing (FIP) involves computer restoration and enhancement of surveillance imagery. The goal of FIP is to maximize information extraction from surveillance imagery, especially imagery that is noisy, incomplete, or over/under exposed. With digital filtering, image restoration, de-noising, and enhancement techniques, information can be extracted from low-quality imagery. Using step-by-step examples, this unique resource describes, in detail, how to master the latest FIP technologies. Forensic Image Processing: •

Describes digital image fundamentals

Includes step-by-step coverage of image processing—from image acquisitions to object recognition

Discusses the integration of traditional security video and computer/internet protocol technology

Introduces new products that have led to IP surveillance

Contains more than 100 images presenting applications in FIP

Explains how to apply modern image processing techniques to forensic science

Comprehensive coverage: •

Introduction to Forensic Image Processing; Digital Image Fundamentals; Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain; Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain; Image Restoration; Image Compression; Principles of Digital and Analog Video; Digital Video Processing; Surveillance Technology; Integrating Surveillance and IT


2015 (September 2014) / 576 pages ISBN: 9780071836906 (A Professional Reference Title) Digital Logic Design and Computer Organization with Computer Architecture for Security provides practicing engineers and students with a clear understanding of computer hardware technologies. The fundamentals of digital logic design as well as the use of the Verilog hardware description language are discussed. The book covers computer organization and architecture, modern design concepts, and computer security through hardware. Techniques for designing both small and large combinational and sequential circuits are thoroughly explained. This detailed reference addresses memory technologies, CPU design and

techniques to increase performance, microcomputer architecture, including “plug and play” device interface, and memory hierarchy. A chapter on security engineering methodology as it applies to computer architecture concludes the book. Sample problems, design examples, and detailed diagrams are provided throughout this practical resource. COVERAGE INCLUDES Combinational circuits: small designs Combinational circuits: large designs Sequential circuits: core modules Sequential circuits: small designs Sequential circuits: large designs Memory Instruction set architecture Computer architecture: interconnection Memory system Computer architecture: security


2015 (December 2014) ISBN: 9780071844758 (A Professional Reference Title) Handle residential wiring projects correctly, safely, and according to the National Electrical Code (NEC). Filled with clear photos and helpful diagrams, The Homeowner’s DIY Guide to Electrical Wiring shows you how to quickly and easily navigate the portions of the NEC that pertain to residential installations. This hands-on resource covers basic electronics and explains how electrical service progresses through your home. It describes how to install and test electrical systems and lighting, repair appliances and TVs, and upgrade to the latest innovations such as home networking, home automation, and alternate power systems. You’ll learn the procedures used by professional electricians to create the kind of quality work that will pass inspection and add value to your home. The Homeowner’s DIY Guide to Electrical Wiring shows how to: •

Protect against fire and shock hazards

Track electrical service from the point of connection to the entrance panel

Follow NEC requirements for residential projects

Work with test equipment and installation tools

Use the best techniques for quality electrical work

Design and install indoor and outdoor lighting

Maintain and repair electrically powered appliances

Fix CRT, plasma, and LCD TVs

Design a data and communications network and install coax, USB, and Ethernet cabling

Install a home automation system

Install backup and alternate power systems

Work with smart meters





2015 (November 2014) / 448 pages ISBN: 9780071825658 (A Professional Reference Title) In this practical resource, a veteran service and repair professional with decades of hands-on experience walks you through the preventive maintenance process for residential and commercial HVAC and refrigeration systems. You’ll learn how to inspect, adjust, clean, and test your products to ensure that they run efficiently and have a long service life. Ideal for experienced service technicians, entry-level technicians, business owners, maintenance engineers, and do-it-yourself homeowners, this highly visual manual is filled with detailed instructions and clear photos and diagrams. Useful icons throughout the book indicate the degree of difficulty for each procedure. Save money and time, improve indoor air quality, and get maximum use from HVAC and refrigeration machines with help from this step-by-step guide.

Covers the basics of Java, C#, Python, JavaScript, and other programming languages used in the projects

Shows you how to use IBM’s Net Beans IDE and the Eclipse IDE

Explains how to set up small-scale networks to connect the projects to the Internet

Includes essential tips for setting up and using a MySQL database.


Learn by Hacking, Designing, and Inventing by Ronald Quan

2015 (October 2014) / 544 pages ISBN: 9780071837286 (A Professional Reference Title)

Safety practices

Tools needed for installation, repair and preventive maintenance

Indoor air quality (IAQ)

Test and balance

Principles of air conditioning and refrigeration

Are you fascinated by the power of even the smallest electronic device? Electronics from the Ground Up guides you through step-by-step experiments that reveal how electronic circuits function so you can advance your skills and design custom circuits. You’ll work with a range of circuits and signals related to optical emitters and receivers, audio, oscillators, and video. This practical resource explains components, construction techniques, basic test equipment, circuit analysis, and troubleshooting. Photographs, schematics, equations, and graphs are included throughout. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to hack and modify existing circuits to create your own unique designs.

Basic electricity and electronics

Do-it-yourself experiments cover:


Batteries, lamps, and flashlights


Light emitters and receivers

Room air conditioners

Diodes, rectifiers, and associated circuits

Residential air conditioning and heating

Transistors, FETs, and vacuum tubes

Residential refrigeration appliances

Amplifiers and feedback

Commercial air conditioning and heating

Audio signals and circuits

Water towers


Self-contained commercial refrigerators and freezers

AM and FM signals and circuits

Commercial ice machines

Video basics, including video signals


Video circuits and systems

Where to get help

HVAC and Refrigeration Preventive Maintenance covers:


Do-It-Yourself at Home Projects for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black by Donald Norris

2015 (January 2015) / 368 pages ISBN: 9780071835206 (A Professional Reference Title) This innovative guide gets you started right away working with the most popular processing platforms, wireless communication technologies, the Cloud, and a variety of sensors. You’ll learn how to take advantage of the utility and versatility of the IoT and connect devices and systems to the Internet using sensors. Each project features a list of the tools and components, howto explanations with photos and illustrations, and complete programming code. All projects can be modified and expanded, so you can build on your skills. •

The Internet of Things: DIY Projects with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and BeagleBone Black


6th Edition

by Travis Russell

2015 (August 2014) / 640 pages ISBN: 9780071822145 (A Professional Reference Title) Thoroughly updated to cover the latest advances in the telecommunications industry, Signaling System # 7, Sixth Edition, addresses the impact of emerging technologies and applications, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) and 4G networks, on SS7. An allnew chapter on Diameter discusses how to successfully implement SS7-to-Diameter interfaces to bridge 3G and 4G networks. Realworld examples, protocol message details, call flows, and effective migration strategies are included in this practical guide. Contents 1. Signaling System #7 2. The SS7 Network 3. Overview of a Protocol 4. Overview of Signal Units


5. Message Transfer Part (MTP) 6. Message Transfer Part (MTP) Level 3 7. Signaling Transport (SIGTRAN) 8. ISDN User Part (ISUP) 9. General Description of SCCP Functions 10. Overview of TCAP 11. Mobile Application Part (MAP) 12. SS7 and the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Appendix A: ITU-TSS SS7 Publications Appendix B: American National Standards Institute (ANSI) SS7 Publications Appendix C: Cause Codes Appendix D: Acronym List Bibliography Index

straightforward and comprehensive design information, as well as worked-out examples with full simulation results for each circuit design.


2nd Edition

by Steven Sandler

2015 (November 2014) / 352 pages ISBN: 9780071830997 (A Professional Reference Title) Power Integrity: Measuring, Optimizing, and Troubleshooting Power Related Parameters in Electronics Systems provides fieldtested techniques for producing high-fidelity measurements using the appropriate equipment. The book thoroughly discusses measurement guidelines, test instrument selection and use, connecting the equipment to the device being tested, and interpreting the acquired data. The latest electronics technologies and their impact on measurement are discussed. Detailed photographs, screenshots, schematics, and equations are included throughout this practical guide. Learn how to accurately measure: •



Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR)

Reverse transfer and crosstalk

Step load response

Ripple and noise


High-frequency impedance


3rd Edition by Cotter Sayre

2015 (May 2015) / 704 pages ISBN: 9780071822879 (A Professional Reference Title) Fully revised to cover the latest wireless standards and technologies, Complete Wireless Design, Third Edition, is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide that provides for true start-tofinish RF circuit design. It allows any engineer or technician with electronics knowledge to quickly and efficiently design and test almost any modern RF circuit or system. including: oscillators; amplifiers; mixers filters; phase-locked loops (PLLs); frequency multipliers; RF switches; microstrip elements; power splitters; attenuators; couplers; diplexers; antennas. Using only algebra, this book will allow any engineer to rapidly design virtually any wireless circuit or system required in communications today, as well as successfully simulate, test, and realize their design for production. The book features

New chapter on wireless standards provides an in-depth introduction to 802.11, WiMAX, Bluetooth, ZigBee, GSM, 3G, and 4G

New chapter on integrated circuits design covers RF and analog integrated circuit design

Increased coverage of PCB antenna design

Includes free, comprehensive simulation and design software


by Bob Chomycz

2014 (June 2014) / Softcover / 400 pages ISBN: 9780071818674 (A Professional Reference Title) This quick-scan field manual provides coverage of all major optical fiber types, along with comprehensive diagrams, procedures, and guidelines on testing, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Written at a level that is easy to understand, the new edition will reflect the numerous advances in fiber technology, changes in industry equipment standards, new equipment types, and updated installation standards that the industry has seen since the first edition of the book was published in 2000. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Properties of Light 3. Optical Fiber 4. Fiber Optic Cables 5. Cable Procurement 6. Safety Precautions 7. Handling Fiber Optic Cable 8. Outdoor Cable Installation 9. Indoor Cable Installation 10. Fiber Optic Cable General Installation Guideline 11. Splicing and Termination 12. Patch Cords and Connectors 13. Power Meter, Source and Return Loss Measurement 14. The OTDR and OSA 15. Fiber Characterization (Loss, CD, PMD, ORL, Latency) 16. Fiber Optic Installation Tests 17. Lightwave Equipment 18. Wavelength Division Multiplexers 19. Other Fiber Components 20. SONET/SDH 21. LAN 22. Fiber System Deployment 23. Maintenance 24. Emergency Cable Repair 25. Records 26. Troubleshooting 27. Design Fundamentals 28. Personnel 29. Dark Fiber Leasing Appendices Index





SPICE Simulations and Practical Designs, 2nd Edition by Christophe P. Basso


2nd Edition

by Mark A. Richards

2014 (May 2014) / Hardcover / 960 pages ISBN: 9780071823463

2014 (January 2014) / Hardcover / 688 pages ISBN: 9780071798327

(A Professional Reference Title)

(A Professional Reference Title)

Switch-Mode Power Supplies: SPICE Simulations and Practical Designs, Second Edition focuses specifically on how to simulate switching power supplies using the various versions of SPICE. The book provides an introduction to power conversion, details the theory behind energy conversion, and explains how to apply it to real case designs. Based on the author’s continued research and in-depth, hands-on work in the field over the past five years, this practical, up-to-date guide offers a collection of the latest SPICE solutions to the most difficult problem facing power supply designers: creating smaller and more heat-efficient power supplies in shorter design cycles. This invaluable resource provides practical models and easily customizable solutions.

This revised edition of Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing provides in-depth coverage of radar digital signal processing (DSP) fundamentals and applications. It has been updated to include coverage of measurement accuracy and target tracking. Additionally, to make it more useful as a teaching tool, it now includes end-of-chapter problems and a solutions manual.

Contents Foreword Preface Nomenclature 1. Introduction to Power Conversion 2. Small-Signal Modeling 3. Feedback and Control Loops 4. Basic Blocks and Generic Switched Models 5. Simulation and Designs of Nonisolated Converters 6. Simulations and Practical Designs of Off-Line Converters--The Front End 7. Simulations and Practical Designs of Flyback Converters 8. Simulations and Practical Designs of Forward Converters Conclusion Index

DESIGN OF LOW-NOISE AMPLIFIERS FOR ULTRA-WIDEBAND COMMUNICATIONS by Roberto Díaz Ortega, Sunil Lalchand Khemchandani, Hugo García Vázquez and Francisco Javier del Pino Suárez

2014 (January 2014) / 128 pages ISBN: 9780071823128 (A Professional Reference Title) This pioneering resource presents alternatives for implementing power- and area-efficient integrated low-noise amplifiers for ultrawideband communications. Design methodologies for distributed amplifiers, feedback amplifiers, inductor structures with reduced area, and inductorless techniques are discussed. Cowritten by international experts in industry and academia, this book addresses the state of the art in integrated circuit design in the context of emerging systems. Design of Low-Noise Amplifiers for Ultra-Wideband Communications covers: •

Ultra-wideband overview and system approach

Distributed amplifiers

Wideband low-noise amplifiers

Feedback wideband low-noise amplifiers

Inductorless techniques

Contents 1. Introduction to Radar Systems 2. Signal Models 3. Sampling and Quantization of Pulsed Radar Signals 4. Radar Waveforms 5. Doppler Processing 6. Detection Fundamentals 7. Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) Detection 8. Synthetic Aperture Imaging 9. Beamforming and Space-Time Adaptive Processing 10. Measurement Accuracy and Target Tracking (new)


2nd Edition

by Gabriel A Rincon-Mora

2014 (April 2014) / 464 pages ISBN: 9780071826631 (A Professional Reference Title) Fully revised and expanded to meet the emerging demands of mixedsignal systems, Analog IC Design with Low-Dropout Regulators, Second Edition, teaches analog IC concepts and explains how to use them to design, analyze, and build linear low-dropout (LDO) regulator ICs with bipolar, CMOS, and biCMOS semiconductor process technologies. The book draws physical insight from topics presented and illustrates how to develop and evaluate analog ICs for today’s expanding wireless and mobile markets. Practical examples and end-of-chapter review questions reinforce important concepts and techniques developed in this cutting-edge guide. Contents 1. System Considerations 2. Microelectronic Devices 3. Single-transistor Circuits 4. Analog Building Blocks 5. Bias Currents (NEW) 6. Negative Feedback (NEW) 7. AC Design of Linear Regulators 8. IC Design of Linear Regulators 9. System Design of Linear Regulators 10. IC Protection and Characterization Appendix A: Time-domain response of a single-pole system (NEW) Index


3rd Edition

by Steven Shepard

2014 (July 2014) / 592 pages ISBN: 9780071832663 (A Professional Reference Title) Fully revised to address the convergence of the telecom, media, and technology (TMT) sectors, the new edition of this cutting-edge guide provides a comprehensive overview of the current telecom landscape. The book focuses on the interdependence of the IT infrastructure, multimedia content, and broadband transport network in today’s hyper-connected mobile environment and discusses the importance of storing, delivering, analyzing, tracking, and monetizing content. Emerging telecom technologies are described in detail. This up-to-date resource is essential for TMT professionals, business decision-makers, marketing and sales staff, and students. Contents Foreword: The Changing Industry Landscape. 1. First Things First (Standards / The Network / The Internet) 2. Protocols 3. Telephony 4. The Byzantine World of Telecom Regulation 5. Access Technologies 6. The Media Game 7. Fixed Access Technologies 8. Wireless Access Technologies 9. Transport Technologies 11. The IT Realm 12. Industry Market Segments 13. Industry Issues 14. Final Summary Index


3rd Edition

by Clint Smith and Daniel Collins

2014 (May 2014) / 752 pages ISBN: 9780071819831 (A Professional Reference Title) Fully updated throughout to address current and emerging technologies, standards, and protocols, Wireless Networks, Third Edition, explains wireless system design, high-speed voice and data transmission, internetworking protocols, and 4G convergence. New chapters cover LTE, WiMAX, WiFi, and backhaul. You’ll learn how to successfully integrate LTE, WiMAX, UMTS, HSPA, CDMA2000/EVDO, and TD-SCDMA into existing cellular/PCS networks. Configure, manage, and optimize high-performance wireless networks with help from this thoroughly revised, practical guide. Contents 1. Wireless Communications Introduction 2. Third Generation (3G) Overview 3. UMTS/WCDMA 4. CDMA2000 5. TD-SCDMA 6. TD-CDMA 7. WIMAX (NEW) 8. LTE (NEW) 9. VoIP Technology

10. Unlicensed Broadband 11. 3G System RF Design Considerations 12. Network Design Considerations 13. Backhaul (NEW) 14. Antenna System Selection 15. UMTS System Design 16. CDMA2000 System Design 17. TD-CDMA and TD-SCDMA System Design 18. LTE System Design (NEW) 19. WiMAX System Design (NEW) 20. Communication Sites 21. 4G and Beyond Appendix. OFDM Appendix. 1G Technology Appendix. 2G Technology Appendix. The Evolution Generation (2.5G) Index


4th Edition

by Daniel R. Tomal, and Aram Agajanian

2014 (April 2014) / Softcover / 480 pages ISBN: 9780071819909 (A Professional Reference Title) Electronic Troubleshooting, Fourth Edition provides technicians with a wealth of problem-solving methods and information on troubleshooting theory, techniques, and practices for a wide variety of electrical and electronic devices. Special emphasis is placed on the digital electronics and microprocessor-based systems that are used in today’s industrial and personal applications. Electronic devices covered in the new edition include: electronic components (transistors, diodes, rectifiers, capacitors); electric motors and generators; industrial controls; residential and industrial wiring; radio and television; digital circuits; combinational and sequential digital circuits; microprocessorbased systems; computer networking; embedded microprocessor systems. Contents 1. Principles of Troubleshooting 2. Electronic Test Instruments 3. Troubleshooting Electric Motors and Generators 4. Troubleshooting Industrial Controls 5. Troubleshooting Residential and Industrial Wiring 6. Troubleshooting Radio and Television 7. Troubleshooting Digital Circuits– NEW 8. Troubleshooting Combinational and Sequential Digital Circuits 9. Troubleshooting Microprocessor-Based Systems 10. Troubleshooting Biomedical Equipment 11. Computer Networking and Network Devices – NEW 12. Embedded Microprocessor Systems – NEW Appendix A: Motor Troubleshooting Guide Appendix B: Motor Control Troubleshooting Guide Appendix C: Radio/Stereo Troubleshooting Guide Appendix D: Music Player Troubleshooting Guide Appendix E: Appliance Troubleshooting Guide Appendix F: TV Troubleshooting Guide Appendix G: General Troubleshooting Guide Appendix H: TV/FM Reception Troubleshooting Guide Appendix I: Microcomputer Troubleshooting Guide Appendix J: Generator Troubleshooting Guide Appendix K: Biomedical Troubleshooting Guide Appendix L: Computer Networking Troubleshooting guide – NEW Appendix M: Embedded Systems Troubleshooting Guide – NEW Answers to Self-Examinations





16th Edition

4th Edition

by Wilford I. Summers, National Fire Protection Association, Frederic Hartwell, and Terrell Croft

by John Cadick, Mary Capelli-Schellpfeffer, Dennis K. Neitzel, and Al Winfield

2013 (March 2013) / Hardcover / 1504 pages ISBN: 9780071798808

2012 (March 2013) / Hardcover / 640 pages ISBN: 9780071745130

(A Professional Reference Title)

(A Professional Reference Title)

Filled with practical advice and facts, the American Electricians’ Handbook, 16th Edition is the best single source for information on designing, installing, operating, and maintaining electrical systems and equipment. For nearly 90 years, there has been no better or more trusted way to keep up with the latest developments in the electrical field.

Electrical Safety Handbook, Fourth Edition is written by experts in electrical construction safety and medicine as a practical guide for electrical workers and others exposed to electrical hazards. This easy-to-use, illustrated guide provides vital safety information for industrial, commercial, and home-office based electrical systems. With its wealth of information on all the major electrical standards, it is the comprehensive reference professionals can trust.

Revised and updated in compliance with the most recent National Electrical Code and National Electrical Safety Code, this one-stop reference enables readers to tackle even the most complex job with total confidence. Using the clear language and diagrams that have made the Handbook the industry’s definitive resource, the 16th Edition includes updated photos and art throughout, as well as coverage of: solar power and photovoltaics; adjustable speed drives and variable speed drive programming; continuous load calculations; voltage drop analysis of circuits with non-unity power factors; and induction lighting.


16th Edition

by H. Wayne Beaty, and Donald G. Fink (deceased)

2013 (September 2012) / Hardcover / 2064 pages ISBN: 9780071762328 (A Professional Reference Title) Contents 1. Units, Symbols, Constants, Definitions, and Conversion Factors 2. Electric and Magnetic Circuits 3. Measurements and Instruments 4. Properties of Materials 5. Generation 6. Prime Movers 7. Alternating-Current Generators 8. Direct-Current Generations 9. Hydroelectric Power Generation 10. Power System Components 11. Alternate Sources of Power 12. Electric Power System Economics 13. Project Economics 14. Transmission Systems 15. Direct Current Power Transmissionv 16. Power-System Operations 17. Substations 18. Power Distribution 19. Wiring Design for Commercial and Industrial Buildings 20. Motors and Drives 21. Industrial and Commercial Applications of Electric Power 22. Power Electronics 23. Power Quality and Reliability 24. Grounding Systems 25. Computer Applications in the Electric Power Industry 26. Illumination 27. Lightning and Overvoltage Protection 28. Standards in Electrotechnology, Telecommunications, and Information Technology

Contents 1. Hazards of Electricity 2. Basic Physics of Electrical Hazards 3. Electrical Safety Equipment 4. Safety Procedures and Methods 5. Grounding of Electrical Systems and Equipment 6. Electrical Maintenance and Engineering and Their Relationship to Safety 7. Regulatory and Legal Safety Requirements and Standards 8. Accident Prevention, Accident Investigation, Rescue, and First Aid 9. Medical Aspects of Electrical Trauma 10. Low-Voltage Safety Synopsis 11. Medium- and High-Voltage Safety Synopsis 12. Human Factors in Electrical Safety 13. Safety Management and Organizational Structure 14. Safety Training Methods and Systems

HIGH FREQUENCY OVER THE HORIZON RADAR by Dr. Giuseppe Aureliano Fabrizio

2013 (July 2013) / Hardcover / 688 pages ISBN: 9780071621274 (A Professional Reference Title) High Frequency Over-the-Horizon Radar provides comprehensive details on modern developments in high frequency over-thehorizon (OTH) radar by capturing significant advances made in this area over the past two decades. This authoritative text offers a thorough and accurate treatment of essential aspects, ranging from the physical principles of operation and system design issues, through to signal processing methods, and their practical application to live data recorded by actual OTH radar systems. The strength of the book is its clear explanation of the signal processing aspects, including mathematical descriptions of adaptive processing techniques, an area that has become a cornerstone for the effective operation of OTH radar. Contents 1. Introduction Part I: Fundamental Principles 2. Skywave Propagation 3. System Characteristics 4. Conventional Processing 5. Surface-Wave Radar Part II: Signal Models 6. Deterministic Description 7. Statistical Representation 8. Channel Simulator


9. Study Case Part III: Processing Techniques 10. Adaptive Beamforming 11. Space-Time Adaptive Processing 12. GLRT-Based Detection 13. Blind Waveform Estimation 14. References Appendix A: Complex Sample ACS Distribution Appendix B: Space-Time Separability Appendix C: Modal Decomposition


2013 (February 2013) / Hardcover / 480 pages ISBN: 9780071798259 (A Professional Reference Title) Power Over Ethernet Interoperability Guide explains how to safely transmit DC power over an existing data network cabling structure so that separate AC electrical wiring is not be needed to power up devices connected to the network. Power over Ethernet (POE) technology is a system whereby electrical safety power, along with data, is safely passed to remote devices over Ethernet cabling. Safe transmission of power over Ethernet cabling prevents overheating of the cabling, injury to users/service personnel, and damage to legacy devices that were not designed to accept voltages on the Ethernet cable. This book fully covers everything you need to know about POE.


14. Sound Absorbing Materials 15. Sound Reflecting Materials 16. Wall Construction 17. Floor/Ceiling Construction 18. Windows and Doors 19. HVAC System 20. Room Performance and Evaluation


3rd Edition by Paul Scherz

2013 (February 2013) / Softcover / 1008 pages ISBN: 9780071771337 (A Professional Reference Title) Contents 1. Introduction to Electronics 2. Theory 3. Basic Electronics Components 4. Hands-On Electronics 5. Analog Circuits 6. Digital Circuits 7. Mixed-Signal Circuits 8. Input/Output Devices 9. Sensors 10. Electromechanical Devices 11. Remote Control Appendix A Appendix B


by Ken C. Pohlmann, and University of Miami

by Nick Dossis

2013 (December 2012) / Softcover / 320 pages ISBN: 9780071772747

2012 (April 2012) / Softcover / 160 pages ISBN: 9780071778220

(A Professional Reference Title)

(A Professional Reference Title)

Master Handbook of Sound Studio Construction provides expert advice and detailed examples for anyone contemplating the construction or renovation of an acoustically sensitive room. The first part of the book offers specific details on 10 types of rooms, including recording studios, control rooms, and home theaters. The remainder of the book contains several tutorial chapters on acoustics-related topics, such as wall and floor construction and heating and ventilation. Information on dozens of manufacturers and companies involved in the acoustic and home studio industry is included. This book is the perfect companion to Master Handbook of Acoustics..

Brilliant LED Projects reveals how to build inventive, affordable, and impressive LED projects using a selection of components that includes single-color LEDs, bi-color and tri-color LEDs, RBG LEDs, 7-segment displays, dot matrix displays, and IR LEDs. The projects use a variety of digital integrated circuits to achieve the desired results. You’ll learn to work with CMOS 4000-range ICs, 555 timers, bargraph drivers, and the 16F628 PIC microcontroller.

Contents 1. Introduction to Room Design 2. Announce Booth 3. Recording Studio for Classical Music 4. Recording Studio for Popular Music 5. Recording Studio with Variable Acoustics 6. Control Rooms 7. Audio/Video/Film Workroom 8. Teleconference Room 9. Home Personal Project Studio 10. Home Media Room 11. Home Theater 12. Site Selection and Noise Control 13. Sound Diffusing Materials

This hands-on guide opens with a clear explanation of the book’s intentions, the tools needed, and the basic concepts. It includes an overview of the various LED components, example clock and driver circuit building blocks, illumination and flashing LED projects, sequencers (strings of flashing LEDs), and multiplexers. Every chapter illuminates important concepts and techniques that produce fascinating electronic displays. Programming code, when needed, is available for download. Contents Introduction Acknowledgements 1. Before we get started Part I. Illumination & Flasher Projects 2. Basic LED Circuits--How to make an LED flashlight 3. ‘Green’ Pocket LED Flashlight 4. Basic Single LED Flasher 5. LED Bike Flasher 6. Color Changing Light Box




7. Mini-Digital Display Score Board Part II. Sequencer Projects 8. Experimental LED Sequencer Circuit 9. Color Changing Disco Lights 10. Binary Ripple Counter--Mainframe Computer Simulator 11. Flickering LED Candle 12. LED Scanner 13. LED Light Sword 14. Invisible Secret Code Display Part III. Multiplexer (POV) Projects 15. Basic LED Matrix/POV Concepts--How to build a 3-Digit Counter 16. Color Changing Display--Backpack Illuminator 17. Digital Oscilloscope Screen 18. Experimental Low-Res Shadow Camera 19. Groovy Light Stick 20. Dot Matrix Counter 21. Moving Message Destiny Predictor Appendix 1: Useful Resources


3rd Edition

by Roger C. Dugan, Senior Consultant with Electrotek Concepts Inc, Knoxville Tn, Mark F. F. McGranaghan, Surya Santoso, and H. Wayne Beaty

2012 (January 2012) / Hardcover / 592 pages ISBN: 9780071761550 (A Professional Reference Title) Electrical Power Systems Quality, Third Edition addresses the causes of power quality problems and explains how to prevent these problems in the clearest and most complete manner. The information is presented without the inclusion of heavyduty equations, making it easily readable and accessible to utility engineers, industrial plan technicians, and power quality consultants. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Terms and Definitions 3. Voltage Sags 4. Interruptions 5. Transient Overvoltages 6. Fundamentals of Harmonics 7. Applied Harmonics 8. Long-Duration Voltage Variations 9. Power Quality Benchmarking 10. Distributed Generation and Power Quality 11. Wiring and Grounding 12. Power Quality Monitoring Index


2012 (October 2012) / Hardcover / 528 pages ISBN: 9780071754279 (A Professional Reference Title) Featuring detailed descriptions and analyses of reliability and qualification for semiconductor device manufacturing, Semiconductor Process Reliability in Practice contains numerous practical examples and discusses verifying test structures and underlying physics and theory. With continuous scaling down of semiconductor technology, process reliability has become one of the key factors limiting further scaling down; therefore, emerging reliability challenges as technology evolves make this book a timely, essential resource.


2nd Edition by Stan Gibilisco

2012 (December 2011) / Softcover / 400 pages ISBN: 9780071775342 (A Professional Reference Title) Written in a step-by-step format, this practical guide begins by covering direct current (DC), voltage, resistance, circuits, cells, and batteries. The book goes on to discuss alternating current (AC), power supplies, wire, and cable. Magnetism and electromagnetic effects are also addressed. Detailed examples and concise explanations make it easy to understand the material. End-ofchapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce key concepts. Simple enough for a beginner, but challenging enough for an advanced student, Electricity DeMYSTiFieD, Second Edition, powers up your understanding of this essential subject. Contents How to Use This Book Part I: Direct Current 1. A Circuit Diagram Sampler 2. Charge, Current, Voltage, and Resistance 3. Ohm’s Law, Power, and Energy 4. Simple DC Circuits 5. Cells and Batteries Test: Part I Part II: Alternating Current 6. What is Alternating Current? 7. Electricity in the Home 8. Power Supplies 9. Wire and Cable Test: Part II Part III: Magnetism 10. What is Magnetism? 11. Electromagnetic Effects 12. Practical Magnetism Test: Part III Final ExamI Appendix 1: Answers to Quiz, Test, and Exam Questions Appendix 2: Symbols used in Schematic Diagrams Suggested Additional References


2012 (August 2012) / Hardcover / 320 pages ISBN: 9780071787741 (A Professional Reference Title) Contents 1. Historical & Future Developments in the Energy Sector 2. Smart Grid Communications & Standardization 3. Smart Grid Applications in Energy Generation and Transmission 4. Smart Grid Applications from Energy Distribution to Customer 5. Sensing, Automation, and Control Protocols 6. Wireless Communications for Smart Grids 7. Wireline Communications for Smart Grids 8. Fiber Optical Communications for Smart Grids 9. Interoperability and Routing between Communications Technologies 10. Smart Grid Management and Architecture (Cyber Security) 11. Next-Generation Smart Grid Control Centers 12. Smart Grid Case Studies and Field Trials


3rd Edition

by David J. Marne

2012 (November 2011) / Hardcover / 832 pages ISBN: 9780071766852 (A Professional Reference Title) Designed to be used alongside the Code itself, McGraw-Hill’s National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) 2012 Handbook provides a rule-by-rule annotation of the NESC that clarifies potentially confusing Code text and allows you to perform your work safely and confidently. This step-by-step guide explains how to apply and meet the NESC rules for electrical supply stations and equipment, as well as overhead and underground electric supply and communications lines. Hundreds of illustrations and photos, practical examples, and concise language regarding complicated and controversial issues are included in this expert resource.



2012 (September 2012) / Hardcover / 480 pages ISBN: 9780071785143 (A Professional Reference Title) Through-Silicon Vias (TSVs) for 3D Integration covers cutting-edge developments in 3D ICs—essential for the development of lowcost, high-performance electronic and optoelectronic products. The book proposes that every chip or interposer could have two surfaces with circuits. This detailed guide discusses TSV manufacturing yield and hidden costs and includes characterization and reliability data for 3D IC integration. The in-depth information in the book provides context for choosing robust, reliable, highperformance, cost-effective packaging and 3D IC/Si integration techniques for high-density electronic products. Contents 1. Introduction to Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics 2. Origin and Evolution of 3D Integration 3. Trends and Outlook of 3D IC Packaging 4. Through-Silicon Vias (TSVs) Technology 5. Challenges and Outlook of 3D Si Integration 6. Challenges and Outlook of 3D IC Integration 7. Thin-Wafer Strength Measurements 8. Thin-Wafer Handling 9. Low-Cost Microbumping 10. C2C and C2W Bonding with Microbumps 11. Low Temperature Bonding 12. Electromigration of Microbump Assemblies 13. Memory Stacking Methods 14. Active TSV Interposers 15. Passive TSV Interposers 16. Thermal Management of 3D IC Integration 17. 3D IC and CIS Integration 18. 3D IC and MEMS Integration 19. 3D IC and LED Integration 20. Embedded 3D Hybrid IC and Opto-electronic Integration in Organic Substrates

2012 (April 2013) / Softcover / 464 pages ISBN: 9780071782777 (A Professional Reference Title) Arduino Robot Bonanza explains how to build a wide variety of robots that roll, walk, talk, crawl, slither—and even sling insults— with the Arduino microcontroller platform. From the author of the bestselling Robot Builder’s Bonanza, this book teaches embedded microcontroller programming and reveals the world of robotics. The book guides you, step by step, through the construction of seven rewarding and educational robot projects. Each robot is designed to explore multiple facets of the growing fields of embedded hardware, microcontroller programming, real-world sensory systems, and human-machine interaction. All of the projects are affordable and all are reproducible using parts available from a wide variety of sources. Contents 1. Ins and Outs of the Arduino Microcontroller 2. Arduino as a Robot Brain 3. Connecting Things to the Arduino 4. Enhancing Your Robot with Sensors 5. Expanding the Arduino 6. Layout and Design 7. The TestBot Test Platform 8. Mini Kissing Bug 9. Animatronic Parrot 10. Your Robot Avatar 11. Slithering Snake 12. 18-Servo WalkerBot 13. PC-based Autonomous Robot 14. Crash Course in Electronics 15. Learning the Arduino Programming Language 16. Setting Up Your Robotics Laboratory




2012 (August 2012) / Hardcover / 704 pages ISBN: 9780071635769 (A Professional Reference Title) High Performance Integrated Circuit Design introduces a step-bystep approach offering in-depth coverage for each step of circuit design. This book is for the mixed-signal integrated circuit (IC) designer. Seamless interconnect circuit designs are the key for the mixed signal System-on-Chip (SoC) circuit designs. The challenges are how to synchronize the time domain or the frequency domain clock among the highly populated components on a chip in high speed. This book addresses those challenges.


4th Edition by Mike Shea

2012 (March 2012) / Softcover / 416 pages ISBN: 9780071782715 (A Professional Reference Title) How to Build a Small Budget Recording Studio from Scratch, Fourth Edition provides detailed plans for constructing real-world recording studios, all built, tested, and acoustically adjusted for optimal sound. Learn how to construct everything from the ground up, including the floor, ceilings, walls, and equipment; what materials to use; and how to test the finished structure for frequency response and reverberation time. Mathematical processes are discussed, but without confusing technical aspects. No detail is left out, as coverage includes silencing HVAC duct work, doors, electrical wiring, and lighting. Contents PART I : Introduction Acoustics Reverb Standards Test Part II: Brick and Mortar My Studio--How Big and What Shape Elements Common to All Studios Audiovisual Budget Recording Studio Studio Built in a Residence A Small Studio for Instruction and Campus Radio Small Ad Studio for A/Vs and Radio Jingles Multitrack in a Two-Car Garage Building a Studio from Scratch for Radio Production Studios for a Commercial Radio Station One Control Room for Two Studios A Video Mini-Studio; A Video and Multitrack Studio A Screening Facility for Film and Video Multiple Studios Part III: Modern, Pre-Manufactured Acoustics Assemble/Renovate/Correct/Rectify/Grow/Polish/Rejuvenate/ Recondition/Ennhance/Revise Acoustic Products and Remedies New Acoustic Panels New Acoustic Developments Importance of Checking Specs Diffusion Confusion Bits and Pieces of Acoustic Lore

Dual Room Functions Control Room Monitors Part IV: How Music Instruments Produce and Propagate Sound Resonance Note Duration Attack Wolf Tones Impedance Sound Radiation Sound Transmission Radiators and Resonators Some Specific Sound Producing Mechanisms Tines, Rods, and Tongues Strings and Tubes Reeds and Brass Bows Hollow Bodied Instruments Drums Tambourines Microphone Placement. On the Web: Acoustic Equations Reading Blueprints List of Manufacturers of Acoustic Materials Metal Wall Stud Update Update to Acoustic Ratings of Duct Silencers


2012 (January 2012) / Hardcover / 336 pages ISBN: 9780071740111 (A Professional Reference Title) An Introduction to Contemporary Remote Sensing Earth from Space covers the latest developments in remote sensing and imaging science, especially those relevant to undergraduate students. Remote sensing is the technology behind revolutionary applications such as Google Earth. The information in this book will help you to optimize portable equipment design by understanding and selecting most ideal spatial imagery technique. This versatile book serves lower-division undergraduate students as a textbook and may also be used as a reference tool for various remote sensing workshops as well as for professionals and researchers in academia, government, and industries to acquire updated information on the newest developments in the field.

TITLE INDEX 8085 Microprocessors and Its Applications, 3e




A Comprehensive Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java



A First Course in Artificial Intelligence



Advanced Computer Architecture



Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability



Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals, 3e



Advanced Programming using Visual Basic 2008, 4e






American Electricians Handbook, 16e



An Introduction to Computer Science using Java, 2e



An Introduction to Contemporary Remote Sensing Earth from Space



An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java, 5e



An Introduction to Programming through C++



An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices



Analog and Digital Communication



Analog Circuit Design: Discrete & Integrated



Analog IC Design with Low-Dropout Regulations, 2e



Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits, 3e



Annual Editions: Technologies, Social Media and Society 14/15, 20e


96, 99

Annual Editions: Technologies, Social Media and Society, 21e


96, 99

Antennas, 3e



Anti-Hacker Toolkit, 4e



Aplied Circuit Analysis



Applied Circuit Analysis



Applied Numerical Methods with Matlab for Engineers and Scientists, 3e


21, 157

Arduino Robot Bonanza


Assembly Language Programming and Organization of the IBM PC



169 28

B Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering


109, 115

Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering


Basic Electrical Engineering: Revised 1e


Basic Electricity: A Text-Lab Manual, 7e



Basic Electronics



Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits, 2e



Bioinformatics: A Computing Perspective



Brilliant LED Projects



Bssic Electronics



Building and Managing a Cloud Using Oracle Enterprise Manager 12C


Business Driven Information Systems, 4e


107 111, 139

59 91, 94



Business Driven Information Systems, 5e


91, 92

Business Driven Technology, 6e



C for Engineers and Scientists with Companion CD



C Programming for Engineering and Computer Science



C Programming: A Q&A Approach



CAPM/PMP Project Management Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, 3e



CASP Comptia Advanced Security Practitioner Certification Study Guide (Exam CAS-001)



CEH Certified Ethical Hacker Practice Exams, 2e



Circuits and Networks, 4e


CISSP Practice Exams, 3e



CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design, 4e



Communication Electronics, 3e



Communication Engineering



Communication Networks, 2e


46, 152

Communication Systems



Communication Systems, 5e



Communication Systems: Analog and Digital, 3e


Communication Theory



Complete Wireless Design, 3e



Comptia A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide (Exams 220-801 & 220-802), 8e



Comptia A+ Certification Practice Exams (Exams 220-801 & 220-802)



Comptia A+ Certification Study Guide (Exams 220-801 & 220-802), 8e



Computer Architecture and Organization, 3e



Computer Architecture: An Embedded Approach


Computer Graphics, 2e



Computer Networks: A Top Down Approach



Computer Networks: An Open Source Approach



Computer Organization and Architecture, 10e



Computer Organization and Embedded Systems, 6e


Computing Essentials 2015: Complete Edition, 25e



Computing Essentials 2015: Introductory Edition, 25e


63, 65

Computing Now!


Contemporary Communication Systems



Contemporary Electronics: Fundamentals, Devices, Circuits and Systems



Control Systems: Principles and Design, 4e



Corporate Information Strategy and Management: Text and Cases, 8e



Cryptography a Beginner's Guide



Cryptography and Network Security



Cryptography and Network Security, 3e



Cryptography Infosec Pro Guide





146, 151

29, 143

29, 143


TITLE INDEX CSSLP Certification All-in-One Exam Guide




D Data Communications and Networking, 5e

Forouzan 44, 45, 150, 151

Data Structures and the Standard Template Library



Data Structures Using C



Data Structures Using C, 2e

ISRD Group


Database Management Systems



Database Management Systems, 3e



Database System Concepts, 6e



Decision Support and Data Warehouse Systems



Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft® SQL Server 2012, 3e



Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers



Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits



Design of Low-Noise Amplifiers for Ultra-Wideband Communications



Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 4e



Digital Communication



Digital Communications, 5e



Digital Control and State Variable Methods, 4e



Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, 8e



Digital Image Processing Using Matlab, 2e



Digital Logic Design and Computer Organization with Computer Architecture for Security



Digital Principles and Design with CD-ROM


Digital Signal Processing with Student CD-ROM, 4e



Digital Signal Processing, 2e



Digital Signal Processing, 3e



Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7e



Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7e GE



Effective MYSQL Backup and Recovery



Electric Machinery and Power Systems Fundamentals



Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 5e



Electric Machines, 4e



Electric Motors and Control Systems



Electric Motors and Control Systems, 2e



Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation



Electrical Engineering Materials



Electrical Power Systems Quality, 3e



Electrical Safety Handbook, 4e



Electrical Wiring Practice: Volume 2 Blended Learning Package



Electrical Wiring Practice: Volume 2, 7e



25, 133




Electricity Demystified, 2e



Electricity for the Trades, 2e



Electricity: Principles and Applications with Student Data CD-ROM, 8e



Electricity/Electronics Fundamentals: A Text-Lab Manual, 4e


Electromagnetic Field Theory



Electromagnetics, 5e



Electronic Devices and Circuits, 3e



Electronic Instrumentation, 3e



Electronic Troubleshooting, 4e



Electronics from the Ground Up: Learn by Hacking, Designing and Inventing



Electronics Principles and Applications with Student Data CD-ROM, 8e



Electronics Principles, 8e



Elementary Numerical Analysis, 3e


Elements of Power System Analysis, 4e


Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design, 2e



Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design, 3e


30, 144

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8e



Engineering Electromagnetics, 8e



Essentials of Business Driven Information Systems



Exploring Python



112, 117

22 142

F Fiber Optic Installer's Field Manual, 2e



Fitzgerald & Kingsley's Electric Machinery, 7e



Forensic Image Processing



Fundamentals of Digital and Computer Design with VHDL


24, 132

Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, 3e


23, 131

Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design with CD-ROM, 3e


25, 133

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 5e



Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering



Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing, 2e



Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices



Fundamentals Signals Systems



Grob's Basic Electronics, 12e


108, 114

Grob's Basic Electronics: Fundamentals of DC and AC Circuits with Simulation CD






H Hacking Exposed Unified Communications & VOIP Security Secrets & Solutions, 2e

Healthcare Information Technology Exam Guide for Comptia Healthcare IT Technician and Hit Pro Certifications McCormick 80 High Frequency Over the Horizon Radar





High Performance Integrated Circuit Design



High-Voltage Engineering, 5e


How to Build a Small Budget Recording Studio From Scratch, 4e


How to do Everything Windows 8


HTML: A Beginner's Guide, 5e


58, 80

HVAC and Refrigeration Preventive Maintenance



HVDC Transmission



137, 142 170 79

I IBM Cognos TM1: The Official Guide



Information Security: The Complete Reference, 2e



Information Systems Essentials, 3e



Information Technology for Management, 2e



Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, 2e



Introduction to Business Data Mining



Introduction to Computer Graphics


Introduction to Computing Systems, 2e


Introduction to Database Systems



Introduction to Embedded Systems



Introduction to Information Systems Project Management, 2e



Introduction to Information Systems, 16e


Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, 4e


Introduction to Logic and Computer Design with CD


25, 133

Introduction to Logic Design, 3e


24, 132

Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 4e


Introduction to Programming with Java, 2e


Introduction to Radar Systems, 3e


Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms



Introduction to Video Game Design and Development with Student CD



iPhone Geekery: 50 Insanely Cool Hacks and Mods for Your iPhone 4S



iPhone Millionaire: How to Create and Sell Cutting-Edge Video



Java 5.0 Program Design



Java a Beginner's Guide, 6e



Java EE 7: The Big Picture



Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction



Java Programming: A Practical Approach



Java Programming: From the Ground Up



Java the Complete Reference, 9e



Java: An Object-Oriented Language



Javascript: A Beginner's Guide, 4e



48 5

91, 95 6, 26

137 9 131




L Keiser

42, 152

M: Information Systems, 3e


91, 93

Machine Learning



Making Microsoft Outlook 2010 Work for You



Management Control Systems



Management Information Systems for the Information Age, 9e



Management Information Systems, 10e



Management Information Systems: A Global Digital Enterprise Perspective, 5e



Managerial Issues of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems



Master Handbook of Sound Studio Construction



Mastering C++, 2e



Mastering Cloud Computing



Microelectronic Circuit Design, 5e



Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design, 4e



Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, 2e


Local Area Networks with CD-ROM, 2e M

29, 32, 142, 160

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming & Interfacing using 8085, 8086 & 8051 Mandal 32 Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Query Tuning & Optimization



Microsoft® Excel 2007: A Professional Approach



Microsoft® Office 2010 Demystified



Microsoft® Office 2013: A Skills Approach

Triad Interactive


Microsoft® Office 2013: In Practice



Microsoft® Office 2013: ProjectLearn



Microsoft® Office Access 2013 Complete

Triad Interactive


Microsoft® Office Access 2013 Complete: In Practice



Microsoft® Office Excel 2010: A Case Approach, Complete



Microsoft® Office Excel 2013 Complete: In Practice



Microsoft® Office Excel 2013: A Skills Approach, Complete

Triad Interactive


Microsoft® Office Outlook 2013 Complete: In Practice



Microsoft® Office Powerpoint 2013 Complete: In Practice



Microsoft® Office Word 2013 Complete: In Practice



Microsoft® Office Word 2013: A Skills Approach, Complete

Triad Interactive

Microsoft® SQL Server 2012 Master Data Services, 2e



Microsoft® SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services, 4e



Microwave Engineering, 3e


Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Certification Passport (Exams 220-801 & 220-802), 5e


67, 69

130 81

Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to 801 Managing and Troubleshooting PCS (Exam 220-801), 4e Meyers 81 Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to 801 Managing and Troubleshooting PCS Lab Manual (Exam 220-801 & 220-802), 4e Meyers 83



Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to 801 Managing and Troubleshooting PCS Lab Manual (Exam 220-801), 4e Meyers 84 Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to 802 Managing and Troubleshooting PCS (Exam 220-802), 4e Meyers 81 Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to 802 Managing and Troubleshooting PCS Lab Manual (Exam 220-802), 4e Meyers 85 Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCS (Exams 220-801 & 220-802), 4e Meyers 83 Modern Power System Analysis, 4e



Multimedia: Making it Work, 9e



MYSQL Workbench Data Modeling and Development



N National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) 2012 Handbook, 3e



Network Analysis and Synthesis



Networked Audivisual Systems



Neural Networks: A Classroom Approach, 2e


50, 136

Numerical Methods for Engineers, 6e


21, 158

Numerical Methods for Engineers, 7e


20, 156

o Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML



Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering, 8e



Object-Oriented Design using Java


Object-Oriented Programming using C++ and Java



Object-Oriented Programming with C++



Object-Oriented Software Engineering



Object-Oriented Software Engineering: An Agile Unified Methodology



11, 41

Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Practical Software Development using UML and Java, 2e Lethbridge 38 Object-Oriented Systems Analysis, 4e



Object-Oriented Technology, 2e



Objects Have Class: An Introduction to Programming with Java



OCA Oracle Solaris 11 System Administrator Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-821)



OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide (Exams IZO-803 & IZO-804)



OCP MYSQL 5.6 Database Administrator Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-883)



Operating Systems: A Concept-based Approach, 2e



Operating Systems: A Spiral Approach



Optical Fiber Communications, 5e



Optics, 5e



Oracle Big Data Handbook



Oracle Cloud Storage Management



Oracle Database 11G Release 2 Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques



Oracle Database 12C SQL





Oracle Database 12C: The Complete Reference (Set)



Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12C Deep Dive



Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Handbook



Peter Norton's Computing Fundamentals, 6e



Peter Norton's Introduction to Computers, 6e



PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide, 4e


57, 79

Power Electronics



Power Electronics



Power Integrity



Power Over Ethernet Interoperability Guide



Power System Analysis


Power System Protection and Switchgear



Power System Protection and Switchgear, 2e



Practical Electronics for Inventors, 3e



Practical Object-Oriented Design with UML, 2e


Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6e



Principles of Computer Security, 4e



Principles of Computer Security: Security+ and Beyond



Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, 3e



Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, 4e



Principles of Electronic Materials and Device, 3e



Principles of Multimedia, 2e



Probability Theory and Random Processes



Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles, 4e



Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, 4e



Probability, Random Variables, and Random Signal Principles



Programmable Logic Controllers, 4e



Programming in ANSI C, 6e



Programming in C#, 3e



Programming in C++: Lessons and Applications



Programming in Visual Basic 2010



Programming in Visual C# 2008, 3e


14, 76

Programming Languages, 2e



Programming with Java, 5e



PSPICE for Basic Circuit Analysis, 2e



PSPICE for Basic Microelectronics



Schaum's Outline of Analog and Digital Communications, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Basic Circuit Analysis, 2e




140, 142

39, 41




Schaum's Outline of Basic Electrical Engineering, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Basic Electricity, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Basic Mathematics for Electricity and Electronics, 2e


113, 117

Schaum's Outline of Computer Architecture


33, 144

Schaum's Outline of Computer Graphics, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Computer Networking



Schaum's Outline of Data Structures with Java, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Digital Signal Processing, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits, 6e



Schaum's Outline of Electric Machines and Electromechanics, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Electromagnetics, 4e



Schaum's Outline of Electronic Devices and Circuits, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Essential Computer Mathematics



Schaum's Outline of Feedback and Control Systems, 3e



Schaum's Outline of Fundamentals of Computing with C++



Schaum's Outline of Guide to UML, 2e



Schaum's Outline of HTML



Schaum's Outline of Introduction to Digital Systems



Schaum's Outline of Operating Systems



Schaum's Outline of Principles of Computer Science


Schaum's Outline of Programming with C, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Programming with C++, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Programming with Fortran 77



Schaum's Outline of Programming with Java, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Signals and Systems, 3e


Schaum's Outline of Software Engineering



Schaum's Outline of Visual Basic



Scientific Computing, 2e



Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 4e



Semiconductor Process Reliability in Practice



Signalling System #7, 6e



Signals & Systems



Signals & Systems, 2e



Signals and Systems, 2e



Signals and Systems: Analysis using Transform Methods & Matlab, 2e



Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 5e



Simulation Using Promodel, 3e



Simulation with Arena, 6e



Smart Grid Networking and Communications


Social Engineering in IT Security: Tools, Tactics and Techniques



Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 8e



5, 13





Software Project Management, 5e



Software Quality Assurance



Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, 16e



Structures Data and Building Algorithms, Updated Edition



Survey of Operating Systems, 4e



Switch-Mode Power Supplies: SPICE Simulations and Practical Designs, 2e


Systems Analysis and Design Methods, 7e


Systems Programming


164 97 6

t TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 4e



Technology: At Your Service



Telecommunications Crash Course, 3e


The 8051 Microcontroller Based Embedded Systems


The Homeowner's DIY Guide to Electrical Wiring



The Internet of Things: DIY of Home Projects for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black Norris


165 31

The O'Leary Series: Microsoft® Office 2013



The O'Leary Series: Microsoft® Office Access 2013, Introductory



The O'Leary Series: Microsoft® Office Excel 2013, Introductory



The O'Leary Series: Microsoft® Office Powerpoint 2013, Introductory



The O'Leary Series: Microsoft® Office Word 2013, Introductory



Through-Silicon VIAS (TSVS) for 3D Integration



u Using Information Technology: Complete Edition, 11e



Using Information Technology: Introductory Edition, 10e



Using Windows 8



v VLSI Design



w Web Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach



Web Technologies, 3e



Windows 8 Kickstart



Wireless Communications and Networks: 3G and Beyond, 2e


44, 150

Wireless Networks, 3e



y Your UNIX/LINUX, 3e


33, 35



A Alciatore

Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 4e



Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 5e



Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices



Management Control Systems



Corporate Information Strategy and Management: Text and Cases, 8e


Bssic Electronics



Probability Theory and Random Processes



Data Structures Using C



Object-Oriented Programming using C++ and Java



Object-Oriented Programming with C++



Programming in ANSI C, 6e


Programming in C#, 3e


Programming with Java, 5e


Business Driven Information Systems, 4e

91, 94


Business Driven Information Systems, 5e

91, 92


Business Driven Technology, 6e



Essentials of Business Driven Information Systems



M: Information Systems, 3e


Switch-Mode Power Supplies: SPICE Simulations and Practical Designs, 2e



Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, 16e



Information Technology for Management, 2e


Schaum's Outline of Basic Mathematics for Electricity and Electronics, 2e


Object-Oriented Systems Analysis, 4e



Schaum's Outline of Guide to UML, 2e



Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits, 2e



Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals, 3e


Forensic Image Processing



Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, 2e



Effective MYSQL Backup and Recovery



Advanced Programming using Visual Basic 2008, 4e



Programming in Visual Basic 2010



Programming in Visual C# 2008, 3e


How to do Everything Windows 8



Java Programming: From the Ground Up



Introduction to Database Systems



Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, 3e

23, 131


Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design with CD-ROM, 3e

25, 133


Oracle Database 12C: The Complete Reference (Set)



Exploring Python




7 14 8

91, 93

95 113, 117


14, 76




Mastering Cloud Computing


c Cadick

Electrical Safety Handbook, 4e



Communication Systems, 5e



Schaum's Outline of Computer Architecture


Schaum's Outline of Basic Electrical Engineering, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Electronic Devices and Circuits, 2e



Structures Data and Building Algorithms, Updated Edition


Electric Machinery and Power Systems Fundamentals



Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 5e



Applied Numerical Methods with Matlab for Engineers and Scientists, 3e

21, 157


Numerical Methods for Engineers, 6e

21, 158


Numerical Methods for Engineers, 7e

20, 156


C for Engineers and Scientists with Companion CD


Fiber Optic Installer's Field Manual, 2e


Java 5.0 Program Design



Hacking Exposed Unified Communications & VOIP Security Secrets & Solutions, 2e



Data Structures and the Standard Template Library



Social Engineering in IT Security: Tools, Tactics and Techniques



CASP Comptia Advanced Security Practitioner Certification Study Guide (Exam CAS-001)



CSSLP Certification All-in-One Exam Guide



Principles of Computer Security, 4e



Principles of Computer Security: Security+ and Beyond



Elementary Numerical Analysis, 3e



Computing Now!



Microsoft® Office 2013: ProjectLearn



Technology: At Your Service



Java EE 7: The Big Picture



Programming in C++: Lessons and Applications



Microwave Engineering, 3e






Introduction to Programming with Java, 2e


Operating Systems: A Concept-based Approach, 2e


Systems Programming


Schaum's Outline of Feedback and Control Systems, 3e



Brilliant LED Projects



Electrical Power Systems Quality, 3e


33, 144


7 163

d 130 33, 35 17 9 34 6



e Easton

Microsoft® Office Access 2013 Complete: In Practice



Schaum's Outline of Electromagnetics, 4e


Operating Systems: A Spiral Approach



OCA Oracle Solaris 11 System Administrator Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-821)



f Fabrizio

High Frequency Over the Horizon Radar



Digital Logic Design and Computer Organization with Computer Architecture for Security



Cryptography and Network Security


Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers



Computer Networks: A Top Down Approach



Data Communications and Networking, 5e


TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 4e


Electricity: Principles and Applications with Student Data CD-ROM, 8e



Analog Circuit Design: Discrete & Integrated



Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 4e



Communication Electronics, 3e



Contemporary Electronics: Fundamentals, Devices, Circuits and Systems



Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, 3e



Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, 4e



Semiconductor Process Reliability in Practice



Optics, 5e



Electromagnetic Field Theory



Electricity Demystified, 2e



Digital Principles and Design with CD-ROM


Web Technologies, 3e


Digital Image Processing Using Matlab, 2e



Bioinformatics: A Computing Perspective



Control Systems: Principles and Design, 4e



Digital Control and State Variable Methods, 4e



Schaum's Outline of Programming with C, 2e


Schaum's Outline of Visual Basic



Microsoft® SQL Server 2012 Master Data Services, 2e



Power System Analysis


Microsoft® Office Powerpoint 2013 Complete: In Practice



Networked Audivisual Systems



Building and Managing a Cloud Using Oracle Enterprise Manager 12C



Database Management Systems



Schaum's Outline of Basic Electricity, 2e


44, 45, 150, 151 43


25, 133 44


140, 142





Schaum's Outline of Software Engineering



Information Systems Essentials, 3e



Management Information Systems for the Information Age, 9e



Computer Organization and Embedded Systems, 6e


Simulation Using Promodel, 3e



Computer Graphics, 2e



CISSP Practice Exams, 3e



Schaum's Outline of Operating Systems



Power Electronics


iPhone Geekery: 50 Insanely Cool Hacks and Mods for Your iPhone 4S



Computer Architecture and Organization, 3e



Schaum's Outline of Digital Signal Processing, 2e



Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8e



Engineering Electromagnetics, 8e



Scientific Computing, 2e


The Homeowner's DIY Guide to Electrical Wiring



Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits, 3e



Comptia A+ Certification Study Guide (Exams 220-801 & 220-802), 8e



Survey of Operating Systems, 4e



Using Windows 8



Schaum's Outline of Analog and Digital Communications, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Signals and Systems, 3e



Schaum's Outline of Data Structures with Java, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Fundamentals of Computing with C++



Schaum's Outline of Programming with C++, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Programming with Java, 2e



Software Project Management, 5e



Advanced Computer Architecture



Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability



Smart Grid Networking and Communications


ISRD Group

Data Structures Using C, 2e


29, 143



i 13

j Jaeger

Microelectronic Circuit Design, 5e


k Kahate

Cryptography and Network Security, 3e


Electronic Instrumentation, 3e



HVDC Transmission






Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design, 2e



Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design, 3e

30, 144


An Introduction to Computer Science using Java, 2e


CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design, 4e


8085 Microprocessors and Its Applications, 3e


Digital Signal Processing, 2e


Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, 2e


Principles of Electronic Materials and Device, 3e


Local Area Networks with CD-ROM, 2e


Optical Fiber Communications, 5e


Simulation with Arena, 6e



A First Course in Artificial Intelligence



HVAC and Refrigeration Preventive Maintenance


Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering


Electric Machines, 4e



Modern Power System Analysis, 4e



Antennas, 3e



Electromagnetics, 5e



Introduction to Computer Graphics


Basic Electrical Engineering: Revised 1e


Neural Networks: A Classroom Approach, 2e


Object-Oriented Software Engineering: An Agile Unified Methodology



Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft® SQL Server 2012, 3e



Microsoft® SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services, 4e



Through-Silicon VIAS (TSVS) for 3D Integration


Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 5e



Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms



Communication Networks, 2e


Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Practical Software Development using UML and Java, 2e



Software Quality Assurance



Computer Networks: An Open Source Approach



Schaum's Outline of Essential Computer Mathematics



Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML



Decision Support and Data Warehouse Systems



Electronics Principles, 8e



Basic Electronics



Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming & Interfacing using 8085, 8086 & 8051 32


Power Electronics

12 121 32 155 29, 32, 142, 160 128 42, 152 149

162 109, 115

48 111, 139 50, 136



46, 152






Power Over Ethernet Interoperability Guide



Introduction to Information Systems, 16e


Introduction to Logic and Computer Design with CD

25, 133


Introduction to Logic Design, 3e

24, 132


National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) 2012 Handbook, 3e


Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, 4e


Schaum's Outline of Programming with Fortran 77


Arduino Robot Bonanza


Healthcare Information Technology Exam Guide for Comptia Healthcare IT Technician and Hit Pro Certifications 80


MYSQL Workbench Data Modeling and Development


Computer Architecture: An Embedded Approach


Schaum's Outline of HTML


Contemporary Communication Systems


Comptia A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide (Exams 220-801 & 220-802), 8e



Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Certification Passport (Exams 220-801 & 220-802), 5e



Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to 801 Managing and Troubleshooting PCS (Exam 220-801), 4e



Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to 801 Managing and Troubleshooting PCS Lab Manual (Exam 220-801 & 220-802), 4e 83


Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to 801 Managing and Troubleshooting PCS Lab Manual (Exam 220-801), 4e 84


Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to 802 Managing and Troubleshooting PCS (Exam 220-802), 4e


Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to 802 Managing and Troubleshooting PCS Lab Manual (Exam 220-802), 4e 85


Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCS (Exams 220-801 & 220-802), 4e 83


Wireless Communications and Networks: 3G and Beyond, 2e


Machine Learning


Digital Signal Processing with Student CD-ROM, 4e


Annual Editions: Technologies, Social Media and Society 14/15, 20e

91, 95

169 6, 26 17 169

57 29, 143 77 145


44, 150 49 155 96, 99

n Nagrath

Signals & Systems, 2e



Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits, 6e



Signals & Systems



High-Voltage Engineering, 5e


Schaum's Outline of Electric Machines and Electromechanics, 2e



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