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Dynamic Programming (RTDP) algorithm [1] and the Adaptive Multi- stage (AMS) ... problems and using these bounds during planning to identify and eliminate ac- tions that are ..... learning techniques such as Q-Learning [21] and its variants. Even the ..... Culberson, J.C., Schaeffer, J.: Efficiently searching the 15-puzzle.
Computing and Using Lower and Upper Bounds for Action Elimination in MDP Planning Ugur Kuter1 and Jiaqiao Hu2 1

University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland at College Park, College Park, MD 20742, USA [email protected] 2 Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA [email protected]

Abstract. We describe a way to improve the performance of MDP planners by modifying them to use lower and upper bounds to eliminate non-optimal actions during their search. First, we discuss a particular state-abstraction formulation of MDP planning problems and how to use that formulation to compute bounds on the Q-functions of those planning problems. Then, we describe how to incorporate those bounds into a large class of MDP planning algorithms to control their search during planning. We provide theorems establishing the correctness of this technique and an experimental evaluation to demonstrate its effectiveness. We incorporated our ideas into two MDP planners: the Real Time Dynamic Programming (RTDP) algorithm [1] and the Adaptive Multistage (AMS) sampling algorithm [2], taken respectively from automated planning and operations research communities. Our experiments on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) path planning problem demonstrate that our action-elimination technique provides significant speed-ups in the performance of both RTDP and AMS.



In planning under uncertainty, the planner’s objective is to find a policy that optimizes some expected utility. Most approaches for finding such policies are based on Markov Decision Process (MDP) models. Despite their general applicability and mathematical soundness, the problem of generating optimal policies in MDPs is often computationally challenging due to the typical requirement of enumerating the entire state and/or action spaces. In order to address this issue, many general MDP-based solution methods have been developed: examples include state abstraction and aggregation techniques [3–7], feature extraction methods [8], value function approximations [9, 10], heuristic and greedy search [1, 11], and various simulation-based techniques [12–14, 2].

The key idea throughout the above works is to reduce the size of the search space while preserving the correctness of the planning algorithms, and in doing so, to generate solutions to MDP planning problems within reasonable running times. Despite these advances, MDP planning problems still pose a computational challenge due to the need to explore all or most of the state space. This paper focuses on a way to improve the efficiency of planning on MDPs by computing lower and upper bounds on the Q-functions of MDP planning problems and using these bounds during planning to identify and eliminate actions that are guaranteed not to appear in optimal policies. We combine ideas from two different previous approaches: using state abstractions for MDPs to generate abstract versions of the original planning problems and using bounds for controlling the search of MDP planners. Our technique is a tightly-coupled framework based on a form of state abstraction that enables planning algorithms to identify and eliminate sub-optimal actions from MDPs and allows them to search the reduced MDP for effective planning. In particular, our contributions are as follows: • We discuss a particular state-abstraction formulation of MDP planning prob-

lems. In a large class of MDPs, the state space admits a factored representation [15], i.e., each state can be represented as a collection of state variables. In such planning problems where the state space is factored, often the cost of each action will not depend on all of the state variables, but only on some of them. Our technique exploits this property and generates equivalence classes of states (or equivalently, it generates a particular partition of the MDP) by examining the actions and the immediate cost of applying them. • We describe how to compute lower and upper bounds on the Q-function of an MDP based on the equivalence classes over the states of that MDP. We also provide general conditions under which our technique can be incorporated into the existing MDP planning algorithms and can still guarantee to generate optimal solutions in the modified algorithms. • We have applied our approach to the RTDP [1] and AMS [2] algorithms and performed several experiments with the modified planners. This study demonstrates that the modified algorithms generate solutions about two or three orders of magnitude faster than the original ones in a simplified version of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) path planning domain.


Definitions and Notation

We consider MDP planning problems of the form P = (S, A, T, γ, P r, C, S0 , G), where S is a finite set of states and A is a finite set of actions. T : S × A → 2S is the state transition function, γ is a discount factor, P r is a transition-probability function, C is a bounded one-stage cost function, S0 is a set of initial states, and G is a set of goal states. The set of all actions applicable to a state s is AT (s) = {a : T (s, a) 6= ∅}. If a ∈ AT (s), then P r(s, a, s0 ) is the probability of going to the state s0 if one applies the action a in s.

Although a policy is often defined to be a function π : S → A, π need not always be total. If a state in S is unreachable from S0 using π, then it can safely be omitted from the domain of π. Thus, we define a policy to be a partial function from S into A (i.e., a function from some set Sπ ⊆ S into A) such that S0 ⊆ Sπ and Sπ is closed under π and A (i.e., if s ∈ Sπ and s0 ∈ T (s, π(s)), then s0 ∈ Sπ ). π Given a policy π, the value function P∞ V t (s) is the expected sum of the future π discounted costs, i.e., V (s) = Eπ [ t=0 γ C(st , π(st )) |s0 = s], where st is the state of the MDP at time t, and Eπ [·] is understood with respect to the sample space induced by the transition probabilities. An optimal solution is a policy π ∗ such that when executed in the initial state s0 , π ∗ reaches a goal state in G with probability 1, and no other policy π 0 has both the same property and a lower expected cost. It is well-known [16] that ∗ the optimal value V π (s) for state s can be computed by solving 

0, if s ∈ G mina∈AT (s) Q(s, a), otherwise, X ∗ Q(s, a) = C(s, a) + γ P r(s, a, s0 )V π (s0 ).



(s) =

(1) (2)

s0 ∈T (s,a)

Since we have defined policies to be partial functions from S into A, it follows ∗ that the domain of the value function V π is Sπ∗ . In this paper, we assume that the state space S of an MDP planning problem admits a factored representation [15]; i.e., S can be represented by using a finite set of state variables X = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn }, where each state variable xi ∈ X takes values from a finite domain dom(xi ). Every state s ∈ S is a set of variable assignments {x1 = v1 , . . . , xn = vn }. Note that if s and s0 are two states, then s ∩ s0 is the set of all variable assignments xi = vi that appear in both s and s0 . Our key assumption is that the cost C(s, a) of applying an action a to a state s only depends on some of the state-variable assignments in s, not on all of them. There are many cases where this assumption holds. For example, if we are at a store and are trying to decide between two different items that both have the same price p, then we can safely assume that the price we pay for either of them will still be p regardless of whether the traffic light outside is red or green. As another example, consider a simplified version of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) path planning application described in [17]. The planning domain is modeled as an N × N grid world. There are three kinds of entities: a UAV, a number of objects whose photos need to be collected by the UAV, and a number of threats that are hazardous for the UAV. Figure 1 shows a possible configuration of the entities in the UAV world. The UAV has five actions: North, South, East, West, and CollectPhoto. A threat location is a location such that there is a possibility that the UAV may get destroyed if it enters that location. In this problem, the immediate cost of applying an action in a grid location is determined by only some of the state-variables that describe the world. For example, in Figure 1, the immediate cost of performing a North action from the




Fig. 1. An instance of a 5 × 5 UAV domain. Above, “U” represents the UAV, “O” represents an object to be collected by the UAV, and “T” represents a threat location.

UAV position shown on the grid depends only on the level of the adjacent threat to the north of the UAV; it does not depend on the levels of the other threats. Based on the above assumption, we formalize the notion of an equivalence class as follows. Given a state s and an action a, let sa ⊆ s be the set of all of the state-variable assignments needed to determine C(s, a). Let [sa ] be the set of all states s0 such that sa ⊆ s0 . Then for every state si ∈ [sa ], C(si , a) = C(s, a) and [sai ] = [sa ]. Thus, the set S a = {[sa ] : s ∈ S} is a partition, and for each s, [sa ] is an equivalence class in that partition.


Computing Lower and Upper Bounds

Given an MDP planning problem P in a factored representation, we compute the set D of all possible equivalence classes, by examining the description of each action a of the input MDP and identifying each equivalence class [sa ]. Note that the state-variables that are relevant to the applicability of a in a state and the cost of a in that state are often given in the MDP planning problem description. For example, in problems represented as Probabilistic STRIPS operators [18], the relevant state variables appear in the preconditions and the effects of the planning operators. In problems represented as 2TBNs [19], the state variables can be extracted directly from the 2TBN. Once we have the set D of the equivalence classes for P , we proceed with computing the lower and upper bounds on the Q function of P . Figure 2 shows our algorithm, called Generate-LowerBounds (gLB), for generating the lower bounds on the Q function. Formally, gLB generates a positive real number c(s, a): c(s, a) = C(s, a) +


s0 ∈T (s,a),a0 ∈AT (s0 )

c(s0 , a0 ),

for every state s ∈ [sa ] and action a applicable in those states, and c(s, a) = 0, ∀a ∈ AT (s) if s ∈ G. The inputs of gLB are D, DS0 , and DG , where DS0 ⊆ D is the set of all equivalence classes that contain an initial state s ∈ S0 , and DG ⊆ D is the set of all equivalence classes that contains a goal state. The algorithm computes the

Procedure Generate-LowerBounds(D, DS0 , DG ) F ←∅ repeat F0 ← F F ← F ∪ {([sa ], 0) | [sa ] ∈ DG } F ← ComputeLowerBounds(Preimage(F, D)) until F = F 0 if DS0 ⊆ {[sa ] | ([sa ], c) ∈ F } then return F return f ailure

Fig. 2. The Generate-LowerBounds (gLB) procedure.

lower bound defined above by doing successive backward breadth-first searches over the equivalence classes in D, starting from the goal DG towards DS0 . In Figure 2, the set F denotes the set of equivalence classes that have been visited by the backward search. That is, F is a set of pairs of the form ([sa ], c) where [sa ] is an equivalence class and c is the minimum cost of reaching a goal by applying a in the states of [sa ] computed so far. Initially, F is the empty set. At each iteration, gLB first takes F at the current iteration and adds the equivalence classes corresponding to the goal states, G, of the input MDP planning problem. Note that the lower bound of the costs associated with the goal states is 0, since we do not apply any action to a goal state. Then, gLB performs a Preimage computation, which is the core of the algorithm. Intuitively, Preimage computes the set of equivalence classes in D such that for each equivalence class [sa ] in Preimage(F, D), there exists an equivalence class in F that is reachable by one or more of the effects of the action a. Formally, Preimage is defined as follows: Preimage(F, D) = {([sa ], c0 + C([sa ])) | [sa ] ∈ D, ([sai i ], c0 ) ∈ F, si ∈ T (s, a), and ai ∈ A}, where D is the set of all equivalence classes computed for the input MDP planning problem, and A, T , and C are the set of all actions, the state-transition function, and the cost function of the input MDP. Note that the Preimage computation generates all possible cost-to-go values for an equivalence class [sa ] given the set F at this iteration. Thus, as a next step, gLB computes the minimum of all the cost-to-go values obtained via Preimage computations and assigns this minimum cost-to-go value to [sa ]. In Figure 2, the ComputeLowerBounds subroutine is responsible for performing this task for all equivalence classes in the result of Preimage.3 The backward search of gLB terminates when there are no other possible updates to F ; i.e., the procedure cannot generate any more equivalence classes 3

Here, we presented ComputeLowerBounds as a separate subroutine for clarity; however, note that the computation of ComputeLowerBounds can also be embedded in the Preimage subroutine.

and it cannot update the cost-to-go values associated with each equivalence class in F . In that case, the cost-to-go values specified in F are lower bounds on the cost-to-go values computed for each [sa ] ∈ F from which an equivalence class that contains a goal state is reachable. That is, if F = F 0 then the procedure has generated a lower bound c for applying an action a in the states [sa ] in the execution structure K, and there is no other c0 < c for [sa ]. In this case, gLB checks whether the lower bounds in the Q(s, a) values for the states in the initial equivalence classes in DS0 are computed. If so, the procedure returns the set F . Otherwise, it returns failure. Generate-UpperBounds (gUB), the procedure to compute upper bounds, works in the same way except that it computes maxima instead of minima. Formally, gUB computes the upper bounds defined as follows: c(s, a) = C(s, a) +


s0 ∈T (s,a),a0 ∈AT (s0 )

c(s0 , a0 ),

for every state s ∈ [sa ] and action a applicable in those states, and c(s, a) = 0, ∀a ∈ AT (s) if s ∈ G. The following theorem establishes the correctness of gLB and gUB: Theorem 1. Let P = (S, A, T, γ, P r, C, S0 , G) be a planning problem that satisfies the assumptions in Section 2. Suppose gLB returns a set {([sa1 1 ], c1 ), . . . , {([sann ], cn )}. Then for every i and s ∈ [si ], ci ≤ Q(s, ai ). Similarly, if gUB returns a set {([sa1 1 ], c1 ), . . . , {([sann ], cn )}, then for every i and s ∈ [si ], ci ≥ Q(s, ai ).


Using the Lower and Upper Bounds in MDP Planners

On MDP planning problems that satisfy the assumptions stated in Section 2, the lower and upper bounds computed as above can be used in any MDP planning algorithm that (i) generates the set of applicable actions AT (s) for every state s it visits, (ii) computes the Q(s, a) values for those actions, (iii) chooses the action that satisfies some optimization criteria (e.g., the action with the minimum Q(s, a) value in a minimization problem), and finally iterates over (i), (ii), and (iii) until it generates a solution to the input MDP planning problem. Planners like RTDP [1] fit directly into this format. RTDP repeatedly (i) does a greedy forward search in the state space, and (ii) updates the cost values associated with the visited states in a dynamic-programming fashion. Another example is the well known Value Iteration (VI) algorithm [20]. Other examples of planning algorithms that fit into this characterization also include reinforcement learning techniques such as Q-Learning [21] and its variants. Even the optimization techniques such as Adaptive Multi-Stage Sampling (AMS) [2] from operations research can be fit into the above format and used as an MDP planning algorithm. AMS was designed for solving finite-horizon MDPs with large state spaces [2]. The algorithm can be interpreted as a search of a decision tree, where each node of the tree represents a state (with the root node

corresponding to the initial state) and each edge signifies a sampling of a given action. AMS employs a depth first search for generating sample paths from the initial state until the given finite horizon is reached, and uses backtracking to estimate the value functions at the visited states. It uses the ideas from multiarmed bandit problems to adaptively sample applicable actions during the search process. The algorithm’s input includes the number N of samples to be used at each stage. Which action to sample at a state s is determined by the current estimated Q function values plus some confidence bounds of all applicable actions in AT (s). AMS can be used as a planner by modifying its depth-first search so that each search trace of the depth-first search is a sample path that ends when the goals are reached; rather than to stop at a fixed depth as in the original version of the algorithm. For an extensive discussion on AMS, see [2]. During planning, at each state the planner visits, it needs to know the set of all applicable actions in that state. For example, Value Iteration iterates over all of the applicable actions. RTDP chooses whichever action has the currently best Q value. AMS performs adaptive stochastic sampling (where the previous samples affect the future ones) over the set of applicable actions. We modify an MDP planning algorithm as follows: every time the algorithm needs to know the set of applicable actions A(s) in a state s, we eliminate each action a from A(s) if there is another action a0 in A(s) such that the lower bound we computed in the previous section for a is larger than the upper bound computed for a0 . In this way, the modified algorithms do not consider any suboptimal actions in their computation, and in effect, solve a reduced MDP for the original planning problem.


Formal Properties and Discussion

Let P = (S, A, T, γ, P r, C, S0 , G) be an MDP planning problem. The modified MDP planning algorithms described above solve a reduced version PR of P defined by the lower and upper bounds computed as above. The reduced MDP planning problem PR is the same as P , except that TR , the state-transition function of PR , is defined as follows: TR (s, a) = ∅ if our action-elimination technique eliminates the action a for the state s, and TR (s, a) = T (s, a) otherwise. The following theorem establishes that P and PR have the same optimal solutions: Theorem 2. Let P = (S, A, T, γ, P r, C, S0 , G) be an MDP planning problem that satisfies the assumptions in Section 2, and let PR = (S, A, TR , γ, P r, C, S0 , G) be the reduced planning problem produced by our ∗ action-elimination technique given P as described above. Let π ∗ and πR be the ∗ πR π∗ optimal solutions for P and PR , respectively. Then V (s0 ) = V (s0 ), ∀s0 ∈ S0 . Consequently, we can use the bounds computed by the gLB and gUB procedures in order to eliminate actions in the existing MDP algorithms, and still get optimal solutions. Although this is correct for any planning problem that satisfies our assumptions, the gLB and gUB may be time-consuming to compute in some cases. However, there are certain kinds of planning problems in which they can be computed very efficiently and we now discuss two such cases:

• Suppose P can be divided into a set of independent subproblems {P1 , . . . , Pk }.

Then we can compute lower and upper bounds separately for each of the subproblems, generate a solution for each subproblem using those bounds, and combine those solutions to get an solution for P . In this case, the bounds for each Pi are exactly those that would be computed by calling gLB and gUB directly on P , hence Theorem 2 guarantees that if we use these bounds to do action elimination, we still get optimal solutions for P by combining the solutions for its subproblems. • Suppose P can be divided into a sequence of serializable subproblems hP1 , . . . , Pk i (see [22]). As before, we can use gLB and gUB separately for each of the subproblems and generate a solution for each subproblem using those bounds. These policies can then be combined into a near-optimal solution for the original problem. As an example, consider again the UAV world described in Section 2. The task for the UAV is to start from an initial location and collect photos of all of the objects, by avoiding the threats as much as possible (i.e., by minimizing the harm that may be induced by the threats). Suppose the UAV’s memory is large enough to keep all n photos. Then for each object, collecting its photo is a subproblem of the overall problem, and these subproblems are serializable—i.e., once the UAV collects a photo of one object, it does not lose that photo when it collects the subsequent photos. Thus we can use gLB and gUB seperately, generate a solution for each subproblem, and combine the solutions into a nearoptimal solution for the original problem. The reason why the solution is only near-optimal rather than optimal is that the cost of solving a subproblem may depend on the cost of solving another subproblem.


Experimental Evaluation

In our experiments, we used the UAV world described above in the paper. As mentioned above, the UAV has five possible actions: North, South, East, West, and CollectPhoto. The first four actions move the UAV from one location to an adjacent location. The action CollectPhoto can be applied only when the UAV is in the same location as an object. We assume that an object cannot be at a threat location in the world. The task for the UAV is to start from an initial location and collect photos of all of the objects, by minimizing the harm that may be induced by the threats. We assumed that the photos of the objects in a planning problem are collected according to the ordering specified in a planning problem statement. A threat location is a location such that there is a possibility that the UAV may get destroyed if it enters that location. Each threat location has a level L = 1, . . . , 5, from being the least hazardous to being the most hazardous threat to the survival of the UAV. A threat can be at any level at any time; for instance, if a threat is at level L = 1 at time t, then it may be in any of 5 levels at time t + 1. For each threat level L = 1, . . . , 5, the probability P rL that the threat is in level L is 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1, respectively. The threat levels are modeled

as the cost of an action that moves the UAV to a threat location and they are taken to be CL = 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100, for L = 1, . . . , 5. For our experiments described below, we used the reduced (i.e., abstracted) MDP formulation for the UAV domain mentioned previously and described more in detail as follows. For each grid location and a possible action a that is applicable in that location, we define an equivalence class of states in the original MDP by a set of state-variable assignments that specify first that the UAV is in that grid location. Also, if there is a threat in the grid location that the UAV will be in after executing the action a, then the state-variable assignments specify the possible threat level of that successor grid location. This partial set of state-variable assignments together specify an equivalence class given the current grid location and the action. The set of all such equivalence classes for each grid location and each possible action in those location constitute our reduced MDP formulation of the original UAV world. Note that the size of the state space (i.e., the set of all possible states) in the UAV planning problems without any abstraction is in the order of O(n2 2k Lm ), where n is the number of grids in one dimension of the UAV world, k is the number of objects in the world, m is the number of threat locations, and L is the number of threat levels. This is because a state in the UAV world specifies the location of the UAV, whether the photos of the objects are taken or not, and the combinations of the threat levels. Note that the locations of the objects and the threats are fixed in a UAV problem. For example, if we have a 10 × 10 grid world with n = 10, and we have 5 objects and 5 threat locations with 5 levels for each threat in that world, the size of the state space is ≈ 102 × 25 × 55 = 107 . In our reduced formulation based on equivalence classes, the size of the state space is O(kL|A|n2 ), where |A| is the number of actions in the planning problem. In particular, in the above setting, the size of the state space is ≈ 5×5×5×102 = 12, 500, since (1) for each robot location, there may be five actions applicable, and if there is a threat in the grid that the UAV transitions by applying an action, then that threat can be in five possible levels; and (2) the UAV problems are serializable; i.e., we can process the objects in a particular order, and combine the results. The gLB and gUB procedures exploit this serializability property in the UAV problems, and they further reduce size of the search space of the planners by eliminating those equivalence classes defined by state-action pairs that are guaranteed not to be in a solution. In our experimental results shown below, these two factors in abstracting away from the state space of the original MDP for the UAV world provided huge perfomance gains. In the following, we discuss our results in detail. In all of the experiments reported below, we used a HP Pavilion 900MHz laptop with 256MB memory, running Linux Fedora Core 2.

Experiments with AMS. We implemented both the original AMS algorithm and our modified version, called AMS X, that incorporates the action-elimination technique. We compared the running-time performance of both algorithms in





Avg. CPU Times (sec.'s)

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20


0 o=1










Number of Objects

Fig. 3. Running times on UAV path-planning problems with increasing the number of objects, with 5 threats and 5 × 5 grid. Each data point is the average of 50 problems.

the following two sets of experiments. For both AMS and AMS X, the number of samples at each node of the search tree was set to k = 50. In the experiments, we fixed the number of threats to 5 and varied the number of objects, n = 1, . . . , 10, in a 5×5 grid. For each experimental case n = 1, . . . , 10, we randomly generated 50 planning problems by randomly locating the UAV, the objects, and the threats on the grid. Figure 3 shows the average running times of AMS and AMS X. The data points in the figure also include the times to compute the lower and the upper bounds on the Q functions of the experimental problems. The running times of both algorithms increase as the number of objects grows, but this increase is much slower in AMS X due to the action-elimination technique described in the previous section. In particular, in the case of 10 objects, AMS X was able to solve the problem approximately 130 times faster than AMS. In order to investigate the effect of the state space size on the running times of our algorithms, we performed another set of experiments, where we fixed both the number of objects and the number of threats to 5, and varied the size of the grid. Table 1 shows the performances of both algorithms, where (−) indicates that a solution was not returned in 30 minutes. It can be seen that AMS X is far more efficient than AMS. To further test the performance of our approach to larger test instances, we also applied AMS X to problems with grid sizes of 20 × 20 and 30 × 30. The approximate running times are 7 seconds for the former case, and 20 seconds for the latter case. Experiments with RTDP. We implemented both the RTDP algorithm described in [1] and our modified version, called RTDP X, that uses action elimination via bounds. The original RTDP algorithm uses the Bellman Equation (i.e., Equation 2) as described in Section 2, which specifies a deterministic cost value

Table 1. Running times of AMS and AMS X on UAV path-planning problems with 5 objects and 5 threats. n is the size of the grid. Each data point is the average of 50 problems, where (−) indicates that a solution was not returned in 30 minutes. n= 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AMS 12.3952 70.6416 AMS X 0.6492 0.7236 0.9474 0.9442 1.265 1.6542 1.9844

for each state-action pair; i.e., C(s, a) is fixed in advance before the planning process starts. However, the UAV path planning problems require stochastic cost functions defined over state-action pairs. Thus, we used the following variant of the Bellman Equation in both RTDP and our modified version of it: Q(s, a) = [



P rL CL (s, a)] + γ


P r(s, a, s0 )V (s0 ),


s0 ∈T (s,a)

where L = 1, . . . , 5 specifies the possible threat levels and P rL is the probability that the cost of applying the action a in the state s is the value CL (s, a), as described above. In effect, we computed the expected cost value for each stateaction pair and use those values as deterministic costs in RTDP. In these experiments, we fixed the number of threats to 3 and varied the number of objects, n = 1, . . . , 10, in a 6 × 6 grid. The reason for the change in the size of the grid and the number of threats is that RTDP, when it commences in its learning of the Q function, sees the treat locations as unpassable obstacles since it uses a greedy search. Thus, we wanted to ensure that in our randomlygenerated problems, there are no inaccessible areas on the map such that an object might be inaccessible from where the UAV initially is. For each experimental case n = 1, . . . , 10, we randomly generated 20 planning problems by randomly locating the UAV, the objects and the threats on the grid.4 For both planners, we used a termination criterion  = 10−8 to guarantee that they do not terminate before finding the best (near-optimal) solution. Figure 4 shows the average running times of RTDP and RTDP X. The data points in the figure also include the times to compute the lower and the upper bounds on the Q functions of the experimental problems. The running times of both algorithms increase as the number of objects grows, but this increase is much slower in RTDP X due to the action-elimination technique described in the previous section. For example, in the experiments with 6 objects, RTDP X has about 1/2500 of the running time of the original algorithm Figure 4 does not show any results for RTDP beyond experiments with 6 objects in the planning problems because RTDP in those cases exceeded the time limit of 1 hour CPU time (on 5 of the planning problems with 7 objects, RTDP took around 2.5 hours each, so we did not run the algorithm with the rest of experimental suite). 4

The reason that we used less number of random problems in these experiments was to ensure the completion of the experimental suite due to the long run times required the original RTDP algorithm.






Avg. CPU Times (sec.'s)

1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200


0 1










Number of objects

Fig. 4. Running times on UAV path-planning problems with increasing the number of objects, with 3 threats and 6 × 6 grid. Each data point is the average of 20 problems.

RTDP X, on the other hand, was able to solve all of the problems in our test suite in the order of few seconds. Note that although RTDP always chooses the best action among the possible applicable actions in a state, it still does not perform very well because the branching factor in a state is given by all of the possible applicable actions in that state, especially at the early stages of the algorithm when the Q values are converged. Our modified version of RTDP, on the other hand, reduces that branching factor by using the lower and upper bounds during the planning process, since any applicable action in a state whose Q value is not within the bounds is not considered for that state at all.


Related Work

Action elimination in MDPs was addressed in early work by MacQueen [13], who used some inequality forms of Bellman’s equation together with bounds on the optimal value function to eliminate non-optimal actions in order to reduce the size of the action space of an MDP. Since then, the method has been applied to several standard MDP solution techniques such as value iteration and policy iteration, see e.g., [16] for a review. Recently, the idea of eliminating non-optimal actions has been explored in [14] in a reinforcement learning context where the explicit mathematical model of the underlying system is unknown. Unlike the action-elimination technique we described in this paper, all these approaches are designed for solving general MDPs, thus they do not exploit the structure of the underlying planning problems. Note that it is possible to combine more than one

action-elimination technique, in order to get an even more efficient MDP-based planning framework, and we will investigate such possibilities in the near future. In addition to the RTDP algorithm described earlier, another similar algorithm that uses a heuristic search for MDP planning is LAO* [11]. LAO* is a generalization of the well-known AO* search algorithm for solving MDPs, using Value Iteration and/or Policy Iteration in order to update the values of the states in the search space. In several experimental studies, RTDP has shown to outperform LAO*, thus, we have not considered LAO* in our experiments. State aggregation (or state abstraction) has been well studied in artifical intelligence community [23]. Some important advances include the homomorphism method of [24], the bisimulation technique of [25, 7], and the use of Bellman residuals [20] and hierarchical abstractions [26]. A review of these techniques can be found in [27], where various abstraction techniques are categorized into several general classes. Our notion of equivalent classes in this paper uses ideas from factored MDPs and state aggregation based on similarity between two (groups of) states’ cost functions. Thus, our approach can be viewed as a particular technique for model-irrelevance abstraction [27], but it explores and exploits the structure of the underlying state space. Therefore, in cases where the state space admits a factored representation, our technique will in general be more efficient than a generic model-irrelevance abstraction technique. Moreover, it has been shown in [27] that a model irrelevance abstraction will preserve the optimality of the original MDP; this is consistent with the result we obtained in Theorem 2. Finally, in deterministic search and planning, a very promising approach have been the use of pattern databases (PDBs) in order to prune the search space. Pattern databases were introduced in [28] as a method for defining effective heuristic functions for search and planning in deterministic domains [29, 30]. Our actionelimination technique is similar the notion of computing a PDB in that both our technique and PDB computations are defined by a goal state and an abstraction of the state space. However, an important distinction between our work and the previous work on PDBs is that to the best of our knowledge, PDBs have been designed and used only for deterministic search and planning problems, not for MDP planning problems. However, our algorithms for bound computations are specifically designed with nondeterministic actions and cost functions as in MDPs; e.g., the nondeterministic nature of MDPs was the main reason for using both lower and upper bounds for eliminating non-optimal actions.


Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we have described a way to improve the efficiency of a large class of existing MDP planning algorithms. Based on the cost function of an MDP planning problem, we first generate a particular partitioning of the MDP represented in a factored form. Then, we compute lower and upper bounds on the Q function of the MDP by doing a backward breadth-first search over the partitioning computed in the previous step. We then take these bounds and incorporate them into any MDP planning algorithm. As a result of this process,

the modified planners search a reduced MDP by identifying and eliminating sub-optimal actions, improving the performance. We have presented theorems showing that our action-elimination technique is correct; i.e., the lower and upper bounds generated by the techniques only eliminate actions that are guaranteed not to be part of an optimal solution, and thus, our technique preserves optimality in the modified MDP planners. We have presented an experimental evaluation of our ideas in an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) path planning domain, using two MDP planning algorithms – namely, RTDP [1] and AMS [2] – that has been demonstrated to be very successful in the automated planning and operations research communities, respectively. Our results demonstrate that our technique can provide significant advantages in speed and scalability. In particular, our modified version of AMS was able to solve the problem approximately 130 times faster than the original one. Similarly, in the largest problems that RTDP could solve, our modified version of RTDP was approximately 2, 500 times faster than the original one. In the near future, we will conduct an extensive experimental evaluation of our technique, using other MDP planning domains and other MDP planning algorithms such as Q-Learning and LAO*. We are also currently investigating in detail different state-abstraction techniques based on pattern databases [28] and bisimulation [7] that has been very successful in their respective research areas and developing ideas on how to combine them with our technique to generate bounds for action elimination in MDPs. Finally, as we noted in the paper, we are planning to work on combining other existing action-elimination techniques such as the one described in [14] with our framework. Acknowledgments. We thank to Michael Fu, Steve Marcus, and Dana Nau for several useful discussions on the ideas in this paper and to our anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. This work was supported in part by NSF grant IIS0412812, DARPA’s REAL initiative, and ISR seed funding. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the funders.

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