Computing HND - Nescot

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At Nescot the Computing Level 5 HNC/HND is designed to relate to the IT and ... Course Details. The Higher Nationals in Computing and Systems Development.
International EDEXCEL HNC/HND Computing and Systems Development Course Summary At Nescot the Computing Level 5 HNC/HND is designed to relate to the IT and Telecoms Professionals National Occupational Standards in the IT and computing sector. The Higher National does not purport to deliver occupational competence in the sector, which should be demonstrated in a work context. However, the qualifications provide underpinning knowledge for the IT and Telecoms Professionals National Occupational Standards, as well as developing practical skills in preparation for work and possible achievement of Professional Competence qualifications in due course.

Course Details The Higher Nationals in Computing and Systems Development has been developed to focus on:

Providing education and training for a range of careers in computing

Giving opportunities for facilities managers to achieve a nationally recognised Level 4/ Level 5 vocationally specific qualification Gaining a nationally recognised, vocationally specific qualification to enter employment in computing, or to progress onto further Higher Education vocational qualifications in computing or a related area

Developing the knowledge, understanding and skills of learners in the field of computing.

To provide opportunities for learners to focus on the development of higher-level skills in a computing context

Developing of a range of skills and techniques and attributes essential for successful performance in working life The course has been developed with career progression and recognition by professional bodies in mind. It is essential that learners gain the maximum benefit from their program of study. Learners possessing an HNC/D Diploma in Computing and Systems Development and a number of years (usually between 3–5 years) of post HNC/D experience in the IT or computing industry are able to apply for ‘Associate Membership of the British Computer Society’.

Aims of the qualification

Teaching & Learning Methods:

This qualification meets the needs of the above rationale by:

Various teaching and learning methods will be used in the classroom to ensure your learning experience is positive and rewarding. Classroom activities may involve group work, peer assessment, role play, discussion, written work and assignment work. Other learning styles such as lectures, demonstrations, self-directed study, practical work, presentations, tutorials and online reading will be conducted. External visits may be organised as appropriate to complement the program of activities in the classroom.

Equipping individuals with knowledge, understanding and skills for success in employment in the computing industry. Enabling progression to an undergraduate degree or further professional qualification in computing or a related area. 

Supporting individuals employed or entering employment in the computing industry. 

Developing the individual’s ability in the computing industry through effective use and combination of the knowledge and skills gained in different parts of the program.  Developing a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attributes essential for successful performance in working life and thereby enabling learners to make an immediate contribution to employment.  Providing flexibility, knowledge, skills and motivation as a basis for future studies and career development in computing. This course is suitable for participants who wish to develop high levels of technical competence. If a learner enrolls for an HNC they would be eligible to gain a grade for the HNC. If they then move onto an HND, the learner is graded on their HND performance. The grade for the HND will include units from the previously achieved HNC. HNC course is made up of 8 units, all of which are mandatory. All Full-time students take the following core units in year 1:

Higher National Certificate Level 4 (Year 1)

Unit 01: Business Skill for e-Commerce (15 credits) Unit 02: Computer Systems (15 credits) Unit 03: Employability & Professional Development (15 credits) Unit 09: System Analysis and Design (15 credits) Unit 15: Website Management (15 credits) Unit 17: Database Design Concepts (15 credits) Unit 19: Object Orientated Programming (15 credits) Unit 26: Design a Small or Home Office Network (15 credits)

Higher National Diploma Level 5 (Year 2)

Unit 04: Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation (20 credits) Unit 31: Knowledge-based Systems (15 credits) Unit 37: Digital Image Creation and Development (15 credits) Unit 39: Computer Games Design and Development (15 credits) Unit 42: Programming in .Net (15 credits) Unit 47: IT Virtualisation (15 credits) Unit 49: Digital Forensics  (15 credits) Unit 45: Wide Area Networking Technologies (15 credits) To make up the total of 16 units, a further 8 units will be taken. The list below contains some of the likely units to be studied although the list is subject to change and some units not listed here may be studied.

Assessment: You will be assessed in various ways, including; observations, group work, written assessment, tests and exams, oral presentations, project and time constrained assessments. Career Progression: A Learner can progress to or within employment and/or continue their study in the same or related vocational area. Career options include Business, Information Systems, Database Management and Design, Computer Programming, Systems Analysis, Networking engineering, Technical support, Software engineering or Business Management and Games Development. Further education and training is available at Nescot, either on the professional courses including CISCO, Microsoft and Oracle. On completion of course, participants can progress onto BSc degree programs dependant on grade profile achieved.

Entry Requirements The entry profile is likely to include one of the following: • 160 + UCAS points (BTEC National Diploma Grade profile of minimum MPP) • A minimum of five GCSEs grades C or above including Maths and English or equivalent. • An Access to Higher Education Certificate awarded by an approved further education institution or related work experience other related level 3 qualifications such as Cisco, Microsoft or Oracle. • For non-EU students an ILETS 5.0 (for HNC) and 5.5 (for HND) is required • Lower levels of academic achievement may be accepted if accompanied by substantial professional achievement within the guidelines specified by the regulations for Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) or Accreditation of Prior Experimental Learning (APEL).

Apply Now! Nescot (North East Surrey College of Technology) Reigate Road, Epsom Surrey, KT17 3DS UNITED KINGDOM For further information, please contact: Dr Mohan Chana Director of International Studies Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8394 3347 Mobile: +44 (0) 78 7242 1116 E-mail: [email protected] Website: