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These acids occur in significant amounts in oily fish: herring ... of Pacific salmon, chum and pink salmon, caught in the Kuril Islands at the end of July, 2013.
ISSN 00014370, Oceanology, 2015, Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 679–685. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2015. Original Russian Text © N.K. Khristoforova, V.Yu. Tsygankov, M.D. Boyarova, O.N. Lukyanova, 2015, published in Okeanologiya, 2015, Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 751–758.


Concentrations of Trace Elements in Pacific and Atlantic Salmon N. K. Khristoforovaa, c, V. Yu. Tsygankova, M. D. Boyarovaa, and O. N. Lukyanovaa, b a

Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia Pacific Research Fisheries Centre (TINROCentre), Vladivostok, Russia c Pacific Geographical Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia email: [email protected] b

Received December 10, 2013, in final form, October, 1, 2014

Abstract—Concentrations of Hg, As, Cd, Pb, Zn, and Cu were analyzed in the two most abundant species of Pacific salmon, chum and pink salmon, caught in the Kuril Islands at the end of July, 2013. The concen trations of toxic elements (Hg, As, Pb, Cd) in males and females of these species are below the maximum per missible concentrations for seafood. It was found that farmed filleted Atlantic salmon are dominated by Zn and Cu, while muscles of wild salmon are dominated by Pb. Observed differences are obviously related to peculiar environmental geochemical conditions: anthropogenic impact for Atlantic salmon grown in coastal waters and the influence of the natural factors volcanism and upwelling for wild salmon from the Kuril waters. DOI: 10.1134/S0001437015050057

INRTODUCTION To reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure, and to strength the arterial walls, doctors from many coun tries recommend eating fish regularly (weekly) with high contents of omega3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids occur in significant amounts in oily fish: herring, mackerel, and salmon. Eating these fishes and, correspondingly, omega3 fatty acids (eicosapen tanoic and docosahexaenic acids) not only decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease and endometrial can cer, but also increases the level of essential trace ele ments, primarily potassium and phosphorus, intensi fies intellectual and cognitive abilities, and has other positive effects [24, 28]. In spite of the fact that oily fish is a very healthy food, being an important part of a balanced diet, its consump tion sometimes causes anxiety, which is related to the bioaccumulation of environmental contaminants (biphenyl, dioxin, pesticide, and heavy metals) in fish tissue. Of particular concern are recent reports on the increase of chlorineorganic compounds in farmed Atlantic salmon (which causes high cancer risk) as compared to wild salmon [20, 22]. Anxiety is also caused by the levels of heavy metals, first of all, mercury occurring mainly as liposoluble methyl mercury, in salmon, especially in longliving large oily fishes. In addition to mercury, nonessential and toxic elements whose concentrations are also frequently analyzed in fishes are lead, cadmium, and arsenic [21, 24, 29]. Salmon inhabit mainly the northern Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the Arctic Ocean and river basins in these areas. The Salmonidae family is divided into two groups: Atlantic and Pacific salmon. The bestknown representative of Atlantic salmon is Salmo salar. Pacific salmon are dominated by the Onchorhynchus

genus, which includes O. gorbuscha (pink salmon), O. keta (chum salmon), O. nerka (sockeye salmon), O. kisutch (coho salmon), chinook O. tshawytscha (king salmon), and O. masou (sim salmon). Atlantic or noble salmon occurs on both sides of Atlantic. The Pacific basin also contains several Salmo species, but they are few in number as compared to the Pacific Oncorhynchus genus. The highest catches of the Atlantic salmon (approximately 12 thousands tons) were observed in the mid1970s. At present, the world salmon catch is around 1 thousand tons, and it continues to decrease. At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, wild Atlantic salmon became the object of only scientific research and sport fishing. At present, over 99% of Atlantic salmon are in sea cages. The leading producers of farmed salmon are Norway (520–550 thousand tones of the Atlantic salmon and trout) and Chile (around 450 thousand tones of Atlantic salmon and trout) [7]. At the same time, 50% of Pacific salmon reproducd at natural spawning site, with a quarter spawning in Kamchatka. Salmon live in the epipelagial (0–200 m), mainly in its upper layer (0–50 m), i.e., occupy the least inhab ited vertical zone of seas and oceans, namely the upper pelagial. The pascual zone of Pacific salmon in winter is confined to the subarctic or polar front, between 40° and 45° N. This zone is characterized by a high biolog ical and fishery productivity. The increase of the light day, warming of the upper layers, and abundant devel opment of plankton in spring leads to the northward and northeastward shift of active life. Salmon follows this feeding band. Masu salmon is the only Pacific salmon found along the Asian coast. This is the oldest Pacific




salmon, the southernmost and warmestwater species distributed mainly in the Sea of Japan basin. Chum and pink salmon are widespread along the both coasts of the Pacific Ocean: from the Peter the Great Bay and San Francisco to the Bering Strait. Sockeye and chi nook are the coldwater species, being widely distrib uted along the American coast. All Pacific salmon spawn only once during their lifetime, and die after spawning. In contrast, noble Atlantic salmon spawn up to four times [9, 14, 15]. The main localities of the Pacific salmon in Rus sian waters are subdivided into several groups, differ ing in species composition, biomass, and the time of elevated concentrations. In particular, the deepwater areas of the Bering Sea are dominated by chum and sockeye salmon, whereas deepwater zones of the Sea of Okhotsk are inhabitated by pink and chum salmon. The North Kuril straits are the main migration corri dor for the spawning West Kamchatka shoal of sock eye, coho, and chinnok salmon, and oceanwardmov ing chum and pink salmon fingerling. The Kuril waters, and the Sea of Okhotsk as well, are absolutely dominated by chum and pink salmon. The northern deepwater zones of the Sea of Japan serve as transit areas during their migrations: masu and pink salmon spawn in April–July; autumn chum spawn in Octo ber–December, while pink and masu salmon juveniles grow in autumn–winter. In the shelf areas of the seas of the Far East seas, significant concentrations of salmon are observed only when they approach spawn ing and during the redistribution of juveniles migrating down into open waters. This period lasts from June to September [10]. Pacific salmon is the widestspread group and very important for fishery industry. Ninety percent of their catches are provided by three major species: pink salmon, chum, and sockey. Pink salmon is the most abundant, smallest, and rapidly growing species. In Russian waters, this is the main food fish. Chum is the second in abundance. It is more widerly spread than other species of this genus. Different salmon species spawn at different ages: chum enters rivers at 3–5 years of life; pink salmon grows and develops more rapidly than chum, and returns already 18 month after its migration into the sea. Sockeye lives in the sea from 1 to 5 years (mainly, for 2– 3 years); and chinook, from 1 to 6 years (3–4 years, on average). In this work, we examined the Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, As, and Hg contents in two species of Pacific salmon, pink and chum salmon caught in the Kuril seas, and com pared obtained data with those for wild salmon and farmed Atlantic salmon. Among studied elements, Cu and Zn are essential (necessary) elements, or real bioelements. Cd, Pb, As, and Hg are nonessential elements, but they are ubiqui tously present in organs and tissues of organisms. These elements differ not only in biological signifi cance, but also in geoecological characteristics. Cu

and Zn, if they are not supplied in the environment due to copper–zinc production and application of these metals, alloys, and compounds in technique (ore mining, dressing and smelting, and electroplating rooms, anticorrosion coatings, etc.), are tracers of anthropogenic environmental impact. Pb, Cd, and Hg, occupying the top locality in the heavymetal “blacklists” in 1960–1970s owing to their toxic effect on organisms, are tracers of technogenic environmen tal effect [11]. MATERIAL AND METHODS Data on the content of trace elements in fish are of great interest not only for the population, but also for some branches of industry. In Russian practice, the salmon is practically completely consumed, with mini mum waste. Therefore, trace elements were analyzed in a whole fish carcass homogenized by grinding. Six chum and pink salmon specimens taken for analysis were caught at the end of July, 2013, in the northwestern Pacific, in the vicinity of the Kuril Icelands (46°39′ N, 163°38′ E) during the TINRO record expedition. All elements, except for Hg, were determined from dry forms in homogenates of carcasses and organs after mineralization of samples by concentrated HNO3 of analytical grade according to GOST 2692994 on a Shimadzu AA 6800 atomic absorption spectropho tometer. The accuracy of element determination as well as the possible pollution of samples during analy sis were controlled using four calibration solutions, including background (zero) solution. Statistical pro cessing of data was carried out using standard Excel software. Results were recalculated for wet weight. The content of Hg was analyzed in frozen (at ⎯20°C) carcass homogenates after sample mineraliza tion with addition of hydrogen peroxide. The Hg con centrations (µg/g) dry weight) were found by inversion voltammetry (IV) on a Tomanalyt (TA4) analyzer. The content of elements in mineralizates (solutions) was determined by addition of certified mixtures with known element contents. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of fishcarcass analysis are presented in Table 1. It is seen that male and female pink salmon with similar weights have almost identical element con tents. Weak tendencies to some increase of Zn, Pb, and Hg contents are observed in females. All speci mens of chum salmon are much larger than those of pink salmon, and have the higher contents of all ana lyzed elements. Among caught fishes, chum females were larger than males, and, respectively, contained higher concentrations of all elements, except for Cu, than males. However, in spite of all variations, the concentrations of toxic elements in specimens caught in the ocean were lower than the Russia’s MPC and OCEANOLOGY

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Table 1. Concentrations of trace elements in Pacific salmon Analyzed elements, ppm of wet weight Study object Zn






Pink salmon

, no. 1. Weight 1458.7 g







Pink salmon

, no. 2. Weight 1208 g







Pink salmon

, no. 3. Weight 1285 g







Pink salmon

, no. 4. Weight 1179 g







Pink salmon

, no. 5. Weight 1168 g







Pink salmon

, no. 6. Weight 1272.4 g








, no. 1. Weight 1609 g








, no. 2. Weight 1605 g








, no. 3. Weight 1564 g








, no. 4. Weight 1982 g








, no. 5. Weight 1953 g








, no. 6. Weight 1670 g







MPC in Russia: Pb 1.0, As 5.0, Cd 0.2, Hg 0.2 ppm of wet weight (in Canada: Hg 0.5, in USA: Cd 3, Pb 1.5, As 76 ppm of wet weight.

Table 2. Average contents of trace elements in muscles of Pacific salmon (July, 2013) Analyzed elements, ppm of wet weight

Study object (M ± m, n = 3)







Pink salmon,

1.24 ± 0.31

0.10 ± 0.04

0.03 ± 0.02

0.45 ± 0.10

0.89 ± 0.32

0.02 ± 0.01

Pink salmon,

1.33 ± 0.25

0.11 ± 0.05

0.04 ± 0.01

0.55 ± 0.10

0.97 ± 0.42

0.04 ± 0.01


1.74 ± 0.40

0.15 ± 0.06

0.05 ± 0.03

0.63 ± 0.15

1.25 ± 0.44

0.06 ± 0.01


1.88 ± 0.36

0.16 ± 0.07

0.06 ± 0.02

0.78 ± 0.10

1.36 ± 0.57

0.08 ± 0.01

even lower than the standards adopted in Canada and United States. Easton et al. [20] reported Hg contents in wild and farmed salmon, as well as in commercial salmon pro duction from Canada (British Columbia) and Alaska (United States). The range of Hg content in the wild and farmed salmon are within 0.025–0.072 mg/kg and 0.017–0.042 mg/kg of wet weight, respectively. It is seen that the Hg contents in our salmon are higher (0.06–0.15), but do not reach MPC accepted in Rus sia and United States. It should be emphasized that foreign authors, following mainly commercial inter ests, report data on the content of trace elements in fish fillet. Our data are presented for the whole fish carcass (Table 1). For the correct comparison of our results with data reported in foreign works, we also determined the concentrations of elements in the muscles of the Pacific salmon. The range of Hg con OCEANOLOGY

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centrations in the muscles of pink and chum salmon (Table 2) from 0.02 to 0.08 ppm practically ideally coincide with data on wild salmon reported by Easton et al. [20]. According to data (Table 2), the higher concentra tions of all elements as compared to pink salmon were found in muscles of chum, which is larger and lives in the sea for a longer time than pink salmon. The fact that the concentrations of elements are higher in salmon specimens that are larger and spend a longer time in sea is long known and again supported by our studies. As mentioned by Canadian researchers [24], who determined the contents of the elements in fishes from the coastal waters of British Columbia, the levels of concentrations in the wild salmon may reflect the geographical variations in the environment, and spe cific differences in biology and ecology of the species. In particular, wild chinook, a large, longlived fish



Table 3. Concentrations of trace elements in muscles (fillet) of farmed salmon grown in different countries Concentration of toxic elements, ppm of wet weight Country Iceland Norway Norway Norway Norway Canada

Year 2004 2002 2003 2007 2010 2007

Reference Zn






– – 18.50 5.48 17.25 7.50

– – 1.11 0.49 1.13 0.38

0.08 0.03 0.00 0.11 0.01 0.01

0.15 0.02 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.02

0.80 2.33 0.53 0.45 1.13 0.90

0.073 0.072 0.09 0.129 0.09 0.2

with a wide feeding range (from diverse crustaceous to relatively large fishes [4]), has much higher Hg concen trations (by an order of magnitude) than smaller short living pink and chum salmon consuming plankton. Available data on the Atlantic salmon (farmed salmon) (Table 3) were compared with our data. Anal ysis of the trace element composition of two salmon groups shows that the Pacific and Atlantic salmon have almost identical Hg contents, although the lowest concentrations of this strictly regulated element were found in the muscles of the Pacific pink salmon. Arsenic shows the most homogenous distribution in wild Pacific salmon, varying from 0.89 ppm in pink salmon to 1.36 ppm in chum. Among farmed salmon, the widest variability (from 0.45 to 2.33 ppm) is observed in the fillet of Norwegian fishes, although both salmon groups are characterized, on average, by sufficiently close As content. The Cd concentrations measured in different years in Norwegian fish differ by an order of magnitude, varying from trace undeter minable amounts to 0.11 ppm. The Canadian and Ice land specimens also show a contrasting distribution of this element, although within one order of magnitude. In terms of Cd content, Pacific salmon are between the Iceland and Canadian fishes. The distribution pattern of Hg, As, and Cd in the fillet of Pacific and Atlantic salmon seems to be suffi ciently similar, whereas contents of three other ele ments in fishes of different groups sharply differ and require a thorough analysis of reasons. The comparison of data from Tables 2 and 3 shows that the Zn and Cu contents in fillet of farmed salmon are 5–10 times higher than those in the muscles of wild Pacific salmon. As noted above, Zn and Cu are tracers of the anthropogenic effect on the environ ment and biota. Undoubtedly, salmon grown in the coastal zones are more affected by the shoaling pollu tion than those of open oceanic waters. A certain effect is also exerted by manmade feed, sometimes includ ing freshwater fish. The Norwegian fish, in any case, is affected by the Gulf Stream, a powerful stream that was born near the American coast, collects coastal runoff, and discharges near the Scandinavian coasts. It is seen that unlike farmed Atlantic salmon, the wild Pacific pink salmon and chum caught in the Kuril

[16] [20] [27] [29] [28] [24]

waters have higher Pb contents. The Pb content in fil let of farmed salmon both from the Atlantic and east ern Pacific (Canada) is 0.02–0.15 µg/g, and increases in muscles of salmon from the Kurile waters up to 0.45 pm in male pink salmon and up to 0.78 ppm in female chum. As has been already mentioned in [24], the concen trations of the elements in wild salmon may reflect environmental geographical variations. This is typical of not only salmon and other fishes, but also of other inhabitants of aqueous and terrestrial environments. In spite of the apparent homogeneity of water masses, there are marine and terrestrial biogeochemical prov inces, which are peculiar in the mineral composition of organisms [12, 25]. The CircumPacific Fire Ring including the volcanoes of the Kuril Islands, the Japan, and the southerly island arcs of the Western Pacific is the powerful source of geochemical effects on the marine environment. Chemical elements are supplied in the environment by under and above water volcanism. For instance, the specific geochemi cal setting in coastal waters of a small, uninhabited coral island (Solomon Islands), which resulted in an increase of the metal contents in the Caulerpa and Halimeda algae, was caused by ash falls transferred from Mbano volcano located 100 km of the island [26]. Post volcanic processes daily supply kilograms of Fe, Mn, Ag, Cu and other metals from their interiors. These metals are dissolved in thermal waters and transferred by water streams [6]. The Kuril–Kamchatka trench, supplying biogenic [8] and other elements [5] owing to upwelling into top water layers, also serves as a source of the formation of impact geochemical zones in the northwestern Pacific. The study of heavy metal (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cr) contents in brown algae, bivalves and gas tropods inhabiting Kuril Icelands as well as those over growing the navigation buoy along the entire north western Pacific coast repeatedly confirmed the exist ence of marine biogeochemical provinces revealed from elevated concentrations of elements in organisms [2, 3, 5, 13, 23]. The “fate” of trace elements in the ocean depends on their speciation in seawater. Dissolved metals play an important role in the vital activity of plankton and OCEANOLOGY

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became available for phytoplankton. Trace elements as particulate matter are incorporated in crystal lattice of clay and detrital minerals of terrigenous material (river runoff, atmospheric dust, coastal abrasion, and volcanism) as a silicate form. They are also incorpo rated in the organic particulates as a biogenic form. Planktonic organisms transform many dissolved ele ments into particulate matter by binding them in skel etal units, accumulation for the tissue formation, and transformation into organometallic compounds. The death of organisms and their decomposition lead to the return of the elements in water in dissolved form. The content of particulate matter is usually maximum in the top layer, especially in a zone of density jump, which accumulates mainly biogenic particles. Trace elements may also be absorbed in organic and terrige nous particulates and micelle of iron and manganese hydroxides in hydrogenic form. The latitudinal section through the zone of the Peruvian upwelling demonstrates variations of metal species proportions in particulate matter in the surface waters with distance from the coast: silicate species are dominated in the coastal zone, biogenic form reaches maximum abundance in the zone of the widest spread plankton development (rapidly decreases with depth), while the maximum content of hydrogenic form is observed in open waters [1]. The form of an element in oceanic water is deter mined by its mobility; the higher its mobility the more the content of dissolved species. From river waters via marginal seas to oceanic conditions, the mobility of all elements significantly increases, which is caused by the precipitation of the predominant part of the river partic ulate matter and corresponding enrichment of oceanic waters in dissolved forms of the elements. In oceanic pelagic zones, most elements (80–90%) occur almost completely in dissolved forms [1]. Samples of marine particulate matter in the top water layer were collected in eastern North Atlantic, between 62° N and 5° S during June–August, 2003, and analyzed for a wide range of elements by Barrett et al. [17]. These studies revealed the intense precipi tation of dust transferred by lowlatitude winds from Sahara on the water surface between 10° and 20° N. A previous study [19] found a significant anthropo genic effect on the composition pf surface particulate matter in the eastern Northern Atlantic. The highest concentrations of all metals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Pb) found between 45° and 60° N pointed to the industrial emission of aerosol sources in North America and Europe. However, similar work has not been carried out in the Pacific Ocean, while data on oceanic particulate matter in surface waters are practically absent. The open ocean contains very low (even trace) concentrations of Pb and other trace elements (from 5 to 15 pmol/kg–1 [18]). However, this element is char acterized by very high sorption ability, i.e., affinity to the surfaces of both living and dead organisms. OCEANOLOGY

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Table 4. Multiyear dynamics of the average annual biom ass of microplankton in pelagial (0–1000 m) from different regions of Russian water, million tonnes [15] Area Bering Sea Sea of Okhotsk Sea of Japan Kurile oceanic waters Kamchatka oceanic waters In total (0–1000 m) In total (0–200 m)

1980–1990 1991–1995 1996–2005 106 434 55 226

104 396 72 221

123 362 55 231




904 597

830 548

822 550

Absorption on the surface of any small particles, including mineral ones, leads to the “passive” removal of Pb from the top layer and its gradual precipitation. The great amount of biogenic particulate matter and Pbpart is formed in the zone enriched in nutrients, which are supplied by upwelling and volcanism. This zone is saturated in planktonic organisms (from nano to microplankton, intermediate and large cells of phy toplankton to peaceful zooplankton) as well as pellets and dead organisms. The Kuril waters of the Pacific Ocean are well known as one of the most productive regions of the World Ocean. As follows from Table 4, these waters, which are ascribed to the zone of specific biogeochem ical province, are second in productivity after the major fishing area of the Far East, the Sea of Okhotsk. Note that it has remained high for many years. With such an abundance of macroplankton, the amount of fine parti cles that are able to absorb lead would be even higher and differ by orders of magnitude. For this reason, lead absorbed as biogenic particulate matter is better incor porated in organisms of the higher trophic level: zoop lankton, then nekton (its consumer), including mass fishes from the upper pelagial, in particular Pacific salmon: pink salmon and chum. Unlike benthic organisms leaving no habitats, salmon migrate for a long time over spacious oceanic basins. Correspondingly, it would be expected that specifics of the biogeochemical conditions in the Kuril–Kamchatka region should not affect signifi cantly their mineral composition. However, this is not the case. The Sea of Okhotsk shoals of pink salmon and chum after migration of juveniles in the sea and their almost onemonth residence in the estuary for adoption to marine conditions gradually move to the Kuril Range, intersect it, and after fattening in the highfeed water basin in winter migrate further in the Polar front zone. With water heating and development of plankton, pink salmon gradually migrates north ward, then again is fattened along the Kurils and Kuril–Kamchatka trench and via southern Kuril



straits in summer enters the Sea of Okhotsk, travelling to spawning site. An even more spacious migration is typical of chum. After spending the winter, it moves to the Commander–Aleutian trench, enters the deep water western part of the Bering Sea and after feeding migration in this zone descent along Kamchatka, gradually moving to the Polar front for wintering. Accomplishing no less than three migration cycles in the Bering Sea, this fish at last descends along feed route via Kamchatka, the Kurils, the Kuril–Kam chatka trench, and, via the southern Kuril straits, moves to the rivers of the Asian coast [15]. The specif ics of the geochemical conditions during fish growth in the highfeed Kuril–Kamchatka region enriched in biogenic particulate matter with high Pbpart content is reflected in each salmon species. CONCLUSIONS Thus, the wild Pacific salmon, namely pink salmon and chum, caught in the Kuril waters, meet the requirements for the contents of regulated toxic ele ments (Cd, Pb, As, and Hg) in seafoods. The content of each of elements is lower than the maximum per missible concentrations accepted in Russia. The revealed differences in element abundance between wild Pacific salmon and farmed Atlantic salmon are of great scientific and practical interest. The higher Zn and Cu concentrations in farmed salmon and the higher Pb in pink and chum salmon from the Kuril waters are explained in the same way: geochemical environmental conditions. But the impact condition in the coastal waters, which is fixed by such tracers as Zn and Cu, is caused by anthropogenic activity, while impact zones in the Western Pacific waters are formed under the effect of natural factors: modern volcanism and upwelling. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to A.A. Lukashina, the Main Spe cialist of the “Okean” Test Center, the Far East Federal University, for help in determination of trace elements in salmon. Yu.V. Prikhod’ko (Professor, Doctor Techn. Sci.) is thanked for providing analytical facilities. V.P. Shuntov (Doctor Biol. Sci.) and V.M. Shul’kin (Doctor Geogr. Sci.) are to be thanked for valuable comments. The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, (project no. 145000034) and Genzo Shimadzu. REFERENCES 1. V. V. Gordeev and A. P. Lisitzyn, “Microelements,” in Chemistry of Ocean, Vol. 1: Chemistry of the Ocean Waters, Ed. by O. K. Bordovskii and V. N. Ivanenkov (Nauka, Moscow, 1979), pp. 337–375.

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Translated by M. Bogina