Concept Based Search Engine (CBSE) System for Tamil and English ...

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Official Full-Text Paper (PDF): Concept Based Search Engine (CBSE) System for ... our results for Tourism domain with 50, 690 document corpus (25, 690 Tamil ..... Sentence identifier, Concept Name, Concept ID, Relation Name, term, term ...
Conceptual Based Search Engine (Cbse) System For Tamil And English Saviya shree K V, Project Associate, Department of IST Umamaheswari E, Research Scholar, Department of CSE Balaji J, Research Scholar, Department of CSE Dr. T V Geetha, Professor, Department of CSE Dr. Ranjani Parthasarathi, Professor, Department of IST TaCoLa Lab, CEG, Anna University, Chennai ABSTRACT Currently Internet provides information in several languages. In order to process information across language and retrieve that information in their own language becomes essential. In order to retrieve information available in different languages cross language information retrieval (CLIR) is the need of the hour, and there is a need to develop systems that can access information from different languages. This paper discusses the design of a Conceptual based search engine (CBSE) for Tamil and English languages. Our system focus on dictionary based approaches and some strategies to handle ambiguities at the different levels of our system. Initially our search system was designed as a Concept based search system for Tamil language and in this paper we have adopted the same approach for English language in which it retrieves documents in both Tamil and English based on the query entered. Our proposed model involves query expansion, enconversion and concept based indexing and searching and ranking. In this work we have also analyzed the pros and cons involved in adopting a uniform approaches for both a morphologically rich languages like Tamil and also fixed order structured languages like English. We have tested our results for Tourism domain with 50, 690 document corpus (25, 690 Tamil documents+ 25, 000 English documents) and achieved 0.51 of precision for both Tamil and English queries (20 queries in Tamil and 20 queries in English) . Keywords: Concept-Based search engine, Concept-Based Indexing, Enconversion, Query expansion, Universal Networking Language. 1. INTRODUCTION In recent years, the growth of Web contents in different languages increases drastically. User prefers to search in their native languages and different languages require different translation mechanism to provide multilingual search facility. Though there exist many machine translation systems, they do not consider the semantic of the document and it is suitable only for specific languages. Hence there is a need for a search engine which can tackle both multilingual and conceptual. Conceptual search engine can tackle both semantics and context of the word in the document which provides meaningful results to the user. Keyword based search engine[10][11][12] retrieves results based on the keywords present in the document. Similarly ontology based search engine[13][18] uses hypernomy/hyponomy based ontological relation to know the surrounding context of the word. But considering only hierarchical relation may not be suitable for application such as tourism, news mining system, e-learning, question-Answering etc., In order to overcome the restrictions present in the Keyword based search engine and other semantic based search engines, this Conceptual search engine plays an important role in handling large amount of unstructured data and this search engine deals with the conceptual meaning of a query with the help of semantic representation called Universal Networking Language (UNL). The UNL representation provides common semantic representation for any languages and does not annihilate the meaning of the document. It can provide both word level semantics and sentence level and also document level semantics. Hence compared to other machine transliteration based bilingual search and rank[16], our approach provides better results without degrading the efficiency of the ranked documents. Previous multilingual search engine called agroExplorer [2] uses concept only match and it does not consider the link between the concepts. For example for a given query “Mahabalipuram Temple” it will consider only the concepts “Mahabalipuram” or “Temple”.Our search system will provide result based on the CRC “Mahabalipuram Temple” and also for the concepts as “Mahabalipuram” or “Temple”. Moreover they are not utilizing query expansion which can retrieve conceptually similar documents. Hence ranking approach uses concept match and weight the documents based on document specific properties (Term frequency, Position weight, Inlink and outlink). It is applied for English, Hindi, Marathi and Spanish. 105

The UNL semantic representation helps us to adopt the same search and ranking mechanism [7] for morphologically rich languages like Tamil and structured languages like English. The resources required for our bilingual search are UW (Universal Word) dictionary, Index based query expansions with semantic representation, Machine Translation (Enconversion), Conceptual search and Rank and finally summary generation for both Tamil and English documents. Here it uses a rule based method for UNL based machine translation system for both Tamil and English, However the dictionary representation is same for Tamil and English documents. We have changed the Morpho-Semantic rules [1] according to the parse tree structure built for the English documents. The following sections talk about the related work and its methodology in detail. Section 2 compares previous approaches with the proposed approach and Section 3 elaborates each modules of our bilingual search system and in Section 4 we have shown the accuracy of the search results for both Tamil and English documents. 2. RELATED WORK AgroExplorer[2] recommends to use parser because it will provide lexical information and useful to reduce noisy content. The SQL database[2] is not suitable to process graph based structures like UNL compared to lucene index and We have also tested to store in SQL database but it requires more space and Time complexity is high. When the size of the document or corpus gets increased it is very difficult to perform the process of the indexing[5]. Our system combine both conceptual features and document specific features to know the importance of the concepts in the document, the efficiency of the ranked documents is improved compared to previous UNL concept based search and Rank[7]. We have shown this in result evaluation section 4. The UNL representation provides common semantic representation for any languages and does not annihilate the meaning of the document. It can provide both word level semantics and sentence level and document level semantics. Hence compared to transliteration based bilingual search and rank[16], uses transliteration for bilingual documents and identifies overlapping between two languages. Since transliteration does not cover all the words and the number of overlapping between two documents will be only named entities hence our approach provides better results without degrading the efficiency of the ranked documents . Query expansion[20] uses only dictionary based query expansion and uses transliteration to provide multilingual feature which will lead disambiguation problem. Our approach uses index based query expansion which is retrieved based on the important domain specific concepts which occurs on the top of the documents and more frequently and it uses various levels of filters in order to filter the required documents. 3. METHODOLOGY As discussed in section 1, our system composes UNL enconversion document processing, UW dictionary[15] as a language independent representation, Index based query expansion[9] to aid conceptual search and rank[7], domain specific template based summary generation[8] for output generation and Conceptual indexing[14] to aid search and rank. 3.1 System Architecture

Online process

Offline process

Figure 1: Architecture of Conceptual based search systems for Tamil and English


Our proposed system consists of two segment namely online process and offline process. The offline part consists of preprocessing, enconversion, indexing which is a background process and the online part consists of Searching and Ranking, Query translation and query expansion and this is an active process because it is occurring currently. The natural language text document which consists of sentences is passed to the enconversion process which is transformed as a UNL graph. The information present in our UNL graph is stored in the Lucene index. When the query is given to the search process, the query gets enconverted using the enconversion process and it searches with the inverted index created. This inverted index consists of two indices CRC indices and C indices which are used for searching process. The tourism specific documents are finely tuned and preprocessed and this outcome is given to the enconversion process. 3.2

Document Processing

Manning and Schutze[17] discusses four approaches in the Machine translation Technology. They are Word-for-word approach, Syntactic transfer, Semantic transfer approach and Interlingua approach. In our work we are using Semantic transfer approach and Interlingua approach. Interlingua approach is known as a Knowledge representation model in which several techniques available to represent this knowledge such as lists, trees, Semantic networks, schema etc., In this our proposed model follows the Semantic networks which can handle any languages irrespective of its structure. UNL is a Universal networking language, follows the Interlingua approach which is modeled to represent semantic data extracted from natural language and plays a vital role in the information retrieval applications which requires both semantic and context. This proposed method can handle both structured languages like English and morphologically rich languages like Tamil. Structured language follows the order of “subject + verb + object” and in morphologically rich language like Tamil the Subject and Object can occur in any order. For instance one example sentence in English as Saranya went to chennai and the same sentence in Tamil can be written as charanNyaa chennaikku chenRaaL (சர யா ெச ைன ெச றா ), chennaikku charanNyaa chenRaaL (ெச ைன சர யா ெச றா ). Hence in Tamil the order of Subject+Verb+Object does not follow any order and gives same meaning for all this sentences. But the semantic representation for all Tamil sentences and English sentences are same which is given in example 1.

Figure 2: UNL graph representation for Tamil and English sentences The above example depicts Tamil and English sentences which have same meaning. Universal words represent the concepts and links represents the relation between the concepts.


In the above example saranya, go, chennai are the concepts. agt, plt are the links associated with this concepts. This UNL representation is our background knowledge based system to identify the semantic context of the words present in the document. There is a separate dictionary for both Tamil and English with same format. Universal Word dictionary consists of the word, headword, constraint, concept id, term id. Multi word Dictionary consists of following fields such as word, First word, Constraint, number of the term present in the multiword, term id, concept id. Word sense disambiguation problem arises due to the disambiguity in the sense of meaning if a particular word has multiple meaning. For examples in tamil “aaru” represents river and number based on the context it is identified as either it represents river or number. Rule based word sense disambiguation has been introduced to tackle this type of problem for both Tamil [20] and English. Pronoun resolution are also handled for Tamil language. There are 58 rules for Tamil languages and 43 rules for English languages. Initially rule based enconversion process for free order language like Tamil was developed by Balaji et al., [1] were taken into contemplation and new rules have been developed for fixed structured language like English. Based on the rules the UNL graph has been constructed. The following parameters are present in the UNL graph.



Term word

The word present in a document.

Head word

Root word of the Term word present in a document.


UW constraint of a term word associated with the head word.

Part of speech

Lexical information of a Term word.

Term id

ta_1, ta_2….ta_n represents Tamil term word. en_1, en_2…en_n represents English term word.

Concept id

1, 2… n represent Concept which is used in for searching process.

Term number

This number is based on the sentences. Table 1: Parameter of the Enconversion

The above set of parameters helps in identifying the importance of concepts in the document inorder to aid in ranking process. Here term id and concept id used to differentiate concept and term based results. Part of speech is used to provide domain level importance for the concepts. Constraints are used to find the context of a word. Term number is used to identify the direction of the concepts associated with other concepts. 3.3 Indexing This concept based index [14], is an inverted index which maps from concepts to the documents. Usually inverted index contains terms and documents, In our search system, it contains two separate indices such as Concept-Relation-Concept indices (CRC Indices) and Concept indices (C Indices). CRC indices have entire relation between the concepts. C indices represent only the concepts. For example Chennai maRRum madurai. In this chennai (C2) and madurai (C1) are the concepts and relation between the concepts is “and”. Chennai maRRum madurai will present in the CRC indices.

Figure 3: Example for Concept-Relation-Concept (CRC) present in the CRC index The inverted CRC indices will contain relation (R), Concept1 (C1), Concept2 (C2), term id, concept id, Part of speech tag. chennai and madurai were present in C indices. The inverted C indices consist of concept, Part of speech Tag, concept id, term id. 108

Each UNL index in the UNL indexer maintains a table of properties such as Language identifier, document identifier, Sentence identifier, Concept Name, Concept ID, Relation Name, term, term frequency, concept frequency and position weight of the concepts and terms. All the above said properties and its associated concepts and terms are stored in Lucene index structure. The field description is given in Table 2. Fields


Concept-relation-concept The relationship between the Concept (C1)-Relation (R)-Concept (C2) belongs to the document set D. Concept

The list of concepts (Cs) occurred in the document set D.

Language identifier

It uses “ta”, “en” which is used to identify Tamil and English languages of the document set D.

Document Identifier

d1, d2, d3, ........dn corresponds to list of documents which contains both CRC indices and C indices

Sentence Identifier

S1, S2, S3, ........Sn corresponds to list of sentence identifier which contains both CRC indices and C indices. This is used to know the position of the term/concept in the document.

Position weight

Concept Position weight

Frequency count

Frequency of occurrence of the concepts in the document

Part Of Speech Tagging

It is used to know the importance of the concepts with respect to the domain of the interest. For example for tourism domain “Named Entities” are more important than other nouns.

Term words

It represents term words present in the document Table 2: Fields of the indexing

Lucene index is used to capture the above said information present in the document represented in UNL graph. This UNL graph consists of information such as Concepts (C) and Concepts-Relation-Concepts (CRC). UNL Indexer parses the UNL graphs and builds an inverted list on the indices and later this is used in the Search process. These indices are categorized into three different types such as C-R-C (Concept -Relation- Concept) Indices and C (Concept Only) indices, . In order to provide competent searching and storing of information, the lucene index is separated in to C-R-C, and C index. Inside this we also separate the index with respect to concept id which helps us to reduce search time. These indices are used by both query expansion and search and ranking module which is described in section 3.3 and in 3.4. 3.4 Query Processing This module consists of both query expansion and translation/enconversion. Query Translation/ Enconversion For a given Tamil or English query UNL based semantic representation is given by using light weight UNL enconversion and it also performs light weight Word Sense Disambiguation. The representation of query UNL graph is given below. For example if the user entered the query “Guindy Park” the query gets enconverted using the enconversion process. Based on the results generated it was given to the query expansion process. Query Expansion Our approach uses index based query expansion [9] which is retrieved from the CRC indices and C Indices. Here we are not searching all the expanded concepts, instead important domain specific concepts which occur frequently and also on the top of the documents are given more importance compared to the other. We additionally weight the expanded terms based on its POS tags such as both the concepts in the CRC have Named Entity as Part of speech tag, Number of links, mod/pos relations and frequency of occurrence of the concept/concept-relation-concept with and also across the document. According to the above said features, this proposed approach takes only the top 10 expanded terms. For example the query gets expanded based on the CRC present in the inverted index.


3.5 Search and Rank Previous approach on bilingual search and rank [16] uses transliteration for bilingual documents and identifies overlapping between two languages. Since transliteration does not cover all the words and the number of overlapping between two documents will be only named entities. In this approach we are ranking the documents at three levels, such as Degree of match between query graphs with index graph, concept association based match and Index based match [14]. Previous approach [7] has been extended according to the language preference of the user. If the user enters a query in Tamil, Tamil documents will be given more preference than English. Hence Tamil documents is ranked first if they enter Tamil query else English document is ranked. The snapshot for both Tamil and English query is given below. Language can be selected based on the user interests. 3.6 Summary The summary[8] is generated using the tourism specific templates. Subalalitha, (2011)[8] gives the details of summary generation framework. Summary is generated for both Tamil and English. For a given Tamil document it will generate both Tamil summary and English summary and same for English documents. 4. ULT EVALUATION AND CONCLUSION This search system has been evaluated for tourism domain with 50, 690 documents for 20 Tamil queries and for 20 English queries. We have achieved 0.51 of precision for both the languages. For some of the queries we have identified semantic constraint mismatch between the Tamil and English UW dictionary. As discussed earlier we maintain separate UW dictionary for both Tamil and English. The concepts which are similar in both the dictionary should have same semantic constraint and head word, in order to identify conceptually similar results for both Tamil and English. But due to ambiguous entries in any one of the UW dictionary (Both in Tamil and English) may lead to retrieval of different documents for the same concept. This needs to be rectified by an automation tool to identify the similar concepts with different constraints. Spelling variations needs to be tackled to get conceptually similar documents for both Tamil and English. 5. REFERENCES 

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