AdBlue/DEF is fueled to a tank in the vehicle when refueling diesel. ...... for
example products from Piusi (, who sell products adapted to.
Department of Innovation, Design and Product development
Concept evaluation of a technical solution for storing AdBlue/DEF in cold climate areas without external electricity Thesis Work Product Development - Mechanical Design Process 15 ECTS, Basic level Product and Process Development Bachelor of Science - Innovation and Product Design
Kajsa Berggren Mikael Johansson
Presentation date: 15 June 2012 Employer: Volvo CE Mentor (Volvo CE): Fredrik Grop, Lena Andersson Mentor (Mälardalen University): Jan Frohm Examinator: Rolf Lövgren
ABSTRACT Due to the emissions from vehicles, legislative authorities have given engine producers the task to lower the nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the emissions, in order to save the environment. The NOx cannot be reduced any more from the vehicle engine and therefore an after treatment system is needed to reduce the NOx in order to fulfill the legislations. Various solutions have been tested and one of them is the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system which uses a reagent liquid solution called AdBlue/DEF. The AdBlue/DEF is fueled to a tank in the vehicle when refueling diesel. If the user would neglect refueling the AdBlue/DEF the emission legislation would not be fulfilled and in order to assure this does not happen the legislative authorities have forced the engine manufactures to take actions against this. To assure that the user always uses AdBlue/DEF an engine safety system will, if no AdBlue/DEF is detected, gradually lower the output effect until the machine finally will go to idle. Since the AdBlue/DEF has a freezing point of - 11°C the machine manufactures that is going to use the SCR system have to make sure the AdBlue/DEF in the machine would not freeze during cold periods and also that the AdBlue/DEF can be held fluid in the tanks while stored at sites. Since machines from Volvo CE is working in different climate the supply of AdBlue/DEF can be problematic on sites where temperatures drops to below - 11°C and no electricity, that could be used to keep the AdBlue/DEF from freezing, is to be found. Due to this the thesis work was initiated to investigate and do a pre-study on how AdBlue/DEF could be stored and kept from freezing without any external electrical supply during periods of time of cold temperature. The customers, affected by the thesis work, have one-five machines at site which results in an AdBlue/DEF consumption of 200-1000 liters/month. The customers do not have access to external electricity why they must have a way to keep the AdBlue/DEF fluid during cold periods of time. Important to understand is that Volvo CE does not want to produce an own product but want to find a solution that they can recommend their customers to buy from a third part producer. The thesis work result is a solution that keeps AdBlue/DEF, stored in a 1000 liters IBCtank (Intermediate Bulk Container) from freezing by keeping it in a heated insulated storage. The storage is heated by a diesel heater and, since it needs some control voltage in order to run thermostats and control panel, a battery charged by a generator is used. The solution can keep the AdBlue/DEF fluid down to – 40 °C and needs an estimated investment cost of 60 000-71 000 SEK incl. VAT excl. the IBC-tank.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank… Volvo CE for the opportunity to do this thesis work at them, we are most grateful. Fredrik Grop, mentor at Volvo CE, for initiating the thesis work as well as for support and for pushing us into always doing our best in every situation and for keeping our focus straight. Lena Andersson, mentor at Volvo CE, for great support and opinions from a customer centered point of view. Lenny Jonasson, mentor at Volvo CE, for support and help during this whole process especially with technical information and advice concerning choice of components. Jan Frohm, mentor at Mälardalen University for reading and commenting on the report along the project as well as for being a great sounding board. Rolf Lövgren, examiner at Mälardalen University for knowledge from earlier courses. Personal at Volvo CE for receiving us with a warm welcome and for providing us with help and information throughout the project. Roger Oldberg and Mikael Edsäter at Yara, for the opportunity to visit them and ask questions about the handling of AdBlue/DEF as well as for input on concepts on the meeting which were a great help for us. Johan Ek and John Lennon at Kingspan, for input from meetings.
Kajsa Berggren and Mikael Johansson, Eskilstuna 2012-06-15
VOCABULARY AdBlue Air1 CAD Concept Core values Customer Solutions DEF Deionized Diesel heater Engine development and auxiliary system EPA FMEA Forestry business Generator Group contract Hose IBC-tank
Kingspan Köping Machine fleet NOx
Off-road machines Pugh-analysis Pugh-matrix Pump Requirement specification
Trade name in Europe for the liquid solution of 32,5% urea and 67,5% deionized water Product name on AdBlue/DEF produced by Yara Computer Aided Design, here used in order to visualize the final concept A hypothetical solution on a given problem. Prescribes the attitude and character of an organization Department at Volvo CE that handles soft offers Diesel Exhaust Fluid – Product name in North America for urea solution Water that has had its mineral ions removed Heater that uses diesel as fuel when warming for example a room Department at Volvo CE that develops peripheral equipment connected to the engine US Environmental Protection Agency (Equivalent with the Swedish Naturvårdsverket) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis used in order to find and prevent failures The business of harvesting forest Machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy Known tool for projects used in order to establish rules for the project and its participants The hose that connect pump and filling nozzle Intermediate Bulk Container, replaceable tank which is standard in several countries, holds for example AdBlue/DEF or water Producer and manufacturer of storage solutions for example AdBlue/DEF Town in Sweden where Yara is situated A company’s total amount of machines Shortening of nitrogen oxides, produced during combustion process in diesel engines. Is a contributing factor for atmospheric pollution Construction machine that is used in terrain and other rough places Known tool for product development used in order to compare concepts Known tool for product development used in order to choose the best of several concepts in an objective way A pump placed on the IBC-tank to ease the refueling of AdBlue/DEF Known tool for product development used in order to specify for ex. measurements and other requirements on a product, solution or service
SMHI Solid Works Solution Stage IV Storage Terra Environmental Technologies TerraCair
Tier 4 Final
Volvo CE Yara
Selective Catalytic Reduction – method for lowering NOx concentration in the exhaust emissions from diesel engines Institute of Metrology and Hydrology in Sweden Program for CAD Can refer to the concept solution of the thesis work, or to the solution of urea in water Emission legislation concerning Europe, equivalent with Tier 4 Final, that comes into force 2014 Equipment used to store the AdBlue/DEF tank in Producer of AdBlue/DEF under the trade name TerraCair Another trade name for the urea solution of 32,5% solution of urea and 67,5% deionized water, same as AdBlue/DEF Emission legislation issued by EPA concerning the North America, equivalent with Stage IV, that comes into force from January 2014 Organic compound often used as fertilizer, here it refers to the active substance in AdBlue/DEF used with the SCR-technology Volvo Construction Equipment. Producer of off-road machines, host company for this thesis work Producer of urea
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 10
AIMS..................................................................................................................................... 11 2.1
AIM OF COURSE ................................................................................................................. 11
AIM OF PROJECT ................................................................................................................ 11
PROJECT DIRECTIVES ................................................................................................... 11
PROBLEM STATEMENT ................................................................................................. 12
PROJECT LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................ 13
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND & SOLUTIONS METHODS .................................. 14 6.1
UNDERSTANDING THE PROJECT ......................................................................................... 15
UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM ........................................................................................ 15
UNDERSTANDING THE MARKET ......................................................................................... 15
UNDERSTANDING THE CUSTOMER ..................................................................................... 16
REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................... 16
MAPPING OF EXISTING SOLUTIONS..................................................................................... 16
Field trip ............................................................................................................. 16
GENERATE CONCEPTS ........................................................................................................ 16
EVALUATE CONCEPT.......................................................................................................... 17
CHOICE OF CONCEPT .......................................................................................................... 17
CHOICE OF COMPONENTS .............................................................................................. 17
VISUALIZATION ............................................................................................................ 17
FMEA .......................................................................................................................... 18
APPLIED SOLUTION PROCEDURES ........................................................................... 19 7.1
UNDERSTANDING THE PROJECT ......................................................................................... 19
UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM ........................................................................................ 21
UNDERSTANDING THE MARKET ......................................................................................... 24
UNDERSTANDING THE CUSTOMER ..................................................................................... 25
REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................... 26
MAPPING OF EXISTING SOLUTIONS..................................................................................... 27
7.6.1 7.7
Field trip ............................................................................................................. 31
GENERATE CONCEPTS ........................................................................................................ 32
EVALUATE CONCEPT.......................................................................................................... 33
CHOICE OF CONCEPTS ........................................................................................................ 38
Choice of tank ..................................................................................................... 40
Choice of container and insulation..................................................................... 40
Choice of heater.................................................................................................. 40
Choice of battery ................................................................................................ 42
Choice of generator ............................................................................................ 42
Choice of pump, hose and filling nozzle ............................................................. 42
Installation .......................................................................................................... 42
7.11 8
CHOICE OF COMPONENTS .............................................................................................. 40
FMEA .......................................................................................................................... 43
RESULTS ............................................................................................................................. 44 8.1
CONTAINER ....................................................................................................................... 45
IBC-TANK ......................................................................................................................... 46
DIESEL HEATER ................................................................................................................. 46
BATTERY ........................................................................................................................... 47
GENERATOR ...................................................................................................................... 47
PUMP ................................................................................................................................. 48
HOSE ................................................................................................................................. 48
FILLING NOZZLE ................................................................................................................ 49
ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................... 50 9.1
PROBLEM STATEMENT ....................................................................................................... 50
REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................... 51
CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................. 53 10.1
SUMMARY OF THE THESIS WORK ................................................................................... 53
REFLECTIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................. 53
RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................... 54
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 56
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................... 58 12.1
MACHINES BY VOLVO CE ............................................................................................. 58
REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION ...................................................................................... 58
PROJECT PLAN............................................................................................................... 58
GROUP CONTRACT ........................................................................................................ 58
TIER 4 EMISSION STANDARDS ....................................................................................... 58
ACTION LIST ................................................................................................................. 58
INFORMATION ABOUT ADBLUE/DEF ............................................................................ 58
MONTHLY MEDIAN TEMPERATURE................................................................................ 58
INTERVIEW DOCUMENTATION ....................................................................................... 58
EQUIPMENT SUMMARY ................................................................................................. 58
CRITERIA ...................................................................................................................... 58
INFORMATION ON DIFFERENT KINDS OF COMPONENTS .................................................. 58
MEETING MINUTES........................................................................................................ 58
PUGH-ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 58
TRANSMISSION LOSSES ................................................................................................. 58
FUNCTIONAL SKETCH.................................................................................................... 58
PIPS.............................................................................................................................. 58
FMEA - ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 58
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1– Flow chart showing the work process .............................................................. 14 Figure 2 - The reduction of NOx and particulate matter (PM) from EPA off-road emission standards (Integer, 2011) .................................................................................................. 19 Figure 3– Schematic picture of the SCR-system (Volvo Penta, 2012) ............................. 20 Figure 4 – IBC-tank with pump, hose and special AdBlue filling nozzle (Direct Industry, 2012) ................................................................................................................................. 22 Figure 5 - Function tree..................................................................................................... 23 Figure 6 – Countries affected by the Tier 4 Final / Stage IV legislation (Cummins, 2012) .......................................................................................................................................... 24 Figure 7 – Summary table of electrical storage solution distributors. .............................. 27 Figure 8 - Blue TruckMaster from Kingspan (Kingspan, 2012) ....................................... 28 Figure 9 - BlueMaster from Kingspan (Kingspan, 2012) ................................................. 28 Figure 10 - Metro Bulk 4000 from Identic (Identic, 2012) ............................................... 28 Figure 11 - Insulated Tote Storage Unit from KleerBlue (KleerBlue, 2012) ................... 29 Figure 12 - SB2500H Horizontal SuperBlueTM from Balmoral-Group (Balmoral-Group, 2012) ................................................................................................................................. 29 Figure 13 – Commercial Mini Bulk System from Blue1USA (Blue1USA, 2012) ........... 30 Figure 14 – Outdoor version from Bott AdBlue/DEF (Bott, AdBlue, 2012).................... 30 Figure 15 – Picture from field trip showing hose, and filling nozzle in BlueMaster ........ 31 Figure 16 - Picture from field trip showing storage for hose, control panel and heater in BlueMaster ........................................................................................................................ 31 Figure 17 – Solution/Concept tree .................................................................................... 36 Figure 18 – Solution/Concept tree valued the Volvo way ................................................ 37 Figure 19 – Chosen concept .............................................................................................. 39 Figure 20 – Schematic picture of chosen diesel heater (Eberspächer, 2012) .................... 41 Figure 21 – The concept solution...................................................................................... 44 Figure 22 – Insulated storage container ............................................................................ 45 Figure 23 – IBC-tank ........................................................................................................ 46 Figure 24 – Diesel heater .................................................................................................. 46 Figure 25 - Battery ............................................................................................................ 47 Figure 26 – Generator ....................................................................................................... 47 Figure 27 - Pump .............................................................................................................. 48 Figure 28 - Hoes................................................................................................................ 48 Figure 29 – Filling nozzle ................................................................................................. 49
1 INTRODUCTION During the course KPP301 at Mälardalen University a thesis work on Volvo CE in Eskilstuna has been done. Volvo CE manufactures off-road equipment such as articulated haulers, wheel loaders, excavators and graders see pictures in appendix 12.1. The machines are sold in a global market and are known for their durability and reliability. Due to the new emission legislation that will come into force in North America and Europe from January 2014, the legislative authorities has given the engine producers the task to lower the nitrogen oxide (NOx) gases in order to meet the new coming legislation. The nitrogen oxide (NOx) gases, which are produced from all combustion processes at high temperatures, are acting acidifying on the environment. Volvo CE is at the moment investigating different solutions to lower the NOx, one of these is to use a system called SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction). For this system to function properly a reduction agent is used. A tank inside the machine needs to be filled with this reduction agent called AdBlue/DEF, which is the product name for the solution consisting of deionized water and urea, which is injected to the machine exhaust gases in order to lower the NOx gases. In order to safeguard that emission levels are kept, the engine safety system in the machine ensures that if the machine user does not/cannot refuel the AdBlue/DEF, or uses the wrong kind of fluid, the machine will gradually lower the output effect until the machine finally will go to idle and not be able to produce. AdBlue/DEF has the characteristic to freeze at - 11°C, which means that it can cause big problems while storing during wintertime if no external electricity is supplied. The machine producers must ensure that AdBlue/DEF does not freeze inside the machine systems. Even if not included in the machine producer’s core business it is in their interest that it is possible to pump the AdBlue/DEF from the storage tank into the machine during wintertime. To solve this, how to safeguard fluid AdBlue/DEF stored in storage tank in cold climate without access to external electrical supply, to a machine fleet of one to five machines, is the focus of this thesis work. The thesis work was initiated to investigate and do a pre-study on how AdBlue/DEF could be stored and kept from freezing without any external electrical supply during cold periods of time. In order to get an overview of the problem and the problem areas, and also in order to find reasonable solutions, this thesis work is an important part of a project at Volvo CE with the aim to solve the storage problem. Important to understand is that Volvo CE does not want to produce an own product but want to find a solution that they can recommend their customers to buy from a third part producer. In this report you will be able to read about the task, the work process and the result of the thesis work. The chosen solution will be visualized through Solid Works and pictures are shown in chapter 8.
2 AIMS In this section aims of course and project will be presented.
2.1 AIM OF COURSE In the course KPP301 Thesis Work Product Development - Mechanical Design Process the general aim is to show understanding and implementation for the processes and methods learnt during the product development courses KPP015, KPP017 and KPP039. The aim is also to show the embrace and implementation of other courses taken during the education at Mälardalen University. More precise a usable working process should be described and a CAD-model be produced as a way to visualize the chosen concept solution. The working process and the result will be described in this report according to standards (Svenske, 1990).
2.2 AIM OF PROJECT The aim of the project is to find a possible concept solution on how to keep AdBlue/DEF fluid in temperatures below - 11°C when access to external electricity is not possible. Volvo CE should be able to use the concept solution to build upon.
3 PROJECT DIRECTIVES Volvo CE does not want to develop or manufacture a product of their own that handles AdBlue/DEF on site, they only want to find a solution that they can recommend customers to buy from a third part producer. This means that equipment for the solution must be found in affected markets such as North America and Europe and must therefore also be of a producible technique. During the thesis work primarily three persons on Volvo CE will work as mentors, Fredrik Grop, Lena Andersson and Lenny Jonasson. They will also be the primarily contact persons for the thesis work. These persons are hereafter referred to as the reference group. With the reference group we have agreed on that a morning meeting will take place at 7.30 am every morning during the work on Volvo CE where yesterday’s work can be discussed and todays work can be planned.
4 PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem in short is to find a solution on how to storage and handle AdBlue/DEF in cold climate areas where no access to external electricity is possible. When the temperature is below – 11°C AdBlue/DEF freezes and causes great problems to the users when wanting to refuel the AdBlue/DEF tank in the machine. In order to use AdBlue/DEF without problems both the storage container and its peripheral components, such as pump and hose, must maintain a temperature over - 11°C (Oldberg, 2012). This temperature is easy to maintain when electricity is available on site because in those situations tanks with some sort of electrical heating can be used. There are a numbers of electrical solutions on the market today that solves the freezing problem with electricity for on-road vehicles. It is when electricity is nowhere to be found on the site the problem becomes critical and therefore also urgent to solve. For further information on the problem see appendix 12.2. Issues: 1. Who is the affected customer? 2. How much AdBlue/DEF does the customer need to have fluid? 3. How can AdBlue/DEF be kept fluid during winter when no electricity is available on site? 4. How can necessary peripheral equipment be kept usable?
5 PROJECT LIMITATIONS The course KPP301 is on 15 hp and stretches over approximately ten weeks, see the project plan in appendix 12.3. Due to this some limits have been established: •
The solution is to be kept on a concept level and will therefore not be tested or calculated more than is suitable for this level of thesis work.
The CAD model produced in Solid Works does only need to have the most crucial measurements.
The solution should address small to medium size customers with a fleet with one to five machines that do not have access to external electrical supply.
We will limit the pure design tools to a group contract, see appendix 12.4, a requirement specification, a Pugh analysis, a FMEA, brainstorming and a function analysis.
We will not focus on making the concept solution suitable for use in specifically warm climate areas.
All costs will be based on list prices and will not be discussed with suppliers in order to get customized prices.
The concept solution will be calculated to work down to -40°C since this is the lowest temperature machines from Volvo CE is required to work in.
6 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND & SOLUTIONS METHODS This chapter will describe our process and how we plan to use methods and resources. The process is shown in the flow chart in Figure 1.
Understanding the project Understanding the problem Understanding the market Understanding the customer Requirement specification
Mapping of existing products
Generate concept Evaluate concept Choice of concept Choice of components Vizualization FMEA Figure 1– Flow chart showing the work process
6.1 UNDERSTANDING THE PROJECT In the concept generation process it is important to develop a general understanding for the problem, in order to be able to break it down to sub problems. The problem statement and the requirement specification is two important steps to go through. It is also important not to forget these steps in the following process, as they should be refined along the way. (Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger, 2008) As the first step of our thesis work we found it important to understand the project which we were going to be a part of. In order to do this we sat down with our mentors at Volvo CE who explained their parts of the project. After the meeting we gathered information about the SCR-system which states the boundary conditions for the project.
6.2 UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM To understand the main subject which was to be solved during the thesis work, information was gathered about AdBlue/DEF used in the SCR-system and the handling of AdBlue/DEF. As base we had the information given to us by the mentors during the startup meeting. As much information as possible was gathered through the internet in order to narrow the problem down to something that was easy to understand as well for us as for other people that we needed to get in touch with further on. When needed Lenny Jonasson was contacted to answer our questions and to give advice on other ways to find information. To make sure the problem was approached correctly a function analysis was executed. A function analysis is carried out to define what functions a product should achieve without stating how they should be achieved. Often the functions are categorized in “main functions” and “sub functions” which makes it easier for the developer to concentrate on the right function at the right time in the process. The function analysis should be updated along the way as new impressions could change the way of approaching a problem. (Lövgren, 2012) A function analysis is also used as a way to make sure that the concept solution in the end would fulfill as much requirements as possible.
6.3 UNDERSTANDING THE MARKET To understand which machines and countries that are affected by the emission legislations that would give engine producers the task to lower the nitrogen oxide (NOx) gases, both a market research and interviews with people at the department for auxiliary system was done. Research material from Lena Andersson guided in which company’s and countries AdBlue/DEF was produced and distributed in order to quickly manage to overview the market.
6.4 UNDERSTANDING THE CUSTOMER To understand who the customer was and how many machines each customer had in their fleet interviews was conducted, both at Volvo CE and by telephone. The purpose with the interviews was to get information about: • • • •
If the customer already uses AdBlue/DEF and if so, how much they consume? How they prevent AdBlue/DEF from freezing? If they have access to external electricity supply? How they manage without electricity if they do not have access to external electricity?
This was an important part of the work as this step formed the base of the further work.
6.5 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION To identify what kind of problem we should deal with and what regulations we had a requirement specification was written. The requirement specification would also give a structure in the further work in finding a solution on how to storage and handle AdBlue/DEF in cold climate without external electricity. “A product design specification (PDS) is a statement of what a not-yet-designed product is intended to do. Its aim is to ensure that the subsequent design and development of a product meets the needs of the user. Product design specification is one of the elements of product lifecycle management” (Wikipedia, 2012)
6.6 MAPPING OF EXISTING SOLUTIONS An external search has the aim to find existing solution to both the overall problem as well as to the sub problems that might be found during the phases of understanding the project, understanding the problem, understanding the market and understanding the customer. According to Ulrich and Eppinger it is often quicker and cheaper to implement an existing solution rather than developing a new solution. (Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger, 2008) Market investigation material from Lena Andersson was used to help us find manufacturers and to understand what kind of solutions that already existed on the market today. Even if it was only solutions for the on-road market it could give us ideas and inspiration for finding solutions for the off-road market.
6.6.1 FIELD TRIP With more knowledge we made a field trip to Yara in Köping to investigate an existing tank solution for on-road vehicles and ask questions about AdBlue/DEF. We were interested in the size of the tanks and storages they had and also to see their heating solutions.
6.7 GENERATE CONCEPTS During the generation of concepts we searched for different solutions for keeping a tank of AdBlue/DEF warm enough not to freeze. We used the reference group as sounding board and with their help and also by using the brainstorming method (Mikael12) we came up with a number of concepts, some more likely than others. The fine thing about brainstorming is that all ideas, regardless if they seems trustworthy or not, is written down and used in further evaluations.
6.8 EVALUATE CONCEPT To be able to evaluate the concepts we wrote down criteria based on the requirement specification and conversations with the reference group. The information used to specify the criteria was taken from the equipment summary and used during the Pugh-analysis. A Pugh-analysis is made in 6 steps: Step 1: State the issue – what is to be compared? Step 2: Select the alternatives to be compared – state the concepts that are to be compared. Step 3: Choose the criteria for comparison – criteria taken from for example the requirement specification. Step 4: Develop relative importance weightings – weigh the criteria with for example 1-5 for not important to highly important. Step 5: Evaluate alternatives – for example use -1, 0 and +1. Step 6: Compute the satisfaction and decide what to do next – calculate the result by multiplying the criteria with the weightings.
With the Pugh-analysis we could see which component were the most suitable for the solution by analyzing the result numbers. (Ullman, The mechanical design process, 2010)
6.9 CHOICE OF CONCEPT When making the base to the evaluation we valued the criteria thoroughly. This we had a great use for when we chose the final concept solution to go through with since the type of components were selected by making sure that the most highly valued criteria was fulfilled.
6.10 CHOICE OF COMPONENTS Volvo CE wanted us to come up with one final concept that they could look at and maybe let a third part producer develop further. Our final concept is far from finished but nominal effects and other technical choices will be estimated as accurately as possible for each component in order to make the concept trustworthy.
6.11 VISUALIZATION To be able to show our thoughts and ideas we chose to visualize them in pictures to be sure that whoever we show them to understands the idea. The pictures was made in Solid Works CAD because it is a program we have used before and therefore have some knowledge in.
6.12 FMEA To identify and diagnose failures before and after they have occurred an FMEA is used. The FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) is often shown through a table and consists of five steps. Step 1: Identify the function affected Step 2: Identify failure modes Step 3: Identify the effect of failure Step 4: Identify the failure causes or errors Step 5: Identify the corrective action By following these steps the table will be filled and can thereafter be used in order to understand which function causes the most dangerous failures and also what can be done to avoid it. (Ullman, 2010)
7 APPLIED SOLUTION PROCEDURES In this chapter we will guide you through the process of finding a solution that could meet the requirements from the requirement specification and interest the customers. We will also explain our choices thoroughly and clarify them through appendices found in the end of the report.
7.1 UNDERSTANDING THE PROJECT As the first step in the process a startup meeting was held at Volvo CE, which included us, Fredrik Grop, Lena Andersson and Lenny Jonasson. This meeting gave us an understanding of the project in general and also for the background of the project which were the following; in January 2014 the emission legislation, that affects North America and Europe, Tier 4 Final/Stage IV, will come into force, see appendix 12.5. The nitrogen oxide (NOx) gases, which are produced from all combustion processes at high temperatures, are acting acidifying on the environment. Therefore legislative authorities have given engine producers the task to lower these emissions in order to meet the new coming legislation, see Figure 2 below. In order to fulfill this legislation Volvo CE is investigating different solutions to lower the NOx, one of these is the possibility to use a system called SCR. SCR, short for Selective Catalytic Reduction, is an after treatment technology used to lower the levels of NOx gases in the exhaust gases with the help of an reduction solution called AdBlue/DEF.
Figure 2 - The reduction of NOx and particulate matter (PM) from EPA off-road emission standards (Integer, 2011)
“The main components of the SCR system are the SCR catalyst, the AdBlue/DEF injection unit, the AdBlue/DEF tank and the AdBlue/DEF dosing control unit. AdBlue/DEF is injected into the exhaust pipe, in front of the SCR catalyst, downstream of the engine. Heated in the exhaust it decomposes into ammonia and CO2. When the NOx reacts inside the catalyst with the ammonia, the harmful NOx molecules in the exhaust are converted to harmless nitrogen and water. For the correct functioning of your SCR system, make sure you use only high quality AdBlue/DEF such as Air1. Poor quality reagent that is contaminated with foreign matters risks damaging your catalyst.” (Air1, 2012) 19(58)
For schematic picture of SCR-system see Figure 3 below.
Figure 3– Schematic picture of the SCR-system (Volvo Penta, 2012)
If choosing the SCR-system Volvo CE must, as a consequence, develop a solution for distribution and storage setup for all peripheral on-site equipment needed to supply the SCR-system. This includes evaluating the current setup of Volvo Trucks solutions and by this developing a supply system of AdBlue/DEF to ensure availability and accessibility for the off-road market. Our work was therefore a part of Volvo CE´s development of a supply system to ensure availability and accessibility for off-road machines. Volvo CE was not interested in producing an own product but would like to find a third part producer that might could use our concept solution as a working base for further development of a solution that could handle the storage of AdBlue/DEF. However, it is extremely important that the solution stands for the company’s core values “Quality, Safety and Environmental care” in order for Volvo CE to be able to recommend it to their customers. With the reference group we agreed that a morning meeting would take place at 7.30 am every morning where yesterday’s work could be discussed and todays work could be planned, this in order to always have a close communication that could foster the project. After each meeting all new tasks were listed in an action list, see appendix 12.6. This action list contained the activity, the responsible part, a planned ready date and a box to check in when the task had been completed. This action list was available to us and to the reference group so everyone could check in the completed box when completing a task.
7.2 UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM In order to safeguard that emission levels are kept the legislative authorities have forced the engine manufactures to make sure the machine cannot be used without AdBlue/DEF. Due to this, users of the off-road machines must make sure that AdBlue/DEF always is available in the machines. If the operator does not refuel the AdBlue/DEF, or uses the wrong kind of fluid, the machine will gradually lower the output effect until it finally will go to idle. Due to this it is very important that AdBlue/DEF is always to be found near the working place, preferably even to be kept on site and to be mobile. AdBlue/DEF has the characteristic to freeze at - 11°C which can cause big problems when storing during wintertime if access to external electricity is not possible. If the driver needs to refill AdBlue/DEF in winter times, the AdBlue/DEF must be possible to pump from the storage container to the machine. Since the machine does not know if the user has neglected refueling the AdBlue/DEF tank in the machine because of his own will or because of that the AdBlue/DEF in the storage tank is frozen the machine will after a while go to idle anyhow. To solve this problem, how to safeguard fluid AdBlue/DEF in cold climate, is very important to Volvo CE since they do not want unhappy customers and it has also been the focus of this thesis work. Since the AdBlue/DEF is a blend of 32,5% urea in 67,5% distilled water (Air1, Air1 Sverige, 2012) the blend will get several other draw-backs but the freezing point due to the chemical structure such as: • • • • •
Corrosive tendency in contact with non-alloyed steel, copper, copper containing alloys and zinc coated steels Will precipitate manganese in contact with manganese alloyed steel Will expand while freezing Will precipitate ammonia in contact with air Will precipitate ammonia at an exponential rate when the temperature of the solution rises over 70°C
These draw-backs lead to the problem that is to be solved during the Volvo CE project. They also leads to difficulties in the thesis work when comes to choices of materials that is to be in contact with or nearby the AdBlue/DEF. For more information about AdBlue/DEF see appendix 12.7. The main problem to focus on during the thesis work will, as stated before, be how to solve the problem with AdBlue/DEF freezing during wintertime in areas where temperature drops below -11°C. The problem is easily solved with electrical heating on sites where electricity is found, but for Volvo CE and many others it will be problematic how to satisfy the customers need on sites if no external electrical supply is available.
In addition to this it is also important to keep peripheral equipment such as pump and hose and filling nozzle working. Because AdBlue/DEF can be gathered in these components the system also needs to maintain a temperature over the freezing point of the AdBlue/DEF not to break. (Oldberg, 2012)
Figure 4 – IBC-tank with pump, hose and special AdBlue filling nozzle (Direct Industry, 2012)
To get an overview of what the solution must fulfill a function analysis was made. The function analysis points out the most important functions to fulfill during the thesis work and is shown in Figure 5 in the form of a function tree, to make it clearer to understand the contexts. To the left in the picture is the main function and if going to the right in the picture you will get an answer to the question “How” and if going back to the left you will get an answer to the question “Why”.
Keep the cold locked out Keep AdBlue fluid Add heat
Ensure the tank and its interface is standard Ease refueling of AdBlue tank Ensure the tank is accesable
Ensure the interface is easy to access
Ease refueling of AdBlue to the machine
Ensure pump and hose are working
Ease the handling of AdBlue Ensure mobility
Ensure the solution can manage rough handling Ensure robustness Ensure compatibility with harsh climate
Ensure global availability
Ensure components are according to global standards
Minimize energy losses Ensure the solution is as efficient as possible Ensure possible power sources are as fuel efficient as possible
Figure 5 - Function tree
7.3 UNDERSTANDING THE MARKET From the interviews with Lenny Jonasson and Aron Holmberg at the department of Engine development and Auxiliary Systems we understood that every diesel powered machine with an engine size above 56 kW that sells in North America and Europe from 2014 will be affected by the emission legislation. The map in Figure 6 shows the countries that are affected by the Tier 4 Final / Stage IV legislation.
Figure 6 – Countries affected by the Tier 4 Final / Stage IV legislation (Cummins, 2012)
From information given by Volvo CE it became clear that only the northern regions and/or high altitude parts of North America and Europe, in countries that have cold climate, would have problems with AdBlue/DEF that freezes in periods of cold temperatures. In order to narrow it down to something understandable we decided to focus on Sweden primarily and to always have the rest of the affected regions in mind. We therefore studied median temperature charts from SMHI, see appendix 12.8, to understand which part of Sweden we should focus on when looking for potential customers to interview. From the charts we found that north of Dalarna the median temperature was below -11°C during the winter month, therfore we focused on that part of Sweden when interviewing potential customers. Unfortunately this was such a new problem that no specific statistic was to be found that could describe the affected market to 100%. Therefore we have been forced to estimate how big the problem is, and who the customers are. During the market research two primarily producers of AdBlue/DEF was studied that covered the affected countries. These producers were Yara and Terra Environmental Technologies which produces AdBlue/DEF under the brand names Air1 and TerraCair. Since Lena Andersson already had made some contact with Yara’s office in Köping they became our primary contact for information about AdBlue/DEF.
7.4 UNDERSTANDING THE CUSTOMER Understanding the customer was important to be able to design a solution that could attract Volvo CE’s customers. Since we had established where the market was, we decided to identify the customer and its need of AdBlue/DEF. Exactly how much AdBlue/DEF the affected customer was going to need was extremely difficult to answer. This because of that a customer could start with a few AdBlue/DEF machines and then replace old ones or buy new machines and therefore increase the AdBlue/DEF consumption. In general the AdBlue/DEF consumption is about 5% of the diesel consumption, this means that for every 100 liters use of diesel the use of AdBlue/DEF will be about 5 liters (Air1, 2012). With the help of Lena Andersson we got three customer scenarios as follows: Case 1 Small customer – first SCR machine • One new machine using AdBlue/DEF (EC250D excavator) • AdBlue/DEF consumption approximately 5% of fuel consumption, – 1500 hours per year of usage – Roughly 1800 liters of AdBlue/DEF per year – Roughly 150-200 liters of AdBlue/DEF per month • Possible distribution models to the customer: – 20 liters can ready mix – Supplied by dealer – Barrels 208 liter – Supplied by dealer – IBC-tank 1000 liter – supplied by AdBlue/DEF distributor Case 2 Mid-size customer – first two SCR machines • Two new machines using AdBlue/DEF (A30F articulated hauler and L180G wheel loader) • AdBlue/DEF consumption approximately 5% of fuel consumption, – 2 x 1500 hours per year of usage – Roughly 3200 liters of AdBlue/DEF per year – Roughly 300-400 liters of AdBlue/DEF per month • Possible distribution models to the customer: – 20 liters can ready mix – Supplied by dealer – Barrels 208 liter – Supplied by dealer – IBC-tank 1000 liter – supplied by AdBlue/DEF distributor Case 3 Large customer – 10 new SCR machines • Ten new machines using AdBlue/DEF (Construction site - project) • AdBlue/DEF consumption approximately 5% of fuel consumption, – 10 x 1500 hours per year of usage – Roughly 18000 liters of AdBlue/DEF per year – Roughly 1500-2000 liters of AdBlue/DEF per month • Possible distribution models to the customer: – IBC-tank 1000 liter – supplied by AdBlue/DEF distributor – Bulk – Supplied by AdBlue/DEF distributor
During the interviews with potentially affected customers we could not talk to customers using machines from Volvo CE because engines that need AdBlue/DEF do not yet exists in machines from Volvo CE. Instead we searched for contractors active north of Dalarna that used products on other markets and found that the forestry and farming business uses machines that need AdBlue/DEF. After several telephone interviews we found out that on farms there is no problem with AdBlue/DEF freezing because of that they have electricity to heat the AdBlue/DEF with at site. In the forestry business they do not have electricity and therefore keeps AdBlue/DEF in cans in the trailer or in the machine cab. For interview documentation see appendix 12.9. After these telephone interviews we manage to limit our focus on businesses with machine fleets with one up to five machines. This was based on the customer scenarios and the telephone interviews from which we could draw the conclusion that a fleet with one up to five machines needed a bigger tank, not only cans, both because of their AdBlue/DEF consumption and to avoid a more complex logistic to support all machines. With this as background the need of AdBlue/DEF was estimated to 200-1000 liters per month. Customers with more than five machines are not relevant at this point because of that they normally have electricity available on site since they must keep bigger personal facilities running. Their high numbers of machines also results in high consumption of AdBlue/DEF which is normally solved by big tanks that are heated by electricity.
7.5 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION With the background material from Lena Andersson, the function analysis as a starting point and after interviews with personal from Volvo CE we made a requirement specification. It was especially important for us to make sure that the concept solution: • • • • •
Would be safe to personal and environment. Would be able to keep the AdBlue/DEF fluid for at least one work shift in temperatures below -11°C without the need of external electrical supply. Would be able to be moved with a full tank. Would be manufactured from material that would withstand tough usage in cold and wet climate. Would be manufactured from material that would not contaminate the AdBlue/DEF.
For the whole requirement specification, see appendix 12.2. When we created the requirement specification we found it important to connect it to Volvo’s core values “Quality, Safety and Environmental care” and it was also important that they followed throughout the whole process. The requirement specification was later to be the foundation for the equipment summary that listed a number of different varieties of components and also for the list of criteria for the final concept evaluation.
7.6 MAPPING OF EXISTING SOLUTIONS Using Lena Anderson’s material during the research on the Internet we found a couple of manufacturers of on-road equipment to investigate further. We wanted to find out if they had any solutions that would fulfill our requirement specification. What we found was a number of electrical storage solutions; see description in Figure 7.
Figure 7 – Summary table of electrical storage solution distributors.
Description 1 BlueMaster from Kingspan, see Figure 9, is an insulated tank with volumes of 1,2 – 9,0 m3 inside a protected enclosure that is heated by an electric heater. Connected to the tank is a separate heated compartment with the purpose to protect peripheral equipment such as pump and hose from freezing. This tank solution requires electricity from the power grid. Another tank solution from Kingspan is Blue TruckMaster, see Figure 8. This solution is a non-insulated, non-heated tank with volumes of 0,2 – 0,9 m3 designed to fit a pick up truck.
Figure 8 - Blue TruckMaster from Kingspan (Kingspan, 2012)
Figure 9 - BlueMaster from Kingspan (Kingspan, 2012)
Description 2 Identic are producing tank solutions with volumes of 1 – 5 m3. For example the Metro Bulk 4000, see Figure 10, is an insulated storage for both tank and peripheral equipment that is heated with an electric heater that requires electricity from the power grid. This is a solution mostly used by big, stationary companies.
Figure 10 - Metro Bulk 4000 from Identic (Identic, 2012)
Description 3 KleerBlue provides tank solutions for the North American market with volumes of 1–50 m3. One of their solutions is the Insulated Tote Storage Unit, see Figure 11. This is an insulated tank storage solution for the tank and peripheral equipment heated with an electric heater in need of electricity from the power grid.
Figure 11 - Insulated Tote Storage Unit from KleerBlue (KleerBlue, 2012)
Description 4 Balmoral SuperBlue, see Figure 12, is a tank solution with volumes 1 – 10 m3 that is insulated and is heated by an electric heater that requires electricity from the power grid. The unit is designed to be placed on a specific place and not to be moved after that, especially not with a full tank. Peripheral equipment is to be stored inside the heated storage.
Figure 12 - SB2500H Horizontal SuperBlueTM from Balmoral-Group (Balmoral-Group, 2012)
Description 5 The tank solution from Blue1USA is a heated and insulated storage for a tank with volumes of 3 – 7 m3, see Figure 13. The peripheral equipment is stored inside the heated storage. This solution is sold on the North American market and requires electricity from the power grid.
Figure 13 – Commercial Mini Bulk System from Blue1USA (Blue1USA, 2012)
Description 6 The Outdoor Version from Bott, see Figure 14, is heated with a electrical heater in need of electricity from the power grid. The storage is insulated and can store a tank with volumes of 1 or 4 m3. The peripheral equipment is also stored inside the heated storage. This solution is only sold on the European market.
Figure 14 – Outdoor version from Bott AdBlue/DEF (Bott, AdBlue, 2012)
Summary During research on these existing tank solutions for on-road vehicles, it appeared that they only can be moved with an empty tank and that every one of them needs external electrical supply. The heater capacity varies between 0,25 – 5 kW but no information about material and thickness for insulation has been found. The search gave us inspiration and material for questions to ask during contact with other manufacturers. We also realized that we had focused on the wrong kind of solutions when we searched for manufactures of tanks that could hold AdBlue/DEF. We should have 30(58)
started by doing a wide search of the on-road solutions and then gone directly to the phase of generating concepts instead of focusing exclusively on different kind of tanks. Therefore we decided to meet the producers of AdBlue/DEF in Köping in order to get some answers regarding AdBlue/DEF and the usage of AdBlue/DEF.
7.6.1 FIELD TRIP A field trip to Yara in Köping was made with the goal to get some answers regarding AdBlue/DEF and the use of AdBlue/DEF. We were also interested in what kind of storage solution they recommended their customers today. During our visit we learned about AdBlue/DEF from Roger Oldberg and we got the opportunity to study a BlueMaster solution from Kingspan. BlueMaster, see Figure 9, is a tank for the on-road or off-road market that has an electric heater that needs external electricity to prevent the AdBlue/DEF from freezing. Roger Oldberg told us about customers that had machines for farming and how much AdBlue/DEF they needed and also what sort of tanks and storages they used. Roger explained and demonstrated the 5000 liter BlueMaster tank from Kingspan, see detailed pictures in Figure 15 and Figure 16.
Figure 15 – Picture from field trip showing hose, and filling nozzle in BlueMaster
Figure 16 - Picture from field trip showing storage for hose, control panel and heater in BlueMaster
Kingspans different AdBlue/DEF tanks have the same solution and therefore the size of the tanks was not important during this field trip study. He also explained to us that the tank is placed inside a protective shell with insulation and an electrical heater. The storage room for hose, pump and control panel was separated from the storage room of the tank and had its own electric heater. With this sort of solution the tank must be empty before it can be moved. During this field trip Roger also presented the IBC-tank of 1000 liter to us. He explained that it is a common size that customer usually buy and that an IBC-tank can be moved with full tank. There is no insulation present on the IBC-tank and the distributor, in this case Yara, makes sure the IBC-tank is delivered to the site. With this information we came to the conclusion that an IBC-tank could be a possible solution for the storage of AdBlue/DEF.
7.7 GENERATE CONCEPTS In order to keep an open mind after the field trip we decided to brainstorm with the intention to come up with as many ways as possible to store AdBlue/DEF in order to keep it from freezing. We directly decided that we should store the AdBlue/DEF in some kind of tank because it is the safest way to store AdBlue/DEF. Another issue to solve was how it could be possible to, if needed, keep or add heat to the tank and its peripheral equipment. The ideas we had are stated below: 1. Dig down a tank of AdBlue/DEF on a frost free depth and by that way make sure it does not freeze. 2. Stir the AdBlue/DEF around in a tank in order to get a circulation of the molecules that could slow down the freezing process. 3. Insulate the tank with for example polyurethane foam or cellular plastic in order to slow down the freezing process. 4. Add heat directly in to the AdBlue/DEF by for example an immersion heater. 5. Add heat to the space around the AdBlue/DEF tank if the tank is placed in a storage in order to be able to keep the AdBlue/DEF fluid for a longer time. 6. Add an antifreeze substance to the AdBlue/DEF in order to stop it from freezing. 7. Cover a tank of AdBlue/DEF with soil with the help of an excavator. 8. Cover the AdBlue/DEF tank with a heating cap that is shaped to fit the tank and its peripheral equipment. 9. Cover the AdBlue/DEF tank with an isolating cap that is shaped to fit the tank and its peripheral equipment. 10. Place the tank on a heated base plate to use the fact that warm air rises. 11. Pump the AdBlue/DEF through a heating unit and then back into the tank to in that way continuously heat the solution. 12. Put the tank in an insulated storage.
7.8 EVALUATE CONCEPT To start the evaluation of the first concepts we established some criteria that we found to be specifically important: 1. Ensure that the tank is at no risk of freezing. 2. Ensure that the pump and hose are at no risk of freezing. 3. Be mobile also with a full tank. To see if the concepts that were established through brainstorming would fulfill some or all of the criteria we executed a list of pros and cons for each concept. 1. Dig down a tank of AdBlue/DEF on a frost free depth and by that way make sure it does not freeze. + Minimizes the risk of hitting the tank with a machine – Hard to keep mobile – Gives no shelter to peripheral equipment 2. Stir the AdBlue/DEF around in a tank in order to get a circulation of the molecules that could slow down the freezing process. – The stir mechanism needs to be made of materials that manage the chemical characteristics of AdBlue/DEF – Will only work before AdBlue/DEF starts to freeze – Gives no shelter to peripheral equipment – Needs electricity 3. Insulate the tank with for example polyurethane foam or cellular plastic in order to slow down the freezing process. + Slows down the freezing process – Will only work before AdBlue/DEF starts to freeze – Gives no shelter to peripheral equipment 4. Add heat directly into the AdBlue/DEF with for example an immersion heater. + Keeps AdBlue/DEF above freezing point – Gives no shelter to peripheral equipment – The immersion heater needs to be made of materials that manage the chemical characteristics of AdBlue/DEF – Needs electricity – Could cause spill while refueling the tank 5. Add heat to the space around the AdBlue/DEF tank if the tank is placed in a storage, in order to be able to keep the AdBlue/DEF fluid for a longer time. + Provides shelter to peripheral equipment + Keeps AdBlue/DEF above freezing point – The heat will easily leak out 6. Add an antifreeze substance to the AdBlue/DEF in order to stop it from freezing. – Could contaminate the AdBlue/DEF – Gives no shelter to peripheral equipment
7. Cover a tank of AdBlue/DEF with soil with the help of an excavator. – Hard to keep mobile – Hard to give shelter to peripheral equipment – Will only work before AdBlue/DEF starts to freeze 8. Cover the AdBlue/DEF tank with a heating cap that is shaped to fit the tank and its peripheral equipment. – Needs electricity – Hard to keep mobile – Hard to use the peripheral equipment in an easy way – Needs to add heat continuously 9. Cover the AdBlue/DEF tank with an isolating cap that is shaped to fit the tank and its peripheral equipment. – Will only work before AdBlue/DEF starts to freeze – Hard to keep mobile – Hard to use the peripheral equipment in an easy way 10. Place the tank on a heated base plate to use the fact that warm air rises. – The heat will easily disappear – Gives no shelter to peripheral equipment 11. Pump the AdBlue/DEF through a heating unit and then back into the tank in order to continuously heat the solution. + Keeps AdBlue/DEF above freezing point – Gives no shelter to peripheral equipment – The heat will easily leak out 12. Put the tank in an insulated storage. + Provides shelter to peripheral equipment + Will keep heat from leaking out + Do not need electricity – Will only work before AdBlue/DEF starts to freeze In order to ensure that the pump and hose are at no risk of freezing we could exclude the concepts number one, two, three, four, six, seven, ten and eleven because it would require another solution just to keep the pump and hose useful. To be able to keep the pump and hose from freezing in concept number eight and nine they needed to be kept under the cap too which would lead to unnecessary complications when it was to be used for refueling the machine. It would also be hard to keep the caps tight in order to minimize the loss of heat. If the caps are to be made as tight as needed it would be more useful and environmental friendly to use a real storage room for the whole system instead. These concepts will also be hard to move with a full tank why they therefore were omitted. The solutions number five and twelve we chose to have in mind during the further process because we thought that they might be able to combine in order to create a complete solution. Through the concept generation and the market research we had come to the conclusion that our concept solution needed a tank to store the AdBlue/DEF in, a way to store the tank and something to keep the AdBlue/DEF over -11°C with. Since it was important that the pump and hose would not freeze we focused on the concepts that stored the hose and 34(58)
pump near the tank and that preferably could keep them from freezing with the same solution that kept the AdBlue/DEF from freezing. After research on different types of heaters we found out that to ensure this, a solution without the need of any external electricity was nearly impossible to develop. This because most heaters needed a thermostat to be able to control the heat, in order to decrease the effort for the user and this thermostat must be regulated by electricity. Also electricity was needed to regulate the fuel supply, if there was to be any fuel used, and to have a safe and easy start mechanism which was important in order to keep the solution user friendly. We therefore met up with the reference group and we all agreed that our solution could include some components that needed electricity if it was possible to solve the electricity need in a user friendly way. After this we broadened our search to find solutions that could keep the AdBlue/DEF from freezing with as little external electrical supply as possible in order to keep the solution fuel efficient and user friendly. When these boundaries were established for the concepts, the phase of composing the concept solution and the search for varieties of each kind of component began. We started out with the tank and whether it should be insulated or not. Then discussed how the tank could be placed and came up with the ideas to keep it outside, in a heated storage, in an insulated storage or in a non-insulated storage. This depending on whether the tank was to be insulated or not and if there already was an existing heated storage on site. To keep the AdBlue/DEF from freezing heat needed to be added either directly to the liquid or to the space surrounding the tank. In order to do this we found solutions such as immersion heater, gas heater, diesel heater and electrical heater. Almost all of these heaters needed some peripheral equipment that would result in some additional costs due to power supply solutions, fans or radiators, but that was impossible to avoid. To find electricity sources we searched for different types of equipment, such as battery, solar panel or generator. We decided that the need of electricity could be solved by using a battery and/or a generator because the use of solar panel was too risky if there was not enough sun light or if snow would block the solar panel from the sun light. After doing the first selection we reached a number of concepts that had similar qualities but was solved with different solutions. They are shown in a “solution/concept tree” in Figure 17 on the next page and information of the varieties of components is listed in an equipment summary in appendix 12.10. The information in the equipment summary is based on the requirement specification.
Figure 17 – Solution/Concept tree
The tree is supposed to be read up to down in order to show the different concepts. For example an easy concept could be a tank without insulation stored in an existing heated storage. This concept would only work if the customer already has a heated storage on site that could fit an AdBlue/DEF tank of suitable size. A more complex concept could be a tank without insulation, stored in an insulated storage, heated by a diesel heater with the need of some control voltage, which were provided through a battery which in its turn was charged by a generator.
The reference group recommended us to, with the help from the list of criteria, see appendix 12.11, and our listed pros and cons in appendix 12.12, to value the different components as “usable” or “not recommended”. This we visualized with a plus for “usable” and a minus for “not recommended” as shown in Figure 18 below.
Figure 18 – Solution/Concept tree valued the Volvo way
From the tree we could see a distinct way of pluses which when was followed gave us the concept of a tank without insulation, stored in an insulated storage, heated by a diesel heater with the need of some control voltage, which were provided through a battery which in its turn was charged by a generator. This concept we presented as our key concept at the meeting with Yara, Kingspan and the reference group. The meeting was set up in order for us to establish a first contact with Yara and Kingspan and we wanted their opinions on how our solution could meet their standards and to see if this was something they thought suited their range of products. We asked the present representatives Mikael Edsäter from Yara and Johan Ek from Kingspan for their opinions on the concept and got a positive response. We also discussed if AdBlue/DEF was theft greedily and came to the conclusion that it was not as high risk for stolen AdBlue/DEF as for diesel which was in our advantage when developing the concept. If the AdBlue/DEF had been as theft greedily as diesel we would have had to put a lot of effort into making the storage extremely theft proof, which now was not needed. The meeting also gave us more input for evaluating the different concept shown in the “solution tree”, see meeting minutes in appendix 12.13. Through this meeting we also got hold of contact information to John Lennon who is the R&D Manager at Kingspan Poland and we had a telephone meeting with him where he gave us input on our concept solution. John Lennon said that our solution could work but that Kingspan did not have any insulated storages as the one we described in their product range today. He also pointed out that it was important to keep the pump and hose safe from freezing why he thought that we should insulate them. Furthermore he told us about their solution BlueMaster which were insulated with polyurethane and used an electrical heater with 250 W effects. In order to ensure that the “green plus solution” were the best solution each component was evaluated from the criteria with a Pugh-analysis. This resulted in four different Pughmatrixes, one for each kind of component, see appendix 12.14. Since the reference group specifically pointed out the weight of security and costs, these criteria was valued with high numbers in the Pugh-analysis.
7.9 CHOICE OF CONCEPTS Since the outcomes of the Pugh-analysis were in line with what we had reached through the “Volvo-method”, the Kingspan meeting and the telephone meeting with John Lennon, we chose to move on with the concept made up by the four Pugh-winning components. The chosen concept became a tank without insulation, preferably an IBC-tank because it is a standard tank which is used frequently by a numbers of businesses. The tank would also suit our customer as they needed 200-1000 liters of AdBlue/DEF per month. By using this standard IBC-tank the initial cost is minimized since no tools need to be made for producing a whole new designed tank. The tank is stored in an insulated storage and by this the pump and the hose can be protected from freezing or damaging. The insulation helps the heat to stay in the storage and by this the fuel consumption is minimized since minimal heat will leak out which leads to that the solution becomes more energy efficient. An important thing is to dimension the storage equipment so that the storage can be moved with a full tank since this is one of the most important criteria in designing a mobile solution.
The storage is heated by a diesel heater that gives an even heating because of the circulating air from an integrated fan. The diesel heater needs electricity to be able to control the temperature through a thermostat. Electricity is also needed in order to run the control panel, which makes it easier for the user to operate the machine, and sometimes also in order to start and stop the solution by a timer or GSM-feature. This kind of heaters comes in a large variety of sizes and fuel tank solutions and is therefore easy to adapt to chosen storage and tank size. See the equipment summary in appendix 12.10. Diesel was preferred as fuel for all components that needed some kind of fuel since it was already available on site as fuel for the machines. Diesel also provides a reduced risk for explosions, less than example gasoline, which is important to make the system safe for the user. The need of electricity was solved with a diesel generator that charges a battery which in its turn gives electricity to the heater and its control panel. With this energy solution the generator only needs to run while charging the battery which leads to both a lower usage of the generator than if used without a battery as well as lower fuel consumption. The generator could also add customer value to the operator by giving an option to run for example pumps and other components that needed electricity. Important is to adapt both the battery and the generator to manage the rough climate.
Figure 19 – Chosen concept
7.10 CHOICE OF COMPONENTS In this section our choice of components to fulfill our requirements will be presented. We have been looking for standard components and solutions on a global market to fulfill every potential markets. All prices are collected from internet and if not said otherwise the prices are including VAT.
7.10.1 CHOICE OF TANK An IBC-tank is chosen because it is a suitable size for the machine fleet we have been focusing on, which uses 200-1000 liters of AdBlue/DEF per month, and it is easy to replace when empty. Connection between the IBC-tank and the pump can be done either at the top of the tank or at the orifice at the bottom of the tank. A benefit with connecting the pump at the orifice is that the risk of both contamination and spillage of AdBlue/DEF is significantly reduced. Another benefit with connecting to the orifice is that the liquid is fluid when needed since the IBC-tank is heated from underneath to ensure that.
7.10.2 CHOICE OF CONTAINER AND INSULATION We have chosen a 6 feet steel container to storage all equipment in. This choice would fulfill the requirement to manage tough usage as well as cold and wet climate. The insulation consists of one 35 mm sheet of cellular plastic and two 12 mm sheets of plywood. This insulation is enough to keep the temperature inside the container above - 11°C, with the help from a heating solution, when the transmission loss is 500W, see appendix 15 for calculations. Insulation is performed from customer’s specification and is therefore easy to adjust if any other requirements regarding insulation are desired. In the container the customer can storage an IBC-tank or barrels along their own needs. The container can be moved with a wheel loader with forks or with a crane by the attachment loops on top. The load capacity of the container is 4000 kg and is enough to handle the weight from the IBC-tank, the generator and the battery. During telephone interviews with producers of containers we collected an estimated price depending of insulation and size of the container (Kniblick, 2012) (Setterblad, 2012). For this solution the approximate price is 25000 – 30000 SEK excl. VAT.
7.10.3 CHOICE OF HEATER Some important issues to fulfill when choosing a heater was: • • •
To have enough power to keep the temperature in a 6 feet container above - 11°C when the outside temperature is as low as -40°C. Have as low nominal power as possible, to make the battery last as long as possible. Have as low fuel consumption as possible.
Because of that there is diesel is available on work sites a heater that runs on diesel is the best choice and therefore also the chosen solution. Eberspächer Airtronic D2 heater with a heating capacity of 0,85 – 1,8 kW will have no problem to keep a 6 feet container with either 35 mm or 70 mm cellular plastic and two 12 mm plywood insulation above -11°C, when temperature outside is as low as -40°C, and thereby prevent the AdBlue/DEF and other equipment from freezing. Eberspächer Airtronic D2 has three steps of heating capacity 850W, 1200W and 1800W. The benefit with three steps of heating capacity is that when it is needed full power could 40(58)
be used to quickly warm the space and equipment to a temperature warm enough to prevent them from freezing. Thereafter the heater could lower the power step by step to maintain the temperature on a required level. Using a heater with different levels of heating capacity also provides the possibility to lower the nominal power from 34W to only 8W. This would result in a longer battery life time since the heater gets is nominal power from it. The nominal power is used to control the fuel pump, the fan and the control panel. The fuel consumption can also be lowered from 0,28 l/h to 0,1 l/h using the different levels of heating capacity. Low fuel consumption provides good economy and is also more environmental friendly then high fuel consumption. Supplying the heater with diesel can either be done from an external 20 liter can nearby the heater or a pipe to a large external diesel tank that also provides the operating machine with diesel. Eberspächer Airtronic D2 can also be remotely controlled by timer or GSM. For more information about different types of heaters see the equipment summary in appendix 12.10 pages 1-6. Approximate price for the chosen heater is 12000 SEK. A short description on how a diesel heater works follows on the next page, see also Figure 20.
Figure 20 – Schematic picture of chosen diesel heater (Eberspächer, 2012)
“As soon as the heater receives its starting pulse, the following processes are trigged by the central control unit: • • • • •
The burner motor starts, the combustion space is pre-ventilated, the glow plug is warmed up and the metering pump conveys fuel. The glow plug ignites the fuel-air mixture, the flame is formed. The hot combustion gases flow through the heat exchanger. The hot air fan draws in room air or fresh air. The heat of the combustion gases is transferred by the heat exchanger to this hot air” (Eberspächer, 2012)
7.10.4 CHOICE OF BATTERY To provide the heater with nominal power an Exide Premium 100Ah battery is chosen. If the heater runs on maximum effect the battery will last for approximately 35 h before charging is needed,
= 2.833,
≈ 35 ℎ
To maintain the temperature using minimum effect the battery will last for approximately 150 h before charging is needed,
= = 0.667,
≈ 150 ℎ
The biggest benefit with using the Exide Premium is that it is maintenance free and developed to withstand deep discharge and also to cope with extreme hot and cold temperatures. For more information about different batteries see the equipment summary in appendix 12.10 pages 9-11. Approximate price is 2500 SEK.
7.10.5 CHOICE OF GENERATOR To provide electricity to charge the battery, and to run the pump, a diesel generator was chosen. The generator GEBE Powerman 3500 DC operates on diesel and has a 7A build in battery charger and 3 kW output effect. The generator has both recoil and electric start and thereby also the opportunity to attach equipment for remote starting. The operating time on the built in tank of diesel is 12 hours. For more information about generators see the equipment summary in appendix 12.10 pages 7-8. If the customer chooses not to buy a generator the battery needs to be charge through some other solution. This generator needs protection from water but this will not be a problem since the generator is placed inside the container. Approximate price is 9000 SEK.
7.10.6 CHOICE OF PUMP, HOSE AND FILLING NOZZLE The pump, hose and filling nozzle are recommended to be bought in kits from dealers, for example products from Piusi (, who sell products adapted to AdBlue/DEF. It is important that the materials are adapted to manage the chemical characteristics of AdBlue/DEF otherwise it may contaminate the liquid. The parts that are not made of AdBlue/DEF manageable materials may corrode and cause leakage. There are pumps which run on either 230V or 12V and with the GEBE generator on site both types of pumps would work. The price range is 5000 – 10000 SEK.
7.10.7 INSTALLATION The IBC-tank will be placed in the corner of the container with straps connected to the floor and with pump and hose mounted on the cage. The heater will be installed on the wall where no risk of collision to other components is possible. The intake of air will be made through the wall nearby the floor and exhausts are led out through the wall nearby the roof so that they could easier be blown away by the wind and also so that the risk of getting exhaust inside the container is minimized. The heated air passes through a tube with an outlet under the IBC-tank so that the AdBlue/DEF gets heated from underneath. The reason for having the outlet near the bottom is to heat the AdBlue/DEF in the tank near the orifice which results in that the AdBlue/DEF always is fluid by the orifice when needed. The thermostat is placed at the 42(58)
wall nearby the floor diagonal from the heating outlet because it shall not be influenced by the heater and to avoid that air near the floor will be to cold so that the fluid would freeze. The thermostat is also protected from collisions with a plate and the control panel is place just inside of the door to make it is easy to operate for the user. The battery is placed on a shelf above the generator close to the heater so that the wire to the heater and generator can be as short as possible. Total approximate price is 60000 – 75000 SEK incl. VAT (excl. IBC-tank)
7.11 FMEA By doing a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) we found a some failure effects that we recommend to investigate during further development of the concept solution. The recommendations are presented in chapter 10.3. For detailed FMEA see appendix 12.18.
8 RESULTS In this chapter all components that are included in the concept solution will be presented visually and with some detailed information.
Figure 21 – The concept solution
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
IBC-tank Container with insulation Diesel heater Battery Generator Pump Hose Filling nozzle
The IBC-tank will be placed in the corner of the container with pump and hose mounted on a plate with hooks that hangs on the IBC-tank. Thereby risk for collision is minimized during change of the tank. On the wall inside of the container the heater will be installed so that no risk of collision to other components are possible. The intake of air will be put on the wall nearby the floor and the exhausts will be led out through the wall nearby the roof. The heated air will pass through a tube with an outlet below the IBC-tank so that the liquid will be heated from underneath. The reason for having the outlet near the bottom is to heat the AdBlue/DEF in the tank near the orifice which results in that the AdBlue/DEF always is fluid when needed near the orifice. The control panel is placed just inside of the door so it is easy for the user to operate. The generator is placed on the floor beside the IBC-tank and the battery is placed on a shelf above the generator close to the heater so the wire to the heater and generator can be as short as possible. See appendix 12.16 for a functional sketch of the result.
Figure 22 – Insulated storage container
A six foot storage container is used to protect the components. Measurements: 1980 x 1950 x 1910 mm The storage container is insulated with two layers of 12 mm plywood and in between them a 35 or 70 mm layer of cellular plastic. Insulation is performed from customer’s specification and therefore easy to adjust. The container opens with two doors for easy access to the different parts of equipment. It can be moved with a fork-equipped wheel loader or with a crane by the attachment loops on top and has a loading capacity of 4000 kg. See Figure 22.
Figure 23 – IBC-tank
A 1 m3 IBC-tank is used to store the AdBlue/DEF. It is replaced by the distributor when empty. The IBC-tank stands steadily by the base plate made in plastic, metal or wood. The cage around the IBC-tank is perfect to hold the pump, hose and filling nozzle. See Figure 23
Figure 24 – Diesel heater
The storage and IBC-tank are heated with an Eberspächer Airtronic D2 diesel heater with an effect of 0,85-1,8 kW. See Figure 24. The heater blows out warm air through a tube underneath the IBC-tank which provides an quick heating of the tank. With the different steps of effect could the heater use a small amount of control voltage and thereby make the battery last for a longer time. It also provides less fuel consumption. The heater is combined with a thermostat and a control panel that can be remotely controlled by GSM or timer.
Figure 25 - Battery
A battery provides the heater with enough power to use the thermostat, fuel pump and control panel. The battery from Exide is charged with a diesel generator when needed and will last for 100 Ah, i.e. approximately 30 hours, if the heater is at its maximum level. The battery is maintenance free and is developed to withstand deep discharge and also to cope with extreme hot and cold climate. See Figure 25.
Figure 26 – Generator
The diesel generator from GEBE has a 7A built in battery charger and an output effect on 3 kW and got both recoil and electric start. With the electric start is it possible to attach equipment for remote start. It has a tank volume of 13,5 liters that will keep it running for 12 h and it is placed inside the storage to keep it dry. Its main purpose is to charge the battery. By this the fuel consumption is lowered since the generator only needs to run while the battery is charging instead of all the time while powering the diesel heater. The exhaust gases are discharged through the container wall. See Figure 26.
8.6 PUMP
Figure 27 - Pump
The pump used is a standard pump that can be bought together with a hose. It all connects to the IBC-tank to ease the usage for the user. This system is optional and can be discarded to save some cost but then a manual pump is needed instead which results in a much slower refueling of AdBlue/DEF to the machine. The pump is to be mounted on the side of the IBC and by this it is easy to replace the IBC-tank and mount the pump on the new one. Pump, hose and filling nozzle is bought in kits from dealers who sell products adapted to AdBlue/DEF. See Figure 27.
8.7 HOSE
Figure 28 - Hoes
The hose is a standard hose that can be bought together with the pump. It is wrapped on a winder to ease the usage. See Figure 28.
Figure 29 – Filling nozzle
The filling nozzle has a function that lets the user know when the tank is full by stopping the AdBlue/DEF flow and therefor minimize unnecessary spills. This is important in order to keep the storage and components clean and functional. See Figure 29.
9 ANALYSIS In the following chapter we will answer the problem statements stated in chapter 4. Thereafter we will describe how the concept solution will fulfill the criteria given in the requirement specification.
9.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem statements are listed and answered below. 1. Who is the affected customer? The customers have one to five machines that are included in the emission legislation that affects North America and Europe. The legislation is due from year 2014 and called Tier 4 Final/Stage IV. It is issued in order to lower the nitrogen oxides (NOx) gases which are produced from all combustion processes at high temperatures. To lower the NOx a technology called Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) could be used and for this technology to work AdBlue/DEF is needed. For a machine fleet to be affected by the thesis work it needs to be working in a climate where the temperature is below – 11°C for a period of time. The production can continue down to – 40°C which means that the customers need to have the AdBlue/DEF fluid for at least one work shift per machine even if temperatures drops below – 11°C . However it is preferred that most of the AdBlue/DEF is fluid in order to minimize the risk of unplanned production stops. To prevent that AdBlue/DEF freezes, a common way is to use electrical heater. Due to this the affected customers are mostly located in cold climate areas and do not have access to external electrical supply since they work in small teams far from infrastructure. Customers with more than five machines are not relevant at this point because of that they normally have electricity available on site since they must keep bigger personal facilities running. Their high numbers of machines also results in high consumption of AdBlue/DEF which is normally solved by big tanks that are heated by electricity. 2. How much AdBlue/DEF does the customer need to have fluid? In general the AdBlue/DEF consumption is about 5% of the diesel consumption, this means that for every 100 liters use of diesel the use of AdBlue/DEF will be about 5 liters. From this we estimate that a customer could need about 200-1000 liter AdBlue/DEF per month. Since the AdBlue/DEF tank on the machine is dimensioned for one shift our solution needs to be able to keep at a minimum 20-80 liter fluid per machine and shift, depending on the engine size. 3. How can AdBlue/DEF be kept fluid during winter when no electricity is available on site? To achieve this, some sort of heat needs to be added to the fluid or to the space surrounding the fluid. The easiest way should be to use a POD Diesel heater which does not need any electricity at all. However this solution is not user friendly since there is no safe starting mechanism and also no easy way to control the temperature. Therefore our solution that uses a diesel heater, in need of only control voltage, is much more suitable to use for this kind of occasions. The diesel heater can be regulated in order to control the temperature in a user friendly way through a thermostat. The control voltage is supplied through a battery that is charged by a generator. 50(58)
By this the use of the generator is minimized since it only needs to operate while charging the battery which results in lower fuel consumption. In order to keep the heat the diesel heater and tank is installed in an insulated containers which also lowers the fuel consumption. 4. How can necessary peripheral equipment be kept usable? In order to keep the AdBlue/DEF gathered generator and battery prevent this problem container.
necessary peripheral equipment usable it is important that the in the pump, hose or filling nozzle does not freeze as well as the not would be exposed to unnecessary weather conditions. To the peripheral equipment is kept in the insulated and heated
9.2 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION To be sure of that our solution would fulfill the criteria from the requirement specification they are specified below: •
• •
• •
Be safe to personal and environment – The use of diesel is lowered by only use the generator to charge a battery which power then is taken from to provide the heater. – Do not have any open flames that could cause personal injuries. Be able to keep AdBlue/DEF fluid at temperatures below -11°C without the need of external power supply – Some electrical supply is needed. – A diesel heater causes less electrical need than an electrical heater and heats the space surrounding the AdBlue/DEF tank which results in that the AdBlue/DEF does not freeze. Be able to move with full tank – The whole storage container is possible to lift by fork equipped wheel loader. When using a crane the attachment loops on the top of the storage is suitable. Be made of good quality material to manage tough usage in cold climate – The storage is made of finished sheet metal and steel. Be ergonomically designed in order to be handled both in usage as in maintenance – Movable by fork equipped wheel loader or crane – The storage container has two doors that open at a maximum to ease any service or maintenance. Be able to keep the AdBlue/DEF fluid for at least one work shift – All of the AdBlue/DEF is kept in the storage and heated at all times. Be able to manage the chemical characteristics of AdBlue/DEF – No contaminating material is in direct contact with the AdBlue/DEF in the IBC-tank. The pump, hose and filling nozzle is adapted to be able to use with AdBlue/DEF. By using the proper AdBlue/DEF filling nozzle the risk of waste is minimized.
Be able to expand without dangerous effects – The IBC-tank is to be delivered from the distributor who is responsible for this matter. The choice of materials must be taken in consideration with production and tool costs – The storage container and the IBC-tank is standard equipment – Nothing is produced only for this solution specifically but purchased, why the purchase price of each component is more important than the production price. Be available on a global market – All components can be found globally within different companies.
10 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS In this chapter a summary of the thesis work will be presented as well as our recommendations to further development of the concept solution.
10.1 SUMMARY OF THE THESIS WORK The thesis work has kept its focus on designing a concept solution to keep AdBlue/DEF from freezing in cold climate without any external electrical supply. The solution of the problem that has been presented nearly fulfills all problem statements. The main task, to keep AdBlue/DEF from freezing without the need of external electricity, was fulfilled since the concept solution keeps AdBlue/DEF from freezing with the need of some internal electricity. In order to keep the peripheral equipment safe from freezing and damaging in a convenient way everything is stored inside of an insulated steel container. To fulfill that the solution is mobile are the container equipped with the possibility to use a fork equipped wheel loader or a crane. This was the concept solution we valued to be the most usable according to the criteria of cost, global availability and usability.
10.2 REFLECTIONS AND CONCLUSIONS From the beginning and throughout the project we have felt that our experience was not enough to conduct this thesis work in the structured way we wanted. We have felt a bit confused and have found it difficult to get hold of correct information about the way a proper thesis work should be conducted. We and many other students around us would have wanted a quick course in how a thesis work could be conducted in order to be able to focus more on the work and not the formalities. Since our given problem was fairly new the lack of information about affected markets and customers was to our disadvantage. The most difficult part of the thesis work was therefore to establish which customers were to be affected by the problem due to the emission legislation. We have learnt that in a project like this it is extremely important to know where to put down a lot of time and effort in order to distribute the given time well. If time is laid on unimportant things something that time means less time to spend on the more important things. Of course we understand that the solution is not always easy to get hold of and many solutions comes from inspiration from when looking at something completely else. We feel that our time could have been spent more efficiently during some phases, but overall we have managed to give almost every moment, that we have found important, enough time. If more time was given we have some matters that we would want to look into more closely, as for example the different concepts. We are grateful that we have been given the opportunity to meet the reference group every morning at Volvo CE in order to handle both yesterdays and today’s work In appendix 12.17 an evaluation of the project have been made through the PIPS tool.
10.3 RECOMMENDATIONS Volvo CE wanted us to come up with one final concept that they could look at and maybe keep developing. They also wanted to see what we could find in order to get inspiration to search in other places than they are used to do, and to broaden their horizons. Therefore we would like to forward some recommendations to them: By doing a FMEA the following recommendations were formulated: • • • • • •
Make sure the material in the IBC-tank can handle cold climate and point out the right amount of AdBlue/DEF filled in the tank. Make sure the IBC-tank is secured inside the storage in order not to break if the storage container is damage by a machine. Clarify the right way of handling the container storage in order not to damage it by careless handling. Ensure a stable construction not to be damaged when moved. Ensure the diesel heater has a warning system that switches the heater off when overheated or broken to avoid fires. Ensure that the user can easily see when the diesel level is low in the generator fuel tank in order to avoid unplanned production stops.
For detailed FMEA see appendix 12.18. For the customers with a machine fleet of over five machines we recommend Volvo CE to have another solution to recommend. For example Kingspan has a number of big AdBlue/DEF storage solutions that would suit a bigger fleet. These storages need electricity which is to be taken from the power grid. It is possible the storage solution otherwise could be combined with a powerful generator. For customers that uses very few and small machines our concept solution might not be the best. To them we recommend to use a solution similar to Kingspan’s Blue TruckMaster which is to be found in the sizes as small as 200 liters. The Blue TruckMaster is to be placed on a pick up truck and is therefore easy to move but has no insulation or heating. When talking to John Lennon at Kingspan Poland we understood that it would not be impossible to insulate and/or heat the solution and therefore we recommend Volvo CE to have a discussion about the possibilities with Kingspan. One of our first concepts brought up the possibility to add a substance into the AdBlue/DEF in order to keep it from freezing. This option has not been investigated thoroughly according to Roger Oldberg at Yara but we would recommend Volvo CE to look at the possibilities to investigate this, since it could be an easy and more cost sufficient way to keep AdBlue/DEF from freezing. The insulation on the container floor might not be able to bear the weight from a full tank why it should be investigated if something could be done in order to solve the problem. It should also be looked in to if the plywood is suitable to use together with AdBlue/DEF considering its chemical characteristics.
It will not be any problem to change the IBC-tank with a fork equipped wheel loader but the ability to use an excavator to replace the IBC-tank should be investigated further in order to increase the usability for the customer. Since the container has two big doors it will result in a large loss of heat while opening the doors to refuel. To minimize the loss of heat we recommend using another type of doors that can be opened without letting a large amount of heat out. For example one of the doors could be possible to open in two steps or a protective wall could be build in that only gives the user access to the filling nozzle and hose.
11 REFERENCES Figures: Air1. (2012, 04 04). Air Sverige. (Yara Sweden) Retrieved from Air1 Sverige: Air1. (2012, 04 04). Air1 Sverige. (Yara Sweden) Retrieved from Air1 Sverige: Balmoral-Group. (2012, 04 10). Fuel Oil Storage And Dispensing. Retrieved 04 10, 2012, from Blue1USA. (2012, 04 10). DEF storage and dispensing equipment. Retrieved 04 10, 2012, from Bott, AdBlue. (2012, 05 10). Outdoor Version. (Bott AdBlue) Retrieved 05 10, 2012, from Bott AdBlue: Cummins. (2012, 06 15). Emission Regulations. (Cummins Inc) Retrieved from Cummins engines: age Eberspächer. (2012, 05 02). Air Heating Technology in Detail. (Eberspächer) Retrieved 05 02, 2012, from Identic. (2012, 04 10). Innovative Solutions. Retrieved 04 10, 2012, from Kingspan. (2012). Installation and operation manual Bluestore. Kingspan. KleerBlue. (2012). DEF Equipment Pricing Catalog. KleerBlue. Verbal: Andersson, L. (2012, 04 10). Global Project Manager. Eskilstuna. Grop, F. (2012, 04 02). Manager Engine Auxiliary Systems. Eskilstuna. Jonasson, L. (2012, 04 10). Design Engineer. Eskilstuna. Kniblick, F. (2012, 05 21). Depot Manager/Sales. Göteborg. Oldberg, R. (2012, 04 17). Sales Manager AdBlue-Air1. Köping. Setterblad, H. (2012, 05 21). Sales Manager. Stockholm.
Internet: Integer. (2011). Integer Focus Report: SCR and the Non-Road Mobile Machinery Market. London: Integer Research Limited. Lövgren, R. (2012, 07 01). Föreläsningsanteckningar-Konceptgenereringsprocessen. Retrieved 07 01, 2012, from Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger. (2008). Product Design and Development (Vol. 4). New York: McGraw-Hill. Svenske, J. (1990). Språkteknik vid högskolan - Kortfattas handledning för rapportskrivare. Eskilstuna: Högskola i Eskilstuna/Västerås. Ullman, D. G. (2010). The Mechanical Design Process (Vol. 4). New York: McGrawHill .
Appendix 12.1
Appendix 12.2
BACKGROUND In the year 2014 the emission legislation Tier 4 Final/Euro IV will come into force in North America and Europe. This means that Volvo CE and other manufactures of diesel vehicles must ensure to lower the emission of NOx in their vehicles. In order to assure this Volvo CE is investigating the possibility use the SCR-system which uses a urea solution as an active substance. Urea is a chemically produced substance that is often used as a fertilizer. When diluting the urea with 67,5% distilled water the solution gets some negative qualities such as:
Freezing point at -11°C Corrosive tendency in contact with non-alloyed steel, copper, copper containing alloys and zinc coated steels Will precipitate manganese in contact with manganese alloyed steel Expands while freezing Will precipitate ammonia in contact with air and at an exponential rate when the temperature of the solution rises over 70°C
For Volvo CE and many others the main problem will be how to satisfy the customers need of having the urea solution fluid even in cold climate, where the temperatures drops to under -11°C, on sites where no electricity is found. On sites where electricity is found the problem of freezing urea is easily solved with electrical heating.
MARKET ASSESSMENT Equipment sold by Volvo CE can be used in a variety of climate and must therefore be adjusted to manage both cold as well as warm weather. For example equipment used in Turkey often have to deal with both sever cold when used in the mountains and extreme heat when used in the lowland. This requires the equipment to withstand any kind of usage in either extreme areas and will also require the peripheral equipment to withstand harsh climate. Today the problem of freezing urea is not widely spread because that the emission legislation of today includes vehicles that work on the roads and therefore can get the urea solution from filling stations along the road that have access to electricity. When Tier 4 Final/Stage IV come into force the emission legislation also will include the off-road vehicles that works on sites far from electricity and who will therefore have big problems when dealing with urea in cold climate. Volvo CE is not interested in producing an own invention but would like to find an external supplier of the solution. However it is important that the solution Volvo CE will recommend to their customers stands for the company’s core values “Quality, safety and environmental care”.
Appendix 12.2
Be safe to personal and environment Be able to keep the AdBlue/DEF fluid at temperatures below -11°C without the need of external electrical supply Be able to move with full tank Be made of good quality material to manage tough usage in harsh climate Be ergonomically designed in order to be handled both in usage as in maintenance Be able to keep the AdBlue/DEF fluid for at least one work shift Be able to manage the chemical characteristics of urea Be able to expand without dangerous effects The choice of materials must be taken in consideration with production and tool costs Be available on a global market
SERVICE OCH SPAREPARTS The maintenance should be easy and wear parts should be replaceable. Spare parts should be able to purchase through authorized dealers.
DOCUMENTATION Is to be provided by the supplier.
PACKAGING Is to be provided by the supplier.
RECYCLING AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Environmental care is to be implemented on the whole process, from production to recycling. The choice of material should be taken in consideration with environmental impact and recyclability. The choice of manufacturing methods will as far as possible be adapted so that existing methods, templates, molds etc. can be used in order to decrease environmental stress and minimize costs. Deliveries of the solution should be carried out with consideration of the environment. The components of the solutions should be able to disassemble and recycle at recycling centers.
PRO JE KT PLAN Projektnamn
Concept evaluation of a technical solution for storing
Appendix 12.3
03-apr Identitet
08-jun Upprättad av
AdBlue/ DEF in cold climate areas without external electricity
Examensabete VT12 Aktivitet
Mikael Johansson, Kajsa Berggren
datum (hållpunkt) 02-apr 09-apr 16-apr 23-apr 30-apr 07-maj 14-maj 21-maj 28-maj 04-jun 11-jun Aktivite tsfa s Aktivite te r vecka 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Projek tuppstart Planeringsrapport P P U Projektplanering/styrning P P P P P P P P P (uppföljning veckovis) U U Problemförståelse Kravspecifikation P U U Produktförståelse P P U U Kartläggning lev., kund, konk., tillv P P P U U Problemformulering Rapportskrivning P U Inspiration till k oncept Marknadsundersökning P P U U U U Visualisering P Konceptval
Kostnadsjämförelse (DFCost)
Miljöpåverkan (DFE)
Arbete med utvecklat koncept FMEA CAD-modell av utvecklat koncept
Möte med Fredrik VCE
Möte med Janne MDH Möte med Lena VCE
U 18 maj Fredag: Prel.inl.
1 juni Fredag: Final inl.
R e surse r Mantimmar
Varje dag: Morgonmöte 07.30
Projek tavslut
vecka plan utfall plan utfall plan utfall plan utfall
Mikael Johansson Kajsa Berggren Summa mantid ackum. planeringsvecka
Ma ntimma r 14 15 16 32 32 40 32 30 40 32 32 40 32 32 40 64 64 80 64 62 80 64 128 208 64 126 206 1 2 3
17 40 40 40 40 80 80 288 286 4
18 40 40 40 40 80 80 368 366 5
19 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 80 80 80 80 448 528 446 526 6 7
21 40 40 40 40 80 80 608 606 8
P e rsoninsa ts 22 23 24 40 40 40 424 50 40 392 40 40 40 424 50 40 394 80 80 80 848 100 80 0 688 768 848 848 706 786 786 786 9 10 11 12
GROUP CONTRACT Appendix 12.4
BACKGROUND In the course KPP301 we have chosen to do the thesis work at Volvo Construction Equipment in Eskilstuna. We have been assigned a problem that involves doing a prestudy for solutions of handling urea or AdBlue during wintertime. The main task is to prevent that the AdBlue freezes and by that make it easier for the machine operator to fuel. The task is to be done by Mikael Johansson and Kajsa Berggren and is to be reported in a written report and an oral presentation.
GENARALLY A precondition to be a part of this project it to have read this group contract and accepted it by putting a signature at the bottom.
GROUP ROLES Project manager
Kajsa Berggren, Mikael Johansson
Mikael Johannson
Report responsible Vice Report responsible
Kajsa Berggren Mikael Johansson
Presentation responsible Vice Presentation responsible
Mikael Johansson Kajsa Berggren
Concept responsible
Kajsa Berggren, Mikael Johansson
DISPUTES Any possible disagreements within the group are primarily solved in a democratic way. Is this not possible the mentor at Volvo CE will be contacted in order to try and solve the disagreement.
WORKING HOURS A project plan will be made and work will be distributed among the group member. If big changes will be made these are to be documented but smaller changes can be taken verbally with the group members.
WORKING METHODS During the project continuous meetings will be held with mentors at Volvo CE and tasks will be documeted. The work progress will be discussed during this meetings and this will also be a way to keep the mentors updated on the situation. Tasks will, as far as possible, be executed at Volvo CE. Tasks that cannot be done at Volvo CE will be discussed with the mentors.
GROUP CONTRACT Appendix 12.4
NEGLECT If a group member cannot be present at a meeting because of illness or other matters the rest of the group must be contacted so that the work progress can be discussed. If a group member cannot be present at several occasions the mentor at the university will be contacted in order to try and solve the problem.
VALIDITY This contract is due from 2012-04-02 until the course have been passed.
__________________________________ Kajsa Berggren __________________________________ Mikael Johansson
TIER 4 EMISSION STANDARDS Appendix 12.5 The Tier 4 emission standards—to be phased-‐in from 2008-‐2015— introduce substantial reductions of NOx (for engines above 56 kW) and PM (above 19 kW), as well as more stringent HC limits. CO emission limits remain unchanged from the Tier 2-‐3 stage. Engines up to 560 kW. Tier 4 emission standards for engines up to 560 kW are listed in Table 3. Table 3 Tier 4 Emission Standards—Engines up to 560 kW, g/kWh (g/bhp-‐hr) Engine Power
kW < 8
8.0 (6.0)
7.5 (5.6)
0.4 (0.3)
8 ≤ kW < 19
6.6 (4.9)
7.5 (5.6)
0.4 (0.3)
19 ≤ kW < 37
5.5 (4.1)
7.5 (5.6)
0.3 (0.22)
5.5 (4.1)
4.7 (3.5)
0.03 (0.022)
5.0 (3.7)
4.7 (3.5)
0.3 (0.22)
4.7 (3.5)
0.03 (0.022)
37 ≤ kW < 56
2013 56 ≤ kW < 130 130 ≤ kW ≤ 560
5.0 (3.7)
5.0 (3.7)
0.19 (0.14) -‐
0.40 (0.30)
0.02 (0.015)
3.5 (2.6)
0.19 (0.14) -‐
0.40 (0.30)
0.02 (0.015)
a -‐ hand-‐startable, air-‐cooled, DI engines may be certified to Tier 2 standards through 2009 and to an optional PM standard of 0.6 g/kWh starting in 2010 b -‐ 0.4 g/kWh (Tier 2) if manufacturer complies with the 0.03 g/kWh standard from 2012 c -‐ PM/CO: full compliance from 2012; NOx/HC: Option 1 (if banked Tier 2 credits used)—50% engines must comply in 2012-‐2013; Option 2 (if no Tier 2 credits claimed)—25% engines must comply in 2012-‐2014, with full compliance from 2014.12.31 d -‐ PM/CO: full compliance from 2011; NOx/HC: 50% engines must comply in 2011-‐2013
In engines of 56-‐560 kW rated power, the NOx and HC standards are phased-‐in over a few year period, as indicated in the notes to Table 3. The initial standards (PM compliance) are sometimes referred to as the ‘interim Tier 4’ (or ‘Tier 4i’), ‘transitional Tier 4’ or ‘Tier 4 A’, while the final standards (NOx/HC compliance) are sometimes referred to as ‘Tier 4 B’. As an alternative to introducing the required percentage of Tier 4 compliant engines, manufacturers may certify all their engines to an alternative NOx limit in each model year during the phase-‐in period. These alternative NOx standards are: Engines 56-‐130 kW: Option 1: NOx = 2.3 g/kWh = 1.7 g/bhp-‐hr (Tier 2 credits used to comply, MY 2012-‐2013) Option 2: NOx = 3.4 g/kWh = 2.5 g/bhp-‐hr (no Tier 2 credits claimed, MY 2012-‐2014) Engines 130-‐560 kW: NOx = 2.0 g/kWh = 1.5 g/bhp-‐hr (MY 2011-‐2013) All data taken from (2012-‐05-‐18) 1(1)
Appendix 12.6 Planned Ready Date 2012-‐04-‐10
Responsible Lena Andersson Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren & Lenny Jonasson 2012-‐04-‐12
Action Make a subfolder on TeamPlace and i nvite the rest of the group
Status ok
Continue on making a technical specification Gather i nformation regarding usage of diesel heaters both for our needs and general, then send a summary of this to Lena
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Lena Andersson Lena Andersson
2012-‐04-‐13 2012-‐04-‐13
Lena Andersson Lena Andersson Lenny Jonasson
2012-‐04-‐13 2012-‐04-‐13 2012-‐04-‐13
Get i n touch with Thomas Olsson Forward a Excel document containing contact details of producers, distributors and suppliers of peripheral e quipment Schedule a meeting with John Lennon from Kingspan Forward a l ist regarding the sale volumes of off-‐road machines i n cold climate areas Schedule a benchmark meeting with others who handles urea Gather more i nput from LTH Traktor i n Kiruna
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren Lena Andersson
2012-‐04-‐13 2012-‐04-‐13
Go through report from Lena Forward a l ist regarding e stimated urea consumption
ok ok
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Research on on-‐road e quipment to find i nput for off-‐road e q.
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Contact Bengt Johansson about T4i/T4f
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Put together a document and group what have been found so far Put togehter a questionnaire and send for approval to Lena and Lenny, then forward this to Håkan Karlsson. Power Take-‐Off: How does i t work on trucks and i s i t found on construction e quipment? Look i n to the forest harvesting business, how does i t work? Can we find any users of AdBlue there?
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Make a tree of solutions. Point out a resonable way.
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Make a Power Point presentation for Wednesday's meeting.
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Write down question to ask John Lennon
Lena Andersson
Contact Johan Ek at Kingspan i n order to get i n touch with John Lennon
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Make a summary from Kingspan, Yara meeting 2012-‐05-‐02
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren Everybody Everybody
2012-‐05-‐05 2012-‐05-‐24 2012-‐05-‐31
Contact John Lennon about technical question, 3D-‐files of truckmaster Premeeting about the presentation Premeeting about the report and presentation
ok ok ok
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Submit the report
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren
Presentation at V olvo CE
Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren 2012-‐06-‐15 Presentation at Mälardalen University Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren Continously Put together a l ist of contactpersons for companies who handles urea Mikael Johansson & Kajsa Berggren Continously Write report
ok ok ok ok ok
no ok ok
ok ok
MONTHLY MEDIAN TEMPERATURE Appendix 12.8 Charts below are showing monthly median temperature in Celsius for December, January, February and March during time period from 1961 to 1990. The analyses are founded on daily reports from approximately 300 weather stations.‐2.1240
Appendix 12.9
2012-‐04-‐12 Company: Contact person 1 : Position: Phone:
Skoogs Bränsle Piteå Thomas Andersson Sales Manager 070-‐212 12 71
Contact person 2 : Position: Phone:
Jim Mechanic Engineer 070-‐556 51 07
Skoogs build their own storage combined with tanks for 20m3 diesel and 3 m3 AdBlue. It is combined on a 40 feet container which works as a base for fixed installation. The unit is to be moved empty. The tank is insulated with the same material used in cabinets on trucks. The space is heated with a 2kW aerotemper fed with 3-‐phase 16A. 2012-‐04-‐19 Company: Contact person : Position: Phone:
Sveaskog (MO Nord) Lennart Machine Manager 0911-‐78400 (Front Desk)
Sveaskog always have a service trailer on the site with a diesel driven generator that heats up the trailor. In the trailer they keep 20 L cans of AdBlue. Since they have elecrical power at site this is not a problem for Sveaskog. 2012-‐04-‐19 Company: Contact person : Position: Phone:
Åsens Skog & Gräv AB Per Olofsson Owner 073-‐3058146
They only have one machine that use the SCR-‐technology and since this is brand new they have not experienced any cold temperatures below -‐11°C. This company also have a service trailer on site, but this is heated with a direct diesel heater, no electricity used. They also keep cans in the trailer but this is not seen as a problem as long as it is just one or two machines that uses AdBlue. Since they haven’t experienced the use of AdBlue large scale they have problem to imagine if it would be a problem in the future with storage of AdBlue. 2012-‐04-‐23 Company: Contact person : Position: Phone:
Härnö Skog AB Peter Bystedt Owner 070-‐3453466
Appendix 12.9
This company also have a service trailer on site, but this is heated with a direct diesel heater, no electricity used. They keep 1 cb AdBlue at home and uses refilled cans on sites. Uses 12 volts batteri if needed. Not a problem so far, but can be when all 10 machines have been replaced by new ones with SCR-‐technology. 2012-‐04-‐23 Company: Contact person : Position: Phone:
Wedins Skog AB Raymond Wedin Owner 070-‐6340642
They do not have machines with SCR-‐technology. They have service trailers with diesel driven generators. Therefor not a problem with lack of electricity.
Below are the criteria written down in order to ease the process and also in order o make sure the solution meets the requirements: •
Safety –
Cost –
Is the solution worth its price?
Is the price right for the market?
Effect –
Is it as low as possible?
Global availability –
Are the components available globally?
Is the product approved on the market?
Nominal power consumption –
Is it as low as possible?
Is the product efficient enough?
Robustness –
Is the product operationally reliable?
Is the product adapted to use in rough climate?
Is the construction stable?
Size –
Is it as efficient as possible?
Fuel consumption –
Is the effect suitable?
Efficiency –
It must be safe to use so that no risk of personal injuries exists.
Is the size suitable?
Tank volume –
Is the volume of the AdBlue/DEF tank adapted to the needs of the costumer?
Is the volume of the fuel tank adapted to the needs of the costumer?
Usability –
Is the product easy to understand?
Is the product easy to handle?
1 (1)
INFORMATION ON DIFFERENT KINDS OF COMPONENTS Appendix 12.12 Tank without insulation + +
This is a cheap option since there are a number of non-‐insulated tanks available on the market today in various sizes, as for example the IBC. A tank like this is easy to replace when broken or because of a subscription.
Tank with insulation + -‐
This is an all in one solution that minimizes the number of parts that can be damaged. It does not provide any shelter for peripheral equipment.
Existing heated storage + + -‐
This means less startup costs. Can be used to store peripheral equipment. Could result in that something stored in the storage needs to be placed elsewhere.
Insulated storage +
Less heat is loss through the walls when using a storage with insulation, this provides a more energy efficient solution.
Non-‐insulated storage + -‐
This could give a lower purchase price than an insulated storage since less work is done to produce it. Heat will be lost through the walls.
No storage -‐
This results in no protection from the elements to either tank or peripheral equipment.
Gas heater + -‐ -‐
Needs no external electricity at all which simplifies the solution. Gas is normally not to be found on site which complicates the operation. Gas entails a larger risk of explosion, than for example diesel, which could cause personal injuries.
Immersion heater -‐ -‐ -‐
Requires that the heater is made in materials that are suitable to use in near contact with urea. Needs electricity. This gives no heat to the surrounding which means that external heat must be used in order to keep the hose and the pump working. 1(2)
Diesel is available on site since most machines use it as fuel. Diesel provides a high efficiency when burnt.
Electric heater + -‐
No extra power source than electricity is needed which could result in a simple solution. The need of electricity does not advantage the access of diesel.
POD diesel heater + + + -‐ -‐
No electricity at all is needed. Can be bought for a low purchase price. Diesel provides a high efficiency when burnt. The heater is tricky to start which makes it complicated to use. It is hard to regulate the temperature.
Diesel heater CV 12/24V + + + -‐
Are made and sold worldwide. Diesel provides a high efficiency when burnt. It is easy to regulate temperature with a thermostat. Needs electricity for the control panel etc.
+ +
Provides an even circulation and therefore also an even heating. The fan is included in the heater.
Water -‐ -‐
Radiators are more expensive than fans and results in more components. Provides a potential risk of freezing
Generator + + -‐
Operates on diesel which is already to be found on the site. Could add costumer values by optional use of electricity for example the pump or a light. Is an additional cost.
Battery + -‐ -‐
Entails a lower usage need of a generator because the generator is only needed to charge the battery. Results in an additional cost. Needs a charger.
MINUTES MEETING Appendix 12.13 Volvo Construction Equipment AB Customer Support Division Company name
Type of document
Minutes Meeting Thesis Work May 2, 2012
Name of document
Reg. No.
Lena Andersson, +46 16 541 5617
1 (2)
Issuer (dept, name, phone, location)
Lena Andersson, +46 16 541 5617
Info class
Approved by (dept, name, phone, location)
Receiver (dept, name, geogr plac)
Meeting participants: Lena Andersson, Global Project Manager / Fredrik Grop, Manager Engine Auxiliary System / Lenny Jonasson, Design Engineer Exhaust Aftertreatment Mikael Johansson, Student, Mälardalens University / Kajsa Berggren, Student, Mälardalens University / Johan Ek, Business Development Manager, Kingspan Environmental Mikael Edsäter, Business Manager Air1, Sweden,YARA Agenda 1. Volvo CE Presentation (Lena) Lena went through a short presentation about Volvo AB and Volvo CE and the organization. 2.
Project UREA Distribution Setup presentation (Lena) Lena described the UREA project in broad terms and also the meaning with this meeting IE for Volvo CE to get valuable input/feedback from YARA and Kingspan about ongoing master thesis work.
Master Thesis Work presentation (Kajsa/Mikael) Mikael and Kajsa described the meaning with the Thesis Work. They also showed a Power Point presentation with their suggestion of a solution. The solution included a diesel heater with battery and generator which were to be installed in an insulated storage.
Discussions (All) § Input/feedback on master thesis work § Technical point of view § Customer point of view § etc. o Mikael E. brought up the problem with stolen diesel but did not think that would be a problem with the AdBlue because of the liter price. o Mikael E. also shed light over the importance of classification of the different costumer that is interesting for the project and the risk of contamination of AdBlue when handled carelessly. o We agreed about that one group contains of smaller contractors with up to four machines and the other group of contractors with a bigger fleet with at least four machines. o Different solutions are needed for this two groups o Mikael J. and Kajsa should focus on a solution for the bigger contractors for their master thesis work and the solution for smaller contractors to be part of the ongoing project. o For the smaller contractors the TruckMaster from Kingspan is a great option, if it could be integrated with some sort of electrical heating lines.
Volvo Construction Equipment AB Customer Support Division Company name
Type of document
Minutes Meeting Thesis Work May 2, 2012
Name of document
Reg. No.
2 (2) 5.
Summary and Way forward (All) 1. Lena to send Johan the external project presentation DONE 2. Johan to forward Kajsa and Mikael.J. contact information to John Lennon at Kingspan. 3. Mikael J. and Kajsa to contact John Lennon for technical, customer etc. input of chosen solution with regards to bigger contractors 4. John Lennon to send Lena technical, customer etc. input of chosen solution in combination with TruckMaster from Kingspan 5. Lena and Fredrik to put together a questionnaire for costumer interviews 6. Mikael E. to help with costumer contacts for interviews.
PUGH-‐ANALYSIS Appendix 12.14
Matrix 1 – Pugh-‐analysis of two different tank solutions
Concept 1 also reference
Concept 2
PUGH-‐ANALYSIS Appendix 12.14
Matrix 2 – Pugh-‐analysis of different storage solutions
Concept 1 also reference Concept 2
Concept 3 Concept 4
PUGH-‐ANALYSIS Appendix 12.14
Matrix 3 – Pugh-‐analysis of different heater solutions
Concept 1 also reference Concept 2
Concept 3 Concept 4 Concept 5
PUGH-‐ANALYSIS Appendix 12.14
Matrix 4 – Pugh – analysis of different ways of spreading heat
Concept 1 also reference
Concept 2
Appendix 12.15
Cellular plastic Plywood
0,037 0,14
Appendix 12.15
Transmission losses for: 35mm sheet cellular plastic and 12mm sheet of plywood. is a value how good the thermal resistance for a material is. The value is a ratio between the material thickness and a specific value, -value for the material. The higher value the better thermal resistance the material has. The thermal resistance for 0,035 m cellular plastic called
The thermal resistance for 0,012 m plywood called
The insulation is calculated with one cellular plastic sheet and two plywood sheets and the total thermal resistance for the insulation called
The heat transfer coefficient denotes the insulating ability in a construction. The lower value the better insulating ability in the construction has. The heat transfer coefficient for the insulation called U is:
A is the area for the surface that will be insulated in the 6 feet container with the inside measurements in meters:
is the temperature difference between outside and inside of the container. If the outside temperature is which will be the lowest temperature that the machine must be able to work in and the inside temperature is which is just above the freeze temperature for AdBlue. The temperature difference is 2(4)
Appendix 12.15
is the constant transmissions loss.
This number tells us that we need a heater with more power than 500 W to be able to keep the temperature above AdBlues freezing point when the temperature outside the container is below -40 if the insulating is two 12mm sheets of plywood and one 35mm sheet of cellular plastic.
Appendix 12.15
Transmission losses for: 2x35mm sheet cellular plastic and 12mm sheet of plywood.
The thermal resistance for 0,070 m cellular plastic called is:
The thermal resistance for 0,012 m plywood called
Total thermal resistance for the insulation called
The heat transfer coefficient for the insulation called U is:
A is the area for the surface that will be insulated in the 6 feet container with the inside measurements in meters:
This number tells us that we need a heater with more power than 300 W to be able to keep the temperature above AdBlues freezing point when the temperature outside the container is below -40 if the insulating is two 12mm sheets of plywood and two 35mm sheet of cellular plastic.
I vilken utsträckning har respektive steg utförts? fullständigt nästan helt delvis bara något inte alls 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
Uppgiftsrelaterade frågor Grupprelaterade frågor Fas 1: problemdefinition: utforskning, klarlägganden, specificering I vilken utsträckning har informations källor utnyttjats? Har alla som kan ha relevant informa tion utnyttjats?
Uppmuntrades deltagare med specialistkunskaper att dela med sig av sitt kunnande?
Har all tillgänglig information lyfts fram och diskuterats?
Var det en öppen och fri atmosfär i gruppen? Hade alla möjlighet att säga sin mening?
Gjordes försök att integrera information för att klargöra problemet?
Lyckades gruppmedlemmarna hålla diskussionen problemcentrerad och undvika att se lösningar?
Blev den slutliga problemformuleringen sådan att alla förstod och höll med 5 om problemdefinitionen?
Gavs var och en en ärlig chans att ansluta till eller ange avvikande uppfattning om problemdefinitionen?
I vilken utsträckning har respektive steg utförts? fullständigt nästan helt delvis bara något inte alls 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
Uppgiftsrelaterade frågor
Grupprelaterade frågor Fas 2: Idégenerering: skapande och bearbetning av idéer
Gick gruppen inledningsvis igenom och enades om reglerna för idegenerering?
Tog gruppen till sig alla idéer oavsett vem de kom från?
Hade alla uttömt sina idéer i slutet?
Uppmuntrades tystlåtna medlemmar att bidra?
Gick gruppen igenom alla idéerna för klargörande och bearbetning?
Undvek medlemmarna att kritisera och värdera varandras idéer?
Grupperades idéerna utifrån gemensamma egenskaper?
Ingrep gruppen för att hindra någon från att dominera diskussionen?
Presenterades idéerna så att alla kunde ta del av samtliga?
I vilken utsträckning har respektive steg utförts? fullständigt nästan helt delvis bara något inte alls 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
Sammanställde gruppen en lista på de mest kreativa, lämpliga och intressanta idéerna?
intressanta idéerna? I vilken utsträckning har respektive steg utförts? fullständigt nästan helt delvis bara något inte alls 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
Uppgiftsrelaterade frågor Grupprelaterade frågor Fas 3: Framtagning av lösningar: Utvärdering, kombinationer, slutligt val Diskuterades och värderades varje idé med avseende på starka och svaga 5 sidor?
Hanterade gruppen de medlemmar vars förslag kritiserades eller förkastades på ett bra sätt?
Arbetade gruppen systematiskt med urvalskriterier?
Koncentrerade sig gruppen på att finna den bästa idén snarare än att förkasta de sämsta?
Hur väl lyckades gruppen modifiera och kombinera ursprungsidéerna?
Hanterade gruppen medlemmars olika åsikter så att alla kände sig tillfredställda?
Valdes en idé (eller grupp av idéer) ut för en mer grundlig bearbetning 5
Valdes slutlösningen i consensus och om inte noterades hur stor majoriteten var?
I vilken utsträckning har respektive steg utförts? fullständigt nästan helt delvis bara något inte alls 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
Uppgiftsrelaterade frågor Grupprelaterade frågor Fas 4: Bearbetning av lösning: Planering, fördelning, koordinering Tecknade gruppen ned erforderliga aktiviteter och utsåg ansvariga för att bearbeta lösningen?
Bidrog alla gruppmedlemmar till att säkra att inga kritiska aktiviteter förbisågs?
Hade gruppen tillgång till alla nödvändiga resurser? 5
Var gruppmedlemmarna beredda att ta på sig nödvändigt ansvar för att bearbeta lösningen?
Förutsåg gruppen och planerade för potentiella problem?
Var gruppmedlemmarna öppna och stödjande för att hantera förutsedda hinder och svårigheter?
Var gruppmedlemmarna överens om den uppdelning av arbetet som gjordes?
I vilken utsträckning har respektive steg utförts? fullständigt nästan helt delvis bara något inte alls 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
Har gruppens slutsatser fullt ut överförts till de som skall arbeta med detaljutformningen?
Uppgiftsrelaterade frågor
Grupprelaterade frågor Fas 5: Utvärdering av lösningen
I hur stor utsträckning svarar lösningen mot det ursprungliga problemet/kravet?
I hur stor utsträckning utnyttjades varje gruppmedlems kunskap och förmåga?
I hur stor utsträckning kan problemlösningsarbetet betraktas som kreativt, givande och fungerande?
I hur stor utsträckning höll sig medlemmarna till överenskommelser i gruppen?
I hur stor utsträckning kan arbetet att ta fram en lösning anses vara väl planerat, lett och genomfört?
I vilken utsträckning har kommunikationen i gruppen varit öppen, uttrycksfull och konstruktiv?
Har gruppen mötts för att kritiskt granska det sätt som problemet behandlades på?
I vilken utsträckning spelade gruppledaren en styrande, sammanjämkande och visionär roll?
I vilken utsträckning har handledaren påverkat gruppens sätt att arbeta på ett strukturerat sätt?
Handledarens roll och betydelse I vilken utsträckning har handledaren påverkat valet och utformning av gruppens lösning?
Costumer: Volvo CE
Appendix 12.18
Kajsa Berggren Mikael Johansson
Date: 2012-05-07
Risk analysis Function/ Component Tank
Failure mode
Failure effect
Leaks when defrost AdBlue becomes contaminated
Too old
Leak AdBlue becomes contaminated
Inlet/outlet leaks
Worn out
Badly constructed
Hit by machine
AdBlue crystallizes
81 6
Tank needs to be replaced
AdBlue crystallizes
Not possible to connect hoses
Tank needs to be replaced
AdBlue becomes contaminated
Will leak heat
Less protection to components
AdBlue becomes contaminated
Damage to components Not able to fill machine Will leak heat AdBlue becomes Handled carelessly contaminated Damage to components Not able to fill machine Will leak heat AdBlue becomes contaminated Damage to components Not able to fill machine Will leak heat
Recommended actions for Volvo CE
Handled carelessly Will leak heat
Badly constructed
Will leak heat
Hit by machine
Not able to fill machine
Severity Detection
Not possible to connect hoses
Damage to components
Badly constructed
Make sure the material can handle cold climate and point out the right amount of AdBlue filled in the tank.
Make sure the tank is secured inside the storage.
Point out the right way of handling the storage.
Ensure a stabile construction. Clarify the right way of handling the product.
Eliminate risk of tilting or make sure the tank is secured.
Badly constructed
Appendix 12.18 Increase fuel consumption AdBlue freezes
Increase fuel consumption AdBlue freezes
Not mobile
Badly constructed
Not possible to move
Badly constructed
Not enough AdBlue
Wrong size
Not enough AdBlue
Broken cooling system
Components catch fire
Become overheated
Heater breaks Overheated storage Broken fan
Overheated storage
Overheated storage
Unplanned stop
Components catch fire Heater breaks
Will not start
Components catch fire Heater breaks
Broken thermostat
Out of diesel
AdBlue freezes
Broken generator
AdBlue freezes
Low battery power
AdBlue freezes
Generator out of fuel
AdBlue freezes
Broken heater
AdBlue freezes
Out of diesel
AdBlue freezes
Broken heater
AdBlue freezes
Broken generator
AdBlue freezes
Generator out of fuel
AdBlue freezes
Low battery power
AdBlue freezes
Make sure the heater has a warning system that switches the heater of
Make sure the heater has a warning system that switches the heater of when something is broken or do not
Make sure the heater has a warning system that switches the heater of when something is broken or do not
Will not start
Unplanned stop
Function/ Component
Appendix 12.18
Broken generator
Heater will not start
Generator out of fuel
Heater will not start
To cold
Heater will not start
To old
Heater will not start
Broken charger
Heater will not start
Out of diesel
Heater will not start
Broken generator
Heater will not start
To cold
Heater will not start
Out of diesel
Heater will not start
Broken generator
Heater will not start
Failure mode
Failure effect
Rethink the placement of the generator.
Ensure that the operator easy can see when the fuel level is low.
2 Occurrence
9 2 Severity Detection
36 RPN
Ensure that the operator easy can see when the fuel level is low. Rethink the placement of the battery.
Ensure that the operator easy can see when the fuel level is low.
Recommended actions for Volvo CE
Risk analysis
Criteria for assessm ent of occurrence Frekvens
Criteria for assessm ent of severity Värdering
Criteria for assessm ent of detection Värdering
Unlikely that errors may occur