Concept of aging in Ayurveda

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1 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya. Agnivesh with ... 5 Srivastava Shailaja, Sarangadhara samhita of Sarangadhara with Jiwanprada ...
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 8(3), July 2009, pp. 396-399

Concept of aging in Ayurveda Bal Govind Tiwari1* & B N Upadhyay2 1

Department of Kayachikitsa, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda & Research, Jammu, J & K 2 Department of Kayachikitsa, IMS, BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh E-mail: [email protected] Received 29 May 2007 revised 10 December 2008

Ayurveda is one of the oldest recognized systems of medicine, originated from Vedas. Now at this time, the whole world is showing renewed interest in the aging process and aged people. In first 50 yrs of 21St century old age dependency ratio is expected to double in more developed region and triple in less developed region, thus the age people are going to be a big problem for the society. It is the best time to explore the possibilities of a drug from Ayurveda, which can be given to the aged person and improve their life span. Keywords: Ayurveda, Jara, Rasayana IPC Int. Cl.8: A61K36/00, A61P39/00

Aging is a continuous process, which begins with conception and ends with the death. Charak has mentioned the growth period that is up to 30 yrs after that the growth of individual stops and aging start to continue1. Ayurveda also gives attention towards the psychosomatic approach of Ayu by describing the Hitayu, Dukhayu, Ahitaya and Sukhayu with the description of total span of life2. According to Ayurveda, the Jara (aging) is a natural phenomenon like hunger thirst and sleep. Sushruta mentions a group of naturally occurring diseases named Svabhava Bala Roga, which includes Kshuta, Pipasa, Nidra, Jara and Mrityu3. Etymologically, the term Jara has been derived from Panini’s Sanskrit root Jrs vayohanou this term is indicative of loss in period of life span. The last phase of life span has been referred as Jara. It is described as a natural and inevitable processes as well as natural disease. Other terms that may be correlated with old age are Jirna, Jiran, Jaran, Vrddhata. In this stage Dhatu, virya, indriya bala and utsaha decrease day by day. Alopecia wrinkling of whole body, cough, breathlessness are general symptoms and ultimately with the failure of all activities4. Aging is a slow and continuous process, which affects various organs or tissues at different time. An individual looses different values in different decades of life in a sequence ____________ *Corresponding author

manner5. The cause of aging is not described clearly in Ayurveda however some point can be considered in its regard. Charak has mentioned the theory of natural destructions (Swabhaoparamavada). There is a causative factor for the manifestation of being but no cause is needed for their cessation, some of the view that inhalation of being is caused by the non effectiveness of the causative factor6. Charak in Sarira sthana also describes same view while describing the conception of life. It has been mentioned that the empirical soul accompanied with the instruments of knowledge is responsible for the manifestation of life but the process of decay on the other hand being too quick in succession does not need any cause7. The life span of a person depends on the two factors; Daiva (works of previous life) Purushakara (works of present life). The rationality of life span of individual depends upon Daiva and Purusakara depending upon the strength both type of action are classified into three categories, viz. mild, moderate and strong. Charak has also given some other factor, which may be considered as promotive of growth9. These factors are kalayoga (opportunity as – youth is the proper time for growth of the individual), Svabhava Samriddhi (natural process as result of unseen past action are also responsible for growth). Ahara sansthan (excellence of diet), Avighata (absence of damage as excessive indulgence in sex



Table 1—Signs and symptoms of aging Signs & symptoms Dhatu kshya Indriya kshaya Bala kshaya Veerya kshaya Utsaha kshaya Ojo hani Vali Palita Khalitya Paurusha hani Parakrama hani Grahana dharana Smaran hani Vigyana hani Vachana hani Dhatu guna kshaya Alparetas Agni sada Kasa Svasa Vaipathu Slatha sara Slatha mamsa Prabha hani Medha hani Twak parushya Dhairya pranasha YuvJanochitkritya rasha Chinta Ghrina adhikta Krishta Krodha bahulya Kapha vridhicha gale Nirantaram saktih, Nisthivaneh sah nirgamo Hasta-pada-kampa Jihwa kampa Vepathu Murdha-skhlana Pada-dvaya skhalana Dhanurvata Dehasyachtinamanam Buddhi balyam jayeta Prakritoatikharata Vataamaya Swalpa-shakti-avashishyat kleshma Ativismanti Dandashrayen – Gaman Rad hinta-aassye



Ash14 Sangrah

Ash15 Hridaya

Madhav Nidan16

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and mental affliction inhibits the growth of individual)10. Some other factors also play important role in the maintenance of health as – birth in a place having strong person, that in a time conducive for strength, favorable time, excellence of seed and soil, excellence of diet, body suitability and psyche, natural mechanism, youth, physical exercise and cheerfulness11. The lack of above mentioned factors

or unfavourable environment might decrease the growth and strength of an individual leading to aging process more aggressively. According to Ayurvedic point of view, Kala (time factor) play an important role in the production of Aging11. Kala causes daily changes, which are responsible for the Kshaya12,13. Thus these are the etiological factors, which may be responsible for initiating aging process. Time is an



important cause of aging and after obtaining a specific age, the process of aging starts which may be slow or fast depending upon the environmental habits and other dietary factors of the individual. Different classical books have mentioned a lot of signs and symptoms of Jara awastha (Table 1). These include both physical and mental sign & symptoms. Ayurvedic classics have given a detail version on the biological aspects of aging inclusive growth, puberty and senility. Ayurvedic System of Medicine is probably the first which efforts to protect life from disease and aging. Ayurveda describe much about the science of gerontology and Rasayana therapy. Rasayana tantra is one of the 8 major clinical disciplines of Astanga Ayurveda, which is exclusively devoted to the study of aging and its prevention. Rasayana (rejuvenation) therapy affords a comprehensive physiological and metabolic restoration17. Ayurveda has two main objects first to maintain the healthy state and second to cure the disease of individuals18. Of two types of drugs, first type of drug maintains the healthy state as Rasayana and Vajikarana while the second on treats different diseases. So the Rasayana chikitsa or therapy is mainly used for maintaining the health of healthy individuals although it can be used to treat disease19. The ideal age for administration of Rasayana is either poorva vayas (16-30 yrs) or Madhya vayas (30-70 yrs). Poorva vayas is the period of development of individual so Rasayana drug can help in the rapid growth of tissues and organs20,21. Sharangdhar favours the use of Rasayana drugs in old age. Bhavaparkasha defined Rasayana as the therapy that alleviates vyadhi, Jara and stabilizes youth and included Chakshushya, Brimhana and Vrishya in the Rasayana22. Charak mentioned the importance of rejuvenation therapy and said it promotes life, maintains positive health, perverse youth and cures morbid, sleep, drowsiness, physical as well as mental fatigue, laziness and weakness, maintains proper balance between vata, pitta and kapha, produces stability, cures slothness of muscles, stimulates the enzyme responsible for digestion and metabolism and brings about excellence in lusture, complexion as well as voice23. Discussion and conclusion Ayurveda gives attention towards the psychosomatic approach of Ayu by describing the Hitayu, Ahitayu, Sukhayu and Dukhayu with the

description of total span of life. An individual looses different values in different decades of life in a sequence manner. Ayurvedic text has clearly mentioned two types of jara; kalaj (fixed) and Akalaj (early aging). The Kalaj jara is mentioned as a swabhavik vyadhi, which cannot be prevented by drugs or any other things but Akalaj jara is early aging process and may be prevented by Rasayana drugs. There is no exact theory of aging in Ayurvedic as well as modern literature. Almost all Ayurvedic classics have mentioned a lot of signs and symptoms of jara awastha. These include anatomical, physiological as well as mental signs & symptoms. Acharyas create a new branch Rasayana tantra to maintain the normal life span of aged people. Bhavaparkasha extends the definition of Rasayana to encompass much broader field. He defined Rasayana as the therapy that alleviates vyadhi, Jara and stabilizes youth. He also included Chakshushya, Brimhana and Vrishya in the Rasayana therapy. Rasayana therapy means Rejuvenation therapy affords a comprehensive physiological and metabolic restoration. References 1

Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 8/122. 2 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 30/24. 3 Shastri A D, Sushruta samhita of Maharshi Sushruta with Ayurvedatatwasandipika Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi), 1953-1959, 1/33. 4 Shastri A D, Sushruta samhita of Maharshi Sushruta with Ayurvedatatwasandipika Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi), 1953-1959, 35/36. 5 Srivastava Shailaja, Sarangadhara samhita of Sarangadhara with Jiwanprada Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha orientalia, Varanasi), 1998, Sa.pu. 6/19. 6 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 16/27-28. 7 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 8/58. 8 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 3/32-35. 9 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 6/12. 10 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 11/39.


11 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 6/13. 12 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 16/32-33. 13 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 17/77. 14 Athavola A D, Astanga sangraha of Vriddha Vagbhatta, (Srimod Atreya Prakasanam, Nandanadam, Pune), 1980, 8/24. 15 Gupta A, Astanga hridaya of Vagbhatta with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi), 1982, 8/105. 16 Shastri S, Madhava nidan of Sri Madhavakara with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi), 2001, 215.


17 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 1-1/8. 18 Shastri K N & Chaturvedi G N, Charak samhita of Acharya Agnivesh with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi), 1984, 30/26. 19 Shastri A D, Sushruta samhita of Maharshi Sushruta with Ayurvedatatwasandipika Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi), 1953-1959, 1/07. 20 Shastri A D, Sushruta samhita of Maharshi Sushruta with Ayurvedatatwasandipika Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi), 1953-1959, 27/03. 21 Gupta A, Astanga hridaya of Vagbhatta with vidyotini Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi), 1982, 8/105. 22 Mishra B S, Bhavaprakasha of Bhavamishra with Hindi Commentary, (Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi), 1980, Bh.pra.ut. 73/01. 23 Shastri A D, Sushruta samhita of Maharshi Sushruta with Ayurvedatatwasandipika Hindi commentary, (Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi), 1953-1959, 18/03.