CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Chief Patrons Dr T. R. Paarivendhar Honorable Founder & Chancellor
Dr. R. Sivakumar Chairman, SRM Group of Institutions Ramapuram Campus & Trichy Campus
Dr. Pratima Sharma Proprietor, Rasayan Journal of Chemistry
Prof. D C Deka President, Association of Chemistry Teachers
Patrons Dr. Sandeep Sancheti Vice Chancellor
Dr. T. P. Ganesan Pro VC, SRM IST
Dr. N. Sethuraman Registrar
Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan Director (E &T)
Dr. S. Ponnusamy Controller of Examinations
Dr. T. S. Sridhar Director General, Ramapuram
Dr. C. Ravichandran Deputy Director, Ramapuram
Dr. V. Subbiah Bharathi Dean (E &T),Ramapuram
Dr. B. Venkatachalapathy Dean (Research), Ramapuram
Dr. A. Saravanan, Dean (Academic), Ramapuram
Conveners Prof. D. V. Prabhu General Secretary, Association of Chemistry Teachers
Prof. Helen P. Kavitha Head-Department of Chemistry SRM Institute of Science and Technology Ramapuram Campus, Chennai
International Advisory Committee Prof. Santiago Gomez Ruiz URJC, Mostoles, Spain
Prof. Yeap Guan Yeow Universiti Sains Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
Prof. Irena Kostova Chemistry Department, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria
Prof. Falah H Hussein University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq
Prof. S B Jonnalagadda University of KwaZulu, Natal, Durban, South Africa
Prof. Priy Brat Dwivedi Caledonian College of Engineering, Muscat, Oman
Prof. Nnabuk Okon Eddy Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Prof. Fernando de Carvalho Da Silva Universidade Federal Fluminense Instituto De Quimica Organica, Niteroi-RJ, Brazil
Prof. Dong Chen Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne, IN, USA
Prof. Giusy Lofrano Department of Environment, University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy
Prof. Achmez Mudhoo University of Mauritius, Mauritius
Prof. Sadamu Takeda Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Prof. William E Acree University of North Texas, Denton,TX,USA xi
Prof. Pavel Mokrejs Tomas Bata University, Zlin, Czech Republic
Dr. Nicola D'Anatona National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, Italy
Prof. Y Frank Cheng University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Prof. Surendra Prasad The University of the South Pacific, Fiji
Prof. S Chandrasekaran INSA Senior Scientist, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Prof. Uday Maitra Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Prof. V N Rajasekaran Pillai Vice Chancellor, Mewar University Chittorgarh, Rajasthan
Prof. N Sathyamurthy President ,Chemical Research Society of India Former Director, IISER Mohali
Prof. S M Khopkar Emeritus Professor, Department of Chemistry IIT -Bombay, Mumbai
Dr. Tulsi Mukherjee Former Group Director, Chemistry Group, BARC Homi Bhabha National Institute, BARC,Mumbai
Prof. S R Gadre University of Pune, Pune
Prof. P K Sai Prakash Osmania University, Hyderabad
Prof. Sudha Jain Lucknow University, Lucknow Prof. S D Samant Department of Chemistry, ICT, Mumbai Prof. Sanjay K Sharma Department of Chemistry JECRC University, Jaipur (India), Series Editor, Springer, UK
National Advisory Committee Prof. M S M Rawat Doon University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Prof. Prem Mohan Mishra MLSM College , Darbhanga, Bihar
Prof. P V S Machi Raju Pragati Engineering College, Surampalem, AP
Prof. Brijesh Pare Madhav Science College (PG), Ujjain
Prof. Hemant Pande Hislop College, Nagpur
Prof. Dileep Kumar Kalita Tinsukia, Assam
Prof. M Swaminathan Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, Tamil Nadu
Prof. R K Sharma Green Chemistry Network Centre, Department of Chemistry, Delhi University, Delhi
Prof. Radha Jayaram Department of Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai
Dr. G Ramakrishnan Director, SIES Institute of Chromatography and Spectroscopy ,Navi Mumbai
Dr. Prabodh Chobe Regional Director, YCMOU ,Mumbai
National Organizing Committee Prof. D V Prabhu, Convener Prof. Helen P. Kavitha, Convener Mrs. Swapna Narvekar Treasurer , Association of Chemistry Teachers, HBCSE (TIFR) Mumbai
Prof. Shraddha Sinha B B Das National Institute of Technology and Management, Lucknow Prof. Subhash Prasad Singh A N College, Patna Prof. V. P. Singh Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer Dr. Meera H Uchil Wilson College, Mumbai Dr. Nripendra Nath Talukdar Pub Kamrup College, Kamrup, Assam Prof. K Sudhakar Babu S K University, Ananthpur, AP Dr. Mannam Krishnamurthy Varsity Education Management Limited, Hyderabad Dr. R. Kavipriya, SRMIST, Ramapuram Dr. S. Arulmurugan, SRM IST, Ramapuram
Technical Committee Prof. M Swaminathan Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, Tamil Nadu
Dr. N. Balasubramanian, SRMIST, Ramapuram Prof. Radha V Jayaram, ICT, Mumbai Dr. Brijesh Pare, Madhav Science College (PG), Ujjain Dr. PVS Machiraju, Pragati Engg. College, Surapalem
Local Organising Committee - SRMIST, Ramapuram Mr. A. Anand Babu Christus Dr. K. S. Yoganand Dr. A. Muthukrishnaraj Dr. P. Arthi Dr. A. Arun Dr. M. Riswan Ahamed Dr. T. V. Rajendran Dr. S. Suresh xiv
Association of Chemistry Teachers Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR) V.N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai 400 088 Website: __________________________________________________________________________________ Prof. Dibakar Chandra Deka M.Sc., M.Tech., Ph.D., DTIT, D.Sc., FRSCDepartment of Chemistry President, Association of Chemistry Teachers Mobile: +91 9864075111, Email:
[email protected]
Gauhati University Guwahati 781 014 (Assam)
Message The Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT) feels proud to be associated with Rasayan Journal of Chemistry and SRM Institute of Science and Technology to organize an International Conference on “Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences including Green Chemistry” (MTCSGC-2018) from 27th to 29th December 2018. The conference would provide a platform to deliberate on current trends of chemical sciences in diverse fields. As the President of ACT, I extend my heartiest welcome to all the delegates, and wish them a fruitful, exciting and memorable event worth of their valuable time. ACT is an all India association which has been providing platforms to chemistry teachers & researchers for exchanging and sharing news and views connected with their profession. The acumen-services being provided by ACT include popularization of chemistry education, motivation and help to young students to develop their career in chemistry and grasping the in-depth knowledge of the subject through activities like National and International Chemistry Olympiad, News Letters, organizing seminars, workshops, Concept Tests for UG students etc., etc. The six different zones of ACT spread over the length and breadth of the country have been of great advantage in spreading its objectives. The MTCSGC-2018 would be held in the Ramapuram Campus of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. We all are looking forward for the exciting meeting, and as the President of ACT, I wish the members of the Organizing Committee a grand success. At the end I offer my sincere thanks and gratitude to the authorities of SRM Institute of Science and Technology for providing infrastructure, helps and cooperation in organizing MTCSGC2018.
(D. C. Deka) xxiv
As the Managing Editor of RASAYAN Journal of Chemistry (a SCOPUS indexed journal since 2008). I have great pleasure in welcoming you to MTCSGC 2018. Organizing an International Chemistry Conference was the idea of our Editor-in-Chief, Prof Sanjay K Sharma, who discussed this idea with Prof D V Prabhu, General Secretary Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT) and member of our Editorial board. Prof Prabhu was very much instrumental for making the conference possible. We are very much thankful to Prof Helen Kavitha, Head, Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai for readily agreeing to organize the event at SRMIST, Chennai after discussing with the authorities of the institution.
I am sure the conference will bring together leading academicians, scientists and researchers from India and abroad to interact, exchange ideas and share their research findings and experiences in the frontier areas of Chemistry, Also the conference will provide a good platform to establish research collaborations between academic, industrial and research institutions and to identify avenues for translating research into useful products for the benefit of society.
My best wishes to all delegates of MTCSGC 2018.
Dr. Pratima Sharma Managing Editor, RASAYAN Journal of Chemistry Email:
[email protected]
N. SATHYAMURTHY Honorary Professor, JNCASR, Bengaluru
I am delighted to learn that an International Conference on “Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences including Green Chemistry” (MTCSGC-2018) is being organized by the Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST), Chennai and Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, Jaipur is being organized on December 27-29, 2018 at SRMIST, Ramapuram, Chennai. This is an unique and timely event because it brings teachers and researchers under one umbrella, focusing on modern trends in Chemical Sciences and also emphasizing on green chemistry. As the Founder President of the ACT and as the President of Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI), I congratulate the organizers for their efforts and I look forward to participating in the event. Wishing the conference all success,
N. Sathyamurthy President, CRSI
Prof. IRENA KOSTOVA, PhD, DSc Medical University- Sofia, Bulgaria
MESSAGE It gives me great pleasure to write a few words as a message for the conference souvenir of the International Conference on "Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences including Green Chemistry" MTCSGC 2018 which is being organized by the Association of Chemistry Teachers, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai and Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, Jaipur, India, during December 27-29, 2018 at SRMIST, Ramapuram, Chennai. I am most happy that so many eminent international as well as national scientists are taking part in the deliberations of the conference. I am confident that this conference will provide the required forum for the participants to exchange their expertise knowledge and research in the latest developments in the fields of chemical sciences including Green Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Technology, Nanochemistry, Materials Science, Supramolecular Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Reaction Kinetics, Catalysis and Use of Advanced Instrumentation in Chemistry. The meeting gathers outstanding groups of lecturers working in the field, and I am sure it will be a great success. Most of the times, development of science takes place through interactions and synergies gained at this type of events, which strongly stimulate international scientific cooperation and promote a fruitful interchange of new, exciting ideas between scientists. The Conference appears as an excellent opportunity to discuss all implications of Chemistry. I expect and I am sure that both the professionals and young researchers in the Conference would strongly benefit from their attendance in this meeting, Besides, the foreign scientists will also certainly have the opportunity to gain an insight into the venue of the conference, its history and rich traditions. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and extend my greetings to the Convener of the conference, Prof. D. V. Prabhu, having chosen such an important and current topic. Prof. Prabhu, General Secretary of Association of Chemistry Teachers, has successfully organized and participated in many international and national conferences and seminars focusing on research in Chemical Sciences. The success and fruitfulness of those activities has greatly raised the international reputation and influence of Association of Chemistry Teachers in the field of scientific research. My best wishes and thanks go to him as well as to all those responsible for organizing the conference. I wish the conference grand success and I am confident that all the participants, especially the younger generation, will be benefitted immensely from the deliberations of the experts and academicians of repute during the conference.
Irena Kostova Sofia, Bulgaria 2018
Prof. TULSI MUKHERJEE Distinguished Scientist and Director (retired) Chemistry Group, BARC, Mumbai; Senior Professor, HBNI, India, and Director (retired), SSCSSN, DDU, Nadiad, Gujarat November 20, 2018 FOREWORD It is my great pleasure to know that this year’s Conference of Indian Association of Chemistry Teachers (IACT) will be organized as an International Conference on Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences including Green Chemistry (MTCSGC 2018) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, from December 27 to 29, 2018. Chemistry teachers in colleges and universities in India as well as research chemists derive great benefit from the deliberations in the IACT Annual Conferences every year. Addition of Green Chemistry this year is an added bonus. I had the privilege of attending one IACT as the Chief Guest few years back and benefited a great deal from my experience. I hope that the standard must have gone sky high during last few years. This forum also provides a reunion of Chemistry teachers from all over India. I sincerely hope that today’s Chemistry teachers should adapt to the changing scenario of advanced computation, instrumentation and great progress in research. It is our utmost duty to generate great interest and devotion of present day students to the advancement of chemical sciences. I wish the Conference a great success.
Message from President, Chromatographic Society of India
On behalf of Chromatographic Society of India, established in 2000, I am very pleased to note that the ‘International Conference on Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences including Green Chemistry’ is being organized at SRM Institute of Science and Technology from December 27-29, 2018 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. I am happy to see that you have chosen an excellent institute as the venue for this conference as I know that SRM has excelled in their academic excellence for many years. I am happy that the Association of Chemistry Teachers, of which, I am a member is one of the organizing bodies of this conference and I am sure that ACT will do everything possible to make this event a grand success. I am pleased to see that that you have given importance to Recent Advances in Chromatography and Spectroscopy’ as one of the important topic among several other topics for this conference. I am sure that many speakers will be stressing the importance of chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques in their presentation as these techniques are pivotal both in isolation and identification of the reaction products. Chromatographic Society of India, has been involved in the promotion of education in chromatographic techniques and mass spectrometry techniques in several parts of the country by way of conducting seminars, workshops and symposia for almost two decades now. We have been arranging popular lectures to under graduate students and graduate students on the topic “Analytical Instruments touching your Life” to emphasize the importance of these techniques in in the curriculum. . It is my duty to express that ACT has been very supportive of the activities of CSI especially in training of the college teachers for the past several years. We reciprocate the same way to support this Conference in Chennai in more than one way. CSI wishes this conference a grand success and wish you all the Very Best. Thanking you with kind regards,
Dr. G. Ramakrishnan President
Mumbai November 15, 2018.
RASAYAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, JAIPUR Message Welcome to MTCSGC 2018 As the Editor-in-Chief of RASAYAN Journal of Chemistry (A SCOPUS indexed journal since 2008), I welcome you to the International Conference on "Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences including Green Chemistry" organised by Rasayan Journal of Chemistry in association with SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai and Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT) on December 27-29, 2018 at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. On behalf of the Editorial Board and Management of the journal, I thank the authorities of both these leading organisations of the country for their dedicated efforts to organise the conference. RASAYAN Journal of Chemistry was launched in 2008 with a vision to provide an open platform to researchers, academicians and readers to showcase their research findings among their own fraternity and to share their vast repository of knowledge and information. We also aimed at making the journal a reservoir of information and in the process inculcate the research aptitude. And now in 2018, I am proud to share with you, that the journal has made it possible and achieved a good reputation and recognition not only in the country but also in the international fraternity of scientists and researchers. The credit of the success goes to the contributors, reviewers, members of the Editorial Board and to the readers who referred and cited the journal in their research publications. On the occasion of MTCSGC 2018, I would like to express my deep sense of appreciation to the authors who will present papers in the conference. Thanks go to all our distinguished speakers who will deliver invited lectures on a variety of Chemistry topics. I am thankful to Prof D V Prabhu, General Secretary Association of Chemistry Teachers and Convenor, MTCSGC 2018 and Prof Helen Kavitha, Head, Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai and Convenor MTCSGC 2018, without whose untiring efforts ,this international conference would not have been possible. I wish all the delegates fruitful interactions with the distinguished faculty of the conference. Prof. Sanjay K Sharma, Editor-in -Chief, RASAYAN Journal of Chemistry Email:
[email protected]
ASSOCIATION OF CHEMISTRY TEACHERS (ACT) c/o Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR) V N Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai 400088 PROMOTING EXCELLENCE IN CHEMISTRY EDUCATION (Registration No.Maharashtra Government ,Mumbai 922, 2010 G. B. B .S. D. dated 08-04-2010 ) Website:
MESSAGE I am very glad that SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus. Chennai has organized an International Conference on “Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences including Green Chemistry” MTCSGC 2018 on December 27-29, 2018 in collaboration with Association of Chemistry Teachers and Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, Jaipur. In addition to the traditional Chemistry disciplines, there will be deliberations on the frontier areas like Green Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Nanochemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Reaction Dynamics, Catalysis and Use of Advanced Instrumentation in Chemistry. A note worthy feature of the conference will be the interesting sessions on emerging trends in Chemistry education. The conference will provide a forum for academicians, scientists and Chemistry professionals from industry to interact, exchange ideas and discuss their research work. Eminent experts from different parts of the world will deliver invited lectures. A souvenir cum book of abstracts of the invited lectures and papers presented in the conference will be brought out on the occasion. Chemistry study materials will also be exhibited for the benefit of the delegates and the public at large. Association of Chemistry Teachers, the national registered body of Chemistry educators is proud to be associated with MTCSGC 2018. Grateful thanks go to the Management of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai for providing all facilities and support for the successful organization of MTCSGC 2018 on such a grand scale. I especially thank Prof Helen Kavitha, Head, Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, who as Convenor, shouldered the major responsibility of organizing the conference. Thanks are due to all invited speakers, members of the International and National Advisory and Organizing Committees, Local Organizing Committee and Technical Committee for their tireless efforts to organize the mega event. I wish the conference grand success and the participants fruitful interactions and discussions. Dr. D. V. Prabhu Convenor, MTCSGC 2018 General Secretary, Association of Chemistry Teachers Adjunct Professor and Former Head, Department of Chemistry, Wilson College, Mumbai 400007 Email:
[email protected] Contact No. 09870226899
ABOUT SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SRM is one of the top 10 universities in India with more than 55,000 students and nearly 3,000 faculty across the campus offering a wide range of programs like undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs in Engineering, Management, Medicine and Health sciences and Science & Humanities. It has world class infrastructure including smart classrooms, hi-tech labs, research laboratories with advanced instrumentation facilities, modern library and Wi-Fi facility. Our excellence in education, research and placements over the last 30 years has not only won us noteworthy ranking and accreditations but has also contributed towards making South India a world class educational destination. SRM has strategic alliances with leading 102 institutions across the globe and students from 52 countries are pursuing various courses to enrich knowledge. About Ramapuram Campus The Faculty of Engineering & Technology and Management Studies of SRM University started functioning at Ramapuram Campus in the academic year 2004 -2005. Ramapuram campus offers UG programmes in 6 branches of Engineering. It also offers B.Arch, BCA, B.Com, B.Sc Visual Communication and Film Technology programs. PG programmes are offered in MBA and MCA. Ph.D. programmes are also offered in the campus. Ramapuram campus, situated within the city has won world wide recognition and public acceptance. More than 10,000 students are pursuing their studies in the campus which is equipped with excellent laboratories, teaching aids and library. SRM boasts of more than 400 dedicated faculty members. About the Department The Department of Chemistry established in 2004 in Ramapuram campus is dedicated towards imparting knowledge in the applied aspects of chemistry to the budding engineers by quality teaching. A team of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty members forms the backbone of the department. The Department is recognized as a research department and active research is carried out in the field of Organic synthesis, Synthesis of nanomaterials for pollution remediation, Polymer synthesis and Computational Chemistry. So for 6 students have been awarded Ph.D. degree. In the last five years,92 research papers have been published by our faculty members. The Department has tie-ups with recognized institutions and R&D laboratories for research activities. Consultancy work is also undertaken in the department. The Department has organized one International and four National Conferences. The Department regularly organizes Chemistry popularization workshops for students. Recently workshops on Research Based Pedagogical Tools supported by IISER Pune, funded by MHRD and Experimental Chemistry for School Teachers sponsored by Royal Society of Chemistry under the scheme of Yusuf Hameed Inspirational Program was organized. xxxvii
ASSOCIATION OF CHEMISTRY TEACHERS (ACT) c/o Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR) V. N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai 400088 Promoting Excellence in Chemistry Education Regn. No. Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai 922, 2010, GBBSD Dated 08-04-2010 Website:
Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), launched in 2000 is the apex national registered body of Chemistry educators and brings together on a common platform higher secondary, college and university teachers, scientists and researchers from industry for organizing subject related activities. Since its inception, ACT has worked tirelessly to promote excellence in Chemistry education and to motivate students to pursue Chemistry as a lifelong vocation. It is a matter of pride that the leading chemical scientists of the country, Bharat Ratna Prof. C N R Rao, Padma Vibhushan Prof M M Sharma and Padma Vibhushan Dr. R A Mashelkar are Honorary Members of the Association and sources of inspiration and guidance. Prof. D C Deka, Gauhati University, Guwahati is the present President and Dr. D V Prabhu, Wilson College, Mumbai is the General Secretary since 2000.
Main Objectives of ACT 1. To advance Chemistry education in the country by means of curriculum development and innovation in teaching and evaluation methodologies, 2. To organize workshops, symposia
and conferences including an annual National
Convention of Chemistry Teachers (NCCT) in different parts of the country, 3. To forge a vibrant synergistic relationship between academia ,Industry and research centres for mutual benefit, 4. To explore and nurture talent in Chemistry with special reference to the Indian National and International Chemistry Olympiads, 5. To collaborate with International Science Teachers’ organizations for exchange of ideas and organization of joint programmes. xxxviii
Activities organized by ACT The activities are organized through the six zonal councils with headquarters at Mumbai. 1. An annual National Convention of Chemistry Teachers (NCCT) is organized in October/November comprising invited lectures, demonstration of innovative teaching methods and new interesting experiments and oral and poster presentations by the teacher participants .On an average, 200 teachers from all the country participate. The abstracts of the invited lectures and presentations are published in the proceedings of NCCT. 2. National/regional/zonal level conferences and symposia are regularly organized by the zonal councils. 3. One week long Workshops on Chromatography and Spectroscopy are organized for teachers, industry chemists and PhD students at SIES Institute of Chromatography and Spectroscopy ,Navi Mumbai under the guidance of Prof Dr G Ramakrishnan, Director SIES Institute
Chromatographic Society of India. 4. Several activities are organized in schools and colleges to popularize Chemistry. a) National Chemistry Day is celebrated on December10, b) National Science Day is celebrated on February 28 to commemorate the discovery of Raman Effect by Nobel Laureate, Sir C V Raman. c) Chemistry quiz and essay competitions are organized and prizes are given to the winners.
Role of ACT in Chemistry Olympiad Programme
ACT plays an important role in the organization of the National Standard Examination in Chemistry (NSEC) which is the first stage examination leading to participation in the Indian National and International Chemistry Olympiads. The large network of over 2000 Life Members of ACT is actively involved in the different stages of the Chemistry Olympiad programme. It is a matter of pride and gratification that the performance of the Indian teams at the International Chemistry Olympiad has always been very good. ACT members are also actively involved in the Junior Science Olympiad Programme.
New Activities 1) Concept Test in Chemistry for Undergraduate students (CONTECH)which is a multiple choice question test. Prof. Subhash Prasad Singh (A N College, Patna) is the National Coordinator of CONTECH. 2) DST sponsored Chemistry Popularization workshops in the smaller cities and towns. To date ACT has organized 12 workshops at different locations including Srinagar(JK) and Tezpur (Assam).Prof. Brijesh Pare (Madhav Science PG College, Ujjain) served as the National Coordinator of the activity. 3) ACT has partnered with Royal Society of Chemistry ,UK to organize Teacher Training Programmes for high school science teachers under RSC Yusuf Hamied Inspirational Chemistry Programme. The aim of the workshops is to give teachers new tools for effective teaching of Chemistry. Teachers are introduced to proven active learning techniques that can be easily applied in a chemistry context. So far ACT has organized 17 such workshops in different parts of the country. On an average, 30-35 teachers participate in the workshops. RSC provides three useful resources (books) to each participant and participation certificate. Prof Brijesh Pare is the National Coordinator of the activity. International Conferences on “Education in Chemistry” ICEC The First International Conference ICEC 2010 was held in November 2010 at HBCSE(TIFR)Mumbai to commemorate the International Year of Chemistry IYC 2011. The faculty was drawn from prestigious institutions of USA, UK and India. The invited lectures and abstracts of the presentations were published in the form of a book entitled “Chemical Education” (Narosa Publishing House, New Delh,2012). The second ICEC was organized in December 2014.The invited lectures and abstracts of the presentations have been uploaded on the ACT website. Both conferences dealt with the pedagogy of teaching of Chemistry and research in Chemistry at the tertiary level and generated a lot of interest in teachers to pursue studies in Chemistry education.
The ACT Newsletter which is published online as a quarterly is accessible on the ACT website and includes articles on Chemistry related themes. Dr Mannam Krishnamurthy (Varsity Educational Ltd. Hyderabad) is the Chief Editor of the newsletter. ACT interacts with Government Education Departments and assists in syllabi framing and implementation.
ACT Awards
To honour and felicitate the outstanding Chemistry teachers of the country ,ACT has instituted seven awards including ACT Life Time Achievement Award which is given to a superannuated Chemistry teacher in recognition of his/her distinguished services to Chemistry teaching and research. These awards are presented during NCCT. To commemorate IYC 2011, ACT and Tata Chemicals, Mumbai instituted “ACT-Tata Chemicals Best Chemistry Teacher Award” in five categories
For any information please contact: Dr D V Prabhu, General Secretary, Association of Chemistry Teachers, Adjunct Professor and Former Head, Department of Chemistry, Wilson College, Mumbai 400007.Email:
[email protected] Contact 09870266899 Landline:022 28811497
Prof Dr D C Deka , Gauhati University, Guwahati
[email protected]
General Secretary
Dr D V Prabhu, Wilson College, Mumbai
[email protected]
Mrs Swapna Narvekar, HBCSE(TIFR), Mumbai
[email protected]
Vice Presidents North
Prof M SM Rawat, Doon University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
[email protected]
Prof Prem Mohan Mishra, MLSM College, Darbhanga, Bihar
[email protected]
Prof Dr P V S Machiraju, Pragati Engineering College, Surampalam, Near Kakinada , AP
[email protected]
Prof Brijesh Pare, Madhav Science PG College, Ujjain
[email protected]
Dr Hemant Pande, Hislop College ,Nagpur
[email protected]
Prof Dileep Kumar Kalita, Tinsukia, Assam
[email protected]
Secretaries North
Prof Shraddha Sinha,B B Das National Institute of Tech. and Management, Lucknow
[email protected]
Dr. Subhash Prasad Singh, A N College ,Patna
[email protected]
Prof Dr Helen Kavitha, SRM Institute of Science and Technology. Ramapuram, Chennai
[email protected] xlii
Prof V P Singh, Regional Institute of Education(NCERT) , Ajmer
[email protected]
Dr MeeraUchil, Wilson College ,Mumbai
[email protected]
North –East
Dr Nripendra Nath Talukdar, Pub Kamrup College Dt. Kamrup, Assam.
[email protected]
Members (Two per zone) North
1) Principal Dr Umesh Chandra Jain, DPS , Bharatpur
[email protected] 2) Dr Amar Srivastava, D A V (PG)College , Kanpur
[email protected]
Principal Dr JayasreeLaha, Raja N L Khan Women’s College, Midnapore ,
[email protected]
1) Prof K Sudhakar Babu, S K University, Ananthpur, AP
[email protected] 2) Dr Mannam Krishnamurthy, Varsity Education Management Limited, Hyderabad, Telangana
[email protected]
1) Dr Dheeraj Mandloi, Institute of Engineering and Technology Devi Ahilya University ,Indore, MP
[email protected],
[email protected] 2) Dr Surbhi Benjamin, Pacific College of Basic and Applied Sciences, PAHER University, Udaipur
[email protected]
1) Prof Anand S Aswar, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati.
[email protected] 2) Dr Shahin D Irani, Wilson College , Mumbai.
[email protected] xliii
North –East
1) Dr Hari Sankar Kakati, PO Mirza, Dt Kamrup, Assam
[email protected] 2) Dr Md. Abdul Halim Shah, D M College of Science, Imphal, Manipur
[email protected]
Past Presidents 1) Prof N Sathyamurthy, President Chemical Research Society of India, Honorary Professor, JNCASR, Bangalore Former Director ,IISER Mohali
[email protected] [email protected]
2) Prof S R Gadre, Emeritus Professor ,Department of Chemistry , University of Pune, Pune
[email protected] 3) Prof PK Sai Prakash, Osmania University, Hyderabad
[email protected] 4) Prof Sudha Jain, Lucknow University
[email protected] 5) Prof S D Samant, ICT, Mumbai
[email protected]
[email protected]
Coopted Members North :Mr. Shailendra Jain, Shaivi Industries, Lucknow
[email protected] South :Prof M Swaminathan, Kalasalingam University, Krishnakoil, TN
[email protected] West :Dr W B Gurnule, Kamala Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
[email protected] North East: Dr Gitimoni Deka, Rangia College Rangia, Assam
[email protected]
HONORARY MEMBERS OF ACT 1) Bharat Ratna Prof C N R Rao, FRS, National Research Professor, Linus Pauling Research Professor. Honorary President, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bangalore
[email protected] 2) Padma Vibhushan Prof M M Sharma, FRS, Former Director, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai
[email protected] 3) Padma Vibhushan Prof R A Mashelkar, FRS, Former Director, CSIR, New Delhi, CSIR Bhatnagar Fellow, President, Global Research Alliance, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
[email protected] 4) Dr Nitya Anand, Former Director, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow
[email protected] 5) Professor R S Mali Former Vice Chancellor, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
[email protected] 6) Prof S Jayarama Reddy, Former Vice Chancellor, S V University, Tirupati
[email protected]
RASAYAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY RASAYAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY (RJC) is an open access as well as print journal and widely covers all branches of Chemistry including: Organic, Inorganic, Physical, Analytical, Biological, Pharmaceutical, Industrial, Environmental, Agricultural & Soil, Petroleum, Polymers, Nanotechnology, Green Chemistry, Forensic, Phytochemistry, Synthetic Drugs, Computational, as well as Chemical Physics and Chemical Engineering. The journal provides an open platform to all researchers, academicians and readers to showcase their ideas and research findings among their own fraternity and to share their vast repository of knowledge and information. The journal seeks to embody the spirit of enquiry and innovation to augment the richness of the existing chemistry literature. RJC is abstracted in SCOPUS (Elsevier) since 2008. Websites: and
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology
Chemical Research Society of India
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Chromatographic Society of India
Indian Oil Corporation
Metrohm India Limited
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Green Chemistree Foundation
Mettler Toledo
Shine Enterprises
Peak Scientific
NETZSCH Technologies India Private Ltd
A. V. Thomas Leather & Allied Products Pvt.Ltd
Jenrashid Consultants
Redchekar Tannins Pvt.Ltd