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This will be Ian Atkinson's first conference as CEO. Please make him welcome and talk to him about what you want your IAL to deliver. After the success of the ...

r e gi o n al c o n f e r e n c e & e x h i b i t i o n L a u n c e s t o n , Ta s m a n i a



Contents 1

We l c o m e



Conference Committee






Keynote Speakers



Wo r k s h o p O v e r v i e w s



General Informat ion






Exhibitor Listing



Poster Presentat ion





Conference handbook is proudly sponsored by

2 2 - 2 5 A u g u s t 2 0 1 1 – L a u n c e s t o n , Ta s m a n i a


We l c o m e Dear Industry Colleagues, On behalf of Irrigation Australia Limited, welcome to the’ Irrigation 2011 - New Horizons, Fresh Ideas Conference’, which is being held in Launceston from the 22 – 25 August. This will be Ian Atkinson’s first conference as CEO. Please make him welcome and talk to him about what you want your IAL to deliver.

Peter Toome Board Chair Irrigation Australia Limited

Ian Atkinson CEO Irrigation Australia Limited

After the success of the National Conference and Exhibition in Sydney last year it is great to see the conference heading once again to a regional area. This year we have left the mainland (and the success of the ‘2009 Swan Hill Regional Conference’) to explore New Horizons in Tasmania. With 17 years since the last conference in Tasmania, there will be lots of Fresh Ideas up for discussion. Although the Murray Darling Basin is very much in the news today, the way new irrigation developments are being handled in Tasmania sets a new benchmark which many of us can learn from. Ian and I would like to welcome both our old stalwarts and those delegates who are new to the irrigation industry or attending their first conference. The event will give you first hand exposure to the new technologies and practices under development across the industry. Irrigation Australia’s conference unites like no other event, the diverse range of people, professions, companies and issues which make up our irrigation industry. The conference also provides an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with your peers in the industry. If experiences of past attendees are repeated, you will be more than amply rewarded by the experience. On behalf of the IAL, enjoy the conference and associated events and make sure you take some time to visit the sights of Launceston.


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We l c o m e On behalf of all those involved in Irrigation throughout Tasmania, I would like to welcome all of you to the ‘Irrigation 2011 - New Horizons, Fresh Ideas Conference.’ It is a great opportunity for you to participate in what will be a strong and diverse conference and workshop process which our conference committees have worked tirelessly to produce. There will also be the opportunity to hear and to observe some of the interesting and innovative things that are happening in the Tasmanian scene, and of course partake in our internationally recognised food and wine! The State Government in Tasmania has recognised that Tasmania has some excellent opportunities in the area of irrigated agriculture based around the wonderful land and water resources we have available to us thus providing the irrigation industry with some fantastic opportunities and plenty of challenges. I look forward to meeting you during the course of the Conference.

Chris Thompson Conference Chair

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Conference Committee Organising Committee Chris Thompson (Chair) Macquarie Franklin

Trevor Le Breton Irrigation Australia

Kelvin Montagu Colo Consulting

Sue-Ellen McTaggart Sane Event Group

Program Committee Kelvin Montagu (Chair) Colo Consulting

Peter Smith Industry & Investment NSW

Guy Roth National Program for Sustainable Irrigation

Merv Jessen Irrigation Australia

Jeremy Cox Water Dynamics

Dr Susan Lambert Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research

David Armstrong AK Consultants

Conference Managers Sane Event Group PO Box 149, Hurstville B.C NSW 1481 T: +61 2 9553 4820 | F: +61 2 9553 4830 E: [email protected] W: 6

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Keynote Speakers John Lord John is a seventh generation Tasmanian who originally trained and worked as a solicitor and then as a chartered accountant. He was a partner with KPMG for 25 years specializing in primary industry including private forestry. He and Diana are recent Australian Forest Growers’ National Treefarmers of the Year. John has had experience not only in law, chartered accounting, primary industry and private forestry but also in engineering, governance and irrigation. He worked overseas in engineering and construction and played a role in the privatisation of the operation and management of the Cressy-Longford and Winnaleah Irrigation Schemes here in Tasmania. He was the Chairman of Transend Networks Pty Ltd, the state’s electricity transmission company for ten years and was for ten years the inaugural Chairman of Toosey Limited, a community company formed to take over and rebuild an aged care facility at Longford. John is currently the Chairman of the State Government’s Irrigation Development Board. John is also currently the Chairman of the steel fabrication Crisp Bros & Haywards Group, a director of Private Forests Tasmania, a director of Ruralco Holdings Limited (and its Tasmanian subsidiary Roberts Limited) and of a number of family farming and pastoral boards. John and Diana live on a small farm near Longford in the central north of Tasmania.

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Keynote Speakers Peter McGlone Peter has been the Director of the Tasmanian Conservation Trust since October 2008. The TCT is Tasmania’s oldest conservation organisation (established in 1968) and works on a on a wide range of conservation issues including marine reserves, fisheries management, water management, forests, planning, threatened species, hunting and poisoning of native animals, roadkill, feral and weed control and reserve management. From 1991 until 2008 Peter was the Tasmanian Coordinator for the Threatened Species Network, a program of the World Wide Fund for Nature Australia. The focus of this position was to initiate and support community groups and land owners to take positive action to protect and manage threatened animal and plant species.


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Keynote Speakers Richard Gardner Richard Gardner is a farmer from Tunbridge in the Midlands of Tasmania. Richard has been leading the push to develop the “Midlands Water Scheme”, the largest of Tasmania’s irrigation schemes currently being developed in a partnership between Federal & State Governments and land owners. He was heavily involved in the lobbying efforts prior to the 2007 Federal election that resulted in $140 M being allocated to Tasmania for irrigation development. Richard manages “Annandale”, a 2600 ha farm with 650 ha centre pivot irrigation, producing poppies, cereals, seed crops and Lucerne as well as sheep meat and wool. Born and raised in Tasmania he studied agriculture at Lincoln University in NZ. In 2003 he received a Nuffield Scholarship studying people management in agriculture. Richard also owns and manages a seed cleaning and bagged stockfeed manufacturing business. Richard is passionate about Tasmanian agriculture and believes that secure irrigation water is a key driver in regional economies. He is involved in local community organisations and is excited about the potential for the reinvigoration of the midlands of Tasmania with the delivery of high surety irrigation water.

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Keynote Speakers Danny O’Brien Danny O’Brien is CEO of the National Irrigators’ Council, which was formed in 2008 to represent the interests of irrigators at a national level. The NIC aims to develop projects and policy to ensure the efficiency, viability and sustainability of Australian irrigated agriculture and the security and reliability of water entitlements. Mr O’Brien grew up in Gippsland, Victoria and is a former journalist who worked in newspapers and television in regional Victoria. He was Deputy News Director at Win Television in Victoria before moving into various roles in politics and policy. He was Chief of Staff and media adviser to the Leader of the Nationals in Victoria for four years and spent a similar amount of time as an adviser and senior adviser with former Deputy Prime Minister, Mark Vaile. In that role he was heavily involved in trade, agriculture and regional development policy. Prior to joining the NIC in 2009, he was Communications Manager at the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.


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Keynote Speakers James Cameron Mr James Cameron is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Water Commission. The Commission is Australia’s national water reform agency. It provides independent assessments of the progress of Australia’s federal and state governments in delivering on their reform commitments, as well as policy advice, advocacy and practical, financial support to help drive the water reform agenda. Mr Cameron joined the Commission in October 2009. Prior to his appointment, he had a broad ranging career in the Australian federal government across the industry, communications and cultural portfolios. In particular, he has held senior management roles in the responsible for the reform and regulation of Australia’s telecommunications, broadcasting and media sectors, the development of the information and communications technology sector and managing Australia’s arts and sport policy as well as its key cultural institutions.  James holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies.

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Po s t e r Pre s e nt a t i o n Poster presentations will take place during happy hour on Tuesday evening from 5.00pm - 6.00pm.


Effect of sprinkler droplet size on the development of a surface crust and infiltration of a highly cultivated agricultural soil Frances Chamley


Supporting Infrastructure Modernisation: Healthy HeadWaters Water Use Efficiency project Rosalie Hannah


A preliminary evaluation of in-season variations in sprinkler irrigation application patterns Amjed Hussain


Satellite and SMS Management System for Irrigation advice service to farmer in Sydney Ho Dang


The farm water program in northern Victoria - research and extension Mike Morris


Improving the productivity of rice farming systems with better layouts Sam North


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