7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia (Spain), 4th - 6th of March, 2013.
7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia (Spain), 4th - 6th of March, 2013.
Published by International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) www.iated.org
INTED2013 Proceedings 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference March 4th-6th, 2013 — Valencia, Spain Edited by L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres International Association of Technology, Education and Development IATED
ISBN: 978-84-616-2661-8 Depósito Legal: V-424-2013
Book cover designed by J.L. Bernat All rights reserved. Copyright © 2013, IATED The papers published in these proceedings reflect the views only of the authors. The publisher cannot be held responsible for the validity or use of the information therein contained. Some conference presentations may not be available for publication.
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Abstract The Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Granada has developed a project on tutorial innovation (PIT), named TUTORGRADOS, for the new students of Pharmacy, Human Nutrition and Dietetic, and Food Science and Technology degrees. The inscription of the professors and the students has been voluntary. This plan reports, supports and orientates the student from his revenue and along his formation with individual and collective tutorship and activities given by professors participants in the plan and for external referees about: advice with the chosen subjects; scholarships and funding sources; national and international Mobility; study habits; search of bibliographical information and elaboration of scientific works and others. Keywords: Tutorial innovation, Higher education.
The Statute of the Universitary Student has been recently approved by the Spanish Law (Real Decreto 1791/2010, de 30 de Diciembre). Article 8 describes the rights of students, i.e., the right to receive personalized coaching and mentoring in the first year and during the studies (in order to facilitate their adaptation to the university environment, and their academic performance), and also in the final stage to facilitate their labour incorporation, professional development, and the continuation of their university education". At the University, we face a different situation compared to Secondary Education. Students are at least 18 year old, and they are theoretically motivated to start their curriculum development despite the University also welcomes people who wanted to start concrete studies but the score of the entrance exams have forced them to choose others. The student must be informed about the organization of the University and the Centre (and the curricula) where he is undertaking the studies. Thus, he must be assisted throughout his career to learn how to reasonably choose the academic subjects of each academic year. The personal and social needs that we believe must be addressed in a tutorial correspond to the transfer of knowledge to the Society, and the capabilities and skills that students must implement in order to be prepared for such important step. We have learnt about the cases of excellent researchers who have not been able to properly undertake teaching obligations, and thus have left the University. In addition to transferring the research/academic results, students should know how to transfer them in a way that will be useful to Society. The professional needs often arise at the last academic. This tutorial guidance should, unless there are individual requests, be made in group by also inviting to join in it, professionals, psychologists, human resource managers, post-graduates, etc., and especially people who develop their work in the field of knowledge of the student. It is very important to highlight the students’ mobility that it is promoted by inter-university exchange programs. An increasing number of foreign students are attending our classes, and they often need greater attention given their special situation. Hence, we must be (through tutorial actions) particularly sensitive with these students, facilitating their integration into the Spanish University and life in Granada.
Proceedings of INTED2013 Conference 4th-6th March 2013, Valencia, Spain
ISBN: 978-84-616-2661-8 4208
Based on the above statements, a group of professors from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Granada (Spain) strongly believed in the need for innovation and developed a project on tutorial innovation (PIT, named TUTORGRADOS) focused on the students of the Faculty: Pharmacy, Dietetics and Human Nutrition, and Science and Food Technology. Students involved in the PIT were the ones undertaken the first year of academic formation, and in the successive years the other courses were also incorporated to the project. Teachers were also involved in the PIT if the wanted. In this way, all the students were informed, supported, and academically supervised, personally and professionally by these teachers, thanks to an individualized and/or group tutoring, and through workshops and seminars developed by teachers, tutors, and professionals. The objectives of the PIT were: a) Academic objectives: 1. Locate the PIT in the Website of the Faculty. 2. Perform an individualized ("small group") and collective ("large group") plan that can connect each tutor to his students. 3. Present the organization and structure of the University of Granada and the Faculty of Pharmacy, to facilitate the student development within the Institution. 4. Inform the student about the singularities of the degrees in Pharmacy, in Dietetics and Human Nutrition, and in Science and Food Technology, in order to properly direct their curricula. 5. Assess the students throughout the degree to facilitate a reasonable selection of the academic subjects that they will study each year. 6. Guide the students about the aids and scholarships that they can obtain. 7. Describe and use the different academic platforms to be used during teaching (e.g., SWAD, MOODLE, etc.). 8. Explain the different learning techniques, i.e., concept mapping, bibliographical search, oral presentations, to cite just a few. 9. Teach about useful techniques to prevent and control anxiety, and about most significant strategies to speak in public. 10. Inform about the (international and national) student mobility programs. 11. Describe personal experiences about the world of teaching and scientific research. 12. Describe good practices on health and safety in the laboratory. 13. Compensate detected shortcomings on new students related to transversal (generic) skills which are of great value to their academic formation. b) Personal / social objectives: 1. Adapt and integrate the students into the University system. 2. Teach about how to work in group. 3. Train for decision making 4. Sensibilize about environmental issues 5. Inform about sport possibilities in the University. 6. Achieve organizational and planning skills. c) Professional objectives: The PIT is initially intended for novel students and will be progressively expanded to the rest of students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Granada. We believe that career guidance is most appropriate to the last academic years (4th and 5th course), when the students should be advised about job searching and job market (jobseeker strategies, preparation of the curriculum vitae, interviews, etc.) in order to capacitate them for making right decisions.
Description and projection of TUTORGRADOS
Coinciding with the reception of the new students to the center, the PIT has been described, together with the activities that are going to be developed along the course. In addition, some professors and the coordinator have made TUTORGRADOS's informative panels and informative sessions have also been developed to explain in what the main objectives of the three degrees.
Students and Tutors enrolment
Course 2010-11
Course 2011-12
Publication in the Centre's website and in the SWAD platform
Enrolled students Pharmacy: 221 Human Nutrition and Dietetics: 68 Professors-Tutors: 80 Enrolled students Pharmacy: 220 Human Nutrition and Dietetics: 81 Food Science and Technology: 34 Professors-Tutors: 85
TUTORGRADOS Plan has been hosted in the Pharmacy Website in the address: http://farmacia.ugr.es/cont.php?sec=3&pag=7
In the SWAD platform, a web space has been created for our TUTORGRADOS plan including the whole professorship and students participants. This space serves as a web space where all the participants are informed about the different activities offered and to expose all the documents of the plan. In addition, several "subgroups" with small groups of professors and students have been created, therefore students are allowed a more personalized communication and activities designed specifically by the professor and their small subgroups. https://swad.ugr.es/?CrsCod=4184 Scheduled meetings with the participants and the coordinator Personal tutorship
The coordinator has arranged several meetings with all the professors, where there have been exposed the incidents, the results and the plans of improvement. The tutor has arranged several meetings with the students for an initial tutorship in which the pupil has completed a questionnaire that gathers academic and personal information and facilitates the tutorship. The students have further arranged as many meetings as they need several times during the course.
W ORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS: 1. Characteristics of the new study plans and organization of the University of Granada and of our Center
Coinciding with the incoming of the students from the three degrees, in the Main Hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy the students received information about the study plans, the aims of the “Bologna Plan” and their advantages, the procedure of permanency and the need to accredit the knowledge of a foreign language, the organization of the center and the functioning of the University of Granada. The assistance was massive (about 500 students). http://farm acia.ugr.es/noticias/JornRecepAlum n2012.pdf Professor charged with the activity: Ana del Moral Garcia
2. Advice with the choosen subjects
With this advice, along the degree we try that the student can choose in a reasoned and coherent form the subjects that every academic course is going to deal with. Professors charged with the activity: Antonio Sánchez Pozo Bartolomé Quintero Osso, Francisco Ocaña Lara
3. Information about scholarships and funding sources
The different funding sources offered throughout the year have been described, explaining how the students can apply, emphasizing in the requirements for each of them. Professor charged with the activity: Pilar Utrilla Navarro
4. W orkshop on search of bibliographical information and elaboration of scientific works
The strategies to do a bibliographical review as well as the skills to elaborate a scientific work for its later exhibition in class have been presented to the students. Professor charged with the activity: Ma Inmaculada López Aliaga
5. Information about teaching platforms
This activity has not been performed by means of collective groups but by means of personal consultations of the students that had any doubt or difficulty in the use or in the inscription in different subjects. Nowadays the utilization of the SWAD platform does not present disadvantages for the student body, but the students who joins for first our Faculty need special attention. Professors charged with the activity: Ma Dolores Ruiz López Francisco Ocaña Lara y Rafael Salto González
6. Speaking in public/oral communication skills
The students showed great attention and interest being a very participative activity. They exposed their doubts and the professors show them how to make oral presentations. Professor charged with the activity: Carmen Cabrera Vique
7. Study habits workshop
With this workshop the professors show the students how to organize their time, to planning a schedule of study, to elaborating schemes, summaries and to doing a compressive reading. It has had very good acceptance in the students. Professor charged with the activity: Miguel Navarro Alarcon
8. Mobility seminars
Several seminars have been organized to report on different programs of national and international mobility. In addition the requests of information have been attended of personalized form in the matter. Professor charged with the activity: Reyes Artacho M artín-Lagos
9. Teaching and Researching seminars
With this information the student knows the labor that the university professorship as one of the possible professional occupations of the degree. The students showed a great interest to know the personal experience of a young professor from obtaining the Ph.D. to teaching in the University. Professor charged with the activity: Javier D íaz Castro
10. Information about sports in the University
Information has been given about the activities, available courses, facilities and sports centers, championships in which it is possible to take part and advantages that can be obtained. Professor charged with the activity: Teresa Nestares Pleguezuelo
11. Lab Safety and hygiene workshop
The three degrees of the Faculty of Pharmacy have laboratory practices. Along every academic course several informative days have been realized, to inform about the resources and skills to attend to the practical classes with the ideal conditions of safety and hygiene. Technician charged with the activity: Encarnació n Rebollo García
12. Professional occupations
13. Making the CV and the job int erview
Several professionals of different areas related to the qualifications of our center have informed the students about the professional occupations. Nevertheless, this information is very requested by the students of the last courses of the degree and our plan has reached for the present only to the first and the second academic year. For that reason, we will continue with this action.
Several workshops have been performed about the elab curriculum vitae and planning of the job interviews. Expert personnel have been invited to take part in this action (share). Professor charged with the activity: Manolo Olalla Herrera
Fig. 2 Display image in the Center.
Display image in the Center.
Fig.3 Information in the website.
Fig.4 Tutorgra2 in the SWAD platform.
Fig. 5 Activity Poster.
Fig. 6 Activity Poster.
There have been elaborated surveys that the professors and students have completed participants across the space that we have in the platform SWAD. The surveys have done to themselves for qualifications and for academic course 2010-11 a nd 2011-12. The items are the following ones: Does he think that there has been a good relation TUTOR - STUDENT? Between 50-60 % of the students and 64 % of the professors they think that yes and 20 indifferent %. Have his expectations covered with this action tutorial? Between 50-60 % of the students and 60 % of the professors they think that yes and 20 indifferent %. Which is his preference with regard to the actions of the plan? Between 60-80 % of the students and 80 % of the professors individual tutorships. Does he believe that the activities programmed in this plan are beneficial for the the pupil? Between 95-100 % of professors and students they think that if. The information and is diffusion of the activities of this plan the correct one? Between 70-100 % of professors and students they think that if. Would it recommend the adhesion to this plan to some companion? Between 70-96 % of professors and students they think that if. What would it improve in this plan? Students: in general Information and diffusion of the plan; Tutors: individual Tutorships.
formation of
On the other hand, the assistance to two international Congresses, a national Days and the publication of a chapter of book support the external evaluation of a positive form. We have received the economic support of our University during these two academic courses 2011-12 and 2012-13. In conclusion it is the only action tutorial for the pupil again revenue of our center that has continuity up to finishing his studies. There is offered diversity of activities of free form along the courses. It has had a very positive valuation on the part of the tutors and the students and every year they are more those who stick fast encouraged by the companions of top courses and by the teachers.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Tutorgrados. Coordinator: Ma Jose Muñoz Alférez. Professors: Francisco Javier Adroher Auroux, Pilar Aranda Ramirez, Jose Luis Arias Mediano, Reyes Artacho Martín-Lagos, Ma Victoria Béjar Luque, Rocío Benítez Rodríguez, Carmen Cabeza González, Paloma Cabo Cires, Carmen Cabrera Vique, Encarnación Camacho Quesada, Ma Dora Carrión Peregrina, Beatriz Clares Naveros, Ana Conejo G arcía, Ma Esperanza Crespo Gil, Torcuata Cruz G arcía, Olga Cruz López, Rafael Delgado Calvo-Flores, Javier Díaz Castro, Mónica Díaz Gavilán, José Domínguez Seglar, Ma José Faus Dáder, Mercedes Fernández Carrión, Francisco Franco Montalván, Rafael Giménez M artínez, Ma Dolores Girón González, José Antonio Gómez Vidal, Antonio González Casado, Josefa González Pérez, Eduardo Guerra Hernández, Manuel Jim énez Durán, María Jim é nez Valera, Francisco Ligero Ligero, Inmaculada Llamas Company, Juan Llopis González, López Aliaga Ma Inmaculada, Magd a lena López Frías, María Ló pez-Jurado Romero de la Cruz, Carmen Martín M artín, Joaquina M artín Sánchez, José Martínez López, Fernando José Martínez-Checa Barrero, Antonio Matilla Hernández, Alba Martínez Burgos, Fernando Martínez Martínez, Consolació n Melguizo Alonso, Manolo Miró Jodral, Ana Isabel del Moral G arcía, Encarnación Morales Hernández, Encarnación Morales Calvo, Ricardo Navarrete Casas, Antonio Navarrete Guijosa, Miguel Navarro Alarcón, Ma Teresa Nestares Pleguezuelo, Ma Carmen Núñez Carretero, Francisco Ocaña Lara, Julio José Ochoa Herrera, Manuel Olalla Herrera, Ma José Pineda de las Infantas, Elena Ma Planells del Pozo, Jesús Ma Porres Foulquié, Amada Pulido Regadera, José Javier Quesada Granados, Ma Carmen Ramírez Tortosa, Luis Recalde Manrique, Severiano Risco Acedo, Ma Angustias Rivadeneira Ruiz, Ana Ma Rivas Velasco, Ma Belén Rodelas González, Teresa de la Rubia Nieto, Ma Dolores Ruiz López, Adolfina Ruiz Martínez, Alfonso RuizBravo López, Rafael Salto González, Cristina Samaniego Sá nchez, Cristina Sánchez González, Rosario Sá nchez Martín, Antonio Sánchez Pozo, Manuel Sánchez Polo, Eva Talavera Rodríguez, Juan Miguel Tristán González, Bartolomé Quintero Osso, Pilar Utrilla Navarro, Mariano José Valderrama Bonnet, Alberto Vargas Morales, Marina Villalón Mir. Technical assistants: Juan Chacón Almeda, Encarnación Rebollo García
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