Jun 15, 2013 - Macquarie University, Sydney. Gould's Paradox: Chance and Contingency in Macroevolutionary History - Jero
WELCOME TO THE FIRST STUDENTS’ BIG HISTORY RESEARCH CONFERENCE! This conference will bring together young big history researchers to exchange ideas and discuss the career possibilities that are currently available as well as those that the future might bring. Supervisors, other interested scholars and potential sponsors are more than welcome to come and support the future generation of big historians. The conference will start on Thursday June 13. The morning sessions of June 14 and 15 are reserved for presentations, while the afternoon sessions will be devoted to discussions about two relevant themes: energy and big history research challenges. Both days will be concluded by a keynote speech.
CONFERENCE PROGRAM Thursday 13 June 17:00 - 17:30 h - opening 17:30 - 18:00 h - presentation ‘personal timelines in Chronozoom’ by Roland Saekow 18:00 - 19:30 h - drinks and snacks Friday 14 June Each participant will have 20 minutes to present his or her paper. 10:00 - 10-50 h - paper presentations session 1 Teaching Big History in Australia: Challenges for Interdisciplinary Courses in the Secondary Context - Tracy Sullivan, Macquarie University, Sydney Big History in Primary Education, Jos Werkhoven, Uitgeverij de Arend, and Anne-Marie Poorthuis, Eigentijdse Verbindingen 11:00 - 11:50 h - paper presentations session 2 The Darwinian Algorithm as a New Research Agenda in Big History - David Baker, Macquarie University, Sydney Gould’s Paradox: Chance and Contingency in Macroevolutionary History - Jeroen Hopster, University of Amsterdam 12:10 - 13:00 h - paper presentations session 3 The Golden Ratio and Complexity in Big History - Victor Petri, Argo Geological Consultants Evolution of Morality as a Result of Humankind’s Development - Ekaterina Sazhienko, Dubna International University of Nature, Society and Humanity 13:10 - 14:00 h - paper presentations session 4 Self-Assembly in Nature: Protein Folding - Rebecca de Leeuw, Utrecht University The Origination of Marine Biodiversity, Illustrated by a Group of Pteropods ('Sea Butterflies') Alice Burrigde, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden
14:00 - 15:00 h - break 15:00 - 16:50 h - seminar ‘Energy and complexity in Big History’ led by Fred Spier 17:10 - 18:00 h - keynote ‘Climate in Big History’ by Henry Hooghiemstra Saturday 15 June 10:00 - 10:50 h - paper presentations session 6 The Big History of Infectious Disease and the Athenian Plague - Bree Faulkenberg, California State University, San Marcos The Role of Geological Processes in Shaping Evolutionary Niches & Speciation - Melanie During, University of Amsterdam 11:00 - 11:50 h - paper presentations session 7 Big History and Spinoza - Hans van Twuiver, Rijkswaterstaat A Little Big History of the Amsterdam Royal Palace - Shanshan Liu, Tsinghua University, Beijing 12:10 - 13:00 h - paper presentations session 8 A Little Big History of Tiananmen - Esther Quaedackers, University of Amsterdam Exploring Biography, Individual and Event on the Micro & Macro level of (Big) History Jonne Harsma, Universiteit Groningen 13:10 - 14:00 h - paper presentations session 5 The Scope, Value and Potential of Big History - Rich Blundell, Macquarie University, Sydney Connecting the Pieces: A Topical Analysis of Big History - Stephanie Poppe, Indiana University, Bloomington 14:00 - 15:00 h - break 15:00 - 15:50 h - discussion ‘Challenges for big history researchers’ 16:00 - 16:50 h - workshop ‘Personal timelines in Chronozoom’ 17:10 - 18:00 h - concluding keynote by Fred Spier 18:00 - 20:30 h - dinner
PRACTICALITIES Attendance and livestream Anybody who is interested in graduate level big history research is welcome to either attend the conference or watch the livestream that will be broadcasted through Google Hangouts on Air. Attendants are asked to register for the conference by emailing Esther Quaeadackers at the email address mentioned below. Conference fees The conference fees will be 10 euros. This will cover drinks and snacks on Thursday, and coffee, tea and lunch on Friday and Saturday. The conference fees will not cover dinner on Saturday. Fees should be paid on Thursday evening or before lunch on Friday and should be paid in cash to Esther Quaedackers. For online participants, conference fees will be waived. Location The conference will be held at the Potgieterszaal in the university library of the University of Amsterdam. For more information, see http://www.uva.nl/over-de-uva/de-uva-in-amsterdam/ locaties/locaties/locaties/content/folder/universiteitsbibliotheek.html. Lodging Participants from abroad are advised to stay at either the NH City Centre Amsterdam (http://www.nh-hotels.com/nh/en/hotels/the-netherlands/amsterdam/nh-city-centreamsterdam.html) or at Amsterdam Hostel Leidscheplein (http:// www.amsterdamhostelleidseplein.com). Participants who need help arranging lodging, can contact Esther Quaedackers at the email address mentioned below. Registration and contact For registration and more information about the conference, please contact Esther Quaedackers at
[email protected].