conference program - The Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption ...

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Steve Osborne. Chief Investigator, ICAC ... Dr Rebecca Denning A/Director, Applied Research and Evaluation, CMC, QLD. Russell Pearce Deputy CEO, Integrity ...

Workshop Registration

9:00 - 12:30

Codes of conduct Facilitator: Paul Collings Senior Prevention Adviser, CMC

Room: Admiralty Gulf

1:00 - 4:30

Managing whistleblowing: risks and responsibilities Facilitator: Jane Olsen Research Officer, CMC

Room: Admiralty Gulf

9:00 - 4:30

Establishing, improving and managing misconduct and complaints handling systems Facilitators: Tony Warwick Manager Corruption Prevention, CCC Carolyn Jones Senior Corruption Prevention Officer, CCC *Plus specialist guest presenters

9:00 - 4:30

Fact finder: how to conduct an internal fact finding investigation Facilitators: Steve Osborne Chief Investigator, ICAC Jay Lawrence Senior Lawyer, ICAC

Room: Carnac

9:00 - 4:30

Probity in procurement: helping managers understand and deal with procurement corruption and risks Facilitators: Adam Shapiro Senior Project Officer, Training and Development, ICAC Michael Nest Senior Corruption Prevention Officer, ICAC

Room: Garden

9:00 - 4:30

Understanding improper influence as a misconduct risk Facilitators: Vincent Hughes Manager Corruption Prevention, CCC Sharon Long Senior Corruption Prevention Officer, CCC *Plus specialist guest presenters

9:00 - 4:30

Embedding ethics Facilitator: David Honeyman Principal Adviser, Misconduct Prevention, CMC

4:00 - 7:00

Conference Registration

5:00 - 7:00

Welcome Reception | Resort Poolside, The Esplanade Hotel Fremantle

Room: Rottnest

Room: Prince Regent

Room: King Sound




Conference Registration

9:00 - 9:15

Conference Welcome MARK HERRON Acting Commissioner, Corruption and Crime Commission

9:15 - 9:30

Official Opening THE HON CHRISTIAN PORTER MLA Western Australia Attorney General

9:30 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker THE HON WAYNE MARTIN Chief Justice of Western Australia

10:15 - 10:45

Morning Tea: Amongst the Exhibition | Proudly sponsored by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE Room: Orion IMPROPER INFLUENCE Room: Island Suite Chair: Dr Kim Schofield Deputy Commissioner Public Sector Commission WA Chair: Donna Andrews Director, Public Service Commission, QLD

LOCAL GOVERNMENT Room: Pleiades Chair: The Hon Harvey Cooper Inspector, Office of the Inspector of the ICAC, NSW

POLICE Room: Sirius Chair: Prof Andrew Goldsmith Director, Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention, NSW

The interaction between lobbyists and public officers who exercise discretionary authority

Case studies from the perspective of the investigating agencies and the public authorities investigated in NSW and QLD

A West Australian perspective on local government corruption

Panel discussion about Taser Weapon use and misconduct in policing

Lobbying codes of conduct and challenges Catherine Vickers Assistant Director, Executive Division, Department of

Case Study - Sydney Water Corporation | Secret commissions Mark Eady Principal Officer, Investigations, Corruption Prevention

“We just collect the rubbish, what’s the issue?” – Misconduct as a risk in local government (or is it?) Phil Barden Senior Corruption Prevention Officer, CCC, WA

PANELLISTS: Roger Watson Director Corruption Prevention, CCC, WA Bruce Barbour New South Wales Ombudsman Dr Rebecca Denning A/Director, Applied Research and Evaluation, CMC, QLD Russell Pearce Deputy CEO, Integrity Commission, TAS

Premier and Cabinet, TAS

SESSION 1 10:45 - 12.30

Lobbying: Is registration sufficient? Dr David Solomon AM Queensland Integrity Commissioner Lobbying regulation and the role of the lobbied or don’t just lie there! Alex Mills Principal Prevention Officer, ICAC, NSW

Division, ICAC, NSW

Tim Fox Senior Investigator, Investigations Division, ICAC, NSW Case Study - Sydney Water Corporation | The corporation’s experience Eric de Rooy General Manager Sydney Water Corporation, NSW Case Study - Policing on the Gold Coast | Operation Tesco Warren Strange Assistant Commissioner, Misconduct, CMC, QLD

The hydra beast of Western Australian local government Sarah Withnall Lecturer, School of Law, Murdoch University, WA

IML Session

So you think it can’t happen to you: real life examples of corruption and misconduct in local government Trevor Wynn Manager Investigations, CCC, WA

Case Study - Policing on the Gold Coast | Operation Tesco Paul Doyle Assistant Commissioner, Queensland Police Service 12:30 - 1:15

Lunch: Atrium Garden Restaurant, The Esplanade Hotel IMPROPER INFLUENCE Room: Island Suite Chair: Chris Field Ombudsman, Western Australia Ombudsman

SESSION 2 1:15 - 3:00

SESSION 3 3:30 - 5:00

7:00 - 11:00

POLICE Room: Orion Chair: Christopher Steytler QC Parliamentary Inspector, Parliamentary Inspector of the

South Wales

Corruption and Crime Commission, WA

How police culture and real world corruption challenges interact

Case Study - Curtin University of Technology, WA | Managing misconduct in the tertiary education sector - a question of commitment David Robinson A/Director, Standards and Integrity, Department of

Building a positive and ethical workplace culture Andrew Patterson Internal Ombudsman, Warringah Council, NSW

Integrity management - changing face of the problem Vincent Wong ACP SQ Assistant Commissioner, Service Quality, Hong Kong Police

When the general manager is corrupt Darren Curd Investigator, ICAC, NSW

Case Study - Curtin University of Technology, WA | Accountability challenges for Australian universities in the global economy Professor Jeanette Hacket Vice-Chancellor, Curtin University, WA

Beyond Wollongong Antony Pedroza Senior Corruption Prevention Officer Local Government and

Does police culture impede the anti-corruption ideal: an unresolved dilemma Celeste Lawson PhD Candidate, Central Queensland University, QLD

Identifying and dealing with improper influence in local government Ray Plibersek Internal Ombudsman, Sutherland Shire Council, NSW Dealing with allegations of staff fraud and corruption in a global Immigration environment Russell Third Director Internal Audit, Department of Labour, New Zealand

LOCAL GOVERNMENT Room: Pleiades Chair: John Sidoti Member of the NSW Legislative Assembly, Parliament of New A New South Wales perspective on local government corruption

Case studies from the perspective of the investigating agencies and the public authorities investigated in WA and VIC

IML Session

Education WA

Planning, ICAC, NSW

Case Study - Procurement of office consumables | Corrupt conduct by public officers in procurement John R Taylor Deputy Ombudsman, Office of the Victorian Ombudsman Tony Cook Deputy Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet, VIC

Operation Lantana - the involvement of two Detectives in the theft and supply of chop chop tobacco and drugs Phillip Brooks Detective Inspector, NSW Police Force Jeff Lawrence Senior Investigator, NSW Police Integrity Commission

Afternoon Tea: Amongst the Exhibition | Proudly sponsored by the Public Service Commission and the Department of Justice and Attorney-General, QLD IMPROPER INFLUENCE Room: Orion Chair: Alison Larkins Deputy Ombudsman, Commonwealth Ombudsman, ACT

ANTI-CORRUPTION AGENCY MODELS Room: Island Suite Chair: Nick Goiran Chairman, Joint Standing Committee on the Corruption

The consequences of improper influence in procurement fraud and bribery cases Procurement and fraud control, what are the issues and what can you do about them? John Watt Senior Consultant, Internal Audit Bureau, NSW

Establishment of the Integrity Commission in Tasmania: challenges and lessons to be learned The Hon Murray Kellam AO Chief Commissioner, Integrity Commission, TAS

PANELLISTS: Maree McPherson Chief Executive, Victorian Local Government Association Wendy Campana Chief Executive Officer, Local Government Association of

Procurement practices in the WA public sector - institutionalised conflicts of interest? Roger Watson Director Corruption Prevention, CCC, WA

Anti-corruption commissions: are they effective tools to combat corruption? The Hon Jerrold Cripps QC A/Commissioner, NSW Police Integrity

When community behaviour presents as a corruption risk factor CALD business migrant bribery Bill Kokkaris Senior Project Officer Education & Prevention, ICAC, NSW

6:30 - 7:00


How improper influence impacts public officer behaviour

Risky business - the potential for improper influence in the nongovernment sector Bruce Barbour New South Wales Ombudsman

3:00 - 3:30

BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE Room: Sirius Chair: Dr Rebecca Denning A/Director, Applied Research and Evaluation,

LOCAL GOVERNMENT Room: Sirius Chair: Dr Robert Waldersee Executive Director Corruption Prevention,

POLICE Room: Pleiades Chair: Tony Warwick Manager Corruption Prevention, Corruption and Crime

and Crime Commission, WA

Education and Research, Independent Commission Against Corruption, NSW

Commission, WA

Is there such a thing as an ideal model?

Panel discussion on emerging opportunities and threats in local government


A “3D” view of anti-corruption agencies Philip Moss Integrity Commissioner, Australian Commission for Law

Enforcement Integrity, ACT

Pre Dinner Drinks | Southern Cross Gala Ballroom Foyer, The Esplanade Hotel Conference Gala Dinner | Southern Cross Gala Ballroom, The Esplanade Hotel Guest Speaker DR CONNOR DELE

Adjunct Professor of Criminology, John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Address: “Differing definitions of bribery as they apply to government, business & the nonprofit sector: anti-corruption, pro-corruption & the bigger picture.”

South Australia

Clive Robartson AM LGM Councillor, City of Melville, WA Elizabeth Wall Manager Governance, City of Sydney Council, NSW Ray Plibersek Internal Ombudsman, Sutherland Shire Council, NSW

IML Session

Has anything really changed in policing? From technical to reflective practitioners: a new approach to professional development in WA Police Vince Hughes Assistant Director, Academic Development Professional Development

Portfolio, Western Australia Police

Procedural fairness when managing police officers - sack or save Superintendent Michael Fitzgerald Director, Professional Standards Command, NSW Police Force

Assistant Commissioner Paul Carey Commander, Professional Standards Command, NSW Police Force

Setting the standard - reviews of the police discipline system in Queensland Kathryn Ellis Director, Office of the Assistant Commissioner Misconduct, CMC, QLD




Conference Registration

9:00 - 9:10

Welcome GEORGE FOX Commissioner, Crime and Misconduct Commission, QLD

9:10 - 9:35

Keynote Speaker PROFESSOR GEOFF GALLOP AC Director, Graduate School of Government, University of Sydney, NSW

9:35 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:30

SESSION 4 10:30 - 12:00

Plenary Speaker PROFESSOR ANDREW GOLDSMITH Executive Director, Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention (CTCP), Professor of Law,

University of Wollongong, NSW

Address: “Public Authority and Accountability in the Age of Transparency” Morning Tea: Amongst the Exhibition | Proudly sponsored by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia PUBLIC v PRIVATE Room: Orion Chair: John Hyde Deputy Chairman, Joint Standing Committee on the

CORRUPTION TYPOLOGIES Room: Island Suite Chair: Matt Benson-Lidholm Member, Joint Standing Committee on the

INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES Room: Pleiades Chair: Roger Watson Director Corruption Prevention, Corruption and Crime

Corruption and Crime Commission, WA

Corruption and Crime Commission, WA

Commission, WA

Discussion about the tension between public interest and the pursuit of profit

Theory and practice about the factors that drive corruption

Procurement challenges - developments from around the world

Panel discussion about dealing with the hard cases - police complaints, discipline and misconduct processes

Outsourcing work, insourcing corruption - Perspectives from Auditors General Colin Murphy Auditor General for Western Australia Des Pearson Auditor General for Victoria Peter Achterstraat Auditor General for New South Wales

Identifying risk factors for corruption Alex Mills Principal Prevention Officer, ICAC, NSW

Anti-corruption initiatives in public procurement: the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission experience Hon Dato’ Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed Chief Commissioner, Malaysian Anti-

MODERATOR: Kerry O’Brien Walkley Award winning Journalist and Presenter

Combating procurement conspiracies: some lessons from Thailand Sirilaksana Khoman Advisor to Commissioner, National Anti-Corruption

PANELLISTS: Dr Karl O’Callaghan APM Commissioner, Western Australia Police Robert Atkinson APM Commissioner, Queensland Police David Owens APM Deputy Commissioner, New South Wales Police Malcolm Hyde AO APM Commissioner, South Australia Police Andrew Wood Chief Operating Officer, Australian Federal Police

Managing risks within: spotting the signs of corruption Jon Greenaway Director, Deloitte Forensic, WA

Corruption Commission, Malaysia

Picking up the pieces: transitional points in acts of corruption Yvonne Haigh Lecturer, Murdoch University, WA

Commission, Thailand

POLICE Room: Sirius Chair: Kerry O’Brien Walkley Award winning Journalist and Presenter IML Session

Finding solutions to age old problems Professor Adam Graycar Professor of Public Policy, and Director of the Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, ACT

12:00 - 12:45

Lunch: Atrium Garden Restaurant, The Esplanade Hotel Investigator Case Management – Interactive Discussion, presented by Methodware, APSACC 2011 Interactive Technology Sponsor | Room: Sirius PUBLIC v PRIVATE Room: Island Suite Chair: Stephen Hayward Executive Director, Australian Commission for Law

CORRUPTION TYPOLOGIES Room: Orion Chair: Jim Wilkinson Chairperson, Standing Committee on Integrity, ACT

INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES Chair: David Watts Commissioner for Law Enforcement Data

Enforcement Integrity, ACT

SESSION 5 12:45 - 2:15

Room: Sirius

Security, VIC

Lessons on corruption

Combating public sector corruption in Singapore and Hong Kong: lessons for the private sector in the Asia-pacific countries Dr Jon S.T. Quah Anti-Corruption Consultant, Singapore

Control and corruption Dr Robert Waldersee Executive Director Corruption Prevention,

Mapping a regulatory life cycle: a case study of the Standards Board Whistleblowing legislation: the new national landscape for England Professor A J Brown Professor of Public Law, Law School, Griffith University, QLD Alan Lawton Deputy Head (Business and Economics), Monash University, VIC Whistleblowing as a mechanism to disclose corruption - lessons from the South African public sector Military kleptocracy and underdevelopment in sub-saharan Africa: which way Nigeria? Natasja Holtzhausen Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and Daniel Egiegba Agbiboa School of Politics: Department of Government, Management, University of South Africa

Education & Research, ICAC, NSW

Corruption control ain’t rocket surgery Michael Strong Director, Office of Police Integrity, VIC Misconduct mapping: trends in the twenteens Dr Paul Collings Senior Prevention Adviser, CMC, QLD

Afternoon Tea: Amongst the Exhibition “Do the ends ever justify the means?” MODERATOR: PANELLISTS:

Kerry O’Brien Walkley Award Winning Journalist and Presenter Colleen Egan Assistant Editor, The West Australian Nick Anticich Assistant Commissioner, Specialist Crime, WA Police Dennis Eggington Chief Executive Officer, Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Craig Colvin SC Francis Burt Chambers, WA Tim Sage Examiner, Australian Crime Commission Emeritus Professor Richard Harding University of Western Australia Dr Brad Pettitt Mayor, City of Fremantle, WA

3:50 - 4:00

Closing Address THE HON DAVID IPP AO QC Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption, NSW

4:00 - 5:00

Closing Drinks and Canapes | Amongst the Exhibition

Business and Ethics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

ACRC’s holistic approach in fighting public sector corruption in Korea Un-hyeon Baek Vice Chairman, Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, Korea

Developments in whistleblowing addressing “Are we there yet?”

IML Session

Organisational control of corruption

Corruption of public officials - foreign corrupt practices legislation and the impact on private sector organisations in Australia and globally David J Van Homrigh Executive Director, KPMG Forensic, QLD


WHISTLEBLOWING Chair: Chris Field Ombudsman, Western Australia Ombudsman

Is common ground between the private and public sectors possible on corruption?

Corruption challenges confronting emerging forest carbon regimes Tom Baxter Lecturer, University of Tasmania, TAS

2:15 - 2:45

Room: Pleiades

Beyond policy: creating a climate for effective internal whistleblowing Donella Caspersz Business School, University of Western Australia Whistleblowing, Wikileaks and the way forward Rebecca Harris Director of Public Sector Practice, Public Sector Commission, WA Melissa Watson Principal Consultant, Public Sector Commission, WA