HOSTED BY REPROBEL at the. NH du Grand Sablon Hotel ... DG Internal Market and Services, European Commission). Followed
9TH INTERNATIONAL PLR CONFERENCE 22 – 24 SEPTEMBER 2011 HOSTED BY REPROBEL at the NH du Grand Sablon Hotel Rue Bodenbroek 2/4, 1000, Brussels (Tel: +32 2 5181100)
Thursday 22 September 18.30
Opening Reception (drinks and canapés) Welcome speeches from: Kurt Van Damme (Chairman of the Board, Reprobel) and Benoît Proot (Managing Director, Reprobel)
Friday 23 September 09.00
Conference registration
Session 1 Chairman: Jim Parker, Registrar of UK PLR Welcome and aims of conference (Jim Parker) PLR in the digital age (Olav Stokkmo, Chief Executive, IFRRO)
Coffee break
Session 2 PLR in Europe: a work in progress (1) Chairman: Dr Maureen Duffy, Author and President of Honour, The British Copyright Council
What is the current European Commission policy regarding PLR and completing the implementation of the 1992 Lending Right Directive? ((Helen Dolby, Policy Officer, DG Internal Market and Services, European Commission) Followed by reports from the following countries implementation of the PLR aspects of the Directive:
(a) Portugal (Vanda Guerra, International Relations Director, SPA) (b) Poland (Andrzej Nowakowski, President and General Director, Polska Ksiazka). (c) Greece (Anastassis Vistonitis, Vice Chairman, OSDEL) (d) Spain (Patricia Riera Barsallo, Manager Catalonia Office, CEDRO) 13.00
Buffet lunch
Session 3 Chairman: Barbara Hayes, Deputy Chief Executive, ALCS PLR outside Europe: reports on latest developments from the following countries: (a) Australia (Eve Woodbury, Chair of the Australian PLR Committee) (b) Kenya (Agnes Makdwallo, General Secretary, and Christopher Benjamin Peter, Chairman, KENFAA) (c) South Africa (Kundayi Masanzu, General Secretary, ANFASA) (d) Taiwan (Jeong-yeou Chiu, Professor and Dean, Tamkang University)
Coffee break
Session 4 Chairman: Christian Roblin, Managing Director, SOFIA PLR in Europe (2): the latest news from some old and some newly established PLR systems: (a) The Netherlands (Arjen Polman, Chief Executive Officer, Stichting Leenrecht) (b) Denmark (Henrik Bang Nielsen, Danish Agency for Libraries and Media) (c) Hungary (Anna Stefkó, Hungarian Literary Authors Collecting Society). (d) Luxembourg (Jean-Luc Putz, President LUXORR ASBL) (e) Ireland (Brendan Teeling, Assistant Director, The Library Council)
Close of discussions
Conference dinner at Restaurant ‘La Rose Blanche’, Grand Place 11, 1000, Brussels Dinner speech: A new digital lending model for libraries (Stephanie Duncan, Digital Media Director, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC)
Saturday 24 September 10.00
Session 5 Chairman: Benoît Proot, Managing Director, Reprobel The background to the development of the Belgian PLR system and some recent issues (Professor Roger Blanpain, Chairman of the Board of the Belgian Association of Educative and Scientific Authors -VEWA) The International PLR scene: how are things looking after our 9th conference? (Jim Parker, Registrar of PLR,UK)
Summing up and conclusions (Benoît Proot, Managing Director, Reprobel) Choice of venue for next conference in 2013
End of conference