Conference programme

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Oct 18, 2012 ... 1. World Literature: losses and gains. Chair: Tim Parks(IULM University). David Damrosch (Harvard University). Bas Heijne (Critic, Holland).

18 Oct ob er 2.45 p.m. Opening of Proceedings P a o l o P r o i e t t i , D e a n o f t h e F a c u l t y of Interpreting, Translation, Linguistic and Cultural Studies

1. World Literature: losses and gains Chair: T i m P a r k s (IULM University) D a v i d D a m r o s c h (Harvard University) B a s H e i j n e (Critic, Holland)

D e n i s S c h e c k (Critic, Germany) P e t e r S t a m m (Novelist, Switzerland)

6-7 p.m. Evening Reading: P e t e r S t a m m reads and talks about his work to Tim Parks

19 Oct ob er 9.00 a.m. Welcoming Address Giovanni Puglisi, Rector of IULM University

10 a.m. 2. Is Globalization Global? The reality and politics of literary distribution

2 p.m. 3. Shifting Notions of the Minority Language in an Era of Globalization

Chair: B i s h n u p r i y a G h o s h (University of California, Santa Barbara) Susan Bassnett (Warwick University) Rey Chow (Duke University, USA)

Chair: B a s H e i j n e (critic, Holland) Bishnupriya Ghosh (University of California, Santa Barbara) Theo D’Haen (University of Leuven)

Francesca Orsini (SOAS, University of London) Jorge Volpi (Novelist, essayist and lecturer, Mexico)

Maureen Freely (Novelist, translator from Turkish, Warwick University) Edoardo Zuccato (IULM University)

5 p.m. Round Table: Local, National or International? The writer’s dilemma. Chair: R e y C h o w (Duke University, USA) M a s s i m o B o c c h i o l a (IULM University) Maureen Freely (Novelist, translator from Turkish, Warwick University) B a s H e i j n e (critic, Holland)

F r a n c e s c a O r s i n i (SOAS, University of London) P e t e r S t a m m (Novelist, Switzerland) J o r g e V o l p i (Novelist, essayist and lecturer, Mexico) E d o a r d o Z u c c a t o (IULM University)

6.30 p.m. Evening Reading: J o r g e V o l p i reads and talks about his work with F r a n c e s c o F a v a

20 Oct ob er 9.30 a.m. 4. Reading in Translation: promotion & prizes Chair: D a v i d D a m r o s c h (Harvard University) Per Wästberg (Novelist, poet, member of the Nobel Committee) Fiammetta Rocco (Literary critic of The Economist, organizer of the Booker International Prize)

Paolo Giovannetti (IULM University) Tim Parks (IULM University)

12 a.m. 5. Round Table: What is the Language we Translate into? Chair: S u s a n B a s s n e t t (Warwick University) L a u r a B r i g n o l i (IULM University) P a o l a C a r b o n e (IULM University) Andrea Chiurato (IULM University) F r a n c e s c o F a v a (IULM University) M a u r e e n F r e e l y ( Novelist, Warwick University) M i c h e l e H u t c h i n s o n (Editor and publisher, Amsterdam)

Eleonora Gallitelli (IULM University) Francesco Laurenti (IULM University) Filippo Pennacchio (IULM University) Clara Pignataro (IULM University) Silv ia Vela rd i (IULM University) Marco Vigevani (Literary agent)