Dec 4, 2017 - Risks to life, heritage, and community on the Yangtze River .... Han Jie (Xiamen University) and Mr Gerard Corsane (Newcastle University).
Conference Programme
Risks to life, heritage, and community on the Yangtze River
4-6th of December, 2017 Room 2.21 The Research Beehive Old Library Building, Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Risks to life, heritage, and community on the Yangtze River 4-6th of December, 2017
Location: Room 2.21 The Research Beehive, Old Library Building, Newcastle University.
Overview: The Confucius Institute and the School of Architecture, Planning and landscape are hosting a conference examining the way that flooding and pollution pose risks to the natural, human and architectural-urban heritage of the Yangtze, China.
Main conference organiser: Dr Andrew M Law. Confucius Institute organiser: Ms. Andrea Freeman. Architecture, planning and landscape organiser: Ms. Qianqian Qin. Translation: School of Modern Languages. Dr Valerie Pellatt Reader Chinese Translation Interpreting and Dr Ya-Yun Chen, Lecturer in Chinese Interpreting and Translating
Key note lectures: are 45 mins with 15 mins for questions. Regular paper sessions: are 30 mins with 10 mins for questions.
4th of December, 2017.
Day 1: the heritage of the Yangtze
ARRIVAL REFRESHMENTS 9. 00 - 9: 30am – registration and coffee and biscuits
Opening conference speech: 9. 30- 10: 00 am: TBC
Morning Key note: 10: 00am - 11: 00am (45 mins and 15 mins for questions): Dr Yiwen Wang and Dr Christian Nolf, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University "Defining 'Water Heritage' of Yangtze River Delta - Significance, Threats and Spatial Strategy for Historic Settlements and Landscapes of Tai Lake Basin" MORNING BREAK 11: 00 – 11: 20: Tea, coffee, water, orange juice Mini Danish Regular sessions: 30 mins with 10 mins for questions. Panel Chair: TBC 11: 20am - 12: 00pm: Dr Cristina Pallini and Dr Federico Acuto, Politecnico Milano. “Treaty Ports along the Yangtze as a key to question the taxonomy of heritage definitions” 12: 10pm – 12: 50am: Dr Giulio Verdini, Architecture and the Built Environment, Westminster University. ‘Small settlements between innovation and conservation. Learning from the Yangtze River Delta Region' LUNCH: 12: 50 - 14: 00pm: 14: 00 – 14: 40 pm: Dr Chris Courtney, Lecturer in Modern Chinese History at the University of Southampton. “The Heritage of Flooding in the Yangtze Valley”
14: 50 – 15: 30pm: Dr Andrew. M Law, Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University. ‘Absent-present’ heritage: the cultural water heritage of dwelling and entanglements of humans and non-humans on the Changjiang (Yangtze) River.
AFTERNOON BREAK: 15: 30 – 15: 50pm Tea, coffee, water, assorted fruit juices; sliced cake 15: 50 – 18: 00pm Yung Chang’s (2007) Up the Yangtze - Documentary Movie.
DAY ENDS: 18: 00 –
5th of December, 2017. Day 2: histories and contemporary issues/risks relating to the industrialisation of the Yangtze and its heritage + sessions on Islands and Water Cities/Towns
ARRIVAL REFRESHMENTS 9. 00 - 9: 30am – registration and coffee and biscuits
Morning Key note: 9: 30 – 10: 30am (45 mins and 15 mins for questions): Dr Samuel T. Turvey Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London. ‘Human-caused biodiversity change and extinction in the middle-lower Yangtze Basin: from past to present’
Regular sessions: 30 mins with 10 mins for questions. Panel Chair: TBC
10: 30 - 11: 10am: Dr Joe Lawson, History, Newcastle University. ‘The Past’s Future: History and Heritage on the Dri Chu [Yangtze]’
MORNING BREAK 11: 10 – 11: 30am: Tea, coffee, water, orange juice Mini Danish 11: 30 -12: 10am: Xi Chen, (PhD candidate) School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University, U.K., “Making things public through Critical Spatial Practice in Wenzhou, China”.
12. 10 – 12: 50pm: Dr Andy Large, Reader in River Science, Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University. ‘Living Deltas of the Anthropocene’
LUNCH 12: 50 – 14: 00pm
AFTERNOON KEY NOTE: 14: 00 – 15: 00pm: Dr Heleni Porfyriou. National Research Council of Italy CNR-ICVBC-Rome). “Conservation of historic water cities in China: risks and opportunities”
AFTERNOON BREAK: 15: 10 - 15: 30pm: Tea, coffee, water, assorted fruit juices; sliced cake
15: 30 – 16: 00: end of day discussion
DAY ENDS: 16. 00pm Day ends
6th of December, 2017. Day 3: potential conservation measures and resilience strategies concerning the Yangtze (and miscellaneous papers that fall out of the Yangtze topic but cover issues around Chinese heritage agriculture and space).
9. 00 - 9: 30am – registration and coffee and biscuits
Morning Key note: 9: 30 - 10: 30am (45 mins and 15 mins for questions): Dr Han Jie (Xiamen University) and Mr Gerard Corsane (Newcastle University) ‘Ecomuseum, reshaping identity and resilience in traditional Overseas Chinese hometowns — the integrated heritage management and sustainable development approaches in two villages of Southern Fujian, China’
Regular sessions: 30 mins with 10 mins for questions. Panel Chair: TBC
10: 30 – 11: 10am: Dr Cat Button, Newcastle University & Dr Oliver Hensengerth, Northumbria University “Indigenous knowledge, resilience and flooding in the Mekong Delta”
MORNING BREAK 11: 10 – 11: 30am: Tea, coffee, water, orange juice Mini Danish
11: 30 - 12: 10am: Maggie Roe, Reader in Landscape Planning Research & Policy Engagement, Newcastle University 'Building Hydrocitizenship: The participation of communities in river landscape planning through creative engagement in the landscape'. 12. 10 – 12: 50pm: Wenbo Cai. PhD student. Geography, Hull University ‘Assessment and Management of Regional Ecosystem Service: a Case Study in the Yangtze River Delta Region, China’
LUNCH: 12: 50 - 14: 00pm
14: 00 – 14: 40pm: M. Martinelli. PhD student in Architecture Built environment and Construction, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. ‘Re shaping the banks: urban renaissance on the Yangtze’
14. 40 – 15: 20 pm: End of conference round table discussion (discussion of themes of the conference and discussion in terms of a special issue of Landscape Research)
AFTERNOON BREAK: 15: 20 – 15: 40pm Tea, coffee, water, assorted fruit juices; sliced cake 15.40 – 16: 00pm: Dr Andrew M Law Other Organiser speeches: congratulations and thank you’s to our wonderful guests.