2019 5th International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (ICERE 2019)
February 25-28, 2019 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Supported and Published by
Indexed by
Conference Venue Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Address: 12 Nguyen Van Bao Street, Ward 4, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City Website: http://www.iuh.edu.vn/en
Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City was formerly Go Vap Vocational School founded by Don Bosco priests on November 11, 1956 at Hanh Thong commune, Go Vap District, Gia Dinh Province. In 1968, the school was renamed as the Don Bosco Private Junior High School of Technology. Until January 31, 1970 the school was upgraded to be the Don Bosco Private Junior High School of Technology, shortly referred to as the Don Bosco High School of Engineering. After the day of peace and reunification, the Southern Liberation Army took over the school and on December 19, 1975 the School was handed over to the General Department of Metallurgy Engineering and Electronics. In 1978, the School was renamed as the School of Engineering IV belonging to The Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy. By 1994, the school was merged with the Chemical High School II in Bien Hoa City to become the Industrial Engineering School IV under the management of The Ministry of Industry. In March 1999, the school was upgraded to become Industrial College IV and in December 2004 the college was upgraded to become Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City according to the Decision of 214/2004/QD - TTg by the Prime Minister. The university is currently one of the big educational and training institutions in Vietnam.
Conference Room Venue: Registration on 25th, February : B building, first floor, research room Conference room on 26th, February : E building, fourth floor, E4 Conference rooms on 27th, February : E building, fourth floor, E4 and third floor, E3.2 -2-
Table of Contents 2019 Ho Chi Minh City Conference Introductions Presentation Instructions Keynote Speaker Introductions Invited Speaker Introductions Brief Schedule for Conference Oral Presentation Poster Presentation One Day Academic Visit Note Feedback Information Session 1 F1011: Acid-Catalysed Hydrolysis Kinetics of Sugar Cane Bagasse to Glucose and Xylose in Selected Ionic Liquid Media Y Gao, T R Bandara, G J Griffin F1048: Production and laboratory testing of paper sludge and wood chips blend pellets Viktória Papp, Dóra Szalay, Imre Czupy
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F0018: The influence of technological parameters on the efficiency of the hydrate formation reaction in the system methane — SDS aqueous solutions M V Gaikovich, A O Dudoladov ,M S Vlaskin F1032A: Metal-Phosphate catalysts properties for biofuel production Doan Pham Minh, Ange Nzihou F1065A: Does combined heat and power mitigate CO2 emissions? A cross-country analysis Hyo-Jin Kim and Seung-Hoon Yoo F1058A: Hydrogen production properties in microbial electrolysis cells using intermittent energy input Myoung-Eun Lee, Jae-Woo Chung, Yongtae Ahn
Session 2 F2009: Motivators and barriers to increase consumption of innovative pro-health fish products in European countries Tomasz Kulikowski, Adam Mytlewski, Olga Szulecka , Marcin Rakowski F3004: A COMPLEX NETWORK ANALYSIS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WHEAT TRADE B. Adenso-Díaz, E. Gutiérrez-Moya, S. Lozano F3007: Occurrence of Arsenic in Food Mehmet Coelhan Session 3 F1047: Examination of bark content for different species of short rotation coppice Dóra Szalay, Viktória Papp , Imre Czupy
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F1003: Application of Integrated spatial approaches for studying the vegetation alternation‘s effect on the reclaimed land of contaminated zinc mine K. Somprasong,
F1049: The examination of coppice black locust assortment composition R. Iski, T. Major, A. T. Kiss , Imre Czupy F0027: Landscape components of Aborlan Palawan Philippines: influence on the employment and income of its populace L. Acero F1046: Operation of energy wood plantation with special regard to harvesting technology and timber logistics Imre Czupy, K. SzakálosnéMátyás, A. L. Horváth, B. Horváth and A. Vágvölgyi, F3005-A: A complex network analysis of Spanish river basins S. Lozano, R. Rodríguez-Alarcón
Session 4 F0009: Ag-doped Ti-RH-MCM-41 synthesis using rice husk silica and its antibacterial efficiency S. Rukleng, A. Chamlaiand, P. Srikongka and T. Areerob F1030: Interfacial tension of the (CO2 + H2) gas mixture and water at temperatures from 271.2 K to 280.2 K and pressures up to 7.0 MPa Kosuke. Watanabe, Kazuki Fukuzawa, Ryo Ohmura F3006: Atrazine Removal using Nano-zero Valence Iron and Granular Activated Carbon Mixture Kawintra Kongka, Wuttiwat Chawkorash, Budsakorn katkaew, Wut Dankittikul, and Apichon Watcharenwong F1006: Redesign of a Traditional Ritual Furnace for Reducing Environmental Impact Cheng-Chi Chang, Wei-Long Chen, Fang-Lin Chao F1059: The Fate of Carbon in Two-Stage Anaerobic Digestion of Vegetable Waste Van Dinh Pham, Takeshi Fujiwara, Song Toan Pham Phu, and Hoang Minh Giang F0008: Design of Home Winemaker to Improve Impurity Filtration in Fermentation Yuen-Chen Lin, Fang-Lin Chao, Chun-Yu Huang, and Shao-Heng Lai F1025: Controlling Chemical Industrial Pollution with Regulatory Tools: The Case of Yichang, Hubei, China Haijing Wang and Mingqing You F1005: Portable Mobile Water Purifier Design for Natural Disaster Fang-Lin Chao, Ching-Lin Lu, and Bo-Sen Tseng F1026: Determining the vulnerability index in the context of high floods in An Giang Province Can Thu Van, Doan Quang Tri, Nguyen Thanh Son, Tran Thi Thu Thao and Do Thi Hong Hoa Poster session F1004: Solar panel temperature control system based on IoT Minsoo Kim, DoHyun Kim, Heeje Kim F1014: Research and implementation of substation clock unsynchrony alarm system based on GPS pulse Chuan-yu Zhang F1023-A: Development of New Material using Wastes for the Remediation of Contaminated Sediment Kyunghoi Kim, Do-Hyung Kim, Won-Kyo Jung, Jun-Ho Choi -4-
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F1007-A: Design of Eco-friendly Fine Dust Removal System using Two New Types of Electrodes and IoT Do Hyun Kim, Min-Soo Kim , Hee-Je Kim F0011-A: Properties of composites based on hemp shives and lime binder used as wall material in the building industry Stanislaw Fic, Przemyslaw Brzyski F1039: Experience of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Application in Regional Planning of Economic Development Anton Devcic, Marko Sostar, Berislav Andrlic F1041 A: Effect of storage temperature on CH4 emission from high-solid cattle manure Dong-Hoon Kim, Seongwon Im, Alsayed Mostafa F0012-A: The influence of partial replacement of hydrated lime by pozzolans on properties of lime mortars Przemyslaw Brzyski, Stanislaw Fic F0026: An Optimal TEC Model with Input-Output Analysis and Its Application for Reducing CO2 Emission in China Yi Wan, Dongming Yang, Yifei Zhao and Tatsuo Yanagita F0024-A: Anaerobic tertiary treatment of low-strength wastewater in bioelectrochemical upflow reactor Tae-Seon Choi, Young-Chae Song , Chae-Young Lee F0028-A: Effects of Temperature on Electrochemcial Lithium Intercalation into Graphite in Lithium Secondary Batteries Soon-Ki Jeong F1055-A: Promoting direct interspecies electron transfer with Electro-conducting carbon nanotube hollow-fiber (CHF) in anaerobic digestion Yeo-Myeong Yun, Seoktae Kang, Yongtae Ahn, Haenam Jang F2005: Customer Satisfaction of the Co-Branded Food Products on Croatian Market. Berislav Andrlic, Anton Devcic and Mario Hak F1038-A: Sustainable energy harvesting technology via electric potential: triboelectric nanogenerator and energy loss return gate Dongseob Kim, Kwun-Bum Chung1 and Sangmin Lee2 Session 5 F0005 A: Multi-objective optimization of Hybrid Photovoltaic solar systems L. OUHSAINE, M. SIROUX, M. EL GANAOUI, A. MIMET F1001 A: Hybrid Photo-Voltaic and Battery Storage System: An Optimal Strategy to Manage Peak-hours Sarvar Hussain Nengroo, Muhammad Ahmad Kamran, Muhammad Umair Ali, Hee Jee Kim F0010 A: ccurate voltage measurement of a photovoltaic module by a non-contact electrostatic voltmeter Sakutaro Miyajima, Akira Nagaoka, and Kensuke Nishioka F1036: Irradiance forecast model for PV generation based on cloudiness web service Dung V Nguyen, Benoit Delinchant, Binh V Dinh and Truong X Nguyen Session 6 F1027: Density Optimization for the Manufacturing of Bark-based Thermal Insulation Panels Z Pásztory, Z Börcsök and D Tsalagkas F1024: Development of a System Modelling Ontology of VRF (Variable Refrigerant -5-
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Flow) Systems Seung Yeoun Choi and Sean Hay Kim F1029: Modulus of Elasticity Assessment of Glass-Fibre Reinforced Bark-Based Panels by Acoustic Resonance Vibration Non-Destructive Test D Tsalagkas, Z Börcsök and Z Pásztory F1033 A: Protection of energy-saving lightweight mortars with waste polystyrene by hydrophobisation Danuta Barnat-Hunek F1067: Compressive Strength and Drying Shrinkage of Alkali-activated Fly Ash/Slag Mortars Maochieh Chi, Weichung Yeih, Jiangjhy Chang and Kuochung Tsou F1028: CO2 sequestration potential of log homes Z Pásztory, T Hegedűs, Z Börcsök F1016: Massive arrival of low-cost and low-consuming sensors in buildings: towards new building energy services B.Delinchant, H.A. Dang1, H.T.T Vu2, and D.Q. Nguyen Session 7 F1018: A New V-MOSFET High-Power Single-Ended WPT System with International-Standard Operating Frequency T Nomoto, H Omori, K Sakamoto, H Michikoshi, N Kimura and T Morizane F1010 A: A Study of Different Geometry Core Patterns for Transformers Himanshu, Hee-Je Kim F1022: A Super-Rapid 30seconds-Charging Electric Scooter System with Ultra-Capacitors K Kawashima, H Omori, N Kimura, T Morizane F1019: Controlled Diode Clamped in Three-Level Voltage Boost T-Type Inverter Duc-Tri Do, Minh-Khai Nguyen, Thanh Hai-Quach, Myoung-Han Yoo, and Geum-Bae Cho F1015: An Optimum IPT EV Charging Design for Reduction of Human Exposure R Senju, H Omori, T Morizane and N Kimura F1012A: 4T Analog MOS control-High Voltage High Frequency (HVHF) Plasma Switching Power Supply for Water Purification in Industrial applications T.N.V. Krishna, P. Sathishkumar, P. Himasree, Dinah Punnoose, K.V.G. Raghavendra, Himanshu, Bandari Naresh, R.A. Rana and Hee-Je Kim F1020: PWM control method to Eliminate Common Mode Voltage in three level T-Type Inverters Vinh-Thanh Tran, Thanh Hai-Quach, Duc-Tri Do, Youn-Ok Choi, Pan-Gum jung, and Geum-Bae Cho F1008: An Innovative Wireless V2H Apparatus with a Unique Single-Ended Dual-Active Converter A Yamamoto, H Omori, M Tsuno, N Kimura and T Morizane
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Ho Chi Minh City Conference Introductions Welcome to 2019 HKCBEES Ho Chi Minh City conference. This conference is organized by HKCBEES. The objective of the Ho Chi Minh City conference is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Environment and Renewable Energy 2019 5th International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (ICERE 2019)
Papers will be published in the following journal: International Journal of Environmental Science and Development (IJESD, ISSN: 2010-0264), and will be included in Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), CABI, Ulrich Periodicals Directory, Electronic Journals Library, Crossref, ProQuest.
Conference website and email: http://www.icere.org/;
[email protected]
Presentation Instructions Instructions for Oral Presentations Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer: Laptop Computer (MS Windows Operating System with MS PowerPoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader) Digital Projectors and Screen Laser Sticks
Materials Provided by the Presenters: PowerPoint or PDF Files (Files should be copied to the Conference laptop at the beginning of each Session.)
Duration of each Presentation (Tentatively): Regular Oral Presentation: about 12 Minutes of Presentation and 3 Minutes of Question and Answer Keynote Speech: about 30 Minutes of Presentation and 5 Minutes of Question and Answer Invited Speech: about 20 Minutes of Presentation and 5 Minutes of Question and Answer
Instructions for Poster Presentation Materials Provided by the Conference Organizer: The place to put poster
Materials Provided by the Presenters: Home-made Posters Maximum poster size is A1 Load Capacity: Holds up to 0.5 kg
Best Presentation Award One Best Presentation will be selected from each presentation session, and the Certificate for Best Presentation will be awarded at the end of each session on February 26 and February 27, 2019.
Dress code Please wear formal clothes or national representative of clothing.
Keynote Speaker Introductions Keynote Speaker I
Prof. Hee-Je Kim Pusan National University, South Korea Prof. Hee-Je Kim got PhD of Energy Conversion, Kyushu University, Fukuoka city, Japan. (1990, March) At present he is professor of Department of Electrical Engineering in Pusan National University (Busan, South Korea). And the group leader of BRL (Basic Research Lab.). He is currently working as an Associate Editor of NJC (New Journal of Chemistry)-RSC shared and Editorial Board Member of Journal [Energies], and the two permanent member of Korea Institute of Electrical Engineers [KIEE] / Renewable Energy.
Topic: ‗Solar and Wind Power Generation and Future of ESS (Energy Storage System) Applications Controlled by Personal Smart-phone‘ Abstract—Around the world, many governments have strived to increase the share of renewable green energy in their power productions. The main interest has mainly been energy security, increasing prices of carbon based energy sources and minimizing global warming. Concerning the second, global shipping is a major contributor to GHG (global greenhouse gas) emissions, bring responsible for approximately 3% of global CO2 emissions. The IMO (international maritime organization) is now working to start GHG regulations for global shipping, and is under pressure, e.g. from EU and UNFCCC (United Nations framework convention on climate change), to apply regulations that will have a substantial impact on emissions. In addition, we introduce the second application of stand-alone PV and Wind power hybrid system. The solar and wind power hybrid generation and ESS will be very important in the isolated island and distant place without electrical power supply. So we demonstrate a cold storehouse for fresh fruits with a proto-type stand-alone PV system with ESS by using smart-phone based on internet networking as the next generation solar power system with various new applications. Furthermore, we have been developed the eco-friendly power supply for various fast charging and discharging applications based on our own developing new ESS (super-capacitor/Li polymer battery/Chemical Battery). And we introduce the future of ESS applications such as new farming system, micro dust removing eco-friendly bill-board system and so on.
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Keynote Speaker II
Prof. Tseung-Yuen Tseng National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Professor Tseung-YuenTseng received his Ph.D. degree in electroceramics from the School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University,West Lafayette, USA. He was briefly associated with the University of Florida, Gainesville, before joining National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, where he is now a Lifetime Chair Professor in the Institute of Electronics. He was the Dean of College of Engineering (2005-2007), the Vice Chancellor(2007-2009) and University Chair Professor of the National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. His professional interests are energy materials, nanoceramics, ceramic sensors, high-k dielectric films, ferroelectric thin films and their based devices, and resistive switching memory devices. He has published about 400 research papers in refereed international journals, several book chapters, and held over 36 patents. His base metal multilayer capacitors invention has been brought into large-scale commercial product. He is an Editor of the Handbook of Nanoceramics and Their Based Nanodevices(5-Vol. set), Handbook of Nonvolatile Memories(2-Vol.), Guest Editor of a special issue of Ferroelectrics(6 Volumes), an Associate Editor of the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. He is Chair of Board of Asia Ferroelectrics Association(2014-2016) and General Chair of The 6th Asian Meeting of Ferroelectrics. Dr. Tseng has received Distinguished Research Award (3 times) from the National Science Council (1995-2001), Hou Chin-Tui Distinguished Honor Award (2002), Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Academic Award (2003), TECO Technology Award (2004), IEEE CPMT Exceptional Technical Achievement Award (2005) and Outstanding Sustained Technical Contribution Award(2012), Distinguished Research Award of Pan Wen Yuan Foundation (2006) and Academic Award of Ministry of Education (2006) and National Endowed Chair Professor(2012). He was elected a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society in 1998 and IEEE Fellow in 2002.
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Topic: ‗Graphene-Based Nanocomposites Fabrication and Their Application in Symmetric Supercapacitors‘ Abstract—In view of rapid growing demand of flexible energy storage devices, graphene and chemically modified graphene have been widely recognized as the excellent materials for the flexible supercapacitor. In addition, grapheme-based nanocomposite electrodes with high specific surface areas and suitable pore sizes have high potential for improving power and energy densities of supercapacitors. In this work, a novel, simple and cost effective way to synthesize flexible and conductive graphene-based nanocomposite films i.e., rGO and rGO/MWCNTs, is developed for supercapacitor application. The effects of MWCNTs addition on the electrochemical performance of rGO/MWCNTs nanocomposite films are investigated in some strong bases aqueous electrolytes, such as KOH, LiOH, and NaOH via three electrodes system. The supercapacitor behavior of the films is characterized via cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charging-discharging and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The structural and morphological studies of the films are performed by X-ray diffractometer, Raman spectrometer, surface area analyzer, thermogravimetric analysis, field emission scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. The rGO/MWCNTs film synthesized with 10 wt% MWCNTs (GP10C) exhibits high specific capacitance of 200 Fg-1, excellent cyclic stability with 92 % retention after 15000 long cycle test and small relaxation time constant (~200 ms) in 2 M KOH aqueous electrolyte. Furthermore, the symmetric supercapacitor coin cell with GP10C as both anode and cathode demonstrates high energy density of 29.4 Whkg-1 and power density of 439 Wkg-1 at current density 0.1 Ag-1, and good cyclic stability with 85% retention of the initial capacitance at 0.3 Ag-1 after 10000 cycles in 2 M KOH aqueous electrolyte. Such a high performance of the GP10C film in the supercapacitor can be ascribed to the large surface area and small hydration sphere radius and high ionic conductivity of K+ cations in KOH electrolyte.
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Keynote Speaker III
Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Dr. Le Van Tan obtained his Ph.D in 1997 from Ha Noi National University, VietNam. Dr. Tan carried out his Postdoc at Seoul National University (Korea) and worked as a Visiting Professor at Technical University Kaiserslautern (Germany). His research are focused on finding new organic reagent for analytical chemistry; Advanced Separations and Environment; Postharvest Technology. He has published and presented 90 papers in International and National Conferences and journals. He is a member of Vietnam Chemical Society, Vietnam Analytical Chemical Society, ASC member. He is an editor board of Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, Reviewer for the International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science.
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Topic: ‗‘ Abstract— To be added
Coffee Break & Group Photo Taking (February26)
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Keynote Speaker IV
Prof. Dr. Georg Bastian Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany Prof. Dr. Georg Bastian is Professor for Optoelectronics and Laser Physics. His relevant work and research experience including: Postdoc in NTT Basic Research Laboratories Atsugi, Japan, Materials Science Research Lab, 1999-2000; Development engineer in Central Research of Alcatel SEL AG, Stuttgart, 2000-2002; Assistant professor (Habilitant) in Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Lichttechniches Institut, 2002-2006; Professor for Measurement Technology, director of the study course renewable energy in Trier University of Applied Sciences, 2006-2010; Professor for Optoelectronics and Laser Physics, Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Faculty of Technology and Bionics Since 2010. Also, he has the Selected scientific presentations and publications as follows: A. Ryyan, G. Bastian: ―Towards Domestic Solar Cogeneration Systems―, IX International Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education‖ 2017 Habana; S. A. Mondol, B. Vogel, G. Bastian: ―Large scale water lens for solar concentration‖, Optics Express 23, A692 (2015); M. Morschel, A. Vogelsang, A. Struck, G. Bastian: ―Thermal conductivity based on internal thermal radiation and reabsorption by free charge carriers‖, presentation at the International Conference on Thermoelectrics 2013 Kobe; D. Tatarinov, M. Koppers, G. Bastian, D. Schramm: ―Modeling of a Thermoelectric Generator for Thermal Energy Regeneration in Automobiles‖, Journal of Electronic Materials 42, Issue 7, pp 2274-2281 (2013); M. Morschel, G. Bastian, M. Hering-Bertram: „Increasing absorber temperatures in solar thermal systems for thermoelectrical recuperation―, Energy conference 2013, Karlsruhe.
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Topic: ‗NOx reduction in Diesel cars by membrane oxygen filters‘ Abstract—Diesel cars, in spite of their favorite fuel efficiency, suffer from either carbon particle or NOx emissions depending on the combustion conditions. Catalytic converters and exhaust gas recirculation have been developed in order to minimize these emissions and to cope with the latest emission standards (Euro 6). We discuss a different approach for emission reduction by means of altering the combustion gas composition using separation membranes. As nitrogen is partly replaced by carbon dioxide, diminished NOx emissions are expected. Based on our first experimental results, we discuss further challenges of this approach in terms of measurements precision, total power efficiency, system costs and finally the feasibility of retrofitting such a technology.
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Keynote Speaker V
Assoc. Prof. DAM SAO MAI Dean of the Biotechnology and Food Technology Institute, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dam Sao Mai is a microbiologist and a food professional with formal qualifications. She is a senior scientist and the dean of the Biotechnology and Food Technology Institute at the Industrial university of HCMC, Vietnam. She is also a PhD supervisor at the Institute of Bioengineering and Process Engineering, Szent István University, Hungary. She is also associated with several professional bodies including Asia-Pacific Institute of Food Professionals (APIFP), Asia Food Safety and Food Security association (AFSA), International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) as a member. She holds a doctorate in Biology from the Institute of Plant experiment and Genetics, Uzbekistan and a master in Food Science from Szent István University, Hungary via scholarship. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dam led and completed several academic and industrial projects on the development of microbiology and functional foods, food safety, food inovation and fruit juice probiotics. She published more than 70 scholarly documents in food science including probiotics. She is actively engaged in the professional and scientific outreach activities in Asia-Pacific region.
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Topic: ‗‘ Abstract—To be added
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Invited Speaker I
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Hung Anh Industrial University of Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam Research profile Circular Economy: Composting, Waste to Energy, Biogas, Recycling, 5R Advanced solutions for environment protection: Using microalgae for waste water treatment and biomass recovery; Application of nano materials, Recent projects RENEWABLE: REmoval of NutriEnts in Wastewater treatment via microAlgae and Biofuel/Biomass production for Environmental sustainability in Vietnam; Funded by ARES - Académie de Recherche et d‘Enseignement supérieur (Belgium). Partner: University of Liège BIORIST: A joint research project for an innovative process technology for biogas production from rice straw; Funded by BMBF (Germany) Partner: Technical University Berlin, Herbst Umwelttechnik GmbH SEA-PLASTIC-EDU: South East Asia-Europe Network for building training and education capacities in Plastic Recycling in Laos and Vietnam with emphasis on quality, safety and resource efficiency. Funded by ERASMUS+ Program of the European Union Partner: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna; Aalborg University; Technische Universität Dresden; VNU University of Science, Hanoi.
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Topic: ‗‘ Abstract—To be added
Coffee Break & Group Photo Taking (February 27) - 20 -
Invited Speaker II
Dr. Thanh-Ba Nguyen Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Professional Experience 2002-2005: Researcher at Sensory lab, Ho Chi Minh City of Technology. 2005-present: Lecturer-Researcher, Head of Sensory Lab, Institute of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City. In charge of courses: Sensory evaluation, experimental design and statistical analysis, research and development of undergraduate students, sensory and consumer research of Vietnam. 2005-present: Consultant in Sensory Evaluation and Statistics, Product quality evaluation, statistical analysis and experimental design on food, beverages project for Vietnamese companies: Vinamilk, Kinh Do, Masan, Saigon Beverage Company, Phu Le Alcohol Company, Diageo Alcohol company, Bien Hoa Sugar Cane Company and others. 2008-6/2018: Vice Director, Institute of Biotechnology and Food Technology, 7/2018-now: Director, Institute of Biotechnology and Food Technology.
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Topic: ‗‘ Abstract—To be added
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Invited Speaker III
Dr. Gia-Buu Tran Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Dr. Tran Gia-Buu is a biotechnology professional with formal qualifications. She is the prominent young scientist of the Institute of Biotechnology and Food Technology at the Industrial university of HCMC, Vietnam. She holds master and doctor degree in Molecular Medicine from the Chonnam National University, Korea via scholarship. Furthermore, Dr. Tran also led and completed several academic and industrial projects on the development of functional foods, biomaterial, and food microbiology. She published several scholarly documents in food-biotechnology science including food microbiology and functional foods. She is actively engaged in the professional and scientific outreach activities in Asia-Pacific region.
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Topic: ‗‘ Abstract—To be added
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Invited Speaker IV
Dr. Ngoc-Nam Trinh Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Dr. Ngoc-Nam Trinh is a lecturer in Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Bitechnology and Food technology, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. His research interests include gene functions in response to biotic and abiotic stress, plant microarray analysis, plant and plant cell physiology and biochemistry, plant cell and tissue culture and secondary compounds extraction, and application of microorganism in environmental treatment. He is an author of about 30 scientific publications, two books chapter on biotechnology.
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Topic: ‗‘ Abstract—To be added
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Brief Schedule for Conference February 25, 2019 (Monday) 10:00~17:00 Venue: B Building, 1st floor, research room
Day 1
Add:(Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 2 Nguyen Van Bao Street, Ward 4, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City)
Participants Onsite Registration & Conference Materials Collection February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) 8:40~18:30 Arrival Registration, Keynote Speech, Conference Presentation Morning Conference Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) Opening Remarks 8:40~8:45 Prof. NGUYEN CHI HIEU Vice president of Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
Keynote Speech I
Topic: „Solar and Wind Power Generation and Future of ESS (Energy Storage System) Applications Controlled by Personal Smart-phone‟ (Prof. Hee-Je Kim, Pusan National University, South Korea )
Keynote Speech II
Topic: „Graphene-Based Nanocomposites Fabrication and Their Application in Symmetric Supercapacitors‟ (Prof. Tseung-Yuen Tseng, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan )
Day 2 Keynote Speech III
Topic: „to be added‟ (Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Coffee Break & Group Photo Taking
Session 1:10:45~12:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Renewable Energy and Energy Engineering” Session Chair:Prof. Seung-Hoon Yoo Lunch 12:15~13:30 Venue: Restaurant in the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
Afternoon Conference Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) Session 2:13:30~14:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 3 presentations-Topic: “Food Science and Engineering” Session Chair:Assoc. Prof. DAM SAO MAI
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Session 3:14:15~15:45 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Resource Science and Engineering” Session Chair:Prof. Tseung-Yuen Tseng Coffee Break & Group Photo Taking
Session 4:16:00~18:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 9 presentations-Topic: “Environmental and Chemical Engineering” Session Chair:Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN Dinner 18:30 Venue: Restaurant in Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
Day 3
February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) 8:40~18:00 Arrival Registration, Keynote Speech, Invited Speech, Conference Presentation Morning Conference Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) Opening Remarks 8:40~8:45 Assoc. Prof. DAM SAO MAI Dean of the Biotechnology and Food Technology Institute, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
Keynote Speech IV
Topic: „NOx reduction in Diesel cars by membrane oxygen filters‟ (Prof. Dr. Georg Bastian, Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany )
Keynote Speech V
Topic: „to be added‟ (Assoc. Prof. DAM SAO MAI, Dean of the Biotechnology and Food Technology Institute, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam )
Invited Speech I
Topic: „to be added‟ (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Hung Anh, Industrial University of Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam)
Coffee Break & Group Photo Taking Invited Speech II
10:20~10:35 10:35~11:00
Topic: „to be added‟ (Dr. Thanh-Ba Nguyen, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Invited Speech III
Topic: „to be added‟ (Dr. Gia-Buu Tran, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Invited Speech IV - 28 -
2019 HKCBEES HO CHI MIINH CITY CONFERENCE Topic: „to be added‟ (Dr. Ngoc-Nam Trinh, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Lunch 12:00~13:30 Venue: Restaurant in the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
Afternoon Conference Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor)and E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) Session 5: 13:30~14:30 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) Poster Session: 13:30~14:30 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 4 presentations-Topic: “Photovoltaic 14 presentations System and Power System Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim Management” Session Chair: Prof. Georg Bastian Coffee Break & Group Photo Taking Session 6: 14:45~16:30 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 7 presentations-Topic: “Building and Energy” Session Chair: Prof. Zoltán Pásztory
Day 4
Session 7: 14:45~16:45 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 8 presentations-Topic: “Electrical and Electronic Engineering” Session Chair:
February 28, 2019 (Thursday) 10:00~17:30 One Day Academic Visit
Tips: Please arrive at the conference to upload or copy PPT into the laptop room 10 minutes before the session begins.
Note: (1) The registration can also be done at any time during the conference. (2) The organizer doesn‟t provide accommodation, and we suggest you make an early reservation. (3) One Best Presentation will be selected from each presentation session, and the Certificate for Best Presentation will be awarded at the end of each session on February26th and 27th, 2019.
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Session 1 Tips: The schedule for each presentation is for reference only. In order not to miss your presentation, we strongly suggest that you attend the whole session.
Morning, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 10:45~12:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Renewable Energy and Energy Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Seung-Hoon Yoo
F1011 Presentation 1 (10:45~11:00) Acid-Catalysed Hydrolysis Kinetics of Sugar Cane Bagasse to Glucose and Xylose in Selected Ionic Liquid Media Y Gao, T R Bandara and G J Griffin RMIT University, Melbourne Australia Abstract- This research details experiments conducted by which sugar cane bagasse (SCB) immersed in ionic liquids (either 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride or 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride – BmimCl and EmimCl respectively) were catalysed to glucose and xylose by adding variable amounts of hydrochloric acid (3.5 – 10.5wt%) at temperatures between 100C to 140C. Experiments were conducted over 5 hours and in all experiments the monosaccharide concentrations increased to a maximum then decreased as the monosaccharides were degraded to other products. Maximum yields of glucose and xylose of 133mg/g bagasse and 125mg/g bagasse respectively were achieved although under different reaction conditions. The kinetics of the process was modelled as a simple set of first order reactions for the conversion of biomass to sugars then the degradation of sugars to other products.
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Session 1 Morning, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 10:45~12:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Renewable Energy and Energy Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Seung-Hoon Yoo
F1048 Presentation 2 (11:00~11:15) Production and laboratory testing of paper sludge and wood chips blend pellets Viktória Papp, Dóra Szalay, Imre Czupy University of Sopron, Hungary Abstract- Pellets are not only made of wood or herbaceous plants. The use of various waste materials and their mixtures can also be used for energetic purposes. Waste pellets can be used in larger industrial plants or in combustion plants with appropriate flue gas cleaning and filtering equipment. During the research, pellets were produced of varying proportions of paper sludge and pine wood shavings as wood industrial by-products. The energetic properties of pellets and raw materials were investigated and extended our previous researches to produce an estimated energy balance for the use of paper sludge as pellet. The energy utilization of paper sludge is important because it is produced in large quantities in pulp and paper plants.
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Session 1 Morning, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 10:45~12:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Renewable Energy and Energy Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Seung-Hoon Yoo
F0018 Presentation 3 (11:15~11:30) The influence of technological parameters on the efficiency of the hydrate formation reaction in the system methane — SDS aqueous solutions M V Gaikovich, A O Dudoladov and M S Vlaskin Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Abstract- The article deals with methane hydrate synthesis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The search for optimal conditions for this synthesis in a cylindrical continuous stirred tank reactor was provided. The limit after which the increasing of pressure in the reactor does not make a significant contribution to an increase in the gas content of the product was experimentally detected. The analysis of the impact of cooling rate on intensity of the hydrate formation had been carried out. The mode of gas supply to the reactor, cooling rate and working pressure, ensuring the highest efficiency of the methane hydrate synthesis under the specified conditions, are found.
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Session 1 Morning, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 10:45~12:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Renewable Energy and Energy Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Seung-Hoon Yoo
F1032A Presentation 4 (11:30~11:45) Metal-Phosphate catalysts properties for biofuel production Doan Pham Minh, Ange Nzihou Universitéde Toulouse, IMT Mines Albi, RAPSODEE CNRS UMR-5302, Campus Jarlard, F-81013 Albi cedex 09, France Abstract- Biogas reforming allows obtaining synthetic gas (syngas) under adequate conditions of temperature and pressure. A solid catalyst must generally be used to have exploitable reaction kinetic. At the industrial scale, steam methane reforming has largely been deployed to reform natural gas. However, this process is strongly energy-consuming since it works with a high steam-to-carbon ratio (S/C close to 3.5/1) to keep the catalyst stable over long reaction time. The objective of this work is to develop an efficient catalyst for the reforming of methane at low S/C ratio (i.e. close to the stoichiometry). Calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) – or HAP – has recently been investigated as catalyst support for the dry reforming of methane (DRM) reaction. Very promising results have been obtained [1]. By controlling the molar ratio of Ca to P, the acido-basicity of this support can be adjusted which is a crucial factor for CO2 adsorption and dissociation. This support is also well known by its high thermal stability as well as its good ionic exchange capacity for divalent metals such as nickel and cobalt. In this work, DRM reaction over HAP-based catalysts has been studied. HAP support was synthesized from calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2) as calcium sources and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (NH4H2PO4) as phosphate source. Different monometallic or bimetallic catalysts containing Ni and/or Co were prepared and evaluated in DRM reaction. Different physico-chemical characterizations such as metal-support interaction, acid-base nature, surface area, support porosity etc. were also carried out to link the catalytic performance with the properties of the prepared catalysts.
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Session 1 Morning, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 10:45~12:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Renewable Energy and Energy Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Seung-Hoon Yoo
F1065A Presentation 5 (11:45~12:00) Does combined heat and power mitigate CO2 emissions? A cross-country analysis Hyo-Jin Kim and Seung-Hoon Yoo Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea Abstract- Combined heat and power (CHP), which produces both heat and electricity at the same time, is so efficient that it can reduce energy use and emit less carbon dioxide (CO2) than conventional fossil fuel use. This article attempts to look empirically into the impact of CHP share in total electricity generation on CO2 emissions in a cross-country context. The data from 35 countries during the period 2009-2015 are used for a cross-country comparison. For this purpose, a simple equation with the endogenous variable CO2 emissions and the exogenous variables constant, gross domestic product, and CHP share is estimated. In doing so, we use two robust estimations of least absolute deviations and least trimmed squares estimators rather than least squares estimator to avoid its vulnerability to the existence of any possible outliers. The results show that the level of CHP share of a country affects the level of its CO2 emissions negatively. That is, CHP leads to less CO2 emissions.
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Session 1 Morning, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 10:45~12:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Renewable Energy and Energy Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Seung-Hoon Yoo
F1058A Presentation 6 (12:00~12:15) Hydrogen production properties in microbial electrolysis cells using intermittent energy input Myoung-Eun Lee, Jae-Woo Chung, Yongtae Ahn Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology, Korea Abstract- The bioelectrochemical system (BES) has gained great attention as an emerging technology that can convert chemical energy of various organic wastes into electricity or biogas. Depending on the reaction occurring at the cathode chamber, BES can be classified into microbial fuel cell (MFC), microbial electrolysis cell (MEC), microbial electrosynthesis(MES), and so on. Microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) is a bioelectrochemical technology that can produce hydrogen gas from various organic waste/wastewater. MEC is a process in which hydrogen or methane gas is generated, however, additional energy supply is required for the reduction reaction to occur. In order to make MEC system more sustainable and practicable, it is necessary to minimize the external energy input or to develop other alternative energy sources. In order to improve the energy efficiency and hydrogen production we examined the intermittent mode operation mode in MEC. In this experiment, the on/off time ratio was fixed at 4:1 and the total duty-cycle length was varied from 300 s to 25 s. The overall gas production was increased up to ∼12% with intermittent energy input (on/off = 20/5sec) compared to control reactor. Energy efficiency was increased by 5∼10% with intermittent energy input. These results show that intermittent voltage application is very effective not only for energy efficiency/recovery but also for hydrogen production as compared with continuous voltage application.
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Session 2 Tips: The schedule for each presentation is for reference only. In order not to miss your presentation, we strongly suggest that you attend the whole session.
Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 13:30~14:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 3 presentations-Topic: “Food Science and Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. DAM SAO MAI
F2009 Presentation 1 (13:30~13:15) Motivators and barriers to increase consumption of innovative pro-health fish products in European countries Tomasz Kulikowski, Adam Mytlewski, Olga Szulecka and Marcin Rakowski National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Gdynia, Poland Abstract- Pelagic fish stocks in the Baltic Sea (sprat Sprattus sprattus balticus and herring Clupea harengus membras) are reach resources, exploited in a sustainable manner. Catches of Polish fishing fleet in the years 2014-2016 amounted to 61,000 tons of sprats and 37,000 tons of herring on average per year. Unfortunately, due to insufficient consumer demand and fluctuations in seasonal quality more than 40% of sprat is used for industrial purposes (fishmeal production)
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Session 2 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 13:30~14:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 3 presentations-Topic: “Food Science and Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. DAM SAO MAI
F3004 Presentation 2 (13:15~13:30) A COMPLEX NETWORK ANALYSIS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WHEAT TRADE B. Adenso-Díaz, E. Gutiérrez-Moya, and S. Lozano Department of Industrial Management I, University of Seville, Spain Abstract- Wheat is the most important source of nutrition and caloric intake for humans in many regions all over the world. Most countries deployed strategic stocks to guarantee the accessibility of this cereal to their population, taking into account the existence of periodic production shocks affecting supply. For that reason, the international trade of this cereal is of paramount importance for governments. In this paper we analyse the international wheat trade flows using the CAN (Complex Network Analysis) methodology, using FAO data from the last 10 available years. Geographical location, country areas and other sociological and economic factors have been found explanatory of some characteristics of the trade network. A vulnerability analysis per country was performed as well by simulating different levels of production shocks, observing that while the global population affected by production shocks is decreasing as the network performs more resiliently, some developing countries have evolved into a more vulnerable situation.
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Session 2 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 13:30~14:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 3 presentations-Topic: “Food Science and Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. DAM SAO MAI
F3007 Presentation 3 (13:30~13:45) Occurrence of Arsenic in Food Mehmet Coelhan Weihenstephan Research Center for Brewing and Food Quality, Technical University of Munich, Germany Abstract- Arsenic is one of the most toxic metals found in the earth`s crust and is present in trace levels in soil, rocks, water and air. It can cause skin, lung and bladder cancers, and other diseases. The toxicity of arsenic depends on the chemical form in which it is present. The organic form is less toxic than the inorganic form. A wide range of food contains arsenic in low amounts. The major cause of arsenic toxicity is from contamination of drinking water. Many countries have drinking water contaminated with arsenic. Fish and seafood can contain considerable levels of organic arsenic as a result of accumulation from their environment, while the arsenic content of plants is usually determined by the arsenic content of soil, water, air, fertilisers, etc. Studies have revealed that fish and seafood, including seaweed, are the major worldwide food sources of total arsenic intake with humans. Besides, rice and rice products among other terrestrial foods have been found to contain the highest average arsenic concentration. Although soft drinks and alcoholic beverages are not contaminated in high levels, the highest arsenic concentration in a drink was measured in a sparkling wine at 0.686 mg/kg which was produced with fermented fruits. The effects of food processing on the levels of arsenic in prepared food depend especially on the water quality used for preparation.
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Session 3 Tips: The schedule for each presentation is for reference only. In order not to miss your presentation, we strongly suggest that you attend the whole session.
Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 14:15~15:45 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Resource Science and Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Tseung-Yuen Tseng
F1047 Presentation 1 (14:15~14:30) Examination of bark content for different species of short rotation coppice Dóra Szalay, Viktória Papp and Imre Czupy University of Sopron, Hungary Abstract- Short rotation coppices (SRC) can produce large amount of dendromass in a short time. From an energetic point of view, one of the most important challenges are the outstanding amount of ash content of these dendromass materials, which primarily generated due to the high bark content of the thin shoots. Our research has been carried out for the measuring of bark content of four species/clones, performed in three different vegetation years. The experimental plantation is located in northwestern part of Hungary. According to the results, the bark content is strongly depending on the applied harvest frequency and tree species of the plantation. Based on the measurements, the larger bark content has the Robinia and the Salix species in the first year, but the value can be reduced by around 50% using longer harvest rotation. Analyzed the whole stem, the bark percentage of the Populus clones increased from 5.5% to 33.7% from the cutting height to the tip, the minimum value was at the diameter class of 24-28 mm. In the case of Robinia the value ranges only between 2.7% and 20.0%.
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Session 3 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 14:15~15:45 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Resource Science and Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Tseung-Yuen Tseng
F1003 Presentation 2 (14:30~14:45) Application of Integrated spatial approaches for studying the vegetation alternation‘s effect on the reclaimed land of contaminated zinc mine K. Somprasong, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand Abstract- The Mae Tao basin, Thailand has been considered to be a remote cadmium (Cd) contaminated area since 2002. This area has been reported as the largest zinc deposition area so that the explicit potential cadmium source has not been detected. According to the reports from both government and private sectors, the zinc mine in the middle of the basin were determined to be one of the cadmium contributors in the area. From 2014, the mine closure operation has been conducted, thus the study on the selection of cover vegetation in the area has not been accomplished. In this study, the integrated approaches between MINESITE 3D, Geographic Information System (GIS) application and remote sensing techniques, were assigned to simulate the repetition of the vegetation over the reclaimed area. The study demonstrates that using the grass type vegetation for the reclamation of the area can largely reduce the potential erosion of the mine with a range from 89.70 to 94.45%. The results also demonstrate that the young vetiver grass cannot effectively reduce the potential erosion. Additionally, the study on the development of the supporting practice over the mining production area should be further conduct.
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Session 3 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 14:15~15:45 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Resource Science and Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Tseung-Yuen Tseng
F1049 Presentation 3 (14:45~15:00) The examination of coppice black locust assortment composition R. Iski, T. Major, A. T. Kiss and Imre Czupy University of Sopron, Hungary Abstract- Nowadays, the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) is the most current and the most widely used tree species in Hungary. Due to its penetration and the wide variety of application it‘s worth to examine, what kind of assortment their with different origins, and in different environmental conditions growing stands offer. In our current article we compare the coppice black locust stands‘ assortment composition in different production areas (on humus sand and ―kovárvány‖ brown forest soil). In addition, we present the assortment composition of the curiosity, the also coppice „szacsvay‖ black locust stand, which we compare to the everyday-produced seedling black locust and the coppice black locust. We provided our research in the area of Nyírerdő Forestry Co. Ltd. During the research we used the final harvest data for the 2010-2016 period. According to the tests it can be said, that the coppice black locust stands, that can be found on the humic sand and on the ―kovárvány‖ brown forest soil, show a significant difference in the choice of distribution.
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Session 3 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 14:15~15:45 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Resource Science and Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Tseung-Yuen Tseng
F0027 Presentation 4 (15:00~15:15) Landscape components of Aborlan Palawan Philippines: influence on the employment and income of its populace L. Acero San Beda University Manila Philippines Abstract- Aborlan Palawan is known to be the sleeping town in the Southern part of Palawan Philippines As a municipality, its landscape is composed of several structures making it a municipality, home for its population. This study focuses on the use of landscape maps to describe its landscape components and how it influences the employment and income of its population. Descriptive research method and documentary analysis was used to describe the influence of landscape maps (road network, water catchment, Environmentally Critic Area Network (ECAN), soil map, land classification and land use) to the employment and income of the population Components of the landscape is described using Patch Mosaic Model Pattern Elements, specifically the patch, corridor and matrix. Result of this study revealed that the land scape of Aborlan Palawan which is composed of 57% ECAN considered as the major landscape matrix in Aborlan, influence the employment and income status of its population. The ECAN matrix, influence livelihood of its populace, since employment and income of population situated near ECAN, lag behind compared with the villages (barangays) in lower slopes. The employment rate and income is high in villages far from ECAN.
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Session 3 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 14:15~15:45 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Resource Science and Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Tseung-Yuen Tseng
F1046 Presentation 5 (15:15~15:30) Operation of energy wood plantation with special regard to harvesting technology and timber logistics Imre Czupy, K. SzakálosnéMátyás, A. L. Horváth, B. Horváth and A. Vágvölgyi, University of Sopron, Hungary Abstract- One possible solution for the production of wood for energy or industrial purposes is the planting of energy wood plantations. In this type of target plantation, a large amount of dendromass can be produced in a short time. Before the afforestation the site survey is highly important. Based on the results the tree species can be chosen and the corresponding cultivation technologies can be planned. Energy plantations are generally man-made forests with fast-growing species and the rotation period is short. Therefore it is necessary to determine the method of harvesting and the corresponding machine system already at the planning phase. After harvesting the timber should be transported in a short period of time in order not to prevent the development of the next tree stand. At the transport large amount of wood chip must be moved for shorter or longer distance. Thus the applied logistic plays very important role in the whole process, by making the operation of timber utilizing power plants as profitable as possible.
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Session 3 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 14:15~15:45 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 6 presentations-Topic: “Resource Science and Engineering” Session Chair: Prof. Tseung-Yuen Tseng
F3005-A Presentation 6 (15:30~15:45) A complex network analysis of Spanish river basins S. Lozano, R. Rodríguez-Alarcón Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, University of Seville, Isla de la Cartuja, Spain Abstract- This paper carries out a study of Spanish river basins for the period 2008-2012 using complex network analysis (CNA) tools. Although the number of river basins is not large, collecting the relevant information was an arduous task, due to their largely autonomous management and the lack of data harmonization/integration. Apart from the size of the corresponding catchment areas, data on water demand for irrigation, industrial and municipal water supply, historical catchment inflows, reservoir capacity and historical levels, interbasin transfer infrastructures and historical interbasin transfer (IBT) flows, and ocean discharges were collected. A weighted directed network is built with all this information and a number of CNA characterization measures (such as in- and out-degree and in- and out-strength distributions, density, reciprocity, centralization index, average path length, diameter, geodesic distances, betweenness centrality, efficiency, etc.) are computed. The assortativity of the network and its community structure are also determined. This thorough analysis provides new insights into the structure of the river basin system and its functioning during the period under study.
Coffee Break
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Session 4 Tips: The schedule for each presentation is for reference only. In order not to miss your presentation, we strongly suggest that you attend the whole session.
Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 16:00~18:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 9 presentations-Topic: “Environmental and Chemical Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN
F0009 Presentation 1 (16:00~16:15) Ag-doped Ti-RH-MCM-41 synthesis using rice husk silica and its antibacterial efficiency S. Rukleng, A. Chamlaiand, P. Srikongka and T. Areerob Technology and Environment, Prince of Songkla University Phuket campus(PSU), Thailand Abstract- Ag-Ti-RH-MCM-41 samples were prepared via rice husk silica with in-situ (one-pot) and ex-situ (sequence) methods to improve the antibacterial property on RH-MCM-41 and Ti-RH-MCM-41. Thus, this work proposed to investigate the antibacterial property of these materials using gram-negative Escherichia coli (E. coli) and gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and compared with TiO2 (rutile), RH-MCM-41 and Ti-RH-MCM-41. The XRD represented MCM-41 showed the broad peak of 100 at 2 theta equal to 2.2°after adding Titanium and Silver on RH-MCM-41. The XRD spectrum represented Titanium and Silver showed the characteristic peaks of anatase TiO2 but Ag nanoparticles (AgNPs) diffraction peaks did not clearly present in Ag-Ti-RH-MCM-41 (in-situ). On the other hand, the XRD spectrum of Ag-Ti-RH-MCM-41 (ex-situ) presented the small peaks of AgNPs according to the formation of AgNPs during calcination. Antibacterial efficiency of samples was tested via inhibited zone test (clear zone). The Ag-Ti-RH-MCM-41 (in-situ) and Ag-Ti-RH-MCM-41 (ex-situ) exhibited the antibacterial against while RH-MCM-41 and Ti-RH-MCM-41 did not present the antibacterial performance. Thus, Ag-doped Ti-RH-MCM-41 can improve the antibacterial property on RH-MCM-41 and Ti-RH-MCM-41.
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Session 4 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 16:00~18:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 9 presentations-Topic: “Environmental and Chemical Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN
F1030 Presentation 2 (16:15~16:30) Interfacial tension of the (CO2 + H2) gas mixture and water at temperatures from 271.2 K to 280.2 K and pressures up to 7.0 MPa Kosuke. Watanabe, Kazuki Fukuzawa, and Ryo Ohmura Keio University, Japan Abstract- This paper reports the measurements of the interfacial tension in the (CO2 + H2) gas mixture and water system at temperatures from 271.2 K to 280.2 K and pressures up to 7.0 MPa. The measurements using the pendant drop method were performed in the pressure up to the closely hydrate forming condition at each temperature. The obtained data showed that the interfacial tension at these temperatures decreased almost linearly with an increase of the pressure. The pressure gradient of the interracial tension in the (CO2 + H2) gas mixture and water system was confirmed to be determined by the components of the gas mixture. These results reveal that the interaction between CO2 and H2 has a small influence on the interfacial tension in the system. The shape of bubble in the CO2-H2-water system was estimated by calculating the Eötvös number using the interfacial tension data obtained in this study.
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Session 4 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 16:00~18:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 9 presentations-Topic: “Environmental and Chemical Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN
F3006 Presentation 3 (16:30~16:45) Atrazine Removal using Nano-zero Valence Iron and Granular Activated Carbon Mixture Kawintra Kongka, Wuttiwat Chawkorash, Budsakorn katkaew, Wut Dankittikul, and Apichon Watcharenwong School of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, 30000, Thailand Abstract- This research aims to synthesizes nano-zero valence iron coated on activated carbon (nZVI/GAC). Characteristics of the synthesized materials were investigated. The morphology was examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The synthesized material was used as the adsorbent material for atrazine removal. The comparisons of removal efficiency were studied in both cases of adsorption and Fenton-like reaction. The results showed that nZVI/GAC adsorbent materials can achieved 96% atrazine removal efficiency compared to GAC adsorption. The factors influencing the atrazine removal were the amount of material and the initial concentration of atrazine. Mixture ratios of Fe/GAC were also investigated for atrazine removal. The appropriate ratio for atrazine removal was 3:1.
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Session 4 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 16:00~18:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 9 presentations-Topic: “Environmental and Chemical Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN
F1006 Presentation 4 (16:45~17:00) Redesign of a Traditional Ritual Furnace for Reducing Environmental Impact Cheng-Chi Chang, Wei-Long Chen, Fang-Lin Chao Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan Abstract- The practice of burning gold paper in Taiwan is a profound yet common culture event, but it causes air pollution and thus environmental impact. The design scheme preserves the traditional customs and reduces the smoke and tiny particles diffused to the ambient air. Concept design-I is a rectangular tube structure with a partition frame to form a second combustion chamber. These partitions need a place among the internal space. Concept design-II uses a circular tube structure with better aesthetic expression. But the fabrication accuracy and installation of a circular structure are troublesome to achieve. We choose the concept-I as the implemented model. The functional model has shown much less smoke generated with the help of a secondary combustion chamber.
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Session 4 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 16:00~18:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 9 presentations-Topic: “Environmental and Chemical Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN
F1059 Presentation 5 (17:00~17:15) The Fate of Carbon in Two-Stage Anaerobic Digestion of Vegetable Waste Van Dinh Pham, Takeshi Fujiwara, Song Toan Pham Phu, and Hoang Minh Giang Okayama University, Japan Abstract- A two-stage anaerobic digestion system including a hydrolytic reactor and a methane reactor was applied to deal with vegetable waste. In which, the hydrolytic and methane reactors were operated with a retention time (RT) of 9 days and 20 days, respectively (at 36±1oC). Carbon tracking was conducted step by step throughout the system. Non-hydrolysable carbon accounted for a significant proportion of total initial carbon (25%). Meanwhile, a large amount of carbon in the feedstock (23.5%) remained in the effluent including water and suspended solids. However, it was mostly inorganic carbon which is not harmful to the environment. The only 39.4% of initial carbon was converted to biogas equivalent to the biogas yield of 407 Nml/g-VS. In which, biogas from the hydrolytic reactor was mainly carbon dioxide (99%), accounted for 11.2% of total biogas and 37,5% of total CO2 product. In the methane reactor, biogas products included 73.37% CH4 (the equivalent of 265.2 Nml- CH4/g-VS), 21% CO2 and 5.64% others.
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Session 4 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 16:00~18:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 9 presentations-Topic: “Environmental and Chemical Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN
F0008 Presentation 6 (17:15~17:30) Design of Home Winemaker to Improve Impurity Filtration in Fermentation Yuen-Chen Lin, Fang-Lin Chao, Chun-Yu Huang, and Shao-Heng Lai Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, 436, Taiwan Abstract- The family-based brewing is sugar raw materials, and separate the juice and slag by pressing. The problem is the success rate sometimes different from person to person. This design utilized microelectronics technology to improve fermentation of fruit wines. Fruit wines are produced in a special container so that proper handling of these ingredients, peels, and seeds. The brewing machines consist of sealing, brewing, pressing, and controller. The fermentation reaction is completed at the pre-set time to perform brewing — linear actuator employed in the presser to reduce bitterness. The implemented sensors detect changes in CO2 concentration and pressure level based on the Arduino platform. The usability considerations on the interface are the icon which reflects its meaning to help the user to operate smoothly.
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Session 4 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 16:00~18:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 9 presentations-Topic: “Environmental and Chemical Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN
F1025 Presentation 7 (17:30~17:45) Controlling Chemical Industrial Pollution with Regulatory Tools: The Case of Yichang, Hubei, China Haijing Wang and Mingqing You Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China Abstract- Chemical industries may pollute the air, water, and soil as well as jeopardize the ecological system and human health. China has established a relatively comprehensive regulatory regime to control industrial pollution, including pollution from chemical industries. This paper evaluates various regulatory tools to find their efficacy and appropriateness, and uses Yichang, a city rich in phosphate ore and phosphate industries, as an example. This paper integrates qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods. The analysis indicates that regulatory tools can be effective in controlling environmental pollution and restoring the jeopardized ecology. It also indicates that the Chinese government can enforce the environmental law effectively. However, these regulatory tools are also costly, insufficiently clear, and may not be effective for each place.
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Session 4 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 16:00~18:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 9 presentations-Topic: “Environmental and Chemical Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN
F1005 Presentation 8 (17:45~18:00) Portable Mobile Water Purifier Design for Natural Disaster Fang-Lin Chao, Ching-Lin Lu, and Bo-Sen Tseng Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, 436, Taiwan Abstract- The turbidity water in the disaster area is unusable and requires long periods of precipitation and filtration. A simple portable water filter is designed to solve the problem of drinking water for the victims. The method to solve the problem: a 2-in-1 motor powered by a DC battery provided extracted and pressurized on turbid rainwater. We choose the suitable filters set to reduce costs. The Prototyping model made by 3D printing used to verify the user‘s requirement. Both piggyback and handheld are suitable for rescuer‘s body condition. The result shows the turbid water can be continuously extracted and released to the drinking water of acceptable quality during the pressurization process. We achieved a portable water purifier which improved the water quality and provided a short-term drinking water supply. It can place in local community office during the disaster. .
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Session 4 Afternoon, February 26, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 16:00~18:15 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 9 presentations-Topic: “Environmental and Chemical Engineering” Session Chair: Assoc. Professor LE VAN TAN
F1026 Presentation 9 (18:00~18:15) Determining the vulnerability index in the context of high floods in An Giang Province Can Thu Van, Doan Quang Tri, Nguyen Thanh Son, Tran Thi Thu Thao and Do Thi Hong Hoa Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam Abstract- The vulnerability, flood hazards, and exposure are three indicators to calculating and assessing flood risk in the Mekong Delta river. Flood risk assessments allows managers to understand the probability and implications of potential damage caused by floods. The vulnerability index is based on three criteria, including sensitivity and adaptive capacity related to the economic, social, and environmental aspects and benefits that floods bring to the Mekong Delta river. The flood events occurred in the years that the flood peak at Tan Chau was over 4 m, causing the most severe damage in this area. This paper will use the vulnerability index method which is the sum of the components including the sensitivity, resilience and benefits of floods to calculate and assess the flood vulnerability of 155 communes in 11 districts of An Giang province. The results showed that there are four communes were affected by average vulnerability and 151 communes with high vulnerability.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim F1004 Presentation 1 Solar panel temperature control system based on IoT Minsoo Kim, DoHyun Kim, Heeje Kim Pusan National University, Republic of Korea Abstract- Solar photovoltaic systems are renewable energy sources that are used widely around the world. On the other hand, the efficiency decreases as the temperature of the solar panels increases. To prevent this phenomenon, a cooling fan can be installed on the back side of the solar panel to increase the efficiency. The solar system efficiency also decreases due to weather conditions and unexpected situations. To overcome this problem, an IoT (Internet of Things) system was used to monitor the state of the solar system and control the cooling fan. The core microprocessor used in IoT systems was Arduino. Using Arduino, an IoT system can be implemented simply and inexpensively. The entire system was designed and tested and the efficiency increased by approximately 4.7%. Although it is a small 30W capacity photovoltaic system, its efficiency is expected to be increased by applying it to a photovoltaic system of more than 3kW in the near future.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F1014 Presentation 2 Research and implementation of substation clock unsynchrony alarm system based on GPS pulse Chuan-yu Zhang Engineer, NARI CORPORATION (STATE GRID ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE), China Abstract- In order to change the status quo within the substation bay control devices which only passive receiving IRIG-B GPS clock code or PPS , for the purpose of the research and the realization method of substation clock unsynchrony alarm system based on GPS pulse. On the basis of existing substation SCADA system and GPS time synchronization system, this paper realizes the real-time monitoring of time synchronization of substation bay control devices by simple modification and introduction of simple algorithm. This paper describes in detail the system construction method and relative time difference algorithm, as well as the project implementation method, to achieve the correct and punctual on-line monitoring of the bay control device, effective control of substation accidents caused by device time unsynchrony, greatly improving the stability of substation operation.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F1023-A Presentation 3 Development of New Material using Wastes for the Remediation of Contaminated Sediment Kyunghoi Kim, Do-Hyung Kim, Won-Kyo Jung, Jun-Ho Choi Pukyong National University, South Korea Abstract- This study involves developing how a new material (Lime-Fly ash-Mixture) can be used for remediation of coastal sediment contamination. For the evaluation of LFM as a material for the remediation of the sediment, mesocosm experiments were carried out. LFM samples were prepared by mixing slaked lime – fly ash – cement at the solid ratio of 15%, 80% and 5%, respectively. The results revealed that the concentration of hydrogen sulfide sharply declined from 130 mg/l to almost zero after application of LFM within one month, while it took 6 months for the control cases. And the concentration of phosphate decreased faster in the LFM than that in the control cases, reaching a low point of 5 mg/l after one month and stabilized at the range of 0-10 mg/l for five months. It is explained that the concentration of phosphate was reduced by the precipitation with calcium. And calcium oxide played a major role on decrease of hydrogen sulfide by reducing activity of sulfate reducing bacteria in the sediment. Chemical reactions with metal oxides containing in the fly ash also contribute on the reducing hydrogen sulfide. From the results obtained from mesocosm experiment, we concluded that LFM is an effective material for remediation of the contaminated coastal sediment.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F1007-A Presentation 4 Design of Eco-friendly Fine Dust Removal System using Two New Types of Electrodes and IoT Do Hyun Kim, Min-Soo Kim , Hee-Je Kim Pusan National University, Republic of Korea Abstract- Recently, the problem of air pollution is emerging due to increasing demand of fossil fuel, vehicle and factory. Especially, one of big problem is increase of a fine dust. Since fine dust is very fine particles of 10μm or less, it is difficult to remove because it cannot be seen with the naked eye. According to the problem air purifier technology receives attention because of the fine dust problem. The air cleaning systems are widely used at indoor. However, the problem of air pollution is generated at highway and factory. Therefore, it is necessary to study the air purification system to be applied to factories and highways. The recaches describes design and hardware implementation of a fine dust system. In this research two new types of electrodes were proposed circular and rectangular electrodes and remote system are designed and solar power source is applied. The experimental results suggest the circular model to be the most effective.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F0011-A Presentation 5 Properties of composites based on hemp shives and lime binder used as wall material in the building industry Stanislaw Fic, Przemyslaw Brzyski Lublin University of Technology, Poland Abstract- One of the solution for reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in the construction sector is the use of building materials which have a favorable environmental impact. This is possible to achieve by using plant materials, e.g., industrial hemp, which absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide during the growth. This paper describes the experimental test of preparing the composite based on hydrated lime, Portland cement, pozzolans and organic filler – hemp shives for use in building industry as thermal insulation material and timber frame filling. The following laboratory tests were performed: the analysis of the physical characteristics of the tested samples of hemp-lime composites (bulk density, total porosity), flexural and compressive strength, water absorptivity and thermal conductivity. Five recipes of composites, differing in composition, were tested. Composites showed low bulk density in the range of 0.39- 0.55 kg/m3 and thermal conductivity between 0.83 W/(m∙K) and 0.102 W/(m∙K). Compressive strength was in the range of 0.34 MPa – 0.67 MPa. High porosity of composites decided on their high water absorptivity (92-134 % by mass). The analysis of results allowed to observe the relationship between the formulas and the properties of the composites. Properties are determined on the binder : filler ratio. Together with the increase in the content of the shives in relation to the amount of binder, the thermal conductivity coefficient, density and mechanical properties decrease. On the other hand, porosity and absorptivity increase. The results proved that the material is characterized by the low density, low thermal conductivity, high absorptivity and low strength. The thermal conductivity values allow the use of composite as timber frame filling without any additional thermal insulation. Studies are continued to search for the most optimal formula which gives the best strength and thermal results, according to the principles of sustainable development in the construction industry.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F1039 Presentation 6 Experience of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Application in Regional Planning of Economic Development Anton Devcic, Marko Sostar, Berislav Andrlic PANORA Pozega , Croatia Abstract- The aim of this paper is to analyze the experience of applying the geoinformation system for the purpose of quality management and sustainable development. Enterprises from all fields of activity, including maintenance, use geoinformation systems in their strategic planning. At the very beginning of the work are described the terms of geoinformation systems, their application and capabilities, and the software for making GIS is described. Through examples of good practice, an overview of the application of GIS in the fields of agriculture, transport and ecology will be presented on case study of Croatia.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F1041 A Presentation 7 Effect of storage temperature on CH4 emission from high-solid cattle manure Dong-Hoon Kim, Seongwon Im, Alsayed Mostafa Inha University , Republic of Korea
Abstract- The effect of temperature upon methane emitted from cattle manure (CM) during its storage was investigated in this study. By the storage of CM for 60 d, CH4 emission reached 292.8 kg CO2 eq./ton DM at 35oC. Such value has been declined to 222.6, 103.1, 66.3, and 16.5 kg CO2 eq./ton DM at 30, 25, 20, and 15oC, respectively. A clear variation was noticed in the consumption of volatile solid (VS), which reached its maximal of 29% at 35oC, while it clearly dropped to 8% at 15oC. Using Arrhenius equation, activation energy and frequency factor of CM were found to be 103 kJ/mol and 39.9 g CH4/kg VS/d, respectively. Specific methanogenic activity (SMA) test revealed that lowering storage temperature has a slight effect upon acetolastic methanogenesis, however, a significant suppression for hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis was achieved. NGS analysis displayed that the abundance of psychrophilic methanogens with relatively lower CH4 productivity, i.e., Methanolobus psychrophilus, was enriched by lessening storage temperature.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F0012-A Presentation 8 The influence of partial replacement of hydrated lime by pozzolans on properties of lime mortars Przemyslaw Brzyski, Stanislaw Fic Lublin University of Technology, Poland Abstract- Hydrated lime, because of the life cycle has a positive environmental impact. The lime binder is used in mortars. Lime is a slow setting binder with low mechanical properties. The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibility of improve the properties of lime binder by using different pozzolanic materials as partial replacement of hydrated lime. The following laboratory tests were performed: physical characteristics of the lime mortars (bulk density, porosity), flexural and compressive strength, water absorption, capillary rise and consistency. As a partial replacements of hydrated lime (in amount of 10%, 20%, 30% by weight of lime) a metakaolin, silica fume and zeolite were used. The shortest setting and hardening time showed a mortars with the addition of metakaolin. All additives noticeably improved strength characteristic of mortars. With the increase in the amount of additive, the increase in strength was also observed. The highest flexural strength was obtained by using the addition of metakaolin in an amount of 20% by weight of lime (2.08 MPa). The highest compressive strength was obtained by using also the addition of metakaolin, but in an amount of 30% by weight of lime (9.43 MPa). The addition of pozzolan caused an increase in the mortar tightness which contributed to the limitation of absorbability. Pozzolanic additives affected the consistency of fresh mortars. Only the addition of silica fume an amount of 20 and 30% changed the consistency from plastic to the thick-plastic. The conducted study demonstrated the possibility of applying lime mortar with satisfactory properties. The features of modified lime mortars do not differ significantly from cement-based mortar properties, and show a lower environmental impact due to CO2 absorption during lime hardening. Taking into consideration the setting time, strength and consistency, the best results can be obtained with metakaolin addition to the lime mortar.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F0026 Presentation 9 An Optimal TEC Model with Input-Output Analysis and Its Application for Reducing CO2 Emission in China Yi Wan, Dongming Yang, Yifei Zhao and Tatsuo Yanagita The University of Tokyo, Japan Abstract- In managing regional environmental-economic systems, it is significant to design a comprehensive total emission control (TEC) policy. In this paper, an optimal TEC model with an input-output analysis is established to maximize the total production profit of all the economic sectors. With an empirical application of the model on reducing total CO2 emission in China, a TEC policy scheme is approximately calculated by using the national input-output table to give optimal solutions respectively for total production, final use and the corresponding CO2 emission of each sector. Finally, the key sectors most responsible for total emission reduction are identified, and then the impacts of improving emission intensity coefficient of the sector with the highest emission share are analysed quantitatively on the allocations of total CO2 emissions set as the TEC target by policy maker.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F0024-A Presentation 10 Anaerobic tertiary treatment of low-strength wastewater in bioelectrochemical upflow reactor Tae-Seon Choi, Young-Chae Song , Chae-Young Lee Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan 49112, Republic of Korea Abstract- An anaerobic tertiary treatment of low strength wastewater was demonstrated in a bioelectrochemical upflow reactor. A lab scale anaerobic upflow reactor was prepared and a separator (nonwoven polypropylene sheet) and carbon electrode (graphite fiber fabric sheet) assembly was installed vertically inside the upflow anaerobic reactor. An ordinary granular activated carbon (GAC) and two more pretreated GACs with Fenton oxidation or microwave were packed to three different upflow reactors, and another reactor without GAC was prepared for the control. For the start-up, anaerobic sludge was inoculated into each reactor and the electrodes were polarized by applying a voltage of 0.6V. An artificial low strength wastewater (COD 40mg/L, T-N 20mg/L) was continuously supplied at 1 hour of HRT. During the operation of the upflow reactor, the effluent quality were monitored and the bioelectrochemical activity in the bulk solution was frequently measured by the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). In the control reactor, the effluent COD gradually stabilized at 3.6 mg/L from the 20th day. However, the COD in the upflow reactor further decreased to less than 2 mg/L by the addition of GAC, especially pretreated GACs. This suggests that the GACs that were improved in the specific surface area and the electric conductivity has a positive effect in the bioelectrochemical tertiary treatment. The nitrogen removal in the upflow reactor was stabilized from around 30 days. However, the positive effect of the pretreated GACs was more pronounced in the nitrogen removal. The TN removal in the upflow reactors with the pretreated GACs were ranged from 68% to 78%, which was higher than the control. From the principle component analysis and the decision tree for the effluent quality and EIS data, it was found that the effluent quality in the bioelectrochemical upflow reactor is highly dependent on the charge transfer resistance and the biomass amount.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F0028-A Presentation 11 Effects of Temperature on Electrochemcial Lithium Intercalation into Graphite in Lithium Secondary Batteries Soon-Ki Jeong Soonchunhyang University, Republic of Korea Abstract- Graphite is one of the most important negatively charged electrode materials in commercially available lithium secondary batteries. During the charge–discharge processes in negatively charged graphite electrode, the intercalation and de-intercalation reactions of lithium ions occur in the potential range 0–0.25 V (vs. Li+/Li). In this work, the electrochemical reactions occurring at the surface of a graphite material were investigated to understand the temperature effects involved in the formation of a solid electrolyte interface (SEI). Lithium ions were intercalated into and de-intercalated from graphite reversibly at –15 C despite the use of pure propylene carbonate (PC) as the solvent. However, continuous solvent decomposition and intense exfoliation of graphene layers occurred at 25 C. The results of the Raman spectroscopic analysis indicated that the interaction between PC molecules and lithium ions became weaker at –15 C by chemical exchange effects, which suggested that the thermodynamic stability of the solvated lithium ions was an important factor that determined the formation of an SEI in PC-based solutions. Charge-discharge analysis revealed that the nature of the SEI formed at –15 C in 1 mol dm–3 of LiClO4 in PC was significantly different from that formed at 25 C in 1 mol dm–3 of LiClO4 in PC containing vinylene carbonate, 3.27 mol kg–1 of LiClO4 in PC, and 1 mol dm–3 of LiClO4 in ethylene carbonate.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F1055-A Presentation 12 Promoting direct interspecies electron transfer with Electro-conducting carbon nanotube hollow-fiber (CHF) in anaerobic digestion Yeo-Myeong Yun, Seoktae Kang, Yongtae Ahn, Haenam Jang Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea
Abstract- Direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) between electron-donating (electroactive bacteria) and electron-accepting (methanogenic archaea) partners via conductive materials is an alternative to interspecies hydrogen transfer (IHT) in anaerobic digester and provides significant benefits to methane production in terms of yield and rate. This work aimed to sought to monitor and evaluate the effects of CHF on anaerobic digestion. The results showed that CH4 production rate in the anaerobic reactor increased by 24% in the presence of CHF compared to the reactor with polymeric hollow fiber (HF), a non-conductive hollow-fiber material. This was linked to the results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showing that microorganisms attached on the surface of the CHF promoted DIET thereby enhancing both biogas production rate and yield. It was confirmed that the supplementation of CHF accelerated syntrophic metabolism with increased dominance of electroactive bacteria. A microbial community analysis done by next generation sequencing revealed that Pelobacter (10.0%), Geobacter (6.9%), and Methanosaeta (15.7%) were important in promoting CH4 production by DIET through CHF.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F2005 Presentation 13 Customer Satisfaction of the Co-Branded Food Products on Croatian Market. Berislav Andrlic, Anton Devcic and Mario Hak Polytechnic in Pozega, Croatia Abstract- Co-branding is most commonly found in food market as these type of business often face problems operating in certain times or seasons hence they need the assistance of other services to make their operating costs relevant. In order to examine this scientific problem the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and primary survey research on case study in Croatia. Results showed that co-branded food products improved perception of quality and satisfaction of consumers.
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Poster Session Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 14 presentations Session Chair: Prof. Hee-Je Kim
F1038-A Presentation 14 Sustainable energy harvesting technology via electric potential: triboelectric nanogenerator and energy loss return gate Dongseob Kim, Kwun-Bum Chung1 and Sangmin Lee2 1 Dongguk University, South Korea 2 Chung-Ang University, South Korea Abstract- As the energy crisis and global warming are emerging as major issues, the development of renewable and green energy based on alternative energy resources such as solar, wind, hydrogen or geothermal sources, has attracted considerable interest. The energy harvesting technologies based on these natural resources have been well established, and their use has gradually increased. Yet there are still many forms of energy sources in our living environment, which are not being utilized. Further, owing to increasing energy demands, significant energy-related issues remain to be solved. Thus, we need to continue the efforts to develop innovative energy harvesting technology to overcome energy issues. Here, we introduce two strategies for a sustainable energy harvesting method: 1) Mechanical energy harvester based on triboelectric effect and 2) Loss-energy harvesting system.
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Session 5 Tips: The schedule for each presentation is for reference only. In order not to miss your presentation, we strongly suggest that you attend the whole session.
Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 4 presentations-Topic: “Photovoltaic System and Power System Management” Session Chair: Prof. Georg Bastian
F0005 A Presentation 1 (13:30~13:45) Multi-objective optimization of Hybrid Photovoltaic solar systems L. OUHSAINE, M. SIROUX, M. EL GANAOUI, A. MIMET INSA STRASBOURG – ICUBE UNIVERSITE STRASBOURG, FRANCE Abstract- A photovoltaic/thermal or PVT collector is a module in which the PV is not only producing electricity but also serves as a thermal absorber. In this way, heat and power are produced simultaneously. The integration of photovoltaic modules with thermals collectors can produce higher temperatures in the photovoltaic module and decrease the efficiency of PVT collectors. Thus the optimization of hybrid PVT panels is necessary in order to improve the overall efficiency of the system. In this work, a mathematical model describing the thermal, electrical and mechanical flow is developed to predict the variables of the system. Then a multi-objective optimization based on a genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) is developed for an air-based hybrid PVT panel in order to improve the efficiency of the system.
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Session 5 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 4 presentations-Topic: “Photovoltaic System and Power System Management” Session Chair: Prof. Georg Bastian
F1001 A Presentation 2 (13:45~14:00) Hybrid Photo-Voltaic and Battery Storage System: An Optimal Strategy to Manage Peak-hours Sarvar Hussain Nengroo, Muhammad Ahmad Kamran, Muhammad Umair Ali, Hee Jee Kim Pusan National University, Republic of Korea Abstract- S The prevalent world situation is facing scarcity of energy, due to increased demand and the depletion of conventional energy sources. The duo has given eminence to the renewable energy sources, remarkably to solar photovoltaic (PV) system. The installation of these sources is environmentally friendly and helpful in the mitigation of energy crisis, mostly in the power sector. In this study, a novel hybrid solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery storage system (BSS) is proposed. A mathematical model is devised to analyze the impact of the hybrid solar PV and BSS for the fixed on/off-peak hours and for the variable on/off-peak hours, by taking the feed-in tariff in consideration.
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Session 5 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 4 presentations-Topic: “Photovoltaic System and Power System Management” Session Chair: Prof. Georg Bastian
F0010 A Presentation 3 (14:00~14:15) Accurate voltage measurement of a photovoltaic module by a non-contact electrostatic voltmeter Sakutaro Miyajima, Akira Nagaoka, and Kensuke Nishioka University of Miyazaki, Miyazaki 889-2192, Japan Abstract- Typical photovoltaic (PV) cells are covered with ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), glass, and backsheet in the modules, which prevents detailed information on internal cells. In order to improve the quality of the PV module, the detailed performance measurement after processing is necessary. Voltages of PV modules and cells are standards for measuring their performance. In this research, accurate voltage measurement of each cell inside the PV module by noncontact is studied. The failure diagnosis method for PV modules by this technology is also investigated. The potential of cells in the open state was measured through the backsheet by Electrostatic voltmeter. Potential measurement was performed depending on irradiation. The potential difference in each cell agreed with voltage of each cell with a small error. Subsequently, the same operation was carried out with the short-circuited PV module. Despite the short-circuited PV module, the potential difference of each cell agreed with voltage of each cell with a small error. In addition, a voltage drop occurred in some cells. We measured the current of each cell with state in which all connections between each cell are disconnected. The low current and voltage drop occurred in same cells, which is helpful for identification of low performance cells.
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Session 5 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 13:30~14:30 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 4 presentations-Topic: “Photovoltaic System and Power System Management” Session Chair: Prof. Georg Bastian
F1036 Presentation 4 (14:15~14:30) Irradiance forecast model for PV generation based on cloudiness web service Dung V Nguyen, Benoit Delinchant, Binh V Dinh and Truong X Nguyen University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam Abstract- Among renewable energies that play a critically important role to achieve a sustainable development in the future, solar photovoltaic (PV) power have been growing dramatically recently. Despite the enormous potential of solar PV, its drawback, which is intermittent in generation, imposes a significant issue on electrical system, such as stability or operation planning of the system. One of the solutions for the problem is PV generation forecast that have been researched in various studies. This paper presents a methodology to obtain an indirect PV production forecast model. Processes of model formation, validation and test are performed in the study using real data from a Campbell Scientific weather station Grenoble, France.
Coffee Break & Group Photo Taking (February27)
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Session 6 Tips: The schedule for each presentation is for reference only. In order not to miss your presentation, we strongly suggest that you attend the whole session.
Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:30 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 7 presentations-Topic: “Building and Energy” Session Chair: Prof. Zoltán Pásztory
F1027 Presentation 1 (14:45~15:00) Density Optimization for the Manufacturing of Bark-based Thermal Insulation Panels Z Pásztory, Z Börcsök and D Tsalagkas Innovation Center, University of Sopron, Hungary Abstract- Buildings in general, consume and lose huge energy amounts through their heating and cooling systems. Thus, effective thermal insulation materials required to endow on energy shaving attainments. For this research, bark particles were used as raw materials for the manufacturing of low-density thermal insulation panels. The aim of this work was to determine the optimum density value of these panels in combination with their thermal conductivity and mechanical performance. Three panel densities, i.e. 250 kg/m3, 300 kg/m3 and 350 kg/m3 were used in this study. For each density, specimens for the thermal, physical (water absorption, thickness swelling) and mechanical (static bending, internal bond) assays had been analysed. As proposed by the results, the optimum conditions could be achieved at density levels of 350 kg/m3. All things considered, bark-based particleboards seem to be a very promising feedstock materials for their usage especially as interior thermal insulation panels, in the building sector..
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Session 6 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:30 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 7 presentations-Topic: “Building and Energy” Session Chair: Prof. Zoltán Pásztory
F1024 Presentation 2 (15:00~15:15) Development of a System Modelling Ontology of VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) Systems Seung Yeoun Choi and Sean Hay Kim Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea Abstract- We are developing a system modelling ontology for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) that aims to promote simpler and rapid model transformation, and also to compensate the lower Level of Detail (LOD) of HVAC system and control information than the required LOD for energy simulation. To demonstrate the developing system modelling ontology, we begin with a pilot ontology for VRF systems. For testing the pilot ontology, we choose a two story office building serviced with VRF systems. The system architecture for representing VRF systems is developed. Also it is constructed in building energy simulation model, i.e., EnergyPlus. Lastly we are developing the model transformation logic between system architecture entities and simulation model entities. However, we found several drawbacks and further improvement needs with the developing ontology; i) although physical entities such as zones, VRF systems, and building surface are comparatively easier to represent in system architecture, it is hard to represent the behaviour and process with the existing physical entities; ii) Systems Modeling Language (SysML) can be an alternative modelling language. However, it is still hard to describe bi-directional monitoring and actuation signals of the control; iii) users would find that it is even more difficult to generate and/or understand the system architecture in a format of SysML Block Diagram. We will further develop domain-specific system modelling ontology and scenario-based ontology to compensate the above mentioned issues.
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Session 6 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:30 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 7 presentations-Topic: “Building and Energy” Session Chair: Prof. Zoltán Pásztory
F1029 Presentation 3 (15:15~15:30) Modulus of Elasticity Assessment of Glass-Fibre Reinforced Bark-Based Panels by Acoustic Resonance Vibration Non-Destructive Test D Tsalagkas, Z Börcsök and Z Pásztory Innovation Center, University of Sopron, Hungary Abstract- One of the main properties of solid materials are their stiffness. Acoustic vibration non-destructive tests have been successfully used to predict the stiffness, i.e. Young‘s modulus or modulus of elasticity (MOE) values of solid wood and wood-based panels. In this work, there was an attempt to evaluate the relationship of dynamic MOE longitudinal and static MOE values, of low-density panels produced from bark particles reinforced with various length glass fibres. The findings of the results and the observed strong coefficients of determination suggest the possibility of the proposed Non-Destructive Test (NDT) method as a prediction tool for the MOE estimation of similarly produced bark-based panels. By means of this non-destructive method can be tested the materials without breaking the material and the results available right after the test.
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Session 6 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:30 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 7 presentations-Topic: “Building and Energy” Session Chair: Prof. Zoltán Pásztory F1033 A Presentation 4 (15:30~15:45) Protection of energy-saving lightweight mortars with waste polystyrene by hydrophobisation Danuta Barnat-Hunek Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka Str. 40, 20-618 Lublin, Poland Abstract- The aim of the research presented in the paper was to evaluate the feasibility of using hydrophobic preparation based on organosilicon compounds for surface protection on the energy-saving, heat-insulating mortars modified with waste polystyrene. The work discusses issues related to wettability, absorptivity and frost resistance of the energy-saving mortars. The experimental part pertains to the physical and mechanical properties of polystyrene-modified lightweight mortars and the influence of hydrophobic preparation on their properties. The mortars were prepared with the following ingredients: CEM I 32.R cement, recycled Styrofoam (0-4 mm), hydrated lime, quartz sand (0-2 mm), water from municipal water network. The methyl silicone resin was employed for surface hydrophobisation. The obtained properties are characteristic of lightweight mortars. The value of heat transfer coefficient λ = 0.305 W/mK enables to classify the mortar as a heat-insulating one. This mortar exhibits very high porosity (45.3%) which is connected with an increase in absorptivity (25.2%) in relation to the traditional mortars. However, despite high porosity and low density, high compression strength (11.3 MPa) was achieved as well. Polisiloxanes modified the surface properties of the considered mortars. The hydrophobised mortar is characterized by the lowest SFE value, which is 3 times lower than the value of reference mortar. Lower SFE translates into lower adhesive properties, higher resistance of the material to the infiltration of water and corrosive compounds, e.g. salts, as well as higher resistance to freezing and thawing cycles. Methyl-silicon resin raised the frost resistance by 62% in relation to the reference samples. This agent reduced the absorptivity by 39%, surface free energy – by the factor of 3, the contact angle – by 4.4-fold, and increased the resistance to frost by the factor of 4. Recycled Styrofoam can be successfully used for the production of heat-insulating mortars utilized in energy-efficient construction. The wetting and adhesion properties of heat-insulating mortars containing recycled Styrofoam, governed by surface free energy, can be modified by using various agents. - 75 -
Session 6 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:30 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 7 presentations-Topic: “Building and Energy” Session Chair: Prof. Zoltán Pásztory
F1067 Presentation 5 (15:45~16:00) Compressive Strength and Drying Shrinkage of Alkali-activated Fly Ash/Slag Mortars Maochieh Chi, Weichung Yeih, Jiangjhy Chang and Kuochung Tsou National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan Abstract- This study investigates the compressive strength and drying shrinkage of alkali-activated fly ash/slag mortars (AFSM). The liquid sodium silicate with modulus ratios (mass ratio of SiO2 to Na2O) of 2.5 were used as alkaline activators to alkali-activate fly ash and slag with various ratios of 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, 80/20 for fly ash to slag and liquid-to-binder ratios of 0.5 and 0.6. Test results showed that the compressive strengths decreased with an increase of FA and liquid-to-binder ratio for all AFSM. At the age 28 days, M5A (AFSM with fly ash/slag ratios of 50/50) has the highest compressive strength of 76.2 MPa. The drying shrinkage rate decreased with an increase of FA. At the age of 28 days, the drying shrinkage rate of M5D (AFSM with fly ash/slag ratios of 80/20) is 43.33 × 10-4, which has the lowest drying shrinkage rate for all AFSM. Based on the test result, both the fly ash/slag ratio and the liquid-to-binder ratio have a significant influence on the compressive strength and drying shrinkage rate of AFSM.
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Session 6 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:30 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 7 presentations-Topic: “Building and Energy” Session Chair: Prof. Zoltán Pásztory
F1028 Presentation 6 (16:00~16:15) CO2 sequestration potential of log homes Z Pásztory, T Hegedűs, Z Börcsök Innovation Center, University of Sopron, Hungary Abstract- Beside the reduction of greenhouse gas emission the adsorption and bounding of carbon dioxide is also an important issue to protect the environment from irreversible harms. By photosynthesis produced wood material mostly built up from the CO2 content of the atmosphere and it is stored until burning or natural decay of the material. Log homes sequester significant amount of wood for longer time and the amount in cubic meter and the carbon dioxide equivalence were examined in this case study. Wood content of 80 log homes were investigated and the average of 35.28 m3 was found. The average stored carbon dioxide per log homes was 31 tons, and there is slight difference between one and two storied buildings 0.214 and 0.284 tons of equivalent carbon dioxide per layout square meter respectively. The ceiling height influences the wood content of the building significantly and the variation is higher in the case of two-storied buildings.
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Session 6 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:30 Venue: E building, E 4(4th Floor) 7 presentations-Topic: “Building and Energy” Session Chair: Prof. Zoltán Pásztory
F1016 Presentation 7 (16:15~16:30) Massive arrival of low-cost and low-consuming sensors in buildings: towards new building energy services B.Delinchant, H.A. Dang1, H.T.T Vu2, and D.Q. Nguyen 1Hanoi University of Industry, Hanoi, Vietnam 2University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam Abstract- Building is one of the most consuming sector with 5 MWh per person per year. Building energy efficiency is already addressed by countries policies but is still a topic of research. In our paper, we are addressing a new way of improving energy consumption in building, based on Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is synonymous of increase of the amount and accessibility of measurements. How is this impressive growth possible? How to use these new data to reduce building energy consumption and bring new energy performance services? IoT technologies are analysed and future tendencies are proposed. Our analysis is illustrated on the experience acquired within 2 smart building research and teaching platforms, one in Grenoble France, and the other in Hanoi, Vietnam. These research platform aim at improving energy efficiency and sobriety, and prepare building to energy grid services.
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Session 7 Tips: The schedule for each presentation is for reference only. In order not to miss your presentation, we strongly suggest that you attend the whole session.
Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:45 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 8 presentations-Topic: “Electrical and Electronic Engineering” Session Chair:
to be added
F1018 Presentation 1 (14:45~15:00) A New V-MOSFET High-Power Single-Ended WPT System with International-Standard Operating Frequency T Nomoto, H Omori, K Sakamoto, H Michikoshi, N Kimura and T Morizane Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka, Japan Abstract- In this paper, a high- power single-ended wireless EV charger with a development of new SiC-VMOSFET is described. In the first place, the circuit configuration of a wireless EV charging system operating on a single device is described. In the second place, loss evaluations of SiC-IEMOSFET (Implantation & Epitaxial MOSFET) and Si-IGBT in a wireless EV charger under international standard frequency operation are compared with each other. Indicated is that SiC-MOSFET is suitable for single-ended 85kHz band wireless EV chargers. Furthermore, the drive circuit is optimized from a view point of loss reduction. In the third place, discussed is a high-power single-ended wireless EV charger with a newly developed SiC-VMOSFET (V-groove trench MOSFET). Transfer power of 3kW is required for a practical normal type EV charging and a high voltage devise of 1700V withstand voltage is necessary for a 3kW single-ended wireless EV charger. Indicated is that a newly developed SiC-VMOSFET is the solution of loss problem that increases with high withstand voltage. Described are experimental results of power devise losses in a developed 3kW single-ended wireless power transfer converter.
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Session 7 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:45 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 8 presentations-Topic: “Electrical and Electronic Engineering” Session Chair:
to be added
F1010 A Presentation 2 (15:00~15:15) A Study of Different Geometry Core Patterns for Transformers Himanshu, Hee-Je Kim Pusan National University, Republic of Korea Abstract- Magnetic flux of transformer varies with input power source, materials, shapes and patterns of cores. In this letter, series of experiments is performed on all possible patterns of the ferrite core material such as single bar, ladder, vertical square loop, toroidal, toroidal ring, ring loop bar patterns. From experimental data measured at different frequencies and varied voltages. The best performances recorded are in toroidal and vertical square loop respectively. Alternatively toroidal transformer results get affected if another ferrite bar comes in close proximity, exhibiting that it can be controlled externally. This concept is supported by AC power source, sine and square waves function generator at laboratory experiments.
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Session 7 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:45 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 8 presentations-Topic: “Electrical and Electronic Engineering” Session Chair: to be added
F1022 Presentation 3 (15:15~15:30) A Super-Rapid 30seconds-Charging Electric Scooter System with Ultra-Capacitors K Kawashima, H Omori, N Kimura, T Morizane Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka, Japan Abstract- This paper focus on power electric motor driven scooter using Electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC). The newly developed motorcycle is highly efficient, friendly for environment, and lead the solution of global environmental problems including energy resources shortage. In this paper, a new EDLC electric scooter with next generation power supply system is described. Proposed is a new super- rapid charging electric scooter system with ultra-capacitors (EDLC : Electric Double Layer Capacitor), which offers a solution to the problem of very long charging time for the conventional system. The newly developed system can charge an energy storage stack of EDLCs in the electric scooter within only 30 seconds. Considering the cost minimum strategy in actual development and production, we select a parallel configuration of the basic unit of 3kW converter for 6kW system. Design flow and experimental results of prototype evaluation are explained and discussed.
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Session 7 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:45 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 8 presentations-Topic: “Electrical and Electronic Engineering” Session Chair: to be added
F1019 Presentation 4 (15:30~15:45) Controlled Diode Clamped in Three-Level Voltage Boost T-Type Inverter Duc-Tri Do, Minh-Khai Nguyen, Thanh Hai-Quach, Myoung-Han Yoo, and Geum-Bae Cho Chosun University, South Korea Abstract- In this paper, controlled diode clamped in three level voltage boost T-Type inverter (CDC-qSBT2I) is presented. The proposed inverter not only inherits the advantages of traditional Quasi-SBIs (qSBIs) inverters but also has the unique features, use of less number of high power passive reactive elements in the intermediate network as well as isolated DC power supply which increases the system size. On the other hand, it is able to provide both voltage buck and boost and give required three phase three level AC output voltage in a single stage, the proposed topology has continuous input current and controlled diode clamped three level inverter to avoid the reverse recovery problem. Circuit analysis and simulation results of the proposed three-level CDC-qSBI are presented. A 600-W prototype based on a TMS320F28335 digital signal processor is built to verify the operating principle of the three-level CDC-qSBI.
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Session 7 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:45 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 8 presentations-Topic: “Electrical and Electronic Engineering” Session Chair:
to be added
F1015 Presentation 5 (15:45~16:00) An Optimum IPT EV Charging Design for Reduction of Human Exposure R Senju, H Omori, T Morizane and N Kimura Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka, Japan Abstract- Electric vehicles offer promise as an effective solution to environmental problems. In order to create a charging infrastructure by installing equipment in such as locations as carports in private homes, the wireless battery charging system is very suitable. Leakage magnetic field from the system should follow the guideline of magnetic exposure-the ICNIRP. This paper presents a new shielding method which reduces the magnetic field exposure dramatically though high efficiency of power transfer is maintained. In addition, described is the efficiency and leakage magnetic field of five types of power transfer coils with different structures in a magnetic resonant WPT system with a single-ended inverter. Four pairs of square coils have been formed, so as to compare the efficiency and magnetic field reducing effects by simulation.
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Session 7 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:45 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 8 presentations-Topic: “Electrical and Electronic Engineering” Session Chair:
to be added
F1012A Presentation 6 (16:00~16:15) 4T Analog MOS control-High Voltage High Frequency (HVHF) Plasma Switching Power Supply for Water Purification in Industrial applications T.N.V. Krishna, P. Sathishkumar, P. Himasree, Dinah Punnoose, K.V.G. Raghavendra, Himanshu, Bandari Naresh, R.A. Rana and Hee-Je Kim Pusan National University, Republic of Korea Abstract- The high-power plasma power supply is very useful for many industrial and medical applications. Plasma is generated artificially in the laboratory or industry by applying the electric or magnetic field. In this manuscript, we presented the simple 4T analog MOS control high voltage high frequency inverter circuit as a plasma power supply using modulation index technique. The presented plasma power supply operated at 25 kHz frequency and 10kV peak to peak voltage. It generates 0V to 10kV controllable electric field. The generated electric field is applied and produces the plasma which can be used for many industrial applications. A 10kV- 5kW plasma power supply has been practically developed based on the proposed topology and experimentally tested and additionally, the excellent output power conversion efficiency is achieved. From these results, the 4T analog MOS control HVHF plasma switching power supply is verified.
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Session 7 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:45 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 8 presentations-Topic: “Electrical and Electronic Engineering” Session Chair:
to be added
F1020 Presentation 7 (16:15~16:30) PWM control method to Eliminate Common Mode Voltage in three level T-Type Inverters Vinh-Thanh Tran, Thanh Hai-Quach, Duc-Tri Do, Youn-Ok Choi, Pan-Gum jung, and Geum-Bae Cho Chosun University, South Korea Abstract- In this paper, Common-mode voltage (CMV) is responsible for overvoltage stress to the winding insulation and bearing damage of an AC motor. High dv/dt of CMV causes leakage currents, which create noise problems to the equipments installed near the converter. This paper presented modulation strategy to eleminate CMV three level T-Type inverter (Zero CMV 3L T2I) that substantially eliminates CMV. The principles of selecting suitable triangle carrier signals for the T-Type is described. This PWM control method can mitigate the peak value to 95% as compared to the conventional sinusoidal pulse width modulation method. A prototype is constructed to verify the operating principle of the three-level T-Type inverter. Simulation and experimental results are presented.
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Session 7 Afternoon, February 27, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 14:45~16:45 Venue: E building, E 3.2(3rd Floor) 8 presentations-Topic: “Electrical and Electronic Engineering” Session Chair:
to be added
F1008 Presentation 8 (16:30~16:45) An Innovative Wireless V2H Apparatus with a Unique Single-Ended Dual-Active Converter A Yamamoto, H Omori, M Tsuno, N Kimura and T Morizane Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka, Japan Abstract- This paper deals with bidirectional WPT apparatus for V2H using simple and compact single-ended converters with a new control method. Firstly, the operation of bidirectional wireless power transmission and the configuration of the wireless V2H system is illustrated. Secondly, a design strategy for satisfying the target specifications is described. Then, problems about stability of operating frequency and robustness to power component variation are discussed from a practical view point. Revealed is that the transfer power is essentially decided by phase difference between the power feeding and receiving circuit. Therefore, proposed is a variable-power constant-frequency single-ended bidirectional converter with a dual-active phase-shift control. The proposed system can easily satisfy the specified frequency band of international standards. Furthermore, the proposed system secures the stability of the power transfer operation against the variation of parameters. Finally, described is a practical phase-shift control circuit, and experimental results indicate superior features of the proposed method.
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One Day Academic Visit February 28, 2019 (Thursday) 10:00~17:00 (Tip: Please arrive at “Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City” at 9:50 a.m. The following places are for references, and the final schedule should be adjusted to the actual notice.) 1.
10:00 Academic Visit in Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
2. 3.
12:00 Lunch 14:00 The Independence Palace
The Independence Palace was declared to be a National Cultural and Historical Relic in 1976 (in 77A/VHQD Decision dated June 25th, 1976 by the Minister of Culture) and designated as one of the very first ten National Special Relics in August 2009 (1272/QD-TTg Decision dated August 12th, 2009 by Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam) In 1858, French Colonialists opened fire to attack Da Nang starting a war to invade Vietnam. In 1867, the French completely occupied six provinces of the South (Bien Hoa, Gia Dinh, Dinh Tuong, Vinh Long, An Giang, Ha Tien). In 1868, the French Government started to have designed and built at the center of Saigon a palace used as the Governor General's Palace and named it NORODOM's Palace.
17:00 Back to the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
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