C3RF response is this conference. A second is an ... Impacts of M-103 on Free Speech - Clare Lopez (4:35-4:55). Thank Yo
Conference Schedule
Partners Thank you to all of our partners for your support.
O Canada - Lily Wang (1:00-1:02) Introduction - David Nitkin (1:02-1:05) What is Islamophobia? - Deborah Weiss (1:05-1:25) Heritage Committee - Madeline Weld (1:25-1:35) Video World Premiere: M-103: Islamophobia Cure or Sharia Trap? - Leo Adler (1:35-1:45) The Prime Minister and Political Leadership - Tom Quiggin (1:45-2:05) M-103: I SLAMOPHOBIA C URE OR S HARIA TRAP?
Impacts on Muslims - Raheel Raza (2:05-2:20)
The Founding Members of C3RF welcome you to this important conference. Some of you are here in Toronto, others at simulcast satellite centres, and still others participating at home by remote feed. The speakers you see, hear, and talk to today believe that Canadians face a real threat from Motion M-103. Freedom of speech and one law for all will be under threat if M-103 is implemented unevenly, poorly, and without open consultation by the Heritage Committee.
- Break (Lobby) - (2:20-2:40) Lessons Learned Internationally - Dr Gad Saad (2:20-2:40) Impacts on Women - Anni Cyrus (2:40-3:00) Impacts on Muslims - Tarek Fatah (3:00-3:15) Media Apathy or Media Politics - Anthony Furey (3:15-3:30) - Break (Lobby) - (3:30-3:50) Education and Freedom of Speech - Bill Warner (3:30-3:50) Impacts on LGBTQ - Yusuf Celik, Ben Dichter, Sue-Ann Levy (3:50-4:35) Impacts of M-103 on Free Speech - Clare Lopez (4:35-4:55) TAZPIT PRESS SERVICE
Thank You - Valerie Price (4:55) Speaker Spotlight Sessions: Meet and Ask Questions Media Interview Room
12:30 Madeline Weld / Leo Adler
1:00 Raheel Raza
1:30 Ben Dichter / Yusuf Celik
2:00 Deborah Weiss
2:30 Tom Quiggin
3:00 Sue-Ann Levy
3:30 Tarek Fatah
4:00 Anthony Furey
4:30 Anni Cyrus
5:00 Clare Lopez
Founding Members David Nitkin Loretta Levinson Valerie Price Raheel Raza
Teresa Reinhart Andria Spindel Irving Weisdorf Madeline Weld
Those who have lived under "Islamophobia" or blasphemy laws know what the word means in international law, how it is promoted by the Muslim Brotherhood, how it is enforced by countries within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and what it portends to a chill of legitimate freedom of expression and freedom of speech rights in Canada. The Heritage Committee has refused to invite C3RF to appear as a witness, or to hold public hearings across the country. One C3RF response is this conference. A second is an array of meetings, social media efforts and advocacy initiatives to persuade Parliament that fear of mutah marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM), wife beating, killing gays and lesbians, and introducing Sharia law in Canada isn't irrational, or racist, or phobic. A third response is to bypass the Heritage Committee - to produce a C3RF video that is being premiered today that will be sent to all MPs and Senators about M-103, as well as the media, not just the Heritage Committee. Join us. Welcome to a day of inspiration and responsible thought. David Nitkin, Conference Chair
Speaker Biographies - for complete, detailed biographies, go to https://www.canadiancitizens.org/conference-speakers Leo Adler Leo Adler, criminal lawyer, is also a professor and author. He has appeared before various boards and tribunals and at inquests, and acted as counsel in extradition matters, trials and administrative and quasi-criminal hearings. Mr. Adler was appointed by the Canadian Government to the Cross-Cultural Roundtable on National Security to review the Anti-Terrorism Act and assess its impact upon society. Yusuf Celik Yusuf Celik, at 14 years old, ended his religious instruction in Turkey due to a conflict between his sexuality and the imam’s speeches. Now an openly gay Muslim, Celik has a Masters in International Relations focused on Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution. Anni Cyrus Anni Cyrus is a survivor of forced child marriage, imprisonment, rape, torture, beatings, and whippings in her native Iran. Now exMuslim, Cyrus is an American citizen who challenges the media bias and political correctness which mask the threat of Islam. Benjamin Dichter Benjamin Dichter, chairman and co-founder of LGBTory, works for rights and freedoms and to raise awareness of the plight of LGBT communities in Islamic countries. Through LGBTory, he has built alliances across Canada and the United States through groups like the Log Cabin Republicans. Tarek Fatah Tarek Fatah, award-winning author, columnist, and television talk show host, deals with contemporary issues of Islam, Islamism, and the challenges facing Muslims worldwide. Following 9/11, Fatah founded the Muslim Canadian Congress that was instrumental in defeating Islamists who wanted to introduce Sharia Law in the Canadian judicial system as parallel family law courts. Anthony Furey Anthony Furey is a national columnist for Canada’s Sun newspaper chain and has written for TIME, NY Daily News, and
Literary Review of Canada. He regularly appears on talk radio and is featured on news channels. He has recently released Pulse Attack: The Real Story Behind The Secret Weapon That Can Destroy North America, about electromagnetic pulse warfare. Sue-Ann Levy Sue-Ann Levy is an award winning investigative reporter and Readers Choice news writer. She advocates for the poor, the homeless, the vulnerable, and the elderly. Sue-Ann's first book, Underdog: Confessions of a Right-Wing, Gay Jewish Muckraker, was released in 2016. Clare Lopez Clare Lopez, consultant, intelligence analyst, and researcher for a variety of defense firms, was a career operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, a professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, and a member of the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security. Lopez has co-authored several books including The Tiger Team’s “The Secure Freedom Strategy: A Plan for Victory Over the Global Jihad Movement" and “See No Shariah: ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ and the Disarming of America’s First Line of Defense” with Frank Gaffney, CSP President. David Nitkin David is an internationally-known ethicist and teacher. As a corporate responsibility professional, and president of EthicScan Canada, he has served many public and private sector clients. He serves in community leadership roles for Canadians for the Rule of Law, the Muslim-Jewish Dialogue, IsraelAA.ca (the Israel Activist Alliance of Canada), Canadian Friends of Tazpit, and StopSponsoringHatred.com. Thomas Quiggin Thomas Quiggin, (M.A, C.D.) is a court qualified expert on terrorism and “the reliability of intelligence as evidence”. His 25 plus years of practical intelligence experience include: the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia, the International War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (The Hague), and the Privy Council Office of Canada.
Raheel Raza Raheel Raza, an award winning journalist, public speaker, and advocate for human rights, gender equality and dignity in diversity is a leading global voice against Radical extremism. Accredited with UNHRC in Geneva, Raza bridges the gap between East and West, promoting cultural and religious diversity. Dr. Gad Saad Dr. Gad Saad’s Psychology Today blog (Homo Consumericus) and YouTube channel (THE SAAD TRUTH) have garnered over 4.5 million and 7.7 million total views respectively. In addition to his scientific work, Dr. Saad often writes and speaks about topics as varied as postmodernism, radical feminism, cultural and moral relativism, political correctness, the thought police, and Islam. Dr. Bill Warner Bill Warner, Ph.D. is a highly respected expert on political Islam, ie. that part of Islamic doctrine which concerns the non-Muslim. He uses his training in scientific theory and mathematics to organize Islamic doctrine in a manner that can be easily understood by non-Muslims. Deborah Weiss Deborah Weiss, attorney, author, and public speaker specializing in free speech and terrorism-related issues, is a survivor of the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York City and an expert in the “Defamation of Religions” UN resolutions, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and CAIR. Madeline Weld Madeline Weld is president of Population Institute Canada, a non-profit organization that promotes awareness of the impact of human population growth on society and the environment. She serves on the board of Canadian Humanist Publications (CHP), is a co-editor of Humanist Perspectives, and is a founding member of C3RF.
Public Engagement There are many approaches you can use to engage in public advocacy to protect free speech in Canada that reject Islamophobia, hate speech, or intolerance from the extreme right or left. Here are only a few suggestions. Please feel free to add to this list and to share your thoughts with C3RF. • Write e-mails on an ongoing basis, to your Member of Parliament and to candidates of other political parties in your riding who want your vote. • Ask for meetings with him/her and with members of the opposition in your own riding to express your concerns. Alert them to the fact that you speak for others in your riding. Do involve the Office Manager/ Policy Advisor who will likely read your material and brief upwards. If your presentation is effective, your material and concerns will likely be shared. • Join your Electoral District Association and get involved in community work that engages others on this critical issue to safeguard Canada’s future. • Meet with and talk to your MP’s Chief of Staff and staff members. Engage with them and with everyone you can – on an ongoing basis - about the urgent need to safeguard our freedom of speech – including in the media, in arts and culture, on web-sites, etc., under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Explain the redundancy of M-103. • Ask questions calmly; do not ‘attack’. The wrong tone of voice or body language will offend and will ensure that your own credibility and future access are destroyed. Rather than appearing to ‘lecture’ our MP or his/her staff, pose well-organized constructive questions designed to elicit positive undertakings.
• Sample comments/questions to evoke discussion: “May I share with you who coined the term ‘Islamphobia’?” What does it mean for free speech (blasphemy laws) in the 40 countries where it is law? Why do you think Islamophobia is the same as antiSemitism? Why are so many secular, progressive and moderate Muslims terrified by the thought that Sharia law would be implemented here in Canada? Why do you think Muslims are at risk of hates crimes – they are three times more numerous than Jews, yet suffer one third the number of hate crimes? Is it true that the most reported and verified hate crimes are against Jews than people of colour than gays and only further down the list are Muslims?” • Ensure that your listener understands the distinction between freedom of speech and expression, versus hate-incitement (e.g. by radical Islamists, neo-Nazis, KKK, white supremacists, BLM, racists, and others – including orally on the web, and in social media). • Volunteer to work for the political party that shares your perspectives - if even by stuffing envelopes and making phone calls. • Organize get-togethers “over coffee” to discuss the above and other strategies with your friends, families and colleagues. • Participate in such get-togethers, webinars, seminars, and conferences – such as those coordinated by C3RF. • Support political candidates who share your perspectives - with financial donations and volunteer time. • Support volunteer and charitable organizations that share your perspectives - with financial donations and volunteer time, and stay informed by reading their regular briefs. • Stay informed by subscribing online to UN Watch, Middle East Forum, Palestinian Media Watch, Jihad Watch, Gatestone, ACT! For Canada, B’nai Brith, CIJA, etc.
• Talk to others. The majority of the public is illinformed about M-103. Many of us have personal credibility among our workmates, book clubs, activity groups, houses of worship and friends. Find opportunities to download and offer them the C3RF pamphlet “What is M-103?”. Share your concerns with them, ensuring that they understand the sort and long term losses to Canadians rights and freedoms if limits to our rights to express ourselves in any form is furthered through motions, petitions and legislation. • Write letters to the press; call in to radio shows. Express your concerns and perspectives. • Write to your MPPs, City officials, and call them on a regular basis. • Sign on-petitions that call for equal consideration for all Canadians, without singling out any, identifiable group for special consideration. • Remain engaged and informed. Encourage your families and friends to do the same on an ongoing basis. Those who say “well, what can one person do?” need only look to Raoul Wallenberg, Chiune Sugihara, Irena Sendler, Martin Luther King. Remind them how much time they spend on personal activities and how 15 minutes of public advocacy each week, by hundreds of people, does make a difference. Remind them that if they do nothing, or “rely on others to do the right thing”, they may be offering tacit support to those with whom they disagree – to those who represent a threat to their grand-children’s rights and freedoms. • Commit to stay engaged for the rest of your lives. Read even when you’re on holiday. You may “take a vacation” but the radicals who want to harm us, do not. Stay informed. Read from many news sources, so as to learn others’ perspectives. • Don’t give up, even when you’re tired or demoralized. Stay informed.
C3RF Merchandise
Event Planning and Organizing Team Thank you to all of our volunteers for your time and help. CHAIR: David Nitkin PLANNING COMMITTEE: Toba Balaban, Etta Kaner, Valerie Price C3RF WEBSITE: David Stambler SOCIAL MEDIA: Andy Halway, Chantal Karkour, Teresa Reinhart, Dianne Zeifman PRINT MEDIA: Shirley Anne Haber, Loretta Levinson PRINTING: Mozuud: Irving Weisdorf and Debbie Rose NATIONAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM: Marshall Garland PROGRAM SPONSORSHIPS AND PARTNERSHIPS: Barry Stork PRESENTATION VIDEO TO HERITAGE COMMITTEE: Leo Adler, Madeline Weld PATRONS: Robert Grant, The Hardware Flooring Stores UNIVERSITY FREE SPEECH ORGANIZATION PARTNERS: Priyank D'sa, Noam Siboni MERCHANDISE SALES: Ralph Goldfinger SECURITY: Meir Weinstein HOSPITALITY: Etta Kaner OTTAWA SATELLITE CO-ORDINATOR: Stephanie Haines MARITIME SATELLITE CO-ORDINATOR: Adrien Bordage CALGARY SATELLITE CO-ORDINATOR: Stephen Garvey NATIONAL SATELLITE PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR: Andria Spindel AV PRODUCTION: Nathan Kordyjaka eTHERElive, James Barnard
Merchandise - C3RF Learning Circle We have a selection of hats, t-shirts, polo shirts, and hoodies which can be ordered on our website and mailed to you. 35% of the proceeds go to support conference costs, and are a great way to show your support. Simply email us using the buttons provided to arrange purchase, and let us know how many of each item you'd like and in what size and colour. Note: HST and shipping charges are in addition to the base prices below. To order, please scan the code on the right or visit this web page: https://www.canadiancitizens.org/learningcircle-merchandise HATS - $9.50 - includes embroidered logo
T-SHIRTS - $9.50 for SM-XL, $12.50 for 2XL-5XL
POLO SHIRTS - $17.95 - Men's S-4XL, Women's XS-2XL - includes embroidered logo
HOODIES - $33.95 - Men's S-4XL, Women's XS-2XL