A non-congruence-distributive example of Corollary 27 is Polin's variety P from [27]. This is a finitely generated variety of type {3} (Exercise 9.20(6) of [14]).
Lattice Theory and its Applications K.A. Baker, R. Wille (eds.) Heldermann Verlag 1995 63–78
Congruence Lattices of Congruence Semidistributive Algebras Ralph Freese, Keith Kearnes and J. B. Nation ∗ University of Hawaii and Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
Dedicated to Garrett Birkhoff on his Eightieth Birthday
Nearly twenty years ago, two of the authors wrote a paper on congruence lattices of semilattices [9]. The problem of finding a really useful characterization of congruence lattices of finite semilattices seemed too hard for us, so we went on to other things. Thus when Steve Seif asked one of us at the October 1990 meeting of the AMS in Amherst what we had learned in the meantime, the answer was nothing. But Seif’s question prompted us to return to the subject, and we soon found that we had missed at least one nice property: the congruence lattice of a finite semilattice is an upper bounded homomorphic image of a free lattice. This strengthens the well-known fact that congruence lattices of semilattices satisfy the meet semidistributive law SD∧ . It turns out that this result admits a striking generalization: if V is a variety of algebras whose congruence lattices are meet semidistributive, then the congruence lattices of finite algebras in V are upper bounded homomorphic images of a free lattice. The proof of this theorem takes us into the realm of tame congruence theory, and with modest additional effort we are able to find strong restrictions on the structure of the lattice Lv (W) of subvarieties of an arbitrary locally finite variety W. Stimulated by Viktor Gorbunov’s talk at the Jónsson Symposium in Iceland in July 1990, and the corresponding draft of [12] which he provided us, we went on to ask if this type of result might apply to lattices of quasivarieties. It is known that the lattice Lq (K) of all quasivarieties contained in a quasivariety K satisfies SD∨ [11], and the improved (finite) version states that if K is a locally finite quasivariety of finite type and Lq (K) is finite, then it is a lower bounded homomorphic image of a free lattice. There are natural generalizations of this theorem for varieties which are not locally finite. Perhaps an analogy with the modular and Arguesian laws provides a good way to interpret these results. Dedekind devised the modular law to capture the permutability of normal subgroup lattices, but the Arguesian law is now recognized to be a more accurate reflection of this property. Similarly, congruence lattices of semilattices satisfy SD∧ , but (at least in the finite case) upper boundedness is a stronger property which provides a better description of their structure. As the Arguesian law is not sufficient to characterize normal subgroup lattices, neither does lower boundedness characterize congruence lattices of finite semilattices. Nonetheless, the Arguesian law and upper boundedness, respectively, play a significant role in refining our understanding of these classes of lattices. Since completing the draft of this paper, we learned of significant progress on the ∗
This research was supported in part by NSF Grants DMS–9204481 (Freese) and DMS 87–03540 (Nation).
R. Freese, K. Kearnes, J. B. Nation: Congruence Semidistributive Algebras
Siberian front. In particular, K. V. Adaricheva has found a characterization of subalgebra lattices of finite semilattices [1], and her results imply some of our results. Likewise, Gorbunov was aware of our elementary theorems on quasivariety lattices, as consequences of his deeper work on the subject. The main new results in this paper are in Theorems 23, 31 and 42. For purposes of exposition, we have decided to keep the proofs of some of the overlapping results in this paper, but we will try to indicate when these results were found independently.
Lower bounded lattices
Let us begin by reviewing the basic definition and properties of finite lower bounded lattices. These come from [5], [16], and [21]; other fundamental results about this class can be found in [10] and [24]. The dual notion is called upper bounded. We need a series of definitions. A lattice homomorphism h : K → L is called a lower bounded homomorphism if for each a ∈ L, {x ∈ K : h(x) ≥ a} is either empty or else has a least element, denoted β(a). Note that the domain of β is an ideal I of L, and β : I → K is a join homomorphism. A subset C ⊆ K isSa lower pseudo-interval if it is a union of intervals with a common least element, C = [a, bi ]. If C ⊆ K is a lower pseudo-interval, the Day doubling construction yields the lattice K[C] with universe K − C ∪ (C × {0, 1}), endowed with the natural order. Let LD denote the smallest class of finite lattices containing all finite distributive lattices and closed under the doubling of lower pseudo-intervals. If L is a finite lattice, let J(L) denote the set of (nonzero) join irreducible elements of L. For subsets A, B ⊆ L, define A B if for each a ∈ A there exists b ∈ B with a ≤ b. Using this, for k ∈ ω we define subsets Dk (L) ⊆ J(L) as follows. D0 (L) is the set of all join-prime elements of L.W Given Dk (L), we define Dk+1 (L) to be the set of all p ∈ J(L) suchWthat whenever p ≤ B and p 6≤ b for all b ∈ B, then there exists A B such that p ≤ A and A ⊆ Dk (L). Closely related to the subsets Dk (L) is the dependence relation D on J(L). For distinct elements p, q ∈ J(L), let p D q if there exists x ∈ L such that p ≤ q ∨ x but p 6≤ q∗ ∨ x, where q∗ denotes the unique lower cover of q. A D-cycle in L is a sequence p0 , p1 , . . . , pn−1 of distinct elements in J(L) such that p0 D p1 D . . . Dpn−1 D p0 . The dual of the dependence relation, defined on M(L), will be denoted by Dd . With these definitions assembled, we can state the basic theorem. Theorem 1. For a finite lattice L, the following are equivalent. 1. There exists a finite set X and a lower bounded epimorphism f : F L(X) L. 2. For every finitely generated lattice K, every homomorphism h : K → L is lower bounded. 3. L ∈ LD, i.e., L can be obtained from a distributive lattice by a sequence of doublings of lower pseudo-intervals. 4. Dk (L) = J(L) for some k ∈ ω. 5. L contains no D-cycle. A finite lattice is called lower bounded if it satisfies these properties, and upper bounded if it has the dual properties. A lattice which is both upper and lower bounded is called bounded. If L is lower bounded and p ∈ J(L), the D-rank of p is the least r such that p ∈ Dr (L).
R. Freese, K. Kearnes, J. B. Nation: Congruence Semidistributive Algebras
It is not hard to see, using (1) and the fact that β is a join homomorphism, that a lower bounded lattice inherits the property x ∨ y = x ∨ z implies x ∨ y = x ∨ (y ∧ z)
(SD∨ )
from free lattices. Likewise, an upper bounded lattice satisfies the dual property (SD∧ ). The lattice of convex subsets of a four-element chain (Figure 1) provides an example of a lattice which satisfies (SD∨ ) but is not lower bounded.
Figure 1: Co 4 At one point we get to use a beautiful result of Alan Day [5] (see [16], [23]). Theorem 2. A finite lower bounded lattice which satisfies SD∧ is also upper bounded.
Congruence lattices of finite semilattices
The next lemma, from our old paper [9], provides a useful tool for working with congruence lattices of semilattices. Note that if T = hT ; ∧i is a finite meet semilattice and a, b ∈ T are elements with a common upper bound, then they have a least upper bound, which we will denote by a + b. Thus + is in general a partial operation on T , and T ∗ = hT ; +, 0i is a partial algebra with a constant. Lemma 3. If T is a finite meet semilattice, then Con T is dually isomorphic to the subalgebra lattice Sub T ∗ . Indeed, the +–subalgebra corresponding to a congruence θ is the set of all minimum elements of θ-classes. It is convenient to always work using this duality. In these terms, the old result is that Sub T ∗ is a point lattice satisfying SD∨ ; this implies that it is dually semimodular. The basic new claim (also in Adaricheva [1]) is the following. Theorem 4. Sub T ∗ is a lower bounded lattice. We will give two proofs, the first using property (5) of Theorem 1, and the second using (3). First Proof. It is easy to see that the join irreducible subalgebras of T ∗ are exactly those of the form a = {a, 0} for 0 6= a ∈ T . Moreover, in Sub T ∗ we have a ≤ X ∨ Y if and only if a = x + y for some x ∈ X, y ∈ Y . Hence a D b holds if and only if a = b + x for some x ∈ T with b and x incomparable. In particular, a D b implies a > b, so there are no D-cycles in Sub T ∗ . By (5), Sub T ∗ is lower bounded.
R. Freese, K. Kearnes, J. B. Nation: Congruence Semidistributive Algebras
Refining this argument, one can show by induction that if a is an element of height k in T , then a ∈ Dk−1 (Sub T ∗ ), so that property (4) holds. Second Proof. Let t be maximal in T . Then we can map Sub T ∗ onto Sub (T − {t})∗ by ρ(A) = A ∩ (T − {t}). It is straightforward to check, using the maximality of t, that ρ is a homomorphism. A subalgebra B of T − {t} has one or two preimages, depending on whether or not t is a join of elements of B. Thus Sub T ∗ is obtained from Sub (T −{t})∗ by doubling all the subalgebras B which are also subalgebras of (T − {t})∗ , and this is a union of ideals. (Note that every atom gets doubled!) By induction Sub (T − {t})∗ ∈ LD, and hence Sub T ∗ ∈ LD. Combining Lemma 3 and Theorem 4, we obtain the desired result for congruence lattices of semilattices. Corollary 5. If S is a finite semilattice, then Con S is an upper bounded lattice. K. V. Adaricheva proved Theorem 4 independently [1], and added a partial converse: every finite lower bounded lattice can be embedded into Sub S for some finite semilattice S. Note that her theorem implies our result in [9] that congruence lattices of semilattices satisfy no nontrivial lattice identity. Following this line of thought, V. B. Repnitzkii has announced the following extended version of this result. Theorem 6. The following are equivalent for a finite lattice L. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
L is L is L is L is L is L is
lower bounded. embeddable in the embeddable in the embeddable in the embeddable in the embeddable in the
subsemigroup lattice subsemigroup lattice subsemigroup lattice subsemigroup lattice subsemigroup lattice
of of of of of
a free semigroup. a free commutative semigroup. an infinite cyclic group. a finite semilattice. a finite nilpotent semigroup.
As mentioned earlier, Adaricheva also characterized those lattices which can be represented as Sub S with S a finite semilattice ([1], see also [2]). However, there are partial join semilattices T = hT ; +, 0i such that Sub T cannot be represented as Sub S for any semilattice S, the simplest such example being the partial join semilattice given in Figure 2. So her characterization of the subalgebra lattices of finite semilattices does not automatically give a dual characterization of their congruence lattices. As far as we know, this problem remains open, though it is quite likely that the same methods will apply.
Figure 2: Seif’s original question was prompted by his investigation of congruence lattices of certain types of semigroups. In particular, he has found a nice description of Con S × G, where S is a finite semilattice and G a finite group, and the product is regarded as a semigroup [28]. Using this, we can extend Corollary 5 as follows. Theorem 7. If S is a finite semilattice and G a finite group with Con G distributive, then Con S × G is an upper bounded lattice.
R. Freese, K. Kearnes, J. B. Nation: Congruence Semidistributive Algebras
Perhaps more naturally, Corollary 5 can also be applied to the trace and kernel decomposition of congruences of an inverse semigroup. Corollary 8. If S is a finite inverse semigroup, then the lattice of normal congruences of ES is an upper bounded lattice. Corollary 9. Let Bn be the variety of all inverse semigroups satisfying x n+1 ≈ x n . For each finite semigroup S ∈ Bn , Con S is an upper bounded lattice.
A quick review of tame congruence theory
In order to generalize Corollary 5, we will need to make heavy use of tame congruence theory. The primary reference for this is of course the book of David Hobby and Ralph McKenzie [14]. In this section we will briefly review the parts of tame congruence theory which we will need in the sequel; except where otherwise noted, everything in this section comes directly from [14]. Throughout this section, all algebras are finite. Recall that given an algebra A and a subset U ⊆ A, we can form the algebra A|U with universe U, whose operations are all f ∈ Pol A with respect to which U is closed. Let E = {e ∈ Pol1 A : e2 = e}. The following famous fundamental fact is from P. P. Pálfy and P. Pudlák [25] and, for later reference, does not require that A be finite. Theorem 10. Let U = e(A) for some e ∈ E. Then the natural restriction map ρ : Con A → Con A|U given by ρ(θ) = θ|U is a complete lattice epimorphism. For α < β in Con A, let U(α, β) = {f (A) : f ∈ Pol1 A and f (β) 6⊆ α} and let M(α, β) denote the collection of minimal members of U(α, β) with respect to set inclusion. These latter are called hα, βi-minimal sets. Clearly, if U ∈ M(α, β) and f is a unary polynomial with f (U) ⊆ U, then either f |U is a permutation or f (β|U ) ⊆ α|U . For our purposes, it is not necessary to recall the definition of a tame quotient, but only to know that they are a generalization of prime quotients. Lemma 11. Prime quotients are tame in Con A. Let B, C be nonempty subsets of A. We say that B and C are polynomially isomorphic (B ' C) if there exist f , g ∈ Pol1 A such that f (B) = C, g(C) = B, f g = idC and gf = idB . Theorem 12. Let hα, βi be tame. The following are true. 1. U, V ∈ M(α, β) implies U ' V . 2. U ∈ M(α, β) implies there exists e ∈ E with e(A) = U. 3. U ∈ M(α, β), f ∈ Pol1 A and f (β|U ) 6⊆ α implies f (U) ∈ M(α, β) and f : U ' f (U). 4. For all f ∈ Pol1 A, f (β) 6⊆ α implies f : U ' f (U) for some U ∈ M(α, β). Tame congruence theory classifies the tame quotients of Con A into five types according to the structure of their minimal sets. Types 1 and 2 are abelian: hα, βi has one of these types if the algebra A/α satisfies the (β/α, β/α)-term condition. In terms of the (nonmodular) commutator, this means [β, β] ≤ α. Types 3, 4 and 5 are nonabelian: hα, βi has one of these types if [β, β] α. For our purposes, this distinction between abelian and nonabelian quotients suffices. We need to describe the structure of minimal sets for prime quotients of nonabelian type. Recall that an hα, βi-trace for a minimal set U ∈ M(α, β) is a set of the form (x/β)|U which intersects more than one α-class.
R. Freese, K. Kearnes, J. B. Nation: Congruence Semidistributive Algebras
Theorem 13. If U is an hα, βi-minimal set of type 3, 4 or 5, then it has a unique hα, βitrace N and there exists p ∈ Pol2 A such that 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
N = {1} ∪ O, where {1} and O are disjoint α|N -classes, N is closed under p, and (N/α, p) is the two-element meet semilattice, For all x ∈ U, p(x, 1) = p(1, x) = p(x, x) = x, For all x ∈ U − {1} and z ∈ O, p(x, z) α x α p(z, x), For all x, y ∈ U, p(x, p(x, y)) = p(x, y).
The polynomial p(x, y) in Theorem 13 is called a pseudo-meet operation for U. s Let ∼ be the equivalence relation on Con A generated by collapsing all abelian s prime quotients, i.e., ∼ is the reflexive, symmetric, transitive closure of {(α, β) : α ≺ s β and typ(α, β) ∈ {1, 2}. First, we note that ∼ collapses no more than it is supposed to. s
Lemma 14. For γ ≤ δ in Con A, we have γ ∼ δ if and only if for all γ ≤ α ≺ β ≤ γ, the quotient hα, βi is abelian. s
The next result explains our interest in ∼. s
Theorem 15. For any finite algebra A, the relation ∼ is a congruence on the lattice s s Con A, and Con A/ ∼ satisfies SD∧ . If in addition 5 ∉ typ{A}, then Con A/ ∼ satisfies both SD∧ and SD∨ . There are corresponding versions of this result for locally finite varieties. Theorem 16. Let V be a locally finite variety. Then Con A satisfies SD∧ for every A ∈ V if and only if typ{V} ⊆ {3, 4, 5}. Theorem 17. Let W be a locally finite variety. Then Con A satisfies SD∨ for every finite A ∈ W if and only if typ{W} ⊆ {3, 4}. Each of these two types of varieties can be characterized in several other interesting ways, including by Mal’cev conditions (see Chapter 9 of [14]).
Congruence lattices of neutral algebras
In this section we will be studying an arbitrarily chosen finite algebra which we denote A. All unspecified references to elements, congruences or operations are references to elements, congruences and operations of the algebra A. We will quasi-order prime quotients of Con A in the following way: say that hα, βi v hγ, δi if some hγ, δi-minimal set contains an hα, βi-minimal set. If some hγ, δi-minimal set contains an hα, βi-minimal set, then by Theorem 12(1) and 12(3) every hγ, δi-minimal set contains an hα, βi-minimal set. Hence v is indeed a quasi-order. We will write hα, βi ≈ hγ, δi and say that hα, βi and hγ, δi are equivalent if hα, βi v hγ, δi and hγ, δi v hα, βi. We will write hα, βi @ hγ, δi if hα, βi v hγ, δi, but hα, βi 6≈ hγ, δi. The following two lemmas summarize some elementary properties of the relations v and ≈, respectively. Lemma 18. For prime quotients hα, βi and hγ, δi in Con A, 1. hα, βi v hγ, δi holds if and only if α|U < β|U for some (hence every) U ∈ M(γ, δ); 2. Cg(γ, δ) ≤ Cg(α, β) in Con Con A implies hα, βi v hγ, δi.
R. Freese, K. Kearnes, J. B. Nation: Congruence Semidistributive Algebras
Proof. The “only if" part of (1) is obvious. Conversely, let U ∈ M(γ, δ) and suppose α|U < β|U . By Theorem 12(2), U = e(A) for some idempotent e ∈ E. Now Theorem 12(4) applies to yield that e : V ' e(V ) for some V ∈ M(α, β). Of course e(V ) ∈ M(α, β) and e(V ) ⊆ e(A) = U, so hα, βi v hγ, δi. To see (2), let U ∈ M(γ, δ) with say U = e(A) where e is idempotent. The restriction map ρ : Con A Con A|U is a lattice homomorphism with ρ(γ) = γ|U < δ|U = ρ(δ). Hence also ρ(α) 6= ρ(β), i.e., α|U < β|U . Thus by (1) we have hα, βi v hγ, δi. Lemma 19.
1. Perspective prime quotients in Con A are equivalent.
2. If ψ ≤ α ∧ γ, then the following are equivalent. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
hα, βi ≈ hγ, δi. M(α, β) = M(γ, δ). M(α/ψ, β/ψ) = M(γ/ψ, δ/ψ) in A/ψ. hα/ψ, β/ψi ≈ hγ/ψ, δ/ψi in Con A/ψ.
Proof. (1) is an immediate consequence of Lemma 18(2); it is also a special case of Exercise 2.19 (3) in [14]. (2) is straightforward using the definitions. The next lemma provides the crucial technical part of our argument. Lemma 20. Assume that h0, ϕi and hγ, δi are prime quotients in Con A. If typ(0, ϕ) ∈ {3, 4, 5} and h0, ϕi ≈ hγ, δi, then h0, ϕi and hγ, δi are perspective. Proof. Choose U ∈ M(0, ϕ) = M(γ, δ). Since typ(0, ϕ) ∈ {3, 4, 5}, U has exactly one h0, ϕi-trace and we label it N. By Theorem 13, N has exactly two 0-classes, I = {1} and O = {0}. Let p(x, y) be the pseudo-meet operation of U with respect to h0, ϕi. Now U ∈ M(γ, δ), so there exists a pair (x, y) ∈ δ|U − γ|U . We would like to show that (1, 0) ∈ δ − γ. Let f ∈ Pol1 A be given by f (t) = p(0, t). Then f (0) = 0 = f (1), so f |U is not a permutation, and hence f (δ|U ) ⊆ γ|U . On the other hand, f (t) = t for all t ∈ U − {1}. Thus the only possibility for (x, y) ∈ δ|U − γ|U is with either x or y = 1; w.l.o.g. say x = 1. Then 1 = x (δ − γ) y = f (y) γ f (x) = p(0, 1) = 0. Thus (1, 0) ∈ δ because γ ≤ δ, while (1, 0) ∈ γ would imply (x, y) ∈ γ, a contradiction. Therefore we have (1, 0) ∈ δ − γ as claimed. Now (0, 1) ∈ ϕ − 0 and 0 ≺ ϕ, so ϕ = Cg(0, 1). Hence ϕ ∨ γ = Cg(0, 1) ∨ γ = δ and, since (0, 1) 6∈ γ, γ ∧ ϕ = 0. Thus the quotients are perspective. As a corollary, using Lemma 19, we have a slightly more general assertion. Corollary 21. Assume that hψ, ϕi and hγ, δi are prime quotients in Con A with ψ ≤ γ. If typ(ψ, ϕ) ∈ {3, 4, 5} and hψ, ϕi ≈ hγ, δi, then hψ, ϕi and hγ, δi are perspective. s
We want to show that the lattice L = Con A/ ∼ is upper bounded. To do this, we need to establish the connection between v and the dual dependence relation Dd on the meet irreducible elements of L. s
Lemma 22. Let L = Con A/ ∼. Assume p, q ∈ M(L) with q Dd p. Let α, γ be the s unique maximal members of the ∼-class corresponding to p, q respectively. Then α, γ ∈ M(Con A) and hα, α∗ i @ hγ, γ ∗ i.
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Proof. Clearly α and γ are meet irreducible in Con A. Since q Dd p, there exists x ∈ L s such that q ≥ p ∧ x and q p∗ ∧ x. Let χ be the maximal congruence in the ∼-class corresponding to x. It is easy to see that γ ≥ α ∧ χ while γ α∗ ∧ χ, and thus γ Dd α. This in turn implies Cg(γ, γ ∗ ) ≤ Cg(α, α∗ ) in Con Con A, and hence hα, α∗ i v hγ, γ ∗ i by Lemma 18(2). It remains only to show that hα, α∗ i and hγ, γ ∗ i are not equivalent. Let ψ = α ∧ χ, and choose ϕ ∈ Con A such that ψ ≺ ϕ ≤ α∗ ∧ χ. Note that hψ, ϕi and hα, α∗ i are perspective, and hence equivalent by Lemma 19(1). We claim that either ϕ ≤ γ or γ ≤ α must hold. For otherwise, using the meet s semidistributivity of Con A/ ∼, we would have s
α ∧ ϕ = ψ = γ ∧ ϕ ∼ ϕ ∧ (α ∨ γ) = ϕ, a contradiction. Now suppose that hα, α∗ i ≈ hγ, γ ∗ i(≈ hψ, ϕi). If ϕ ≤ γ, then the quotients hψ, ϕi and hγ, γ ∗ i violate Corollary 21 since they are equivalent, nonabelian and not perspective. Similarly, if γ ≤ α, then hγ, γ ∗ i and hα, α∗ i violate Corollary 21. Hence hα, α∗ i 6≈ hγ, γ ∗ i, and thus hα, α∗ i @ hγ, γ ∗ i. It follows immediately from Lemma 22 that Con A contains no Dd -cycle, and hence we have the desired conclusion. s Theorem 23. For any finite algebra A, the lattice Con A/ ∼ is upper bounded. Combining this with Theorem 2 and the second part of Theorem 15, we obtain the following. s Theorem 24. If A is a finite algebra A with 5 ∉ typ(A), then the lattice Con A/ ∼ is both upper and lower bounded. Recall that an algebra A is neutral if it satisfies the commutator equation [θ, ϕ] = s θ ∧ϕ for all θ, ϕ ∈ Con A. Thus a finite algebra is neutral if and only if ∼ is the identity relation on Con A, i.e., when every prime quotient of Con A is nonabelian. Corollary 25. If A is a finite neutral algebra, then Con A is an upper bounded lattice. By virtue of Theorems 16 and 17, applied to each subvariety V(A) with A finite, we have the following versions for varieties. Corollary 26. If V is a congruence meet semidistributive variety, then the congruence lattices of finite algebras in V are upper bounded. Corollary 27. If W is a congruence join semidistributive variety, then the congruence lattices of finite algebras in W are both upper and lower bounded. As an example of Corollary 26, we can consider the variety of directoids introduced by J. Ježek and R. Quackenbush in [15]. These are algebras with a single binary operation, denoted by multiplication, satisfying the following equations: xx ≈ x (xy)x ≈ xy y(xy) ≈ xy x((xy)z) ≈ (xy)z . It is an elementary exercise to show that a directoid D can be partially ordered by letting x ≤ y iff xy = x (equivalently yx = x). With this ordering, the product xy is the smaller of the two elements if they are comparable, and otherwise xy is a common lower bound of x and y. This last property implies that the order on D is downward directed. Conversely, any downward directed partially ordered set endowed with a multiplication with these properties yields a directoid. Using these facts, it is not hard to see that directoids form a variety D with typ{D} = {5}. Consequently, we have the following generalization of the result for semilattices.
R. Freese, K. Kearnes, J. B. Nation: Congruence Semidistributive Algebras
Corollary 28. If D is a finite directoid, then Con D is an upper bounded lattice. A non-congruence-distributive example of Corollary 27 is Polin’s variety P from [27]. This is a finitely generated variety of type {3} (Exercise 9.20(6) of [14]). Thus the congruence lattices of finite algebras in P are bounded. This was originally proved by Day and Freese in [6]; in fact, they showed that for each n ∈ ω, Con FP (n) is a splitting lattice!
Lattices of equational theories
In this section we will show that Theorem 23 has structural consequences for the lattice of subvarieties of any 2-finite variety. These restrictions represent a strengthening of Bill Lampe’s “zipper condition" for the 2-finite case. While there have been several refinements of Lampe’s condition (see [8], [18]), let us recall the basic version [17]. Theorem 29. Let V be a variety of algebras. Then the lattice of subvarieties Lv (V) satisfies, for each n ≥ 2, [&0≤i 0. Let A = e(F ) and define A = F ∗ |A . Notice that A is finite since it is exactly the smallest subuniverse of FV (ω) containing {x0 , x1 }. The operations of A are all f ∈ Pol A under which A is closed, which includes ∗. Observe also that since A is the image of an idempotent polynomial of F ∗ , by Theorem 10 the restriction map |A : Con F ∗ → Con A is a complete, onto lattice homomorphism. We claim that this homomorphism is 1separating. For this, note that any congruence θ ∈ Con F ∗ is a fully invariant congruence on FV (ω). Hence if θ < 1F , then x0 /θ ≠ x1 /θ. That is, θ < 1F → x0 /θ ≠ x1 /θ → θ|A < 1A → θ < 1F . Thus θ < 1F if and only if θ|A < 1A , and |A is 1-separating. We can finish the proof by showing that Con A has a 1-separating homomorphism onto an upper bounded lattice. For then the composition of this homomorphism with |A would be a complete, 1-separating homomorphism from Con F ∗ onto a finite, upper bounded lattice. The homomorphism we seek is the natural map s
σ : Con A → Con A/ ∼ . By Theorem 23, this is a homomorphism onto an upper bounded lattice. But A = F ∗ |A is a finite algebra with a binary operation ∗ which has a left zero and left one, for which case Lemma 30 immediately yields that σ is 1-separating. Corollary 32. Let V be any 2-finite variety. Then the lattice of subvarieties of V, Lv (V), has a complete, 0-separating homomorphism onto a finite, lower bounded lattice. In the case when Lv (V) is finite, we can make use of a theorem from the folklore on bounded lattices. Theorem 33. If L is a finite lattice, then there exists a least congruence λ ∈ Con L such that L/λ is lower bounded. This is because finite lower bounded lattices are closed under finite subdirect products. It is useful to have a description of λ. Recall the sets Dk (L) ⊆ J(L) defined in Section 1. For any finite lattice L, let D(L) be the join subsemilattice of L generated by S D k (L) ∪ {0}. This is of course a lattice in its own right. Moreover, D(L) satisfies k∈ω the hypothesis of Theorem 3.1 of [10], so the mapping h : L D(L) by _ h(x) = {u ∈ D(L) : u ≤ x} is a lattice homomorphism. Using the arguments in say [16], one can easily show that ker h = λ. Clearly, L admits a 0-separating homomorphism onto a lower bounded lattice if and only if 0/λ = {0}. Using the description of λ given above, this translates as follows. Theorem 34. A finite lattice L admits a 0-separating homomorphism onto a lower bounded lattice if and only if every atom of L is in Dk (L) for some k ∈ ω. For example, two of the atoms in the lattice of convex subsets of a four-element chain (Figure 1) are not in D(L), and hence this lattice is not isomorphic to Lv (V) for any 2-finite variety V.
R. Freese, K. Kearnes, J. B. Nation: Congruence Semidistributive Algebras
Finite lattices of quasivarieties: the locally finite case
An old problem of Garrett Birkhoff [4] asks which lattices can be represented as the lattice Lq (K) of subquasivarieties of a quasivariety K (cf. Mal’cev [19]). Let us note that, for historical reasons, it is customary to talk about varieties of algebras, but quasivarieties of relational systems (allowing both functions and relational symbols in the type). Surely this distinction is for the most part artificial, but the reader should be aware of it. As an example of where it does make a difference, if we allow infinitely many relational symbols, then the least element 0 of Lq (K) need not be dually compact. Viktor Gorbunov, Wiesław Dziobiak and K. V. Adaricheva have made considerable progress in this area, including as a special case the following nice representation theorem from [12] and [2]. Theorem 35. If K is a locally finite quasivariety with only finitely many relations and Lq (K) is finite, then Lq (K) can be embedded into Sub T for some finite meet semilattice with one, T = hT ; ∧, 1i. Conversely, for every finite semilattice S, there exists a quasivariety K of finite rings such that Sub S Lq (K). Applying Theorem 4, they then obtain the following corollary (which can also be proved directly). Corollary 36. If K is a locally finite quasivariety with only finitely many relations and Lq (K) is finite, then Lq (K) is a lower bounded lattice. While finite lower bounded lattices do not satisfy any nontrivial lattice equations [9], we do have the following result. Theorem 37. For all n ≥ 2, every finite lower bounded lattice satisfies the following quasi-identities, where i + 1 and i + 2 are taken modulo n: &0≤i 0.
Proof. Given a D-cycle the definition we obtain V in L, by Lemma 39 and property (3) of V η(xi ) = η(xj ) = η( xk ). Since η(z) = 0 iff z = 0, this implies xk > 0. If follows from Theorem 40 that in a finite lattice admitting an equaclosure operator, no atom can be in a D-cycle. Thus we can apply Theorem 34. Corollary 41. Every finite lattice which admits an equaclosure operator has a 0-separating homomorphism onto a lower bounded lattice.
R. Freese, K. Kearnes, J. B. Nation: Congruence Semidistributive Algebras
Thus the property of having an equaclosure operator implies a sort of lower boundedness at 0. (Adaricheva and Gorbunov observed in [3] that the lattice of convex subsets of the poset in Figure 3 is lower bounded, but does not admit an equaclosure operator. Hence admitting an equaclosure operator is a strictly stronger property than having a 0-separating homomorphism onto a lower bounded lattice.) Obviously it imposes a strong restriction on the structure of quasivariety lattices. On the other hand, it does not eliminate any lattice L which is an ordinal sum 1 + K, where K is a finite lattice satisfying SD∨ , from being a quasivariety lattice. Indeed, for comparison one should recall that, despite Lampe’s restrictions and McKenzie’s additional restrictions in the locally finite case [22], Don Pigozzi has shown that for any dually algebraic lattice M, the ordinal sum 1 + M is isomorphic to Lv (W) for some variety W [26].
Figure 3: Next we want an analogue of Theorem 38 not requiring local finiteness. As in that result, we now allow Lq (K) to be infinite, but for the next theorem we will need that its least element 0 be dually compact. This will of course be true whenever the type of K has only finitely many relational symbols. Theorem 42. If the least element 0 of Lq (K) is dually compact, then Lq (K) satisfies the following quasi-identities for all n ≥ 2, where i + 1 is taken modulo n: &0≤i 0, and we seek a contradiction. For convenience, we can form infinite cyclically repeating sequences xi , yi (i ∈ ω) with xi = xj and yi = yj iff i ≡ j mod n. The original sequence satisfies (i) xi ≤ xi+1 ∨ yi for all i ≥ 0, (ii) xi ∧ yi ≤ xi+1 for all i ≥ 0, (iii) x0 > 0. We want to transform this sequence, inductively replacing xi by xi0 , obtaining sequences of the form hx00 , . . . , xi0 , xi+1 , . . . i. Meanwhile, the sequence of yj ’s remains fixed. Assume that after i + 1 steps we have a sequence hx00 , . . . , xi0 , xi+1 , . . . i satisfying 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
xi0 ≤ xi+1 ∨ yi and xj ≤ xj+1 ∨ yj for j > i, xi0 ∧ yi ≤ xi+1 and xj ∧ yj ≤ xj+1 for j > i, xi0 > 0, η(x00 ) ≥ η(x10 ) ≥ · · · ≥ η(xi0 ), j < k ≤ i and j ≡ k mod n implies xj0 ≥ xk0 .
R. Freese, K. Kearnes, J. B. Nation: Congruence Semidistributive Algebras
Let x00 = x0 . Certainly these conditions hold after this one step (i = 0). 0 To get xi+1 , we observe that (1) implies xi0 ≤ η(xi0 ) ∧ (xi+1 ∨ yi ) = (η(xi0 ) ∧ xi+1 ) ∨ (η(xi0 ) ∧ yi ) ≤ (η(xi0 ) ∧ xi+1 ) ∨ yi .
0 0 = η(xi0 ) ∧ xi+1 . Since xi+1 ≤ xi+1 , properties (1) and (2) hold with i replaced by Let xi+1 0 0 0 i + 1. Also xi+1 ≤ η(xi ) implies η(xi+1 ) ≤ η(xi0 ), whence (4) holds. Property (4) along with the method of construction yields (5): if j < k ≤ i + 1 and j ≡ k mod n, then 0 xj = xk , so for j = 0 we have x00 = x0 ≥ η(xk−1 ) ∧ xk = xk0 , and for j > 0 we have 0 0 0 0 0 xj = η(xj−1 ) ∧ xj ≥ η(xk−1 ) ∧ xk = xk . To prove (3), suppose xi+1 = 0; then using (†) 0 0 0 0 = 0, and assumption (ii) we get xi ≤ xi ∧ yi ≤ xi+1 , and hence xi ≤ η(xi ) ∧ xi+1 = xi+1 0 contrary to the induction hypothesis. Thus xi+1 > 0. Now consider the sequence with all primes hx00 , x10 , . . . i. For 0 ≤ k < n, we form the elements ^ xj0 . zk = j≡k
mod n
By the dual compactness of 0, zk > 0 for all k. Moreover, we have ^ η(zk ) = η(xj0 ) j≡k
mod n
V 0 ) = η(z ) = and therefore, by property (4), η(z j k i≥0 η(xi ) for all j, k. Hence η(zj ) = V V V η( zk ) = η(0) = 0 since zk ≤ xk = 0. But this implies zj = 0, which is a contradiction. We conclude that x0 = 0, and in fact by symmetry xj = 0 for all j. The authors would like to thank Professors Adaricheva, Dziobiak and Gorbunov for their correspondence, and for providing us with early drafts of several papers.
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R. Freese, K. Kearnes, J. B. Nation: Congruence Semidistributive Algebras
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