Apr 4, 2016 - 5. You will be taken to the video editing interface. 6. To adjust the video start point, drag the start ar
Connect Guide connect.tafeqld.edu.au
Using the My Mediasite Editor
Author: James Croft Last Updated: 4/04/2016
1. Sign into Mediasite with your network username and password.
2. You'll be taken to your presentations.
3. Select the video you'd like to edit.
4. Click Edit Video
5. You will be taken to the video editing interface.
6. To adjust the video start point, drag the start arrow inward.
7. To adjust the video end point, drag the finish arrow inward.
8. Click and drag to select sections on the timeline.
9. These will be highlighted in purple.
10. Click Cut Time to remove highlighted section from timeline.
11. You can fine-tune your cut by dragging the arrows.
12. You can make multiple edits in the timeline. You can also make more advanced changes, like modifying transitions between cuts, or divide your video up into chapters.
13. Insert companion slides. If you wish to add PowerPoint slides to your presentation click at the point in the time line that you want the slides displayed and click Insert Slides.
14. Select the slide you'd like to add and click Open. Please note that the PowerPoint slides must already be saved as JPEGs. If you’re unsure of how to turn your PowerPoint into JPEG images check out our tutorial How to Convert a PowerPoint slides to Images.
15. Slide will upload into the timeline.
16. Slide is now added at that point in the timeline.
17. Click Commit to Current to save changes.
18. Confirm changes to your presentation.
19. Click Commit Jobs to check the status of your changes.
20. The dropdown will show you when changes are complete.
21. Once complete, you can return to your video summary.