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May 29, 2015 - create a news item ... Click the 'Create' button to set up your release condition. 8. ... Event is also v
Connect Guide


Using Group Restrictions

Author: James Croft Last Updated: 29/05/2015

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1. In this guide, we'll look at using group restrictions in Connect. This can help a lot with making sure groups of students are seeing the right information or assessments relevant to them. As an example, let’s create a news item that’s intended to be seen by one group only.

2. Click the context menu next to News and select 'New News Item'.

3. Compose your news item.

4. Click the ‘Create and Attach’ button. Let's create a new Release Condition to send this news post to a single group only.

5. Select the ‘Condition Type’ of ‘Group Enrolment’.

6. Select your group.

7. Click the ‘Create’ button to set up your release condition.

8. Release condition created. We can now see that this news item will only be available if a student is a member of the ‘Southbank’ group.

9. Click 'Publish' to send this news item to your specified group only.

10. Navigate to the Calendar tool. Let’s try another example. Let’s go to the Calendar tool, and we'll set up an event for a single group. I want to let my Southbank group know that they can stop by to see me at my Southbank office on Wednesdays, between 1 and 3 in the afternoon.

11. Click 'Create Event'.

12. Compose your event.

13. In the 'Attendees' dropdown, select your group.

14. Add your event details: time, date, recurrance, and location.

15. Click 'Create' to publish the event.

16. Event is now visible in the Calendar to the selected group only.

17. Event is also visible to the group on the unit homepage. These examples are only two of the many ways that group restrictions can be used. They can be applied to many of the tools in Connect, like Content, Assessment, Discussions and much much more. Be sure to try them for yourself, and don’t be afraid to experiment to find how groups tool can work best for you.