Conservation and Utilization of Red Jungle Fowl in the Coastal Areas of North Bengkulu.pdf. Conservation and Utilization
International Seminar sustainable utilization of coastal resources in tropical zone, 19-20 October,2016, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Conservation and Utilization of Red Jungle Fowl in the Coastal Areas of North Bengkulu Sutriyono 1,♥, Johan Setianto 1,2,, Hardi Prakoso1, Basyaruddin Zain1 1
Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu, 2 Graduate School of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu, Jalan W.R. Supratman, Kandang Limun, Bengkulu 38371A, Indonesia Tel./Fax, +62-736-21290 ♥ email:
[email protected]
This research aimed to evaluate farming practices and the use of the red jungle fowl in communities in coastal areas of North Bengkulu and surrounding areas. The study used a survey method. Respondents were selected by snowball sampling method, and 46 respondents selected. Data were collected by interviews, filling the questionnaire, and observation; include: chicken origin, farming practices, feed and water, disease prevention, and utilization. The results showed that 86.96% of respondents obtain chicken by buying. Chicken reared by cages at day and night (52.17% of respondents), cages at night and released at daytime (19.27%), roosting (19.57%), and combinations of all three (8.7%). Respondents gave one type of feed (41.30%), two types of feed (36.96%), three types of feed (19.57%). Feed given twice daily (86.95% respondents), in the morning and evening (86.96%). Drinking water supplied adlibitum (32.61%) and restricted (67.39%). The respondent has made the prevention of disease: 19.57% and without prevention of disease: 80.43%. Utilization of the red jungle fowl by the community to development and business (15.21%), hobbies and ornamental (19.57%), hunting (56.52%), development and hunting (8.7%). Red jungle fowl provides many benefits to society, but the conservation has not been done in a good manner. Key word : Red jungle fowl, conservation, utilization, coastal North Bengkulu
INTRODUCTION Red jungle fowl (RJF) is a natural resources and as the ancestors of local chicken. Thus, Indonesian local chickens are in a clade with the red jungle fowl (Zein and Sulandari, 2009). Hen body weight of about 1.0 kg and 1.5 kg male, at the age of 1.5 years (Rahayu, 2001), with a production of 5-6 eggs per laying periods (Sudrajad, 1997 in Rahayu, 2001). These animals are found in tropical and subtropical regions, with habitats such as mangroves, scrub and plantations, but prefer a flat or sloping terrain, forest edges and secondary forests. Akrim et al. (2016) suggested that the red jungle fowl prefer wild areas surrounding cropland and human settlements, perched in the branches of a tree at a height of about 5m above the ground, a group of 4-8 individuals. The RJF can be grown in the lowlands to highlands, from sea level to an altitude of about 2,500 meters. Red jungle fowl are omnivorous and consume a variety of materials such as grains, weed seeds, fruit, forage or plant material, and various species of insects and invertebrates ( The RJF is an important species in nature that is as food for carnivorous animals, as prey animals and other sources of public revenues, and some kind of insect predators. The
International Seminar sustainable utilization of coastal resources in tropical zone, 19-20 October,2016, Bengkulu, Indonesia
population continues to increase, loss of habitat, poaching, uncontrolled of hunting and eaten by predators have threatened the existence of the red jungle fowl and can cause extinction. Potential causes of extinction of the red jungle fowl mainly due to habitat destruction (Handiwirawan, 2004). According to Bird Life International (2014), the status of the red jungle fowl, including the status LC (least concern) or low risk. LC is an IUCN category assigned to species that have been evaluated but not included into any category. However, looking at the interests of the ecological, economic, aesthetic, and food safety, the conservation of the red jungle fowl needs to be done. According to Law No. 5 of 1990, the conservation of natural resources is the management of natural resources which utilization is done wisely to ensure continuity of supply while maintaining and improving the quality and value diversity. Conservation of natural resources and its ecosystem is the responsibility and obligation of the government and society. Domestication is one RJF utilization, in which there are elements of utilization and protection. Protection was done by feeding, prevention and treatment of disease, cage and protection from predators. Rearing in the domestication of the red jungle fowl in the community, especially North Bengkulu, Bengkulu Province has developed a variety of purposes, such as hobby (ornamental animals and hunting), a cross, and economic (development) (Setianto et al. 2013). While the benefits of RJF to people who domesticated is as genetic resources, a source of food, animal ornamental, and hunting. Domestication RJF has been carried out by people in North Bengkulu by capturing RJF of nature by using tools such as nets and racit, and catches the form RJF male (Setianto et al., 2015). RJF of the catch then most of its preserved and some of his not. Rearing and utilization of RJF until now has not known for certain. In this regard, the red jungle fowl rearing techniques need to be learned. This study aims to determine rearing offspring
techniques and utilization
of RJF and its
by community in North Bengkulu.
MATERIALS AND METHODS The research was conducted from July to August 2014 in North Bengkulu, Bengkulu Province. At these locations, people have domesticated the red jungle fowl and selected as the sample location. Respondents in this study were people who rearing the red jungle fowl and offspring of the red jungle fowl. Respondents selected by snowball sampling method. The first stage of looking for red jungle fowl breeders closest (already known) then carried out data collection. The next stage of looking for other respondents by first responders, and so on. All 383
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selected respondents recorded, then do the orientation, coordination and determine the time of data collection. Primary data was collected through interviews, filling questionnaires and direct observations in the field. Secondary data was collected from the literature. Data collected include: the origin of the red jungle fowl pet, cage, feed, and utilization. Data presented in tables and analyzed descriptively.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results North Bengkulu is one district in Bengkulu province which lies in 2o15'-4o LS and 102o32'-102o8 'BT. The total area is 4424.60 km2, and is divided into 12 sub-districts. North bordering the Mukomuko district, south bordering Central Bengkulu District and Bengkulu City, east bordering the province of Jambi, Lebong District, and District Kepahiang, and west by the Indonesian Ocean. Respondents in this study is 46 and comes from 6 districts in North Bengkulu, namely: Argamakmur district (50%), Ketahun district (39.13%), Padang Jaya district (4.35%), Girimulya district (2.17%), and Napal Putih district (4.35%). Respondents were most commonly found in the district Argamakmur in Argamakmur City, the city center of North Bengkulu. Therefore it can be concluded that the maintenance of more in urban areas than in rural areas. Respondents working in the private sector (95.65%), government employees (2.18%) and others (2.17%). Respondents who work in the private sector are farmers growers of oil palm plantations and rubber plantations. Plantation area is the habitat of the red jungle fowl, so the hunting of red jungle fowl in there is a side job and hobbies.. Red jungle fowl is rearing
by the community in the coastal area of North Bengkulu
and surrounding areas comes from several sources, namely: buying
(86.96% of
respondents), hunting (2.17%), giving (6.52%), and a combination of buying and hunting (4.35)%. Chicken obtained by taking from nature (hunting) is pure red jungle fowl. While the chicken is obtained by purchased is a offspring of the red jungle fowl, and called the burgo chicken. The chicken is a cross between the red jungle fowl males with females of local chicken.
Rearing of the red jungle fowl by the community in coastal areas of North
Bengkulu shown in Table 1. Rearing of red jungle fowl include: roosting (19.57% of respondents), kept in a cage during the day and at night (52.17% of respondents), released during the day and in cages at night (19.57%), and the combination (8.7%). Feed given ad libitum (32.61% of respondents) and restricted (67.39%), with a frequency of once a day 384
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(8.70% of respondents), twice per day (86.95%), three times a day (4:35%). Feed given on the morning (6.25% of respondents), at noon (2.17%),
in the afternoon (0%), at morning
and afternoon (0%), morning and afternoon (86.96%), at morning and at noon and afternoon (4.35%). The number of types of feed given: one type (41.30% of respondents), two types (36.96%), three types (19:57%), four types (0%), and five types (2:17%). The drinking water supplied by the respondents (100% of respondents). Drinking water provided ad libitum (58.70% of respondents) and restricted (41.30%). Prevention of disease is done by using a disinfectant spraying and cleaning the cage as much as 19:57% of respondents, and not sanitize the cage 80.43% of respondents. Table 1. No
3. 3.1
3.3 3.4
4. 4.1
Rearing method of the red jungle fowl by community in coastal areas in Northern Bengkulu Variable
The origin of domesticated chickens 1. Take the eggs from the wild and hatched 2. Catch the chicken from the natural one original 3. Buying 4. of giving 5. Catch of red jungle fowl on natural and bought Chicken rearing techniques 1. Roosting 2. Kept in a cage at day and at night 3. Released on day and night 4. Kept in a cage at night, released during the day 5. Combination Feeding Type of feeding 1.One type of feeding 2.Two types of feeding 3.Three types of feeding 4.Four types of feeding 5.Five types of feedingg Feeding frequency 1.Feeding given once per day 2.Feeding is given twice per day 3.Feeding given three times per day Feeding system libitum feeding 2.Restricted feeding Feeding time 1.Feeding in the morning 2.Feeding at noon 3.Feeding in the mornings and afternoons 4.Feeding in the morning, afternoon, and evening Drinking water Supply of drinking water
the number of respondents
percentage of respondent s
0 1 40 3 2
0 2.17 86.96 6.20 4.35
9 24 0 9 4
19.57 52.17 0.00 19.57 8.70
19 17 9 0 1
41.30 36.96 19.57 0.00 2.17
4 40 2
8.70 86.95 4.35
15 31
32.61 67.39
3 1 40 2
6.52 2.17 86.96 4.35
International Seminar sustainable utilization of coastal resources in tropical zone, 19-20 October,2016, Bengkulu, Indonesia
4.2 5.
1. Water supplied 2. Water is not supplied Water giving system 1. ad libitum water 2. Restricted water Disease prevention 1. Prevention of disease 2. Do not disease prevention
46 0
100 0
27 19
58.70 41.30
9 37
19.57 80.43
Rearing red jungle fowl by the community in the north Bengkulu is a native red jungle fowl and its offspring. However,
the offspring of red jungle fowl more reared, for the
purpose of development and business (15.21% of respondents), hobbies and ornamental (19.57%), hunting (56.52%), and a combination of all three types
(8.7%) (Table 2).
Utilization of the red jungle fowl by the community most is to hunt in the wild red jungle fowl and the lowest is a combination. Utilization of the red jungle fowl is used as a stud in interbreeding. A cross between the red jungle fowl male with a local chicken females produce offspring that are referred to as burgo chicken.. Table 2. Utilization of the red jungle fowl in communities in coastal areas of North Bengkulu the number of percentage No Variable respondents of respondents 1 Rearing red of jungle fowl for the development 7 15.21 and business 2 Rearing of red jungle fowl for hobby and 9 19.57 ornamental 3 Rearing of red jungle fowl for hunting 26 56.52 4 Rearing of red jungle fowl for development and 4 8.70 hunting
DISCUSSION Conservation of red jungle fowl has been done by the community in North Bengkulu. Red jungle fowl has been used as a source of genetic and had crossed with local chicken, produce offspring called "chicken burgo" (Setianto 2009a; Setianto 2012; Setianto dan Warnoto 2010; Setianto et al. 2013). Chicken burgo developed for a variety of purposes: development and businesses, hunting, ornamental animals, and food sources. Burgo chicken can produce higher, more docile, easier to adapt to the environment when compared with pure red jungle fowl. Red jungle fowl produce eggs 5-6 eggs/hen/period (Sudrajad, 1997 in Rahayu, 2001). While burgo chicken
produce egg higher than pure red jungle fowl.
Warnoto and Setianto (2009) suggested that burgo chicken that are kept in free-range produce as much as 14-18 eggs/hen/period. While, Setianto et al. (2015) reported that chickens burgo 386
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able to produce eggs to 10 eggs per hen per period. Crawford (1984) in Handiwirawan (2004) suggests that the result of crosses between domestic chicken with red jungle fowl, live and can reproduce normally. Chickens reared obtained from the purchase, so that purity is not guaranteed. However, these conditions indicate that the red jungle fowl have provided benefits to society. The high survival rate and improved growth performance of the two F1 hybrid groups demonstrated the potential value of red Jungle fowls in reconstituting the genetic diversity and possibly improving the adaptability of domestic chickens (Hanh, 2015). Chickens kept in a cage, is released, and in perch. Cages prevent hens from performing the bulk of their natural behavior, including nesting, perching, dustbathing, scratching, foraging, exercising, running, jumping, flying, stretching, wing flapping, and freely walking. Cages also lead to severe disuse
( n-battery-cages-and-alternative-systems.pdf). The roosting habits of the red jungle fowl in their natural habitat. Maintenance offspring of the red jungle fowl on a perch by the society aims to provide such conditions in the natural habitat, in the hope of chicken feel comfortable. Rearing with the way it's done on a rooster, especially for hunting and ornamental chickens. Feeding the red jungle fowl offspring by society varies greatly between farmers. Chicken farmers provide food does not take into account the nutritional needs of chickens. However, chickens are released during the day will increase food as needed by looking in nature. While the chicken is stabled during the day and night can not add their own food, is entirely dependent on the breeder. Therefore, nutritional deficits can occur in chickens were housed and reared on a perch. Feed affects on the growth and reproduction. Red jungle fowl in cages and given a ration with 10% protein will limit growth and affect semen quality and fertility (Fazhana and Azhar, 2014). All the farmer has provided drinking water. While the cage sanitation has not been done by all breeders.
CONCLUSION Conservation of the red jungle fowl by community in North Bengkulu not produce offspring pure red jungle fowl, but the offspring of a cross between the red jungle fowl male and female local chicken. Chickens reared traditionally: the chicken coop, feed, medicine, environmental sanitation enclosure do not meet the nutrition standards and chicken convenience. It can be concluded that the conservation of the red jungle fowl by people in 387
International Seminar sustainable utilization of coastal resources in tropical zone, 19-20 October,2016, Bengkulu, Indonesia
coastal areas of North Bengkulu has not done well. Utilization offsprimg red jungle fowl is for hunting, development and business, dah ornamental chickens.
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