CONSERvAtiON PAGES - Charlotte, NC

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Jan 13, 2017 - your site, as well as reimbursement of 75% of allowable expenses. .... 2017 (high school) at the Center f
Conservation Pages Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District Fall 2016

The 46th Annual Tree Seedling Sale Event Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District in collaboration with TreesCharlotte is pleased to announce the 46th Annual Tree Seedling Sale. TreesCharlotte, established in 2012, is a nonprofit organization, created as a public/private collaboration dedicated to planting trees, primarily through volunteer efforts. They have been the driving force behind the bold initiative of achieving 50% tree canopy coverage by 2050. TreesCharlotte also educates Charlotte’s residents on the importance of the canopy and ways to plant and preserve trees. To achieve their goal, TreesCharlotte holds community events, such as a tree planting event Saturday, October 17, 2015. TreesCharlotte planted 45 trees at the school and park on Kalynne Street as well as gave away 126 to residents of the surrounding community. TreesCharlotte continues to offer these events - up to 25 a planting season. Learn more about TreesCharlotte by visiting Having our own goal of encouraging the public to plant native trees and shrubs, we will be hosting our Annual Tree Seedling Sale event on Saturday, February 25, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (or sold out) at 700 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, North Carolina (Hal Marshall Services Center - Auditorium 1 & 2). A wide variety of species will be offered ranging in price from $1 to $3 (see page 11). Planting trees helps with developing green buffers to protect water quality, cleaning the air by removing carbon dioxide, improving wildlife habitat and reforestation. Those who pre-order seedlings are not only guaranteed selection, but will also receive a 10% discount off the purchase price of their pre-ordered seedlings (discount applies to pre-orders only). Seedlings are sold on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. The deadline to pre-order seedlings is on Friday, January 13, 2017; pre-payment is required at the time of order. The order form can be found on page 12.

Rain Barrels Are A Great Way To Store Rain Water Rain Barrels provide an easy way for homeowners to help protect our streams and lakes in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. Capturing the water that flows off your roof keeps rain water out of the storm drains and allows it to flow into the ground and replenish the ground water supply. Rain barrels provide you with a FREE source of chemical-free water for your yard and garden and reduce your need for treated water.

60 gallon rain barrel

Mecklenburg County has experienced little rain fall this year. The next time it rains be prepared to collect rain water in your new rain barrel. Rain Barrels are available for purchase year-round at the Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District. We offer two sizes: 60 gallon rain barrel is $105 and 80 gallon rain barrel is $120 (prices include tax). Rain Barrels will be available for purchase the day of the tree sale.

2017 Tree Sale News and Updates We along with our partners at TreesCharlotte are very excited to be able to bring you our 46th Annual Tree Seedling Sale. It has been a bit of a bumpy road getting ready, but we finally have everything in order and have some exciting updates to tell you about. We have new species, new seedling type, and additional resources with information about the trees and shrubs. First, we must recognize that our friends at the NC Forest Service are having a rough year! Historically, we have purchased a number of our seedling species from the NC Forest Service, specifically from their nursery located in Goldsboro, NC. Unfortunately, along with many other North Carolinians, the nursery was severely impacted by Hurricane Matthew. The nursery lost the majority of their stock, especially deciduous tree species. As such, we were forced at the last minute to refill the balance of our order from other sources. We must also recognize that many Forest Service and other agencies have been deployed to the western part of our state to manage wildfires. We will continue to keep them in our thoughts.

On to the fun stuff! New this year, we will be offering three species of the trees in tubling form. Tublings are seedlings that come in their own mini-pot (tube). It is our understanding that the seedlings grown as tublings have a higher success rate. We will be offering Beautyberry, Yaupon Holly and Highbush Blueberry in tubling form. Due to higher costs, these species along with the Fringe Tree, Chionanthus virginicus, will be sold for $3.00 per tree.

To give you a bit more information and visuals of each tree, we have also added links to each photo with additional information and photographs. We are very pleased to have had the opportunity to utilize the beautiful photographs taken by local wildlife and nature photographer Will Stuart. Please look for the additional details about the sale beginning on page 8. Remember, if you pre-order your trees you have your choice of selection, avoid the lines and receive a 10% discount!

Vacant Position for Board Supervisor The Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District announces that a vacancy exists on our Board. Those with interest, applicable professional experience and commitment to our goals and activities are encouraged to send their resume with a statement why they are willing to serve on this Board for 4 years to Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District, 2145 Suttle Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28208-5237 before December 18th. Applicants are encouraged to attend the December 19th meeting (2145 Suttle Avenue, Charlotte) to present their qualifications, meet the Supervisors and Staff and ask questions of the Board. The Supervisors will reach a decision by January 7th. If information is needed, please call 704.336.2455.

Page 2

State Cost Share Programs

Community Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP) The NC Community Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP) is a statewide program designed to help citizens to address urban/suburban non-point source pollution and erosion issues, much like our local Urban Cost Share Program. This program is especially valuable to citizens who live within the corporate limits of the towns of Davidson, Cornelius, Huntersville, Mint Hill, Matthews and Pineville (eligible for only limited practices through the UCSP). Available practices include: Cisterns, Rain Gardens, Backyard Wetlands, Riparian Buffers, Pet Waste Receptacles and more. CCAP is available county wide, however funding is limited. For the 2017 fiscal year, the Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District expects to have the opportunity to submit project applications for funding at the regional level. Applications are ranked and reviewed for maximum water quality benefit. Approved applicants will receive technical assistance related to best management practices (BMPs) specific to your site, as well as reimbursement of 75% of allowable expenses. For more information, please call 704.336.2455 or visit

Agriculture Cost Share Program (ACSP) The District is available to help farmers and other agricultural producers reduce erosion and prevent other water pollution. The Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District has received an allocation of $33,839.00 this fiscal year; with an additional $5,000.00 earmarked for the Goose Creek, Rocky River, McDowell and other impaired watersheds. Funds are available to assist with the cost of installing conservation practices to protect water quality and agricultural interests. For more information, please call 704.336.2455 or visit

Agricultural Water Resources Assistance Program (AgWRAP) The newest of our state cost share assistance programs; the Agricultural Water Resources Assistance Program (AgWRAP) is available to assist with increasing water availability for agricultural production. The Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District has received an allocation of $19,043.00 for the 2017 fiscal year. Funds are available to assist with the construction of new farm ponds (restrictions apply), the dredging or repair of existing farm ponds, wells for irrigation and/or livestock watering and other water conservation practices. For more information, please call 704.336.2455 or visit Page 3

Federal Cost Share Programs

USDA Federal Cost Share Programs The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides financial and technical assistance focused on natural resource concerns. Programs available to approved applicants include:

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) CREP is a collaborative effort between the local District, the NCDA&CS Division of Soil and Water Conservation and Division of Forest Resources, and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency. CREP provides long-term protection of environmentally sensitive cropland and marginal pasture land through conversion to conservation practices (e.g. Stream Buffers) on agricultural land. CREP is currently only available in and east of the Yadkin River Basin (includes eastern Mecklenburg County). Eligibility is subject to qualification by USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA). For more information, please contact Leslie Vanden Herik at 704.336.2455.

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) The Environmental Quality Incentives Program provides financial and technical help to eligible producers for installation of conservation practices on agricultural land. Eligibility is subject to qualification by USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA). For more information, please contact Chris Childers at 704.788.2107 extension 3.

Urban Cost Share Program The Urban Cost Share Program is an incentive-based program designed to help land users address existing erosion and other non-point source water pollution issues in approved watersheds.

The program offers financial and technical assistance to reduce runoff, stop erosion and address other non-point source pollution issues. Approved applicants are eligible to receive 75% of allowable costs, up to $7,500, associated with installing approved Best Management Practices at their location. Urban Cost Share Availability: The full Urban Cost Share Program is open to citizens throughout the City of Charlotte and in unincorporated Mecklenburg County. As of 2016, we are also expanding our program to include the six other municipalities in Mecklenburg County. Citizens in Matthews, Mint Hill, Pineville, Huntersville and Cornelius are now eligible to apply for assistance with stabilization of eroding streambanks. Due to restrictions by our grant funding source, citizens in these areas are NOT currently eligible for assistance with remaining practices, excepting riparian buffers associated with a streambank stabilization project. Page 4

Urban Cost Share Program (continued)

Urban Cost Share Program Information: To be considered for assistance, please complete an interest form as a first step in being considered for assistance. District staff will review forms and property maps and schedule a site assessment and assist with application to the program when appropriate. Urban Cost Share Interest Form All applications to the program are ranked for their benefit to water quality. Qualified applications are funded in order of rank as funds allow. Approved applicants will receive a BMP design and installation guidance. Applicants may begin implementation of practices upon notice of board approval. Funds expended prior to board approval are not eligible for reimbursement. Per contract terms, participants are responsible for maintaining practices for a minimum of five years. Additional restrictions may apply.

Best Management Practices (BMPs) Best Management Practices Offered (City of Charlotte and Unincorporated Mecklenburg County only): Critical Area Planting: Establishing permanent vegetation on sites that have steep slopes with high erosion rates, and on sites that have physical, chemical, or biological conditions that prevent the establishment of vegetation with normal practices. Grassed Waterway (Swale): A natural or constructed channel that is shaped or graded to required dimensions and established in suitable vegetation for the stable conveyance of runoff. Pet Waste Receptacles: Receptacles and supplies to better manage pet waste, usually in public areas. Rain Garden: A landscaped area that collects storm water runoff.

Best Management Practices Offered (throughout Mecklenburg County, including the seven municipalities): Streambank Stabilization: Vegetative stabilization (planting) and/or grading of erosive streambanks and shorelines to stabilize erosion and reduce soil loss. Riparian Buffers (restrictions apply): An area dominated by trees and/or shrubs located adjacent to and upgradient from water courses or water bodies. For additional information or questions, please contact the Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District at 704.336.2455 or [email protected].

Page 5

Conservation Education Programs

“CALLING ALL STUDENTS!” Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District participates in educational contests and programs sponsored by the North Carolina Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. For more details about the following contests and programs, please contact Anganette Byrd at 704.336.2455 or click link 2016-2017 Contest Handbook.

Contests: Contests will be conducted on the District, Area and State levels. District First Place winners will be eligible to enter the Area contest, and Area First Place winners will be eligible to enter the State contest. The Contest Title for 2016-2017 is “Soil and Water... Yours for Life”. All entries become the property of Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District.

“Show us your art work, writing and speech skills.” New Bookmark Contest: Separate contests will be held for Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students. Poster Contest: Separate contests will be held for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. Essay Contest: A contest will be held only for 6th grade students. Public Speaking Contest: Separate contests will be held for 7th and 8th grade students. Deadline: Submit all entries by Wednesday, February 1, 2017. Awards: Three winners will be selected at each grade level in each contest category. • 1st Place Winner receives $30.00 cash prize and a trophy. • 2nd Place Winner receives $20.00 cash prize and a trophy. • 3rd Place Winner receives $10.00 cash prize and a trophy. Bookmark Contest winners will receive a trophy and an award certificate. Awards will be presented to contest winners at the District Banquet in the spring (TBD)

Poster Contest Winners

Essay Contest Winners

Page 6

Public Speaking Contest Winners

Conservation Education Programs

Resource Conservation Workshop (RCW) The Resource Conservation Workshop is sponsored by the NC Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts in conjunction with the Division of Soil ad Water Conservation and the Soil Science Department of NC State University. For detailed information visit the website at The Resource Conservation Workshop is a week-long intensive study and hands on conservation workshop requiring student application and participation in a wide range of conservation topics. Students are housed in NCSU campus dormitories under the guidance of live-in-counselors. In order to achieve success, students should come prepared to apply themselves to meet the primary objective of this workshop -- learning about natural resources and their management in today’s environment. Awards and scholarships are won and presented to students under several awards programs. Interested persons please contact 704.336.2455. The 2016 Resource Conservation Workshop will be held June 25 - 30, 2017 at NC State University. Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District will sponsor at least one Mecklenburg County student to attend the workshop. The 2016 Resource Conservation Student Delegate was Chris Janson. After participating in the workshop Chris gave a Power Point presentation at the Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting on August 22, 2016. During his presentation Chris recounted some of the highlights of the event. Chris mentioned that on Day 1 they visited the NC State research farm (water quality, soil quality, water filtration), on Day 2 they visited Falls Lake recreation area, the dam and museum, on Day 3 they visited a recreational forest where they learned about trees as a natural resource and listened to a presentation on wildfires, on Day 4 they visited the NC State research farm to learn about land gradient measurement, crop diversity and location, and ideal tilling methods, and on Day 5 they took a review test. Chris really enjoyed the workshop and was grateful to the District for the opportunity to participate at the workshop.

Soil Characteristics and Soil Conservation

Forest Management

Page 7

Conservation Education Programs

Envirothon Program The Envirothon Program is sponsored by the NC Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. The program is open to teams of students in grades 9-12 for high school and in grades 5-8 for middle schools. Teams consist of five members. Each team must have an adult advisor and the team may have alternates. It is important for high school teams to have at least two alternates if you feel that your team may have a chance to win first place at the state competition. The North American Envirothon will allow two substitutes to the original team. For detailed information visit the website at The Southern Piedmont Envirothon is an area competition that includes Mecklenburg and 11 surrounding counties Anson, Cabarrus, Cleveland, Davidson, Davie, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Rowan, Stanly, and Union. The competition will be held on March 14, 2017 (middle school) and March 15, 2017 (high school) at the Center for the Environment at Catawba College in Salisbury, North Carolina. Public schools, private schools, home school groups, school clubs, FFA groups, etc. are all eligible to participate in the Envirothon Program. Teams must be sponsored by a Soil and Water Conservation District. Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District staff will work with teams to prepare them for the competition. Interested persons please contact 704.336.2455. Opportunities for sponsorship are available.

2016 Southern Piedmont Envirothon Results 2016 Southern Piedmont Envirothon “Middle School” competition results are as follows: 5th Place - Latta Plantation Nature Center ‘Latta Plott Hounds’ 8th Place - Reid Park Academy ‘R.A.M.S 1’ 19th Place - Reid Park Academy ‘R.A.M.S 2’ 21st Place - Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School ‘Monckingjays’ 2016 Southern Piedmont Envirothon “High School” competition results are as follows: 6th Place - Ardrey Kell High School ‘Sea Turtle Squad’ 9th Place - Ardrey Kell High School ‘Flamigo Fam’

State Envirothon Ardrey Kell High School ‘Sea Turtle Squad’ won 1st Place for Oral Presentation at the State Envirothon in Burlington, NC on April 30, 2016.

Page 8

What’s In Your Soil?

Soil Sampling for Home Lawns and Gardens: The NC Agronomic Services Division in Raleigh, NC analyzes soil for its nutrient content and for properties that affect plant growth. Soil Testing: • Fosters plant growth by providing optimal lime and fertilizer recommendations, • Diagnoses common nutrient deficiencies and toxicities and • Promotes environmental quality When gardeners follow recommended guidelines for fertilization, nutrient runoff into surface or ground water is minimized, money is saved and natural resources are conserved. A routine soil tests measure pH and acidity; levels of major plant nutrients, including phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur; levels of plant micronutrients including copper, manganese and zinc; levels of sodium; soil class; percent base saturation; percent humic matter; cation exchange and capacity and weightto-volume ratio. Based on these data, soil reports provide site-specific fertilizer and lime recommendations. Reports for problem diagnosis also include a measurement of soluble salt content. Taking a Good Sample: Sample collection is the critical first step in soil testing. The sample must represent the area, or results will have little or no value. A soil sample must be taken at the right time and in the right way. The tools used, the sample the depth and uniformity of the sample, the information provided and packaging all influence sample quality. Soil Test Tee: Routine Samples submitted April-November there is no fee; for Routine Samples submitted during the peak season, December-March there is a fee of $4.00 per sample. The fee helps offset costs to expedite processing during peak season. Obtain A Soil Sample Kit: For more information or to request a soil sample kit along with instructions, please call 704.336.2455 or e-mail [email protected].

Page 9

W i W ldl i l i fe d W lif - W il e d - i W l i f F l nte il e es r d B l i f N hy C o u tt e - u t F r ve r Ed e r f N o r u i t ib ly ec Se Sh le - H tar ed a N P o A de ut/ st lan tt o P t F l r Sp ac r Y rui an ri tiv ar t ( t Ev n g e d T H u e r / S Fa r e m an Sh gr um ll C e ) ru ee m ol er or Sm b n Fo s F La all - L lia lo a r g Tr r g g e w e e ri So e T es e a n g il re (1 nd e M 0 So s S ’ il ois (> -3 m So M tu 30 0’) all il oi re ’) Sh M stu a oi re Dr Pa d e st u - y r t To r e M Fu ia le - ois l l l S ra n W t Su un t et n /S h ad e

Links are added with additional information and photographs. Please click on the underlined text to view information.

$ 2.00


Amelanchiar canadensis


$ 3.00


Callicarpa americana


$ 2.00


Cephalanthus occidentalis


$ 2.00

Witch Hazel

Hamamelis virginiana


$ 3.00

Yaupon Holly

Ilex vomitoria

$ 2.00


Lindera benzoin

$ 2.00


Morella cerifera

$ 3.00

Highbush Blueberry

Vaccinium corymbosum

$ 2.00


Xanthorhiza simplicissima

$ 2.00


Asimina triloba

$ 2.00

Eastern Redbud

Cercis canadensis

$ 3.00

Fringe Tree

Chionanthus virginicus


$ 2.00

Flowering Dogwood

Cornus florida


$ 2.00

Red Maple

Acer rubrum

$ 1.00

Eastern Red Cedar

Juniperus virginiana




















x x x












x x





x x x

Page 10






























x x x x










x x





















x x




x x













Links are added to each photo with additional information and photographs. Please click on the underlined text to view information.




Witch Hazel

Yaupon Holly



Highbush Blueberry



Eastern Redbud

Fringe Tree

Flowering Dogwood

Red Maple

Eastern Red Cedar

Page 11

Tree Seedling and Rain Barrel Order Form Last Name ________________________________ First Name_____________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________ State__________ Zip_____________ Phone_____________________ E-mail_______________________________________________________ Seedling


Unit Price




Unit Price


$1.80 ea.


$1.80 ea.


$2.70 ea.


$1.80 ea.


$1.80 ea.

Eastern Redbud

$1.80 ea.

Witch Hazel

$1.80 ea.

Fringe Tree

$2.70 ea.

Yaupon Holly

$2.70 ea.

Flowering Dogwood

$1.80 ea.


$1.80 ea.

Red Maple

$1.80 ea.


$1.80 ea.

Eastern Red Cedar

$0.90 ea.

Highbush Blueberry

$2.70 ea.

*Seedling prices listed reflect a 10% pre-order discount - Expires Friday, January 27th.


Sub Total Add Tax 7.25% TOTAL


Rain Barrel


60 Gallon

$105.00 each


Rain Barrel


80 Gallon

$120.00 each

*Rain Barrels are paid for at the time of pick up on February 25, 2017 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. # • • • • • • • • • •

Tree Seedling Sale Policies Seedling pre-orders will be accepted through Friday, January 27, 2017 Payment in full is due at time of order Cash, Check or Money Order - Please make check payable to MSWCD Receipts will be mailed upon receipt of order and payment Trees will be available for pick-up at 700 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Friday- February 24th from 12-2 p.m. OR Saturday- February 25th from 9-12 p.m. MSWCD is not responsible for orders not claimed during the sale - Unclaimed orders will be considered a donation and sold to the public on a first-come, first-served basis NO REFUNDS will be issued for orders not claimed during the sale Reminders will be e-mailed prior to the sale (via postal mail if e-mail is unavailable) Questions? Please call 704.336.2455 or e-mail [email protected] Payment is due at the time of pre-order Return Order Form to: Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District 2145 Suttle Avenue Charlotte, NC 28202-5237 Page 12

MSWCD Information

Mecklenburg Soil and Water Conservation District 2145 Suttle Avenue Charlotte, NC 28208 704.336.2455 Business Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. BOARD SUPERVISORS Chairman Nancy Carter Treasurer Brad Johnson Board Supervisor Shawn Greeson Board Supervisor Eric Spengler Board Supervisor Vacant ASSOCIATE BOARD SUPERVISORS Gray Newman and Ryon Smalls STAFF Conservation District Manager: Leslie N. Vanden Herik NRCS District Conservationist: Chris Childers Education Coordinator: Anganette Byrd WESTERN REGIONAL COORDINATORS Rob Baldwin and Davis Ferguson

*A special thanks to our proud partner Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services.

Newsletter Sponsorship Do you own or run a farm, natural resource or other conservation related business? Would you be interested in sponsoring our newsletter through a small ad? If so, we need your input! What size add would you be interested in – one eight page, quarter page, half page? How much would you consider a reasonable cost for sponsorship? How frequently would you be interested in sponsoring? Our newsletter is distributed via e-mail once a quarter to over 1,100 people in Charlotte/Mecklenburg County and the surrounding area in addition to posting it on our website. We need your feedback to help us move forward with development of a newsletter sponsorship program. If you or someone you know might be interested in newsletter sponsorship, please send us your feedback to [email protected]. Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. Page 13