Database: CDSEARCH/cdd v3.14 Low complexity filter: no Composition Based Adjustment: yes Evalue threshold: 0.01 Maximum number of hits: 500
References: MarchlerBauer A et al. (2015), "CDD: NCBI's conserved domain database.", Nucleic Acids Res.43(D)2226. MarchlerBauer A et al. (2011), "CDD: a Conserved Domain Database for the functional annotation of proteins.", Nucleic Acids Res.39(D)2259. MarchlerBauer A et al. (2009), "CDD: specific functional annotation with the Conserved Domain Database.", Nucleic Acids Res.37(D)20510. MarchlerBauer A, Bryant SH (2004), "CDSearch: protein domain annotations on the fly.", Nucleic Acids Res.32(W)327331.
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