Certainly Constantin Noica was not the “Philosopher” [Constantin Noica]. – or
else the “Old Man” of the late seventies and the early eighties2 – from the very.
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vademecum Constantin Noica
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´ equivalences arguments
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˘ da ˘t edition: C. Bra ¸ an, M. Diaconu, A. Rezus¸ & S. Vieru (eds.) c
2003 arguments [BiBTEX – LATEX 2ε -edition] c 1988–2003 Adrian Rezus¸ (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) [text]
c 2003 Salvador Dal´ı Estate [logo Salvador Dal´ı: Centaure]
˘r (Bucharest, Romania) [photo C. Noica] c 2001 Dinu Laza
´quivalences [pdfLATEX – hyperscreen] c 2003 e
This electronic edition is a non-profit publication produced by pdfTEX 14.h & created by LATEX 2ε with siamarg, hyperref & hyperscreen ´ Tha `n The ˆ `nh c 2001 Ha pdfTEX14.h c 1993–2001 the LATEX3 project team et al. LATEX 2ε c 2003 Adrian Rezus¸ [based on siam] BiBTeX-style siamarg c 1995–2001 Sebastian Rahtz hyperref c 2001-2002 Adrian Rezus¸ [based on pdfscreen] hyperscreen c 1999–2001 C. V. Radhakrishnan pdfscreen
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c 1994–2001 Adrian Rezus¸ typeset by romanianTEX printed in the netherlands – December 8, 2003
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constantin noica
vademecum ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 3
Bucharest – Ithaca, NY – Nijmegen – Vienna 2003
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Foreword ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 5
Although [privately] intended long ago, this Bio-bibliographical survey of Constantin Noica (1909–1987) has never been an actual project, beforehand: it has emerged naturally from a few recent contributions of two PhD students of Prof. Gabriel Liiceanu at the University of Bucharest – Laura Pamfil and Sorin Lavric –, both of them currently engaged, and independently so, in a “thematic” study of Noica’s ontology. ´quivalences The editorial board of arguments, as well as the main editor of the e host-library, have estimated the expertise of the young [PhD] students to be (qualitatively) far beyond usual expectations (judging by common [Western] academic standards), whence also the decision to display – in a kind of priviledged preview, for our philosophically motivated readers – some of their academic projects. Technically speaking, the survey following next is the result of an editorial meltdown, with ultimate [technical and other kind of] responsabilities assumed only by the main editor of this serial publication (sc. Adrian Rezus¸, Nijmegen, The Netherlands). In spite of a substantial amount of private information – documenting Noica’s [philosophical & other kind of] whereabouts, now and then – he was able to put together along the years, the [main] editor of this survey could have never attained the degree of objective distance & accuracy he was actually intending to, without the
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– otherwise unexpected – contribution of his young helpers. Other (implicit) debts have been (explicitely) mentioned in the editorial notes.∗ One should also mention, in the end, the indirect editorial debts to an old connoisseur of the subject matter, Gabriel Liiceanu, a rather useful source to read & peruse carefully – on Noica matters –, in absence of subjectively more distant ones. Adrian Rezus¸ Nijmegen September-October 2003 ´ equivalences / arguments Bucharest – Ithaca, NY – Nijmegen – Vienna, October 2003
Constantin Noica Werke, auch Wege (1934–1987) [1931–1990]
[...] tocmai pentru c˘a Noica s-a inscris ˆın linia tradit¸iei filosofice categoriale ¸si s-a format prin studiul expres al categoriilor ˆın istoria gˆındirii occidentale [...] el este ultimul filosof tradit¸ionalist al lumii Gabriel Liiceanu, 27 septembrie 2001 in: U¸sa interzis˘a [86] (2002), p. 1361
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“Noica is the last traditionalist philosopher of the world [...], just because his [search is] inscribed in the philosophical categorial tradition and [because] his work grew out from an explicit study of the categories in the history of Western thinking.” (The Forbidden Door, September 27, 2001)
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Certainly Constantin Noica was not the “Philosopher” [Constantin Noica] – or else the “Old Man” of the late seventies and the early eighties2 – from the very beginning, and the “Nicasian”3 way of thinking was not “Nicasian” all of a sudden. In retrospect, the student of his works is able to distinguish among several stages in the development of his thinking. Noica’s ways – Wege – are actually inscribed in his works: in his case, [die] Werke 2
Romanian: “B˘ atrˆınul”, a usual appelative emerging first in print in the P˘altini¸s records (cf. [66]). Otherwise, C. Noica was distantly referred to – in formal / polite Romanian – as “Domnul Noica” [Mr. Noica] by the younger generation around him, in contrast with the more familiar nickname / diminutive “Dinu [Noica]”, commonly used by his older friends (E. M. Cioran, Alexandru Paleologu, etc.). The outsiders used also, colloquially, the polite Romanian prefix “Domnul[e] Profesor” to his name – an analogue of the endemic / popular Italian “dottor[e]”, more or less –, mentioning a title / profession he never had, actually: Noica has never been involved in teaching – in any institutional sense of the word: University, high school, or elementary level – anything whatsoever, during all his life. Moreover, in full honestity, nobody – among his friends and / or “pupils” – can claim [s]he has actually “learned” something specific from him. Incidentally, this should be also in agreement with Noica’s early “dream”, [150] (1940), about founding a “school where there is nothing to learn”: Visez la o ¸scoal˘ a ˆın care s˘a nu se predea la drept vorbind nimic. [“I am dreaming of a school where nothing is taught, in the end.”] (cf. [251], page 7). [n.ed.] 3 A Latinized adjectival form, for / from “Noica”, suggested apparently – and / or, at least agreed, in principle, upon – by C. Noica himself (for a reliable witness, cf., e.g., the notes of Mihai Nasta – a Classics scholar –, in [95]). The would-be alternative form “noicist” [in colloquial Romanian] is likely to be avoided in philosophical contexts, as there is no specific “-ism” to be associated with Noica’s name, unless we intend to refer – and pejoratively so – to occasional [unwanted] epigonal echoes, as, e.g., the “proto-chronistic followers”, reviewed already during the early nineties by Katherine Verdery in her monograph [351] (Romanian version in [352]). [n.ed.]
❙➧ ➧
[sind] auch Wege4 , since – as he repeatedly used to say –, he had “[...] no biography, [...] only works [books]”. A possible thematic, interpretative classification of Noica’s philosophical output (original monographs: books mainly) has been recently suggested by Laura Pamfil in her PhD Dissertation [University of Bucharest, forthcoming]. We found useful to summarize the main points of her attempt, as a would-be guide for a subsequent study of Noica’s philosophical work.
I the formation stage (1934–1943): history of philosophy [to and including Kant], readings in the light of “[the possibility of] something new”; statement of personal positions in Mathesis (1934) and De caelo (1937), and first insights into future ontological orientations
1934 Mathesis sau Bucuriile simple [108]: a personal position
1936 Concepte deschise ˆın istoria filosofiei la Descartes, Leibniz ¸si Kant5 [115]: dead ends / blind alleys of [and closing points in] rationalism, and an exit via Kant 1937 De Caelo, ˆIncercare ˆın jurul cunoa¸sterii ¸si individului [120]: a personal position
➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 9
1937 Viat¸a ¸si filosofia lui Descartes [131]: closing points in rationalism 4
Cf. Heidegger’s opposite Selbstinterpretation-claim, also chosen as a motto for his Gesamtausgabe [“letzter Hand”]: Wege, nicht Werke. [n.ed.] 5 Cf. also his Master thesis [th`ese de licence] on Problema lucrului ˆın sine la Kant [The problem of the Ding an sich in Kant] (Bucharest 1931). [LP] — Otherwise, KrV is known to be one of the first thorough philosophical readings of C. Noica – apparently since he was aged 18, already –, while Kant was a kind of long-term obsession for him.0 [n.ed.]
1940 Schit¸˘ a pentru istoria lui Cum e cu putint¸˘a ceva nou [151]6 : search for a mediation between empirism (“external”) and rationalism (“internal”); “something new” is made possible by means of “dialectics” (no Hegel yet)
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1943 Dou˘ a introduceri ¸si o trecere spre idealism [156]: the discovery of Kant (the synthetic apriori judgements); Kant opens (!) a way to “dialectics” and to a “Logic of Reason”, i.e., a possible way out from the dilemma “internal” (rationalism) vs “external” (empirism)
II the “Romanian” stage (1944–1978): steps towards a “national ontology” (first echoes / influences from Hegel and Heidegger7 ) 1944 Jurnal filosofic [150]: a personal orientation
1944 Pagini despre sufletul romˆanesc [164]: first steps to a “national ontology”
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Fenomenologia spiritului de G. W. F. Hegel istorisit˘a de Constantin Noica [166]: first Hegel investigation (1952–1953, in print: 1962)
1969 Dou˘ azeci ¸si ¸sapte trepte ale realului [172]: (renewed) interest in categories8 6
PhD Dissertation, Bucharest (May 1940). [LP] Possible suggestions from [the later] Heidegger: the discovery of the language – Romanian – as a “thinker” (!), whence also the search for a would-be system of “Romanian philosophical apophantics” (rostire filosofic˘ a romˆ aneasc˘ a, where rostire, “uttering”, should be also understood as a punere ˆın rost, rostuire , “ordering”, mise-en-ordre, revealing an implicit systematic categorial structure, etc.). [n.ed.] 8 De aici important¸a c˘ art¸uliei lui [...] [172], studiu dedicat istoriei categoriilor ¸si m˘arturie a intr˘arii sale ˆın filozofie pe aceast˘ a poart˘ a clasic˘a. [“Whence the importance of his booklet [...] [172], a study dedicated to the history of categories, [and] a witness of his ‘entering into’ philosophy through 7
1969 Lysis, cu un eseu despre ˆınt¸elesul grec al dragostei despre oameni ¸si lucruri [174]: (reading Plato, once more) ethics as a disclosure for ontology
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1970 Rostirea filozofic˘ a romˆ aneasc˘a [180]: the meaning of language for ontology, a first approach 1973 Creat¸ie ¸si frumos ˆın rostirea romˆaneasc˘a [192]: the meaning of language for ontology, refinements in view of a “national ontology” 1975 Eminescu sau Gˆ anduri despre omul deplin al culturii romˆane¸sti [202]: a Romanian “Opening into [the] Universal”
➧ ➧❙ ➥
1976 Desp˘ art¸irea de Goethe [204]: first steps towards a “general ontology” 1978 Sentimentul romˆ anesc al fiint¸ei [209]: the “national ontology” III the “Hegelian” stage (1978–1986): ontology and logic (both Hegelian, in essence)
1978 Spiritul romˆ anesc ˆın cump˘atul vremii, S¸ase maladii ale spiritului contemporan [210]: a first attempt to a Philosophy of Mind, on Hegel’s pattern (“jelly-like” stage of the [Hegelian] ontology)
1980 Povestiri despre om [216]: hermeneutic revisions of Hegel’s Ph¨anomenologie
1981 Devenirea ˆıntru fiint¸˘ a [217], i.e., 1 ˆIncercare asupra filozofiei tradit¸ionale & 2 Tratat de ontologie: the “ontological model” in its mature form
1984 Trei introduceri la Devenirea ˆıntru fiint¸˘a [230]: complements to the “ontological model” this ‘classical door’.] (G. Liiceanu, September 27, 2001, in: [86], loc. cit.) [n.ed.]
1986 Scrisori despre logica lui Hermes [234]: an attempt to the foundation of a speculative logic, on Hegel’s pattern
IV posthumous publications (1988–1990):
1988 De dignitate Europae [246]: (a German version of Modelul cultural european [262], in print: 1993): the “ontological model”, as applied to the “[Western] European Mind” (suggestions for a political philosophy)
1990 Rugat¸i-v˘ a pentru fratele Alexandru [252]: retrospect: an account of the prison years (dated 1965)9
1990 Jurnal de idei [250]: retrospect: a philosophical diary (1958–1987, with interruptions)
Laura Pamfil Stuttgart September-October 2003
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´ equivalences / arguments Bucharest – Ithaca, NY – Nijmegen – Vienna, October 2003
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To be read / understood – pace the historical “detail” – in the light of [210], likely. [n.ed.]
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Constantin Noica A Selective Bibliography (1929–2003) ...vita sine cultura quasi imago mortis [est...] Constantin Noica, in conversations
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This selective bibliography – based, initially, on the references included in the PhD Dissertation of Laura Pamfil [University of Bucharest, forthcoming] – is meant to supply a first systematic guide to the philosophical publications of Constantin Noica. As a rule, the “monographs” – i.e., items issued in book-form –, most of the translations and the editions of philosophical texts due to Noica and his collaborators (especially those containing comments or notes by his hand) have been listed in detail. Nearly all (more recent) reprints have been identified, by the same token. The editors have also included in the list a large number of papers and essays (by C. Noica) with a philosophical character, published in (philosophical) serials and in collective volumes (in Romania and abroad), as well as the relevant secondary literature. (The latter two categories of entries are rather selective. So, for instance, Noica-items appearing first in [Romanian] literary and / or cultural publications and reprinted subsequently in volumes have been ignored.) Most of Noica’s occasional papers and essays with a literary, political, or – generally speaking – a non-philosophical character, scattered through Romanian periodicals (1927–1987) can be conveniently retrieved from [249] (1934–1987, ed. by Mircea Handoca, in 1989 [actually published in 1990]) and the recent Humanitas-editions prepared by Marin Diaconu [266] (1927–1929, published in 1994), [275] (1930–1934, published in 1996), and [285] (1929–1947, published in 1998). See also [256] (ed. by Gabriel Liiceanu and Marin Diaconu, in 1992) and [255], [258] (both published in 1992), [289] (radio-conferences, 1936–1943, published in 2000). A first systematic attempt to identify this kind of output is due to Mircea Handoca (in [249], pp.
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178–332).10 So-called “posthumous” publications and a few inedita are included in [250] (ed. by Thomas Kleininger, Gabriel Liiceanu, Andrei Ples¸u and Sorin Vieru, in 1990 – some excerpts, for a wider audience, can be found in [260]), in [252] (first published in 1990, too) and in [282] (published in 1997). The translations from the works of Constantin Noica are rather scarce in print. Actually, with the exception of [246] – first published in German (Bucharest, 1988) –, and [292] – published first in French11 – only [210] (1978) and [252] (1990) seem to have drawn, so far, the attention of the public abroad (in France12 , Italy13 , Poland14 , Brazil15 , and, incidentally, in Mexico16 ). Two Hungarian translations of somewhat 10
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See also the notes of Marin Diaconu to his editions, [266] (1994), [275] (1996), and [285] (1998): a valuable research tool for the student of Noica’s huge journalistic output (more than 500 entries in print for the period 1927–1947), and, possibly, [25], [27]. 11 By E. M. Cioran: Lettre ` a un ami lointain, in La Nouvelle Revue Fran¸ccaise, Paris 1957; cf. the reprint [292], Crit´erion, Paris 1991, containing also Cioran’s answer, and possibly E. M. Cioran Histoire et utopie, Gallimard, Paris [1960, 1974, 1977, 1988, 1996, etc.]. There is also an Italian translation of the exchange, [293], by Roberta Ferrara (ed. by Lorenzo Renzi, 1993). 12 For a French translation of [210], cf. [254]. 13 With translations of [210] and [252] by Marco Cugno; cf. [263] (1993) and [264] (1994), resp. 14 With a translation of [210]. by Ireneusz Kania; cf. [283] (1997). 15 With a recent [Brazilian-] Portuguese translation of [210] by Fernando Klabin and Elena Sburlea; cf. [288]. 16 Cf., e.g., [291], a partial Spanish translation of [210] by Antonio Armon´ıa, published in La Jornada semanal – suplemento cultural (M´exico), the weekly supplement of the newspaper La Jornada (nr. 358, of January 13, 2002 and 359, of January 20, 2002). The text is accompanied by an introduction, [21], due to the Italian translator of [210], Marco Cugno.
older Noica-books have been also published recently (1996)17 . The bibliographical comments, the crossreferences, and the translation of the [Romanian] titles have been supplied by the editors. ´ equivalences / arguments Bucharest – Ithaca, NY – Nijmegen – Vienna, September-October 2003
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Cf. e.g., [276] [Mathesis, original edition: 1934], [274] [De caelo, original edition: 1937], with ´szlo ´ ; both were issued, as a matter of fact, in Romania (Nagyv´arad introductory essays by Papp La = “Oradea [Mare]”).
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[1] Alexandrescu, Sorin, Paradoxul romˆ an [The Romanian Paradox], Editura Univers, Bucure¸sti, 1998. Historical and general intellectual background to Romania: the point of view of an expert in Romanian intellectual history and, essentially, Romanian contemporary literature (formerly a Professor of Romanian studies at the University of Amsterdam [UvA], Faculty of Letters, Department of French & Romanian [sic]), the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Rumanian Studies (Amsterdam), close to Mircea Eliade and a fine connoisseur of his work, etc.
[2] Antohi, Sorin, Noica, Denker in d¨ urftiger Zeit, Agora (Philadelphia, PA), 2 (2), 1989, pp. 36–73. For a Romanian version, see [3] (Litera, Bucharest 1994) or the revised reprint [4] (Polirom, Jassy 1999).
[3] ❙➧ ➧
Historical background. Cf. also the revised edition [4] (Polirom, Jassy 1999).
➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 18
, Civitas imaginalis, Istorie ¸si utopie ˆın cultura romˆan˘a, Editura Polirom, Ia¸si, 1999. A revised version of [3], with a postscript (1999): Post-scriptum din 1999.
➧ ➧❙
, Civitas imaginalis, Istorie ¸si utopie ˆın cultura romˆan˘a [History and Utopy in Romanian Culture], Litera, Bucure¸sti, 1994.
edit¸ia a II-a rev˘azut˘a, cu un
, Naveti¸sti ˆın Castalia – S¸coala lui Noica: putere ¸si cultur˘ a ˆın Romˆ ania comunist˘a [Regular travellers in Castalia – Noica’s ‘School’: power and culture in Communist Romania], LA&I – Litere, Arte, Idei, 8, Nr. 34 (290) [29 septembrie 2003], 2003, pp. 4–5, 13–15. A revised and augmented Romanian version of the Preface to [83], pp. vii–xxiv, translated by Dan Mateescu. Published in: LA&I, an appendix to Cotidianul (Bucharest), “Supliment cultural, Serie Nou˘a, Nr. 34 (290), anul VIII, 29 septembrie 2003, 16 pagini”: Jurnalul de la P˘altini¸s – dup˘a dou˘azeci de ani. [Footnotes truncated “substantially”, due to lack of space!] Acest text a fost scris ˆın englez˘a ˆın 2000, pe cˆ and eram Fellow la Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, [CA] [...]. Textul englez a ap˘arut ca prefat¸˘a la [cartea lui] Gabriel Liiceanu, The P˘altini¸s Diary. A Paideic Model in Humanist Culture, [...] tradus˘ a de James Christian Brown, Budapesta – New York, Central European University Press, 2000, (i.e., [83]), pp. vii–xxiv. A mai ap˘arut ˆın traducere
˘ Bra ˘ da ˘t polonez˘ a (cf. [84]). Costica ¸ an a init¸iat traducerea ˆın romˆan˘a, realizat˘a [...] de Dan Mateescu. [...] Versiunea romˆaneasc˘a, cu mici[...] ad˘augiri, a ap˘arut ˆın efemerida Studii culturale, dirijat˘a de Nicolae Manolescu, la Fundat¸ia Cultural˘ a Romˆ an˘ a (nr. 1, 2000, pp. 61–81); prezenta versiune, ˆın care am intervenit punctual [...], va fi reluat˘a ˆın cartea mea Efecte secundare. Istorie, cultur˘ a, poli tic˘ a, Ed[itura] Polirom, Ia¸si, 2003.
❙➧ ➧ ➧
[6] Barbu, Zevedei, Constantin Noica: Dou˘ a introduceri ¸si o trecere spre idealism, Saeculum, 2, 1943. A review of [156].
➧❙ ➥
[7] Besanc ¸ on, Alain, Trait´e de recomposition, Commentaire, 22 (87) [hiver], 1999. A review of [82].
➥ ❐
[8] Boia, Lucian, Jocul cu trecutul, istoria ˆıntre adev˘ar ¸si fict¸iune [The Game with the Past – History between Truth and Myth], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1998, [Istorie].
✔ ✖ 19
Historical background to Romania and her past (the author is a professional historian).
, ed., Miturile comunismului romˆ anesc [The Myths of the Romanian Communism], Editura Nemira, Bucure¸sti, 1998, [Societatea politic˘a].
Historical background (to post-war Romania).
, Dou˘ a secole de mitologie nat¸ional˘ a [Two Centuries of National Mythology], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1999, [Istorie]. Historical background (to Romanian patriotism).
➧ [11]
, Romania, Borderland of Europe, Reaktion Books, London, 2001.
➧ Historical background (to Romania, in general!). Romanian national mythomania explained away (by a kind of Romanian [neo-] mythomaniac, in fact, new / recent European dimension[s] included): a balanced, illuminated view, echoing, more or less, the current standpoint of an informed average Romanian patriot on his [beloved] country, someone who is [going to be] the friend of everybody. (In short: “Cool!”, as they use to say, now and then, the other side of the ocean. The oldfashioned, “continental” Europe doesn’t seem to like very much this kind of [new] people, however.) Romanian translation in [12].
➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 20
, Romˆ ania, ¸tar˘ a de frontier˘ a a Europei, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 2002, [Istorie]. A Romanian version of [11], slightly updated (in Notes), with a “Preface to the Romanian edition” (page 5). General historical background.
´ly, S [13] Borbe ¸ tefan, Jurnalul de la P˘ altini¸s [The P˘altini¸s Diary], Echinox, 30 (10–11–12), 1998.
˘ da ˘t ˘ , O introducere la istoria filosofiei romˆ [14] Bra ¸ an, Costica ane¸sti ˆın secolul XX [An Introduction to the History of Romanian Philosophy in the Twentieth Century], Editura Fundat¸iei Culturale Romˆane, Bucure¸sti, 2000. An introductory essay, as announced in the title: this is, in essence, a representative collection – “collage” – of quotes, on / about people interested in philosophy, in Romania, during the former century (for, in fact, there is no “history of Romanian philosophy in the xx-th century”, nor in any other century for that matter), with, now and then, perspicuous footnote-like remarks stemming from the author himself. Otherwise, the booklet assumes a deep familiarity with the “Romanian context” – perennial and / or otherwise –, so it is also, more or less, useless for the average Western reader, say, interested in philosophy (the historical details can be retrieved from the copious references of the book, nevertheless). On Noica’s whereabous, see, especially, chapters 3 O generat¸ie de aur cu (z)garda de fier [A Iron-Guarded Generation], 5 Filosofie ¸si underground [Philosophy and underground], and 6 P˘ altini¸s vs Bucure¸sti: an attempt to a critical reading of the “Noica-episodes” in the context of the last century Romania. (Apparently, the author has in mind a radical revision of the text. For a digest, cf. also [15] [October 2003].)
➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 21
, Filosofia in Romˆania secolului XX: Constantin Noica [Philosophy in Twentieth Century Romania – Constantin Noica], arguments, 2, 2003, pp. 1–102 [separatum]. A revised and condensed version of the “Noica-chapters” [3, 5, and 6] from [14] (2000). To appear also in print elsewhere, in expanded form.
˘dilit ˘, Cristian, Gˆ [16] Ba ¸a anduri despre S¸coala de la P˘ altini¸s [Thoughts on the School of P˘altini¸s], Aldine, 1998 [December 12], pp. i—iii. ❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐
Aldine: a Supplement of the newspaper Romˆania liber˘a (Bucharest).
˘ncila ˘, Vasile, C˘art¸ile domnului Constantin Noica [The books of Mr. Con[17] Ba stantin Noica], Gˆ and romˆ anesc, 1–6, 1939. [18] Comarnescu, Petru, Dou˘ a moduri de cercet˘ ari filosofice la d[om]nii Al. Claudian ¸si Constantin Noica [Two kinds of philosophical research to Mr. Al. Claudian and Mr. Constantin Noica], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 12, 1936. ´pon, Marc, La culture de l’Europe selon No¨ıca et Patocka, in: Le malin [19] Cre g´ enie des langues, Paris, 2000, Vrin, pp. 173–183. [20] Cugno, Marco, Pregate per il fratelo Alessandro di Constantin Noica: i capitoli ritrovati, Letterature di frontiera (Bulzoni Editore, Roma), 7 (2) [lugliodicembre], 1997, pp. 213–226. Cf. also [264] and the introduction to the Spanish translation [291].
✔ ✖ 22
, Constantin Noica: la cuarta v´ıa, in: La Jornada Semanal suplemento cultural nr. 358 (January 13, 2002), M´exico, 2002, La Jornada. Introduction to [291], translated [from Italian] by Alfonso Herrera Salcedo T.. Cf. also sem-cugno [January 13, 2002]. (La Jornada semanal is the weekly
[Sunday- / literary-cultural] supplement of the newspaper La Jornada (M´exico); cf. also La Jornada Virtu@l, online at www.jornada.unam.mx.)
❙➧ ➧ ➧
[22] Dima, Al., Un rat¸ionalist emotiv [An emotional rationalist], in: Al. Dima Fenomenul romˆ anesc de sub noi priviri critice [The Romanian Phenomenon – New Critical Examinations], Craiova, 1938, Editura Ramuri. [23] Druckmann-Damian, Samuel, Constantin Noica und die Schule von P˘ altini¸s, Halbjahresschrift f¨ ur s¨ udosteurop¨ aische Geschichte, Literatur und Politik, 1, 1997.
Biannual Review etc.: issue on Aufbruchsstimmung im Osten – Zwischen selbstgef˘ alliger Isolation und plakativer Selbstbewunderung. See the Table of contents, at William Totok.
➥ ➥
[24] Dumitriu, Anton, Constantin Noica: Concepte deschise ˆın istoria filosofiei, Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 4, 1936. A review of [115].
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[25] Dur, Ion, Noica, ˆıntre dandysm ¸si mitul ¸scolii [Noica – Between Dandysm and the Myth of the School], Editura Eminescu, Bucure¸sti, 1994. 148 pp.
✖ 23
, De la Eminescu la Cioran [From Eminescu to Cioran], Editura Scrisul Romˆanesc, Craiova, 1996.
267 pp.
272 pp.
➧ ➧
[28] Eliade, Mircea, Trepte pentru Mircea Vulc˘ anescu [Stairs for Mircea Vulc˘anescu], Prodromos, 1968. Dated: Chicago, November 1967. Reprinted [partially] in Sud-Est, Art˘a, Cultur˘a Civilizat¸ie (Chi¸sin˘ au), 1 (1991), pp. 62–79.
➧❙ ➥
, Noica, portretul gazetarului la tineret¸e [Noica – The Portrait of the Journalist as a Young Man], Editura Saeculum, Sibiu, 1999.
[29] Fay, S ¸ tefan J., Sokrateion, sau M˘arturie pentru om [Sokrateion, or: Witness for the Man], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1991.
Historical background (a personal account): a Memoir on the Man [= Mircea ˘nescu] – biographical details –, written in the form of a letter for his Vulca ˘riuca Vulca ˘nescu], datdaughters, Sandra [de Hillerin] and Maria [= Ma ed Bucharest, 1983–1984 (cf. also the editorial notes to [363] and [364]). Second revised edition published in [30].
❐ ✔ [30] ✖
, Sokrateion, M˘arturie despre Mircea Vulc˘anescu [Sokrateion – Witness for Mircea Vulc˘anescu], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1998. A revised, augmented version of [29]:
edit¸ia a II-a, cu ad˘augiri.
[31] Flonta, Mircea, Cultur˘ a filosofic˘ a ¸si gˆ andire filosofic˘ a [Philosophical culture and philosophical thinking], Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 44 (1–2), [ianuarie-aprilie], 1997, pp. 5–16. [32]
ˆ , Intre gˆand propriu ¸si sistem [Between personal thought and system], Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 44 (4), [iulie-august], 1997, pp. 355–380.
, Cum s˘ a recunoa¸stem pas˘ area Minervei? Reflect¸ii asupra percept¸iei filosofiei ˆın cultura romˆaneasc˘a [How Do We Recognize the Owl of Minerva? – Reflections on the Perception of Philosophy in Romanian Culture], Editura Fundat¸iei Culturale Romˆane, Bucure¸sti, 1998.
➧ ➧ ➧❙
General intellectual background on issues philosophical (“the idea of philosophy”!) in Romania.
, Speculat¸ia ontologic˘ a ˆın slujba crezului nat¸ional? Despre o nou˘ a pies˘a a dosarului Constantin Noica [The ontological speculation serving the national credo – On a new piece in the Noica-file], Krisis (Bucure¸sti), 6 (10), 2000 [forthcoming].
[35] Frunzetti, Ion, Filosofia d[omnu]lui C. Noica [The Philosophy of Mr. C. Noica], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 12, 1940.
, Observat¸ii asupra lucr˘ arii d[omnu]lui C. Noica: Schit¸˘ a pentru istoria lui Cum e cu putint ¸˘a ceva nou, Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 2, 1941.
A review of [151].
˘dinaru, Mihail, Noica, modelul ontologic [Noica – The Ontological [37] Gra Model], Editura Septentrion, Ia¸si, 1994.
➧ ➧ ➧❙
273 pp.
[38] Handoca, Mircea, [Constantin Noica] Bibliografie selectiv˘ a [A selective bibliography], in: Constantin Noica Istoricitate ¸si eternitate – Repere pentru o istorie a culturii romˆane¸sti [Historicity and Eternity – Landmarks for a Romanian Cultural History], Handoca, Mircea, ed., Bucure¸sti, 1989, Capricorn, pp. 277–332.
➥ A partial Noica-bibliography (1927–1988): 816 entries [and 15 “radio-conferences”]. Cf. the anthology [249]. See also Revista de filosofie (Bucharest), 35 (2) [March-April], 1988, pp. 219–223 [Marin Diaconu].
➥ ❐ ✔ ✖
, Publicistica literar˘ a a lui Constantin Noica [The literary publications of Constantin Noica], in: Constantin Noica Istoricitate ¸si eternitate – Repere pentru o istorie a culturii romˆane¸sti [Historicity and Eternity – Landmarks for a Romanian Cultural History], Handoca, Mircea, ed., Bucure¸sti, 1989, Capricorn, pp. 5–17. Introduction to [249].
[40] ❙➧ ➧
[41] Ianos¸i, Ion, O istorie a filosofiei romˆ ane¸sti ˆın relat¸ia ei cu literatura [A History of Romanian Philosophy in Her Relation to Literature], Editura Biblioteca Apostrof, Cluj [-Napoca], 1996.
The “history” of Romanian philosophy written from the standpoint of a lit´eratteur, expert in and docent of (philosophical) aesthetics (University of Bucharest), etc. For the share of the author (actually, the main [official] referee of [89], in 1987, for the Publihing House Cartea Romˆaneasc˘a, Bucharest) to the “P˘altini¸s-complex”, see, e.g., [89], pp. 253–299 (containing an exchange with the main “editor” of the book, Gabriel Liiceanu).
➧❙ ➥ ➥
❐ ✔ ✖ 27
, ed., Constantin Noica Comentat de Mircea Handoca [Constantin Noica – Comments by Mircea Handoca], Editura Recif, Bucure¸sti, 1994, [Scriitori romˆani comentat¸i 7].
, ed., Dict¸ionarul operelor filosofice romˆ ane¸sti [A Dictionary of Romanian Philosophical Works], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1997. General background (to philosophical Romania).
, Constantin Noica ˆıntre construct¸ie ¸si expresie [Constantin Noica between Construction and Expression], Editura ¸stiint¸ific˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1998.
[44] Ierunca, Virgil, Gabriel Liiceanu ¸si Jurnalul de la P˘ altini¸s [Gabriel Liiceanu and the ‘P˘altini¸s Diary’], in: Virgil Ierunca Subiect ¸si predicat [Subject and Predicate], Bucure¸sti, 1993, Humanitas, pp. 159–173.
An early review of [66], dated January 1984, summarizing, more or less, the point of view of the “Romanians abroad” – the emigrants – on the book [and its subjectmatter]. Inevitably, this review had a larger audience, than other ones (via Radio Free Europe, etc.)
❙➧ ➧
ˆ , Intoarcerea lui Constantin Noica [C. Noica’s coming back], in: Virgil Ierunca Subiect ¸si predicat [Subject and Predicate], Bucure¸sti, 1993, Humanitas, p. 18.
➧ Note dated March 1967.
, La moartea lui Constantin Noica [C. Noica: obituary], in: Virgil Ierunca Subiect ¸si predicat [Subject and Predicate], Bucure¸sti, 1993, Humanitas, pp. 19–23. Obituary Constantin Noica, dated December 1987.
, Mircea Vulc˘anescu, domn cre¸stin [Mircea Vulc˘anescu, Christian Prince], in: Virgil Ierunca Subiect ¸si predicat [Subject and Predicate], Bucure¸sti, 1993, Humanitas, pp. 9–14. ˘nescu, dated September 1967. Note on Mircea Vulca
✔ ✖ 28
, P˘arintele risipitor [The prodigal father], in: Virgil Ierunca Subiect ¸si predicat [Subject and Predicate], Bucure¸sti, 1993, Humanitas, pp. 14–17. ˘nescu), dated September 1983, from Ethos (Paris) 4, Note (on Mircea Vulca 1983.
[49] Ioan, Petru, Logic˘a ¸si ontologie [Logic and ontology], Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 29 (5), 1982. ❙➧
[50] Ionescu, Cornel-Mihai, Cercul lui Hermes [The circle of Hermes], Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 44 (4), [iulie-august], 1997, pp. 389–399.
➧ ➧
Cf. also [same title in] Viat¸a Romˆaneasc˘a, nr. 11–12 (1994).
[51] Joja, Athanase, ed., Recherches sur l’Organon, Editions de l’Acad´emie de la R´epublique Socialiste de Roumanie, Bucarest, 1971.
A collection of “Romanian contributions” to the understanding of the Organon, “edited by” [sous la direction de] Athanase Joja, the acting [and the only, ever] Director of the Bucharest “Logic Center” (1965–1975): iv + 174 pp. Cf. also [203], [206], [311].
➥ ➥
[52] Karnoouh, Claude, L’Invention du peuple. Chroniques de Roumanie, essai, Arcant`ere, Paris, 1990.
❐ Historical background to (recent) Romania: the standpoint of an ethnologist (France).
✔ [53] ✖
, Consensus et dissensions en Roumanie, Un pays en quˆete d’une soci´et´e civile, Acratie, Maul´eon, 1991, [Les cahiers d’Iztok 1]. Historical background to (recent) Romania: the standpoint of a French ethnologist.
[54] ❙➧
, Romˆ anii. Tipologie ¸si mentalit˘a¸ti [The Romanians – Typology and Mentalities], traducere din francez˘a de Carmen Stoean, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1994, [Nat¸iuni / Mentalit˘a¸ti]. Historical background to Romania: the standpoint of a French ethnologist.
➧ [55] ➧
Historical background (to “post-communist” Europe, i.e., in [very] recent times [after the fall of the Berlin Wall]): a broader viewpoint from France, in occasional contributions: recueil de textes initialement parus dans diverses revues, 1993– 1998.
➧❙ ➥ ➥
[56] Laignel-Lavastine, Alexandra, La Philosophie nationaliste roumaine Une figure embl´ematique : Constantin No¨ıca (1909–1987), [unpublished] Universit´e Paris IV, Paris, 1996, [Th`ese de doctorat (nouveau style)].
PhD Dissertation [philosophy], University Paris IV [typoscript, two vols., 518 f.] of Alexandra Carreau Hurezeanu alias Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine. Bibliographic record from sudoc (France). Cf. also the Romanian version, published in [59].
✔ ✖ 30
, Postcommunisme fin de si` ecle, Essai sur l’Europe du XXIe si`ecle, L’Harmattan, Paris & Montr´eal (Qu´ebec), 2000, [Aujourd’hui l’Europe].
, From the first Constantin No¨ıca to the second: break or continuity?, in: Culture and the Politics of Identity in Modern Romania, 1998.
Communication au colloque international Culture and the Politics of Identity in Modern Romania, organis´e par le d´epartement d’histoire de l’Universit´e de Pittsburgh et le Journal of the History of Ideas, `a Bucarest, les 27–30 mai 1998.
❙➧ [58]
, Jan Patocka, L’Esprit de la dissidence, L’Harmattan, Paris, 1998, [Le bien commun].
[59] ➧
, Nat¸ionalism ¸si filozofie. Paradoxul Noica [Nationalism and Philosophy – The Noica Paradox], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1998.
Originally a PhD dissertation defended at the University Paris IV; cf. [56]. Translation by Emanoil Marcu.
, Cioran, Eliade, Ionesco. L’Oubli du fascisme : trois intellectuels roumains dans la tourmente du si`ecle, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 2002, [Perspectives critiques].
, Nationalisme et modernit´ e en Europe de l’Est, L’Ontologie ethnique de Constantin No¨ıca (1909–1987), L’Harmattan, Paris & Montr´eal (Qu´ebec), 2003 [forthcoming].
➥ ❐ ✔ ✖
[62] Lates, Titus, Sistemul rostirii filosofice romˆ ane¸sti la C. Noica [Noica’s system of Romanian philosophical apophantics], Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 44 (4), [iulie-august], 1997, pp. 409–422. [63] Lavric, Sorin, Viat¸a lui Noica, arguments, 2, 2003, pp. 1–28 [separatum].
To appear in print elsewhere.
Paper reporting work in progress on the author’s PhD Dissertation [65] (University of Bucharest). Cf. also arguments 1, 2003, for a preprint.
➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥
, Ethosul neutralit˘a¸tii ¸si ethosul orient˘ arii [The ethos of neutrality and the ethos of orientation], Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), [forthcoming].
, Ontologia lui Constantin Noica [The Ontology of Constantin Noica], Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, [forthcoming], [PhD Dissertation].
[66] Liiceanu, Gabriel, Jurnalul de la P˘ altini¸s – Un model paideic ˆın cultura umanist˘a [The P˘altini¸s Diary – A Paideic Model in the Humanities], Cartea Romˆaneasc˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1983.
➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 32
A remarkable philosophical portrait of Constantin Noica, written in the form of a private diary of the author, running from March, 1977 to July, 1981. (After its publication, the booklet has been commented upon, in correspondence, by the persons mentioned in the text – including Constantin Noica and the author himself –, and the outcome has been eventually edited and published as [89].) Online version of the original edition (1983) also available in the electronic archives ´quivalences (2001). Reprints, with (later) additions: Humanitas, Bucharest e [73] 2 1991 and [78] 3 1996. Translations (of the revised edition[s]): [82] [French] and [83] [English]. There is also a recent [2001] Polish translation in print, cf. [84].
[67] ❙➧ ➧
IJRS (ed. by Sorin Alexandrescu), Special issue Philosophie de Constantin No¨ıca. A French version of [66], pp. 229–237, translated by Alain Paruit (Paris).
➧ ➧❙
✖ 33
, The limit and reaching beyond. A philosophical-philological investigation, Annalecta Husserliana, 27, 1989, pp. 487–505. A revised version of this paper appears as Semantismele radicalului *per ¸si complexul peratologic, in the Appendix of [74] [Annex I]. French translation in [79].
❐ ✔
, Filosofia ¸si paradigma feminin˘ a a auditoriului [The philosophy and the she-paradigm of the listener], Viat¸a romˆ aneasc˘ a, 7, 1985, pp. 55–69. With a Postscript by Constantin Noica, p. 70.
➥ ➥
, Constantin No¨ıca peut se tenir pour un homme heureux, International Journal of Rumanian Studies (Amsterdam), 4 (2), 1984–1986, pp. 7–13.
, Adsum? Modelul cultural Noica ¸si urgent¸ele istoriei [Adsum? The cultural model of Noica and the emergencies of history], [Revista] 22, 45, 1990. Cf. also [135].
, Heidegger, Kuntswerk und die Grenze, Mesotes (Wien), [Supplementband], 1991, pp. 166–171. “Mesotes (Vienna), Supplementband Martin Heidegger. Beitr¨age des Symposions Tendenzen und Ergebnisse der Heidegger-Forschung in Ost- und Mitteleu¨rst, N. Holmer, Th. Hu ¨bel und H. Vetter, Wien, ropa, hrsg. von M. Fu
1991.” A Romanian version of this paper appears also in the Appendix to [74], as Annex III. French translation in [79].
➧ ➧
ˆ loc de prefat¸˘a: Ce ˆınseamn˘ , In a a fi european ˆın Estul postbelic? [In stead of a preface: What means ‘Being an European’ in the East, after the Second World War?], in: Gabriel Liiceanu Jurnalul de la P˘ altini¸s. Un model paideic ˆın cultura umanist˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1991, Humanitas, pp. 5–16. An additional introduction (1991) to [66], auto-biographical in essence, around the Meeting(s) with Constantin Noica. Text of a conference held in Luxemburg, September, 1990. A late echo / rehearsal of [155], etc.
➧❙ [73] ➥
, Jurnalul de la P˘ altini¸s. Un model paideic ˆın cultura umanist˘a, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1991. A reprint of [66], with a new “substitute of preface” [72]. “First edition” Humanitas.
➥ [74]
, Despre limit˘ a [On the Limit], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1994, [Eseistic˘a].
❐ The Appendix includes also slightly revised Romanian versions of [69] and [71], as Anexe. Reprinted as [80], Humanitas, Bucharest 2 1997. French translation: [79].
✔ [75] ✖ 34
, Adaos la o biografie – Dou˘ a opriri pe drumul lui Noica [Addendum to a biography: two stations on Noica’s way], in: Gabriel Liiceanu Jurnalul de la P˘ altini¸s. Un model paideic ˆın cultura umanist˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1996, Humanitas, pp. 287–301.
Two additional biographical notes on Constantin Noica: Arestarea [The Arrest] (1958), pp. 287–292, and Sfˆır¸situl [The End] (1987), pp. 292–301.
➧ ➧
, Cearta cu filozofia, Eseuri [Dissenting to Philosophy, Essays], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1996, [Eseistic˘a]. First edition. Reprinted as [81], Humanitas, Bucharest 2 1998.
, Despre locul optim al dezv˘ aluirii [The optimal place of revelation], in: Gabriel Liiceanu Apel c˘ atre lichele, edit¸ie adus˘a la zi [A Call to Rascals, an updated edition], Bucure¸sti, 1996, Humanitas, pp. 151–154. Around Noica’s “political” papers (Buna-Vestire, Bucharest, 1940, [136]), and the publication of [358].
➥ [78] ➥
, Jurnalul de la P˘ altini¸s. Un model paideic ˆın cultura umanist˘a, cu un Adaos din 1996, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1996, [Esei¸sti romˆani]. A reprint of [66], resp. [73], with a late addition [75] (1996). “Second edition” Humanitas.
❐ [79] ✔
, De la limite. Petit trait´e `a l’usage des orgueilleux, tr[aduction] par ´ Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine, Editions Michalon, Paris, 1997. A French translation of [74], with a [French] subtitle `a l’usage des fran¸cais.
✖ 35
, Despre limit˘ a [On the Limit], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1997, [Esei¸sti romˆani].
The second edition of [74].
, Cearta cu filozofia, Eseuri, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1998, [Esei¸sti romˆani]. A reprint of [76].
A French translation of (the revised edition of) [66], with Notes, by MarieFrance Ionesco. Reviews in: La Croix (June 12, 1999), T´el´erama (May 26, ´ de ´ric Martel) Commentaire (vol. 22, nr. 87, 1999), Esprit (May 1999, by Fre Winter 1999, by Alain Besanc ¸ on, cf. [7]), etc.
➧❙ ➥ ➥
, Le Journal de P˘ altini¸s. Recit d’une formation spirituelle et philoso´ phique, tr[aduction] par Marie-France Ionesco, Editions de La D´ecouverte, Paris, 1999, [Armillaire].
, The P˘ altini¸s Diary. A Paideic Model in Humanist Culture, tr[anslation] by James Christian Brown, Central European University Press, Budapest & New York, NY, 2000, [Central European Library of Ideas].
❐ An English translation of (the revised edition of) [66]. [ISBN 963-911688-2 (cloth): R 2001; ISBN 963-911689-0 (paperback): R 2001] [xxxii + 227 pp.]
✔ [84] ✖ 36
, Dziennik z P˘ altini¸su. Pajdeja jako model w kulturze humanistycznej Przeklad Ireneusz Kania [The P˘altini¸s Diary – A Paideic Model in Humanist Culture. Translated by Ireneusz Kania] [Polish], Wydawnictwo Pogranicze, Sejny, 2001, [Meridian].
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 37
A Polish translation of (the revised ed. of) [66]. (Pogranicze, Sejny 2001, s. 292. Seria Meridian pod redakcj¸a Krzysztofa Czyz˙ ewskiego. [ISBN 8386872-26-8] Published by Fundacja Pogranicze.) See e.g. www.pogranicze.sejny.pl [anonymous rev. appended: Tygodnik Powszechny (dated 14.04.2002)], and the on-line reviews: Maslo i deficyt idei (2.05.2002), by Anna Kaniecka-Mazurek, Rumu´ nska Kastalia, by Edwin Bendyk [both at Polityka – czytelnia: http://czytelnia.onet.pl], Recenzja Piotra Huniewicza, by Piotr Huniewicz, etc. There are many other reviews in Polish – see e.g., in print: Anna Kaniecka-Mazurek: Rumu´ nska Kastalia, maslo iewolucja antropologiczna (Recenzje, om´ owienia, przegl¸ady: G. Liiceanu Dziennik z P˘altini¸su), in: Pogranicza, Nr. 4 (39) 2002, p.138 et sq. [issue dated: 15 lipca 2002] –, and the author has noted himself in print, cf. [86], the vivid debates around this rather old booklet of his, in Poland. (Actually, the interests in Romanian philosophers seems to be larger than expected, in Poland; in particular, according to the anonynous reviewer mentioned above, Ireneusz Kania has also translated texts by Constantin Noica, into Polish: Z j¸ezyka rumu´ nskiego przelo˙zyl Ireneusz Kania, kt´ oremu zawdzi¸eczamy te˙z jedyn¸a jak dot¸ad po polsku ksi¸az˙ k¸e samego Noiki: Sze´ s´c chor´ ob ducha wsp´olczesnego, wyd. Oficyna Literacka, 1997. The item referred to here is [210] (Spiritul romˆanesc ˆın cump˘atul vremii – S¸ase maladii ale spiritului contemporan [Editura] Univers, Bucure¸sti 1978 [Colect¸ia Eseuri], 166 pp., i.e., the Polish title – Six Maladies of the Contemporary Mind – is, in fact, a sub-title of the Romanian original), and the full library-reference should rather be as in [283] (Constantin Noica Sze´s´c chor´ob ducha wsp´olczesnego, Oficyna Literacka, Krak´ ow 1997 [Szara Seria], 178 + [1] s. [ISBN 83-7124-077-5]). At the pub-
lisher’s site [http://www.krakow.pl/] one can also find a detailed bio-bibliography of Ireneusz Kania [b. 1940], including a list of authors he translated into Polish [as it turns out, he translated also from Mircea Eliade and E. M. Cioran, as well].) With a Preface by Sorin Antohi (cf. also [5] for a revised Romanian version).
❙➧ ➧ [85] ➧
, Provocarea lui Noica [Noica’s challenge], in: Gabriel Liiceanu Declarat¸ie de iubire [Love Affairs], Bucure¸sti, 2001, Humanitas, pp. 59–76. Text of a conference held in Sibiu, July 24, 1999, commemorating the 90th birthday of Constantin Noica.
➧❙ [86]
, U¸sa interzis˘ a [The Forbidden Door], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 2002.
➥ Another personal diary, running from May 3, 2001 to October 21, 2002. Scattered details on the Heidegger-involvment of Constantin Noica and some other Romanian philosophers, including a few younger graduate students in Heideggeriana, ˘ ta ˘lin Cioaba ˘ , Sorin Lavic, and translators of Heidegger-texts (as, e.g., Ca ˘ et al.), on Noica’s “cultural model”, etc. Bogdan Minca
➥ ❐ [87] ✔ ✖ 38
, Dup˘a dou˘azeci de ani [After twenty years], LA&I – Litere, Arte, Idei, 8, Nr. 34 (290) [29 septembrie 2003], 2003, p. 3. Published in: LA&I, an appendix to Cotidianul (Bucharest), “Supliment cultural, Serie Nou˘ a, Nr. 34 (290), anul VIII, 29 septembrie 2003, 16 pagini”: Jurnalul de la P˘ altini¸s – dup˘ a dou˘ azeci de ani.
[88] Liiceanu, Gabriel and Kleininger, Thomas, Heideggers Rezepzion in Rum¨anien (1931–1987), Studia Phænomenologica, 1 (1–2), 2001, pp. 25–43. ❙➧
Apparently, a reprint from Concordia (Internazionale Zeitschrift f¨ ur Philosophie), 16, 1989. The paper includes also a few biographical details on Constantin Noica.
➧ ➧
[89] Liiceanu et al. (eds.), Gabriel, Epistolar [Correspondence], Cartea Romˆaneasc˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1988. An exchange of letters containing conversational – and oft picturesque – details on episodes appearing in [66] and, in general, on the [philosophical] whereabouts of Constantin Noica. Reprint: Humanitas, Bucharest [90] 2 1996.
➧❙ ➥ ➥
, Epistolar [Correspondence], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1996. A slightly revised edition [edit¸ia a doua, rev˘azut˘a ¸si ad˘augit˘a] of [89].
[91] Moraru, Cornel, Constantin Noica, Editura Aula, Bra¸sov, 2002, [Canon]. ❐ ✔ ✖ 39
Monografie: 112 pp.
[92] Mungiu, Alina, Romˆ anii dup˘ a ’89, Istoria unei neˆınt¸egeri [The Romanians after ’89 – The History of a Misunderstanding], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1995, [Societatea civil˘a]. Historical and ideological background to post-1989 Romania. On Noica, see, e.g., Sindromul fratelui Alexandru [The Brother Alexander syndrome], pp. 276–279.
[93] Mutti, Claudio, Les Plumes de l’archange, Quatre intellectuels roumains face `a la Garde de fer : Nae Ionescu, Mircea Eliade, Emil Cioran, Constantin ´ H´erode, Chˆalon-sur-Saˆone, No¨ıca, trad. de l’italien par Philippe Baillet, Ed. 1993, [Les deux ´etendards]. Historical background. On Nicolae [Nae] Ionescu, Mircea Eliade, Emil [= E. M.] Cioran, Constantin Noica, and the extreme right organization / party, the “Iron Guard”. For a Romanian version, more or less, see, e.g., [94].
➧ ➧ [94]
, Penele Arhanghelului, Intelectualii romˆani ¸si Garda de Fier (Nae Ionescu, Mircea Eliade, Emil Cioran, Constantin Noica, Vasile Lovinescu) [The Romanian Intellectuals and the Iron Guard], cu o prefat¸˘a de Philippe Baillet, traducere de Florin Dumitrescu, edit¸ie ˆıngrijit˘a ¸si postfat¸˘a de R˘azvan Codrescu, Editura Anastasia, Bucure¸sti, 1997.
Essentially, a Romanian version of [93], with a Preface by Philippe Baillet and ˘zvan Codrescu). a Postface by the Romanian [issue] editor (Ra
❐ ✔ ✖ 40
[95] Nasta, Miha¨ı, Un departagement des termes dans l’ontologie de Constantin No¨ıca, International Journal of Rumanian Studies (Amsterdam), 4 (2), 1984–1986, pp. 23–52. IJRS (ed. by Sorin Alexandrescu), Special issue Philosophie de Constantin No¨ıca. Revised version reprinted in arguments 2, 2003 [this issue].
[96] Nemoianu, Virgil, Mihai S¸ora and the traditions of Romanian philosophy, Review of Metaphysics, 43 (3) [March], 1990, pp. 591–605.
Revised Romanian version in [98].
Historical background (to Romania, 1940–1975): the personal standpoint of a former Romanian citizen earning his life, in recent times – as a University professor –, in the United States [Washington, DC].
➧ ➧ [98] ➧❙ ➥
, Mihai S ¸ ora ¸si tradit¸iile filosofiei romˆ ane¸sti [Mihai S¸ora and the traditions of Romanian philosophy], in: Mihai S ¸ ora Despre dialogul interior, Fragment dintr-o antropologie filosofic˘a [On Inner Dialogue, Bits of a Philosophical Anthropology], Bucure¸sti, 1995, Humanitas, pp. 219–242. A revised Romanian version of [96], appended as a “Postface” to the Romanian translation of Mihai S ¸ ora Du Dialogue int´erieur, Fragment d’une Anthopologie m´etaphysique, Gallimard, Paris 1948 [with a Preface dated November 20, 1945; translation by Mona Antohi and Sorin Antohi, Romanian text revised by the author].
, Arhipelag interior. Eseuri memorialistice (1940–1975) [Inner Archipelago – Essays and Memoirs (1940–1975)], Editura Amarcord, Timi¸soara, 1994.
, Romˆ ania ¸si liberalismele ei, Atract¸ii ¸si ˆımpotriviri [Romania and Her Liberalisms – Temptations and Oppositions], Editura Fundat¸iei Culturale Romˆane, Bucure¸sti, 2000. Historical background (to “liberal” Romania).
˘, Adrian, Reabilitarea individualului [Rehabilitating the Individual], Re[100] Nit ¸a vista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 44 (4), [iulie-august], 1997, pp. 401–407. ❙➧ ➧
[101] Noica, Constantin, Problema echilibrului spiritual [The problem of the spiritual balance], Act¸iune ¸si react¸iune, 1, 1929, pp. 43–62. [102]
, Eric Adickes: Kantslehre der doppelten Affektion unseres Ich als Schlu¨ ussel zu seiner Erkenntnistheorie, Revista de filosofie, 16 (3–4) [iulie-decembrie], 1931, pp. 377–379.
, Reinhard Kynast: Logik und Erkenntnistheorie der Gegenwart, Revista de filosofie, 16 (3–4) [iulie-decembrie], 1931, pp. 379–381.
, Tudor Vianu: Arta ¸si frumosul [Tudor Vianu – The art and the beautiful], Revista de filosofie, 16 (3–4) [iulie-decembrie], 1931, pp. 347–348.
, Considerat¸iune ˆımpotriva istoricismului [A note against historicism], Gˆ andirea, 12 (3) [martie], 1933, pp. 114–115.
, Edmund Husserl: M´editations cart´esiennes, Introduction ` a la ph´enom´enologie, Revista de filosofie, 18 (2) [aprilie-iunie], 1933, pp. 261–263.
, Drama limbei romˆane¸sti [The mis-chance of the Romanian language], Credint¸a, 2 (237) [16 septembrie], 1934, p. 3.
➧ ➧❙ ➥
✖ 42
Apparently, this is the first [public] item in a long-term Noica concern. Cf. also [122], [155], etc. and, possibly, E. M. Cioran’s Tragedia culturilor mici [The
tragedy of small cultures] (= Chapter I in: Schimbarea la fat¸˘a a Romˆaniei [The Transfiguration of Romania], Vremea, Bucharest 1939, R 1941 [dating of 1935– 1936]; revised, “definitive” edition: Humanitas, Bucharest 2 1990). For a late / recent echo see also Liiceanu’s [Luxemburg 1991] addendum, [72], to [66].
❙➧ ➧
, Mathesis sau bucuriile simple [Mathesis, or: The Simple Joys], Fundat¸ia pentru literatur˘a ¸si art˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1934, [Operele premiate ale scriitorilor tineri romˆani].
➧ First edition: 81 pp. On-line version of the original edition (1934) also available in ´quivalences (2001). Humanitas reprint in [257] (1992). the electronic archives e Hungarian translation in [276] (1996).
➧❙ ➥
, Moartea omului de mˆıine [The death of the man of tomorrow], Criterion, 1 (1) [15 octombrie], 1934, p. 5.
, Un filosof original: Lucian Blaga [Lucian Blaga – an original philosopher], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 1 (12) [decembrie], 1934, pp. 687– 691.
Reprint in [249], pp. 130–137 [as Un filosof original].
✔ ✖ 43
, Ideea de ¸stiint¸˘a universal˘ a la Descartes [The idea of universal science in Descartes], Revista de filosofie, 20 (1) [ianuarie-martie], 1935, pp. 67–87.
, Reflect¸ii asupra psichologiei romˆ ane¸sti, Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 2 (4) [aprilie], 1935, pp. 206–212.
´ Descartes Regulae ad directionem ingenii, Bra¸sov, 1935. , (tr.) Rene With an introduction and notes, by the translator. For a reprint see [259].
❙➧ [114]
, Un nou˘a traducere din Kant [A new translation from Kant], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 2 (7) [iulie], 1935, pp. 224–229.
, Concepte deschise ˆın istoria filozofiei la Descartes, Leibniz ¸si Kant [Open Concepts in the History of Philosophy: Descartes, Leibniz, Kant], Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, Bucure¸sti, 1936.
➧ ➧ ➧❙
First edition: 120 pp. Humanitas reprint in [269] (1995).
, Cunoa¸sterea spornic˘ a [The efficient knowledge], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 3 (10) [octombrie], 1936, pp. 159–169.
, Filosofia lui S¸tefan Lupa¸scu [The philosophy of S¸tefan Lupa¸scu], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 3 (5) [mai], 1936, pp. 440–449.
, (tr.) Immanuel Kant Despre forma ¸si principiile lumii sensibile ¸si ale celei inteligibile [De mundi sensibilis atque intelligibilis forma et principiis]], Tipografia Bucovina, Bucure¸sti, 1936.
❐ ✔ ✖ 44
A [Romanian] translation of Kant’s Inaugural Dissertation (De mundi sensibilis atque intelligibilis forma et principiis, Diss. pro loco professionis, Regiomonti 1770), with an Introduction by the translator.3a
, Cum se scrie o monografie filosofic˘ a [How do we write a philosophical monograph], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 7 (11) [noiembrie], 1937, pp. 426–430.
[120] ➧
, De Caelo. ˆIncercare ˆın jurul cunoa¸sterii ¸si individului [Essay around the Knowledge and the Individual], Vremea, Bucure¸sti, 1937.
First edition: 188 pp. Humanitas reprint in [261] (1993). Hungarian translation in [274] (1996).
➧❙ ➥
, Descartes, in: Istoria filosofiei moderne, vol. 1, De la rena¸stere ¸si pin˘a la Kant, Bucure¸sti, 1937, [Omagiu prof. Ion Petrovici], pp. 185–225.
, Destin de cultur˘a mic˘ a [The fate of a small culture], Vremea, 10 (515) [28 noiembrie], 1937, p. 4. Cf. also [107], [155], etc.
➥ [123]
, Individ ¸si cunoa¸stere spornic˘ a [Individual man and efficient knowledge], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 4 (5) [mai], 1937, p. 371.
, Individul contemporan ¸si masele [The contemporary individual man and the mob], Vremea, 10 (488) [23 mai], 1937, p. 8.
, Isaia Feier, Aspecte din filosofia lui Leibniz [Isaia Feier – Aspects of Leibniz’ philosophy], Revista de filosofie, 22 (4) [octombrie-decembrie], 1937, pp. 471–475.
❐ ✔ ✖ 45
, Kant v˘azut de profesorul Petrovici [Kant as seen by Prof. Petrovici], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 4 (3) [martie], 1937, pp. 675–783.
, Leibniz, in: Istoria filosofiei moderne, vol. 1, De la rena¸stere ¸si pin˘a la Kant, Bucure¸sti, 1937, [Omagiu prof. Ion Petrovici], pp. 517–522.
, Pentru ˆınt¸elegerea fenomenului romˆ anesc [For an understanding of the Romanian complex], Vremea, 10 (503) [5 septembrie], 1937, p. 10.
, Pentru o reabilitare a individualului [Rehabilitating the Individual], Gˆ and romˆ anesc, 5 (2–3) [februarie-martie], 1937, pp. 73–80.
´ Descartes Meditationes de prima philosophia, Ti, (tr.) Rene pografia Bucovina, Bucure¸sti, 1937.
➧ ➧❙ ➥
ˆIn romˆ ane¸ste dup˘ a textul original, cu un rezumat punct cu punct, al ˆıntˆımpin˘arilor ¸si r˘ aspunsurilor, precum ¸si cu un idice de Constantin Noica. For a reprint see [259] (1992).
➥ ❐
, Viat¸a ¸si filosofia lui Ren´ e Descartes [Ren´e Descartes: Life and Phi losophy], Editura Libr˘ariei Universal˘a Alcalay & Co., Bucure¸sti, 1937, [Biblioteca pentru tot¸i 1495–1497]. First edition: vi + 99 pp. For a reprint see [259] (1992).
✖ 46
, Des-cifrare, des-t˘ainuire [De-ciphering, dis-closing secrets], Gˆ and romˆ anesc, 6 (5–12) [mai-decembrie], 1938, pp. 275–280.
[133] ❙➧
, Filosofia d[omnu]lui Lucian Blaga dup˘ a Trilogia culturii [The philosophy of Mr. Lucian Blaga after the ‘Trilogy of Culture’, Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 5 (2) [february], 1938, pp. 388–404. Reprint in [249], pp. 146–169 [as Dup˘a
Trilogia culturii].
ˆ , Incercare despre filosofia ˆıns˘ a¸si [Essay on philosophy itself], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 6 (8) [august], 1939, pp. 399–410.
, ed., [0] Ad Sum, [Constantin Noica], 19 Strada Sp˘atar Cantacuzino, Sinaia, 1940.
A journal with a single issue in print (1/1940) and with, as a single editor (redactor unic) Constantin Noica, as well as with a single contributor (the editor himself). Herein a few manifestoes: Sunt de fat¸˘a, Veac de colectivit˘a¸ti, a¸sadar veac de elit˘ a, Veac al omului viu, Gˆanduri despre marea trecere, Spiritualitate ¸si moarte, Intelligentia quae non intelligit sau moartea spiritual˘a a timpului nostru prin primatul auxiliarului, ˆInsemn˘ari. Pentru ce ce vor s˘a fie de fat¸˘a, O simpl˘a l˘amurire. Neagoe Basarab ¸si treptele inert¸iei [a reprint from Universul literar (Bucharest)], ˆImpotriva Elvet¸iei, Fort¸ele de inert¸ie, Lauda umbrelor, Tolstoi despre lumea de azi, ˆImp˘ acarea cu istoria, Partea legendei, Pelagius ¸si Romˆania. The first one (Sunt de fat¸˘ a) counts also – in retrospect – as a “premonitory” legionary manifesto [in view of the “events” of September 3–5, 1940!]. For a rather differnt reading see, e.g., [70].
➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 47
, ed., [1] Buna-Vestire [The Good News], [Imprimeria Eminescu], Bucure¸sti, 1940.
Buna-Vestire, ziar liber de lupt˘a ¸si doctrin˘a romˆaneasc˘a [“a free newspaper for Romanian struggle and doctrine”] (sic), a publication of the legionary organization The Iron Guard: new series, re-issued from September 8, 1940 to January 23, 1941, with Constantin Noica as an editor-in-chief (prim redactor), during the months of September and October, 1940. Editorial staff, for the new variant: Director: Grigore Manoilescu. Secretar de redact¸ie [technical editor]: Valeriu Olaniuc. Redactori [editors]: Christian Petrescu, Ion Stoenescu, Horia Stamatu, S ¸ tefan Ion Gheorghe, Luca Popovici, Radu Gyr, Mircea Streinul, Alexandru Alexianu, Demetrie Sontzu. Administrat¸ia ziarului [administration]: Nicolae Iliescu, Alexandru Livezeanu ¸si Vasile Dova. The newspaper has been forbidden by Ion Antonescu, in January 1941. The publication had two versions, one for the capital and the other one for the province. The September-October issues contain 19 [more or less programmatic and / or polemic] contributions by Constantin Noica; cf. items [137] (September 8) through [149] (October 11), for a selection.6∗
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ [137]
, [1][0908] Credo, Buna-Vestire, 4 [n.s.] (1) [8 septembrie], 1940.
, [1][0912] E¸sti necinstit suflete¸ste [You are dishonest in your soul], BunaVestire, 4 [n.s.] (4) [12 septembrie], 1940.
, [1][0915] S ¸ i viat¸a f˘ ar˘ a de moarte [And the life without death], BunaVestire, 4 [n.s.] (7) [15 septembrie], 1940.
, [1][0917] Anul I, ziua ˆıntˆıi [Year 1, day 1], Buna-Vestire, 4 [n.s.] (8) [17 septembrie], 1940.
✖ 48
❙➧ ➧
, [1][0918] Pentru cel care nu ˆınt¸elege [For the one who doesn’t understand], Buna-Vestire, 4 [n.s.] (9) [18 septembrie], 1940.
, [1][0919] Ierusalime, Ierusalime... [Jerusalem, Jerusalem...], Buna-Vestire, 4 [n.s.] (10) [19 septembrie], 1940.
, [1][0920] 10001, Buna-Vestire, 4 [n.s.] (11) [20 septembrie], 1940.
, [1][0921] Nae Ionescu, Buna-Vestire, 4 [n.s.] (12) [21 septembrie], 1940.
, [1][0924] Sufletul cet˘ a¸tii [The soul of the city], Buna-Vestire, 4 [n.s.] (14) [24 septembrie], 1940.
, [1][0928] Nu sˆıntem contemporani [We aren’t contemporaries], BunaVestire, 4 [n.s.] (18) [28 septembrie], 1940.
, [1][1004] Sˆıntet¸i sub har [Blessed you are], Buna-Vestire, 4 [n.s.] (23) [4 octombrie], 1940.
ˆ ılnirea de la 6 octombrie [The Meeting of October 6], Buna, [1][1006] Intˆ Vestire, 4 [n.s.] (25) [6 octombrie], 1940.
, [1][1011] Limpeziri pentru o Romˆ anie legionar˘ a [Clarifications for a legionary Romania], Buna-Vestire, 4 [n.s.] (29) [11 octombrie], 1940.
➧ ➧❙
❐ ✔ ✖
Text of a radio-conference, held on October 5, 1940.
[150] ❙➧ ➧
, Jurnal filozofic [A Philosophical Diary], Editura Publicom, Bucure¸sti, 1940, [Luceaf˘arul]. First edition: 123 pp. Humanitas reprints [251] (1990, 1999).
, Schit¸˘ a pentru istoria lui Cum e cu putint¸˘ a ceva nou [A Sketchy Historical Endeavor on the Question: ‘How Is It Possible Something New?’], Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, Bucure¸sti, 1940.
➧ First edition: xix + 322 pp. Originally presented as the author’s (doctoral) thesis. The publisher was, in fact, Institutul de Arte Grafice Bucovina, Bucure¸sti. Anastatic reprint (Ia¸si): [265] (1994). Humanitas reprint: [271] (1995).
➧❙ ➥
,S ¸ antierul viet¸ii ˆın gˆındirea lui Kolbenheyer [The building site of life in Kolbenheyer’s thinking], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 9 [decembrie], 1942, pp. 462–464.
➥ Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer (1878–1962)8 .
, Omul teoretic ¸si omul politic ˆın filosofia lui Baeumler [The theoretical and the political man in Baeumler’s philosophy], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 9 [noiembrie], 1942, pp. 361–368. Alfred Baeumler (1887–1968)7 .
✖ 50
, Unu ¸si multiplu [The One and the Multiple], in: Isvoare de filosofie 1, culegere de studii ¸si texte, Floru, Constantin, Noica, Constantin, and
Vulc˘anescu, Mircea, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1942, Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, pp. 233–241. ❙➧
The paper appears in the section Dict¸ionar metafizic. Reprinted in Opinia student¸easc˘a (Bucharest), 7–8, 1984, and 1–2, 1985. Cf. also [168] (1967) and [207] (1977).
➧ [155] ➧ ➧❙
, Ce e etern ¸si ce e istoric ˆın cultura romˆ aneasc˘ a [What is eternal and what is historical in the Romanian culture], Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale (Bucure¸sti), 10 (9) [septembrie], 1943, pp. 527–541. Initially a conference held in Berlin (June 1943): Die innere Spannung der kleinen Kulturen (on the ad hoc “Romanian” trio Neagoe Basarab, Dimitrie Cantemir, and Lucian Blaga). Reprinted in [249], pp. 20–40.
➥ [156] ➥ ❐
, Dou˘ a introduceri ¸si o trecere spre idealism, cu traducerea primei introduceri kantiene a Criticei judec˘arii [Two Introductions and a Passage to Idealism, with a translation of the first Kantian Introduction to KUk], Fundat¸ia Regal˘a pentru Literatur˘a ¸si Art˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1943. First edition: viii + 192 pp. For the translation, see [163].
✔ ✖ 51
ˆ , Insemn˘ atatea edit˘arii integrale a opusului postum kantian [The importance of a complete edition of Kant’s Opus postumum], in: Isvoare de filosofie 2, culegere de studii ¸si texte, Floru, Constantin, Noica, Constantin, and Vulc˘anescu, Mircea, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1943, Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, pp. 243–246.
, Nae Ionescu ¸si spiritul de ¸scoal˘ a [Nae Ionescu and the school-tradition], Convorbiri literare, 5–6 (mai-iunie), 1943.
, Not˘a despre principiul contradict¸iei [Note on the principle of contradiction], in: Isvoare de filosofie 2, culegere de studii ¸si texte, Floru, Constantin, Noica, Constantin, and Vulc˘anescu, Mircea, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1943, Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, pp. 205–209.
, Pentru o alt˘a istorie a gˆ andirii romˆ ane¸sti; ˆın marginea ˆınv˘ a¸t˘ aturilor lui Neagoe Basarab [For another history of Romanian thought: marginalia to the teachings of Neagoe Basarab], Saeculum, 1 (2) [martie-aprilie], 1943, pp. 38–57.
➧ ➧ ➧❙
Neagoe Basarab (Prince of Wallachia 1512–1521, d. 1527).6f Cf. also [155].
➥ [161] ➥
, (tr.) Dominicus Gundissalinus De unitate, traducere de Constantin Noica, in: Isvoare de filosofie 2, culegere de studii ¸si texte, Floru, Constantin, Noica, Constantin, and Vulc˘anescu, Mircea, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1943, Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, pp. 102–115.
❐ A Romanian translation of Dominicus Gundisalvus [XIIth Century] De unitate, a small treatise attributed traditionally to Boethius.6d
✔ [162] ✖ 52
, (tr.) [G. W. F] Hegel Diferent¸a dintre sistemul lui Fichte ¸si cel al lui Schelling [Differenz des Fichte’schen und Schelling’schen Systems der Philosophie], traducere de Constantin Noica, in: Isvoare de filosofie 2, culegere de studii ¸si texte, Floru, Constantin, Noica, Constantin, and
Vulc˘anescu, Mircea, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1943, Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, pp. 116–204. ❙➧
A Romanian translation of Differenz des Fichte’schen und Schelling’schen Systems ¨ der Philosophie in Beziehung auf Reinhold’s Beytr¨age zur leichtern Ubersicht des Zustands der Philosophie zu Anfang des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, 1stes Heft, von Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, der Weltweisheit Doktor [sic], Jena 1801.6e
➧ ➧ [163] ➧❙ ➥ ➥
Cf. [156].
ˆ ¸elesul materialului la Goethe [On the meaning of ‘material’ in Goethe], , Int Simetria, Caiete de art˘a ¸si critic˘a, 8, 1947, pp. 33–42.
, Fenomenologia spiritului de G. W. F. Hegel istorisit˘a de Constantin Noica, cu o prefat¸˘a de Octavian Buhociu [Hegel’s Phenomenology: A Story Told by Constantin Noica], Centre Roumain de Recherches, Paris, 1962.
, Pagini despre sufletul romˆ anesc [Pages on the Romanian Soul], Editura Publicom, Bucure¸sti, 1944, [Luceaf˘arul]. First edition: 127 pp. Humanitas reprint in [253] (1991).
, (tr.) Immanuel Kant Prima introducere a Criticii facult˘ a¸tii de judecare [The First Introduction to KUk], Fundat¸ia Regal˘a pentru Literatur˘a ¸si Art˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1943.
First published in France, as an issue of Semne (Paris), by the Centre Roumain de Recherches, pp. 1–115. Second part of [216] (1980).
➧ ➧
➧❙ ➥ ➥
, La version moderne de l’un et du multiple, Revue Roumaine de Sciences Sociales (Philosophie et logique), 11 (1) [janvier], 1967, pp. 33–38.
, Pentru o interpretare a categoriilor lui Aristotel [For an interpretation of Aristotle’s categories], Probleme de logic˘ a, 1, 1968.
, ed., Platon Dialoguri [Dialogues], Editura pentru literatur˘a universal˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1968. Translations by Cezar Papacostea [Apology, Meno, Gorgias, Symposium, Phaedo], revised by Constantin Noica, “with two new translations” [Charmides, The VIIth Letter] and a Life of Plato, by the editor.
✔ [171]
Prezentare ¸si traducere de C[onstantin] Noica.
Cf. also [154].
, (tr.) [Porphyrius] [Eisagoge] – Isagoga lui Porfir, Revista de filozofie (Bucure¸sti), 13 (3) [martie], 1966, pp. 405–421.
, (tr.) Profir [Porphyrius], Dexip[pus] & Ammonius Comentarii la Categoriile lui Aristotel, ˆınsot¸ite de textul comentat, [Comments to Aristotle’s ‘Categories’] traducere, cuvˆınt ˆınainte ¸si note, Editura Academiei R.S.R., Bucure¸sti, 1968.
With an Introduction and Notes by the translator.
[172] ❙➧
, Dou˘ azeci ¸si ¸sapte trepte ale realului [27 Stairs of the Real], Editura ¸stiint¸ific˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1969. First edition: 120 pp.
➧ [173] ➧
, En souvenir d’Aram Frenkian, Revue Roumaine de Sciences Sociales (Philosophie et logique), 13 (2) [avril-juin], 1969, pp. 215–219. Aram M. Frenkian (1898–1963).14c
➥ ➥
First edition: 144 pp. Contains also a Foreword, pp. 5–11, and a translation of Plato’s Lysis [by Constantin Noica], pp. 13–41. With a Postface by T. Papadopol, pp. 139–143. Cf. also [278] for a reprint [with a different translator]. “Interpretation” reprinted also in [295], 2 (1978), pp. 165–212.
❐ ✔ ✖ 55
, ed., (tr.) Platon Lysis, cu un eseu despre ˆınt¸elesul grec al dragostei despre oameni ¸si lucruri [Plato’s Lysis, With an Essay on the Greek Meaning of Love for Humans and Things], Editura pentru literatur˘a universal˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1969, [Eseuri].
, Comentarii moderne la Despre interpretare [Modern comments on ‘On Interpretation’], Probleme de logic˘ a, 2, 1970.
ˆ marginea unei edit¸ii a Topicelor lui Aristotel [Marginalia on an edi, In tion of Aristotle’s ‘Topics’], Studii clasice (Bucure¸sti), 12, 1970, pp. 141–143.
❙➧ ➧
, Le principe de la connexion necessaire, Revue Roumaine de Sciences Sociales (Philosophie et logique), 14 (2) [avril-juin], 1970, pp. 147–156.
, Le quatre temps de l’acte dialectique, Revue Roumaine de Sciences Sociales (Philosophie et logique), 14 (3) [juillet-septembre], 1970, pp. 239–247.
, The Notebooks of Eminescu and the Notebooks of Val´ery, Romanian Review, 24 (3) [July-September], 1970, pp. 94–99.
, Rostirea filozofic˘ a romˆ aneasc˘ a [The Romanian Philosophical Apophantics], Editura ¸stiint¸ific˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1970.
➧ ➧❙
First edition: 277 pp. Reprinted in [239] (1987).
➥ [181] ➥
, (tr.) Platon Hippias Maior, in: Artele poetice ˆın antichitate [The Poetic Arts in Antiquity], Bucure¸sti, 1970, Editura Univers. A partial translation, without the introductory pages, 281a–286b [summary only].
, (tr.) Platon Ion, in: Artele poetice ˆın antichitate [The Poetic Arts in Antiquity], Bucure¸sti, 1970, Editura Univers.
´ophile Corydale ´e Œuvres philosophiques I Introduction , (tr.) The `a la logique, II Commentaires `a la M´etaphysique, Association Internationale d’Etudes du Sud-Est Europ´een – Comit´e national roumain, Bucarest, 1970– 1973.
✔ ✖ 56
Two vols. in 8o [Greek text and French translation]: 1: Prooimion eis logikˆen, Texte ´etabli par Athanase Papadopoulos, pr´ec´ed´e par une ´etude de Cl´eobule Tsourkas, traduit et pr´esent´e par C. No¨ıca. 2: Metafusikˆe Aristotelous, Texte ´etabli par T. Iliopulos. Introduction et traduction de C. No¨ıca. Cf. also [193].
❙➧ ➧
, Categoria limitat¸iei la Kant ¸si gˆındirea modern˘ a [The category of limitation in Kant and the modern thinking], Revista de filozofie (Bucure¸sti), 18 (2) [februarie], 1971, pp. 155–164.
, Kube J¨org. Sophistisches und platonisches Tugenwissen, Studii clasice (Bucure¸sti), 13, 1971, pp. 315–317.
➧ ➧❙ ➥
, Lettre sur Heidegger, Destin (Madrid), 21–23, 1971, pp. 20–32. Cf. also [218] and [222].
➥ [187]
, The time of reality and the time of logos, Diogenes, 74 [Summer], 1971, pp. 31–48.
, (tr.) Ammonius & Stephanus [Philosophus] Comentarii la tratatul Despre interpretare al lui Aristotel. [Comments on Aristotle’s ‘On Interpretation’], ˆınsot¸ite de textul comentat, traducere, cuvˆant ˆınainte, note ¸si comentariu, Editura Academiei R.S.R., Bucure¸sti, 1971, [Scriitori greci ¸si latini].
❐ ✔ ✖
With an Introduction, Notes and comments by the translator.
, Un gˆınd despre Hegel ¸si D. D. Ro¸sca [A Thought on Hegel and D. D. Ro¸sca], in: D. D. Ro¸sca ˆın filosofia romˆ aneasc˘ a [D. D. Ro¸sca in Romanian Philosophy], Cluj [-Napoca], 1971, Editura Dacia, pp. 272–279.
, Originalitatea civilizat¸iei romˆ ane¸sti [The originality of Romanian civilization], Destin (Madrid), 24–25, 1972, pp. 28–30.
, Principiile logice ¸si legile lui Newton [The principles of logic and the Laws of Newton], Probleme de logic˘ a, 4, 1972.
, Creat¸ie ¸si frumos ˆın rostirea romˆ aneasc˘ a [Creation and Beauty in Romanian Apophantics], Editura Eminescu, Bucure¸sti, 1973.
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥
First edition: 181 p. Reprinted in [239] (1987).
Cf. also [183].
❐ [194]
, P´epin J. Id´ees grecques sur l’homme et sur Dieu, Studii clasice (Bucure¸sti), 15, 1973, pp. 282–285.
, Platon heracliticul. Contribut¸ie la istoria dialecticii [Plato, the Heraclitean. Contribution to the history of dialectics], Studii clasice (Bucure¸sti), 15, 1973, pp. 285–288.
✔ ✖ 58
, La signification historique de l’œuvre de Th´eophile Corydal´ee, Revue ´ d’Etudes Sud-Est Europ´ eennes, 11 (2) [avril-juin], 1973, pp. 285–306.
, R´eflexions sur l’ex´eg`ese grecque et la logique contemporaine, Revue Roumaine de Sciences Sociales (Philosophie et logique), 17 (4) [octobredecembre], 1973, pp. 315–317.
, Concept¸ia lui Goethe despre ¸stiint¸˘ a [Goethe’s conception on science], Revista de filozofie (Bucure¸sti), 20, 1973 (2) [februarie], pp. 153–167.
, Exemplul lui Don Quijote ¸si un epilog contemporan [The example of Don Quijote and a contemporary epilogue], Viat¸a romˆ aneasc˘ a, 27 (3) [martie], 1974, pp. 113–129.
, Hi´erophanie et sacralit´e, in: Cahiers de l’Herne, Mircea Eliade, Tacou [Tacu], Constantin, ed., Paris, 1974, Editions de l’Herne, pp. 105–109.
, Traducerea lui Eminescu din Critica rat¸iunii pure [Eminescu’s translations from KrV], Revista de filozofie (Bucure¸sti), 21 [iunie], 1974, pp. 762– 769.
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥
Cf. also [310].
❐ [201]
, S¸ase funct¸ii judicative [Six assertive functions], Probleme de logic˘ a, 6, 1975.
, Eminescu sau Gˆınduri despre omul deplin al culturii romˆ ane¸sti [Eminescu, or: Thoughts on the Complete Man of Romanian Culture], Editura Eminescu, Bucure¸sti, 1975.
✔ ✖ 59
First edition: 172 pp. For a reprint cf. also [256] (1992).
[203] ❙➧
Cf. also [206] (1976) and the edition [311] (1980).
➧ [204] ➧
, Desp˘ art¸irea de Goethe [Farewell from Goethe], Editura Univers, Bucure¸sti, 1976, [Eseuri]. Texts dating from around 1952 (fragments published previously – 1973, 1976 – in the Romanian literary press). First edition in print: 240 pp. Revised edition: Humanitas, Bucharest (edited by Marin Diaconu), in [290] (2000).
➧❙ ➥
, L’œuvre d’Athanase Joja, Revue Roumaine de Sciences Sociales (Philosophie et logique), 19 (1) [janvier-mars], 1975, pp. 13–16.
, Etos neutral ¸si etos orientat ˆın rat¸iunea hegelian˘ a [Neutral and oriented ethos in Hegel’s reason], Revista de filozofie (Bucure¸sti), 23 (2) [martieaprilie], 1976, pp. 193–199.
, Opera filozofic˘a a lui Athanase Joja [The philosophical work of Athanase Joja], Probleme de logic˘ a, 7, 1976.
➥ ❐
Cf. also [203] (1975) and the edition [311] (1980).
✔ ✖
, Despre unu ¸si multiplu la Platon sau ce ˆınseamn˘a o demonstrat¸ie filosofic˘a [On the One and the Multiple in Plato, or: On what is a philosophical proof], Revista de filozofie (Bucure¸sti), 24 (1) [ianuarie-februarie], 1977, pp. 105–111. Cf. also [154].
, Le d´ebut du Cratyle et l’insouciance de la critique philosophique, Cahiers roumains d’´ etudes litt´ eraires, 4 [octobre-decembre], 1978, pp. 27–32.
, Sentimentul romˆ anesc al fiint¸ei [The Romanian Feeling of Being], Editura Eminescu, Bucure¸sti, 1978.
➧ ➧
First edition: 200 pp. Humanitas reprint in [277] (1996).
First edition: 168 pp. Humanitas reprint in [279] (1997). French translation in [254] (1991), Italian translation in [263] (1993), Polish translation in [283] (1997), Portuguese translation in [288] (1999), partial Spanish translation (Ch. I), in [291] (2002).
➥ ➥ [211] ❐ ✔
, Spiritul romˆ anesc ˆın cump˘ atul vremii, S¸ase maladii ale spiritului contemporan [The Romanian Mind in the Balance of Time – Six Infirmities of the Contemporary Mind], Editura Univers, Bucure¸sti, 1978, [Eseuri].
, Pentru o alt˘a ontologie decˆıt cea tradit¸ional˘ a ¸si cea nominalist˘ a [For another ontology, other than the traditional and the nominalistic one], Revista de filozofie (Bucure¸sti), 25, 1978 (3) [mai-iulie], pp. 359–361. , Eliade ou la soif du concret, Ethnologica (Bucarest), 1979, pp. 13–15. , Devenire, devenire stimulat˘ a ¸si devenire ˆıntru fiint¸˘ a [Becoming, stimulated Becoming and Becoming unto Being], Revista de filozofie (Bucure¸sti), 27 (4) [iulie-august], 1980, pp. 419–422.
[214] ❙➧
Volume offert ` a Duiliu Sfintesco [sc. Sfint ¸ escu] `a l’occasion de son 70`eme anniversaire], par R. Auzelle, C. Avram, L. S. Beedle, A. Carpena, etc.; sous la direction de Guy Valbert. [“This volume, offered to Duiliu Sfintesco by his friends on the occasion of his 70th birthday, has been prepared by Guy Valbert”.]
➧ ➧
, La ruse de la raison et le destin d’un homme, in: Duiliu Sfintesco : l’ing´ enieur et l’homme, Valbert, Guy, ed., Orl´eans, 1980, [Lamorlaye].
, On Being and its expressive forms in Romanian, Romanian Review, 34 (7–8) [July-August], 1980, pp. 104–118.
➧❙ Translation by S ¸ tefan Stoenescu.
➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 62
, Povestiri despre om. Dup˘a o carte a lui Hegel [Fenomenologia spiritului] [Stories about Man, After a Book of Hegel], Editura Cartea Romˆaneasc˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1980. First complete edition, in Romania, 255 pp., of two [out of three] interpretations of Hegel’s Ph¨ anomenologie: first part Neobi¸snuitele ˆıntˆımpl˘ari ale con¸stiint¸ei, published previously in Romˆania literar˘a (1969–1970); second part Povestea unui om ca tot¸i oamenii (written before the first part, some time during the fifties), published in the journal Semne (Paris), 1962, as [166]. A [projected] third part Jurnalul intim al con¸ stiint¸ei – also a complete interpretation of the Ph¨ anomenologie – abandoned (l˘asat˘a deoparte), and thus missing from this edition, too [from the author’s Cuvˆınt ˆınainte, p. 5].
[217] ❙➧
First edition (two “volumes” bound in one): 392 pp. [1: pp. 7–163, 2: pp. 165–390]. Reprint in [284] (1998).
➧ ➧
➧❙ ➥
, Reflexions d’un paysan du Danube u ¨ber Paul Feyerabend oder Ama et fac quod vis [sic], in: Die Wissenschaften und das Irrationale II Beitr¨age aus Philosophie und Psychologie, D¨ urr, Hans Peter, ed., Frankfurt am Main, 1981, Syndikat, pp. 60–68.
ˆ , Insemn˘ ari filosofice ˆın leg˘ atur˘ a cu cibernetica [Philosophical notes on cybernetics], Revista de filozofie (Bucure¸sti), 29 (6) [noiembrie-decembrie], 1982, pp. 540–543.
, Le devenir au sens de l’ˆetre, Revue Roumaine de Sciences Sociales (Philosophie et logique), 26 (3) [julliet-septembre], 1982, pp. 221–224.
, Meditat¸ii introductive asupra lui Heidegger [Introductory meditations on Heidegger], in: Martin Heidegger Originea operei de art˘ a [traducere ¸si
✖ 63
, Meditat¸ii introductive asupra lui Heidegger [Introductory meditations on Heidegger], Ramuri, 11 [noiembrie], 1981, pp. 8–9. Cf. also [222].
, Devenirea ˆıntru fiint¸˘ a, 1 ˆIncercare despre filosofia tradit¸ional˘a, 2 Tratat de ontologie [Becoming unto Being, 1: Essay on Traditional Philosophy, 2: A Treatise of Ontology], Editura ¸stiint¸ific˘a ¸si enciclopedic˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1981, [Filosofia romˆaneasc˘a].
note: Thomas Kleininger ¸si Gabriel Liiceanu], Kleininger, Thomas and Liiceanu, Gabriel, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1982, Editura Univers, pp. 5–17. ❙➧ ➧ ➧
Cf. also [218].
, O remarcabil˘a concept¸ie filosofic˘ a: legea identit˘ a¸tii concrete [A notable philosophical idea: the law of concrete identity], Revista de filozofie (Bucure¸sti), 29 (2) [martie-aprilie], 1982, pp. 186–191.
, Cei ¸sapte pa¸si ai lui Buddha – Un ˆınt¸eles pentru destinul lui Mircea Eliade [The seven steps of Buddha – A meaning for the fate of Mircea Eliade], Viat¸a romˆ aneasc˘ a, 78 (5), 1983, pp. 52–59.
Reprinted in [249], pp. 227–242 [as Cei ¸sapte pa¸si ai lui Buddha]. Cf. also [228], and [241].
➥ ➥
❐ ✔ ✖ 64
, Introduction to A Treatise of Ontology, Romanian Review, 37 (4–5) [April-May], 1983, pp. 152–156. Translation by Anda Teodorescu.
, Mihai Eminescu – The complete man of Romanian culture, Romanian Review, 37 (4–5) [April-May], 1983, pp. 21–25.
, Traumzeit der europ¨aischen Kultur, in: Der gl¨ aserne Zaun, Aufs¨atze zu Hans Peter D¨ urrs Traumzeit, Gehlen, Rolf and Wolf, Bernd, eds., Frankfurt am Main, 1983, Syndikat.
¨rr Traumzeit: u The volume is a collection of papers on: Hans Peter Du ¨ber die Grenzen zwischen Wildnis und Zivilisation Syndikat, Frankfurt am Main 1978 [4 1979, 5 1980, R 1983] [Taschenb¨ ucher Syndikat, EVA 3] (also: Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp R 1985). Cf. Dreamtime – Concerning the Boundary between Wilderness and Civilization, translated by Felicitas D. Goodman, Basil Blackwell, Oxford [Oxfordshire] 1984, etc.
❙➧ ➧ ➧
, Die Sieben Schritte von Buddha, in: Die Mitte der Welt, Aufs¨atze zu Mircea Eliade, D¨ urr, Hans Peter, ed., Frankfurt am Main, 1984, Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, pp. 371–372.
➧❙ Cf. also [224], and [241].
, Eines Menschens Leben als Stufen des Konkreten, in: Die Mitte der Welt, Aufs¨atze zu Mircea Eliade, D¨ urr, Hans Peter, ed., Frankfurt am Main, 1984, Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, pp. 244–256.
, Trei introduceri la Devenirea ˆıntru fiint¸˘ a [Three Introductions to Becoming unto Being], Editura Univers, Bucure¸sti, 1984, [Eseuri].
➥ ❐
First edition: 152 pp.
✔ [231] ✖ [232] 65
, Lucian Blaga – the philosopher, Romanian Review, 39 (3–4) [AprilMay], 1985, p. 78. , [Post scriptum], Viat¸a romˆ aneasc˘ a, 80 (7), 1985, p. 70.
A Post scriptum to [68], dated April 1985. With a final comment (against his former friend Cioran) for the beloved pupil – the author of the “feminist” paper commented upon –, mentioning the beards of Marx & Engels, around 1858– 1863 (i.e., 10–15 years after 1848): “I regret I won’t be alive, within the next 10 to 15 years, in order to have a look at your beard.” — (C. Noica died in 1987 [on December 4], two years and seven or eight months afterwards. G. Liiceanu is not yet [physically] bearded, to date, i.e., AD 2003 [October]. See, however, [86]. [n.ed.])
❙➧ ➧ ➧ [233]
ˆ ¸elesul neopolitic al Politicii lui Platon [The neo-political meaning of , Int Plato’s ‘Politics’], Studii clasice (Bucure¸sti), 29, 1986, pp. 127–138.
, Scrisori despre logica lui Hermes [Letters on the Logic of Hermes], Editura Eminescu, Bucure¸sti, 1986.
➧❙ ➥
First edition: 232 pp. Reprint in [284] (1998).
➥ [235] ❐
, Sistemul lui Lucian Blaga ˆın lumina veacului XX [Lucian Blaga’s system in the light of the XXth century], Viat¸a romˆ aneasc˘ a, 81 (3–4), 1986, pp. 89–97. Reprinted in [249], pp. 178–195 [as ˆIn lumina veacului XX]. Cf. also [245], [272].
✔ ✖ 66
, Un ˆınt¸eles pentru individual [A meaning for the Individual], Probleme de logic˘ a, 9, 1986, pp. 9–12.
, Was ist das Individuelle?, Revue Roumaine de Sciences Sociales (Philosophie et logique), 30 [julliet-decembre], 1986, pp. 180–186.
Cf. also [236].
[238] ❙➧
, Autopresentazione – Selbstdarstellung, Filosofia oggi, 8 (2) [aprilegiugno], 1987, pp. 229–232.
A Romanian translation [from the German version] – Autoprezentare –, by Vasile Voia, has been published in Tribuna, 31, nr. 50, 1987 (10 decembrie 1987).
, Cuvˆınt ˆımpreun˘ a despre rostirea romˆ aneasc˘ a [Collected Writings on Romanian Apophantics], Editura Eminescu, Bucure¸sti, 1987. A composite edition, containing reprints of [180] and [192].
➧❙ [240]
, Despre clasificarea fericirilor posibile [On the classification of the possible ways of being happy], Viat¸a romˆ aneasc˘ a, 82 (9) [septembrie], 1987, pp. 33–35.
[241] ➥
, I sette passi di Buddha, un senso per il destino di Mircea Eliade, in: Mircea Eliade e l’Italia, Mincu, Marin and Scagno, Roberto, eds., Milano, 1987, Jaca Book, [Di fronte e attraverso 190 – Religioni], pp. 191, 223, 257–265.
With an exchange of letters Eliade-Noica, pp. 265–270. Cf. also [224], and [228].
✔ ✖ 67
, La philosophie – perspective integrative de l’œuvre de Camil Petrescu, Cahiers roumains d’´ etudes litt´ eraires, 1 [janvier-mars], 1987, p. 230. Cf. also the edition of Camil Petrescu Doctrina substant¸ei [The Theory of Substance], in [313], [314], [315], and, possibly, Analize ¸si sinteze. Substant¸ialismul lui Camil Petrescu, in: Romˆania literar˘a 19 (45) [October 16] 1986.
[243] ❙➧
, Prefat¸˘a la modelul european. Scrisoare c˘ atre un intelectual din Occident [Preface to the European model: a letter to an intellectual from the West], Viat¸a romˆ aneasc˘ a, 82 (7) [iulie], 1987, pp. 54–55. Cf. also [262], resp. [246].
➧ ➧❙
, Superarea romˆaneasc˘ a [The Romanian ‘domination’], Revista de istorie ¸si teorie literar˘ a (Bucure¸sti), 35 (3–4), 1987, pp. 8–11. Reprinted in [249], pp. 55–60 [as
Superarea romˆaneasc˘a].
, Viziunea metafizic˘a a lui Lucian Blaga ¸si secolul al XX-lea [The metaphysical vision of Lucian Blaga and the XXth century], in: Lucian Blaga – Cunoa¸stere ¸si creat¸ie, Culegere de studii, Ghi¸se, Dumitru, Botez, Angela, and Botez, Victor, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1987, Cartea romˆaneasc˘a, pp. 23–27. Cf. also [235], [272].
➥ [246] ❐
¨ , De dignitate Europae, Ubersetzung von Georg Scherg, Kriterion, Bucure¸sti, 1988. A German translation of [262] (1993).
✔ ✖ 68
, Not˘a testamentar˘a. Ce nu se vede [A codicil in the will: what you cannot see], Viat¸a romˆ aneasc˘ a, 83 (3) [martie], 1988, pp. 10–12.
, Trei poeme filosofice pentru S. [Three philosophical poems for S.], Viat¸a romˆ aneasc˘ a, 83 (4) [aprilie], 1988, pp. 8–12.
Three philosophical poems for Sanda Stolojan, dated 1971. Reprinted in [250], pp. 150–157 and [270], pp. 20–29.
This, more or less apologetic, little volume contains 35 occasional papers, 1934– 1987 (on a few “eternal” Romanians and things Romanian, worth remembering about, cultural “landmarks”, etc., running from Ur-, folcloric, and / or Mediaeval times to December 1987. Articles on Dimitrie Cantemir, Bogdan Petriceicu Has¸deu, Titu Maiorescu, Mihai Eminescu, Lucian Blaga, Mircea Eliade). Herein, also the Selective bibliography [of Constantin Noica], [38], by the editor, pp. 278–332. Actually in print: Spring [by the end of March] 1990.
➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥
, Jurnal de idei [A Diary of Ideas], text stabilit de Thomas Kleininger, Gabriel Liiceanu, Andrei Ple¸su, Sorin Vieru, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1990, [Memorii / Jurnale]. Fragments of a Diary: 1958–1987. First edition: 493 pp. Photos and facsimiles by ˘r. With a Preliminary Note by the editors, pp. 5–13 and two Indices, Dinu Laza ˆrsan, pp. 409–491. by Oana Vlad and Victor Ba
✔ ✖
, Istoricitate ¸si eternitate, Repere pentru o istorie a culturii romˆane¸sti [Historicity and Eternity – Landmarks for a Romanian Cultural History], select¸ie stabilit˘a ¸si prezentat˘a de Mircea Handoca, Capricorn, Bucure¸sti, 1989, [Capricorn 5–6].
, Jurnal filozofic, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1990, [ϕ 1]. A reprint of [150]. Also reprinted in 1999.
[252] ❙➧ ➧
, Rugat¸i-v˘ a pentru fratele Alexandru [Pray for Brother Alexander], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1990, [Totalitarism ¸si literatura estului]. An account of the prison years, dated 1965. First edition: 125 pp. Italian translation in [264] (1994).
, Pagini despre sufletul romˆ anesc, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1991, [TopH]. A reprint of [164] (1944).
➧ [254]
, Six maladies de l’esprit, Crit´erion, Paris, 1991, [Id´ees].
➧❙ A French translation of [210] (1978). Traduction du roumain par Ariadna Iuhas-Cornea Combes, pr´eface de Jacqueline de Romilly.
➥ [255] ➥
, Eseuri de duminic˘ a [Sunday Essays], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1992. A collection of 30 occasional texts, 169 pp., essays with a philosophical and political character, radio-conferences etc. (1938–1940).
❐ [256] ✔
A variorum reprints edition, 383 pp., containing also the essays of [202] (1975).
✖ [257] 70
, Introducere la miracolul eminescian, [Introduction to a Miracle: Mihai Eminescu] edit¸ie ˆıngrijit˘a de Marin Diaconu ¸si Gabriel Liiceanu, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1992.
, Mathesis sau bucuriile simple, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1992, [ϕ 5].
A reprint of [108].
A collection of reprints of occasional papers, prefaces, introductions, etc. (1972– ˆncus¸i, 1987), 263 pp., including essays on Lucian Blaga, Constantin Bra ´ Mircea Eliade G. W. F. Hegel, Martin Heidegger, Stephane Lupasco, etc.
➧ ➧ ➧❙
, Simple introduceri la bun˘ atatea timpului nostru [Simple Introductions to the Goodness of Our Times], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1992.
´ Descartes Dou˘ , (tr.) Rene a tratate filozofice urmate de Viat¸a ¸si filozofia lui Ren´ e Descartes [Two Philosophical Tractates, followed by The Life and Philosophy of Ren´e Descartes], traducere din latin˘a de Constantin Noica, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1992, [Paradigme]. A composite edition, containing the translations [113] [Regulae ad directionem ingenii, 1935], [130] [Meditationes de prima philosophia, 1937], and a reprint of [131] (1937).
➥ ❐ [260] ✔
, Carte de ˆınt¸elepciune [Book of Wisdom], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1993, [Antologiile Humanitas]. Excerpts from [250] (1990): 143 pp.
✖ 71
, De Caelo. ˆIncercare ˆın jurul cunoa¸sterii ¸si individului, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1993.
A reprint of [120].
[262] ❙➧
Cf. also [243] (1987) and [246] (the German translation, 1988).
➧ [263] ➧
[264] ➥
A cura di Marco Cugno (saggio intro-
, Pregate per il fratello Alessandro, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1994, [Intersezioni 126]. An Italian translation of [252] (1990). duttivo, traduzione e note).
, Schit¸˘ a pentru istoria lui Ia¸si, 1994.
A cura di Marco Cugno (saggio intro-
Cum e cu putint¸˘ a ceva nou, Moldova,
Anastatic reprint of [151] (1940).
✔ [266] ✖
, Sei malattie dello spirito contemporaneo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1993, [Intersezioni 111]. An Italian translation of [210] (1978). duttivo, traduzione e note).
, Modelul cultural european [The Cultural Model of [Western] Europe], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1993.
, Semnele Minervei [Minerva’s Hints]. Publicistic˘a. I (1927–1929), edit¸ie ˆıngrijit˘a de Marin Diaconu, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1994. A collection of reprints (1927–1929): 543 pp.
[267] ❙➧
, (tr.) Aristotel Categorii [Aristotle’s Categories], traducere din greaca veche ¸si interpretare de Constantin Noica, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1994, [ϕ 16]. A reprint: cf. [171].
, The Cantemir Model in Our Culture or: Memo to the OneAbove regarding the Situation of the Spirit in the Three Romanian Provinces, tr[anslation] by Bogdan S¸tef˘anescu, Editura Athena, Bucharest, 1995. Modelul Cantemir ˆın cultura noastr˘a, sau, Memoriu c˘atre Cel de Sus asupra situat¸iei spiritului ˆın cele trei ¸t˘ari romˆane¸sti.: 59 pp. [LC-record: 96116581, ISBN: 973-967919-6]
➧❙ ➥
➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 73
, Concepte deschise ˆın istoria filozofiei la Descartes, Leibniz ¸si Kant, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1995. A reprint of [115].
, Poeme [Poems], cu o prefat¸˘a de Nae Antonescu, Pantheon, Piatra Neamt¸, 1995. This small antology [31 pp.], concocted by George Vulturescu, contains six early (high school) “poems” (1928) and three Philosophical Poems for S[anda Stolojan] (1971), extracted from [248] (Viat¸a romˆaneasc˘a, 83 [nr. 4, aprilie], 1988, pp. 8–12); cf. also [250], pp. 150–157. With a Preface, by Nae Antonescu, pp. 5–9.
[271] ❙➧ ➧
A reprint of [151] (1940).
➧ ➧❙
, Schit¸˘ a pentru istoria lui Cum e cu putint¸˘ a ceva nou, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1995.
, Viziunea metafizic˘a a lui Lucian Blaga ¸si secolul al XX-lea [The metaphysical vision of Lucian Blaga and the XXth century], Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 42 (2), [martie-aprilie], 1995, pp. 133–135. Cf. also [235], [245].
˘nescu Dimensiunea , Cuvˆant ˆınainte [Foreword], in: Mircea Vulca romˆ aneasc˘ a a existent¸ei 1–3, Diaconu, Marin and Balica, Zaharia, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1996, Editura Eminescu.
➥ Foreword to the edition [364] [vols. 1–3], also translated [in English, French and German] at the end of vol. 3.
➥ [274] ❐
´szlo ´ , Foreword by the translator. A Hungarian translation of [120], by Papp La Ford´ ıtotta ´es a bevezet¨o tanulm´anyt ´ırta Papp L´aszl´o.
✔ [275] ✖
, De caelo, Pr´ob´alkoz´as a megismer´es ´es az egy´en k¨or¨ ul, A Familia Foly´oirat Kisk¨onyvt´ara, Nagyv´arad [Oradea / Romania], 1996.
, ˆIntre suflet ¸si spirit [Between Soul and Spirit]. Publicistic˘a. II (1930– 1934), edit¸ie ˆıngrijit˘a de Marin Diaconu, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1996. A collection of reprints (1930–1934): 527 pp.
[276] ❙➧
´n and Papp La ´szlo ´ , with A Hungarian translation of [108], by Fazakas Istva ´szlo ´ . Ford´ıtotta Fazakas Istv´an [´es] Papp L´aszl´o. A a Foreword by Papp La bevezet¨ o tanulm´ anyt ´ırta Papp L´aszl´o.
➧ [277] ➧ ➧❙
, Mathesis, Vagy az egyszer¨ u ¨or¨om¨ok, A Familia Foly´oirat Kisk¨onyvt´ara, Nagyv´arad [Oradea / Romania], 1996.
, Sentimentul romˆ anesc al fiint¸ei, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1996. A reprint of [209] (1978).
, ed., (tr.) Platon Lysis, Cu un eseu despre ˆınt¸elesul grec al dragostei despre oameni ¸si lucruri, traducere din greac˘a de Alexandru Cizek, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1996, [ϕ 22]. Essentially, a reprint of [174] (1969) (with a different translation, cf. also [295], 2).
,S ¸ ase maladii ale spiritului contemporan, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1997. Essentially, a reprint of [210] (1978). [Edit¸ie nou˘a, i.e. old sub-title = new title.]
❐ [280] ✔
, Dou˘a imagini ale aristotelismului [Two Images of Aristotelianism], Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 44 (4), [iulie-august], 1997, pp. 423–428.
✖ 75
˘ Text ˆıngrijit de A. Nit ¸a
, L˘amuriri didactice din cadrul cursurilor lui Ammonius, fiul lui Hermeios, dimpreun˘a cu unele vederi proprii asupra primei c˘ art¸i a Analiticelor
secunde ale lui Aristotel [Didactic explanations from the lectures of Ammonius, the son of Hermeios, together with some views of the author on the first Book of Aristotle’s ‘Second Analytics’], Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 44 (4), [iulie-august], 1997, pp. 429–448.
❙➧ ➧
, Manuscrisele de la Cˆımpulung, Reflect¸ii despre ¸t˘ar˘anime ¸si burghezie [The Manuscripts of Cˆımpulung, Reflections on Peasantry and Bourgeoisie], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1997. First edition, inedita (texts dating from the early fifties): 212 p.
, Sze´ s´ c chor´ ob ducha wsp´ olczesnego, Oficyna Literacka, Krak´ow, 1997, [Szara Seria].
➥ A Polish translation [from Romanian] of [210] (1978), by Ireneusz Kania, with an Introduction by the translator.
➥ [284] ❐ ✔ ✖ 76
, Devenirea ˆıntru fiint¸˘ a & Scrisori despre logica lui Hermes, studiu introductiv de Sorin Lavric, Humanitas & Fundat¸ia pentru o Societate Deschis˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1998, [C˘art¸i fundamentale ale culturii romˆane]. A composite reprint (577 pp.), with an introductory essay by Sorin Lavric. Cf. [217] (1981) and [234] (1986).
, Echilibrul spiritual [A Spiritual Balance], Studii ¸si eseuri Publicistic˘a. III (1929–1947), edit¸ie ˆıngrijit˘a de Marin Diaconu, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1998.
A collection of reprints (1929–1947): 458 pp.
❙➧ ➧
[286] 109. [287]
[288] ➥
, Seis doen¸cas do esp´ırito contemporˆ aneo, Record, Rio de Janeiro, etc., 1999, R 2002, [Biblioteca Record de Filosofia]. A [Brazilian-] Portuguese translation of [210] (1978), by Fernando Klabin and Elena Sburlea.
➥ [289]
✔ ✖
, (tr.) Aristotel Despre interpretare, cu un Comentariu din perspectiv˘a modern˘a de Constantin Noica [Aristotle’s On Interpretation, with a comment from a modern point of view], traducere din greaca veche ¸si cuvˆınt ˆınainte de Constantin Noica, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1998, [ϕ 28]. A reprint (cf. [188]), with an Addendum by Pierre Aubenque.
, Le temps privilegi´e de la culture europ´eenne, Diotima, 16, 1998, pp. 106–
, 21 de conferint¸e radiofonice [21 Radio-conferences] (1936–1943), Humanitas & Editura Casa Radio, Bucure¸sti, 2000. Radio-conferences 1936–1943.
, Desp˘ art¸irea de Goethe, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 2000. A revised edition of [204] (1976), edited by [edit¸ie ˆıngrijit˘a de] Marin Diaconu.
[291] ❙➧
A partial Spanish translation of [210] (Chapter I Tabloul celor ¸sase maladii, [210], 1978, pp. 7–31) by Antonio Armon´ıa; cf. also sem-noica [1: January 13, 2002] and sem-noica [2: January 20, 2002] resp., with an Introduction – Constantin Noica: la cuarta v´ıa –, by Marco Cugno, translated [from Italian] by Alfonso Herrera Salcedo T.. Cf. [21] and sem-cugno [January 13, 2002]. (La Jornada semanal is the weekly [Sunday- / literary-cultural] supplement of the newspaper La Jornada (M´exico); cf. also La Jornada Virtu@l, online at www.jornada.unam.mx.)
➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥
[292] Noica, Constantin and Cioran, E. M., L’Ami lointain. Paris-Bucarest, Crit´erion, Paris, 1991.
Cf. La Nouvelle Revue Fran¸ccaise, Paris 1957. Le texte de Cioran [Sur deux types de soci´et´e], Lettre `a un ami lointain, est extrait de E. M. Cioran, Histoire et utopie. Gallimard, Paris [1960, 1974, 1977, 1988, 1996, etc.]. Cf. also E. M. Cioran, Istorie ¸si utopie [traducere de Emanoil Marcu], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti 1992, p. 5 et sqq. Italian translation in [293] (1993).
❐ ✔ [293] ✖ 78
, Seis enfermedades del esp´ıritu contempor´ aneo I–II, traducci´on de Antonio Armon´ıa, in: La Jornada Semanal suplemento cultural nr. 358 (January 13, 2002) and 359 (January 20, 2002), M´exico, 2002, La Jornada.
, L’amico lontano, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1993, [Intersezioni 110]. An Italian translation of [292] (1991). dal francese di Roberta Ferrara.
A cura di Lorenzo Renzi; traduzione
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 79
[294] Noica, Constantin, Comarnescu, Petru, Jianu, Ion, and Polihroniade, Mihail, eds., Act¸iune ¸si react¸iune 1–2 [Action and Reaction], [likely a private publication], Bucure¸sti, 1929–1930. A journal with a vaillant subtitle – Caiete semestriale de sintez˘a nat¸ional˘a ˆın cadrul secolului XX [Semestrial Notebooks for National Synthesis within the XXth Century] (Bucharest) – and with only two issues in print: “Caietul 1” (1929), “Caietul 2” (1930), “written [entirely] by” the editors: Petru Comarnescu, Ion Jianu, Constantin Noica, and Mihail Polihroniade. Cf. [275].
[295] Noica, Constantin and Cret ¸ ia, Petru, eds., Platon Opere I–VII [Works 1–7], Editura ¸stiint¸ific˘a [¸si enciclopedic˘a], Bucure¸sti, 1974–1993, [Clasicii filosofiei universale]. A series of [new] translations from Plato’s works [incomplete: project in 10 volumes], actually supervised by Petru Cret ¸ ia (1927–1997), with occasional comments and “interpretations” by Constantin Noica: 1 (1974, 2 1975), 2 (1976), 3 (1978), 4 (1983), 5 (1986), 6 (1989), 7 (1993). General introduction by Ion Banu (Platon ¸si platonismul, 1, pp. ix–cviii). Editorial introduction by Petru Cret ¸ ia (Platon ˆın romˆ ane¸ste, 2, pp. v–viii [sic]). Not˘a asupra edit¸iei [1, v–vi], by the editors, and contributed Introductions [“interpretations”] and / or notes by Constantin Noica, for Hippias Minor [2, pp. 9–16], Hippias Maior [2, pp. 61–70], Ion [2, pp. 129–133], Euthyphro [2, pp. 253–259], Lysis [2, pp. 165–212], Meno [2, pp. 353–371], Euthydemus [3, pp. 7–28], Cratylus [3, pp. 139–235], Phaedo [4, pp. 11–28], Phaedrus [4, pp. 343–363], The Republic [5, Cuvˆınt prevenitor, pp. 5–16], ˘lta ˘ceanu [1,2], Parmenides [6], and The Sophist [6]. (Translators: Francisca Ba
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 80
Alexandru Cizek [2], Andrei Cornea [5,7], Petru Cret ¸ ia [1,2,4,7], Marta Gut ¸ u [1], Gabriel Liiceanu [2,3,4], Liana Lupas¸ [2], S ¸ erban Mironescu ˘ ˘ [1], Simina Noica [1,3,5], Catalin Partenie [7], Manuela Popescu [2], Dan Slus¸anschi [1,2], Nicolae S ¸ erban-Tanas¸oca [2], and Sorin Vieru [1,6].) [Last volume, 7, not directly contributed to by C. Noica.]
˘ ta ˘lin, eds., Pla[296] Noica, Constantin, Cret ¸ ia, Petru, and Partenie, Ca ton Opere complete I–II [Complete Works 1–2], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 2001–2002. This is, essentially, a remake of [295], with additions, sometimes different transla˘ ta ˘lin Partenie, as the main editor. Two volumes in print so far: tors, etc., by Ca 1 (2001), 2 (2002). Contents vol. 1 (2001): Apology, Crito, Charmides, Laches, Lysis, Euthyphro, Hippias Minor, Hippias Maior, Acbibiades I, Ion, Euthydemus, Gorgias, Protagoras (translators: Cezar Papacostea and Marta Gut ¸ u); vol. 2 (2002): Menexenus, Meno, Symposium, Phaedo, Cratylus, Phaedrus (translators: ˘ ta ˘lin Partenie [Menexenus, a new translation] and Diana Lupu). Ca
˘nescu, Mircea, [297] Noica, Constantin, Floru, Constantin, and Vulca eds., Nae Ionescu Funct¸iunea epistemologic˘a a iubirii [The epistemological function of love], in: Isvoare de filosofie 1, culegere de studii ¸si texte, Floru, Constantin, Noica, Constantin, and Vulc˘anescu, Mircea, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1942, Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, pp. 1–17. Inaugural lecture held at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Automn 1919 (as a Professor assistant in the chair of Prof. Constantin
˘dulescu-Motru: Logic and Epistemology). Reprinted in Nae Ionescu Ra Nelini¸stea metafizic˘ a [The Metaphysical Anxiety], Editura Fundat¸iei Culturale Romˆ ane, Bucure¸sti 1993 [Argumente], pp. 75–93 [ed. Marin Diaconu].
❙➧ [298] ➧
, eds., Nae Ionescu Metafizica I. Teoria cuno¸stint¸ei metafizice, 1. Cunoa¸sterea imediat˘a (1928–1929) [Metaphysics I. The Theory of Metaphysical Knowledge, 1. Immediate Knowledge], [Monitorul Oficial ¸si Imprimeriile Statului], Bucure¸sti, 1942.
➧ Reprinted in: Nae Ionescu Curs de metafizic˘a, Humanitas, Bucharest 1 1991, 2 1995 [Eseistic˘ a] [ed. Marin Diaconu], pp. 5–188.
➧❙ [299] ➥
, eds., Isvoare de filosofie 1–2 [Philosophical Sources], Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, Bucure¸sti, 1942–1943.
❐ ✔
Culegere de studii ¸si texte.
˘nescu Dimensiunea romˆaneasc˘a a existent¸ei, Schit¸˘a , eds., Mircea Vulca fenomenologic˘a [The Romanian Dimension of Being – A Phenomenological Outline], in: Isvoare de filosofie 2, culegere de studii ¸si texte, Floru, Constantin, Noica, Constantin, and Vulc˘anescu, Mircea, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1943, Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, pp. 3–47. Reprints in [359] (R 1983), [360] (1–2, R 1991), [361] (3, R 1991). Cf. also [364].
✖ 81
, eds. Nae Ionescu, Die Logistik als Versuch einer neuer Begr¨ undung der Mathematik, in: Isvoare de filosofie 2, culegere de studii
¸si texte, Floru, Constantin, Noica, Constantin, and Vulc˘anescu, Mircea, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1943, Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, pp. 1–52. ❙➧
Originally, a PhD Dissertation [philosophy], at the University of Munich, un¨umker [defended: April 2, 1919]. Romanian translation (by der Clemens Ba Alexandru Surdu) in Nae Ionescu Nelini¸stea metafizic˘a [The Metaphysical Anxiety], Editura Fundat¸iei Culturale Romˆane, Bucure¸sti 1993 [Argumente], pp. 5–56 [ed. Marin Diaconu].
➧ ➧ [302] ➧❙
, eds., Nae Ionescu Metafizica II Teoria cuno¸stint¸ei metafizice, [2.] Cunoa¸sterea mediat˘a [1929–1930] [Metaphysics II. The Theory of Metaphysical Knowledge, 2. Mediate Knowledge], [Tipografia Remus Cioflec], Bucure¸sti, 1944.
➥ Reprinted in: Nae Ionescu Curs de metafizic˘a, Humanitas, Bucharest 1 1991, 2 1995 [Eseistic˘ a] [ed. Marin Diaconu], pp. 189–320.
➥ ❐
[303] Noica, Constantin and Jianou [Jianu], Ionel, Introduction ` a la sculpture de Brˆ ancu¸si, Arted, Paris, 1976, [Essais sur l’art]. Artbook: 96 p. [with illustrations]
✔ [304] ✖ 82
, eds., Alice Sfintesco, Arted, Paris, 1979, [Essais sur l’art]. Exhibition catalogue Alice Sfintesco [Sfint ¸ escu] (1879–1975), with texts in French, English, and Romanian: 76 pp.
❙➧ ➧ ➧
[305] Noica, Constantin and Mironescu, S ¸ erban, (trs.) Aristotel Parva naturalia, Scurte tratate de ¸stiint¸e naturale [Aristotle’s Short Treatises on Natural Sciences], traducere de S¸erban Mironescu ¸si Constantin Noica, Editura ¸stiint¸ific˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1972, [Psyche]. [306] Noica, Constantin and Noica, Simina, eds., (trs.) Herman Diels [& Walther Kranz] (eds.) Fragmentele presocraticilor I [The Pre-Socratics: Fragments 1], Junimea, Ia¸si, 1974. Traducere integral˘ a dup˘a edit¸ia Diels-Kranz [Die Vorsokratiker], cu introduceri ¸si note de Simina Noica ¸si Constantin Noica. [Apparently a single volume, 1, in print.]
➧❙ ➥ ➥
˘dulescu, Mihai, (trs.) Sfa ˆntul Augustin [307] Noica, Constantin and Ra [Aurelius Augustin de Hippona], De Magistro, in: Isvoare de filosofie 1, culegere de studii ¸si texte, Floru, Constantin, Noica, Constantin, and Vulc˘anescu, Mircea, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1942, Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, pp. 70–145.
❐ Reprinted in [308] (1994).
✔ ✖
, (trs.) [Aurelius] Augustin [de Hippona] De Magistro, ed. bilingv˘a, traducere din latin˘a de Mihai R˘adulescu ¸si Constantin Noica, introducere ¸si note de Lucia Wald, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1994, [ϕ 13]. A reprint of [307].
❙➧ ➧ ➧
[309] Noica, Constantin and Striharet ¸ , Aurora M., (trs.) Anaxagoras Despre natur˘ a, [On Nature], traducere de Constantin Noica ¸si Aurora M. Striharet¸, in: Isvoare de filosofie 2, culegere de studii ¸si texte, Floru, Constantin, Noica, Constantin, and Vulc˘anescu, Mircea, eds., Bucure¸sti, 1943, Editura Bucovina I. E. Torout¸iu, pp. 98–101. [310] Noica, Constantin and Surdu, Alexandru, eds., Mihai Eminescu (tr.) Lecturi kantiene, traduceri din Critica rat¸iunii pure [Reading Kant – Eminescu: Translations from KrV], Editura Univers, Bucure¸sti, 1975. An edition of Eminescu’s translations from Kant’s KrV, p. 1–144. (Fragments published previously in the literary journal Ramuri, Bucharest, 1968.) With an editorial Introduction, p. i–xlix. In an Annex, pp. 145–159: two fragments [of KrV] translated by Titu Maiorescu (with an editorial Introductory Note, p. 147).
➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 84
, eds., Athanase Joja Istoria gˆındirii antice I–II [The History of Ancient Thinking 1–2], Editura ¸stiint¸ific˘a ¸si enciclopedic˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1980, 1982, [Filosofie romˆaneasc˘a]. In two volumes: 1 (1980) De la presocratici la Aristotel, 2 (1982) Comentarii aristotelice. Cf. also the collection [51] (ed. by Athanase Joja, 1971), and [203] (1975), [206] (1976).
[312] Noica, Constantin, Surdu, Alexandru, and Zamfirescu, Vasile Dem., (trs.) Immanuel Kant Critica facult˘ a¸tii de judecare [KUk],
traducere de Const[antin] Noica, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu ¸si Alexandru Surdu, Studiu introductiv de Mircea Florian, Editura ¸stiint¸ific˘a ¸si enciclopedic˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1981, [Clasicii filosofiei universale].
Note ¸si comentarii, bibliografie selectiv˘a, indici de autori ¸si de concepte Rodica Croitoru.
➧ ➧
[313] Noica, Constantin and Zamfirescu, Vasile Dem., eds., Camil Petrescu [0] Introducere la Doctrina substant¸ei [‘The Theory of Substance’, Introduction], Manuscriptum, 14 (3) [iulie-septembrie], 1983, pp. 68–70, 70–87.
Text [pp. 70–87] stabilit de Constantin Noica ¸si Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu. With an Introduction by Constantin Noica: Introducerea lui Camil Petrescu la Doctrina substant¸ei, pp. 68–70
➥ ➥
, eds., Camil Petrescu [1] Doctrina substant¸ei, Cap. I [‘The Theory of Substance’, Chapter 1], Manuscriptum, 14 (4) [octombrie-decembrie], 1983, pp. 70–80.
✔ ✖
, eds., Camil Petrescu [2] Doctrina substant¸ei, Cap. II [‘The Theory of Substance’, Chapter 2], Manuscriptum, 15 (1) [ianuarie-martie], 1984, pp. 72– 89.
Text stabilit de Constantin Noica ¸si Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu.
Text stabilit de Constantin Noica ¸si Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu.
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖
[316] Ornea, Zigu, Anii treizeci, Extrema dreapt˘a romˆaneasc˘a [The Thirties – A History of the Extreme Right Movement(s) in Romania], Editura Fundat¸iei Culturale Romˆane, Bucure¸sti, 1996. Historical background (to Romania, during the thirties). (nb: a revised edition [edit¸ie rev˘ azut˘ a]).
[317] Paleologu, Alexandru, Desp˘ art¸irea de Noica [Farewell from Noica], in: Alexandru Paleologu Ipoteze de lucru [Working Hypotheses], Bucure¸sti, 1980, Cartea Romˆaneasc˘a. Text of 1979–1980 [a typoscript of 67 pages!]. Cf., e.g., [66], (sub Luni, 21 ianuarie 1980 [Monday, January 21, 1980]), pp. 107 et sq. and, possibly, [89], Annex, pp. 305–317, as well as [318], passim. On-line version (apparently revised) in Amicus Plato sau: Desp˘ art¸irea de Noica, with an Introduction (Filozoful c˘alare [The philosopher on a horse], dated March 2003) by Toader Paleologu, edited by Delia Maria Oprea, with the assistance of Iulia Popovici, Editura LiterNet, Bucharest 2003 [ISBN: 973-8475-07-4], 64 pp.
˘nase, Stelian, Sfidarea memoriei (Con[318] Paleologu, Alexandru and Ta vorbiri) [Memory Challenge – Conversations], Editura DU Style, Bucure¸sti, 1996. Historical background. (nb: this is a “second edition” [edit¸ia a II-a]).
[319] Pamfil, Laura, Geometrie ¸si metafizic˘ a. Exemplaritatea figurii cercului pentru filosofie [Geometry and metaphysics – The circle paradigm in philosophy], arguments, 2, 2003, pp. 1–56 [separatum]. Paper reporting work in progress on a PhD Dissertation [322] (University of Bucharest). To appear in print elsewhere.
➧ ➧
Paper (written in 1999–2000) reporting work in progress on a PhD Dissertation [322] (University of Bucharest), scheduled to appear also elsewhere in print.
➥ ➥
, Problema neantului ˆın ontologia lui Constantin Noica [The question about Nothing in the ontology of Constantin Noica], arguments, 2, 2003, pp. 1–38 [separatum]. Paper reporting work in progress on a PhD Dissertation [322] (University of Bucharest). To appear in print elsewhere.
✔ ✖
, Parte ¸si ˆıntreg, Dumnezeu ca problem˘ a logic˘ a la Constantin Noica [Part and whole – God as a logical problem in Constantin Noica], arguments, 2, 2003, pp. 1–24 [separatum].
, Tradit¸ie ¸si originalitate ˆın ontologia lui Constantin Noica [Tradition and Originality in the Ontology of Constantin Noica], Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, [forthcoming], [PhD Dissertation].
ˆrvu, Ilie, Arhitectura existent¸ei, Paradigma structural-generativ˘a ˆın on[323] Pa tologie [The Architecture of Existence – The Structural-generative Paradigm in Ontology], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1991. [324]
➧ ➧ ➧❙
, Metafizica lui Noica (Note preliminare) [Preliminary notes on Noica’s metaphysics], Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 44 (4), [iulie-august], 1997, pp. 381–386.
[325] Petreu, Marta, Un trecut deocheat sau Schimbarea la fat¸˘ a a Ro mˆ aniei [A Bewitched Past, or: ‘The Transfiguration of Romania’], Editura Biblioteca Apostrof, Cluj [-Napoca], 1999. Historical background (to Romania, during the thirties, etc.).
➥ ➥
[326] Ples¸u, Andrei, Rigorile ideii nat¸ionale ¸si legitimitatea universalului [The national idea and the law-character of universality], Secolul XX (Bucure¸sti), 10–11–12, 1981. A kind of personal manifesto on “the national idea”, specifiying also, inter alia, the author’s programmatic distance to Constantin Noica & friends (text referred to in, e.g., [66], cf. sub Vineri, 8 mai 1981 [Friday, May 8, 1981], with Noica’s comments upon, pp. 204 et sq.). Reprinted in [331], pp. 217–226.
❐ ✔ ✖ 88
, Entre la philosophie et la sagesse, Notes sur Constantin No¨ıca, International Journal of Rumanian Studies (Amsterdam), 4 (2), 1984–1986, pp. 15–21.
IJRS (ed. by Sorin Alexandrescu), Special issue Philosophie de Constantin No¨ıca. Text dated Heidelberg, aoˆ ut 1984. Traduit par S ¸ erban Cristovici (Paris). For a would-be Romanian original, see, e.g., [328]. See also [330] (1994) and [90] (1996), pp. 340–345.
❙➧ ➧
Reprinted in [330] (1994) and [90] (1996), pp. 340–345. French translation in [327] (1986).
➧❙ ➥
ˆ ˆ , Intre filosofie ¸si ˆınt¸elepciune. Insemn˘ ari despre Constantin Noica [Between philosophy and wisdom: notes on Constantin Noica], Ateneu (Bucure¸sti), 5, 1985.
, Sensul culturii ˆın lumea contemporan˘ a [The meaning of culture in the contemporary world], Sud-Est, Art˘a, Cultur˘a, Civilizat¸ie (Chi¸sin˘au), 1, 1991, pp. 3–10.
➥ On the “meaning of culture” according to Constantin Noica: a summary with author’s comments. Conference held in Lugoj, Romania (December 1982).
❐ [330] ✔ ✖ 89
ˆ , Constantin Noica. Intre filosofie ¸si ˆınt¸elepciune [Constantin Noica: between philosophy and wisdom], in: Andrei Ples¸u Limba p˘ as˘ arilor, Bucure¸sti, 1994, Humanitas. A reprint of [328] (with a different title). Cf. also [327] (a French version) and [90] (1996), pp. 340–345 (another reprint).
[331] ❙➧
, Chipuri ¸si m˘ a¸sti ale tranzit¸iei [Ways and Masks of the Transition Period], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1996. Historical background (to post-1989 Romania): the point of view of a former Romanian [post-1989] minister of culture, etc. This is, actually, a collection of reprints from Romanian periodicals, 1993–1996: [Revista] 22 (Bucharest) and Dilema (Bucharest – Director Andrei Ples¸u), etc., with “three texts written before 1989” (viz. pp. 217–226 – cf., e.g., [326] –, pp. 330–331 and pp. 374–376). Many texts appearing here have been also published in translations abroad; cf. the author’s Foreword, pp. 5–6, for details.
➧ ➧ ➧❙ [332] ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖
ˆ dialog cu H.-R. Patapievici: Farmecul unei alte lumi [Interview with , In H.-R. Patapievici: The charm of another world], LA&I – Litere, Arte, Idei, 8, Nr. 34 (290) [29 septembrie 2003], 2003, pp. 8–10. Published in: LA&I, an appendix to Cotidianul (Bucharest), “Supliment cultural, Serie Nou˘ a, Nr. 34 (290), anul VIII, 29 septembrie 2003, 16 pagini”: Jurnalul de la P˘ altini¸s – dup˘ a dou˘ azeci de ani. Interview with H.-R. Patapievici, dated: Bucharest, nec, September 27, 2002.
[333] Popa, Grigore, Constantin Noica: Mathesis sau bucuriile simple, Pagini literare, 3–4, 1934. A review of [108].
˘dulescu-Motru, Constantin, C. Noica: Concepte deschise ˆın istoria [334] Ra filosofiei la Descartes, Leibniz ¸si Kant, Analele Academiei Romˆ ane, Dezbateri, 1935–1936. A review of [115].
➧ ➧
[335] Sebastian, Mihail, De dou˘ a mii de ani... [Two Millenia Away...] cu o prefat¸˘a de Nae Ionescu & Cum am devenit huligan [My Carrier as a Hooligan], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1990.
Mihail Sebastian (1907–1945). Historical background (to Romania, during the thirties). A composite edition [ISBN: 973-280199-9] [334 pp.]: De dou˘a mii de ani... Bucharest 1934, also: Arania, Bra¸sov [s.d.] [226 pp.], etc. (a novel; actually confessions of a Jewish writer, with a Preface [in ed. 1934, pp. v-xxxii], by his [antisemite] teacher, Nicolae [= Nae] Ionescu2a ; the Preface has been also published separately [facsimile], as: Nae Ionescu Prefat¸˘a, in: Criterion (Madrid), 1979 [31 pp.]), together with Cum am devenit huligan. Reprint [of the composite] by Hasefer, Bucharest 2000 [ISBN: 973-96819-5-6] [358 pp.]
➥ ➥ ❐ [336] ✔
Historical background (Romania, 1935–1944): a (relevant) personal viewpoint.
✖ [337] 91
, Jurnal 1935–1944 [Diary (1935–1944)], text ˆıngrijit de Gabriela Om˘at, prefat¸˘a ¸si note de Leon Volovici, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1996.
, Seit zweitausend Jahren (Roman), Igel Verlag, Paderborn etc., 1997.
Historical background (to Romania, during the thirties). A German translation of De dou˘ a mii de ani... [Two Millenia Away...] (cf. [335]), mit einem Nachwort und einer Dokumentation hrsg. von Daniel Rhein.
❙➧ [338] ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖
, Journal 1935–1944, Stock, Paris, 1998, [Nouveau cabinet cosmopolite]. Historical background (Romania, 1935–1944). A French translation of [336] traduit du roumain par Alain Paruit, pr´ eface d’Edgar Reichmann.
, Journal 1935–1944, Ivan R. Dee, Chicago, 2000. Historical background (Romania, 1935–1944). An English translation of [336] [the Romanian ed. by Gabriela Om˘at and Leon Volovici], by Patrick Camiller, with an Introduction and Notes by Radu Ioanid (xxv + 641 pp.) [ISBN 1-566-63326-5]. UK edition: Heinemann, London 2001 [ISBN: 0-434-00967-9].
ˆ ırjirile filosofului [The philosopher’s perserverances], Ro[340] Simion, Eugen, Indˆ mˆ ania literar˘ a, 1983 [October 10]. One of the first reviews of [66] to appear in Romania in print, and, by the same token, a dissenting reaction to Constantin Noica, coming from a literary critic, expert in [the history of] Romanian literature, mainly, and an invariant figure of the Romanian [literary] establishment (before, as well as after December 1989; currently also the president of the Romanian Academy, etc.). Reprinted in [89], pp. 318–323, [90], pp. 331–335, etc.
[341] Steinhardt, Nicu, Jurnalul fericirii, Editura Dacia, Cluj [-Napoca], 1991. 92
Historical background (to post-war Romania: memoirs from prison). Other editions: 2 1992 [reprints 1994, 1995], 3 1997, etc. French translation in [342].
Historical background (to post-war Romania: memoirs from prison). A French translation of [341] (trad[uction] du roumain par Marily Le Near, pr´eface ´ment). [par] Olivier Cle
➧ ➧❙
` la [343] Steinhardt, Nicu [Nicolae], ˆIn genul lui Cioran, Noica, Eliade [A mani`ere de Cioran, Noica & Eliade], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1996, [Eseistic˘a]. Essays signed Antisthius, sc. Nicu Steinhardt [resp. Nicolae Niculescu, Nicolae Delarohia, etc.] (1912–1989). For a comprehensive bio-bibliography, and the specific connection to Constantin Noica see, e.g., Nicu Steinhardt. ˘ilescu. With a Postface by Dan C. Miha
➥ ➥ ❐
[344] Surdu, Alexandru, Vocat¸ii filosofice romˆ ane¸sti [Romanian Philosophical Vocations], Editura Academiei Romˆane, Bucure¸sti, 1995. Herein: Sistemul rostirii filosofice romˆane¸sti al lui Constantin Noica, Constantin Noica ¸si ˆıntrebarea despre fiint¸˘a, and ˆIntrebarea cu trei introduceri la Constantin Noica.
✔ ✖ 93
, Journal de la f´ elicit´ e, Arcant`ere, Paris, 1996, [Collection unesco d’œuvres repr´esentatives].
, Evocare [Recollections], Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 44 (4), [iulieaugust], 1997, pp. 353–354.
[346] Tonoiu, Vasile, Constantin Noica: Devenirea ˆıntru fiint¸˘ a, Revista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 82 (5), 1982. ❙➧ ➧
A review of [217].
˘nase, Stelian, Anatomia mistific˘ [347] Ta arii, Procesul Noica-Pillat [The Anatomy of Mystification – The Noica-Pillat Trial], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1997, [Document].
➧ Historical background: Romania 1944–1989.
´ , Elite ¸si societate, Guvernarea Gheorghiu-Dej 1948–1965 [Elites and Society – The Gheorghiu-Dej Ruling (1948–1965)], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1999, [Procesul comunismului]. Historical background (to Romania, 1948–1965).
➥ ❐
[349] Veiga, Francisco, La m´ıstica del ultranacionalismo: Historia de la Guardia de Hierro, Rumania, 1919–1941, Bellaterra, [University of] Barcelona, 1989, [Publicacions de la Universitat Aut´onoma de Barcelona]. [ISBN: 84-7488-497-7]: 287 pp. Historical background (to Romania and the Iron Guard). For a Romanian translation see [350].
✔ ✖ 94
, Istoria G˘ arzii de Fier, 1919–1941, Mistica ultranat¸ionalismului [A History of the Iron Guard – The Mystics of Ultra-nationalism], traducere din spaniol˘a de M. S¸tef˘anescu, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1993, [Istorie].
Historical background (to Romania and the Iron Guard). A translation of [349]. “First edition [Humanitas]”. Reprint: 2 1995.
❙➧ ➧
[351] Verdery, Katherine, National Ideology under Socialism, Identity and Cultural Politics in Ceau¸sescu’s Romania, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA [etc.], 1991, [Societies and Culture in East-Central Europe 7]. [ISBN: 0-520-07216-2] [xvi + 406 pp.] One of the first Western attempts to evaluate the Noica “effect” in Romania, written by an ethnologist. See, especially, Chapter 6: The ‘School’ of Philosopher Constantin Noica (text available in a preliminary draft since January 1989). Romanian version in [352].
➧ ➧❙ [352] ➥
Cf. [351].
➥ ❐
, Compromis ¸si rezistent¸˘ a, Cultura romˆan˘a sub Ceau¸sescu [Compromise and Resistance – Romanian Culture under Ceau¸sescu], traducere din englez˘a de Mona Antohi ¸si Sorin Antohi, Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1994, [Istorie].
[353] Vieru, Sorin, Rostirea filozofic˘ a ¸si zeflemeaua caragialesc˘ a [Philosophical apophantics and Caragiale-like derision], Arc, 14–15–16, 1995. [354]
ˆ c˘autarea marilor ˆınceputuri [Searching for the great beginnings], Re, In vista de filosofie (Bucure¸sti), 44 (4), [iulie-august], 1997, pp. 387–388. Cf. also [same title] in: Viat¸a romˆaneasc˘a, 12 (1987).
✖ 95
, Etica lui Noica [Noica’s ethics], Krisis (Bucure¸sti), 6 (10), 2000 [forthcoming].
Cf. also [356], for a revised version.
See also [Revista] 22, vol. 14 (692), 2003 [of June 10–16: sub Mircea Martin, headings], vol. 14 (697), 2003 [Gabriel Liiceanu, Gabriela Adames¸teanu], etc. Revised version reprinted in arguments 2, 2003 [this issue].
➧ ➧❙
, Reperul etic ˆın gˆandirea lui Noica [The ethical landmark in Noica’s thinking], [Revista] 22, 13 (49/665) [3–9 decembrie], 2002, pp. 33–35.
ˆ dialog cu H.-R. Patapievici: Totul e povestea omului [Interview with , In H.-R. Patapievici: The story of man is everything], LA&I – Litere, Arte, Idei, 8, Nr. 34 (290) [29 septembrie 2003], 2003, pp. 6–7.
➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖
Published in: LA&I, an appendix to Cotidianul (Bucharest), “Supliment cultural, Serie Nou˘ a, Nr. 34 (290), anul VIII, 29 septembrie 2003, 16 pagini”: Jurnalul de la P˘ altini¸s – dup˘ a dou˘azeci de ani. A [truncated!] interview with H.-R. Patapievici, dated: Bucharest, gds, October 2, 2002. Revised version reprinted in arguments 2, 2003 [this issue].
[358] Volovici, Leon, Ideologia nat¸ionalist˘ a ¸si problema evreiasc˘ a ˆın Romˆ ania anilor ’30 [Nationalistic Ideology and the ‘Jewish Problem’ in Romania, during the Thirties], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1995. Historical background (to Romania, during the thirties).
˘nescu, Mircea, Dimensiunea romˆ [359] Vulca aneasc˘ a a existent¸ei – Schit¸˘ a fenomenologic˘a [The Romanian Dimension of Being – A Phenomenological Outline], Viat¸a romˆ aneasc˘ a, Caiete critice, 1–2, 1983, pp. 169–185. A reprint of [300] from [299], 2. Cf. also [360] (1–2, R 1991), [361] (3, R 1991), and [364].
➧ [360] ➧ ➧❙
, Dimensiunea romˆaneasc˘ a a existent¸ei I–II [The Romanian Dimension of Being], Sud-Est, Art˘a, Cultur˘a, Civilizat¸ie (Chi¸sin˘au), 1, 1991, pp. 61–75, 75–86. A reprint of [300] (part i and ii, dated 1940–1944), from [299], 2, Cf. also [359] (R 1983), and [364] (1996).
➥ [361] ➥
A reprint of [300] (part iii, dated 1940–1944), from [299], 2. Cf. also [359] (R 1983), and [364] (1996).
❐ ✔
, Nae Ionescu, a¸sa cum l-am cunoscut [Nae Ionescu, As I Knew Him], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1992. Edition by Alexandru Badea.
✖ [363] 97
, Dimensiunea romˆaneasc˘ a a existent¸ei III [The Romanian Dimension of Being], Sud-Est, Art˘a, Cultur˘a, Civilizat¸ie (Chi¸sin˘au), 2 (4), 1991, pp. 46–67.
, Ultimul cuvˆ ant [The Last Word], Humanitas, Bucure¸sti, 1992.
˘nescu before the Court of Appeal of Bucharest, The Last Word of Mircea Vulca January 15, 1948. Cf. also Ethos (Paris) 4, 1983 and, possibly, [48]. Edition by Marin Diaconu.
❙➧ [364] ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 98
, Dimensiunea romˆ aneasc˘ a a existent¸ei I–III [The Romanian Dimension of Being], select¸ia textelor, note ¸si comentarii de Marin Diaconu ¸si Zaharia Balica, Editura Eminescu, Bucure¸sti, 1996. An anthology in three volumes: 1 Pentru o nou˘a spiritualitate filosofic˘a; 2 Chipuri spirituale; 3 C˘ atre fiint¸a spiritualit˘a¸tii romˆane¸sti, edited [text-selection], with notes and comments by Marin Diaconu and Zaharia Balica. The Foreword (Cuvˆ ant ˆınainte [273], by Constantin Noica) is also translated [in English, French and German] at the end of vol. 3.
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 99
Constantin Noica A Chronology (1909–1987 [1909–1990]) ...I have no biography. I have only books. C. Noica, in conversation with G. Liiceanu, ([66], page 14)
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥
This bare chronological list of events is meant to be a mere auxiliary tool for the understanding of Noica’s work, in its “natural” context; it is by no means intended to be a substitute for a biography. Unless otherwise stated explicitely, most of the biographical data appearing below are extracted from notes recording early conversations of one of the editors with Constantin Noica himself. Some details have been also checked against other sources, including a recent essay, in Romanian (Viat¸a lui Noica [The Life of Noica], 2003), by Sorin Lavric (Bucharest), and a set of notes extracted from the forthcoming PhD Dissertation of Laura Pamfil (Stuttgart / Bucharest), on the development of Noica’s thinking (Etapele gˆandirii lui Constantin Noica, 2003; cf. also the first section of this survey).
➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 100
´ equivalences / arguments Bucharest – Ithaca, NY – Nijmegen – Vienna, September-October 2003
❙➧ ➧ ➧
1909 Constantin Noica b. on July 12 (actually 25), in Vit˘ane¸sti (the district [“judet¸ul”] Teleorman), as the third son (among the eleven children) of Clementa and Grigore Noica, a rich – yet “second hand” – Romanian landlord [estate estimated to about “3,500 pogoane”1 ] 1920-1924 “Gymnasium” [Romanian-style] in Bucharest, at “Dimitrie Cantemir” 1924–1928 high school in Bucharest, at “Spiru Haret” (among the teachers: Dan Barbilian2 , mathematics, in 1927; among the colleagues: Mircea Eliade) 1927 literary d´ebut in Vl˘astarul, the “Spiru Haret” high school journal
➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔
1928–1931 student at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Bucharest (among the professors: Nae [Nicolae] Ionescu2a ; among the colleagues: E. M. Cioran2b ) 1929–1930 co-editor of the cultural journal Act¸iune ¸si react¸iune, Caiete semestriale de sintez˘ a nat¸ional˘a [Action and Reaction – Semestrial Notebooks for National Synthesis] (sic), with only two issues in print (1/1929, 2/1930), [294], together with Petru Comarnescu, Ion Jianu, and Mihail Polihroniade 1931 th`ese de licence (Philosophy, University of Bucharest): Problema lucrului ˆın sine la Kant [The Problem of the Ding an sich in Kant] (cf. [88], fn 28) 1931–1932 military service, in the mountains corps, at Sinaia
✖ 101
1932–1934 librarian at the University of Bucharest (at the Library of the Seminar for History of Philosophy);
? member of the literary-cultural group Criterion, together with his close friends Haig Acterian, E. M. Cioran, Mircea Eliade, Mihail Polihroniade (other members of the group: Ars¸avir Acterian, Dan Botta, Radu Gyr, Traian Herseni, ˘ Horia, P. P. Panaitescu, Marietta Sadova, Petre T Vintila ¸ ut ¸ ea, etc., nearly all of them soon to embrace the legionary “cause”: Mihail Polihroniade in 1932, E. M. Cioran in November 1933, Mircea Eliade around 1936, etc.)
1933–1934 (academic / university year) vague mathematics studies (first year, undergaduate level) at the University of Bucharest (among the professors: Dan Barbilian, again2c );
? (December 1933 – December 1934) regular collaborator to Credint¸a [from vol. i, nr 1, December 1933 to vol. ii, nr. 314]
1934 marriage with Wendy Muston, a British citizen (to circumvent some other family plans, of Mr. Noica Sr.); the young Noica family moves to Sinaia;
? a philosophical d´ebut [with a book – actually, a booklet –, in print]: Mathesis sau bucuriile simple [Mathesis, or: The Simple Joys] [108]
❐ ✔
1934–1938 C.N. lives in Sinaia, with his [English] wife Wendy Noica 1934–1936 C.N. publishes a first series of [Romanian] translations from English, some of them in collaboration with Wendy Noica3 1935 C.N. becomes ill of renal tuberculosis (with, as a result, the loss of a kidney);
✖ 102
´ Descartes Regulae ? a first Descartes intermezzo: a Romanian translation of Rene ad directionem ingenii in print [113]
1936 in print: a Romanian translation of Immanuel Kant Despre forma ¸si principiile lumii sensibile ¸si ale celei inteligibile [On the Form and the Principles of the Sensible and Intelligible Worlds], [118], and
? a book Concepte deschise ˆın istoria filozofiei la Descartes, Leibniz ¸si Kant [Open Concepts in the History of Philosophy: Descartes, Leibniz, Kant], [115];
? (October 14) a first radio-conference on The anniversary of Descartes (in a series of 21 talks, delivered during 1936–1943; cf., e.g. [255])
´ Descartes Me1937 a second Descartes intermezzo: a Romanian translation of Rene ditationes de prima philosophia, [130], and
? the booklet Viat¸a ¸si filosofia lui Ren´e Descartes [Ren´e Descartes: Life and Philosophy], [131];
➥ ❐
? in print: in the same year, a new book De Caelo, ˆIncercare ˆın jurul cunoa¸sterii ¸si individului [Essay around the Knowledge and the Individual], [120], and
? two papers, on Descartes [121] and Leibniz [127], written for Istoria filosofiei moderne, 1, De la rena¸stere ¸si pin˘a la Kant [The History of Romanian Philosophy 1: From Renaissance to Kant];
? (December 2) another radio-conference: ˆIncotro merge spiritul contemporan? [The direction of the contempoary mind] 1937–1938 another series of [Romanian] translations from English4
1938–1939 sojourn (for studies) in Paris, with a grant from the French government (from Spring 1938 to Spring 1939[?]), together with Mircea Eliade and E. M. Cioran
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥
1938 (January-October) more (7) radio-conferences (talks about The contemporary man and the future [January 20], The philosophy of nationalism [February 5], The theme of resurrection in philosophy [April 20], The feminine mind: factor of progress [October 29], etc.); ? (November) the assassination of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, the charismatic leader of the Iron Guard (by [indirect] order of King Charles II); personal reaction: C.N. adheres openly [from Paris] to the Iron Guard 1940–1941 a first German intermezzo: C.N. is in Berlin (from October 1940 to Spring 1941), as a “referee for philosophy at the Romanian-German Institute” (“refereeing” position formally maintained apparently till 1944) 1940 a new original booklet Jurnal filozofic [A Philosophical Diary], [150], in print;
➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 104
? (January-August) five other radio-conferences (with talks about Portraits of classical philosphers [January 4], What is Humanism? [May 25], The place of Transylvannia in the Romanian spirituality [August 23], etc.); ? (May) PhD at the University of Bucharest, with the Dissertation: Schit¸˘a pentru istoria lui Cum e cu putint¸˘a ceva nou [A Sketchy Historical Endeavor on the Question: ‘How Is It Possible Something New?’], in print as: [151]; ? (August) editor of Ad Sum (a journal with a single issue [dated: Sinaia, August 8; printed actually in Bucharest], 4 pages in print, written entirely by the editor, and containing a few personal manifestoes5 );
? (September 3–6) “rebeliunea legionar˘a”, i.e., the Iron Guard seizes the power in Romania (for a few months);
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥ ➥ ❐ ✔ ✖ 105
? (September-October) C.N. becomes editor in chief [prim-redactor] of the newspaper Buna-Vestire [The Good News]6 , a publication of the legionary party [the Iron Guard]6∗ ? (the evening of October 5) another radio-conference Limpeziri pentru o Romˆanie legionar˘a [Clarifications for a legionary Romania] (published also in Buna-Vestie, of October 11, [149]), actually a kind of legionary manifesto, calling to “political action”; ? (November 27) the assassination of Nicolae Iorga by the Iron Guard (no public reaction from C.N.) 1941 (May) another radio-conference on Extazul religios [The religious ecstasy]; ? (Spring) C.N. is mobilized (to be soon found unfit for military service, in view of the missing kidney) ˘zvan, is born; 1942 (January) the son, Ra ? (November-December) a second German intermezzo (likely an echo of the Berlin “refereeing”-activities), with a paper on the political philosophy of Alfred Baeumler (1887–1968) (one of the most authoritative philosophers of the German “establishment” of those times)7 , [153], published in Revista Fundat¸iilor Regale, Bucharest (November 1942), followed by a note on Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer (1878–1962)8 [152], published in the same journal (December 1942);
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙
? (December) the earliest first-hand public records about Martin Heidegger in Romania, due to Walter Biemel9 , who publishes a Romanian translation of a fragment from Heidegger’s H¨olderlin und das Wesen der Dichtung10 , describing the atmosphere of the private doctoral seminars held by Heidegger [10a ] 1942–1944 at least three Romanian (doctoral) students are attending Heidegger’s lectures and seminars in Freiburg i.B., viz. Walter Biemel (then still a Romanian citizen), Alexandru Dragomir, and Octavian Vuia11 [11a ]; during this period, both Walter Biemel and Alexandru Dragomir were, in fact, preparing PhD Dissertations at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universit¨at, in Freiburg im Breisgau, with Martin Heidegger as a Doktorvater12 ; neither of the theses was actually defended, however, due to improper circumstances13 ;
˘nescu) of the ? C.N. is a co-editor (with Constantin Floru, and Mircea Vulca journal [“yearbook”] Isvoare de filosofie 1, culegere de studii ¸si texte [Philosophical Sources] (Bucharest, 2 issues in print: 1/1942, 2/1943; cf. [299]), containing several personal contributions (translations, [co-] editions and articles); as well as
? of Nae Ionescu’s lectures: Metafizica 1–2 [Metaphysics 1–2], [298] (1942), and [302] (1944);
✔ ✖ 106
? more occasional translations in print (1942–1943): three Bilderkreis-albums (from Herder, Freiburg i.B., published in Freiburg i.B.)6a , a book by Franz-Otto Wrede (Bucharest), from German6b , and a joint translation (Bucharest), from English6c 1943 (June) last German intermezzo, with a lecture (held in Berlin) on Die innere Spannung der kleinen Kulturen, cf. [155]; and
? (about the same time:) apparently, C.N. meets also (privately, in Germany, cf., e.g., [88], fn 28) Eduard Spranger (1882–1963) and Martin Heidegger (1889–1976);
? (Autumn) C.N. candidates for a Lecturer [“conferent¸iar”] position at the Chair of History of Philosophy and Culture, University of Bucharest (not selected)
1944–1946 C.N. builds for himself a Summer resort in P˘adurea Andronache [the Andronache Woods]
1944 the daughter, Dina, is born;
? in print: yet another “Romanian” booklet Pagini despre sufletul romˆanesc [Pages on the Romanian Soul], [164];
? (Summer) C.N. in military service: working as a translator in the American prison camp of Timi¸s;
➥ ❐
? (August 23) Romania changes sides in the war; ? (September) C.N. in military service (continued): this time as a translator in the German prison camp of Craiova; ? (by the end of the year) after demobilization: C.N. is back to Sinaia
✔ ✖ 107
1945 the agrarian reform: the Noicas loose a significant part of their lands 1945–1946 alternating sojourns at the Summer resort in the Andronache Woods and at the ˘nescu, Chiriacu estate (meetings – in the Andronache house – with Mircea Vulca ˘ Alexandru Dragomir, Mihai Radulescu et al.)
1946 the father (Grigore Noica) dies; in consequence, C.N. inherits (a part of) the Chiriacu estate – only 50 ha., apparently –, near Alexandria (later on, he claimed, in conversation, the administration of the lands – rather small in size, in contrast with the family property before 1945 – was quite embarrassing for him);
? C.N. “denounces” himself to the People’s Tribunal of Bucharest as an ex-member of the Iron Guard and as a landlord (sic)
1947 C.N. divorces Wendy Noica (she will, however, remain in Romania until 1955, living from expedients, English lessons, etc.; cf. [78], p. 290)
1948 expropriation of the remaining Noica-estate (last bits of Chiriacu)
1949 (May) C.N. banished to Cˆımpulung-Muscel (a provincial town, in the south of the country)
1949 (June 25) [on his 40th anniversary, in Cˆımpulung-Muscel], he first meets Mariana Nicolaide, later to become his [second] wife (cf. [78], p. 289)
1949–1958 sojourn in Cˆımpulung-Muscel (with assigned residence); here, frequent meetings with ˘duhis Bucharest friends: Ars¸avir Acterian, Alexandru Paleologu, Mihai Ra lescu, Nicu Steinhardt
✔ ✖ 108
1951–1953 (dating from the Cˆımpulung-Muscel period:) Manuscrisele de la Cˆımpulung, Reflect¸ii despre ¸t˘ar˘anime ¸si burghezie [The Manuscripts of Cˆımpulung – Reflections on Peasantry and Bourgeoisie] (1951–1953), published posthumously as [282], and
❙➧ ➧
? a first (ms) version of the interpretation of Hegel’s Ph¨anomenologie (CˆımpulungMuscel, 1952–1953; sent later to his Paris-friends and eventually published as [166], in 1962), as well as ? a first draft of Desp˘art¸irea de Goethe [Farewell from Goethe] (Cˆımpulung-Muscel, around 1952), [204] (in print: 1976) 1953 marriage with Mariana Nicolaide
1955 Wendy [Muston] leaves, finally, the country
1957 an epistolary exchange with E. M. Cioran (Noica’s answer to Cioran’s Lettre ` a un ami lointain, in: La Nouvelle Revue Fran¸caise, Paris; cf. [292])
➥ ➥ ❐
1958 (December 11–12) C.N. is arrested (see [75]: Arestarea (1958), pp. 287–292 [esp., pp. 289–290]; for the “trial”, cf., e.g., [347], [317], [318], etc.), and sentenced afterwards to 25 years (sic) of prison 1958–1964 time in (the Jilava) prison (cf., e.g., [252]); ? by the end of the detention-period, C.N. reads Marx Das Kapital
1962 a first interpretation of Hegel’s Ph¨anomenologie, [166], in print – “illegally”, abroad –, as a separate issue of the journal Semne14 (Paris)
1964 C.N. is freed (17 years earlier) from prison (actually, together with many others, about the same time, 1964–1965; i.e. no special favor!) 1965 C.N. moves to Bucharest (in a modest appartment on the “Ornamentului”-Street);
❙➧ ➧ ➧ ➧❙ ➥
? (around August) deal with the “liberal[ized]” Ceau¸sescu-r´egime: no “illegal” publications abroad any more, against “fully authorized” publication of his works in Romania (including “authorized” translations aboad)14a 1965–1975 C.N. is formally hired (1965) as a “researcher” at the “Logic Center”, of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest (director Athanase Joja)14b 1966 a first “d´ebut” in print (under the new rulers), with a translation of Porphyrius Eisagoge, [167] 1967–1969 samples of the book Rostirea filozofic˘a romˆaneasc˘a [The Romanian Philosophical Apophantics / Utterings], [180] (in print: 1970), published in various literary (and other) Romanian journals 1968 in print: translations of Aristotle’s Categories with the comments of Porphyrius, Dexippus, and Ammonius [171], and
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? an edition of a few Dialogues of Plato, in Romanian translation, [170] (actually older “translations by Cezar Papacostea [Apology, Meno, Gorgias, Symposium, Phaedo], revised by C.N., with two new translations [Charmides, The VIIth Letter] and a Life of Plato, by the editor.”) 1969–1970 (December 1969 to May 1970) a “new interpretation” of Hegel’s Ph¨anomenologie – presented as “a novel of ideas” [un roman de idei] – largely excerpted in the Romanian literary weekly Romˆania literar˘a; the full text will eventually appear as a separate volume, ten years later, in [216] (1980), together with the former “interpretation” (1952–1953), published “ilegally” in Paris, [166] (1962)
1969 in print: a new philosophical booklet Dou˘azeci ¸si ¸sapte trepte ale realului [27 Stairs of the Real], [172], and ? another Romanian translation from Plato: Lysis [174] (with an appended essay)
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1970 in print: a [French] translation of Theophilos Korydalaeos Prooimion eis logikˆen [Introduction to logic], [183], together with ? two new translation from Plato: Ion [182], and Hippias Maior [181], and ? a first original book, on “Philosophical Romanian”: Rostirea filozofic˘a romˆaneasc˘ a [The Romanian Philosophical Apophantics / Utterings], [180] (copiously excerpted previoulsy, from June 1967 to December 1969, in various literary – and other kind of – Romanian [tabloid-like] serial publications) 1971 a [Romanian] translation of Aristotle’s On Interpetation, with the comments of Ammonius and Stephanus Philosophus, [188], in print
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1972 a [Romanian] translation of Aristotle’s Parva naturalia [305], in print (in collaboration with S ¸ erban Mironescu); ? (April-July) Theophilos Korydalaeos is largely advertised by C.N. in the Romanian literary press (the Romanian literary weekly Convorbiri literare: publishes a serial of six talks bearing the title A new page in the history of the European mind: The meaning of Theophilos Koridaleos’ work [sic]); cf. also [193] (French version);
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? (May-July) a short trip (six weeks) to England and France (Paris), meeting Wendy ˘zvan Noica [= monk Rafail], as well as some old and Muston, and their son Ra new friends (cf. [250], pp. 171–184 [§§ 39–93]); 1973 in print: a [French] translation of Theophilos Korydalaeos Metafusikˆe Aristotelous [The Metaphysics of Aristotle], [183], as well as
? a second original book on “Philosophical Romanian” Creat¸ie ¸si frumos ˆın rostirea romˆaneasc˘a [Creation and Beauty in Romanian Apophantics / Utterings], [192];
? (February to September 1973) a forthcoming book about Goethe [204] (1976, first draft dating from around 1952) excerpted again in the Romanian literary press (a second Goethe serial – a kind of extended advertizing, in fact – will also precede the actual publication of the book, during April-June 1976)
➥ ➥
1974 a commented [Romanian] translation of Herman Diels and Walther Kranz (eds.) Die Vorsokratiker, [306], (together with Simina Noica, only a first part in print [likely due to the retirement from the “Logic Center”, 1975]);
❐ ? C.N. moves (within Bucharest) in the “Drumul Taberei” quarter
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1974–1993 the first comprehensive edition of Romanian translations from Plato [Opere I–VII, a project in ten volumes] by Petru Cret ¸ ia, a Classics scholar (1927–1997), and Constantin Noica (eds.), with, as a rule, exegetical introductory texts [“interpretations”] by C.N. himself [295]: 1 (1974, 2 1975), 2 (1976), 3 (1978), 4 (1983), 5 (1986), 6 (1989), 7 (1993)15 [last volume, 7, not directly contributed to by C. Noica]
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1975 in print: an edition of Mihai Eminescu’s translations from Kant’s Kritik der reinen Vernunft, in: Lecturi kantiene [310] (with Alexandru Surdu), as well as ? a Eminescu-eulogy: Eminescu sau Gˆınduri despre omul deplin al culturii romˆane¸sti [Eminescu, or: Thoughts on the Complete Man of Romanian Culture], [202]; ? (same year:) C.N. retires from the “Logic Center” and moves to P˘altini¸s
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1976 in print: Desp˘art¸irea de Goethe [Farewell from Goethe], [204] (excerpted once more, in the literary press, February-June, just before its publication), and ˆncus¸i, [303] (in collaboration with Ionel Jianu) ? a small monograph, on Bra
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1978 in print: a third book on “Philosophical Romanian” Sentimentul romˆanesc al fiint¸ei [The Romanian Feeling of Being], [209] (also copiously excerpted before, during 1970–1976, in Romanian literary journals; in this case, Steaua, mainly), and ? a “programmatic” book: Spiritul romˆanesc ˆın cump˘atul vremii, S¸ase maladii ale spiritului contemporan [The Romanian Mind in the Balance of Time – Six Infirmities of the Contemporary Mind], [210]; actually his first work to be also largely known abroad (with, so far, translations in French [254], 1991, R 1993, in Italian [263], 1993, in Portuguese [288], 1999, R 2002, in Polish [283], 1997, and, partly, in Spanish [291], 2002) 1980 first complete edition, in Romania, of two [out of three] interpretations of Hegel’s Ph¨anomenologie in print: Povestiri despre om, Dup˘a o carte a lui Hegel [Fenomenolo-
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gia spiritului] [Stories about Man, After a Book of Hegel], [216] (containing also the text written in Cˆımpulgung-Muscel, during the early fifties, and published previously in Paris, 1962), 1981 in print: a [Romanian] translation of Kant’s Kritik der Urteilskraft (in collaboration with Alexandru Surdu and Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu16 ) [312], together with ? Noica’s major book (in two “volumes”, actually two separate works): Devenirea ˆıntru fiint¸˘a 1 ˆIncercare despre filosofia tradit¸ional˘a, 2 Tratat de ontologie [Becoming unto Being, 1: Essay on Traditional Philosophy, 2: A Treatise of Ontology], [217]
1983 the [first] P˘altini¸s serial (accounts for the period 1971–1981) in print: Gabriel Liiceanu Jurnalul de la P˘altini¸s – Un model paideic ˆın cultura umanist˘a [The P˘altini¸s Diary – A Paideic Model in the Humanities], [66], (first edition)17
1983–1984 an edition of Camil Petrescu Doctrina substant¸ei [Theory of substance], cf. [313], [314], and [315] (with Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu)
1984 Trei introduceri la devenirea ˆıntru fiint¸˘a [Three Introductions to Becoming unto Being] [230], in print
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1986 Scrisori despre logica lui Hermes [Letters on the Logic of Hermes], [234], in print 1986–1987 fragments of a forthcoming book: Modelul cultural european [The Cultural Model of (Western) Europe], [262] (1993) – cf. also the German translation, [246] (1988) –, published in the Romanian literary press (in Romˆania literar˘a, June 1986 to July 1987, etc.)
1987 a reprint – as a single volume – [239], of the the first two “Romanian apophantics” books: [180] (1970) and [192] (1973);
? the P˘altini¸s-story continued, a sequel (1982–1986) to the P˘altini¸s serial (1971–1981) in print: Gabriel Liiceanu et alii Epistolar [Correspondence], [89], (first edition);
? (November 27) a minor house accident in P˘altini¸s, resulting in a hip-fracture
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1987 (December 4 [1:20 am]) C.N. dies at the Clinical Hospital of Sibiu, as a consequence of the recent November-accident (cf. [75]: Sfˆır¸situl [The End] (1987), pp. 292–301) 1988 in print: De dignitate Europae, [246], a German translation of Modelul cultural european [The Cultural Model of (Western) Europe], [262] (1993), by Georg Scherg (actually, a posthumous publication, in Romanian); ? award of the Herder Prise 1990 posthumous publications: a fragmentary Diary, Jurnal de idei [A Diary of Ideas], [250] (edited by Thomas Kleininger, Gabriel Liiceanu, Andrei Ples¸u, and Sorin Vieru), and ? Rugat¸i-v˘a pentru fratele Alexandru [Pray for Brother Alexander], [252]; ? C.N. becomes a member (post mortem) of the Romanian Academy
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Notes ∗
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The editorial notes, most of the comments, and the crossreferences have been supplied by Adrian Rezus¸ (Nijmegen), September-October 2003. He is particularly indebted to Miss Laura Pamfil (Stuttgart / Bucharest) and to Mr. Sorin Lavric (Bucharest), as well as to Dr. Mihai ˘ da ˘lina Diaconu Nasta (Brussels), and the advisory board of arguments – especially to Dr. Ma ˘ ˘ ˘ (Vienna), Dr. Costica Bradat ¸ an (Ithaca, NY), and Prof. Sorin Vieru (Bucharest) – for a large number of historical and bibliographical details. 0 Much later – July 1981, cf. e.g., [66], page 227 –, Noica will still advise one of his “pupils”, Gabriel Liiceanu, to “leave the Heidegger-Sackgasse” in order to go back to Kant “systematically”: the young Heidegger translator was supposed to buy then one of the Kant Gesamtausgaben ˘nescu [for Lei 5,000, (viz., ed. Bruno Cassirer, vols. i–xi, formerly owned by Mircea Vulca only!]) and to read it in full, din scoart¸˘a ˆın scoart¸˘a. The “pupil” was inclined to follow a very different advise, however, one stemming from E. M. Cioran (cf. a later echo – dating of around 1983 – on the issue of “systematic reading [in philosophy]”, in [86], pp. 292–293). In fact, contrary to a common idea about “philosphical scholarship” in general, Noica’s advise seems to be rather counter-productive: Ludwig Wittgenstein did eventually read only some Spinoza, and, with a more academic example, it appears that even Martin Heidegger did not practice “systematic readings [in the history of philosophy]” during his career. 1 More or less: “acres”. Cf. [66], p. 12, reporting a conversation with C. Noica. — This (apparently modest) figure might refer to the size of the Noica estate at an incipient stage, however (reading: “grandfather and father have build up [= “grown”] their estate by administrating the goods of other people, [real Romanian landlords, up to a the actual one, visible during the thirties and the early forties...]”). — Actually, “1 pogon” = 5,011.79 sq.m., whence the Noica [initial(?)] estate could have had about 17,541,265 sq.m.[!], at most. Other estimates – this by mere hearsay, however – would give as much as 20,000 ha, even 40,000 ha (and at a later stage)! — Whateaver the actual figures, one should also note the fact that Grigore Noica was mainly an administrator – Romanian: arenda¸ s –, not a (traditional) landlord. (In other words, he was, matter-of-factly, an agent of the [young Romanian] capitalism, rather than a mere remnant of Mediaeval old Romanian times, as his
[philosopher] son used to [mis-]interpret him, in retrospect; cf. [66], loc. cit.) 2
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Dan Barbilian (1895–1961), a Romanian mathematician (geometry and algebra), – better known as a poet, under the pen name Ion Barbu –, was then [actually, since October 1926] a young Professor Assistant at the Chair of Analytic Geometry of G. T ¸ it ¸ eica, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest. A recent newcomer in the capital, he also used to have part-time jobs as a substitute teacher of maths in Bucharest gymnasia and high-schools (at, e.g., “Spiru Haret” and later, also at “Cantemir”). Local (Romanian) gossip – largely contributed to by C. Noica himself – remembers Barbilian as having a rather low opinion about the mathematical inclinations of his pupils, so he gave them ultimately... poetry lessons instead. 2a
Nae [Nicolae] Ionescu (1890–1940), a controversial Romanian figure, professor of philosophy (“Logic, History of Logic, and Metaphysics”, since 1919) at the University of Bucharest, and a prolific journalist (with more than 1,000 papers in print, according to some rough estimations), the mentor of the generation of Romanian intellectuals emerging around the thirties, including Mircea ˘nescu (1904–1950), Mircea Eliade (1907–1986), Constantin Noica (1909–1987), E. M. Vulca Cioran (1911–1995), etc. Some of Nae Ionescu’s students have piously edited and published, after his death, most of his [more or less] philosophical and journalistic output, including some Lec˘nescu-team, tures held at the Unicversity of Bucharest. So, for instance, the Floru-Noica-Vulca managed to edit the German original of his PhD Dissertation (University of Munich, April 1919), [301], the Inaugural Lecture (held at the University Bucharest, in Automn 1919), [297] [both also available in a recent reprint issued by Editura Fundat¸iei Culturale Romˆane, Bucharest R 1993], and his “Lectures on Metaphysics” (“The Theory of Metaphysical Knowledge” [sic]), [298], (Bucharest, 1928–1929), and [302] (Bucharest, 1929–1930) [recent reprint by Humanitas, Bucharest R 1995, edited by Miron Diaconu]. Apparently, however, there was more “Metaphysics”, stemming from Lectures held earlier, as, e.g., a Curs de metafizic˘a II, on Istoria metafizicei (1930–1931) [Bucharest 1931], a Curs de metafizic˘ a, Predat de d[omnu]l profesor N. Ionescu (1925–1926), [Bucharest 1926], on the “Redemption problem” in Goethe’s Faust [Problema salv˘arii ˆın Faust-ul lui Goethe] (recent reprint[?]: Bucharest R 1996), yet another item in the “epistemological” series: Teoria cuno¸stint¸ei, Prelegeri f˘ acute de d[omnu]l profesor N. Ionescu (1925–1926), [Bucharest 1926]; as well as some Probleme de metafizic˘ a (1936–1937), (with recent reprints[?]: Bucharest R 1988, R 1990]). There have
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been also various Ionescu “Logic” & “History of Logic” Lecture-notes, recording courses held at the same University (Bucharest), dating from different periods. So, for “Logic”, we can find a Curs de logic˘a, Cu special˘ a privire la ¸stiint¸ele exacte, Predat de d[omnu]l profesor N. Ionescu (1926–1927), [Bucharest 1927], a Curs de logic˘ a, Prelegeri ¸tinute de d[omnu]l prof[esor] Nae Ionescu (1927–1928), [Bucharest 1928], and a Curs de logic˘a general˘a (1934–1935), [Bucharest 1935], as well as a recent “reprint”[?]: Curs de logic˘ a, Humanitas, Bucharest 1993 [Eseistic˘a] (sic!). As regards the contents of the various Ionescu-“Logics”, the matter is largely essayistic and / or impressionistic in character, and rather disappointing, in view of the fact that the Lecturer – “d[omnu]l prof[esor]” Nae Ionescu – was supposed to be (and actually was) already familiar with recent developments [during the late twenties and the early thirties] in the area of so-called “logistics” [Logistik] (even in Romania, cf. [301]). Finally, Ionescu’s Lectures bearing the title “History of Logic” have, in fact, little or nothing to do with the subject matter, as we understand it nowadays, and came to us in several variants, too. There was a first Istoria logicei, Curs predat de domnul conferent¸[iar] N. Ionescu (1924–1925) [Bucharest 1926], apparently another edition of the same stuff, in 1941[?], a third one issued as: Istoria logicii, by “Oficiul de libr˘ arie”, Bucure¸sti 1943 [as a “second revised edition”, with typo-corrections by D. Neacs¸u] (containing also a complete [?] bibliography of Ionescu’s Bucharest lectures), and, finally, a recent “reprint”: Curs de istorie a logicii, Humanitas, Bucharest 1993 [Eseistic˘a] (sic) [ISBN: 973-280359-2] (271 pp.), edit¸ie ˆıngrijit˘a de Marin Diaconu, this one being, apparently, based on the 1941-version. More recent attempts to evaluate his work on “metaphysics”, “logic”, etc. are rather unconvincing. In particular, in spite of the current advertizing of his activity and expertise as a “logician”, Ionescu’s contribution to logic is, more or less, nil. — Some of Ionescu’s journalistic output has been first collected by one of his assistants [Mircea Eliade], in: Roza vˆanturilor, 1926– 1933 [Wind Rose] (edited by Mircea Eliade), Editura Cultura nat¸ional˘a [likely in 1937] (with a Preface by the author and a Postface by the editor, viii + 450 pp.). There are several reprints of Eliade’s edition, as, e.g., [1] Editura Timpul, Bucharest R 1944, [2] a private facsimile edition, issued in Munich R 1973 [Collection Omul nou] (available also in micro-film[!]), [3] a recent anastatic reprint by Editura Roza vˆ anturilor, Bucharest 1990 (sic) [ISBN: 973-900305-1] (in the series: C˘art¸i fundamentale ale culturii romˆ ane¸sti ˆın edit¸ii anastatice), etc. In view of its size [and – likely – lack of competent editorial skills], there is no full edition of the journalistic output of Nae Ionescu, so far.
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Among the reliable partial editions in print, one can find a few anthologic collections of papers issued recently in Romania, however, as, for instance: Nelini¸stea metafizic˘a [The Metaphysical Anxiety], ed. with notes by Marin Diaconu, Editura Fundat¸iei Culturale Romˆane, Bucure¸sti 1993 [Argumente] (containing also, pp. 5–56, a Romanian translation, by Alexandru Surdu, of Ionescu’s Munich ¨mker [!], with the title: Logistica, ˆıncercare a unei PhD Dissertation, [301], under Clemens Bau noi fundament˘ ari a metafizicii [sic!]), Suferint¸a rasei albe [The Suffering of the White Race (sic)], ed. by Dan Ciachir, Editura Timpul, Ia¸si, circa 1994 [Cultura ortodox˘a], and ˆIntre ziaristic˘a ¸si filosofie [Between Journalism and Philosophy] (papers reprinted from Cuvˆantul, 1926–1938, ed. by C[onstantin] P[ricop]), Editura Timpul, Ia¸si, 1996. Further scattered bibliography can be found at Nae Ionescu (but see William Totok Cyberspacelegion¨are. Rum¨anischer Post-Faschismus im Internet, in: Halbjahresschrift f¨ ur s¨ udosteurop¨aische Geschichte, Literatur und Politik 1, 1997). For ˘nescu’s personal recollections in [362]. — On the personal (a historical) background, see also Vulca side, apparently, Nae Ionescu didn’t like C. Noica very much. For Noica’s early views on Nae Ionescu see, e.g., [144], [158], etc. Al a later stage, however, Noica referred, in conversations, to the charismatic teacher of his “generation” as being a “[philosophical] charlatan” (cf., inter alia, [66]). Even if rather global, Noica’s [late] evaluation seems to be correct, in the end. 2b
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Although they would eventually know each other only after the completion of the undergraduate studies, in Geneva (around 1931); cf., e.g., [66], page 14. 2c
Barbilian has advised him soon to give up mathematics, with the verdict “no aptitudes”! (In spite of the fact Noica was very proud, later on, of “having studied mathematics with Barbilian” – an episode he oft used to refer to, in conversation –, his mathematical background was actually very close to nil; this is also obvious from scattered remarks of Noica on things “mathematical”, in print). Barbilian’s advise seems to have been effective, however, in Noica’s exclusive orientation towards philosophy – history of philosophy, mainly –, during the years to come. 3
Noica used to remember about this kind of activities as being “a form of terribilism” – ´esprit de fronde –, and episodical in character (cf., e.g., [66], p. 14). This might be a correct global characterization of the situation, in retrospect, although the factual details don’t really fit the picture: he used to involve himself (and his wife) in such “trifles” – Romanian translations from second hand authors, from both English and German – upon several occasions, in different periods
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of time (1934–1938, 1942–1943), and – very likely – the alleged “terribilism” did ultimately make a difference, as a secondary source of income at least (since the young man was also in disagreement with his rich father, in fact). Otherwise, the famous “8 detective novels [of Edgar Wallace?], published by Her[t]z”, oft alluded to in later conversations (cf., e.g., [66], loc. cit.), could not be identified in print as such (so far). We can find instead, in European libraries, under his name – as a translator from English (!) –, several items published in “The Collection of the 15 Lei” (sic: one-buck booklets, more or less, of around 220 pp. in print, each) –, a cheap Romanian pocket series –, of the kind: Valentine Williams S¸chiopul [a novel], Bucharest 1934 [Colect¸ia celor 15 lei – 78]; Herbert George Wells Omul invizibil [a novel], Bucharest 1935 [Colect¸ia celor 15 lei – 104]; Joseph Delmont Cetatea moart˘a [a novel], Bucharest 1936 [Colect¸ia celor 15 lei – 106]; Fergus Hume Un omor ˆın tr˘ asur˘ a [a novel] Bucharest 1936 [Colect¸ia celor 15 lei – 130], and, even, a [then popular] “Life of Marconi”, translated in collaboration: O. E. Dunlap Jr. Marconi, Omul ¸si invent¸ia sa, Bucharest 1935 (394 pp. + 4 f.), with Wendy Noica [for a possible original, see, e.g., Marconi, The Man and His Wireless, New York 1937, etc.]. (In other words, if Noica has also translated “8 detective novels [by Edgar Wallace]”, as he claimed, then the “terribilisms” of the young man [then, of about 25] would make up much longer a list!) 3a ¨ Modern editions: Uber die Form und die Prinzipien der Sinnen- und Geisteswelt [De mundi sensibilis atque intelligibilis forma et principiis] (hrsg. von Klaus Reich), Meiner Verlag, Hamburg 1958 [Philosophische Bibliothek 251] (Latin and German text, xvi + 104 pp.), and De mundi sensibilis atque intelligibilis forma et principiis (trad. e cura di Raffaele Ciafardone), Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma [Temi e testi, nuova serie, 43 – Testi filosofici] (Latin and Italian text, xxxii + 107 pp.) [ISBN: 88-8498-068-2]. Cf. also Kant’s inaugural dissertation of 1770 (translated into English with an introduction and discussion by William Julius Eckoff), PhD Dissertation, Columbia College, New York 1894 (xi + 103 pp.). 4
As, e.g., Dean Farrar St. Winifred sau ¸scoala ¸si lumea ei, Fundat¸ia pentru literatur˘a ¸si art˘a, Regele Carol II, Bucharest 1937 (454 pp.) [Biblioteca Energia] with Wendy Noica (original unidentified [so far]), and Cecil Lewis ˆIn zodia s˘aget˘atorului, Fundat¸ia pentru literatur˘a ¸si art˘a, Regele Carol II, Bucharest 1938 (vii + 384 pp.) [Biblioteca Energia] (probable original: Sagittarius Rising, Peter Davies, London 1936; this piece was, apparently, still en vogue, much later,
cf. the reprint: Penguin, Harmondsworth [etc.]
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The editorial Sunt de fat¸˘ a [Ad Sum, page 1], counts also as a legionary manifesto, and as a “preamble” to the “legionary revolution” [September 3–6, 1940]. 6
Buna-Vestire (ziar liber de lupt˘ a ¸si doctrin˘a romˆaneasc˘a). Directors: first Mihail ˘descu. Printed in Bucharest. First Manoilescu, then Dragos¸ Protopopescu and Toma Vla issued on February 22, 1937 in Bucharest, later forbidden by King Charles II, re-issued on September 7 [in fact: 8], 1940, the newspaper would actually count as an “official” legionary publication only from December 19, 1940, together with Axa and Cuvˆantul [i.e., after Noica’s withdrawal from the editorial staff], and will be forbidden again, within a month, on January 23, 1941, by Gen. Ion Antonescu. The newspaper contains 19 contributions by C. Noica [September-October, 1940]. Among the [earlier] collaborators: Mihail Polihroniade, Mircea Eliade, etc.
See also [77], p. 152, for a late comment (in a conversation with Gabriel Liiceanu, 1975) on the [embarrassing] “episode”: “This is the terrible thing you must understand, my dear [...], during periods of crisis in history, the political passes through blood.” [Otherwise, the Romanian original – ...politicul trece prin sˆ ınge... – is rather ambiguous here, and Liiceanu’s reader is mislead to think of an adrenaline-simile, in the first place, while the “Old Man” implied likely something else.] Relevant here is, of course, the direct appeal to the “crisis”-topos, in guise of a post-hoc “explanation” [and / or justification]. For a close parallel, cf., e.g., mutatis mutandis, the comments of Hans Sluga – on the self-interpretation of (other) philosophers thinking [about] / finding themselves within a so-called “world-historical crisis”, in the Nazi Germany –, in: Hans Sluga, Heidegger’s Crisis – Philosophy and Politics in Nazi Germany, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., & London, 1993, passim. (As Sluga noted, in passing, loc. cit., page viii, “...[t]hey [sc. Heidegger and his colleagues] believed themselves to be living at a moment of world-historical crisis, and this profound conviction motivated their political activism.” [italics ours, n.ed.]) Actually, on such – as well as some other – issues, the parrallel Heidegger-Noica is very close, respecting proportions and “specific [national, political, subjective, etc.] contexts”. — As a [kind of “excessive”] Romanian, Noica was rather obsessed with a problem referred to as die innere Spannung der kleinen Kulturen, in his own terms – cf. his Berlin conference of 1943 (Romanian version in [155]) –, than with the “Greatness of [a / the] Movement” [Heidegger], whereas, politically speaking, he found himself soon, and frequently so,
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“on the side of the loser”, so to speak. Anyway, “in the open” at least, he was not a supporter of those actually in power – now and then: `a la King Charles II, Ion Antonescu, and the like –, whereas, personally, he had a rather low opinion about the “political class”, in general, all nuances merged. In the end, Noica’s repeated refrain with the “mercy for the powerful” [piti´e pour les forts] – cf. [252] –, must be likely understood as an ironical form of [generalized] contempt; the “theory” behind it can be found in [210]. 6a The series Der Bilderkreis [Romanian version: Arta ¸si viat¸a], numbers 7, 9 and 10: the first ¨tzeler (1902–1988), (1) Copilul, Freiburg two, issued in 1942, by Heinrich [Theodor Maria] Lu i.B. 1942 (8 pp. + 25 ill.) [Arta ¸si viat¸a 7] (German original: Das Kind, Herder, Freiburg i.B. 1940 [Der Bilderkreis 7]) and (2) Animalul ¸si omul, Freiburg i.B. 1942, 8 pp. + 25 ill. [Arta ¸si viat¸a 9] (German original: Das Tier und der Mensch, Herder, Freiburg i.B. 1940 [Der Bilderkreis 9]), and a third one, of 1943, by Hilde Herrmann Maica Domnului, Freiburg i.B. 1943 (10 p. + 25 pl.) [Arta ¸si viat¸a 10] (German original: Marienleben, Herder, Freiburg i.Br. 1940 [Der Bilderkreis 10]). 6b Franz-Otto Wrede Furnalul american, Bucure¸sti 1943 (185 pp. + 2 maps) (probable German original: Schmelztiegel Amerika, Franz Eher, Berlin 1941 [131 pp.]). 6c Stuart Cloete Coroana mort¸ii, Bucure¸sti 1943 (440 pp.) [tr. from English with Wendy Noica] (original unidentified). 6d Cf., e.g., Die dem Boethius f¨alschlich zugeschriebene Abhandlung des Dominicus Gundisalvi De unitate (hrsg. und philosophiegeschichtlich behandelt von Paul Correns), Aschendorff, M¨ unster i.W. 1891 [Beitr¨ age zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters: Texte und Untersuchungen I.1] (Inaugural Dissertation, 56 pp.). 6e Modern edition in G. W. F. Hegel Jenaer kritische Schriften (hrsg. von Hartmut ¨ ggeler), Meiner Verlag, Hamburg 1968 [= Hegel’s Gesammelte Werke Buchner und Otto Po 4, also reprinted as vol. 1 of Hauptwerke in sechs B¨anden, Meiner Verlag, Hamburg 1999]. For recent English and French translations, cf. G. W. F. Hegel The difference between Fichte’s and Schelling’s system of philosophy (transl. by H. S. Harris and Walter Cerf), State University of New York Press, Albany, N.Y. 1977 (xxxviii + 213 pp.), Premi`eres publications. Diff´erence des syst`emes philosophiques de Fichte et de Schelling : foi et savoir (trad., introd. et notes par Marcel ´ry), Vrin, Paris 1952 [Biblioth`eque des textes philosophiques] (actually a PhD Dissertation, Paris, Me
329 pp.), etc. 6f
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For modern editions of Neagoe Basarab’s “teachings” to his son (original in Church Slavonic, circa 1520), see, e.g., ˆInv˘ a¸t˘ aturile lui Neagoe Basarab c˘atre fiul s˘au Theodosie (edited by ˘ila ˘ , with Florica Moisil and Dan Zamfirescu, new [Romanian] tr. [from Slavonic] by G. Miha ˘ ˘ an Introduction and Notes by Dan Zamfirescu and G. Mihaila), Editura Minerva, Bucharest 1970, R 1984 [Patrimoniu] (418 pp.), and ˆInv˘a¸t˘aturile lui Neagoe Basarab c˘atre fiul s˘au Theodosie ˘ila ˘ , Preface (facsimile edition, with the transcription of the text, and an Introduction by G. Miha by Dan Zamfirescu), Editura Roza vˆanturilor , Bucharest 1996 (430 pp.) [ISBN: 973-900356-7]. 7
One can also read this as a clin d’œil pour les forts, more or less. — Alfred Baeumler (1887–1968) – an early member of Alfred Rosenberg’s Kampfbund f¨ ur deutsche Kultur, since its foundation, in 1929, author of a “fascicized” Nietzsche monograph [Nietzsche, der Philosoph und Politiker, Reclam, Leipzig 1931], Professor f¨ ur politische P¨adagogik at the University of Berlin, since 1933 – joined [like Martin Heidegger] the nsdap in 1933. He “[...] was in fact, more than any other German philosopher, the typical fascist intellectual [...]”, and “the most powerful figure on the side of the philosophical radicals.” Actually, in the early forties, Baeumler was the head of the divison for “academic and intellectual questions” within Rosenberg’s “Office for the Surveillance of the Whole Intellectual and Ideological Education and Training”. “In 1942 Rosenberg gave Baeumler the task of planning a model University. The institution was meant to be organized on entirely new lines, with no concessions to existing traditions; it would pursue its teaching and research according to the strictest standards of National Socialism [...] This project [...] came to nothing.” (Hans Sluga Heidegger’s Crisis, Philosophy and Politics in Nazi Germany, Harward University Press, Cambridge, Mass. & London 1995, pp. 127, 223, 224.) Baeumler has been “oft dismissed as a philosophical charlatan” (ibid., p. 269, fn 7). For other details, see Alfred Baeumler M¨annerbund und Wissenschaft, Junker & D¨ unnhaupt, Berlin 1934, 2 1940 [= political writings], Marianne Baeumler, Hubert ¨ Bruntrager & Hermann Kurzke (eds.) Thomas Mann und Alfred Baeumler, eine Dokumenta¨ger Der Ironiker und tion, K¨ onigshausen & Neumann, W¨ urzburg 1989, possibly, Hubert Bruntra der Ideologe: die Beziehungen zwischen Thomas Mann und Alfred Baeumler, K¨onigshausen & Neumann, W¨ urzburg 1993 [Studien zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte 4], and, in general, Reinhard Bollmus Das Amt Rosenberg und seine Gegner, Studien zum Machtkampf im nationalsozialistischen
Herrschaftssystem, Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Stuttgart 1970. 8
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Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer – a “thinker” and a prolific writer (novelist, poet, playwright), etc., b. in Budapest, 1878, d. in Munich, 1962 –, was a supporter of National Socialism from the very beginning. He studied biology [actually zoology], psychology, and philosophy in Vienna (PhD 1905), moving to Germany after 1919 (first in T¨ ubingen, then – after 1932 – in Munich). A successful writer, in fact, already during the first decades of the XXth century (with, mainly, a Spinoza-novel – Amor Dei [1908, revised ed.: Langen, Munich 1937] –, and a “Paracelsus trilogy”: 1: Die Kindheit des Paracelsus, 2: Das Gestirn des Paracelsus, 3: Das dritte Reich des Paracelsus [original ed. 1917–1926, with many reprints: A. Langen & G. M¨ uller, Munich 1925–1937, Munich R 1939, MunichR “Volksaugabe” 1941, 963 pp. in print, and even a revised version – vom Verfasser u ¨berarb. Ausgabe –, Lehmann, Munich 1964, with only 862 pp. in print]), Kolbenheyer published also some other mystical novels, poetry and dramatic works, obtaining many prises and honors, in Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, even before the thirties (the Bauernfeldpreis [1911, for Amor Dei], the AdalbertStifter-Preis [1926], Dr. med. h.c. [T¨ ubingen, 1927], the Czechoslovakian State-Prise for Literature [1929], the Goethe Medal [1932], the Goethepreis der Stadt Frankfurt [1937], the Adlerschild des Dt. Reiches [1938], the Kant-Plakette der Stadt K¨onigsberg [1941], the Grillparzer-Preis der Stadt Wien [1944], etc.). After 1945 he had to face a trial in Germany, half of his possessions were confiscated, most of his previous works forbidden, and he was under Schreibverbot [interdiction from publication] until 1950. As a philosopher, Kolbenheyer developed a biologistic / vitalistic “theory of culture” (so-called Bauh¨ uttenphilosophie or “Metabiology”), in the lengthy way, and with frequent revisions. Cf., e.g., Die Bauh¨ utte: Grundz¨ uge einer Metaphysik der Gegenwart [first ed.: T¨ ubingen, 1925], Langen & M¨ uller, Munich 1941 (neue Fassung) [535 pp.], with auxiliary and explanatory “treatises” in Bauh¨ uttenphilosophie: erg¨ anzende und erl¨auternde Abhandlungen, Langen & M¨ uller, Munich 1942 [716 pp.] (the Bauh¨ utten-philosophy had also a dritte Fassung, in 1952), and “applications” in Die volksbiologischen Grundlagen der Freiheitsbewegung, Munich 1933, Die volksbiologische Funktion des Geisteslebens und der Geisterziehung, Munich 1942, etc. (There is also at least one Kolbenheyer omnia-edition: Gesammelte Werke in acht B¨anden, Langen & M¨ uller, Munich 1939–1941 including both literary and philosophical / propagandistic matter [1: Das gottgelobte Hertz – Paracelsus 1, 1940, 2: Paracelsus 2–3, 1940, 3: Meister Joachim Pausewang – Amor Dei, 1939, 4: Montsalvasch
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– Das L¨ acheln der Penaten, 1939, 5: Reps – Erz¨ahlungen und Legenden, 1941, 6: Dramen und Gedichte, 1941, 7: Die Bauh¨ utte, 1940, 8: Aufs¨atze, Vortr¨age und Reden, 1941], as well as an edition of nearly the same output, with author’s revisions ultima manu: Gesamtausgabe der Werke letzter Hand, Heusenstamm, N¨ urnberg & Darmstadt 1956 et sqq.) 9 A German native, originary from Romania by birth (b. 1919, in Bra¸sov, Transylvannia [Germ.: Kronstadt, Siebenb¨ urgen]), who studied (1937–1941) “philosophy, sociology, psychology, paedagogy, history of art, and German language and literature” in Bucharest, with Ion Petrovi˘dulescu-Motru, Tudor Vianu, Mircea Vulca ˘nescu, etc., and was then ci, Constantin Ra (1942–1944) preparing a PhD degree with Martin Heidegger in Freiburg i.B. (see Walter Biemel R¨ uckblick an Stelle eines Vorworts, in: Gesammelte Schriften, Frommann-Holzboog Verlag, Stuttgart – Bad Cannststt, 1966, vol. 1, p. 8). (After 1944, he lived, mainly, in Belgium and Germany. An editor of Edmund Husserl, a reputed expert in phenomenology and Heideggeriana, – cf. his Gesammelte Schriften 1–2, Frommann-Holzboog Verlag, Stuttgart / Bad Cannststt, 1966, and a list of his publications in vol. 2, pp. 405–415 –, Prof. Walter Biemel has recently been awarded the title of Dr. h.c. by the University of Bucharest [May, 2003]. Cf. also Kunst und Wahrheit, Festschrift ˘ da ˘lina Diaconu, Humanitas, Bucharest f¨ ur Walter Biemel zu seinem 85. Geburtstag, edited by Ma [forthcoming].) 10 In the literary journal Universul literar [Bucharest], the issue of December 10, 1942; apparently, the first translation of a Heidegger-text to appear in print in Romania. 10a In den 40er Jahren begaben sich mehrere Studenten der Philosophie nach Freiburg [i.B.], um als Doktoranden an den Seminaren Heideggers teilzunehmen. Zu ihnen geh¨orte auch Walter Biemel, der sp¨ atere Exeget und Herausgeber von Heideggers Werk, geboren in Bra¸sov (Kronstadt), Absolvent der Fakult¨at f¨ ur Literatur und Philosophie an der Universit¨at Bukarest. In Universul literar (Das literarische Universum), der wichtigsten Bukarester Kulturzeitschrift jener ¨ Zeit, ver¨ offentlicht Walter Biemel (in der Ausgabe vom 10. Dezember 1942) die Ubersetzung eines Bruchst¨ ucks aus H¨ olderlin und das Wesen der Dichtung zusammen mit einer Beschreibung der Atmosph¨ are, in der die privatissimen Seminare Heideggers mit seinen Doktoranden stattfanden. ¨ Diese ist die erste Ubersetzung eines heideggerschen Textes in die rum¨anische Sprache. [88] 11 Cf. Prefat¸˘ a la edit¸ia ˆın limba romˆan˘a [Preface to the Romanian edition], in: Walter
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Biemel Martin Heidegger, translated by Thomas Kleininger, Humanitas, Bucharest 1996, page 5. (C. Noica also claimed on several occasions – cf., e.g., [222], page 6, fn 1 – that Heidegger was deeply impressed by the small [Romanian] group and even exclaimed once: [Ach!], die Lateiner! – referring tho their supposed “joyfullness”. The person – “making philosophy without writing” – alluded to obliquely in the note is, most likely, Alexandru Dragomir.) The joint Romanian translation of Heidegger’s Was ist Metaphysik?, by Walter Biemel and Alexandru Dragomir – Ce este metafizica?, in: Luceaf˘ arul, Revista scriitorilor romˆani ˆın exil (Paris), 1956 [a literary journal founded by Mircea Eliade: volume I, number 1, 1948] – dates apparently from around 1942. According to Walter Biemel (ibid., pp. 5–6), its publication – planned by the well-known Romanian publisher Cartea romˆ aneasc˘a of Bucharest –, has been “hindered [ˆımpiedecat˘a, empˆech´ee, gehindert, aufgehalten] by the German authorities” of the time [!], since – as the author explained –, “for the Nazi authorities, Heidegger was [then, sc. during the early forties] a persona non grata”! 11a
Zusammen mit seinem Kollegen Alexandru Dragomir, der unter der Anleitung Heideggers eine Doktorarbeit u ¨ber die Bedeutung des f¨ ur uns in Hegels Ph¨anomenologie des Geistes vorbereitete, u ¨bersetzt Walter Biemel in dem gleichen Jahr Was ist Metaphysik? – eine Fassung, die erst 1959 [more likely 1956, following Biemel’s own records, n.ed.] in Paris in der rum¨anischsprachigen Zeitschrift Luceaf˘ arul (Der Morgenstern) erscheinen. [88]
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Namely, Walter Biemel on Der Naturbegriff bei Novalis (see, for instance, Walter Biemel R¨ uckblick an Stelle eines Vorworts, loc. cit., and Kunst und Wahrheit, Festschrift f¨ ur Walter Biemel zu seinem 85. Geburtstag, ed. cit. supra), and Alexandru Dragomir on Die Bedeutung des f¨ ur uns in Hegels Ph¨anomenologie des Geistes (cf. the Liiceanu-Kleininger, survey paper, [88], where the authors give also Dragomir’s Dissertation subject). 13
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The war, mainly. In spite of “informed [Romanian] sources”, rumors, and casual statements ˘ ta ˘lin claiming otherwise – relying on mere hearsay (cf. e.g., Mariana S ¸ ora in [89], p. 199, Ca Partenie, on different occasions: UCM [University of Concordia, Montr´eal], UQAM [Universit´e du Qu´ebec ` a Montr´eal], 2001–2002, etc.) –, there is no official German record of any PhD Dissertation ever defended by a Romanian student in Freiburg i.B., under the supervision of Martin Heidegger. For the case of “die Lateiner” of 1942–1944, there is a simple factual explanation: the town [Freiburg i.B.] was heavily bombed during the Autumn of 1944, the Alberta-Ludwiga was closed, Herr Professor
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Heidegger moved to Meßkirch, in a hurry, and the war entered a different phase, mainly on the Eastern front. As an “ethnic German”, Walter Biemel was not supposed to be called under arms in his native country, and moved actually, after the closing of the University, nach Waismes bei Malm´edy, in Belgium (then under German occupation). He completed eventually a PhD in Louvain, ´ on a different subject (Le Concept de monde chez Heidegger [1948], published later by the Editions Nauwelaerts, Louvain & Vrin, Paris 1950 [also: Vrin, Paris R 1981]), while Alexandru Dragomir returned in Romania, being mobilized in the [Romanian] army (and found fit for service, sc. for [the Eastern] front). So, in the end, Mr. Dragomir never published his alleged “thesis on Hegel, with Heidegger”, either. (He even got a kind of Socratic reputation, in Romania, afterwards, on the reason he had never published anything whatsoever, on philosophical subjects, at least! See, however, the forthcoming collection of essays: Crase banalit˘a¸ti metafizice [Crass Metaphysical Banalities], edited ˘ ta ˘lin Partenie, Humanitas, Bucharest [cca 250 pp. in print]. The by Gabriel Liiceanu and Ca volume is supposed to contain a selection of [recorded!] lectures [apparently heavily edited] “on Anaxagoras, Socrates, Plato’s Philebus and Aristotle’s Metaphysics...”, [lectures] “which argue that the modern reader has to overcome several strata of metaphysical banality in order to reach the core of Ancient philosophy” [sic: from the editors’ notice]. — Yet, Alexandru Dragomir remained philosophically active [he even used to circulate, once, occasional philosophical essays among friends: S ¸ tefan J. Fay, for instance, [29], pp. 52–53, 101–105, remembers still in 1983–1984 about one of his early papers – on “Mirror-Looking”, Despre uitatul ˆın oglind˘a –, likely unpublished, but ˘nescu], and various authors – as, e.g., C. Noica himself, heavily commented upon by Mircea Vulca G. Liiceanu, H.-R. Patapievici, etc. – mentioned him, in recent times – in acknowledgements in print –, as a subtle advisor on philosophical issues.) Worth also noting here is the following factual detail: Nach der Bombardierung Freiburgs in Nov. 1944 verließ er [sc. Heidegger] die zerst¨orte Stadt, um sich in die Kriegsferne Idylle seiner Meßkircher Heimat zu begeben. Das Ende des Krieges erlebte er auf Burg Wildenstein (Beuron), wohin die philosophische Fakult¨at Anfang 1945 augelagert worden war. (Bernd Martin Martin Heidegger und der Nationalsozialismus – Der historischen Rahmen, in: Bernd Martin, ed., Martin Heidegger und das Dritte Reich – Ein Kompendium, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1989, pp. 40–41). 14
A journal published by Romanian emigrants in Paris (Semne, revist˘a de gˆandire, art˘a ¸si
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literatur˘a. Anul I, 1960. Director: Octavian Buhociu.), sometimes also claimed to be a “legionary publication”. 14a From around 1966 to his death, in 1987, Constantin Noica will be one of the most “published” [& publicized] persons – authors actually present in print – in [Ceaus¸escu’s] Romania, ˘nescu, etc. –, he was not a i.e., unlike most of his former friends – Cioran, Eliade, Vulca “forbidden” author any more. (The “authorization”-clause refers, of course, to the fact the output should have been passed previously through official filters – censorship, in fact –, i.e., via the “experts” of a supervising ideological office.) 14b Within the [limits of the] “system”, this institute (Centrul de logic˘a, initially a filial – a research institution, more or less – of the Romanian Academy, moved afterwards under the “auspices” of an adhoc “Academy of Social and Political Sciences” [sic]) was actually, during all this period, the personal feud of its appointed “director”, Athanase Joja, a former barrister with explicit left-sympaties, rather cultivated, and with vague philosophical inclinations, already before the war: a useful pawn to promote (Mr. Joja was an early member of the Romanian Academy, – new version –, too; he also used to teach History of Logic courses at the University of Bucharest, ˘ da ˘rau [also Badareu whenever he was available.) Also employed by the “Logic Center”: Dan Ba in print], Anton Dumitriu, Aram Frenkian, etc., scholars formerly banned by the r´egime, some of them recently freed from prison, like Noica himself. Among the first “victims” here, two young people interested in logic mainly: Sorin Vieru (“instructed” to learn Greek) and Alexandru Surdu (ditto, plus German); both soon to become Noica’s collaborators in various “cultural” / philosophical projects (essentially Romanian translations from Plato, Kant, etc. and editorial work, as, e.g, the publication of Eminescu’s former translations from Kant). 14c ´ Cf., e.g., Etudes de philosophie pr´esocratique : 1 H´eraclite d’Eph`ese, Glasul Bucovinei, Cern˘aut¸i 1933 (63 pp.); Le monde hom´erique : essai de protophilosophie grecque, Vrin, Paris 1934 ´ (151 pp.); Etudes de philosophie pr´esocratique : 2 La philosophie compar´e : Emp´edocle d’Agrigente, ´ ee, Paris 1937 (110 pp.); L’Orient et les origines de l’id´ealisme subjectif dans la pens´ee Parm´enide d’El´ europ´eenne, 1 La doctrine th´eologique de Memphis (l’inscription du Roi Shabaka), Geuthner, Paris 1946 (viii + 167 pp.); etc. 15 Some of the younger translators – as, e.g., Sorin Vieru, mentioned before, and Gabriel
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Liiceanu – were, in fact, Noica’s “[cultural] victims”: they managed to learn Greek, in the meantime, on the instigation of the “Old Man”, in order to be able to make themselves useful for this project! The Cret ¸ ia-Noica edition is currently being published, in a revised form, by Humanitas ˘ ta ˘lin Partenie; cf. [296]. (Bucharest), under the supervision of Ca 16 Two other young “victims” of Noica, on the German philosophical front: they were “instructed” to learn German, in view of translating Kant, Fichte, Schelling, the Schlegels, ..., [even] Heidegger, and so on, into Romanian. Both of them have, in the end, defected the “Nicasian program”, however: they used eventually the knowledge for their own – minor / culturally despicable, in Noica’s eyes – purposes ([mathematical] logic, psychoanalysis, and the like)! 17 The author (b. 1942), one of the first young “victims” (cca 1967) of Noica – he learnt German and studied eventually Greek (1968–1973) at the University of Bucharest, in order to be able to translate Plato and Heidegger in Romanian, on C.N.’s instigation – was then (1982–1984) a Humbold-Stiftung Stipendiat in Heidelberg (cf. [88], fn 23).
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Foreword . . . . Constantin Noica Constantin Noica Constantin Noica Notes . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Werke, auch Wege (1934–1987) [1931–1990] A Selective Bibliography (1931–2003) . . . A Chronology (1909–1987 [1909–1990]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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