Constitution Of The Omicron Sigma Omicron Fraternity - Augustana ...

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We, the members of the Omicron Sigma Omicron Fraternity, in order to promote good fellowship among ourselves and aid each other in the pursuits of our ...
Constitution Of The Omicron Sigma Omicron Fraternity


Omicron Sigma Omicron Constitution Page 1

CONSTITUTION Of the OMICRON SIGMA OMICRON FRATERNITY ** Adopted October 22, 1969: Ratified November 5, 1969 ** PREAMBLE We, the members of the Omicron Sigma Omicron Fraternity, in order to promote good fellowship among ourselves and aid each other in the pursuits of our college life, do establish this constitution and pledge ourselves to its support. ARTICLE ONE: NAME AND MOTTO Section One: Name The name of this Fraternity shall be the “Omicron Sigma Omicron Fraternity” Section Two: Motto The motto of the fraternity shall be “Equals Among Equals.” ARTICLE TWO: MEMBERS (Actives, Inactives, Honoraries, Pledges, Alumni) Section One: Actives Paragraph A: Requirements: Actives shall be those members who are full time students of Augustana College who have successfully completed their terms of pledgeship and have been formally initiated according to the rules prescribed by the Omicron Sigma Omicron Fraternity, and who do not fall under inactive classification. Paragraph B: Duties and Privileges: All active members shall attend meetings regularly, pay their financial obligations, attend social functions and serve as officers and on committees. They shall equally share all rights and privileges accorded to active membership. Paragraph C: Sub-Classification of Actives: The newly initiated members shall be designated as Junior Actives and shall remain so until the completion of the next culmination week. Junior Actives shall not be allowed to serve as President, Viceresident, or Treasurer.

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Paragraph D: Inactives: Inactive members will be allowed to attend all meetings but have no voting power. They are allowed to attend social functions upon payment of an assessment as determined by the executive committee. They are not allowed to participate in intramural activities. Paragraph E: Honoraries: Honoraries will be chosen at the beginning of the school year. Approval requires 2/3 “yes” vote and there cannot be 5 or more “no” votes or two or more “blackballs.” (December 1, 1989) They shall not hold office. With the exception of the foregoing qualifications they shall have the same privileges and obligations as active members.

Section Two: Pledges Paragraph A: Rushing: Rushing shall take place according to the rules of the College. Paragraph B: Bidding: Candidates for membership shall be proposed at a regular meeting of the active chapter and shall be voted upon by all members present who hold voting power. Absent members with voting power shall have the right to vote at any time thereafter until the final cut session. Two blackballs or four negative votes shall disqualify a candidate receiving them. After the final cut session until pledging, it shall take three blackballs to disqualify a candidate. Bids shall be given out in accordance with the rules of the College. An active member may request that a secret ballot be taken on any particular candidate(s). This will require a majority vote. Paragraph C: Pledgeship: The candidate upon accepting his bid shall become a pledge member of the fraternity. Pledges must attend all regular meeting and functions of the fraternity unless excused by the president or pledgemaster, and shall fulfill all duties as assigned by the pledgemaster. Pledges shall be disciplined by censure of such a nature as to fit the case. At no time will there be any activity that can be construed as physical punishment. This includes swatting and any other pledging requirement which would present potential physical injury. At any time before the formal initiation upon the demand of two or more actives, a special ballot shall be taken on any pledge. Three or more blackballs shall disqualify the pledge receiving them. Pledges shall have voting power at the discretion of the president. Sub-paragraph C; Inactive Pledges: A pledge shall be allowed to go inactive. An inactive pledge must recommence pledging with the next pledge class, and complete his pledgeship at the end of the pledge period. Paragraph D: Culminating Week: A culminating activity shall take place at such a time as designated by the pledgemaster and the president with the approval of the College. Section Three: Alumni

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Alumni members shall be those former actives who have either graduated or for any reason are no longer students of the college. Alumni members shall have the right to attend all business meetings. They shall be allowed to attend social functions paying an assessment as deemed fit by the executive committee. They may participate freely in the discussion of any business meetings but shall have no voting power. Article Three: OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES Section One: President The president shall be the chairman of the business meetings of the fraternity. He shall appoint all committees unless the fraternity shall make other provisions for their appointment. He shall have the power to call special meetings of the executive committee and shall have the power to call a meeting of this committee at any time. The president shall be considered the leader of the fraternity, and in the event that the situation arises where it is impossible to hold a meeting, the president shall have the power to act as spokesman for the fraternity. The president shall be classified as a senior by the college. Section Two: Vice-President In the absence of the president, the vice-president shall take over any duties normally conducted by the president. If for any reason the office of the president should become vacant before the end of the term, the vice-president automatically becomes president. The vice-president is the chairman of the social committee. The vice-president shall be classified as either a junior or senior by the college. Section Three: Secretary The Secretary shall keep a written account of the proceedings of all business meetings. He shall hold in safe keeping all the records of the fraternity and shall handle its official correspondence; he shall be in charge of the fraternity files, and of keeping them in good order. Section Four: Treasurer The treasurer shall handle the monies of the fraternity and render an account thereof at each business meeting. He shall be in charge of collecting dues, paying bills owed by the fraternity, keeping an accurate standing financial account, and other related financial duties. He shall be required to bring the fraternity account book to each regular meeting for inspection, and notify those members who are delinquent in their payments to the fraternity. Paragraph A: Loans: No funds shall be lent out by the fraternity. Section Five: Pledgemaster

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The pledgemaster shall have complete jurisdiction over the pledges, but always in compliance with the rules of the college. Section Six: Alumni Secretary The alumni secretary shall keep a record of the alumni of the fraternity. He shall from time to time notify the alumni of the activities of the fraternity, and other social events. Writing and sending out the O Oette shall be under his jurisdiction, or that of an assistant appointed by him. Section Seven: Historian The historian shall collect photographs, newspaper articles, and pictures; keep a record of social functions and themes, and any other information concerning the members of the fraternity. The historian will compile this material and information in a scrapbook. Section Eight: I.M. Director The I.M. Director shall coordinate all I.M. activities for the fraternity. Section Nine: Inter-Fraternity Council Representatives (2) The Inter-Fraternity Reps. Shall represent the Fraternity at all I.F. meetings and report I.F. doings and decisions to the Fraternity at every business meeting. Section Ten: Election, Terms of Office, and Impeachment Paragraph A: Elections: Elections shall be held at the first regular meeting in January and at the last regular meeting in May. All officers shall be elected by secret ballot of the active chapter. To be elected, a candidate must receive a majority vote. Paragraph B: Terms of Office: All officers shall assume office immediately upon election and shall hold the same until respective successors are elected. Paragraph C: Impeachment: An officer may be impeached from office by a three-fourths secret ballot vote of the active chapter. Section Eleven: Committees Paragraph A: Executive Committee: The executive committee shall consist of the eight officers of the fraternity and shall meet at the call of the president. Paragraph B: Standing Committees: There shall be tow standing committees; a social committee (chaired by the vice-president), and a rush committee (chaired by the

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pledgemaster). The fraternity shall determine the size and specific duties of these committees. Paragraph C: Special Committees: Special committees shall be appointed from time to time for such affairs and the fraternity shall order events as needed. Paragraph D: Appointment of Committees: the president shall appoint All committees except the executive committee unless the fraternity shall otherwise provide for their appointment. ARTICLE FOUR: MEETINGS AND SOCIAL EVENTS Section One: Regular Meetings Regular meetings shall be held throughout the school year at such times and places as shall be set by the fraternity. Section Two: Special Meetings Special meetings shall be held at the call of the president at such times and place as he shall designate. Section Three: Quorum Two-thirds of all active members shall constitute a quorum for both regular and special meetings. No legislative action may be taken unless a quorum is present. Selection Four: Social Events At intervals throughout the school year the fraternity shall hold such social events as they choose. These social functions shall be restricted to members and guests. No individual member or officer of the fraternity shall have the right to invite a non-member guest to any social function without the full knowledge and previous consent of the fraternity. ARTICLE FIVE: FINANCES Section One: Regular Dues Regular Dues for active members shall be 180.00 dollars per year. Dues shall be paid according to election of officers. A minimum of 60.00 dollars must be paid within two weeks of the first meeting at the beginning of each quarter. Failure to meet the above stated regulations will result in that member becoming inactive until the next quarter, or until that member pays his dues in full. Section Two: Pledge Dues

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Dues for pledges shall be 70.00 dollars for the spring quarter. A pledge may make arrangements with the treasurer to establish installments, but the 70.00 dollars must be paid in full within 90 days of the commencement of pledging. Section Two: Special Assessments Special assessments for social functions my be levied upon all actives and pledges attending the same social function by majority vote. Section Three: Obligations of Alumni Alumni shall have no financial obligations to the fraternity except that of paying an assessment for social functions they attend as stipulated in Article Two, Section Three. ARTICLE SIX: DISCIPLINE Members shall conduct themselves in a gentlemanly manner at all fraternity affairs and shall comply with all the rules of Augustana College and shall comply with all the rules of Augustana College which are actually enforced. For any breach of these requirements a member may be suspended or expelled by a two-thirds vote. ARTICLE SEVEN: AMENDMENTS AND REVISION Section One: Proposing of Amendments Amendments may be proposed at an regular or special meeting provided that the proposed amendment is submitted to the secretary in writing. Section Two: Adoption The proposed amendment must be accepted by a majority vote. Section Three: Ratification To become a part of this constitution an amendment must be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the active chapter. This second vote shall be taken at some date after the adoption of the amendment. If the amendment passes this second vote, it shall be declared a part of this constitution. Section Four: Revisions Revisions of this constitution may be effected by a three-fourths vote of the active chapter followed by appropriate action by I.F. and S.P.C.

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