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Mar 2, 2000 - The emergence of constraint logic programming (CLP) as de ned by J. Ja ar ... programming could be generalized to arbitrary mathematical structures ... The set of solutions of a composite model is the intersection of the ... ability of this approach of computer programming to solve declaratively industrial.
Constraint Logic Programming Fran cois Fages

2 March 2000

Francois Fages INRIA Rocquencourt BP 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex France. [email protected]

Contents 1 Introduction 2 Logical Theories 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

First-Order Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mathematical Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Completeness of theories and decidability of structures

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. 7 . 8 . 11 . 12

3 Constraint logic programs 17 3.1 Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.2 CLP(S ) Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.3 Procedural interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4 Examples 4.1 CLP(H) and Prolog . . 4.2 CLP(RT ) . . . . . . . . 4.3 CLP(H=E ) . . . . . . . 4.4 CLP() . . . . . . . . . 4.5 CLP(R) . . . . . . . . . 4.6 CLP(FD) and CLP(N ) 5 Formal semantics 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

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Operational Semantics . . . . . . . . . Observation of Successes . . . . . . . . Observation of Computed Constraints Observation of Finite Failures . . . . .

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These notes are extracted from a course given at Ecole Polytechnique, published in French by Ellipses, Paris, 1996 [13]. 3



Chapter 1

Introduction There exist several fundamental connections between logic and computation, that allow to design programming languages for which the problems of program speci cation and program validation have a precise meaning inside the logical formalism. Logic programming in a broad sense relies on the following identi cations : Programs = Theories Computation = Proof search The basic idea is to identify a program to a theory, and the program's execution to proof search in that theory. In this paradigm, programming is rst of all a modeling task. In the pioneering work of A. Colmerauer and R. Kowalski in the 70's, one considered only logical clauses interpreted procedurally by a principle of automated deduction [30] [41]. The programming language Prolog was an incarnation of these ideas. D. Warren showed that Prolog could be compiled very eciently on standard machines, but Prolog su ered from two main drawbacks: on the one hand the lack of data structures other than the logical terms, hence the unmanageable necessity of axiomatizing \the domain of discourse" in the logic, on the other hand the lack of control structures, hence the loss of declarativity for obtaining executable programs. The emergence of constraint logic programming (CLP) as de ned by J. Ja ar and J.L. Lassez in the mid 80's, contributed to correct these defects in a fundamental way [25]. The discovery was that both the theory and the technology of logic programming could be generalized to arbitrary mathematical structures given with a decidable constraint language, representing \the domain of discourse". Beside the Prolog computation structure of rst-order terms with equality constraints (the Herbrand's domain), one can thus consider for instance, disequality constraints over nite or in nite terms [8], real arithmetic with linear constraints [25], integer arithmetic, nite domains [47], theories of functionality, etc. One then distinguihes in the theory, the axiomatization of the structures of interest, from the modeling of the problem to be solved. Proof search then combines hybrid techniques for logical resolution, and for constraint solving in speci c structures. Constraints are solved concurrently to the logical deduction process, by numerical or symbolic algorithmic means, executed with coroutines. CLP is a concept of programming in which the problem at hand is modeled by a set of mathematical variables and by a set of relations de ned by: i) primitive constraints, e.g. U = R  I , ii) predicate symbols de ned by expressions of the language, e.g.

8x8y path(x; y) () edge(x; y) _ 9z (edge(x; z ) ^ path(z; y)): 5



The resulting programming style is the one of relational model-based computing. In that paradigm a model is identi ed to a relation de ned on the interface variables R(x; y). The composition of relational models is the logical conjunction of the relations, R1 jR2(x; y; z ) = R1 (x; y) ^ R2 (x; z ): The set of solutions of a composite model is the intersection of the solutions of the composing models. This way of structuring data and programs into composable entities is somewhat similar to the one of object-oriented languages. A fundamental di erence is that contrarily to the paradigm of message passing, which is directional, relational CLP programs are reversible: the relation on the interface variables are de ned whatever are the unknowns, the computation involves partial information structures, the distinction between input and output occurs at execution-time, according to the nature of the arguments, that is according to the use of the model. The choice of the language for de ning new relations is crucial for the mathematical analysis of the software, as well as for its ecient compilation into machine code. The concept of constraint logic programming doesn't exclude that this language comprises programming concepts coming from concurrent, object-oriented or imperative programming. A natural choice however from the mathematical point of view is to take the predicate calculus as the kernel language for de ning new relations. By limiting ourselves to Horn clausal theories, one de nes in this way a class, denoted by CLP(S ), of constraint logic programming languages parametrized by the interpretation structure S [25]. The class of concurrent constraint languages CC(S ) [42] introduces in addition some primitives for concurrency (communication, synchronisation) based on constraint entailment. CC programs introduce a form of dynamic control with data-driven computation, which can be used to program constraint solvers by a set of concurrent agents, or to program complex resolution strategies, this opens the way to a new eld of applications necessiting reactive systems instead of transformational systems. CC programs gan be given a sound and complete logical semantics in the logic programming paradigm, yet with a shift to linear logic in order to model accurately concurrency in CC [14]. The success of commercial products for constraint programming, as for instance CHIP (Cosytec), Prolog III, IV (PrologIA), ILOG-Solver (ILOG), has shown the ability of this approach of computer programming to solve declaratively industrial problems of combinatorial optimization and complex system modeling. However these successes show also that the current state of the art cannot be improved without some fundamental extensions of : i) the languages (e.g. negation, quanti ers, optimization predicates, higher-order, static typing, object-orientation...), ii) the constraint solvers (e.g. global constraints, explicit control, quanti ed constraints, combination of solvers, functional domains,...), iii) the execution models (e.g. concurrency, reactivity, parallelism, distribution,...). In these notes we present the class of languages CLP, by studying its mathematical properties, its principles of implementation, and some examples of applications.

Chapter 2

Logical Theories In this chapter we recall the basic results of rst-order logic which are relevant to constraint programming. In order to be self-contained we present the rst-order languages, the mathematical structures which give their semantics, and their related proof systems. For a more complete treatment of these subjects, see e.g. [43].

2.1 First-Order Languages

De nition 2.1 Let SF be a countable set of function symbols, denoted by f; g; :::, given with their arity (i.e. their number of arguments). Constants are function symbols with arity 0. Let V be an in nite countable set of variables (with arity 0), denoted by x; y:::. The set T of rst-order terms, denoted by M; N; :::, is de ned inductively as the least set satisfying : i) V  T ii) if f 2 SF ; (f ) = n; M1 ; :::; Mn 2 T then f (M1 ; :::; Mn ) 2 T The set of variables occurring in a term M is denoted by V (M ). A term M containing a variable x will be sometimes written M [x]. The size of a term, denoted by jM j, is the number of occurrences of functions, constants and variables symbols in M : i) jxj = 1 if x 2 V , ii) if jf (M1; :::; Mn )j = jM1 j + ::: + jMn j. Remark 2.2 Zero-order languages contain no variables. Second-order languages contain second-order terms representing functions, and allow the presence of variables in place of functions inside rst-order terms (second-order terms can be substituted for second-order variables). Third-order languages contain third-order terms representing functionals and allow the presence of variables in place of functionals inside second-order terms. Omega-order languages contain terms of all nite orders. De nition 2.3 Let SP be a set of predicate symbols, denoted by p; q; :::, given with their arity . The set Pa of ( rst-order) atomic propositions is the set Pa = fp(M1; :::; Mn )jp 2 SP ; (p) = n; M1 ; :::; Mn 2 T g: De nition 2.4 Let SL = f:; _; 9g be the set of logical symbols not, or, there exists (existencial quanti er). The set P of ( rst-order) logical formula denoted by ; ; ::: is de ned inductively as the least set satisfying : 7



Pa  P  2 P ) : 2 P ; 2 P )  _ 2 P x 2 V;  2 P ) 9x 2 P

The other logical symbols ftrue; ; ^; g are de ned as abbreviations :

 true ^ 

= = = =

: _  :(  : ) (  ) ^ (  )

the universal quanti er, 8, is de ned as an abbreviation for :

8x = :9x: Quanti ers are logical symbols that de ne the (universal or existential) nature of a variable in a proposition. The variables of a proposition  which are not bound by a quanti er are said to be free in . In a term all variable are free. The set of free variables of a formula , denoted by V (), is de ned inductively by:

V (x) = fxg S V (f (M1 ; :::; Mn )) = ni=1 V (Mi ) S V (p(M1 ; :::; Mn)) = ni=1 V (Mi ) V (:) = V () V ( _ ) = V () [ V ( ) V (8x) = V (9x) = V () ? fxg A formula  is closed if V () = ;. We write 8() (resp. 9()) for the closed formula 8x1 :::8xn  (resp. 9x1 :::9xn ) where fx1 ; :::; xn g = V (). i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi)

De nition 2.5 A clause is a disjunction of universally quanti ed literals, 8(L1 _ ::: _ Ln );

where each literal Li is either an atomic proposition, A, (called a positive literal), or the negation of an atomic proposition, :A (called a negative literal). A Horn clause is a clause having at most one positive literal.

2.2 Mathematical Structures A pre-interpretation of a rst-order language is a mathematical structure composed of an interpretation domain D, given with a semantic function [], that associates to each constant c 2 SF some element [c] 2 D, and to each function symbol f 2 SF with arity n  1, some operator [f ] : Dn ! D. A valuation of the variables is a function  : V ! D. The valuation of the terms, denoted by [ ] : T ! D, induced by a valuation  of the variables and a pre-interpretation < D; [] > is de ned (by structural induction) by :



i) [x] = (x) if x 2 V , ii) [c] = [c] if c 2 SF with arity 0, and [c] 2 D is the element assigned to c by the pre-interpretation, iii) [f (M1; :::; Mn )] = [f ]([M1] ; :::; [Mn ] ) if f 2 SF with n  1, [f ] is the operator over D assigned to f by the pre-interpretation, and [Mi ] 2 D is the element of D assigned recursively to the subterm Mi . An interpretation I =< D; [] > associates in addition to each predicate symbol p 2 SP with arity n, a relation [p] : Dn ! f0; 1g. The truth value of an atomic proposition p(M1 ; :::; Mn) in an interpretation I =< D; [] > and a valuation  is the boolean value [p]([M1 ] ; :::; [Mn ] ). The truth value of a logical formula  in an interpretation I and a valuation  is determined according to the truth value of the propositions by applying the truth tables of the logical connectors, and the following rules for the quanti ers : 8x is true in I and , if for every substitution of x by an arbitrary element of the domain d 2 D, [d=x] is true in I and . 9x is true in I if there exists an element d 2 D such that [d=x] is true in I and . Note that the truth value of a closed formula is determined solely by the interpretation and doesn't depend on the valuation. De nition 2.6 An interpretation I is a model of a closed formula  if  is true in I , which is denoted by I j= . A closed formula 0 is a logical consequence of  closed, which is denoted by  j= 0 , if every model of  is a model of 0 . De nition 2.7 A (non-closed) formula  is satis able in an interpretation I if I j= 9(), valid in I if I j= 8(I ). A formula  is satis able if 9() has a model, valid if every interpretation is a model of 8(), which is denoted by j= . Proposition 2.8 Let  and 0 be two closed rst-order formulas.  j= 0 if and only if j=   0 . 0 0 Proof: Let us suppose  j=  . For every interpretation I , if I j=  then I j=  0 0 thus I j=    , otherwise I 6j=  and we have again I j=    , therefore j=   0 . Conversely if I j=  then as j=   0 , we have I j= 0 , thus  j= 0 . 

De nition 2.9 An interpretation I is a model of a set of closed formulas S os I

is a model of each formula in S . We say that a set of closed formulas S is satis able if S has a model, valid if every interpretation is a model of S . The logical formulas of the predicate calculus are interpreted in arbitrary structures formed with a domain, operators and relations. A formula is valid if it is true in all the interpretations on all conceivable mathematical structures. The interest in clausal forms is that it is possible for these formulas to restrict the search of a model to only one \syntactic" structure: the Herbrand's universe. De nition 2.10 The Herbrand's universe, denoted by H, of a rst-order language is the set of closed terms formed on the function and constant symbols T (SF ). TheHerbrand's pre-interpretation is the algebra of closed terms, whose domain is the Herbrand's universe, the symbols of constant are interpreted by these constants themselves and the symbols of function are interpreted as term constructors:



i) [c] = c ii) [f (M1; :::; Mn )] = f ([M1 ]; :::; [Mn ])

The Herbrand's base BH is the set of closed atomic propositions formed on SF and SP . A Herbrand's interpretation associates a truth value to every element of the Herbrand's base. We thus identify a Herbrand's interpretation to a subset of BH , the subset of true atomic propositions.

Proposition 2.11 Let S be a set of clauses. S is insatis able if and only if S has no Herbrand's model.

If S admits a Herbrand's model then S is satis able, conversely let I be an interpretation, and let I 0 be the Herbrand's interpretation de ned by


I 0 = fP (M1 ; :::; Mn) 2 BH j I j= P (M1 ; :::; Mn )g: If I is a model of S , then for every valuation of the variables and for every clause C 2 S , there exists a positive literal A (resp. negative literal :A) in C such that I j= A (resp. I 6j= A). In particular for every valuation of the variables by elements of the domain associated to terms of the Herbrand's universe, thus for every Herbrand's valuation, there exists a literal A (resp. :A) such that I 0 j= A (resp. I 0 6j= A). Therefore I 0 is a Herbrand's model of S .  The study of the satis ability of a set of clauses can thus be restricted to the only \syntactic" interpretations that are Herbrand's interpretations. It is worth noting that this property is ase for more general logical formulas, in particular for the existentially quanti ed formulas. For instance p(a) ^ 9x:p(x) is satis able but has no Herbrand's model if a is the only constant symbol. It doesn't suce either to consider an in nite set of constants for extending the property to formulas containing arbitrary alternate sequences of quanti ers. It is however possible to associate to every formula  a clausal formula s , called the Skolem normal form of , which is satis able if and only if  is satis able. The rst transformation consists in putting the formula in prenex conjunctive normal form, that is under the form x1 :::xk ((L11 _ ::: _ L1k1 ) ^ ::: ^ (Ln1 _ ::: _ Lnkn )) where the Li 's are literals and each  is a universal or existential quanti er. This transformation needs to rename the variables which are quanti ed several times. The formula in prenex form is equivalent to the initial formula. The second transformation, called Skolemisation, allows to eliminate the existential quanti ers. It consists in replacing an existentially quanti ed variable x by terms of the form f (x1 ; :::; xn ) where f is a new function symbol and the xi 's are the universally quanti ed variables which precede the quanti cation of x. The formula obtained in this way is called the Skolem's normal form.

Example 2.12 For instance the Skolem's normal form of 8x9y8z p(x; y; z) is the formula 8x8z p(x; f (x); z ) where f is a new function symbol.

The Skolemisation preserves the satis ability but not necessarily the validity (because the Skolemisation doesn't commute with the negation). For instance , the formula 8x9y p(x)  p(y) is valid, but its Skolem's normal form, 8x p(x)  p(f (x)) is of course satis able but not valid.

Proposition 2.13 (Skolem's proposition) Any formula  is satis able if and only if its Skolem's normal form s is satis able.



If M j=  then one can choose an interpretation of the Skolem's function symbols in s according to the M -valuation of the existential variables of  such that M j= s . Conversely, if M j= s , the interpretation of the Skolem's functions in s gives a valuation of the existential variables in  which shows that M j= . 


2.3 Proofs

In this section we study the relation of deduction, denoted by `, which allows to build proofs of logical formulas. The fondamental problem of mathematical logic is the study of the two relations ` and j=. These relations play complementary roles. In general the de nition of the semantics j= doesn't provide a decision procedure. It is the case in propositional logic with the method of truth tables, but this method doesn't generalize. The study of the relation of deduction then respond to this aim. Conversely, the study of the semantics of a theory de ned by the relation of deduction, allows to prove that the theory is not contradictory, simply by exhibiting a model. A logical theory T is a formal system constituted by: i) a rst-order language formed on a alphabet V; SF ; SP ; SL, ii) logical axioms: :A _ A (excluded middle), A[x B ]  9x A (axiom of substitution), iii) a set of closed formulas called the non-logical axioms, and denoted by T (as the logical components are invariant), iv) logical inference rules:

A B _ A (Weakening), A _ A (Contraction), A A _ (B _ C ) (A _ B ) _ C (Associativity), A _ B :A _ C (Cut), B_C A  B x 62 V (B ) (Existential introduction). 9xA  B We note T `  the derivation of the formula  in this formal system, i.e. by the

application of the inference rules and of the logical and non logical axioms in T . A theory T is contradictory (or inconsistent) if T ` f , consistent otherwise. Theorem 2.14 (Deduction theorem) Let T be a rst-order logical theory. For all formulas ; 2 P we have T `   i T [ fg j= . Proof: In the direction of the implication ()) the result is immediat by the cut rule. Conversely the proof is by induction on the derivation of the formula . 

Theorem 2.15 (Validity) Let T be a rst-order logical theory, and  a formula.

If T `  then T j= .

12 Proof:

CHAPTER 2. LOGICAL THEORIES By induction on the length of the deduction of .

Corollary 2.16 If T has a model then T is consistent We show the contrapositive: if T is contradictory, then T ` f , thus T j= f , i.e. T has no model.  Proof:

Theorem 2.17 (Godel Completeness Theorem ( rst form)) A theory is con-

sistent i it has a model.

The idea is to construct a Herbrand's model of the theory supposed to be consistent, by interpreting by true the closed atoms which are theorems of T , and by false the closed atoms whose negation is a theorem of T . If the theory is not complete, this doesn't provide a model, we thus complete the theory by adding axioms in such a way as to obtain a complete consistent theory. For this it is necessary also to extend the alphabet in order to obtain a saturated theory, that is a theory such that if T ` 9xA then there exists a term M of the Herbrand's universe such that T ` A[M=x]. See for instance [43]. 


Theorem 2.18 (Godel's Completeness Theorem (second form)) Let T be a logical theory rst-order, and  be a formula,

T j=  , T ` : Proof: If T j=  then T [ f:g has no model, thus by the completeness theorem in rst form, T [ f:g ` f , hence by the deduction theorem T ` ::, and thus by

the cut rule with the axiom of excluded middle (plus weakening and contraction) we get T ` . The converse is the theorem of validity.  Godel's completeness theorem expresses the adequation between the semantic notion of validity of a formula in all the models of the theory, and the syntactic notion of deduction. The following section shows the use of this theorem to decide the validity of a formula in a theory.

2.4 Completeness of theories and decidability of structures

De nition 2.19 A theory T is axiomatic if the set of non logical axioms is recursive (i.e. membership to this set can be decided by an algorithm). For instance the theories containing a nite number of non logical axioms are trivially axiomatic. Godel's completeness theorem shows that in an axiomatic theory, the truth in all the models of the theory is recursively enumerable. The validity of a formula can indeed be veri ed in nite time by searching for all possible proofs (still the satis able not valid formulas are not recursively enumerables). This is what shall be done in logic programming with a very simple proof system which is well suited to a machine implementation, and which is complete for the Horn clause formulas.

De nition 2.20 A theory is complete if for every closed formula , either T `  or T ` :. A structure S is axiomatizable if there exists a complete axiomatic theory T such that S is a model of T .

2.4. COMPLETENESS OF THEORIES AND DECIDABILITY OF STRUCTURES13 In a complete axiomatic theory, we can decide whether an arbitrary formula is satis able or not. This will be the expected situation for the language of constraints. The question is then to know whether there exist complete axiomatic theories for the structures of interest, and how these complete theories can be turned into ecient algorithms. The compactness theorem of the rst-order logic provides a powerful tool to study structures and theories.

Theorem 2.21 (Compactness theorem) Let T be a logical rst-order theory, and  be a formula. T j=  i T 0 j=  for some nite part T 0 of T . By the completeness theorem, T j=  i T ` . As the proofs are nite, they use only a nite part of the non logical axioms of T . Therefore T j=  i T 0 j=  for some nite part T 0 of T . 


Corollary 2.22 A theory T has a model i every nite part of T has a model. T has no model i T j= f , i for some nite part T 0 of T T 0 j= f , i some nite part of T has no model. 


For instance we can use this theorem to show that there doesn't exist a logical ( rst-order) theory of nite elds. Indeed let us suppose the opposite, let T be such a theory whose only models are nite elds. Let us consider the axioms An which state that there exist at least n distinct elements, for instance A3 is the formula 9x9y9z x 6= y ^ y 6= z ^ z 6= x. Let T 0 be the theory formed of T and of all the An 's. Then by hypothesis, T 0 has no model, thus there exists a nite part T 00 of T 0 which has no model. However let n0 be an index greater than all the n's such that An 2 T 00 , and let C be a nite eld of more than n0 elements, then C is a model of T 00 , a contradiction. The compactness theorem can also be used to construct models. This will be done in the last chapter to obtain some completeness results w.r.t. the principe of resolution for constraint logic programmming (cf. 5.16, 5.25). Another classic use of the compactness theorem is to generalize to in nite graphs the results obtained for the nite graphs.

Solved Exercise 2.23 In 1976 Appel and Haken proved the famous four-colors conjecture: any map can be colored with four colors (i.e. the vertices of any nite planar graph can be colored with four colors in such a way as two adjacent vertices have di erent colors). Extend the result to in nite planar graphs by using the compactness theorem of rst-order logic. Solution: Let G be an in nite planar graph. We associate to each vertex of G a symbol of constant, and we consider the rst-order language formed on this in nite set of constants plus four unary predicates, c1 ; c2 ; c3 ; c4 . Let T be the (possibly in nite) set of logical rst-order formulas:

W i) 8x 4i=1 ci (x), V

ii) 8x 1i 0, T 1, mortgage(P * (1 + I) - M, T - 1, I, B, M). | ?- mortgage(120000,120,0.01,0,M). M = 1721.651381 ? yes



| ?- mortgage(P,120,0.01,0,1721.651381). P = 120000 ? yes | ?- mortgage(P,120,0.01,B,M). P = 0.302995*B + 69.700522*M ? yes | ?- mortgage(999, 3, Int, 0, 400). 400 = (-400 + (599 + 999*Int) * (1 + Int)) * (1 + Int) ? yes

The need for computing with complex data structure obviously remains in CLP(R). The structure of interest is thus not exactly R but more precisely the algebra H(R) of rst-order terms formed on an alphabet of constant and function symbols, possibly containing arithmetic expressions in their leaves. It has been shown that under some general conditions the completeness of a theory for a structure S remains for the structure H(S ) [45]. The following example illustrates the use of lists in CLP(R).

Program 4.19 [25] Example of a CLP(R) program for computing the temperature on a discrete surface, or more generally for solving the Dirichlet problem for Laplace's equation by the nite di erence method. The program speci es that the temperature in each interior point is the mean of its four neighbors. If the data are suciently instanciated, for instance the temperature on the edges is known, the answers are numerical values, otherwise they are linear constraints. laplace([H1,H2,H3|T]):laplace_vec(H1,H2,H3),

laplace([H2,H3|T]). laplace([_,_]).

laplace_vec([TL,T,TR|T1],[ML,M,MR|T2],[BL,B,BR|T3]):B + T + ML + MR - 4 * M = 0, laplace_vec([T,TR|T1],[M,MR|T2],[B,BR|T3]). laplace_vec([_,_],[_,_],[_,_]).

| ?-

X = [ [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [100,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,100], [100,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,100], [100,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,100], [100,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,100], [100,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,100], [100,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,100], [100,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,100], [100,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,100], [100,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,100], [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100] ], laplace(X).

4.6. CLP(FD) AND CLP(N )


X=[[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [100,51.11,32.52,24.56,21.11,20.12,21.11,24.56,32.52,51.11,100], [100,71.91,54.41,44.63,39.74,38.26,39.74,44.63,54.41,71.91,100], [100,82.12,68.59,59.80,54.97,53.44,54.97,59.80,68.59,82.12,100], [100,87.97,78.03,71.00,66.90,65.56,66.90,71.00,78.03,87.97,100], [100,91.71,84.58,79.28,76.07,75.00,76.07,79.28,84.58,91.71,100], [100,94.30,89.29,85.47,83.10,82.30,83.10,85.47,89.29,94.30,100], [100,96.20,92.82,90.20,88.56,88.00,88.56,90.20,92.82,96.20,100], [100,97.67,95.59,93.96,92.93,92.58,92.93,93.96,95.59,97.67,100], [100,98.89,97.90,97.12,96.63,96.46,96.63,97.12,97.90,98.89,100], [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100]] ? yes | ?- laplace([ [B11, B12, B13, [B21, M22, M23, [B31, M32, M33, [B44, B42, B43, ]).

B14], B24], B34], B44]

B12 = -B21 - 4*B31 + 16*M32 B13 = -B24 + B31 - 8*M32 + M22 = -B31 + 4*M32 - M33 M23 = -M32 + 4*M33 - B34 -

- 8*M33 + B34 - 4*B42 + B43, 16*M33 - 4*B34 + B42 - 4*B43, B42, B43 ?


4.6 CLP(FD) and CLP(N ) Godel's incompleteness theorem gives fundamental limits on integer arithmetic constraints. In order to obtain a decidable constraint language we can either consider the linear fragment, (N; 0; 1; +; =), which is completely axiomatized by Presburger's arithmetic, or restrict the constraint language on N given with all its operators. The later approach is generally undertaken in the implementations of CLP(FD) on \ nite domains" where the variables are assumed to take their value in nite intervals of the integers. The system CHIP [47] was the rst CLP(FD) system developed in the mid 80's, following the pioneering work of J.L. Lauriere [33]. CLP(FD) systems include in addition to usual arithmetic predicates, symbolic constraints, e.g. element(I,[x1,...,xk],V) true if xI = V where I and V are unknowns, set cardinality constraints, e.g. card(N,[X1,...,Xk],V) true if there are exactly N values equal to V in the list of unknowns X1 ; :::; Xk , higher-order cardinality constraints, e.g. card(N,[C1,...,Ck]) true if there are exactly N constraints true in the list C1 ; :::; Ck . These constraints greatly enhance the expressive power of the constraint language for modeling combinatorial optimization problems[47].

Program 4.20 One of the simplest example of CLP(FD) program is the N-queens program. The problem, introduced by Gauss in the early days of combinatorics, is to place N queens on an NN chess board such that no two queens are placed on a same row, column or diagonal. The CLP(FD) program modelizes the problem with a list of N unknowns which give the line number of each queen in each column (domain(L,[1,N])). The program places rst the inequality constraints between the variables (X.=/=Y+d), and then enumerates the possible values (labeling), with



some heuristics for choosing rst the queen with the least domain of possible values (( rst-fail heuristics ff) and trying rst the (lines) values in the middle. Solving the 200-queens problem is untractable by pure backtracking, but takes a few seconds with this CLP(FD) program. queens(N, L) :- list(N, L), domain(L,[1,N]), safe(L), labeling(L,ff,middle). safe([]). safe([X| Y]) :- noattack(X, Y), safe(Y). noattack(X, noattack(X, noattack(X, Nb1

Xs) :- noattack(X, Xs, 1). [], Nb) :- !. [Y | Ys], Nb) :- X.=/=Y, X.=/=Y+Nb, X.=/=Y-Nb, is Nb+1, noattack(X, Ys, Nb1).

list(0, []):- !. list(N, [ _| L] ) :- M is N-1, list(M, L). | ?- queens(4,L). L = [2,4,1,3] ? ; L = [3,1,4,2] ? ; no

Program 4.21 [19] The organizers of a congress have 3 rooms and 2 days for

eleven half-day sessions (A,B,C,...,K). The sessions sets AJ, JI, IE, CF, FG, DH, BD, KE, BIHG, AGE, BHK, ABCH, DFJ can't be simultaneous (there exists at least one participant in all the sessions of these sets). Moreover session E has to be given before session J , and the sessions D and F before K . The organizers have to determine a time-tabling. The problem can be expressed with a simple CLP(FD) query. | ?- domain([A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K],[1,4]), alldifferent([A,J]),alldifferent([J,I]),alldifferent([I,E]), alldifferent([E,C]),alldifferent([C,F]),alldifferent([F,G]), alldifferent([D,H]),alldifferent([B,D]),alldifferent([K,E]), alldifferent([B,I,H,G]),alldifferent([A,G,E]), alldifferent([B,H,K]),alldifferent([A,B,C,H]), alldifferent([D,F,J]), J.>E, K.>D, K.>F, atmost(3,[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K],1), atmost(3,[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K],2), atmost(3,[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K],3), atmost(3,[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K],4), labeling([A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K]).

A = 1, B = 2, C = 4, D = 1, E = 2, F = 2, G = 4, H = 3, I = 1, J = 3, K = 4 ? yes

4.6. CLP(FD) AND CLP(N )


For practical eciency reasons, the algorithms for checking the satis ability of CLP(FD) constraints are generally not complete (the satis ability of the store of constraints is partially checked only), a complete check of satis ability requires enumeration. The computed answers in CLP(FD) systems are thus semi-correct in general 3.3. The constrained propagation algorithms that are used have for e ect to restrict the domain of variables by propagating the constraints at each resolution step, often by a simple reasoning on the bounds of the domain of the variables. The unsatis ability of the constraints is detected when the domain of a variable becomes empty. The constraints are used to prune the search space concurrently to the logical resolution process. The constraint propagation algorithms used in CLP (FD) originate from Arti cial Intelligence, they check the consistency of each constraint separately according to the domain of the variables (arc-consistency). The constraint propagation algorithms used in CLP(FD) can be decribed as particular implementations of a generic algorithm based on few principles. For this purpose let us denote basic constraints by c; d::: and constraint systems by ?; ?0 ; :::: A variable x will be written with its domain xd . By abuse of notation, a variable with a singleton domain xfvg denotes the value v 2 FD of the domain. As terms, v and xfvg are not distinguished. The set of solutions of a constraint system ? over FD is the set of substitutions Sol (?; FD) = f j  = fxd

v j xd 2 V (?); v 2 dg; FD j= ?g

The reduced domain of a variable xd w.r.t. a basic constraint c is the domain DR(xd ; c) = fv 2 d j FD j= 9(c[v=xd ])g

of values v for which the constraint c[v=x] is satis able. A constraint system ? is arc-consistent if 8c 2 ? 8xd 2 V (c) DR(xd ; c) = d

De nition 4.22 The generic constraint propgation algorithm simpli es a system ? of constraints over FD with the following rules associated to basic constraints: \forward checking" (FC), \looking-ahead" (LA), \partial looking-ahead" (PLA) and elimination (EL) Fail: c ^ ? ?! ? if xd 2 V (c) and DR(xd ; c) = ;. FC: c ^ ? ?! ? if V (c) = fxd g, d0 = DR(xd ; c), d0 6= ;, and  = fxd yd0 g where y 62 V (?). LA: c ^ ? ?! c ^ ? if jV (c)j > 1, xd 2 V (c), d0 = DR(xd ; c), d0 6= ;, d0 6= d,  = fxd yd0 g. PLA: c ^ ? ?! c ^ ? if jV (c)j > 1, xd 2 V (c), DR(xd ; c)  d0  d, d0 6= ;,  = fxd

yd0 g.

EL: c ^ ? ?! ? if FD j= c for every valuation  of the variables in c by values of their domain. Lemma 4.23 (Validity) If ? ?! ?0 then Sol (?; FD) = f j  2 Sol (?0 ; FD)g.



For instance, disequality contraints X.=n=Y) are propagated with the FC rule, symbolic constraints as element(I,L,V) are propagated with the LA rule, linear equalities are propagated with the LA rule using a simple reasoning on the bounds of the domain: for a constraint c of the form

aX [k;l]  bY [m;n] + d; a; b > 0; d  0 we have

DR(X [k;l] ; c) = [max(k; k0 ); l] DR(Y [m;n] ; c) = [m; min(n; n0 )] where k0 = d bma+d e and n0 = b anb?d c. The reduced domain can thus be computed in constant time in this case.

Program 4.24 Resolution of the puzzle SEND+MORE=MONEY by a CLP(FD) program which requires the exploration of at most two choice points (or less according to the choice of the variable to enumerate rst). send(L):-sendc(L), labeling(L). sendc([S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y]) :domain([S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y],[0,9]), alldifferent([S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y]), S.=\=0, M.=\=0, 1000*S+100*E+10*N+D + 1000*M+100*O+10*R+E .= 10000*M+1000*O+100*N+10*E+Y. | ?- send(L). L = [9,5,6,7,1,0,8,2] ? ; no | ?- sendc([S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y]). M = 1, O = 0, S = 9, Y+90*N.=10*R+D+91*E, alldifferent([E,N,D,R,Y]), domain(E,[4,7]), domain(N,[5,8]), domain(D,[2,8]), domain(R,[2,8]), domain(Y,[2,8]) ? yes | ?- sendc([S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y]),indomain(E). D = 7, E = 5, M = 1, N = 6, O = 0, R = 8, S = 9, Y = 2 ? ; no | ?- sendc([S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y]),indomain(R). M = 1, O = 0, R = 8, S = 9,

4.6. CLP(FD) AND CLP(N )


Y+90*N.=D+91*E+80, alldifferent([E,N,D,Y]), domain(E,[5,6]), domain(N,[6,7]), domain(D,[2,7]), domain(Y,[2,7]) ? ; no

Constraint propagation is a complete method for some constraints, i.e. it provides a decision procedure. It is the case for instance for systems of inequalities of the form aX  bY + c where a; b; c  0 [47]. In this case the principle LA is complete and gives a simple decision procedure.

Proposition 4.25 (Completeness of LA) Let ? be a constraint system of the form aX  bY + d; a; b > 0; d  0: Let ? ?! ?0 6?!. Then ? is satis able if and only if ?0 6= ?, in which case fx[k;l] k j x 2 V (?0 )g is a solution. If ?0 = ? then by the validity lemma ? is insatis able. If ?0 = 6 ? is irreductible, then for every constraint c 2 ?0 , and every variable xd 2 V (c) we have d = DR(xd ; c). Let  = fx[k;l] k j x 2 V (?0 )g, we can easily check that each constraint in ?0 is satis ed by . Indeed let aX k;l]  bY [m;n] + d be a constraint in ?0 , by de nition of the reduced domain, the constraint a:k  Y [m;n] + d is satis able, thus a:k  b:m + d that is  is a solution. Therefore FD j= ?0 , and by the validity lemma we get that ? is satis able.  Proof:

This class of constraints is important for scheduling problems, as they express precedence constraints, as well as mutual exclusion constraints with a disjonction.

Program 4.26 Solving by simple CLP(FD) queries of a PERT scheduling problem with ve tasks A,B,C,D,E, and of a disjunctive scheduling problem where the mutual exclusion constraints between the tasks C and D are treated as Prolog choice point ;. The higher-order predicate minimize(Goal,Cost) computes the optimal solutions to the goal Goal w.r.t. the objective function Cost by branch and bound. ?- X.>=Y+2. domain(Y,[0,4294967290]), domain(X,[2,4294967292]), X.>=Y+2, t ? yes | ?- minimize((B.>=A+5,C.>=B+2,D.>=B+3,E.>=C+5,E.>=D+5) , E). Solution with cost 13 A = 0, B = 5, D = 8, E = 13, domain(C,[7,8]), C.>=5+2 ? ; no | ?- minimize((B.>=A+5,C.>=B+2,D.>=B+3,E.>=C+5,E.>=D+5, (C.>=D+5 ; D.>=C+5)) , E).



Solution with cost 18 Solution with cost 17 A = 0, B = 5, C = 7, D = 12, E = 17 ? ; no

Although simple in their principle, constraint propagation algorithms have interesting performances for solving large systems of constraints. Furthermore they can be applied to complex global constraints for which the reduced domains can be computed or approximated by powerful algorithms from Operations Research and graph theory. The CLP(FD) programs which have been developed for disjunctive scheduling problems compete today with the best solutions from Operations Research [5]. The reason for this success is the capability of the language to express (and experiment quickly) both complex propagation schemes for global constraints and complex resolution strategies for the problem.

Chapter 5

Formal semantics The rst role of the formal semantics of a programming language is to de ne mathematically what a program computes. But of course the notion of computation is relative to the choice of the properties of the execution that we wish to observe. We can be interested for instance in the trace of the execution, or in the computed answers (the ordered list of answers or the multi-set or the set), or just in the termination, etc. A set of observable properties (or observations) of the execution de nes an equivalence relation on the programs: P  P 0 i for every input, P and P 0 are observationally undistinguishable. A formal semantics S (P ) is correct w.r.t. an equivalence relation on programs , if S (P ) = S (P 0 ) ) P  P 0 , fully abstract if S (P ) = S (P 0 ) , P  P 0 . The formal semantics can be used for analyzing programs or verifying the soundness of program transformations (for optimizing execution for example ). The different ways of de ning the formal semantics provide us with di erent tools for analyzing programs. In the following section we study the operational semantics of CLP languages, which are based on the de nition of the program behavior by an abstract machine (the CSLD resolution rule), then we study for each notion of observable, their related logical, algebraic and xed point semantics.

5.1 Operational Semantics For CLP programs, a natural choice of observation from the point of view of theorem proving, is the observation of successes, that is the existence of a CSLD refutation for a goal. We thus de ne a rst equivalence relation P 1 P 0 i for every goal G, G has a CSLD refutation in P i G has one in P 0 . From the point of view of a programming language, we are of course more interested by the set of computed answers to a goal. We can thus de ne a ner equivalence relation, P 2 P 0 i for every goal G, a constraint c is a computed answer a G in P if and only if c is a computed answer to G in P 0 . We could de ne the operational semantics of a program CLP, as respectively the set of goals which admit a CSLD refutation, and the set of pairs of goals and constraints, < c; G >, such that c is a computed answer for G. The lemma of ^compositionality 3.7 shows however that the computed answers to a compound goal (cjA1 ; :::; An ), are a simple combination of answers to the atomic goals (truejAi ), 1  i  n. The operational behavior of a CLP program w.r.t. the set of computed answers can thus be entirely caracterized by the set of computed answers to atomic goals only. We can thus de ne formally the operational semantics of CLP programs 39



for the observation of computed answers by the set of constrained atoms: O2 (P ) = fcjA j truejA ?! cjg Clearly we have P 2 P 0 i O2 (P ) = O2 (P 0 ). For the observation of succeses we can de ne the operational semantics of the program simply as a subset of the S -base: O1 (P ) = fA 2 BS j truejA ?! cj; S j= cg We have P 1 P 0 i O1 (P ) = O1 (P 0 ).

5.2 Observation of Successes In this section we de ne the xed point semantics and the logical semantics of CLP programs for the observation of successes, and we show the equivalence with the operational semantics O1 . De nition 5.1 Let P be a CLP(S ) program. The immediate consequence operator TPS : 2BS ! 2BS is de ned as: TPS (I ) = fA 2 BS j there exists a renamed clause in normal form (A cjA1 ; :::; An ) 2 P; and a valuation  s.t. S j= c and fA1 ; :::; An g  I gg Proposition 5.2 Let P be a CLP(S ) program, and I be an S -interpretation. I is a S -model of P if and only if I is a post- xed point of TPS , TPS (I )  I . Furthermore I is a supported S -model of P if and only if I is a xed point of TPS , TPS (I ) = I . Proof: I is a S -model of P , i for each clause A cjA1 ; :::; An 2 P and for each S -valuation , if S j= c and fA1 ; :::; An g  I then A 2 I , i TPS (I )  I . I is a xed point of TPS , i TPS (I ) = I , i I = fA 2 I j(A cjA1 ; :::; An ) 2 P; S j= c; fA1 ; :::; An g  I g i I is a supported S -model of P . 

Proposition 5.3 TPS is a continuous operator on the lattice of S -interpretations. Let X be a chain of S -interpretations. A 2 TPS (sup(X )), i (A cjA1 ; :::; An ) 2 P , S j= c and fA1 ; :::; An g  sup(X ), i (A cjA1 ; :::; An ) 2 P , S j= c and fA1 ; :::; An g  I , for some I 2 X , i A 2 TPS (I ) for some I 2 X , i A 2 sup(TPS (X )). . 


By the theorem of Knaster-Tarski, the operator TPS has a least xed point, equal to TPS " !, also equal to its least post- xed point. We can thus de ne the xed point semantics of a program CLP(S ) as the least xed point of this operator: F1 (P ) = lfp (TPS ) = TPS " !

Theorem 5.4 (Least S -model) [25] Let P a constraint logic program on S . P has a least S -model, denoted by MPS satisfying: MPS = F1 (P )



Proof: F1 (P ) = lfp(TPS ) is also the least post- xed point of TPS , thus by 5.2, lfp(TPS ) is the least S -model of P . 

Theorem 5.5 [25] F1 (P ) = O1 (P ). This result is a corollary of the more general theorem 5.12, given in the following section on the observation of computed constraints. 


5.3 Observation of Computed Constraints

The computed answers of a program CLP(S ) can also be characterized by a xed point semantics. The idea is to de ne an immediate consequence operator on the lattice of constrained atoms. There is a complete adequacy between the computed constraints by CSLD resolution and the constraints associated to atoms in the least xed point of this operator. This will be used to show a completeness result w.r.t. correct answers of the logical semantics. Let P a constraint logic program on a structure S presented by a theory T . A constrained atom is a pair cjA composed of a S -satis able constraint c and of an atom A containing no function symbol. The set of closed instances of a constrained atom is de ned as: [cjA]S = fA j S j= cg The set of constrained atoms forms a complete lattice called the T -base and denoted by BT . A constrained interpretation I is a subset of the T -base. We note [I ]S = fA j cjA 2 I; S j= cg the S -interpretation associated to I .

De nition 5.6 The immediate consequence operator TPT : 2BT ! 2BT is de ned as: TPT (I ) = fcjA 2 BT j there exists a renamed clause in normal form (A djA1 ; V :::; An ) 2 P; and constrained atoms fc1 jA1 ; :::; cn jAn g  I , s.t. c = d ^ ni=1 ci is S -satis ableg. Exercise 5.7 Show that TPT is a continuous operator on the lattice of constrained


De nition 5.8 The xed point semantics of a program CLP(S ) is de ned as the least xed point of TPT ,

F2 (P ) = lfp (TPT ) = TPT " !:

Lemma 5.9 For every constrained interpretation I , [TPT (I )] = TPS ([I ]). We prove the two inclusions separately. Let cjA 2 TPT (I ) and  be a valuation solution of c. By de nition of TPT there exists a renamed clause in normal form (A VdnjA1 ; :::; An ) 2 P and constrained atoms fc1jA1 ; :::; cn jAn g  I , such that c = d ^ i=1 ci . Thus  is also a solution of c1 ; :::; cn . Therefore fA1 ; :::; An g  [I ] and by de nition of TPS , we have A 2 TPS . In the other direction, let A 2 TPS ([I ]). By de nition of TPS , there exists a clause (A djA1 ; :::; An ) 2 P such that A1 ; :::; An g  [I ] and  is solution of d. By de nition of [I ], there exist constrained atoms fc1 jA1V; :::; cn jAn g  I renamed in such a way as  is a solution of c1 ; :::; cn . Let c = d ^ ni=1 ci ,  is a solution of c, thus c is S -satis able and by de nition of TPT , we have cjA 2 TPT (I ). Therefore  A 2 [TPT (I )].




Theorem 5.10 [25] For every ordinal , TPS " = [TPT " ]. The proof is by trans nite induction on . The base case = 0 is trivial. For a successor ordinal, we have [TPT " ] = [TPT (TPT " ? 1)], = TPS ([TPT " ? 1]) by lemma 5.9, = TPS (TPS " ? 1) by induction, = TPS " . For a limit ordinal, we have S [TPTS " ] = [ < TPT " ] = S < [TPT " ], = < TPS " by induction, = TPS " .


Corollary 5.11 For every integer n  0, TPS " n has a nite presentation. For every integer n, TPT " n is nite and [TPT " n] = TPS " n.



Theorem 5.12 (Full abstraction) [17] O2 (P ) = F2(P ). If c is a computed answer for the goal truejA, we show that cjA 2 TPT " !


by induction on the length of the derivation m. The base case m = 1 corresponds to the resolution of the goal by a fact of the form A c: We have cjA 2 TPT " 1. For the induction step, the derivation is of the form: (truejA) ?! (djA1 ; :::; An ) ?! (cj):

By the ^-compositionality lemma Vthere exist computed answers c1 ; :::; cn for the goals A1 ; :::; An , such that c = d ^ ni=1 ci . By the induction hypothesis there exist c1 jA1 ; :::; cn jAn 2 TPT " !. Thus by de nition of TPT we obtain cjA 2 TPT " ! + 1 = TPT " !. In the other direction, if cjA 2 TPT " n, we show by induction on n that c is a computed answer for the goal truejA. The base case n = 1 is equivalent to the previous base case. For the induction step, by de nition of TPT , there exists a renamed clause in normal form (A djA1 ; :::; An ) 2 P and fc1jA1 ; :::; cn jAn g  TPT " n ? 1 such that V n c = d ^ i=1 is S -satis able. We thus have the rst step of resolution: (truejA) ?! (djA1 ; :::; An ) and by induction, for every i, 1  i  n: (truejAi ) ?! (ci j): As c is satis able then by lemma 3.7, we deduce that (truejA) ?! (cj):

Corollary 5.13 c is a computed answer for the goal VdjAn 1 ; :::; An if and only if there exists fc1 jA1 ; :::; cn jAn g  TPT " ! such that c = d ^ i=1 ci .



By the ^-compositionality lemma 3.7.


Theorem 5.14 (Soundness of the CSLD resolution) [25] Let P be a CLP (S ) program. If c is a computed answer for the goal G then c is a correct answer. If G = (djA1 ; :::; An ), we deduce from the ^-compositionality lemma 3.7,thatVthere exist computed answers c1 ; :::; cn for the goals A1 ; :::; An such that c = d ^ ni=1 ci is satis able. For every i, 1  i  n we have ci jAi 2 TPT " !, by 5.12, [ci jAi ]  MPS , by 5.10, and 5.2, P j=S 8(ci  Ai ) as MPS is the least S -model of P , P j=S 8(c  Ai ) as S j= 8(c  ci ). Therefore we have P j=S 8(c  (d ^ A1 ^ ::: ^ An )). 


Theorem 5.15 (Completeness of the CSLD resolution) [35] Let P be a CLP (S ) program. If c is a correct answer for the goal G then there exists a (possibly in nite) set fci gi0 of computed answers for G, such that: S j= 8(c 



9Yi ci ):

According to the ^-compositionality lemma 3.7, it is sucient to prove the theorem for an atomic goal A. Let c be a correct answer for the goal A. For every solution  of c, A is true in all the S -models of P , i A is true in the least S -model of P , i A 2 TPS " !, by 5.5, i A 2 [TPT " !], by 5.9, i c jA 2 TPT " !, for some constraint c s.t.  is solution of 9Y c , where Y = V (c ) n V (A), i c is a computed answer for A (by 5.12). By taking the collection of all these constraints c we obtain: Proof:


S j= 8(c  9Y c ) c

The fact that a possibly in nite set of computed answers has to be considered to insure the completeness w.r.t. correct answers in the structure S , is the same as for logic programs without constraints, when the Herbrand's domain, H, is formed on a nite alphabet. For instance if SF = f0; sg, then with the program P = fp(0); p(s(X )) p(X )g the goal p(X ) has an in nite set of successful derivations with set of computed substitutions fX si (0) j i  0g: We have P; H j= 8Xp(X ), but the identity substitution is not a computed answer. If we take for the notion of correct answers, not the truth in the structure S , but the truth w.r.t. the logical consequences of the theory T of presentation of S , the number of computed answers to consider is nite.

Theorem 5.16 (Completeness w.r.t. the theory of the structure) [35] Let P be a constraint logic program on a structure S presented by a theory T . If P; T j= 8(c  G) ^ 9(c)



then there exists a nite set fc1; :::; cn g of computed answers to G, such that:

T j= 8(c  9Y1 c1 _ ::: _ 9Yn cn ): Proof: If P; T j= c  G then for every model S of T , for every S -solution  of c, there exists a computed constraint cS ; for G s.t. S j= cS ; . Let fci gi0 be the set

of these computed answers. Then for every model S and for every S -valuation , S j= c  _i1 9Yi ci , therefore T j= c  _i1 9Yi ci , hence by applying the compactness theorem of rstorder logic, there exists a nite part, let fci g1in , such that T j= c  _ni=1 9Yi ci .

5.4 Observation of Finite Failures

De nition 5.17 Let P a program CLP(S ). A derivation CSLD is fair if every

atom which appears in a goal of the derivation is selected after a nite number of resolution steps. A fair CSLD tree for a goal G is a CSLD derivation tree for G in which all derivations are fair. A goal G i nitely failed if G has a fair CSLD derivation tree to G, which is nite and which contains no success.

Finite failure is another observable property of logic programs that it is worth considering in addition to computed answers. Finite failure corresponds to a notion of negative answer to a goal. However the logical semantics based on the logical consequences of the program where each rule is viewed as an implication doesn't allow us to infere negative logical consequences, just because the Herbrand's base constitute a model of the program in which all the atoms are true. On the other hand, the declarative semantics based on the least S -model of the program is undecidable. This is easy to see on the Herbrand's domain with a Prolog program. Indeed, let us suppose the opposite, as Prolog is a language universal, there thus exists a Prolog program for de ning the following predicates: which is true if MP j= 9B (i.e. if the goal B has a successful SLD derivation with the program P ), false otherwise (i.e. MP j= :9B ), fail(P,B) the negation of success(P,B).


We obtain a contradiction by considering the following program and goal: loop:- loop. contr(P):- success(P,P), loop. contr(P):- fail(P,P). ?- contr(contr).

If contr(contr) has an SLD refutation, then it is also the case for the goal success(contr,contr) which is true, hence fail(contr,contr) fails, thus by de nition of the predicate contr, the goal contr(contr) doesn't admit an SLD

refutation: a contradiction. If contr(contr) admits a successful derivation, then the goal fail(contr,contr) is true, thus the goal has an SLD refutation: a contradiction.



Hence we conclude that the programs success and fail can not exist. In order to give a declarative semantics to nite failures, it is thus necessary to review the logical interpretation of the program, and to read the rules of the program, as de nitions of the predicates by equivalences, and instead of by implications. De nition 5.18 Let P be a CLP program on a structure S , presented by a theory T . The Clark's completion of P is the set of formulas formed of T and of P  de ned as the set of formulas of the form 8Xp(X ) $ (9Y1 c1 ^ A11 ^ ::: ^ A1n1 ) _ ::: _ (9Yk ck ^ Ak1 ^ ::: ^ Aknk ) obtained for each predicate symbol p 2 P by collecting the rules which de ne p in P , p(X ) ci jAi1 ; :::; Aini with local variables Yi , or of the form 8X :p(X ) if p is not de ned in P . Example 5.19 Let P be the program CLP (H) de ned by the only rule p(s(X ) p(X ) i.e. p(X ) X = s(Y )jp(Y ). The Clark's completion of P is the equality theory CET augmented with P  = f8x p(x) $ 9y x = s(y) ^ p(y): The goal p(0) is nitely failed, we verify easily that P  ; CET j= :p(0). On the other hand the goal p(X ) has an in nite fair derivation, it is thus not nitely failed, hence P  ; CET 6j= :9xp(x). The cause of this situation is the existence of non-standard models of CET (cf. 4.8), on the other hand in the standard model P  ; H j= :9xp(x). We shall show that the logical consequences of the program's completion does characterize nite failures. Before that we show that the Clark's completion doesn't change the logical semantics of correct answers. Proposition 5.20 Let P be a constraint logic program on a structure S and I be an S -interpretation on P . The following propositions are equivalent: i) I is a supported S -model of P , ii) I is a S -model of P  . iii) I is a xed point of TPS Proof: I is a S -model of P i I is a S -model of 8X p(X ) 1 _ ::: _ k for every formula 8X p(X ) $ 1 _ ::: _ k in P  , i I is a post- xed point of TPS , i.e. :TPS (I )  I . I is a supported S -interpretation of P , i I is a S -model of 8X p(X ) ! 1 _ ::: _ k for every formula 8X p(X ) $ 1 _ ::: _ k in P  , i I is a pre- xed point of TPS , i.e. I  TPS (I ). We deduce that I is a supported S -model of P , i I is a S -model of P  ,  i I is a xed point of TPS .



Theorem 5.21 Let P be a constraint logic program on a structure S . i) P  has the same least S -model than P , MPS = MPS , ii) P j=S c ! A i P  j=S c ! A, for every constraint c and every atom A, iii) P; T j= c ! A i P  ; T j= c ! A. i) is an immediate corollary of 5.5 and 5.21. For iii) we clearly have (P; T j= c ! A) ) (P  ; T j= c ! A). We show the contrapositive of the opposite, (P; T 6j= c ! A) ) (P  ; T 6j= c ! A). Let I be a model of P and T , based on a structure S , let  be a valuation such that I j= :A and S j= c. We have MPS j= :A, thus MPS j= :A, and as T j= c, we conclude that  P ; T 6j= c ! A. The proof of ii) is identical, the structure S being xed. 


Remark 5.22 As shown by the completeness theorems 5.15, and 5.16, P j=S c ! A doesn't imply P; T j= c ! A. The previous theorem shows that the replacement of P by P  exactly preserves these di erences for the logical consequences of the form c ! A. Theorem 5.23 (Soundness of the negation by nite failure) Let P be a logic program with constraint on a structure S presented by a theory T . If G is nitely failed then P  ; T j= :G. By induction on the height h of the tree in nite failure for G = cjA; where A is the selected atom at the root of the tree. In the base case h = 1, the constrained atom cjA has no CSLD transition, we can deduce that P  ; T j= :(c ^ A) hence that P  ; T j= :G. Proof:

For the induction step, let us suppose h > 1. Let G1 ; :::; Gn be the sons of the root and Y1 ; :::; Yn be the respective sets of introduced variables. We have P  ; T j= G $ 9Y1 G1 _ ::: _ 9n Gn . By induction hypothesis, P  ; T j= :Gi for every 1  i  n, therefore P  ; T j= :G. 

Lemma 5.24 If (cjA) ?! (djA1 ; :::; An) then [djA]  TPS ([fdjA1 ; :::; djAn g]). Theorem 5.25 (Completeness of nite failure) [25] Let P be a constraint logic program on a structure S presented by a theory T . If P  ; T j= :G then G is nitely failed.

We show that if G has a fair CSLD tree which is not nitely failed then P  ; T ; 9(G) is satis able. If G has a succesful derivation then by the soundness theorem (5.14), P  ; T j= 9G. Otherwise G has a fair in nite CSLD-derivation


G = c0 jG0 ?! c1 jG1 ?! c2 jG2 ?! ::: For every i S 0, ci is T -satis able, thus by the compactness theorem of rst-order logic, c! = i0 ci is T -satis able. Let S be a model of T s.t. S j= 9(c! ). Let I0 = fA j A 2 Gi for some i  0 and let S j= c! g. As the derivation is fair, every atom A in I0 is selected in a step of resolution, thus c! jA ?! c! jA1 ; :::; An with [c! jA] [ ::: [ [c! jAn ]  I0 . Of the lemma 5.24 we deduce that I0  TPS (I0 ) hence I0  TPS (I0 ).



By the theorem of Knaster-Tarski, the iterated application up to ordinal ! of the operator TPS from I0 leads to a xed point I s.t. I0  I , thus [c! jG0 ] 2 I . We deduce that P  ; 9(G) is S -satis able, thus that P  ; T ; 9(G) is satis able.  Introducing the connective of negation in logic programs, suppresses the restriction to Horn clause formulas, and generalizes the approach to the whole rst-order logic. The Clark's completion of logic programs with negation can be inconsistent however, e.g. p :p:. One solution to restore the consistency of such programs is to skip to Kleene's three-valued logic [16], [32]. The principle of negation by nite failure is correct but incomplete w.r.t. the three-valued logic semantics of logic programs with negation. Another principle called of constructive negation is proved complete for CLP programs with negation in [45]. In [12] we de ne a principle of constructive negation by pruning, where negation is handled by a concurrent mechanism of pruning between standard CSLD derivation trees, and whose computed answers are characterized by a simple xed point semantics. These results make it possible to investigate the implementation of CLP systems not limited to Horn clausal formulas, in which for instance the implementation of the optimization predicates (cf. 4.26) can be derived [12].



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