Constraints on cosmological parameters in power-law cosmology

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May 20, 2014 - tests also support such kind of evolution, such as the galaxy number ... Numerous other evaluates of H0 are 73.8±2.4 km/s/Mpc [25], 67.0±3.2 km/s/Mpc [26]. ... results for flat power-law cosmology have been described in Table II. ..... Using latest specifications, we generated 500 data sets as explained in.
Constraints on cosmological parameters in power-law cosmology Sarita Rani1a , A. Altaibayeva2b , M. Shahalam3c J. K. Singh1d R. Myrzakulov2,e 1

Department of Mathematics,Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India 2 Department of General and Theoretical Physics, Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan 3 Center For Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India (Dated: May 21, 2014)

arXiv:1404.6522v2 [gr-qc] 20 May 2014

In this paper, we examine observational constraints on the power law cosmology; essentially dependent on two parameters H0 (hubble constant) and q (deceleration parameter). We investigate the constraints on these parameters using the latest 28 points of H(z) data and 580 points of Union2.1 compilation data performing a joint test with H(z) and Union2.1 compilation data. We also forecast constraints using a simulated data set for the future JDEM, supernovae survey. Our studies show that power-law cosmology tunes well with the H(z) and Union2.1 compilation data; the estimates obtained with 1σ are in close agreement with the recent probes described in the literature. However, the constraints obtained on < H0 > and < q > i.e. H0 average and q average using the simulated data set for the future JDEM, supernovae survey are found to be inconsistent with the values obtained from the H(z) and Union2.1 SNe Ia data. We also perform the statefinder analysis and find that the power-law cosmological models approach the standard ΛCDM model as q → −1. Finally, we observe that although the power-law cosmology explains several prominent features of evolution of the universe, it fails in details.

a b c d e

E-mail address: sarita [email protected] E-mail address: [email protected] E-mail address: [email protected] E-mail address: [email protected] E-mail address: [email protected]

2 I.


The Standard Cosmological Model (SM) of Universe a la ΛCDM complemented by the inflationary phase is remarkably a successful theory, although, the cosmological constant problem still remains to be one of the major unsolved problems[1] of our times. It is therefore reasonable to examine the alternative cosmological models to explain the observed universe. Power-law cosmology is one of the interesting alternatives to deal with some usual problems (age, flatness and horizon problems etc.) associated with the standard model. In such a model, the cosmological evolution is explained by the geometrical scale factor a(t) ∝ tβ with β as a positive constant. The power law evolution with β ≥ 1 has been discussed at length in a series of articles in distinct contexts [2–11]; phantom power-law cosmology is discussed in Ref. [15]. The motivation for such a scenario comes from a number of considerations. For example, power-law cosmology does not face the horizon problem [10], as well as the flatness problem. Another remarkable feature of these models is that they easily accommodate high redshift objects and hence reduce the age problem. These models also deal with the fine tuning problem, in an attempt to dynamically solve the cosmological constant problem [16–20]. A power law evolution of the cosmological scale factor with β ≈ 1 is an excellent fit to a host of cosmological observations. Any model supporting such a coasting presents itself as a falsifiable model as far as classical cosmological tests are concerned as it exhibits distinguishable and verifiable features. Classical cosmological tests also support such kind of evolution, such as the galaxy number counts as a function of redshift and the data on angular diameter distance as a function of redshift [21]. However, these tests are not considered as reliable tests of a viable model since these are marred by evolutionary effects (e.g. mergers). Now, since SNe Ia are reliable standard candles, and hubble test has become more reliable to that of a precision measurement. Cosmological parameters prove to be the backbone of any of the cosmological models, therefore it becomes important to obtain a concise range or more specifically, the estimated values of such parameters using available observational data, so that the said model can explain the present evolution of the universe more precisely. In this series of cosmological parameters we observe that the Hubble constant (H0 ) and deceleration parameter (q) are very important in describing the current nature of the universe. H0 explains the current expansion rate of the universe whereas q describes the nature of the expansion rate. In last few years, various attempts have been done to evaluate the value of H0 . Freedman et al. [22] evaluated a value of H0 = 72 ± 8 km/s/Mpc. Suyu et al.[23] evaluated H0 as 69.7+4.9 −5.0 km/s/Mpc. WMAP7 evaluated the value of H0 = 71.0 ± 2.5 km/s/Mpc (with WMAP alone), and H0 = 70.4+1.3 −1.4 km/s/Mpc (with Gaussian priors ) [24]. Numerous other evaluates of H0 are 73.8 ± 2.4 km/s/Mpc [25], 67.0 ± 3.2 km/s/Mpc [26]. Most recent PLANCK evaluate of the Hubble constant gives a value of H0 = 67.3 ± 1.2 km/s/Mpc [27]. Along with the above mentioned evaluates of H0 , several other authors, [7], [10–14] obtained the constraints on cosmological parameters including H0 , q and β in open, closed and flat power law cosmology. Numerical results for flat power-law cosmology have been described in Table II. In a recent paper, Kumar [13] has investigated observational constraints on the power-law cosmological parameters using H(z) and SN Ia data and discussed various features of power-law cosmology. In the present work, we are investigating the scenario similar to an analysis done in ref. [13] for flat power law cosmology. Here we use the most recent observational datasets such as 28 points of H(z) data [28], Union2.1 compilation data [29] and the joint data i.e. H(z) + Union2.1 data. Here, we also forecast constraints using a simulated data set for the future JDEM, supernovae survey [37, 38] and also employ Statefinder analysis of the results obtained.



For a flat FLRW metric, the line element is   ds2 = c2 dt2 − a2 (t) dr2 + r2 (dθ2 + sin2 θdφ2 ) ,


3 where, a(t) is the scale factor and t is the cosmic proper time. In this paper, we discuss general power law cosmology, 

a(t) = a0

t t0


where, t0 and β represents the present age of the universe and dimensionless positive parameter respectively. Here and subsequently, the subscript 0 defines the present-day value of the parameters considered.


a˙ β = a t

and H0 =

β t0

The relation between the red shift and the scale factor is given by a(t) 1 = a0 1+z


The age of the universe at redshift z is given as t(z) =

β H(z)


where 1

H(z) = H0 (1 + z) β ,


The acceleration of the universe can be measured through a dimensionless cosmological function called as the deceleration parameter q. In this scenario q is q=−

a ¨ 1 = − 1, aH 2 β


where, q < 0 explains an accelerating universe, whereas q ≥ 0 describes a universe which is either decelerating or expanding at the ’coasting’ rate. Equation (2.5) in terms of q can be written as H(z) = H0 (1 + z)(1+q)


Equation (2.7) implies that the parameters H0 and q explain history of the universe in power law cosmology. In this paper, we study the well behaved power-law cosmological model, focussing on the parameters q and H0 , also we find the observational constraints on both of the above parameters to the latest 28 data points of H(z) [28] and Union2.1 data compilation [29] of 580 data points. We also use the simulated data for upcoming Supernova (SN) surveys like JDEM to constrain the above said parameters [37, 38].



• H(z) Data: We find the observational constraints on both of the parameters H0 and q to the latest 28 data points of H(z) [28] in the redshift range 0.07 ≤ z ≤ 2.3. The values are presented in the Table 1. To complete the data set, we have used the latest and most precise measurement of the Hubble constant H0 from


71.0 70

70.5 70.0




69.5 66

69.0 68.5


68.0 62

67.5 67.0 -0.50-0.45-0.40-0.35-0.30-0.25-0.20

60 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10


q (a)


FIG. 1. The panel (a) and (b) shows the 1σ (dark shaded) and 2σ (light shaded) likelihood contours in the q − H0 plane obtained by power-law cosmological model with H(z) and Union2.1 compilation data respectively; the H0 is represented in units of Km/s/Mpc. Black dot in each panel shows the best fit values of q and H0 .

71 70


69 68 67 66 -0.35 -0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10

q FIG. 2. This figure shows the 1σ (dark shaded) and 2σ (light shaded) likelihood contours in the q − H0 plane for joint analysis (H(z) + Union2.1 compilation data). Here, the H0 is represented in units of Km/s/Mpc. Black dot represents the best fit values of q and H0 .

PLANCK 2013 results [27]. we define χ2 as χ2H (q, H0 ) =

29 X (Hexp (zj , q, H0 ) − Hobs (zj ))2 j=1



Where Hexp is the expected value of the Hubble constant in the power law cosmology, Hobs is the observational value and σj is the corresponding 1σ error. The model contains two independent parameters namely q and H0 . As β > 0 is required in power law cosmology hence q > −1 and H0 ≥ 0, therefore we


46 44


ΜH z L

HH z L




40 38


36 34

0 0.0

















FIG. 3. The panels (a) and (b) show the observational data points of H(z) and SNe Ia respectively with error bars. The best fitted behaviour is based on joint data i.e. (H(z)+ SNe Ia), and is shown by solid curve, whereas the dashed and dotted curve corresponds to the maximum and minimum values in the 1σ region. In both the panels, we see that best fitted behaviour is in good agreement with the observational data particularly at redshift z < 1. The H(z) is expressed in units of Km/s/Mpc.

find the best fit values of q and H0 by restricting the parameteric space as q > −1 and H0 ≥ 0. As a result, we obtained the best fit values of the parameters as q = −0.0440, H0 = 65.1738 km/s/Mpc and χ2δ = 1.3509, and the values of the parameters with 1σ error are obtained as q = −0.0440+0.0496 −0.0508 and 2 2 H0 = 65.1738+1.6035 km/s/Mpc. where χ = χ /(degree of freedom). The above obtained results −1.5990 min δ show that the power law cosmological model is observationally fit to newly obtained H(z) data as the present-day universe is accelerating as per different observations. The 1σ (dark shaded) and 2σ (light shaded) likelihood contours around the best fit point (q, H0 ) (represented by black dot) in the q − H0 plane are shown in figure 1(a). • Union2.1 SN Ia Data : We now put constraints on the above said parameters by using Type Ia supernova observation which is one of the direct probes for the cosmological expansion. SNe Ia are always used as standard candles for estimating the apparent magnitude m(z) at peak brightness after accounting for various corrections, and are believed to provide strongest constraints on the cosmological parameters. In this investigation, we work with recently released Union2.1 compilation set of 580 SNe Ia data points. For a standard candle of absolute magnitude M and luminosity distance dL , the apparent magnitude m(z) is expressed as   dL m = M + 5 log10 + 25, (3.2) 1 M pc where M is constant for all SNe Ia. Equation (3.2) can be written as m = M + 5 log10 DL (z) − 5 log10 H0 + 52.38 .


where DL (z) =

H0 dL (z). c


The distance modulus µ(z) = m − M is given by µ(z) = 5 log10 DL (z) − 5 log10 H0 + 52.38 .












0.4 0.2


0.4 0.2

SN+HHzL 0.0 0.0


SN 0.2

SN+HHzL 0.0







-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0




s (a)


FIG. 4. The panel (a) shows the time evolution of the statefinder pair {r, s} for power- law cosmological model. The model converge to the fixed point (r = 1, s = 0) which corresponds to LCDM. The panel (b) shows the time evolution of the statefinder pair {r, q} for said model. The point (r = 1, q = 0.5) corresponds to a matter dominated universe (SCDM) and converges to the point (r = 1, q = −1) which corresponds to the de Sitter expansion (dS). The black dots on the curves from left to right show the position of statefinder parameters in the best fit model based on SNe Ia, H(z) + SNe Ia and H(z) data.

DL , the Hubble free luminosity distance can now be expressed as   Z z H0 1 1 ∗ DL (z) = (1 + z) (1 + z) − . dz = ∗ q (1 + z)q−1 0 H(z )


χ2 can be defined as χ2SN (q, H0 ) =

580 X (µexp (zj , q, H0 ) − µobs (zj ))2 j=1




Best fit values of model parameters in the parametric space (q > −1 and H0 ≥ 0) with 1σ error are +0.5220 2 obtained as q = −0.3610+0.0510 −0.0507 and H0 = 69.1659−0.5185 km/s/Mpc together with χδ = 0.9798. Here also, the results obtained show that the power law cosmological model is observationally fit to newly obtained Union2.1 compilation data. The 1σ (dark shaded) and 2σ (light shaded) likelihood contours around the best fit point (q, H0 ) (represented by black dot) in the q − H0 plane are shown in figure 1(b). • Joint Test : H(z) + Union2.1 SN Ia data Now since both of the data i.e. H(z) data and Union2.1 SN Ia data are obtained from independent cosmological probes, hence these can be combined. Here, we perform joint analysis i.e. we find the constraints on the model independent parameters with the joint data. We take the joint likelihood 2 L ∝ e−χ /2 to be the product of the separate likelihoods of the two probes i.e. H(z) and Union2.1 SN probe. Thus the joint χ2 is χ2joint = χ2H + χ2SN .


where χ2H is given by Eq. (3.1) and χ2SN by Eq. (3.7). In the joint analysis, best fit values of model parameters in the parametric space (q > −1 and H0 ≥ 0) with 1σ error are obtained as

7 TABLE I. H(z) measurements and their errors [28]. z 0.070 0.100 0.120 0.170 0.179 0.199 0.200 0.270 0.280 0.350 0.352 0.400 0.440 0.480 0.593 0.600 0.680 0.730 0.781 0.875 0.880 0.900 1.037 1.300 1.430 1.530 1.750 2.300

H(z) (km/s/Mpc) 69 69 68.6 83 75 75 72.9 77 88.8 76.3 83 95 82.6 97 104 87.9 92 97.3 105 125 90 117 154 168 177 140 202 224

σH (km/s/Mpc) 19.6 12 26.2 8 4 5 29.6 14 36.6 5.6 14 17 7.8 62 13 6.1 8 7.0 12 17 40 23 20 17 18 14 40 8

Reference [30] [31] [30] [31] [32] [32] [30] [31] [30] [33] [32] [31] [34] [35] [32] [34] [32] [34] [32] [32] [35] [31] [32] [31] [31] [31] [31] [36]

+0.4477 2 q = −0.2086+0.0374 −0.0379 and H0 = 68.0209−0.4436 km/s/Mpc together with χδ = 1.0683. Obtained results show that the power law cosmological model is observationally fit to the joint data too. The 1σ (dark shaded) and 2σ (light shaded) likelihood contours around the best fit point (q, H0 ) (represented by black dot) in the q − H0 plane are shown in figure 2.

• JDEM : Simulated SN data To look at what can be achieved in future, we also use a simulated dataset [37] based on the upcoming JDEM SN-survey containing around 2300 SNe. These are distributed over a redshift range from z = 0 to z = 1.7. We assume a simplified error model where the errors are same for all supernovae and independent of redshift. We assume a statistical error of σ = 0.13 magnitude, as expected from JDEM-like future surveys [38]. Using latest specifications, we generated 500 data sets as explained in [39], considering ΛCDM model as our fiducial model with Ωm0 = 0.3. For each of these experiments i.e. 500 experiments, the best-fitting parameters H0 and q were calculated. We then calculated r and s for each experiment from the calculated values of the model parameters and finally we computed the mean values of H0 , q, r, and s as < H0 >, < q >, < r >, and < s >. The numerical results obtained have been presented in Table III.



High redshift supernovae observations indicate the acceleration of the universe. In order to explain it, numerous dark energy models have been proposed in the literature. Given the rapidly improving quality of

8 TABLE II. Summary of the numerical results for flat universe. Data


H0 (km/s/Mpc)


H(z) (14 points)

−0.18+0.12 −0.12

68.43+2.84 −2.80

SNIa (Union2)

−0.38+0.05 −0.05

69.18+0.55 −0.54


−0.34+0.05 −0.05

68.93+0.53 −0.52


70.3+2.5 −2.5

0.99+0.04 −0.04


70.4+1.4 −1.4

0.99+0.02 −0.02

H(z) (29 points)

+1.6035 −0.0440+0.0496 −0.0508 65.1738−1.5990

SNIa (Union2.1 )

+0.5220 −0.3610+0.0510 −0.0507 69.1659−0.5185


+0.4478 −0.2086+0.0374 −0.0380 68.0209−0.4416




This Letter

TABLE III. Numerical results summary of simulated data. Data

JDEM −0.0656−0.0003 +0.0003

< H0 >(km/s/Mpc) 25.9083−0.0030 +0.0030

−0.0002 −0.0570−0.0002 +0.0002 0.6229+0.0002

observational data and also the abundance of different theoretical models of dark energy, the need of the day clearly is a robust and sensitive statistic that can clearly differentiate various dark energy models both from each other and, even from an exact cosmological constant. This task is believed to be done by some fundamental variables which are either geometrical or physical. Physical variables are model dependent, while geometrical variables are more universal. Therefore, geometrical variables are commonly used while describing the present accelerated expansion of the universe and properties of ’dark energy’. The most well-known geometric varibles are Hubble parameter H = a/a ˙ and deceleration parameter q = −a¨ a/a˙ 2 . But different dark energy models encounter degeneracy on these two geometric parameters at the present epoch i.e. the rival dark energy models can give rise to one and the same value of H0 and q0 at the present time [40]. Thus, the geometric parameters H and q are not a viable diagnostic tool to differentiate between different dark energy models. Sahni et al. [41, 42] introduced a new cosmological diagnostic pair {r, s} called Statefinder; to characterize the properties of dark energy in a model independent manner. Where the parameter r forms the next step in the hierarchy of geometrical cosmological parameters after the above discussed hubble parameter H and the deceleration parameter q, while s is a linear combination of q and r. This pair probes the expansion dynamics of the universe through higher derivatives of the expansion factor. The statefinders are defined as r=


a aH 3



r−1 3(q−1/2)


where q 6= 12 .

The striking feature of statefinders is that, if the role of dark energy is played by a cosmological constant, then the value of r remains fixed at r = 1 and s stays pegged at s = 0. Thus, {r, s}={1, 0} is a fixed point for the flat ΛCDM FLRW cosmological model and a departure of a given dark energy model from this fixed point gives a good way of distinguishing the model form flat ΛCDM. The statefinder diagnostic tool has

9 been widely used in the literature as a means to distinguish between different dark energy models [43–46] and the references therein. The statefinders for power-law cosmological model are evaluated as r = 2q 2 + q


s = 32 (q + 1).

It can be simply observed that r = 1 and s = 0 at q = −1. Thus, the power-law cosmology follows ΛCDM at q = −1. The evolution of statefinders are shown in figure 4 for the range −1 ≤ q < 0.5 . The left uppermost black dot in figure 4 (a) at (s, r) = (0, 1) shows the flat ΛCDM model whereas the uppermost black dot in figure 4 (b) shows the de Sitter (dS) point (q, r) = (−1, 1). The other black dots in both the panels from left to right correspond to the best fit models based on SNe Ia, H(z)+SNe Ia and H(z) data. The ΛCDM point (0, 1) or identically the dS point (−1, 1) shows the attracting behaviour in power-law cosmology, and the SCDM point (r = 1, q = 0.5) shows the diverging behaviour, as shown in Refs. [43, 44] for different dark energy models. The constraints obtained on the statefinders with 1σ error, with H(z) data are r = −0.0401+0.0409 −0.0419 and +0.0225 +0.0340 s = 0.6373+0.0331 , with SNe Ia data are r = −0.1003 and s = 0.4260 and with joint test of H(z) −0.0339 −0.0226 −0.0338 +0.0249 and SNe Ia data are r = −0.1216+0.0062 and s = 0.5276 . The above results have been summarised in −0.0063 −0.0253 Table IV.



Precision cosmological observations offer the possibility of uncovering essential properties of the universe. Here, we have investigated power-law cosmology a(t) ∝ tβ , which has some prominent features, making it unique when compared to the other models of the universe. For example, for β ≥ 1, it addresses to the horizon, flatness and age problems [18, 19, 21] and all these features provide viability to the power-law cosmology to dynamically solve the cosmological constant problem. In the work presented here, we use the most recent observational data sets from H(z) and SNe Ia observations. We also have tested power-law cosmology with joint test which uses the H(z) and SNe Ia data and have obtained the constraints on the two crucial cosmological parameters H0 and q. We also have forecasted these constraints with simulated data for large future surveys like JDEM. Statistically, this model may be preferred over other models as we have to fit only two parameters. Numerical results obtained have been concluded in the Tables II, III and IV. In this paper we observe, that the negative value of the deceleration parameter clearly indicate that the H(z) and SNe Ia observations are successfully able to explain the present cosmic acceleration in the context of power-law cosmology. We also notice that estimated values of Hubble constant from H(z) and SNe Ia observations in power-law-cosmology, closely agree with numerous independent investigations of H0 shown in the literature [13, 22–27], discussed in section I. Contour plots of derived best-fitting model fits well to the H(z) and SNe Ia observational data points as shown in figures 1 and 2. The statefinder diagnostic carried out shows that power-law cosmological model will finally approach the ΛCDM model as shown in figure 4. From the results mentioned in Table III, one can also conclude that future surveys like JDEM demands an accelerated expansion of the universe but with smaller values of Hubble constant within the framework of power-law cosmology. From the above discussed results, it can be concluded that though power law cosmology has several prominent features but still it fails to explain redshift based transition of the universe from deceleration to acceleration, because here we do not have red shift or time dependent deceleration parameter q. Thus, in nutshell it can clearly be said that despite having numerous remarkable features, the power-law cosmology does not fit well in dealing with all cosmological challenges.


We are indebted to M. Sami for useful discussions and comments. Author SR thanks A. A. Sen, S. Jhingan and the whole CTP, JMI for providing the necessary facilities throughout this work. SR also acknowledges

10 TABLE IV. Constraints on statefinders from H(z), SNIa and joint data. Data



H(z) (14 points)

−0.09+0.04 −0.03

0.58+0.04 −0.12

SNIa (Union2)

−0.09+0.03 −0.02

0.41+0.03 −0.03


−0.11+0.02 −0.01

0.44+0.03 −0.03



+0.0331 H(z) (29 points) −0.0401+0.0409 −0.0419 0.6373−0.0339 +0.0340 SNIa (Union2.1 ) −0.1003+0.0225 −0.0226 0.4260−0.0338 This Letter


+0.0249 −0.1216+0.0062 −0.0063 0.5276−0.0253

Gurmeet Singh and Vikas Kumar for their continuous support in improving this manuscript.

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