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Acknowledgments. Thanks to Professor Ludwig Elsner, Professor Richard S. Varga, and an anonymous referee for comments and suggestions. References. 1.
Constr. Approx. (2001) 17: 267–274 DOI: 10.1007/s003650010021

CONSTRUCTIVE APPROXIMATION © 2001 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

Faber Polynomials Corresponding to Rational Exterior Mapping Functions J. Liesen Abstract. Faber polynomials corresponding to rational exterior mapping functions of degree (m, m − 1) are studied. It is shown that these polynomials always satisfy an (m + 1)-term recurrence. For the special case m = 2, it is shown that the Faber polynomials can be expressed in terms of the classical Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. In this case, explicit formulas for the Faber polynomials are derived.

1. Introduction Suppose that Ä ⊂ C is a compact set containing more than one point. Further, suppose ˆ is simply connected in the extended complex plane that its complement ÄC := C\Ä ˆ := C ∪ {∞}. Let E := {z : |z| ≤ 1} denote the closed unit disk. Then the Riemann C mapping theorem guarantees the existence of a conformal map 9 : EC → ÄC ,

z = 9(w),


which is made unique by the normalization 9(∞) = ∞



9 0 (∞) =: t > 0.

We call 9 the exterior mapping function of Ä. In a neighborhood of infinity, 9 can be expanded as ´ ³ α2 α1 + 2 + ··· . (3) 9(w) = t w + α0 + w w For R > 1, we define (4)

L R := {9(w) : |w| = R}.

Then the nth Faber polynomial Fn (z) for Ä is defined by the following expansion: (5)

∞ X Fn (z) 9 0 (w) =: , 9(w) − z wn+1 n=0

|w| > R,

z ∈ int(L R ),

Date received: September 27, 1999. Date revised: January 10, 2000. Date accepted: March 9, 2000. Communicated by Dieter Gaier. On line publication: October 11, 2000. AMS classification: 30C10, 30C20. Key words and phrases: Faber polynomials, Chebyshev polynomials, Rational conformal mappings. 267


J. Liesen

where int(L R ) denotes the interior of the Jordan curve L R . It is easy to show that Fn (z) is of exact degree n with leading term (z/t)n . Using (3), the following wellknown recurrence relation can be derived by comparing equal powers of w in (5): (6) F0 (z) ≡ 1,

Fn (z) =

n−2 X z α j Fn−1− j (z) − nαn−1 , Fn−1 (z) − t j=0

n ≥ 1.

Faber introduced these polynomials in 1903 in the context of polynomial approximation of analytic functions in the complex plane [6]. Since then his work has found applications in many areas of mathematics and a large number of papers on Faber polynomials have been published. Examples of applications and further properties can be found in [3], [15], [16]. Suetin’s recent book [16] additionally contains a comprehensive bibliography of the literature on Faber polynomials (188 references). Recently, Faber polynomials for particular regions in the complex plane have been the subject of much research. For example, He studied Faber polynomials for circular arcs [8] and circular lunes [9]. Coleman and Smith [2], as well as Gatermann, Hoffmann, and Opfer [7], considered circular sectors, while Coleman and Myers [1] worked on annular sectors. Eiermann and Varga [5], as well as He [10] and He and Saff [11], considered hypocycloidal domains. Here we study Faber polynomials for sets that have rational exterior mapping functions. Examples for such sets include some convex sets (circles, ellipses), some nonconvex but starlike sets (hypocycloids), and non-starlike sets (circular arcs, and the “bratwurst” shape sets we introduced in [12]). Because of this generality such sets have many applications, in particular in numerical linear algebra, where they are used as inclusion sets for the eigenvalues of a given matrix (see, e.g., [13], and the references therein for more details). In Section 2, we show that the Faber polynomials for a set Ä with rational exterior mapping function 9 always satisfy a short recurrence, even if the Laurent expansion (3) of 9 has infinitely many terms and thus (6) does not yield a short recurrence relation. In Section 3, we show that if 9 has degree (2, 1), the Faber polynomials can be expressed in terms of the classical Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. In this case, we also give explicit formulas for the Faber polynomials. 2. General Results In this paper we consider Faber polynomials for sets Ä that have rational exterior mapping functions, i.e., we assume that the conformal map 9 satisfies (1), (2), and (7)

9(w) =

wm + µm−1 wm−1 + · · · + µ0 P(w) = , Q(w) νm−1 wm−1 + νm−2 w m−2 + · · · + ν0

νm−1 > 0,

for some positive integer m. The polynomials P(w) and Q(w) are assumed to have no common zeros. We point out that because 9 is bijective in EC , the zeros w j of Q(w) satisfy |w j | < 1. Similarly, for z ∈ int(L R ), the zeros w j (z) of the polynomial P(w) − z Q(w) satisfy |w j (z)| < R.

Faber Polynomials for Rational Mapping Functions


Lemma 2.1. Suppose that Ä has an exterior mapping function of the form (7). Furthermore, suppose that we have the factorizations (8)

Q(w) = νm−1

l Y (w − w j )m j ,

m j ∈ N,


l X

m j = m − 1,


and, for z ∈ C: (9)

P(w) − z Q(w) =

l(z) Y (w − w j (z))m j (z) ,

m j (z) ∈ N,


l(z) X

m j (z) = m.


Then the nth Faber polynomial for Ä is given by (10)

Fn (z) =

l(z) X

m j (z)w j (z)n −


l X

m j wnj ,

n ≥ 1.


Proof. Let L R be as in (4). Suppose that |w| > R and z ∈ int(L R ). Using the factorizations (8) and (9), we get · µ ¶¸ d d P(w) − z Q(w) 9 0 (w) = [Log(9(w) − z)] = Log 9(w) − z dw dw Q(w) d d [Log(P(w) − z Q(w))] − [Log(Q(w)/νm−1 )] = dw " dw " # # l(z) l d X d X m j (z) mj − Log(w − w j (z)) Log(w − w j ) = dw j=1 dw j=1 l X m j (z) mj − w − w j (z) j=1 w − w j j=1 " # l(z) l X m j (z) mj 1 X − . = w j=1 1 − w j (z)/w 1 − w j /w j=1


l(z) X

As noted above, |w j | < 1 and, since we assume z ∈ int(L R ), |w j (z)| < R. Thus, for |w| > R > 1: " Ã ! Ã !# l(z) ∞ wn ∞ l X X X w j (z)n 1 X 9 0 (w) j = m j (z) − mj 9(w) − z w j=1 wn wn n=0 j=1 n=0 "Ã !, # l(z) ∞ l X X X wn+1 . m j (z)w j (z)n − m j wnj = n=0



A comparison with (5) shows that (10) holds for all z ∈ int(L R ). But since R > 1 can be chosen arbitrarily, (10) holds for all z ∈ C. Remark. Considering Faber polynomials for m-cusped hypocycloids, He and Saff [11, Prop. 2.3] derive a special case of (10) for exterior mapping functions of the form 9(w) = w + w1−m /(m − 1), m ≥ 2.


J. Liesen

For Fn (z) as in (10), we introduce the corresponding shifted Faber polynomial (11)

Fˆn (z) := Fn (z) +

l X

m j wnj =


l(z) X

m j (z)w j (z)n ,

n ≥ 1.


We also define Fˆ0 (z) := m. This separate definition is necessary, because (11) for n = 0 potentially requires forming 00 . Note that | Fˆn (z) − Fn (z)| ≤

l X

|m j wnj | < m − 1

for all



z ∈ C.


In particular, the difference between Fn (z) and Fˆn (z) approaches zero as n approaches infinity. We next show that the shifted Faber polynomials satisfy a short recurrence relation. Theorem 2.1. Suppose that Ä has an exterior mapping function of the form (7). Then the nth shifted Faber polynomial Fˆn (z) for Ä as defined in (11) satisfies Fˆn (z) =


m−1 X

(νh z − µh ) Fˆn−(m−h) (z),

n ≥ m.


Proof. First note that P(w) − z Q(w) = w m + is a zero of P(w) − z Q(w), then w j (z)m =


h=0 (µh

− νh z)w h . Hence, if w j (z)

m−1 X

(νh z − µh )w j (z)h .


Thus, for n ≥ m: Fˆn (z) =

l(z) X

m j (z)w j (z)n =


= =

l(z) X

m j (z)


m−1 X

l(z) X



(νh z − µh )

m−1 X

(νh z − µh )w j (z)n−(m−h)


m j (z)w j (z)n−(m−h)

m−1 X

(νh z − µh ) Fˆn−(m−h) (z).


Remark. For 0 ≤ n ≤ m − 1, the shifted Faber polynomials can be efficiently computed using the recurrence (6). If Q(w) = νm−1 wm−1 , then for n ≥ 1, the Faber polynomials and the corresponding shifted Faber polynomials coincide. In this case, (12) reduces to the familiar recurrence (6). However, if Q(w) 6= νm−1 wm−1 , then the Laurent series (3) of 9 generally has

Faber Polynomials for Rational Mapping Functions


infinitely many nonzero coefficients α j . Thus, the direct approach for computing Fn (z) by (6) in these cases requires storing all previous values Fj (z). The key point of Theorem 2.1 is that the shifted Faber polynomials—and hence the Faber polynomials—corresponding to an (m, m − 1)-degree rational exterior mapping function in general satisfy an (m + 1)term recurrence. ˆ If the factorization (8) is not known explicitly, Fn (z) can be computed Pl from Fnn (z) by using the well-known Newton identities for the power sums sn := j=1 m j w j . With p j := νm−1− j /νm−1 , 1 ≤ j ≤ m − 1:  n−1 X    − p j sn− j for 1 ≤ n ≤ m − 1, −np n   j=1 sn = m−1 X    p j sn− j for n > m − 1. −   j=1

The recurrence (6) has been frequently used in the construction of iterative methods based on Faber polynomials. To make such methods feasible, Eiermann [4] as well as Manteuffel, Starke, and Varga [14] consider only finite Laurent series with k terms, i.e., (k, k − 1)-degree exterior mapping functions with Q(w) = wk−1 . The resulting methods are called non-stationary k-step methods. However, when computing the Faber polynomials corresponding to a rational exterior mapping function 9 as suggested by Theorem 2.1, iterative methods with short recurrences can be constructed although the Laurent series of 9 has infinitely many nonzero terms. Based on a family of (2, 1)-degree rational exterior mapping functions, we proposed such a method in [13]. We will study this iterative method in more detail in a forthcoming paper. We finally point out that a nonrational exterior mapping function for a given set Ä might be approximated by a rational function 9, for example, by using the Carath´eorory– Fej´er method [17]. Using Theorem 2.1, the Faber polynomials for the set (9(EC ))C , the approximation of Ä, can then be generated by a short-term recurrence. 3. The Special Case m = 2 We now consider the special case of sets Ä with (2, 1)-degree rational exterior mapping functions. Our goal is to relate the Faber polynomials for such sets to the classical Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, which are given by (13)

Cn (z) =

wn + w−n , 2


w + w−1 , 2

n ≥ 1.

It is well known that the Chebyshev polynomials satisfy a three-term recurrence of the form C0 (z) ≡ 1,

C1 (z) = z,


Cn (z) = 2zCn−1 (z) − Cn−2 (z),

Suppose that Ä has an exterior mapping function of the form (14)

9(w) =

w2 + µ1 w + µ0 P(w) . = Q(w) ν1 w + ν0

n ≥ 2.


J. Liesen

In this case, the Faber polynomials and the corresponding shifted Faber polynomials for Ä are related by µ ¶ ν0 n , n ≥ 0; Fˆ0 (z) − F0 (z) = 1 in case ν0 = 0. Fˆn (z) − Fn (z) = − ν1 From Lemma 2.1 and the definition of the shifted Faber polynomials (11), it follows that for z ∈ C and n ≥ 1: (15)

Fˆn (z) = w1 (z)n + w2 (z)n ,

where w1 (z) and w2 (z) are the zeros of the polynomial P(w) − z Q(w). These are implicitly defined by (16)

(w − w1 (z))(w − w2 (z)) = w2 + (µ1 − ν1 z)w + (µ0 − ν0 z).

We define (17)

2W (z) := w1 (z) + w2 (z) = ν1 z − µ1 ,

and (18)

V (z) := w1 (z)w2 (z) = µ0 − ν0 z.

Suppose that V (z) 6= 0, and define ζ j (z) := V (z)−1/2 w j (z), j = 1, 2. This yields ζ1 (z)ζ2 (z) = 1, i.e., ζ2 (z) = ζ1 (z)−1 , and thus Fˆn (z) = V (z)n/2 (ζ1 (z)n + ζ2 (z)n ). We use (13) and get, for n ≥ 1: Fˆn (z) = 2V (z)n/2 Cn


ζ1 (z) + ζ1 (z)−1 2

= 2V (z)n/2 Cn (V (z)−1/2 W (z)). We next determine the value of Fˆn (z 0 ) for the zero z 0 of V (z). First suppose that ν0 = 0. Then V (z) = 0 if, and only if, µ0 = 0. But this implies that 9 is only of degree (1, 0), i.e., m = 1. Thus, in the case m = 2, we either have V (z) 6= 0 for all z ∈ C, or ν0 6= 0, and the unique zero of V (z) is z 0 = µ0 /ν0 . In the latter case, Fˆn (z 0 ) = (µ0 ν1 − µ1 ν0 )/ν0 can be easily computed from (16)–(18). We summarize our results in the following theorem: Theorem 3.1. Suppose that Ä has an exterior mapping function of the form (14). Let Cn (z) denote the nth Chebyshev polynomial (13) and let W (z) and V (z) be defined as in (17) and (18), respectively. If ν0 = 0, the shifted Faber polynomials (11) for Ä are given by (19)

Fˆn (z) = 2V (z)n/2 Cn (V (z)−1/2 W (z)),

n ≥ 1.

Faber Polynomials for Rational Mapping Functions


If ν0 6= 0, (19) holds for all z ∈ C\{µ0 /ν0 } and µ0 ν1 − µ1 ν0 . Fˆn (µ0 /ν0 ) = ν0


Furthermore, the following three-term recurrence holds: Fˆ0 (z) ≡ 2,


Fˆ1 (z) = 2W (z),

and Fˆn (z) = 2W (z) Fˆn−1 (z) − V (z) Fˆn−2 (z),


n ≥ 2.

A special case of (19) is the well-known relation between Faber polynomials for ellipses and the Chebyshev polynomials (13): Suppose that Ä is an ellipse with foci ±1 and semiaxes r ± r −1 for some r ≥ 1. Then the exterior mapping function of Ä is the Joukowsky map J (w) = (r w + (r w)−1 )/2. Hence, V (z) = 1/r 2 , W (z) = z/r , and (19) yields 2 n ≥ 1, Fn (z) = Fˆn (z) = n Cn (z), r (see, e.g., [16, p. 37]). More generally, suppose that the exterior mapping function of Ä is a composition of the Joukowsky map with Moebius transformations, 9(w) = (ψ2 ◦ J ◦ ψ1 )(w), ψ j (w) = (a j w + b j )/(c j w + d j ), a j d j − b j c j 6= 0, j = 1, 2. Then 9 will have degree (2, 1) and (19) holds. A geometric interpretation of (19) therefore is: Whenever Ä is Moebius-equivalent to an ellipse, its Faber polynomials can be expressed in terms of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. In particular, when Ä is an ellipse, its Faber polynomials are scaled Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. We next use (19) to derive an explicit formula for the Faber polynomials corresponding to (2, 1)-degree exterior mapping functions. It is well known (see, e.g., [3, p. 583]), that the Chebyshev polynomials (13) satisfy pn/2q Xµn ¶ z n−2 j (z 2 − 1) j , Cn (z) = 2 j j=0 where pn/2q denotes the largest integer less than or equal to n/2. An application of this formula to (19) yields the following corollary: Corollary 3.1. given by (23)

In the notation of Theorem 3.1, the shifted Faber polynomial Fˆn (z) is

Fˆn (z) = 2

pn/2q Xµ j=0

n 2j

¶ W (z)n−2 j (W (z)2 − V (z)) j ,

n ≥ 1.

We point out that (23) gives explicit formulas for the Faber polynomials for a large class of sets, some of them with complicated, e.g., nonconvex or non-starlike, geometries. An important special case of (23) are the Faber polynomials for circular arcs, previously studied by He [8].


J. Liesen

Acknowledgments. Thanks to Professor Ludwig Elsner, Professor Richard S. Varga, and an anonymous referee for comments and suggestions. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 15. 16. 17.

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J. Liesen Fakult¨at f¨ur Mathematik Universit¨at Bielefeld 33501 Bielefeld Germany [email protected]

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