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Nlbfr For More Question Papers Visit - www.pediawikiblog.com &\ ('-
(03 Marks) (03 Marks)
I 2 3
consumer. Explain the consumer research process.
customer and
(07 Marks) (07 Marks)
implications. (07 Merks) 4 . {isduss the various advertising appeals effective in persuading target audience. (07 Merks) 5, ' Describe the traditional family life cycle. (07 nlarks) 6 Explain the characteristics ofculture. (07 Marks) 7 Who is opinion leader? Discuss the role of opinion leaders.in influencing purchase behavior. Expl*irt.Maslow's hierarchy needs and explain its marketing
(03 Marks)
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(03 Marks)
SECTION - B Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.I to Q.No.7.