Contact Hypersurfaces Of A Bochner- Kaehler Manifold

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E-mail: aghosh 2Department Of Mathematics ... contact metric CMC hypersurface of a Bochner-Kaehler manifold with a conformal vector field V ...
Contact Hypersurfaces Of A BochnerKaehler Manifold Amalendu Ghosh1 and Ramesh Sharma2 1

Department Of Mathematics, Krishnagar Government College, Krishnanagar 741101, West Bengal, India. E-mail: aghosh [email protected] 2

Department Of Mathematics, University Of New Haven, West Haven CT 06516, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: We have studied contact metric hypersurfaces of a BochnerKaehler manifold and obtained the following two results: (1) A contact metric constant mean curvature (CM C) hypersurface of a BochnerKaehler manifold is a (k, µ)-contact manifold, and (2) If M is a compact contact metric CM C hypersurface of a Bochner-Kaehler manifold with a conformal vector field V that is neither tangential nor normal anywhere, then it is totally umbilical and Sasakian, and under certain conditions on V , is isometric to a unit sphere. Keywords: Bochner-Kaehler-manifold, Contact metric hypersurface, Constant mean curvature, Conformal vector field. MS Classification: 53B25, 53C55, 53 C15.



Bochner curvature tensor was introduced in 1948 by S. Bochner [4] as a Kaehlerian analogue of the Weyl conformal tensor. It was shown by S.M. Webster [17] that the fourth order Chern-Moser curvature tensor of CR-manifolds coincides with the Bochner tensor. A Kaehler manifold with vanishing Bochner curvature tensor is known as Bochner-Kaehler manifold. Bochner-Kaehler surface is nothing but a self-dual Kaehler surface in Penrose’s twistor theory. Some toplological obstruction to 1

Bochner-Kaehler metrics were studied by Chen in [6]. Just as a real space-form is conformally flat, a complex space-form is Bochner flat, i.e. Bochner-Kaehler (the converse need not hold). The product of two complex space-forms of constant holomorphic sectional curvatures c and −c is non-Einstein Bochner-Kaehler. Though Bochner-Kaehler manifolds have been studied by quite a few geometers, nevertheless have received considerably less attention, compared to Kaehler metrics with vanishing scalar curvature and Kaehler-Einstein metrics. For details we refer to Bryant [5]. ¯ admits It is well known that a hypersurface M of a Kaehler manifold M an almost contact metric structure induced from the Hermitian structure ¯ . Okumura [13] studied and classified such hypersurfaces, mainly of M when the ambient space is a complex space-form. Generalizing the following result of Sharma [15] “The contact metric hypersurface of a complex space-form is a (k, µ)-contact manifold”, we prove the following main result of this paper. Theorem 1 A contact metric constant mean curvature hypersurface of a Bochner-Kaehler manifold is a (κ, µ)-contact manifold. Finally, we consider the case when the ambient space admits a conformal vector field and provide the following extrinsic characterization of a Sasakian manifold. Theorem 2 Let M be a compact contact metric constant mean curvature ¯ admitting a conformal hypersurface of a Bochner-Kaehler manifold M vector field V which is neither tangential nor normal anywhere on M . ¯ , and the component U of Then M is Sasakian and totally umbilical in M V , tangential to M is conformal on M . Further, (i) if U is non-Killing and dim.M > 3, then M is isometric to the unit sphere S 2n+1 , and (ii) if V is closed, then for any dimension, M is isometric to S 2n+1 .


Contact Metric Hypersurfaces Of A Kaehler Manifold

A (2n + 1)-dimensional smooth manifold M is said to be a contact manifold if it carries a global 1-form η such that η ∧ (dη)n 6= 0 everywhere on M . Given a contact 1-form η, there exists a unique vector field ξ such that (dη)(ξ, X)= 0 and η(ξ) = 1. Polarizing dη on the contact subbundle 2

D (η = 0), one obtains a Riemannian metric g and a (1,1)-tensor field ϕ such that (dη)(X, Y ) = g(X, ϕY ), η(X) = g(X, ξ), ϕ2 = −I + η ⊗ ξ


g is called an associated metric of η and (ϕ, η, ξ, g) a contact metric structure. The operators h = 21 £ξ ϕ and l = R(., ξ)ξ are self-adjoint and satisfy: hξ = 0 and hϕ = −ϕh. Furthermore, h, hϕ are trace-free. Following formulas hold on a contact metric manifold. ∇X ξ = −ϕX − ϕhX


l − ϕlϕ = −2(h2 + ϕ2 )


∇ξ h = ϕ − ϕl − ϕh2


T r.l = S(ξ, ξ) = 2n − |h|2


where S denotes the Ricci tensor of g. If J denotes the restriction of ϕ to D, then J 2 = −I and G(X, Y ) = (dη)(X, JY ) for arbitrary X, Y in D, defines an almost Hermitian structure on D. If the complex distribution (X − iJX : X ∈ D) is integrable, then (M, η, J) is called a contact strongly pseudo-convex integrable CR manifold. This condition was shown by Tanno [16] to be equivalent to (∇X ϕ)Y = g(X + hX, Y )ξ − η(Y )(X + hX)


and holds on a 3-dimensional contact metric manifold. A contact metric manifold (M, g) is said to be K-contact if ξ is Killing (equivalently, h = 0), and normal (Sasakian) if the almost Kaehler structure on the cone M ×R with metric dr2 +r2 g is Kaehler. Sasakian manifolds are K-contact and 3-dimensional K-contact manifolds are Sasakian. For details we refer to Blair [1]. In [2] Blair, Koufogiorgos and Papantoniou introduced a class of contact metric manifolds M 2n+1 (η, ξ, g, ϕ) satisfying the nullity condition: R(X, Y )ξ = k(η(Y )X − η(X)Y ) + µ(η(Y )hX − η(X)hY )


for real constants k and µ. These manifolds include Sasakian manifolds (for which k = 1 and h = 0) and trivial sphere bundle E n+1 × S n (4) (for which k = µ = 0), and are known as (k, µ)-contact manifolds. For such manifolds, k ≤ 1. Equality holds when M is Sasakian. Let M be an isometrically embedded orientable hypersurface of a Kaehler 3

¯ of real dimension 2n + 2 and with complex structure tensor manifold M 2 J : J = −I and the Hermitian metric g. The induced metric on M will also be denoted by g. If N denotes the unit normal vector field to M , then g(JN, N ) = 0 implies that JN is tangent to M . We set JN = ξ


For an arbitrary vector field X tangent to M we set JX = ϕX − η(X)N,


where ϕ and η denote a (1, 1)-tensor field and a 1-form on M . The Gauss and Weingarten formulas are ¯ X Y = ∇X Y + g(AX, Y )N ∇ ¯ X N = −AX ∇ ¯ the where X, Y denote arbitrary vector fields tangent to M , ∇ and ∇ ¯ Riemannian connections of M and M respectively, and A the Weingarten operator. Differentiating (1) along an arbitrary vector field X tangent to M , using the Weingarten formula, and comparing tangential parts gives ∇X ξ = −ϕAX.


One can easily verify using (8) and (9) that (ϕ, ξ, η, g) defines the almost contact metric structure: ϕξ = 0, η(ξ) = 1, η(X) = g(X, ξ), ϕ2 (X) = −X + η(X)ξ. on M . Next, differentiating (9) along M and using Gauss and Weingarten formulas, we find (∇X ϕ)Y = g(AX, Y )ξ − η(Y )AX.


We now assume that the almost contact metric structure induced on M is a contact metric structure. Using the formula (2) in (10) yields AX = X + hX + η(AX − X)ξ. Substituting ξ for X in this, we find Aξ = (T r.A − 2n)ξ. 4


The last two equations show that AX = X + hX + (T r.A − 2n − 1)η(X)ξ.


The use of this equation in (11) implies (6), and hence the CR-structure induced on M is integrable (see [15]). We denote the Ricci tensor of M , of types (0, 2) and (1, 1) by S and Q respectively, and the scalar curvature ¯ are denoted by the same letters by r of M . Corresponding objects of M with overbars. Recall the Gauss equation ¯ g(R(X, Y )Z, W ) = g(R(X, Y )Z, W ) +g(AX, Z)g(AY, W ) − g(AY, Z)g(AX, W ).


which contracts as ¯ Z) − g(R(N, ¯ S(Y, Y )Z, N ) = S(Y, Z) +g(AX, AZ) − (T r.A)g(AY, Z).


¯ , the Bochner curvature tensor B (see For a Bochner-Kaehler manifold M [19]) vanishes, i.e. 1 ¯ Q ¯ X, ¯ W ¯) [g(Y¯ , Z)g( 2n + 6 ¯ X, ¯ Z)g( ¯ Y¯ , W ¯ ) + g(JY ¯ , Z)g( ¯ QJ ¯ X, ¯ W ¯ ) − g(QJ ¯ X, ¯ Z)g(J ¯ ¯) g(Q Y¯ , W ¯ Y¯ , Z)g( ¯ X, ¯ W ¯ ) − g(X, ¯ Z)g( ¯ Q ¯ Y¯ , W ¯ ) + g(QJ ¯ Y¯ , Z)g(J ¯ ¯ W ¯) g(Q X, ¯ Z)g( ¯ QJ ¯ Y¯ , W ¯ ) − 2g(J X, ¯ Q ¯ Y¯ )g(J Z, ¯ W ¯) g(J X, r¯ ¯ Y¯ )g(QJ ¯ Z, ¯ W ¯)+ ¯ X, ¯ W ¯) 2g(J X, [g(Y¯ , Z)g( (2n + 4)(2n + 6) ¯ Z)g( ¯ Y¯ , W ¯ ) + g(JY ¯ , Z)g(J ¯ ¯ W ¯) g(X, X, ¯ Z)g(J ¯ ¯ ) − 2g(J X, ¯ Y¯ )g(J Z, ¯ W ¯ )] g(J X, Y¯ , W (16)

¯ Y¯ )Z, ¯ W ¯ ) = g(R( ¯ X, ¯ Y¯ )Z, ¯ W ¯)− 0 = g(B(X, − + − − − −

¯ Y¯ , Z, ¯ W ¯ on M ¯. for arbitrarty vector fields X,


Proofs Of The Results

First we state and prove a few lemmas. Lemma 1 For a contact metric hypersurface of a Kaehler manifold, ¯ ¯ ϕZ) = η(Y )g(QN, ¯ Z) + η(Z)g(QN, ¯ Y) (a)S(ϕY, Z) + S(Y, ¯ ) = 0. (b)g(ξ, QN 5

¯ ¯ JZ) = 0. The use Proof: Since M is Kaehler, we have S(JY, Z) + S(Y, of (9) in this gives (a). Substituting ξ for Y and Z in (a) we immediately get (b). Lemma 2 If f is a smooth function on a contact metric manifold M such that the gradient of f is point-wise collinear with the Reeb vector field, then f is constant on M . Proof: Applying d to the differential condition mentioned in the Lemma, and using Poincare Lemma: d2 = 0, we have d(ξf ) ∧ η + (ξf )dη = 0. Taking the wedge product of this with η, and noting the associativity of wedge product and η ∧ η = 0, we find (ξf )(dη) ∧ η = 0. As (dη) ∧ η is nowhere vanishing on M (otherwise the very definition of contact structure would break down), we conclude that ξf = 0 on M . Consequently, df = 0 on M , and hence f is constant on M , completing the proof. Lemma 3 For a contact metric hypersurface M of a Bochner-Kaehler manifold, the following conditions are equivalent: ¯ X) = 0 (a) For any vector field X tangent to M , g(QN, (b) ξ is an eigenvector of the Ricci operator Q at each point of M (c) The mean curvature of M is constant. ¯ and W ¯ , Y, Z for Y¯ , Z¯ in (16) and use Proof : We substitute N for X part (b) of Lemma 1, in order to get 1 ¯ ¯ ξ)η(Y ) [S(N, N )g(Y, Z) + 3g(QZ, 2n + 6 ¯ ξ)η(Z) + S(Y, ¯ Z)] + 3g(QY, r¯ − [g(Y, Z) + 3η(X)η(Y )] (2n + 4)(2n + 6)

¯ g(R(N, Y )Z, N ) =

¯ Eiminating g(R(N, Y )Z, N ) between this equation and (15) shows r¯ 3¯ r ]g(Y, Z) − η(Y )η(Z) 2n + 4 2n + 4 ¯ ξ)η(Y ) + 3g(QY, ¯ ξ)η(Z) + (2n + 6)[S(Y, Z) + 3g(QZ, + g(AY, AZ) − (T r.A)g(AY, Z)]

¯ Z) = [S(N, ¯ (2n + 5)S(Y, N) −

At this point, we replace Y by ϕY in the above equation to get one equation, and replace Z by ϕZ in part (a) of Lemma 1 to get another 6

equation. Then we add these two equations, and use part (a) of Lemma 1 again to obtain ¯ Z) + η(Z)g(QN, ¯ Y )} = 3g(QϕZ, ¯ (2n + 5){η(Y )g(QN, ξ)η(Y ) ¯ +3g(QϕY, ξ)η(Z) + (2n + 6)[S(ϕY, Z) + S(Y, ϕZ) + g(AϕY, AZ) +g(AY, AϕZ) − (T r.A)g(AϕY, Z) − (T r.A)g(AY, ϕZ). (17) Substituting ξ for Z in this equation, using (12) and part (b) of Lemma 1 yields ¯ = (n + 3)ϕQξ. (n + 1)ϕQξ


¯ X) = −g(J Qξ, ¯ X) = −g(ϕQξ, ¯ X), g(QN,


We also note

The equations (18) and (19) show that (a) is equivalent to (b). Next, contacting the Codazzi equation ¯ R(X, Y )N = (∇Y A)X − (∇X A)Y, at X, we find that ¯ N ) = Y (T r.A) − (divA)Y. S(Y, Application of equation (13) transforms the above equation into ¯ N ) = Y (T r.A) − (ξT r.A)η(Y ) − (divh)Y S(Y,


Now a straightforward computation using (6) and that (div.h)ξ = 0 (fairly easy to verify) provides (divhϕ)ϕY = −(divh)Y


Let us assume (b), i.e. Qξ = (T r.l)ξ. Applying the formula: (divhϕ)Y = S(Y, ξ) − 2nη(Y ) (see [3]), we have (divhϕ)ϕY = S(ϕY, ξ) = 0. Hence equation (21) shows that divh = 0. As Qξ = (T r.l)ξ is equivalent to (a) [proven earlier], appealing to equation (20) we obtain d(T r.A) = (ξT r.A)η. Application of Lemma 2 shows that T r.A is constant on M , proving (b) ⇒ (c). For the converse, assume (c), i.e. T r.A constant. Then, we go back to equations (20) and (21) and use the formula (divhϕ)Y = S(Y, ξ)−2nη(Y ) ¯ once again, getting S(X, N ) = S(ϕX, ξ) = −g(ϕQξ, X). Using this in ¯ (19) we find ϕQξ = ϕQξ. Finally, using this in (18) we conclude that ϕQξ = 0 which implies (b), and complete the proof. 7

Lemma 4 For a contact metric hypersurface M of a Bochner flat Kaehler ¯, manifold M (a)(Qϕ − ϕQ) − (η ◦ Qϕ) ⊗ ξ + η ⊗ ϕQξ = 2(T r.A − 2)hϕ. (b)lϕ − ϕl = 2(T r.A − 2n)hϕ. Proof Replacing Y, Z by ϕY, ϕZ respectively, in (17) and then using (13) we get the (a). Recalling the following formula: Qϕ − ϕQ = lϕ − ϕl + 4(n − 1)hϕ + (η ◦ Qϕ) ⊗ ξ − η ⊗ ϕQξ = 0, for a contact pseudo-convex integrable CR-manifold (see [10]), and using it in (a) we obtain (b) completing the proof. Proof Of Theorem 1. First, we use equation (16) in order to obtain 1 ¯ W ) − g(QX, ¯ ξ)g(Y, W ) [η(Y )g(QX, 2n + 6 ¯ N )g(JY, W ) + g(QY, ¯ ξ)g(X, W ) − η(X)g(QY, ¯ W) −g(QX, ¯ N )g(JY, W ) − 2g(JX, Y )g(Qξ, ¯ W )] +g(QY, r¯ [η(Y )g(X, W ) − η(X)g(Y, W )] − (2n + 6)(2n + 4)

¯ g(R(X, Y )ξ, W ) =


for arbitrary vector fields X, Y, W tangent to M . By Lemma 3, the ¯ X) = 0 which constant mean curvature hypothesis is equivalent to g(QN, ¯ = f N for some function f on M . Obviously, f = S(N, ¯ means QN N ). ¯ ¯ We also have that Qξ = J QN = f ξ. Consequently, equation (22) reduces to ¯ ¯ W ) − η(X)g(QY, ¯ W) (2n + 6)g(R(X, Y )ξ, W ) = η(Y )g(QX, + σ[η(Y )g(X, W ) − η(X)g(Y, W )] (23) r¯ where σ = f − 2n+4 . This shows that g(R(X, Y )ξ, W ) = 0, for any vector fields X, Y tangent to M and orthogonal to ξ. Next, substituting ξ for Z in the Gauss equation (14), and using equations (12) and (23) we obtain R(X, Y )ξ = 0, for any vector fields X, Y tangent to M and orthogonal to ξ. Hence by the result of Koufogiorgos-Stamatiou ([11]) we conclude that M is a (κ, µ)-space provided the dimension of M is ≥ 5.


It remains to consider the 3-dimensional case. For a 3-dimensional Riemannian manifold we know that R(X, Y )Z = g(QY, Z)X − g(QX, Z)Y + g(Y, Z)QX r − g(X, Z)QY − {g(Y, Z)X − g(X, Z)Y } 2


Making use of the formula (3) and the formula h2 = (k − 1)ϕ2 (which holds for any 3-dimensional contact metric manifold [9], where k is a function = T2r.l ) in part (b) of Lemma 4, we obtain lY = −kϕ2 Y + (T r.A − 2)hY


Differentiating this along an arbitrary vector field X, using (2) and then contracting the resulting equation at X with respect to a local orthonormal frame ei , we find g((∇Y Q)ξ, ξ) − g((∇ξ Q)Y, ξ) − g(R(Y, ϕei + ϕhei )ξ, ei ) −g(R(Y, ξ)(ϕei + ϕhei ), ei ) = −(ϕ2 Y )κ + (T r.A − 2)(divh)Y


Using Qξ = (T r.l)ξ and (2) we have g((∇Y Q)ξ, ξ) = 2(Y k), g((∇ξ Q)Y, ξ) = 2(ξk)η(Y ). We also had found during the proof of Proposition 1 that div.h = 0. Moreover, using (24) and Qξ = (T r.l)ξ we compute g(R(Y, ϕei + ϕhei )ξ, ei ) = −η(Y )T r.(Qϕh) and g(R(Y, ξ)(ϕei + ϕhei ), ei ) = 0 Utilizing all these findings in (26), we obtain Y k − (ξk)η(Y ) + η(Y )T r.(Qϕh) = 0 Taking Y = ξ it is easy to see that T r.Qϕh = 0. Hence Y k = (ξk)η(Y ), i.e. dk = (ξk)η. Applying Lemma 2, we conclude that k is constant. Thus, the hypothesis : Qξ = (T r.l)ξ and (24) imply R(X, Y )ξ = 0, for any vector field X, Y orthogonal to ξ. Replacing X by X − η(X)ξ and Y by Y − η(Y )ξ (as these vector fields are orthogonal to ξ) we obtain R(X, Y )ξ = η(Y )lX − η(X)lY The use of (25) in the foregoing equation shows that M 3 is a (κ, µ) space with µ = (T r.A − 2). This completes the proof.


¯, Proof Of Theorem 2. As V is conformal on M £V g = 2ρg


We decompose the conformal vector field V along M orthogonally as V = U + αN


where U is the tangential part of V and α a smooth function on M . In view of the Lemma 3, the constant mean curvature hypothesis is equiva¯ lent to S(X, N ) = 0 for arbitrary vector field X tangent to M . Following the arguments and computations given on pages 101-104 of Yano [18], we have Z Z 2n+1 X ¯ 2n S(U, N )dM = α (ki − kj )2 dM (29) M



where dM is the volume element of M , and ki are the principal curvatures of M . As the left hand side of the above equation is zero, and α is nowhere zero on M (otherwise V would become tangent to M somewhere, contradicting our hypothesis), we conclude that ki = kj , i.e. M is totally umbilical. Hence, a straightforward computation using (13) provides A = I, and h = 0, i.e. M is Sasakian. The conformal Killing equation (27), together with the Gauss and Weingarten formulas show that £U g = 2(ρ + α)g, i.e. U is conformal on M . If U is homothetic, then U reduces to Killing, since M is compact. Hence, if U is not Killing, and dim > 3, then by the following theorem of Okumura [14] “A complete Sasakian manifold of dimension > 3 and admitting a non-Killing conformal vector field is isometric to a unit sphere”, M is isometric to S 2n+1 which proves (i). For (ii), we know from the following result of Goldberg [8]“A closed conformal vector field on a non-flat Kaehler manifold is homothetic and holomorphic” that V is homothetic. Hence ∇X V = ρX (ρ constant). Using the decomposition (28), and bearing in mind that X is arbitrary tangent vector on M , we immediately obtain U = −Dα (D is the gradient operator of (M, g)and ∇X U = (α + ρ)X. We see that α cannot be constant on M , otherwise U would vanish on M turning V normal to M and thus contradicting our hypothesis. Thus we end up obtaining ∇X D(α + ρ) = −(α + ρ)X


Hence, by Obata’s theorem [12]“A complete Riemannian manifold of dimension > 2 is isometric to a sphere of radius 1c if and only if it admits 10

a non-trivial solution f of the differential equation ∇∇f = −c2 f g”, we conclude that M is isometric to S 2n+1 , completing the proof. Remark. As indicated in [7], the Kaehler cone manifold (M ×R+ , d(r2 η) with metric dr ⊗ dr + r2 g over a Sasakian manifold (M, η, g) admits a conformal vector field ar∂r − bξ (for a, b real constants). Notice that this vector field is nowhere tangent and nowhere normal to M and therefore serves as an example of the conformal vector field satisfying the hypothesis of Theorem 2.



R.S. was supported by the University Of New Haven Research Scholarship.

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