DEADLOCK DETECTION AND. RECOVERY IN LINUX. â« Vinita Sopan Kondhalka. â« A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of San. Diego State University,. â« Fall 2011 ...
1.SUSPEND PROCESS WITH MAXIMUM NEED (SPMN) METHOD Rabia Shakir et al, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: - -708X, Volume 3, Issue 3 June 2014.
A WFG of two deadlocks
This proposed method use two steps to
recover from these two deadlocks scenario.
Step 1 Suggest the process with maximum
resources i.e., P2.
Remove the outgoing edges of P2.
Remove edges from P2
Step 2 P1, P3, P4 has completed its requirement, but
there is still P2 whose resources associated with P1 and P4.
Remove edges from P1 to P2 and P4 to P2
because they completed their task in step 1.
Assign resources to P2
Benefits of the Proposed Strategy Every process in a system fulfils its need. Deadlock eliminated in the early stage. Ensures that the system is in safe state.
2.VGS ALGORITHM:AN EFFICIENT DEADLOCK RESOLUTION METHOD Kunwar Singh Vaisla et al, Dept. of Comp. Sci. & Eng. BT KIT, Dwarahat-263656, Dist-Almora (UK), India International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), Volume 44, Nos. 1, April 2012.
Proposes an algorithm which do not cause
any aborts or rollbacks. It rather resolves the deadlock with the
mutual cooperation of the transactions. The algorithm resolves deadlock in
distributed systems.
A deadlock cycle
How is VGA Algorithm a better option? By the time Ti executes, suspending Tn will
make resource Rn available to Tn-1 and Tn-1 will execute.
The waiting time of transaction Tn for Ri will
therefore not be wasted instead it will be utilized.
Deadlock is therefore resolved speedily! It does not use process abortion or rollback. Resolves deadlock with the mutual
cooperation of the transactions. The distributed system’s site coordinator
manages it’s own transactions and resolves any deadlock.
Other Proposed Methods
JUST-IN-TIME AND JUST-INPLACE DEADLOCK RESOLUTION Fancong Zeng (PhD), A dissertation submitted to the Graduate
School—New Brunswick Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey,May, 2007
DEADLOCK DETECTION AND RECOVERY IN LINUX Vinita Sopan Kondhalka A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of San
Diego State University, Fall 2011
The assignment says “current literature”
Therefore this marks the end!
And no more deadlocks!